

London 2012

London 2012

伦敦申办奥运的会徽是采用具有5种颜色的 伦敦申办奥运的会徽是采用具有 种颜色的 彩条代表奥运, 彩条代表奥运,在“LONDON 2012”的字 的字 样上下穿过; 样上下穿过;而会徽上则有国际奥委会会 徽。
会徽以数字"2012"为主 为主 会徽以数字 体,包含了奥林匹克五 环及英语单词伦敦 )。这一设计 (London)。这一设计 )。 清晰地传达出伦敦的声 伦敦2012年奥运 音——“伦敦 伦敦 年奥运 会将是所有人的奥运会、 会将是所有人的奥运会、 所有人的2012。” 所有人的 。
2012年伦敦奥运会体育场位于伦敦东部的斯特拉特福 年伦敦奥运会体育场位于伦敦东部的斯特拉特福 ),因外形上阔下窄 (Stratford),因外形上阔下窄,又被称为“伦敦 ),因外形上阔下窄,又被称为“ 预计可容纳8万人 分为两层,上层是55000个 万人, 碗”,预计可容纳 万人,分为两层,上层是 个 临时座位, 年伦敦奥运和2012年夏季残奥会结 临时座位,在2012年伦敦奥运和 年伦敦奥运和 年夏季残奥会结 束之后将拆除,只剩下25000个固定座位,成为一作中 个固定座位, 束之后将拆除,只剩下 个固定座位 型社区体育场,本场地除了北边是陆地, 型社区体育场,本场地除了北边是陆地,其他三面是 环水,被戏称体育场岛。 环水,被戏称体育场岛。 除了原始屋顶, 除了原始屋顶,设计者还将使用一种用纺织品做 成的遮阳棚, 成的遮阳棚,纺织品上画马赛克和与奥运会相关图像 年伦敦奥运和2012年夏季残奥会结束之后,遮 年夏季残奥会结束之后, 在2012年伦敦奥运和 年伦敦奥运和 年夏季残奥会结束之后 阳棚将被拆下,做成袋子出售。 阳棚将被拆下,做成袋子出售。
联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪 的奥运会的故事。温洛克和曼德维 尔将帮助孩子们健康成长。

伦敦奥运会(中英文对照版) 共21页

伦敦奥运会(中英文对照版) 共21页
London 伦敦奥运火炬
The Olympic motto 奥林匹克格言
• Embrace four friends !
• 拥抱四方 朋友!
The main stadium
The London 2019 Olympics stadium located at the Stratford, east London
Bike museum自行车馆
• 2019 London Olympic Games indoor cycling stadium
• Competition items and small items less than the 2019 Beijing Olympic Games.
是第三次举办夏季奥 运会的伦敦奥运会。
• 伦敦是迄今为止夏 季奥运会,是历史 上第一个三度举办 奥运会的城市。
The history of London Olympics
• The first time: the 1908 London Olympics • The second : the 1948 London Olympics



外文名:London Olympic Games 奥运口号:Inspire a generation 激励一代人! 吉祥物:文洛克
2012年第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会在伦敦举行。英文口号为“Embrace the four winds friends”。于 2005年7月6日在国际奥委会会议上宣布,这是伦敦第3次主办夏季奥运会。 伦敦是迄今为止举办夏季奥运会次数最多的城市。也是历史上第二座三度举办奥运会的城市。 第一次:1908年伦敦奥运会;第二次:1948年伦敦奥运会;第三次:2012年伦敦奥运会。 第一座是奥地利的因斯布鲁克,分别是1964年冬奥会,1976年冬奥会和2012年青冬奥会(比伦敦早几个月)
奥运会的吉祥物文洛克(Wenlock)是以1850年现代奥运会的雏形——英国温洛克奥林匹亚运动会命名的。他来自于马齐文 洛克的施罗普希尔村。在那里,曾经举办过文洛克奥伦匹克运动会,而这项古老的赛事正是现代奥运之父顾拜旦创造现代 奥林匹克运动会的灵感来源地之一:在19世纪,顾拜旦曾被邀请去那里观看文洛克游戏,顾拜旦大受文洛克游戏的启发, 进而创立了现代奥林匹克运动。至今,文洛克游戏仍在举行。因此,为了纪念文洛克奥林匹克运动会,伦敦奥运会决定将 吉祥物命名为“文洛克”。 在吉祥物的头上还有黄灯标志。据称,这是来自于伦敦的标志性出租 车。而文洛克手上戴有奥运友谊手环。他们的大眼睛事实上还有照相 功能,目的是见证他们每一个去过的地方和见过的人。伦敦奥 运会组 委会主席塞巴斯蒂安·科表示,吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿童 和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪的奥运会的故事。文洛克将 帮助孩子们健康成长。



