广东省佛山市南海石门实验中学2016_2017学年度第二学期第一次教学质量检测 初一英语试卷(无听力部分)
2016~2017学年佛山市普通高中教学质量检测(一)理综化学答案及评分细节26.(15分) (1)BC (2分)【全对2分,1对1错得0分,2对1错得1分】 (2)水浴加热(1分)【水浴得1分,若指明温度需在40℃~60℃之间,否则扣1分,但不指明温度不扣分。
】 (3)(球形)冷凝管(1分),苯蒸气(1分)【不写球形不扣分,写成球型不扣分,写成“直形冷凝管”0分】【“苯”或“苯蒸气”都得1分,写多其它物质但有“苯”就得1分,没有“苯”0分】 (4)(2分)【方程式1分(产物正确且齐全,写成分子式也给分),条件1分(写“Fe ”或“FeCl 3”都可以,漏条件或写成==,扣1分,即写==又漏条件只扣1分),温度不作要求。
】 (5)①洗去FeCl 3、HCl 等无机物。
(2分)【FeCl 3得1分,HCl 得1分,写其它物质0分,写“除去可溶物”0分,“节省碱的用量,降低成本”不作得分点,写了不得分,没写不扣分】②Cl 2+2NaOH=NaCl+NaClO+H 2O (2分) 【方程式1分(产物正确且齐全得1分),配平1分】 (6)(2分,或其他合理装置)【干燥剂可用浓硫酸、P 2O 5、CaCl 2都可以,但固体干燥剂必须使用干燥管,完全正确得2分;多画除HCl 的装置且正确不扣分(除HCl 的试剂可以是水、NaCl 溶液、饱和食盐水);装置要求:缺瓶塞扣1分,没画液面线扣1分,没写明试剂0分,导管左长右短不需指明气体流向,若导管右长左短需指明气体流向,没指明扣1分】 (7)(2分)【列式正确或算出结果(13.14)或中间部分算出结果且正确给2分,按kg 给答案且正确得1分】7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CB C D C B C27.(14分)(1)C (2分)(唯一答案)(2)4H 2O 2 + Cr 2O 72— + 2H + = 2CrO 5 + 5H 2O (2分)(物质错0分,物质对但无配平或配平错1分) (3)⑤②④③①(2分)(唯一答案,若把“⑤”写成“5”或“(5)”不扣分)(4)H 2O 2水溶液呈弱酸性,故H 2O 2可与铁单质反应,(铁与H 2O 2反应或铁与酸性溶液反应得1分,其它不给分)进而氧化生成可催化H 2O 2分解的Fe 3+(H 2O 2或产物过氧化尿素分解得1分,其它不给分)(2分)。
佛山市南海区 名校 2018-2019第二学期第一次教学质量检数学测试卷
佛山市南海区石门实验学校2018-2019学年第二学期七年级数学第一次教学质量检测试卷说明:满分120分,时间90分钟,全部题目都在答题卷上作答............. 一、选择题(本大题10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1. 计算23a a ⋅ 的结果是A. 52aB. 6aC. 5aD. 9a2. 计算 23)(ab - 的结果是 A. 62b aB. 62-b aC.D. 3. 计算1-2019 的结果是A. -2019B. 019C. 20191- D . 201914. 下列各式能用平方差公式计算的是A. B. C. D.5. 计算2)2(+a 的结果是 A. B. 422++a a C.442++a a D.6. 计算)3)(2(++x x 的结果为 A. 62+x B.652++x x C.552++x x D. 562++x x7. 计算24325)20155(m m n m m ÷+-- 结果正确的是A. B. C.D. 8. 如图,是我们学过的用直尺和三角尺画平行线的方法示意图,画图的原理是A. 同位角相等,两直线平行B. 内错角相等,两直线平行C. 两直线平行,同位角相等D. 两直线平行,内错角相等第8题图 第9题图 第10题图9. 如图,直线 , ,那么 的度数是A . B. C. D.10. 某海滨浴场某日的气温变化情况如图所示,该浴场的气温在32℃以上时才允许游泳,请根据图象分析该浴场在这一天开放的时间为A .8小时 B.5小时 C.10小时 D.12小时二、填空题(本大题6小题;每小题4分,共24分)11. 计算.______)(52=-b a 12. 已知.6,5==+mn n m 求)1(1n m ++)(的值________. 13. 设x 2+mx +9是一个完全平方式,则m = .14. 某红外线遥控器发出的红外线波长为0.000 000 049 m ,用科学记数法表示这个数是 .第15题图 15. 如图,想在河堤P 点搭建一座桥,搭建方式最短的是线段(用字母表示)的长度,理由 .16. 一名老师带领x 名学生到动物园参观,已知成人票每张30元,学生票每张10元。
石门实验中学2019-2020学年第二学期英语学科第一次教学检测班级_________ 姓名_________ 学号_________全卷共6页,考试用时为50分钟,满分100分一、语法选择(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。
There are many optimistic(乐观的)people around us. 1 person I have ever seen is my dad!He is so positive that I have never heard 2 single word from him which is related to hopelessness!Unlike most mums and dads,my dad never says things that 3 make me feel sad. He is always there to give 4 encouragement and help. When I do something wrong,he always tells me 5 I should do next time in a positive way. For example,if I am 6 trouble,he often tells me to open the books he has bought for me. Then he asks me 7 the stories that can help me with the problems I'm facing. After that,we will have a discussion together. If it's useless,he 8__ me calm down firstly and think about what happened to me by myself.9_ I'm not always a good kid because of my naughty character,my dad never shouts at or gets angry with me. I know that he's waiting for the day when I grow up and understand some important things in my life.I can see the reason why he is so positive is that he believes in himself,and also I __ 10 __ by him. He believes that whatever happens,it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!Sunshine will be in your life forever.( )1.A.Most optimistic B. Optimistic C. More optimistic D. The most optimistic ( )2.A.the B./ C. an D. a( )3.A.should B. need C. must D. may( ) B. me C.I D. myself( )5.A.which B. what C. why D. when( ) B. of C. at D. with( ) read B. read C. reads D. reading( )8.A.let B. letting C. has let D. will let( )9.A.Although B. Unless C. Whether D. Since( ) B. am trusted C. trusted D. was trusted二、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。
