视频会议彩色摄像机使用说明书(doc 39页)


JVC 彩色视频摄像机 TK-C1430EC 说明书

JVC 彩色视频摄像机 TK-C1430EC 说明书




(本说明书用于 TK-C1430EC)使用本机之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书以保证其发挥最佳性能。

介绍功能 (4)操作注意事项 (5)控制器、插座和指示灯 (6)连接/安装RM-P2580 系统 (10)步骤 (12)安装镜头 (13)安装铁氧体磁芯 (14)后部的连接 (14)安装摄像机 (16)镜头调整 (18)后焦点调整 (19)自动白平衡控制调整 (20)菜单设置设置菜单 (21)菜单画面结构 (22)SYNC ADJUST 画面 (24)ALC SETTINGS 画面 (24)VIDEO ADJUST 画面 (29)MODE SELECT 画面 (30)MOTION DETECT 画面 (32)COMMUNICATION 画面 (33)MAINTENANCE 画面 (33)FACTORY SETTINGS 画面 (33)BLC EDITTING 画面 (34)白平衡的手动调整 (35)CAMERA TITLE 设置 (36)设置 MOTION DETECT 功能 (37)黑白/彩色切换信号输出 (38)由外部黑白/彩色切换信号进行控制 (39)白点补偿 (40)其他规格 (41)ⅢDSP(数字信号处理器)具有扩展动态范围(ExDR)功能,可在光线明亮和黑暗的地方进行拍摄。

Ⅲ采用具备 SENSE UP(32 倍)功能的CCD,可感受最小光通量密度为 0.9 1x(F1.2, 50%, AGC 20dB)和 0.03 lx(SENSE UP × 32)的被摄物。

另外,得益于 B/W 模式,可感受到 0.03 1x(F1.2, 50% AGC 20dB)的光通量密度。




B 概述
• EXview HAD CCD 具有 440,000(EVID70P)个有效像素,可使用此摄像机拍 摄高分辨率的图像。
• 通过使用 VISCA 命令,可以用计算机控 制摄像机。
• 具有高速、广角 PAN/TILT(全景 / 倾斜 拍摄)功能与图像翻转(上下颠倒显示 图像)功能,因此可把此摄像机安装在 天花板上,增加了摄像机的使用范围。
6 所提供的附件
56 7 8
34 a 镜头
可安装大范围变换镜头。(10) b 遥控器专用传感器 c POWER(电源)指示灯(15) d STANDBY(待机)指示灯(17)
传感器之间有物体,摄像机就不能正常 工作,因此使用遥控器时要把遥控器直 接对着摄像机前部或后部的遥控器专 用传感器。
控制按键的位置 9
B 基本操作
安装 一定要把主机放在平面上。 如果主机必须在斜面上放置,要确保斜 面倾角小于± 15 度。
• 搬运摄像机时不要持握摄像机头。 • 不要转动摄像机头,否则摄像机可能会
准备 11
3 将天花板支架(B)连接到天花板上
使支架上的孔与接线盒上的孔对准, 然后使用适当的螺钉(未提供)进行 连接。 沿天花板支架(B)的圆边有供螺钉使 用的细长孔。之后摄像机的前部要沿 此边进行定位。使摄像机对着前面, 调整目标,然后连接牢固。



录制功能:支 持高清视频录 制,可设置录 制时长和分辨


存储功能:支 持本地存储和 云端存储,可 设置存储路径
编辑功能:支 持视频剪辑、 合并、添加字 幕、背景音乐
功能:支持多画面布局,实现多人同时在线视频会议 操作:在会议设置中,选择多画面布局模式 布局方式:支持多种布局方式,如圆形、矩形、菱形等 调整:可以根据需要调整布局大小和位置,实现最佳视觉效果
客户反馈:收集 客户在使用过程 中的问题、意见 和建议
建议处理:对客 户反馈的问题和 建议进行分析和 处理,及时解决 客户问题
定期备份摄像机的 设置和录像文件, 防止数据丢失
画面模糊:检查 镜头是否脏污, 清洁镜头
画面抖动:检查摄 像机是否固定牢固, 调整摄像机位置
声音不清晰:检 查麦克风是否损 坏,更换麦克风
连接问题:检查网 络连接是否正常, 重启路由器和摄像 机
检查设备是否支持固件更新 访问官方网站下载最新固件 将固件文件复制到设备存储卡中 在设备设置菜单中选择固件更新选项 确认固件更新并等待完成 更新完成后重启设备以完成升级
锐度调整: 通过调节 锐度,使 画面更加 清晰
曝光度调 整:通过 调节曝光 度,使画 面更加明 亮
焦距调整: 通过调节 焦距,使 画面更加 清晰



彩色视频会议摄像机产品使用手册可吸顶安装目 录一、概述 (1)1、前言 (1)2、一般安全要求 (1)3、主要功能特点 (1)4、包装清单 (2)5、尺寸示意图 (3)6、安装示意图 (4)7、部件名称及说明 (5)8、遥控器名称及操作说明 (6)9、安装连接图 (7)二、基本操作 (9)1、注意事项 (9)2、系统上电 (9)3、摄像机基本功能 (9)4、遥控器操作 (11)a、云台控制 (11)b、调整摄像机 (11)c、预置位操作 (12)5、底部开关的设置 (13)6、技术参数 (14)非常感谢您使用本公司安防系列产品!在使用本产品之前,敬请仔细阅读使用手册。


