商务价格谈判常见的30个经典句型 经典商务谈判案例分
当要强调出口商品的品质以使交易达到理想的价格时,我们可以说:This one is very good for 10 US dollars.(这东西绝对值10美元。
)或These are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones.(这些货价稍微高了一点,但其优异的品质,使它们比那些便宜的货,更有价值。
)在谈到商品价格便宜时,买方切忌使用cheap这个词,因为在西方人看来,它意味着商品是由廉价劳工(cheap labor)制造出来的廉价商品。
如:The price is quite reasonable.(这价格相当合理。
在最后让步时可说:“The best compromise we can make is …”(我们能做出的最大让步是…)或者”This is the lowest possible price.”(这已是最低价格。
1.Let’s get down to business, shall we?让我们开始谈生意好吗?2.I’d like to tell you what I think about that.我想告诉你我的一些想法。
3.Are those prices FOB or CIF?这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?4.Are these prices wholesale or retail?这些价格是批发价还是零售价?5.That’s too high.价钱太高了。
外贸口语商务谈判对话1. "嘿,在谈外贸生意的时候,咱可得会说那些关键的话呀!比如说,咱可以这样说,‘这价格能不能再优惠点呀?’就像咱平时砍价一样,对吧!想想看,要是你不说,对方咋知道你想要更便宜的呢?"例子:A: “How about the price?” B: “Can it be a bit cheaper?”2. “哇塞,谈外贸合同的时候,可不能含糊其辞啊!‘咱啥时候能交货呀?’就得直接问出来,这可关系到生意能不能顺利进行呀!”例子:A: “When can we deliver?” B:“In two weeks.”3. “哎呀,遇到分歧的时候咋说呢?‘咱能不能各退一步呀?’像这样说,说不定就能找到解决办法啦!”例子:A: “There's a big difference. ” B: “Can we both make some concessions?”4. “嘿,讨论付款方式的时候,直接点,‘能不能用信用证呀?’简单明了,多好!”例子:A: “Can we use letter of credit for payment?” B: “Let's consider.”5. “哇,要强调质量的时候,就说‘这质量必须得杠杠的呀!’这多有力度!”例子:A: “The quality has to be excellent!” B: “Sure.”6. “哎呀呀,询问售后服务可别不好意思呀,‘售后有啥保障呀?’就得这么问!”例子:A: “What kind of after-sales guarantee do you have?” B: “We have a one-year warranty.”7. “嘿,表达合作诚意的时候,大声说出来,‘咱真心想跟你们合作呀!’对方肯定能感受到!”例子:A: “We really want to cooperate with you!” B: “That's great.”8. “哇哦,提出新想法的时候,勇敢点,‘咱试试这个办法咋样?’”例子:A: “Let's try this way. How about it?” B: “Sounds good.”9. “哎呀,对条款有疑问就直说,‘这一条我不太明白呀!’可别藏着掖着!”例子:A: “I don't quite understand this clause.” B: “I'll explain it to you.”10. “嘿,想确认细节的时候,就问,‘这个细节确定好了吗?’多直接有效呀!”例子:A: “Is this detail confirmed?” B: “Yes, it is.”我的观点结论:外贸口语商务谈判对话真的很重要,用对了话语,能让谈判更顺利,生意更好做!。
商务谈判的例子1. 哎呀,就说买东西讲价吧,那也是一种商务谈判呀!你看,我上次去买衣服,我就跟老板说:“老板,这件衣服有点贵呀,便宜点呗!”这就是个简单的商务谈判例子。
就像我们在商场和卖家讨价还价一样,双方都在争取自己的利益,不是吗?2. 还记得有一次公司和供应商谈合作,那场面真的像是在打一场硬仗。
我们说:“这个价格能不能再低一点,不然我们很难合作啊!”对方回应:“真的不能再低了呀!”这不就是现实版的商务谈判嘛,大家都在为自己的公司争取最好的条件,这是多么常见却又关键的场景啊!3. 你们知道吗,上次和竞争对手争一个项目,那简直是一场没有硝烟的战争啊!我们提出:“我们的方案更有优势,更适合这个项目!”他们当然也不甘示弱啦,这可不就是商务谈判嘛,就跟两个人抢东西一样激烈!4. 我有个朋友谈业务合同的时候,那真是据理力争啊!“这个条款必须改,不然我们没法签合同!”他坚定地说。
5. 想象一下,在会议室里,两边的人你来我往地争论,“这个交货期必须提前!”“真的做不到那么快呀!”这像不像一场激烈的辩论赛?商务谈判不就是这样嘛,充满了火药味。
6. 上次谈一个合作项目,对方提出的要求很苛刻,我们直接说:“这样的话我们很难接受啊!”这不就是在和对方拔河嘛,都在使劲想让对方让步,这可太常见了吧,商务谈判可不就是这么回事呀。
7. 说个最简单的,咱们去租房子和房东谈价格和条件,不也是商务谈判嘛!“房租能不能少点呀?”“家具能不能换一下呀?”我们都在努力让自己得到更好的条件呀!我的观点结论就是:商务谈判在我们生活和工作中无处不在,小到买东西讲价,大到公司之间的重大合作谈判,都充满了挑战和智慧。
【参考文档】商务谈判中最常用30个句子-范文模板 (3页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==商务谈判中最常用30个句子1、Would anyone like something to drink bdfore we begin?在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?2、We are ready.我们准备好了。
3、I know I can count on you.我知道我可以相信你。
4、Tust me.请相信我。
5、We are here to solve problems.我们是来解决问题的。
6、We’ll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。
7、Ihope this meeting is productive.我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。
8、I need more information.我需要更多的信自。
9、Not in the long run.从长远来说并不是这样。
这句话很实用,也可显示你的"高瞻远瞩".10、Let me explain to you why .让我给你一个解释一下原因。
11、That’s the basic problem.这是最基本的问题。
12、Let’s compromise.让我们还是各退一步吧。
13、It depends on what you want.那要视贵方的需要而定。
14、The longer we wait ,the less likely we will come up with anything.时间拖得越久,我们成功的机会就越少。
