


[!, ’]
和氟代磺酰基二 ; 亲电性三氟甲
氟乙酸甲酯 ( 3;5! +3! +5! :1)
[&, #]
、 三氟甲基磺酰氯
[$] [%] 法 ; 自由基三氟甲基化反应有三氟碘甲烷法
等。三氟乙酸钠在以碘化亚铜为催化剂条件下, 对卤代芳烃表现出很好的反应活性
, 可以制备
得到相应的三氟甲基化产物。该方法具有原料易 得、 操作条件温和以及无环境污染的优点。 本文研究了三氟乙酸钠与含有不同取代基的 卤代芳烃的三氟甲基化反应, 测定了相应的反应 速率常数以及不同物料配比条件下三氟甲基化产 物的收率。首次利用 ./00122 方程比较系统地研 究了含有不同吸电性能的取代基的卤代芳烃反 应, 表明硝基取代的卤代芳烃的反应活性较高, 而 含有甲基等供电性的取代卤代芳烃的反应活性较 低。经过分析认为, 三氟甲基化反应过程中首先 生成一种有效的三氟甲基阴离子中间体 该中间体然后与卤素原子发生亲核取代 +3’ +,- 4 , 反应。 ! !"! 实验部分 主要仪器与试剂
第 /J 卷第 X 期
常瑛等: 卤代芳烃三氟甲基化反应的研究
取代基对反应有抑制作用。反应产物经 !" # $% 分析, 发现有少量的副产物 "&’ ( 生成, 其原因可 能是反应体系中微 量 的 水 分 与 "&’) 结 合 而 致。 容易与碘化 在三氟甲基化反应中 "&’) 极不稳定,
[*+] , 经过 亚铜结合生成相应的三氟甲基阴离子体
其中: /I E N +=, EO N .; ?I E N DA, EO N .;
PI E N -, EO N .;



三氟甲基格式试剂1. 简介三氟甲基格式试剂(Trifluoromethylating reagent)是一种常用的有机合成试剂,其化学式为CF3-R,其中R代表一个有机基团。


2. 特性•高度电负性:三氟甲基(CF3)具有极高的电负性,能够引入极强的电子吸引力和极化效应。



3. 合成方法3.1 古典方法最早用于合成三氟甲基化合物的方法是使用Halex反应。



3.2 现代方法现代合成化学中,已经发展出了许多高效、高选择性的三氟甲基化反应方法。

以下是其中几种常用的方法:3.2.1 金属试剂法通过引入金属试剂(如铜、硼等)和氟源(如三氟乙酸酐)来实现三氟甲基化反应。


3.2.2 光促进法利用紫外光或可见光激发的光敏剂,在存在催化剂的情况下,使卤代烷烃和氟源发生光诱导的三氟甲基化反应。


3.2.3 催化剂法利用有机催化剂或过渡金属催化剂,在温和条件下催化卤代烷烃与氟源的反应,实现三氟甲基化反应。


4. 应用领域4.1 药物化学三氟甲基化合物在药物化学中具有广泛的应用。







1. 甲基碘(CH3I):这是一种常见的甲基化试剂,可以用于将甲基基团引入不同的分子中。


2. 甲基溴化物(CH3Br):这也是一种常见的甲基化试剂,与甲基碘具有相似的反应条件。


3. 二甲基亚砜((CH3)2SO):这种甲基化试剂通常用作甲基化的溶剂和反应介质。


4. 三氯甲烷(CHCl3):这种试剂通常用作甲基化反应的溶剂和反应介质。




- 1 -。








具体而言,三氟甲基化反应一般包括以下几个步骤:1. 三氟甲基试剂的合成:三氟甲基试剂通常是通过氟化试剂和三氟甲基化试剂的反应来制备。

2. 底物的活化:底物分子通常需要经过活化处理,以便与三氟甲基试剂进行反应。

3. 三氟甲基基团的转移:在活化的底物分子上引入三氟甲基基团,常见的反应包括C-H键的三氟甲基化和C-X键(X为含氧基团或含氮基团)的三氟甲基化。

4. 催化剂的再生:催化剂通常需要在反应中再生,以实现反应的可持续进行。

二、三氟甲基化反应的方法三氟甲基化反应的方法多种多样,下面列举了一些常见的方法:1. 金属催化的三氟甲基化反应:包括钯催化的三氟甲基化反应、铜催化的三氟甲基化反应等。

2. 有机催化的三氟甲基化反应:包括氟代试剂促进的三氟甲基化反应、亚负氧离子催化的三氟甲基化反应等。

3. 光化学的三氟甲基化反应:包括紫外光促进的三氟甲基化反应、可见光催化的三氟甲基化反应等。

三、三氟甲基化反应在药物合成中的应用三氟甲基化反应在药物合成中得到了广泛的应用,主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 提高药物的生物活性:三氟甲基基团的引入可以增加药物分子的生物活性,使药物具有更好的治疗效果。

2. 改善药物的代谢途径:三氟甲基基团的引入可以改变药物分子的代谢途径,从而减少药物的毒副作用。

3. 增加药物的化学稳定性:三氟甲基基团的引入可以增加药物分子的化学稳定性,延长药物的有效期。






1. 氟化氢:氟化氢是一种重要的三氟甲基负离子来源。



2. 三氟甲基硫酸:三氟甲基硫酸是一种常用的三氟甲基化试剂。



3. 三氟甲基溴:三氟甲基溴是一种重要的三氟甲基化试剂。



4. 三氟甲基甲磺酸:三氟甲基甲磺酸是一种常用的三氟甲基化试剂。



5. 三氟甲基氟化钠:三氟甲基氟化钠是一种重要的三氟甲基化试剂。














关键词:三甲基化试剂;取代反应;三甲基自由基;亲核加成反应;金属催化;不对称的三氟甲基化反应1 前言Moissna在1886年制得含氟化合物奠定了氟化学基础,Swarts在1989年用三氟化锑对三氯甲苯进行氟化得到三氟甲苯,之后含氟化合物得到广泛的应用。