Build time: 1903
The capacity: 52103 Turf quality of a material: natural grass From the city center distance: 6.8 km 格拉斯哥 汉普顿公园球场
建成时间:1903年 观众容量:52103人 草皮质地:天然草
2012年伦敦奥运会会徽以数字“2012”为主体,包含了奥林匹克五环及英文单词伦敦 (Lon-don),采用国际化的设计语言,简洁鲜明,由单纯而大块的色彩组成的主体图 案,象征着活力与激情,给人以强烈的视觉冲击。其与众不同的设计蕴含着深刻的奥运 精神与设计理念。该会徽标志整体极富感染力,与以往的奥运会会徽设计相比,具有独 特的创新和突破,令人耳目一新,具有独特的风格与鲜明的个性。
2012年伦敦奥运会共设26个大项,总计300个小项比赛。 球类运动: 10.田径(Athletics) 1.足球(Football) 11.自行车(Cycling) 2.网球(Tennis) 12.体操(Gymastics) 3.曲棍球(Field Hockey) 13.马术Equestrian) 4.羽毛球(Badminton) 14.射箭(Archery) 5.手球(Handball) 15.射击(Shooting) 6.排球(Volleyball) 16.击剑(Fencing) 7.乒乓球(Tabble tennis) 17.举重(Weightlifting) 8.篮球(Basketball) 18.拳击(Boxing) 其他运动: 19.柔道(Judo) 9. 游泳(游泳(Swimming)、 20.摔跤(Wrestling) 花样游泳(Synchronized swimming)、 21.跆拳道(Taekwondo) 跳水(Diving)、 水球(Water polo))



