presentation tip英语演讲必备
5分钟英文presentation演讲稿 万能句子

5分钟英文presentation演讲稿万能句子当你准备进行一个5分钟的英文presentation时,以下是一些万能句子,可以用来引起注意、过渡段落、强调重点和总结:●开场白(Introduction):1."Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. Thank you for being here today."2."I'm honored to stand before you to talk about..."●引入主题(Introducing the Topic):1."Today, I want to discuss..."2."Let's delve into the topic of..."●重点强调(Highlighting Key Points):1."One key point to remember is..."2."It's important to emphasize that..."●举例说明(Providing Examples):1."For instance,..."2."Let me illustrate this with an example."●引用数据(Citing Statistics):1."According to recent research/data,..."2."The statistics show that..."●过渡段落(Transitioning):1."Now, let's move on to the next aspect,..."2."Having discussed [previous point], let's now turn our attention to..."●提出建议或观点(Offering Suggestions or Insights):1."It might be worthwhile to consider..."2."One possible solution could be..."●回答问题(Addressing Questions):1."Before I conclude, I'd like to address a common question..."2."If you're wondering about..., the answer is..."●总结(Concluding):1."To sum up,..."2."In conclusion,..."感谢观众(Expressing Gratitude):1."Thank you for your attention."2."I appreciate your time and attention."这些句子可以根据你的演讲内容进行调整和定制,确保你的presentation更具个性化和专业性。

presentation技巧【2】No,nos in public speaking演讲切忌Talking too rapidly;语速太快;Speaking in a monotone;声音单调;Using too high a vocal pitch;声音尖细;Talking and not saying much;“谈”得太多,说得太少;Presenting without enough emotion or passion;感情不充分;Talking down to the audience;对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态;Using too many "big" words;夸张的词语使用得太多;Using abstractions without giving concrete examples; 使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明;Using unfamiliar technical jargon;使用别人不熟悉的技术术语;Using slang or profanity;使用俚语或粗俗语;Disorganized and rambling performance;演讲无组织,散乱无序;Indirect communication i.e. beating around the bush;说话绕弯子,不切中主题;How to communicate with the audience怎样与听众交流A message worth communicating;要有值得交流的观点;Gain the listeners' atention: capture their interest and build their trust; 引起听众的注意:抓住他们的兴趣并赢得信任;Emphasize understanding;重视理解;Obtain their feedback;获得反馈;Watch your emotional tone;注意声调要有感情;Persuade the audience;说服听众;How to gain confidence怎样变得自信Smile and glance at the audience;微笑并看着观众;Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up;开始发言时要慢一点,身体保持昂首挺胸的姿态;Open your speech by saying something very frankly;开场白说一些真诚话;Wear your very best clothes;穿上自己最好的衣服;Say something positive to yourself;对自己说一些积极的话;Four objectives of the speech演讲的四个目标To offer information;提供信息;To entertain the audience;使听众感到乐趣;To touch emotions;动之以情;To move to action;使听众行动起来;How to organize the speech怎样组织演讲To have a structure: such as first, second, third; geographically, north, south, east, west; compare and contrasts; our side versus their side; negative and positive;要有一个结构:可以分一二三点;可以从地理上分东南西北;比较与对比;我方与他方;正面与反面;To label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics;将材料归类整理,如笑话、趣事、名人名言、有趣的数据;To use notecards;使用卡片;How to use cards怎样使用卡片Number your cards on the top right;在卡片的右上角标上数字;Write a complete sentence on both your first and last card;在第一张和最后一张上写上完整的句子;Write up to five key words on other cards;其他卡片上最多只能写五个关键词;Use color to mark the words you want to emphasize;用颜色来标记你想强调的词;Remind yourself at a particular sport to check the time.在某一处提醒自己查看时间。

MyPresentation(英文演讲稿)第一篇:My Presentation(英文演讲稿)My presentation is about PPT.I think making a good PPT is a difficult work for us.I hope my presentation can help you.What do you think is the most important thing in a PPT.Is it font, color, template, layout or animation? Admittedly, they are all very important, but I think the most important is logic.If you make PPT with orders, it will make it easier for people to understand your ideas.Before you start making a PPT, you should have to first grasp the whole idea and system.This section describes the logical step PPT idea.The first step: Scenario Analysis Before making PPT, you have to first consider the audience, theme, occasion, purpose and speech time of the PPT Step two: style established After understanding , make sure your PPT style.Are you going to make it official, Business, Professional, Easy, or Simple.Don’t have any ideas? You decide everything!The third step: Material collected The material collected here does not refer to the production process of the image material, But you can enrich the content of your PPT good content + good design creates a good PPT Step Four: structural organization Will you collect first-hand material for analysis integration,? Which can serve you to extract the material point of view? These materials are used in series with the main line, so that it can show a clear point of view, sort of storytelling in a logical order, Step five: a collection of audit Review your logic to integrate ideas and perspectives clarity, concise text based, and image visualization.Each page outlines the content and layout of PPT Short cut your logic mind into a keyword or a sentence then machining it including your beautiful word and idea, last, let youridea easy to understand.For example: Too many words make the audience to read the content on the PPT and ignore the speaker itself, we want to optimize the logic of this PPT.See, it is clean and it let you shocked第二篇:英文演讲稿英文演讲稿在三十岁之前我想做的三件事Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon/morning!I‟m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech;today my topic is “the important three things I want to fulfill before thirty”.Undoubtedly, all of us have their own plans to do something at the certain state of their age and we make sure the priorities should be done at the very important time of our life.That‟s right;now let me share you the very three things I desperately want to finish before thirty,Firstly, I want to be a fully qualified teacher and try my best to make a great progress in my teaching field, teaching my students to learn to behave and then learn to study, I consider that it‟s the very essence of a good teacher and it …s also the ideal of my occupation development.Second ,I hope that I can catch every chance to travel to more places to promote myself.It‟s said that travel can widen one‟s field of vision.Exactly, as far as I‟m concerned, travelling do a great help to us ,not only to relax ourselves but also to gain more cultural knowledge to enrich our life.Thirdly, to help the children from remote areas and hope that they can receive a better education, we know that the economic and education situation is not so good in the remote villages.Therefore, as a teacher, I really expect that my contribution to these remote areas can come in handy and then prove the level of our education.So much for my speech!Thank you for listening!第三篇:英文演讲稿格式最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!英语演讲稿格式: 从大的方面看,英语演讲词实际上是属于一种特殊的说明文或议论文,其基本组成部分是:1)开始时对听众的称呼语最常用的是 ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 fellow students, distinguished guests, mr chairman, honorable judges(评委)等等。