1935年Kinetic Chemicals, Inc和I. G. Farbenindustrie AG公司改进了Swarts,自此三氟甲苯类的化合物得到了工业化的生产。



在庆祝2011 年国际化学年时, Nature 首次发表了一篇关于含氟有机化合物合成的综述文章。

2011 年Science 罕见地发表了4篇有机氟化学研究论文。






廉价且实用的三氟甲基化试剂-三氟甲磺酸酐Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 6926 –6929三氟甲基化合物广泛地应用于医药,农药和先进功能材料。



Yao Ouyang 团队曾报道使用三氟甲基磺酸酐作为自由基型的三氟甲基化试剂(与亲核和亲电三氟甲基化相比,自由基三氟甲基化可以直接将三氟甲基(CF3)基团引入有机分子而不需要额外的反应步骤),在吡啶活化和光氧化还原剂的作用下三氟甲基化芳香烃。


基于三氟甲磺酸酐(Tf2O)的亲电性,它常用作偶联试剂广泛应用于交叉偶联反应(Scheme 1a),其O-S键的断裂经历了两电子的加成-消除过程。


三氟甲磺酸酐(Tf2O)的S-O键脆弱,它倾向和亲核试剂结合,假设亲核试剂可以作为活化剂(AR)和三氟甲磺酸酐(Tf2O)作用,形成络合物A (AR+-SO2CF3.TfO-),该络合物A在光氧化还原催化剂的作用下可以通过单电子转移途径断裂CF3-S键形成三氟甲基自由基(.CF3)。

如此,Tf2O就可用作自由基型三氟甲基化试剂(Scheme 1b)。

基于这种设想,实验采用NEt3, PhSPh和吡啶活化Tf2O形成络合物A,使用可见光源照射和Ru(bpy)3Cl2催化,三氟甲基化三甲苯1a(Table 1,entries 1-3). 实验表明:吡啶作为活化剂,反应收率高(entry 1),而NEt3, PhSPh不能当作活化剂使用(entries 2-3). 当催化剂的用量从3 mol%减小到2mol%,反应收率变化不大,但单/双三氟甲基化选择性有所提高(entry 4)。





源于二氟卡宾的三氟甲基化反应上世纪八十年代,陈庆云院士在研究氟磺酰基二氟乙酸甲酯为二氟卡宾源的反应中发现副产物氟仿(CF3H)的生成,经过反应条件调控发现,在催化量的CuI作用下,MFSDA可以实现各类卤代烃的三氟甲基化反应,同时释放出SO2、CO2和MeI [1]。











含二氟甲基药物及二氟甲基化试剂研究进展陶雪芬;章颖;郑杰锋;王玉新;金银秀;唐富琴【摘要】This paper presentes all Difluoromethyl-containing drugs approved by FDA in the United States from 2011 to 2018 for the first time. And briefly introduces their clinical applications. The Difluoromethylation reagents reported domestic and foreign are reviewed and classified based on their electrical effect. Among them, the nucleophilic difluoromethylation reagents are the most common ones. They mainly include TMS, PhXCF2H, BrCF2PO(OEt)2, Phenylsulfonyl and Phenylsulfonyl Difluoroacetic acid metal salts. The researches on electrophilic Difluoromethylation reagents are relatively fewer. Difluoromethyl radical donors and Difluorometallic salts have been reported.%本文首次介绍了2011~2018年美国FDA 批准上市的所有含二氟甲基的药物,并总结了它们的主要临床用途.以化合物的电性效应为基准对国内外文献报道的二氟甲基化试剂进行分类综述,其中较为常见的是亲核二氟甲基化试剂,主要包括TMS 类、PhXCF2H 类、BrCF2PO(OEt)2、苯磺酰二氟甲基类和苯磺酰二氟乙酸金属盐类,而亲电二氟甲基化试剂的研究和应用相对较少,已报道的主要有二氟甲基自由基供体和二氟有机金属盐类.【期刊名称】《中国医药导报》【年(卷),期】2019(000)011【总页数】4页(P38-41)【关键词】含氟药物;亲核二氟甲基化试剂;亲电二氟甲基化试剂;二氟甲基自由基供体【作者】陶雪芬;章颖;郑杰锋;王玉新;金银秀;唐富琴【作者单位】台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州 310008;台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州 310008;台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州 310008;台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州310008;台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州 310008;台州职业技术学院医学与制药工程学院, 浙江台州 310008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R914氟原子以及C-F键的特殊性决定了含氟化合物具有独特的性质,在分子中引入氟元素往往能较大程度地改变化合物的生物活性和物理特性。

第五章 蛋白质的修饰

第五章 蛋白质的修饰

(7)突变基因的鉴定。从选出的噬菌斑中制备DNA,用 Sanger方法测定突变部位序列,与预定序列相符合的就 是所需的突变基因。
2、盒式诱变 合成两套分别与靶DNA的两条链互补的寡核苷酸 (10~25bp)。其中一套由单一的一种与野生型靶DNA 一条链的序列精确互补的寡聚核苷酸组成,另一套由 一系列互补于另一条链同一位置带有目标突变的简并 的寡聚核苷酸组成。这样,在有利于形成错配杂交的 条件下将两条互补的寡聚核苷酸混合,则生成1个短 的双链DNA片段,可在片段的两端设计合适的突变末 端,直接插入到重组质粒中以置换同源的野生型序列。
然后试剂中的活性基团与活性部位中的侧链基团发 生化学反应,将标记基团共价连接于活性部位上。 修饰有两个明显的特点: (1)底物、竞争性抑制剂或配体对修饰有保护作用; (2)修饰反应是定量定点的修饰。
是根据酶催化过程设计的,这类抑制剂 具有和底物类似的结构,具有被酶结合和催 化的性质,此外,还有一个潜伏反应基团, 在酶对它进行催化反应时,这个潜伏的反应 基团被酶催化而活化,对活性部位起不可逆 抑制作用。这类抑制剂的专一性很高,常被 人们称为“自杀性底物”。
部位,如酶的活性部位、膜蛋 白质上的激素结合部位等位点 的专一性——亲和标记
亲和标记:试剂对蛋白质分子中被修饰的部 位的专一性修饰,称为亲和标记或专一性的 不可逆抑制作用。 亲和标记试剂,不仅具有对被作用基团 的专一性,而且具有对被作用部位的专一性, 即试剂作用于被作用部位的某一基团,而不 与被作用部位以外的同类基团发生作用。这 类修饰试剂也被称为位点专一性抑制剂。
第五章 蛋白质的修饰