13、如图为某楼梯,测得楼梯的长为 5 米,高 3 米,计划在楼梯表面铺地毯,地毯的长度至
14、若规定结果精确到 1,那么 的估算值为
15、已知△ABC 的三边长分别是 6,8,10,则△ABC 的面积是 16、如图,有一连串直角三角形,已知第一个直角三角形 OAA1 是 等腰直角三角形,且且 OA1=A1A2=A2A3=A3A4=……=A8A9=1, 则 OA9=
(1) 的整数部分是
(2)1+ 的整数部分是
(3)若设 2+ 整数部分为 x,小数部分为 y,求 y—xy 的值。
23、(1)列方程解几何题是常用解题方法: 如图 1,Rt△ABC 中,∠C=90°,AB 比 AC 长 1,BC=3,求 AC 的长。
解:设 AC 为 x,则 AB=x+1. 在 Rt△ABC 中,AC2+ BC2= AB2
石门实验学校 2019—2020 学年度第一学期第一次质量检测
) ()
= ) ()
当 n=99 时,
= ()
三、解决问题(一) 18、计算:(1)
(2)( + )×
19、计算:( + )× +( +1)(
C. 与
D.-5 与∣-5∣
A.无限小数是无理数 B.只有整数才有平方根 C. -2 是 4 的平方根
广东省南海区石门实验中学九年级数学上学期第一次教学质量检测试题 北师大版
广东省南海区石门实验中学2016届九年级数学上学期第一次教学质量检测试题注意事项:1.试卷的选择题和非选择题都在答题卷上作答,不能答在试卷上.2.要作图(含辅助线)或画表,先用铅笔进行画线、绘图,再用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔描黑.第Ι卷选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本大题10小题,每小题3分,共30分). 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符正确的,请把答案选项填在答题卷上.1.下列方程中,关于x的一元二次方程是( )A.x2-2x-3=0 B.2x2-y-1=0 C.x2-x(x+7)=0 D.ax2+bx+c=02.若关于x的一元二次方程x2-x-m=0的一个根是x=1,则m的值是( ) A.1 B.0 C.-1 D.23.将一元二次方程2x2+7=9x化成一般式后,二次项系数和一次项系数分别为( ) A.2,9 B.2,7 C.2,-9 D.2x2,-9x4.一元二次方程x2-8x-1=0配方后可变形为( )A.(x+4)2=17 B.(x+4)2=15 C.(x-4)2=17 D.(x-4)2=155.下列一元二次方程中有两个不相等的实数根的方程是( )A.(x-1)2=0 B.x2+2x-19=0 C.x2+4=0 D.x2+x+l=06.菱形具有而平行四边形不具有的性质是( )A.两组对边分别平行B.两组对角分别相等C.对角线互相平分D.对角线互相垂直7.如图,在矩形ABCD中,对角线AC、BD相交于点O,若∠ACB=30°,AB=2,则BD的长为( )(第7题图) (第8题图) (第9题图) A.4 B.3 C.2 D.18.如图,在正方形ABCD外侧,作等边三角形ADE,AC,BE相交于点F,则∠BFC为( ) A.75°B.60°C.55°D.45°9.如图,小明在作线段AB的垂直平分线时,是这样操作的:分别以点A、B为圆心,大于线段AB 长度一半的长为半径画弧,相交于C、D,则直线CD即为所求,连接AC、BC、BD,根据他的作图方法可知,四边形ADBC一定是( )A.矩形B.菱形C.正方形D.以上答案都不对10.有下列说法:①四个角都相等的四边形是矩形;②有一组对边平行,有两个角为直角的四边形是矩形;③两组对边分别相等且有一个角为直角的四边形是矩形;④对角线相等且有一个角是直角的四边形是矩形;⑤对角线互相平分且相等的四边形是矩形.其中,正确的个数是( )A . 2个B . 3个C . 4个D . 5个第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共90分)二、填空题(本大题6小题,每小题4分,共24分). 请把下列各题的正确答案填在答题卷相应位置上11.方程x 2=x 的解是 .12.已知:一元二次方程x 2-5x +c =0有一个根为2,则另一根为 . 13.如图,菱形ABCD 的边长为6,∠ABC =60°,则对角线AC 的长是 .(第13题图) (第14题图) (第15题图) (第16题图) 14.如图,CD 是Rt △ABC 斜边AB 上的中线,若CD =4,则AB = .15.如图,在一块长为22米、宽为17米的矩形地面上,要修建一条长方形道路LMPQ 及一条平行四边形道路RSTK ,剩余部分种上草坪,使草坪面积为300平方米.若LM =RS =x 米,则根据题意可列出方程为 .16.如图,若正方体的边长为a ,M 是AB 的中点,则图中阴影部分的面积为 .三、解答题(一)(本大题3小题,每小题6分,共18分) 17. 选择适当方法解下列方程:(1)22520x x -+=; (2)12)3)(2(=--x x .18.利用根与系数关系,求方程2x 2-5x +3=0的两根之和、两根之积.19.在菱形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是BC 、CD 的中点,连结AE 、AF .求证:AE =AF .四、解答题(二)(本大题3小题,每小题7分,共21分)20.如图,有一段15m 长的旧围墙AB ,现打算利用该围墙的一部分(或全部)为一边,再用32m 长的篱笆围成一块长方形场地CDEF .(1)怎样围成一个面积为126m 2的长方形场地?(2)长方形场地面积能达到130m 2吗?如果能,请给出设计方案,如果不能,请说明理由.21.将矩形ABCD 折叠使A ,C 重合,折痕交BC 于E ,交AD 于F , (1)求证:四边形AECF 为菱形;(2)若AB =12,BC =18,求菱形AECF 的边长.22.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,∠BAD 的平分线交BC 于点E ,O 为对角线AC 、BD 的交点,且∠CAE =15° (1)求证:△AOB 是等边三角形; (2)求∠BOE 度数.五、解答题(三)(本大题3小题,每小题9分,共27分)23.已知关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-(2k +1)x +k 2+k =0. (1)求证:方程有两个不相等的实数根;(2)若△ABC 的两边AB ,AC 的长是这个方程的两个实数根.第三边BC 的长为5,当△ABC 是等 腰三角形时,求k 的值.24.数学学习总是如数学知识自身的生长历史一样,往往起源于猜测中的发现,我们所发现的不一定对,但是当利用我们已有的知识作为推理的前提论证之后,当所发现的在逻辑上没有矛盾之后,就可以作为新的推理的前提,数学中称之为定理. (1)尝试证明:等腰三角形的探索中借助折纸发现:直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半.但是当时并未说明这个结论的合理.现在我们学些了矩形的判定和性质之后,就可以解决这个问题了.如图1若在Rt △ABC 中CD 是斜边AB 的中线,则AB CD 21,你能用矩形的性质说明这个结论吗?请说明. (2)迁移运用:利用上述结论解决下列问题:①如图2所示,四边形ABCD 中,∠BAD =90°,∠DCB =90°,EF 分别是BD 、AC 的中点,请你说明EF与AC的位置关系.②如图3所示,□ABCD中,以AC为斜边作Rt△ACE,∠AEC=90°,且∠BED=90°,试说明平行四边形ABCD是矩形.25.