中国文化教程Unit 23

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Magical Functions of Tea
Magical Functions of Tea
• Drinking tea is to satisfy the needs of the body as well as the mind. • A cup of refreshing tea is able to naturally relieve a person of thirst while giving comfort and pleasure. According to traditional Chinese medicine, 清 黄易印 茶熟香温且自看 drinking tea can cure a variety Seal carving, by Huang Yi (1744-1802), Qing Dynasty: of diseases, because the inscribed with a line of slightly bitter and astringent (昧 verse expressing the 涩的) tea contains elements relaxed mined while salutary (有益健康的) for the body. drinking tea
状元听了要求采制一盒进贡皇上。第二天,庙内烧 香点烛,击鼓鸣钟,召来大小和尚向九龙窠进发。 众人来到茶树下焚香礼拜,然后采下芽叶精工制作, 装入锡盒。状元带了茶进京后正遇皇后肚疼鼓胀卧 床不起。状元立即献茶让皇后服下,果然茶到病除。 皇上大喜,将一件大红袍交给状元,让他代表自己 去武夷山封赏。状元封赏路上礼炮轰响,火烛通明, 到了九龙窠。状元命一樵夫爬上半山腰,将皇上赐 的大红袍披在茶树上以示皇恩。说也怪,等掀开大 红袍时,三株茶树的芽叶在阳光下闪出红光。众人 说这是大红袍染红的。后来人们就把这三株茶树叫 做“大红袍”,有人还在石壁上刻了“大红袍”三个大 字,从此大红袍就成了年年岁岁的贡茶。

Why does Lu Yu say the words above on tea making?
Ways of Savoring Tea
• In the cloud-enveloped high mountains, crystal clear spring water is the best for making tea; • water in the brooks though also good, is not pure because it smells of the earth, therefore is only second best. • Considered third is water from wells, as artificial springs from underground are often stagnant (不流动的) and tinted with the flavor of salt.
传说古时候有一穷秀才上京赶考路过武夷山时病倒 在路上,幸被天心庙老方丈看见,泡了一碗茶给他 喝,果然病就好了。后来秀才金榜题名中了状元, 还被招为东床驸马。一个春日,状元来到武夷山谢 恩。在老方丈的陪同下,前呼后拥来到了九龙窠, 只见峭壁上长着三株高大的茶树,枝叶繁茂,吐着 一簇簇嫩芽,在阳光下闪着紫红色的光泽,煞是可 爱。老方丈说:“去年你犯鼓胀病就是用这种茶叶 泡茶治好的。很早以前,每逢春日茶树发芽时,就 鸣鼓召集群猴穿上红衣裤爬上绝壁采下茶叶,炒制 后收藏,可以治百病。”
Magical Functions of Tea
• To tea drinkers, the first and foremost pleasure derived from drinking tea is "cleansing". • Tea prefers to grow in clean places. The cleaner a place, the better the quality of the tea it nurtures. Fine teas usually grow on high mountains, enveloped in clouds and mists and in a clear atmosphere.
Ways of Savoring Tea
• Water is an element of priority in the making of tea. To make a good cup of tea, quality water is a must. To make fine tea, water from high mountains is the best, followed by water from rivers and wells. (by Lu Yu(733-804), Tea Saint of the Tang Dynasty)
How could we make a good cup of tea? What should be taken into consideration?
Ways of Savoring Tea
The Chinese attach great importance to the water, tea leaves, tea set, and fire, when making and drinking tea.
Wuyi Mountain
Magical Functions of Tea
• The second important facet is that of "seeking leisure". • The bustling world, full of confusion and argument, weariness and exhaustion, damages the mind and body of human beings. A cup of refreshing tea can parry (挡开,避开) the sound and fury of the secular world at arm's length.
元 赵原 陆羽烹茶图
Lu Yu Making Tea, by Zhao Yuan (birth and death dates unknown),Yuan Dynasty. Lu Yu (733-804) of the Tang Dynasty was the acclaimed Tea Saint of China
Magical Functions of Tea
• The third important feature is that of "paying respect". The Chinese people have long fostered the custom of expressing respect by presenting a cup of tea.
• Just as many important events took place in cafes in the West, it is in the teahouses that many important things happened in China. Teahouses have always been an important setting in the life of the Chinese people.
• When tea was first introduced to Europe, it was warmly accepted and even acclaimed as a “blessing from God”, and people went so far as to congratulate themselves on being alive at such a time when tea leaves were found. In China, love for tea is just as, if not more, ardent (强烈的).
Magical Functions of Tea
What do you know about the functions of tea? • Liu Zhenliang, a tea master of the late Tang Dynasty, once put forward the theory of the "ten virtues" of tea: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) tea is tasty; tea can maintain health; tea can drive away stinking odors; tea can prevent the attack of diseases; tea can cultivate energy in the human body; tea can relieve depression; tea can improve manners; tea can convey respect; tea can soothe the mind; and tea can uphold justice.
• In the 17th century, the Dutch took to Europe the Chinese habit of tea drinking, which then became a tradition of the Europeans.
• In China, the home of tea, drinking tea is still a widespread habit. Over the past several thousand years, tea has been the most favored drink for the Chinese people. However, the teadrinking habit varies from north to south in style, and different tea-drinking habits have helped develop different local customs. Tea is closely related to the everyday life of ordinary people.
Text study
Magical Function of Tea Ways of Savoring (品味) Tea Tea Drinking and Folk Customs
• originally produced in China about 4,000 years ago. • During the Tang Dynasty, Japanese monks introduced tea seeds to Japan, and by combining tea with Zen Buddhism (禅宗), created the world-famous Japanese tea ceremony.
Unit 23
Life with Fragrant Tea
Lead-in Text study
Lead-ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn
Tea plantation at Wuyi Mountain
Do you know the story of Dahongpao tea?
Ways of Savoring Tea
• The Chinese people look to tea drinking as an art, which incorporates a wide range of knowledge; the taste of tea might be light, yet the meaning is rich and deep.