当代有机氟化学 以下内容:来自于‹当代有机氟化学-合成 反应 应用 实验›, 自 101 页开始。 全氟烷基阴离子基本上可用于通常生成烷基或芳基阴离子一样 的方法所产生,通过适当的 C-H 酸前体,用强碱脱质子或用还 原性卤素(通常是溴、碘)金属交换,另外一种也是全氟世界 所独有的方法即负离子或其他阴离子加成到全氟烯烃。所有的 全氟烷基阴离子由于受到氟取代的吸电子诱导效应(-I)而稳 定,同时又受到氟原子的孤电子对对碳负离子中心的 p-π 电子 排斥而去稳定。对于 β-氟碳负离子,负的超共轭效应可起到 稳定化作用。 如果碳负离子并非处于自由的状态而是和金属(一个硬的路易 斯酸),由于巨大的晶格能的释放趋向将强烈促使全氟烷基金属 化物发生碎片化。若存在 β-氟原子,则将发生 β-氟消除而产 生末端全氟烯烃;若仅有 α-氟原子,则发生 α-氟消除而生成 二氟卡宾,全氟芳基锂即使在低温条件下(一般-20*-40℃)也 能发生消除,产生相应的芳基炔和氟化锂并伴随大量放热。 氟离子是很容易加成到全氟烯烃的,由于它将赴原子取代的 SP3 碳转化成 SP2 碳,而解除了 p-π 排斥引起的张力。全氟丙 烯或全氟烯烃的加成反应机理高度区域选择性的,他总是生成 一个与带负电荷碳连有着最多碳原子数的阴离子。 氟离子很容易加成至全氟烯烃并生成一个碳负离子,用催化量



Transition Metal-Catalyzed Arene Trifluoromethylation
Lü, Cuipinga Shen, Qilongb Liu, Dan*,a
(a College of Chemical Engineering, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Shenyang 110142) (b Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032)
CF3SO2Na (4 equiv.)
R1 t-BuOOH (7 equiv.) Cu(OSO2CF3)2
CH3CN/H2O/20 oC
CF3I +
与之类似的还有 Yamakawa 等[14]研究的用催化量 的铁实现的芳环以及芳杂环化合物的三氟甲基化(Eq. 4), 但是产率并不高, 而且选择性也不好.
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 32, 1380~1387


























第35 届中国化学奥林匹克(初赛)试题参考答案第 1 题(10 分) 根据所给条件按照要求书写化学反应方程式(要求系数之比为最简整数比)1-1砷化镓是一种重要的半导体材料, 可利用气相外延法制备。

常用工艺中, 采用 Ga、AsCl3 在 H2 中制备。

1-1-1二氯二甲基硅烷水解, 得到线性聚合物。

1-1-2研究发现, 在酸性溶液中, Fe3+离子在溶解多种硫化物矿的过程中起着重要作用。




“发蓝”是钢铁表面处理的一种方法: 将洁净的铁件浸入一定浓度的 NaOH 和NaNO2 溶液中(必要时加入其他辅助物质), 加热到适当温度并保持一定时间, 在铁件的表面形成均匀稳定且防的氧化膜 Fe3O4, 显现棕黑或蓝黑色光泽, 处理过程有无色刺激性气体放出。

第 2 题(6 分) 多样的氧物种2-1常见的氧单质有O2 和O3, 氧可参与形成氧化物、过氧化物、超氧化物、臭氧化物, 等等。

(2) KO2 (s)+O3(g)→KO3(s)+O2(g) ΔH2°=-119 kJ mol-1臭氧化钾生成与分解。

己知如下反应及其标准摩尔焓变:(1)K(s)+O2(g)→KO2(s) ΔH1°=-285 kJ mol-1(3)O2(g) →2O(g)ΔH3°=498 kJ mol-1(4)2KO3(s)→2KO2(s)+O2(g) ΔH4°=-46 kJ mol-12-1-1计算反应(5)K(s)+O3(g)→KO3(s)的标准摩尔焓变ΔH5°。


