2015 新航道 雅思听力表格题精讲

Section 1旧题=10114 ,求职,题型为表格填空1-10 completion1. Address: ______2. Cell phone number: ______3. He once worked part time job as______4. He once worked at a high school as ______5. Other relevant working experience: worked at the ______6. Other relevant skills: ______7. Need certificate: it will expire in: ______8. Preferred working time: ______ mornings9. He can start to work at ______ o’clock10.Source of information: ______Section 2 旧题=05207,业余活动,选择6+配对411-16 multiple choices11. The businessmen in the town decided to hold the international week in:12. Why did they charge free one day to a whole week?13. If there is bad weather, where should they move to?14. How does the company***support this fair?15. Outdoor activities will be held in?16. How the oversee team attend the performance?17-20 MatchingSection 3旧题=V07308;课程讨论,选择5+填空题5此题又为旧题,Two students and one teacher‘s discussion about medicine course 医学课程的讨论对话。

如下例:Guest Registration FormName of guest: _________________Room No.: ____________________Payment by: ___________________如范例所示的guest name, room number, payment均为在听题过程中引导听者定位和捕捉答案的重要提示。
个人信息表格在考试中多以申请表,注册表格形式出现,在考试中,考察频率最高的是例如:国家(country),国籍(nationality),城市(city),学科(faculty),语言(language),人名(name),地址(address),日期(date),电话号码(telephone No.),传真号码(Fax No.),邮编(post-code No.),价格(price)等专有名词和数字考点。
见下例:录音原文:Q: Where were you born?A: I was born in Adelaide.题目:Nationality: ________________此处nationality一栏应该填写Australian,如若问的是country 则填Australia。

2015年6月27日雅思听力机经部分内容:Section three版本号: New场景:学术讨论题型:选择,流程图内容回忆:两个人去一个地方参加一个trip,他们老师告诉他们说,遇到什么挖什么,和他们搭伴的人都很辛苦,每天帮他们挖到很晚很晚。
Section three版本号: Y09121/ 2009212场景: 课堂讨论题型:多选3;单选4;填空4内容回忆:老师对学生的报告提出建议11. If you want to fish there, you need to tell them F and have a fishing license from your home country.12. If you don’t have one, you need DYour application will be processed and you shall wait.You need to go to the local bank and they will not go on without a fishing license.13. You can go to the local bank for the fishing costs, regulations and ask forB. Then they will sue you a fishing license. They will also ask you for insurance policy.V130105S1S2S3S4;V130110S1;V130110S2;V130223S1S2S3S4;V130110S3S4;V130112S1S2;V13 0119S1S2S3;V130119S4;V1302S1S2S3S4;V081206S3;V08121S2;V08124S2;V130214S1;V130216S1S2S3S4;V130302S2S3S4;V130309S1S2S3S4;V130214S3;V130214S2;V130314S2S3S4;V1303 23S1S2S3S4;V08120S1S2S4; V08125S4; V08129S1S4; V110514S2; V110623S2; V110402S2; V101030S2S3;V101104S1S2S3S4;V101106S1S2;V101009S2;V101014S1S2S4;V101023S1S2S3;V 101120S1S2;V101127S2S4;V101204S2S3S4;V101211S2S3S4;V101216S1S3;V101218S1;V121201S1S2S3S4;V121206S1S2S3S4;V07104S1;V07107s2;V07111S1S4;V07112S4;V07114S1S 2;V07118S2;V07134S4;V07135S1S2;V07137S1;V07141s2;V07142S1S2;V07143S1;V07147S1;V 100206S4;V100211S3S4;V100220S1S3;V100109S3,V100114S2,V100123S3;V08130S4;V08131S 4;V101211S1;V110903S1 ;V110820S1;V110924S2 ;V110611S22015年6月27日雅思听力机经下载地址:/20150605/jj-zy-15060508.html?seo=wenku6.470。

版本号:V09145 场景:舞蹈课程介绍题型:匹配题+填空题+单选题
1-4 匹配题
1. 选rapido
2. 选 Booster
3. 选 Freestyle
4. 选 Booster
5-7 填空题
5. 名字Rhys
6. 开班日期18th June
7. phone book
8. 选Leather shoes
9. 选30-90
10.选learn quickly
tutor 指导教师
temporary 临时的,暂时的
performance 表现
motivation 积极性,动力
flexibility 灵活性
jazz 爵士舞
samba 桑巴舞

