

高中英语_新人教版选修八 Unit 2 Cloning教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

高中英语_新人教版选修八 Unit 2 Cloning教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Book8 Unit2 CloningReading内容:教学设计及反思_设计人:___Book8 Unit2 CloningPeriod 1 Reading设计人:教学整体设计思路在英语教学中“阅读理解能力”是学生从阅读中获取信息的能力以及对文章理解的速度和准确性的关键因素。


本节课是一节阅读课,设计过程如下:导入引出克隆这一话题--- 掌握段落大意(略读)---课文内容填空(精读)---重点知识点与句型---讨论---写作拓展。


具体涉及“什么是克隆”, “克隆羊多利是如何诞生的”,“克隆的利与弊”等。









学习流程Before class (课前自主学习,合作探究)Vocabulary(词汇预习)Preview the new words of this text.clone commercial producer undertake arbitrary object forbid accumulate bother regulation resist unable argument reasonable obtaincast down object to the media in favor of be bound to (do) from time to time pay off【设计意图】通过预习词汇为下一步的阅读扫清生词障碍。



Unit 2 CloningPart 1 Teaching Design第一部分教课方案Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language (Revise the Appositive <words||,phrases and clauses>) IntroductionIn this period students will be first helped by the teacher to discover and learn to use some useful words and collocations|| , and then to discover and learn to use the following useful structures: the appositive <words||, phrases and clauses>. The following steps of teaching may be taken: warming up by reading aloud to the tape the text CLONING: WHERE IS IT LEADING US?;learning about appositive; building up on your word power ; discovering useful words and collocations ; discovering and distinguishing ; closing down by talking about cloning.ObjectivesTo help students revise the Appositive <words|| , phrases and clauses>)To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and collocationsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProcedures1.Warming up by reading aloud to the tape the text CLONING: WHERE IS IT LEADING US?2.Learning about appositiveWhat is an Appositive?An appositive is a noun|| , noun phrase||, or noun clause which follows a noun or pronoun and renames or describes the noun or pronoun. A simple appositive is an epithet like Alexanderthe Great. Appositives are often set off by commas.Example: We visited the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe|| , the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. (The underlined portion is the appositive.)Appositive PhrasesAn appositive phrase is a type of noun phrase that follows the noun or pronoun it modifies andamplifies or restricts its meaning.Our monitor||, a careful reader and outspoken critic ||, will examine the article before it is handed to the headmaster. [The italicized phrase is an appositive.]Appositive phrases are similar to relative clauses; to avoid wordiness|| , relative clauses can often be reduced to appositive phrases.3. Building up on your word powerTo build up on your word power you are to make sentences with the collocations from the text: CLONING : WHERE IS IT L EADING US? You may try to include as many uses of the Appositive <words|| , phrases and clauses> as possible.1.This is a way of learning English|| , the most popular language in the word.2.People in the future will make an exact copy of themselves.3.We may grow human beings in a laboratory in the near future.4.They are identical in sex and appearance.5.This mysterious thing is produced from coals.6.The natural clones of these plants have two major uses||, one for eating||, one forreproduction.7.At all the time|| , producing commercial quantities of concrete things is difficult.8.We are going on with our research on the cloning of animals.9.The determination and patience of students will be rewarded with a breakthrough in cloning.10.Following the progress of English development we shall come to a conclusion that thisworld language is becoming simpler in sentence structure.4. Discovering useful words and collocations.A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right"to native English speakers|| , who use them all the time.Now you may go to page 13. Finish the four words and collocations exercises in groups of four.5. Discovering and distinguishingTo find out and write down all the examples of the Appositive <words||,phrases and clauses>) you are to read the text Cloning: Where is it leading us?The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging .Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.Altogether Dolly lived for six years||, half the length of the life of the original sheep.Some more examples of the AppositiveMr. Smith|| , our new teacher||, is very kind to us.Yesterday I met Tom||, a friend of my brother's.He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.Yesterday I talked to my English teacher|| , Mr. James.We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.He is interested in sports||, especially ball games.There are differences between appositive clauses and attributive clauses.●同位语从句只是出此刻belief||, conclusion||, doubt||, fact||, hope||, idea||, knowledge||,law||, message||, news||, notion||, order||, proof||, rumor||, sign||, suggestion||, theory||,thought 等抽象名词的后边 ||,用于进一步说明或解说该名词的内容 ||。