转帖一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
演讲技巧 presentation tips

Presentation Tips:Preparation, Slides & Handouts, Delivery Preparation1. Start with the end in mindBefore you even open up PowerPoint, sit down and really think about the day of your presentation. What is the real purpose of your talk? Why is it that you were ask to speak? What does the audience expect? In your opinion, what are the most important parts of your topic for the audience to take away from your, say, 50-minute presentation? Remember, even if you've been asked to share information, rarely is the mere transfer of information a satisfactory objective from the point of view of the audience. After all, the audience could always just read your book (or article, handout, etc.) if information transfer were the only purpose of the meeting, seminar, or formal presentation.2. Know your audience as well as possibleBefore you begin to formulate the content of your presentation, you need to ask yourself many basic questions with an eye to becoming the best possible presenter for that particular audience. At the very least, you need to answer the basic "W questions."Who is the audience? What are their backgrounds? How much background informationabout your topic can you assume they bring to the presentation?What is the purpose of the event? Is it to inspire? Are they looking for concrete practicalinformation? Do they want more concepts and theory rather than advice?Why were you asked to speak? What are their expectations of you?Where is it? Find out everything you can about the location and logistics of the venue.When is it? Do you have enough time to prepare? What time of the day? If there are otherpresenters, what is the order (always volunteer to go first or last, by the way). What day of theweek? All of this matters.3. Content, content, contentNo matter how great your delivery, or how professional and beautiful your supporting visuals, if your presentation is not based on solid content, you can not succeed. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that great content alone will carry the day. It almost never does. Great content is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient one. But your presentation preparation starts with solid content (appropriate for your audience) which you then build into a winning story that you'll use to connect with your audience.A word of caution: Though I am emphasizing how important content is, I also am begging you to spare your audience a "data dump." A data dump — all too common unfortunately — is when a presenter crams too much information into the talk without making the effort to make the information or data applicable to the members of the audience. A data dump also occurs when data and information do not seem to build on the information that came earlier in the presentation. Sometimes it almost seems that the presenter is either showing off, or more likely, is simply afraid that if he does not tell the "whole story" by giving reams of data, the audience will not understand his message.Do not fall into the trap of thinking that in order for your audience to understand anything, you must tell them everything. Which brings us to the idea of simplicity.4. Keep it simpleSimple does not mean stupid. Frankly, thinking that the notion of simplifying is stupid is just plain, well, "stupid." Simple can be hard for the presenter, but it will be appreciated by the audience. Simplicity takes more forethought and planning on your part because you have to think very hard about what to include and what can be left out. What is the essence of your message? This is the ultimate question you need to ask yourself during the preparation of your presentation. Here's a simple exercise:EXERCISE:If your audience could remember only three things about your presentation,what would you want it to be?(1)________________________________________________________________________(2)________________________________________________________________________(3)________________________________________________________________________5. Outlining your contentI suggest you start your planning in "analog mode." That is, rather than diving right into PowerPoint (or Keynote), the best presenters often scratch out their ideas and objectives with a pen and paper. Personally, I use a large whiteboard in my office to sketch out my ideas (when I was at Apple, I had one entire wall turned into a whiteboard!). The whiteboard works for me as I feel uninhibited and freer to be creative. I can also step back (literally) from what I have sketched out and imagine how it might flow logically when PowerPoint is added later. Also, as I write down key points and assemble an outline and structure, I can draw quick ideas for visuals such as charts or photos that will later appear in the PowerPoint. Though you may be using digital technology when you deliver your presentation, the act of speaking and connecting to an audience — to persuade, sell, or inform — is very much analog.Cliff Atkinson in his 2005 book, "Beyond Bullet Points," smartly states that starting to create your presentation in PowerPoint before you have your key points and logical flow first worked out (on paper or a white board in my case) is like a movie director hiring actors and starting to film before there is a script in hand.More on "planning analog"I usually use a legal pad and pen (or a whiteboard if there is enough space) to create a rough kind of storyboard.I find the analog approach stimulates my creativity a bit more as I said. No software to get in my way and I can easily see how the flow will go. I draw sample images that I can use to support a particular point, say, a pie chart here, a photo there, perhaps a line graph in this section and so on. You may be thinking that this is a waste of time: why not just go into PowerPoint and create your images there so you do not have to do it twice? Well, the fact is, if I tried to create a storyboard in PowerPoint, it would actually take longer as I would constantly have to go from normal view to slide sorter view to see the "whole picture." The analog approach (paper or whiteboard) to sketch out my ideas and create a rough storyboard really helps solidify and simplify my message in my own head. I then have a far easier time laying out those ideas in PowerPoint. I usually do not even have to look at the whiteboard or legal pad when I am in PowerPoint, because the analog process alone gave a clear visual image of how I want the content to flow. I glance at my notes to remind me of what visuals I thought of using at certain points and then go to or to my own extensive library of high-quality stock images to find the perfect image.6. Have a sound, clear structureTake a page out out the McKinsey presentation handbook: presentation structure is paramount. Without it, your wonderful style, delivery and great supporting visuals will fall flat. If you took the time in the first step to outline your ideas and set them up in a logical