
1.按Win+X ,再按A

2.输入 slmgr -upk 回车 (卸载已经安装的密钥)

3.输入 slmgr.vbs -ipk *****-*****-*****-*****-*****

4.输入 slui 4 回车,国家选择英国 拨打电话 800 018 8354 按步骤提示进行


Welcome to Microsoft Product Activation.

Please press 1 as a home user, and 2 if you are a business customer with a volume license agreement.

To activate, you must have your installation numbers from your activation wizard screen.

If you are familiar with this process,you may press the hash key to skip any instructions.

No personal information is collectedduring activation.

If you have your ID to hand and areready to proceed, please press the hash key.
(如果你的手上有激活ID,并且准备好继续激活,请按 #号键)

To repeat this message, press the star key.
(重复此消息,请按 *号键)

Please enter the first group now.(建议朋友们把激活ID摘抄在记事本上,选择全部复制,在输入时全部粘贴即可,方便,不会出错。这个输完后,就会提示“Please wait while your confirmation number is generated.”,接下来一组一组一次记下确认ID就行了)

(An error was detected,please repeat your last entry . Please enter the first group now.)

Thank you! And the second group

Thank you! And the third group

Thank you! And the fourth group

Thank you! And the fifth group

Thank you! And the sixth group

Thankyou! And the Seventh group

Thankyou! Now enter the eighth group

Thankyou! To finish ,enter the final group
谢谢,请输入 最后一组组数字 以完成输入

Please wait while your confirmation number is generated.

1、Key 失效的情况,请更换Key:

We are unableto activate your product.
(我们无法激活您的产品 )

It is possible that you are a victim of software piracy.

In order tocheck if your product is original, please click on the weblink

To obtain thelicensed product,pleasere

turn to your Microsoft reseller.

To repeat the message, please press the star key.
(要重复信息,请按 *号键。)

No entry was detected.

We are now ending your call.

2、Key 有效的情况
On how many computers is your productcurrently installed?

Press One if you have installed thisproduct on one computer.

Press Two if you have install thisproduct on more than one computer.

We will now continue to activate yourproduct.

Your entry was accepted, nowyou will hear the confirmation ID readout.
(你输入的数据被接受了,现在你将听到 确认ID)

Starting with block A.

Please either insert this number into the emptyblocks at the bottom of your activation wizard, or write this number down forimmediate entry into the activation wizard at the end of this call.

To hear this message again, pleasepress the star key.
(重听一遍这个消息,请按 *号键。)

For help, press 0.

Here is Block A : ******
To continue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)

Here is Block A: ******<记下这里的数字,一共是六个阿拉伯数字,一共是从A到H>
To continue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)

Block B ******
To continue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)
Block B ******
To continue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)

Block H *******

To continue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

Torepeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)

Block H *******

Tocontinue press the hash key.
(要继续,请按 #号键)

Torepeat the last block press the star key.
(要重复,请按 *号键)

To complete, click the next button at the bottom of your activation window, then click finish.


If you wish to hear you rentire confirmation ID again, press 1.

Otherwise, thank you for calling Microsoft. Goodbye.

最后,记下A到H的数字,输入到电脑 就可以激活了。