Unit2 CloningReading: CLONING: WHERE IS IT LEADING US?教课方案一、教材剖析本单元以Cloning 为话题,旨在经过单元教课,使学生认识克隆技术的优弊端,学会表达和支持个人看法,能用所学的相关Cloning 的词汇去表述自己对这一新技术的看法和见解。

”阅读”( Reading)部分供给的资料CLONING: WHERE IS IT LEADING US?是一篇介绍克隆技术的说明文, 详细介绍了植物与动物克隆的差别,多利羊的出生与死亡及由此引起的争辩。


从话题内容上剖析,Warming Up与Reading相一致,从教材份量来说,可将Warming Up 和 Reading 整合在一同,设计成一节任务型“阅读课(精读课)”。

二、学情剖析我所带的两个班级的学生英语基础一般,平常较少阅读科学题材的文章, 知识面相对狭小,阅读理解这篇文章仍是有必定难度。





四.教课目的 Teaching goals1. Target language目口号言a.要点词汇和短语clone ,commercial , producer ,undertake , arbitrary , object ,forbid ,ac cumulate ,cast down ,object to ,the media , in favor ofb.要点句子It is a way of⋯.The fact is that⋯.The question that concerned all scientists were:⋯.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to describe cloning: What is the advantages of cloning?What is the problems or dangers of cloning?What is your opinion of cloning?3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to describe cloning.Teaching important points教课要点How to describe cloning.Teaching difficult point教课难点Help the students analyze the writing techniques of the article.Teaching methods教课方法Skimming, task-based method and debate method.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教课过程与方式Step 1 Lead-in(3分钟)Show three cartoon pictures about cloning to arise students’interest s, then raise the question:1.What is cloning?2.Do you want to be cloned or not? why?经过展现图片和发问,激发学生对克隆技术的兴趣和气奇心,启迪学生展望课文的内容,以便经过阅读考证自己的推断。

