The Inflammasomes----炎症小体
2018年底,美国德克萨斯⼤学西南医学中⼼的陈志坚课题组在Nature上在线发表了题为“PtdIns4P on dispersed trans-Golgi network mediates NLRP3 inflammasome activation”的重量级⽂章,剥开了 NLRP3炎症⼩体是如何识别⼤量多样性的激动剂,从⽽使机体对外界病原体⼊侵和组织创伤等做出反应的。
该⽂发现了⼀种不同NLRP3刺激下游共同的细胞信号机制:⾼尔基体反⾯⽹络结构(TGN,trans-Golgi network)分解成各种分散的结构,即形成分散的⾼尔基体反⾯⽹络结构(dTNG,dispersed TGN)。
2019年4月第39卷第4期基础医学与临床Basic &Clinical MedicineApril 2019Vol.39No.4收稿日期:2018-08-15修回日期:2018-12-10基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81770730);湖南省自然科学基金(2017JJ2352)*通信作者(corresponding author ):1278018214@qq.com文章编号:1001-6325(2019)04-0564-05短篇综述NLRC4炎性小体的研究进展俞源源,刘映红,袁芳*(中南大学湘雅医学院湘雅二医院肾脏疾病与血液净化湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙410011)摘要:炎性小体是胞质内的一组多蛋白复合体,一方面它能调节半胱氨酸天冬氨酸特异蛋白酶1的活化,促进IL-1β和IL-18成熟与分泌,引起炎性反应;另一方面可以引起细胞焦亡。
NLRC4炎性小体的主要信号途径为:激活物(如细菌鞭毛蛋白)、感应蛋白(NAIP )、核效应蛋白(NLRC4)、连接蛋白(ASC )、效应蛋白。
关键词:NLRC4炎性小体;炎性反应;自身炎性疾病中图分类号:R34文献标志码:AAdvances for NLRC4inflammasomesYU Yuan-yuan ,LIU Ying-hong ,YUAN Fang *(Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Kidney Diseases and Blood Purification ,the Second Xiangya Hospital ,Xiangya Medical College ,Central South University ,Changsha 410011,China )Abstract :Inflammasomes are cytosolic multiprotein complexes that can regulate the activation of caspase-1,promote the maturation and secretion of IL-1βand IL-18,and lead to inflammation ,meanwhile initiate pyroptosis.The classic illustration of the NLRC4inflammasome paradigm is :trigger (cytosolic flagellin ),sensor (NAIP ),nu-cleator (NLRC4),adaptor (ASC ),and effector (caspase-1).The main regulatory mechanisms of NLRC4activa-tion are ligand binding and phosphorylation.NLRC4is a critical component of intestinal immune system and defense against different pathogens.In addition ,NLRC4related to a variety of human diseases :such as autoinflammatory diseases ,diabetic nephropathy ,thymic cancer.Key words :NLRC4inflammasome ;inflammation ;autoinflammation diseases1炎性小体和NLRC4炎性小体(inflammasome )是NOD 样受体家族(NOD like receptors ,NLRs )及其形成的多蛋白水解复合物,作为固有免疫系统感受器,能够识别多种危险信号,通过诱导细胞活化及炎性物质释放,引起炎性反应。
炎性⼩体—搜狗百科炎性⼩体(inflammasome )是由多种蛋⽩质组成的复合体,分⼦量约700 KDa,此概念由Tschopp研究⼩组于2002年⾸次提出。
已知发现的炎性⼩体⼀般均含有凋亡相关微粒蛋⽩(apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing CARD,,ASC)、caspase蛋⽩酶以及⼀种NOD样受体(NOD-like receptor,NLR)家族蛋⽩(如NLRP1)或HIN200家族蛋⽩(如AIM2)。
中图 分 类 号 :R 3 9 2 . 1 文献标志码 : A 文 章 编 号 :1 0 0 5 — 5 6 7 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 1 — 0 0 5 9 - 0 5
DoI :1 0 . 1 3 3 0 9 / j . c n k i . p mi . 2 01 5. 0 1 . 01 2
( P R R s ) , w h i c h i n v o l v e d i n a c t i v a t i o n o f c a s p a s e 一 1 a n d m a t u r a t i o n o f I L 一 1 / 3 o r I L 一 1 8 i n i n n a t e i m m u n e r e s p o n s e , a l s o i n 印一
Ke y wor d s: I nf la mma s o me s; c a s pa s e 一 1; Ac t i va t e me c ha n i s m; Re u l g a t i o n
首先给大家介绍一下炎症小体(inflammasome)的概念,炎症小体是由细胞中的NOD样受体家族成员,ASC和蛋白剪切酶caspase-1组成的多聚蛋白复合物,在受到外界病原相关分子模式或者危险相关分子模式刺激时,NOD样受体会感知这些信号,诱导炎症小体复合物组装活化,随后caspase-1变成活化状态,一方面剪切炎性细胞因子IL-1β和IL-18,诱导后者活化释放,介导炎症反应清除病原微生物和危险信号;另一方面,caspase-1还能够剪切GSDMD,导致GSDMD 活化,诱导细胞膜穿孔,介导细胞焦亡(Pyroptosis)。
NLRP3炎症小体与心血管疾病谭红梅【摘要】Inflammasomes are molecular platforms built around several proteins ,composed of intracellular pattern-recognition receptors,the adaptor apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain(ASC)and caspase-1. The inflammasome was believed as the cellular machinery triggering the maturation of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β(IL-1β)to engage innate immune defenses. Several types of inflammasomes have been identified ,and among them NLRP3 inflam?masome is currently the most fully characterized inflammasome. Recent studies showed that a variety of cardiovascular risk factors , including dyslipidemia,hypertension and kidneydisease,hyperhomocysteinemia,obesity,diabetes and metabolic syndrome,can activate NLRP3 inflammasomes,process the maturation of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1βand IL-18,and promote atherosclerosis. The activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes was also associated with decreased stability of atherosclerotic plaque. These studies suggested an important role of NLRP3 inflammasomes in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Targeting NLRP3 inflammasome at the stage of its assembling or activation may be a novel strategy for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.