本系列视频会议摄像机是一款高性能、高灵敏度的彩色视频摄像机,具备水平360度任意方位与垂直120度方向可调,装备了SONY高性能数字处理(DSP)一体化摄像机,通讯协议为PELCO-P/D,SONY VISCA。








视频会议彩色摄像机使用说明书视频会议彩色摄像机使用说明书版本V2.2目录目录-------------------------------------------------------------------1 安全指导-------------------------------------------------------------------2 第一章简介-------------------------------------------------------3一.产品简介----------------------------------------------------------3二.产品结构、尺寸及附件----------------------------------------3三.遥控器操作方法-------------------------------------------------7四.性能参数----------------------------------------------------------7五.预置点功能设置-------------------------------------------------11 第二章安装-------------------------------------------------------12一、注意事项----------------------------------------------------------12二、安装方式----------------------------------------------------------13三、接线方法----------------------------------------------------------14 第三章拔码设定-------------------------------------------------------15一、进入设置--------------------------------------------------------15二、拔码开关设置--------------------------------------------------15 简易故障排除-------------------------------------------------------------18 售后服务-------------------------------------------------------------------19安全指导1.在安装本设备过程中,务必认真阅读本安全指导,要严格按照安装使用说明进行操作,妥善保管此说明书,以备将来参考。


• 当切换 IMAGE FLIP(图像翻转)开 关时,所有预置设置恢复为初始设 置。
2 将固定钢丝绳接到天花板上的接线
盒。 使用接线盒中的一个螺钉孔和一个螺 钉(未提供)来连接固定钢丝绳。
连接电缆不能穿过天花板支架(A)。 天花板上与摄像机底部连接的地方需要 打一个孔以进行接线。
B 概述
• EXview HAD CCD 具有 440,000(EVID70P)个有效像素,可使用此摄像机拍 摄高分辨率的图像。
• 通过使用 VISCA 命令,可以用计算机控 制摄像机。
• 具有高速、广角 PAN/TILT(全景 / 倾斜 拍摄)功能与图像翻转(上下颠倒显示 图像)功能,因此可把此摄像机安装在 天花板上,增加了摄像机的使用范围。
围变换镜头。 • 应定期进行检查,至少一年一次,以确
保连接没有松动。如果条件允许,应多 次进行定期检查。 • 采取其他措施以确保大范围变换镜头 不会松动以至跌落。 (例如,使用环氧树脂或胶带等)
使用所提供的天花板支架,固定钢丝绳 和固定螺钉,利用已有的接线盒等把摄 像机安装到天花板上。 在安装摄像机时,要安装在水平的天花 板上。如果必须在带有斜度的或不平的 天花板上安装,要确保安装摄像机的地 方与水平面的角度在± 15 度的范围内。


GND:地Leabharlann 。+12V:12VDC.50mA最大电流。



Before installing, operating or adjusting this product, please read this instruction booklet carefully and completely.4Important Safety Instructions1. Read these instructions. - All thesesafety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated.2. Keep these instructions. - Thesafety, operating and use instructions should be retained for future refer-ence.3. Heed all warnings. - All warningson the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.4. Follow all instructions. - All operat-ing and use instructions should be followed.5. Do not use this apparatus nearwater. - For example: near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement; near a swim-ming pool; etc.6. Clean only with dry cloth. - Unplugthis product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners.7. Do not block any ventilation open-ings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. - Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the product, and to protect it from over- heating. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a book-case or rack unless proper ventilation is provided and the manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.8. Do not install near any heat sourc-es such as radiators, heat regis-ters, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.Safety Precautions Do not attempt to disassem-ble the cameraTo prevent electric shock, do not remove screws or covers. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Ask a qualified service personnel for servicing.Do not use strong solvents or detergentsUse a dry cloth to the camera when it is dirty. If it is hard to remove the dirt on the camera, use a mild detergent and wipe it gently.Before operating, please check proper temperature, humidity and power source ratings.Use the camera under conditions where temperature is between -10°C ~ +50°C. Do not expose the camera in such conditions as shown below.Use in a room or area filled with cigarette smoke, dust or gas.Avoid the camera with direct sunlightDo not aim the camera at bright objects. Never face it with direct sunlight or other extremely bright objects. Otherwise blooming or smear may be caused. Handle the camera with care Do not abuse the camera. Avoid striking, shaking, etc. The camera could be dam-aged by improper handling or storage. Do not expose the camera to rain or moistureThis product is designed for indoor use or location where it is protected from rain and moisture. When exposed to moisture, turn the power off immediately and ask a qualified service personnel for servicing. Moisture can damage the camera and also create the danger of electric shock.6Camera BodyM4 Tapping Screws(Pan Lock Screw) OptionalFront ViewSide ViewPan Base 6-pin Dip Switch Tilt Base Zoom Lever Tilting Lock Screw Focus LeverLensTilting Lock ScrewDome Cover Separatory SpringConstruction9InstallationCamera Installation1. Aim the LG logo of the Dome Camera to face the place that you wish towatch.. Tighten the M4 Tapping Screws to fix the Dome Camera on the ceiling,then adjust the Pan(Left/Right) by moving the Pan Base. Tighten the M4 Tapping Screws after adjustment.3. Loosen the Tilting Lock Screw. Adjust the Tilt(Up/Down) by moving theTilt Base then tighten Tilting Lock Screw. 4. S et the Zoom Lever to a point between "Tele" and "Wide" to choose thedesired angular field of view.Set the Focus Lever to a point between "Near" and "Far" to choose thedesired focus of view.5. Install the Dome Cover to the main body by turning it counterclockwiseto the end.Notes• When you install the camera, handle with care. The camera could be damaged by improper handling or storage.•If this camera is mounted on the other places except ceiling, you need an extra bracket for mounting. (not supplied)Hole for Fixing11InstallationNOTES:•W hen you disassemble the Dome Cover, lift the Dome Cover Separatory Spring on the opposite side of LG Logo and turn the Dome Cover clockwise simultaneously.• When you install the camera, handle with care. The camera could be damaged by improper handling or storage.• If this camera is mounted on the other places except ceiling, you need an extra bracket for mounting.(not supplied)Dome Cover Separatory SpringT roubleshooting Check the following guide for the possible cause of a problem before contacting service.The picture is poorDoes the Dome Cover have lots of dust on the surface?- Use a dry cloth to clean the camera when it is dirty. Smear may be caused to the screen of night than daytime.- Adjust the Focus by moving the Focus Lens.Contrast of the screen is not clear.Check the condition of the monitor.A light source such as a spot light causes burn-in on the display screen. Adjust position or angle of the camera to eliminate strong background light. Background screen appears white extremely.You can set the background compensation to OFF.13SpecificationsModel LV300N-C LV300P-CSignal System NTSC PAL Total / Effective Pixels 410K/3 0K470K/440KPick-Up Device1/3-Inch Interline Color CCD (Super HAD) Lens Vari-Focal Lens (f= .6 ~ 6.0mm / F=1.6)Iris DC IrisSignal Process Digital Signal Process (SS11X)Scanning System : 1 InterlaceSync. System InternalScanning Frequency 59.94 Hz(VD) 50Hz(VD) Resolution 5 0 TV LinesS/N Ratio More than 4 dB Standard Illuminance 000Lux (3 00° K) Sensitivity (1/3 output) 0.5 Lux (F1. )Video Output Signal 1Vp-p Composite (75Ω)Gain Control AutoExposure Automatic control with DC Iris motorShutter Speed 1/60 ~ 1/100,000 sec1/50 ~ 1/100,000 sec White Balance AutoBack LightCompensation Auto / OFFPower Source DC1 VPower Consumption Less than .3WOperating Temp.-10°C ~ 50°C (Humidity : 0%RH ~ 0%RH)Storage Temp. - 0°C ~ 60°C (Humidity : 0%RH ~ 5%RH)Net Weight 70gDimensionsø1 1.5 (Diameter)x91mm(H)15。