已知,矩形ABCD中,4=,AC的垂直平分线EF分别交AD、BC于点E、F,AB cmBC cm=,8垂足为O.(1)如图25-1,连接AF、CE.求证四边形AFCE为菱形,并求AF的长;(2)如图25-2,动点P、Q分别从A、C两点同时出发,沿AFB∆和CDE∆各边匀速运动一周.即点P 自A→F→B→A停止,点Q自C→D→E→C停止.在运动过程中,①已知点P的速度为每秒5cm,点Q的速度为每秒4cm,运动时间为t秒,当A、C、P、Q四点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形时,求t的值.②若点P、Q的运动路程分别为a、b(单位:cm,0ab≠),已知A、C、P、Q四点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形,求a与b满足的数量关系式.石门实验中学2015~2016学年度第一学期第一次教学质量检测 初三数学参考答案与评分标准一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)题号 12345678910答案A B C C B D A B B B二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)11. x 1=0,x 2=1 ;12. 3 ;13. 6 ;14. 8 ; 15. (22﹣x )(17﹣x )=300 ; 16. a 2.说明:11题要全对才给分,15题可能有其他正确答案,请留意. 如:300172217222=+-⨯x x x - 三、解答题一(每题6分)17.选择适当方法解下列方程:(1) 02522=+-x x ;解:2522-=-x x222)5(2)5(52+-=+-x x ………1分即2(5)3x -=∴35±=-x …………2分 即535-3x x -=-=或∴123+5,-3+5;x x == ………3分 (2)12)3)(2(=--x x ;解:原方程可以化为2560x x --= ………1分(6)(1)0x x -+= ………2分6010x x -=+=或1621-==x x , ………3分18. 解:这里3,5,2=-==c b a∵01324)5(422>=⨯⨯--=-ac b …………1分∴方程有两个不相等的实数根 …………2分 设方程的两个实数根分别21,x x ,则 …………3分252521=--=+x x ,2321=⋅x x …………6分(只对一个得2分)19.证明:∵四边形ABCD 是菱形∴AB =AD ,∠B =∠D ,BC =CD …………2分 ∵E 、F 分别是BC 、CD 的中点∴BC BE 21=,CD DF 21= …………3分∴DF BE = …………4分 在△AOB 和△AOB 中∵AB =AD ,∠B =∠D ,DF BE =∴△AOB ≌△AOB (SAS ) …………5分 ∴AE =AF …………6分 四、解答题二(每题7分)20.解:设DE =xm ,则CD =232x-m ,…………1分(1)根据题意得126232=-⋅xx ,…………2分 解,得 x 1=14,x 2=18>15 (不合题意舍去)…………3分 ∴x =14, ∴232x -=9∴能围成一个长14m ,宽9m 的长方形场地.…………4分(2)根据题意得 130232=-⋅xx ,…………5分整理,得 x 2﹣32y +260=0 ∵△=(﹣32)2﹣4×1×260=﹣16<0 故方程没有实数根,…………6分∴长方形场地面积不能达到130m 2.…………7分21.(1)证明:∵矩形ABCD 折叠使A ,C 重合,折痕为EF , ∴OA =OC ,AE =CE ,AF =CF ,…………1分 ∵AD ∥AC ,∴∠1=∠2,∠3=∠4,…………2分 又∵OA =OC ,∴△AOF ≌△COE (AAS ), ∴AF =CE ,…………3分 又∵AE =CE ,AF =CF , ∴AE =CE =AF =CF ,∴四边形AECF 为菱形;…………4分 (2)解:由(1)得AE =CE设AE =CE =x ,则BE = 8﹣x ,…………5分 ∵四边形ABCD 是矩形 ∵∠B =90°∵BE 2+AB 2=AE 2,∴(18﹣x )2+122=x 2,…………6分 解,得 x =13,即菱形的边长为13. …………7分 22.(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD 是矩形∴AC OA 21=,BD OB 21=,BD AC =,︒=∠=∠90ABC BAD …………1分∴OB OA = …………2分 ∵AE 平分∠BAD∴︒=∠=∠45212BAD∴∠BAO =∠1+∠2=15°+45°=60°…………3分 ∴△AOB 是等边三角形 …………4分 (2)由(1)得 ︒=∠90ABC ,︒=∠452 ∴︒=∠455 ∴52∠=∠∴AB =BE …………5分 由(1)得OA =OB∴OB =BE , ︒=∠=∠603ABO∴24180∠-︒=∠=∠BEO BOE ,︒=︒-︒=∠3060904 …………6分∴︒=︒-︒=∠75230180BOE …………7分四、解答题三(每题9分)23.(1)证明:∵△=(2k +1)2﹣4(k 2+k )=1>0, ∴方程有两个不相等的实数根;…………3分(2)解法1:一元二次方程x 2﹣(2k +1)x +k 2+k =0的解为x =,即x 1=k ,x 2=k +1,…………5分 ∵k <k +1,∴AB ≠AC .…………6分当AB =k ,AC =k +1,且AB =BC 时,△ABC 是等腰三角形,则k =5; …………7分当AB =k ,AC =k +1,且AC =BC 时,△ABC 是等腰三角形,则k +1=5,解得k =4, …………8分 综合上述,k 的值为5或4.…………9分(2)解法2:由(1)得方程有两个不相等的实数根 ∴AB ≠AC …………4分 又∵△ABC 是等腰三角形,BC =5故AB ,AC 的长必有一个是5 …………5分即x =5关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-(2k +1)x +k 2+k =0的根 …………6分∴52-5(2k +1)+k 2+k =0 …………7分 解,得k 1=4,k 2=5 …………8分 ∴k 的值为4或5 …………9分24.证明:(1)如图1,延长CD 至点E ,使CD =DE , 连接AE 、BE ,∵CD =DE ,点D 为AB 中点,∴四边形AEBC 为平行四边形, ∵∠ACB =90°,∴平行四边形AEBC 是矩形, ∴CE =AB ,∵CD =21CE , ∴CD =21AB ;…………………3分(2)EF ⊥AC .理由如下:…………………4分 如图2,连接AE 、CE ,∵∠BAD =90°,E 为BD 中点, ∴AE =21DB , ∵∠DCB =90°, ∴CE =21BD , ∴AE =CE ,∵F 是AC 中点,∴EF ⊥AC ;…………………6分 (3) 如图3,连接EO ,∵四边形ABCD 为平行四边形, ∴O 点为AC 、BD 中点,∵∠AEC =90°,O 为AC 中点, ∴AC OE 21, ∵∠BED =90°,O 为BD 中点, ∴EO =21BD , ∴AC =BD ,又∵四边形ABCD 为平行四边形,∴四边形ABCD 是矩形.…………………9分25. (2)①显然当P 点在AF 上时,Q 点在CD 上,此时A 、C 、P 、Q 四点不可能构成平行四边形; 同理P 点在AB 上时,Q 点在DE 或CE 上或P 在BF ,Q 在CD 时,也不能构成平行四边形. 因此只有当P 点在BF 上、Q 点在ED 上时,才能构成平行四边形 ………1分ABCDEFP∴以A 、C 、P 、Q 四点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形时,PC QA = ………2分 设菱形的边长AF CF xcm ==,则(8)BF x cm =- ∵四边形ABCD 是矩形 ∴∠B =90°∴222AF BF AB =+即2224(8)x x +-=,解得5x =∴5AF cm =………3分∵点P 的速度为每秒5cm ,点Q 的速度为每秒4cm ,运动时间为t 秒 ∴t PF AF PF CF PC 5=+=+=,t t t CD AD QA 4124844-=-+=-+= ………4分 ∵PC QA = ∴5124t t =-, 解得43t = ∴以A 、C 、P 、Q 四点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形时,43t =秒. ………5分②由题意得,以A 、C 、P 、Q 四点为顶点的四边形是平行四边形时,点P 、Q 在互相平行的对应边上.分三种情况:Ⅰ)如图1,当P 点在AF 上、Q 点在CE 上时,AP CQ =,即12a b =-,得12a b += ………6分Ⅱ)如图2,当P 点在BF 上、Q 点在DE 上时,AQ CP =, 即12b a -=,得12a b += ………7分Ⅲ)如图3,当P 点在AB 上、Q 点在CD 上时,AP CQ =,即12a b -=,得12a b += ………8分综上所述,a 与b 满足的数量关系式是12a b +=(0)ab ≠ ………9分ABCDEPA DEFCA CDE P Q。