fashion, then your thinking should be very clear. You can visualize the logic of your content and the flow of the presentation. If your ideas are not clear first, it will be impossible todesign the proper structure later when you create visuals and/or supporting documents. Your audience needs to see where you are going. And it is not enough to simply have an "agenda" or "road map" slide in the beginning that illustrates the organization of your talk. If you do not actually have a solid road of logic and structure, then an outline slide will be of no use. In fact, the audience may become even more irritated since you made the promise of organization in the beginning, but then failed to deliver the promise with a presentation which is muddled and lacks focus.7. Dakara nani? (so what?)In Japanese I often say to myself, "dakara nani?" or "sore de...?" which translate roughly as "so what?!" or "your point being...?" I say this often while I am preparing my material. When building the content of your presentation always put yourself in the shoes of the audience and ask "so what?" Really ask yourself the tough questions throughout the planning process. For example, is your point relevant? It may be cool, but is it important or help your story in a very important way...or is it fluff? Surely you have been in an audience and wondered how what the presenter was talking about was relevant or supported his point. "So what?" you probably said to yourself. "So what?" — always be asking yourself this very important, simple question. If you can't really answer that question, then cut that bit of content out of your talk.8. Can you pass the "elevator test"?Check the clarity of your message with the elevator test. This exercise forces you to "sell" your message in 30-45 seconds. Imagine this is the situation: You have been scheduled to pitch a new idea to the head of product marketing at your company, one of the leading technology manufactures in the world. Both schedules and budgets are tight; this is an extremely important opportunity for you if you are to succeed at getting the OK from the executive team. When you arrive at the Admin desk outside the vice-president's office, suddenly she comes out with her coat and briefcase in hand and barks, "...sorry, something's come up, give me your pitch as we go down to the lobby..." Imagine such a scenario. Could you sell your idea in the elevator ride and a walk to the parking lot? Sure, the scenario is unlikely, but possible. What is very possible, however, is for you to be asked without notice to shorten your talk down, from, say, 20 minutes, to 10 minutes (or from a scheduled one hour to 30 minutes), could you do it? True, you may never have to, but practicing what you might do in such a case forces you to get your message down and make your overall content tighter and clearer.Author, Ron Hoff ("I Can See You Naked") reminds us that your presentation should be able to pass the David Belasco test while you're in the planning stages. David Belasco was a producer who insisted that the core idea for every successful play he produced could be written as a simple sentence on the back of a business card. Try it. Can you crystallize the essence of your presentation content and write it on the back of a business card? If the task is impossible for you, then you may want to think again and get your message down pat in your mind. This too is certainly something you do before you ever begin to open up PowerPoint (Keynote).9. The art of story tellingGood presentations include stories. The best presenters illustrate their points with the use of stories, most often personal ones. The easiest way to explain complicated ideas is through examples or by sharing a story that underscores the point. Stories are easy to remember for your audience. If you want your audience to remember your content, then find a way to make it relevant and memorable to them. You should try to come up with good, short, interesting stories or examples to support your major points.In addition, it is useful to think of your entire 30 minute presentation as an opportunity to "tell a story." Good stories have interesting, clear beginnings, provocative, engaging content in the middle, and a clear, logical conclusion. I have seen pretty good (though not great) presentations that had very average delivery and average graphics, but were relatively effective because the speaker told relevant stories in a clear, concise manner to support his points. Rambling streams of consciousness will not get it done; audiences need to hear (and see) your points illustrated.10. Confidence — How to get itThe more you are on top of your material the less nervous you will be. If you have taken the time to build the logical flow of your presentation, designed supporting materials that are professional and appropriate, there is much less to be nervous about. And, if you have then actually rehearsed with an actual computer and projector (assuming you are using slideware) several times, your nervousness will all but melt away. We fear what we do not know. If we know our material well and have rehearsed the flow, know what slide is next in the deck, and have anticipated questions, then we have eliminated much (but not all) of the unknown. When you remove the unknown and reduce anxiety and nervousness, then confidence is something that will naturally take the place of your anxiety.Slide and HandoutsPowerPoint uses slides with a horizontal or "Landscape" orientation. The software was designed as a convenient way to display graphical information that would support the speaker and supplement the presentation. The slides themselves were never meant to be the "star of the show" (the star, of course, is your audience). People came to hear you and be moved or informed (or both) by you and your message. Don't let your message and your ability to tell a story get derailed by slides that are unnecessarily complicated, busy, or full of what Edward Tufte calls "chart junk." Nothing in your slide should be superfluous, ever.Your slides should have plenty of "white space" or "negative space." Do not feel compelled to fill empty areas on your slide with your logo or other unnecessary graphics or text boxes that do not contribute to better understanding. The less clutter you have on your slide, the more powerful your visual message will become.Your presentation is for the benefit of the audience. But boring an audience with bullet point after bullet point is of little benefit to them. Which brings us to the issue of text. The best slides may have no text at all. This may sound insane given the dependency of text slides today, but the best PowerPoint slides will be virtually meaningless with out the narration (that is you). Remember, the slides are meant to support the narration of the speaker, not make the speaker superfluous.Many people often say something like this: "Sorry I missed your presentation. I hear it was great. Can you just send me your PowerPoint slides?" But if they are