



托福模拟试题(二)1Section 2 Structure and Written Expression Time--25 minutes The Structure and Written expression section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type. Structure Directions: Questions 1-15 are inplete senten ___s. Beneath each senten ___ you will see four words or phrases, ___rked (A), (B), (C),and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best pletes the senten ___. Then, on your answer sheet, ifnd the number of the question and fill in the spa ___ that orresponds to the letter of the answer you ahve chosen Fill in the spa ___ so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. Look at the following examples: Example I For ___ny ___nturies---the principal raw ___terial Sample answer for ___ ropes and sails. (A) then was hemp (B) the time hemp was (C) hemp was (D) hemp The senten ___ should read, "For ___ny ___nries hemp was the principle raw ___terial for ___ ropes and sails." Therefore, you should choose (C). Example II The sea anemone, a ___rine ani ___l related to the jelly fish, Sample answer looks like a plant----like other ani ___lspecies. (A) so (B) rather than (C) instead (D) rather not The senten ___ should read, "The sea anemone, a ___rine ani ___l related to the jelly fish, looks like a plant rather than like other ani ___l species." Theerefore, you should choose (D). Nowbegin work on the questions. 1. Most substan ___s expand when they evaporate so that the density of a substan ___'s gas is---of its liquid. (A) than the lower density (B) lower than that (C) the density is lower than that (D) the lower the density 2. The pro ___ss by which nerve ___lls send signals is --- clearly understood. (A) none (B) no (C) not (D) nothing 3. Arctic ani ___ls--- a means of controlling body temperature in such a cold, barren cli ___te if they are to survive. (A) need (B) needing (C) to need (D) was needed 4. -----state of California is also known as the "Golden State" because California's hills were on ___ believed to be ___de of gold. (A) The (B) There is a (C) That the (D) As the 5. Aspartame is a bination of proteins that is much sweeter---- (A) than sugar does (B) does cane sugar (C) cane sugar (D) than cane sugar 6. Current patterns and topography___ps of the seas ---- from sa ___ite photographs. (A) can be drawn (B) can drawn (C) to draw (D) drawn 7. By themiddle of the nioeenth ___ntury, the scientists and engineers in the United States had began to exert --- over technology. (A) influen ___ worldwide a great (B) a great worldwide influen ___ (C) influen ___ a great worldwide (D) a worldwide influen ___ great 8. ----billions of barrels of oil exist in the vast caverns beneath the Pacific O ___ans (A) It is esti ___ted that (B) An esti ___te that (C) That is esti ___ted (D) That the esti ___te 9. The extent of the stimulant effect of coffee on people depends on the circumstan ___s ---- the plants grow. (A) which (B) whichin (C) in which (D) in 10. The guitar solo first ---- as a popular form of musical perfor ___n ___ in the twentieth___ntury. (A) to emerge (B) emerging (C) has emerged (D) emerged 11. --- plex organic pounds originating in ___lls.(A) Lipieds (B) Lipids are (C) Lipids which are (D) Lipids while they 12. In the western part of Nevada ----, a ___jor tourist and entertai ___ent ___nter. (A) lies the city of Las Vegas (B) the city of Las Vegas lies there (C) around the city of Las Vegas lies (D) there lies the city of Las vegas around 13. Work on superconductivity, ---, has attracted a relatively s ___ll number of researchers. (A)is a very specialized field (B) which a very specializedfield is (C) a very specialized field (D) a field very specialized which 14. ---, the fist Amendment to the Constitution provided for ___ of speech, press and assembly. (A) In 1791 they drafted (B) The draft in 1791 (C) In 1791 was drafted (D) Drafted in 1791 15. When --- in desert cli ___tes, the Navajo construct lean-tos as temporary summer shelters. (A) travel (B) to travel (C) traveling them (D) travelingWritten Expression Directios: In questions 16-40 each senten ___ has four underlined words or phrases. The four undelined parts of the senten ___ are ___rked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the senten ___ to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the spa ___ that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Looke at thefollowing examples: Example 1 Sampel Answer In ___ny cities in the world, the air is much more A B Polluted than it is in the 1970s. C D The senten ___ should read, "in ___ny cities in the world, the air is much more polluted than it was in the 1970s." there fore, you should choose (D).Example II The puter plays a vital role in development, A B munication, and disseminating of ideas in today's world. C D The senten ___ should read, "The puter plays a vital role in development, munication, and dissemination of ideas in today's world." Therefore, youshould choose (C). Now begin work on the questions. 16. For years s ___ll munities of researchers have living underground A in parts of thearctic where the cli ___te is harsh and the winds are B strong. D 17. Tho ___s Edison ___de the first microphonefor self by bining a thin A B C reed and a metal conductor together. D 18. Not only do hydroelectric power systems provide people with irrigation and drinking water, but they also provide importantly sour ___s of electrical power. 19. The Federal Communications Commission supervises the suitable and quality of radio. 20. All cars, alike most trains and a few propeller planes, depend on bustion inside a piston cylinder. 21. The expansion of ___ education___nters had resulted partially from the servi ___-based economy, which encouraging employees to update their skills for the changing job ___rket. 22. The most significant evolutionary characteristic of the pri ___tes are the development of the opposable thumb. 23. Ludwig Beethovenwas often indifferent to the titles of his posed and was generally oblivious to the names given them years after their pletion. 24. Benny Good ___n's orchestra, playing his original positions and arrangements, achieving a fine distinction among his peers and contributed numerous innovations to modern big band jazz. 25. Mosquitoes are almost pletey deaf, although its tiny ears can distinguish noise from silen ___. 26. Weed is a horticultural term referring toward unpleasant, unwanted, or intolerable plant growth. 27. susan B. Anthony, the first wo ___n to vote in the United Sates, founded the American Women't Suffrage Movement, an institution that have always had a woment's rights agenda. 28. Criminal assault, mitted against a member of the public, ___y consist of harassing behavior, threatening, or physical harm to others. 29. The realist movement in art was a reaction against abstract methods of portray reality. 30. During the 1950's skilled puter programmers scr ___ were in what is now Silicon Valley. 31. If a atom gains any electrons, it bees negatively charged and can bine with other atoms. 32. The Parks and Recreation Department conduct extensive research on a great ___ny aspects of the wilderness. 33. The ___gesic most monlyadministeed in medicine is aspirin, who produ ___s reduction of pain over a general area. 34. Certain types of pumps work properly only in enviro ___ens with controlled precisely pressures. 35. Whales, while not as curious than the dolphins, show more persisten ___ and use of munication in facing a problem. 36. The belief in goblins have existed from the earliest times, and the leends of ___ny different peoples includes tales of goblins and their relationship to hu ___ns. 37. Electronic music enables artists to experiment with ___ny sounds effects. 38. Denver,Colorado's capital and largest city, is industrial and baning ___nter. 39. A hamster's sharp teeth can chew through wood, plastic, or soft metallic such as aluminum.40. Anthropological stu ___s have concluded that deeply hold belief and principles are highly ressistant to alteration.THIS IS THE END OF SECTION 2. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON SECTION 2 ONLY. DONOT READ OR WORK ON ANY OTHER SECTION OF THE TEST. THE SUPER VISOR WILL TELL YOU WHEN TO BEGIN WORK ON SECTION 3.Section 3 Reading Comprehension Directins: In the Reading Comprehension Section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. For questions 1-50, you are to choose the one best answer (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the spa ___ that corresponds to the letter of answer you have chosen. Answer all questions about the infor ___tion in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage. Read the following passage: There are two genus in the elephant family. Each of the genus include a single species that developed different characteristics due to geographical isolation. One species is the African elephant and the other is a Asian elephant. The two types of elephant share a number of mon features, such as a long trunk, large ears and a ___ssive body, but there are ___ny differen ___s as well. The differen ___s between the elephants can largely be aounted for by their habitats' enviro ___ent. Example I What is the ___in purpose of the passage? (A) to discuss the two different types of elephants. (B) Tio argue the superiority of the African elephant in adapting to the enviro ___ent. (C) Todemonstrate the relative in ___igen ___ of the two types of elephant. (D) To show the similarities of elephants. The___in idea of passage is to discuss the wo different types of elephants. Thereore, you should choose (A). Example II In line 6, the term, "be aounted for` could best be repla ___d by (A) be calculated to (B) be devided (C) be determined (D) be aepted The term "be aounted for" in line 6 is closet in meaning to "be determined." Therefore, you should choose (C). Now begin work on the questions. Questions 1-10 The popularly applauded designs found in Frank Lloyd Wright's integration of architcture, landscaping and interior design, gave eviden ___ to his belief that the form of a working or living spa ___ should follow from its function within the munity. Line Whether working on residential or mercial projects, he con___ntraed on creating (5) an appropriate exterior and interior enviro ___ent. In his residentilal housing, functionality translated into a harmonious relationship with the natural flora, fauna and geographic disposition of the land. The most famous modification he implemented in his early " prairie school houses", the gently sloping roof lines that sought to capture the contours of the prairie,typified his con ___pt of harmony with the land. Other features included, wide doorways, rooms entrally connected without hallways, extensive use of glass and widely overhanging eaves which provided extensive shelter. To emphasize the integrative aspects of his construction, he tried to incorporate built-in furniture wherever possible. The Larkin Building, in Buffalo, New York, an examle of thoroughly practical factory headquarters, demonstrated that, when designing for the mercial sector, Wright's functionali ___ adapted itself to the projec at hand as eloquently as when he created single-family units. The building itself is of sufficient width to pletely con ___al the factory behind it, creating a neat, organized and efficient appearan ___. Even more notable than the exterior of the building, the interior displays Wright's i___ginative talent to the greatest degree. In order to minimize on cluttered floor spa ___, almost everything in the offi ___ was mobile, particulrly the filing cabis, which could be pletely hidden from view with a ___ push. The offi ___ desks were custom designed from solid steel with special fold-out chairs that ___de it much easier to clean the floors. A special grade of tile was used on thewalls to facilitate cleaning. The zeal which the architect devoted to integrating the building with the needs of the offi ___ enviro ___ent extended to the installation of secial steel toilets which folded into the walls until needed for use. 1. What is the ___in topic of the passage?(A) The life of Frank Lloyd Wright (B) Frank Lloyd Wright's design ideas (C) The mercial buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright (D) Frank Lloyd Wright's Prarie School buildings 2. Which of the folowing is NOT menitioned as a field wright worked in? (A) Landscaping (B) Interior design (C) Architecture (D) Painting 3. In line 3, the word "its" refers to (A) the munity (B) the function (C) the form (D) the spa ___ 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an important consideration of Wright's residential housing?(A) Plant life around the area (B) The ease of ___intean___ (C) Ani ___ls found in the area (D) The geography of the building site 5. Aording to the passage, what is the most distinctive feature of a "prarie house" design? (A) The color (B) The furniture (C) The wood (D) The roof line6. In line 9, the word "typifed" is closest in meaning to(A) enjoyed (B) exemplifed (C) terminated (D) nor ___lized7. It can be inferred that Wright designed hisown furniturefor the Larking building because (A) he couldn't find the appropriate colors (B) he could design his own for less money (C) he wanted the enviro ___ent of the building to be integrated (D) he didn't trust the quality of other furniture 8. What is the Larking Building most noted for? (A) Its steel furniture (B) Its high-grade tile (C) Its overall practicality (D) Its exterior architecture 9. In line 22, the word "mobile" most closely means? (A) Portable (B) Raised (C) sturdy (D) S ___ll 10. What qualities could probably be observed from the Larkin Building's interior design? (A) Neat and organized (B) Solid and stable (C) Extended and clean (D) Wide and effi ___nt Questions 11-20 In America, the movement of housing away from the high-rise buildings of the inner-cites originated in the 1920s, but was stalled by the Great Depression of the 1930s and by World War II. After the war a tremendous surge ourred in the realeastate ___rket with the advent of single-family homes on relatively s ___ll lots--typically less than one-tenth of an acre. During the 1950s, ___ny large tract developments encroached on former farmlands near metropolitan areas. The most dra ___tic instan ___s of this sprawling effect were witnessed in western municipalitiessuch as San Jose and San Diego whose citycharters defined their boundaries over several hundred square kilometers. These large par ___ls of land were overrun by. standard three bedroom, two bath, "ranch-style" homes in a few short deoedes. By the 1960s construction had subsidedsignificantly and developers began building different kinds of plans to try and aommodate the changes in the ___rket. Those who had taken advantage of the suburbanization trend in he post-war years had seen the value of their real estate increase dra ___tially and ___ny were anxious to re-invest their assets. In an effort to reap this affluen ___, ___rtain contractors moved away from the standard mod模板,内容仅供参考。