广东省南海区石门实验中学2016届九年级数学上学期第二次教学质量检测试题注意事项:1.试卷的选择题和非选择题都在答题卷上作答,不能答在试卷上.2.要作图(含辅助线)或画表,先用铅笔进行画线、绘图,再用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔描黑. 第Ι卷 选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本大题10小题,每小题3分,共30分). 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符正确的,请把答案选项填在答题卷上.1.用配方法解关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-2x -3=0,配方后的方程可以是( )A .(x -1)2=4B .(x +1)2=4C .(x -1)2=16D .(x +1)2=16 2.一元二次方程244x x -=-的根的情况是( ) A . 有两个不相等的实数根 B . 有两个相等的实数根C . 只有一个实数根D . 没有实数根3..已知1x 、2x 是一元二次方程0142=+-x x 的两个根,则21x x ⋅等于( ) A . 4- B . 1- C . 1 D . 4 4. 根据下列表格对应值:x-1 0 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2ax bx c ++-26-15-2-0.590.842.29判断关于x 的方程20(0)ax bx c a ++=≠的一个解x 的范围是( )A.x < 1-B. 1-<x < 1C.1.1<x <1.2D.1.2<x <1.3 5..以下说法合理的是( )A .小明在10次抛图钉的试验中发现3次钉尖朝上,由此他说钉尖朝上的概率是30%B .抛掷一枚普通的正六面体骰子,出现6的概率是61的意思是每6次就有1次掷得6 C .某彩票的中奖机会是2%,那么如果买100张彩票一定会有2张中奖。
D .在一次课堂进行的试验中,甲、乙两组同学估计..硬币落地后,正面朝上的概率分别为0.48和0.51。
6.两个相似三角形的最长边分别是35和14,它们的周长差是60,则大三角形的周长为( ) A .80 B .36 C .40 D .1007.如图,已知D 、E 分别是△ABC 的的AB 、AC 边上的一点,DE ∥BC , 且AD: AB=1:2,则△ADE 与四边形D BCE 的面积之比为( ) A .1:4 B .1:3 C .1:2 D .2:38. 如图,每个小正方形边长均为1,则下列图中的三角形(阴影部分)与左图中ABC △相似的是( )9.如图,将矩形ABCD 沿EF 折叠,使顶点C 恰好落在AB 边的中点C′上.若AB=6,A .B .C .D .ABBC=9,则BF 的长为( )A. 4B. 3C. 4.5D.5 10.如图所示,给出下列条件:①B ACD ∠=∠;②ADC ACB ∠=∠;③AC ABCD BC=; ④AB AD AC ⋅=2⑤BCCDAC AD =其中单独能够判定ABC ACD △∽△的个数为( )A .2B .3C .4D .5 第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共90分)二、填空题(本大题6小题,每小题4分,共24分). 请把下列各题的正确答案填在答题卷相应位置上11.已知a ,b ,c ,d 是成比例线段,a=3cm ,b=8cm ,d=4cm ,则c= cm . 12. 将一枚质地均匀的硬币连续掷两次,两次都是反面朝上的概率是 。
广东省佛山市南海石门实验中学2016~2017学年第二学期第一次教学质量检测 初一英语试卷(无听力部
( ) 26. Tony is _____11-year-old boy, and he can play______tennis very well.A. the. the B .an; the C. a; /; /( )27.一_____that man in blue over there?—Mr.Wang. He teaches_____Chinese this term.A. who's,ourB. who's, us.C. Whose, usD. Whose. our( )28.______ fine weather it is! Let's go out for a walk.A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a( )29. My brother often hurries______breakfast in the morning.A. haveB. hasC. to haveD. having( )30. Mike is from England, but he can _____Chinese very well.A.sayB.speakC. talkD. tell( )31._____ a hot summer day, people don’t like to go out.A.AtB.InC.OnD.Of( )32.He is so _____that he never leaves his homework at home.A.carelessB.carefullyC. interestingD.careful( )33.—Tony and Lily are playing basketball on the playground.—Wow, that’s interesting. What about _____them? join join( )34.—What is your English teacher like?—________________________.A.She likes singing.B. She doesn’t like reading.C. She is very kind.D. She is a teacher.( )35. I don’t think David and his friends enjoyed_____at the dancing party. It’s too noisy.A.himselfB.themC.themselvesD.myself( )36.—I can’t find my watch.—_________ you put it in your pocket.A.MaybeB.May beC.MayD.Can( )37.—Could you give me ______to drink ? I don’t like milk.