good slides, they will be of little use without you. Instead of a copy of your PowerPoint slides, it is far better to prepare a written document which highlights your content from the presentation and expands on that content. Audiences are much better served receiving a detailed, written handout as a takeaway from the presentation, rather than a mere copy of your PowerPoint slides. If you have a detailed handout or publication for the audience to be passed out after your talk, you need not feel compelled to fill your PowerPoint slides with a great deal of text.We’ll talk more about this in the delivery section below, but as long as we are talking about text, please remember to never, ever turn your back on the audience and read text from the slide word for word.This slide is not unusual, but it is nota visual aid, it is more like an "eye chart."Try to avoid text-heavy (and sleep inducing) slides like this one.Aim for something like this simple slide above.And this is even better...Use object builds and slide transitions judiciously. Object builds (also called animations), such as bullet points, should not be animated on every slide. Some animation is a good thing, but stick to the most subtle and professional (similar to what you might see on the evening TV news broadcast). A simple "Wipe Left-to-Right" (from the "Animations" menu) is good for a bullet point, but a "Move" or "Fly" for example is too tedious and slow (and yet, is used in many presentations today). Listeners will get bored very quickly if they are asked to endure slide after slide of animation. For transitions between slides, use no more than two-three different types of transition effects and do not place transition effects between all slides.Use high-quality graphics including photographs. You can take your own high-quality photographs with your digital camera, purchase professional stock photography, or use the plethora of high-quality images available on line (be cautious of copyright issues, however). Never simply stretch a small, low-resolution photo to make it fit your layout - doing so will degrade the resolution even further.Avoid using PowerPoint Clip Art or other cartoonish line art. Again, if it is included in the software, your audience has seen it a million times before. It may have been interesting in 1993, but today the inclusion of such clip art often undermines the professionalism of the presenter. There are exceptions, of course, and not all PowerPoint art is dreadful, but use carefully and judiciously.Try to avoid cheesy clip art like this.This edited stock photograph is moreeffective and professional.I often use images of people in my slides, as photography of people tends to help the audience connect with the slide on a more emotional level. If the photographic image is secondary in importance, then I decrease the opacity and add a Gaussian Blur or motion filter in Photoshop. If the photographic image is the primary area I want the audience to notice (such as a picture of a product), then the image can be more pronounced and little (or no) text is needed.In this title slide, the image is primary.In this slide of the same presentation, the image is secondary and "pushed" to the back by editing it first in Photoshop.You clearly need a consistent visual theme throughout your presentation, but most templates included in PowerPoint have been seen by your audience countless times (and besides, the templates are not all that great to begin with). Your audience expects a unique presentation with new (at least to them) content, otherwise why would they be attending your talk? No audience will be excited about a cookie-cutter presentation, and we must therefore shy away from any supporting visuals, such as the ubiquitous PowerPoint Design Template, that suggests your presentation is formulaic or prepackaged.You can make your own background templates which will be more tailored to your needs. You can then save the PowerPoint file as a Design Template (.pot) and the new template will appear among your standard Microsoft templates for your future use. You can also purchase professional templates on-line (for example:).Always be asking yourself, "How much detail do I need?" Presenters are usually guilty of including too much data in their on-screen charts. There are several ways to display your data in graphic form; here are a few things to keep in mind:Pie Charts. Used to show percentages. Limitthe slices to 4-6 and contrast the mostimportant slice either with color or by explodingthe slice.Vertical Bar ed to show changes inquantity over time. Best if you limit the bars to4-8.Horizontal Bar Charts. Used to comparequantities. For example, comparing salesfigures among the four regions of the company.Line ed to demonstrate trends. Forexample, here is a simple line chart showingthat our sales have gone up every year. Thetrend is good. The arrow comes in later tounderscore the point: Our future looks good!In general, tables are good for side-by-side comparisons of quantitative data. However, tables can lack impact on a visceral level. If you want to show how your contributions are significantly higher than two other parties, for example, it would be best to show that in the form of a bar chart (below, right). If you're trying to downplay the fact that your contributions are lower than others, however, a table will display that information in a less dramatic or emotional way.Color evokes feelings. Color is emotional. The right color can help persuade and motivate. Studies show that color usage can increase interest and improve learning comprehension and retention.You do not need to be an expert in color theory, but it's good for business professionals to know at least a bit on the subject. Colors can be divided into two general categories: Cool (such as blue and green) and Warm (such as orange and red). Cool colors work best for backgrounds as they appear to recede away from us into the background. Warm colors generally work best for objects in the foreground (such as text) because they appear to be coming at us. It is no surprise, then, that the most ubiquitous PowerPoint slide color scheme includes a blue background with yellow text. You do not need to feel compelled to use this color scheme, though you may choose to use a variation of those colors.If you will be presenting in a dark room (such as a large hall), then a dark background (dark blue, grey, etc.) with white or light text will work fine. But if you plan to keep most of the lights on (which is highly advisable) then a white background with black or dark text works much better. In rooms with a good deal of ambient light, a screen image with a dark background and light text tends to washout, but dark text on a light background will maintain its visual intensity a bit better.Learning to Use ColorAs we go through life, we learn that there are folks who are just natural at some things, while others of us have to work hard just to get by. For instance, some people can pick up a musical instrument