2021年托福阅读模拟试题考点分析(卷十九)From their inception, most rural neighborhoods in colonial North America included at least one carpenter, joiner, sawyer, and cooper in woodworking; a weaver and a tailor for clothing production; a tanner, currier, and cordwainer (shoemaker) for fabricating leather objects; and a blacksmith for metalwork. Where stone was the local building material, a mason was sure to appear on the list of people who paid taxes. With only an apprentice as an assistant, the rural artisan provided the neighborhood with common goods from furniture to shoes to farm equipment in exchange for cash or for "goods in kind" from the customer's field, pasture, or dairy. Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer; wove cloth of yarn spun at the farm from the wool of the family sheep; made chairs or tables from wood cut in the customer's own woodlot; produced shoes or leather breeches from cow, deer, or sheepskin tanned on the farm.Like their farming neighbors, rural artisans were part of an economy scene, by one historian, as "an orchestra conducted by nature." Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off during harvest time, and still others waited on raw materials that were only produced seasonally. As the days grew shorter, shop hours kept pace, since few artisans could afford enough artificial light to continue work when the Sun went down. To the best of their ability, colonial artisanstried to keep their shops as efficient as possible and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in time, tools, and materials. While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, carefully matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and applying all thought and energy to carving beautiful designs on the finished piece, the time required was not justified unless the customer was willing to pay extra for the quality —and few in rural areas were. Artisans, therefore, often found it necessary to employ as many shortcuts and economics as possible while still producing satisfactory products.1. What aspect of rural colonial North America does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Farming practices(B) The work of artisans(C) The character of rural neighborhoods(D) Types of furniture that were popular2. The word "inception" in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) investigation(B) location(C) beginning(D) records3. The word "fabricating" in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) constructing(B) altering(C) selecting(D) demonstrating4. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of artificial light in colonial times was(A) especially helpful to woodworkers(B) popular in rural areas(C) continuous in winter(D) expensive5. Why did colonial artisans want to "regularize their schedules and methods" (line 18)?(A) to enable them to produce high quality products(B) to enable them to duplicate an item many times(C) to impress their customers(D) to keep expenses low6. The phrase "resort to" in line 21 is closest in meaning to(A) protecting with(B) moving toward(C) manufacturing(D) using7. The word "few' in lines 23 refers to(A) woodworkers(B) finished pieces(C) customers(D) chests8. It can be inferred that the artisans referred to in the passage usually produced products that were(A) simple(B) delicate(C) beautifully decorated(D) exceptionally long-lasting参考答案:BCADD DCABy far the most important United States export product in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was cotton, favored by the European textile industry over flax or wool because it was easy to process and soft to tile touch. Mechanization of spinning and weaving allowed significant centralization and expansion in the textile industry during this period, and at the same time the demand for cotton increased dramatically. American producers were able to meet this demand largely because of tile invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793. Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but separating the fiber —or lint —from the seed was a laborious process. Sea island cotton was relatively easy to process by hand, because its fiberswere long and seeds were concentrated at the base of the flower, but it demanded a long growing season, available only along the nation's eastern seacoast. Short-staple cotton required a much shorter growing season, but the shortness of the fibers and their mixture with seeds meant that a worker could hand-process only about one pound per day. Whitney's gin was a hand-powered machine with revolving drums and metal teeth to pull cotton fibers away from seeds. Using the gin, a worker could produce up to 50 pounds of lint a day. The later development of larger gins, powered by horses, water, or steam, multiplied productivity further.The interaction of improved processing and high demand led to the rapid spread of the cultivation of cotton and to a surge in production. It became the main American export, dwarfing all others. In 1802, cotton composed 14 percent of total American exports by value. Cotton had a 36 percent share by 1810 and over a 50 percent share in 1830. In 1860, 61 percent of the value of American exports was represented by cotton.In contrast, wheat and wheat flour composed only 6 percent of the value of American exports in that year. Clearly, cotton was king in the trade of the young republic. The growing market for cotton and other American agricultural products led to an unprecedented expansion of agricultural settlement, mostly in the eastern half of the United States —west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River.1. The main point of the passage is that the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were a time when(A) the European textile industry increased its demand for American export products(B) mechanization of spinning and weaving dramatically changed the textile industry(C) cotton became a profitable crop but was still time-consuming to process(D) cotton became the most important American export product2. The word "favored" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) preferred(B) recommended(C) imported(D) included3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as reasons for the increased demand for cotton EXCEPT(A) cotton's softness(B) cotton's ease of processing(C) a shortage of flax and wool(D) the growth that occurred in the textile industry.4. The word "laborious" in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) unfamiliar(B) primitive(C) skilled(D) difficult5. According to the passage , one advantage of Sea island cotton was its(A) abundance of seeds(B) long fibers(C) long growing season(D) adaptability to different climates6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about cotton production in the United States after the introduction of Whitney's cotton gin?(A) More cotton came from Sea island cotton plants than before.(B) More cotton came from short-staple cotton plants than before.(C) Most cotton produced was sold domestically.(D) Most cotton produced was exported to England.7. The word "surge" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) sharp increase(B) sudden stop(C) important change(D) excess amount8. The author mentions "wheat and wheat flour" in line 23 in orderto(A) show that Americans exported more agricultural products than they imported.(B) show the increase in the amount of wheat products exported.(C) demonstrate the importance of cotton among American export products.(D) demonstrate that wheat farming was becoming more profitable.9. The word "unprecedented" in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A) slow(B) profitable(C) not seen before(D) never explained10. According to the passage , the Mississippi River was(A) one of the boundaries of a region where new agricultural settlement took place(B) a major source of water for agricultural crops(C) the primary route by which agricultural crops were transported(D) a main source of power for most agricultural machinery参考答案:DACDB BACCAIn 1972, a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation wasto provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an area's marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the UnitedStates and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System, managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves, and preserves. Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas. whether as sanctuaries, parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Differences among marine parks, sanctuaries, and reserves(B) Various marine conservation programs(C) International agreements on coastal protection(D) Similarities between land and sea protected environments2. The word "intent" in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) repetition(B) approval(C) goal(D) revision3. The word "administered" in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) managed(B) recognized(C) opposed(D) justified4. The word "these" in line 11 refers to(A) sites(B) candidates(C) decades(D) sanctuaries5. The passage mentions the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (lines 13-14) as an example of a sanctuary that(A) is not well know(B) covers a large area(C) is smaller than the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary(D) was not originally proposed for sanctuary status6. According to the passage , when was the National Marine Sanctuaries Program established?