



【上海数采物联网科技有限公司】无线电流采集终端产品说明书版本:V 1.1修订记录目录1 产品概述 (3)2 服务理念 (4)3 产品特性 (4)3.1电流采集特性 (4)3.2温度采集特性(可选项) (4)3.3电气特性 (4)3.4互感器通信特性 (5)3.5网关通信特性 (5)3.6结构特性 (5)3.7电磁兼容 (5)3.8工作环境 (6)4 产品核心优势 (6)5 数据上报通信协议 (6)5.1协议解析说明 (6)5.2协议定制 (7)6 平台对接 (7)6.1默认平台 (7)6.2用户指定平台 (8)7 应用案例 (9)8 安装与维护 (9)8.1电池更换 (9)8.2指示灯 (9)9 设备尺寸 (10)1产品概述SC-LP-CTLoRa无线电流温度采集传感器终端配备低功耗高灵敏度的开口式互感器,通过电磁感应原理将一次侧大电流转换侧二次侧小电流,进而用于电流监测,能够很敏感的探测线路电流的大小,监测回路电流大于产品启动电流,传感器进入正常工作模式,采集温度、电流及其他相关数据,通过无线通讯上传至采集装置。


传感器终端支持采用GPRS/4G/NB-IOT/LoRa/WiFi通信方式(外接电源默认采用GPRS 通信方式,电池供电默认采用NB-IOT/LoRa通信方式),克服现场特殊环境导致的无线通信遮挡,大大简化现场部署时间和降低施工费用。


2服务理念我司郑重承诺:您购买的不仅仅是产品,还有细致、周到的技术支持服务( =^_^= ) 本产品,现场只需普通工人接电安装即可! 无需调试!我们免费提供远程指导,远程配置调试服务,将数据发送至用户指定的云平台。

sensecap lorawan 无线物联网传感器设备产品手册说明书

sensecap lorawan 无线物联网传感器设备产品手册说明书

目录SenseCAP网关-LoRaWAN (3)SenseCAP无线空气温湿度传感器-LoRaWAN (5)SenseCAP无线光照传感器-LoRaWAN (7)SenseCAP无线二氧化碳传感器-LoRaWAN (9)SenseCAP无线气压传感器-LoRaWAN (11)SenseCAP无线风速传感器-LoRaWAN (13)SenseCAP无线风向传感器-LoRaWAN (15)SenseCAP无线雨量传感器-LoRaWAN (17)SenseCAP无线土壤温湿度传感器-LoRaWAN (19)SenseCAP无线土壤温湿度与电导率传感器-LoRaWAN (21)SenseCAP无线pH 传感器-LoRaWAN (23)SenseCAP无线有效光合作用辐射传感器-LoRaWAN (25)SenseCAP 云平台 (27)API 介绍 (28)室外型LoRa 网关属于SenseCAP 产品系列,基于低功耗广域网 LoRaWAN ®协议,面向智慧农业、智慧城市等远距离无线传感器数据监测场景,网关作为LoRa 网络的中心设备,用于收集各传感器节点的数据,并将数据通过4G 或有线网方式传送到云平台,网关采用高性能处理器,以及运营商级别LoRa 收发芯片,为大面积组网提供保证。


提供多种云服务和数据API 接口有线网口/ 4G 多种入网方式,满足不同场景需求支持- 40℃ 到70℃的环境温度支持LoRaWAN ®协议 ClassACortex A8处理器,搭载Linux 系统,稳定可靠工业级环境耐受,IP66防护外壳,适用于户外环境超远距离传输,视距范围内实现10km 的通信距离支持多个地区ISM 频段:CN470,EU868,US915工业级无线传感网络解决方案 支持LoRaWAN ®(*)ClassA 协议 高性能Cortex A8 1GHz 处理器支持多个地区ISM 频段: CN470, EU868, US915支持多种入网方式支持长达10km 超远距离传输支持8 RX / 1 TX 的数据收发工业级环境耐受,支持户外环境提供多种云服务,简单易用无技术背景用户也可快速部署关键特性产品简介功能特性应用场景智慧农业和气象智慧建筑和工业控制环境监测其他无线传感网络的应用设备尺寸© 2008-2019 Seeed Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.* LoRaWAN ® 名字及其商标已经获得LoRa Alliance 授权。

LoRa API 手册说明书

LoRa API 手册说明书

LoRa API手册文档编号产品版本密级V1.0产品名称:共11页LoRa API手册Add:中国厦门市软件园观日路44号3楼客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址厦门四信通信科技有限公司Page1of11文件修定记录日期版本号备注作者2016-08-09V1.0初始版本ZXZ厦门四信通信科技有限公司著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。


商标声明Four-Faith 、四信、、、均系厦门四信通信科技有限公司注册商标,未经事先书面许可,任何人不得以任何方式使用四信名称及四信的商标、标记。

厦门四信通信科技有限公司目录目录 (4)第一章LoRa概述 (5)第二章API模式指令 (6)2.1设备发送数据 (7)2.2设备接收无线数据 (7)2.3远程查询某个网络设备IO值 (8)2.4远程设置某个网络设备IO模式 (9)2.5查询网络内所有设备网络状态 (10)2.6设置设备参数 (11)2.6.1本地设备 (11)2.9.2远端设备 (11)厦门四信通信科技有限公司第一章LoRa概述F8L10D LoRa数据传输模块是一种基于LoRa技术的嵌入式无线数据传输模块,采用符合433MHz LoRa网络为用户提供无线数据传输功能。




安控科技 无线压力传感器 说明书

安控科技 无线压力传感器 说明书

无线压力传感器使用手册(第二版)一、 外型二、 主要功能✓自动测量压力值。




三、 特点1.设备简单,只有一个与传统压力变送器相似的终端组成。





四、 主要技术指标1.压力测量精度0.5%2.压力测量范围0~25MPa/0~35MPa3.工作温度范围-40 ~ 70℃4.液晶显示温度-20 ~ 50℃5.工作湿度范围 5 ~ 95%6.工作电压 3.6V7.采用IEEE802.15.4通讯模式 2.4GHz多频/多址8.数据传输距离(空旷距离)30米9.最大功耗1mW10.接收灵敏度-100dBm11.重量<1.5kg12.外型尺寸见下图五、 型号说明SZ903测压范围0-25 MPaSZ905测压范围0-35 MPa1六、 安装● 检查无线压力变送器,应无伤痕等异常情况。

● 设置通讯频段,组号,站号。

● 接通电池电源,检查电源灯应闪烁。

● 按照常规压力变送器的安装方法,将该压力变送器安装在井口管线上。


仪表显示与按键示意图1. 上电。

接通电池,LED 指示灯先亮3~5秒然后连续快闪10次,并且LCD 全显则程序初始化正确,如不闪烁则为电台初始化不正确需要检查电路,全显一段时间后液晶显示初始界面,电路进入测试状态,大概经过一分半钟后,才进入正常工作状态。


2. 在显示压力界面下,长按确认键大概5秒,可从测试状态快速进入正常工作状态,如果在正常工作状态,按此键5秒,也可从正常工作状态,快速进入测试状态,此时的状态可以和手操器进行连接,也可以通过手操器进行以下的设置。