London has hosted 2 games, was 1908 respectively fourth Olympic Games and the fourteenth Olympic Games in 1948. And to hold the thirtieth Olympic Games held in 2012.London 's bid to host the Olympic Games emblem with five color color represents the Olympic Games, in the "LONDON 2012" up and down through; and emblem are International Olympic Committee logo. Olympic mascot paper Rock ( Wenlock ) from Ma Qiwen Rock ( Much Wenlock ) Shi Luo Pu Hill village. Where, once held by Rock Oren peak games, and this ancient race is the father of the modern Olympic Games Coubertin created the modern Olympic games source of inspiration: in nineteenth Century, Coubertin was asked to go there and watch the Rock game, Coubertin was the Rock game inspired by, and then founded the modern the Olympic movement. So far, the game is still held in Rock. Therefore, to commemorate the Rock Olympic Games, London Olympic mascot named" the decision to Rock" ( Wenlock ).The mascot of the head and yellow lights. Allegedly, this is from London 's iconic taxi. While the Rock hand Olympic Friendship bracelet. Their eyes and in fact there is photographic function, purpose is to witness each and every one of the places or people. The London Olympic Organizing Committee Chairman Sebastian COE said, the mascot was created for children, they will bring the children and exercise together, telling people proud of the Olympic games. The Rock will help the healthy growth of children.London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games mascot was full of imagination, rich modern feeling, but they are hidden behind the meaning also allow the Olympics saw the people of London Olympic Games for this tournament respect and vision.London Olympic torch are enchased on the 8000 ring, inclusion to the 8000 torchbearers life achievement.". The design also incorporates the torch hand signs, this is the first time in the history of Olympic Games, the human factor is added to the torch, but also fully demonstrates the London Olympic Games innovation.London Olympic torch at the top is the triangular design, this is the history of the first handle triangular torch, systemic are golden. Design Division called the triangle symbolizes the Olympic Games" faster, higher, stronger" slogan, at the same time, non-circular torch feel better, but also more vulnerable to torch hand.The torch is the designer from London native Edward Barber and Jay osgerby, the two Olympic Games in the area from the main meeting( East London ) the designers' works finally conquered the organizing committee, I believe that is not just for the designer of great significance, for the London also has a special significance.Due to the rules of the Olympic Games medal design limits, one must be the Greek goddess Nike, which was said to be a symbol of victory and the embodiment of the Olympic spirit, the goddess above print is the host city of the Olympic Games in London and sponsored by the year 2012, of course, no less, on behalf of the Olympic rings logo.The other side of the medal entirely by the designers to play, Watkin Sen uses more bold abstract design, the center of the back engraved with the London Olympics "2012 mark", while the next is arranged in a crisscross pattern lines formed, it is said to symbolize the London City beat pulse The London 2012 Olympic medals, and inMedals of the median and a winding Thames River.Volunteer uniform design inspiration comes from the British culture and tradition, based on the British guards uniforms, the 1948 London Olympics, Wimbledon, and add some British eccentric and modern elements. The uniform flagship deep purple tone, with poppy red collar and cuffs. This unique combination of colors so that volunteers can easily be identified in the crowd.The London Olympic Games volunteer uniform is unique and collar badges design, tailoring and metal buttons. Coat cuff can be reflexed to adapt to different arm length. Different color epaulet is used to distinguish the work of volunteers responsible for specific. The medical staff will be wearing white epaulets, leader wears the red epaulets,anti-doping staff wear green epaulets.London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games staff will wear the same uniforms, uniform jacket front and back marking can be usedDesign for disassembly. The volunteers will replace only the coat of the Olympic and Paralympic Games logo, and change the shirt and hat. Uniform pants, shoes and other accessories without replacement.The London Olympic Games technical official uniforms are also drawn from the British tradition, with a modern design elements, including a Big Ben and the houses of Parliament engraved buttons, embroidery lapel, a London landmark buildings lining etc..The British royal family announced Thursday, Prince William ( Prince William ) and his wife Kate Middleton ( Kate Middleton ) and his brother Prince Henry ( Prince Harry ) is about to become the London 2012 Olympics official ambassador.Court of St. James's announced, three members of the royal family will encourage and guide" the British people take 900 British Olympic and Paralympic delegation athletes strong backing," encouraging them to fight for the british.The palace also said, three people will make full use of their appeal, promote people 's values of the Olympics and Paralympic values cognition.In addition to the 3 members of the royal family, the British Olympic Association also at the beginning of the year has released 27 other 2012 Olympic ambassador list, they are Olympic British team famous players. The thirtieth modern Olympic GamesIn 2005, the successful London for the thirtieth Summer Olympic Games, will be on July 27, 2012 ( Friday) to August 12th ( Sunday), is currently preparing process.The London Olympic Organizing Committee announced that the thirtieth Summer Olympic Games in 2012 will be on the night of July 27, 2012 ( London at twenty twelve local time ) opening ceremony, will be located in the east end of London Stratford Olympic stadium.With the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games time twenty eight 2008 similar meaning, the London Olympic Games make it twenty twelve also seems to be implied meaning of 2012, but the British media did not disclose the reason of such arrangement.The Greater London area was divided into three zonesThe Olympic Area -- the Olympic Park in Stratford in East London, is a landfill waste site and built on the Olympic Stadium, park, water sports center and the Olympic village.Along Thames River river -- a total of five major venues, including The O2 Arena (formerly the Millennium Dome ), ExCel Exhibition Centre( Exhibition Centre ).Center District -- includes a temperature Buli stadium and Hyde Park.In addition, a part of the game required in other city held, such as rowing and sailing the two movement in the southeastern coast of England Dorset Wei Mao held.London also on transport facilities are many upgrades, to accommodate the influx of people during the Olympic games. The London 2012 Olympic site has more on traffic facilities content.Other important game ticket price ( lowest to highest monetary unit for the pound )The men's 100 metres final 50-725 of track and fieldBeach volleyball final 95-450Men's boxing finals 95-395Horsemanship finals 65-275Track cycling finals 50-325Slalom finals 35-150BMX finals 20-125Sailing 55 finalShooting the final 40Archery final 30-95Iron man three finals 20-60Weightlifting competition 45-175The tennis finals 65-225The 2012 Olympic Games in LondonThe London Olympics in 2012 a total of 26 major, a total of 300 small game. The major competitions and events less than the 2008 Beijing Olympic games.Swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, water polo, archery, athletics, badminton, handball, basketball, boxing, rowing, canoe slalom, hydrostatic, cycling, track racing, road racing, mountain bike, BMX( BMX ), equestrian, fencing, football, gymnastics, trampoline, gymnastics,judo, artistic gymnastics, modern in five, rowing, sailing, shooting, table tennis, tennis, taekwondo, iron man three, indoor volleyball, beach volleyball, weightlifting, wrestling, hockey.To cancel the projectIn July 8, 2005 the International Olympic Committee, International Olympic Committee plenary meeting in Singapore announced Baseball ( Olympic Games only men's baseball and softball ( project ) the Olympic Games only girls softball program ) will not be included in the 2012 London Olympic Games and the thirty-first Summer Olympic Games in 2016 event, reason is that too few participating countries.。