Contents Features (6)Cautions for Safe Operation (7)Part Names and Functions (8)Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Disassembly of the camera (11)Installation (1)Image Adjustment (1)Menu Operation (15)Camera Identification Settings (17)Exposure Settings (18)White Balance Settings .................. Day/Night Setting.. (4)Motion Detection Setting (5)D-DNR Setting (6)Privacy Setting (7)Special Menu Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Reset Settings ......................... Specifications.. (4)56FeaturesThis color video camera is designed for use in moni-toring system.Day and Night Function (IR Cut Filter)Optical x varifocal lens540 TV lines of horizontal resolutionHigh sensitivity with a minimum scene illumination of 0.000 lux (Sens-Up, F1. )BLC covers various light conditions Excellent signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB Internal / Line Lock (External)Built in varifocal and DC (Auto) iris lensWeather Proof: IP66 Rating (Caution: Thiscamera is designed for indoor installation. Do not install it outdoors.)Power Supply : Automatically switch between DC 1 V and AC 4 V Line Lock when using AC 4V.Dome Cover : Vandal -Proof••••••••••••Features ChartThis table shows the differences between the e LV90 is used for the description, operation and details provided in this operating guide.Models WDR Sens-up HSBLC LV90 P-B Yes Yes Yes LV90 P-B Yes No No LV901P-B No Yes Yes LV90 N-B Yes Yes Yes LV90 N-B Yes No No LV901N-BNoYesYesPower SupplyThis camera must always be operated a AC 4V or DC 1 V Certified/Listed, class power supply only. Note:Be careful of AC frequency when the camera is operated with Line lock mode. Handling of the unitBe careful not to spill water or other liquids on the unit. Be cautions not to get combustible or metallic material inside the body. If used with foreign matter inside, the camera is liable to fail or to get cause of fire or electric shock.• Remove dust or dirt on the surface of the lens with a blower.• Use a dry soft cloth to clean the body. If it is very dirty, use a cloth dampened with a small quantity of neutral detergent, then wipe dry.• Avoid the use of volatile solvents such as thinners, alcohol, benzene, and insecticides.They may damage the surface finish and/or impair the operation of the camera.Operating and storage locationAvoid viewing a very bright object (such as light fit-tings) during an extended period. Avoid operating or storing the unit in the following locations.• Extremely hot or cold places (operating tempera-ture -10°C ~ 50°C, however, we recommend that the unit be used within a temperature range of 0°C ~ 45°C)• Damp or dust place• Places exposed to rain• Places subject to strong vibration• Close to generators of powerful electromagnetic radia-tion such as radio or TV transmitters.Cautions for Safe Operation7an item with theMenu OperationGeneral Operation1. Press [SET] button.The setup menu screen appears on the monitor.. Use [UP] or [DOWN] button to select an option then press [SET] button.Submenu appears on the monitor.. Use [UP] or [DOWN] button to select a submenu option.4. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a value.5. Select [EXIT] option then press [SET] to exitthe setup menu. In the submenu, use [UP] or[DOWN] button to select the [EXIT] then use[LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a mode and press [SET] to exit the setup menu.RET: Return to the previous.TOP: Return to the CAMERA SETTINGmenu screen.END: Exit the setup menu.•••1617You can use the camera identification (CAMERA ID) to assign a number to the camera.1. Select [CAMERA ID] option on the [CAMERASETTING] menu.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to select a CAMERA ID(OFF, 1- 55).Camera Identification Settings18Exposure SettingsYou can set the exposure options using the EXPOSURE menu.Select [EXPOSURE] option on the [CAMERA SETTING] menu.Press [SET] button and the EXPOSURE menu appears.WDR/BLC settingUse WDR/BLC option to set the options for BLC or WDR camera.1. Select [WDR/BLC] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a modethen press [SET].•WDR: Set the WDR limit.- WDR LIMIT: LOW y MIDDLE yHIGH•BLC: Set the BLC limit.- BLC LIMIT: LOW y MIDDLE yHIGH19Exposure Settings•HSBLC: Use for making objects clear and obvious by suppressing highlight. TheHSBLC mode is automatically activated only in low luminance scene.-AREA SETTING: Use [LEFT] or[RIGHT] button to select a area then use [UP] or [DOWN] button to select a ON or OFF. Press [SET] to exit the Area setting menu.-GRAY SCALE: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a gray scale. (GRAY y D.GRAY y BLACK).- USER SCALE: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a bright level.(5 level)-MASK: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select [ON] or [OFF].If you set the MASK to ON, the mask function is activate only when theHSBLC is automatically activated in low luminance scene.Brightness settingYou can set the brightness level. (0-100)1. Select [BRIGHTNESS] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to set the brightlevel.Exposure SettingsAGC (Automatic Gain Control) settingIf the images are too dark, change the maximum [AGC] value to make the images lighter.1. Select [AGC] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a mode.