SenseCAP ArchitectureSenseCAP Sensor + Other LoRaWAN Gateway ArchitectureSystem ArchitectureSenseCAP SensorSenseCAP LoRaWAN GatewayLoRaWAN Network ServerApplicationAgricultureCityIndustryLoRa RadioLoRa RadioEthernetLTEAPISenseCAP ServerTTN ServerChirp Stack Server (Built-in)SenseCAP is an industrial wireless sensor network that integrates easy-to-deploy hardware and data API services,enabling low-power, long-distance environmental data collection. SenseCAP includes several versions, such as LoRaWAN, SensorHub-2G, etc.SenseCAP LoRaWAN version products include LoRaWAN Gateways and Sensor Nodes. Based on LoRaWAN protocol, it can realize one-to-many, long-distance networking, and bilateral communication. The LoRaWAN gateway supports Ethernet and 4G. The sensor node is powered by a high-capacity battery that lasts up to 3 years (uploading data once per hour). It also supports hot-swap, making it easy for maintenance and upgrading.SenseCAP provides an easy-to-use portal. Users can scan the QR code with the App to bind the device with its respective account, manage the devices, and check sensor data on theportal. SenseCAP Portal provides API for users to develop based on the data on the portal further.About SenseCAPFeatures of SenseCAP LoRaWAN GatewayFeatures of SenseCAP LoRaWAN SensorsApplicationSmart Agriculture Smart Cities Smart Buildings Smart IndustryEnvironmental MonitoringOther Wireless Sensing ApplicationsSupport LoRaWAN protocol Class ACortex A8 processor, Linux system, stable and reliable Ultra-wide-distance transmission: 10km in line of sight scene, 2 km in the urban sceneSupport multiple ISM bands: CN470, EU868, US915Support remote modification of Node collection frequency 4G and Ethernet connectivity, suitable for multiple scenes.Provides a variety of cloud services and data API interfaces Industrial grade protection: IP66 enclosure, suitable for outdoor applicationsOperating temperature -40℃to +70℃Support LoRaWAN protocol Class A High reliability and stabilityUltra-wide-distance transmission: 10km in line of sight scene, 2 km in the urban scene Battery life ≥ 3 yearsSupport remote modification of Node collection frequency Support the local modification of EUI, AppKey, AppEui Rapid installation and deploymentIP66 enclosure, suitable for outdoor applicationsSenseCAP LoRaWAN Gateway can access SenseCAP Server, The Thing Network Server and The ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server. However , it can only be used with SenseCAP Sensor.SenseCAP Sensor can be used not only with the SenseCAP LoRaWAN Gateway but also with other standard LoRaWAN gateways. The Sensor is designed with a fixed LoRa channel, which can not be modified by users. The supported channels are as follows. Please refer to the user manual for how to connect this devicewith a LoRaWAN gateway.CN470Uplink Channels:[80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87]Frequency(MHz): 486.3, 486.5, 486.7, 486.9, 487.1, 487.3, 487.5, 487.7 (SF7BW125 to SF12BW125)DownlinkFrequency(MHz): 506.7, 506.9, 507.1, 507.3, 507.5, 507.7, 507.9, 508.1 (SF7BW125 to SF12BW125)505.3 -SF12BW125 (RX2 downlink only)EU868Uplink Channels: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]Frequency(MHz): 868.1, 868.3, 868.5, 867.1, 867.3, 867.5, 867.7, 867.9 (SF7BW125 to SF12BW125)DownlinkMultiplexing the frequency points of the 8 uplink channels.869.525MHz -SF9BW125 (RX2 downlink only)US915Uplink Channels:[8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]Frequency(MHz): 903.9, 904.1, 904.3, 904.5, 904.7, 904.9, 905.1, 905.3 (SF7BW125 to SF10BW125)DownlinkFrequency(MHz): 923.3, 923.9, 924.5, 925.1, 925.7,926.3, 926.9, 927.5 (SF7BW500 to SF12BW500)SenseCAP LoRaWAN Gateway (*) is based on LoRaWAN ®(**) protocol, applicable for low-power, long-distance environmental data collection and monitoring in scenarios such as smartagriculture and smart city, etc. As the central device of the LoRa network, the gateway is used for collecting data from different Sensor Nodes and transmit the data to the SenseCAP Portal via 4G or Ethernet cable. Equipped with a high-performance processor and telecom-operator-level LoRa chip, this gateway ensures stable and high performance in a large-scale network. The gateway is designed with an IP66-protection-levelenclosure, making it suitable for industrial applications in severe outdoor environments.An Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Solution IntroductionSpecificationsModelRegion LoRa-G-470-E/4G Asia (China)LoRa-G-868-E/4G European, Africa, Asia (India etc.) LoRa-G-915-E/4G North America, South America,Oceania , Asia (Japan, Korea, Thailand, etc.)Product Model Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol Channel Plan 470~510MHz 863~870MHz 902~928MHz Power Output 24dBm25dBm25dBmSensitivity-140dBm (SF12BW125)-139dBm (SF12BW125)-139dBm(SF12BW125)LoRa Parameters CPU TI AM3358 Cortex-A8 1GHz System Linux Debian RAM DDR3 512MB Memory 8GB eMMCEthernet100Mbps FE (RJ-45)4G BandLTE-FDD: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B7/B8/B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B25/B26/B28LTE-TDD: B38/B39/B40/B41WCDMA: B1/B2/B4/B5/B6/B8/B19GSM: 850/900/1800/1900MHz 4G FeaturesSupport non-CA Cat 4 FDD and TDD LTE-FDD:Max 150Mbps (DL), Max 50Mbps (UL) LTE-TDD:Max 130Mbps (DL), Max 30Mbps (UL)General Parameters UMTS FeaturesSupport 3GPP R8 DC-HSDPA, HSPA+, HSDPA, HSUPA and WCDMADC-HSDPA: Max 42Mbps (DL) HSUPA: Max 5.76Mbps (UL) WCDMA: Max 384Kbps (DL), Max 384Kbps (UL) LoRa AntennaCN470: 0.5dBi gain / Vertical polarization / Omni-directional / SMA-J connector EU868: 2.5dBi gain / Vertical polarization / Omni-directional / SMA-J connector US915: 2.5dBi gain / Vertical polarization / Omni-directional / SMA-J connector 4G Antenna0-4 dBi gain / Linear polarization / Omni-directional / SMA-J connector LED Indicator Indicating network condition (online/offline)GroundingReserved 1 screw hole for GND Power Consumption 3.6W Power Supply DC 12V/2A IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +70 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Installation Method Wall or pole mounting Device Weight777gGeneral ParametersDevice Dimensions** The LoRaWAN ® name and the associated logo are licensed by the LoRa Alliance.1. Ethernet Port2. Power Connector3. LED4. Reserved5. 4G Antenna Connector6. Reserved7. LoRa Antenna ConnectorCertificationRange -40 ℃ to +85 ℃Accuracy ±0.2 ℃Resolution 0.1 ℃Drift <0.03 ℃/yearAir Temperature Range 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Accuracy ±1.5 %RH Resolution 1 %RHDrift<0.25 %RH/year Air Humidity SpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-TH-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66 (Sensor Node)IP65 (Sensor Probe)UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +85 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)General ParametersSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Light Intensity-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +85 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight288gGeneral Parameters Range 0 to 188000 Lux Sensitivity 0.045 Lux/LSB Resolution0.045 LuxLight IntensityInstallationPlease refer to the user manual for more details.CertificationSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-CO2-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66 (Sensor Node)Indoor (Sensor Probe) *UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature 0 ℃ to +50 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 95 %RH Device Weight319gGeneral ParametersParameters Condition ValueRange -0 to 40000 ppm Accuracy 400 to 10000ppm ±(30 ppm + 3 %MV)Resolution - 1 ppm Temperature Stability T = 0 to 50 ℃400 to 10000 ppm±2.5 ppm / ℃CO2SpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Baro-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66 (Sensor Node)IP65 (Sensor Probe)UV Resistanceanti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 General Parameters Parameters Condition Value Range -300~1100 hPa Resolution - 1 Pa Relative Accuracy 700 to 900 hPa 25 to 40 ℃±0.12 hPa Absolute Accuracy 300 to 1100 hPa -20 to 0 ℃±1.7 hPa Absolute Accuracy 300 to 1100 hPa 0 to 65 ℃±1.0 hPa Temperature Coefficient Offset 900 hPa 25 to 40 °C 1.5 Pa/K Drift-±1.0 hPa/yearBarometric PressureCertificationSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Wind Speed-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66 (Sensor Node)IP45 (Sensor Probe)UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +50 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight490g General Parameters Range 0 to 60 m/s Accuracy ±0.3 m/s Resolution0.1 m/sWind SpeedSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Wind Direction-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66 (Sensor Node)IP45 (Sensor Probe)UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1Installation Point the slot on the casing to the south Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +50 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight518gGeneral Parameters Range 0° to 360° (clockwise)Accuracy ±3°Resolution1°Wind DirectionSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Rain-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature 0 ℃ to +50 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 95 %RH Device Weight2.3kgGeneral Parameters Range 0~240 mm/hour Accuracy ≤ ±2%Resolution0.5 mm/hourRainfall VolumeSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Soil MT-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Measuring Area A cylinder area (with the probe as the center, diameter: 7cm, height: 7cm)Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure):UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -30 ℃ to +70 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight415gGeneral Parameters Range -30 ℃ to +70 ℃Accuracy ±0.2 ℃Resolution 0.01 ℃Soil Temperature Range From completely dry to fully saturated (from 0% to 100% of saturation)Accuracy ±2% ( 0 to 50 %(m 3/m 3) )Resolution0.01 %(m 3/m 3)Soil MoistureSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-Soil Temp&VWC&EC-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP RatingIP66General Parameters Range -40 ℃ to +60 ℃Accuracy ±1 ℃Resolution 0.1 ℃Soil Temperature Range From completely dry to fully saturated (from 0% to 100% of saturation)Accuracy ±3 %(m 3/m 3) typicalResolution 0.08 %(m 3/m 3)Soil Volumetric Water ContentRange 0 to 23 dS/m (bulk)Accuracy ±10% (0~7dS/m), user calibration required from 7–23 dS/m Resolution0.01 dS/m (0~7dS/m)0.05 dS/m (7~23dS/m)Soil Electrical ConductivityCertificationSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-pH-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -20 ℃ to +50 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight594g General Parameters Range 0~14 pH Accuracy ±0.1 pH Resolution0.1 pHpHSpecificationsProduct Model LoRa-S-470/868/915-PAR-01Microcontroller Ultra-low-power MCUSupport Protocol Based on LoRaWAN v1.0.2 protocol LoRa Channel Plan CN470 / EU868 / US915 LoRa Power Output 16 dBm (EIRP)Sensitivity470MHz: -140dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)868MHz: -137.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)915MHz: -136.5dBm(SF12, BW125KHz)Current Consumption 5 μA (sleep mode)120 mA max(active mode)Communication Distance 2 to 10 km (depending on different antennas and environments) Battery Life ≥ 3 year (upload data once per hour) Battery Voltage 3.6VBattery Capacity 19Ah (Non-rechargeable)IP Rating IP66UV Resistance anti-aging (from rain/sun exposure): UL746C F1 Enclosure Material PCOperating Temperature -40 ℃ to +70 ℃Operating Humidity 0 to 100 %RH (non-condensing)Device Weight326gGeneral Parameters Range 0 to 2000 μmol m -2 s -1 (410 to 655 nm)Sensitivity 0.2 mV/μmol m -2 s -1 Resolution 1 μmol m -2 s -1 Non-stability(Long-term Drift)<2% / year Measurement Repeatability < 1 % Field of View 180°Photosynthetically Active RadiationSenseCAP Portal is a web-based platform which enables • Device management • Data management• API Access Key managementVisit SenseCAP Portal: https://For more info, please visit: https:///product/sensecapDashboardIncluding Device Overview, Data Upload Interval,Announcement, Scene Data, and Data Chart, etc.Device ManagementManage SenseCAP devicesData ManagementManage data, including Data Table and Graph section,providing methods to search for data.Access Key ManagementManage Access Key (to access API service), including:Key Create, Key Update, and Key Check.SenseCAP App is used to bind devices to your account and check device information. Download Application:For iOS, please search for “SenseCAP” in the App Store and download.For Android, please download SenseCAP Application from:AndroidiOSSenseCAP also provides API to support further development. Please visit this link for more info: https://SenseCAP provides a config tool to modify Sensor parameters like Device EUI, AppKey, data upload interval etc. For more details, please visit https:///Seeed-Solution/SenseCAP-Node-Configuration-Tool/releasesSales:************ Support:*****************+86 755 3653 4305。

人民电器 LXG858 LORA无线远传水表 使用说明书

人民电器 LXG858 LORA无线远传水表 使用说明书


LX G858系列LORA 无线远传水表一:概括1、公司介绍人民电器集团仪器仪表有限公司生产的Lora无线远传水表是针对日常用水的实际需要,自行研制的一款便于远程抄表及控制的水表。









水司只需像安装普通表一样安装好无线远传智能水表,抄表人员只需在办公室操作后台软件就可以抄取整个城市的水表数据以及远程控阀,且远程抄表系统每天自动抄表一次,实时掌握每户水表的当前数据、历史数据,居民水表集中的小区最适用这种远程抄表方式二、产品介绍1:产品外形图2:产品的口径参数图如下:公称口径DN长度L 高度H螺纹D连接螺纹长度mmmmmm amin bmin 15175100G3/4B 101220195100G18121425205100G1/4B 141632225100G11/2B1618三、产品的技术参数1、产品技术参数介绍(1)工作环境:温度0.1℃至+45℃(冷水)、0.1℃至90℃(热水)湿度:0至95%RH,通讯2400bps(2)表到数据采集器最大距离:≤1000m (3)通讯规约:Lora 扩频无线通讯、自组网(4)采集器正常带载水表为800块水表(5)采集器采用4G移动网络信号传输稳定快速,无需集中器。