人教版高二英语选修8 Unit 2 Cloning 全单元教案

人教版高二英语选修8 Unit 2 Cloning 全单元教案

Unit 2 CloningThe First Period warming upAims1. Talk about cloning2. Practice expressing and supporting an opinionContentsTask one: Looking and speakingIn pairs, look at the pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Explain how they differ.A.Dolly the sheepB. A strawberry plantC.TwinsD. Identical dogsTask two: Questions about cloningWhat is a clone?How is a clone produced?What benefits can humans gain from cloning?What problems may arise when humans are cloned?Task three: Free talkIn pairs, discuss what you understand about cloning, then list the questions you want to find out. Share your lists with one another.1. Should we clone human?2. Could cloning replace sex as the means of creating new human life?3. Could a parent clone a child who is dying of a terminal illness?The Second Period ReadingAims:1. Help the Ss to know how to describe cloning and how to catch the details of the text.2. Activate the Ss to show their opinions about the cloning and enable the Ss to write and article on this debate.Contents:Leading in by revision.Task one: Fast readingWhat is a clone?Show the following.1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. (F. e xact… another)2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants.(T.)3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants.(F. more than)4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. (T.)5. Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants.(T)Task two: Careful readingRead the text again, try to answer the following questions and find out the main idea of each paragraph .Questions:1. What‟s the main idea of the text?2. How many years did the sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably live?3. Why did the Cloning of Dolly the sheep succeed?4. What does the word …straightforward‟ mean in the second paragraph?5. What is the writer‟s attitude toward cloning in this passage?The main idea of each paragraph:Para. 1 Cloning is a way of making an copy of another animal and plant.Para. 2 Cloning has two major uses.Para. 3 The problems of Dolly.Para. 4 The effect of Dolly.Para. 5 It is forbidden to clone human being.Task three: Notes for debating: Should we use cloning?Argument for cloning:Cloning will be beneficial to humansWe could use cloning to cure illnesses.Arguments against cloning:healthy risks form mutation of genesemotional risksagainst naturerisk of abuse of the technologyCloned animals get ill and die quite young;The Third Period Language PointsAims:1. Enable the Ss to grasp the words of cloning.Get the Ss to master some useful expressions.Contents:1. differ v.1) “To be dissimilar or unlike in nature, quality, amount, or form”eg:Ambition differs from greed.2) “To be of a different opinion; disagree”eg:The critic differed with the author on several facts.2. exact adj. “Strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality”eg:an exact account; an exact replica; your exact words.3. commercial adj. 1) “Of or relating to commerce” 2) “Engaged in commerce‟eg:a commercial loan; a commercial attaché; a commercial trucker.4. straightforward adj. 1) “honest‟ 2) “easy to understand”eg: a ~ explanation; written in ~ language; a ~ problem in algebra5. procedure n.1) …A manner of proceeding; a way of performing or effecting something‟eg:complained to the manager, and by this procedure got the money back.2) “A series of steps taken to accomplish an end”6. undertake v.1) “To take upon oneself; decide or agree to do”eg:undertake a task.2) “To pledge or commit (oneself) to‟eg:undertake oneself to care for an elderly relative.7. breakthrough n.1) “An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction.”2) …A military offensive that penetrates an enemy's lines of defense‟eg: a ~ in cancer research8. disturb v. “break the quiet, calm and peace‟eg: She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping boy.Don‟t ~ the papers on my desk.9. arbitrary adj.1) “Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason”eg:stopped at the first motel we passed, an arbitrary choice; arbitrary division of the group into halves.2) “Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference”eg:The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.10. altogether adv.1) “Entirely; completely; utterly”eg:lost the TV picture altogether; an altogether new approach.2) “With all included or counted; all told”eg:There were altogether 20 people at the dinner.11. objection n. “The act of objecting”eg: He has a strong ~ to getting up early.~s to the plan will be listened to sympathetically.12. media n. 媒体eg: The running for president drew the ~‟s attention.Now the press is an useful media.13. moral adj.1)“Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness”eg:moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.2) “Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character”eg:a moral lesson.14. accumulate v. “To gather or pile up”eg: By buying ten books every month, he soon ~d a library.Dust soon ~s if the room is not swept.15. forbid v.1) “To command (someone) not to do something”eg:I forbid you to go.2) “To command against the doing or use of (something); prohibit”eg:forbid smoking on trains.The Forth period Learning about language and Using languageAims:Let the Ss know more about the cloning.Improve the students‟ listening, reading and writing ability.Contents:Task one: gap fillingplete the sentences using suitable words or phrases from the prevision sections.2.Rewrite the sentences using words of similar meaning to replace the underlined words.e the words and phrases below to fill in the passage.Task two: reading and discussing1.Read the passage and answer the questions.2.In pairs, discuss which extinct animals described below (which died out less than 10,000 yearsago) are worth restoring by means of cloning.a. Auroch (1627)b. Dodo bird (1755)c. Great auk (1844)d. Quagga (1883)Task three: listening and writing1.Read the statements before listening. Tick those that you hear.2.Listen to the tape again and then work with a partner to fill in the chart on page 17.3.Whose idea do you agree with according to the listening materials? Get ready to write acomposition. Think about the reasons for your point of view. Use your own ideas as well as those in the text.。

英语:unit2 cloning教案(选修8)

英语:unit2 cloning教案(选修8)

Unit 2 Cloning主讲人:周敏I.Teaching material: 选修8 Unit 2II.Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:1)Vocabulary: differ,exact,cutting, twin,identical, commercial,straightforward,complicated,undertake, breakthrough, procedure,nucleus,somatic,embryo,carrier,cast, altogether, arbitrary,fate,correction, object,objection,impact, medium, obtain,attain,moral,conservative, forbid, accumulate, pay off, cast down,the medium,in favor of2)Sentences structures:It is a way of…The fact is that…The question that occurred is…2。

Ability aims:Enable students to describe cloning:What is cloning?What is the advantage about cloning? What are the problems or danger of cloning?Is it necessary to clone dodo birds?3。

Emotion aims:1) Let students try to work together and communicate with others.2)Enable them find the advantages and dangers of cloning。



Unit2. CloningReading 教学设计-雷翊Teaching contents,Doing reading comprehension about the textTeaching aims,Knowledge aims,Help the students understand the text very well.Ability aims,Improve the students’ reading ability.Emotional aims,1. stimulate students’ interest in cloning.2. Develop students’ spirit of cooperation and teamworkTeaching important points,how to describe cloning.Teaching difficult points,Help the students analyze the writing techniques of the article.Teaching methods,1. task-based teaching and learning2. debate methodTeaching procedures and ways,Step1: Warming upShow some pictures of A strawberry plant 、Twins、cloning cattles、Identical dogs on the screen. Get students to look at the pictures and discuss:Which is natural clone? Which is man-made clone? and then explain how they differ.(设计说明:克隆技术是一门前沿科技,学生对此兴趣浓厚,利用幻灯片展示当今克隆技术产生出来的动植物照片,学生的兴趣被瞬间激发,这就为进一步的学习做好了铺垫。