2012年4月18日,在伦敦奥运会开幕倒计时100天时,伦敦奥组委公布口号为“Inspire a generation”, 翻译中文为“激励一代人。





May 20, 2010 morning ( Britain local time in late May 19, 2010), the London 2012 Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced the London Olympics Mascots paper Rock ( Wenlock ), it is full of enthusiasm to the Shropshire as the prototype, the sheep live in the Olympic history of a named Ma Qiwen Rock Luo Pu Shi Hill village centre small town.In 2012 the London Olympic Games, namely, the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, the official name for the thirtieth Summer Olympic games. In July 6, 2005, the International Olympic Committee in Singapore 's 117th International Olympic Committee meeting, the London is hosting the Olympic Games, this is the third time hosting of the summer Olympic Games in london. In London in July 27, 20117 p.m. local time, the London Olympic Games countdown anniversary event. In April 18, 2012, the London Olympic countdown100 day, the London Olympic Organizing Committee announced the slogan " Inspire a generation", Chinese translation for" inspired a generation."The emblem of the number "2012" as the main body, including the Olympic rings and the English word London ( London ). This design clearly convey sounds of London --" the London 2012 Olympic Games would be all games, all2012." The color of a total of four, are pink, orange, blue and green, according to the needs of different occasions with different color emblem. This design is the hundred years of Olympic history for the first time by the same year of the Olympic and Paralympic Games" sharing" the same emblem.The RingsThe Symbols of the Olympic Games奥运会的标志The Rings奥运五环The Olympic Rings are five interlocking rings that stand for the five original continents, (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe) and the athletes from around the world.奥运五环是五个相连的圆环,它们分别代表了最初的五个大洲(非洲,美洲,亚洲,澳洲和欧洲)以及来自世界各地的运动员。