(A) before 1972(B) after 1987(C) one hundred years before national parks were established(D) one hundred years after Yellowstone National Park wasestablished7. According to the passage , all of the following are achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries Program EXCEPT(A) the discovery of several new marine organisms(B) the preservation of connections between individual marine species(C) the protection of coastal habitats(D) the establishment of areas where the public can observe marine life8. The word "periphery" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) depth(B) landmass(C) warm habitat(D) outer edge9. The passage mentions which of the following as a threat to marine areas outside the United States?(A) limitations in financial support(B) the use of marine species as food(C) variability of the climate(D) increases in tourism参考答案:BCADB DADDThe Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States was responsiblefor sweeping changes in attitudes toward the decorative arts, then considered the minor or household arts. Its focus on decorative arts helped to induce United States museums and private collectors to begin collecting furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork, and textiles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The fact that artisans, who were looked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century, are frequently considered artists today is directly attributable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century. The importance now placed on attractive and harmonious home decoration can also be traced to this period, when Victorian interior arrangements were revised to admit greater light and more freely flowing spaces.The Arts and Crafts Movement reacted against mechanized processes that threatened handcrafts and resulted in cheapened, monotonous merchandise. Founded in the late nineteenth century by British social critics John Ruskin and William Morris, the movement revered craft as a form of art. In a rapidly industrializing society, most Victorians agreed that art was an essential moral ingredient in the home environment, and in many middle- and working-class homes craft was the only form of art, Ruskin and his followers criticized not only the degradation of artisans reduced to machine operators, but also the impending loss of daily contact with handcrafted objects, fashioned with pride, integrity, and attention to beauty.In the United States as well as in Great Britain, reformers extolled the virtues of handcrafted objects: simple, straightforward design; solid materials of good quality; and sound, enduring construction techniques. These criteria were interpreted in a variety of styles, ranging from rational and geometric to romantic or naturalistic. Whether abstract, stylized, or realistically treated, the consistent theme in virtually all Arts and Crafts design is nature.The Arts and Crafts Movement was much more than a particular style; it was a philosophy of domestic life. Proponents believed that if simple design, high-quality materials, and honest construction were realized in the home and its appointments, then the occupants would enjoy moral and therapeutic effects. For both artisan and consumer, the Arts and Crafts doctrine was seen as a magical force against the undesirable effects of industrialization. 1. The passage primarily focuses on nineteenth-century arts and crafts in terms of which of the following?(A) Their naturalistic themes(B) Their importance in museum collections(C) Their British origin(D) Their role in an industrialized society2. According to the passage , before the nineteenth century, artisans were thought to be(A) defenders of moral standards(B) creators of cheap merchandise(C) skilled workers(D) artists3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Arts and Crafts Movement would have considered all of the following to be artists EXCEPT(A) creators of textile designs(B) people who produce handmade glass objects(C) operators of machines that automatically cut legs for furniture(D) metalworkers who create unique pieces of jewelry4. The word "revered" in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) respected(B) described(C) avoided(D) created5. According to paragraph 2, the handcrafted objects in the homes of middle- and working-class families usually were(A) made by members of the family(B) the least expensive objects in their homes(C) regarded as being morally uplifting(D) thought to symbolize progress6. The word "extolled" in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) exposed(B) praised(C) believed(D) accepted7. The author mentions all of the following as attributes of handcrafted objects EXCEPT(A) the pride with which they were crafted(B) the complexity of their design(C) the long time that they lasted(D) the quality of their materials8. The word "consistent" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) conservative(B) considerable(C) constant(D) concrete9. According to the passage , which of the following changes occurred at the same time as the Arts and Crafts Movement?(A) The creation of brighter and more airy spaces inside homes(B) The rejection of art that depicted nature in a realistic manner(C) A decline of interest in art museum collections(D) An increase in the buying of imported art objects10. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?(A) Private collectors in the nineteenth century concentrated on acquiring paintings.(B) The Arts and Crafts Movement in the United States, unlike the one in Britain, did not react strongly against mechanized processes.(C) Handcrafted objects in the United States and Britain in the nineteenth century did not use geometric designs.(D) The Arts and Crafts Movement believed in the beneficial effect for people from being surrounded by beautiful objects.参考答案:DCCAC BBCADArchaeological literature is rich in descriptions of pot making. Unlike modern industrial potters, prehistoric artisans created each of their pieces individually, using the simplest technology but demonstrating remarkable skill in making and adorning their vessels.The clay used in prehistoric pot making was invariably selected with the utmost care: often it was traded over considerable distances. The consistency of the clay was crucial: it was pounded meticulously and mixed with water to make it entirely even in texture. By careful kneading, the potter removed the air bubbles and made the clay as plastic as possible, allowing it to be molded into shape as the pot was built up, When a pot is fired, it loses its water and can crack, so the potter added a temper to the clay, a substance that helped reduce shrinkage and cracking.Since surface finishes provided a pleasing appearance and also improved the durability in day-to-day use, the potter smoothed the exterior surface of the pot with wet hands. Often a wet clay solution, known as a slip, was applied to the smooth surface. Brightly colored slips were often used and formed painted decorations on the vessel. In later times. Glazes came into use in some areas. A glaze is a form of slip that turns to a glasslike finish during high-temperature firing. When a slip was not applied, the vessel was allowed to dry slowly until the external surface was almost like leather in texture. It was then rubbed with a round stone or similar object to give it a shiny, hard surface. Some pots were adorned with incised or stamped decorations.Most early pottery was then fired over open hearths. The vessels were covered with fast-burning wood; as it burned, the ashes would all around the pots and bake them evenly over a few hours. Far higher temperatures were attained in special ovens, known as kilns, which would not only bake the clay and remove its plasticity, but also dissolve carbons and iron compounds. Kilns were also used for glazing, when two firings were needed. Once fired, the pots were allowed to cool slowly, and small cracks were repaired before they were ready for use.