%炎症小体是一类多蛋白复合物,主要由识别炎症的胞浆型模式识别受体、衍接蛋白和效应蛋白三部分组成.炎症小体组装激活可以自我切割生成活性形式的caspase-1,并进一步促进白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)和白细胞介素-18(IL-18)等炎症因子的成熟和释放,引起炎症反应.此外炎症小体激活可介导caspase-1依赖的细胞焦亡,从而促进炎症反应的扩散.炎症小体根据识别信号的模式识别受体命名,其中NLRP3炎症小体是目前研究最多了解相对最清楚的炎症小体.最新研究表明心血管疾病的多种危险因素如脂代谢紊乱、高血压及肾脏疾病、高同型半胱氨酸血症、肥胖、糖尿病及代谢综合征等均可以激活NLRP3炎症小体,促进炎性介质IL-1β和IL-18等的表达、释放,促进动脉粥样硬化发生发展,并影响动脉粥样斑块的稳定性,提示其在心血管疾病发病机制中的重要作用.干预NLRP3炎症小体的生成、活化,可望为心血管疾病的防治提供新的思路.【期刊名称】《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(038)002【总页数】7页(P215-221)【关键词】NLRP3;炎症小体;白细胞介素-1β;心血管疾病;动脉粥样硬化【作者】谭红梅【作者单位】中山大学中山医学院病理生理学教研室,广东广州 510080;中山大学中山医学院心血管研究群体,广东广州 510080【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R363;R54心血管疾病(cardiovascular diseases,CVD)发病率高、危害巨大,号称“第一杀手”。
模式识别受体主要包括4类:Toll样受体、维甲酸诱导基因Ⅰ样受体、核结合寡聚化结构域样受体[nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain(NOD) like receptors,NLRs]以及C型凝集素受体[7]。
具体来说,氧化磷脂能够与NLRP3(NACHT, LRR, 和 PYD 结构域包含3)蛋白相互作用,导致NLRP3蛋白的激活和多聚化,从而激活炎症小体。
传感器包括NLRP1,NLRP3和NLRC4(属于NOD样受体家族),AIM2(absent in melanoma-2)或Pyrin。
活化的caspase-1促使IL-1β和IL-18水解成熟;并且促使Gasdermin D (GSDMD)切割。
事实上,炎症小体诱导树突细胞(DCs)超活化,后者触发增强T细胞(enhanced T cell)应答:除保留其功能和抗原递呈外,增强T细胞促使微环境中的辅助T 细胞(T helper)做出反应并分泌IL-1β和IL-18。
炎症小体与中枢神经系统疾病杜秀明;张子腾;宗英;余琛琳;张晓冬;陆国才【摘要】Inflammasome is the body of protein complex which is able to identify different stimulation signals and can in‐duce immune and inflammatory responses when it is activated .NLRP3 inflammasome has been extensively studied in the central nervoussystem .Microglia ,perivascular macrophages and meningeal macrophages express inflammasomes .The occurrence and development of acute brain infection ,aseptic acute brain injury ,Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease are closely related to inflammasomes .Based on mechanisms exploration of the inflammasome′s role in the central nervous system disorders ,its tar‐get drug research and development will be greatly addressed in the future .%炎症小体是一蛋白复合物,能够识别不同刺激信号,活化后能诱导免疫和炎症应答。
NLRP 3、AIM 2和pyrin炎症⼩体的组装严格依赖于适配器依赖于适配器ASC。
NLRP1和NLRC 4可独⽴于ASC诱导炎症⼩体组装和细胞焦亡。
在启动阶段,模式识别受体(如Toll样受体)识别病原体或危险信号,导致核因子-kappa B(NF-κB)通路的激活。
炎症小体及其相关疾病的研究进展王岩;孙兵【期刊名称】《中国免疫学杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【摘要】炎症小体是细胞内多种蛋白质组成的蛋白复合体,其形成可导致炎性天冬氨酸特异性的半胱氨酸蛋白水解酶( caspase)自我剪切,后者通过对促炎因子IL-1β和IL-18的激活,引起宿主的炎症反应,并抵抗病原微生物的入侵。
【总页数】7页(P721-727)【作者】王岩;孙兵【作者单位】中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所,上海 200031;中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所,上海 200031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R392【相关文献】1.线粒体自噬核苷酸结合寡聚化结构域样受体蛋白3炎症小体轴在衰老相关心血管疾病中的研究进展 [J], 李邵琦;王举;于雪;刘婷;赵雅君2.LncRNA及miRNA对NLRP3炎症小体信号的调控机制及其在相关疾病中的意义 [J], 陆佳伟;刘效谷;张文波3.中医药干预NLRP3炎症小体治疗相关疾病的研究进展 [J], 黄静[1];卢建峰[1];马萍[1]4.红景天苷抑制NLRP3炎症小体活性干预相关疾病的研究进展 [J], 闫珊;周俊;余文君;王启斌;郑涛;陈黎5.核苷酸结合寡聚化结构域样受体蛋白3炎症小体在脓毒血症中的变化及其与疾病严重程度的相关性 [J], 于苏淮;马春燕因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
NLRP3在细胞质中以蛋白质的形式存在,并通过结构域NACHT(NAIP、CIITA、HET-E和TP1)负责NLRP3的引导器功能;通过LRR(leucine-rich repeat)结构域与AMPs(抗菌肽)结合,调节NLRP3的激活;通过PYD(Pyrin / AIM2-like receptor)结构域,连接到适配蛋白ASC,促进炎症小体的组装。
【摘要】近年研究发现免疫炎症与衰老的发生有关.在机体衰老过程中,固有免疫反应被激活,导致机体出现一种低水平、慢性炎症状态,即炎性衰老(inflammaging).炎性小体(inflammasome)是由细胞内感受分子如pattern recognition receptors(PRRs)与接头蛋白ASC及procaspase-1蛋白组装而成的高分子量多蛋白复合物,是固有免疫系统的重要组成部分.炎性小体能被多种外源性病原微生物或内源性危险信号分子激活,进而诱导caspase-1酶活化.