15、Are you negotiable?你还有商量的余地吗?16、I’m su re there is some room for negotiation.我肯定还有商量的余地。
17.Whencanyoudeliver?什么时候交货?18.Sorry,wedon’tofferDeliveryServ ice.对不起,我们没有货运服务。
A:为出口公司B:为国外进口公司场景一:价格谈判A和B开门走进办公室……A: please take your seat,---B:Thank you.A:After anttending our new product launch meeting,you must have a detail idea about our products,---.Now please let me know what kinds of flowers you are interested.(A递给B 一个产品目录册,B迅速地翻阅并作出标记)B:Yes,your flowers are pretty beautiful and leave me a deep impression.(A接过B递回的册子,翻阅)B:And I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price.what prices will you offer for these I’ve marked?A:---,before we quote price please tell me how many flowers you are going to buy.B:for No.10 we’d like to phurchase 1500 units,No.20,1000 units and 1000 units for No.30.A:The usual price for No10 is 25 USD,for No20,35,and No30,50USD.they are all on the trade term of CIF Sydney.B:I t hink it’s unacceptable for us,you know the market has shrinked a lot during the economic ressesion period. A:we understand it,but you know these flowers are good for value.And they are newly cultivated after we tried a lot for genetic transplant.I believe you know the cost we spent.B:yes, I know that,---,it’s because of that ,I hope we can cooperate to open the market.If the price is reasonable, the large volume sales will be easy to reach,and that can remedy your large cost,right?A: (考虑片刻)Considering it’s the first time we do business and long-term cooperation in future, we can cut 1 USD for the price which we usual don’t do .B:1 USD? It makes no difference.we need more.and to be frank,we want the price to be 20,25 and 40 USD for each kind.A:No,no,no,I think you are kidding….---,that’s a big cut ,and it will make us have no returns.B:(表情严肃,犹豫片刻)Then how about 22,30 and 45 USD.A:That’s still leave us a little of margin,but increase 500 hundreds units for each kind,we can make it.B:That’s hard for us,you know it is a large size,and we can’t keep them for a long time.A:The season of large demand for flowers is coming,we guarantee the delivery within 1 month, that can be helpful for your quick sale.B:The delivery should be within 1 month, otherwise I cannot place the order. Now let’s reach some middle ground,you allow a 20% discount,I increase the order quantity by 500 hundreds units at that new price.A:20% discount? The policy regulates the maxium discount is within 15% in our company. And if you want to get the discount,the units you ordered have to overpass 2000 for each item.B:2000 units?we can’t take that many.Though you can’t offer us 15% discount,10% is ok.I hope you can accept it.---A:---,we can grant 8% at most,that’s the best we can do.A nd I ensure we have allow the prelivige for you.(A’s cellphone rings)A:Sorry,---,please allow me to spare a few minutes for answering the phone. B:please help yourself.(A走出办公室,B掏出手机打电话)B:hello,is that ---,this is --- calling from---C:Hi,---,this is ---,How is the business going?B:It’s tough.we are discussing price.Have you seen the brochures I sent.For No10,20 and 30,they offer us unit price of 20,25 and 40 USD on trade term of CIF Sydney with quantity of 2000,1500 and 1500 for each kind,and they also allow a 8% discount,but I want to win more.What’s your idea?C:I have checked that.they have a good reputation and quanlity products,and the price condition is also competetive,if you can’t go further,accept thatl.B:Ok,I get it.byeA接完电话回来A:Sorry,I’ve be delayed. It’s an important call from my gerenal mangage. Let’s continue.