附录2 词汇表——2017年版《普通高中课程标准》英语(word文档)

附录2 词汇表——2017年版《普通高中课程标准》英语(word文档)
附录2 词汇表——2017年版《普通高中课程标准》英语(word文档)


附录2 词汇表










a(an) aboard**

abandon** absence**

ability absent

able absolutely*

abnormal** absorb**

abroad** abstract**

about abuse**

above academic**

accent** addict*

accept addition*

access** address

accident* adjust**

accommodation** administration**

accompany** admire*

according to admit*

account* adopt**

accurate** adorable**

accuse** adult*

ache* advance*

achieve advantage* achievement* adventure*

acid** advertise** acknowledge** advertisement(ad) ** acquire* advice

across advise

act advocate**

action affair*

active affect**

activity afford

actor afraid

actress Africa

actually* African

AD** after

adapt* afternoon adaptation** afterward**

add again

against altogether**

age always

agency* a.m.*

agenda** amateur**

ago amazing*

agree ambition** agreement ambitious** agriculture* ambulance** ahead* America

aid* American

aim* among

air amount*

airline** amuse**

airport analyse(analyze)** alarm* ancestor** alcohol** ancient

alive and

all anger**

allow angle**

almost angry

alone animal

along ankle** alongside** announce*

aloud annoy**

already annual*

also another alternative** answer

although ant

anticipate** April

antique** arch**

anxiety** architect** anxious* area

any argue*

anybody arise*

anyhow** arm

anyone army

anything around

anyway arrangement* anywhere arrest**

apart** arrive

apartment* arrow** apologise(apologize) * art apparently** article appeal** artificial** appear artist appetite** as applaud** ashamed** apple Asia applicant** aside** apply* ask appointment** asleep appreciate** aspect* approach* assess** appropriate** assign** approve** assistant** association** available** assume* average* assumption** avoid astonish** awake astronaut** award* astronomer** aware*

at away athlete* awesome** Atlantic* awful atmosphere** awkward* attach* B


attain** baby attempt* back attend background

attention backward** attitude* bacon** attract* bad audience* badminton* August bag

aunt bakery** Australia balance* Australian ball author* ballet* authority* balloon automatic** bamboo autonomous** ban** autumn banana band* beautiful bank beauty** bar* because barbecue** become barely** bed

bark** bedroom barrier** beef

base* beer baseball before basic begin basin** behalf** basis* behave** basketball behind

bat** being** bath** belief** bathroom believe battery* bell

battle* belong* bay** below

BC** belt*

be(am, are, is) bend**\ beach beneath* bean benefit* bean card(tofu) ** beside bear best beard** bet** beat better between board beyond* boat

big body

bike(bicycle) boil**

bill bomb** billion** bond** biology** bone

bird bonus** birth book birthday boost** biscuit boot*

bit border** bite* bored bitter** boring black born blackboard borrow blame** boss blank** botanical** blanket** both bleed** bother**

bless** bottle blind bottom block bounce** blog* bound** blood boundary** blouse bow** blow bowl

blue bowling* box buffet** boxing* build

boy building brain bunch** branch* burn brave bury** bread bus

break business breakfast busy breast** but breath** butcher** breathe* butter* brick** button* bride/bridegroom** buy bridge by

brief* C


brilliant** cabbage** bring cafe* Britain cafeteria** British cage** broad* cake

broadcast** calculate**

brochure* calendar

brother call

brown calligraphy**

brush calm*

budget** calorie**

camel** carpet**

camera carrot

camp carry

campaign** cartoon

campus* carve**

can case*

Canada cash*

Canadian cast**

canal** castle**

cancel cat

cancer** catch

candidate** category**

candle cattle*

candy cause

canteen** cave**

cap cease**

capable* ceiling**

capacity** celebrate

capital celebrity*

capsule** cell**

captain** cent

car centimetre (centimeter) ** carbon** central

card centre(center)

care century

career** certain

careful certainly careless certificate** chain* chest**

chair chew** chairman/chairwoman** c hicken

chalk chief* challenge* child(pl. children) champion* China

chance china*

change Chinese channel** chocolate

chaos** choice

chapter* choke** character* choose characteristic** chopsticks charge* chorus** charity* Christmas

chart** church**

chat* cigarette** cheap cinema

cheat** circle

check circuit**

cheek** circumstance cheer circus** cheese** cite**

chef** citizen** chemical** city

chemist** civil**

chemistry civilian**

chess civilization(civilization) ** claim** coast

clap* coat

clarify** coffee

class coin

classic** cold

classmate collapse**

classroom collar**

clay** collect

clean collection*

clear college

clerk** colour(color)