(OFF y LOW y MIDDLE y HIGH)SHUTTER (Shutter Speed) setting1. Select [SHUTTER] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to set shutterspeed.(AUTO y OFF y A.FLK y 1/160 ~ 1/90000 y x51 ~x )1SENS-UP settingIf pictures are not clear due to darkness, use for increase the sensitivity of picture.1. Use [UP] or [DOWN] button to select [SENS-UP]option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a[AUTO].To setting the [AUTO] function, select the [AUTO] on the [SHUTTER]. . Press [SET] and use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] buttonto set the SENS-UP limit (x ~ x1 8).Note:If you set to one of the SHUTTER options except AUTO on the [SHUTTER] menu, the [SENS-UP] set-ting is not available and [---] mark is displayed.Exposure SettingsSetting the WB (White Balance) ModeYou can select one of three modes for white balance adjustment.1. Select [WHITE BAL] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select one ofthree modes for white balance then press [SET].•ATW (Auto-Tracing White Balance): The color temperature range for the proper white balance is approximately 1700 - 11000K. Proper white balance may not be obtained under the following conditions:1) The color temperature is out of the 1700- 11000K range.) When the scene contains mostly highcolor temperature objects, such as a blue sky or sunset. ) When the scene is dim.• AWC b PUSH: If you select the AWC b PUSH mode, you will be able to set up the White Balance automatically using [SET] button.•MANUAL: You can set the white balance options manually.White Balance SettingsWhite Balance Settings- COLOR TEMP: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT]button to select a funtion.(INDOOR: 00, OUTDOOR: 5100)- RED: Obtains the optimum amount ofred gain.- BLUE: Obtains the optimum amount ofblue gain.4Day/Night Setting1. Select [DAY/NIGHT] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select mode forday/night function.•AUTO: You will be able to change the Day/Night mode automatically.-LEVEL: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a level.(LOW y MIDDLE y HIGH)-DWELL TIME: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a dwell time. (5, 10, 15, 0, 60 sec.)Note:If you set the AGC to [OFF] or the SHUTTER is set to one of the SHUTTER options except AUTO on the [EXPOSURE] menu, the AUTO mode of the DAY/NIGHT function is not avail-able and [---] mark is displayed.•DAY: Color mode enabled.•NIGHT: Black-and-white mode enabled.5Motion Detection SettingThe motion detection detects the moving objects in the scene by monitoring changes in brightness level. You can select the level of sensitivity for motion detec-tion to 4 zone.1. Select [MOTION DET] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a [ON]and press [SET].The MOTION DETECTION menu appears.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to selecta zone number (AREA1 ~ AREA4) on the [ZONE NUMBER].4. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to set up the ONor OFF on the ZONE STATE.5. Use [UP] or [DOWN] to select an option then use[LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to adjust the option.•HEIGHT: Enlarge or decrease the vertical size of the mask.• WIDTH: Enlarge or decrease the horizontal size of the mask.• MOVE X: Moves horizontal position of the mask.•MOVE Y: Moves vertical position of the mask.6. Use [SENSITIVITY] option to obtain the optimumdetection level.63D-DNR Setting1. Select [ D-DNR] option.If pictures are not clear due to brightness, use for reduce the noise of picture.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a option.(OFF y LOW y MIDDLE y HIGH)Notes:• If you set the AGC to [OFF] on the [EXPOSURE] menu, the [ D-DNR] function is not available and [---] mark is displayed.•When you use this function, the afterimage may occur.7Privacy SettingThis function is aiming at the protection of personal privacy, selecting a screen part black not to be dis-played in the screen. Up to 8 zones can be registered.1. Select [PRIVACY] option.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a [ON]and press [SET]. The PRIVACY SETUP menu appears.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a mask(AREA1 ~ AREA8) on the [MASK NUMBER].4. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to set up the ONor OFF on the DISPLAY option.5. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to set up theGRAY , WHITE or BLACK on the COLOR option.6. Use [UP] or [DOWN] to select an option then use[LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to adjust the option.•HEIGHT: Enlarge or decrease the vertical size of the mask.• WIDTH: Enlarge or decrease the horizontal size of the mask.• MOVE Y: Moves vertical position of the mask.