in a few days, while it may take others a lifetime to learn. Some of us are barely able to speak English, while others can fluently speak several languages. And some of us are unable to do the Electric Slide without injuring those around them, while others can actually make it look like a line dance. The point is, while many things may seem unobtainable, they are things you can learn. We often think of a good eye for color as something innate rather than something learned. But in fact, given the proper tools, and possibly a few electrical shocks along the way, even a person who's colorblind can pick color schemes that are pleasing to the eye. So for all you colorblind readers out there, as well as those who quit Art 101 after learning there would be no nude models involved, we'd like to review how to select colors like a pro using the fundamentals of color.First let's deal with the basic terminology of color just to make sure we don't lose any of you along the way (we'd hate to have to come and pick you up later). We all know that primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. Then to get secondary colors, you add a primary color to another primary color. Yellow and red give you orange, red and blue give you purple, and blue and yellow give you green. But what then are tertiary colors? Why, simply a primary color added to one of the adjacent secondary colors. That means there are six tertiary colors (two colors for every primary color). Figure A shows a summary of these colors in all their basic splendor.Figure A: To pick the best color schemes, it's important to understand the three different types of colors.To fully understand the manner in which these colors relate, it's best to imagine these hues organized in a circle.This organization, shown in Figure B, is known in the design world as the color wheel. Sort of pretty, isn't it? But its real beauty is how it will help you pick colors to use in your Web site design.Figure B: Combining primary, secondary, and tertiary colors together, we get the color wheel. Choosing Colors Using the Color Wheel: The simplest approach to choosing colors using the color wheel is to simply imagine an equilateral triangle floating above the wheel. Each color at the vertices is a usable color. (For those of you who flunked math as well as art, the vertices are the places where the lines of the triangle meet.) This type of color selection is called a triad scheme. From our example in Figure C, you can see that we have four separate triad schemes that we can work with. The idea is that these hues work together to form a harmoniccombination of color.Figure C: There are four possible triads from the color wheel.But you certainly don't have to stop at triads. You could choose complementary colors, that is, hues that are directly across from each other on the color wheel--red and green for instance. These are called complementary colors because, when used together, they seem to make each other brighter and more vivid, as illustrated in Figure D.Figure D: Colors opposite from each other on the color wheel are said to be complementary. Variation on a Scheme: At this point we're ready to start mixing things up a bit, what with the triads and the complementary colors and all. For example, you could combine two complementary pairs together, called a double complement. Something like yellow and purple, blue and orange. Another iteration of glorious color wouldbe an alternate complement, where you combine a triad with the complement to one of the triadic hues. Green, reddish-purple, red, and orange for instance. You can also have a split complement that uses three colors, a hue and the two adjacent to its complement.Finally, in the combination category, you can have a tetrad, where you combine four colors that are directly across from each other. Here you would be using a primary, a secondary, and two tertiary colors. Figure E shows examples of each of these schemes.Figure E: Contrasting themes can liven up any Web site.All in the Family: Now that we've covered all the possible variations of contrasting colors, we need to take a look at the two types of schemes that use related colors--monochromatic and analogous. A monochromatic color set, as it sounds, uses a single hue but with varying tints and shades. Used correctly, this scheme can give a Web site a nice, clean look. An analogous color set, on the other hand, uses four contiguous colors along the wheel. Any four--you just spin the wheel. As you'll notice from the example shown in Figure F, the analogous scheme appears quite similar to a monochromatic scheme.Figure F: An analogous scheme looks almost monochromatic.Putting it all Together: Now that we've thoroughly inundated you with color choices, we need to give you a few final warnings. First and foremost, the color schemes we've highlighted may not work by themselves. You may still need to tweak the colors by varying the saturation and the value of each of the colors. The schemes that we illustrated are starting points, not ending points. Ultimately, the deciding factor will be the Web site's readability and the overall look and feel of the colors. To help you visualize how these colors will play off one another, design experts suggest you fire up any of the graphics applications that let you work in layers and compare the various themes to see which works best for your site. For example, as you can see in Figure G, some color combinations work without a bother while others require a little tweaking.Figure G: You can't expect every color combination to work for you.Conclusion: While the choice of color is one of the most subjective decisions in the world of design, it's still important to understand the theory behind why you should choose one set of colors over another. The theory may not let you instantly select a color scheme, but it will certainly lead you along the right path. Now, all you need to do is learn how to do the Electric Slide.Fonts communicate subtle messages in and of themselves, which is why you should choose fonts deliberately. Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation, and use no more than two complementary fonts (e.g., Arial and Arial Bold). Make sure you know the difference between a Serif font (e.g., Times New Roman) and a Sans-Serif font (Helvetica or Arial). Serif fonts were designed to be used in documents filled with lots of text. Serif fonts are said to be easier to read at small point sizes, but for on screen presentations the serifs tend to get lost due to the relatively low resolution of projectors. San-serif fonts are generally best for PowerPoint presentations, but try to avoid the ubiquitous Helvetica. I often choose to use Gill Sans as it is somewhere in between a serif and a sans-serif font and is professional yet friendly and "conversational." Regardless of what font you choose, make sure the text can be read from the back of the room.Times Arial Black and Arial。
Presentation - How to make a good first impression (英语演讲:如何留下良好的第一印象)