压力变送器详细操作指南目录1. 按键功能概述 (1)1.1. 按键模式说明 (1)2. 按键功能 (1)2.1. 输入操作码 (1)2.1.1. 操作码及对应功能 (1)2.1.2. 操作码输入方法 (2)2.2. 设置单位 (3)2.3. 设置量程下限 (4)2.4. 设置量程上限 (5)2.5. 设置阻尼 (5)2.6. 主变量调零(清零)功能 (6)2.7. 设置输出特性 (6)2.8. 校准下限 (7)2.9. 校准上限 (7)2.10. .................................................................................................... 零点迁移与量程迁移 [调零和调满] 82.11. 显示变量设置 (9)3. 恢复出厂设置 (9)按键详细操作指南1.按键功能概述1.1. 按键模式说明标准的H3051S和H3051T表头上都有三个按键,分别为“M”、“S”、“Z”。










2.按键功能2.1. 输入操作码2.1.1.操作码及对应功能现场使用按键组态时,LCD左下角“88”字符用于表示当前设置变量类型,也就是当前按键所执行的设置功能。

RS-LG- -N01 LORA 网关 用户手册说明书

RS-LG- -N01 LORA 网关 用户手册说明书

RS-LG-*-N01 LORA网关用户手册文档版本:V2.2目录1.系统概述 (3)1.1功能特点 (3)1.2技术参数 (3)1.3产品选型 (4)2.设备安装说明 (4)2.1接口定义 (4)2.2设备安装尺寸说明 (5)2.3组装说明 (5)3.设备配置说明 (6)3.1下载配置工具 (6)3.2设备配置 (6)3.3设备字典及实时数据选项说明 (8)3.4设备连接 (9)4.485通信协议 (10)4.1通讯基本参数 (10)4.2数据帧格式定义 (10)4.3标准ModBus规约寄存器地址说明 (11)4.4通讯协议示例及解释 (12)4.5常见问题及解决方法 (13)5.联系方式 (14)6.文档历史 (14)附录1 (15)附录2 (16)1.系统概述RS-LG-*-N01是我公司为了解决农业大田、果园、药园、公园、园林此类具有供电难度大,面积广袤,布线成本高,维护成本高等特点的使用环境而推出的产品。













传感器无线采集终端产品型号:LoRa版:YL-120L NB-IoT版:YL-1D0D 版本:V1.2更新日期:2018-5-26内蒙古德明电子科技有限公司目录一、产品简介 (3)二、传感器采集终端规格参数 (4)三、传感器采集终端尺寸图 (4)四、传感器采集终端结构及安装方式 (5)五、传感器采集终端参数配置 (5)六、用LoRa模块采集传感器数据 (7)七、上位机模块串口通讯协议 (8)八、用LoRa网关采集传感器数据 (9)(一)网关管脚定义: (9)(二)网关参数配置软件: (9)九、LoRa网关/NB-IoT上报服务器数据说明 (11)十、NB-IoT温湿度数据上传云服务器测试(待定) (11)十一、NB-IoT模块上报服务器数据说明(待定) (11)包装清单 (12)保修指南 (12)内蒙古德明电子科技有限公司一、产品简介传感器无线采集终端可以和任何485接口的设备连接,定时主动访问相连的传感器,可实现远距离,超低功耗的无线传输。




NETVOX RA07155类A设备 LoRaWAN智能气质温湿度传感器说明书

NETVOX RA07155类A设备 LoRaWAN智能气质温湿度传感器说明书

Model: RA0715_R72615_RA0715YWireless CO2/Temperature/Humidity SensorDate: 2021.05.12Version: V0.1 Wireless CO2 / Temperature /Humidity SensorUser ManualCopyright©Netvox Technology Co., Ltd.This document contains proprietary technical information which is the property of NETVOX Technology. It shall be maintained in strict confidence and shall not be disclosed to other parties, in whole or in part, without written permission of NETVOX Technology. The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Table of Content1. Introduction (2)2. Appearance (3)3. Main Feature (3)4. Set up Instruction (4)5. Data Report (5)6. Installation (7)7. Important Maintenance Instruction (8)1.IntroductionRA0715 is a Class A device based on the LoRaW AN TM protocol of Netvox and is compatible with the LoRaWAN protocol. RA0715 can be connected with the sensor of the temperature and humidity, and CO2. The values collected by the sensor are reported to the corresponding gateway.LoRa Wireless Technology:LoRa is a wireless communication technology dedicated to long distance and low power consumption. Compared with other communication methods, LoRa spread spectrum modulation method greatly increases to expand the communication distance. Widely used in long-distance, low-data wireless communications. For example, automatic meter reading, building automation equipment, wireless security systems, industrial monitoring. Main features include small size, low power consumption, transmission distance, anti-interference ability and so on.LoRaWAN:LoRaWAN uses LoRa technology to define end-to-end standard specifications to ensure interoperability between devices and gateways from different manufacturers.2. Appearance3. Main Feature● Compatible with LoRaWAN ● DC 12V adapter power supply ● Simple operation and setting● CO 2, temperature and humidity detection ● Adopt SX1276 wireless communication module4.Set up InstructionOn/OffPower On RA0715 is connected to DC 12V adapter for power on.Turn On Connect with power on to turn onRestore to Factory Setting Press and hold the function key for 5 seconds, and the green indicator flashes 20 times. Power Off Disconnect from the power supplyNote 1.The engineering test requires to write the engineering testing software separately.2.The interval between on and off is suggested to be about 10 seconds to avoid theinterference of capacitor inductance and other energy storage components.Network JoiningNever Join the Network Turn on the device to search the network.The green indicator keeps on for 5 seconds: success. The green indicator remains off: failHad joined the network (Not in the original setting) Turn on the device to search the previous network. The green indicator keeps on for 5 seconds: success. The green indicator remains off: fail.Fail to Join the NetworkSuggest checking the device registration information on the gateway or consulting yourplatform server provider if the device fails to join the network.Function KeyPress and Hold for 5 Seconds Restore to the original setting / Turn off The green indicator flashes 20 times: success The green indicator remains off: failPress once The device is in the network: the green indicator flashes once and the device sends a data reportThe device is not in the network: the green indicator remains offLow Voltage ThresholdLow Voltage Threshold 10.5 V5. Data ReportThreshold Restore to Factory SettingDescriptionRA0715 has the function of the power-down saving the memoryof network-joining information. This function acquiesces in turn off, that is, it will rejoin every time when it is power on. If the device is turned on by theResumeNetOnOff command, the last network-joining information will be recorded when every time it is power on. (including saving the network address information that it is assigned, etc.) If users want to join a new network, the device needs to perform the original setting, and it will not rejoin the last network.Operation Method1. Press and hold the binding button for 5 seconds and then release(release the binding button when the LED flashes), and the LED flashes 20 times. 2. The device automatically restarts to rejoin the network.Report Configuration(1) C onfigure RA0715 device parameter MinTime = 30s, MaxTime = 900s Downlink: 0105001E03840000000000 Device Return:8105000000000000000000 (configuration success) 8105010000000000000000 (configuration failure)*Note:The value of MinTime should be ≥ 30s (US915, AU915, KR920, AS923, IN865) The value of MinTime should be ≥ 120s (EU868) The value of MaxTime should be ≥ 900s(2)Read RA0715 device parameter Downlink: 0205000000000000000000 Device Return:8205001E03840000000000 (device current parameter)Description DeviceCmdIDDeviceTypeNetvoxPayLoadDataConfigReportReq RA07150x010x05MinTime (2bytes Unit:s)MaxTime (2bytes Unit: s)Reserved (5Bytes, Fixed 0x00)ConfigReportRsp0x81Status (0x00_success)Reserved (8Bytes, Fixed 0x00) ReadConfigReportReq 0x02Reserved (9Bytes, Fixed 0x00)ReadConfigReportRsp0x82MinTime (2bytes Unit: s)MaxTime (2bytes Unit: s)Reserved (5Bytes, Fixed 0x00)6. Installation1.RA0715 adopts screws to secure the unit to a wall or other surface. Note:Do not install the device in a metal shielded box or in an environment with other electrical equipment around it to avoid affecting the wireless transmission of the device.2. RA0715 periodically reports the data including the temperature, humidity, and CO 2 according to ReportMaxTime. The default MaxTime is 180 seconds. Note:MaxTime can be modified through the downlink command, but it is recommended not to set the time too short to avoid excessive battery consumption.3. RA0715 is suitable for the following scenarios:● Factory ● Construction site ● School ● Airport ● Station● Dust Environmental Protection Supervision12V AdapterSocketRA0715Screw FixationDC Interface7. Important Maintenance InstructionThe device is a product with superior design and craftsmanship and should be used with care.The following suggestions will help you use the warranty service effectively.• Keep the equipment dry. Rain, moisture and various liquids or water may contain minerals that can corrode electronic circuits. In case the device is wet, please dry it completely.• Do not use or store in dusty or dirty areas. This way can damage its detachable parts and electronic components.• Do not store in excessive heat place. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, destroy batteries, and deform or melt some plastic parts.• Do not store in excessive cold place. Otherwise, when the temperature rises to normal temperature, moisture will form inside which will destroy the board.• Do not throw, knock or shake the device. Treating equipment roughly can destroy internal circuit boards and delicate structures.• Do not wash with strong chemicals, detergents or strong detergents.• Do not paint the device. Smudges can make debris block detachable parts up and affect normal operation.• Do not throw the battery into the fire to prevent the battery from exploding. Damaged batteries may also explode.All the above suggestions apply equally to your device, batteries and accessories.If any device is not operating properly.Please take it to the nearest authorized service facility for repairing.。

