选修六unit4 Global warming 词汇讲解

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• subscription n. 订阅费
• Chris subscribes to an environmental action group.
• 克里斯定期捐款给一个环保行动组织。 • We don’t subscribe to the view that
we have failed.
• 我们不同意我们已经失败了的观点。
Unit 4 Vocabulary
1.consume vt. =use up; waste; spend
She consumed most of her time in reading. ①消费,消耗 She consumed the big cake.
consumer n.消费者 consumption n.消费(量),消耗(量) time­consuming adj.耗费时间的
5.quantity n.量,数量,数额,数目
in quantity 大量 quantities of+不 可可 数数 名名 词词 复数+复数谓语动词 a quantity of+可 不数 可名 数词 名复 词数 ++ 单单 数数 谓谓 语语 动动 词词
Quantities of watewre_r_e___wasted in our
at random 随意地,任意地
4.subscribe vt./vi. =contribute;agree; write one’s name
He subscribed a large sum of money to charities.
He subscribed his name to the contract.
The nurse tended to the wounded solider carefully. Vt. 照顾,照料
=take care of; look after
7.go up vi The prices of cigarettes are going up.
Unemployment has gone up again.
It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity .
• 完成句子
• ①房间里有许多老鼠。 • There are•q_u_a_n_t_i_t_i_e_s__o_f rats in the room.
• ②那家印刷公司成批买纸。 • The printing office buys pianpeqruantity
• 9.oppose vt.反对;反抗;与(某人)较
I subscribe to your opinion completely.
I subscribed to a monthly magazine.
subscriber n. 订阅者 ,捐赠者
• subscribe to • … 订阅(报纸或杂志);同意,赞同……;
• subscribe for … 认购(股票)
• 那些水仙花刚开始破土发芽。
3.Random adj. 随意的,胡乱的
Because he was not listening, he made a random answer to the teacher’s question. He took a flower at random, put down 5 dollar and walked out of the shop straight away.
The terrible accidentr_e_s_u_l_t__e_d__f_r_o_m_his carelessness
Tom broke his legsA.s__a__r_e_s_u_l_t,he was taken to hospit
He was injured_a__源自文库__a__r_e_s__u_l_t__oaftraffic accident.
提供 • come along 进展,进行
• Ica_m_e__ ac_r_o_s_s_ the children sleeping under the bridge.
• 我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。 • The daffodils are just beginnicnogmetoup___
6.tend v. tendency n. 倾向 Jan=eloteonkdsafttoebre;cohmaeveangaryteinfdyeonucyditsoagrdeoe swtiht.h
It tvein.d趋s t于o ,ra易in于here a lot in summer. =have a tendency to do sth
consumer goods(家用)消费品
2.come about发生;造成
• come across 偶遇;穿越 • come back 回来;重新流行 • come in 进来;到达 • come out 出来;开花;出版;结果是…… • come up 上来;(问题等)被提出;发芽(无被
动式) • come up with 追上,赶上,不落后;提出,
daily life.
A large quantity of water____ needed urgently here.
• in quantity • --in large quantities 大量
Police found a large quantity of illegal drugs.
The curtain has gone up before the stage
8. result in 导致,造成 result fro由m 于 as a resu所lt以,因此 as a result由of于,因为
The careless speech r_e__s_u_l_t_e_d___imnuch argument.