(拿着册子看了下)I ensure we have offered you our best price. And I really hope we can begin our business relationship from this transaction.B:You are a good negotiator,and I accept that.A:Great,that’s a deal.After a lon g negotiation,you must be tired.N ow let’s go to have a rest and drink some coffee.场景二:包装、支付方式、保险等条款A:---,we have decided the price, now let’s get down to some detail requirements of the products you order. First, we’d like to know how you would like the flowers are packed.B: For No.10 ,each bunch of flower should be packed in a clear transparent plastic bag(透明塑料袋),each bag to a paper box, 100 boxes to a carton(纸板箱).we require the plastic bags should be in 7 different colors, and the quality of each bag should be grade AAA with degree of transparency(透明度)of 100%.A: Grade AAA is large spend for us, we can’t meet your standard.The most we can do is to use gradeA. If you insist, we have to take 15 cents extra charge for each bag.B: If you can guarantee the quality and make sure each bunch of flower to reach customers without defections(缺点), I can agree that.A: Please don’t worry,---,we can guarantee.B: For No20 and No30, each pot of flower to a wooden box,each box should be moisture-conditioned.6 articles of No.20 and 6 aritcles of No30 to a wooden case.A:It will be a waste of wood,if you use box and case at the same time.we can use wood blocks to separate the flowerpots.B:No,I can’t agree.If having no case packing, the flowers are inconvenient to convey and easy to be broken.So please do as I say.A:Ok.And what’s the requirement for shiping marks?B:We need cartons and wooden boxes painting our company name for short,loading port and number.And of course,some indication marks,such as fragile,keeping upright should be put on. A:Anything more?B:I think no more. That’s all.A:I get it. For package,it’s setttled. Then let’s discuss something about payment. As you know for the first time we deal with business we usually accept letter of credit.B:Letter of credit is very complex and inconvenient, I hope you can change it to remittance. That will be more flexible.A:No, we can’t accept that. Though you are right, remittance is flexible, for us,it has more risk. It’s the policy in our company that we have to accept L/C when we are in business for the first time.B:But I’m afraid that if there’s many times of remedy for L/C,it will waste alot of time, and we can’t get the flowers on the best occasion to sell. Then how about D/P?A:Sorry,---. We have to obey the regulation.B:But who will take the loss when you delay our time to sell the flowers?A:Perhaps. Then I have to go against the policy. 70% of the sales money should be paid by L/C, the balance by D/P. We can’t go further.B:Ok. What bank will be suitable for your negotiation?A:Bank of China quanzhou branch.B:Sorry, we have no business with bank of China,we usually choose HSBC for negotiation bank in China.A:That will be inconvenient for us. To draw the money, we have to go to xiamen.B:We will allow HSBC to transit its transaction to BOC. Is that ok?A:Alright.