Dragino LWL02 无线电门磁传感器用户手册说明书

Dragino LWL02 无线电门磁传感器用户手册说明书

LWL02 – LoRaWAN Door Sensor User Manual Document Version: 1.3Image Version: v1.31.Introduction (4)1.1What is LWL02 LoRaWAN Door Sensor (4)1.2Features (5)1.3Applications (5)1.4Dimension (5)1.5Firmware Change log (5)2.Power ON LWL02 (6)3.How to install LWL02 (6)4.Operation Mode (7)4.1How it works? (7)4.2Example to join LoRaWAN network (7)4.3Uplink Payload (11)4.4Downlink Payload (12)4.5Integrate with Datacake (15)4.6Alarm Base on Timeout (18)4.7LEDs (19)5.Battery & How to replace (20)5.1Battery Type and replace (20)5.2Power Consumption Analyze (20)e AT Command (21)6.1Access AT Command (21)7.FAQ (22)7.1How to upgrade the image? (22)7.2How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region? (22)7.3Can I disable uplink for each event to save battery life? (22)8.Order Info (23)9.Packing Info (23)10.Support (23)1.Introduction1.1What is LWL02 LoRaWAN Door SensorThe Dragino LWL02 is a LoRaWAN Water Sensor. When there is water between the two metal probes, LWL02 indicates a water leak event and uplink to IoT server via LoRaWAN network.LWL02 is powered by 2 x AAA batteries and target for long time use, these two batteries can provide about 16,000 ~ 70,000 uplink packets, which result in 2 ~ 10 years battery life. After battery running out, user can easily open the enclosure and replace with 2 common AAA batteries.The LWL02 will send periodically data every day as well as for each water leak event. It also counts the water leak times and calculate last water leak duration. User can also disable the uplink for each water leak event, instead, device can count each event and uplink periodically.Each LWL02 is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registration, register these keys to LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on.1.2Features✓LoRaWAN Class A v1.0.3✓Frequency Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865/RU864 ✓SX1262 LoRa Core✓Water Leak detect✓ 2 x AAA LR03 Batteries✓AT Commands to change parameters✓Uplink on periodically and open/close action✓Remote configure parameters via LoRa Downlink✓Firmware upgradable via program port1.3Applications✓Smart Buildings & Home Automation✓Logistics and Supply Chain Management✓Smart Metering✓Smart Agriculture✓Smart Cities✓Smart Factory1.4Dimension1.5Firmware Change logLWL02 use the same firmware as LDS01.LWL02 Image files – Download link2.Power ON LWL02When receive the LWL02, please open the enclosure and add 2 x AAA batteries to power it. The LED will blink when device is powered.3.How to install LWL02When install the LWL02 on wall. Please install as below so the water leak probe will be soak in wa ter for water detect purpose. The LWL02 main body is not water proof. Please don’t let water go inside the LWL02 main body.50cm4.Operation Mode4.1How it works?The LWL02 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, user just need to input the OTAA keys in the network server and power on the LWL02. It will auto join the network via OTAA.In case user can’t set the OTAA keys in the network server and has to use the existing keys from server. User can use AT Command to set the keys in the devices.4.2Example to join LoRaWAN networkHere shows an example for how to join the TTN V3 Network. Below is the network structure, we use LG308 as LoRaWAN gateway here.The LWL02 has water leak detect probe as above. When there is water between these two detect probe, they will be short and generate the water leak event. and send the status to LoRaWAN server. The LWL02 will uplink two type of messages to the server.✓ A keep-alive message which send once per day.✓An emergency event message when detect a water leak. (Alarm event can be disabled)✓ A periodically update at every 10 minutes when in water leak.✓ A message when switch from water leak to none water leak. (Alarm event can be disabled)The LG308 is already set to connect to TTN V3 network . What we need to now is only configure the TTN V3:Step 1: Create a device in TTN V3 with the OTAA keys from LWL02.Each LWL02 is shipped with a sticker with unique device EUI:User can enter this key in their LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN V3 screen shot: Add APP EUI in the application.Add APP KEY and DEV EUIStep 2: Power on LWL02 and it will auto join to the TTN V3 network. After join success, it will start to upload message to TTN V3 and user can see in the panel.4.3Uplink PayloadUplink Payload total 9 bytes.Example:Example Payload Decoder in TTN V3:/downloads/index.php?dir=LoRa_End_Node/LDS01/Payload/ 4.4Downlink PayloadExample Downlink payload setting in TTN V3:Type Code 0x01If the payload=0100003C, means to control the LWL02’s Keep Alive interval to 0x00003C=60(S)Type Code 0x04If payload = 0x04FF, it will reset the LWL02.Type Code 0x050x05 00: Set uplink to LoRaWAN unconfirmed mode0x05 01: Set uplink to LoRaWAN confirmed modeType Code 0xA6Example: 0xA601: Clear CountingFor LWL02: reset both count number and time.Type Code 0xA70xA7 01 : Equal to AT+DISALARM=10xA7 00 : Equal to AT+DISALARM=0Type Code 0xA8Format: 0xA8 aa bbaa: 1: Enable ADR; 0: Disable ADR (Same as AT+CADR command)bb: set DR (Same as AT+CDATARATE ,only valid after ADR=0)Example: 0x A8 00 02 : Set ADR=0 and DR=1Type Code 0xA94.5Integrate with DatacakeDatacake provides a human friendly interface to show the sensor data, once we have data in TTN V3, we can use Datacake to connect to TTN V3 and see the data in Datacake. Below are the steps:Step 1: Be sure that your device is programmed and properly connected to the network at this time.Step 2: To configure the Application to forward data to Datacake you will need to add integration. To add the Datacake integration, perform the following steps:Step 3: Create an account or log in Datacake. Step 4: Search LWL02 and add DevEUI.4.6Alarm Base on TimeoutLWL02 can monitor the timeout for a status change, this feature can be used to monitor some event such as open fridge too long etc.User configure this feature by using:AT Command to configure:➢AT+TTRIG=1,30 → When status change from close to open, and device keep in open status for more than 30 seconds. LWL02 will send an uplink packet, the Alarm bit (thelowest bit of 10th byte of payload) on this uplink packet is set to 1.➢AT+TTIG=0,0 → Default Value, disable timeout Alarm.Downlink Command to configure:A9: Command Type Codeaa: status to be monitorbb cc: timeout.If user send 0xA9 01 00 1E: equal to AT+TTRIG=1,30Or0xA9 00 00 00: Equal to AT+TTRIG=0,0. Disable timeout Alarm.4.7LEDs5.Battery & How to replace5.1Battery Type and replaceLWL02 is equipped with 2 x AAA LR03 batteries. If the batteries running low(see 2.1v in the platform). User can buy generic AAA battery and replace it. Note:1)The LWL02 doesn’t have any screw, use can use nail to open it by the middle.2)Make sure the direction is correct when install the AAA batteries.Important Notice: Make sure use new AAA LR03 battery and the battery doesn’t have broken surface.Example of AAA LR03 batter:5.2Power Consumption AnalyzeDragino battery powered products are all run in Low Power mode. User can check the guideline from this link to calculate the estimate battery life:https:///downloads/downloads/LoRa_End_Node/Battery_Analyze/DRAGINO_ Battery_Life_Guide.pdfe AT Command6.1Access AT CommandLWL02 supports AT Command set. User can use a USB to TTL adapter to configure LWL02 via use AT command, as below.USB to TTL <- -> LWL02RX <- -> TXTX <- -> RXGND <- -> GNDIn PC, User needs to set serial tool(such as putty, SecureCRT) baud rate to 115200 to access to access serial console of LWL02. Below is the output for reference:The AT Access password is 123456.Each AT Command need to add an ENTER at the end before send.When entering the first command, the RED LED will on and user can now input AT Commands. After input all needed AT Commands, please input AT+CLPM=1 to set the device to work in Low Power mode and RED LED will be off.More detail AT Command manual can be found at AT Command Manual7.FAQ7.1How to upgrade the image?User can upgrade the firmware of LWL02 for bug fix, new features, or change working region. The upgrade instruction is here:/index.php?title=Firmware_Upgrade_Instruction7.2How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region?If user has for example US915 frequency and want to change it to AS923 frequency. User can follow the introduction for how to upgrade image. When download the images, choose the required image file for download.7.3Can I disable uplink for each event to save battery life?Yes, User can use below method to disable this:via AT Command:AT+DISALARM=1, End node will only send packet in TDC time.AT+DISALARM=0, End node will send packet in TDC time or status change for door sensor. via LoRaWAN downlink Command:0xA701 : Equal to AT+DISALARM=10xA700 : Equal to AT+DISALARM=08.Order InfoPart Number: LWL02-XXXXXX:➢EU433: frequency bands EU433➢EU868: frequency bands EU868➢KR920: frequency bands KR920➢CN470: frequency bands CN470➢AS923: frequency bands AS923➢AU915: frequency bands AU915➢US915: frequency bands US915➢IN865: frequency bands IN865➢CN779: frequency bands CN7799.Packing InfoPackage Includes:✓LWL02 x 110.Support➢Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.➢Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to*******************。



风速选择:开机状态下,按“ ”键选择风机风速。屏幕显示
在“ 自动” 模式下, 风速自动换档。 即当室温与设置温度相差 1℃时, 自
动选择低风速; 当室温与设置温度相差 3℃时,
自动选择中风速; 当室温与设置温度相差 5℃时, 自动选择高风速。
闪烁,通过“ ” “ ”设置需要的温度,设置完毕后,按“ ”键
确认,再按“ ”键退出本菜单。时段设置完毕后,需要进入菜单 9,开
启时段功能,否则时段不会生效。进入菜单 9,屏幕左下角有会有一个闪
烁的“OFF”,表明此时时段功能是关闭状态,通过“ ” “ ”选择到
“ON”, 按“ ”键确认,修改后,之前设定的时段功能生效,会按照
为 25。进入菜单,“ ” “ ”键调整需要的信道值,“ ”键确认修改。
6.12 恢复出厂设置
菜单 23 为恢复出厂默认设置,“ ”键进入菜单,“ ”键调整数值到“08”,
“ ”键确认生效,温控器重新启动,所有配置全部恢复出厂默认设置。
6.13 背光亮度 菜单 26 为设置液晶屏背光亮度,分为高中低亮度三挡,默认为 低亮度。
设定温度:开机状态下,按“ ”键提高设置温度,按“ ”键降低设置温度,
每按一次的温度变化为 0.5℃。
系统菜单:开机状态下,长按“ ”键 5 秒,进入系统菜单;在系统菜单模式
下,“ ” “ ”键选择,“ ”键确认,“ ”取消/退出。详细菜单含义和使用
按键锁定:长按“ ”键 5 秒,可以锁定面板按键,锁定后只能开关机,无法
1、工作电源:AC220 V,50/60Hz; 2、控制信号:电开电关信号; 3、输出控制功率:500W; 4、外型尺寸:86mmx86mmx37mm; 5、温度设定范围:5℃~45℃; 6、温度显示分辨率:0.5℃; 7、温度控制精度:±1℃; 测温误差:≤0.5℃;