1.NLRP3炎性小体在动脉粥样硬化发生发展中的作用 [J], 甘祥海;吕湛;
2.NLRP3炎性小体在动脉粥样硬化发生发展中的作用 [J], 甘祥海;吕湛
3.炎性衰老在骨关节炎发生中的作用 [J], 王增坤;马志强;刘建宇
4.炎性衰老在阿尔茨海默病发生中的作用机制 [J], 康美美;王蓉
5.炎性小体诱导的细胞焦亡在动脉粥样硬化斑块发生发展中的作用 [J], 张宇擎;杨慧
参与组装的PRRs主要为核苷酸结合寡聚化结构域样受体(nucleotide binding oligomerization domainlikereceptors,NLRs)。
炎症小体可通过识别病原相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecular patterns,PAMPs)或宿主来源的危险信号分子模式(danger-associa tedmolecu-lar patterns,DAMPs)招募和激活半胱天冬酶Caspase-1.活化的Caspase-1可水解蛋白底物,调控IL-1G和IL-18等炎症因子前体的合成、分泌并诱导细胞程序性死亡(pyro-prosis)[2]。
【总页数】3页(P1191-1193)【关键词】炎症介导;小体;模式识别受体;Caspase-1;病原相关分子模式;细胞程序性死亡;调节;天然免疫系统【作者】薛绯;束蓉;谢玉峰【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院牙周科.上海市口腔医学研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R781.4【相关文献】1.NLRP3炎症小体与炎症性肠病的关系及针灸调节作用研究进展 [J], 吴丽洁;张霁;张丹;杨延婷;杨玲;智方圆;吴凌翔;谢晨;马晓芃2.基于缺氧组织中NLRP3炎症小体的活化研究膝痹宁减轻KOA滑膜炎症的效应机制 [J], 张力; 张立; 邢润麟; 黄正泉; 李晓辰; 徐波; 肖延成; 茆军; 王培民3.益气化痰方调节高血压大鼠脑血管适应性功能及炎症小体的研究 [J], 袁冬梅;张涨;谭炜;莫霄云;林琳;张清伟;何贵新4.NLRP3炎症小体在炎症性肠病及炎症相关性肠癌作用中的研究进展 [J], 胡韵;陆军;王章桂5.黄芪甲苷通过NLPR3炎性小体调节糖尿病动脉粥样硬化早期大鼠血脂及炎症因子的研究 [J], 葛凡;王文恺;朱景天;李子航;孙悦;薛梅因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Leading EdgeReviewThe InflammasomesKate Schroder1,2and Jurg Tschopp1,*1Department of Biochemistry,University of Lausanne,CH-1066Epalinges,Switzerland2Monash Institute of Medical Research,Monash University,Melbourne,Victoria3800,Australia*Correspondence:jurg.tschopp@unil.chDOI10.1016/j.cell.2010.01.040Inflammasomes are molecular platforms activated upon cellular infection or stress that trigger the maturation of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1b to engage innate immune defenses.Strong associations between dysregulated inflammasome activity and human heritable and acquired inflammatory diseases highlight the importance this pathway in tailoring immune responses.Here,we comprehensively review mechanisms directing normal inflammasome func-tion and its dysregulation in disease.Agonists and activation mechanisms of the NLRP1,NLRP3, IPAF,and AIM2inflammasomes are discussed.Regulatory mechanisms that potentiate or limit inflammasome activation are examined,as well as emerging links between the inflammasome and pyroptosis and autophagy.Traditionally,innate immunity has been viewed as thefirst line of defense discriminating‘‘self’’(e.g.,host proteins)from‘‘nonself’’(e.g.,microorganisms).However,emerging literature suggests that innate immunity actually serves as a sophisticated system for sensing signals of‘‘danger,’’such as pathogenic microbes or host-derived signals of cellular stress,while remaining unre-sponsive to nondangerous motifs,such as normal host mole-cules,dietary antigens,or commensal gutflora.The notion that innate immunity functions as a danger sentinel has similarities to Matzinger’s‘‘danger hypothesis,’’proposed for adaptive immune responses(Matzinger,1994).Such a model for recog-nizing situations of host danger allows for coordinate activation of immune system antimicrobial and tissue repair functions in response to infection or injury,while avoiding collateral damage in situations in which harmless nonself is present.The innate immune system engages an array of germline-encoded pattern-recognition receptors(PRRs)to detect invari-ant microbial motifs.PRRs are expressed by cells at the front line of defense against infection,including macrophages,mono-cytes,dendritic cells,neutrophils,and epithelial cells,as well as cells of the adaptive immune system.PRRs include the membrane-bound Toll-like receptors(TLRs)and C-type lectins (CTLs),which scan the extracellular milieu and endosomal compartments for pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).Intracellular nucleic-acid sensing PRRs cooperate to provide cytosolic surveillance,including the RNA-sensing RIG-like helicases(RLHs),RIG-I and MDA5,and the DNA sensors, DAI and AIM2.The outcome of PAMP recognition by PRRs depends upon the nature of both the responding cell and the invading microbe.However,signal transduction from these receptors converges on a common set of signaling modules, often including the activation of the NF-k B and AP-1transcrip-tion factors that drive proinflammatory cytokine/chemokine production and members of the IRF transcription factor family that mediate type I interferon(IFN)-dependent antiviral responses.A further set of intracellular PRRs,distinct from those described above,are the NOD-like receptors(NLRs)that recog-nize PAMPs,as well as host-derived danger signals(danger-associated molecular patterns,DAMPs).Microbial detection by PRRs such as TLRs is reviewed elsewhere(see Review by O.Takeuchi and S.Akira et al.on page805of this issue).This Review focuses on those PRRs that assemble into high-molec-ular weight,caspase-1-activating platforms called‘‘inflamma-somes’’that control maturation and secretion of interleukins such as IL-1b and IL-18,whose potent proinflammatory activities direct host responses to infection and injury.The NLR FamilyThe NLRs are comprised of22human genes and many more mouse genes because of gene expansion since the last common ancestor.The NLR family is characterized by the presence of a central nucleotide-binding and oligomerization(NACHT) domain,which is commonlyflanked by C-terminal leucine-rich repeats(LRRs)and N-terminal caspase recruitment(CARD)or pyrin(PYD)domains.LRRs are believed to function in ligand sensing and autoregulation,whereas CARD and PYD domains mediate