切换场景A给B端一杯咖啡…..B: You have mentioned your price is based on CIF Sydney, but now we find that Sydney port not suitable for us to take the delivery. We’d like to change it to Melpomene[mel’pɔmini:].A:I’m afraid that there’s no direct voyage to Melpomene. If so, we have to deliver the flowers in transshipment. B:Transshipment is not allowed,neither is partial shipment. Perhaps you arrange it by charter.A:No,---,it’s a big cost.We can’t do that. If you can undertake part of the charter fees, we can manage that.B:Is Perth ok?A:Perth is a good choice. Do you have any other requirement?B:We also need the insurance to be effected for 130% of the invoice value covering all risks as per ICC.A:130% and all risks? That will increase our spend. We usually commence 110% of invoice value.B:No, we need that. It’s usual our practice and none of trade companies have ever refused it.A:Let’s put the markup to 15%, reaching a middle ground, alright?B:At least 20%.A:Ok, 20%. And talk about document instructions?B:Full set of documents of ocean bill of lading in 3 orinigals and 5 copies, insurance policy, certificate original, and certificate of inspection, all certificate should mark credit number. A:Get it. Any more?B:It seems all are included.A:Let me check. Price, package, payment, insurance, documents. Yes ,all are well negotiated. Please have a look.---B: (仔细看了下)All have been in the list. A:(起身,伸出手,同---握手)Thank you,---.I hope this is a very excellent begin of our business.。
1. 案例:SmartTech公司与GreatDeal公司就一个新产品的独家代理权进行谈判。
对话一:Tolerance makes space/One Step Back for Boundless Sky退一步海阔天空小明:It's difficult for us to push the sale(加否定词表示‘无法销售’)of your digital cameras nowadays.小红:What seems to be the problem? 小明:Price.Frankly, your price is on the high side. (charge top dollar要价最高/cost an arm and a leg 很贵,相当贵)小红:As you may have noticed,the price skyrockets in raw materials,so we're forced to adjust our prices accordingly. 小明:I'm sorry to say we have to close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?We've had a very good business relationship over the past years,I suggest you make an appropriate reduction. 小红:Well,in view of our good cooperation over the past years. let's meet each other half way(我们来个折中),I'll make a reduction by3%.对话二:Smith: What do you have there,Ms.Yang?Yang: Some of our new products.Would you like to have a look at the paterns? Smith:Yes,please.Yang: Here they are,MRS.Smith.Smith: I like this printed poplin.How much is it a yard?Yang:45 pence per yard. Cif London.Smith:Your price is higher than i can accept. Could you come down a little? Yang:What would you suggest?Smith:Could you make it 40pence per yard,CIF London?Yang:I'm afraid we can't.This is the best price we can quote.Smith: Let's leave that for the time being.Yang:Are you interested in our pongee?Smith:Yes.Please show me the latest products.Yang: Here it is.Smith:The quality is very good.But nowadays nylon is pushing this material out.Yang: I donot think so. We are sold a lot this month.Smith:Well, anyway, I'll book a trial order. The price?Yang: Same as we offered last time.Smith:What about the quantity?Yang:200 pieces for September shipment.Smith: All right.I'll take the lot.Yang: How about printed poplin,then?Smith: There's stall a gap of 5 pence.Will you give me a trade discount? Yang: Sorry. Can we meet each other half way?Smith: What do you mean?Yang: Let's close the deal at 43 pence per yard,CIF London.Smith: You drive a hard bargain,(意思是拼命讨价还价),but I'll accept this time.Yang:We will provide good service and quality.Smith: That will be deeply appreciated.Yang: Shall I make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow?Smith: Fine对话三:Jane:All