雅思考试听力考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心欧阳琼考试日期 2015年1月31日总体评析 4旧重点关注 Section 1考查单词较为基础,注意重点信息的抓取;Section 2全部是填空题,考察的词语比较简单,注意拼写; Section 3还是学术场景,注意同义替换;Section 4注意听前信号词的定位,注意同义替换。
Section 1版本号场景题型V090307 S1 求职Table Completion / Matching一句话简介找工作,工作选择,工作评价。
1-6表格填空题:Company Products Duty Notes NumberA 1. Also needto work onweekends2. Telephonenumber:900641(四位区号已给出)B 3.tools forgardenC 4.carpets 5. organizetrainingprogrammes6. website(原文 needto dowebsitework)7-10配对题:A. defects in productsB. low salaryC. customers complain itD. bad surroundingsE. falling salesF. upset employees7. Company A: 选:F (because it needs to move)8. Company B: 选:C9. Company C: 选:D (environment is not good)10. Company D: 选:B (may lose job in the future, you won’t want to do this, employees complain about it)重点词汇及扩展出现常见的数字与常见的单词拼写;出现了很多挖空题现象。

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料2015年8月13日雅思听力机经及答案(网友回忆版)2015年8月13日雅思听力机经(网友回忆版)Section 1版本号:06117场景:咨询场景-Children care centre题型:填空10参考答案:Question 1 - Question 101. $37.50 for children under 2 years old2. 20 hours for free caring (included in the price), one week offers3. Centre has its own playground, offer outdoor programmes.4. Teachers in this centre have experience in a primary school teaching.5. Parents asked that other centre has weeklyreport(wondered if this centre has any? yes we have.)6. Two children, the earliest month child can join is: September7. Other stuff need to bring themselves is: apron and sunglasses, sun cream.8. They should also bring a family photo because chinldren may miss home.9. Need medical certificate from a doctor10. Colliope avenue Lake Road Child care center(答案仅供参考)扩展练习:C6T2S1, C10T3S1解析:咨询场景里的托儿所话题,最新的剑10里也有类似的场景。

从考卷上看,本次听力考试难度较大.Section One: V30122Section 1出现搭配题,考生们的确会比较惊慌,由此可以反映出今年搭配题确实出现了不少。
1-2 Table1. Date of Birth: August 24, 19792. Address: 20, 2 Fox Lane3-4 单选3. 选 C to become fitter4. 选B traveling on business5-10 Matching5. Group fitness session – She is not interested at all6. General weight training – She is not interested at all7. Group fitness in a pool – She is interested now8. Swimming – She might be interested in the future9. Sauna – She is not interested at all10.Child minding – She might be interested in the futureSection Two: V20131填空题考查词汇不难;搭配题应引起考生们的重视。
11-15 填空11. 1 million12. tourism13. southeast14. lawyer15.716-20 Matching16. information centre: photograph record17.&18. one court room: refreshment & souvenir19. Avenue of flags或workshop20. Visitor centerSection Three: V40107考查词汇出现学科,学生平日要做积累。

Section 1场景:银行购物新旧情况:旧题题型:笔记填空题(10)难度等级:2星内容大意:咨询买家具部分答案回忆:1. width od bed:140cm2. price:2653. 材料的颜色:natural(录音中颜色还包括dark等其他颜色,说颜色要根据其他的家具来定,女孩说家中其他家具是dark,但最后还是定了natural)4. 和床配套的床头柜:fitted light table5. glass door of cupboard6.上面的shelf有锁,填空: drawer7. 女孩名字:Roata8. 邮编:254EU9.一般送货的时间diliver time为:morning,女孩在家10. 若不在家,就放在garageSection 2场景:工作流程新旧情况:新题题型:填空题(7)、选择题(3)难度等级:3星内容大意:介绍一下casual Emloyment Service Centre部分答案回忆:Applicants:young people aged between 16 and 25people who study full-time 11.vocational courseson your registration form,you must give details of your 12.skills and your availabilityon notice board,you can find information about the 13.type of work,the 14.hours and other informationif you are interested in the job,it's up to you to 15.telephone the employer.16-18 what THREE types of work are most often available? BDEA.carpentryB.childcareputer programmingD.domestic work(家政劳动)boring workF.library assistantnguagecentreH.plumbing(水管工)I.restaurantpletionLocation:Centre Council BuildingOpening hours:from 19.10am to 4 pmClosed:20.New YearSection 3场景:作业讨论场景新旧情况:旧题题型:填空题(7)、选择题(3)难度等级:3星内容大意:法学师生讨论部分答案回忆:21-26)Sentence Completion21. 大致是说办一什么手续需要Details Put your name and e-mail address on…22.location:Blackstone upper level room301What’s the name of the Building: 23.Modern languagesthere are not available for fee-paying 24.intensive courses25.What can you find in the Resource Room?填 multimedia resources26.the Law DepartmentSelf-access Room26.go to the Law department27-29)Multiple Choicewhich THREE things does Jan think most important in work? ABGA.cautious languageB.classifyingparingD.contrastingE.describingF.explaining causes and effectsG.generalizingH.summarizingquestion 30 completionwhen is the last date for Jan to get registered? 30.22 October场景:科普物品新旧情况:旧题题型:笔记填空题(5)、选择题(5)难度等级:4星内容大意:非洲鳄鱼介绍,选择题部分说明了它喜欢怎样的栖息方式以及在沙漠中鳄鱼怎么生存。