homotypic protein-protein interactions for downstream signaling.The NACHT domain,which is the only domain com-mon to all NLR family members,enables activation of the signaling complex via ATP-dependent oligomerization.Phyloge-netic analysis of NLR family NACHT domains reveals3distinct subfamilies within the NLR family:the NODs(NOD1-2,NOD3/ NLRC3,NOD4/NLRC5,NOD5/NLRX1,CIITA),the NLRPs (NLRP1-14,also called NALPs)and the IPAF subfamily,consist-ing of IPAF(NLRC4)and NAIP(Figure1A).The phylogenetic rela-tionships between subfamily members(Figure1A)are also sup-ported by similarities in domain structures(Figure1B).This is particularly clear for the NLRPs,which all contain PYD,NACHT, and LRR domains,with the exception of NLRP10,which lacks LRRs.This Review uses the most common NLR family nomen-clature;however,an alternative nomenclature based on NLR family member domain structure was proposed(Ting et al., 2008),and a full list of alternative gene names for NLRP1, NLRP3,and IPAF are given in Table S1available online.Cell140,821–832,March19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.821The class II transactivator (CIITA)was the first NLR to be char-acterized,and is a key regulator of class II MHC genes that is mutated in bare lymphocyte syndrome (Steimle et al.,1993).The transcriptional coactivator factor function of CIITA appears to be distinct among NLRs,as no other NLRs have been shown to exert transcriptional regulator activity or other nuclear func-tions.Other members of the NLR family are generally considered to perform cytoplasmic surveillance for PAMPs or DAMPs.NOD1and NOD2both recognize breakdown products of bacte-rial cell walls (mesodiaminopimelic acid and muramyl dipeptide [MDP],respectively)and,upon ligand sensing,oligomerize and recruit RIP2via CARD-CARD interactions.Assembly of NOD1and NOD2signalosomes ultimately culminates in the activation of the NF-k B transcription factor,which drives proinflammatory gene regulation (reviewed in Kufer et al.,2006).Mutations in NOD2are associated with human inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease and Blau syndrome (Hugot et al.,2001;Miceli-Richard et al.,2001;Ogura et al.,2001).The functions of NOD3and NOD4await clarification.The function of NOD5(NLRX1)is a matter of debate;recent reports position NOD5within the mitochondrial matrix,or,alternatively,as recruited to the outer mitochondrial membrane,and propose functions in either suppressing MAVS-dependent antiviral pathways or promoting the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)(Arnoult et al.,2009;Moore et al.,2008;Tattoli et al.,2008).Many of the remaining NLR family members are poorly charac-terized at present;however,we describe below the function of those NLR family members that regulate caspase-1activity through inflammasome formation.Inflammasomes:Platforms for Caspase-1Activation and IL-1b MaturationCaspases are cysteine proteases that initiate or execute cellular programs,leading to inflammation or cell death.TheyareFigure 1.Human and Mouse NLR Family Members(A)Phylogenetic relationships between NACHT domains of each human (uppercase)and mouse (lowercase)NLR (NOD-like receptor)protein show 3distinct subfamilies within the NLRs:the NOD,NLRP,and IPAF subfamilies.(B)Domain structures for human NLRs reveal commonalities within the subfamilies.Domains are classified according to the NCBI domain annotation tool for the longest human protein product,with the exception of the FIIND domain that was identified independently of NCBI (Tschopp et al.,2003).It should be noted that CIITA is often annotated as harboring a CARD domain,because a splice variant expressed in dendritic cells contains a domain with homology to CARD domains (Nickerson et al.,2001);however,the translated transcript variant is not classified as containing a classical CARD domain by typical approaches (NCBI conserved domains,Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool [SMART]).Likewise,these domain prediction approaches do not classify NOD3and NOD4as CARD-containing and experimental evidence for a CARD domain function has yet to be reported.Domains:BIR,baculoviral inhibition of apoptosis protein repeat domain;CARD,caspase recruitment domain;FIIND,domain with function to find;LRR,leucine-rich repeat;NACHT,nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain;PYD,pyrin domain.822Cell 140,821–832,March 19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.synthesized as inactive zymogens,and their potent cellular activities are tightly controlled by proteolytic activation.Cas-pases are categorized as either proinflammatory or proapop-totic,depending upon their participation in these cellular programs.The proinflammatory caspases are comprised of cas-pase-1,-11and-12in mouse and caspase-1,-4,and-5in human(Martinon and Tschopp,2007).Caspase-12is mutated to encode a nonfunctional protein in most human populations (Xue et al.,2006).Of the proinflammatory caspases,caspase-1 is the most fully characterized.Its catalytic activity is tightly regu-lated by signal-dependent autoactivation within multiprotein complexes called‘‘inflammasomes’’that mediate caspase-1-dependent processing of cytokines such as IL-1b(Martinon et al.,2002).IL-1b is an important proinflammatory mediator that is gener-ated at sites of injury or immunological challenge to coordinate programs as diverse as cellular recruitment to a site