查莉成长日记主题歌歌词文本theme song--Good luck Charlie
好运查莉第一季第一集英汉对白集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)1嗨 Charlie 看看你Hi, Charlie, there you are.2才九个月大多可爱啊Nine months old and look how cute you are.3再看看我也多可爱And look how cute I am.4我是你的姐姐TeddyIt's your big sister Teddy here,5我在拍视频日记And I'm making this video diary6来帮你立足于我们这个To help you survive our...7特别的家Special family.8嗨看来老爸已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.9哦这是妈妈Oh, and there's mom,10今天早上看起来最可爱了Looking lovelier than ever this morning.11没心情拍Not in the mood.12好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了Okay. I think you've had enough bananas.13我们改吃点甜豌豆吧So we're switching to sweet peas!14你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy.15非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay16哦那是你的大哥 PJOh, and there's your older brother PJ 17通常在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual.18这不是今天的家庭作业It's not today's homework.19这是昨天的家庭作业This is yesterday's homework.20你可能有机会和你哥哥There's a chance you two will be21一起念高中哦in high school together.22哦那是爸爸在准备明天的工作Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work.23他靠杀虫来赚钱He kills bugs for a living.24宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Honey, come on. we've been through this.25我不是杀虫I don't kill bugs.26我是害虫防治专家I'm a pest control specialist.27一样啊Either way...28现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦So now you've met the whole family.29忘记某人了吧Forgetting somebody30Gabe 不是不是的我没有忘记你Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you.31你是压轴的I was just saving the best for last. 32Charlie 那是你的小哥哥Gabe Gharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe.33你想对Charlie说点什么吗You want to say something to Charlie 34你毁了我的生活You ruined my life.35好了看来Gabe还需要点时间Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer36来适应你因为你就是个惊喜To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise.37惊喜应该是好事啊I thought surprises were supposed to be good.38 卡And... cut.39大家听着Okay, gang, listen up.40我今晚要回医院工作I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital41这是Charlie出生后我第一次上班For the first time since Charlie was born,42所以我想让你们全都待在家So I want everyone to stay at home43- 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝 - 等下不行妈- and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom.44我今晚不能待家里I'm not gonna be here tonight.45我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了I have a study date at the library.46你的意思是借学习之机Don't you mean "studly" date...47和Spencer约会吧With Spencer48哦留着亲你的枕头吧Oh, save it for your pillow.49我很抱歉 Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule.50但是爸But, dad--51- Bob - 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了- Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now.52妈妈别误会我的意思Mom, don't take this the wrong way,53但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢But why did you guys have to have another baby54那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Well, because three kids was just too easy.55胆小鬼才只生三个Three's for quitters.56Teddy 你不至于去和And Teddy, you know better than to schedule57一个我从来没见过的男生约会“学习”吧a study date with a boy I've never met.58拜托作为爸爸,有责任Come on. as dad, it's my responsibility59知道我孩子的每个生活细节to know every detail of my kids' lives.60是吗Oh yeah61我上的是哪个学校?What school do I go to62嗯以某个总统命名的Um-- the one named after that president.63嗨对了我得开车送你们去学校了Hey, you know what I've got to drive you kids to school.64- 我们走吧 - 等下我还没吃早饭呢- Let's go. - Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet.65- 快点我们走 - 一天中最重要的一餐- Come on, let's go. - Most important meal of the day66- 我从没吃到过 - 我们走吧- Never got it. - Let's go!67- 我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢 - 是林肯小学- I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt - Lincoln.68记住了Got it.69生活搞得一团糟Day's all burnt toast70就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad says71我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe72我闭上双眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite73跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud74就在这里我们的家There it is up on the roof75我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived76所以听取我的建议So just take my advice77宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 78可是我知道你会有美好未来But I know your future is bright79宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby80不要怀疑There is no maybe81一切终会如你所愿Eveything turns out all right82生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down83可是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me, it comes back all around84你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be85宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby86查莉成长日记第一季第一集Good Luck Charlie S01E01 Study Date 87老公我去上班了Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!88这是Charlie的生活安排Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule.89这上面写着什么时候喂她It tells you when to feed her,90什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉When to change her and when to put her down.91宝贝尽管放心Sweetheart, would you relax92一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Big daddy's got this all under control.93好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron94你就当真了Doesn't make it true.95如果Charlie哭闹了她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down.96它们到处都是拜托你小心点They're all over the place. Please be careful--97 - 它们到处都是 - 亲爱的- They're all over the place. - Honey...98你似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿You seem to forget I was fully involved99养育了三个孩子in the raising of three kids.100哦是吗我生日是什么时候Oh, yeah When's my birthday101 - 5月12号 - 11月23号- July 12th. - November 23rd.102记住了Got it.103祝你好运 Charlie Good luck, Charlie.104拜拜Mwah! Bye.105拜拜Bye.106嗨爸爸Hey, dad107- 什么事 - 我有个家庭作业的问题问你- Yeah - I have a homework question. 108好说吧Okay, fire away.109一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗Can the average human lick his own armpit110- 可以 - 谢了- Yeah. - Thanks.111那是什么作业科学问题吗So what was that, like a science question112不是Nope.113我来开门我来开门I'll get it. I'll get it.114我来开门其他人都不许碰I'll get it. Nobody else get it!115- 你好 - 你好- Hi. - Hi.116好啊Hi!117我是Teddy的爸爸I'm Teddy's dad.118很高兴见到你先生Nice to meet you, sir.119嗯 Spencer和我要学习了Uh, Spencer and I are studying120- 我们得准备明天的生物测验 - 真的吗- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now121是的没错所以请大家离开好吗Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave122你不用Not you.123- Teddy - 什么事- Teddy. - Yeah124我记得你妈说过不许约会学习的I thought your mom said no study date. 125是啊不能在图书馆Yeah, at the library.126哦对Oh, right.127那么你和她说了在家里学吗Okay, so then you've talked to her aboutthis128我当然说了Of course I did.129我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did. 130只不过我每天和不同的人It's just I talk to so many different people131说不同的事about so many different things.132你们家怎么有个这么巨大的虫子?Why is there a giant bug in your house133朋友那个That, my friend,134叫做沙螽is the jerusalem cricket,135外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫Better known to the layman as the potato bug.136- 我是个害虫专家 - 又来了- I'm an exterminator. - Here we go. 137嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable--138 “Bob赶走了所有害虫”"Bob's bugs be gone"139是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone140好吧你们要做家庭作业Okay. you've got homework to do.141我要去换尿布了I've got a diaper to change.142她的不是我的Hers-- not mine.143我还没老到那地步呢I ain't that old!144我还是上楼去吧I'm gonna be upstairs.145- Gabe 出去 - 好吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.146不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊But when's that hot guy getting here 147出去Out!148- 小孩子 - 嗯- Kids. - Yeah.149哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh man, I left my book at school.150没关系我们看一本就行Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine.151- 可以吗 - 完美- Is that okay - Perfect.152好Good,153因为这都只是为了学习Cause I'm all about the learnin'.154- 我去拿铅笔 - 哦我有- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one.155我想我把铅笔忘在学校了I think I left my pencils at school. 156我也是Me too.157女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen!158有请PJ和感应乐队PJ and the Vibe!159哇看来你就住在那个怪小子PJ的隔壁啊Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid.160嗯他不在隔壁Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door.161他在楼下He's downstairs...162而且他是我哥And he's my brother.163哦哦抱歉Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry.164我也是Yeah, me too.165等下等下等下停停Wait wait wait! stop stop!166 Emmett 开头你应该用强拍的Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat.167哥们我是打击乐器Dude, I'm percussion,168让我“打击”Let me "percush"!169拜托了两位For crying out loud, guys!170你好嘛What's up171你们能小声点吗我们正在学习Can you please turn it down We're trying to study.172不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll.173那就是响亮And that is loud!174我想我们可以体谅一下你妹妹Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister.175拜托Excuse me,176这个组合可是叫PJ和感应乐队But the band is called PJ and the vibe.177“感应”就没发言权吗So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say 178我我就是感应I-- I'm the vibe.179是啊了解了Yeah, I got that.180所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈Oh, so you got my vibe, huh181我还是回去吧I'm gonna be over here.182- 关小声点 - 你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art.183我不会安静的I will not be silent!184如果再逼我下来的话If I have come down here again,185这个会插在某个地方this gets plugged into somewhere else 186对了她和谁一起学习呢Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway187是不是又一位美女Is there a second fine lady in the house188是她迷恋的男生Some guy she's totally into.189我不敢相信她居然对我不忠I can't believe she's cheating on me. 190她没有对你不忠她都不知道有你这个人She's not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist.191不对我们只是关系进展比较慢而已No, see, our relationship is just developing slowly.192 - 不你们没关系 - 有- No, there is no relationship. - Yes, there is.193 - 没有是你的幻想 - 不是- No, it's all in your head! - no,194才不是因为连我妈都知道我们的关系it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it195好了我们学到哪儿了Now then, where were we196其实我记得你刚才坐得更近些的You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer.197好了细胞呼吸作用All right-- cellular respiration.198- 你介意吗 - 一点也不- Do you mind - not at all.199趁这个时候While we're at it--200- 你们干嘛呢 - 噢 Gabe- What are you doing - Oh! gabe!201- 你想怎么样啊 - 吃晚饭- What do you want - Dinner!202一整天都没人给我做饭Nobody's fed me all day!203我也算这个家的一员对吧And I am still part of this family, right204冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治There's a half-eaten sandwich in the fridge205自己去吃吧Knock yourself out.206好了所有兄弟都搞定了All right. Now my brothers are all taken care of.207- 太好了 - 不会再有人打搅我们了- Good. - And there will be no more interruptions.208- Teddy - 哦天呐- Teddy! - Oh, god!209- 你想干嘛 - 我需要你- What do you want! - I need you210照看下宝宝to watch the baby for a sec.211不No!212不No!213不准告诉你妈Nobody tells mom!214到这儿来 CharlieCome here, Charlie.215好了Oh, yes.216- Charlie 没事 - 哦但是我有事- Charlie's fine. - Ooh! But I'm not. 217嗯 TeddyUh, Teddy,218叫PJ去发动油门Tell PJ to fire up the bug truck,219我想我得去趟医院I think I gotta go to the hospital. 220还有 Teddy 接下来你得照顾下宝宝Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby.221不好吧No! Okay.222放松点十分钟后就到医院Relax, be the hospital in 10 mintues 223知道了拜托尽快Okay, just please please hurry.224噢哇我的屁股在燃烧Oh, wow! My butt is on fire!225真是见鬼了That is so weird!226上周Emmett和我写一首歌Last week, Emmett and I wrote a song 227就是这句话With that exact same title.228那太好了儿子但是请你别唱了That's great, son. just please don't sing--229- 我的屁股在燃烧 - 别唱了- My butt is on fire! - Stop it.230烫的面积和轮胎一样大It's the size of a tire!231别唱了Stop it!232- 拳打甲壳虫 - 噢你在干嘛- Punch buggy! - Ow! What are you doing!233拜托你好好开车啦Could you drive, please!234- 你想玩认车牌游戏吗 - 不想- Hey, you want to play license plate game - No!235密歇根州(车牌)Michigan.236- 也许我该走了 - 不- Maybe I should go. - no!237嗯她马上就喝完这瓶了Um, she's almost done with bottle238然后她就会睡觉了And then she'll go right to sleep.239我们就能约会---学习了Then we can studly-- I mean study.240我们学到哪儿了Now, uh, where were we241- 哦 - 什么是细胞呼吸作用- Yeah. - What is cellular respiration242就是葡萄糖及其他化合物That's when glucose and other compounds 243发生氧化反应释放化学能oxidize to produce chemical energy, 244- 还有水和二氧化碳 - 嗯- water and carbon dioxide. - Mm-hmm. 245也被称为屁Also known as poop.246哦老天Oh, boy.247忍着点老爸Hang in there, dad.248哇屁股火区扩散了Wow! Butt fire spreading.249- 医生在哪里 - 我去找找- Where's the doctor - I'll go see. 250等等等等等等Okay, wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.251等等我们不要让妈知道我们在这是不Wait. wait. We don't want mom to know we're here, right252所以小心点So please be careful.253不要引人注意Just try and blend in.254老爸拜托Dad, come on.255这么帅怎么可能不引人注目It's hard for this to blend in. 256那就想个办法Just figure something out.257想个办法"figure something out."258想个办法"figure something out."259妈妈Mom!260你是医生吗You're the doctor261是的Yes.262我是I am.263我是医生I am doctor...264是 Chandrasooleewan医生Shh-- Chandrasooleewan.265- 你是印第安人吗 - 我们更愿意被称为美国原住民- Are you Indian - We prefer to be called Native American.266你真的是个医生吗Are you sure you're a real doctor267你看起来太年轻了You look kinda young.268你说话口气跟我老婆一样You sound like my wife.269好了嗯Okay, uh--270你哪儿出问题了What seems to be the problem271有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了I have a fish hook in my lip!272- 怎么搞成这样的 - 我爸不擅长钓鱼- How'd this happen - My dad is not a very good fisherman.273嘿我爸不擅长下楼梯Hey, mine's not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man.274那么So--275我猜你得有九十七磅吧I'm guessing you're a 97-pounder.276嘘乖宝宝Hush, little baby277快睡觉Go beddy-bye278 Teddy想吻那个很帅的男孩Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy. 279怎么样了How's it going280不错孩子快睡着了Well, we're getting there.281啧啧啧看看这是谁啊Well well well. What have we here282 Emmett 你怎么还在这儿Emmett, why are you still here283我在找厨房Well, I was looking for the kitchen, 284但是我好像不小心进了舞厅But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom.285- 你好- Teddy 我是你隔壁的Dabney夫人- hello - Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door.286我没看见你的猫No, I have not seen your cat.287我打给你是因为你弟弟I'm calling about your brother;288他要把我家都吃空了He's eating me out of house and home 289 Gabe 离我的馅饼远点Gabe! Step away from the pie!290知道了我马上来Okay, I'll be right there.291等下 Spencer 我两分钟后回来All right. spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes.292千万别走 Emmett 出去走走Don't go anywhere. emmett, go somewhere.293你对我的女朋友有何居心So what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend294她才不是你女朋友She's not your girlfriend295好吧也许我们两个该到门外Okay, maybe me and you need to step outside...296这样你就能送我上自行车了So you can walk me to my bike.297你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗You here to give me my sponge bath298- PJ - 嗨妈妈- PJ - Hey, mom.299你在这做什么What are you doing here300我告诉你我不会做什么吧I'll tell you what I'm not doing here--301我不会给多毛的人做擦浴的Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys. 302所以妈妈有什么事吗So, mom, what's-- what's the happs303什么What's--304嗨亲爱的Hey, honey!305- Bob - 干的漂亮儿子- Bob! - Nice work, son.306好了到底出什么事了Okay, what's going on here307爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt.308- 你那时没抱着孩子吧 - 呃抱着呢- You weren't holding the baby, were you - Um, yes--309然后没有再然后又抱着了Then no, then yes again.310 Bob 你答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了Bob, you promised me you weren't gonna drop this one!311亲爱的听着这只是个小意外Honey, look, it was just a little accident.312顺便说句我那一接太精彩了Oh, and by the way, for the record-- an amazing catch!313我就知道我犯了个大错误I knew this was a huge mistake.314我不应该回来工作的I never should've gone back to work. 315宝贝没事的Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay. 316不不才不会没事No. no, it's not.317这也太难了我做不来It's too hard. I can't do this.318我意思是说我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time319一边照顾好四个孩子and take care of four kids320我是个糟糕的母亲I'm a terrible mother.321不不你不是的No no, you're not.322听着如果真要说,我才是个糟糕的父亲Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father.323我知道I know!324你们两个冷静点好吗Would you guys chill325你们是很棒的父母You're great parents.326我 Teddy Gabe现在都很不错啊Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good.327是的别难过了Yeah, come on.328我们还是做对了不少事情We've got to be doing something right. 329我是说嘿快看我们的儿子当医生了I mean, hey, look at this-- our son'sa doctor.330我是认真的我们两个都得忙工作I'm serious. With both of us working, 331可怜的小Charlie就又没人照顾了Poor little Charlie doesn't stand a chance.332放心吧没人会让你一个人照顾孩子的Come on, no one's going solo on this. 333我们几个小孩都会帮你的All us kids are gonna help out.334不管Charlie成长过程中出了什么差错And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way,335我们会一起承担责任的We can all share the blame.336 Chandrasooleewan医生请到手术室Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room.337真是忙个没完啊It never ends!338我很抱歉 Dabney夫人但是你Sorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but you 339也许不该让他进门的probably shouldn't let him in.340我没让他进啊他自己从猫洞里爬进来的I didn't let him in. He crawled through the cat door.341 Gabe 你有什么要对Dabney夫人说的吗Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs Dabney342有Yeah.343你明天晚上打算做什么?What are you fixing tomorrow night344修理猫洞The cat door.345我会保证锁好它的Gonna make sure it's locked.346好了我想我们要走了Okay. I think we're done here.347- 晚安 - 是的- Good night. - It is now.348好了我们回家吧All right, let's go.349- 你在干嘛 - 哦现在你突然- What are you doing - Oh, so now you're suddenly350- 对我感兴趣了 - Gabe 你是我弟弟- interested in me - gabe, you're my little brother.351我从来都没对你感过兴趣I've never been interested in you.352我开玩笑呢I'm kidding.353到底怎么了What's going on354自从这个宝宝来到世上Ever since the baby arrived,355每个人都总是忽略我Everyone's been ignoring me.356我觉得我是隐形的I feel like I'm invisible.357我就是个窝囊的排行中间的孩子I'm just the loser middle kid...358就像你一样Like you.359当个排行中间的孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊Just because I'm a middle kid doesn't make me a loser.360那是什么让你变得窝囊了Then what does make you a loser361我不窝囊拜托I am not a loser. Okay 362我本来也是最小的And I was a baby once.363然后你来到了这世上And then you came along.364开始我也不开心And I was not happy about it.365但是后来我看到你在PJ身上撒尿我就想But then you peed on PJ and I thought, 373嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧"Hey, give the kid a shot."366听着总有一天你会像我看待你那样Look, someday you're gonna feel the same way367看待Charlie的a bout Charlie that I feel about you. 368那么你怎么看待我的Well, how do you feel about me369这么说吧Let's put it this way--370全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里The hottest guy in school is at our house right now,371而我现在却和你在一起And I'm here with you.372看她多可爱啊Look how cute she is.373我已经开始对她有好感了I am warming up to her already!374好了 Charlie已经睡着了 Gabe在玩电子游戏Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's playing a video game375我们终于可以独处了And we are finally alone.376嗨大家好Hey, everybody!377我尾骨撞伤了I have a bruised coccyx.378哦拜托Oh, come on!379这个词搞笑That's a funny word.380尾骨Coccyx!381医生给他开了止痛药The doctor gave him pain medication. 382是我放屁了吗不好意思Was that me Sorry.383我那个地方还有点麻木I'm a little numb down there.384其实是接我的人来了Uh, actually, that's my ride.385当然是了Of course it is.386很高兴见到你小伙子It's good to meet you, son.387哦晚安宝贝Oh, good night, sweetheart.388晚安先生Good night, sir.389- 晚安 - 晚安- Good night. - Good night.390尾骨Coccyx!391这就是爸如何抢走我的初吻的So that's how dad got my first kiss 392还有你的第一次飞翔And how you flew for the first time.401但是好消息是But the good news is--393没有好消息Nah, there is no good news.394我收回刚才那句话 Spencer给我发短信了I take that back! It's a text from spencer!395他约我明天一起出去He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night396去他家At his house!397哦我要去洗你吐在我衣服上的脏东西了Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket.398哦对了还有一件事Oh, and, uh, one more thing--399当你到了我这个年龄遇到一个帅哥When you're my age and you meet a cute boy,400不管什么情况千万不要Do not, under any circumstances,401带他来家中ever ever bring him home.402因为如果你这么做的话那么Cause if you do, well--403祝你好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie.404哦太舒服了Oh, that's wonderful.405真是太感谢你帮我擦澡了Thank you so much for doing this.406嗨如果我不能为我的病人服务Hey, if I can't be there for my patients,407那我还装什么医生What kind of pretend doctor am I408那么你有没想过剃毛So, uh, do you ever think about shaving--409全身Like, everywhere410我剃过啊上周I did-- last week.。
查莉成长日记Good Luck Charlie第二季中英对照剧本剧情简介:好运查莉又名《查莉成长日记》,属于迪士尼频道家庭题材情景喜剧,故事围绕六口之家Duncan一家展开。
非常适合精看学英文!相比老友记,此剧语言更鲜活,更时尚,更幽默,画面更清晰,音质更好,家庭题材更适合全家观赏,那么有什么理由不把此剧当做精读的材料呢?第一集这下悲剧了Well, this is awful.真不敢相信查莉的生日要在监狱里度过了I can't believe we're spending Charlie's birthday in jail.好了既然我们都在这里Well, as long as we're all in here together,那我们就重申下一些准则let's go over some ground rules.这只是一把椅子This is just a chair.但如果我不成Well, what if I... Uhuh.如果打住What if... Hold it.两位还有更糟的呢Guys, it could be worse.老爸老妈会知道我们在这里的Mom and dad could know we're here.孩子们惨了Kids? Uhoh.好啊老妈好啊老爸Hi, mom. Hi, dad.好都好Hi. Hey.这下全家团聚了Nice family you got here.你们家的狗是不是也被抓进笼子里了I'm guessing the dog is in the pound?我们家没狗“史努提”长官We don't have a dog, officer "snootee."是“史努忒”It's pronounced "snootay."你俩快进去吧给你Get in there, you two. Here.你们这仨小鬼在这里干嘛What are you guys doing here?你们这俩老鬼在这里干嘛What are you guys doing here?别吵了在我们争论那问题之前Okay, before we get to that,我们还是再来重申下准则吧let's go over the ground rules again.老爸尤其是你要注意听了Dad, I want you to pay extra close attention.生活搞得一团糟Today's all burnt toast就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad jokes我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe我闭上眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud哎呀老爸鞋子就在房顶上There it is up on the roof我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived所以听取我的建议So just take my advice宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby世界有很多疯狂无奈Things are crazy可是我知道你会有美好将来But I know your future's bright宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby不要怀疑There's no maybe一切终会如你所愿Everything turns out all right生活有悲有喜Your life is up and down但是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me it comes back around你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby.查莉成长日记第二季第一集Good Luck Charlie SE Charlie is我的孩子们在监狱里So my kids are in jail.有谁能给我解释下吗Anybody wanna tell me why?没人我们挺好的Nope, we're good.好了那你们呢你们怎们进来的Well, what about you? Why are you guys in jail?嘿我们先问的请先回答我们Hey, we asked you first. Start talking.好吧作为老大All right well, as the oldest我会给你们一个合理的解释I guess I owe you guys an explanation.这全是泰迪的错It's all Teddy's fault.什么你胡说噢是吗What? It is not! Oh really?如果你没有承诺给查莉买一个We wouldn't be here你完全支付不起的生日礼物if you hadn't promised Charlie我们就不会在监狱里了a birthday present you couldn't deliver.查莉快看啊Well, Charlie, here you are,这是你最喜欢的电视节目《咯咯笑》watching your favorite tv show, "the gurgles."这就是我们的声音That's the sound we make如果你够乖If we march in circles和我们一起兜圈圈and watch you play along那就快坐下给妈妈捣捣乱Just sit down, annoy your mom一起唱咯咯歌咯咯笑and sing the gurgle song, gurgles!有点闹心It's kind of annoying,不过我猜这和你的胃口but I guess it's entertaining to your little brain.噢是《咯咯笑》我都错过什么了Oh, "the gurgles!" What did I miss?我喜欢咯咯笑嘘I love gurgles. Shh!如果我们比比看是谁能够送给查莉So if we're having a contest for who gives Charlie 有史以来最棒的生日礼物the best birthday present ever,那我就赢定了I'll accept my prize now.是吗我可是送给了她生命Okay well, I gave her the gift of life,那你又送给了什么so let's see what you got.我送给她咯咯笑的演唱会门票I'm getting her tickets to the gurgles concert.噢没错Oh! Yeah.我要让她度过超完美的两岁生日I want her to have a great second birthday,不像我当年都是些我不想要的礼物unlike mine when I didn't get the gift I wanted.又来了一直抱怨那只哈罗小狗Here we go, still whining about a hello doggy.是你好狗狗Howdy puppy,是西部最最可爱的吉娃娃the rootinest tootinest little chihuahua in the West.在这个世界上我只想要他I wanted him more than anything in the world还有...and I...噢现在说这个为时过早Oh, too soon.嘿你觉着来场派对怎么样Hey, how are you coming with the entertainment?派对派对吗Entertainment. Entertainment?查莉的生日派对For Charlie's birthday party.你准备了什么啊What did you decide on? Ah.仍在考虑酝酿中Still thinking. Noodling.文思如泉涌啊A lot of things going on in the old hopper.泉已经枯竭了对吧鲍伯The hopper's empty, isn't it, Bob?我我甚至都不知道那东西在哪里I... I don't even know where it is anymore.亲爱的查莉的派对三天后就要举行了Honey, Charlie's party is in three days.好了亲爱的放轻松我会想办法的Oh, honey, come on, relax. I'll think of something.好了我们弄个小丑Okay, we'll do a clown,再弄个充气蹦床什么的a bouncy house... whatever.鲍伯亲爱的你还是自己留着那些东西吧Bob, honey, you have to reserve those things.我们要弄些真正好的东西We have to decide on something good要不然哈罗小狗事件又要重演了or it's gonna be hello doggy all over again.是你好狗狗Howdy puppy!嘿能让我查看下邮件吗不成Hey, can I check my email? No no no no no.我要在线抢购咯咯笑的演唱会门票I'm about to buy gurgles concert tickets online.八秒钟之后会开始网上销售They go on sale in eight seconds看我怎么抢下第一张票的and I'm gonna be the first one to get them.好了准备三二一Okay, here we go. Three, two, one.搞什么已售罄What? Sold out?!开什么国际玩笑Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.别放弃让我试试看Hang on. Let me get in there.等着瞧好吧Let's see.你在干嘛查看邮件啊What are you doing? Checking my email.什么给我What? Give me that.我该怎么弄到票呢How am I gonna get the tickets now?那个前几天我在听Well, the other day I was listening儿童广播KIDZto that radio station for kids, K.I.D.Z....嘿是儿童我才搞明白Hey, kidz. I just got that.为什么你要听儿童广播Why are you listening to the kidz radio station?因为他们说不要转台Because they told me not to change the channel.总之他们有个比赛Anyway, they're having a contest.拍出最佳视频的人可以获得咯咯笑的演唱会门票Whoever makes the best video wins tickets to the gurgles concert.我们可以拍出好的视频We could make a great video.我们只需要一个好点子All we need is one good idea.好吧听听这个Oh okay, how about this?我们就拍So we make a video of me putting on我穿两百条内裤的视频pairs of underpants.然后我转过身屁股上有几个大字And then I turn around and on my butt it says.“我爱咯咯笑”"I heart the gurgles."好了审批不通过Yeah, that's not it.我我也想到一个点子I've... I've got an idea.我写一些关于儿童的歌曲I've written some really great kid songs.我们可以将其中一首放在视频里We could turn one of those into a video.我需要一个好点子只需一个啊One good idea. Just one good idea.我有一首歌是关于会说话的脚趾头I have got a song about talking toes你绝对会从头到脚的爱上他that will knock your socks off.懂了没因为...算了You get it? 'Cause it... okay.好了现在出来的全是馊点子Okay, we're still going through all the bad ideas.但我们需要金点子But we need a good one,而且应该让查莉成为其中的卖点and Charlie should be the star of it.我一直想把查莉从火炮中发射出去Well, I've always wanted to shoot her out of a cannon.成了馊点子继续往外冒All right, still emptying out all those bad ideas, okay.火炮不成内裤不成No cannons? No underpants?你们真是不懂我的良苦用心You're really tying my hands here.嘿嘿亲爱的亲爱的Hey hey, honey! Honey!