LORA无线室内测温仪KH-LR-T1LORA无线接收器KH-LR-R128目录目录 (3)第1章概述 (4)1.1 “无线室温采集系统”概述 (4)1.2 “无线室温采集系统”组成 (5)第2章LORA无线室内测温仪 (6)2.1 简介 (6)2.2 功能特点 (7)2.3 界面说明 (8)2.4 安装方式 (9)2.5 技术参数 (11)2.6 简要操作说明 (12)2.7 应用场合 (13)第3章LORA无线接收器 (14)3.1 简介 (14)3.2 组合应用 (15)3.3 技术特点 (16)3.4 技术参数 (17)3.5 指示灯和引脚说明 (18)3.6 配置软件使用说明 (20)3.7 通信协议 (23)第1章概述1.1“无线室温采集系统”概述在集中采暖系统中,保证用户室内的温度满足要求,是最终的服务目标。






如上图所示【图中虚线部分是“楼口监控系统”】在“无线室温采集系统”中,本地无线通信使用LORA 技术,具有极低功耗和极强的穿透能力,并通过“采集云”技术,实现组网和数据融合,极大提高数据采集的成功率。

LRDDS04 LoRaWAN 4-通道距离检测传感器用户手册说明书

LRDDS04 LoRaWAN 4-通道距离检测传感器用户手册说明书

LDDS04 - LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor User Manuallast modified by Xiaolingon 2023/05/25 16:27Table of Contents1. Introduction (4)1.1 What is LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Sensor (4)Table of Contents:•1. Introduction•1.1 What is LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Sensor•1.2 Features•1.3 Applications•1.4 Pin mapping and power on•1.5 Probe Options•1.5.1 Probes Comparation•1.5.2 P01A-15 probe•1.5.3 A02-15 probe•1.5.4 A13-15 probe•1.5.5 A13-16 probe•2. Configure LDDS04 to connect to LoRaWAN network•2.1 How it works•2.2 Connect Probe•2.3 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)•2.4 Uplink Payload•2.4.1 Battery Info•2.4.2 Interrupt Pin•2.4.3 Distance•2.4.4 Message Type•2.4.5 Decode payload in The Things Network•2.5 Uplink Interval•2.6 Show Data in DataCake IoT Server•2.7 Frequency Plans•2.7.1 EU863-870 (EU868)•2.7.2 US902-928(US915)•2.7.3 CN470-510 (CN470)•2.7.4 AU915-928(AU915)•2.7.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923)•2.7.6 KR920-923 (KR920)•2.7.7 IN865-867 (IN865)•2.8 LED Indicator•2.9 Firmware Change Log•3. Configure LDDS04 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink•3.1 Set Transmit Interval Time•3.2 Set Interrupt Mode•3.3 Get Firmware Version Info•4. Battery & Power Consumption•5. Use AT Command•5.1 Access AT Commands•6. FAQ•6.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/Region•7. Trouble Shooting•7.1 AT Command input doesn't work•8. Order Info•8.1 Main Device LDDS04•8.2 Probe Model•9. Packing Info•10. Support1. Introduction1.1 What is LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance SensorThe Dragino LDDS04 is a LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Sensor for Internet of Things solution. It is capable to add up to four Ultrasonic Sensors to measure four distances at the same time.The LDDS04 can be applied to scenarios such as horizontal distance measurement, parking management system, object proximity and presence detection, intelligent trash can management system, robot obstacle avoidance, automatic control, sewer, etc.It detects the distance between the measured object and the sensor, and uploads the value via wireless to LoRaWAN IoT Server.The LoRa wireless technology used in LDDS04 allows device to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates. It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption.LDDS04 is powered by 8500mAh Li-SOCI2 battery, it is designed for long term use up to 5 years.Each LDDS04 is pre-load with a set of unique keys for LoRaWAN registrations, register these keys to local LoRaWAN server and it will auto connect after power on.1.2 Features•LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Class A•Ultra-low power consumption•Detect Range: Base on External Probe•Monitor Battery Level•Bands: CN470/EU433/KR920/US915/EU868/AS923/AU915/IN865•AT Commands to change parameters•Uplink on periodically•Downlink to change configure•8500mAh Battery for long term use1.3 Applications•Horizontal distance measurement•Parking management system•Object proximity and presence detection•Intelligent trash can management system•Robot obstacle avoidance•Automatic control•Sewer1.4 Pin mapping and power on1.5 Probe Options1.5.2 P01A-15 probeA01A-15 is mainly used for plane distance measurement; it can carry out targeted measurement on plane objects and can measure long distances and high accuracy.Beam Chart:(1) The tested object is a white cylindrical tube made of PVC, with a height of 100cm and a diameter of7.5cm.(2)The object to be tested is a "corrugated cardboard box" perpendicular to the central axis of 0 °, and the length * width is 60cm * 50cm.Mechanical:Application:1.5.3 A02-15 probeBeam Chart:(1) The tested object is a white cylindrical tube made of PVC, with a height of 100cm and a diameter of 7.5cm.(2)The object to be tested is a "corrugated cardboard box" perpendicular to the central axis of 0 °, and the length * width is 60cm * 50cm.Mechanical:Application:1.5.4 A13-15 probeBeam Chart:(1) The tested object is a white cylindrical tube made of PVC, with a height of 100cm and a diameter of 7.5cm.(2)The object to be tested is a "corrugated cardboard box" perpendicular to the central axis of 0 °, and the length * width is 60cm * 50cm.Mechanical:Installation Requirement:Application:1.5.5 A13-16 probeBeam Chart:(1) The tested object is a white cylindrical tube made of PVC, with a height of 100cm and a diameter of 7.5cm.(2)The object to be tested is a "corrugated cardboard box" perpendicular to the central axis of 0 °, and the length * width is 60cm * 50cm.Mechanical:Application:2. Configure LDDS04 to connect to LoRaWAN network2.1 How it worksThe LDDS04 is configured as LoRaWAN OTAA Class A mode by default. It has OTAA keys to join LoRaWAN network. To connect a local LoRaWAN network, you need to input the OTAA keys in the LoRaWAN IoT server and power on the LDDS04. It will automatically join the network via OTAA and start to send the sensor value. The default uplink interval is 20 minutes.2.2 Connect ProbeLDDS04 has a converter, User need to connect the Ultrasonic Probes to the convert as below. Different probes aresupported, please see this link for the probe options.Probe mapping as below.2.3 Quick guide to connect to LoRaWAN server (OTAA)Following is an example for how to join the TTN v3 LoRaWAN Network. Below is the network structure; we use theLG308 as a LoRaWAN gateway in this example.The LG308 is already set to connected to TTN network , so what we need to now is configure the TTN server.Step 1: Create a device in TTN with the OTAA keys from LDDS04.Each LDDS04 is shipped with a sticker with the default device keys, user can find this sticker in the box. it looks like below:You can enter this key in the LoRaWAN Server portal. Below is TTN screen shot:Register the device:Add APP EUI and DEV EUI:Add APP EUI in the application:Add APP KEYPut a Jumper on JP2 to power on the device. ( The Switch must be in FLASH position).Step 3: The LDDS04 will auto join to the TTN network. After join success, it will start to upload messages to TTN and you can see the messages in the panel.2.4 Uplink PayloadLDDS04 will uplink payload via LoRaWAN with below payload format:Uplink payload includes in total 11 bytes.2.4.1 Battery InfoCheck the battery voltage for LDDS45.Ex1: 0x0B45 = 2885mVEx2: 0x0B49 = 2889mV2.4.2 Interrupt PinThis data field shows if this packet is generated by interrupt or not. Click here for the hardware and software set up. Note: The Internet Pin is a separate pin in the screw terminal. See pin mapping.Example:(0x0D4A & 0x8000) >>15 = 0: Normal uplink packet.(0x8D41 & 0x8000) >>15 = 1: Interrupt Uplink Packet.2.4.3 DistanceThe measuring distance of the four distance measuring modules, the default unit is cm.Example:Uplink Payload: 0D 4A 03 16 03 18 03 1A 03 15 01Data analysis:Distance of UT sensor1 : 0316(H) = 790 (D)/10 = 79cm.Distance of UT sensor2 : 0318(H) = 792 (D)/10 = 79.2cm.Distance of UT sensor3 : 031A(H) = 794 (D)/10 = 79.4cm.Distance of UT sensor4 : 0315(H) = 789 (D)/10 = 78.9cm.2.4.4 Message TypeFor a normal uplink payload, the message type is always 0x01.Valid Message Type:2.4.5 Decode payload in The Things NetworkWhile using TTN network, you can add the payload format to decode the payload.The payload decoder function for TTN is here:LDDS04 TTN Payload Decoder: ttps:///dragino/dragino-end-node-decoderfunction Decoder(bytes, port) {var decode = {};var value=(bytes[0]<<8 | bytes[1]) & 0x3FFF;decode.BatV= value/1000;decode.EXTI_Trigger=(bytes[0] & 0x80)? "TRUE":"FALSE";decode.distance1_cm=(bytes[2]<<8 | bytes[3])/10;decode.distance2_cm=(bytes[4]<<8 | bytes[5])/10;decode.distance3_cm=(bytes[6]<<8 | bytes[7])/10decode.distance4_cm=(bytes[8]<<8 | bytes[9])/10;decode.mes_type= bytes[10];if(!((bytes[0]==0x03)&&(bytes[10]==0x02))){return decode;}}2.5 Uplink IntervalThe LDDS04 by default uplink the sensor data every 20 minutes. User can change this interval by AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink Command. See this link: Change Uplink Interval2.6 Show Data in DataCake IoT ServerDATACAKE provides a human friendly interface to show the sensor data, once we have data in TTN, we can use DATACAKE to connect to TTN and see the data in DATACAKE. Below are the steps:Step 1: Be sure that your device is programmed and properly connected to the network at this time. Step 2: To configure the Application to forward data to DATACAKE you will need to add integration. To add the DATACAKE integration, perform the following steps:Step 3: Create an account or log in Datacake. Step 4: Create LDDS04 product.Step 5: add payload decodeAfter added, the sensor data arrive TTN, it will also arrive and show in Datacake.2.7 Frequency PlansThe LDDS04 uses OTAA mode and below frequency plans by default. If user want to use it with different frequency plan, please refer the AT command sets.2.7.1 EU863-870 (EU868)Uplink:868.