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I. Fill in each of the following blanks

1. ________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.

2. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________.

3. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning _________ is considered.

4. When any of the maxims under the cooperative principle is flouted, _______ might arise.

5. If we think of a sentence as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes an __________.

6. The meaning of a sentence is __________, and decontexualized.

7. A(n) __________ act is the act of uttering words, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology.

8. A(n) __________ act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.

9. Consonant sounds can be either __________ or __________, while all vowel sounds are __________.

10. Consonant sounds can also be made when two organs of speech in the mouth are brought close together so that the air is pushed out between them, causing __________.

11. The qualities of vowels depend upon the position of the __________ and the lips.

12. Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are produced without ___obstruction___.

13. __________ is the smallest linguistic unit.

14. In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature is usually termed __________. 15. Language has many functions. We can use language to talk about itself. This function is __________.

16. Modern linguistics is __________ in the sense that the linguist tries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe.

17. Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure’s langue and Chomsky’s __________.

18. The description of a language as it changes through time is a __________ study.

19. When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hear and now. It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone. This indicates the design feature of __________.

20. __________ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.

21. Hyponymy is a matter of class membership. The upper term in this sense relation is called_________, and the lower terms, the members, are called_________.

22. The Prague School practiced a special style of __ synchronic __ Linguistics.

23. The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and the distinction between _phonetics_ and phonology.

24. Halliday’s Systemic Grammar contains a functional component, and the theory behind his Functional Grammar is _systemic_.

25. Systemic-Functional Grammar is a(n) _sociologically oriented functional linguistic approach.

26. Structuralism is based on the assumption that grammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but in terms of __distribution__.