嘿过来进来来Hey, come on. Come in here. Come on.我给你看样东西什么东西啊I've got something I wanna show you. What is it?我给你展示下我为查莉生日派对准备的东西I wanna show you the entertainment I got for Charlie's party.看看吧Voila.一辆黄包车A little cart.难道是你来拉这辆车吗This is why I'm missing "judge ira"?天啊我好像应该把黄包车挂在Oh my, I seemed to have put the cart before the...一匹马后面Horse!确定这是一匹马吗Are you sure it's a horse?我见过比这还大的狗I've seen bigger dogs.说实话比这大的猫我都见过Actually, I've seen bigger cats.亲爱的这是迷你马Honey, it's a miniature horse.不过他还是挺可爱的Well, he is kind of cute.你是从哪弄来的在马厩里Where did you find him? At the stables.告诉你我本来想弄匹小马驹You know, I was gonna get a pony,但随后我在停车场发现了这家伙and then I met this guy in the parking lot有个人说“咱们做笔交易吧”who said, "Have I got a deal for you."接着我说“不用了谢谢”And well, after I said "no thank you" to the speakers,随后他就把这匹马牵出来了he brought out shamrock here.他真是可爱Aw, he's adorable.为什么他的尾巴翘起来了Why is his tail going up?噢Oh.太好了That was great.嘿妈我们刚完成了视频拍摄Hey, mom, we finished the video.想看看吗噢太好了You wanna see it? Oh, can't wait.太好了门票我们赢定了Yeah, we are so gonna win those tickets.咯咯笑Gurgles!晚上好Good evening.今天做客的是咯咯笑的最忠实的粉丝I'm here with the world's biggest gurgles fan,夏洛特·邓肯小姐miss Charlotte Duncan.噢不要请叫我查莉Oh no, please call me Charlie.不要太客套We're all friends here.那么查莉告诉我们你是如何So, Charlie, tell me how you first知道咯咯笑的became acquainted with the gurgles.其实我当时是十七...不是十八个月大的时候Well, I was ... no, months当时我正在换频道找节目看and I was doing a little bit of channel surfing.那些无聊的节目啊Boring, blah.不是去过的就是看过的突然Been there, seen that. Then babam!这世上最美妙的画面映入我的眼帘The most wonderful collection of shapes and colors. 我从未看过咯咯笑I had ever seen. The gurgles.必须是咯咯笑The gurgles indeed.看他们的演唱会可以让我感觉到...And seeing them in concert would make me feel...好了还是用行动来表达吧Well, why don't I just show you?灯光Lights, please.哇快看啊太棒了Wow, look at this. Cool.哇Wow!原谅我我刚才有点激动Forgive me. I got a bit carried away.如果现在采访结束了Now if we're done here,有人答应要给我一盒果汁的I was promised a juice box.你们真是太有才了You guys, that was amazing!噢老妈是你生出了个有才的查莉Oh, mom, you made a brilliant Charlie.噢难道不是吗Oh, didn't I?演得不错演得不错Good show, good show.再放一遍Again.是吗是的Yes? Yeah.嘿亲爱的你看见车库遥控器了吗Hey, honey, you seen the garage door opener?不用找了Never mind.你搞什么What are you doing?有只迷你马在我们的车库里There's a minihorse in our garage.你不觉着我应该好好利用下吗Did you really think I wouldn't take advantage of that?你去哪了Where did you go?去奥斯丁家了Just down the street to Austin's house.当时他正吹嘘他新买的狗He's been bragging about his new dog.这立马让他哑口无言了This shut him right up.好了你能先下来吗All right, come on. Get out of there, would you?好吧Okay.噢给你Oh, here. There you go.这是什么门票啊What is this? Tickets.你不知道开小马车发短信也要挨罚单吗Did you know you can't text while riding a minihorse? 哦盖比什么事儿Uh, Gabe Yep?你忘了某事吧噢没错You forgetting something? Oh right.嘿现在三点了Hey, it's :.获奖视频现在应该公布了The winning video should be up by now.我这就去看I'm on it嘿PJ 原来你今天还要上班啊Hey, P.J. I didn't know you were working today.不上这是我唯一一件干净的T恤I'm not. This is my only clean shirt.还有你为什么戴着这顶帽子Then why are you wearing the hat?只穿工作T恤还真挺蠢I don't wanna look stupid.噢看啊有结果了他们登出了获奖视频Oh, it's up. They've posted the winning video.天啊我紧张得都不敢看了Oh, I can't look.快啊告诉我我们赢了告诉我我们赢了Okay, tell me we won. Tell me we won.你怎么还没告诉我我们赢了Why aren't you telling me we won?因为我们输了什么不可能啊Because we lost. What? I don't believe it.哪一个视频会可能比我们更好What video could possibly be better than ours?知道我有多爱咯咯笑组合吗How much do I love the gurgles?恐怕此时Now at this point某蠢人不得不说"我早告诉过你"a jerk might say "I told you so."没错我早告诉过你I told you so!那我们该怎么办呀So now what are we gonna do?去市中心的皮埃蒙特酒店Go downtown to the piedmont hotel咯咯笑组合就住那儿问他们去讨票好了where the gurgles are staying and beg them for tickets?你怎么会知道他们住哪儿How do you know where they're staying?"咯咯笑粉丝网"上面写的It was on the "all things gurgles" website.不会只有我一人知道这消息吧Am I the only one who reads that?是的是的因为你是他们粉丝中Yes yes, because you're their only fan唯一识字的that can actually read.你真的以为去敲他们的房门So you're just gonna knock on their door他们就能放你进去吗and they're gonna let you in?会的只要我们They will if we're delivering送他们桶鲜香炸鸡排a delicious bucket of chicken.要么就送你干外卖时送的那玩意儿吧Or that stuff you deliver.好主意我们这就出发Great! Let's go.慢着你们怎么知道Wait a minute. How are you gonna know他们住哪间房what room they're in? .我可是"咯咯笑粉丝网"的高级会员I'm an "all things gurgles" premium subscriber.你居然如此单纯地以为大家能顺从你的计划You make a simple rule. You expect people to follow it.盖比她才两岁她摒不住的Gabe, she's two. She can't hold it.我们现在能转过身了吗Can we turn around now不行再等会儿Actually, give me a second.什么状况Unbelievable.这样你能继续把故事讲完吗All right, would you please just finish the story?你还是没告诉我们你是怎么进来的You still haven't told us how you got arrested.好吧我们接着就去了酒店All right, so we went down to the hotel.嗯我是房的斯坦Yeah, this is stan in .我找不到我的遥控器了I can't find my remote control.噢这回不在我屁股下No, I'm not sitting on it again.算了Never mind.门开着的It's open.我不敢相信哇这真的是你I can't believe it. It's you!你就是那个圆圈啊You're the circle!问我要签名的话五美元You want me to sign something... Five bucks.用金笔签十美元You want it in sparkly pen, it's bucks.噢不是我们不是来要签名的No no, we're not here for autographs.我们想要演唱会的票We want to ask about concert tickets.我们特地给你带了炸鸡排哈And we brought chicken. Huh?等下等下慢着Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute.这是其他组员给你们出的主意吗The other gurgles put you up to this?来考验我节食节得怎么样了Are they testing me to see if I'll stay on my diet?考验你Testing you?组员们难道都不互相关爱互相帮助吗Don't all the shapes love each other and help each other out?嗯嗯是的尝尝看Yeah yeah, that's it. Here you go.你有票子吗没有你是想拉赞助商来吗So do you have any tickets? No. You have any sides?不给票我们就不给你吃鸡排No ticky, no chicky.PJ我们走吧找个更好说话的组员P.J., come on, let's go find a more helpful shape.我马上跟来I'll catch up with you.听我说句小圆Listen, circ.嘿我能叫你小圆吗不可以Heh, can I call you circ? No.唉好吧事实上我也是做音乐的Uh, well, the thing is I am a musician我给咯咯笑组合写了首很赞的歌and I wrote a song that is perfect for the gurgles.你想听听看吗噢不了谢谢You wanna hear it? No no no, thanks.我们所有的歌都是三角写的Triangle writes all our songs他简直是个天才'cause he's a genius.只占你一分钟嘛就一分钟This will only take a minute, only take a minute.这是首这是首我创作于This is a song... This is a song I wrote我擦破膝盖后的歌after I skinned my knee.当你伤口结了疤你有何所得What do you get when you pick a scab?结了疤结了疤Pick a scab, pick a scab.当你伤口结了疤你有何所得What do you get when you pick a scab?那疤痕永远也去不掉了A scar that lasts forever.想再听一首吗you wanna hear another one?不听着孩子我只想一个人呆一会儿No. Look, kid, I just want to be left alone看看电视明白吗and watch tv, okay?呃我晕Aw, nuts.嘿我一会儿回来Okay, I'll be back in a little while.你去哪儿啊开车带马出去转转Where are you going? Taking the horse for a drive.我想看看当人们看见I like to see people's faces它把头伸出窗外时的表情when he sticks his tiny head out the window.噢鲍伯快出来看啊马不见了Oh! Bob, get out here! The horse is gone.我们的牲口被抢了该死We've been rustled? Dag nabbit!你确定你要这么干吗you sure you wanna do this?我也不觉得溜进演唱会这主意有多好I don't like the idea of sneaking into a concert,可是没什么其他办法了我不想让查莉失望but there's no way I'm gonna let Charlie down. 更何况最坏又能怎么样And besides, what's the worst that could happen?他们又不可能把我们抓进去It's not like they're gonna throw us in jail.好了别笑了开始酝酿悲伤Okay, stop laughing. It's time to get sad.想些无比悲痛的事Think of something really sad.好啊哈真不错Okay. Oh, that's good.想下那条狗你好小狗Thinking of hey there, poochy? Howdy puppy.下一位嗨Next. Hi.请出示门票情况是这样的Ticket, please. Um, quick story.非常悲伤的一件事让我猜猜It's actually pretty sad. Let me guess.你设法给你You're trying to get tickets for your baby sister咯咯笑组合的世界头粉小妹妹弄张门票who's the biggest gurgles fan in the whole world可票却买光了and they were sold out,现在你想让我放你们进去and now you want me to just let you guys in?别把真相说出来行吗It's even sadder when you say it.结果比真相还糟And here's the saddest thing of all.下一位Next!下面得出狠招了Time to kick it up a notch.准备好了吗好了Ready? Ready.噢噢噢Oh oh oh!快救救他呀那个男孩晕倒了Help help! That boy just collapsed!别担心我是医生It's okay. I'm a doctor.我知道怎么给他人工呼吸我没事了I know mouth to mouth. All better.嗨我叫鲍伯臭虫害虫灭光光Hi, I'm Bob... Bob's bugs be gone.来这儿处理后台火蚁的问题I'm here about the fire ant problem backstage.职业除虫家是吗Exterminators, huh?那为何手上抱着着婴儿呢Why do you have a baby with you?她跟着来实习的She's an intern.你还真当我蠢货吗不是You really think I'm that stupid? No.嘿看那儿啊什么Hey, look over there. What?嘿Hey!需要帮助吗Can I help you?我是动物管理协会的很好Animal control. Good.你的脸怎么了What happened to your face?花栗鼠只有在卡通里才是可爱的夫人Chipmunks are only cute in cartoons, ma'am.这是你们的马吗Is this your horse?是啊你找到了他天哪Yes. You found him! Hey!我的神啊我们担心坏了Oh my gosh, we've been worried sick.他现在在哪儿啊不要急Where is he? Not so fast.恐怕这匹马是偷来的I'm afraid this animal is stolen proper.什么我们没有偷过马What? We didn't steal it.我丈夫把它租来给女儿办生日派对的My husband rented it for our daughter's birthday party. 请给我看下租约Just show me the rental agreement,你们就没事了we can clear this right up.可是我没有租约I haven't got a rental agreement.那人只给我伸了双汗手I got a sweaty handshake然后坐着黑面包车就扬长而去了and he took off in his dark van.我感觉应该可以了Seemed okay to me.那恐怕你们逃不掉麻烦了Then I'm afraid we have a problem.噢不不不亲No no no, hon.你的租约在这儿呀Here's your rental agreement.亲爱的我告诉过你我没有的Honey, I told you I didn't get one.噢不就在这儿嘛是的是的Oh no, it's right here. Yeah yeah.事实上As a matter of fact,他有两张租约he has two rental agreements.您企图贿赂我吗夫人Are you trying to bribe me, ma'am?我们还有蛋糕呢We also have cake.我们就这么被抓了进来So that's how we got here,就剩PJ没有说了which only leaves P.J.你怎么被抓进来的How did you get here?哈其实说来真逗Oh, cute story, actually.演唱会结束后So it was after the concert.亏我还是在耶鲁上的大学I can't believe I went to Yale.如今却沦落至此Now I'm a gurgle.我有会说话的脚趾头I've got talkin' toes大脚趾爱说你好The big one likes to say hello其他四个很腼腆The other four are not so bold天冷时他们蜷在一起They curl up when it gets too cold.你太有才了孩子That's great, kid.噢你喜欢那首吗我还有好多其他的呢Oh, you like that one? I've got plenty of others...有首关于会说话的眼睛还有首是会说话的膝盖One about talking eyes, one about talking knees...好吧你就没有首写保安的吗Yeah, do you happen to have a song about security guards?这可不是什么好主意That's not a good idea for a song.天哪Oh.一会见喽我要去监狱了See you later, I'm off to jail一会能帮我交保释金吗Could you do me a favor and post my bail?这个咯咯笑组员上过耶鲁大学...Here's a gurglewho went to Yale...因此我因骚扰咯咯笑组合成员被逮捕so I was busted for harassing a gurgle同时被踢出了粉丝俱乐部and stripped of my membership from the fan club.好了邓肯一家你们可以走了Okay, Duncans, you're free to go.你们被保释了You've been bailed out.保释谁保的Bailed out? By who?圆圈咯咯Gurgle circle.不错不错这是你们人生中最美好的时刻Yeah yeah, biggest moment of your life.可你为什么保我们出去But why did you bail us out?嗯我为其他几位咯咯成员Well, I played "pick a scab"弹唱了"伤疤歌"他们都说喜欢for the other gurgles and they loved it.我卖出了一首歌不是我I sold a song? No, i sold a song.你被保释了娱乐圈随时欢迎你孩子You got bailed out. Welcome to showbiz, kid.你知道吗我挺怀念这儿的You know, I'm gonna miss this place.噢别担心你会有机会回来的Oh, don't worry, you'll be back.好了查莉你的两岁生日Well, Charlie, your second birthday最后过得如此有纪念意义turned out to be pretty memorable...比我两岁生日光辉多了这是肯定的More memorable than my second birthday, that's for sure.现在说这个为时过早Still too soon.总之你没机会看咯咯笑组合的演唱会了Anyways, you never did get to see the gurgles in concert,不过没关系因为你另有所爱了but that's okay because you have a new favorite show.噢"毛毛组合"Ooh, "the buttercups!"如果你想看毛毛组合的演唱会But if you ever wanna see the buttercups in concert,得祝你好运了查莉good luck, Charlie.嘘这是新出来的Shh! This is a new one.嘿爸爸我能带查莉出去策马奔腾下吗Hey, dad, do you mind if I take Charlie out for a spin? 噢抱歉盖比Ooh, sorry, Gabe.我们现在没有马了We don't have the horse anymore.但我们可有车啊But we do have the cart.快一点Faster!看镜头说"茄子"Okay, say "Cheese."站起来继续前进Giddy up.哇你们出去了好久Wow. You guys were gone a long time.真的吗我感觉才过了三十秒Really? Seems like seconds.噢你们看到什么有趣的东西了吗Oh! Did you see anything interesting?没收了堆罚单而已No, just a bunch of credits.第二集泰迪太好了Teddy. Great!泰迪我要和你说...Teddy, I've got to talk...噢别开玩笑了到底怎么了Oh... you're kidding. Then what happened?哇Wow.稍等又有别的电话打进来了Hold on. I'm getting another call.玩真的Really?是的Really.再等下一会我再给你回电话Hold on. I've got to call you back.干吗你说干什么What? What?我刚接到话费账单I just opened up the phone bill.你的话费透支了九十美元You are $ over your texting limit.看你怎么解释这件事What have you got to say about that?“我爱你老爹”"I love you, daddy"?别这样泰迪你也太没有责任心了Come on, Teddy, this is so irresponsible.我对你抱有很大期望的I expect more from you.等下我先发条短信Hold on. I'm getting a text.算了你发不了了No, you're not,因为我要把你的手机没收'cause I'm taking your phone away.什么你不能这样对我What? No, you can't do that.没收我的手机犹如没收你的披萨Taking away my phone would be like taking away your pizza. 你居然为了你的破手机You're fighting for your phone.而暗指我很胖By calling me fat?那个我只是很生气Well, I'm just really mad.我爱你老爹I love you, daddy.和你说下如果想拿回你的手机I'll tell you what... You'll get your phone back.就先凑齐九十块大洋这太不公平了When you come up with bucks. That's so unfair.嘿老爸Hey dad.我和你说点儿事Uh, I gotta tell you something.又咋了What?那个在我把车开进车库时Well, I was pulling into the garage.好像蹭到了您的战车And I kind of scraped the bug truck.上面的字从“鲍勃到臭虫害虫灭光光”Instead of "Bob's bugs be gone"变成了“罗伯来地毯毛毯跑光光”it now says "Rob's rugs be gone."什么事老爸Yeah, dad?尽量小心点可以吗Try and be more careful.就完了他得到了一句勉励的话That's it? He gets "try and be more careful"而我得到的却是手机没收太没天理了and I get my phone taken away? Unbelievable!哇她还真是棘手是吧罗伯Whoa. She's a handful, eh, Rob?生活搞得一团糟Today's all burnt toast就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad jokes我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe我闭上眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud哎呀老爸鞋子就在房顶上There it is up on the roof我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived所以听取我的建议So just take my advice宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby世界有很多疯狂无奈Things are crazy可是我知道你会有美好将来But I know your future's bright宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby不要怀疑There's no maybe一切终会如你所愿Everything turns out all right生活有悲有喜Your life is up and down但是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me it comes back around你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, baby.查莉成长日记第二季第二集Good Luck Charlie SE Something's Fishy嘿同志们一会见Hey, guys, see you later.你要带查莉出去吗Are you taking Charlie somewhere?是的去商场我们要购物去Yes, to the mall. We're going to go shopping.为什么去购物Shopping for what?泡妞Girls.她们就是无法抗拒我们的可爱小妹妹They just can't resist our adorable little sister.你居然用我们的小妹来做诱饵I can't believe you'd use Charlie as girl bait.哦算了任他去吧Oh, let him do it.对于一个没有魅力与气质的人来说Without charm or personality,也就只能玩这小把戏it's his only play.我谢你Thank you.好吧但是记住在三点之前把查莉送回来All right, just have Charlie back by :.我要带她去一个生日聚会在奥托游乐场I'm taking her to a birthday party at Otto's grotto. 没问题我们一会儿就回来Oh, no problem. Shouldn't take long.嘿查莉说我刚教给你的那句Hey, Charlie, say that thing I taught you.我耐PJI wuv P.J.“耐”她能说“爱”了"Wuv"? She can say "love."是啊但是“耐”可以帮我钓到更多的女生I know, but "wuv" gets me way more girls.嘿宝贝Hey honey.嘿怎么了Hey. What's wrong?没人和我玩网球电子游戏Nobody to play video tennis with.我的朋友们不是在做作业All my friends are doing homework.就是在和家人共度美好时光Or spending time with their families...你们这帮衰人Losers.我来和你玩I'll play with you.我还是去看书吧I think I'll go read a book.你宁愿去看书You'd rather read a book.也不愿意和你老妈我玩电子游戏Than play video games with your mom?是啊说的没错Yeah, you're right.我还是去小睡一觉吧I'm gonna go take a nap.盖比我以前玩过这东西Gabe, I've played video games before.我知道我在干嘛I know what I'm doing.那是电视遥控器老妈Mom, that's the tv remote.我正想把它拿开Which I'm moving out of the way.。
查莉成长日记第1季这个故事告诉我们:有个脑残的大哥和一个二逼的小哥是一件欢乐的事情!娃娃很可爱,剧情一般般~ 查莉成长日记第一季主题曲是《hang in there baby》。
歌名:hang in there baby. 歌手:bridgit mendler. 所属专辑:《make your mark: ultimate playlist》. 歌词: todays all burnt toast running late dad jokes has anybody seen my left shoe i close my eyes take a bite take a ride laugh out loud there it is up on the roof i've been there i survived so just take my advice hang in there baby, things are crazy but i know you futures bright hang in there baby theres no maybe everthing turns out alright sure life is up and down but trust me it es back around your gonna love who you turn out to be whoo! home run loud crash someones gonna pay for that why is everyone looking at me trouble in paradise skating on melted ice please don't take away my tv i've been there i survied so just take my advice hang in there baby, things are crazy but i know you futures bright hang in there baby theres no maybe everthing turns out alright sure life is up and down but trust me it es back around your gonna love who you turn out to be someone who gets along can keep you moving on thats what i'm here for say anything you can say anything'cause i've been there hang in there baby, things are crazy but i know you futures bright hang in there baby theres no maybe everthing turns out alright sure life is up and down but trust me it es back around your gonna love who you turn out to be hang in there baby, things are crazy but i know you futures bright hang in there baby theres no maybe everthing turns out alright sure life is up and down but trust me it es back around your gonna love who you turn out to be take it from me hang in there baby.。
查莉成长日记中英台词对照版S01E01-Good-Luck-Charlie————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:好运查理/查莉成长日记/Good Luck Charlie第一季第一集S01E01 Study Date Hi, Charlie, there you are.嗨Charlie 快看看你Nine months old and look how cute you are.才九个月大多可爱啊And look how cute I am.再看看我多么可爱啊It's your big sister Teddy here,我是你的姐姐TeddyAnd I'm making this video diary我在拍视频日记To help you survive our...来帮你立足于我们这个Special family.特别的家Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.嗨看来老爹已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh, and there's mom,哦这是妈妈Looking lovelier than ever this morning.今天早上看起来最可爱了Not in the mood.没那心情和你开玩笑Okay. I think you've had enough bananas.好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了So we're switching to sweet peas!我们改吃点甜豌豆吧You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy.你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay?非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Oh, and there's your older brother PJ哦那是你的大哥PJDoing today's homework at the last minute as usual. 像往常一样在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业It's not today's homework.这才不是今天的家庭作业This is yesterday's homework.这是昨天的家庭作业There's a chance you two will be你可能有机会和你哥哥in high school together.一起念高中哦Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work. 哦那是爸爸在准备下一天的工作He kills bugs for a living.他靠杀虫来赚钱Honey, come on. we've been through this.宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了I don't kill bugs.我不是杀虫I'm a pest control specialist.我是害虫防治专家Either way...还不都是得So now you've met the whole family.现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦Forgetting somebody?忘记某人了吧Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you.Gabe 不是不是的我没有忘记你I was just saving the best for last.我只是打算拿你来压轴Charlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe. Charlie 那是你的小哥哥GabeYou want to say something to Charlie?你想对Charlie说点什么吗You ruined my life.你毁了我的生活Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer好了看来Gabe还需要点时间To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise.来适应你因为你有点像个惊喜I thought surprises were supposed to be good.我还以为惊喜是好事呢And... cut.好了就到这里了Okay, gang, listen up.好了大家听着I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital我今晚要回到医院工作For the first time since Charlie was born,这是从Charlie出生后我第一次上班So I want everyone to stay at home所以我想让你们今晚全都留在家- and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom. - 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝- 等下不行妈妈I'm not gonna be here tonight.我今晚不能待在家里I have a study date at the library.我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了Don't you mean "studly" date...你的意思是借学习之机With Spencer?和Spencer约会吧Oh, save it for your pillow.哦留着亲你的枕头吧I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule. 我很抱歉Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划But, dad--但是爸爸- Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now.- Bob - 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了Mom, don't take this the wrong way,妈妈别误会我的意思But why did you guys have to have another baby?但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢Well, because three kids was just too easy.那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Three's for quitters.胆小鬼才只生三个And Teddy, you know better than to scheduleTeddy 你已经懂事了不至于去和a study date with a boy I've never met.一个我从来没见过的男生约会一起学习吧Come on. as dad, it's my responsibility拜托作为你的爸爸to know every detail of my kids' lives.知道我孩子的每个生活细节是我的责任Oh yeah?是吗What school do I go to?那我的学校校名是什么Um-- the one named after that president.嗯和某个总统名字一样Hey, you know what? I've got to drive you kids to school. 嗨快点吧我得开车送你们去学校了- Let's go. - Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet.- 我们走吧- 等下我还没吃早饭呢- Come on, let's go. - Most important meal of the day - 快点我们走- 一天中最重要的一餐- Never got it. - Let's go!- 我从没吃到过- 我们走吧- I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt? - Lincoln.- 我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢- 是林肯小学Got it.记住了Day's all burnt toast生活搞得一团糟Running late, and dad says就要迟到爸爸在叫Has anybody seen my left shoe我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到I close my eyes, take a bite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grab a ride, laugh out loud跳上车子放声大笑There it is up on the roof就在这里我们的家I've been there, I've survived我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过So just take my advice所以听取我的建议Hang in there, baby, things are crazy宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈But I know your future is bright可是我知道你会有美好未来Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃There is no maybe不要怀疑Everything turns out all right一切终会如你所愿Sure life is up and down生活有悲有喜But trust me, it comes back all around可是请相信我坚持就有好结果You're gonna love who you turn out to be 你会喜欢将来的你Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!Bob 亲爱的我去上班了Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule.好了老公这是Charlie的生活安排It tells you when to feed her,这上面写着什么时候喂她When to change her and when to put her down. 什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉Sweetheart, would you relax?宝贝放轻松Big daddy's got this all under control.一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron 好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Doesn't make it true.你就真当自己全能了Now if charlie gets fussy,如果Charlie哭闹了her rubber ducky will calm her down.她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来They're all over the place. Please be careful--它们到处都是拜托你小心点- They're all over the place. - Honey...- 它们到处都是- 亲爱的You seem to forget I was fully involved你似乎忘记了我已经事无巨细地in the raising of three kids.养育了三个孩子Oh, yeah? When's my birthday?哦是吗我生日是什么时候- July twelfth. - November twenty third.- 5月12号- 11月23号Got it.记住了Good luck, Charlie.祝你好运CharlieMwah! Bye.拜拜Bye.拜拜Hey, dad?嗨爸爸- Yeah? - I have a homework question.- 什么事- 我有个家庭作业的问题问你Okay, fire away.好吧说吧Can the average human lick his own armpit? 一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗- Yeah. - Thanks.- 可以- 谢了So what was that, like a science question?那是什么作业科学问题吗Nope.不是I'll get it. I'll get it.我来开门我来开门I'll get it. Nobody else get it!我来开门其他人都不许碰- Hi. - Hi.- 你好- 你好Hi!好啊I'm Teddy's dad.我是Teddy的爸爸Nice to meet you, sir.很高兴见到你先生Uh, Spencer and I are studying嗯Spencer和我要学习了- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now? - 我们得准备明天的生物测验- 真的吗Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave? 是的没错所以请大家都离开好吗Not you.除了你- Teddy. - Yeah?- Teddy - 什么事I thought your mom said no study date.我记得你妈说过今天不许学习约会的Yeah, at the library.是啊不能在图书馆Oh, right.哦是的Okay, so then you've talked to her about this?那么你和她说了在家里学习的事吗Of course I did.我当然说了I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did.我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了It's just I talk to so many different people只不过我每天和那么多人about so many different things.说那么多不同的事Why is there a giant bug in your house?你们家为什么要摆个这么巨大的虫子在这That, my friend,朋友那个is the jerusalem cricket,叫做沙螽Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫- I'm an exterminator. - Here we go.- 我是个害虫专家- 又来了Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable--嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗"Bob's bugs be gone"?“Bob赶走了所有害虫”Yeah, how do we make Bob be gone?是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobOkay. you've got homework to do.好吧你们要做家庭作业I've got a diaper to change.我也要去换尿布了Hers-- not mine.给她换不是我I ain't that old!我还没老到那地步呢I'm gonna be upstairs.我还是上楼去吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.- Gabe 出去- 好吧知道了But when's that hot guy getting here?不过那个帅哥什么时候才会来啊Out!出去- Kids. - Yeah.- 真是小孩子- 嗯Oh man, I left my book at school.哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine.没关系我们看一本就行- Is that okay? - Perfect.- 可以吗- 正合我意Good,很好Cause I'm all about the learnin'.因为这一切都是为了学习- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one. - 我去拿根铅笔- 哦我有一根I think I left my pencils at school.我想我的铅笔忘在学校了Me too.我也是Ladies and gentlemen!女士们先生们PJ and the Vibe!有请PJ和感应乐队Wow, sounds like you live right next door哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊to that weird PJ kid.哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door.嗯不过他不在隔壁He's downstairs...他在楼下And he's my brother.而且他是我哥哥Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry.哦哦不好意思哈Yeah, me too.我也是Wait wait wait! stop stop!等下等下等下停停Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat. Emmett 开头的时候你该用强拍的Dude, I'm percussion,伙计我演奏的是打击乐器Let me "percush"!你得让我“打击”For crying out loud, guys!拜托了两位What's up?什么事Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study.你们能小声点吗我们正在学习呢No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll.不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界And that is loud!那就是纵情高歌Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister. 等等我想我们该体谅一下你妹妹Excuse me,拜托But the band is called PJ and the vibe.这个组合可是叫PJ和感应乐队So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say?那又如何感应乐队就没有发言权了吗I-- I'm the vibe.我我就是感应乐队Yeah, I got that.是啊看出来了Oh, so you got my vibe, huh?所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈I'm gonna be over here.我还是回去吧- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art. - 关小声点现在- 你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求I will not be silent!我不会安静的hey!嘿If I have come down here again,如果再逼我下来的话this gets plugged into somewhere else我就把这个插你身上Okay?明白了没Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway?对了她和谁一起学习呢Is there a second fine lady in the house?是不是又一位美女Some guy she's totally into.