—Sure, here is the orange juice.A.anything elseB.something elseC.else somethingD. nothing else( )38. The final exam is coming, and he promises____hard.A.of studyC.studyD.studying( )39.Every year people hang_____lanterns on the street to celebrate the Spring Festival.A.thousandsB.thousand ofC. thousandD.thousands of( ) 40. —Kate, the baby is sleeping now. Please don’t make any noise.—Sorry, I ____ do that any more .A.won’ notC. was not going toD.can( )41.—oh, I have to go now, or the last bus will leave.—________.You still have 5 minutes.A.Don’t worry aboutB.Don’t be worryC.Don’t worryD.You should worry( )42.Deng Ziqi gets lots of _____for herself through the TV program I AM ASINGER ‖.A.fanB.friendC.fansD.future( )43.—Why are you in such a hurry?—There is going to ______outside.A.rainB.rainyC.have rain( )44.Not only my parents but also I_____ interested in Running Man.A.beB.amC.isD.are( )45.—Would you like to come to my party?—_________.But I’ve a lot of homework to do.A.No,thanksB.No, I’d like not toC.You’re welcomeD.Yes,I’d like to三、完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
广东省佛山市南海区石门实验学校2020-2021学年七年级下学期第一次教学质量检测英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.I can play ________ chess, and my sister can play ________ piano.A.the; the B.a; the C./; the D.the; / 2.—________ books are these?—They are________.A.who; my B.whose; my C.whose; mine D.who; mine 3.Teachers won’t use ________ in class and students won’t use pens or paper any more. A.chalk B.ruler 4.They are looking forward to ________ the football match tomorrow.A.watchers B.watching D.watched 5.This game is not only fun ________ great for exercise.A.and also B.but also C.because D.or 6.Students will get information ________ Internet in the future.A.on B.over 7.There ________ a Chinese test and an English test tomorrow going to have B.will have going to going to be 8.People ________ long holidays because machines will do heavy work.A.having B.will have C.have D.has 9.—Don’t put your books everywhere, or you can’t find it, Tom.—Ok, I will be ________ with it.A.careful B.happy C.angry D.strict 10.—________ will you come back to Foshan, Mum?—In a week.A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How much 二、完形填空it doesn’t 16 . The turtle just stays inside its shell. The boy is very 17 .His grandfather sees that, and he says to the boy, “Don’t do it in that way. I have a good idea. Let 18 help you.” He takes the little turtle into his room and put it near a warm fireplace (壁炉). After a few minutes the little turtle feels 19 and it shows its head and feet.“Sometimes, we are like the little 20 . ” Grandfather said. So don’t be rude. Be kind and friendly to it.11.A .buysB .getsC .losesD .finds 12.A .playB .to playC .playing D .plays 13.A .AndB .BecauseC .SoD .But 14.A .come out ofB .go intoC .go back toD .go out 15.A .withB .forC .byD .in 16.A .useB .liveC .workD .stop 17.A .angryB .gladC .happyD .excited 18.A .IB .myselfC .myD .me 19.A .hotB .coolC .coldD .warm 20.A .turtleB .plantC .thingD .baby21.You can buy ________ by calling 86825044.A.a bike B.a phone apartment D.a bedroom 22.If Jack wants to learn English on Saturday, he will spend ________ a day.A.Ұ50B.Ұ100C.Ұ150D.Ұ20023.If you want to rent a bike, you should call ________.A.Mr. Li B.Lisa C.Lin Tao D.Mrs. Li 24.Lin Tao found a phone bike phone bike 25.