在1916年、1940、1944年举办的三届奥运会成了空白。 • The second(第十四届) : the 1948 London
主要在伦敦,相关赛事会在其他城市大伦敦 地区被分成了三个区 奥运区 —— 奥体公园 就是在伦敦东部斯特拉特福德的垃圾场和废 弃工地上建起来的,园内有奥运体育场、水 上运动中心和奥运村。
其他的奥运场馆也秉承了这种原则。在伦敦2019奥林匹克公园内,共有9 处场馆建设,分成永久性建设和临时性建设。而在永久性建设的建筑物中,又 被分为临时性设施和永久性设施,这为施工增添了不少难度。
拥有1.2万个座位的2019伦敦奥运会自行车馆――奥运倾斜赛车馆 (Velodrome),其中6000个座位为临时座位。在奥运会后,这里的赛道将进行 适当改建,以便同山地车道及其他自行车运动道结合,建成一个面向社会的 “自行车运动园”。
2019年奥运会篮球比赛和残疾人轮椅篮球赛 以及轮椅橄榄球赛将在伦敦篮球馆举行,同 时还是开幕式和闭幕式运动员休息所在地。
室内赛 车馆
2019 London Olympic Games indoor cycling stadium
水上项目 赛场
奥运结束后,这里所有的建筑,都会如“变形金刚”一样,进行一次大规模的 集体变身:“海浪”的白色翅膀将被拆除,1.7万个座位仅留下2500个,成为 对公共开放的游泳池;“伦敦碗”则拆除左右地面上5.5万个座位,仅留下田径 场和底层的2.5万个座位,奥运结束后“出售”给一家英超球队作为主赛场。
会徽颜色 会徽颜色一共有4种,分别是粉色、橙色、蓝色和绿色,可根据 不同场合的需要使用不同颜色的会徽。这一设计是百年奥运史上


2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时: 2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时: 年伦敦奥运会倒计时 距离2012年伦敦奥运会开幕还有:xx天 2012年伦敦奥运会开幕还有 距离2012年伦敦奥运会开幕还有:xx天
Looking forward to the 2012 London Olympic Games! Games!
Olympic emblem of London
Emblem with the number “2012”, including the Olympic rings and London (London, English words). This design clearly convey the sound of London : 2012 London Olympic Games will be everyone‘s Games, and all of 2012.
The third:The 2012 London Olympic Games
1908 London Olympic Games
1908 London Olympic Games, the fourth Olympic Games held in London, England on July 13, 1908. The emblem of the Olympic Games is the playground of the "White City" as the theme.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
There are four of the emblem colors are pink, orange, blue and green, the emblem of the different colors can be used according to the needs of different occasions. This design is the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (残奥会)in Olympic history for the first time held by the same year, "shared" with an emblem.



You won't pull ahead 【但这一程,我才是唯一的领跑者】
I'll keep up the pace 【你们只能我身后的追随者】 And i'll give you my strength【 我将赐给你我的力量】
To the whole human race 【来幻化为你历经全程的信念】
The 2012 Olympic Games Theme Song
Sport events
Basketball(篮球) Rowing(赛艇)
high jump(撑杆跳高)
Figure Skating (花样滑冰)
Yes i am prepared 【是的,我已准备好了】 To stay alive 【准备好为永生的荣耀而战】 And i won't forgive, vengeance is mine【 我将不会去原谅,报复是我的】 And i won't give in 【我将不会去退却
Because i choose to thrive 【只因我的荣耀注定蔓延】 I'm gonna win 【我注定是最终的王者】
The Olympic Stadium
Show Time
The Swimming center
The North Greenwich stadium
Basketball Arena
The riverside arena
sports stars
New star: Sun Yang


起 来 工 作 ” 。
A total of four kinds of emblem colors are pink, orange, blue and green, different colors of the emblem can be used according to the needs of different occasions. This design is the Olympics for the first time in the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games "shared" with an emblem.
这两个吉祥物都只有一只眼睛,是经过1年半的创作 过程后正式确认的。伦敦奥运会组委会主席塞巴斯蒂 安·科表示,这两个吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们将把儿 童和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们引为自豪的奥运会的 故事。温洛克和曼德维尔将帮助孩子们健康成长。
Engraved on the Olympic torch in London 8000 ring bear to pay tribute to the life achievements of the 8000 torch bearer of moral. Torch design into the torch bearer of the symbol, this is the first time in Olympic history, the human factor is added to the torch in that the London Olympic Games innovative