和她迷恋的某个男生一起I can't believe she's cheating on me.我不敢相信她居然对我不忠She's not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist. 她没有对你不忠她都不知道有你这个人No, see, our relationship is just developing slowly.不对我们只是关系进展地比较慢而已- No, there is no relationship. - Yes, there is.- 不你们根本没关系- 不我们有关系- No, it's all in your head! - no,- 没有是你自己在臆想而已- 不it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it不是的连我妈妈都知道我们两个的关系Now then, where were we?好了我们学到哪儿了You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer. 知道吗其实我记得你刚才坐得更近些的All right-- cellular respiration.好了细胞呼吸作用- Do you mind? - not at all.- 你介意吗- 一点也不While we're at it--趁这个时候- What are you doing? - Oh! gabe!- 你们干吗呢- 噢Gabe- What do you want? - Dinner!- 你想怎么样啊- 吃晚饭Nobody's fed me all day!一整天都没人给我做饭And I am still part of this family, right?我仍然还是这个家的一员对吧There's a half-eaten sandwich in the fridge冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治Knock yourself out.自己去吃吧All right. Now my brothers are all taken care of.现在好了所有兄弟都搞定了- Good. - And there will be no more interruptions. - 太好了- 那就再也不会有人打搅我们了- Teddy! - Oh, god!- Teddy - 哦天呐- What do you want?! - I need you- 你想干嘛- 我需要你to watch the baby for a sec.照看下宝宝No!不No!不Nobody tells mom!谁也不准告诉妈妈Come here, Charlie.到这儿来CharlieOh, yes.好了- Charlie's fine. - Ooh! But I'm not.- Charlie 没事- 哦但是我有事Uh, Teddy,嗯TeddyTell PJ to fire up the bug truck,叫PJ去发动油门I think I gotta go to the hospital.我想我得去趟医院Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby. 还有Teddy 接下来你得照顾下宝宝No! Okay.不好吧Relax, be the hospital in ten minutes放松点十分钟后就到医院Okay, just please please hurry.知道了拜托尽快Oh, wow! My butt is on fire!噢哇我的屁股像被火烧了That is so weird!真是灵异Last week, Emmett and I wrote a song上周Emmett和我写一首歌With that exact same title.正好就叫这个名字That's great, son. just please don't sing--那太好了儿子不过拜托你千万别唱- My butt is on fire! ? - Stop it.- 我的屁股像被火烧- 别唱了It's the size of a tire!面积和轮胎一个大小Stop it!别唱了- Punch buggy! - Ow! What are you doing?!- 拳打甲壳虫- 噢你在干嘛Could you drive, please?!拜托你好好开车行不- Hey, you want to play license plate game? - No! - 你想玩认车牌游戏吗- 不想Michigan.密歇根州- Maybe I should go. - no!- 也许我该走了- 不Um, she's almost done with bottle嗯她马上就喝完这瓶了And then she'll go right to sleep.然后她就会睡觉了Then we can studly-- I mean study.我们就能约会了我意思是学习Now, uh, where were we?看看我们学到哪儿了Okay.好了- Yeah. - What is cellular respiration?- 哦- 什么是细胞呼吸作用That's when glucose and other compounds就是葡萄糖及其他化合物oxidize to produce chemical energy,发生氧化反应释放化学能- water and carbon dioxide. - Mm-hmm.- 还有水和二氧化碳- 嗯哼Also known as poop.也被称为屁Oh, boy.哦老天Hang in there, dad.忍着点老爸Wow! Butt fire spreading.哇哦屁股火区扩散了- Where's the doctor? - I'll go see.- 医生在哪里- 我去找找Okay, wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.等等等等等等Wait. wait. We don't want mom to know we're here, right? 等等我们可不想让妈妈发现我们在这儿是不So please be careful.所以小心点Just try and blend in.尽量别引人注意Dad, come on.老爸拜托It's hard for this to blend in.这样帅气的面庞怎么可能不引人注目Just figure something out.那就想个办法"figure something out."想个办法"figure something out."想个办法Mom!妈妈You're the doctor?你是医生吗Yes.是的I am.我是I am doctor...我是医生Shh-- Chandrasooleewan.是Chandrasooleewan医生- Are you Indian? - We prefer to be called Native American. - 你是印第安人吗- 我们更愿意被称为美国原住民Are you sure you're a real doctor?你真的是个医生吗You look kinda young.你看起来太年轻了You sound like my wife.你说话口气跟我老婆一样Okay, uh--好了嗯What seems to be the problem?你哪儿出问题了I have a fish hook in my lip!有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了- How'd this happen? - My dad is not a very good fisherman. - 怎么搞成这样的- 我爸爸不是很擅长钓鱼Hey, mine's not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man. 嘿我爸爸不是很擅长上下楼梯So--那么I'm guessing you're a ninety seven pounder.我猜你得有九十七磅吧Hush, little baby嘘乖宝宝Go beddy-bye快睡觉Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy.Teddy想吻那个很帅的男孩How's it going?怎么样了Well, we're getting there.不错孩子快睡着了Well well well. What have we here?啧啧啧看看这是谁啊Emmett, why are you still here?Emmett 你怎么还在这儿Well, I was looking for the kitchen,我在找厨房But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom. 但是我好像不小心进了舞厅- hello? - Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door. - 你好- Teddy 我是你隔壁的Dabney夫人No, I have not seen your cat.没有我没看见你的猫I'm calling about your brother;我叫你是因为你弟弟He's eating me out of house and home他要把我家都吃空了Gabe! Step away from the pie!Gabe 离我的馅饼远点Okay, I'll be right there.知道了我马上来All right. spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes.等下Spencer 我两分钟后回来Don't go anywhere. emmett, go somewhere.千万别走Emmett 出去走走So what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend? 你对我的女朋友有何居心She's not your girlfriend她才不是你女朋友Okay, maybe me and you need to step outside...好吧也许我们两个该到门外So you can walk me to my bike.这样你就能送我上自行车了You here to give me my sponge bath?你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗- PJ? - Hey, mom.- PJ - 嗨妈妈What are you doing here?你在这儿干什么I'll tell you what I'm not doing here--我告诉你我不会干什么吧Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys.我不会给体毛发达的人做海绵擦浴的So, mom, what's-- what's the happs?所以妈妈有什么事吗What's--有什么Hey, honey!嗨亲爱的- Bob! - Nice work, son.- Bob - 干的漂亮儿子Okay, what's going on here?好了到底出什么事了Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt.爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了- You weren't holding the baby, were you? - Um, yes--- 你那时没抱着孩子吧- 呃我本来抱着呢Then no, then yes again.然后脱手了再然后又抱着了Bob, you promised me you weren't gonna drop this one! Bob 你答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了Honey, look, it was just a little accident.亲爱的听着这只是个小小的意外而已Oh, and by the way, for the record-- an amazing catch!顺便说句我那一接太精彩了足以载入史册了I knew this was a huge mistake.我就知道我犯了个天大的错误I never should've gone back to work.我真不应该回来工作的Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay.宝贝没事的No. no, it's not.不不才不会没事It's too hard. I can't do this.这也太难了我做不来I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time 我意思是说我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作and take care of four kids?一边照顾好四个孩子I'm a terrible mother.我真是个糟糕的母亲No no, you're not.不不你不是的Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father.听着如果真要追究责任那也只能怪我是个糟糕的父亲I know!我知道Would you guys chill?你们两个冷静点好吗You're great parents.你们是很棒的父母Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good.我Teddy Gabe现在都很不错啊Yeah, come on.是的别难过了We've got to be doing something right.我们还是做对了不少事情I mean, hey, look at this-- our son's a doctor.我是说嘿快看我们的儿子当医生了I'm serious. With both of us working,我是认真的我们两个都得忙工作Poor little Charlie doesn't stand a chance.可怜的小Charlie就又没人照顾了Come on, no one's going solo on this.放心吧没人会让你一个人照顾的孩子的All us kids are gonna help out.我们几个小孩都会帮你的And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way,不管Charlie成长过程中出了什么差错We can all share the blame.我们会一起承担责任的Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room. Chandrasooleewan医生请到手术室It never ends!真是忙个没完啊Gabe!GabeSorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but我很抱歉Dabney夫人但是你you probably shouldn't let him in.也许不该让他进门的I didn't let him in. He crawled through the cat door.我没让他进啊他自己从猫洞里爬进来的Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs Dabney? Gabe 你有什么要对Dabney夫人说的吗Yeah.有啊What are you fixing tomorrow night?你明天晚上打算做什么饭(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)The cat door.修理猫洞(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)Gonna make sure it's locked.我会保证锁好它的Okay. I think we're done here.好了我想我们要走了- Good night. - It is now.- 晚安- 现在确实安生了All right, let's go.好了我们回家吧- What are you doing? - Oh, so now you're suddenly - 你在干嘛- 哦现在你突然- interested in me? - gabe, you're my little brother.- 对我感兴趣了- Gabe 你是我弟弟I've never been interested in you.我从来都没对你感过兴趣I'm kidding.我开玩笑呢What's going on?到底怎么了Ever since the baby arrived,自从这个宝宝来到世上Everyone's been ignoring me.每个人都总是忽略我I feel like I'm invisible.我觉得我成了隐形人I'm just the loser middle kid...我就是个窝囊的排行中间的孩子Like you.就像你一样Just because I'm a middle kid doesn't make me a loser. 当个排行中间的孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊Then what does make you a loser?那是什么让你变得窝囊了I am not a loser. Okay?我不窝囊拜托And I was a baby once.我本来也是最小的And then you came along.然后你来到了这世上And I was not happy about it.开始我也不开心But then you peed on PJ and I thought,但是后来我看到你在PJ身上撒尿我就想"Hey, give the kid a shot."嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧Look, someday you're gonna feel the same way听着总有一天你会像我看待你那样a bout Charlie that I feel about you.看待Charlie的Well, how do you feel about me?那么你怎么看待我的Let's put it this way--我这么说吧The hottest guy in school is at our house right now, 全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里And I'm here with you.而我现在却和你在一起Look how cute she is.看她多可爱啊I am warming up to her already!我已经开始对她有好感了Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's playing a video game 好了Charlie已经睡着了Gabe在玩电子游戏And we are finally alone.我们终于可以独处了Hey, everybody!嗨大家好I have a bruised coccyx.我尾骨撞伤了Oh, come on!哦拜托That's a funny word.这个词太好玩了Coccyx!尾骨The doctor gave him pain medication. 医生给他开了止痛药Was that me? Sorry.是我放屁了吗不好意思I'm a little numb down there.我那个地方还有点麻木Uh, actually, that's my ride.其实是接我的人来了Of course it is.当然是了It's good to meet you, son.很高兴见到你小伙子Oh, good night, sweetheart.哦晚安宝贝Good night, sir.晚安先生- Good night. - Good night.- 晚安- 晚安Coccyx!尾骨So that's how dad got my first kiss这就是爸爸怎么抢走本属于我的初吻的And how you flew for the first time.你也第一次体验到了飞翔的感觉But the good news is--但是好消息是Nah, there is no good news.算了根本没有好消息I take that back! It's a text from spencer!我收回刚才那句话Spencer给我发短信了He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night他约我明天一起出去At his house!去他家Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket. 哦我要去洗你吐在我衣服上的脏东西了Oh, and, uh, one more thing--哦对了还有一件事When you're my age and you meet a cute boy,当你到了我这个年龄遇到一个帅哥的话Do not, under any circumstances,在任何情况下都不要千万不要ever ever bring him home.把他带回家来Cause if you do, well--因为如果你这么做的话那么Good luck, Charlie.祝你好运CharlieOh, that's wonderful.哦太舒服了Thank you so much for doing this.真是太感谢你帮我擦澡了Hey, if I can't be there for my patients,嗨如果我不能为我的病人服务What kind of pretend doctor am I?那我还算什么假医生So, uh, do you ever think about shaving--那么你有没想过给你的全身Like, everywhere?那个剃个毛I did-- last week.我剃过啊上周刚剃的31。
00:00:03,590 --> 00:00:05,640嗨 Charlie 我是TeddyHi, Charlie. It's Teddy here.200:00:05,640 --> 00:00:07,930现在你只有九个月大So right now you're nine months old300:00:07,940 --> 00:00:09,900不过一切都很顺利and everything is going great.400:00:09,900 --> 00:00:12,630呃差不多一切都顺利吧Well, almost everything.500:00:12,630 --> 00:00:16,490现在我要带你去看的东西可能会有点囧Now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing,600:00:16,490 --> 00:00:18,820所以做好心理准备哦So brace yourself.700:00:21,280 --> 00:00:24,250嗯这些三明治一定会好好吃的Mmm, these sandwiches will be yummy wummy.800:00:24,250 --> 00:00:28,000没错会的没错会的Yes, they will, yes, they will.900:00:29,580 --> 00:00:32,160妈妈爸爸从你一出生就开始用这种腔调讲话了Mom and dad have been talking like that ever since you arrived1000:00:32,160 --> 00:00:35,910如果他们继续这样子的话我会发疯疯的And if it's not over soon, I'm gonna go crazy wazy.1100:00:35,910 --> 00:00:38,110- PJ - 怎么了- PJ! - what?1200:00:38,110 --> 00:00:39,500你在听什么呢What are you listening to?1300:00:39,500 --> 00:00:42,900我下了个芭蕾历史的播客听I downloaded a podcast on the history of ballet.1400:00:42,900 --> 00:00:46,200- 你喜欢听那玩意儿吗 - 总比听儿语好- you like that? - More than baby talk.1500:00:46,200 --> 00:00:50,240你想给你的饼饼配点鱼鱼一起吃吗Would you like some fishy wishies with your cookie wookie?1600:00:50,240 --> 00:00:53,040是的我想是的我想Yes, I would, yes, I would.1700:00:53,040 --> 00:00:55,750等等两位 Charlie又不在这儿Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here.1800:00:55,750 --> 00:00:59,770是啊爱尿床的宝宝正在楼上睡觉觉呢No, widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs.1900:00:59,770 --> 00:01:02,720那为什么你们两个说话还这个调调So why are you guys still talking like that?2000:01:04,300 --> 00:01:07,110我一点点都不知道I don't "weawy" know.2100:01:07,110 --> 00:01:09,760我想是因为我们两个有些晕头转向了I guess we're just kinda fried.2200:01:09,760 --> 00:01:13,150我们白天工作了一整天晚上还要照顾宝宝Well, we work all day, take care of a baby all night.2300:01:13,150 --> 00:01:14,790工作和照顾宝宝来回换班Work shift, baby shift2400:01:14,790 --> 00:01:16,600我都没有时间去解手手了I've barely got time to make doo-doo2500:01:16,600 --> 00:01:20,200你们两个上次晚上一起出门玩是什么时候Well, when was the last time you guys had a night out?2600:01:20,200 --> 00:01:22,960你知道的比如去约会之类的只有你们两个You know, like just the two of you-- like a date?2700:01:27,700 --> 00:01:30,000Teddy真会说笑笑啊Teddy made a funny.2800:01:31,080 --> 00:01:32,900好好笑的玩笑A funny wunny.2900:01:32,900 --> 00:01:36,370我是认真的我看这样吧现在是周六的晚上Seriously! you know what? it's saturday night.00:01:36,370 --> 00:01:38,570你们两个一起出门好好玩玩You two, you go out, have fun,3100:01:38,570 --> 00:01:40,140做点除了工作And do something besides work,3200:01:40,140 --> 00:01:42,180和照顾宝宝之外的事情顺便解下手手take care of the baby and make doo-doo.3300:01:42,180 --> 00:01:45,000我倒是求之不得啊Well, it's nice to dream,3400:01:45,000 --> 00:01:46,560但是谁来照顾Charlie呢but who's gonna take of Charlie3500:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,720拜托三个一流的保姆正坐在这呢Hello! you've got three great babysitters right here.3600:01:49,720 --> 00:01:52,270我很高兴我没听到那句话I'm glad I didn't hear that.3700:01:52,430 --> 00:01:54,880我不知道 Teddy 这个主意挺不错的I don't know, Teddy. It's a really nice thought,3800:01:54,880 --> 00:01:57,930但是我们真的还没有准备好丢下Charlie自己出门But we're really not ready to go out without Charlie just yet3900:01:57,930 --> 00:02:00,520- 大家想不想看个魔术表演 - 好啊- You guys want to see a magic trick? - Sure!4000:02:00,520 --> 00:02:03,520- 好吧 - 见证奇迹的时候到了- Okay. - Prepare to be amazed.4100:02:10,090 --> 00:02:12,560我还是出门歇上一晚吧I could use a night out.4200:02:12,800 --> 00:02:17,900■4300:02:12,800 --> 00:02:17,900本字幕由★迪幻字幕组★为您奉献欢迎登录4400:02:22,000 --> 00:02:27,000■4500:02:22,000 --> 00:02:27,000翻译: Edenwish4600:02:35,800 --> 00:02:40,800■4700:02:35,800 --> 00:02:40,800校订后期: WaitinZ love0forever4800:02:16,330 --> 00:02:18,200生活搞得一团糟Day's all burnt toast4900:02:18,200 --> 00:02:19,900 就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late,and dad says5000:02:19,900 --> 00:02:22,970 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe5100:02:22,970 --> 00:02:24,510 我闭上双眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite5200:02:24,510 --> 00:02:26,170 跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud5300:02:26,180 --> 00:02:28,310 就在这里我们的家There it is up on the roof5400:02:29,710 --> 00:02:32,580我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived5500:02:32,580 --> 00:02:35,880所以请听取我的建议So just take my advice5600:02:35,890 --> 00:02:39,470宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy5700:02:39,470 --> 00:02:42,310可是我知道你会有美好未来But I know your future is bright5800:02:42,310 --> 00:02:44,190宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby5900:02:44,190 --> 00:02:46,110不要怀疑There is no maybe00:02:46,110 --> 00:02:48,600一切终会如你所愿Eveything turns out all right6100:02:48,600 --> 00:02:50,950生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down6200:02:50,950 --> 00:02:54,870可是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me, it comes back all around6300:02:54,870 --> 00:02:58,660你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be6400:02:59,840 --> 00:03:02,290宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby6500:03:02,440 --> 00:03:05,050查莉成长日记第一季第二集Good Luck Charlie S01E02 Baby Come Back6600:03:07,770 --> 00:03:11,320好了祝你们两个玩得开心想玩到多晚就玩到多晚All right, you guys have fun. Stay out as late as you want.6700:03:11,320 --> 00:03:14,690但是别玩过头了家里的孩子已经够多了But not too much fun-- We have enough kids already.6800:03:17,530 --> 00:03:19,780我是说真的I'm serious.6900:03:19,780 --> 00:03:22,860好了大家都要乖过得开心我爱你们Okay, everyone, be good, have fun, love you.7000:03:22,870 --> 00:03:25,200- 是啊是啊 - 好吧- Yeah yeah. - All right.7100:03:25,200 --> 00:03:27,170Teddy 谢谢你能这么做Hey, Teddy, thanks for doing this.7200:03:27,170 --> 00:03:28,630让你妈妈和我一起享受段特别时光It's gonna be nice for your mom and I7300:03:28,630 --> 00:03:30,010这样真的不错to have some special time together7400:03:30,010 --> 00:03:33,410- Bob 赶快过来 - 就来了- Bob, move your butt! - I'm coming!7500:03:36,260 --> 00:03:39,100好了我们平均分配下任务吧All right, so we divide it up evenly,7600:03:39,100 --> 00:03:41,520我们一人照顾Charlie一个小时We each get to spend an hour with Charlie.7700:03:41,520 --> 00:03:42,990谁想第一个来Who wants to go first?7800:03:42,990 --> 00:03:44,750我认为你应该第一个来I think you should go first.7900:03:44,750 --> 00:03:47,860第二个第三个也该你来因为这就是你的主意And second and third, since this was your idea.8000:03:47,860 --> 00:03:49,860嘿我一个人哪能把所有的事情都干完Hey, I'm not doing this all by myself.8100:03:49,860 --> 00:03:51,230你们两个必须得帮忙you guys have to help out.8200:03:51,230 --> 00:03:53,900好吧我第四个来Fine. I'll go fourth.83根本没有第四个There is no fourth.8400:03:55,460 --> 00:03:57,160(注:第四(fourth)和向外(forth)同音)8500:03:55,460 --> 00:03:59,600我是说我要动身去公园打会儿篮球I meant I shall go forth to the park to shoot some hoop.8600:03:59,600 --> 00:04:02,020既然你这么想去公园You want to go to the park so badly,8700:04:02,020 --> 00:04:03,370为什么不顺便把Charlie也带上Then why don't you just take Charlie?8800:04:03,370 --> 00:04:05,610一个小宝宝在公园能干些什么What's a baby supposed to do at the park?89宝宝们都喜欢公园啊你可以带她去看看鸭池Babies love parks. you can show her the duck pond,9000:04:08,540 --> 00:04:10,450看看蓝天白云The blue sky, clouds.9100:04:10,450 --> 00:04:14,620我们出去只是闲看吗那还要电视干吗We're just gonna look at stuff? that's what TV is for.9200:04:20,790 --> 00:04:23,560耶哈哈真爽Yeah heh hah, all right!9300:04:23,560 --> 00:04:26,510这太好玩了喔This is great. Whee!9400:04:26,510 --> 00:04:29,630真棒噢Yes, whoo!00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:34,270你看什么看我可是先到的What are you looking at? I was here first.9600:04:35,100 --> 00:04:36,860嘿你可以去骑那只鸭子Hey, you can ride that duck.9700:04:36,860 --> 00:04:40,330我不能去骑那只鸭子我要是去骑鸭子看起来就太傻了I couldn't ride the duck. I'd look silly on the duck.9800:04:41,860 --> 00:04:44,110好吧Fine.9900:04:50,490 --> 00:04:53,790嘿 Charlie 我们是不是玩得很开心啊Hey there, Charlie. Are we having fun yet?10000:04:53,790 --> 00:04:55,720好的All right.10100:05:00,930 --> 00:05:05,330哥们你有没有看到有小孩在附近开生日派对啊Man, you seen a kid's birthday party around here anywhere?10200:05:05,330 --> 00:05:07,040我得过去表演呢I'm the entertainment.10300:05:07,040 --> 00:05:09,670我在公园的那边看到了一个充气小屋I saw a bounce house of the other end of the park.10400:05:09,670 --> 00:05:12,270充气小屋是吗这下好了A bouncy house, eh? Great.10500:05:12,280 --> 00:05:14,360这次我又得被送进急诊室了Another trip to the E.R.10600:05:16,380 --> 00:05:18,350你这身装束是想装扮成谁啊Who are you supposed to be anyway?10700:05:18,350 --> 00:05:19,820塑料侠还是橡胶侠Plastic man, rubber man?10800:05:19,820 --> 00:05:23,370不那些都已经成为注册商标了No, those are all registered trademarks.10900:05:23,370 --> 00:05:25,220我扮的是弹力王船长I'm Captain Stretchy.11000:05:26,740 --> 00:05:30,860这里本来印着个"CS"的不过洗衣服的时候被洗掉了There used to be a "CS" here, but it came off in the wash.11100:05:31,710 --> 00:05:33,560那你的超能力是什么So what's your super power?11200:05:33,560 --> 00:05:35,830超级柔韧性Super elasticity.11300:05:37,570 --> 00:05:39,570嘿快看地上有个硬币Hey, look, there's a quarter.11400:05:42,110 --> 00:05:43,920唉算了吧Ah, forget it.11500:05:43,920 --> 00:05:46,340反正又不是一块的对吧Not like it's a dollar, right?11600:05:57,220 --> 00:05:59,590- 嗨 - 嗨- Hi. - Hi.11700:06:00,620 --> 00:06:03,910噢你选得婴儿车不错我喜欢你的品位Oh, yeah, I like your taste in strollers. 11800:06:03,910 --> 00:06:06,030谢谢你也是Thanks, you too.11900:06:07,780 --> 00:06:10,620- 那个宝宝好可爱啊 - 你也是- That baby's so cute. - You too.12000:06:12,340 --> 00:06:14,200噢我是说你的宝宝也是Oh, I mean yours too.12100:06:14,200 --> 00:06:16,340- 我叫Emma - 我叫PJ- I'm Emma. - I'm PJ12200:06:16,340 --> 00:06:18,840- 这个小宝宝是谁 - 我弟弟- Who's this little guy? - My brother.12300:06:18,840 --> 00:06:21,130我们就是出来散散步每天都这样We're just out for our stroll. We do this every day.12400:06:21,130 --> 00:06:25,580我们也是正如我经常说的宝宝们喜欢公园Us too. Like I always say, babies love parks.12500:06:27,120 --> 00:06:29,750- 想一起坐会吗 - 好啊- Would you like to sit for a bit? - Sure.12600:06:29,750 --> 00:06:34,220我看到你刚才在跟弹力王船长说话So I saw you talking to Captain Stretchy earlier.12700:06:34,220 --> 00:06:36,690噢是啊他迷路了Oh, yeah, he was lost.12800:06:36,690 --> 00:06:39,630- 他可不怎么像超级英雄是吧 - 噢他逊透了- Not much of a superhero, right? - Oh, he's the worst.12900:06:39,630 --> 00:06:42,110我弟弟生日派对的时候我们请他去表演We hired him for my brother's birthday party13000:06:42,110 --> 00:06:45,070- 结果他一屁股坐到蛋糕上了 - 听起来很悲剧啊- and he sat on the cake. - That sounds awful.13100:06:45,070 --> 00:06:45,980噢这还不是最悲剧的Oh, it gets worse.13200:06:45,980 --> 00:06:49,290蜡烛已经点上了所以他坐进烛台里去了The candles was lit, so he sat in the punch13300:06:49,290 --> 00:06:51,120这也太古怪了That's so weird.13400:06:51,120 --> 00:06:54,640我是说他看起来像是个很棒的演艺人啊I mean he looks like such a quality entertainer.13500:06:56,580 --> 00:06:58,760知道吗 PJ 我真的很佩服You know, PJ, I'm really impressed that13600:06:58,760 --> 00:07:00,780你肯带你的小妹妹来公园you take your baby sister to the park.13700:07:00,780 --> 00:07:02,970我的兄弟们永远都不会这么做My brothers would never do anything like that.13800:07:02,970 --> 00:07:06,250希望他们别来她是我的妹妹啊I hope not. She is my sister.13900:07:11,680 --> 00:07:15,310现在看好了我这只手里有一枚硬币Now watch closely. In this hand I have a quarter14000:07:15,310 --> 00:07:18,230而这只手拿的是一个普通鸡蛋And in the other, an ordinary egg.14100:07:18,230 --> 00:07:23,770现在我把它们放进这个帽子里转上一小圈Now I put them in this hat, spin them around a little14200:07:23,890 --> 00:07:27,010然后转眼间And presto.14300:07:29,030 --> 00:07:31,080好奇地问一句Just out of curiosity,14400:07:31,080 --> 00:07:33,320这个魔术本该是什么结果What was supposed to happen?14500:07:34,350 --> 00:07:36,790我喜欢这个宝宝I love this baby.14600:07:37,920 --> 00:07:40,760不管她什么时候想上公园尽管找我Anytime she wants to go to the park, sign me up.14700:07:40,760 --> 00:07:42,790你中什么邪了What happened to you?14800:07:42,790 --> 00:07:46,430这么说吧 Charlie交了个朋友 PJ也交上了个朋友Let's just say charlie made a friend, PJmade a friend.14900:07:46,430 --> 00:07:50,160噢那你或者你的朋友有没有帮着换尿布呢Oh-- and did either you or your friend bother to change a diper?15000:07:50,170 --> 00:07:54,800根本没时间换我忙着和Emma聊天呢There's no time for that. I was too busy talking to Emma.15100:07:54,800 --> 00:07:57,270- Emma是谁 - 我的梦中情人- Who's emma? - A vision,15200:07:57,270 --> 00:08:00,510一个天使一个占据我心扉的女孩An angel, the girl who's moved into my heart.15300:08:01,840 --> 00:08:04,580你有没有告诉她你脑袋里空空如也这个事实呢Did you tell her about the vacancy in your brain?15400:08:06,050 --> 00:08:07,380- PJ - 怎么了- PJ? - what?15500:08:07,380 --> 00:08:09,200你把别人的宝宝带回家来了You brought home the wrong baby.15600:08:09,200 --> 00:08:11,850什么我才没有What? I did not.15700:08:11,850 --> 00:08:13,910你自己看看生理结构不对Take a look! Wrong parts.15800:08:18,360 --> 00:08:21,360起码他那个地方的功能还很正常There's nothing wrong with those parts.15900:08:28,240 --> 00:08:30,560你怎么会带错宝宝回家呢How could you bring home the wrong baby?16000:08:30,560 --> 00:08:33,390我很抱歉我那时候有点分心了I'm sorry. I got a little distracted.16100:08:33,390 --> 00:08:36,390Emma真是太可爱了Emma is really cute.16200:08:36,400 --> 00:08:39,180是啊我们的妹妹也是Yeah, well, so was our sister.16300:08:39,180 --> 00:08:41,030快点我们去公园找她Come on, let's go to the park and find her.16400:08:41,030 --> 00:08:42,930急啥我有她的电话号码Relax! I got her number.16500:08:42,940 --> 00:08:45,350那你还等什么快给她打电话呀Then what are you waiting for? call her.16600:08:45,350 --> 00:08:47,560等等Wait a second.16700:08:47,560 --> 00:08:50,440是不是有点太早了Is it too soon?16800:08:50,440 --> 00:08:52,760如果我现在就打给她她会觉得我迫不及待的If I call now, she'll think I'm desperate.16900:08:52,760 --> 00:08:54,030噢你本来就迫不及待了Oh, you are desperate.17000:08:54,030 --> 00:08:56,060说的好Good point.17100:08:58,570 --> 00:09:00,400你好请问Emma在吗Hello, is Emma there?17200:09:01,750 --> 00:09:04,420你说你们是家中国菜餐馆This is a Chinese restaurant?17300:09:04,420 --> 00:09:06,460好啊给我介绍一下特色菜吧Sure, I'll hear the specials.17400:09:06,460 --> 00:09:08,510她给了你个假号码She gave you the wrong number.17500:09:08,510 --> 00:09:10,750纯属意料之中Who couldn't see that one coming? 