精选教课教课方案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教课方案[ 20–20学年度第__学期]任教课科: _____________任教年级: _____________任教老师: _____________xx市实验学校(英语 )选修八第二单元教课方案Unit 2CloningI.教课内容剖析本单元的中心话题是“克隆” ,波及克隆哺乳动物、克隆的历史和能否能够克隆已经绝种的动物所惹起的争议等话题。

Warming Up部分体现一组图片,引入相关克隆的话题,要修业生回答相关能否能划分自然与人工无性生殖克隆的问题,激发学生对克隆话题的兴趣,既能集中学生的注意力,又为他们学习本课话题做准备。




Reading 部分介绍了植物与动物克隆之间的差别、多莉羊的出生与死亡以及由此引起的争辩。


Learning about Language部分突出了词汇和语法的学习与训练。

本单元的语法是掌握并运用同位语从句及同位语从句与that 指引的定语从句的差别。

Using Language 部分中包含了读、议论和写、听三个部分的内容,经过学习“恐龙回归”的阅读资料,认识能否能克隆已经绝种的动物和议论哪一种动物是最值得克隆及其原由,而后写成一份报告。


Learning Tip 教育学生要提升英语口语能力,需要长时间地听英国或美国人朗诵的磁带,并高声跟读。


高中英语新人教版精品教案《Unit 2 Cloning》

高中英语新人教版精品教案《Unit 2 Cloning》

人教版选修八Unit 2 Coning
Uing anguage教学设计
The anai of teaching materia(教材分析)
The teaching materia i the uing anguage municate with each other whie doing the grou e or tae a tri
Teaching refection(教学反思)



在今后的教学中力争改进教学方法,照顾到全体学生, 给学生创造更多的发挥自我才能的机会,使每一位学生都能有所收获。



人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案【一】教学准备教学目标一、语言知识目标初步理解、掌握课文中关于克隆的词汇,学习分析课文中的长难句子。

二、阅读技能目标1. 能获取和处理文章中的主要信息。

2. 能够掌握文中出现的重要的语言知识三、学习策略目标掌握速读、略读、猜测词义等阅读策略。




教学过程Step 1 Daily reportOne student comes to the front and gives a report about advantages and disadvantages of science and technology.Step 2 leading-inThe teacher shows some pictures and starts a discussion about cloning.Step 3 SkimmingTask 1: Whats the main idea of the passage? Task 2: Match the main idea with each paragraph Para 1: A. Peoples attitude towards cloning. Para 2: B. The problems of Dolly.Para 3: C. The impact of Dolly.Para 4: D. Two major uses and the procedure of cloning.Para 5: E. The definition(定义)of cloning.Step 4 ScanningTask 1. Look through Para 2 and answer the following questions.(1) What are the two major uses of cloning?(2) Which one is easier, to make plant clones or animal clones?Task 2. Look through Para 3 and fill in the chart. Task 3. Do the following translation and word guessing.(1). Translation:On the other hand, Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.(2). The word controversial in paragraph 4 probably means_________.A. complicatedB. arguableC. importantD. valuableTask4. Do the following Tor F questions based on Paragraph 5.1. People feared some evil leaders might use cloning to reach their goal.2. All the research into cloning will be forbidden.3. Religious leaders are in favor of human cloning.Step 5 Enjoy beautiful sentences1. Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.2. At last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off.3. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.Step 6 Question and answerThis part is for students to find if they still have questions. If there is any, they can ask their classmates to help them.Step 7 QuizNote: This part is very challenging. In the picture there are five numbers. Students can choose their lucky number and answer questions. Most of the questions are based on what they have learned in class.Step 8. Test yourselfFill in the blank with proper words.Cloning is a way of _______ (make) an exact copy of another animal or plant. It has two major uses. One is _______ gardeners use it to produce plants. The ______ is that it is valuable for medical research on animals. ________, the process of cloning is difficult ___________ (undertake).The first successful clone, Dolly the sheep, made the whole _________ (science) world follow its progress, though it had ________ problems than the normal sheep. On the other hand, Dollys appearance _______ (raise) a storm of objections and had a great impact ______ the media and public imagination. Different people have different opinions on it. However, scientists still wonder ______ cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.Step 9 DebateTopic: Are you for or against cloning?课后小结HomeworkWrite a passage entitled My view on cloning.课后习题评测练习主要有两个。