而 是 别
特 彩 的 是 用 新 年 界 轻 技 , 人 术 在 不 和 这 新 再 个 处 媒 世 于 体 网 络 武 装 , 态 们 状 人 止 , 静 上 界 世



London’s emblem includes number 2012, Olympic Logo and the English words of London. This emblem conveies London’s sound: London Olympic Games would be everyone’s Olympic, everyone’s 2012. This emblem shows energy, modern and nimble.
London’s mascot ----Wenlock
Mascot is called wenlocke. It’s designed for children. The mascot is contemporary with metal one-eye cartoon. His eye can take photos to take down where he passed. There is a yellow light on his head, which symbolizes London’s taxi.
Thank you to Race Life's a race But I'm gone win Yes, I'm gone win And I'll light the fuse And I'll never lose And I choose to survive Whatever it takes You won't pull ahead I'll keep up the pace And I'll reveal my strength To the whole human race Yes, I am prepared To stay alive I won't forgive Vengeance is mine



文化长廊奥运专栏华中科技大学附属中学高二(七)班柴博闻供稿London is the capital of Britain.It is also the biggest city and the biggest harbor of the country.London is one of the biggest cities in Eu -rope.It is also one of the four biggest cities,and the other three are New York of the USA,Paris of France and Tokyo of Japan.伦敦是英国的首都、第一大城以及第一大港,也是欧洲最大的都会区之一。


From 1801to the early years of 1900s,as the capitalof a world-wide empire,London was famous for its great achievementsin politics,economics,culture,entertainment,and scientific and technological inven -tions,becoming the biggest cities of the world of the times.从1801年到20世纪初,作为世界性帝国———大英帝国的首都,伦敦因其在政治、经济、人文、娱乐、科技发明等领域上的卓越成就,而成为那个时代全世界最大的都市。

London,in 1908,1948two times held the Olympic Games.The 30th Summer Olympic Games ’opening cere -mony will start at 20:12p.m.on July 27th (London lo -cal time),2012,when the eyes of the world will be on the city,which will be the third time London hosts the Sum -mer Olympic Games.伦敦于1908年和1948年两次成功举办奥林匹克运动会。



LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES 黄金时段概览 NBC提供67.5小时的黄金时段覆盖
游泳, 沙滩排球, 体操, 跳水, 划船 游泳, 沙滩排球, 田径 体操, 跳水, 沙滩排球, 排球, 田径, 跳水
6 1 3 2 2 2 1 5 3 3 1 1 4 2
All coverage hours are tentative and subject to change
有线电视覆盖: NBC 体育网频道
►此外还将播出游泳、自行车和其他赛事 ►小时:
总计超过240+ 的网络转播
All coverage hours are tentative and subject to change
► ►
在北京奥运会期间的黄金时段,平均每户收视率为3.2 到2012年,通过NBC全球网络和有线电视的试播, 观众 可以以前所未有的体验来欣赏赛事而不会错过任何一 分钟的精彩片段
2012年7月27日 ~ 8月12日