•MOVE X: Moves horizontal position of the mask.8This menu lets you adjust and set up D-ZOOM, D-EFFECT, SHARPNESS, STABILIZER, COLOR,SYNC, USER TITLE, LANGUAGE function by yourself in the SPECIAL menu.1. Select [SPECIAL] option.. Press [SET] button and the SPECIAL menuappears.Setting the D-ZOOM (Digital Zoom ) levelYou can select the digital zoom level.1. Select [D-ZOOM] option on the [SPECIAL] menu. . Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a [ON]then press [SET] the DIGITAL ZOOM menu appears. When you set to ON, the displayed image can be shaking.. Use [UP] or [DOWN] to select a option then use[LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a level.-ZOOM: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to enlarge the screen.- PAN: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to move the screen. (left or right)-TILT: Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to move the screen. (up or down)Special Menu Settings9Special Menu SettingsSetting the D-EFFECT (Digital effect)You can select the digital effect.1. Select [D-EFFECT] option on the [SPECIAL]menu.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a digitaleffect.• V-FLIP: Flip the picture vertically. • MIRROR: Turn on the mirror effect.• ROTATE: Rotate the picture. (180°)•OFF: Turn off the digital effect.Setting the SHARPNESS effectYou can select the sharpness effect.1. Select [SHARPNESS] option on the [SPECIAL]menu.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to change a adjustthe option.Special Menu SettingsStabilizer settingThe image stabilizer function minimizes the appear-ance of shaky images caused by low-frequency vibra-tion.This function is useful for outdoor surveillance.Select [STABILIZER] option and set to ON or OFF.Note:If you set the [STABILIZER] to ON, the Digital zoom is set to [x1.1] automatically.Setting the COLOR effectYou can select the color effect.1. Select [COLOR] option on the [SPECIAL] menu.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to change a coloreffect.• ON: Color screen•OFF: B/W (Black and White) screen1 Special Menu SettingsSetting the SYNC (Synchronization)The SYNC function is available only with AC powersource.1. Select [SYNC] option on the [SPECIAL] menu.. Use [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select [INT] or[LL] (Line Lock).• INT: Selects for using the internalsynchronization.• LL (Line Lock): Selects for the operation ofmulti cameras because it synchronizes thecamera phase by using the external signal(AC power signal).- Select [LL] mode and press [SET].- Select a desired phase using the [LEFT] or[RIGHT] button.Note:When you use the DC 1 V power, the [SYNC]option is fixed to [INT] mode only.Setting the USER TITLEYou can use the camera identification to assign anumber and character to the camera (0 - 9, A-Z, a-z).The USER TITLE is displayed on the upper left of thescreen. To disappear the user title, select [OFF].The USER TITLE menu appears.A[LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a character or number.CLR: If you enter the wrong code, select[SET].[DOWN], [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to move position of USER TITLE onEND: Confirm your selection.(Blank): Inserts a space at the cursor/ : Moves cursor to left or right. Language SettingSelect [LANGUAGE] option on the [SPECIAL]screen.Press [LEFT] or [RIGHT] button to select a lan-guage.1. Select [RESET] option.. Press [SET] button and the RESET menuappears.. Use [UP] or [DOWN] to select option.• CAMERA REBOOT: To reboot the camera system.•FACTORY RESET: To reset the camera setting to factory setting, select [FACTORY RESET] option.Reset Settings4ModelLV903PLV903NLV902PLV902NLV901PLV901NTotal/Effective Pixels 470K/440K Pixels 410K/ 80K Pixels 470K/440K Pixels 410K/ 80K Pixels 470K/440K Pixels 410K/ 80K Pixels Pick-up Device1/ ” Interline Color CCD Lens Vari-Focal Lens (f = .8 ~ 11mm / F = 1. )IrisDC/ELC SelectableSignal ProcessLG XDI-sScanning System :1 Interlace SynchronizationSystem Internal/Line LockScanning Frequency50 Hz (VD)59.94 Hz(VD)50 Hz (VD)59.94 Hz(VD)50 Hz (VD)59.94 Hz(VD)Resolution 540 LinesS/N RatioMore than 5 dB (AGC Off, F 1. )Low Luminance 0.000 Lux (Sens-up Auto) 0. Lux (AGC High, DNR)0. Lux (AGC High, DNR)0.000 Lux (Sens-up Auto) 0. Lux (AGC High, DNR)Video Output Signal 1.0 Vp-p Composite Signal (75 ohm)Auto Gain ControlOFF/LOW/MIDDLE/HIGHSpecifications5SpecificationsModelLV903P LV903N LV902P LV902NLV901P LV901N Exposure ALC/ELCElectric Shutter 1/50 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)1/60 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)1/50 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)1/60 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)1/50 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)1/60 - 1/90,000 (Auto Mode)White Balance ATW / AWC->PUSH / MANUALBack Light OFF/WDR/BLC/HSBLCOFF/WDR/BLC OFF/BLC/HSBLCWDR 60dB60dB-MOTION DET.OFF/ON Power ConsumptionMax .5WOperation Temperature -10ºC ~ 50ºC (Humidity: 0%RH ~ 80%RH)Storage Temperature - 0ºC ~ 60ºC (Humidity: 0%RH ~ 85%RH)Weight900gDimension (Ø x H)Ø140 x 110 mm。