right.Shall we get down to the price now? Joe:No problem.Our unit price for the hand-made straw mattress is 10$ per one. Jane:I think the price is a little bit higher; can you give me a discount? Joe:You know our product has a steady demand in market and the quality is excellent, the price is reasonable. If you place more than 1000 pieces, we’ll give you 3% discount. Jane:Well since this is the first transaction between us, we’d lik e to place a trial order of 1000 pieces to promote our relationships. Joe:Good.对话四:安妮:I've come to hear about your offer for bristles. 哈里:We have the offer ready for you. Let me see... here it is. 100 cases(箱)Houston Bristles, 57 mm, at 10 pounds sterling per kilogram, C.I.F(CIF是COST,INSURANCE,ANDFREIGHT,成本加保险加运费,后跟目的地) European Main Ports, for shipment in June 2001(2001.06交货). The offer(报盘) is valid (有效)for five days. (注:按CIF术语成交,虽然由卖方安排货物运输和办理货运保险,但卖方并不承担保证把货送到约定目的港的义务,因为CIF是属于装运交货的术语,而不是目的港交货的术语,也就是说CIF不是“到岸价” 。
商业谈判话术1. “嘿,咱得像个精明的猎人一样,在谈判中抓住对方的弱点呀!比如说,对方着急达成合作,咱就可以慢慢悠悠地谈条件嘛。
” 你:“那咱可得好好谈谈细节了,不能马虎呀!”2. “哎呀,谈判时可别一下子把底线露出来呀,得像保护宝贝一样捂着!就好比打牌,哪能一开始就把王牌亮出来呢。
”例子:对方:“你们的最低价格是多少?” 你:“这个嘛,咱们慢慢谈,总能谈到一个双方都满意的点呀。
”3. “哇塞,要学会用赞美打开对方的心门呀!你看,夸他眼光好,他一高兴,不就好谈多了嘛。
”4. “嘿,别死脑筋呀,谈判要灵活多变!就像水一样,遇到石头就绕过去嘛。
”5. “哎呀呀,谈判时得给对方点甜枣吃呀,让他觉得占了便宜,其实咱也没亏呀!就像分蛋糕,你给他一块大的,他也会给你点好处呀。
”6. “哇哦,要注意对方的表情和语气呀,那都是线索!好比侦探找线索一样,能发现很多有用的信息呢。
”例子:对方皱了下眉,你:“是不是这里您不太满意呀?”7. “嘿,谈判可不是吵架,别那么冲呀!要像和风细雨一样,慢慢渗透嘛。
”8. “哎呀呀,要学会倾听呀,别只顾着自己说!就像听故事一样,听完了才能更好地回应呀。
9. “哇,有时候沉默也是一种力量呀!让对方先着急,咱再出招嘛。
”10. “嘿,可别小瞧了一些小细节呀,那可能决定成败呢!就像下棋,一个小棋子也能决定胜负呀。
21个经典实用的商务谈判案例分析及策略学习啦王燕 2016-06—16 17:53:41成功的商务谈判可以带来较高的经济效益,而谈判成功的关键在于谈判策略的制定。
商务谈判英语报价对话50例1. A: Could you give me a quote for 100 units of this product? B: Certainly, the unit cost is $50, so the total cost for 100 units would be $5,000.2. A: I'm interested in purchasing your software. What's the price? B: The price for our software is $500 per license.3. A: How much would it cost to have you redesign our website? B: The cost would depend on the scope of the project. Can you provide more details?4. A: We're looking to purchase new office furniture. What's your pricing?B: Our office furniture starts at $500 per piece. Is there a specific item you're looking for?5. A: Can you provide a quote for your consulting services?B: Our hourly rate for consulting is $200 per hour.6. A: We need a bulk order of 500 t-shirts. What's your pricing? B: Our pricing for bulk orders is $10 per t-shirt, so the total cost would be $5,000.7. A: Can you give us a quote for your marketing services?B: Our marketing services start at $2,000 per month.8. A: We're interested in purchasing your software for multiple users. What's the pricing for that?B: We offer volume discounts for multiple user licenses. Please letme know how many users you need to accommodate.9. A: How much would it cost to have you create a custom logo for us?B: Our custom logo design services start at $500.10. A: We're looking to purchase new office equipment. What's your pricing?B: Our office equipment prices vary depending on the item. Can you provide more details on what you're looking for?11. A: Can you provide a quote for your legal representation services?B: Our hourly rate for legal representation is $300 per hour.12. A: We need 1,000 promotional items for an upcoming event. What's your pricing?B: Our promotional item prices vary depending on the item. Can you provide more details on what you're