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这是第一个历史上3次承办奥运会的地方 传奇的城市和熠熠闪光的全新街道为世界上最大的体育 盛会绘制了亮丽的背景
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"When people mention the Beijing Olympics, associated with the" bird's nest "; and mentioned the London games, you will think of" The answer is the dazzling red steel spiral tower of view-arcelor mittal rail tower. Scheme is come from 3 britons indians-designer Ann furnish • kapoor, Mr YaNa (Arup)engineering consultant company's construction engineers Cecil • barr have DE, and investors-the world's largest steel companies, arcelor mittal boss lakshmi mittal,.The tower is a continuous steel tube composition of the track. The British seemed more like the monster nicknamed the "iron blame", "shredded tobacco for water pipes", people's aesthetic view may different, but no matter how you evaluation, it is the model of steel construction engineering innovation.Although the Eiffel Tower track Tower is half high of Rail tower, but it is a challenging structure. Its unique design means that is impossible to adjust after construction starts .Singular appearance, because the Eiffel Tower has four legs, Tower itself from bottom to top are all generalshape, but Rail tower has three rail tower "leg", therefore can do from any Angle is not the shape of the unity at all. It is a sculpture, it is a kind of structure, and it is also a building.The shape of the Rail tower is complex, which is about 9 km steel pipe, and the size to be different from each other——through the 1800 co nnections dish together formed various kinds of dazzling geometric shapes.The project of another amazing at, the whole construction site only three workers operate.Rail tower will hang a weighed 40 tons, and reducing the pendulum similar place, in order to offset the wind and cause of the mast vibration, eliminate movement to visitors and bring insecurity.Rail tower during the games are open to the public, it has two direct elevator, but the design company more encourage people to climb the 455 steps, feel unique experience, the entire tower in the 70 m and 80 m has two observatory.Arcelor mittal company expect, the Olympic Games opening after 3 months, each hour can accommodate 500to 700 people up to the tower. After the Olympic Games, it will be permanent, ascend the tower by ticket system, expected a profit of 10 million pounds a year.Beijing Olympic Games "bird's nest" invited a famous designer Switzerland Jacques herzog design, "water cube" also has invited Australian designer participation and cooperation. And in 2012, the London Olympic Games are main venue by British home construction firm finish design, including the Atkins company which is responsible for c leaning up the ground and recycling, they were asked to circular utilization to achieve 90%; Populous company responsible for "London bowl" design, firm, hadid, building firm responsible for swimming pool design.As the regional soil is already a highly pollution type of soil, Atkins companies and even set up a "soil hospital", more than 80% of the contaminated soil get clean again, they also at the site through the soil bioremediation technology (through some microorganisms to clean up the soil), let the soil was again use.The sports field"London bowl" is known as the London games "beating heart". The appearance of the bowl for London all white, appearance on wide below narrow, like a large soup bowl. "London bowl" a total of five ring structures, London bowl is lowering shape design, can let the audience closer watching the action of the athletes.In the external, with special material to fill the whole stadium "package" up, the porous, translucent, printing fabric, can make whole venues are "natural breath" in London, the walls of the bowl printed many Olympic Games on the history of outstanding athletes. Door curtain will surround the London temporary buildings of the bowl of part, as to the audience, protection and covered. After the game, fabrics for protecting wall will be made to people the bag."London bowl" design project of the Lord, comparing the vick "bird's nest" and "London bowl" the similarities and differences, but he said: "the UK design philosophy is very different.China is square and round" "The Olympic Games ended," London bowl will narrow two-thirds, "we have no depression, but very excited. We have too many landmark design construction, such as wembley stadium,O2 stadium and 'London bowl is we design' first a temporary stadium."。



the motto格言,座右铭of Olympic GamesThe motto of the London Olympic Games - Inspire a Generation - was unveiled by the London Olympics organizing committee (LOCOG)伦敦奥组委on Wednesday as they celebrate 100 days to go to the Olympic Games伦敦奥运会的座右铭-激发一代-揭幕仪式由伦敦奥运会组织委员会(伦敦奥组委)伦敦奥组委星期三作为他们庆祝100天去奥运会Logo徽标,标识语T here have been two London 2012 logos: one for the bidding process created by Kino Design and a second as the brand for the Games themselves. This will be the first time that the same essential logo is to be used for both the Olympic and Paralympic games. London 2012 has stated that the new logo is aimed at reaching young people. Sebastian Coe stated that it builds upon everything that the organizing committee has said "about reaching out and engaging young people, which is where our challenge is over the next five years."曾有两家伦敦2012个标志:一为招标过程中所造成的基诺设计和二为品牌为游戏本身。