of infection or injury and the regulation of sleep,appetite,and body temper-ature(see Review by C.A.Dinarello on page935of this issue). IL-1b activity is rigorously controlled by expression,maturation, and secretion;proinflammatory stimuli induce expression of the inactive IL-1b proform,but cytokine maturation and release are controlled by inflammasomes.An endogenous IL-1receptor antagonist(IL-1RA)also regulates IL-1b action.Most reports characterizing inflammasomes have focused on cells of the myeloid lineage,such as macrophages or dendritic cells; however,cells outside the myeloid compartment can activate inflammasomes.For example,keratinocyte exposure to skin irri-tants or ultraviolet B(UVB)irradiation triggers NLRP3inflamma-some activation(Feldmeyer et al.,2007;Watanabe et al.,2007). Inflammasomes are assembled by self-oligomerizing scaffold proteins.A number of NLR family member have been reported to exhibit inflammasome activity in vitro;however,few NLR family members have clear physiological functions in vivo.NLRP1, NLRP3,and IPAF are danger sentinels that self-oligomerize via homotypic NACHT domain interactions to form high-molecular weight complexes(probably hexamers or heptamers)that trigger caspase-1autoactivation.The HIN-200family member, AIM2,also mediates inflammasome assembly.Inflammasome components and activation mechanisms depend on the nature of the individual protein scaffolds(Figure2).Domain structure conservation between NLRPs(Figure1B)suggests that unchar-acterized family members may also mediate or regulate inflam-masome activation.The NLRP3InflammasomeThe NLRP3inflammasome is currently the most fully character-ized inflammasome and consists of the NLRP3scaffold,the ASC (PYCARD)adaptor,and caspase-1.NLRP3is activated upon exposure to whole pathogens,as well as a number of structurally diverse PAMPs,DAMPs,and environmental irritants(Table S1). Whole pathogens demonstrated to activate the NLRP3inflam-masome include the fungi Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae that signal to the inflammasome via Syk(Gross et al., 2009),bacteria that produce pore-forming toxins,including Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus(Mariatha-san et al.,2006),and viruses such as Sendai virus,adenovirus, and influenza virus(Kanneganti et al.,2006;Muruve et al., 2008).In some cases,the individual microbial components (PAMPs,virulence factors)that activate the inflammasome have been identified(for instance,the alpha-toxin of S.aureus; Craven et al.,2009).The unexpectedfinding that the NLRP3inflammasome can be activated by host-derived molecules forms part of an emerging literature supporting a model in which the innate immune system detects endogenous indicators of cellular danger orstress, Figure2.Minimal NLRP1,NLRP3,IPAF,and AIM2Inflammasomes For simplicity,the unoligomerized inflammasome complexes are depicted. Removal of the CARD domain and processing of the caspase domain of cas-pase-1by autocleavage at the indicated sites results in the formation of the active caspase-1p10/p20tetramer.It should be noted that although human NLRP1contains a PYD,mouse NLRP1proteins do not harbor functional PYDs.Human NLRP1can also recruit a second caspase,caspase-5,to the complex(not shown).Maximal caspase-1activation in response to IPAF agonists can require ASC or NAIP,depending on the stimulus.The interaction of these proteins with the IPAF inflammasome activation is currently unclear. Domains:CARD,caspase recruitment domain;FIIND,domain with function tofind;HIN,HIN-200/IF120x domain;LRR,leucine-rich repeat;NACHT,nucle-otide-binding and oligomerization domain;PYD,pyrin domain.Cell140,821–832,March19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.823a hypothesis with similarities to the‘‘danger model’’proposed for adaptive immune responses in place of the more simplistic self/nonself recognition model(Matzinger,1994).A number of host-derived molecules indicative of injury activate the NLRP3 inflammasome,including extracellular ATP(Mariathasan et al., 2006)and hyaluronan(Yamasaki et al.,2009)that are released by injured cells.Fibrillar amyloid-b peptide,the major compo-nent of Alzheimer’s disease brain plaques,also activates the NLRP3inflammasome(Halle et al.,2008).The NLRP3inflamma-some also detects signs of metabolic stress,including elevated extracellular glucose(Zhou et al.,2010)such as that occurring in metabolic syndrome,and monosodium urate(MSU)crystals that form as a consequence of hyperuricemia in the autoinflamma-tory disease gout(Martinon et al.,2006).Uric acid can also be released during cell injury,and uric acid-dependent pathways in this context also activate the inflammasome(Gasse et al., 2009;Griffith et al.,2009).Additionally,the NLRP3inflamma-some drives inflammation in response to a number of environ-mental irritants,including silica(Cassel et al.,2008;Dostert et al.,2008;Hornung et al.,2008),asbestos(Cassel et al., 2008;Dostert et al.,2008),UVB irradiation(Feldmeyer et al., 2007),and skin irritants such as trinitrophenylchloride,trinitro-chlorobenzene,and dinitrofluorobenzene(Sutterwala et al., 2006;Watanabe et al.,2007).NLRP3inflammasome activation in response to these insults has been linked to pathology asso-ciated with silicosis,asbestosis,sunburn,and contact hypersen-sitivity reactions,respectively.Models for NLRP3ActivationPrior to agonist treatment,the NLRP3LRR domains