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Now the development of automobile technology more and more rapidly, people on car comfort requirements are also increasing, and this aspect of performance cars on the need to ensure that suspension system.

Based on the current developments in the car suspension, the design of the car before and after the suspension are used in the form of independent suspension. Before the hanging and are used more popular double withbone arm type suspension. According to determine the structure of the selected suspension natural frequency, which can calculate the stiffness of the suspension, static and dynamic deflection deflection. More flexible use of data of components and size of a stress check. In the design of shock absorber, in accordance with the largest damping and unloading of the terms of the main shock absorber selected size. Then bodies were identified and horizontal orientation Wending Gan. In all structure size is determined by CAXA mapping software before and after the suspension of the assembly and parts plans.

In the car-like suspension of a ride, a two degree of freedom of the ride analysis model, were drawn body acceleration of the rate of frequency, the relative frequency of dynamic curve, moving spring deflection increase the frequent cy of a hanging curve analysis - Parameters on the car ride impact.

In this paper, for the work done by Ben Teng B 50 car's suspension system design provide a theoretical basis, the practical application of a certain significance.

Key words: Car; Suspension;shock absorber ; Ride analysis


第一章绪论 (1)

第二章前、后悬架结构的选择 (2)

2.1 独立悬架结构特点 (2)

2.2 独立悬架结构形式及评价指标分析 (2)

2.3 前后悬架结构方案 (3)

2.4 辅助元件 (3)

2.4.1 横向稳定杆 (3)

2.4.2 导向机构 (3)

第三章技术参数确定与计算 (4)

3.1 主要技术参数 (4)

3.2 悬架性能参数确定 (4)

3.3 悬架静挠度 (5)

3.4 悬架动挠度 (5)

.5 悬架弹性特性曲线 (6)

第四章弹性元件的设计计算 (7)

4.1 前悬架弹簧(麦弗逊悬架) (7)

4.1.1 弹簧中径、钢丝直径及结构形式 (7)

4.1.2 弹簧圈数 (7)

4.2 后悬架弹簧(双横臂独立悬架) (8)

4.2.1 弹簧中径、钢丝直径及结构形式 (8)

4.2.2 弹簧圈数 (8)

第五章悬架导向机构及横向稳定的设计 (10)

5.1 导向机构设计要求 (10)

5.2双横臂独立悬架示意图 (10)

5.3横臂轴线布置方式 (11)

5.4导向机构的布置参数 (11)

5.4.1 侧倾中心 (11)

5. 4.2纵倾中心 (12)

5. 4.3抗制动纵倾性(抗制动前俯角) (13)

5. 4.4抗驱动纵倾性(抗驱动后仰角) (13)

5. 4.5悬架横臂的定位角 (13)

第六章减振器设计 (17)