17600:09:12,100 --> 00:09:16,280可我都请她吃了一片口香糖还帮她给宝宝换掉了脏尿布But I gave her gum and helped her change a poopy diaper.17700:09:16,290 --> 00:09:19,750一切都那么浪漫It was so romantic.17800:09:19,760 --> 00:09:22,590呃我们现在该怎么办Well, what do we do now?17900:09:26,060 --> 00:09:27,380噢不Oh no!18000:09:27,380 --> 00:09:29,930嗨妈妈有事吗Hi mom, what up?18100:09:29,930 --> 00:09:32,800是的一切都好得很为什么会不好呢Yeah, everything's going great. why wouldn't it be?18200:09:32,800 --> 00:09:36,400我们正过得开心着呢和We're just having a grand old time here with--18300:09:37,310 --> 00:09:39,040宝宝一起Baby18400:09:39,040 --> 00:09:41,960当然你当然可以和他说话了是她她Yeah, sure you can talk to him. her her!18500:09:41,960 --> 00:09:44,280和妈妈说句话吧Talk to mommy.18600:09:47,680 --> 00:09:49,970听起来不像Charlie 你什么意思What do you mean that did't sound like Charlie?18700:09:49,970 --> 00:09:53,220什么你以为是我在对着话筒模仿宝宝的声音吗What, do you just think I'm making baby noises into the phone?18800:09:53,220 --> 00:09:54,970妈妈那也太疯狂了Mom, that's crazy.18900:09:54,970 --> 00:09:57,760好了再见说再见吧 CharlieAll right, bye. Say bye, Charlie.19000:10:01,150 --> 00:10:04,130我不是想批评你Not that I'm in the position to criticize,19100:10:04,130 --> 00:10:06,530不过我变得更不知所措了But I was getting more monkey.19200:10:06,540 --> 00:10:09,070快点我们去公园Come on, let's go to the park.19300:10:09,070 --> 00:10:11,310去找那个不待见PJ的女孩吗And meet the girl who blew off PJ?19400:10:11,310 --> 00:10:13,240我去定了I'm there.19500:10:22,150 --> 00:10:24,670- 我没看到她 - PJ 她长啥样- I don't see her. - PJ, what did she look like?19600:10:24,670 --> 00:10:27,590她很漂亮不过那有什么关系She was hot, but what does it matter?19700:10:27,590 --> 00:10:29,790也许我们该找人帮忙Maybe we should call someone.19800:10:29,790 --> 00:10:32,130找宝宝时该找什么人帮忙呢who do you call when you search a baby.19900:10:32,130 --> 00:10:33,760弹力王船长Captain Stretchy!20000:10:33,760 --> 00:10:35,630那是什么东西What is that?20100:10:37,200 --> 00:10:37,940你还在这里啊You're still here?20200:10:37,940 --> 00:10:40,470我每个周六和周日都整天待在这里Every saturday and sunday all day long.20300:10:40,470 --> 00:10:42,890回学校待着吧孩子们Stay in school, kids.20400:10:42,890 --> 00:10:45,170他正是我们要找的人Just the guy we needed to see.20500:10:45,170 --> 00:10:46,950我觉得你能帮助我们I think you can help us.20600:10:46,950 --> 00:10:48,510嘿孩子我只是个耍把式的Hey, kid, I'm just an entertainer.20700:10:48,510 --> 00:10:51,110我可不能让你爸爸妈妈破镜重圆I can't get mommy and daddy back together.20800:10:51,110 --> 00:10:52,780不你误会了No, you don't understand.20900:10:52,780 --> 00:10:54,450我刚才在这里和一个女孩聊天I was talking to a girl here earlier,21000:10:54,450 --> 00:10:56,850她说了你在她弟弟的生日派对上表演过And she said that you worked a party for her brother.21100:10:56,850 --> 00:10:58,680那又如何我在很多派对上表演过呢So? I work lots of parties.21200:10:58,680 --> 00:11:00,320你表演时摔到蛋糕上了的派对是哪个Where was the party where you fell on cake?21300:11:00,320 --> 00:11:02,360你们能听我讲三个小时么You got three hours?21400:11:02,360 --> 00:11:04,660这真的很重要我们得找到她This is really important. We need to find her.21500:11:04,660 --> 00:11:08,330有意思你们几个需要打探消息Interesting situation. You kids need info,21600:11:08,330 --> 00:11:12,580- 而我需要一个“男腰” - 什么是“男腰”- And I need a mirdle. - What is a mirdle?21700:11:12,590 --> 00:11:16,420就是个给男人用的腰带那玩意儿可不便宜That's a man girdle. And they ain't cheap.21800:11:16,420 --> 00:11:18,170是啊显然干洗也不便宜Yeah, neither is dry cleaning, apparently.21900:11:18,170 --> 00:11:21,540她的名字叫Emma 她后来回过这个公园吗Her name's Emma. Did she come back to the park?22000:11:21,540 --> 00:11:23,980这个也许她回来过Well, maybe she did22100:11:23,980 --> 00:11:25,710也许她没回来过And maybe she didn't.22200:11:25,710 --> 00:11:29,050别捻你的手指了好好回答我的问题Stop rubbing your fingers together and answer my question.22300:11:29,050 --> 00:11:31,400他想要点好处He wants a bribe.22400:11:31,400 --> 00:11:32,820真是不敢相信I can't believe it.22500:11:32,820 --> 00:11:34,520给你Here.22600:11:34,520 --> 00:11:37,830告诉你我知道的情况吧她叫EmmaHere is what I konw: Her name is Emma.22700:11:37,830 --> 00:11:39,130这一点我刚都告诉你了I just told you that.22800:11:39,130 --> 00:11:41,560我可没说我会告诉你什么新东西I didn't say the information was fresh.22900:11:42,500 --> 00:11:44,400没错我认识那个女孩Yeah, I know the girl.23000:11:44,400 --> 00:11:46,870她家可是一个大家庭有七八个小孩She comes from a big family-- seven, eight kids.23100:11:46,870 --> 00:11:48,340给他们家表演的时候我扮演过For them I've been...23200:11:48,340 --> 00:11:50,510宇航员Pete 牛仔BobAstronaut Pete, cowboy Bob...23300:11:50,510 --> 00:11:53,680- 魔术师Marv - 没错你真是对我的工作了如指掌啊- Magic Marv? - Yeah! You're familiar with my work. 23400:11:53,680 --> 00:11:56,780是啊我还知道你很逊Yeah, and it stinks.23500:11:57,710 --> 00:11:59,380我才刚开始学魔术I'm just starting off23600:11:59,380 --> 00:12:02,430- 我的魔术已经比你变得棒了 - 噢是吗- And I'm a better magician than you are. - Oh yeah?23700:12:02,430 --> 00:12:04,440你觉得变魔术很简单是吧拿着You think this is easy, huh? here.23800:12:04,440 --> 00:12:08,020把这个变成一只髯狗Turn that into a schnauzer.23900:12:08,020 --> 00:12:10,190变不出来吧对吧You can't do it, huh?24000:12:10,190 --> 00:12:13,860也许是因为你不过是半桶水的水平Maybe it's because you don't have the chops!24100:12:15,060 --> 00:12:17,620好了弹力王你知道她住在哪儿吗Well, Stretchy, do you know where she lives?24200:12:17,620 --> 00:12:19,600知道就在这附近的某处Yeah, around here somewhere.24300:12:19,600 --> 00:12:21,670- 我一看到就能认出来的 - 太好了- I'd know it if I saw it. - Great!24400:12:21,670 --> 00:12:23,120你今晚要是帮我们找到她Now you help us tonight and we'll24500:12:23,120 --> 00:12:24,620明天我们就帮你围上“男腰”get you into that mirdle tomorrow.24600:12:24,620 --> 00:12:26,940噢你明白我的意思不是我们亲自动手Oh, and you understand we're not actually24700:12:26,940 --> 00:12:30,040给你围上而是你得自己围吧Gonna put you into it? That you have to do by yourself.24800:12:30,050 --> 00:12:31,460嗯我明白Yeah, I get it.24900:12:31,460 --> 00:12:33,330好了走吧各位我们必须得找到她All right, come on, guys, we have to go find her.25000:12:33,330 --> 00:12:36,890啊嘿弹力王船长出发Uh, hey-- Captain Stretchy, away!25100:12:36,890 --> 00:12:38,970- 车在这边 - 噢好吧- Truck's this way. - Oh, okay.25200:12:43,980 --> 00:12:47,510随便点你想吃的东西亲爱的我在这儿可以打折的Order whatever you want, honey. I get a discount here.25300:12:47,510 --> 00:12:49,800这家店是我的最大客户之一This place is one of my best customers.25400:12:49,800 --> 00:12:53,370在这儿听到一个灭虫专家这么说可不是什么好事Not what you want to hear from an exterminator.25500:12:53,370 --> 00:12:56,340噢快看那边Oh, look at that.25600:12:56,340 --> 00:12:59,340噢墨西哥肉卷Oh, fajitas.25700:12:59,340 --> 00:13:01,940不是那个是那个宝宝Not that, the baby.25800:13:01,940 --> 00:13:05,110那个小宝宝的婴儿车和我们的一模一样啊A little baby in a stroller just like ours.25900:13:05,110 --> 00:13:06,970是啊好了亲爱的Yeah, okay, honey,26000:13:06,970 --> 00:13:08,720今晚我们应该暂时忘掉宝宝的事的This is supposed to be a night away from the baby.26100:13:08,720 --> 00:13:10,220所以我们接着点菜吧So let's come back.26200:13:10,220 --> 00:13:12,120好吧好吧接着点菜Okay okay, I'm back.26300:13:12,120 --> 00:13:15,920接着点菜我得先去趟洗手间I'm back. Just gotta run to the ladies' room.26400:13:15,930 --> 00:13:17,960噢噢嘿听着你去洗手间时Oh oh, hey, listen, while you're in there,26500:13:17,960 --> 00:13:21,160能不能顺便检查下灭虫诱饵Could you check the traps?26600:13:27,740 --> 00:13:30,340你们好Hola.26700:13:30,340 --> 00:13:32,440再见Adios.26800:13:34,410 --> 00:13:36,480Bob 你能过去看看那个宝宝吗Bob, will you go over and look at that baby?26900:13:36,480 --> 00:13:38,110- 我想那是Charlie - 什么- I think it's Charlie. - What?!27000:13:38,110 --> 00:13:39,860你听到我说的话了那个宝宝是CharlieYou heard me, that is Charlie!27100:13:39,870 --> 00:13:41,420亲爱的拜托你能不能坐下来Sweetheart, would you sit down, please?27200:13:41,420 --> 00:13:42,600我才不坐下呢I will not sit down.27300:13:42,600 --> 00:13:45,370母亲总是能认出她自己的宝宝的而那就是我的宝宝A mother knows her own baby and that is my baby.27400:13:45,370 --> 00:13:49,120亲爱的说真的你觉得能出什么事Honey, seriously, what do you think happened here?27500:13:49,120 --> 00:13:51,740总不可能是刚才有人闯进我们的房子In the last hour somebody went over to our house,27600:13:51,740 --> 00:13:54,830劫走我们的宝宝然后再带她过来吃薯条和鳄梨色拉吧Borrowed our baby then brought her out for chips and guac?27700:13:54,830 --> 00:13:56,710我可不确定他们可是一大家子I don't know, it's a big family.27800:13:56,720 --> 00:14:01,170- 也许他们就是这样搞到那么多孩子的 - 亲爱的- Maybe that's how they get their babies. - Sweetheart,27900:14:01,170 --> 00:14:03,300我觉得是因为你太想Charlie了I think you're just missing Charlie28000:14:03,310 --> 00:14:06,740因而有一点点分离焦虑症了And you're having a little separation anxiety.28100:14:06,740 --> 00:14:09,760噢好吧Oh, okay.28200:14:09,760 --> 00:14:11,150你说的对You're right.28300:14:11,150 --> 00:14:12,980发疯疯了Crazy wazy.28400:14:15,180 --> 00:14:18,520- 我是说那绝对不可能是吧 - 没错- I mean, that isn't possible, right? - Exactly.28500:14:18,520 --> 00:14:22,570我得再去趟洗手间I'm just going to go to the ladies' room one more time.28600:14:22,570 --> 00:14:24,830坐下Sit down.28700:14:24,830 --> 00:14:27,400现在让我们在这家漂亮的餐馆Now let's enjoy the rest of our night out28800:14:27,400 --> 00:14:29,930尽情享受我们剩下的晚宴时光At this very lovely restaurant.28900:14:29,930 --> 00:14:31,920- 好吗 - 好吧- Okay? - Okay.29000:14:34,770 --> 00:14:37,170厨房里有情况需要我去处理I'm needed in the kitchen.29100:14:46,820 --> 00:14:48,220- Charlie - Emma- Charlie! - Emma!292。
1嗨 Charlie 瞧瞧您Hi, Charlie, there you are、2才九个月大多可爱啊Nine months old and look how cute you are、3再瞧瞧我也多可爱And look how cute I am、4我就是您得姐姐TeddyIt's your big sister Teddy here,5我在拍视频日记And I'm making this video diary6来帮您立足于我们这个To help you survive our、、、7特别得家Special family、8嗨瞧来老爸已经教了您怎么吃香蕉了Oh, hey、 Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas、9哦这就是妈妈Oh, and there's mom,10今天早上瞧起来最可爱了Looking lovelier than ever this morning、11没心情拍Not in the mood、12好了我觉得您已经吃够香蕉了Okay、 I think you've had enough bananas、13我们改吃点甜豌豆吧So we're switching to sweet peas!14您会喜欢吃得快瞧妈妈认为它们很美味哦You're gonna love them、 Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy、15非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Very smart、 Always make mommy try it first, okay?16哦那就是您得大哥 PJOh, and there's your older brother PJ17通常在最后一分钟赶今天得家庭作业Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual、18这不就是今天得家庭作业It's not today's homework、19这就是昨天得家庭作业This is yesterday's homework、20您可能有机会与您哥哥There's a chance you two will be21一起念高中哦in high school together、22哦那就是爸爸在准备明天得工作Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work、23她靠杀虫来赚钱He kills bugs for a living、24宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Honey, e on、 we've been through this、25我不就是杀虫I don't kill bugs、26我就是害虫防治专家I'm a pest control specialist、27一样啊Either way、、、28现在您已经见过所有家庭成员啦So now you've met the whole family、29忘记某人了吧Forgetting somebody?30Gabe 不就是不就是得我没有忘记您Gabe! no no no、 I didn't forget about you、31您就是压轴得I was just saving the best for last、32Charlie 那就是您得小哥哥Gabe Gharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe、33您想对Charlie说点什么吗You want to say something to Charlie?34您毁了我得生活You ruined my life、35好了瞧来Gabe还需要点时间Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer36来适应您因为您就就是个惊喜To get used to you、 You were kind of a surprise、37惊喜应该就是好事啊I thought surprises were supposed to be good、38 卡And、、、 cut、39大家听着Okay, gang, listen up、40我今晚要回医院工作I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital41这就是Charlie出生后我第一次上班For the first time since Charlie was born, 42所以我想让您们全都待在家So I want everyone to stay at home43 帮您爸爸照顾宝宝等下不行妈and help dad with the baby、 Wait no, mom、44我今晚不能待家里I'm not gonna be here tonight、45我已经与人约好去图书馆学习了I have a study date at the library、46您得意思就是借学习之机Don't you mean "studly" date、、、47与Spencer约会吧With Spencer?48哦留着亲您得枕头吧Oh, save it for your pillow、49我很抱歉 Teddy 但就是您得重新安排您得计划I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule、50但就是爸But, dad51 Bob 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了Bob! Uh, dad's not available right now、52妈妈别误会我得意思Mom, don't take this the wrong way,53但就是您们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢But why did you guys have to have another baby?54那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Well, because three kids was just too easy、55胆小鬼才只生三个Three's for quitters、56Teddy 您不至于去与And Teddy, you know better than to schedule 57一个我从来没见过得男生约会“学习”吧a study date with a boy I've never met、58拜托作为爸爸,有责任e on、 as dad, it's my responsibility59知道我孩子得每个生活细节to know every detail of my kids' lives、60就是吗Oh yeah?61我上得就是哪个学校?What school do I go to?62嗯以某个总统命名得Um the one named after that president、63嗨对了我得开车送您们去学校了Hey, you know what? I've got to drive you kids to school、64 我们走吧等下我还没吃早饭呢Let's go、 Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet、65 快点我们走一天中最重要得一餐e on, let's go、 Most important meal of the day66 我从没吃到过我们走吧Never got it、 Let's go!67 我还得载您去罗斯福小学呢就是林肯小学I've gotta get you to、、、Roosevelt? Lincoln、68记住了Got it、69生活搞得一团糟Day's all burnt toast70就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad says71我左脚得鞋子有没有人瞧到Has anybody seen my left shoe72我闭上双眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite73跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud74就在这里我们得家There it is up on the roof75我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived76所以听取我得建议So just take my advice77宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy78可就是我知道您会有美好未来But I know your future is bright79宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby80不要怀疑There is no maybe81一切终会如您所愿Eveything turns out all right82生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down83可就是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me, it es back all around84您会喜欢将来得您You're gonna love who you turn out to be85宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby86查莉成长日记第一季第一集Good Luck Charlie S01E01 Study Date87老公我去上班了Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!88这就是Charlie得生活安排Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule、89这上面写着什么时候喂她It tells you when to feed her,90什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉When to change her and when to put her down、91宝贝尽管放心Sweetheart, would you relax?92一切尽在全能老爹得掌控之中呢Big daddy's got this all under control、93好了不要以为您得烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron94您就当真了Doesn't make it true、95如果Charlie哭闹了她得橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down、96它们到处都就是拜托您小心点They're all over the place、Please be careful97 它们到处都就是亲爱得They're all over the place、 Honey、、、98您似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿You seem to forget I was fully involved 99养育了三个孩子in the raising of three kids、100哦就是吗我生日就是什么时候Oh, yeah? When's my birthday?101 5月12号 11月23号July 12th、 November 23rd、102记住了Got it、103祝您好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie、104拜拜Mwah! Bye、105拜拜Bye、106嗨爸爸Hey, dad?107 什么事我有个家庭作业得问题问您Yeah? I have a homework question、108好说吧Okay, fire away、109一般人能舔到自己得腋窝吗Can the average human lick his own armpit? 110 可以谢了Yeah、 Thanks、111那就是什么作业科学问题吗So what was that, like a science question? 112不就是Nope、113我来开门我来开门I'll get it、 I'll get it、114我来开门其她人都不许碰I'll get it、 Nobody else get it!115 您好您好Hi、 Hi、116好啊Hi!117我就是Teddy得爸爸I'm Teddy's dad、118很高兴见到您先生Nice to meet you, sir、119嗯 Spencer与我要学习了Uh, Spencer and I are studying120 我们得准备明天得生物测验真得吗for our biology test tomorrow、 Are you, now?121就是得没错所以请大家离开好吗Yes、 yes, we are, so can everyone please leave?122您不用Not you、123 Teddy 什么事Teddy、 Yeah?124我记得您妈说过不许约会学习得I thought your mom said no study date、125就是啊不能在图书馆Yeah, at the library、126哦对Oh, right、127那么您与她说了在家里学吗Okay, so then you've talked to her about this?128我当然说了Of course I did、129我得意思就是我我非常确定我说过了I mean, I'm I'm pretty sure I did、130只不过我每天与不同得人It's just I talk to so many different people 131说不同得事about so many different things、132您们家怎么有个这么巨大得虫子?Why is there a giant bug in your house? 133朋友那个That, my friend,134叫做沙螽is the jerusalem cricket,135外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫Better known to the layman as the potato bug、136 我就是个害虫专家又来了I'm an exterminator、 Here we go、137嗨您瞧过我在本地有线电视台做得广告吗Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable 138 “Bob赶走了所有害虫”"Bob's bugs be gone"?139就是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone?140好吧您们要做家庭作业Okay、 you've got homework to do、141我要去换尿布了I've got a diaper to change、142她得不就是我得Hers not mine、143我还没老到那地步呢I ain't that old!144我还就是上楼去吧I'm gonna be upstairs、145 Gabe 出去好吧Gabe out、 Okay, fine、146不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊But when's that hot guy getting here? 147出去Out!148 小孩子嗯Kids、 Yeah、149哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh man, I left my book at school、150没关系我们瞧一本就行Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine、151 可以吗完美Is that okay? Perfect、152好Good,153因为这都只就是为了学习Cause I'm all about the learnin'、154 我去拿铅笔哦我有Let me just grab a pencil、 Oh yeah, I might have one、155我想我把铅笔忘在学校了I think I left my pencils at school、156我也就是Me too、157女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen!158有请PJ与感应乐队PJ and the Vibe!159哇瞧来您就住在那个怪小子PJ得隔壁啊Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid、160嗯她不在隔壁Hmm、 Yeah, he's not next door、161她在楼下He's downstairs、、、162而且她就是我哥And he's my brother、163哦哦抱歉Oh! oh, I'm I'm sorry、164我也就是Yeah, me too、165等下等下等下停停Wait wait wait! stop stop!166 Emmett 开头您应该用强拍得Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat、167哥们我就是打击乐器Dude, I'm percussion,168让我“打击”Let me "percush"!169拜托了两位For crying out loud, guys!170您好嘛What's up?171您们能小声点吗我们正在学习Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study、172不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界No can do, sis、 There's only one level in rock 'n' roll、173那就就是响亮And that is loud!174我想我们可以体谅一下您妹妹Whoa whoa、 I think we can acmodate your little sister、175拜托Excuse me,176这个组合可就是叫PJ与感应乐队But the band is called PJ and the vibe、177“感应”就没发言权吗So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say?178我我就就是感应I I'm the vibe、179就是啊了解了Yeah, I got that、180所以您与我产生心灵感应了哈Oh, so you got my vibe, huh?181我还就是回去吧I'm gonna be over here、182 关小声点您不能阻挡我对艺术得追求Turn it down now、 You will not censor myart、183我不会安静得I will not be silent!184如果再逼我下来得话If I have e down here again,185这个会插在某个地方this gets plugged into somewhere else186对了她与谁一起学习呢Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway? 187就是不就是又一位美女Is there a second fine lady in the house? 188就是她迷恋得男生Some guy she's totally into、189我不敢相信她居然对我不忠I can't believe she's cheating on me、190她没有对您不忠她都不知道有您这个人She's not cheating on you、 She barely knows you exist、191不对我们只就是关系进展比较慢而已No, see, our relationship is just developing slowly、192 不您们没关系有No, there is no relationship、 Yes, there is、193 没有就是您得幻想不就是No, it's all in your head! no,194才不就是因为连我妈都知道我们得关系it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it 195好了我们学到哪儿了Now then, where were we?196其实我记得您刚才坐得更近些得You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer、197好了细胞呼吸作用All right cellular respiration、198 您介意吗一点也不Do you mind? not at all、199趁这个时候While we're at it200 您们干嘛呢噢 GabeWhat are you doing? Oh! gabe!201 您想怎么样啊吃晚饭What do you want? Dinner!202一整天都没人给我做饭Nobody's fed me all day!203我也算这个家得一员对吧And I am still part of this family, right? 204冰箱里还有个吃了一半得三明治There's a halfeaten sandwich in the fridge 205自己去吃吧Knock yourself out、206好了所有兄弟都搞定了All right、 Now my brothers are all taken care of、207 太好了不会再有人打搅我们了Good、And there will be no more interruptions、208 Teddy 哦天呐Teddy! Oh, god!209 您想干嘛我需要您What do you want?! I need you210照瞧下宝宝to watch the baby for a sec、211不No!212不No!213不准告诉您妈Nobody tells mom!214到这儿来 Charliee here, Charlie、215好了Oh, yes、216 Charlie 没事哦但就是我有事Charlie's fine、 Ooh! But I'm not、217嗯 TeddyUh, Teddy,218叫PJ去发动油门Tell PJ to fire up the bug truck,219我想我得去趟医院I think I gotta go to the hospital、220还有 Teddy 接下来您得照顾下宝宝Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby、221不好吧No! Okay、222放松点十分钟后就到医院Relax, be the hospital in 10 mintues 223知道了拜托尽快Okay, just please please hurry、224噢哇我得屁股在燃烧Oh, wow! My butt is on fire!225真就是见鬼了That is so weird!226上周Emmett与我写一首歌Last week, Emmett and I wrote a song 227就就是这句话With that exact same title、228那太好了儿子但就是请您别唱了That's great, son、 just please don't sing229 我得屁股在燃烧别唱了My butt is on fire! ? Stop it、230烫得面积与轮胎一样大It's the size of a tire!231别唱了Stop it!232 拳打甲壳虫噢您在干嘛Punch buggy! Ow! What are you doing?! 233拜托您好好开车啦Could you drive, please?!234 您想玩认车牌游戏吗不想Hey, you want to play license plate game? No!235密歇根州(车牌)Michigan、236 也许我该走了不Maybe I should go、 no!237嗯她马上就喝完这瓶了Um, she's almost done with bottle238然后她就会睡觉了And then she'll go right to sleep、239我们就能约会学习了Then we can studly I mean study、240我们学到哪儿了Now, uh, where were we?241 哦什么就是细胞呼吸作用Yeah、 What is cellular respiration? 242就就是葡萄糖及其她化合物That's when glucose and other pounds243发生氧化反应释放化学能oxidize to produce chemical energy,244 还有水与二氧化碳嗯water and carbon dioxide、 Mmhmm、245也被称为屁Also known as poop、246哦老天Oh, boy、247忍着点老爸Hang in there, dad、248哇屁股火区扩散了Wow! Butt fire spreading、249 医生在哪里我去找找Where's the doctor? I'll go see、250等等等等等等Okay, wait wait wait、 Wait、 Wait、 Wait、251等等我们不要让妈知道我们在这就是不Wait、 wait、 We don't want mom to know we're here, right?252所以小心点So please be careful、253不要引人注意Just try and blend in、254老爸拜托Dad, e on、255这么帅怎么可能不引人注目It's hard for this to blend in、256那就想个办法Just figure something out、257想个办法"figure something out、"258想个办法"figure something out、"259妈妈Mom!260您就是医生吗You're the doctor?261就是得Yes、262我就是I am、263我就是医生I am doctor、、、264就是 Chandrasooleewan医生Shh Chandrasooleewan、265 您就是印第安人吗我们更愿意被称为美国原住民Are you Indian? We prefer to be called Native American、266您真得就是个医生吗Are you sure you're a real doctor?267您瞧起来太年轻了You look kinda young、268您说话口气跟我老婆一样You sound like my wife、269好了嗯Okay, uh270您哪儿出问题了What seems to be the problem?271有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了I have a fish hook in my lip!272 怎么搞成这样得我爸不擅长钓鱼How'd this happen? My dad is not a very good fisherman、273嘿我爸不擅长下楼梯Hey, mine's not a very good walkingdownthestairs man、274那么So275我猜您得有九十七磅吧I'm guessing you're a 97pounder、276嘘乖宝宝Hush, little baby277快睡觉Go beddybye278 Teddy想吻那个很帅得男孩Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy、279怎么样了How's it going?280不错孩子快睡着了Well, we're getting there、281啧啧啧瞧瞧这就是谁啊Well well well、 What have we here?282 Emmett 您怎么还在这儿Emmett, why are you still here?283我在找厨房Well, I was looking for the kitchen,284但就是我好像不小心进了舞厅But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom、285 您好 Teddy 我就是您隔壁得Dabney夫人hello? Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door、286我没瞧见您得猫No, I have not seen your cat、287我打给您就是因为您弟弟I'm calling about your brother;288她要把我家都吃空了He's eating me out of house and home289 Gabe 离我得馅饼远点Gabe! Step away from the pie!290知道了我马上来Okay, I'll be right there、291等下 Spencer 我两分钟后回来All right、 spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes、292千万别走 Emmett 出去走走Don't go anywhere、 emmett, go somewhere、293您对我得女朋友有何居心So what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?294她才不就是您女朋友She's not your girlfriend295好吧也许我们两个该到门外Okay, maybe me and you need to step outside、、、296这样您就能送我上自行车了So you can walk me to my bike、297您就是来给我做海绵擦浴得吗You here to give me my sponge bath?298 PJ 嗨妈妈PJ? Hey, mom、299您在这做什么What are you doing here?300我告诉您我不会做什么吧I'll tell you what I'm not doing here301我不会给多毛得人做擦浴得Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys、302所以妈妈有什么事吗So, mom, what's what's the happs?303什么What's304嗨亲爱得Hey, honey!305 Bob 干得漂亮儿子Bob! Nice work, son、306好了到底出什么事了Okay, what's going on here?307爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt、308 您那时没抱着孩子吧呃抱着呢You weren't holding the baby, were you? Um, yes309然后没有再然后又抱着了Then no, then yes again、310 Bob 您答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了Bob, you promised me you weren't gonna drop this one!311亲爱得听着这只就是个小意外Honey, look, it was just a little accident、312顺便说句我那一接太精彩了Oh, and by the way, for the record an amazing catch!313我就知道我犯了个大错误I knew this was a huge mistake、314我不应该回来工作得I never should've gone back to work、315宝贝没事得Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay、316不不才不会没事No、 no, it's not、317这也太难了我做不来It's too hard、 I can't do this、318我意思就是说我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time319一边照顾好四个孩子and take care of four kids?320我就是个糟糕得母亲I'm a terrible mother、321不不您不就是得No no, you're not、322听着如果真要说,我才就是个糟糕得父亲Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father、323我知道I know!324您们两个冷静点好吗Would you guys chill?325您们就是很棒得父母You're great parents、326我 Teddy Gabe现在都很不错啊Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good、327就是得别难过了Yeah, e on、328我们还就是做对了不少事情We've got to be doing something right、329我就是说嘿快瞧我们得儿子当医生了I mean, hey, look at this our son's a doctor、330我就是认真得我们两个都得忙工作I'm serious、 With both of us working, 331可怜得小Charlie就又没人照顾了Poor little Charlie doesn't stand a chance、332放心吧没人会让您一个人照顾孩子得e on, no one's going solo on this、333我们几个小孩都会帮您得All us kids are gonna help out、334不管Charlie成长过程中出了什么差错And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way,335我们会一起承担责任得We can all share the blame、336 Chandrasooleewan医生请到手术室Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room、337真就是忙个没完啊It never ends!338我很抱歉 Dabney夫人但就是您Sorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but you 339也许不该让她进门得probably shouldn't let him in、340我没让她进啊她自己从猫洞里爬进来得I didn't let him in、 He crawled through the cat door、341 Gabe 您有什么要对Dabney夫人说得吗Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs Dabney?342有Yeah、343您明天晚上打算做什么?What are you fixing tomorrow night?344修理猫洞The cat door、345我会保证锁好它得Gonna make sure it's locked、346好了我想我们要走了Okay、 I think we're done here、347 晚安就是得Good night、 It is now、348好了我们回家吧All right, let's go、349 您在干嘛哦现在您突然What are you doing? Oh, so now you're suddenly350 对我感兴趣了 Gabe 您就是我弟弟interested in me? gabe, you're my little brother、351我从来都没对您感过兴趣I've never been interested in you、352我开玩笑呢I'm kidding、353到底怎么了What's going on?354自从这个宝宝来到世上Ever since the baby arrived,355每个人都总就是忽略我Everyone's been ignoring me、356我觉得我就是隐形得I feel like I'm invisible、357我就就是个窝囊得排行中间得孩子I'm just the loser middle kid、、、358就像您一样Like you、359当个排行中间得孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊Just because I'm a middle kid doesn't make me a loser、360那就是什么让您变得窝囊了Then what does make you a loser?361我不窝囊拜托I am not a loser、 Okay?362我本来也就是最小得And I was a baby once、363然后您来到了这世上And then you came along、364开始我也不开心And I was not happy about it、365但就是后来我瞧到您在PJ身上撒尿我就想But then you peed on PJ and I thought, 373嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧"Hey, give the kid a shot、"366听着总有一天您会像我瞧待您那样Look, someday you're gonna feel the same way 367瞧待Charlie得a bout Charlie that I feel about you、368那么您怎么瞧待我得Well, how do you feel about me?369这么说吧Let's put it this way370全校最帅得男生现在就在我们家里The hottest guy in school is at our house right now,371而我现在却与您在一起And I'm here with you、372瞧她多可爱啊Look how cute she is、373我已经开始对她有好感了I am warming up to her already!374好了 Charlie已经睡着了 Gabe在玩电子游戏Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's playing a video game375我们终于可以独处了And we are finally alone、376嗨大家好Hey, everybody!377我尾骨撞伤了I have a bruised coccyx、378哦拜托Oh, e on!379这个词搞笑That's a funny word、380尾骨Coccyx!381医生给她开了止痛药The doctor gave him pain medication、382就是我放屁了吗不好意思Was that me? Sorry、383我那个地方还有点麻木I'm a little numb down there、384其实就是接我得人来了Uh, actually, that's my ride、385当然就是了Of course it is、386很高兴见到您小伙子It's good to meet you, son、387哦晚安宝贝Oh, good night, sweetheart、388晚安先生Good night, sir、389 晚安晚安Good night、 Good night、390尾骨Coccyx!391这就就是爸如何抢走我得初吻得So that's how dad got my first kiss392还有您得第一次飞翔And how you flew for the first time、401但就是好消息就是But the good news is393没有好消息Nah, there is no good news、394我收回刚才那句话 Spencer给我发短信了I take that back! It's a text from spencer! 395她约我明天一起出去He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night 396去她家At his house!397哦我要去洗您吐在我衣服上得脏东西了Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket、398哦对了还有一件事Oh, and, uh, one more thing399当您到了我这个年龄遇到一个帅哥When you're my age and you meet a cute boy, 400不管什么情况千万不要Do not, under any circumstances,401带她来家中ever ever bring him home、402因为如果您这么做得话那么Cause if you do, well403祝您好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie、404哦太舒服了Oh, that's wonderful、405真就是太感谢您帮我擦澡了Thank you so much for doing this、406嗨如果我不能为我得病人服务Hey, if I can't be there for my patients, 407那我还装什么医生What kind of pretend doctor am I?408那么您有没想过剃毛So, uh, do you ever think about shaving 409全身Like, everywhere?410我剃过啊上周I did last week、。