2-2-1高压(~50GPa)下: CaO(s)+O2(s)→CaO3(s), CaO3 中钙仍保持+2 价。

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A new synthesis of tri¯uoromethanethiolatesÐcharacterizationand properties of tetramethylammonium,cesium and di(benzo-15-crown-5)cesium tri¯uoromethanethiolatesWieland Tyrra a,*,Dieter Naumann a ,Berthold Hoge a ,Yurii L.Yagupolskii baInstitut fu Èr Anorganische Chemie,Universita Èt zu Ko Èln,Greinstrasse 6,D-50939Cologne,Germany bInstitute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,Murmanskaya 5,UA-02094Kiev,UkraineReceived 9September 2002;received in revised form 14October 2002;accepted 16October 2002Dedicated to Professor RuÈdiger Mews on the occasion of his 60th birthday.Abstract[NMe 4]SCF 3,CsSCF 3and [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3(B-15-C-5:benzo-15-crown-5)are formed from reactions of the corresponding ¯uorides,trimethyl(tri¯uoromethyl)silane,Me 3SiCF 3,and elemental sulfur in glyme or THF.All compounds are colorless to pale ochre solids decomposing signi®cantly above ambient temperature.Excellent agreement between experimental and theoretical vibrational frequencies,calculated at the B3PW91level of theory,impressively con®rms the salt-like nature of [NMe 4]SCF 3.The properties of the title compounds as nucleophilic SCF 3transfer reagents were checked with a variety of organic,organometallic and inorganic compounds.#2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Tri¯uoromethanethiolate;Synthesis;Properties1.IntroductionOrganic SCF 3groups containing compounds are of sig-ni®cant interest for pharmaceutical and agrochemical pur-poses [1].However,the number of easily accessible reagents suitable for nucleophilic introductions of SCF 3groups into organic,organometallic and inorganic compounds is limited so far.AgSCF 3[2]and Hg(SCF 3)2[3]are available from reactions of the metal ¯uorides and CS 2in moderate to good yields.Both compounds as well as CuSCF 3are most com-monly used as nucleophilic SCF 3transfer reagents espe-cially for aromatic systems [4±7].Several other MSCF 3derivatives (M K,Cs,NMe 4,S(NMe 2)3,TDAE)have been described in the literature [8±13].Most of the preparative pathways are multi-step reac-tions or proceed under inconvenient conditions using highly toxic materials such as C(S)F 2or CF 3SSCF 3[14].With theexception of [S(NMe 2)3]SCF 3[13]and (TDAE)[SCF 3]2[8]all other compounds are described to be unstable at ambient temperature.Herein,a new,convenient one-pot procedure for the pre-paration of [NMe 4]SCF 3,CsSCF 3and [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3is presented having the great advantage that neither highly toxic nor very expensive reagents are involved.The com-pounds are thermally stable and can widely be used as nucleophilic SCF 3transfer reagents in halide substitutions in organic,element organic and inorganic systems.2.Results and discussion2.1.Syntheses and characterizations of [NMe 4]SCF 3,CsSCF 3and [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3In a similar manner as penta¯uorothiophenol has been prepared from reactions of penta¯uorophenyl lithium [15]or magnesium [15,16]reagents in the presence of elemental sulfur,cesium and tetramethylammoniumtri¯uorometha-Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 119(2003)101±107*Corresponding author.Tel.: 49-221-470-3276;fax: 49-221-470-3276.E-mail address:tyrra@uni-koeln.de (W.Tyrra).0022-1139/02/$±see front matter #2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.PII:S 0022-1139(02)00276-2nethiolates,CsSCF 3and [NMe 4]SCF 3,are prepared from Me 3SiCF 3,elemental sulfur and the corresponding ¯uorides in glyme or THF (Eq.(1))indicating a close relation between these systems and Grignard reagents.All tri¯uoromethanethiolates precipitate as colorless solids from the ether solutions in good yields.S(CF 3)2and minor amounts of CF 3H are detected as by-products in the mother liquors.Thermal instability as reported for [NMe 4]SCF 3[11,12]and CsSCF 3[9]was not observed if the compounds were prepared by the method presented.By-product formation as reported for the reactions of alkali metal ¯uorides and C(S)F 2[11,17]was not monitored by means of 19F NMR spectroscopy in any case:Me 3SiCF 3 18S 8 MF3glyme or THF À60to r :t :=16hMSCF 3 Me 3SiF (1)where M [NMe 4],Cs,[(B-15-C-5)2Cs].After disposing of the liquid and drying in vacuo,color-less to tan,sometimes metallic looking solids are obtained which are identi®ed as mixtures of MSCF 3and elemental sulfur when the latter was used in excess.After extraction of sulfur with diethyl ether or better carbon disul®de in a Soxhlet apparatus and drying in vacuo,white to tan powders were obtained which could be handled at least for a short time in ambient atmosphere.When the reaction is started at room temperature,S(CF 3)2is the major product,while only