are thought to mediate autoinhibition in a manner similar to that described for IPAF(Poyet et al.,2001).This may be mediated by the SGT1and HSP90chaperones that appear to hold NLRP3in an inactive,but signal-competent state;these chaperones also interact with IPAF(Mayor et al.,2007).Upon NLRP3activation,NLRP3oligo-merization leads to PYD domain clustering and presentation for homotypic interaction with the PYD-and CARD-containing adaptor ASC,whose CARD domain in turn recruits the CARD of procaspase-1.Procaspase-1clustering permits autocleavage and formation of the active caspase-1p10/p20tetramer,which then processes cytokine proforms such as IL-1b to generate the active molecules.Mature IL-1b is secreted alongside cas-pase-1by an unconventional protein secretion pathway that is currently unclear.Mechanisms leading to NLRP3inflammasome activation are intensely debated.Three models that may not be exclusive are widely supported in the literature(Figure3).Extracellular ATP stimulates the purogenic P2X7ATP-gated ion channel(Kahlen-berg and Dubyak,2004),triggering K+efflux and inducing gradual recruitment of the pannexin-1membrane pore(Kanne-ganti et al.,2007).Thefirst model posits that pore formation allows extracellular NLRP3agonists to access the cytosol and directly activate NLRP3(Kanneganti et al.,2007).However,the structural diversity within NLRP3agonists argues against direct interaction between NLRP3and all of its activators.A second model was proposed for activators that form crystal-line or particulate structures,such as MSU,silica,asbestos, amyloid-b,and alum,wherein engulfment of these agonists by phagocytes leads to lysosomal damage,resulting incytosolic Figure3.NLRP3Inflammasome ActivationThree major models for NLRP3inflammasome activation are favored in the field,which may not be exclusive:(1)The NLRP3agonist,ATP,triggers P2X7-dependent pore formation by the pannexin-1hemichannel,allowing extracellular NLRP3agonists to enter the cytosol and directly engage NLRP3.(2)Crystalline or particulate NLRP3agonists are engulfed,and their physical characteristics lead to lysosomal rupture.The NLRP3inflammasome senses lysosomal content in the cytoplasm,for example,via cathepsin-B-dependent processing of a direct NLRP3ligand.(3)All danger-associated molecular patterns(DAMPs)and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs),including ATP and particulate/crystalline activators,trigger the generation of reactive oxygen species(ROS).A ROS-dependent pathway trig-gers NLRP3inflammasome complex formation.Caspase-1clustering induces autoactivation and caspase-1-dependent maturation and secretion of proin-flammatory cytokines,such as interleukin-1b(IL-1b)and IL-18.824Cell140,821–832,March19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.release of lysosomal contents that are somehow sensed by the NLRP3inflammasome(Halle et al.,2008;Hornung et al.,2008).A role for the lysosomal protease,cathepsin B,in activation of a direct NLRP3ligand was suggested in this model(Halle et al.,2008;Hornung et al.,2008).However,cathepsin B-defi-cient macrophages exhibit normal caspase-1activation and IL-1b maturation in response to particulate NLRP3agonists (Dostert et al.,2009),implicating off-target effects of the cathepsinB inhibitor,as was recently suggested for NLRP1 (Newman et al.,2009).Under the third model,all NLRP3agonists trigger the genera-tion of ROS,and this common pathway engages the NLRP3 inflammasome(Cassel et al.,2008;Cruz et al.,2007;Dostert et al.,2008).The production of ROS represents one of the most evolutionarily conserved pathways of response to infection or injury;for example,a gradient of ROS is the apical signal directing wound healing in zebrafish(Niethammer et al.,2009), and ROS are antimicrobial effectors in plants(Bolwell,1999). In support of this model,all NLRP3agonists tested,including ATP and particulate activators,induce ROS and ROS blockade by chemical scavengers suppresses inflammasome activation (Cassel et al.,2008;Cruz et al.,2007;Dostert et al.,2008;Gross et al.,2009;Pe´trilli et al.,2007;Shio et al.,2009).The source of ROS is currently unclear,but one or several NADPH oxidases are implicated,as suppression of the common p22subunit inhibits inflammasome activation(Dostert et al., 2008);alternatively,ROS may be of mitochondrial origin.Mech-anisms directing ROS-dependent NLRP3inflammasome activa-tion remain to be characterized in detail;however,a recent report implicates a ROS-sensitive NLRP3ligand,thioredoxin-interact-ing protein(TXNIP/VDUP1),in NLRP3activation(Zhou et al., 2010).Despite strong evidence for the ROS model,a number of aspects of this model require resolution.For example,some ROS-inducing agents(such as cytokines)do not engage the NLRP3inflammasome,suggesting that while necessary,ROS alone is insufficient for triggering NLRP3activity.Alternatively, a very specific ROS location or nature may be required.Addition-ally,superoxide directly inhibits caspase-1activity by modifying redox-sensitive cysteines(Meissner et al.,2008);whether such a mechanism provides temporal-or dose-dependent negative feedback to limit caspase-1function triggered by a ROS-depen-dent NLRP3pathway requires clarification.The manner by which cytoplasmic K+concentration modulates NLRP3activity is also currently unclear.Macrophages cultured in medium containing a high concentration of K+show decreased capacity for