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125868.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125 and SF7BW250868.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125867.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125867.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125867.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125867.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125867.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125868.8 - FSKDownlink:Uplink channels 1-9 (RX1)869.525 - SF9BW125 (RX2 downlink only)2.7.2 US902-928(US915)Used in USA, Canada, and South America. Frequency band as per definition in LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Regional document.To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:•Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band•Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn't include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Acceptmessage ( TTN v2 doesn't include)2.7.3 CN470-510 (CN470)Used in China, Default use CHE=1Uplink:486.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125486.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125486.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125486.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125487.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125487.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125487.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125487.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125Downlink:506.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125506.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125507.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125507.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125507.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125507.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125507.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125508.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125505.3 - SF12BW125 (RX2 downlink only)2.7.4 AU915-928(AU915)Frequency band as per definition in LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Regional document.To make sure the end node supports all sub band by default. In the OTAA Join process, the end node will use frequency 1 from sub-band1, then frequency 1 from sub-band2, then frequency 1 from sub-band3, etc to process the OTAA join.After Join success, the end node will switch to the correct sub band by:•Check what sub-band the LoRaWAN server ask from the OTAA Join Accept message and switch to that sub-band•Use the Join successful sub-band if the server doesn't include sub-band info in the OTAA Join Acceptmessage ( TTN v2 doesn't include)2.7.5 AS920-923 & AS923-925 (AS923)Default Uplink channel:923.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125923.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125Additional Uplink Channel:(OTAA mode, channel added by JoinAccept message)AS920~AS923 for Japan, Malaysia, Singapore:922.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125922.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125922.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125922.8 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125923.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125922.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125AS923 ~ AS925 for Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam: 923.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125923.8 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125924.0 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125924.2 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125924.4 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125924.6 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125Downlink:Uplink channels 1-8 (RX1)923.2 - SF10BW125 (RX2)2.7.6 KR920-923 (KR920)Default channel:922.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125Uplink: (OTAA mode, channel added by JoinAccept message)922.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.5 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.7 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125922.9 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125923.1 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125923.3 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125Downlink:Uplink channels 1-7(RX1)921.9 - SF12BW125 (RX2 downlink only; SF12BW125 might be changed to SF9BW125)2.7.7 IN865-867 (IN865)Uplink:865.0625 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125865.4025 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125865.9850 - SF7BW125 to SF12BW125Downlink:Uplink channels 1-3 (RX1)866.550 - SF10BW125 (RX2)2.8 LED IndicatorThe LDDS04 has an internal LED which is used to show the status of different state.•After LDDS04 is turned on, if the 4 channels converter is detected, the LED will flash 4 times quickly. •Blink once when device transmit a packet.•Solid ON for Five Seconds when OTAA Join Successfully.2.9 Firmware Change LogFirmware download link: https:///sh/q25x7twbj031usi/AAAkI5LmJYIqdnDkYvHjiLyba?dl=0 Firmware Upgrade Method: Firmware Upgrade Instruction3. Configure LDDS04 via AT Command or LoRaWAN DownlinkUse can configure LDDS04 via AT Command or LoRaWAN Downlink.•AT Command Connection: See FAQ.•LoRaWAN Downlink instruction for different platforms: IoT LoRaWAN ServerThere are two kinds of commands to configure LDDS04, they are:• General Commands.These commands are to configure:•General system settings like: uplink interval.•LoRaWAN protocol & radio related command.They are same for all Dragino Device which support DLWS-005 LoRaWAN Stack. These commands can be found on the wiki: End Device AT Commands and Downlink Command• Commands special design for LDDS04These commands only valid for LDDS04, as below:3.1 Set Transmit Interval TimeFeature: Change LoRaWAN End Node Transmit Interval.AT Command: AT+TDCDownlink Command: 0x01Format: Command Code (0x01) followed by 3 bytes time value.If the downlink payload=0100003C, it means set the END Node's Transmit Interval to 0x00003C=60(S), while type code is 01.•Example 1: Downlink Payload: 0100001E // Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 30 seconds •Example 2: Downlink Payload: 0100003C // Set Transmit Interval (TDC) = 60 seconds3.2 Set Interrupt ModeFeature, Set Interrupt mode for GPIO_EXIT.Downlink Command: AT+INTMODDownlink Command: 0x06Format: Command Code (0x06) followed by 3 bytes.This means that the interrupt mode of the end node is set to 0x000003=3 (rising edge trigger), and the type code is 06.•Example 1: Downlink Payload: 06000000 // Turn off interrupt mode•Example 2: Downlink Payload: 06000003 // Set the interrupt mode to rising edge t rigger3.3 Get Firmware Version InfoFeature: use downlink to get firmware version.Downlink Command: 0x26•Reply to the confirmation package: 26 01•Reply to non-confirmed packet: 26 00Device will send an uplink after got this downlink command. With below payload:Configures info payload:Software Type: Always 0x03 for LDDS04Frequency Band:*0x01: EU868*0x02: US915*0x03: IN865*0x04: AU915*0x05: KZ865*0x06: RU864*0x07: AS923*0x08: AS923-1*0x09: AS923-2*0xa0: AS923-3Sub-Band: value 0x00 ~ 0x08Firmware Version: 0x0100, Means: v1.0.0 versionSensor Type:0x01: LSE010x02: LDDS750x03: LDDS200x04: LLMS010x05: LSPH010x06: LSNPK010x07: LLDS124. Battery & Power ConsumptionLDDS04 uses ER26500 + SPC1520 battery pack. See below link for detail information about the battery info and how to replace.Battery Info & Power Consumption Analyze .5. Use AT Command5.1 Access AT CommandsLDDS04 supports AT Command set in the stock firmware. You can use a USB to TTL adapter to connect to LDDS04 for using AT command, as below.Connection:USB TTL GND <----> GNDUSB TTL TXD <----> UART_RXDUSB TTL RXD <----> UART_TXDIn the PC, you need to set the serial baud rate to 9600 to access the serial console for LDDS04. LDDS04 will output system info once power on as below:Valid AT Command please check Configure Device.6. FAQ6.1 How to change the LoRa Frequency Bands/RegionYou can follow the instructions for how to upgrade image.When downloading the images, choose the required image file for download.7. Trouble Shooting7.1 AT Command input doesn't workIn the case if user can see the console output but can't type input to the device. Please check if you already include the ENTER while sending out the command. Some serial tool doesn't send ENTER while press the send key, user need to add ENTER in their string.8. Order Info8.1 Main Device LDDS04Part Number :LDDS04-XXXX: The default frequency band•AS923 : LoRaWAN AS923 band•AU915 : LoRaWAN AU915 band•EU433 : LoRaWAN EU433 band•EU868 : LoRaWAN EU868 band•KR920 : LoRaWAN KR920 band•US915 : LoRaWAN US915 band•IN865 : LoRaWAN IN865 band•CN470 : LoRaWAN CN470 band8.2 Probe ModelDetail See Probe Option Section•A01A-15•A02-15•A13-15•A16-159. Packing InfoPackage Includes:•LDDS04 LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Sensor x 1Dimension and weight:•Device Size: cm•Device Weight: g•Package Size / pcs : cm•Weight / pcs : g10. Support•Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to different timezones we cannot offer live support. However, your questions will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.•Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product models, accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc) and send a mail to *******************.。