minor amounts of MSCF 3are formed.The 19F NMR chemical shifts of CsSCF 3and [NMe 4]SCF 3are in good agreement with those reported for [S(NMe 2)3]SCF 3(d À6.53ppm (CD 3CN)[13])and (TDAE)2 [SCF 3À]2(d À7.8ppm (CD 3CN)[8]).CsSCF 3is suf®ciently soluble in CD 3CN showing a broad 19F NMR signal at d À8.0ppm (W 1=2%500Hz).The line-width might arise from rapid exchange processes in solution.Addition of at least a two-fold excess of 18-crown-6led to a decrease in line-width to approximately 2Hz and allowed the detection of 13C satellites (1J F ;C 293:1Æ0:8Hz);the resonance of [SCF 3]Àis shiftedto d À6.2ppm.The absolute value of the 1J F ;C coupling constant is signi®cantly lower than those of organo(tri¯uor-omethyl)sulfanes (1J F ;C %304Æ3Hz,cf.MeSCF 3described below),bis(tri¯uoromethyl)sulfane [18]and -disulfane [18]and also signi®cantly lower than those of s -bonded metal SCF 3derivatives such as CuSCF 3,AgSCF 3and Hg(SCF 3)2(cf.Section 4.2).In the 13C NMR spectra,the signal of [SCF 3]Àis detected at d 145.45ppm (1J F ;C 292:5Æ0:8Hz)and shifted by approximately 15±20ppm down®eld from signals of covalent bonded organo-SCF 3derivatives.19F and 13C NMR data of CsSCF 3(after addition of 18-crown-6),[(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3and [NMe 4]SCF 3are nearly identical indicating dissociation in solution.Similar results were obtained in NMR experiments in DMF-d 7solutions.The electron impact mass spectrum of CsSCF 3(20eV ,1008C)is dominated by the ion [CF 2S] (m =e 82)accompanied by [CFS] (m =e 63)indicating a decay into CsF and C(S)F 2.In the mass spectrum of [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3,only the peak of the crown ether is detected.Mass spectra of [NMe 4]SCF 3(20eV)imply a slow decay into [NMe 4]F and C(S)F 2at temperatures below 1308C.At ca.1508C the ions of [MeSCF 3] (m =e 116),[NMe 3] (m =e 59),[Me 2NCH 2] (m =e 58),and [MeF] (m =e 34)dominate the spectra besides that of [CF 2S] .Therefore,a parallel decomposition as indicated in Scheme 1has to be assumed.It should be noted that the decomposition point of [NMe 4]F is 1758C [19].CsSCF 3,[(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3,and [NMe 4]SCF 3are room temperature stable colorless solids which can be stored under dry nitrogen or argon for at least several months without decomposition.Thermal stabilities are comparable with those of [S(NMe 2)3]SCF 3(166±1698C [13])and (TDAE)2 [SCF 3]2À(136±1378C [8]).The onset of decomposition is indicated by gas evolution starting at ca.1588C for the cesium derivative and ca.2108C for the tetramethylammonium compound,while [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF 3melts at 61±638CwithoutScheme 1.EI mass spectrometric decay of [NMe 4]SCF 3(20eV).102W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 119(2003)101±107decomposition.Visible decomposition points were determined in both,one-end open glass capillaries and sealed 4mm glass tubes.After the decomposition process,the 4mm glass tubes were cooled to À1968C,opened and EtCN was poured onto the frozen residue.While NMR spectroscopic analysis of the decomposition products of CsSCF 3did not exhibit any sig-ni®cant signals of ¯uorine containing compounds (traces of CF 3H),thermal decomposition of [NMe 4]SCF 3led to products which were identi®ed as MeSCF 3(d (19F) À44.1ppm,q,1J F ;C 303:6Æ0:2Hz,4J F ;H 0:6Æ0:2Hz;d (1H) 2.56ppm,q,4J F ;H 0:6Æ0:2Hz,cf.[20,21]),MeF (d (19F) À268.0ppm,q,2J F ;H 45:8Æ1:5Hz;d (1H) 4.20ppm,d,2J F ;H 46:2Æ0:5Hz,cf.[22])and NMe 3(d (1H) 2.23ppm,s)supporting a similar thermal decay as under mass spectrometric conditions.Evidence for C(S)F 2or its consecutive products was not supported by NMR spectroscopic methods.The optimization of the SCF 3Àanion structure was per-formed with the Gaussian 98program package [23]on the hybrid density level B3PW91/6-311G(3d)yielding a struc-ture of C 3v symmetry (Fig.1)whereby the calculated geometric parameters are in good agreement with experi-mental data of crystalline (TDAE)[SCF 3]2[8].The reliability of the hybrid density model B3PW91in structural and vibrational predictions was proven earlier on per¯uoroorganyl phosphorus and sulfur derivatives [24].The calculated vibrational frequencies of the SCF 3Àanion are in excellent agreement with the experimental frequen-cies of the SCF 3Àanion in the [NMe 4]salt (Table 1).As to be expected,the CF valence modes of the SCF 3Àanion areshifted to lower frequencies compared to neutral tri¯uor-omethyl sulfur derivatives,caused by negative hyperconju-gation,as already discussed for the OCF 3Àanion [25].Vibrational frequencies of the cation [NMe 4] correspond well with literature data [19,26].2.2.Nucleophilic substitutionsThe properties of CsSCF 3and [NMe 4]SCF 3as sources of nucleophilic [SCF 3]Àwere studied with a variety of organic substrates (Scheme 2)(also see [27,28]).While halide substitution reactions occurred immediately and selectively with activated substrates at ambient tem-perature as indicated in Scheme 2,vinyl iodide,iodoben-zene,2-bromothiophene and 1-bromo-2-¯uorobenzene remained unaffected under these mild conditions.The sub-strates obtained were identi®ed by comparison with pub-lished 19F NMR data as indicated.Reactions with organometallic and inorganic compounds (Scheme 3)yielded the expected SCF 3derivatives.While Hg(SCF 3)2[29],CuSCF 3,AgSCF 3and PhHgSCF 3are formed selectively and quantitatively,reactions with Me 3SiCl give NMR spectroscopic evidence for Me 3SiSCF 3as the major product directly after mixing solutions of MSCF 3and Me 3SiCl at À308C.Me 3SiSCF 3[30]is unstable under the conditions chosen (À308C to ambient tempera-ture)and as a consequence 19F NMR spectroscopic evidence is found for the consecutive products.19F NMR spectra of reaction mixtures of [NMe 4]SCF 3and Me 3SiCl in EtCN are nearly identical with those published for the reaction of AgSCF 3and Me 3SiI in pyridine [30].Room temperature reactions of [NMe 4]SCF 3and CsSCF 3with elemental iodine or iodine monochloride may be used as a new and convenient approach to bis(tri¯uoromethyl)-disulfane,CF 3SSCF 3[18,33].Room temperature unstable CF 3SI [31,32]is proposed to be the intermediate in these reactions which decomposes into the disulfane and elemen-tal iodine.Reactions of MSCF 3and Cu(OC(O)Me)2were expected to proceed via the intermediate ``Cu II (SCF 3)(OC(O)Me)''which should readily decompose into Cu I OC(O)Me with concomitant formation of CF 3S radicals in analogy to reactions described in [34].However,the products exclu-sively detected in the 19F NMR spectra were MeC(O)FandFig.1.Geometry of the SCF 3Àion at the B3PW91/6-311G(3d)level of theory.Table 1Calculated (B3PW91/6-311G(3d))vibrational frequencies and observed infrared and Raman bands of SCF 3ÀPoint group C 3v IRRaSCF 3À(calculated)[IR](Ra)Assignments Approximate mode description n 1(A 1)n s (CF 3)1053vs 1050(91)1055.410047n 4(E)n as (CF 3)983s985(31)975.86329n 2(A 1)d s (CF 3)737(100)732.80100n 5(E)d as (CF 3)533(22)530.4016n 3(A 1)n (CS)494(83)488.9047n 6(E)d (SCF)344(43)338.734W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 119(2003)101±107103F À.With the knowledge that the SCF 3anion can be attacked by nucleophiles such as azolyl groups [35],the exclusive formation of one ¯uoroorgano compound,MeC(O)F,impli-cates a reaction as outlined in Scheme 4.19F NMR spectroscopic investigations on the reaction of NaOC(O)Me and [NMe 4]SCF 3in DMF gave identical results.The hydrolysis of MSCF 3(M [NMe 4],Cs)was studied by NMR spectroscopic and chemical means.Hydrolyses of solid samples of [NMe 4]SCF 3and CsSCF 3with water oraddition of water to DMF solutions of both compounds gave 19F NMR spectroscopic evidence for F Àand [HF 2]À[36].After 16h,19F NMR spectra showed exclusively broad signals in the region between À125and À180ppm.On the other hand,CO 2and H 2S were unambiguously qualita-tively identi®ed.Thus,a hydrolysis process as described below might be assumed (Eq.(2)).SCF 3À 2H 2O 3CO 2 H 2S `` H 2F 3À ''(2)Scheme 2.Nucleophilic trifluorothiomethylation of selected organic substrates (M [NMe 4],Cs;solvents:MeCN or EtCN;roomtemperature).Scheme 3.Nucleophilic trifluorothiomethylation of inorganic and organometallic compounds (M [NMe 4],Cs;solvents:MeCN or EtCN;room temperature).104W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 119(2003)101±1073.ConclusionWe have demonstrated the utility of Me 3SiCF 3as a commercially available and widely used compound for the synthesis of MSCF 3with avoidance of toxic materials.The derivatives prepared exhibit a great synthetic potential in organic,organometallic and inorganic syntheses in reac-tions with substances forming stable elemental sulfur s -bonds.4.ExperimentalSchlenk techniques were used throughout all manipula-tions.NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker AC 200spectrometer operating at 200.1MHz (1H).External stan-dards were used in all cases (1H,13C:Me 4Si;19F:CCl 3F).Acetone-D 6was used as an external lock (5mm tube)in reaction control measurements while an original sample of the reaction mixture was measured in a 4mm insert.Mass spectra were run on a Finnigan MAT 95spectro-meter using the electron impact method (20eV).Inten-sities are referenced to the most intensive peak of a group.Visible decomposition points were determined using the apparatus HWS Mainz 2000.CHN analyses were carried out with a Heraeus CHN Rapid apparatus.IR spectra of [NMe 4]SCF 3were recorded on a Nicolet 5PC FT-IR spectrometer as KBr pellets.Raman spectra were run on a Bruker FRA-106/S spectrometer,with a Nd:YAG laser operating at l 1064nm.The program,Gaussian 98,was used for the structure and frequency calculations [23].