新人教版高中英语选修8Unit2 Cloning教案

新人教版高中英语选修8Unit2 Cloning教案

Unit 2 CloningTeaching aims:TopicTalking about cloningUseful words and expressions:Strawberry, differ, exact, straightforward, breakthrough, disturbing, cast, altogether, objection, media, ceiling, shortly, retire, assumption, merely, decoration, zebra, aloud.Expressions: cast down, object to, the media, in favour of, bound to, from time to time, bring back to life, pay off.3. Functional items:Expressing and supporting an opinionI’m happy to accept… but…I’m not bothered about…I would never accept…I don’t mind but…I hope you’ll carry on…Are you sure you want to..?I agree with you that…Is it fair to…?Do you think it is wise to…?I think you should…Well done to you for…I don’t understand why you don’t…I can’t help thinking…I could never agree to…4. GrammarRevise Noun Clauses (as the Appositive)Nobody shares my belief that he was mad.They are familiar with the opinion that all matter consists of atoms.The suggestion came from the chairman that the new rule should be adopted.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1 ReadingStep 1. Warming upA. Lead in:If necessary, introduce something about cloning by questions and answers:The three types of cloning: 1. recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning; 2. reproductive cloning; 3. therapeutic cloningB. Discuss the pictures on P10, then finish the warming-up exercises.Questions about cloning:What’s cloning?How is a clone produced?What benefits can humans gain from cloning?What problems may arise when humans are cloned?Should we clone human?Could cloning replace sex as the means of creating human life?Step 2. ReadingTask 1: Ss scan the passage and try to get the main idea of each paragraph:Suggested answers:Para. 1 Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.Para. 2 Cloning has two major uses.Para. 3 The problems of Dolly.Para. 4 The effect of DollyPara. 5 It is forbidden to clone human being.Task 2: Ss read and finish Ex 1-3 on page 12Period 2. Language learningStep 1. RevisionSs retell the text.Step 2. Language pointsExplain the following sentences:it is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.它是一种精确复制另一个动物或植物的方式.Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.多利的出现引起了一场反对的风暴,并且对媒体和公众思想产生了很大的冲击.However, scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.然而科学家一直致力于研究克隆到底会有助于我们还是会伤害我们, 它将会把我们引向何方.I would like to suggest that medical cloning is not as simple an issue as many colleague claims.我认为医用克隆技术并不像很多同事们所说的那么简单。



高中英语《Unit2Cloning》人教版教案高中英语《Unit 2 Cloning》人教版教案如何将素质教育理论引入外语是当前外语战线的一大课题。


下面小编一起看看有关高中英语《Unit 2 Cloning》人教版。

人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》1核心单词1. differv. 不同;相异;使¡­¡­相异常用结构:A differs fromB in ...A与B在¡­¡­方面不同A differs withB about/on/over... A与B就¡­¡­意见相左Their house differs from mine in having no garage.他们的房子与我的不同,区别在于他们的没有车库。

The two sides still differ with each other over the question of pay.双方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。

联想拓展difference n. 不同之处different adj. 不同的make a difference to 对¡­¡­产生变化;对什么有影响different from 与¡­¡­不同,不同于高手过招高手过招用适当的介词填空(原创)①The two squares differ colour but not size.②The husband differs the wife who is to take charge of themoney.③It doesn t make a difference me whether you are going to stay.④This is a different car the one I drove yesterday.答案:1. ①in;in ②with;on/about/over③to ④from2. undertakevt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;保证,答应常用结构:undertake sth. 着手/从事/承担某事undertake to do sth. 保证/答应做某事undertake that ...保证¡­¡­The scientist undertakes the experiment.这位科学家从事这项实验。