2015年10月24日雅思听力真题回顾Section 1场景:工作流程新旧情况:旧题题型:个人信息表格题(5),一般表格题(5)难度等级:2星内容大意:生态农场的预定A woman called to book a eco-farm部分答案回忆:1. Pennington2. Email address: Helen@3. Home address:66Lake Road4. The source of information: radio5. Membership number: ID UK765024EG6. flat7. forest8. organic9. bike10. danceSection 2场景:工作流程新旧情况:旧题题型:搭配题(4)、选择题(6) 难度等级:3星内容大意:邮局工作推荐部分答案回忆:11-14 matchingA.should be done todayB. in a few days laterC. not his responsibility11. receive post-A12. answering phones-C13. reading emails-B14. update data-A15-20 Flowchart with multiple choices15. authority16. check number17. make a list18. filling order form19. confirm the order contract20. sighed delivery noteSection 3场景:作业讨论场景新旧情况:旧题题型:搭配题(5)、选择题(5)难度等级:3星内容大意:学生论文讨论部分答案回忆:A.save business time and effortB. officer visual guidanceC. have little use to their studyD. too long timeE. hard to useF. suit any-sized companies21. prest-c22. drill down method23. pareto analysis24. PMI analysis25. SWOT analysis26-30 mutiple choice26. what is the most useful in the future for manufactory, student feels? BA. Regulation/reputation of companyB. experience of staff and employeesC. major competitors27.what is tutor suggestion of mannufactory's strengths? BB. Oversea expansion opportunities28. which impresses the tutor to the greatest extent? BB. the new legal legistlationC. find out new skills to the equipment(technology is out of day)29.the man thinks that the most difficult part in the investigation? CC. difference between practice and theory30. what should improve of students' report? AA. give a final determinationB. report a clear structureC. add more detailed informationSection 4场景:科普物品新旧情况:旧题题型:笔记填空题(10)难度等级:4星内容大意:对可可粉应用的介绍以及Cocoa应用的历史部分答案回忆:31. 16th century: be used as money.32. 17th century: be processed as liquid chocolate33. 18th century: Americans added sugar into chocolate34. 19th century: researchers found it has impact on person's mood.35. the top export to country Italy。

雅思考试听力考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心罗爽考试日期 2015年6月13日总体评析 三旧:Section 2 &Section 3 &Section 4 一新:Section1Section 1 版本号场景题型New Enquiry Completion一句话简介一个人要去Toy library借玩具详细回忆1-10填空题:1. open on Saturday2. Time: open until 8.153. two kinds of membership, annual fee with family is964. have to make sure toy is clean when you are playing5. another superstar6. What else you can do when you join the library is that you can fix toys7. school8. family9. work10. account NO.重点技巧个人信息与数字是相对容易得分的题目,但十道之中还是有三至四题需要仔细审题,看清约束、限定的条件,提防干扰项,若有个别难词,听音记下来即可。
Section 2版本号场景题型V140118 S2 Radio broadcast Matching / Multiple Choice一句话简介广播节目——慈善,一个女孩要去斯里兰卡援助的故事详细回忆11-15配对题:A. Teaching someone somethingB. Do conservation jobsC. Learn new skills11. Explorer the international 选:C12. Wild exchange 选:A13. Track abroad 选:B14. Go adventure 选:B15. Going shot-need qualification 选:A16-20选择题:16. What kind of job does she do in the zoo? 选:BA. repair carpetB. washing and caring elephant17. What problem did she meet when she first arrived there? 选:CA. feel homesickB. boringC. being ill18. Activities with friends on weekend 选:BA. serve a travel guide to adjustB. coach trip to coast sea in some day19. Volunteers divide into groups based on 选:AA. the same interestB. the same ageC. different background20. The result of being the volunteer 选:BB. being proud of achievementsC. confident after coming back重点技巧多选题必须看清选择的是“是”的概念还是“非”的概念,并随手划除干扰项,减小阅读的范围。