[NMe 4]F was purchased from ABCR as the tetrahydrate and used after careful dehydration [19];CsF was purchased from ABCR and used after drying for several hours at 4008C and a pressure of 0.005Torr.Solvents (P.A.quality),Me 3SiCF 3(ABCR)as well as all deriva-tives used for checking the reactivity were used as received.4.1.Syntheses of CsSCF 3and [NMe 4]SCF 3Typical procedure :0.16g (5.0mmol)elemental sulfur was dissolved in 40ml glyme or THF at ambient tempera-ture.An amount of 0.90ml (6.0mmol)Me 3SiCF 3was added and the reaction mixture was cooled to À608C.An amount of 0.47g (5.0mmol)[NMe 4]F was added in one portion.Directly after addition,the color of the reaction mixture changed from pale lemon to intensive orange to become pale yellow.The intensively stirred mixture was kept at À608C for ca.30min and then allowed to warm to room temperature overnight.Turbid pale yellow to some-times brown-orange suspensions were obtained from which [NMe 4]SCF 3precipitated as a colorless to tan solid.19F NMR spectra of the solutions exhibited the signals of S(CF 3)2,CF 3H and Me 3SiF.The solution was disposed,the remaining solid was washed with few carbondisul®de and dried in vacuo to give 0.77g [NMe 4]SCF 3(88%yield).Yields of CsSCF 3prepared in the same manner were signi®cantly lower and still impured by CsF.When sulfur was used in excess,the vacuum-dried solids were extracted overnight with diethyl ether or carbon dis-ul®de in a Soxhlet apparatus.While CsSCF 3was only obtained as a colorless powder,[NMe 4]SCF 3crystallizes in colorless needles from saturated MeCN solutions at 08C.Both compounds are moisture sensitive.Tetramethylammonium tri¯uoromethanethiolate,[NMe 4]-SCF 3:Colorless needles:mp (sintering)153,%194,2108C (dec.).19F NMR (188.3MHz,CD 3CN):d À6.49ppm (s,1J F ;C 292:7Hz,W 1=2 4:6Hz);(DMF-d 7)À5.20ppm (s,1J F ;C 293:7Hz,W 1=2 2:2Hz).1H NMR (200.1MHz,CD 3CN):d 3.14ppm (s);(DMF-d 7)3.41ppm (s).13C NMR (50.3MHz,CD 3CN):d 145.2ppm (q,1J F ;C 293:3Hz,SCF 3),56.0ppm (qm,1J F ;C 142:9Hz,N(CH 3)4);(DMF-d 7)145.3ppm (q,1J F ;C 293:3Hz,SCF 3),55.2ppm (qm,1J F ;C 143:7Hz,N(CH 3)4).Scheme 4.Possible reaction sequence for the formation of MeC(O)F from the reaction of Cu(OC(O)Me)2and MSCF 3(M Cs,[NMe 4]).W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 119(2003)101±107105EIMS20eV,m/z(rel.int.):116[MeSCF3] (100),97 [MeSCF2] (2),82[SCF2] (47),69[CF3] (8),63[SCF] (4),59[NMe3] (88),58[Me2NCH2] (90),47[MeS] (15).Anal.Calcd.for C5H12F3NS:C,34.3;H,6.9;N,8.0. Found:C,32.4;H,6.9;N,7.4.Cesium tri¯uoromethanethiolate,CsSCF3:Colorless pow-der:mp%1588C(dec.).NMR data are given in Section2.1.EIMS20eV,m/z(rel.int.):82[SCF2] (100),63[SCF] (71).4.1.1.Synthesis of di(benzo-15-crown-5)cesium trifluoromethanethiolate,[(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF3An amount of0.15g(1.0mmol)CsF was added to a solution of0.54g(2.0mmol)of benzo-15-crown-5in5ml glyme at ambient temperature.After a turbid suspension has been formed,the reaction mixture was cooled toÀ308C, while[(B-15-C-5)2Cs]F precipitated.Elemental sulfur (0.03g,1.0mmol)suspended in2ml glyme was added and directly afterwards0.18ml(1.2mmol)of Me3SiCF3. The reaction mixture was allowed to warm up slowly(2h)to ambient temperature and stirred for additional30min,while a colorless solid precipitated from the meanwhile orange-brown solution.19F NMR spectroscopic control revealed that the solution mainly contained by-products(Me3SiF, CF3H)and excess Me3SiCF3.The colorless solid was col-lected in nearly quantitative yield,dried in vacuo and used for further spectroscopic investigations.Di(benzo-15-crown-5)cesium tri¯uoromethanethiolate, [(B-15-C-5)2Cs]SCF3:Pale ochre powder:mp61±638C. 19F NMR(188.3MHz,CD3CN):d À7.75ppm(s,br, W1=2 175Hz);(DMF-d7)À5.11ppm(s,1J F;C 293:4Hz, W1=2 2:1Hz).1H NMR(200.1MHz,DMF-d7):d 6.97ppm(m,4H, arom.),4.11ppm(m,4H,OCH2),3.80ppm(m,4H,OCH2), 3.65ppm(s,8H,OCH2).13C NMR(50.3MHz,DMF-d7):d 149.4ppm(s,C-1,2);140.0(q,1J F;C 288:8Hz,SCF3),122.0(s,C-3,4), 114.8(s,C-5,6),70.6(s,OCH2),70.0(s,OCH2),69.3(s, OCH2),68.9(s,OCH2).EIMS20eV,m/z(rel.int.):236[C14H20O5] (100). Anal.Calcd.for C29H40F3O10CsS:C,45.2;H,5.2.Found: C,46.0;H, trifluorothiomethylationsAll reactions were performed in MeCN or EtCN solu-tions.An amount of0.18g[NMe4]SCF3(1.03mmol)or 0.24g CsSCF3(1.03mmol)were dissolved in2ml of the solvent.After addition of approximately1mmol of the substrates(0.5mmol HgCl2;C5F5N was used in excess), the reaction mixtures were stirred for5min at room tem-perature(À308C with Me3SiCl)and the course of the reaction was monitored by19F NMR spectroscopy.In all successful experiments,MSCF3had completely reacted within this period.In all other cases,the signal of MSCF3 was still detected after stirring for24h at room temperature without any signi®cant signals which might