MV-480CD 彩色半球型摄像机 说明书

MV-480CD 彩色半球型摄像机 说明书

使用说明书MV-480CD彩色半球型摄像机感谢您惠顾FOR.A 视频摄像机,为了使您的新摄像机获得最佳的使用效果,使用之前请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保存以备将来查阅。



特点1. 高质量图像和真实色彩数字微处理器CPU 内置了一个改善信号信噪比的DSP 数字防噪电路和一个提升图像分辨率的DSP 数字信号增强电路,数字信号处理芯片DSP 和CPU 数字微处理器的共同使用使真实色彩及最清晰的图像成为事实。

2. 内置自动和超高速电子曝光控制内置的自动和超高速电子曝光控制功能使本机能够自动适应光线明暗变化。



3. 灵敏度高本机在0.7LUX/F1.2的照度条件下能清晰还原图像。

4. 多种内置自动功能本机内置:自动增益控制(AGC )、自动白平衡(ATB )、自动电子快门(AES )、背光补偿(BLC )等多种功能。

5. 漂亮的外观和方便的摄像机角度调整与传统摄像机相比具有独特外观的半球型摄像机能够与任何安装环境相协调。


安装注意事项1. 不要尝试拆开本摄像机为防止发生意外事件,请不要尝试拆开本摄像机。


2. 轻拿轻放摄像机属于精密电子设备,请不要剧烈震动、摇晃、碰撞。


3. 注意防水、防潮请不要将本机暴露在雨水中,不要在潮湿的环境中使用。



4. 禁止使用烈性清洁剂搽洗本机如需对本机进行清洁,请使用柔软的毛巾轻轻搽拭。



1、 视频会议摄像机配件 ........................................................................................................... 6 2、 会议摄像机云台功能 ........................................................................................................... 6 3、 会议摄像机镜头功能 ........................................................................................................... 7
6.1 摄像机连接 PC............................................................................................................ 14 6.2 摄像机级联................................................................................................................. 15 7、 摄像机底部 ......................................................................................................................... 15
七、 遥控器 ........................................................................................................................ 21

索尼EVI D P说明书

索尼EVI D P说明书

底层固定座 (A)(1)
开关电源 (1 )
底层服顶座(8) (1)
电源线 (1)
电脑控制软件包 (选 购件 )
Ei:Ci E菌嚣'因.
Dim巳nsions w i t h c巳iling bracket Front
凹3 的 ) 白 兰
( ω F PH凹FF Y
\的 由
置复位。 2 、调整摄像机的位置、变焦、聚焦与背景光 。 趴在按住 PRESET( 预置)键时,再按 POSITION
(数字键) 1-9 中的任意 一 个。
· 调用所存储的设置 按保存设置的 POSITIO N (数字)键 1-9 中的任意 一 个 。
飨一个要选行设置 预量的 PQSITI 刷咀量〉键
⑧ 遥控发射窗
æCLOSE 菜单退出键 æ S-OUT: 分辨率格式切换键(高清)
E噩噩自罩盟国 E
VI SCA RS-422,
2 3 4
6 7 8 9
Function TXD IN+
· 使用遥控器操作多个摄像机 1 、将想要遥控操作的摄像机的后部开关(最多
可控制3个,见第8页)地址设置为 1 、 2或3.
2 、按下与步骤设置的数字对应的 CAMERA SELECT
(摄像机选择)键(在遥控器上)。 然后就可以操作数字指定的摄像机。每次使用遥控器
操作摄像机时,在步骤2 中按下CAMERA SELECT