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Why archaeologists study prehistoric pot making(B) How early pottery was made and decorated(C) The development of kilns used by early potters(D) The variety of decorations on Prehistoric pottery2. The word " meticulously" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) heavily(B) initially(C) carefully(D) completely3. Which of the following was a process used by prehistoric potters to improve the texture of the clay?(A) adding temper(B) removing the water(C) beating on the clay(D) mixing the clay with plastic substances4. The word "durability" in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) quality(B) endurance(C) adaptability(D) applicability5. Prehistoric potters applied slips and glazes to their vessels in order to do which of the following?(A) Improve the appearance of the vessels(B) prevent the vessels from leaking(C) Help the vessels to dry more quickly(D) Give the vessels a leather like quality6. Which of the following was a method used by some potters to give vessels a glassy finish?(A) Smoothing them with wet hands(B) Mixing the clay with colored solutions(C) Baking them at a very high temperature(D) Rubbing them with a smooth hard object7. The word "incised" in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) designed(B) carved(C) detailed(D) painted8. The word "they" in ling 27 refers to(A) kilns(B) firings(C) pots(D) cracks9. According to the passage , the advantage of kilns over open fires was that the kilns(A) required less wood for burning(B) reached higher temperatures(C) kept ashes away from the pots(D) baked vessels without cracking them10. Look at the terms "temper" (line 10), "glazes" (line 16), "kilns" (line 24), and "compounds" (line 25). Which of these terms is NOT defined in the passage ?(A) temper(B) glazes(C) kilns(D) compounds11. The passage mentions that when pottery is fired under burning wood, the ashes help(A) prevent the clay from cracking(B) produce a more consistently baked pot(C) attain a very high temperature(D) give the vessel a glasslike finish参考答案:BCCBA DBCBD B【Introduction】Doctors have long known that vitamin D is essential to good health. Get enough of it and it ensures strong bones and teeth. But a new study this week suggests an even more extraordinary benefit:a lower risk of death.【Section One】ArticleVitamin D Lowers Risk of DeathThe new paper,published in the Sept. 10 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine,is a meta-analysis of 18 previously published studies on the vitamin. None of the original experiments was specifically designed to study how vitamin D affects mortality —the trials involved conditions such as bone fractures,bone mineral density,congestive heart failure and colorectal cancer —but all of them tracked participants‘death data. Overall,researchers found,people who took daily vitamin D supplements were 7% less likely to die during the study —from any cause —than people who didn‘t.The study‘s authors still don‘t know exactly how the vitamin may reduce people‘s death risk,but their findings are in line with a spate of recent research linking the vitamin to a wide range of health benefits. Not only does it promote calcium absorption and bone maintenance,but vitamin D also appears to stimulate the immune system,inhibit cellular proliferation and spur cell differentiation —in turn,those processes could reduce the aggressiveness of cancer tumors or keep artery-clogging plaques from growing. Indeed,studies have suggested that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with a higher risk of death from certain cancers,heart disease and diabetes.The current analysis looked at data on 57,311 participants,most of whom were middle-aged or elderly and in generally good health.Those in intervention groups took daily doses of vitamin D —ranging mostly from 400 IU to 833 IU per day,with a study size–adjusted mean intake of 528 IU a day. Compared with people who weren‘t given supplements,the test groups had up to a five times greater blood level of vitamin D and a significantly reduced risk of death. Though there‘s no medically recommended optimum level of the vitamin,"throughout human evolution when the vitamin D system was developing,the ‘natural‘level... was probably around 50 ng/mL or higher," writes Dr. Edward Giovannucci,a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health,in an accompanying editorial. "In modern societies,few people attain such high levels,and levels below 10 ng/mL or 15 ng/mL are not uncommon."If people can‘t get enough natural vitamin D from food or sun exposure,which synthesizes it in the skin,then daily supplements may be a good alternative —and the current study shows that an intake of up to 800 IU a day is safe. In the 18 studies that researchers analyzed for the current report,none of the participants taking supplements —even at a 2,000 IU daily dose —surpassed the 50 ng/mL mark. According to Giovannucci,people should reasonably shoot for levels of 30 ng/mL to 40 ng/mL,and doctors should consider testing patients who are at risk for deficiencies in vitamin D.【Section Two】Vocabulary1. mortalityn. 死亡率2. fracturen. 破裂,骨折;v. (使)破碎,(使)破裂3. congestiveadj. 充血的4. diabetesn. [医] 糖尿病,多尿症5. evolutionn. 进展,发展,演变,进化6. bone fractures 骨折7. bone mineral density 骨密度8. immune system 免疫系统9. cell differentiation 细胞分化【Section Three】Homework1. Please translate the blue sentence into Chinese."Not only does it promote calcium absorption and bone maintenance,but vitamin D also appears to stimulate the immune system,inhibit cellular proliferation and spur cell differentiation."2. What is the main idear of this Article?3. A intake of how many vitamin D a day is safe from the current study?4. The article mentioned "Researchers found,people who took daily vitamin D supplements were 7% more likely to die during the study —from any cause —than people who didn‘t." Right?参考答案:1. 维生素D不仅能促进钙的吸收、骨骼的保养,还能激活免疫系统、抑制细胞扩散、刺激细胞分化。



2021年托福试题阅读理解模拟题考点分析(卷十)Title:The Cambrian ExplosionThe earliest fossil evidence for eukaryotes complex organisms whose cells contain a distinct nucleus dates to only about 1.2 billion years ago. The fossil record suggests that animal evolution progressed slowly, with relatively little change seen between fossils from 1.2 billion years ago and those from a half-billion years later. But then something quite dramatic happened as can be judged by the many different animal groups that suddenly appear in the fossil record.Biologists classify animals according to their basic body plans. For example, the basic body plan shared by mammals and reptiles is fundamentally different from that of insects.Animals are grouped by body plan into what biologists call phyla. Mammals and reptiles both belong to the single phylum Chordata, which includes animals with internal skeletons. Insects, crabs, and spiders belong to the phylum Arthropoda, which contains animals with body features such as jointed legs, an external skeleton, and segmented bodies. Classifying animals into phyla is an ongoing project for biologists, but modern animals appear to comprise about 30 different phyla, each representing a different body plan.Remarkably, nearly all of these different body plans, plus a few others that have gone extinct, make their first known appearance in thegeological record during a period spanning only about 40 million years less than about 1 percent of Earth's history. This remarkable flowering of animal diversity appears to have begun about 545 