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The apartment for sale has only one bed-room.B.You will spend ten yuan to rent a bike a day.C.Lin Tao’s classroom is in Room 518, Building B.D.You can call Lisa at 53545156 on SundayBabies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it. My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example. She doesn’t like old newspapers very much. Of course, the best paper comes from wood. Wood comes from trees, and trees are plants. Vegetables and fruits are plants, too, and we eat a lot of them. So can we also eat wood and paper?Scientists say, “All food comes in some way from plants.” Well, is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat. Then we eat their meat. Little fish eat little sea-plants, and then bigger fish swim along and eat them. Chickens eat bits of grass and give us eggs. So what food does not come from plants in some way?Scientists can do fantastic things with plants. They can make food just like meat and cheese. And they can make it without (没有) the help of animals. It’s very good food, too. They say, “We make our paper from wood. We can also make food from wood in the future. The next thing is not very difficult and expensive.” What is the next thing? Perhaps it is foodfrom paper.So please keep your old books and letters. One day, they may be on your plate, if what scientists say may come true.26.We can learn from the passage that ________.A .sometimes babies eat the paper around chocolateB .cats like to eat newspaperC .making paper from wood is very difficultD .scientists can make food like meat and cheese from paper now27.From the passage, we can infer (推断) that ________ do not come from plants in some way.A .fish and chickensB .wood and paperC .meat and cheeseD .few kinds offood28.The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because ________.A .there are always good stories in themB .we can make food from them so onC .we can read them at breakfast D.we can feed cats with them 29.What does the word “wood” mean in Chinese?A .塑料B .木材C .水泥D .陶瓷30.What is the best title for the passage?A .Plants Animals and FoodB .Food from PlantsC .Keep Your Books and LettersD .What Can We Make with Old Paper四、阅读匹配配对阅读 左栏是对五个人的情况介绍,右栏是相关信息介绍,请为五个人找到他们感五、根据汉语提示填空36.If we try our best, our dream will come ________ (真实的).37.He often ________ (落下) his homework at home, so his teacher is angry. 38.Will there be more ________ (俱乐部) in your school next term?六、根据句意填空39.—What is the ________ of your new coat?—It’s 200 yuan.40.I enjoy ________ by going sightseeing every weekend.七、将所给单词连成句子41.a, are, to, going, you, party, have, tomorrow (?)____________________________________________________________? 42.promise, help, to, I, you, to, win, match, the___________________________________________________________________________, his, my pen, is, and, is, black(.)____________________________________________.44.will, travel, we, by, or, car, plane, by (?)______________________________?45.much, the, books, how, are, the shelf, on__________________________________________________?八、短文语境提示填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词写在空格处,并把答案写在答题卡指定的apple pies for you.”John says, “OK. Give 55 a shopping bag now.”“Oh dear! You don’t need one. You can use your hat,” his uncle says.九、读写综合A.回答问题阅读下面材料,根据所提供的信息,回答问题。
佛山市2017届普通高中教学质量检测(一)文科综合本试题卷共14页,共 46小题(含选考题)。
全卷满分 300 分。
考试用时 150 分钟。
第 I 卷选择题(共140分)本卷共 35 小题,每小题 4 分,共 140 分。