Video Conference CameraUser ManualUser ManualThank you for purchasing our product. If there are any questions, or requests, do not hesitate to contact the dealer.This manual may contain several technical mistakes or printing errors, and the content is subject to change without notice. The updates will be added to the new version of this manual. We will readily improve or update the products or procedures described in the manual.01000020221201©2022 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website (https:///).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product. Trademarksand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions.Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INFECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATTER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC complianceThis product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this product does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - thesupplied accessories too are marked with"CE" and comply therefore with theapplicable harmonized European standards listed under the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the RoHS Directive2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Productsmarked with this symbol cannot bedisposed of as unsorted municipal waste inthe European Union. For proper recycling,return this product to your local supplierupon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: . 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains abattery that cannot be disposed of asunsorted municipal waste in the EuropeanUnion. See the product documentation forspecific battery information. The battery ismarked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery toyour supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information, see: .Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.this device may not cause interference, and2.this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radioexempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.WarningThis is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. Safety InstructionsWarningsLaws and RegulationsThe device should be used in compliance with local laws, electrical safety regulations, and fire prevention regulations.Electrical SafetyThe socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.BatteryCAUTION: Risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorrect type.Improper replacement of the battery with an incorrect type may defeat a safeguard (for example, in the case of some lithium battery types).Do not dispose of the battery into fire or a hot oven, or mechanically crush or cut the battery, which may result in an explosion.Do not leave the battery in an extremely high temperature surrounding environment, which may result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas. Do not subject the battery to extremely low air pressure, which may result in an explosion or the leakage of flammable liquid or gas.Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.CautionsFire PreventionNo naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the equipment.InstallationInstall the equipment according to the instructions in this manual.Never place the equipment in an unstable location. The equipment may fall, causing serious personal injury or death.DO NOT touch the sharp edges or corners. TransportationKeep the device in original or similar packaging while transporting it.DO NOT drop the product or subject it to physical shock. Power SupplyRefer to the device label for the standard power supply. Please make sure your power supply matches with your device.Use a power adapter provided by qualified manufacturers. It is recommended to provide an independent power adapter for each device as adapter overload may cause over-heating or a fire hazard. MaintenanceIf the product does not work properly, please contact your dealer or the nearest service center. We shall not assume any responsibility for problems caused by unauthorized repair or maintenance.CleaningPlease use a soft and dry cloth to clean the interior and exterior surfaces. Do not use alkaline detergents.Using EnvironmentWhen any laser equipment is in use, make sure that the device lens is not exposed to the laser beam, or it may burn out.DO NOT aim the lens at the sun or any other bright light. To avoid heat accumulation, good ventilation is required for a proper operating environment.DO NOT expose the device to extremely hot, cold, dusty, corrosive, saline-alkali, or damp environments. For temperature and humidity requirements, see device specification.DO NOT expose the device to high electromagnetic radiation.EmergencyIf smoke, odor, or noise arises from the device, immediately turn off the power, unplug the power cable, and contact the service center.To achieve a better product experience, please visithttps:///sg/support/download/sof tware/hikin/ to download the HIK IN installationpackage.1Introduction1.1Product FeaturesThe main features are as follows:●High performance CMOS sensor●Varifocal lens●Clear imaging against strong back light due to WDR technology●AGC for self-adjust brightness●Support remote control●Built-in microphone with clear sound1.2Packing ListCheck the package contents and make sure that the device in the package is in good condition and all theassembly parts are included.Note:The figure of power adapter is for reference only. Refer to the actual product as standard.1.3 Overview1.3.1 Appearance1236754338Figure 1-1 Appearance of Video Conference CameraNote:When the indicator turns to red, it means the device is standby. When the indicator turns to blue, it means the device is working normally. 1.3.2 Remote ControlYou can control the camera through the remote control.123445576Figure 1-2 Appearance of Remote Control●One-touch Focus: It enables the device to focus automatically.●One-touch Flip: It enables to rotate the image 180°when the device is installed upside down.●Pan/Tilt Control: It enables to adjust the lens direction.●Manual Focus: It enables the device to focus manually.●Mute: Turn off the microphone.●Preset: A preset is a predefined position. For the defined preset, you can press the preset number to quickly view the desired image position.1.Adjust the image by remote control.2.Press and hold a preset number for 3 seconds, andthe indicator flashes blue light twice. It means thepreset is successfully set.3.Press the preset number, and the device return to thedefined position. Up to 5 presets can be set.●Restore to the default settings: Press and hold One-touch Flip and Mute at the same time for 5 seconds, and the red indicator flashes three times.1.3.3Device ConnectionFigure 1-3Connection2InstallationThe package contains the mount. Table mounting and wall mounting share the same mount.The installation methods are not compulsory. You can just put the camera on the table, if this way meets your needs.2.1Table MountingSteps:1.Align the screw hole in camera with that on themount.e the supplied screw to secure the camera on themount.ScrewFigure 2-1Fix the Camera on the Mount3.Take the lens cover out of the camera to finish theinstallationFigure 2-2Put the Lens Back4.Power on the camera and connect the camera withthe computer.5.Check whether the image on the screen is gotten fromthe optimum angle. If not, adjust the view angle byremote control shown as the figure below.Tilt Range:-28° to 28°Figure 2-3Angle Adjustment1)Press right/left direction button on the remotecontrol to adjust the pan range from -170° to 160°. 2)Press up/down direction button on the remotecontrol to adjust the tilt range from -28° to 28°.2.2Wall MountingSteps:1.Drill three screw holes in the wall according to theholes of the mount.2.Align the screw holes on the mount with that on thewall, and secure the mount with supplied screws.Figure 2-4Fix the Mount in the WallScrewFigure 2-5Secure the Camera with the Mount Repeat steps 3 to 5 of section 2.1 Table Mounting to finish the installation.2.3Pendant MountingThe device also supports pendant mounting, and the mount should be purchased separately.Figure 2-6Pendant Mounting3FAQFor frequently asked questions of the device, visit /analysisQR/showQR/35 d08787Note that some frequently asked questions only apply to certain models.UD21533B-D6。

BenQ DVY31 视频会议相机用户手册说明书

BenQ DVY31 视频会议相机用户手册说明书

DVY31视频会议相机用户手册免责声明BenQ Corporation 对于本文档的内容不做任何明示或隐含的陈述或担保。

BenQ Corporation 保留修订本出版物和随时修改本文档内容而不需通知任何人的权利。

版权版权所有 2021 BenQ Corporation。


未经 BenQ Corporation 事先书面许可,不得以任何形式和电子、机械、磁性、光学、化学、手工以及其它任何方式复制、传播和转录本出版物的任何部分,也不得将任何部分存储到检索系统中或翻译成任何语言或电脑语言。

目录3目录重要注意事项 (4)应用程序说明 (4)电气安全 (4)运输注意事项 (4)小心安装 (4)磁干扰 (4)请勿随便拆卸 (4)包装内容 (5)功能 (6)安装说明 (7)产品界面 (7)使用产品 (8)使用隐私保护罩 (8)产品信息 (9)规格 (9)尺寸 (10)维护和故障排除 (11)维护 (11)故障排除 (11)12/29/214重要注意事项重要注意事项本手册简要介绍了相机功能、安装和操作。