NLRP3-dependent caspase-1activation in response to a range of agonists,suggesting that K+efflux is necessary upstream of NLRP3activation(Dostert et al.,2008;Fernandes-Alnemri et al.,2007;Franchi et al.,2007a;Gross et al.,2009;Pe´trilli et al.,2007;Shio et al.,2009).Future studies are required to determine whether ionicflux and ROS pathways are inter-regu-lated or independently required for NLRP3activation.The NLRP1InflammasomeThe NLRP1inflammasome was thefirst to be described.Human NLRP1has three orthologs in mouse(Nlrp1a-c,Figure1)that are highly polymorphic between inbred mouse strains(Boyden and Dietrich,2006).Strain variation in the mouse Nlrp1b locus appears to underlie susceptibility to Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin(LeTx),as macrophages from susceptible,but not resis-tant,mouse strains activate caspase-1after LeTx exposure (Boyden and Dietrich,2006).The NLRP1inflammasome can also be activated by MDP(Faustin et al.,2007).As a consequence of domain structure differences between NLRP1and NLRP3,the minimal components of the NLRP1 inflammasome are somewhat different to its NLRP3counterpart (Figure2).NLRP1contains a C-terminal extension that harbors a CARD domain,which can interact directly with procaspase-1 and bypass the requirement for ASC,although ASC inclusion in the complex augmented human NLRP1inflammasome activ-ity(Faustin et al.,2007).Unlike human NLRP1,murine NLRP1 orthologs lack functional PYD domains and are predicted to be unable to interact with ASC.Indeed,ASC is dispensable for cas-pase-1activation by NLRP1b in mouse macrophages(Hsu et al., 2008).In addition to caspase-1,NLRP1also interacts with cas-pase-5,which may contribute to IL-1b processing in human cells (Martinon et al.,2002).The exact mechanisms of NLRP1activa-tion remain obscure,but,as for NLRP3,K+efflux appears to be essential(Fink et al.,2008;Wickliffe et al.,2008).The IPAF InflammasomeThe IPAF inflammasome is activated by gram-negative bacteria possessing type III or IV secretion systems,such as Salmonella typhimurium,Shigellaflexneri,Legionella pneumophila,and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Amer et al.,2006;Franchi et al., 2007b;Mariathasan et al.,2004;Miao et al.,2008;Sutterwala et al.,2007;Suzuki et al.,2007).As IPAF contains a CARD domain,it could be expected to interact directly with procas-pase-1,which is indeed the case(Figure2)(Poyet et al.,2001). Maximal caspase-1activation in response to S.typhimurium, S.flexneri,and P.aeruginosa requires the ASC adaptor(Franchi et al.,2007b;Mariathasan et al.,2004;Suzuki et al.,2007).The role for ASC in the IPAF inflammasome remains unclear;it is presumed that these proteins do not interact directly as IPAF does not contain a PYD domain.It is possible that IPAF collabo-rates with a PYD-containing protein(such as an NLRP)for responses to these pathogens.ASC is dispensable for IPAF-dependent caspase-1activation in response to L.pneumophila (Case et al.,2009),but protection against this pathogen appears to require IPAF collaboration with another NLR family member, NAIP(Ren et al.,2006;Zamboni et al.,2006).IPAF-dependent caspase-1activation is accompanied by rapid cell death(Fink and Cookson,2006).Interestingly,the pathways downstream of IPAF appear to be independently regulated;maximal cas-pase-1activation by the IPAF inflammasome requires ASC,but IPAF-dependent cell death is independent of ASC upon macro-phage infection with S.flexneri(Suzuki et al.,2007;Suzuki and Nu´n˜ez,2008)and P.aeruginosa(Sutterwala et al.,2007).The exact mechanisms directing IPAF inflammasome activa-tion and the participation of ASC and NAIP in this process remain elusive.The LRR domain of IPAF is likely to autorepress in the absence of ligand,as removal of the LRR domain from IPAF results in a spontaneously active mutant(Poyet et al.,2001). The IPAF inflammasome is activated by cytosolicflagellin (Miao et al.,2007).It is likely that other PAMPs modulate IPAF function,as P.aeruginosa appears to activate IPAF through flagellin-dependent and-independent pathways(Miao et al., Cell140,821–832,March19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.8252008;Sutterwala et al.,2007),and nonflagellated bacteria such as S.flexneri trigger IPAF inflammasome activity(Suzuki et al., 2007).IPAF activation depends upon virulence factor injection into the cytosol via bacterial type III and IV secretion systems (Ren et al.,2006;Sun et al.,2007;Suzuki et al.,2007).Cytosolic localization offlagellin by other means(liposomes,expression systems)is sufficient for IPAF-dependent caspase-1activation, suggesting that the sole function of bacterial secretion systems in IPAF activation is cytoplasmic injection of bacterial compo-nents(Franchi et al.,2006;Lightfield et al.,2008;Miao et al., 2006).Unlike NLRP3,IPAF inflammasome activity is not inhibited by high extracellular K+,suggesting that IPAF is not a sensor for ionicflux(Pe´trilli et al.,2007).Direct interaction between IPAF and an activating ligand has not been demonstrated,so it is possible that IPAF senses a common pathway induced by cyto-solic PAMPs,analogous to the ROS pathway proposed for NLRP3.The AIM2InflammasomeThe recent identification of the HIN-200family member,AIM2,as a cytosolic double-stranded DNA(dsDNA)sensor that induces caspase-1-dependent IL-1b maturation is an important advance in the inflammasomefield(Bu¨rckstu¨mmer et