好运查理/查莉成长日记/Good Luck Charlie 第一季第一集S01E01 Study Date Hi, Charlie, there you are.嗨Charlie 快看看你Nine mon ths old and look how cute you are.才九个月大多可爱啊And look how cute I am.再看看我多么可爱啊It's your big sister Teddy here,我是你的姐姐TeddyAnd I'm making this video diary我在拍视频日记To help you survive our...来帮你立足于我们这个Special family.特别的家Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat banan as.嗨看来老爹已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh, and there's mom,哦这是妈妈Look ing lovelier tha n ever this morning.今天早上看起来最可爱了Not in the mood.没那心情和你开玩笑Okay. I think you've had eno ugh bananas.好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了So we're switch ing to sweet peas!我们改吃点甜豌豆吧You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy. 你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Oh, and there's your older brother PJ哦那是你的大哥PJDoi ng today's homework at the last mi nute as usual.像往常一样在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业It's not today's homework.这才不是今天的家庭作业This is yesterday's homework.这是昨天的家庭作业There's a cha nee you two will be你可能有机会和你哥哥in high school together.一起念高中哦Oh, and there's dad prepari ng for ano ther day's work. 哦那是爸爸在准备下一天的工作He kills bugs for a living.他靠杀虫来赚钱Hon ey, come on. we've bee n through this.宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了I don't kill bugs.我不是杀虫rm a pest con trol specialist.我是害虫防治专家Either way...还不都是得So now you've met the whole family.现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦Forgett ing somebody忘记某人了吧Gabe! no no no. I did n't forget about you.Gabe不是不是的我没有忘记你I was just savi ng the best for last.我只是打算拿你来压轴Charlie, that was your youn ger older brother Gabe. Charlie 那是你的小哥哥GabeYou want to say someth ing to Charlie你想对Charlie说点什么吗You ruined my life.你毁了我的生活Okay, so it's tak ing Gabe a little bit Ion ger好了看来Gabe还需要点时间To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise.来适应你因为你有点像个惊喜I thought surprises were supposed to be good.我还以为惊喜是好事呢An d... cut.好了就到这里了Okay, gan g, liste n up.好了大家听着rm going back to work toni ght at the hospital我今晚要回到医院工作For the first time since Charlie was born,这是从Charlie出生后我第一次上班So I want every one to stay at home所以我想让你们今晚全都留在家-and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom.-帮你爸爸照顾宝宝-等下不行妈妈rm not gonna be here toni ght.我今晚不能待在家里I have a study date at the library.我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了Don't you mean "studly" date...你的意思是借学习之机With Spe ncer和Spencer约会吧Oh, save it for your pillow.哦留着亲你的枕头吧rm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule. 我很抱歉Teddy但是你得重新安排你的计划But, dad--但是爸爸-Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now.-Bob - 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了Mom, don't take this the wrong way,妈妈别误会我的意思But why did you guys have to have ano ther baby 但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢Well, because three kids was just too easy.那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Three's for quitters.胆小鬼才只生三个And Teddy, you know better tha n to schedule Teddy你已经懂事了不至于去和a study date with a boy rve n ever met.一个我从来没见过的男生约会一起学习吧Come on. as dad, it's my resp on sibility拜托作为你的爸爸to know every detail of my kids' lives.知道我孩子的每个生活细节是我的责任Oh yeah是吗What school do I go to那我的学校校名是什么Um-- the one n amed after that preside nt.嗯和某个总统名字一样Hey, you know what I've got to drive you kids to school. 嗨快点吧我得开车送你们去学校了-Let's go. - Wait, I have n't had breakfast yet.-我们走吧-等下我还没吃早饭呢-Come on, let's go. - Most importa nt meal of the day-快点我们走-一天中最重要的一餐-Never got it. - Let's go!-我从没吃到过-我们走吧-I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt - Lincoln.-我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢-是林肯小学Got it.记住了Day's all burnt toast生活搞得一团糟Running late, and dad says就要迟到爸爸在叫Has an ybody see n my left shoe我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到I close my eyes, take a bite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grab a ride, laugh out loud跳上车子放声大笑There it is up on the roof就在这里我们的家rve bee n there, I've survived我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过So just take my advice所以听取我的建议Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈But I know your future is bright可是我知道你会有美好未来Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃There is no maybeEveryth ing tur ns out all right一切终会如你所愿Sure life is up and dow n生活有悲有喜But trust me, it comes back all around可是请相信我坚持就有好结果You're gonna love who you turn out to be你会喜欢将来的你Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!Bob亲爱的我去上班了Okay, hon ey, here's Charlie's schedule.好了老公这是Charlie的生活安排It tells you when to feed her,这上面写着什么时候喂她When to cha nge her and whe n to put her dow n. 什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉Sweetheart, would you relaxBig daddy's got this all un der con trol.一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron 好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Does n't make it true.你就真当自己全能了Now if charlie gets fussy,如果Charlie哭闹了her rubber ducky will calm her dow n.她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来They're all over the place. Please be careful-- 它们到处都是拜托你小心点-They're all over the place. - Hon ey...-它们到处都是-亲爱的You seem to forget I was fully in volved你似乎忘记了我已经事无巨细地in the rais ing of three kids.养育了三个孩子Oh, yeah When's my birthday哦是吗我生日是什么时候-July twelfth. - November twenty third.-5月12号-11 月23号Got it.记住了Good luck, Charlie.祝你好运CharlieMwah! Bye.拜拜Bye.拜拜Hey, dad嗨爸爸-Yeah - I have a homework questi on.-什么事-我有个家庭作业的问题问你Okay, fire away.好吧说吧Can the average huma n lick his own armpit 一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗-Yeah. - Than ks.-可以-谢了So what was that, like a scie nee questi on那是什么作业科学问题吗Nope.不是I'll get it. I'll get it.我来开门我来开门I'll get it. Nobody else get it!我来开门其他人都不许碰-Hi. - Hi.-你好-你好Hi!好啊I'm Teddy's dad.我是Teddy的爸爸Nice to meet you, sir.很高兴见到你先生Uh, Spencer and I are study ing嗯Spencer和我要学习了-for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now-我们得准备明天的生物测验-真的吗Yes. yes, we are, so can every one please leave 是的没错所以请大家都离开好吗Not you.除了你-Teddy. - Yeah-Teddy - 什么事I thought your mom said no study date.v1.0可编辑可修改我记得你妈说过今天不许学习约会的Yeah, at the library.是啊不能在图书馆Oh, right.哦是的Okay, so the n you've talked to her about this那么你和她说了在家里学习的事吗Of course I did.我当然说了I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did.我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了It's just I talk to so many differe nt people只不过我每天和那么多人about so many differe nt thi ngs.说那么多不同的事Why is there a gia nt bug in your house你们家为什么要摆个这么巨大的虫子在这That, my friend,朋友那个is the jerusalem cricket,叫做沙螽Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫-I'm an exterm in ator. - Here we go.-我是个害虫专家又来了Hey, have you see n my ad on local cable--嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗"Bob's bugs be gone"“ Bob赶走了所有害虫”Yeah, how do we make Bob be gone是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobOkay. you've got homework to do.好吧你们要做家庭作业rve got a diaper to cha nge.我也要去换尿布了Hers-- not mine.给她换不是我I ain't that old!我还没老到那地步呢rm gonna be upstairs.我还是上楼去吧-Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.-Gabe出去-好吧知道了But whe n's that hot guy gett ing here不过那个帅哥什么时候才会来啊Out!出去-Kids. - Yeah.-真是小孩子-嗯Oh man, I left my book at school.哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine.没关系我们看一本就行-Is that okay - Perfect.-可以吗-正合我意Good,很好Cause rm all about the lear nin'.因为这一切都是为了学习-Let me just grab a pen cil. - Oh yeah, I might have one. -我去拿根铅笔-哦我有一根I think I left my pen cils at school.v1.0可编辑可修改我想我的铅笔忘在学校了Me too.我也是Ladies and gen tleme n!女士们先生们PJ and the Vibe!有请PJ和感应乐队Wow, sounds like you live right n ext door哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子to that weird PJ kid.哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子Hmm. Yeah, he's not n ext door.嗯不过他不在隔壁He's dow nstairs...他在楼下And he's my brother.而且他是我哥哥Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry. PJ的隔壁啊PJ的隔壁啊哦哦不好意思哈Yeah, me too.我也是Wait wait wait! stop stop!等下等下等下停停Emmett, you were supposed to ope n with the down beat. Emmett开头的时候你该用强拍的Dude, I'm percussi on,伙计我演奏的是打击乐器Let me "percush"!你得让我“打击”For crying out loud, guys!拜托了两位What's up什么事Can you please turn it dow n We're trying to study.你们能小声点吗我们正在学习呢No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll. 不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界And that is loud!那就是纵情高歌Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister. 等等我想我们该体谅一下你妹妹Excuse me,拜托But the band is called PJ and the vibe.这个组合可是叫PJ和感应乐队So what, the Vibe does n't get a say那又如何感应乐队就没有发言权了吗I-- I'm the vibe.我我就是感应乐队Yeah, I got that.是啊看出来了Oh, so you got my vibe, huh所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈rm gonna be over here.我还是回去吧-Turn it dow n now. - You will not cen sor my art.-关小声点现在-你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求I will not be sile nt!我不会安静的hey!嘿八、、If I have come dow n here aga in.如果再逼我下来的话this gets plugged into somewhere else我就把这个插你身上Okay明白了没Yo, who's she up there study ing with any way对了她和谁一起学习呢Is there a sec ond fine lady in the house是不是又一位美女Some guy she's totally in to.和她迷恋的某个男生一起I can't believe she's cheat ing on me.我不敢相信她居然对我不忠She's not cheati ng on you. She barely knows you exist. 她没有对你不忠她都不知道有你这个人No, see, our relati on ship is just develop ing slowly.不对我们只是关系进展地比较慢而已-No, there is no relati on ship. - Yes, there is.-不你们根本没关系-不我们有关系-No, it's all in your head! - no,-没有是你自己在臆想而已-不it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it不是的连我妈妈都知道我们两个的关系Now the n, where were we好了我们学到哪儿了You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer. 知道吗其实我记得你刚才坐得更近些的All right-- cellular respiration.好了细胞呼吸作用-Do you mind - not at all.-你介意吗-一点也不While we're at it--趁这个时候-What are you doing - Oh! gabe!-你们干吗呢-噢Gabe-What do you want - Dinner!-你想怎么样啊-吃晚饭Nobody's fed me all day!一整天都没人给我做饭And I am still part of this family, right我仍然还是这个家的一员对吧There's a half-eate n san dwich in the fridge冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治Kn ock yourself out.自己去吃吧All right. Now my brothers are all taken care of. 现在好了所有兄弟都搞定了-Good. - And there will be no more in terrupti ons. -太好了-那就再也不会有人打搅我们了-Teddy! - Oh, god!-Teddy - 哦天呐-What do you want! - I n eed you-你想干嘛-我需要你to watch the baby for a sec.照看下宝宝No!不No!不Nobody tells mom!谁也不准告诉妈妈Come here, Charlie.到这儿来CharlieOh, yes.好了-Charlie's fine. - Ooh! But I'm not.-Charlie 没事-哦但是我有事Uh, Teddy,嗯TeddyTell PJ to fire up the bug truck,叫PJ去发动油门I think I gotta go to the hospital.我想我得去趟医院Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby. 还有Teddy接下来你得照顾下宝宝No! Okay.Relax, be the hospital in ten minu tes放松点十分钟后就到医院Okay, just please please hurry.知道了拜托尽快Oh, wow! My butt is on fire!噢哇我的屁股像被火烧了That is so weird!真是灵异Last week, Emmett and I wrote a song上周Emmett和我写一首歌With that exact same title.正好就叫这个名字That's great, son .just please don't sing-- 那太好了儿子不过拜托你千万别唱-My butt is on fire! - Stop it.-我的屁股像被火烧-别唱了It's the size of a tire!面积和轮胎一个大小Stop it!-Punch buggy! - Ow! What are you doing!-拳打甲壳虫-噢你在干嘛Could you drive, please!拜托你好好开车行不-Hey, you want to play lice nse plate game - No! -你想玩认车牌游戏吗-不想Michiga n.密歇根州-Maybe I should go. - no!-也许我该走了-不Um, she's almost done with bottle嗯她马上就喝完这瓶了And the n she'll go right to sleep.然后她就会睡觉了Then we can studly-- I mean study.我们就能约会了我意思是学习Now, uh, where were we看看我们学到哪儿了Okay.-Yeah. - What is cellular respirati on-哦-什么是细胞呼吸作用That's whe n glucose and other compo unds 就是葡萄糖及其他化合物oxidize to produce chemical en ergy,发生氧化反应释放化学能-water and carb on dioxide. - Mm-hmm.v1.0可编辑可修改-还有水和二氧化碳-嗯哼Also known as poop.也被称为屁Oh, boy.哦老天Hang in there, dad.忍着点老爸Wow! Butt fire spread ing.哇哦屁股火区扩散了-Where's the doctor - I'll go see.-医生在哪里-我去找找Okay, wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.坐坐坐坐坐坐等等等等等等Wait. wait. We don't want mom to know we're here, right等等我们可不想让妈妈发现我们在这儿是不So please be careful.所以小心点Just try and ble nd in.尽量别引人注意Dad, come on.It's hard for this to blend in.老爸拜托这样帅气的面庞怎么可能不引人注目Just figure somethi ng out.那就想个办法"figure someth ing out."想个办法"figure someth ing out."想个办法Mom!妈妈You're the doctor你是医生吗Yes.是的I am.我是I am doctor...我是医生Shh-- Chan drasooleewa n.是Chandrasooleewan 医生-Are you In dia n - We prefer to be called Native America n.-你是印第安人吗-我们更愿意被称为美国原住民Are you sure you're a real doctor你真的是个医生吗You look kinda young.你看起来太年轻了You sound like my wife.你说话口气跟我老婆一样Okay, uh__好了嗯What seems to be the problem你哪儿出问题了I have a fish hook in my lip!有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了-How'd this happe n - My dad is not a very good fisherma n. -怎么搞成这样的-我爸爸不是很擅长钓鱼Hey, mine's not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man.嘿我爸爸不是很擅长上下楼梯So--那么rm guess ing you're a ninety seve n poun der.我猜你得有九十七磅吧Hush, little baby嘘乖宝宝Go beddy-bye快睡觉Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy.Teddy想吻那个很帅的男孩How's it going怎么样了Well, we're gett ing there.不错孩子快睡着了Well well well. What have we here啧啧啧看看这是谁啊Emmett, why are you still hereEmmett你怎么还在这儿Well, I was look ing for the kitche n,我在找厨房But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom. 但是我好像不小心进了舞厅-hello - Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door.-你好-Teddy 我是你隔壁的Dabney夫人No, I have not see n your cat.没有我没看见你的猫I'm calling about your brother;我叫你是因为你弟弟He's eati ng me out of house and home他要把我家都吃空了Gabe! Step away from the pie!Gabe离我的馅饼远点Okay, I'll be right there.知道了我马上来All right. spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes. 等下Spencer我两分钟后回来Don't go any where. emmett, go somewhere.千万别走Emmett 出去走走So what do you think you're doing with my girlfrie nd 你对我的女朋友有何居心She's not your girlfrie nd她才不是你女朋友Okay, maybe me and you n eed to step outside...好吧也许我们两个该到门外So you can walk me to my bike.这样你就能送我上自行车了You here to give me my sponge bath你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗-PJ - Hey, mom.-PJ - 嗨妈妈What are you doing here你在这儿干什么ni tell you what rm not doing here--我告诉你我不会干什么吧Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys. 我不会给体毛发达的人做海绵擦浴的So, mom, what's-- what's the happs所以妈妈有什么事吗What's--有什么Hey, hon ey!嗨亲爱的-Bob! - Nice work, son.-Bob - 干的漂亮儿子Okay, what's going on herev1.0可编辑可修改好了到底出什么事了Dad fell dow n the stairs and broke his butt.爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了-You were n't holdi ng the baby, were you - Um, yes---你那时没抱着孩子吧-呃我本来抱着呢Then no, the n yes aga in.然后脱手了再然后又抱着了Bob, you promised me you were n't gonna drop this one!Bob你答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了Hon ey, look, it was just a little accide nt.亲爱的听着这只是个小小的意外而已Oh, and by the way, for the record-- an amaz ing catch!顺便说句我那一接太精彩了足以载入史册了I knew this was a huge mistake.我就知道我犯了个天大的错误I n ever should've gone back to work.我真不应该回来工作的Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay.宝贝没事的No. no, it's not.It's too hard. I can't do this.不不才不会没事这也太难了我做不来I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time 我意思是说我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作and take care of four kids一边照顾好四个孩子I'm a terrible mother.我真是个糟糕的母亲No no, you're not.不不你不是的Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father.听着如果真要追究责任那也只能怪我是个糟糕的父亲I know!我知道Would you guys chill你们两个冷静点好吗You're great pare nts.你们是很棒的父母Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good.我Teddy Gabe现在都很不错啊Yeah, come on.是的别难过了We've got to be doing someth ing right.我们还是做对了不少事情I mean, hey, look at this-- our son's a doctor.我是说嘿快看我们的儿子当医生了rm serious. With both of us work ing,我是认真的我们两个都得忙工作Poor little Charlie does n't sta nd a cha nee.可怜的小Charlie就又没人照顾了Come on, no on e's going solo on this.放心吧没人会让你一个人照顾的孩子的All us kids are gonna help out.我们几个小孩都会帮你的And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way, 不管Charlie成长过程中出了什么差错We can all share the blame.我们会一起承担责任的Dr Chan drasooleewa n to the operati ng room. Chandrasooleewan医生请至U手术室It n ever en ds!真是忙个没完啊Gabe!GabeSorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but我很抱歉Dabney夫人但是你you probably should n't let him in.也许不该让他进门的I did n't let him in. He crawled through the cat door.我没让他进啊他自己从猫洞里爬进来的Gabe, is there someth ing you want to say to Mrs DabneyGabe你有什么要对Dabney夫人说的吗Yeah.有啊What are you fixing tomorrow ni ght你明天晚上打算做什么饭(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)The cat door.修理猫洞(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)Gonna make sure it's locked.我会保证锁好它的Okay. I think we're done here.好了我想我们要走了-Good ni ght. - It is now.-晚安-现在确实安生了All right, let's go.好了我们回家吧-What are you doing - Oh, so now you're sudde nly-你在干嘛-哦现在你突然-in terested in me - gabe, you're my little brother. -对我感兴趣了- Gabe你是我弟弟rve n ever bee n in terested in you.我从来都没对你感过兴趣rm kiddi ng.我开玩笑呢What's going on到底怎么了Ever si nee the baby arrived,自从这个宝宝来到世上Every on e's bee n ignoring me.每个人都总是忽略我I feel like I'm in visible.我觉得我成了隐形人rm just the loser middle kid .・・我就是个窝囊的排行中间的孩子Like you.就像你一样Just because rm a middle kid does n't make me a loser. 当个排行中间的孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊Then what does make you a loser那是什么让你变得窝囊了I am not a loser. Okay我不窝囊拜托And I was a baby on ce.我本来也是最小的And the n you came along.然后你来到了这世上And I was not happy about it.开始我也不开心But the n you peed on PJ and I thought,但是后来我看到你在PJ身上撒尿我就想"Hey, give the kid a shot."嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧Look, someday you're gonna feel the same wayv1.0可编辑可修改听着总有一天你会像我看待你那样a bout Charlie that I feel about you.看待Charlie 的Well, how do you feel about me那么你怎么看待我的Let's put it this way--我这么说吧The hottest guy in school is at our house right now,全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里And rm here with you.而我现在却和你在一起Look how cute she is.看她多可爱啊I am warmi ng up to her already!我已经开始对她有好感了Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's play ing a video game好了Charlie 已经睡着了Gabe在玩电子游戏And we are fin ally alone.我们终于可以独处了Hey, everybody!I have a bruised coccyx.嗨大家好我尾骨撞伤了Oh, come on!哦拜托That's a funny word.这个词太好玩了Coccyx!尾骨The doctor gave him pain medicati on. 医生给他开了止痛药Was that me Sorry.是我放屁了吗不好意思I'm a little numb down there.我那个地方还有点麻木Uh, actually, that's my ride.其实是接我的人来了Of course it is.当然是了It's good to meet you, son.很高兴见到你小伙子Oh, good ni ght, sweetheart.哦晚安宝贝Good ni ght, sir.晚安先生-Good ni ght. - Good ni ght.-晚安-晚安Coccyx!尾骨So that's how dad got my first kiss这就是爸爸怎么抢走本属于我的初吻的And how you flew for the first time.你也第一次体验到了飞翔的感觉But the good n ews is--但是好消息是Nah, there is no good n ews.算了根本没有好消息I take that back! It's a text from spe ncer! 我收回刚才那句话Spencer给我发短信了He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night 他约我明天一起出去At his house!去他家Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket. 哦我要去洗你吐在我衣服上的脏东西了Oh, and, uh, one more thin g--哦对了还有一件事When you're my age and you meet a cute boy,当你到了我这个年龄遇到一个帅哥的话Do not, un der any circumsta nces,在任何情况下都不要千万不要ever ever bring him home.把他带回家来Cause if you do, well--因为如果你这么做的话那么Good luck, Charlie.祝你好运CharlieOh, that's wo nderful.哦太舒服了Thank you so much for doing this.真是太感谢你帮我擦澡了Hey, if I can't be there for my patie nts,嗨如果我不能为我的病人服务What kind of prete nd doctor am I那我还算什么假医生So, uh, do you ever think about shavi ng-- 那么你有没想过给你的全身Like, everywhere那个剃个毛I did-- last week.我剃过啊上周刚剃的。
好运查理/查莉成长日记/Good Luck Charlie第一季第三集S01E03 The Curious Case of Mr. DabneyHi, Charlie. it's your big sister Teddy with my video diary.嘿Charlie 这是你姐姐Teddy在录视频日记So today, I want to talk to you about best friends.今天我要和你聊聊关于好朋友的话题You bragging about me again?你又在夸耀我了吧Huh. yeah, this is Ivy. she's my BFF.噢这是Ivy 她是我的最好的朋友I'm also her hero,我还是她的英雄The wind beneath her wings, the hip in her hop,她是锅来我是盖她是风儿我是沙The peanut to her butter.她是绿叶我是花- I am-- - the mouth that wouldn't shut.- 我就是- 那说个没完的嘴Let's see how we're looking.瞧瞧我们看上去如何Perfect!很完美- I'd date us. - I'd marry us.- 我都想同咱俩约会- 我都想同咱俩结婚So what's the big news?好吧有什么重大新闻吗you are not gonna believe what I did for you你绝对不敢相信我为你做了什么I saw the cutest guy working at the mall food court我看到了一个超帅的男孩在商场的美食广场工作And pause for dramatic effect为了戏剧效果我们暂停一下Tomorrow I'm going to talk to him.明天我要过去跟他搭讪How is this something you're doing for me?这算哪门子你为我做的事Maybe he has a friend. the cute ones always have a friend. 也许他还有朋友啊可爱的人总会有朋友的I mean, I have you, right?就像我有你对吧Hi, girls. What you doing?嘿姑娘们忙什么呢Nothin'.没什么- How's it going, Ivy? - Real good.- 最近好吗Ivy - 很好Ignore her. she'll go away.别理她她就会走开的You girls are always on those phones.你们这些孩子总是在玩手机- Who are you texting now? - Nobody.- 你在和谁发短信呢- 没和谁发I wish I could do that.真希望我也会发短信Hey, then you and I could text each other.嘿那样的话你和我就能互相发短信了Wouldn't that be fun?那样岂不是很好玩Oh my gosh, mom, I'd love that!哦天呐妈妈那样就太棒了Eww!才怪- I don't think I can text from this phone. - oh, well. - 但是我学不会怎么发短信- 哦那就没办法啦Sure you can, Miss D. what's your number?你肯定能学会的Duncan女士你手机号多少Five five five, zero one three four.555-0134Not ignoring.别理她啊What is that noise?什么声音I just sent you a text.我刚给你发了条短信Just hit that button to read it.按一下这个键就可以看了Well, look at that.哦快看啊Oh, that's funny, Ivy.哦果然很好玩IvyThen your response is "lol."那你就该回复个"lol""laugh out loud."就是“放声大笑”No-- no, mom. you don't do it, you type it.不是不是的不是让你笑出声来而是把它打出来Or if you want to get a little saucy,如果你想更俏皮点的话You can wink.你可以眨下眼Not there. There.不是真眨是打出来Just a semicolon and parentheses.就是打一个分号和括号Oh, that does look like a wink.哦看起来确实像在眨眼睛I can't believe I'm finally a texter.真不敢相信我也会发短信了Let's see if it works from the kitchen! 来看看我从厨房发短信你们能不能收到- "WHYD"? - What have you done?- "WHYD" - 看你干的好事Day's all burnt toast生活搞得一团糟Running late, and dad says就要迟到爸爸在叫Has anybody seen my left shoe我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到I close my eyes, take a bite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grab a ride, laugh out loud跳上车子放声大笑There it is up on the roof就在这里我们的家I've been there, I've survived我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过So just take my advice所以请听取我的建议Hang in there, baby, things are crazy宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈But I know your future is bright可是我知道你会有美好未来Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃There is no maybe不要怀疑Everything turns out all right一切终会如你所愿Sure life is up and down生活有悲有喜But trust me, it comes back all around可是请相信我坚持就有好结果You're gonna love who you turn out to be你会喜欢将来的你Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃Yeah!耶Yeah, this is way more fun since you've learned how to clap. 自从你学会鼓掌后这就比以前好玩多了Don't ignore me!别装作没听见When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it!每次我跟你说去做什么事的时候我希望你真的去做Get off my back, woman!少啰嗦老女人You want me off your back? I can arrange that.你想我少啰嗦吗我求之不得呢Charlie, those are our neighbors, the Dabneys. Charlie 他们是我们的邻居Dabney一家They've been married a long time.他们已经结婚很久很久了Hey, PJ,嘿PJI just kicked the football into the Dabneys' backyard. 我刚把橄榄球踢进Dabney家的后院了Will you go get it?你能去把它拿回来嘛No way! they're going at it again.没门他们又得发飙了- Well, what about the football? - Who cares?- 那橄榄球怎么办- 谁在乎啊It's gone. Kiss it goodbye.它已经没了和它告别吧Well, I'm glad to hear you say that好吧我很高兴你这么说Because it was your football.因为那是你的橄榄球Ha! I warned you!哈我早警告过你的That's what you get for being a bad husband!这就是你当恶丈夫的下场And now you're dead!现在你终于死了Is somebody out here?外面有人吗Who's out here?谁在外面- Where's the football? - Forget the football! - 橄榄球呢- 别提橄榄球了Mrs Dabney just murdered Mr Dabney! Dabney太太刚把Dabney先生谋杀了What?!什么I heard her talking to his corpse.我听到了她和他的尸体说话It was chilling.吓死我了Just so I'm clear, you didn't get the football? 你直说我就能明白橄榄球你没拿回来对吗- I'm serious, Gabe. - Come on.- 我是认真的Gabe - 拜托Mrs Dabney may be a mean, vicious, cruel, Dabney太太也许是个小气恶毒残忍horrible, nasty old witch,可怕讨厌的老巫婆But she'd never do something like that.但是她不可能干出这种事的- You don't believe me? - No.- 你不相信我吗- 不信Fine. fine, I'll prove it.好吧好吧我会证明给你看的Come here, Gabe.过来GabeHello?喂Is Mr Dabney home?Dabney先生在家吗He... can't come to the phone.他现在接不了Interesting.奇怪了Who is this?你是谁Uh-- I'm some sort of salesman.呃我算是个推销员吧Gabe, is that you?Gabe 是你吗Why would you assume my name is gabe?你为什么认为我叫GabeBecause I have caller ID.因为我有来电显示Oh. then yeah, it's Gabe.哦是的我是GabeHey!嘿Whoo! She's cool under pressure, I'll give her that.哇她在重压之下还是很冷静啊起码我能确认这一点- PJ, she's not a murderer. - I heard what I heard, gabe. - PJ 她不是凶手- 我听得很清楚GabeWhy don't you believe me?你为什么不肯相信我Because you're you and you get things wrong.因为这是你说的啊而你总是把事情搞错What are you saying, that I'm dumb?你什么意思觉得我是白痴吗Well, no.呃不是You're just not very...你只是不怎么- thinky. - thinky?- 动脑筋- 动脑筋Gabe, why would you say something like that?Gabe 你为什么这么说'cause mom said I can't call you dumb.因为妈妈不许我叫你白痴It is so pathetic.太悲剧了My mom's in the kitchen texting away.我妈妈居然在厨房发短信呢Gosh, I'd hate to be on the other end of that conversation. 天呐和她聊短信的那个人可有得受了Who are you texting?你在和谁发短信呢- Your mom. - I am so sorry.- 你妈妈- 我很抱歉Look, I promise I'll get her out of your hair.听着我保证会让她不再烦你的No, it's okay. Your mom's cool.不没事的你妈妈挺酷的My mom is what?我妈妈挺什么And she's really funny.而且她真的很风趣My mom is what?我妈妈很什么Wait, that's her again.等下她又发短信来了What are you talking about with my mom?你在和我妈妈聊什么呢- Nothing. - Nothing?!- 没什么- 没什么That's what we say to her!从来都是我们这么敷衍她的Hold on, I have to "lol" her.等下我得回个"lol"给她Okay, well "lol" has officially lost all meaning.好吧看来"lol"已经失去它的意义了I'm sorry. is this a problem for you?我很抱歉你有什么不满的吗No, I just think it's a little bit inappropriate.不我只是觉得这样有点不太合适Inappropriate? Now you sound like my mother.不太合适你现在说话的口气跟我妈妈一样了Well, how would you know what your mother sounds like? 是吗你怎么知道你妈妈口气是什么样的You've been spending so much time with mine!你都花了这么多时间和我妈妈泡在一起了What are you getting so whacked about?你有什么别扭的啊You didn't want to text her.你又不愿意跟她发短信Well yeah, that's because she's my mom, not my friend.没错那是因为她是我妈妈不是我朋友Wouldn't you be weirded out if I was texting your mom? 如果我给你妈妈发短信你就不觉得很怪异吗Yes. Because she doesn't have a cell phone.会啊因为她都没有手机Look, T, if you're not cool with this,听着T 如果不喜欢这样I'll just stop.我就不再发了No no, I don't care. I mean, it's a free country.不用我才不在乎呢我是说这是个自由国家Go crazy-- text my mom,继续疯吧给我妈妈发短信IM my dad, video-chat my aunt Helen.给我爸爸发即时消息和我姑姑Helen视频聊天Ooh! your aunt Helen?哦说起你的姑姑HelenYour mom says she is da bomb diggitty!你妈妈说她超炫My mom really said "da bomb diggitty"?