视频会议系统 使用指南说明书

视频会议系统 使用指南说明书

视频会议系统使用指南中国人民大学信息技术中心二○二〇年二月目 录目 录 (2)第1章系统概述 (4)1.1终端分类 (4)1.2功能概述 (4)1.3场景举例 (5)1.4使用环境 (5)1.5注意事项 (5)第2章硬终端系统使用 (6)2.1使用流程 (6)2.2打开投影仪/智能电视 (6)2.3终端开机 (7)2.4调整镜头位置 (8)2.5调整麦克风 (10)2.6自动加入会议 (10)2.7(可选)主动加入会议 (10)2.8(可选)召开两方会议 (11)2.9结束会议 (11)2.10关闭终端 (11)第3章手机/平板软终端系统使用 (13)3.1使用流程 (13)3.2下载软终端程序 (13)3.3软终端登录 (13)3.4修改密码 (16)3.5手动接听会议 (17)3.6(可选)手动加入会议 (18)23.7(可选)召开两方会议 (20)3.8(可选)召开多方会议 (21)3.9挂断会议 (24)第4章Windows软终端系统使用 (26)4.1使用流程 (26)4.2下载软终端程序 (26)4.3软终端登录 (26)4.4修改密码 (28)4.5手动接听会议 (29)4.6(可选)手动加入会议 (30)4.7(可选)召开两方会议 (31)4.8(可选)召开多方会议 (32)4.9挂断会议 (35)第5章硬件说明 (37)5.1硬件概述 (37)5.2终端 (37)5.3遥控器 (37)5.4摄像头 (38)5.5麦克风 (39)3第1章系统概述1.1终端分类a.硬终端(会议室内安装的硬件设备)优点:视频清晰,使用稳定简便b.软终端TE Mobile(软件,支持Android、iOS)优点:方便移动设备使用c.软终端TE Desktop(软件,支持Windows、Macintosh)优点:方便台式机和笔记本电脑使用1.2功能概述学校建设的本地视频会议系统,其主要功能是用于校内办公会议使用,可以实现校内各会场之间的顺畅交互和屏幕共享,个人也可通过软终端(电脑、手机、PAD,安装会议软件)的方式加入会议,会议并发在线终端数最高为300。









1目录注意事项 (3)随机附件 (3)快速开始 (4)产品亮点 (5)产品规格 (5)摄像机接口说明 (6)外型尺寸 (6)使用红外遥控器 (8)RS-232C 接口 (10)菜单设置 (16)2注意事项z电气安全本产品安装使用必须严格遵守当地各项电气安全标准。









注意!特定频率下的电磁场可能会影响本机的图像!随机附件打开包装时,请检查并确认所有应提供的附件摄像机 (1)电源适配器 (1)电源线 (1)RS232串口线 (1)遥控器 (1)用户使用手册 (1)双面胶垫 (1)34快速开始1、开机前请检查接线是否正确。



视频会议摄像机基本操作说明一:控制连接示意图RS-232 Mini-DIN 8-pin的端口定义:RS-232的连接方式:(1)电脑或专用控制键盘与摄像机连接方式:(2)SONY摄像头级联连接方式:注:建议布线线材为带屏蔽的4芯控制线缆,且布线方式为串接方式;控制距离在30米以内,且周围不要有强电干扰。

RS-422端口定义:VISCA RS-422连接方法:与SONY RM-BR300键盘连接方式:与PUS-RM300键盘连接方式:与PUAS PUS--RM300键盘连接方式:TXD注:按以上接线方法连接后,在做如下修改。








5键盘上更改更改水平垂直方向按辅助开/关进行水平左右更改,按光圈+/—进行垂直上下更改(光圈要长按3秒)三:PUAS摄象机基本操作及故障处理1修改协议、波特率、地址?①按遥控器上M—OPEN键进入菜单,看到SYSTEM SETUP(系统设置)时,继续按M—OPEN键进入,然后按SLOW的T/W键进入到第3项,把PROTOCOL的DISABLE(无效)改成ENABLE(有效),然后更改协议,波特率,地址等,更改协议则返回到第1项,按M—OPEN键进行更改,波特率则是第2项按M-OPEN键进行更改,地址是第4项按FAST 的T/W键进行修改。



高清视频会议摄像机说明书深圳市美源科技开发有限公司V1.0(中文版)目录目录 (2)一、安全信息 (3)二、主要功能和特性 (3)1、视频会议摄像机配件 (3)2、会议摄像机接口功能 (4)3、会议摄像机云台功能 (6)4、会议摄像机镜头功能 (6)三、操作指南 (6)1、控制键盘基本操作 (6)2、特殊预置位功能 (7)四、会议摄像机拨码设定 (7)1、地址设置拨码表 (8)2、波特率、通信协议、通信方式拨码表 (8)3、红外遥控接受地址拨码表 (8)4、红外线遥控信号输出开关(SW2—DIP-6) (8)五、红外遥控器 (9)六、技术指标 (10)七、视频会议摄像机安装指南 (12)1、吸顶及壁装 (12)2、三脚架安装 (13)八、外形尺寸 (14)一、安全信息在安装和使用视频会议摄像机前,请仔细阅读本说明书。












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部门: xxx
时间: xxx

一. 产品简介---------------------------
-------------------------------3 二. 产品结构、尺寸及附件---------------
三. 遥控器操作方法---------------------
四. 性能参数---------------------------
-------------------------------7 五. 预置点功能设置---------------------
-------------------------------15 简易故障排除-------------------------------------------------------------18




摄像机使用环境温度为 0℃至50℃,湿度小于90﹪。