人教版选修8Unit 2 CloningP3 教学设计

人教版选修8Unit 2 CloningP3 教学设计

Unit 2 CloningPart 1 Teaching Design第一部分教学设计Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language(THE RETURN OF THE DINOSAURS)IntroductionLanguage is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students read, listen, write and speak in English, making use of the focused words, collocations, structures and topic ideas covered in this unit. The teacher may take the following steps in teaching: warming up by reading aloud the text on page 11 to the tape;Reading for forms;discussing about extinct animals;listening and talking about cloning and closing by looking and saying.ObjectivesTo help students read the passage THE RETURN OF THE DINOSAURSTo help students to use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writingProcedures1. Warming up by reading aloud the text on page 11 to the tape.Why read aloud? Because reading aloud:•Is great fun, and it benefits our growth as readers and learners.•Nurtures our love of both the written and spoken word.•Gives us a chance to rediscover favorite stories and find new ones.•Helps us develop important language skills that will help us learn to read on our own.2. Reading for formsRead the text THE RETURN OF THE DINOSAURS on page 15: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations. 3. Discussing about extinct animalsSome animals have gone for ever. Some animals are endangered. Tigers in Asia are endangered. Now in groups of four make a list of endangered animals and have a discussion of them.Endangered tigerThe tiger lives in the jungles and canebrakes of Asia. Its body markings provide excellent camouflage in long grass.This large carnivore usually hunts at night, spending the greater part of the daylight hours resting in shaded areas to escape the heat. It eats a variety of other creatures, from frogs and turtles, to cattle, monkeys, deer, buffalo, and even the occasional young elephant.Tigers are the largest existing members of the Felidae and are, on average, larger than lions, ranging in weight up to 267 kg.4. Listening and talking about cloningCloning is something which will change the direction of the world development. Now let’s listen to more cloning.Is cloning an organism the same as cloning a gene?You've heard about cloning animals --- sheep, mice, even house pets --- in the news. From time to time, you may have also heard about researchers cloning, or identifying, genes that are responsible for various medical conditions or traits.What is the difference?Cloning an animal, or any other organism, refers to making an exact genetic copy of that organism. The techniques used to clone organisms are described on this page.Cloning a gene means isolating an exact copy of a single gene from the entire genome of an organism. Usually this involves copying the DNA sequence of that gene into a smaller, more accessible piece of DNA, such as a plasmid. This makes it easier to study the function of the individual gene in the laboratory.Now you may work in pairs to put this listening material into a dialogue.5. Closing by looking and sayingLook at the photos and say something about cloning. What is it? How it done?。



教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Unit2. CloningReading 教学设计-雷翊Teaching contents,Doing reading comprehension about the textTeaching aims,Knowledge aims,Help the students understand the text very well.Ability aims,Improve the students’ reading ability.Emotional aims,1. stimulate students’ interest in cloning.2. Develop students’ spirit of cooperation and teamworkTeaching important points,how to describe cloning.Teaching difficult points,Help the students analyze the writing techniques of the article.Teaching methods,1. task-based teaching and learning2. debate methodTeaching procedures and ways,Step1: Warming upShow some pictures of A strawberry plant 、Twins、cloning cattles、Identical dogs on the screen. Get students to look at the pictures and discuss:Which is natural clone? Which is man-made clone? and then explain how they differ. (设计说明:克隆技术是一门前沿科技,学生对此兴趣浓厚,利用幻灯片展示当今克隆技术产生出来的动植物照片,学生的兴趣被瞬间激发,这就为进一步的学习做好了铺垫。



Unit 2 Cloning【美文阅读】Pandas can be saved by cloning?从1998年中国科学院动物研究所首席科学家、动物克隆与受精生物学学科带头人陈大元首次正式提出克隆大熊猫到现在,整整16年过去了,陈老仍然执著于此。