我妈妈真的说了“超炫”吗Well, I may have added that part.那个也可能是我自己加上的吧PJ, you've got to stop watching these mysteries.PJ 你不能再看那些悬疑推理电影了Not until i figure out how to catch Mrs Dabney.在没找到抓住Dabney太太的方法之前我是不会罢休的These old movies are gonna help me do that.这些老电影会教我怎么破案的That's like saying cartoons will teach you这就好比说动画片能教你穿墙术how to run through walls.这就好比说动画片能教你穿墙术Learned that the hard way.我吃过苦头知道那行不通Mom! Can you get that?!妈妈你能去开门吗Sure, I'll get the door. I am a lot closer to it. 没问题我来开了我比你离门近多了Hello, Mrs. dabney.你好Dabney夫人- Hello. - Come on in.- 你好- 请进吧Heads up! killer in the house.小心杀人犯来家里了What have they done this time?他们这次又闯什么祸了For once, nothing-- that I know of.就这一次据我所知还没闯祸It's nice to see you too.我也很高兴见到你I'd like to speak with your husband, please. 我想和你丈夫说点事I'll let him know you're here.我这就告诉他你来找他了I'm a texter now.我现在开始用短信了I'm texting.我正给他发短信呢Really speeds things up.真是事半功倍啊Somebody lose a ball today?今天谁丢球了吗Possibly. Did you lose anything today, Mrs Dabney?也许吧你今天失去什么了吗Dabney夫人Honey, what does this mean "somebody's at the doof." 亲爱的这什么意思“有人在doof”OMG!我的老天I meant "door"!我是想说在门口的TTYL.等会再和你说What can I do for you, Mrs Dabney?有什么事吗Dabney夫人- You're an exterminator, right? - pest control specialist. - 你是专门杀虫的是吗- 我是害虫防治专家Maybe you can help me with a problem I'm having.也许你可以帮我解决这个问题How do I get the smell of death out of my house?我该怎么除去家里那股死尸的味道Will you turn that TV down?你能把电视声音关小点吗So you think something died in your house?那么你觉得你家里有什么东西死了吗Oh, I know something is dead哦我知道有东西死了Well, first thing you're gonna have to do好吧你首先要做的就是is locate and dispose of the carcass.找到尸体然后丢掉I suppose you could get Mr Dabney to do that.我想这事你可以让Dabney先生去做Oh, Mr Dabney won't be doing anything哦Dabney先生得有段时间不能做家务了around the house for a while--哦Dabney先生得有段时间不能做家务了A long while. he's... gone.得有很长一段时间他走了You know what, would you just turn it off?知道吗你们不如把电视关掉算了What's wrong with your boys today?你的儿子们今天中什么邪了I just got here.我才刚看到他们Um, all right, old trick of the trade呃好吧教你个干我们这行的老办法Get yourself some maple syrup, put it on the stove, 你找些枫树糖浆放在灶上Let it simmer-- that should get rid of the smell.慢慢炖这样就能除掉那个味道Thank you. That's very useful information.了你的建议对我帮助不小Bye, boys.再见了孩子们"ITBOOTP""ITBOOTP"What does that stand for?这又是什么意思In the bathroom out of toilet paper!卫生间没有手纸了TMI!不用说这么具体I can't believe it, but you were right!真是不敢相信你真的说对了Mrs Dabney did it.Dabney夫人真的杀人了Wow! this is what it feels like to be right, huh?哇说对事的感觉原来是这样的啊I like it!我喜欢这感觉Too bad somebody had to die, but--真可惜有人死了不过- What are we gonna do now? - I have to tell mom and dad! - 你现在打算怎么办- 我必须得告诉爸爸妈妈They're never gonna believe you.他们不会相信你的I didn't believe you and I'm ten.我才十岁我都不肯信你Well, then we need proof.那我们要找证据了And I have to warn you, Gabe, until we get that proof,而且我必须要警告你Gabe 在我们找到证据之前Our lives may be in danger.我们生命只怕还处于危险之中I thought we turned that off.我以为我们已经把电视关了呢What'd you get for number nine?第九个题你怎么答的Switzerland.瑞士Well, that's odd since we're doing math.是吗这个答案很奇怪因为我们是在做数学- Hi. - Hi.- 嗨- 嗨Mom, what are you doing here?妈你来这儿干吗You weren't supposed to pick me up at five.才五点还不到你接我的时候啊Teddy left a message and said to come by early Teddy给我留言让我早点来Something about "chilling"?有些关于“放松”的事Yeah, that's right.是的没错Thought your mom and I could chill for a little while. 我想你妈妈和我可以一起放松一会儿Really? This is what you're doing?是吗这就是你的打算吗Yeah well, this is what we're doing,是的这就是我们的打算So if you will excuse us,如果你不介意的话- We'd like a little privacy please. - Sure. fine.- 我们两个想单独聊聊- 当然不介意你们聊吧I'll be in the kitchen with your mom.我会去厨房和你妈妈聊聊Come on over.坐这儿来Sit down next to me, girlfriend.坐我旁边闺蜜What's this all about? Is ivy in trouble?这是怎么回事啊Ivy惹麻烦了吗Oh, no.哦不是的Is she back on the chocolate?她是不是又吃巧克力上瘾了No no no, Ivy's fine.不是不是不是的Ivy没事I just wanted to spend some time with one of the cool moms. 我只是想花点时间和一位很酷的妈妈一起玩会儿- You. - Oh.- 就是你- 哦Okay.好吧I love your outfit. Where'd you get it?你喜欢你的外套你在哪儿弄的My closet.我的衣橱You are so funny. I bet you get that a lot, right?你真风趣啊我敢赌很多人都这么说你吧对吧- No. - no?- 没有- 没有吗Are we done chilling?我们放松完了吗Yes. yes, we are. Because it is time to par-tay.是的结束了现在该是派对时间了Let's get jam started.让我们舞动起来吧Yeah! come on, Miss W! Let your freak flag fly!耶来吧W女士疯狂一下Yeah!耶That's kind of loud. Could you lower that, please? 这个有点吵你能关小点儿声吗Yeah.好的A little bit more.再关小点儿A little bit more.再关小点儿Perfect.好了Uh, hey, want to do something fun?呃嘿你想玩点好玩的吗I like making these video diaries for my baby sister. 我喜欢给我妹妹拍视频日记So how about we say hi?我们一起给她打个招呼吧Hi, Charlie. it's teddy here你好Charlie 这里是TeddyWith my new friend Mrs wentz.以及我的新朋友Wentz夫人Hello.你好Let's see how we look.让我们看看效果怎么样Ooh, I'd date us. Wouldn't you?哦我都想同咱俩约会你说呢I'm married.我都结婚了Okay, that's enough of that.好吧视频到此为止吧Now, you know what? We've been doing a lot of my fun stuff. 知道吗我们一直在玩我喜欢玩的东西Tell me-- tell me about you. what do you like to do for fun? 跟我聊聊你自己吧你平时都喜欢玩些什么- I like to knit. - Ooh!- 我喜欢织毛衣- 哦That is so cool because... because... anything else?那个很酷啊因为因为你还喜欢别的什么吗- I like to read. - Oh, yeah? Me too.- 我喜欢看书- 哦是吗我也喜欢What kind of stuff do you like to read?你喜欢看什么书呢Knitting magazines针织杂志That's awesome. I mean, we have so much in common.太炫了我是说我们有这么多共同之处You know, once I start reading knitting magazines,你知道吗我一看针织杂志Which you're pulling out of your bag.就是你从你包里抽出来的这种Okay, she's gone.好了她走了Here's how this is gonna go down.计划是这样的I'm gonna jump over the fence, you hand Charlie to me. 我先跳过这个篱笆你再把Charlie递给我- And then-- - Or I could just walk through the gate- 然后- 或者我直接从这个门进来Like this.就像这样You did know there was a gate, right?你知道这儿有个门吧Yes. would I be riding on top of it if I didn't?是的我都骑在门上了怎么会不知道呢Now what?现在怎么办Now it's time to be in operation "catch a killer"...现在我们该缉拿凶手归案了While babysitting.同时得照看宝宝So, what are we looking for?那么我们要找什么Evidence, clues, a weapon.证据线索还有凶器Mr Dabney's rotting corpse would be nice.要能找到Dabney先生的尸体也不错Oh my gosh, that's horrible!哦天呐这也太可怕了- What? what do you see? - That paint color--- 什么东西你看到什么了- 那面墙的涂装颜色It's so wrong for that room!和这个房间太不融洽了- I watch a lot of design shows. - Focus!- 我看了很多设计类的节目- 集中注意力- Look. Something's moving. - Where?- 快看有东西在动- 哪里By the couch, right-- right there.沙发旁边就在那儿- It's a baby! - It's Charlie!- 是个婴儿- 是CharlieNo, it's not. charlie's right over--不怎么可能Charlie就在inside the murder house!在发生杀人案的屋子里Okay, try to stay with me now好的尽量跟上我Because we're going to get a little wild.我们要来个有点难度的了Instead of knit one, purl two,不再是平织一针反织两针We kick it up to knit one, purl three!我们提高到平织一针然后反织三针Is that even legal?那样合法吗I don't know,我不知道But I just like living dangerously!但是我喜欢在危险中生活Okay, I'm gonna go get something to drink. 好吧我去拿点饮料- Do you want anything? - Oh, not now.- 你要喝什么吗- 哦暂时不用I'm in the zone!我现在进入状态了What you doing in here?你来在这儿干吗Giving up.宣告放弃Did she suck the life out of you?她让你痛不欲生了吧Yeah, pretty much.是的差不多吧Now you see why I'm always at your house. 现在你知道我为什么老是泡在你家了吧Yeah, I'm so sorry.嗯我很抱歉I was being selfish with my mom. And在你和我妈妈的事上我太自私了And even though I think it's a little bit weird, 尽管我还是认为这有些怪异You can text her as much as you want.不过现在你想怎么给她发短信就怎么发吧I think I got a better idea.我想到了个更好的主意And then, get this,然后呢记好了If you type in a semicolon parentheses,如果你打个分号和括号- You get a-- - Winky face!- 就会出现- 眨眼的表情I have got to get a cell phone.我得去买个手机了I like it. You put our moms together我喜欢这个主意你让我们的妈妈腻在一起And they leave us alone. You are brilliant. 这样她们就不会再来烦我们了你真是天才See, this is why we're BFFs.瞧这就是为什么我们是最好的朋友I'm brilliant and you recognize it.我负责做个聪明人而你负责赏识我Now if I type "ROTF."如果我打ROTFDo I actually have to roll on the floor?那我是不是真的要在地上打滚I thought the same thing at first,我刚开始也这么想的But no.但是不用This'll get her out.这玩意儿能把她吸引出来Charlie loves things that rattle.Charlie喜欢叮当作响的东西Okay, girl. Charlie, come on.好吧Charlie 快来吧Get the keys. Get the keys!过来拿钥匙过来拿钥匙Aw, man! I dropped the keys.噢老天我把钥匙弄掉了Fantastic!这下好了Now we can't get into our house either.现在我们连自己的家都回不了了- I don't see charlie. Where'd she go? - Oh, there she is. - 我看不到Charlie了她去哪儿了- 哦她在那儿Wait, what is she putting on her head,等等她把什么戴自己头上了A dish towel?洗碗布吗Mrs Dabney's underpants!是Dabney夫人的裤Oh!噢- Man! - Oh-ho!- 天呐- 噢Come on, we gotta get her out of there.快点我们得把她从房里弄出来Yeah, come on.嗯快来What are you doing in my yard?你们在我的院子里干嘛We're here to help you with your groceries.我们想过来帮你提东西You want to be helpful?你愿意帮忙吗I like to try new things.我喜欢尝试新鲜事物Here, let me give you a hand with that.来让我帮你提那个I can handle the groceries.这个我能自己搞定But as long as you're here,但是既然你们来了I could use your help with something inside. 你们可以进房里帮我做点别的事Inside? Perfect.进房里太好了Let me just put my groceries down.我先去把这些东西放下- Take your time. - Yeah. Yeah.- 慢慢来- 就是就是- Where's Charlie? - uh--- Charlie在哪儿呢- 呃- Look behind the curtains! - Okay.- 去窗帘后面找找- 好的- Nothing! - There she is!- 不在这儿- 她在那儿Oh, I've got you.哦我找到你了Yeah.嗯I don't want it!别扔给我Stop it!别扔了Where did that baby come from?这个宝宝哪儿来的啊Charlie? I've been holding her the whole time. Charlie吗我一直都在抱着她啊- You have? - That's sad, Mrs Dabney.- 是吗- 真是遗憾Dabney夫人They say the eyes are the first things to go.据说视力是最早开始衰退的We gotta go.我们要走了Not so fast. Put the baby down.别这么急着走把孩子放下来I need you to carry something out for me.我需要你们帮我搬点东西I want you to take this trunk out to my car.帮我把这个大衣箱搬到车里It's too heavy for me.它太重了我搬不动Why? What's in it?搬这个干什么里面装着什么呢Something I should've gotten rid of a long time ago. 一些我早就该扔掉的东西- Where are you taking it? - To the dump.- 你要运到哪儿去- 垃圾场That's where you take trash, isn't it?垃圾不就得扔到那儿去吗Trash?!垃圾Mr Dabney wasn't trash, he was a person!Dabney先生不是垃圾他是人What are you talking about?你们在说什么呢You know exactly what I am talking about.你很清楚我在说什么You bumped off your husband and stuffed him into that trunk.你谋杀了你丈夫然后把他塞进了那个箱子- Is that what you think?! - That's what we know!- 你们是这么想的吗- 我们知道正是如此What is she-- oh, watch it!她要干什么哦小心了She's kill-crazy!她成了杀人狂魔了You want to see what's in here?你想看看箱子里是什么吗Take a look.自己过来看Whoa! It's Mr Dabney!哇是Dabney先生And he's already decomposed!而且他都已经腐烂成骷髅了That's not Mr Dabney.那才不是Dabney先生That's a skeleton he used in his classroom.这是他上课用的骷髅标本He used to be a science teacher.他以前是个教自然的老师But I heard you screaming at him.可是我听到你冲她大喊大叫You called him a bad husband and then you said,你骂他是个坏丈夫然后你又说"and now you're dead!"现在你终于死了Oh! you must have heard me talking back to someone on my soaps.哦你肯定是听到我和肥皂剧里的人自言自语了Soaps?肥皂剧Soap operas... on TV...肥皂剧就是电视连续剧Like the one they should name after you two-- 比如他们就该给你们拍部电视剧叫做"the young and the clueless."“年轻无知的人”Well, if Mr Dabney isn't dead, then where is he? 好吧如果Dabney没死那他在哪儿At his mother's probably wishing he was dead. 在他那个也许希望他死掉的妈妈那儿Well, then how do you explain the smell of death 那么你怎么解释死尸的气味呢you asked my dad about?你还专门去问过我爸呢Dead possum in my dryer vent.有只死老鼠在我烘干机的管道里Well, then how do you explain--那么你怎么解释That's pretty much it, I guess.我觉得你已经解释得很明白了Just one more question--还有一个问题Do you have any cookies?你有饼干吃吗Get out.出去What are my underpants doing in the fireplace? 我的裤在怎么会在壁炉里面Gotta go!得走了Dat-da-da-da! Here she comes!哒哒哒她来啦Coolest mom in the world! Yay.世上最酷的妈妈耶Okay, what's all this?好吧这是干什么呢Oh, just showing Charlie how much I love you. 哦就是告诉Charlie我有多爱你Oh, I love you too, sweetie.哦我也爱你宝贝And I love you too, Charlie.我也爱你CharlieOh, so mom, I've been thinking--哦妈妈我一直在想Maybe you and I should start texting.也许你我可以互相发短信I mean, you are a pretty cool mom, right?我是说你是个很酷的妈妈对吧Oh, sorry, honey. Those days are over.哦抱歉宝贝我已经不再发短信了Text thumbs.拇指发炎了Text thumbs? That's our mom--拇指发炎了不愧是我们的妈妈From cool to embarrassing just like that.这么快就从酷妈妈变成丢人的妈妈了All right. good luck, Charlie.好了祝你好运CharlieHey, guys. Better make your friend a sandwich.嘿孩子们最好去给你们的朋友做个治吃He's looking a little thin.他都瘦的皮包骨头了Where'd you guys get that thing?你们从哪儿弄来的那玩意儿Mrs Dabney was throwing it out.Dabney夫人准备扔掉来着Yeah, it belonged to Mr Dabney. He was a science teacher. 嗯这是Dabney先生的东西他以前是自然老师Mr dabney wasn't a science teacher. He was a music teacher. Dabney先生才不是自然老师他是音乐老师What?!什么- That means-- - This is--- 也就是说- 这个是Mr Dabney wasn't a music teacher.Dabney先生才不是音乐老师You're thinking of-- of Mr Dixon across the street.你把他和街对面的Dixon先生搞混了Oh, that's right. Mr Dabney was a science teacher.哦没错Dabney先生是当过自然老师The boys seem a little jumpy to you?你觉得孩子们是不是有点神经兮兮的啊Ah, I just got here.啊我才刚看到他们。
1嗨 Charlie 看看你Hi, Charlie, there you are.2才九个月大多可爱啊Nine months old and look how cute you are. 3再看看我也多可爱And look how cute I am.4我是你的姐姐TeddyIt's your big sister Teddy here,5我在拍视频日记And I'm making this video diary6来帮你立足于我们这个To help you survive our...7特别的家Special family.8嗨看来老爸已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.9哦这是妈妈Oh, and there's mom,10今天早上看起来最可爱了Looking lovelier than ever this morning. 11没心情拍Not in the mood.12好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了Okay. I think you've had enough bananas. 13我们改吃点甜豌豆吧So we're switching to sweet peas!14你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy.15非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay?16哦那是你的大哥 PJOh, and there's your older brother PJ17通常在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual.18这不是今天的家庭作业It's not today's homework.19这是昨天的家庭作业This is yesterday's homework.20你可能有机会和你哥哥There's a chance you two will be21一起念高中哦in high school together.22哦那是爸爸在准备明天的工作Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work. 23他靠杀虫来赚钱He kills bugs for a living.24宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Honey, come on. we've been through this. 25我不是杀虫I don't kill bugs.26我是害虫防治专家I'm a pest control specialist.27一样啊Either way...28现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦So now you've met the whole family.29忘记某人了吧Forgetting somebody?30Gabe 不是不是的我没有忘记你Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you. 31你是压轴的I was just saving the best for last.32Charlie 那是你的小哥哥GabeGharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe.33你想对Charlie说点什么吗You want to say something to Charlie?34你毁了我的生活You ruined my life.35好了看来Gabe还需要点时间Okay, so it's taking Gabe a little bit longer36来适应你因为你就是个惊喜To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise.37惊喜应该是好事啊I thought surprises were supposed to be good.38 卡And... cut.39大家听着Okay, gang, listen up.40我今晚要回医院工作I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital41这是Charlie出生后我第一次上班For the first time since Charlie was born, 42所以我想让你们全都待在家So I want everyone to stay at home43- 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝 - 等下不行妈- and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom.44我今晚不能待家里I'm not gonna be here tonight.45我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了I have a study date at the library.46你的意思是借学习之机Don't you mean "studly" date...47和Spencer约会吧With Spencer?48哦留着亲你的枕头吧Oh, save it for your pillow.49我很抱歉 Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule.50但是爸But, dad--51- Bob - 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了- Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now. 52妈妈别误会我的意思Mom, don't take this the wrong way,53但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢But why did you guys have to have another baby?54那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Well, because three kids was just too easy. 55胆小鬼才只生三个Three's for quitters.56Teddy 你不至于去和And Teddy, you know better than to schedule 57一个我从来没见过的男生约会“学习”吧a study date with a boy I've never met. 58拜托作为爸爸,有责任Come on. as dad, it's my responsibility 59知道我孩子的每个生活细节to know every detail of my kids' lives. 60是吗Oh yeah?61我上的是哪个学校?What school do I go to?62嗯以某个总统命名的Um-- the one named after that president. 63嗨对了我得开车送你们去学校了Hey, you know what? I've got to drive you kids to school.64- 我们走吧 - 等下我还没吃早饭呢- Let's go. - Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet.65- 快点我们走 - 一天中最重要的一餐- Come on, let's go. - Most important meal of the day66- 我从没吃到过 - 我们走吧- Never got it. - Let's go! 67- 我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢 - 是林肯小学- I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt? - Lincoln.68记住了Got it.69生活搞得一团糟Day's all burnt toast70就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad says71我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe72我闭上双眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite73跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud74就在这里我们的家There it is up on the roof75我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过I've been there, I've survived76所以听取我的建议So just take my advice77宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy78可是我知道你会有美好未来But I know your future is bright79宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby80不要怀疑There is no maybe81一切终会如你所愿Eveything turns out all right82生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down83可是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me, it comes back all around84你会喜欢将来的你You're gonna love who you turn out to be 85宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby86查莉成长日记第一季第一集Good Luck Charlie S01E01 Study Date87老公我去上班了Bob honey, I'm leaving for work!88这是Charlie的生活安排Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule. 89这上面写着什么时候喂她It tells you when to feed her,90什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉When to change her and when to put her down.91宝贝尽管放心Sweetheart, would you relax?92一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Big daddy's got this all under control. 93好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron94你就当真了Doesn't make it true.95如果Charlie哭闹了她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down.96它们到处都是拜托你小心点They're all over the place. Please be careful--97 - 它们到处都是 - 亲爱的- They're all over the place. - Honey... 98你似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿You seem to forget I was fully involved 99养育了三个孩子in the raising of three kids.100哦是吗我生日是什么时候Oh, yeah? When's my birthday?101 - 5月12号 - 11月23号- July 12th. - November 23rd.102记住了Got it.103祝你好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie.104拜拜Mwah! Bye.105拜拜Bye.106嗨爸爸Hey, dad?107- 什么事 - 我有个家庭作业的问题问你- Yeah? - I have a homework question. 108好说吧Okay, fire away.109一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗Can the average human lick his own armpit? 110- 可以 - 谢了- Yeah. - Thanks.111那是什么作业科学问题吗So what was that, like a science question? 112不是Nope.113我来开门我来开门I'll get it. I'll get it.114我来开门其他人都不许碰I'll get it. Nobody else get it!115- 你好 - 你好- Hi. - Hi.116好啊Hi!117我是Teddy的爸爸I'm Teddy's dad.118很高兴见到你先生Nice to meet you, sir.119嗯 Spencer和我要学习了Uh, Spencer and I are studying120- 我们得准备明天的生物测验 - 真的吗- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now?121是的没错所以请大家离开好吗Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave?122你不用Not you.123- Teddy - 什么事- Teddy. - Yeah?124我记得你妈说过不许约会学习的I thought your mom said no study date. 125是啊不能在图书馆Yeah, at the library.126哦对Oh, right.127那么你和她说了在家里学吗Okay, so then you've talked to her about this?128我当然说了Of course I did.129我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did.130只不过我每天和不同的人It's just I talk to so many different people 131说不同的事about so many different things.132你们家怎么有个这么巨大的虫子?Why is there a giant bug in your house? 133朋友那个That, my friend,134叫做沙螽is the jerusalem cricket,135外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫Better known to the layman as the potato bug.136- 我是个害虫专家 - 又来了- I'm an exterminator. - Here we go.137嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable-- 138 “Bob赶走了所有害虫”"Bob's bugs be gone"?139是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone?140好吧你们要做家庭作业Okay. you've got homework to do.141我要去换尿布了I've got a diaper to change.142她的不是我的Hers-- not mine.143我还没老到那地步呢I ain't that old!144我还是上楼去吧I'm gonna be upstairs.145- Gabe 出去 - 好吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.146不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊But when's that hot guy getting here? 147出去Out!148- 小孩子 - 嗯- Kids. - Yeah.149哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh man, I left my book at school.150没关系我们看一本就行Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine. 151- 可以吗 - 完美- Is that okay? - Perfect.152好Good,153因为这都只是为了学习Cause I'm all about the learnin'.154- 我去拿铅笔 - 哦我有- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one.155我想我把铅笔忘在学校了I think I left my pencils at school.156我也是Me too.157女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen!158有请PJ和感应乐队PJ and the Vibe!159哇看来你就住在那个怪小子PJ的隔壁啊Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid.160嗯他不在隔壁Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door.161他在楼下He's downstairs...162而且他是我哥And he's my brother.163哦哦抱歉Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry.164我也是Yeah, me too.165等下等下等下停停Wait wait wait! stop stop!166 Emmett 开头你应该用强拍的Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat.167哥们我是打击乐器Dude, I'm percussion,168让我“打击”Let me "percush"!169拜托了两位For crying out loud, guys!170你好嘛What's up?171你们能小声点吗我们正在学习Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study.172不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll.173那就是响亮And that is loud!174我想我们可以体谅一下你妹妹Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister.175拜托Excuse me,176这个组合可是叫PJ和感应乐队But the band is called PJ and the vibe. 177“感应”就没发言权吗So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say?178我我就是感应I-- I'm the vibe.179是啊了解了Yeah, I got that.180所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈Oh, so you got my vibe, huh?181我还是回去吧I'm gonna be over here.182- 关小声点 - 你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art.183我不会安静的I will not be silent!184如果再逼我下来的话If I have come down here again,185这个会插在某个地方this gets plugged into somewhere else 186对了她和谁一起学习呢Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway? 187是不是又一位美女Is there a second fine lady in the house? 188是她迷恋的男生Some guy she's totally into.189我不敢相信她居然对我不忠I can't believe she's cheating on me. 190她没有对你不忠她都不知道有你这个人She's not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist.191不对我们只是关系进展比较慢而已No, see, our relationship is just developing slowly.192 - 不你们没关系 - 有- No, there is no relationship. - Yes, there is.193 - 没有是你的幻想 - 不是- No, it's all in your head! - no,194才不是因为连我妈都知道我们的关系it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it 195好了我们学到哪儿了Now then, where were we?196其实我记得你刚才坐得更近些的You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer.197好了细胞呼吸作用All right-- cellular respiration.198- 你介意吗 - 一点也不- Do you mind? - not at all.199趁这个时候While we're at it--200- 你们干嘛呢 - 噢 Gabe- What are you doing? - Oh! gabe!201- 你想怎么样啊 - 吃晚饭- What do you want? - Dinner!202一整天都没人给我做饭Nobody's fed me all day!203我也算这个家的一员对吧And I am still part of this family, right? 204冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治There's a half-eaten sandwich in the fridge 205自己去吃吧Knock yourself out.206好了所有兄弟都搞定了All right. Now my brothers are all taken care of.207- 太好了 - 不会再有人打搅我们了- Good. - And there will be no more interruptions.208- Teddy - 哦天呐- Teddy! - Oh, god!209- 你想干嘛 - 我需要你- What do you want?! - I need you210照看下宝宝to watch the baby for a sec.211不No!212不No!213不准告诉你妈Nobody tells mom!214到这儿来 CharlieCome here, Charlie.215好了Oh, yes.216- Charlie 没事 - 哦但是我有事- Charlie's fine. - Ooh! But I'm not.217嗯 TeddyUh, Teddy,218叫PJ去发动油门Tell PJ to fire up the bug truck,219我想我得去趟医院I think I gotta go to the hospital.220还有 Teddy 接下来你得照顾下宝宝Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby.221不好吧No! Okay.222放松点十分钟后就到医院Relax, be the hospital in 10 mintues223知道了拜托尽快Okay, just please please hurry.224噢哇我的屁股在燃烧Oh, wow! My butt is on fire!225真是见鬼了That is so weird!226上周Emmett和我写一首歌Last week, Emmett and I wrote a song227就是这句话With that exact same title.228那太好了儿子但是请你别唱了That's great, son. just please don't sing-- 229- 我的屁股在燃烧 - 别唱了- My butt is on fire! ? - Stop it.230烫的面积和轮胎一样大It's the size of a tire!231别唱了Stop it!232- 拳打甲壳虫 - 噢你在干嘛- Punch buggy! - Ow! What are you doing?! 233拜托你好好开车啦Could you drive, please?!234- 你想玩认车牌游戏吗 - 不想- Hey, you want to play license plate game? - No!235密歇根州(车牌)Michigan.236- 也许我该走了 - 不- Maybe I should go. - no!237嗯她马上就喝完这瓶了Um, she's almost done with bottle238然后她就会睡觉了And then she'll go right to sleep.239我们就能约会---学习了Then we can studly-- I mean study.240我们学到哪儿了Now, uh, where were we?241- 哦 - 什么是细胞呼吸作用- Yeah. - What is cellular respiration? 242就是葡萄糖及其他化合物That's when glucose and other compounds 243发生氧化反应释放化学能oxidize to produce chemical energy,244- 还有水和二氧化碳 - 嗯- water and carbon dioxide. - Mm-hmm. 245也被称为屁Also known as poop.246哦老天Oh, boy.247忍着点老爸Hang in there, dad.248哇屁股火区扩散了Wow! Butt fire spreading.249- 医生在哪里 - 我去找找- Where's the doctor? - I'll go see.250等等等等等等Okay, wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. 251等等我们不要让妈知道我们在这是不Wait. wait. We don't want mom to know we're here, right? 252所以小心点So please be careful.253不要引人注意Just try and blend in.254老爸拜托Dad, come on.255这么帅怎么可能不引人注目It's hard for this to blend in.256那就想个办法Just figure something out.257想个办法"figure something out."258想个办法"figure something out."259妈妈Mom!260你是医生吗You're the doctor?261是的Yes.262我是I am.263我是医生I am doctor...264是 Chandrasooleewan医生Shh-- Chandrasooleewan.265- 你是印第安人吗 - 我们更愿意被称为美国原住民- Are you Indian? - We prefer to be called Native American.266你真的是个医生吗Are you sure you're a real doctor?267你看起来太年轻了You look kinda young.268你说话口气跟我老婆一样You sound like my wife.269好了嗯Okay, uh--270你哪儿出问题了What seems to be the problem?271有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了I have a fish hook in my lip!272- 怎么搞成这样的 - 我爸不擅长钓鱼- How'd this happen? - My dad is not a very good fisherman.273嘿我爸不擅长下楼梯Hey, mine's not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man.274那么So--275我猜你得有九十七磅吧I'm guessing you're a 97-pounder.276嘘乖宝宝Hush, little baby277快睡觉Go beddy-bye278 Teddy想吻那个很帅的男孩Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy. 279怎么样了How's it going?280不错孩子快睡着了Well, we're getting there.281啧啧啧看看这是谁啊Well well well. What have we here?282 Emmett 你怎么还在这儿Emmett, why are you still here?283我在找厨房Well, I was looking for the kitchen,284但是我好像不小心进了舞厅But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom.285- 你好 - Teddy 我是你隔壁的Dabney夫人- hello? - Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door.286我没看见你的猫No, I have not seen your cat.287我打给你是因为你弟弟I'm calling about your brother;288他要把我家都吃空了He's eating me out of house and home289 Gabe 离我的馅饼远点Gabe! Step away from the pie!290知道了我马上来Okay, I'll be right there.291等下 Spencer 我两分钟后回来All right. spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes.292千万别走 Emmett 出去走走Don't go anywhere. emmett, go somewhere. 