million years ago, which corresponds to the start of the Cambrian period. Hence it is called the Cambrian explosion.The fact that the Cambrian explosion marks the only major diversification of body plans in the geological record presents us with two important and related questions: Why, so long after the origin of eukaryotes, did the pace of evolution suddenly accelerate dramatically at the beginning of the Cambrian, and why hasn't there been another period of similarly explosive diversification since then We can identify at least four factors that might have contributed to the Cambrian explosion. First, the oxygen level in our atmosphere may have remained well below its present level until about the time of the Cambrian explosion. Thus, the rapid diversification in animal life may have occurred at least in part because oxygen reached a critical level for the survival of larger and more energy-intensive life forms.A second factor that may have been important was the evolution of genetic complexity.As eukaryotes evolved, they developed more and more genetic variation in their DNA. Some scientists believe that the Cambrian explosion marks the point at which organisms developed certain kinds of genes (homeobox genes) that control body form and thatcould be combined in different ways, allowing the evolution of a great diversity of forms over time。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷十七)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most of the environmental issues are too complicated today. Individuals cannot do anything about them.Sample:Our current environmental problems grow ever more serious. Sometimes they seem so serious and confusing that it seems an individual could never do anything to help fix the problems. Personally speaking, I believe that individuals can make a difference. There are at least two areas where the efforts of ordinary individuals can be meaningful in solving environmental issues.Firstly, individuals can protect environment by changing their ways of waste disposal. If every person would classify his or her garbage before throwing it away, much of it could be recycled and pollution could be reduced. Just take beverage cans as one example. Recent surveys suggest that over 7,000 tons of waste beverage cans go un-recycled each year in America alone. The cost of finding these cans after they have been thrown away, reclassifying them as recyclable and then sending them to be recycled is far higher than simply making new ones. However, if individuals would sort their cans and then discard them into the proper containers, the expense of recycling would decline greatly and there would be reduction in absolute pollution caused by the beverage cans.This is one area where an individual can make a difference.Secondly, environmental problems will be somewhat improved once individuals in society consume less energy. It is because the requirement of natural resources used to produce energy will reduce and as a result, the environmental damage human inflicts will also decline. As an academic survey indicates, if every family in America could reduce their electricity use by 5% a year, 1.65 billion units would be saved. It means that the generator motived by coals in the whole country can take a break for more than a month. In fact, not only can it make human’s requirement of natural resources less, but also it can alleviate the air pollution caused by burning coals. Consequently, for winning the battle of protecting environment, individuals’endeavor, undoubtedly, is a great strength that should not be ignored.Admittedly, most people do not have the specialized knowledge and skills to tackle many issues related to the environment. Besides, they do not have the influence to change entire systems. Nevertheless, the claim that individuals can do nothing to solve these issues is an obvious overstatement. In fact, the power that individual can exert is much more than we can expect.In conclusion, I disagree with the idea that individuals can do nothing in solving environmental problems since the issues are too complicated.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation such as buses and trains.Sample:Using cell phones on public transportation can be too noisy and impolite, so in some places policies are put forward to stop people doing that. However, in my opinion, people should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation for the following reasons.Firstly, cell phones are convenient for people to use to communicate. If people cannot use them on public transportation, some important issues might be delayed. Imagine a businessman receives a phone call from a director of a big company when he is on the bus. If using cell phones on public transportation is forbidden, the potential client might lose his patience so there will not be any deal. Perhaps, a little kid cannot get in contact with his parents when he falls ill suddenly, either, just because his parents are both on buses. Therefore, stopping the use of cell phones on public transportation can make cell phones lose their basic function and may cause a lot of troubles.Secondly, people can not only use cell phones to make a call, but they can also use them to listen to music or play games, which are good ways for busy people to relax. Nowadays, more and more people work overtime but entertainment is really time-consuming, so some of themare stressed out or even have some mental diseases, like depression. I often play cell phone games on the subway on my way home after a whole day of study and when I get home, I usually feel energetic from the brief rest. Thus, it is a good option for busy people to play games or enjoy music by cell phones on their way to work or home, because it can help to release pressure as well as save time.Finally, the prohibition on using cell phones on public transportation cannot make the environment quiet, as people may do other things which can produce noise, like reading fun stories, chatting or watching movies. Last month, when I was on the train to Beijing, a young man sitting behind me kept laughing because of the fun movies he was watching. Passengers surrounding him could not stand the noise, including me, so we asked the steward to stop him. However, the man in front of me kept talking on the phone with a low voice and we all thought it was acceptable. It is obvious that a quiet environment depends on the manners of passengers rather than the use of cell phones.In light of what has been discussed above, as people do get benefits from using cell phones on buses, trains, subways, etc., I can safely draw a conclusion that cell phones should not be prohibited on public transportation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order tobecome financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at a young age.Sample:Sometimes some parents just think that it is unnecessary to let their young children learn how to manage money. Nevertheless I cannot disagree with this statement more. As far as I’m concern, it is crucial for children to learn how to manage their money, though maybe only a small amount, in order to be a financially responsible adult.On one hand, learning to manage money makes a child know how precious the money is. Therefore, they won’t exploit their money on things of no use when they grow up. Taking myself as an example, when I was young I used to waste money on snacks and toys, which are of no use. Then one day, my mother gave me 10 dollars and told me that this was all the money available in this month. I reluctantly managed my money and felt that it was really hard to get enough money. Therefore I became more cautious on purchase decisions.On the other hand, learning to manage money teaches children how to increase their fortune. As I have said in the last statement, money is precious and it is hard to get enough money to use. Therefore, the best way to get adequate money is to increase our fortune by ourselves. We manage our budget and put our money into things that can increase our fortune –for instance, a child may use a part of his pocket money tobuy some cards and sell the cards to his friends to gain some extra money. Children who are familiar with how to increase their fortune by managing their money are more likely to gain financial success in the future.In addition, learning how to manage money can also help children to manage other aspects of their daily life. As a child is used to managing his pocket money, he tends to put this practice into managing other aspects in life, such as time. People who do good time management usually have a balanced life. They work and study happily and enjoy their life.To conclude, I strongly recommend children be taught how to manage their money when they are young. This practice can provide them with a greater likelihood to succeed and a well-balanced life when they become adults. It will benefit not only themselves but also their whole life.