AUR°EL S.p.A. XTR-8LR-DEC LoRa 无线通信设备用户手册说明书

AUR°EL S.p.A. XTR-8LR-DEC LoRa 无线通信设备用户手册说明书

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------XTR-8LR-DEC is a transceiver based on LoRa TM modulation able to guarantee ultra long range communication, high interference immunity , very high sensitivity and very low current pared to standard modulation techniques, “LoRa ™”improves up to 20 dB the receiver sensitivity,allowing long distances by using low power transmission and very low consumption, inexpensive power supply circuits and reduced dimensions.The receiver XTR-8LR-DEC, to be paired with Aurel transmitter XTR-8LR-DEC or with Aurel keyfob XTR-8LR-4ZN, allows to activate remote loads.I t’s ideal when it has to activate and control loads at very long distance like,for example,in irrigation or alarms systems applications.The module has 4 open collector outputs and two inputs for setting monostable or bistable output mode.The device manages a cyclic wake up from power down mode and subsequent reception to obtain an average current consumption < 1mA useful for battery power supply application.XTR-8LR-ENC sends an acknowledgment packet (ACK) to the paired transmitter (XTR-8LR-ENC or XTR-8LR-4ZN) with a secure encrypted RF communication.Main Features Applications ▪Encrypted data transmission▪Reduce dimensions ( 38.3x15.4x3.8 mm )▪UART data rate: 115200 bps ▪ERP: max 20 mW ▪Sensitivity -126dBm ▪Power supply 3,0V▪Standard distance: 8000 m▪Agricolture▪Irrigation Control▪Monitoring of photovoltaic plants ▪Industrial controls ▪SCADA ▪Tele-alarms▪Monitoring of instruments---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Absolute maximum ratingsOperating Temperature -20︒C ÷+70︒C Storage Temperature -40︒C ÷+100︒C Supply Voltage +3,6VInput Voltage -1.0÷Vcc + 0.3V Output Voltage-1.0÷Vcc + 0.3VTechnical characteristicsMin.Typ.Max.Unit DC levelsSupply Voltage pin 5,142.13 3.6V Current consumption (Rx and power down cycle)0.81mA Current consumption (Rx continuous)(Note 6)16mA Current consumption (Tx continuous)(Note 6)45mA High level voltage in input/output 0.7xVcc Vcc V Low level voltage in input/output 00.3xVcc V Open collector outputV CE (Collector emitter voltage)45V Ic (DC collector current)500mA RF TX Frequency 868,30MHz RF power 1314dBm ModulationLORA ™Channel bandwidth -3dB125kHz RF spurious emissions < 1GHz -36dBm RF spurious emissions > 1GHz-30dBm RF power in adjacent channel in TX (Note 2)50nW Pin 1ESD contact protection (61000-4-2)8kV RF RXRX sensitivity @ 125kHz , SF 8-126dBm Adjacent channel selectivity (Note3)50dB Adjacent channel saturation (Note4)≥87dB Blocking test at ±2MHz (Note 5)8590dB Blocking test at ±10MHz (Note 5)8594dB PerformanceUART baud rate (Note 1)115200bps Bandwidth125kHz Spreading Factor 8SF Coding Rate 4/5Outdoor range 8kmRF channels1Note l: UART data is meant 8,n,1Note2: Test carried out according to method described in ETSI EN 300 220-1 V2.4.1 paragraph 7.6Note3: Test carried out according to method described in ETSI EN 300 220-1 V2.4.1 paragraph 8.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note4: Test carried out according to method described in ETSI EN 300 220-1 V2.4.1 paragraph 8.3.4Note5: Test carried out according to method described in ETSI EN 300 220-1 V2.4.1 paragraph 8.4Nota 6:Test carried out with 50 ohm load on pin 1 (antenna).Pin descriptionPIN-OUTFigure 1:Pin-out and mechanical drawingPin NameDescription1ANTENNA Antenna connection,50 ohm impedance.2GND Ground connection.3Not present.4GND Ground connection.5VDD Connection to a regulated supply voltage 3V-100mA.6OUT 1Open Collector output.See figure 2.7OUT 2Open Collector output.See figure 2.8OUT 3Open Collector output.See figure 2.9OUT 4Open Collector output.See figure 2.10SET 1Outputs mode selection.11SET 2Outputs mode selection.12BATT LOW Low battery output -Output active high.13GND Ground connection.14VDDConnection to a regulated supply voltage 3V-100mA.15UART TXTx data of received encoder (115200 bps)Table 1:pin description1)ANTENNA 2) GND 3)Not present 4)GND 5)VDD 6)OUT 17)OUT 28)OUT 39)OUT 410) SET 111) SET 212) BATT LOW 13) GND 14) VDD15) UART TX38.315.4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Figure 2:Open collector OUT 1, OUT 2, OUT 3 e OUT 4electrical schemeOperation of the deviceXTR-8LR-DEC, in order to cut down the average current consumption < 1mA, automatically manages a switching-on and then off cycling with dedicated duty cycle.When the device is in reception mode it verifies if a valid transmission is running and, in positive case, it remains in continuous reception for the time necessary for the decoding.The module remains active if some outputs are active in bistable mode.XTR-8LR-DEC always needs to be paired with one or more XTR-8LR-ENC or XTR-8LR-4ZN by means of learning procedure described below.For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:"Encoder":this term refers to both XTR-8LR-ENC and XTR-8LR-4ZN."Input activated": this term refers to XTR-8LR-ENC IN1-4 forced low and to XTR-8LR-4ZN button pressed.The decoder can learn up 48 encoder.When a valid data packet has been transmitted from a paired encoder, with a counter (see encoder user manual)greater than the last received (with a maximum window of 512), the related output becomes active on the decoder and the LED on board of the module shows it with a blink.The outputs are monostable as default setting meaning that they remain active until the input of the encoder is active.If the battery level of the encoder is under the threshold ( < 2.4V ),the BATT LOW line goes active for the time of RF transmission.XTR-8LR-DEC sends the ACK packet to the encoder with different timing in relation to the operative mode enabled on the encoder.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If "without retry mode" is enabled on the encoder (this mode is always active on XTR-8LR-4ZN and it is active on XTR-8LR-ENC if pin 18 RETRY EN is low), it sends packets until at least one input is active therefore XTR-8LR-DEC sends the ACK packet only when all inputs of the encoder are released.If "with retry mode" is active on the encoder (this mode is not available for the XTR-8LR-4ZN and it is active on XTR-8LR-ENC if pin 18 RETRY EN is high), it sends only one packet (even if inputs remain active) therefore XTR-8LR-DEC sends the ACK packet immediately after the reception of a valid packet from the encoder.Automatic learning procedurePushing and releasing the LEARN button located on the module, it enters into learning procedure.LED blinks quickly for 10 seconds: during this time, every activation of a input on an encoder will be learned from the decoder. The positive learning of the encoder will be indicated from a switching on of the LED for 1 second. If a same encoder will be learned LED will switching on for 0,5 second.With the automatic learning procedure all inputs available on the encoder have been associated to the outputs (monostable) of the decoder.For the learning of a new encoder,repeat this procedure.If no encoders will be recognized in the 10 seconds learning time, the module will leave the learning procedure.Manual learning procedurePushing and releasing the LEARN button located on the module, it enters into learning procedure.LED blinks quickly for 10 seconds. Push again LEARN button in this time: LED will switch on permanently. Push again LEARN button for the selection of OUT1 output ( LED will blink one time for confirmation ), push again the LEARN button for the selection of OUT2 ( LED will blink twice ) and so on,up to the desired output.Once it has been identified the desired output,activate the input of the encoder to match, then LED will blinks a number of time correspondent to the number of the output.The output, after this learning, is monostable.Repeat the same procedure for the learning of a new encoder or a new input of the same encoder.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monostable or bistable settingIn order to select the OUT1-4 outputs modes, set the SET1-2 inputs following the chart below:SET 1SET 2OUT1OUT2OUT3OUT4HIGH HIGH MONO MONO MONO MONO HIGH LOW MONOMONOBI BI LOW HIGH MONO 1/2 sec MONO 1/2 sec BI BI LOWLOWBIBIBIBIMONO = monostable output:output is active until the input on the encoder is active.BI = bistable output:each activation of the input on the encoder changes the output status.MONO 1/ 2 Sec = monostable output:output is active per1/2 second from when input has been released on the encoder side.The output setting is detect only at the power on therefore for any changes of the setting it is necessary to switch off the decoder, modify SET1 and SET2 and power on again the device.NOTES on MONOSTABLE OUTPUT:∙if only one input is active on the encoder, the related output on the decoder is active until the input is active on encoder side;∙if two or more inputs are active on the encoder, it transmits packets with the information of the inputs status but the decoder disables all outputs.NOTES on BISTABLE OUTPUT:∙the output state changes when the decoder receives a packet from the encoder with the information of input active and a counter greater than the last received. Therefore, in case of input active for a long time on the encoder, the output will have only a status change because,as described in encoder user manual,the counter isn't increased. The output changes status if the input on the encoder is disabled and a new activation is done;∙if two or more inputs are active on the encoder, it sends this information and the related output status changes. For example, if IN1 is active then OUT1 will be active on the decoder. If now IN2 is activated,maintaining IN1 active, the encoder sends the information of IN1and IN2 active and it increases the counter value. Therefore the decoder disables OUT1 and enables OUT2.Memory erasing procedurePushing and releasing the LEARN button located on the module, it enters into learning procedure.LED blinks quickly for 10 seconds: during this time push again the button for around 5 seconds, when LED stops to blink, afterwards release the button and check the 5 blinks of LED to show the occurred memory erasing.After device reset no encoder will be recognized and all outputs will be set according to the selected mode with SET1 and SET2 lines.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UART dataFor each RF packet correctly received and decoded, LED on the decoder module will blink once and on UART TX line ( pin 15 ) will be transmitted data, related to the encoder received,as showed below:LSBMSBSerial Synchronization counterID Low (8 bit)ID Mid Low (8 bit)ID Mid High (8 bit)ID Hi (bits 7-4)+Button Key (bits 3-0)Voltage Level (bits 1-0)Counter frame (bits 2-3)Synchr Low (8 bit)Synchr Mid (8 bit)Synchr High(8 bit)Serial :is the 28 bits serial unique identifier of the encoder.Button Key :IN1-4 lines status of the encoder or buttons status in case of keyfob:Input encoder Keyfob Button Key (bit 3-0)IN1 low Button 11110IN2 low Button 21101IN3 low Button 31011IN4 lowButton 40111Voltage Level :: is the battery level indication (2 bit):Voltage Level (bit 1-0)Battery level (Volt)00Voltage <= 2.301 2.3 < Voltage <= 2.710 2.7 < Voltage <= 3.011Voltage > 3.0Counter frame:is a 2 bits counter of the transmitted frames.Synchronization counter :is the 24bits encoder counter, it is increased when there is a change in the input status of the encoder (see encoder user manual).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEVICE USAGEIn order to obtain the performances described in the technical specifications and to comply with the operating conditions which characterize the certification, the transceiver should be mounted on a printed circuit taking into account the following:Power Supply:1. XTR-8LR-DEC must be supplied from very low voltage safety source protected against the short circuits.maximum voltage variations allowed:2.1 ÷3.6 V. However it is preferable to maintain a stable voltage to a predetermined value in the range of voltage as specified above, using a "fast transient response"voltage regulator.2. Decoupling, close to the transceiver, with a ceramic capacitor of minimum 100nF.3. Connect electrolytic capacitor 100uF, low ESR, close to pins 5,14 (VDD).Input pin interface:Put 100pF capacitors close to the corresponding input pins, connected between them and the ground plane.Ground:The ground must surround at the best the welding area of the module and must also be realized in the lower face of the PCB in order to obtain the optimal result, with the through holes connecting the two ground planes.Antenna:Connect pin 1(antenna) to the coaxial connector or antenna, with 50 ohm constant impedance microstrip;width 3.2 mm for PCB with thickness 1.6 mm and width 1.6 mm for PCB with thickness 1mm.The antenna is a typical rigid copper wire (insulated or not) of 8cm length and cross-section at least of 0.5mm²placed vertically to the ground plane.Other placements of antenna (bend, coil) will work but performance are not predictable.As an alternative to connect the module to an external antenna, connect an SMA connector into PCB using 50 ohm microstrip.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------User manualLe caratteristiche tecniche possono subire variazi oni senza preavviso. AUR°EL S.p.A. non si assume la responsabilità di danni causati dall’uso improprio del dispositivo.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reference RulesXTR-8LR-DEC transceiver is compliant with the european set of rules EN 300 220-2, and EN 301 489-3.The transceiver must be supplied by a very low voltage safety source protected against short circuits.The usage of the module is foreseen inside enclosures that guarantee the EN 61000-4-2normative not directly applicable to the module itself.This device is compliant with EN 62479connected to the electromagnetic field human exposition if used with temporal duty cycle not higher than 1% like foreseen in CEPT 70-03 recommendation.CEPT 70-03 RecommendationXTR-8LR-DEC recommendation is referred to the 868.0-868.6 MHz harmonized bandwidth and therefore,in order to comply with local regulations,the device must be used on the time scale with maximum duty-cycle time of 1%(equivalent to 36 seconds of usage on 60 minutes).Revision:Release date Revision usermanualFirmwareversion Changes from the previous revision 28/11/2016 1.00403Preliminary 16/02/2017 2.00405First release。



7 查看数据
探测器支持两种应用通信协议,MQTT 协议和 ModbusRTU 协议。 7.1 使用 MQTT 协议 客户端的使用方法如下。
Date Page 7 of 11
如果客户端不能运行,则根据使用电脑系统,64 位操作系统安装 jdk-7u4windows-x64.exe,32 位操作系统安装 jdk-7u79-windows-x32.exe。安装 jdk 完成 后再双击运行客户端。 打开客户端界面如下
双击 connection1,进行配置连接到服务器。探测器默认的连接 IP 和端口为 tcp://,探测器在默认参数的情况下,可以通过客户端查看 探测器数据。
3 运输存储
1.包装好的无线压力变送器可采用常规运输工具运输,运输过程中防止人为撞坏和冲击 2. 无线压力变送器贮存环境温度为 0℃~50℃,相对湿度≤85%RH 的通风室内,室内空气 中不应含有腐蚀性气体。
4 安装 SIM 卡及上电
4.1 安装 SIM 卡 如图箭头所示,指甲扣住 SIM 卡槽中间缺口处往开方向,SIM 卡槽打开,往上 揭开 SIM 卡槽,放置 SIM 卡盒上 SIM 卡槽,往关的方向扣紧卡槽,安装 SIM 卡(大 卡)。
如果是外部供电,电源接到绿色端子的 VCC 和 GND。绿色端子接线说明如下
GND:电源负极 VCC:电源正极 485-B:RS485 通信线 B485-A:RS485 通信线 A+