Tip 3: Perfect Smile
• A warm and confident smile will put both you and the other person at ease.
• You must look sincere and true while you are smiling.(Although it might be deceptive, just like what Neal Caffrey always did ☺ )
How to make a good impression
• First impression is always the most important thing when you meet a stranger.
• It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to understand you when you meet for the first time.
Tip 6: Effective Interaction
• Conversations should be short and sweet.
• Don't talk non-stop as this makes the othemething common between the two of you to talk so as to keep it flowing.
Tip 4:Take a good hard look at yourself
• Do you say "I" too often? • Are you usually focused on your own problems? • Do you complain frequently? • ...
怎样做好Presentation 成功英语演讲的万能模板

怎样做好Presentation?成功英语演讲的万能模板无论是职场人士还是在校学生,Presentation 都很重要。
Chapter I Beginners——第一章入门篇一、演讲开场白1、欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming2、欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.二、演讲的重点内容1、告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...2、告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...3、引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...4、告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.三、演讲结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you四、演讲中灵活应变1、演讲中如何应对问题?-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question2、受邀请在会议上致词如何回答?- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。

做presentation常用的英文句子1. Right, lets get started.2. Let me introduce myself.3. Just to give you a brief overview.4. Ill be saying more about this in a minute.5. Im sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.6. Ive divided my presentation into three main parts.7. Theres an important point to be made here.8. OK, lets move on. (go on to make your next point)9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.11. Id like to look at this in more detail.12. Are there any questions youd like to ask at this point?13. Lets put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)16. So, to sum up?17. That brings me to the end of my talk.18. Thank you. Im sure you all have lots of questions.。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英文PRESENTATION高手必备的常用表达英文 PRESENTATI ON 高手必备的常用表达,终于知道如何像乔布斯一样用灵魂和感情演讲了~转帖一成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题 -I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don’t hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please stop me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you’re welcome to ask questions at any time. -Can I come back to that point later? -I will be coming to that point in a minute. -That’s a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there’s no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that’s a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn’t mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for1 / 17just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I’d like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式 ) - I’m glad you could all get here... - I’m gla d to see so many people here. - It’s GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I’d like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It’s my pleasant duty today to... - I’ve been asked to... 告知演讲的话题 - the subject of my presentation is... - I shall be speaking today about... - My presentation concerns... - Today’s topic is... - Today we are here to give a presentation on... - Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I’d like you m eet my team members... - A brief look at today’s agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) - Before we start our presentation, let’s take a brief look at the agenda... - I shall be offering a brief analysis of... - the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ is... - Take a moment and think of... - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... 告诉听众发言的长度 - During the next ten minutes, I shall... - I shall be speaking for about ten minutes... - My presentation will last for about ten minutes... - I won’t take up more than ten minutes of your time... - I don’t intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... - I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief - I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I’d better make a start... 引起听众的兴趣 - I’m going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years... - At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long... - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing... - Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about... 告诉听众内容要点 - there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) - I am going3 / 17to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally) - I’ve divided my talk into five parts... - I will deal with these topics in chronological order... - I’m going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly). - I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context). - there are (a number of) factors that may affect... - We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations. - We all ought to be aware of the following points. 结束语 -In conclusion, I’d like to... -I’d like to finish by... -Finally... -By way of conclusion... -I hope I have made myself understood -I hope you have found this useful -I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -Let me end by saying... -That, then was all I had to say on... -That concludes our presentation... -I hope I’ve managed to give you a clearer picture of... -If there are any questions, I’d be delighted to... -Thank you for your attention... -Let’s break for a coffee at this point -I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you 转帖二做---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
presentation tips

1. Know the needs of your audience and match your contents to their needs.Know your material thoroughly. Put what you have to say in a logicalsequence. Ensure your speech will be captivating to your audience as well as worth their time and attention. Practice and rehearse your speech at home or where you can be at ease and comfortable, in front of a mirror, your family, friends or colleagues. Use a tape-recorder and listen toyourself. Videotape your presentation and analyze it. Know what yourstrong and weak points are. Emphasize your strong points during yourpresentation.充分了解听众需求,根据他们的需求准备相匹配的内容。
2. When you are presenting in front of an audience, you are performing as anactor on stage. How you are being perceived is very important. Dressappropriately for the occasion. Be solemn if your topic is serious. Present the desired image to your audience. Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not arrogant. Remain calm. Appear relaxed, even if you feelnervous. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly, and show appropriate emotion and feeling relating to your topic. Establish rapport with your audience.Speak to the person farthest away from you to ensure your voice is loud enough to project to the back of the room. Vary the tone of your voice and dramatize if necessary. If a microphone is available, adjust and adapt your voice accordingly.当你在观众面前展示的时候,你其实是作为一个演员在舞台上进行表演的。

经典的英语presentation用语成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... - I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is... - Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear aboutsomething that will change the way your companies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html 转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
Presentation Tips