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To improve the quality of education, universities should increase professors' salaries.Sample:With the rapid development of society, more and more elites are required in the field of advanced science and technology. So how to improve the quality of higher education becomes an emergent problem for universities. However I don’t think increasing professors’salaries isthe only way to improve the quality of education. There are much that we can do, like improving the facilities and equipment, designing attracting courses or introducing famous professors.As the enrollment increases in universities nowadays, there are so many students attending colleges, which will require more funding and resources. Universities should employ more faculties, purchase more facilities to cope with the increasing population in campus. Only in this way will students get equal chance to gain knowledge and live a colorful campus life. For instance, when I was a fresh student in my college, so many students want to study in library that I need get up early and rush the way to get a seat. Limited seats in the library hamper students' passion in learning. So I think to improve the quality of education, it is of great importance to make the facilities prefect.What's more, universities should spend some money on holding academic conferences and introducing knowledgeable and prestigious professors into university. Thus students have more opportunities to communicate with professors who are famous in their fields. I think that will inspire students' creativity, intelligence and imagination, which are all needed in the college study. It will also provoke them to have more thoughts about their future career development.Admittedly, universities should increase the salaries for professors. After all they are people who interact with students everyday. Theirinfluence on students is beyond compare. A college teacher is fully responsible for the quality of education. What a student is capable to do depends on what knowledge and skills they gain from school and from professors. So professors should be encouraged to constantly improve their teachings.All in all, if universities have enough money they should take various ways to improve the quality of education, especially what I mentioned above.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If we can't say anything nice about someone, then we should not say anything about this person.Sample:Some people believe that rather than saying something their friends or co-workers don’t want to hear, they choose to just stay silent. However, in my opinion, telling the truth is the only thing I will do to the people that I care about, no matter whether they are pleased or not. There are two major reasons I would like to present to support my opinion.First of all, if you only say nice things about other people, people will not treat you as a real friend. Because being friends is all about helping and supporting each other, since you only say nice things to your friends and meanwhile refuse to give them your advice when they mademistakes, they cannot feel your support. In long term, they won’t think you as a friend, at least not a close friend, anymore. It is not only applause they need when they did a good job, but also help and suggestions while they are in trouble.Additionally, as you never tell the truth or give guidance to your friends when they are not on the right track, in all probability they will not do the same thing to you, either. Therefore, only saying the nice things may also has negative influence on your own career. As we all know that team spirit and teamwork is imperative to a successful business. Imagine this, while you and your co-worker spend more than eight hours together every day in the work place, but two of you only speak highly of each other and never help each other to find out and rectify other’s mistakes. Is this what we call team spirit or teamwork? I don’t believe so. This kind of working relations will damage the whole company and stop the company business from progress. Obviously, it will also be harmful to your own career.To summarize, instead of just saying nice things about people, I think it is more advisable to tell the truth and express what you think. Help your friends or co-workers discover their mistakes and give them your advice. It is not only other people, but also yourself that you are helping in a long term.The most important leadership quality for CEOS?For CEOs, creativity is now the most important leadership quality for success in business, outweighing even integrity and global thinking, according to a new study by IBM. The study is the largest known sample of one-on-one CEO interviews, with over 1,500 corporate heads and public sector leaders across 60 nations and 33 industries polled on what drives them in managing their companies in today's world.Steven Tomasco, a manager at IBM Global Business Services, expressed surprise at this key finding, saying that it is "very interesting that coming off the worst economic conditions they'd ever seen, [CEOs] didn't fall back on management discipline, existing best practices, rigor, or operations. In fact, they [did] just the opposite."About 60% of CEOs polled cited creativity as the most important leadership quality, compared with 52% for integrity and 35% for global thinking. Creative leaders are also more prepared to break with the status quo of industry, enterprise and revenue models, and they are 81% more likely to rate innovation as a "crucial capability."Other key findings showed a large disparity between views of North American CEOs and those from other territories.For example, in North America, 65% of CEOs think integrity is a top quality for tomorrow's leaders, whereas only 29-48% of CEOs in other territories view it as such.Ironically, while company leaders in North America will bring moreintegrity to the job, they also expect far more regulation than foreign heads —both presumably reactions to negative public perception and heavy government intervention following the recession. A full 87% anticipate greater government oversight and regulation over the next five years —only 70% of CEOs in Europe hold this opinion, and 50% and 53% in Japan and China, respectively. Meanwhile, nearly double the amount of CEOs in China view global thinking as a top leadership quality, compared with Europe and North America.The area of focus the regions can all agree on is customer focus: 88% of all CEOs, and an astounding 95% of standout leaders, believe getting closer to the customer is the top business strategy over the next five years.