然而保护大熊猫,究竟要不要通过克隆的方式呢?China has been exploring every possible means of saving giant pandas,one of the world's most endangered species,from becoming extinct,even if it means resorting to(诉诸) cloning them.Chen Dayuan,a senior scientist who specializes in cloning at the Institute of Zoology in the Chinese Academy of Sciences,introduced the idea of performing cloning techniques on giant pandas in 1998.Using initial funding of 100,000 yuan,Chen successfully produced blastocysts(胚泡) by transplanting the somatic nucleus from sample pandas into the egg cells of rabbits.The move was considered as one of the 10 biggest achievements of science and technology in 1999.It won an award of 6 million yuan and further funding of 5 million yuan for the project from the Ministry of Science and Technology.At first,two embryos were created from a surrogate mother(代母) cat who became pregnant after bei ng in­jected with a blastocyst,but the experiment was abandoned after the cat died.Chen and his team then experimented with surrogacy on black bears.After three years of effort,a black bear became pregnant and the shape of a fetus(胎儿) could be seen on an ultrasound scan(超声波扫描检查).However,the research was stopped in 2005 because the fetus did not completely develop before the project's deadline.“Those who are against cloning have made their voices heard throughout the research project on cloning giant pandas.Some people believe cloning goes against nature,but it is actually a pioneering technology.If successful,it is a way to save endangered animals,”Chen said.Some scientists take a different view.“While I agree that research on cloning is meaningful,it is inappropriate to use giant pandas in this type of experiment.The number of pandas is limited and human beings have yet to master knowledge about pandas' pregnancy.Cloning would do little to save the species,”said Wang Dajun,a researcher at the School of Life Sciences,Peking University.In response,Chen said that he would continue his research.【诱思导学】1.Do you think pandas can be saved by cloning?Why?______________________________________________【答案】省略2.Why are some scientists against cloning pandas?______________________________________________【答案】Because they think cloning go against nature.Period ⅠPreviewing(教师用书独具)●教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,为下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。

高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning教学设计2 新人教版选修8

高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning教学设计2 新人教版选修8

Unit 2 CloningPart 1 Teaching Design第一部分教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?)IntroductionIn this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to pre-read the text by questioning and answering. Then they shall read aloud to the recording, read for forms, read for the type of writing and summary of CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?. The students will be asked to copy useful expressions and make sentences, read and transform and read the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story with your own words. The period will end in students learning more about Dolly. ObjectivesTo help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about cloning To help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this unitFocusAidsMultimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagramsProcedures1. Warming up by leaning the word “clone”clonen.1. A cell, group of cells, or organism that is descended from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single original cell.2. An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding.3. A DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferred from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques.4. One that copies or closely resembles another, as in appearance or function: "filled with business-school clones in gray and blue suits" Michael M. Thomas. v. cloned, clon·ing, clones1. To make multiple identical copies of (a DNA sequence).2. To create or propagate (an organism) from a clone cell: clone a sheep.3. To reproduce or propagate asexually: clone a plant variety.4. To produce a copy of; imitate closely: "The look has been cloned into cliché" Cathleen McGuigan.2. Pre-reading by questioning and answeringWhat is cloning? We define cloning as production of a cell or organism with the same nuclear genome as another cell or organism.Cloning is the process of creating an identical copy of an original. A clone in the biological sense, therefore, is a single cell (like bacteria, lymphocytes etc.) or multi-cellular organism that is genetically identical to another living organism. Sometimes this can refer to "natural" clones made either when an organism reproduces asexually or when two genetically identical individuals are produced by accident (as with identical twins), but in common parlance the clone is an identical copy by some conscious design. Also see clone (genetics).The term clone is derived from the Greek word for "twig". In horticulture, the spelling clon was used until the twentieth century; the final e came into use to indicate the vowel is a "long o" instead of a "short o". Since the term entered the popular lexicon in a more general context, the spelling clone has been used exclusively.3. Reading aloud to the recordingWhole language teachers affirm that reading aloud teaches you the students about language in a way that silent or independent reading never can.Reading aloud to the tape helps you the students develop and improve language skills -- reading, writing, speaking, and listening. And since you the students listen on a higher level than you read, listening to other readers stimulates growth and understanding of vocabulary and language patterns.So why not hurry to listen and read to the tape-recording of the text we are going to learn today?4. Reading for formsRead the text again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions.5. Reading for the type of writing and summary of CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US? Determining the type of writing will help you determine the author’s topic (subject), purpose (why he is writing), style (how he should write) and tone (his attitude towardhis subject - supportive, condeming, objective, etc.)It is important to find main ideas when reading. Main ideas help you remember important information. The main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about. The other sentences in the paragraph are called details. Details describe or explain the main idea. Read the text to find the main idea.6. Copying and making sentencesYou are asked to copy all the useful expressions into your notebook after class as homework. You may make your own sentences with each of these expressions.7. Reading and transforming8. Reading the text again to draw a diagram of it and retell the story with your own wordsWriters structure, or organize, their writing in many different ways. Recognizing the way in which a text has been organized will help you understand its meaning more fully.9. Closing down by learning more about DollyTo end this class, let’s get to know more about Dolly.Celebrity Sheep Has Died at Age 6Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA, was put down by lethalinjection Feb. 14, 2003. Prior to her death, Dolly had been suffering from lung cancer and crippling arthritis. Although most Finn Dorset sheep live to be 11 to 12 years of age, postmortem examination of Dolly seemed to indicate that, other than her cancer and arthritis, she appeared to be quite normal. The unnamed sheep from which Dolly was cloned had died several years prior to her creation. Dolly was a motherto six lambs, bred the old-fashioned way.。