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( ) 26. Tony is _____11-year-old boy, and he can play______tennis very well.A. the. the B .an; the C. a; /; /( )27.一_____that man in blue over there?—Mr.Wang. He teaches_____Chinese this term.A. who's,ourB. who's, us.C. Whose, usD. Whose. our( )28.______ fine weather it is! Let's go out for a walk.A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a( )29. My brother often hurries______breakfast in the morning.A. haveB. hasC. to haveD. having( )30. Mike is from England, but he can _____Chinese very well.A.sayB.speakC. talkD. tell( )31._____ a hot summer day, people don’t like to go out.A.AtB.InC.OnD.Of( )32.He is so _____that he never leaves his homework at home.A.carelessB.carefullyC. interestingD.careful( )33.—Tony and Lily are playing basketball on the playground.—Wow, that’s interesting. What about _____them? join join( )34.—What is your English teacher like?—________________________.A.She likes singing.B. She doesn’t like reading.C. She is very kind.D. She is a teacher.( )35. I don’t think David and his friends enjoyed_____at the dancing party. It’s too noisy.A.himselfB.themC.themselvesD.myself( )36.—I can’t find my watch.—_________ you put it in your pocket.A.MaybeB.May beC.MayD.Can( )37.—Could you give me ______to drink ? I don’t like milk.—Sure, here is the orange juice.A.anything elseB.something elseC.else somethingD. nothing else( )38. The final exam is coming, and he promises____hard.A.of studyC.studyD.studying( )39.Every year people hang_____lanterns on the street to celebrate the Spring Festival.A.thousandsB.thousand ofC. thousandD.thousands of( ) 40. —Kate, the baby is sleeping now. Please don’t make any noise.—Sorry, I ____ do that any more .A.won’ notC. was not going toD.can( )41.—oh, I have to go now, or the last bus will leave.—________.You still have 5 minutes.A.Don’t worry aboutB.Don’t be worryC.Don’t worryD.You should worry( )42.Deng Ziqi gets lots of _____for herself through the TV program I AM ASINGER ‖.A.fanB.friendC.fansD.future( )43.—Why are you in such a hurry?—There is going to ______outside.A.rainB.rainyC.have rain( )44.Not only my parents but also I_____ interested in Running Man.A.beB.amC.isD.are( )45.—Would you like to come to my party?—_________.But I’ve a lot of homework to do.A.No,thanksB.No, I’d like not toC.You’re welcomeD.Yes,I’d like to三、完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Most students in America do housework after school. Parents often ask their children to do something___46____ or interesting at home. Also, they ___47___their children to do something hard or boring. Parents would like to give their children some pocket money for their __48__.And the children can ___49___money by doing the housework.President Obama___50___that he gives his two daughters Sasha and Malia a dollar every week,___51___they often set the table, wash the dishes and clean up their__52____on weekends. One dollar is little for the housework,but the two ___53___ are very happy to make their pocket money. They buy their favourite books or food with ___54___.Obama hopes his daughters can ____55___ some money management skills(管理技术).( )46.A.difficult B.easy C.busy D.bad( )47.A.want C.let D.take( ) C.homework D.housework( )49.A.make B.enjoy C.find )50.A.says B.thinks C.hopes D.hears( )51.A.and B.then C.because D.but( ) B.classroom C.bedroom D.library( )53.A.parents B.friends C.children D.students( ) B.him C.her D.them( )55.A.teach B.ask C.find D.learn四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)ADo you know Single’s Day in China? On November 11, many people ,even your parents, go shopping online. They want to get big savings(节省下来的钱). Well, the US has something like it called Black Friday.Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. It is one of the biggest shopping days in the US. People want to start shopping for Christmas gifts, so they go shopping in this way to save money. American people are happy to get cheap things on Black Friday.It’s called Black Friday because shops used to write down sales with black ink(墨水). So when there was a lot of black ink on page, the shop sold a lot.On Black Friday, American people go shopping at actual(真实的)shops. It is different from Singles’ Day in China. People stand in lines for hours. Sometimes, they fight for things because there are only a few left. Television, computers and video games are some people’s favorite things to buy.( )56.Singles’ Day in China is on _________.A.May 18thB. July 9thC. November 11thD. December 27th( )57.On singles’ Day, Chinese people love to go shopping onlinebecause________.A.there are few things leftB. they can save much moneyC.they can play computer gamesD. they have a lot of time to buy things( )58.Paragraph 3 mainly tells to use black inkB. why Friday is good for salesB.why it is called Black Friday D.if Black Friday is good for people( )59.Which of the following is NOT true about Black Friday in the US?A.It is the biggest online shopping day.B.It is after Thanksgiving Day, before Christmas Day.C.Sometimes there ate fights about the things people want to buy.D.Some people like to buy televisions and computers on this day.( )60.What’s the best title of the passage?A.T he history of Singles’ DayB.Thanksgiving DayC.The introduction(介绍) of Black FridayD.What to buy on Black FridayBMr.King was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday night, three men came into the hotel and asked the rooms. Mr.King said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.Mr. King wanted to help them. He remembered that Room418, a very small room,was empty. He asked them if they would share a room. The three men said they would. Mr.King said the room would be thirty dollars: ten for each one. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.Mr.King soon began to feel sorry. “Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as price for that small room,” he thought. He called his assistant(助手) over and said, “Here is five dollars.Take it to the men in Room 418.I asked too much for their room.”The assistant took the money. While he was on the way there, he started to think, “How can three men divide(分) five dollars? I’ll give them each only onedollar and keep the two dollars for myself. The men will be happy to get something back, and Mr.King will never know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.This caused a problem; Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned them one dollar each, each had paid nine. There were three men,$9x3=$27. The assistant kept $2.$27+$2=$29. Where is the missing dollar?( )61.The three men were not happy because_________.A.there was a large meetingB. it was a boring weekendC.there was only one small roomD.they wouldn’t have a place to stay( )62.With the help of the manager, the three men________.A.went to another hotel.B.each got a small room for the night.C.stayed together in a small roomD. got a small room Mr King kept forhimself.( )63.At first__________________________.A.the three men paid the manager $27 B .each of the three paid the manager $30C.each of the three paid the manager $10D. the three men paid the manager $25( )64. The assistant___________________.A.helped the men to divide all the money.B.kept two dollars for himself.C.returned three to the three men and two to the manager.D.kept three dollars for himself( )65.Where is the missing dollar ?A.There wasn’t any missing dollar.B.Mr King took it.C.The three men took it.D.The assistant took it too.五、匹配阅读左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是七条信息公告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的信息配对。