al.,2009;Fer-nandes-Alnemri et al.,2009;Hornung et al.,2009;Roberts et al.,2009).It is thefirst identification of a non-NLR family mem-ber forming an inflammasome scaffold,and oligomerization of the complex is suggested to be mediated not by a central oligomerization domain within the inflammasome scaffold pro-tein(as for the NLR NACHT domain)but by clustering upon multiple binding sites in the ligand,dsDNA,to which AIM2binds via its C-terminal HIN domain(Bu¨rckstu¨mmer et al.,2009;Fer-nandes-Alnemri et al.,2009;Hornung et al.,2009).The AIM2 inflammasome is composed of AIM2,ASC,and caspase-1. AIM2contains a PYD domain that,as for NLRP3,interacts with ASC via homotypic PYD-PYD interactions,allowing the ASC CARD domain to recruit procaspase-1to the complex(Figure2). As for other inflammasomes,upon autoactivation,caspase-1 directs proinflammatory cytokine maturation and secretion (such as IL-1b and IL-18).Ligand requirements for AIM2are quite permissive,as cytosolic dsDNA from virus,bacteria,or the host itself can activate the AIM2inflammasome(Hornung et al.,2009; Muruve et al.,2008).Further studies are required tofirmly estab-lish the physiological relevance of this pathway,but AIM2is proposed to function in cytosolic surveillance for DNA viruses and may contribute to autoimmune responses against self-DNA in systemic lupus erythematosus.Regulation of Inflammasome Activityand IL-1b SecretionTLRs and Other Proinflammatory Signaling Pathways Both inflammasome activity and pro-IL-1b availability are highly influenced by integration with proinflammatory signaling path-ways such as those triggered by TLR ligation.For this reason, experimental protocols examining inflammasome activation commonly include‘‘priming’’with a TLR agonist(such as lipo-polysaccharide,LPS)or a proinflammatory cytokine(such as tumor necrosis factor,TNF).Most importantly,although inflam-masome-dependent caspase-1activation can be observed in the absence of priming,IL-1b secretion is minimal,because most cells do not constitutively express pro-IL-1b.Pro-IL-1b is potently induced by proinflammatory signals such as LPS or TNF that activate the NF-k B transcription factor and allow IL-1b promoter activation(Hiscott et al.,1993).Although the primary function of priming in experimental protocols is to induce pro-IL-1b,it also potentiates NLRP3inflammasome activity through NF-k B-dependent induction of NLRP3,which may be a limiting component of the complex(Bauernfeind et al.,2009). Whether other inflammasomes are similarly subject to synergy from priming signals has yet to be determined.The IFN-inducible nature of AIM2(DeYoung et al.,1997)suggests that it could also be primed in such a manner by TLR agonists that induce auto-crine type I IFN or indeed by IFNs themselves.A recent report suggests that inflammasome activity is modu-lated by antiviral pathways(Poeck et al.,2010).RIG-I ligation by vesicular stomatitis virus or synthetic RNA triggered caspase-1 activity and IL-1b maturation,in a manner independent of the MAVS and CARD9adaptors that mediate RIG-I-dependent tran-scriptional responses(e.g.,NF-kB and IFN pathways).The exact mechanisms directing RIG-I-dependent caspase-1activation are currently unclear.RIG-I-dependent caspase-1cleavage is ASC dependent but occurs independently of NLRP3,suggesting either that RIG-I can form its own inflammasome or that it regu-lates the activity of a known or uncharacterized NLRP3-indepen-dent inflammasome.Antiviral pathways triggered by the related RIG-I-like helicase,MDA5,also modulate caspase-1cleavage; MDA5collaborates with NLRP3for inflammasome responses to encephalomyocarditis virus(Poeck et al.,2010).In this case, augmented NLRP3inflammasome activity may be mediated at least partially through MDA5-dependent‘‘priming’’of inflamma-some activity,for instance by sensitizing cells to NLRP3agonists via NLRP3induction.Negative Regulation of Inflammasome ActivationThe importance of the inflammasome in controlling infection is highlighted by microbial evolution of inflammasome inhibi-tors.These include viral PYD proteins and various bacterial viru-lence factors that inhibit caspase-1activation.Such factors are reviewed extensively elsewhere(Martinon et al.,2009).A number of host mechanisms also suppress inflammasome activation and presumably function to inhibit the extent of potentially dangerous immune activation.Most recently,mouse CD4+effector and memory T cells were demonstrated to suppress NLRP1and NLRP3,but not IPAF, inflammasome-mediated caspase-1activity and IL-1b secretion (Guarda et al.,2009).Inhibition is dependent on cell-cell contact and is mediated by signaling by specific TNF family ligands (Guarda et al.,2009).Such an inhibitory pathway is likely to aid in‘‘switching off’’innate immune responses once the adaptive arm of the immune system is engaged.A number of CARD-and PYD-containing proteins have been proposed to suppress inflammasome activity by blocking inflam-masome component recruitment.Such PYD-containing proteins include pyrin,POP1(PYDC1),and POP2(PYDC2).The biological relevance of POP1-and POP2-dependent inflammasome inhibi-tion is difficult to assess,as these genes are only present in primates.Conversely,modulation of inflammasome activity by pyrin has clear physiological relevance,as human pyrin mutations are responsible for familial Mediterranean fever826Cell140,821–832,March19,2010ª2010Elsevier Inc.。