looking for?13. A: How much would it cost for your translation services?B: Our translation services start at $0.15 per word.14. A: We're looking to purchase a new company vehicle. What's your pricing?B: Our company vehicles start at $20,000. Is there a specific make and model you're interested in?15. A: Can you provide a quote for your graphic design services? B: Our graphic design services start at $50 per hour.16. A: We need 500 custom printed mugs with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed mugs depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?17. A: How much would it cost to have you write website copy for us?B: Our website copywriting services start at $100 per page.18. A: We're interested in purchasing a new phone system. What's your pricing?B: Our phone systems start at $1,000. Is there a specific model you're interested in?19. A: Can you provide a quote for your HR consulting services? B: Our HR consulting services start at $150 per hour.20. A: We need 200 custom embroidered hats with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom embroidered hats depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?21. A: How much would it cost to have you create a marketing video for us?B: Our marketing video services start at $2,000.22. A: We're interested in purchasing a new computer system. What's your pricing?B: Our computer systems start at $1,500. Is there a specific modelyou're interested in?23. A: Can you provide a quote for your IT support services?B: Our IT support services start at $100 per hour.24. A: We need 50 custom printed tote bags with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed tote bags depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?25. A: How much would it cost to have you create a social media strategy for us?B: Our social media strategy services start at $500.26. A: We're interested in purchasing a new office printer. What's your pricing?B: Our office printers start at $500. Is there a specific model you're interested in?27. A: Can you provide a quote for your accounting services?B: Our accounting services start at $200 per hour.28. A: We need 100 custom screen printed t-shirts with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom screen printed t-shirts depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?29. A: How much would it cost to have you create a podcast for us? B: Our podcast creation services start at $1,000.30. A: We're interested in purchasing a new printer/copier/scanner. What's your pricing?B: Our multifunction printers start at $1,000. Is there a specific model you're interested in?31. A: Can you provide a quote for your public relations services? B: Our public relations services start at $2,000 per month.32. A: We need 500 custom printed pens with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed pens depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?33. A: How much would it cost to have you create a company brochure for us?B: Our company brochure design services start at $500.34. A: We're interested in purchasing a new projector. What's your pricing?B: Our projectors start at $1,000. Is there a specific model you're interested in?35. A: Can you provide a quote for your customer service training services?B: Our customer service training services start at $500 per session.36. A: We need 50 custom printed water bottles with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed water bottles depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?37. A: How much would it cost to have you create a brand identity package for us?B: Our brand identity package design services start at $1,500. 