Your Audience First Time The EchoWhen you give the same presentation over and over, it’s easy to speak too quickly for your audience, and not explain key concepts. After all, you know your material cold. Here’s an important warning: while you’ve given this presentation dozens of times, your audience is hearing it for the first time. Keep your presentation fresh by slowing down, making a note of jargon or acronyms that will require explanation, and offer plenty of opportunities for questions. It’s all about the audience’s understanding, not yours.Presentation Tips - Build in Questions as You GoThe EchoSome presenters like to ask the audience to hold all questions until the end of their presentation. A better idea is to build short "Q and A" opportunities into presentations as you go. The advantages are: You appear more confident.The audience is not so distracted by the question they want to ask that they're unable to hear the rest of your presentation.On a Web meeting or teleconference, it will keep people engaged and less likely to get lost in their e- mail.Don't worry about the audience getting ahead of you; you have the right to say you'll get to that point next and use that as your cue to move on.Presentation Tips - Rephrasing QuestionsThe EchoOne of the most powerful tools a speaker can use during question and answer sessions is to rephrase a question using neutral language to focus on the real issue behind the question.If a questioner asks, "Why fix what isn't broken?" a good way to rephrase the question is, "So why are we making this change?"You don't want to repeat negative or opinionated language (the assumption that it isn't broken) or get into an argument with the questioner. Restating the question gives you a chance to phrase the question your way and to take a pause to think out your answer.So take a breath, neutralize the question and take the opportunity to restate your key points.resentation Tips - Stand Up and Be Counted OnThe EchoThe workplace has become more casual, and this means that little things can help you stand out... literally.As more people get used to sitting while speaking to groups, the person who stands is going to attract attention. Since you want to look confident but not aggressive, here are some tips to stand out by standing up...•Stand up slowly, as you're speaking (don't jump up and scare someone).•Smile.•Move away from the table so you're not towering over people or leaning on the table for support (and thus towering over someone...he or she could find this intimidating).•Use a white board or an easel chart as an excuse to stand and draw attention away from the table to yourself.Presentation Tips - Walking or StandingThe EchoSome presenters walk while they talk, while others stay in one place. Which is right? Well, it depends on what you're trying to achieve.Most presenters walk while talking for a simple reason-it feels good and burns off excess nervous energy. This makes them feel better, but it may also cause them to do things that are distracting to an audience, block their visuals and get out of position.On the other hand, walking with a purpose is a powerful tool. You can connect with your audience, appear more engaging and make a point. Here's some guidance:•Walk between making your points, rather than in the middle of a thought.•Be where you're going before the end of your thought, so that you are planted and have good eye-to- eye connection with your audience on the important point.•Know in advance where you're going, so that you're not out of position when it's time to change the visual.Presentation Tips - A Samll Key Opens Big DoorsThe EchoPresentation technology can be overwhelming. There are so many things to remember when you're presenting in PowerPoint. However, like the Turkish proverb - "A small key opens big doors" - there's a key tip (pun intended) to remember that will help: the "F1" key.When you're in "Slide Show" mode and you press "F1," you get a drop-down menu of 23 presentation options that can help make your presentation most effective. Here are three of them:•Press "B" to go to a black screen. Go to a whiteboard or a chart to capture something or facilitate a discussion. Your visual won't be a distraction. When you're ready to go back to your visual, press the down arrow or "Enter" key to return to your current slide.•Press "Ctrl + T" and you show the task bar on the bottom of your screen. If you want to switch to a different document, click on the task bar button for that document and that's what you'll see on the screen. To switch back to your presentation, click on the PowerPoint slide button and the task bar disappears.•Press a slide number and "Enter" to show a particular slide out of sequence. If you have a printed slide list with each slide's title and number, you can easily navigate to any part of your presentation.•Presentation Tips - Be a FountainThe EchoThink of a presenter you've seen who was so nervous you were worried he or she wouldn't get back to the seat alive. Remember how distracted you were by all the nervousness?When you're presenting, you have a lot of nervous energy. Your body is producing adrenalin and a lot of other chemical reactions. If you don't find some way to use that nervous energy, it will leak out through behaviors such as twitching, fidgeting, leaning, swaying, or random pacing. Unproductive nervous energy can take over your presentation. It distracts your audience and obscures your message.That nervous energy is there to help you bring your message to life. To use it productively, remember and practice this analogy: think of yourself as a fountain. Your feet are the base ofthe fountain. Your upper body is the fountain itself. Push your nervous energy up from your base and out through your hands and voice, the way water flows up and out of a fountain. Gesture above your waist and away from your body, and project your voice out to people towards the back of your audience.Presentation Tips —Why Am I PresentingThe EchoAs you begin preparing for your next presentation, ask yourself, "Why am I presenting?" Think about what you're trying to achieve with your presentation:•Is it to persuade your audience to take an action of some sort?•Are you giving them information they need to know?And think about what you need your audience to know or do at the end of your presentation. After you finish, what happens for them with the ideas you've just presented?When you begin your preparation by thinking about what you're trying to achieve and what the outcome is that you're trying to get from your audience, you'll focus on both critical components of a successful presentation - your message and your audience's response. You'll take the first step to choosing what you can do, say and show during your presentation that will get you there.Presentation Tips -The Q&A HandoffThe EchoYou're asked a question during your presentation. You don't have the whole answer, and there's someone in your audience who does. What do you do? Stumble through an attempted answer, or hand off to the person in your audience who knows the subject well? If it's a handoff, will it be smooth, or will it be a fumble?Here's how you make sure your handoff is smooth:·Analyze your audience and the questions you think they might ask.·Ask a subject matter expert beforehand if he or she will be on deck to take a handoff about a question that touches on his or her area of expertise.·Give your subject matter expert the key points of your presentation so he or she will frame the answer to support your key points, not conflict with them.·Start your handoff with the subject matter expert's name, so he or she will be connected. Then repeat or rephrase the question, just in case the expert missed it when it was originally asked. For example, "That's a question that falls in Bob's area of expertise. Bob, what financial impact do you think this will have?"When you follow these tips, your handoff will be a success, and your subject matter expert will enhance your presentation.The presenter said, "I get going so fast. Part of it is that I have so much to say, and part of it is that I just want to get the presentation over with."There's no prize for speed when you're presenting. Your job is to be clear, concise, and compelling so your audience understands your message. You'll find the right pace when you pause at the end of each sentence. That pause contains many benefits:•You give your audience time to process what they've just heard or seen.•You give yourself time to think about what you want to say next.•You breathe, taking in air that helps you support your words with appropriate volume.演讲者说:“我说得太快了。