293你对我的女朋友有何居心So what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?294她才不是你女朋友She's not your girlfriend295好吧也许我们两个该到门外Okay, maybe me and you need to step outside...296这样你就能送我上自行车了So you can walk me to my bike. 297你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗You here to give me my sponge bath?298- PJ - 嗨妈妈- PJ? - Hey, mom.299你在这做什么What are you doing here?300我告诉你我不会做什么吧I'll tell you what I'm not doing here-- 301我不会给多毛的人做擦浴的Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys. 302所以妈妈有什么事吗So, mom, what's-- what's the happs?303什么What's--304嗨亲爱的Hey, honey!305- Bob - 干的漂亮儿子- Bob! - Nice work, son.306好了到底出什么事了Okay, what's going on here?307爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt. 308- 你那时没抱着孩子吧 - 呃抱着呢- You weren't holding the baby, were you? - Um, yes--309然后没有再然后又抱着了Then no, then yes again.310 Bob 你答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了Bob, you promised me you weren't gonna drop this one!311亲爱的听着这只是个小意外Honey, look, it was just a little accident. 312顺便说句我那一接太精彩了Oh, and by the way, for the record-- an amazing catch!313我就知道我犯了个大错误I knew this was a huge mistake.314我不应该回来工作的I never should've gone back to work.315宝贝没事的Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay. 316不不才不会没事No. no, it's not.317这也太难了我做不来It's too hard. I can't do this.318我意思是说我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time319一边照顾好四个孩子and take care of four kids?320我是个糟糕的母亲I'm a terrible mother.321不不你不是的No no, you're not.322听着如果真要说,我才是个糟糕的父亲Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father. 323我知道I know!324你们两个冷静点好吗Would you guys chill?325你们是很棒的父母You're great parents.326我 Teddy Gabe现在都很不错啊Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good. 327是的别难过了Yeah, come on.328我们还是做对了不少事情We've got to be doing something right. 329我是说嘿快看我们的儿子当医生了I mean, hey, look at this-- our son's a doctor.330我是认真的我们两个都得忙工作I'm serious. With both of us working, 331可怜的小Charlie就又没人照顾了Poor little Charlie doesn't stand a chance. 332放心吧没人会让你一个人照顾孩子的Come on, no one's going solo on this. 333我们几个小孩都会帮你的All us kids are gonna help out.334不管Charlie成长过程中出了什么差错And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way,335我们会一起承担责任的We can all share the blame.336 Chandrasooleewan医生请到手术室Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room. 337真是忙个没完啊It never ends!338我很抱歉 Dabney夫人但是你Sorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but you 339也许不该让他进门的probably shouldn't let him in.340我没让他进啊他自己从猫洞里爬进来的I didn't let him in. He crawled through the cat door.341 Gabe 你有什么要对Dabney夫人说的吗Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs Dabney?342有Yeah.343你明天晚上打算做什么?What are you fixing tomorrow night?344修理猫洞The cat door.345我会保证锁好它的Gonna make sure it's locked.346好了我想我们要走了Okay. I think we're done here.347- 晚安 - 是的- Good night. - It is now.348好了我们回家吧All right, let's go.349- 你在干嘛 - 哦现在你突然- What are you doing? - Oh, so now you're suddenly350- 对我感兴趣了 - Gabe 你是我弟弟- interested in me? - gabe, you're my little brother.351我从来都没对你感过兴趣I've never been interested in you.352我开玩笑呢I'm kidding.353到底怎么了What's going on?354自从这个宝宝来到世上Ever since the baby arrived,355每个人都总是忽略我Everyone's been ignoring me.356我觉得我是隐形的I feel like I'm invisible.357我就是个窝囊的排行中间的孩子I'm just the loser middle kid...358就像你一样Like you.359当个排行中间的孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊Just because I'm a middle kid doesn't make me a loser.360那是什么让你变得窝囊了Then what does make you a loser?361我不窝囊拜托I am not a loser. Okay?362我本来也是最小的And I was a baby once.363然后你来到了这世上And then you came along.364开始我也不开心And I was not happy about it.365但是后来我看到你在PJ身上撒尿我就想But then you peed on PJ and I thought, 373嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧"Hey, give the kid a shot."366听着总有一天你会像我看待你那样Look, someday you're gonna feel the same way 367看待Charlie的a bout Charlie that I feel about you. 368那么你怎么看待我的Well, how do you feel about me?369这么说吧Let's put it this way--370全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里The hottest guy in school is at our house right now,371而我现在却和你在一起And I'm here with you.372看她多可爱啊Look how cute she is.373我已经开始对她有好感了I am warming up to her already!374好了 Charlie已经睡着了 Gabe在玩电子游戏Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's playing a video game375我们终于可以独处了And we are finally alone.376嗨大家好Hey, everybody!377我尾骨撞伤了I have a bruised coccyx.378哦拜托Oh, come on!379这个词搞笑That's a funny word.380尾骨Coccyx!381医生给他开了止痛药The doctor gave him pain medication.382是我放屁了吗不好意思Was that me? Sorry.383我那个地方还有点麻木I'm a little numb down there.384其实是接我的人来了Uh, actually, that's my ride.385当然是了Of course it is.386很高兴见到你小伙子It's good to meet you, son.387哦晚安宝贝Oh, good night, sweetheart. 388晚安先生Good night, sir.389- 晚安 - 晚安- Good night. - Good night.390尾骨Coccyx!391这就是爸如何抢走我的初吻的So that's how dad got my first kiss392还有你的第一次飞翔And how you flew for the first time.401但是好消息是But the good news is--393没有好消息Nah, there is no good news.394我收回刚才那句话 Spencer给我发短信了I take that back! It's a text from spencer! 395他约我明天一起出去He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night 396去他家At his house!397哦我要去洗你吐在我衣服上的脏东西了Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket.398哦对了还有一件事Oh, and, uh, one more thing--399当你到了我这个年龄遇到一个帅哥When you're my age and you meet a cute boy, 400不管什么情况千万不要Do not, under any circumstances,401带他来家中ever ever bring him home.402因为如果你这么做的话那么Cause if you do, well--403祝你好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie.404哦太舒服了Oh, that's wonderful.405真是太感谢你帮我擦澡了Thank you so much for doing this.406嗨如果我不能为我的病人服务Hey, if I can't be there for my patients, 407那我还装什么医生What kind of pretend doctor am I?408那么你有没想过剃毛So, uh, do you ever think about shaving-- 409全身Like, everywhere?410我剃过啊上周I did-- last week.。
三一文库()〔查莉成长日记字幕〕*篇一:查莉成长日记双语剧本台词S01E011查莉成长日记S01E01GoodluckCharlieS01E012嗨Charlie看看你Hi,Charlie,thereyouare.3才九个月大多可爱啊Ninemonthsoldandlookhowcuteyouare.4再看看我也多可爱AndlookhowcuteIam.5我是你的姐姐TeddyItsyourbigsisterTeddyhere,6我在拍视频日记AndImmakingthisvideodiary7来帮你立足于我们这个Tohelpyousurviveour...8特别的家Specialfamily.9嗨看来老爸已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh,hey.Lookslikedadtaughtyouhowtoeatbananas.10哦这是妈妈Oh,andtheresmom,11今天早上看起来最可爱了Lookinglovelierthaneverthismorning.12没心情拍Notinthemood.13好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了Okay.Ithinkyouvehadenoughbananas.14我们改吃点甜豌豆吧Sowereswitchingtosweetpeas!15你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦Youregonnalovethem.Look,mommythinkstheyresoyummy.16非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Verysmart.Alwaysmakemommytryitfirst,okay?17哦那是你的大哥PJOh,andtheresyourolderbrotherPJ18通常在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业Doingtodayshomeworkatthelastminuteasusual.19这不是今天的家庭作业Itsnottodayshomework.20这是昨天的家庭作业Thisisyesterdayshomework.21你可能有机会和你哥哥Theresachanceyoutwowillbe 22一起念高中哦inhighschooltogether.23哦那是爸爸在准备明天的工作Oh,andtheresdadpreparingforanotherdayswork.24他靠杀虫来赚钱Hekillsbugsforaliving.25宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Honey,comeon.wevebeenthroughthis.26我不是杀虫Idontkillbugs.27我是害虫防治专家Imapestcontrolspecialist.28一样啊Eitherway...29现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦Sonowyouvemetthewholefamily.30忘记某人了吧Forgettingsomebody?31Gabe不是不是的我没有忘记你Gabe!nonono.Ididntforgetaboutyou.32你是压轴的Iwasjustsavingthebestforlast.33Charlie那是你的小哥哥GabeGharlie,thatwasyouryoungerolderbrotherGabe.34你想对Charlie说点什么吗YouwanttosaysomethingtoCharlie?35你毁了我的生活Youruinedmylife.36好了看来Gabe还需要点时间Okay,soitstakingGabealittlebitlonger37来适应你因为你就是个惊喜Togetusedtoyou.Youwerekindofasurprise.38惊喜应该是好事啊Ithoughtsurprisesweresupposedtobegood.39卡And...cut.40大家听着Okay,gang,listenup.41我今晚要回医院工作Imgoingbacktoworktonightatthehospital42这是Charlie出生后我第一次上班ForthefirsttimesinceCharliewasborn,43所以我想让你们全都待在家SoIwanteveryonetostayathome44-帮你爸爸照顾宝宝-等下不行妈-andhelpdadwiththebaby.-Wait--no,mom.45我今晚不能待家里Imnotgonnabeheretonight.46我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了Ihaveastudydateatthelibrary.47你的意思是借学习之机Dontyoumean"studly"date...48和Spencer约会吧WithSpencer?49哦留着亲你的枕头吧Oh,saveitforyourpillow.50我很抱歉Teddy但是你得重新安排你的计划Imsorry,Teddy,butyourejustgonnahavetoreschedule.51但是爸But,dad--52-Bob-嗯爸爸现在也不管用了-Bob!-Uh,dadsnotavailablerightnow.53妈妈别误会我的意思Mom,donttakethisthewrongway,54但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢Butwhydidyouguyshavetohaveanotherbaby?55那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Well,becausethreekidswasjusttooeasy.56胆小鬼才只生三个Threesforquitters.57Teddy你不至于去和AndTeddy,youknowbetterthantoschedule58一个我从来没见过的男生约会“学习”吧astudydatewithaboyIvenevermet.59拜托作为爸爸,有责任Comeon.asdad,itsmyresponsibility60知道我孩子的每个生活细节toknoweverydetailofmykidslives.61是吗Ohyeah?62我上的是哪个学校?WhatschooldoIgoto?63嗯以某个总统命名的Um--theonenamedafterthatpresident.64嗨对了我得开车送你们去学校了Hey,youknowwhat?Ivegottodriveyoukidstoschool.65-我们走吧-等下我还没吃早饭呢-Letsgo.-Wait,Ihaventhadbreakfastyet.66-快点我们走-一天中最重要的一餐-Comeon,letsgo.-Mostimportantmealoftheday67-我从没吃到过-我们走吧-Nevergotit.-Letsgo!68-我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢-是林肯小学-Ivegottagetyouto...Roosevelt?-Lincoln.69记住了Gotit.7071生活搞得一团糟Daysallburnttoast72就要迟到爸爸在叫Runninglate,anddadsays73我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Hasanybodyseenmyleftshoe74我闭上双眼咬口早餐Iclosemyeyes,takeabite75跳上车子放声大笑Grabaride,laughoutloud76就在这里我们的家Thereitisupontheroof77我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过Ivebeenthere,Ivesurvived78所以听取我的建议Sojusttakemyadvice79宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hanginthere,baby,thingsarecrazy80可是我知道你会有美好未来ButIknowyourfutureisbright81宝贝不要放弃Hanginthere,Baby82不要怀疑Thereisnomaybe83一切终会如你所愿Eveythingturnsoutallright84生活有悲有喜Surelifeisupanddown85可是请相信我坚持就有好结果Buttrustme,itcomesbackallaround86你会喜欢将来的你Youregonnalovewhoyouturnouttobe87宝贝不要放弃Hanginthere,Baby89老公我去上班了Bobhoney,Imleavingforwork!90这是Charlie的生活安排Okay,honey,heresCharliesschedule.91这上面写着什么时候喂她Ittellsyouwhentofeedher, 92什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉Whentochangeherandwhentoputherdown.93宝贝尽管放心Sweetheart,wouldyourelax?94一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Bigdaddysgotthisallundercontrol.95好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Okay,justbecausethatsonyourbarbecueapron96你就当真了Doesntmakeittrue.97如果Charlie哭闹了她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来Nowifcharliegetsfussy,herrubberduckywillcalmherdown.98它们到处都是拜托你小心点Theyreallovertheplace.Pleasebecareful--99-它们到处都是-亲爱的-Theyreallovertheplace.-Honey...100你似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿YouseemtoforgetIwasfullyinvolved101养育了三个孩子intheraisingofthreekids.102哦是吗我生日是什么时候Oh,yeah?Whensmybirthday?103-5月12号-11月23号-July12th.-November23rd.104记住了Gotit.105祝你好运CharlieGoodluck,Charlie.106拜拜Mwah!Bye.107拜拜Bye.108嗨爸爸Hey,dad?109-什么事-我有个家庭作业的问题问你-Yeah?-Ihaveahomeworkquestion.110好说吧Okay,fireaway.111一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗Cantheaveragehumanlickhisownarmpit?112-可以-谢了-Yeah.-Thanks.113那是什么作业科学问题吗Sowhatwasthat,likeasciencequestion?114不是Nope.115我来开门我来开门Illgetit.Illgetit.116我来开门其他人都不许碰Illgetit.Nobodyelsegetit!117-你好-你好-Hi.-Hi.118好啊Hi!119我是Teddy的爸爸ImTeddysdad.120很高兴见到你先生Nicetomeetyou,sir.121嗯Spencer和我要学习了Uh,SpencerandIarestudying122-我们得准备明天的生物测验-真的吗-forourbiologytesttomorrow.-Areyou,now?123是的没错所以请大家离开好吗Yes.yes,weare,socaneveryonepleaseleave?124你不用Notyou.125-Teddy-什么事-Teddy.-Yeah?126我记得你妈说过不许约会学习的Ithoughtyourmomsaidnostudydate.127是啊不能在图书馆Yeah,atthelibrary.128哦对Oh,right.129那么你和她说了在家里学吗Okay,sothenyouvetalkedtoheraboutthis?130我当然说了OfcourseIdid.131我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了Imean,Im--ImprettysureIdid.132只不过我每天和不同的人ItsjustItalktosomanydifferentpeople133说不同的事aboutsomanydifferentthings.134你们家怎么有个这么巨大的虫子?Whyisthereagiantbuginyourhouse?135朋友那个That,myfriend,136叫做沙螽isthejerusalemcricket,137外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫Betterknowntothelaymanasthepotatobug.138-我是个害虫专家-又来了-Imanexterminator.-Herewego.139嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗Hey,haveyouseenmyadonlocalcable--140“Bob赶走了所有害虫”"Bobsbugsbegone"?141是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobYeah,howdowemakeBobbegone?142好吧你们要做家庭作业Okay.youvegothomeworktodo.143我要去换尿布了Ivegotadiapertochange.144她的不是我的Hers--notmine.145我还没老到那地步呢Iaintthatold!146我还是上楼去吧Imgonnabeupstairs.147-Gabe出去-好吧-Gabe--out.-Okay,fine.148不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊Butwhensthathotguygettinghere?149出去Out!150-小孩子-嗯-Kids.-Yeah.151哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Ohman,Ileftmybookatschool.152没关系我们看一本就行Oh,thatsokay,wecanjustsharemine.。
11嗨 Charlie 我是TeddyHi, Charlie。
It’s Teddy here.2现在你九个月大了So right now you're nine months old3一切都很顺利and everything is going great。
4呃几乎一切都顺利吧Well, almost everything。
5现在我要让你看的东西可能会有点烦人Now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing,6所以做好心理准备哦So brace yourself。
7嗯这些三明治一定会好好吃吃的Mmm,these sandwiches will be yummy wummy.8没错会会的会的Yes, they will, yes, they will.9爸妈从你一出生就开始用这种腔调讲话了Mom and dad have been talking like that ever since you arrived10如果他们继续这样子的话我会发疯疯的And if it’s not over soon, I’m gonna go crazy wazy。
11— PJ - 干嘛— PJ! — what?12你在听什么What are you listening to?13我下了个芭蕾历史的播客听I downloaded a podcast on the history of ballet。
14—你喜欢听那个? - 总比听小孩讲话好—you like that? —More than baby talk。
15你想给你的饼饼配点鱼鱼一起吃吗Would you like some fishy wishies with your cookie wookie?16是的我想想Yes, I would, yes, I would。
17等等两位 Charlie又不在这儿Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here. 18是啊爱尿床床的宝宝正在楼上睡觉觉呢No,widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs。
查莉成长日记【看电影学英语】关于《查莉成长日记》之“你骗不了我的“剧情对话Wait, I dont believe it.等等真是不敢相信Thats Emma. So thats Charlie.那是Emma 那么那个就是Charlie了Yes! Oh, were saved.真棒哦我们得救了Not quite. Hey, kids.还不一定呢嘿孩子们What now? Ill let you know when I think of it.现在怎么办等我想出办法来了再通知你Mom, dad, hi.妈妈爸爸嗨Hi. What are you doing here?嗨你们几个来这儿干嘛We just realized you must be missing Charlie,我们觉得你们一定会想Charlie的So we brought her.所以我们带她过来了Oh, T eddy, youre not fooling me.噢T eddy 你骗不了我的Im not? Nope.我露馅了没错You spent a little too much time with Charlie 你一定是照顾Charlie时间太长了And youre ready to hand her over early.然后想早点把她交给我吧Well, I wouldnt say too much time.这个其实也不能算是时间太长了吧Well, I am ready too, so let me at her.不过我也想接手了所以还是我来照看她吧Gimme Gimme Gimme. Mom, Mom, Mom. 给我吧给我吧给我吧妈妈妈Youre on a date. Let me bring her to you.你正在约会呢还是我把她给你抱过来吧Here? Wait, now?这里吗等等现在吗Well, all right.那好吧Hey, mom. Hi, baby.嘿妈妈嘿宝贝Hey. Hey, dad.嘿嘿爸爸Something I want to show you. What is it, honey?我想给你们表演个节目什么节目亲爱的And now for my next trick,我的下一个魔术就是Im gonna make a boy disappear.我会把一个男孩变不见的You know, you should be ashamed of yourself.知道吗你应该为你自己感到羞耻You lead a guy on, make him think you have a connection,你勾引了一个男孩让他以为你们之间心有灵犀And you give him a fake phone number.然而你却给了他一个假电话号码You put it in wrong. that three is supposed to be a two.你自己输错了那一位本该是2而不是3的Oh, my bad.噢我的错So…那么You wanna get a table?想一起吃个晚饭吗My widdle baby, did you miss your mommy and daddy?我的尿床宝宝你有没有想你的爸爸妈妈啊Yes, she did. yes, she did.是的她想了是的她想了Oh, I never thought Id be so happy to hear baby talk.噢我从来没想到我听到儿语居然还这么开心T eddy, this isnt Charlies binky. where did you get this? T eddy 这个不是Charlie的奶嘴你从哪弄来的这个Oh, well, thats actually a really funny story.噢那个说起来其实是次很好玩的经历See, what happened was…听好了其实就是T oo loud. T ell you later.太吵了以后再跟你说吧原文来自必克英语/topic-11762.html篇二:查莉成长日记双语剧本台词S01E011查莉成长日记S01E01Good luck Charlie S01E012嗨Charlie 看看你Hi, Charlie, there you are.3才九个月大多可爱啊Nine months old and look how cute you are.4再看看我也多可爱And look how cute I am.5我是你的姐姐T eddyIts your big sister T eddy here,6我在拍视频日记And Im making this video diary7来帮你立足于我们这个T o help you survive our...8特别的家Special family.9嗨看来老爸已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas.10哦这是妈妈Oh, and theres mom,11今天早上看起来最可爱了Looking lovelier than ever this morning.12没心情拍Not in the mood.13好了我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了Okay. I think youve had enough bananas. 14我们改吃点甜豌豆吧So were switching to sweet peas!15你会喜欢吃的快看妈妈认为它们很美味哦Youre gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks theyre so yummy.16非常聪明一定要让妈妈先尝懂吗Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay?17哦那是你的大哥PJOh, and theres your older brother PJ18通常在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业Doing todays homework at the last minute as usual.19这不是今天的家庭作业Its not todays homework.20这是昨天的家庭作业This is yesterdays homework.21你可能有机会和你哥哥Theres a chance you two will be 22一起念高中哦in high school together.23哦那是爸爸在准备明天的工作Oh, and theres dad preparing for another days work. 24他靠杀虫来赚钱He kills bugs for a living.25宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Honey, come on. weve been through this. 26我不是杀虫I dont kill bugs.27我是害虫防治专家Im a pest control specialist.28一样啊Either way...29现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦So now youve met the whole family.30忘记某人了吧Forgetting somebody?31Gabe 不是不是的我没有忘记你Gabe! no no no. I didnt forget about you. 32你是压轴的I was just saving the best for last.33Charlie 那是你的小哥哥GabeGharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe. 34你想对Charlie说点什么吗You want to say something to Charlie?35你毁了我的生活You ruined my life.36好了看来Gabe还需要点时间Okay, so its taking Gabe a little bit longer 37来适应你因为你就是个惊喜T o get used to you. You were kind of a surprise. 38惊喜应该是好事啊I thought surprises were supposed to be good.39卡And... cut.40大家听着Okay, gang, listen up.41我今晚要回医院工作Im going back to work tonight at the hospital42这是Charlie出生后我第一次上班For the first time since Charlie was born, 43所以我想让你们全都待在家So I want everyone to stay at home44- 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝- 等下不行妈- and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom. 45我今晚不能待家里Im not gonna be here tonight.46我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了I have a study date at the library.47你的意思是借学习之机Dont you mean studly date... 48和Spencer约会吧With Spencer?49哦留着亲你的枕头吧Oh, save it for your pillow.50我很抱歉T eddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划Im sorry, T eddy, but youre just gonna have to reschedule. 51但是爸But, dad--52- Bob - 嗯爸爸现在也不管用了- Bob! - Uh, dads not available right now. 53妈妈别误会我的意思Mom, dont take this the wrong way,54但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝呢But why did you guys have to have another baby? 55那个嘛因为三个孩子太好养了Well, because three kids was just too easy. 56胆小鬼才只生三个Threes for quitters.57T eddy 你不至于去和And T eddy, you know better than to schedule58一个我从来没见过的男生约会“学习”吧a study date with a boy Ive never met. 59拜托作为爸爸,有责任Come on. as dad, its my responsibility60知道我孩子的每个生活细节to know every detail of my kids lives.61是吗Oh yeah?62我上的是哪个学校?What school do I go to?63嗯以某个总统命名的Um-- the one named after that president.64嗨对了我得开车送你们去学校了Hey, you know what? Ive got to drive you kids to school. 65- 我们走吧- 等下我还没吃早饭呢- Lets go. - Wait, I havent had breakfast yet. 66- 快点我们走- 一天中最重要的一餐- Come on, lets go. - Most important meal of the day67- 我从没吃到过- 我们走吧- Never got it. - Lets go! 68- 我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢- 是林肯小学- Ive gotta get you to... Roosevelt? - Lincoln.69记住了Got it.70 71生活搞得一团糟Days all burnt toast72就要迟到爸爸在叫Running late, and dad says73我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Has anybody seen my left shoe74我闭上双眼咬口早餐I close my eyes, take a bite75跳上车子放声大笑Grab a ride, laugh out loud76就在这里我们的家There it is up on the roof77我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过Ive been there, Ive survived78所以听取我的建议So just take my advice79宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 80可是我知道你会有美好未来But I know your future is bright81宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby82不要怀疑There is no maybe83一切终会如你所愿Eveything turns out all right84生活有悲有喜Sure life is up and down85可是请相信我坚持就有好结果But trust me, it comes back all around86你会喜欢将来的你Y oure gonna love who you turn out to be87宝贝不要放弃Hang in there, Baby89老公我去上班了Bob honey, Im leaving for work!90这是Charlie的生活安排Okay, honey, heres Charlies schedule.91这上面写着什么时候喂她It tells you when to feed her, 92什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉When to change her and when to put her down. 93宝贝尽管放心Sweetheart, would you relax?94一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Big daddys got this all under control. 95好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Okay, just because thats on your barbecue apron96你就当真了Doesnt make it true.97如果Charlie哭闹了她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来 Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down.98它们到处都是拜托你小心点Theyre all over the place.Please be careful-- 99- 它们到处都是- 亲爱的- Theyre all over the place. - Honey...100你似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿You seem to forget I was fully involved 101养育了三个孩子in the raising of three kids.102哦是吗我生日是什么时候Oh, yeah? Whens my birthday?103- 5月12号- 11月23号- July 12th. - November 23rd. 104记住了Got it.105祝你好运CharlieGood luck, Charlie.106拜拜Mwah! Bye.107拜拜Bye.108嗨爸爸Hey, dad?109- 什么事- 我有个家庭作业的问题问你- Y eah? - I have a homework question. 110好说吧Okay, fire away. 111一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗Can the average human lick his own armpit?112- 可以- 谢了- Yeah. - Thanks.113那是什么作业科学问题吗So what was that, like a science question? 114不是Nope.115我来开门我来开门Ill get it. Ill get it.116我来开门其他人都不许碰Ill get it. Nobody else getit!117- 你好- 你好- Hi. - Hi.118好啊Hi!119我是T eddy的爸爸Im T eddys dad.120很高兴见到你先生Nice to meet you, sir.121嗯Spencer和我要学习了Uh, Spencer and I are studying122- 我们得准备明天的生物测验- 真的吗- for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now?123是的没错所以请大家离开好吗Y es. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave? 124你不用Not you.125- T eddy - 什么事- T eddy. - Yeah?126我记得你妈说过不许约会学习的I thought your mom said no study date. 127是啊不能在图书馆Y eah, at the library.128哦对Oh, right.129那么你和她说了在家里学吗Okay, so then youve talked to her about this? 130我当然说了Of course I did.131我的意思是我我非常确定我说过了I mean, Im-- Im pretty sure I did. 132只不过我每天和不同的人Its just I talk to so many different people 133说不同的事about so many different things.134你们家怎么有个这么巨大的虫子?Why is there a giant bug in your house? 135朋友那个That, my friend, 136叫做沙螽is the jerusalem cricket,137外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 138- 我是个害虫专家- 又来了- Im an exterminator. - Here we go.139嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable-- 140“Bob赶走了所有害虫”Bobs bugs be gone?141是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone?142好吧你们要做家庭作业Okay. youve got homework to do.143我要去换尿布了Ive got a diaper to change.144她的不是我的Hers-- not mine.145我还没老到那地步呢I aint that old!146我还是上楼去吧Im gonna be upstairs.147- Gabe 出去- 好吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine.148不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊But whens that hot guy getting here?149出去Out!150- 小孩子- 嗯- Kids. - Yeah.151哦惨了我把书忘在学校了Oh man, I left my book at school.152没关系我们看一本就行Oh, thats okay, we can just share mine.153- 可以吗- 完美- Is that okay? - Perfect.154好Good,155因为这都只是为了学习Cause Im all about the learnin. 156- 我去拿铅笔- 哦我有- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one.157我想我把铅笔忘在学校了I think I left my pencils at school.158我也是Me too.159女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen!160有请PJ和感应乐队PJ and the Vibe!161哇看来你就住在那个怪小子PJ的隔壁啊Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid.162嗯他不在隔壁Hmm. Yeah, hes not next door.163他在楼下Hes downstairs...164而且他是我哥And hes my brother.165哦哦抱歉Oh! oh, Im-- Im sorry.166我也是Y eah, me too.167等下等下等下停停Wait wait wait! stop stop! 168Emmett 开头你应该用强拍的Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat. 169哥们我是打击乐器Dude, Im percussion,170让我“打击”Let me percush!171拜托了两位For crying out loud, guys!172你好嘛Whats up?173你们能小声点吗我们正在学习Can you please turn it down? Were trying to study. 174不能妹妹在摇滚乐里只有一种境界No can do, sis. Theres only one level in rock n roll. 175那就是响亮And that is loud!176我想我们可以体谅一下你妹妹Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister. 17拜托Excuse me,178这个组合可是叫PJ和感应乐队But the band is called PJ and the vibe.179“感应”就没发言权吗So what, the Vibe doesnt get a say? 180我我就是感应I-- Im the vibe.181是啊了解了Yeah, I got that.182所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈Oh, so you got my vibe, huh?183我还是回去吧Im gonna be over here.184- 关小声点- 你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art.185我不会安静的I will not be silent!186hey!187如果再逼我下来的话If I have come down here again,188这个会插在某个地方this gets plugged into somewhere else189Okay?190对了她和谁一起学习呢Yo, whos she up there studying with anyway?191是不是又一位美女Is there a second fine lady in the house?192是她迷恋的男生Some guy shes totally into.193我不敢相信她居然对我不忠I cant believe shes cheating on me.194她没有对你不忠她都不知道有你这个人Shes not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist. 篇三:查莉成长日记查莉成长日记GoodLuck人员介绍:Gabe盖比(弟弟)赵凯Amy 艾米(妈妈)赵彬T eddy泰迪(姐姐)王玉星Bob 鲍伯(爸爸)苏凯旋台词:Gabe: Hey(喂,你们)Gabe: Shouldn’t someone go tell Charile to shut up?(总该有人让查理闭嘴吧?)Father:You know what? You give it a shot.Weve been trying all night long.(我看还是你再去试试吧。