38. A: We're interested in purchasing new office chairs. What's your pricing?B: Our office chairs start at $200 per chair. Is there a specific style you're interested in?39. A: Can you provide a quote for your website design services? B: Our website design services start at $1,000.40. A: We need 500 custom printed stickers with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed stickers depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?41. A: How much would it cost to have you create a company video for us?B: Our company video services start at $2,000.42. A: We're interested in purchasing a new security system. What's your pricing?B: Our security systems start at $5,000. Is there a specific model you're interested in?43. A: Can you provide a quote for your sales training services? B: Our sales training services start at $500 per session.44. A: We need 100 custom embroidered jackets with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom embroidered jackets depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?45. A: How much would it cost to have you create a company presentation for us?B: Our company presentation design services start at $500.46. A: We're interested in purchasing a new conference phone. What's your pricing?B: Our conference phones start at $500. Is there a specific model you're interested in?47. A: Can you provide a quote for your leadership training services?B: Our leadership training services start at $1,000 per session. 48. A: We need 500 custom printed keychains with our logo. What's your pricing?B: Our pricing for custom printed keychains depends on the quantity and design. Can you provide more details?49. A: How much would it cost to have you create a company newsletter for us?B: Our company newsletter design services start at $250 per issue.50. A: We're interested in purchasing a new scanner. What's your pricing?B: Our scanners start at $500. Is there a specific model you're interested in?。
1、Would anyone like something to drink bdfore we begin?在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?2、We are ready.我们准备好了。
3、I know I can count on you.我知道我可以相信你。
4、Tust me.请相信我。
5、We are here to solve problems.我们是来解决问题的。
6、We’ll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。
7、Ihope this meeting is productive.我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。
8、I need more information.我需要更多的信自。
9、Not in the long run.从长远来说并不是这样。
10、Let me explain to you why .让我给你一个解释一下原因。
11、That’s the basic problem.这是最基本的问题。
12、Let’s compromise.让我们还是各退一步吧。
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国际商务谈判经典案例分析1. 案例一:可口可乐与中国的谈判1981年,可口可乐公司与中国政府进行了长达两年的谈判,最终成功进入中国市场。
2. 案例二:波音公司与日本的谈判波音公司是世界上最著名的飞机制造商之一,而日本是一个对飞机制造业有着极高要求的客户。
3. 案例三:苹果公司与中国的谈判2012年,苹果公司与中国政府进行了关于在中国建立苹果零售店的谈判。
4. 案例四:丰田汽车与美国的谈判在20世纪80年代,丰田汽车面临着进入美国市场的巨大挑战。
5. 案例五:微软公司与欧盟的谈判在2004年,微软公司因为涉嫌垄断被欧盟罚款4.97亿欧元,并要求微软开放其Windows操作系统的部分代码。
6. 案例六:阿里巴巴与美国的谈判在2014年,阿里巴巴集团在美国纽约证券交易所成功上市。
国际商务谈判话术1. “嘿,咱得像猎豹一样敏锐,抓住对方话语里的机会点呀!比如对方说‘我们再考虑考虑’,你就可以回‘那您看具体是哪些方面还需要再考虑呢,咱现在就聊聊呀’。
”2. “哇塞,可别一味地强硬啊!就像划船,得有张有弛。
”3. “哎呀呀,要学会打太极呀!人家说价格太高,你就回‘我理解您觉得价格高,可这品质摆这儿呢,您想想是不是物超所值呀’。
”4. “嘿,别轻易让步呀,得守住底线!对方要求太多,你就反问‘这么多要求,那您这边是不是也得给我们一些相应的好处呢’。