伦敦奥运会英语作文并翻译The London Olympics。

The London Olympics is one of the most exciting eventsin the world. It is a time when athletes from all over the globe come together to compete in various sports and represent their countries. The Olympics have a long history, dating back to ancient Greece, and have become a symbol of unity, peace, and sportsmanship.The 2012 London Olympics was a spectacular event that captured the attention of the world. It was the third time that London had hosted the Olympics, and it was a huge success. The opening ceremony was a stunning display of British history and culture, with performances by famous musicians and actors, and a parade of athletes from around the world.The Olympics featured 26 different sports, with over 10,000 athletes from 204 countries competing for gold,silver, and bronze medals. Some of the most popular sports included swimming, track and field, gymnastics, and basketball. The athletes were all at the top of their game, and the competitions were intense and exciting to watch.One of the most memorable moments of the London Olympics was when Usain Bolt of Jamaica won the gold medal in the 100-meter dash. Bolt is considered one of the greatest sprinters of all time, and he set a new Olympic record with a time of 9.63 seconds. The crowd went wild as Bolt crossed the finish line, and he celebrated by striking his famous “Lightning Bolt” pose.Another unforgettable moment was when Michael Phelps of the United States won his 18th gold medal in swimming. Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time, and his achievements in the pool are legendary. He retired from swimming after the London Olympics, leaving behind a legacy that will never be forgotten.The London Olympics also had a significant impact on the city itself. The event brought in millions of visitorsfrom around the world, boosting the local economy and creating jobs. The Olympic Park, which was builtspecifically for the games, has since been transformed into a public park and sports venue, providing a lasting legacy for the city.In conclusion, the London Olympics was a remarkable event that showcased the best of sports, culture, and international cooperation. It was a time when the world came together to celebrate the achievements of athletes and to promote peace and unity. The legacy of the London Olympics will continue to inspire future generations and remind us of the power of sports to bring people together.。

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the motto of Olympic Games
The motto of the London Olympic Games - Inspire a Generation - was unveiled by the London Olympics organizing committee (LOCOG) on Wednesday as they celebrate 100 days to go to the Olympic Games
T here have been two London 2012 logos: one for the bidding process created by Kino Design and a second as the brand for the Games themselves. This will be the first time that the same essential logo is to be used for both the Olympic and Paralympic games. London 2012 has stated that the new logo is aimed at reaching young people. Sebastian Coe stated that it builds upon everything that the organizing committee has said "about reaching out and engaging young people, which is where our challenge is over the next five years."
Wenlock and Mandeville are animations depicting two drops of steel from a steelworks in Bolton.
A total of around 4,700 medals for the Olympic and Paralympic Games are produced by the Royal Mint.Following recent tradition, the front of the medal features Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, stepping from Parthenon. The reverse side features has the Games logo,
the River Thames, and a series of lines symbolizing the energy of the athletes.
Torch relay
8,000 inspirational people will carry the Olympic Flame as it journeys across the UK. Nominated by someone they know, it will be their moment to shine, inspiring millions of people watching in their community, in the UK and worldwide. Lit in Greece, the Olympic Flame arrives in the UK on 18 May 2012. Representing peace, unity and friendship, as it makes its way across the UK on a 70-day journey it will bring the excitement of the Games to everyone.
Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees are expected to participate.
Venues and infrastructure
The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will use a mixture of new venues, existing and historic facilities, and temporary facilities, some of them in well-known locations such as Hyde Park and Horse Guards Parade. Some of the new facilities will be reused in their Olympic form, while others will be resized or relocated.
how to learn English
1.Make some pen pals and write them at least once everyday.
2.Try listening to the Radio
e your newly-learned idioms or vocabulary
4.Read aloud is the best way to improve our communication skills.。