Hi, Charlie. Teddy here.嗨Charlie 我是TeddyAnd Ivy.还有IvySo you're eleven months old now现在你已经十一个月大啦and something really big is about to happen to you.一件意义重大的事情即将发生You're about to take your very first steps.你就要迈出你人生的第一步了This is your biggest milestone这将是自你第一次会拉出成型的便便后since your first solid poop.又一个最重要的里程碑Okay, relax. I didn't get it on video.好了放松点我又没把那段录下来Okay, you're my best friend again.好吧你又是我最好的朋友了Anyways, I wanted to capture your first steps on tape 总之我希望能把你走第一步路的样子给录下来but every time I put the camera on you,可是每次当我把镜头对准你的时候all I see is this.我只看到了这个Wait.等啊Wait.等啊Wait.等啊And nothing.什么也没发生Same thing happened with the poop.拍你拉便便的时候也是这样的Today's all burnt toast生活搞得一团糟Running late, and dad says就要迟到爸爸在叫Has anybody seen my left shoe我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到I close my eyes, take a bite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grab a ride, laugh out loud跳上车子放声大笑There it is up on the roof就在这里我们的家I've been there, I've survived我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过So just take my advice所以请听取我的建议Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 宝贝不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈But I know your future is bright可是我知道你会有美好未来Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃There is no maybe不要怀疑Everything turns out all right一切终会如你所愿Sure life is up and down生活有悲有喜But trust me, it comes back all around可是请相信我坚持就有好结果You're gonna love who you turn out to be你会喜欢将来的你Hang in there, Baby宝贝不要放弃Girls, girls, come here. Check it out.孩子们孩子们快过来快来看It's an old video of me.看看我以前的录像带Lots of videotaping in this family.你们家录像带可真多You guys sure do like yourselves.你们真够自恋的啊It's from my old glory days back at south high. 这是我曾经在南城高中的光辉岁月No way, Mrs. D. You went to our school?不是吧D太太你在我们学校念过书No, you're going to my school.不是是你们在我的学校念书Whoa whoa, there I am--哇哇我出场了The school mascot.我扮的学校吉祥物You were that big sheep thing?那只大绵羊就是你吗Not a sheep. A ram.那不是绵羊是只公羊Rammy the Wammy.威米震震羊Here it is--开始了My famous wammy wiggle.我闻名遐迩的威米震震舞Listen to the crowd. They love me.听听那些观众们的反响他们可喜欢我了Well, sure.是啊肯定的Everybody loves a dancing sheep.人人都爱会跳舞的绵羊Again,再说一次It's a ram. It has horns.那是只公羊它长着角呢It sure looks like a lot of fun, Mom.看起来确实很有意思妈妈You really think so?你真的这么想吗Yeah yeah.当然了Do you think I'd say something like that 难道你觉得我只是为了让你高兴Just to humor you?而故意这么说的吗I'm so happy to hear that我真高兴你这么说Because they're holding mascot tryouts this week.因为这周就要举行吉祥物选拔赛了But, mom, you've already been wammy.可是妈妈你都扮过威米了Why would you try out again?干嘛还要再去参加选拔呢I'm talking about you.我说是让你去啊Please tell me "You" Is Ivy.拜托告诉我“你”指的是IvyThink about it, Teddy.想一想吧 TeddyYou would be the first ever second-generation wammy. 你会成为史上第一只威米二世I've been dreaming about this since you were born.自打你刚生下来我就梦想着这一刻了According to the internet, sheep can have horns.根据网上的资料绵羊也是可以长角的Look, I don't want to put any pressure on you.听着我不想给你施加任何压力It's your decision. You do not have to do this for me.你自己做主你不用为了我这么做- I don't? - No.- 我不用吗- 不用You'll do it for us.你是为了我们这么做的- Hey. - What are you doing?- 嘿 - 你在干什么呢Watching all my old wammy videos with Teddy.和Teddy一起看我以前的威米录像Teddy?Teddy呢You're missing all the good parts.你要错过精彩的部分了What am I saying? They're all good parts.我胡说什么呢整个录像都是精彩部分Except for this one.除了这一段Remember this, Bob?还记得这段吗 BobOh, how can I forget?噢我怎么可能忘呢The night the north high barbarian took you down.那天晚上北城高中的野蛮人把放倒你了Oh!噢I hated that guy.我讨厌那家伙Even for a barbarian, he was a jerk.即使对于一个野蛮人来说他都称得上混蛋You remember the time those goons from north high 你还记得那群北城高中的流氓们grabbed you, took you on a little joyride?抓着你去兜风吗Every wammy's worst nightmare.那是每只威米羊最恐怖的噩梦啊You know what? I can't even watch it.知道吗我看不下去了It's too painful even now.就算现在看还是太痛苦了Oh, wait, this is a good part.噢等等这段不错Come here, kids. You're gonna love this.过来孩子们你们会喜欢这段的Recognize that guy?认出那个人了吗Is that PJ?那是PJ吗Nope, that's me.不是是我You mean that thin guy with a full head of hair is you?你是说那个一头金发的瘦子是你Yep.没错So that means那也就是说I'm gonna look like you when I get old.我上了年纪后就会像你这样Oh, I stopped looking like that when I was twenty five. 噢我从25岁之后就不再像录像中那样青春了But that's only eight years from now.那我岂不是只有八年的时间了Enjoy it while you got it.趁你还年轻时好好享受一下吧If I were you, I'd marry young.如果我是你我会尽早结婚的What are you doing in here?你在这里干什么Not being out there. What tape is she up to?逃离客厅她现在在看什么Volume three, "Wammy behind the mask."第三盘“面具背后的威米”Dad, she wants me to try out.爸爸她想让我参加选拔Oh, boy. I knew this day was coming.噢老天我就知道会有这么一天But I don't want to be a mascot.但是我不想去扮吉祥物I'll be the biggest dork in school.否则我会成为学校最大的笑柄You gotta help me out here.你得帮我摆脱这个厄运- What do you want me to do? - Can't you talk to her? - 你想要我怎么做- 你就不能和她谈谈吗Yeah, okay.好啊没问题I'll do that, honey, right after I mention我会和她谈的亲爱的等到我有胆量告诉她that her favorite pants make her look fat.她穿她最喜欢的裤子看起来很胖之后- Who looks fat? - My mother.- 谁看起来很胖- 我妈Hey, we almost ended at the same time.嘿我们几乎是同时结束的Only because I dropped one of my sticks.那是因为我掉了一只鼓槌Did you see Charlie?你注意看Charlie了吗She was totally rocking out.她简直是在尽情摇滚啊- Is she amazing or what? - She's okay.- 她很了不起吧- 她还好啦Okay? What is that supposed to mean?还好你什么意思You guys are always going on and on你们总是没完没了地说about what a super baby charlie is.Charlie是个超级宝宝Man, I got a nephew mason. Now that's a baby.伙计你得看看我的侄子Mason 他才算超级宝宝What's so great about Mason?Mason有什么了不起的Well, for one thing he's a stud at peek-a-boo.随便举个例子他是个玩躲猫猫的绝顶高手Come on, Charlie can play peek-a-boo with her eyes closed. 拜托 Charlie闭着眼睛都能玩躲猫猫That's how you play peek-a-boo.躲猫猫本来就得闭着眼睛What else you got?他还会什么Well, Mason's an incredibly fast crawler.还有 Mason爬行快得不可思议Not as fast as Charlie. She's like a cat.没有Charlie快她快得像只猫Mason sleeps at night with a rabbit--Mason晚上和一只兔子一起睡觉Not a stuffed one, one that he caught.不是毛绒兔而是只他抓到的真兔子So you think mason's faster.那么你认为Mason更快I think charlie's faster.我认为Charlie更快There's only one way to settle this.只有一个办法来一判高下We challenge you to a baby race.你敢不敢参加宝宝赛跑Oh, it is on.噢我接受你的挑战And you're gonna be sorry你会后悔的Because mason rhymes with racin'.因为Mason和“比赛”这个词都能押上韵We'll take our chances.我们愿意赌上一把In the meantime, you might want to take a good look at this,与此同时你也许想好好看看这个Because that's all you and mason are gonna be seeing.因为这就是你和Mason将会看到的I can't believe you're trying out for wammy.我不敢相信你会来参加威米羊的选拔The whole idea behind this friendship我们友谊的指导思想was for you to make me more popular,就是你得让我变得更受欢迎Not less popular.而不是更不受欢迎Okay, relax. I said I had to try out.拜托别紧张我说过我必须得参加选拔I didn't say I had to do well.我可没说我一定要好好表现啊All right, people. Time for wammy tryouts.好了各位威米选拔赛开始了- First up, Teddy Duncan. - I'm Teddy.- 首先出场的是Teddy Duncan - 我就是TeddyDaughter of Amy Duncan,Amy Duncan的女儿The second finest wammy this school has ever seen. Amy可是这所学校史上第二出色的威米羊- Who was the first? - You're looking at her.- 谁是最出色的- 近在眼前Let's do this thing!我们开始吧All right, duncan, let me set the scene for you.好了 Duncun 让我来帮你设定一下场景The team is down by eight.球队还落后八分You need to get that crowd jazzed up.你得让观众活跃起来Now give me what you got!现在让我看看你有什么能耐Come on, crowd, jazz up.来吧观众们活跃起来I am not feeling that.我一点活跃的感觉都没有Moving on. How's your dancing?下一项你跳舞水平怎么样You tell me.你自己看看吧What was that?这是什么玩意儿That was interpretive dancing.这个叫做形意舞That piece was called "Spring Day."这一小节叫做“春日”I can also show you "Global Warming"我还能给你跳“全球变暖”Or "Dogs Wow!"还有“哇狗”Dancing-- question mark.舞蹈水平先打个问号Question mark?打个问号That stuck, exclamation point!把问号拉直成感叹号吧All right, duncan, one more thing.好了 Duncan 还有一项Take that flag there and fire up that crowd.拿起那面旗子去煽动观众There's something wrong with that flag.那面旗有问题Duncan, that was absolutely terrible, all of it. Duncan 这也太可怕了一塌糊涂It's okay. I know what you're gonna say.没关系我知道你要说什么Congratulations, wammy.恭喜你威米But I was awful.但是我很逊啊Yeah, but you're the only one who tried out. 是啊但是你是唯一一个来参加选拔的See you at the big game.比赛时见了I can't believe this.真是不敢相信Well, in hindsight,好了放个马后炮I guess we should have noticed我想我们真该注意到that nobody else was here.根本没有别人来这儿的Hey, Gabe, do me a favor.嘿Gabe 帮我个忙Check the back of my head.帮我看一下我的后脑勺Does it look like I'm going bald?我看起来像快要秃头了吗Well, it's tempting to say yes,呃我真忍不住说是啊So yes.所以是的Seriously?你说真的No.不是Your hair is as full and stupid-looking as ever. 你的头发很浓密而且仍旧一副蠢样Thank you.谢谢You're a good brother.你是一个好弟弟Is this why you wanted me to come down here?这就是你叫我下楼的原因吗No, it is time to train Charlie for the baby race.不是到训练Charlie参加宝宝赛跑的时间了Charlie?CharlieI thought the baby race was gonna be我以为参加宝宝赛跑的意思是You and Emmett in diapers.你和Emmett穿着尿布去赛跑呢Now I've lost interest.现在我失去兴趣了Okay, turbo baby,好了螺旋宝宝Let's see what you've got.让我们看看你有什么本领Looks like I've got a little work to do.看起来我还得再下点工夫啊There she is.她回来了Hi, mom.嗨妈妈Hi, Wammy.嗨威米Oh, did Miss Covington call you?噢Covington女士给你打过电话了No, it's on the school website.没有是学校网站上刊登的消息Already? There's not a picture up of me, is there?已经登了那里没放我的相片吧There is now.现在放上了I just sent one in.我刚刚传了一张上去And I've got a big surprise for you.而且我为你准备了一个大惊喜I kept it at the end of my last season.我在我退出前最后一个赛季就开始保存了It's been sitting in the back of the shed它已经在后面的杂物棚里呆了二十年for the last twenty years.它已经在后面的杂物棚里呆了二十年Then I can't wait to put it on my head.我已经迫不及待地想把它戴到头上了Come on.来吧Get it on there, girl. We've got some work to do.从这里戴上女儿我们有好些活儿要干了Teddy, you look so beautiful.Teddy 你看起来真美Smells like armpit in here.这里面闻起来像腋窝的味道I know. You'll get used to it.我知道你会习惯的Okay, I'm gonna teach you some of my signature Wammy moves. 好了我要教你一些我扮威米的招牌动作You gotta hit it hard, girl.你要扭得很起劲女儿Now you gotta keep in rhythm.现在你要保持节奏一致And the best way to do that is with the Wammy wiggle.最吸引人的就是威米羊强劲的扭动A-five, six, seven, eight!五六七八Now we're gonna build on that move. You ready?现在我们要在已有的舞步上增加一些动作你准备好了吗We're gonna get our steam up. It goes like this.我们要开始鼓动了要像这样跳起来Whoo, ah-whoo, ah-whoo.呼噢呼噢呼No no, sweetheart. You lost your wiggle.不不亲爱的你忘了扭动身体If you try to get your steam up without the wiggle,如果你试着去鼓动但忘了扭动身体You'll just look like a fool out there.你看起来只会像一个笨蛋Sure wouldn't want that to happen.我当然不想让这种情况发生Next I want you to jump up in the air下一步我想让你在空中跳跃And you gotta land with your arms forming a big "W".而且你降落时手臂必须摆成一个很大的W字That's really cute.你看起来真可爱No no no, Teddy. It's all in the elbows.不不不Teddy 诀窍是手肘You're not Vammy. You're not Hammy.你不是萎米你不是虾米You're Wammy!你是大威米Okay, girl, you do it.好了姑娘你试试Now dig deep and let your fire fly!现在深掘内心燃烧你的小宇宙吧I can't do this.我不能做这个Sure you can. You just gotta practice.你当然可以你只是需要练习Wammy wasn't built in a day.威米不是一天建成的No, I don't want to do this.不是我不想做这个What?什么I don't want to be Hammy or Vammy or Wammy! 我不想当虾米或者萎米或者威米I quit.我不干了Hey, what did you do to your mother?嘿你对你妈妈做了什么I told her I didn't want to be a Wammy.我告诉她我不想扮威米I was just being honest with her.我只是对她坦诚而已Honest? What are you thinking?坦诚你在想什么How's she taking it?她感觉怎么样Not well.不好She's lying in bed with her Wammy head on,她戴着威米头躺在床上Stuffing tissues up her snout.用纸巾堵她的鼻孔I don't know.我不知道Maybe being Wammy was cool when you guys were in school...也许在你们上学时当威米是件很酷的事Are you kidding me? It was never cool.你是在开玩笑吗它从来都没酷过Your mom just didn't know that.你妈妈只是不知道这一点How could she not know that?她怎么会不知道这个呢Did she spend all four years of high school难道她高中四年都戴着那个巨大的威米头吗wearing that giant head?难道她高中四年都戴着那个巨大的威米头吗It was her yearbook picture.威米是她毕业年鉴上的形象Look, Teddy, if you don't go to that big game听着 Teddy 如果你不去参加那个比赛There's gonna be no Wammy,威米羊就不会出现了And that is gonna break your mother's heart.而这会伤透你妈妈的心Dad, I just don't want to look stupid.爸我只是不想让人看起来笨头笨脑的Look, you're gonna let your mom and everybody at school down 听着仅仅因为你害怕自己看起来笨头笨脑Because you're afraid of looking stupid?你就要让妈妈和学校的每个人失望吗Yes, thank you for understanding.是的谢谢你的理解Honey, I'm not gonna tell you what to do.亲爱的我不会告诉你应该怎么做But just remember,但你要记住Sometimes the right decision有时候正确的决定Can feel like the wrong decision.看起来会像错误的决定And the hard decision can be the best decision.而艰难的决定可能是最佳抉择But the good decision...但是好的决定Oh, come on, please just be Wammy!噢拜托去扮威米吧Hey, Wammy. Going somewhere?嗨威米这是去哪儿啊Ever been to north high? 'cause I was thinking去过北城高中吗因为我在想We could all take a little trip.我们可以带你到那里参观参观It's about to charge. Get it!它要发动攻击了抓住它Oh, this is the greatest prank ever!噢这真是有史以来最棒的恶作剧All right,好了let's see what nerd is wearing the costume this year.让我们看看今年哪个傻帽扮的威米Dude, Wammy's old.老兄这个威米还真老Wammy is not old. Wammy had four kids.威米一点都不老威米都是四个孩子的妈了I didn't see her. Your mom's not in there.我没有看见她你妈不在里面I can't believe it.我真不敢相信She's the only reason I'm doing this stupid thing.她是我做这种蠢事的唯一原因Well, let's get out of here.那好让我们离开这里吧Duncan, the gym's this way.Duncan 体育馆在这边Let me look at you.让我好好地看一看你Not you... Wammy. Put on the head.不是你是威米把头戴上Oh, you look so much like your mother.噢你看来来真像你妈妈Showtime!该你上了I'm right behind you, t. Got your back.我就在你后面 T 我会挺你的Gentlemen, start your babies.先生们让你们的宝宝预备好Go!开始And they're off!他们这就起跑了Oh, look, Mason. Yummy yummy.噢看这里Mason 多好吃啊Come to the peaches.快来拿蜜桃酱吧Come to mommy. Come to mommy.到妈妈这里来到妈妈这里来Mason got the early lead. Charlie's bringing up the rear. Mason暂时领先Charlie在后面奋起直追Look at my boy go. He's barely breaking a sweat.看看我的宝宝他爬得毫不费力At the halfway mark it's Mason, followed by Charlie.先到中点线的是Mason Charlie紧随其后Come on, Charlie. You can do it.快点 Charlie 你能做到的Coming down the home stretch. It's still Mason in the lead. 临近终点仍旧是Mason领先Come on, Charlie. It's now or never.快点 Charlie 现在是最后的机会了And the winner is...冠军是Charlie!我家的CharlieOh my gosh! Charlie, you just took your first steps.我的天Charlie 你刚刚走出了你的第一步路Not your best day, Mason.今儿个不是你的幸运日 MasonWhat went wrong out there?刚刚出了什么问题We'll be back when we learn how to walk.当我们学会走路后我们会回来的Can you please take me back to the gym?你能载我回体育馆去吗No way. Not till the game's over.不行在比赛结束前都不行Okay, can you take me home then?好吧那你能载我回家吗I don't even care about the game, guys.我根本不在乎比赛小子North High, South High... what's the difference?北城高中南城高中有什么区别Only one thing...只有一个区别- North High rules! - Yeah!- 北城高中万岁- 对Yeah, baby!对伙计Okay, whatever.好了无所谓了Look, if we're gonna drive around in circles for hours, 听着如果我们要一直这么兜几小时的圈子- Can I at least use the bathroom? - Can't you hold it? - 我能至少上个厕所吗 - 你不能憋一憋吗I've had four kids. I pee when I sneeze.我生过四个小孩我打喷嚏的时候就会小便Gross.恶心Pull over.靠边停车Thank you. You're such a gentleman.谢谢你真是个绅士South High rules!南城高中万岁Safety first.安全第一Ram on the lam!大公羊要冲了Staring at my baldness你盯着我的秃头看Ain't gonna stop your baldness.也不会防止你自己以后变秃I just can't believe that's gonna happen to me.我只是不敢相信那种事会发生在我的身上Would you stop focusing on the negatives?你能别光关注于它的缺点吗- Think about the positives. - Like what?- 想想它的好处- 什么好处You're gonna have a large baseball cap collection.你会有很多棒球帽收藏品You're gonna save on shampoo.你会省掉很多洗发水的钱And with the money you save on shampoo而且你可以用洗发水省来的钱You can buy more baseball caps.买更多的棒球帽Here comes Teddy.Teddy出场了That's my best friend.那是我的死党Wammy's my best friend.威米是我的死党Wammy! Wammy! Wammy!威米威米威米Well, Charlie, looks like we both took baby steps today.嗯Charlie 看起来我们俩今天都尝试了新的东西You walked for the first time你第一次走路And I did something I didn't want to do and wound up liking it.而我做了一件开始时不想做但最后喜欢做的事And I hope you like it too, because...而我希望你也会喜欢因为You are already on your way.你也要开始你的征途啰Wammy jammy!威米好彩哟Good luck, Charlie.好运 CharlieCome on, P. J. We're gonna be late for school. 快点 PJ 我们上学要迟到了Get down here.快下楼Alright, coming. Chillax.好的我来了淡定Oh, oh, no.噢噢不Oh, no. It's happening.噢不这真的发生了No, I am not ready.不我还没准备好No.不- Bad Dream? - Yeah.- 做恶梦啦- 是啊Oh, hey,哦嘿Here's the first one my dad gave me.这是我爸给我的第一个棒球帽。
查莉成长日记中英台词对照版s1e1 good luck charlie
好运查理/查莉成长日记/GoodLuckCharlie第一季第一集S01E01StudyDateHi,Charlie,thereyouare.嗨Charlie快看看你Ninemonthsoldandlookhowcuteyouare.才九个月大多可爱啊AndlookhowcuteIam.再看看我多么可爱啊It'syourbigsisterTeddyhere,像往常一样在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业It'snottoday'shomework.这才不是今天的家庭作业Thisisyesterday'shomework.这是昨天的家庭作业There'sachanceyoutwowillbe你可能有机会和你哥哥inhighschooltogether.一起念高中哦Oh,andthere'sdadpreparingforanotherday'swork.哦那是爸爸在准备下一天的工作Hekillsbugsforaliving.他靠杀虫来赚钱Honey,comeon.we'vebeenthroughthis.宝贝拜托我们已经说过这个了Idon'tkillbugs.我不是杀虫I'mapestcontrolspecialist.我是害虫防治专家Eitherway...还不都是得Sonowyou'vemetthewholefamily.GabeForthefirsttimesinceCharliewasborn, 这是从Charlie出生后我第一次上班SoIwanteveryonetostayathome所以我想让你们今晚全都留在家-andhelpdadwiththebaby.-Wait--no,mom. -帮你爸爸照顾宝宝-等下不行妈妈I'mnotgonnabeheretonight.我今晚不能待在家里Ihaveastudydateatthelibrary.我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了Don'tyoumean"studly"date...你的意思是借学习之机WithSpencer?和Spencer约会吧Oh,saveitforyourpillow.哦留着亲你的枕头吧I'msorry,Teddy,butyou'rejustgonnahavetoreschedule. 我很抱歉Teddy但是你得重新安排你的计划But,dad--但是爸爸-Bob!-Uh,dad'snotavailablerightnow.-Bob-嗯爸爸现在也不管用了Teddy是吗-我们走吧-等下我还没吃早饭呢-Comeon,let'sgo.-Mostimportantmealoftheday-快点我们走-一天中最重要的一餐-Nevergotit.-Let'sgo!-我从没吃到过-我们走吧-I'vegottagetyouto...Roosevelt?-Lincoln.-我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢-是林肯小学Gotit.记住了Day'sallburnttoast生活搞得一团糟Runninglate,anddadsays就要迟到爸爸在叫Hasanybodyseenmyleftshoe我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到Iclosemyeyes,takeabite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grabaride,laughoutloud跳上车子放声大笑Thereitisupontheroof就在这里我们的家I'vebeenthere,I'vesurvivedBobIttellsyouwhentofeedher,这上面写着什么时候喂她Whentochangeherandwhentoputherdown.什么时候换尿布什么时候睡觉Sweetheart,wouldyourelax?宝贝放轻松Bigdaddy'sgotthisallundercontrol.一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢Okay,justbecausethat'sonyourbarbecueapron 好了不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹Doesn'tmakeittrue.你就真当自己全能了Nowifcharliegetsfussy,如果Charlie哭闹了herrubberduckywillcalmherdown.她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来They'reallovertheplace.Pleasebecareful-- 它们到处都是拜托你小心点-They'reallovertheplace.-Honey...-它们到处都是-亲爱的YouseemtoforgetIwasfullyinvolved你似乎忘记了我已经事无巨细地-5月拜拜Bye.拜拜--可以那是什么作业科学问题吗Nope.不是I'llgetit.I'llgetit.我来开门我来开门I'llgetit.Nobodyelsegetit!我来开门其他人都不许碰-Hi.-Hi.-你好-你好Hi!好啊I'mTeddy'sdad.我是Teddy的爸爸Nicetomeetyou,sir.很高兴见到你先生Uh,SpencerandIarestudying嗯Spencer和我要学习了-forourbiologytesttomorrow.-Areyou,now? -我们得准备明天的生物测验-真的吗Yes.yes,weare,socaneveryonepleaseleave? 是的没错所以请大家都离开好吗Notyou.Betterknowntothelaymanasthepotatobug. 外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫-I'manexterminator.-Herewego.-我是个害虫专家-又来了Hey,haveyouseenmyadonlocalcable--嗨你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗"Bob'sbugsbegone"?“Bob赶走了所有害虫”Yeah,howdowemakeBobbegone?是吗我们怎么才能赶走BobOkay.you'vegothomeworktodo.好吧你们要做家庭作业I'vegotadiapertochange.我也要去换尿布了Hers--notmine.给她换不是我Iain'tthatold!我还没老到那地步呢I'mgonnabeupstairs.我还是上楼去吧-Gabe--out.-Okay,fine.-Gabe出去-好吧知道了Out!出去--很好-有请PJ和感应乐队Wow,soundslikeyouliverightnextdoor哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊tothatweirdPJkid.哇听起来像是你就住在那个古怪的小子PJ的隔壁啊Hmm.Yeah,he'snotnextdoor.嗯不过他不在隔壁He'sdownstairs...他在楼下Andhe'smybrother.而且他是我哥哥Oh!oh,I'm--I'msorry.哦哦不好意思哈Yeah,metoo.我也是Waitwaitwait!stopstop!等下等下等下停停Emmett,youweresupposedtoopenwiththedownbeat. Emmett开头的时候你该用强拍的Dude,I'mpercussion,伙计我演奏的是打击乐器Letme"percush"!拜托I'mgonnabeoverhere.我还是回去吧-Turnitdownnow.-Youwillnotcensormyart.-关小声点现在-你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求Iwillnotbesilent!我不会安静的hey!嘿IfIhavecomedownhereagain,如果再逼我下来的话thisgetspluggedintosomewhereelse我就把这个插你身上Okay?明白了没Yo,who'ssheuptherestudyingwithanyway?对了她和谁一起学习呢Isthereasecondfineladyinthehouse?是不是又一位美女Someguyshe'stotallyinto.和她迷恋的某个男生一起Ican'tbelieveshe'scheatingonme.我不敢相信她居然对我不忠-----一整天都没人给我做饭AndIamstillpartofthisfamily,right?我仍然还是这个家的一员对吧There'sahalf-eatensandwichinthefridge冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治Knockyourselfout.自己去吃吧Allright.Nowmybrothersarealltakencareof. 现在好了所有兄弟都搞定了-Good.-Andtherewillbenomoreinterruptions. -太好了-那就再也不会有人打搅我们了-Teddy!-Oh,god!-Teddy-哦天呐-Whatdoyouwant?!-Ineedyou-你想干嘛-我需要你towatchthebabyforasec.照看下宝宝No!不No!不Nobodytellsmom!好了嗯叫PJ还有Lastweek,EmmettandIwroteasong上周Emmett和我写一首歌Withthatexactsametitle.正好就叫这个名字That'sgreat,son.justpleasedon'tsing-- 那太好了儿子不过拜托你千万别唱-Mybuttisonfire!?-Stopit.-我的屁股像被火烧-别唱了It'sthesizeofatire!面积和轮胎一个大小Stopit!别唱了-Punchbuggy!-Ow!Whatareyoudoing?!-拳打甲壳虫-噢你在干嘛Couldyoudrive,please?!拜托你好好开车行不-Hey,youwanttoplaylicenseplategame?-No!-你想玩认车牌游戏吗-不想Michigan.密歇根州-MaybeIshouldgo.-no!-也许我该走了-不好了-哦--哇哦屁股火区扩散了-Where'sthedoctor?-I'llgosee.-医生在哪里-我去找找Okay,waitwaitwait.Wait.Wait.Wait.等等等等等等Wait.wait.Wedon'twantmomtoknowwe'rehere,right? 等等我们可不想让妈妈发现我们在这儿是不Sopleasebecareful.所以小心点Justtryandblendin.尽量别引人注意Dad,comeon.老爸拜托It'shardforthistoblendin.这样帅气的面庞怎么可能不引人注目Justfiguresomethingout.那就想个办法"figuresomethingout."想个办法"figuresomethingout."想个办法Mom!妈妈Yes.是的Iam.我是是--How'dthishappen?-Mydadisnotaverygoodfisherman. -怎么搞成这样的-我爸爸不是很擅长钓鱼Hey,mine'snotaverygoodwalking-down-the-stairsman. 嘿我爸爸不是很擅长上下楼梯So--那么I'mguessingyou'reaninetysevenpounder.我猜你得有九十七磅吧Hush,littlebaby嘘乖宝宝Gobeddy-bye快睡觉Teddywantstokissareallycuteguy. Teddy想吻那个很帅的男孩How'sitgoing?怎么样了Well,we'regettingthere.不错孩子快睡着了Wellwellwell.Whathavewehere?啧啧啧看看这是谁啊Emmett,whyareyoustillhere? Emmett你怎么还在这儿-你好Gabe等下好吧也许我们两个该到门外Soyoucanwalkmetomybike.这样你就能送我上自行车了Youheretogivememyspongebath?你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗-PJ?-Hey,mom.-PJ-嗨妈妈Whatareyoudoinghere?你在这儿干什么I'lltellyouwhatI'mnotdoinghere-- 我告诉你我不会干什么吧Givingspongebathstobighairyguys.我不会给体毛发达的人做海绵擦浴的So,mom,what's--what'sthehapps?所以妈妈有什么事吗What's--有什么Hey,honey!嗨亲爱的-Bob!-Nicework,son.-Bob-干的漂亮儿子Okay,what'sgoingonhere?-Bobandtakecareoffourkids?一边照顾好四个孩子I'materriblemother.我真是个糟糕的母亲Nono,you'renot.不不你不是的Look,ifanything,I'mahorriblefather.听着如果真要追究责任那也只能怪我是个糟糕的父亲Iknow!我知道Wouldyouguyschill?你们两个冷静点好吗You'regreatparents.你们是很棒的父母Teddy,gabeandmeturnedoutprettygood.我TeddyGabe现在都很不错啊Yeah,comeon.是的别难过了We'vegottobedoingsomethingright.我们还是做对了不少事情Imean,hey,lookatthis--ourson'sadoctor.我是说嘿快看我们的儿子当医生了不管GabeGabe你有什么要对Dabney夫人说的吗Yeah.有啊Whatareyoufixingtomorrownight?你明天晚上打算做什么饭(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)Thecatdoor.修理猫洞(注:fix同有做饭和修理的意思)Gonnamakesureit'slocked.我会保证锁好它的Okay.Ithinkwe'redonehere.好了我想我们要走了-Goodnight.-Itisnow.-晚安-现在确实安生了Allright,let'sgo.好了我们回家吧-Whatareyoudoing?-Oh,sonowyou'resuddenly-你在干嘛-哦现在你突然-interestedinme?-gabe,you'remylittlebrother. -对我感兴趣了-Gabe你是我弟弟I'veneverbeeninterestedinyou.我从来都没对你感过兴趣I'mkidding.ButthenyoupeedonPJandIthought,但是后来我看到你在PJ身上撒尿我就想"Hey,givethekidashot."嘿给这个孩子一个机会吧Look,somedayyou'regonnafeelthesameway听着总有一天你会像我看待你那样aboutCharliethatIfeelaboutyou.看待Charlie的Well,howdoyoufeelaboutme?那么你怎么看待我的Let'sputitthisway--我这么说吧Thehottestguyinschoolisatourhouserightnow, 全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里AndI'mherewithyou.而我现在却和你在一起Lookhowcutesheis.看她多可爱啊Iamwarminguptoheralready!我已经开始对她有好感了Okay,Charlie'sasleep,Gabe'splayingavideogame 好了Charlie已经睡着了Gabe在玩电子游戏尾骨哦晚安宝贝Goodnight,sir.晚安先生-Goodnight.-Goodnight.-晚安-晚安Coccyx!尾骨Sothat'showdadgotmyfirstkiss这就是爸爸怎么抢走本属于我的初吻的Andhowyouflewforthefirsttime.你也第一次体验到了飞翔的感觉Butthegoodnewsis--但是好消息是Nah,thereisnogoodnews.算了根本没有好消息Itakethatback!It'satextfromspencer!我收回刚才那句话Spencer给我发短信了Hewantstohangoutwithmetomorrownight他约我明天一起出去Athishouse!去他家Oh!I'vegottagowashyourpukeoutofmyjacket.Idid--lastweek.我剃过啊上周刚剃的。
查理的成长日记Hi. Youre Skyler, right? Im T eddy. 嗨你是斯凯勒吧我是泰迪Oh, right. I saw your picture in Spencers wallet. 啊对我在斯宾塞的钱夹里看到你的照片Spencer keeps my picture in his wallet? 斯宾塞把我的照片放在他的钱夹里哦 Thats sweet. 真贴心Of course I put it in there, 当然了其实是我自己放的But its so sweet he didnt throw it out. 不过他没把那扔掉真是好贴心What have you got there? 你拿了什么来啊Pie on a stick. 棍子顶个派Where did you get it? 从哪里买的啊Pie on a stick. 那店名就叫棍子顶个派Its just my way to say Im sorry T o Spencer. 这是我来跟斯宾塞道歉的礼物Because I kind of freaked out earlier. 因为之前我有点小题大作I didnt know you two were cousins. 我不知道你俩是表兄妹呢I thought you two were cousins. 我以为你们俩才是表兄妹No, Spencers my boyfriend. 不是呀斯宾塞是我的男朋友No, Spencers my boyfriend. 不对斯宾塞是我的男友才是真So you two have met, huh? 看来你们俩遇到啦Yeah, turns out were cousins. 对呀还发现大家是表亲呢Anything you want to say, Spencer? 你还有什么可说的斯宾塞A free sample? 要免费试吃不Sure, Id love one. 当然好给我来点儿Mm, delicious. 嗯很好喝You should try some. 你自己也该尝尝这滋味Dont forget dessert. 别忘了还要吃点心Hey, wait. 喂等等啊How could you? 你怎么做的出Im sorry. I can exp... 对不起我可以解释Just dont. 别说了Oh hi. -Oh look!Theres our pretty girl. 噢嗨-哦看看我们的小美女来了Hey, you got out of bed today. 嘿你今天终于下床了I just came up to get my breakfast. 我只是下来拿我的早饭Honey, dont take the brown banana. Get the yellow one. 宝贝别拿那个棕色的香蕉拿黄的Y ellows too happy a color. 黄色显得太欢快了I cant believe shes still moping about her breakup with spencer. 真不敢相信她还为和斯宾塞分手这件事而郁闷That was like two whole days ago. 事情都过去两天了唉 Give her a break, p.J. Spencer was teddys first love. 饶了她吧PJ 斯宾塞可是她的初恋Yeah, I mean, you should understand. 是啊我是说你应该能体谅的You get dumped all the time. 毕竟你总是被甩No, I dont! -Oh really? 没有瞎说-噢是吗This year alone youve been dumped by Alexa, 今年你就被亚历克萨给甩了Rebecca, Jen... 丽贝卡珍Jen? Im dating jen right now. 珍我正和珍约会呢Oh.I didnt give you that message? 噢,我没告诉你那条留言吗Even if we never see each other again,I will love youalways. 即使我们再也见不到对方了,我还是会一直爱你的 Liar! 骗子Oh, why wont the world just go away? 噢就不能让我消停会吗Surprise. 没想到吧Now what do you want? 你又想干嘛Okay, first of all you can lose the tude.And second, I brought someone Who will help you out of your funk. 好吧。
Good Luck文本歌词
Good Luck (祝你好运) - Basement Jaxx/Lisa Kekaula Written by:Simon Ratcliffe/Lisa Kekaula/Felix Buxton Tell me tell me is life just a playgroundThink you're the real deal honeyAnd someone'll always look after youBut wake up babyYou're so totally deludedYou'll end up old and lonelyIf you don't get a bullet in your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen you're resting your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen your're resting your headYou sold me sold meSold me down the river nowHope you're feeling happy nowNow you'll always have a sneer in your smileBut wake up babyYou're so totally deludedYou'll end up old and lonelyIf you don't get a bullet in your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen you're resting your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen your're resting your headAnd I'm glad so glad that I'm done with youNo more crying crying leaving me so black and blue You backed me up against the wall but I stand tall Don't give a damn no moreOh baby bye byeNo more liesNo more liesWithout youGood good luckIn your new bedEnjoy your nightmares when your resting your headGood good luckIn your new bedEnjoy your nightmaresGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen you're resting your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen your're resting your headGood luck good luckGood luck in your new bedEnjoy your nightmares honeyWhen your're resting your headGood good luckIn your new bedEnjoy your nightmares when your resting your head Good good luckIn your new bedEnjoy your nightmares。