”5. “哇哦,要懂得倾听呀,像听故事一样听对方说。
”6. “哎呀,谈判可不是吵架,别那么冲嘛!人家质疑你,你就温和地说‘您有这样的疑问很正常,那我给您详细解释解释呀’。
”7. “嘿,该果断的时候就得果断!对方犹豫不决,你就催一下‘您看这事儿也讨论挺久了,咱是不是该做个决定啦’。
”8. “哇,要随时保持冷静呀,不能被对方带节奏。
”9. “哎呀呀,要懂得赞美对方呀,让对方心情好。
”10. “嘿,别死脑筋呀,要灵活应变!对方提出新情况,你就说‘哟,这倒是个新情况,那咱得重新考虑考虑了呢’。
商务谈判中最常用30个句子1、Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?在我们正式开始前,大家喝点什么吧?2、We are ready.我们准备好了3、I know I can count on you.我知道我可以相信你。
4、Trust me.请相信我。
5、We are here to solve problems.我们是来解决问题的。
6、We'll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会谈的结果将是一个双赢。
7、I hope this meeting is productive.我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。
8、I need more information.我需要更多的信息。
9、Not in the long run.从长远来说并不是这样。
这句话很实用,也可显示你的"高瞻远瞩10、Let me explain to you why .让我给你一个解释一下原因。
11、That's the basic problem.这是最基本的问题。
12、Let's compromise.让我们还是各退一步吧。
13、It depends on what you want.那要视贵方的需要而定。
14、The longer we wait ,the less likely we will come up with anything.时间拖得越久,我们成功的机会就越少。
15、Are you negotiable?你还有商量的余地吗?16、I'm sure there is some room for negotiation.我肯定还有商量的余地。
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谈价格是买卖之间很重要的一环。商品的价值往往同商品的本质关系密切。当要强调出口商品的品质以使交易达到理想的价格时,我们可以说:This one is very good for 10 US dollars.(这东西绝对值10美元。)或These are slightly higher in price, but their superior quality makes them more valuable than the less expensive ones. (这些货价稍微高了一点,但其优异的品质,使它们比那些便宜的货,更有价值。)在谈到商品价格便宜时,买方切忌使用cheap这个词,因为在西方人看来,它意味着商品是由廉价劳工(cheap labor)制造出来的廉价商品。应尽量使用reasonable这个形容词。如:The price is quite reasonable。(这价格相当合理。)讨价还价的结果是双方做出的让步。在最后让步时可说:The best promise we can make is ...(我们能做出的最大让步是)或者This is the lowest possible price.(这已是最低价格。),然后坚定不移,否则,如果让步太过分,就可能造成卖方的损失。以下是FANWEN51职场英语网的小编为您准备的价格谈判中30常用的句型,祝您工作顺利!get down to business, shall we?让我们开始谈生意好吗?like to tell you what I think about that。 我想告诉你我的一些想法。those prices FOB or CIF?这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价?these prices wholesale or retail?这些价格是批发价还是零售价?too high。 价钱太高了。, no, this is the lowest price。 噢,不,这是最低价。us he your rock-bottom price。 我们给你低价。the price range?价格范围是多少?start at one hundred and fifty yuan and go up to two hundred yuan。 它们以150元起价,至多到200元。price is quite reasonable。 这价格相当合理。price is unreasonable。 这价格高得不合理。you make it a little cheaper?=Can you e down a little?=Can you reduce the price?你能不能算便宜一点?sounds very impressive。 那似乎非常好。sounds reasonable。 那似乎非常好。like to hear your ideas on我想听听你关于的看法。offering us this product at 1800 yuan per unit-is that right?你提供我们的这种产品报价是每台1800元吗,对吗?appreciate it if you could sell it to us for 1350 yuan per unit。 如果你能以每台1350元的价格卖给我们,我们将不胜感激。the qulity into consideration, I think the price is reasonable。 考虑到产品质量,我认为价格是合理的。one problem to be mentioned。 有一个问题要提出来。price we quoted is quite good for your country。 我们报的价格相当适合贵国。price you quoted is a little stiff for exporting。 你报的价格对于出口而言,有点偏高。price is 15% higher than that of last year。 你们的价格比去年的高15%。think you misunderstood me on this point。 在这一点上我想你是误会我了。in plete agreement。 我们完全同意。cant make a decision at this time。 我无法现在做决定。26. Its not possible for us to make any sales at this price。 我们无法以这种价格销售。yuan is about as low as we can go。380元大约是我们能出的最低价格。afraid I cant agree with you there。 恐怕我不能同意您出的价格。price is higher than that of other panies。 你方的价格比其它公司的价格要高。30. But considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable。 不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的价格是非常合理。
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