Presenting It
❖ We often use a PPT hoping that it will present itself
❖ Unless extremely well made and includes all the info, it will not stand on its own
Bullet points Charts Graphs
❖ Organize the talk first, then put details in.
Prepare It
Preparing for the Talk (PPT)
❖ Use the standard company format ❖ Do not change format, it’s designed to for a
❖ Watch your tone of voice
❖ Deliver your presentation with confidence
Presenting It
Speaking Tips
❖ Don’t read your slide
One way to prevent this is ONLY provide clues to the message on the slide.
Bodoni are good for printed or Light colored
paper versions)
Logo (size, color)
Minimum “point” of font size
Prepare It
Bullet Point Text
❖ Don’t use long passages of text ❖ Reading will take audiences’ attention

成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...afterthat, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。

做presentation的一些常用句型:1. Right, let's get started.2. Let me introduce myself.3. I've divided my presentation into three main parts.4. Just to give you a brief overview.5. I'll be saying more about this in a minute.6. I'm sure the implications of this are clear to all of us.7. There's an important point to be made here.8. OK, let's move on. (go on to make your next point)9. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves.10. To go back to what I was saying earlier.11. Are there any questions you'd like to ask at this point?12. I'd like to look at this in more detail.13. Let's put this into perspective. (to explain it this way)14. Perhaps I should expand on that a little.15. To digress for a moment? (to depart from your plan)16. So, to sum up?17. That brings me to the end of my talk.18. Thank you. I'm sure you all have lots of questions.美国人经常挂在嘴边的话:thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。
Presentation Tips英语PPT学术演讲的技巧和怎么做好学术型演讲

UEEC Abstract
Student Example
Purpose Overview
Highlight the signal words
How did the student organise the keywords? Find the mistake.
Alphabetical order
What is good about this visual? How could it be improved?
Use animation to highlight key information.
How did the student organise the references?
Alphabetical order
Remember to add the access date and website for electronic sources.
What do you know?
1. How can you engage the audience and develop rapport? 2. What should you include in your abstract? 3. How can you make your presentation persuasive? 4. How do you facilitate a group discussion? 5. What makes a good focus question?

• Interactive Communication breakdown… Encodes(编码) the message
What the presenter thinks he says…
What the presenter actually says… what the receiver thinks he say… What the receiver actually say…
Audience profiling
• Your tactics when facing different audience:
– Emotive(情感型): people orientated and highly sociable
Therefore in an ineffective presentation: • A presenter decides what he wants to say and how he wants to say it with no regard for the characteristics of the audience
Communication process
• Human nature is to assume that when we communicate we do so effectively and that if anything goes wrong then it is responsibility of the recipient/audience This is known as the: Egocentric(自我中心的) Communication model

英⽂Presentation常⽤句式英⽂Presentation 常⽤句式成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场⽩、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(⾮正式)- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today.- Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词- I amdelighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to... 告知演讲的话题- the subject of my- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...( 告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... 告诉听众发⾔的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes... - My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better makea start... 引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about... 告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) - I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points. 结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion... -I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you 转帖⼆做presentation ,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和⾝体语⾔等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握⼀些常⽤句型。

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语presentation必背演说词英语 presentation 必背演说词成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题 I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. Please can you save your questions till the end. If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questionsso please feel free to ask me anything then. Don’t hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. Please stop me if you have any questions. If you need clarification on any point, you’re welcome to ask questions at a ny time. Can I come back to that point later? I will be coming to that point in a minute. That’s a tricky question. We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... I am afraid there’s no easy answer to that one... Yes, that’s a very good point. Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the pre- sentation I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation perhaps you wouldn’t mind waiting until then. I think we have time for1/ 17just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Welcome to our company - I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company... I’d like to thank you for coming. May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming 欢迎听众(非正式 ) I’m glad you could all get here... I’m glad to see so many people here. It’s GRE at to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to c ome today. - Welcome to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making t his presentation... I am grateful for the opportunity to present... I’d like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and ge ntleman It’s my pleasant duty today to... I’ve been asked to... 告知演讲的话题 - the subject of my presentation is... - I shall be speaking today about... - My presentation concerns... - Today’s topic is... - Today we are here to give a presentation on... - Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I’d like you meet my te am members... - A brief look at today’s agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) - Before we start our presentation, let’s take a brief look at the agenda... - I shall be offering a brief analysis of... - the main area that---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------I intend to cover in this presentation is... - Take a moment and think of... - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... 告诉听众发言的长度 - During the next ten minutes, I shall... - I shall be speaking for about ten minutes... - My presentation will last for about ten minutes... - I won’t take up more than ten minutes of your time... - I don’t intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... - I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief - I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I’d better make a star t... 引起听众的兴趣 - I’m going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years... - At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long... - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit ma rgins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing... - Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about... 告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the3/ 17first, ... the second, ...a thi rd, ...another, ... the final) - I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...after that, ...finally) - I’ve divided my talk into five parts... - I will deal with these topics in chronological order... - I’m going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly). - I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more gener al conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context). - there are (a number of) factors that may affect... - We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the followi ng considerations. - We all ought to be aware of the following points. 结束语 - In conclusion, I’d like to... - I’d like to finish by... - Finally... - By way of conclusion... - I hope I have made myself understood - I hope you have found this useful - I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... - Let me end by saying... - That, then was all I had to say on... - That concludes our presentation... - I hope I’ve managed to give you a clearer picture of... - If there are any questions, I’d be delighted to... - Thank you for your attention... - Let’s break for a coffee at this point - I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------- You have been a very attentive audiencethank you 转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
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成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start...引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins...- the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order (...first,, ...afterthat, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here-You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。