雅思考试听力考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心张敏考试日期 2015年4月18日总体评析 2旧:Section 3& Section 4 2新:Section 1& Section 2重点关注 Section 1中考察对于专有名词拼写的掌握; 填空选择比例20:20,考试难度较易Section 1 版本号场景题型New 旅游场景Completion一句话简介旅游安排详细回忆1-10填空题:1. Park Inn is close to: train station2. Park Inn每晚的价格是:$1693. price includes breakfast4. 住在这里可以顺便visit science museum5. 他们计划去mountain, 找了个旅社chilcontin6. 另一个计划是hiking, 经过森林可以看到black bear7. hiking的时候必须带boots8. hiking途中看到古老的gold mine9. 在山上住tent10. extra activity: fishing重点词汇及扩展需要加强旅游场景考点及话题词汇Section 2 版本号场景题型New 业余活动Map / Multiple choices一句话简介休闲娱乐中心的设施方位和会员卡有关的信息/介绍了健身中心的地图以及一些membership的类型优惠和礼品详细回忆11-16地图题:11. Playground 选:G12. Massage room 选:E13. Spa room 选:A14. Shop 选:H15.Gym 选:I16. Weight room 选:D17-20多选题(5选2):17-18. 以下哪两种学员享有special discount? 选:A. off-peak和C. family (12个月只要9个月的价钱)19-20. 最新办会员卡的人能获得什么礼品free-gift? 选:B. free massage和C. heart rate monitor重点词汇及扩展考察选择题关键词的寻找以及同义互换的能力Section 3版本号场景题型V121124 S3=V09322 S3学术讨论Multiple Choice / Completion一句话简介学生一起讨论新西兰怪石雕刻Hi-keti的研究详细回忆21-25单选题:21. Both students agreed with that 选:Green stone is too hard to be carved22. Why few greenstone was found in archeological sites 选:CA. it has few introductionB. it was stolen by tomb raiderC. the owners take care of them23. New Zealanders used this stone to 选:BA. the most important art styleB. communicate with their ancestorsC. Maori think it an object cannot be owned by any person24. What is the distinction between two types of Moain hei-m 选:CA. head size ratio to other partsB. *** head typeC. the position of hands to legs25. New Mario stone can be recognized because 选:BA. greenstones' styleB. regular hole and the cordC. stylish ***26-30配对题,制作步骤,各个步骤相应用到的不同材料:A. attaching *** toB. polish stone eyesC.end D.smoothE. form the shapeF. clean the greenstoneG. bond it together26.sand 选:E27. string 选:A28.bark 选:C29.wax 选:B30. stone 选:G重点词汇及扩展强调选择题审题时间的分配和关键词的定位Section 4版本号场景题型V120901 S4 学术讲座Completion一句话简介学术讨论:关于食物和儿童健康详细回忆31-40填空题:Information provided31. survey for ingredients32. stored food quality33. cooking temperature changes in affecting the frozen food34. supermarkets use images to attract customers35. prime motivation: the source of the information36. only concern for sales37. for entertainments activities38. organic food in American market39. food safety and nutrition safety as in cooking process40. healthy choices depend on the parents重点词汇及扩展强调填空题常见拼写格式的错误,学会利用有效的词性词义的预测做好听力的定位工作。

注意:以下情况算 A number:
银行卡号:123456789 电话号码:08284725
Current address: 3 ……15…R…ive…rsi…de…….. Exeter
• 15 Riverside • Is that all one word?
double triple
/ ǀ / + 0 /əʊ/ =/ləʊ/
double triple
/ ǀ / + 8 /eit/ =/leit /
Occupation: 6 ……………………
• Project Manager, but…. • Engineer
→ 陷阱
•本着好读好记的原则,两位,三位或者四位数字一停。 例:845/73/71 890/25/367 135/7895/3959 •连着两位读成double+ 数字,连着三位数triple+数字 例: 632/366/88 137/000/32/88
读 →猜 →听 → 写 →查
字数=1 字数≤2+1 字数≤3+1
• 看字数限制 •快速浏览大,小标题+空格句,划定位词。
• 预测原文场景, 预测所填词词性。
副词+动词 5%