evidence the formation of the expected products.Compounds mentioned in Schemes2and3were identi-®ed exclusively on the basis of published19F NMR data. Citations are indicated in the corresponding schemes. pilation of the high resolution19F NMR data (188.3MHz)of the products of nucleophilic trifluorothiomethylationsEtSCF3(CD3CN):d À40.6ppm(s,1J F;C 303:8Hz). PhCH2SCF3(CD3CN):d À40.6ppm(s,1J F;C 305:2Hz).CH2=CHCH2SCF3(MeCN):d À40.7ppm(s, 1J F;C 305:2Hz).1-CF3S-2,4-(NO2)2C6H3(MeCN):d À41.2ppm(s, 1J F;C 309:4Hz).4-CF3SC4F4N(CD3CN):d À39.8ppm(3F,t,1J F;C 308:4Hz,5J F;F 5:6Hz),À89.4ppm(4F,m),À132.5ppm (4F,m).CuSCF3(MeCN):d À16.6ppm(s,1J F;C 298:2Hz). AgSCF3(MeCN):d À21.6ppm(s,1J F;C 301:7Hz). Hg(SCF3)2(MeCN):d À23.2ppm(s,1J F;C 304:1Hz). PhHgSCF3(EtCN):d À21.5ppm(s,1J F;C 302:4Hz). (CF3S)2(CD3CN):d À45.4ppm(s,1J F;C 313:9Hz, 5J F;F 4:6Hz).S(CF3)2(MeCN):d À38.1ppm(s,1J F;C 309:2Hz, 4J F;F 9:5Hz).AcknowledgementsYurii L.Yagupolskii thanks the Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft for a grant.We thank our technicians Sigrid Buslei and Silke Quadt for their help in doing a great part of the experimental work.References[1]D.J.Adams,J.H.Clark,.Chem.65(2000)1456±1460(andliterature cited therein).[2]H.J.EmeleÂus,D.E.MacDuffie,J.Chem.Soc.(1961)2597±2599.[3]E.H.Man,D.D.Coffman,E.L.Muetterties,J.Am.Chem.Soc.81(1959)3575±3577.[4]L.M.Yagupolskii,N.V.Kondratenko,V.P.Sambur,Synthesis(1975)721±723.[5]J.H.Clark,C.W.Jones,A.P.Kybett,M.A.McClinton,ler,D.Bishop,R.J.Blade,J.Fluorine Chem.48(1990)249±255.[6]D.C.Remy,K.E.Rittle,C.A.Hunt,M.B.Freedman,.Chem.41(1976)1644±1646.[7]N.V.Kondratenko,A.A.Kolomeitsev,V.I.Popov,L.M.Yagupolskii,Synthesis(1985)667±669.[8]A.Kolomeitsev,M.MeÂdebielle,P.Kirsch, E.Lork,G.-V.RoÈschenthaler,J.Chem.Soc.,Perkin Trans.1(2000)2183±2185.[9](a)W.Dmowski,A.Haas,Chimia39(1985)185;(b)W.Dmowski,A.Haas,J.Chem.Soc.,Perkin Trans.1(1987)2119±2124.106W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry119(2003)101±107[10]J.H.Clark,S.J.Taverner,J.Fluorine Chem.85(1997)169±172.[11]D.J.Adams,J.H.Clark,P.A.Heath,L.B.Hansen,V.C.Sanders,S.J.Taverner,J.Fluorine Chem.101(2000)187±191.[12]S.J.Taverner,D.J.Adams,J.H.Clark,J.Fluorine Chem.95(1999)171±176.[13]W.B.Farnham,W.J.Middleton,US Patent4,628,094(1986).[14]G.G.Belenkii,A.V.Fokin,D.S.Rondarev,R.M.Ryazanova,S.V.Sokolov,S.R.Sterlin,A.N.V oronkov,Yu.V.Zeifman,Fluoroaliphatic Compounds,in:I.L.Knunyants,G.G.Yakobson(Eds.),Syntheses of Fluoroorganic Compounds,Springer,Berlin,1985,pp.91±92.[15]G.M.Brooke,M.A.Quasem,J.Chem.Soc.C(1967)865±869.[16]E.T.Bogoradovskii,V.L.Maksimov,T.P.Zubova,Zh.Obshch.Khim.69(1999)1212±1217.[17]A.Haas,W.Klug,Chem.Ber.101(1968)2609±2616.[18]R.A.DeMarco,W.B.Fox,W.B.Moniz,S.A.Sojka,J.Magn.Reson.18(1975)522±526.[19]K.O.Christe,W.W.Wilson,R.D.Wilson,R.Bau,J.Feng,J.Am.Chem.Soc.112(1990)7619±7625.[20]R.Minkwitz,A.Werner,Z.Naturforsch.43(1988)403±411.[21]A.Haas,A.Lopusinski,Chem.Ber.114(1981)3176±3178.[22]G.A.Olah,R.Herges,ali,G.A.Segal,J.Am.Chem.Soc.108(1986)2054±2057.[23]Gaussian98,Revision A.7,M.J.Frisch,G.W.Trucks,H.B.Schlegel,G.E.Scuseria,M.A.Robb,J.R.Cheeseman,V.G.Zakrzewski,J.A.Montgomery Jr.,R.E.Stratmann,J.C.Burant,S.Dapprich,J.M.Millam,A.D.Daniels,K.N.Kudin,M.C.Strain,O.Farkas,J.Tomasi, V.Barone,M.Cossi,R.Cammi,B.Mennucci,C.Pomelli,C.Adamo, S.Clifford,J.Ochterski,G.A.Petersson,P.Y.Ayala,Q.Cui,K.Morokuma, D.K.Malick, A.D.Rabuck,K.Raghavachari,J.B.Foresman,J.Cioslowski,J.V.Ortiz,A.G.Baboul,B.B.Stefanov,G.Liu,A.Liashenko,P.Piskorz,I.Komaromi,R.Gomperts,R.L.Martin, D.J.Fox,T.Keith,M.A.Al-Laham, C.Y.Peng, A.Nanayakkara, C.Gonzalez,M.Challacombe,P.M.W.Gill, B.Johnson,W.Chen,M.W.Wong,J.L.Andres,C.Gonzalez,M.Head-Gordon,E.S.Replogle,J.A.Pople,Gaussian Inc.,Pittsburgh, PA,1998.[24](a)B.Hoge,C.ThoÈsen,Inorg.Chem.40(2001)3113±3116;(b)B.Hoge,C.ThoÈsen,T.Herrmann,I.Pantenburg,Inorg.Chem.41(2002)2260±2265.[25]K.B.Wiberg,J.Am.Chem.Soc.112(1990)3379±3385(andliterature cited therein).[26]W.W.Wilson,K.O.Christe,Inorg.Chem.28(1989)4172±4175.[27]T.Billard,N.Roques,nglois,.Chem.64(1999)3813±3820.[28]A.Haas,W.Hinsken,J.Fluorine Chem.28(1985)303±318.[29]L.M.Yagupolskii,V.I.Popov,N.V.Kondratenko,E.V.Konvalov,Zh.Org.Khim.10(1974)277±281.[30]D.J.Adams,S.J.Taverner,J.H.Clark,J.Fluorine Chem.90(1998)87±91.[31]R.Minkwitz,R.Lekies,Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.527(1985)161±168.[32]R.Minkwitz,R.Lekies,Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem.544(1987)192±198.[33]W.Tyrra,D.Naumann,J.Fluorine Chem.45(1989)401±416.[34]N.V.Kirij,S.V.Pasenok,Y.L.Yagupolskii,W.Tyrra,D.Naumann,J.Fluorine Chem.106(2000)217±221.[35]M.MuÈller,E.Lork,R.Mews,Angew.Chem.113(2001)1285±1287;M.MuÈller,E.Lork,R.Mews,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.40(2001) 1247±1249.[36]M.Hudlicky,J.Fluorine Chem.28(1985)461±472.W.Tyrra et al./Journal of Fluorine Chemistry119(2003)101±107107。