clever column**

click* combine**

client** come

climate* comedy**

climb comfort**

clinic** comfortable

clock comic**

clone** comment*

close comment*

close commercial**

cloth** commit**

clothes commitment**

cloud committee*

cloudy common

club communicate

clue** communication

coach communist**

coal community company* confirm* compare conflict** comparison** Confucianism** compete** Confucius** competence** confused** competition congratulation* complete consequence** complex** conservation** complicated** consider component** consist** compose** consistent** composition** constant** comprehension** constitution** comprehensive** construction** comprise** consultation** concentrate* consume** concept** consumption** concern* contact* concert contain* conclude** contemporary** conclusion** content* concrete** contest** condition context* conduct* continent* conference* continue confidence* contract** contradictory** country contrary** countryside contrast** country*

contribution* couple

control courage

convenient* course conventional** court* conversation cousin

convince** cover

cook coverage**

cookie cow

cool crash*

cooperate** crayon

copy crazy

core** cream**

corn create

corner creative*

corporate** creature**

correct credit*

correspond** crew**

cost crime**

costume** crisis**

cottage** criterion(pl. criteria) ** cotton** critical**

cough criticize(criticize) ** could crop**

council** cross

count crowd*

crucial** date

cruel** daughter

cry day

cuisine** dead

culture deadline**

cup deaf

cupboard** deal

cure* dear

curious* death*

current* debate**

curtain** debt**

custom* decade** customer December

cut decent**

cute decide

cycle** decision

D declare*


daily decorate* damage** decrease**

damp** deep

dance deer*

danger defeat** dangerous defence(defense) * dare** defend**

dark definitely*

data* definition** database** degree

delay** detective** delete** determine* delicate** develop delicious development deliver* device** demand** devote** demonstrate** diagram*

dentist** dialogue(dialog) deny** diamond** department** diary departure** dictionary depend die

depress** diet*

depth** differ** describe difference description* different desert* difficult deserve** difficulty design* dig

desire* digest**

desk digital* desperate** dignity** despite* dimension** dessert** dining destination* dinner

destroy* dinosaur* detail* direct

detect** direction director diverse** directory** divide

dirty division** disability** dizzy** disabled** do

disappear* doctor disappointed** document* disaster* dog

discipline** dollar

discount** dolphin* discover domain** discovery domestic** discrimination** dominate** discuss donate* discussion door disease* dormitory** dish double

disk(disc) ** doubt dismiss** down display** download* distance* downstairs* distant** downtown* distinct** dozen** distinguish** draft** distribution** drag** district** dragon* disturb** drama** dive** dramatic** draw earn* drawer** earth dream earthquake dress ease**

drill** east

drink eastern drive easy

driver eat

drop ecology** drought* economic** drug** edge**

dry editor

duck education

due to* educator** dumpling effect* duration** efficient** during effort*

dust** egg

duty* eight dynamic** eighteen dynasty** eighth


E either

each elder

eager* elderly** eagle** election**

ear electricity* early electronic elegant** enjoy element* enormous** elephant enough eleven ensure*

else enter elsewhere** enterprise** email entertainment** embarrassed** enthusiastic** emerge** entirely* emergency** entitle** emotion** entrance* emperor** entry emphasis** envelope*

employ** environment empty envy** enable* episode** encounter** equal* encourage equator** end equipment* enemy era** energetic* eraser energy* error* engage** erupt* engine* escape* engineer especially England essay** English essential** enhance** establish* estate** excuse estimate** exercise Europe exhibition** European exist* evaluate** exit*

eve* expand** even expansion** evening expect event* expectation** eventually* expense** ever expensive every experience everybody experiment* everyday expert* everyone explain

everything explode**

everywhere explore

evidence** export*

exactly expose**

exam(examination) exposure**

examine** express

example extend**

excellent extension**

except extent*

exceptional** external*

exchange* extinction*

excited extra*

exciting extraordinary** extremely* fast

eye fat


F fault**

fabric** favour(favor)** face favourite(favorite) facilitate** fear

facility* feature*

fact February

factory feed

fail feel

failure* feeling

fair fellow**

faith** female*

fall fence**

familiar* fetch** family fever famous few

fan fibre(fiber)** fancy* fiction** fantastic field fantasy** fifteen

far fifth

farm fifty

farmer fight fashion** figure*

file* flour**

fill flow**

film flower finance** fluent** financial** fly

find focus* finding** foggy**

fine fold** finger folk** finish follow

fire fond**

firm** food

first foot(pl. feet) fish football fisherman for

fit forecast** five forehead**

fix foreign

flag forest

flash* forever**

flat* forget

flavor(flavor)** forgive** flexible* fork

flight* form

flood* formal*

floor format** former* from fortunately* front

forty frontier** forward* frost**

found** fruit foundation** fry** fountain** fuel**

four full

fourteen fun

fourth function*

fox** fund* France fundamental** frank* funny

free furniture** freedom** further* freeze** future