高中英语选修8 Unit 2 Cloning教案

高中英语选修8 Unit 2 Cloning教案

Unit 2 Cloning Ⅰ.重要单词聚焦1.vi.不同;相异2.vt. 着手;从事;承担3.n. 突破4.vi. 反对;不赞成5.vt. 获得;赢得6.vt. 获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等) 7.vt. 禁止;不准differundertakebreakthroughobjectobtainattainforbid8.vt. 积累;聚积9.vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……10.adv. 立刻;不久11.vi. 退休;离开12.vt.& vi. 打扰;操心13.n. 假定;设想14.n. 规则;规章;法规15.vi.& vt. 打;撞击;罢工16.adj. 虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的Accumulateoweshortlyretirebotherassumptionregulationstrikevain17.vt. 抵抗;对抗18.adv. 仅;只;不过19.n. 装饰20.vt. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱21.adj. 合情理的;讲道理的;公道的resistmerelydecorationadorereasonableⅡ.重要短语扫描1.pay 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2.cast 沮丧;不愉快3.in of 赞成;支持4.(be) to (do)... 一定或注定(做)……5....into one’s heart 使……刻骨铭心6.time to time 不时;偶尔7.bring back to 使复生;使复活8.in 白费力气;枉费心机offdownfavourboundstrikefromlifevain9.in good/poor 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)10.have a great on 对……有很大影响conditionimpactⅢ.课文原句突破1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had bee seriously ill.Cloning scientists were cast down to fi nd that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal.[信息提取]be appropriate to (for) sth.适合于……的;适当的。



Unit 2 CloningⅡ. 目标语言Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Cloning为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解克隆技术的优缺点,学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关Cloning的词汇去表述自己对这一新技术的观点和看法。

1.1 Warming Up提供了四幅有关Dolly the sheep(多莉羊),A strawberry plant(草莓植物),Identical dogs(克隆狗) ,Twins(双胞胎婴儿)的图片,让学生用已有的知识和经验讨论对克隆技术的看法与观点。

1.2 Listening是关于人类克隆的听力材料,难度中等。

1.3 Speaking根据材料,四人小组合作,要求把自己对克隆婴儿的态度和感觉用相关的语言表达出来。


1.4 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动,它要求采用与同学讨论交流的方式谈论有关克隆的相关知识。

1.5 Reading是一篇介绍克隆技术的说明文。

1.6 Comprehending第一题所给出的表格让学生根据课文内容列举克隆技术的优缺点;第二题让学生根据所拥有的知识来评价作者的观点;第三题要求学生用自己的语言阐述对克隆技术的观点并给出理由。

1.7 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分,其中Discovering useful words and expressions 是根据语境在运用中掌握词汇。

Discovering useful structures 是通过阅读和补全句子来练习。

1.8 Using Language中的Reading,Discussingand writing要求学生先读, 然后再完成四个任务型的作业,即 1. 讨论并回答三个问题;2. 讨论几种已经灭绝的动物,并且讨论哪种动物应该被恢复到这个世界上,并且给出理由;3. Listening and speaking 让学生根据所听到的内容选择并列出文中人物观点。

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Unit 2 Cloning

选修8 Unit2 Cloning-Reading 教学设计与反思


Step1 Lead- in
was a ______ sheep.
2. When was the cloning of Dolly the sheep born

2)展示Dolly the sheep(多莉羊)、 A strawberry plant(草莓植物)、 Twins(双胞胎婴儿)的图片,让学生讨论并说出它们之间的不同点。

which ones are natural clones and which ones are man –made
S: I think the twins are natural clones and the Dolly sheep is man-made.

而Unit2 Cloning又是一篇介绍克隆技术的说明文,专业性强,文中生词多,学生理解难度大。



授课中始终围绕读,重在培养学生阅读技能,以skimming,careful reading和comprehending等循序渐进式的阅读教学方法,促使学生积极配合,收到了良好的学习效果。