拉瑞尔电子(Laurel Electronics)的以太网和4-20ma输出传感器转换器说明书

拉瑞尔电子(Laurel Electronics)的以太网和4-20ma输出传感器转换器说明书

LAUREL ELECTRONICS, INC.Ethernet & 4-20 mA Output Transmitter for Ratio, Product, Sum or Difference of 2 Rates or TotalsFeatures•Ethernet Serial Data I/O, Modbus TCP or Laurel ASCII protocol•4-20 mA or 0-10V transmitter output, 16 bits, jumper selectable, isolated•Dual 120 mA solid state relays for alarm or control, isolated•5V, 10V or 24V dc transducer excitation output, isolated•Two independently field-scalable pulse input channels A and B•Arithmetic functions A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B, A/B-1 (draw) applicable to rate or total•Frequencies from 0.005 Hz to 1 MHz•Inputs from NPN or PNP proximity switches, contact closures, digital logic,magnetic pickups down to 12 mV, or AC inputs up to 250 Vac•Analog output resolution 0.0015% of span (16 bits), accuracy ±0.02% of span•Universal 85-264 Vac / 90-300 Vdc or 10-48 Vdc / 12-32 Vac power•Power over Ethernet (PoE) jumper selectable with 10-48 Vdc supply DescriptionThe Laureate dual pulse input transmitter accepts two inde-pendently scalable input channels A & B from a wide range of pulse sources, such as NPN or PNP proximity switches, contact closures, digital logic, magnetic pickups down to 12 mV, or AC voltages to 250 Vac. Input frequencies can range from 0.005 Hz to 1 MHz.Arithmetic functions A+B, A-B, AxB, A/B or A/B-1 are made available by the Extended counter main board and can track the sum, difference, product, ratio, or draw of both input channels. These functions can be applied to scaled rates, scaled totals, square root of rates, totals after square root extraction, custom curve linearized rates, or totals after custom curve linearization. •Sum A+B can be used to add two flows for total flow, or to add the number of parts carried by two conveyor belts.•Difference A-B can be used to subtract outflow from inflow for net flow, or to subtract reject parts from total parts. •Product AxB can be used to multiply two rates, for example to compute horsepower by multiplying torque by RPM. •Ratio A/B can be used to compare flow rates in two channels, the RPM of rollers or gears, or the speed of moving machinery such as conveyor belts. Ratio can also be applied to scaled totals to compare two batches to be mixed. In this application, one transmitter is used to monitor the ratio of flow rates, and a second transmitter to monitor the resulting batch totals.•Draw A/B-1 is obtained by subtracting 1 from ratio. Draw is used to measure the elongation of material as it passesbetween rollers, or to monitor variation in the speed of rollers for tensioning.Exceptional Accuracy and Stability. Laureate pulse input frequency and rate transmitters determine frequency by taking the inverse of period as measured with a calibrated quartz crystal time base. Extremely accurate 6-digit internal readings (±999,999 counts) are processed in software. The update rate of the transmitter output is a programmed gate time + 30 ms + 0-2 signal periods. For pulse rates of 60 Hz and above, the update rate would be 20 per second. Such fast update rates are ideal for alarm and control.Standard features of Laureate LTE transmitters include:•Ethernet I/O, isolated. Supported protocols are ModbusRTU and ASCII (tunneled via Modbus TCP) and Laurel ASCII.The latter is simpler than the Modbus protocol and is recom-mended when all devices are Laureates. Note that RS232 or RS485 data I/O in lieu of Ethernet is provided by our LT Series transmitters.•4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-10V analog transmitter output, isolated, jumper-selectable and user scalable. All selections provide 16-bit (0.0015%) resolution of output span and 0.02% output accuracy of a reading from -99,999 to +99,999 counts that is also transmitted digitally. Output isolation from signal and power grounds eliminates potential ground loop problems.The supply can drive 20 mA into a 500 ohm (or lower) load for 10V compliance, or 10V into a 5K ohm (or higher) load for2 mA compliance.•Dual solid state relays, isolated. Available for local alarm or control. Rated 120 mA at 130 Vac or 180 Vdc.•Transducer excitation output, isolated. User selectable 5V@100 mA, 10V@120 mA or 24V@50 mA. •Universal 85-264 Vac power. Low-voltage 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 Vac power is optional.Discovery and configuration of Laureate Ethernet Nodes is easily achieved with Laurel's Node Manager Software, and the discovered transmitters can then be programmed using Laurel's Instrument Setup Software. Both softwares run on a PC under MS Windows and can be downloaded at no charge.SpecificationsPulse InputSignal Types GroundingChannel A Frequency Channel B Frequency Minimum Signal Maximum Signal Noise FilterContact Debounce Time Base Accuracy Arithmetic Functions AC, pulses from NPN, PNP transistors, contact closures, magnetic pickups. Common ground for channels A & B0.005 Hz to 1 MHz0.005 Hz to 250 kHzNine ranges from (-12 to +12 mV) to (+1.25 to +2.1V)250 Vac1 MHz, 30 kHz, 250 Hz (selectable)0, 3, 50 ms (selectable)Quartz crystal calibrated to ±2 ppmA+B, A-B, AxB, A/B, A/B-1Analog Output (standard)Output Levels Compliance, 4-20 mA Compliance, 0-10V Output Resolution Output Accuracy Output Update Rate Output Isolation 4-20 mA and 0-10 Vdc (selectable)10V ( 0-500 ohm load )2 mA ( 5 kOhm load )16 bits (65,536 steps)0.02% of output spanProgrammed gate time + 30 ms + 0-2 signal periods 250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 minute testSerial Communications (standard)TypeData RatesOutput Isolation Serial Protocols Modbus Compliance Digital Addresses 10/100Base-T Ethernet per IEEE 802.3300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 baud250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testModbus TCP, Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCII Modbus over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002)247 for Modbus, 31 for Laurel ASCIIDual Relay Output (standard)Relay Type Load Rating Two solid state relays, SPST, normally open, Form A 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 VdcSensor Excitation Output (standard)Output Levels Output Isolation 5V@100 mA, 10V@120 mA, 24V@50 mA (jumper selectable) 50V from signal groundPower InputStandard Power Low Power Option Power Frequency Power Isolation Power Consumption 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacDC or 47-63 Hz250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min test 2W typical, 3W with max excitation outputMechanicalDimensions MountingElectrical Connections 129 x 104 x 22.5 mm case35 mm rail per DIN EN 50022 Plug-in screw-clamp connectorsEnvironmental Operating TemperatureStorage Temperature Relative Humidity Cooling Required0°C to 55°C -40°C to 85°C95% at 40°C, non-condensingMount transmitters with ventilation holes at top and bottom. Leave 6 mm (1/4") between transmitters, or force air with a fan.PinoutMechanicalApplication Examples of Frequency / Rate Meters & TransmittersControlling the Mixing Ratio of Two FluidsTransmitting and alarming the input flow rate ratio of two fluids (gas or liquid) allows these to be mixed in a predetermined ratio in continuous processes. The sensing element is normally a turbine flow meter, which outputs pulses at afrequency proportional to flow rate. The A/B ratio can also be transmitted for totalized rate (or delivered volume).Comparing Fluid Inflow & OutflowThe ratio of the inflow and outflow rates of a tank is a measure of the relative filling or emptying rate. The same transmitter can also be programmed to transmit the net inflow or outflow rate in flow units, or to transmit totalized inflow our outflow in volume units. Any of these parameters can be alarmed using the dual relay board and be transmitted as a 4-20 mA current loop and as serial data.Controlling Coating Thickness on a FilmIn this application, Channel A measures the rate at which a coating material is applied, as measured by a flow meter, while Channel B measures the speed of the film based on pulses from a proximity switch. Transmitting and alarming the A/B ratio assures that an even thickness of coating material is applied as the speed of the film is varies.Instrumenting a Pulsed Laser SystemThe dual-channel Laureate transmitter can measure the speed of conveyor lines by using the output of proximity switches which sense gear teeth or spokes of rotating drive wheels. Transmitting the speed ratio of two lines allows line speeds to be adjusted so that material arrives at work stations when needed.Measuring Draw for ElongationDraw (Ch A / Ch B - 1) can be used to indicate the elongation of films compressed between rollers, the shrinkage films, and the RPM difference of rollers whose speed is varied to main-tain tension. The high resolution of Laureate dual channel transmitters is ideal for comparison of rates that are close to each other.Ordering GuideCreate a model a model number in this format: LTE80FR, CBL04Transmitter Type LTE Laureate Ethernet & 4-20 mA TransmitterMain Board 8 Extended Main Board (required for arithmetic functions) Power 0 Isolated 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc 1 Isolated 12-32 Vac or 10-48 Vdc Input TypeFR Dual-Channel Frequency。




























三、变送器技术指标1、温度量程:-50℃~650℃(可订制)2、测量误差:±1.0℃3、过载温度:150% F.S4、上报周期:1分~12小时可设定5、小数位数:0~3位可设定6、信号传输:LoRa无线7、发射功率:≤100mW8、传输距离:10公里9、工作电源:3.6V锂电池10、电池寿命:≥3年(1分钟上传一次)11、过程接口:M20×1.5(或按要求订制)12、防爆等级:ExibⅡB T4Gb13、外壳防护:IP6814、工作环境温度:-40℃~70℃15、工作环境湿度:≤95%RH16、产品重量:1350g(净重)四、变送器外型结构五、变送器显示说明23 67891011121314451显示面板各部分说明如下:代号说明代号说明1超压报警指示灯,温度值超量程时闪烁8LoRa信号指示2调试接口9LoRa信号强度指示3按钮设置10LoRa信道指示4按钮111温度值5按钮212温度值单位6电池电量指示13温度满度指示7电池电压指示14组号与编号六、变送器安装方法1.确定工艺要求的温度测量范围与要安装的温度变送器一致。




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13、防爆等级:ExibⅡB T4Gb
3 6