托福写作素材模板:印度“老虎计划”运动素材段落In 1973, the Indian government initiated a tiger protection campaign called ‘Project Tiger’which was designed to help protect the diminishing tiger population. The tiger population was declining due to habitat loss, poaching and other human-related factors. During the campaign, twenty-five tiger reserves were established where human development and inhabitation was forbidden. On these reserves, the breeding of tigers has been facilitated, and mature tigers have been transported to other regions with the goal of increasing their worldwidepopulation. At the same time, the campaign has organized the Tiger Protection Force to catch poachers and relocate villagers in the rural areas so that they are no longer living within natural habitats. As a result of these efforts, the population of Bengal tigers in India has increased from about 1,200 in 1973 to an impressive 3500 in 2007. Due to this fact, they are no longer on the brink of extinction.单词和词组diminish 减少=decrease, decline✎diminish water and energy supply✎diminish government revenue by limiting commercial activities with the goal of …以…为目的=with the purpose of …✎With the goal/purpose of establishing a more efficient basic education system, authorities are obliged to implement scientific teaching strategies for all primary schools.on the brink of 濒临=on the verge of✎on the brink/verge of starvation句型结构…where …在这(那)里,地点状语从句结构✎There has been a large-scale migration of industrial workersfrom the countryside to the cities where many manufacturing factories are located.话题词汇濒危物种endangered species动物保护区habitat conservation/preservation对…有潜在威胁pose a potential challenge/threat to视而不见turn a blind eye to充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to以…为代价at the expense of弥补make up for采取各种措施保护take various measures to protect/safeguard The New York Times is an American daily newspaper that boasts the largest circulation of any metropolitan newspaper in the United States. Reporters and editors of The New York Times have undertaken a large-scale effort to bring readers a variety of high-quality news reports, articles and analyses on issues within America and throughout the world. In 2007, they issued a special series of reports on industrial workers at Foxconn, a manufacturing Titan based in China. Readers were exposed to a detailed analysis of the problems facing those workers, which included a rise in contingent employment, a decline of social welfare benefits and deteriorating working conditions. All of these problems had resulted in a dramatic suicide rate increase at Foxconn. More importantly, the reportraised general concerns among American and Chinese politicians and economists of the challenges confronting workers globally and of the possible creation of a universal coalition of workers.单词和词组undertake a large-scale effort 努力做...=strive for✎undertake an unremitting effort to …be exposed to 接触到✎expose children to television violence✎expose people to new ideas句型结构…, which include (s) …, …and …非限定性定语从句结构✎Although caring for an animal helps children nurture a sense of responsibility, other actions are also effective, which include reading stories that teach responsibility, setting good examples and encouraging them to help with more household chores.适用考题✎In order to be well informed, a person must get information from many different news sources. (TPO 19)新托福写作范文素材:做兼职的好处Taking on a part-time job while pursuing a degree is hard work, but the benefits are typically greater than the amount of a paycheck.Students who work during their college careers may have better time-management skills than their counterparts. They must understand responsibility and apply it to their daily lives. They earn money that can be used for fun or for tuition, while gaining experience in the workplace that will be attractive to future employers after graduation.MoneySimply put, students who hold down part-time jobs will have more money than they would have otherwise. As they come into adulthood, earning an income canboost their confidence and allow them to have some fun within the limits of their paychecks. Some students need to work through school to afford tuition. Others will set the money aside to pay back student loans. Still, the money will be theirs to spend as they wish, and they may appreciate it more because they worked for it.Students earning their own money get lessons on spending wisely. They may be less likely to spend their hard-earned money frivolously and learn to delay gratification to pay for necessities, such as text books and rent. At the same time, they can save for non-essential purchases, such as a car.语言点:Simply put:简单来说come into adulthood 马上成年boost one’s confidence: 增强信心set the money aside 留出钱spend their hard-earned money frivolously 挥霍辛苦挣来的钱delay gratification 延迟享乐Time ManagementStudents taking on a job on top of their studies will have less free time than non-working students. When working students have to measure out their time, they tend to be better planners as they make sure they complete every task on deadline. They learn to weigh their priorities, sometimes skipping fun activities to finish their responsibilities. This prepares them for life after school when excuses and tardy work will be frowned upon.语言点:on top of 除了weigh one’s priorities 权衡轻重缓急skip fun activities to 为了…不单纯享乐ExperienceOften, part-time jobs that introduce them to their preferred career after school is over. This allows them to gain important introductory experience in the business and begin networking with those in that field. Even students who work in places not connected to their majors will look more impressive to potential employers.They'll have some kind of work experience on their resumes to start, and the fact that they've been ableto hold a job while a school attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management. Employers look for employees who understand the work environment and work well as part of a team. Having a part-time job shows that the student is at least somewhat accustomed to the professional world, which will make the transition that much easier.语言点:gain important introductory experience in 获得在.. 基础的经验begin networking with those in certain field 在某一个领域开始建立人脉look more impressive to potential employers.给未来的老板留下深刻印象attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management 证明他们的成熟程度、责任感和时间管理能力新托福写作范文素材配套题目(A/D) college students should be required to take part time jobs during their college study.新托福写作范文素材:旅行的好处1Relaxation:A great benefit of taking a tour is the relaxation you get to do. Obviously, We all have over-scheduling workday or schoolday, due to various problems or issues bothering us. The distance given by travelingcan also help you figure things out that you would not have understood. It’s a very good stress remover so that we can enjoy a stress free time. Also, going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries”by disconnecting us from our regular life. When we come back we feel invigorated and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine.语言点:放松:relax / unwind oneselfHave over-scheduling workday or schoolday:超负荷的工作时间和学校时光a very good stress remover 缓解压力的好方式travel/ go on vacation/ take a trip 旅行recharge our “batteries”补充能量Escape from the hustle and bustle / take a break from daily rountine /disconnect sb from one’s regular life 从日常生活中分离出来feel invigorated/recharged/ refreshed 感到能力充沛2New experienceTraveling expands our knowledge and widens our perspective, thus increasing our resourcefulness. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life. I have noticed that people who traveled a lot in life were ready to embrace change and foster a natural ability of overcoming problems that others would frown upon.语言点:expand our knowledge 拓展知识widen our perspective 开拓眼界increasing our resourcefulness 增长智慧embrace change 应对变化foster a natural ability of overcoming problems 培养解决问题的本能frown upon 对…皱眉/不赞成3 Lasting memoryWhen traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. Travelling is worth every penny you will spend because memories last forever.These memories will create an emotional bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the friendship/relationship. It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever. It also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can make photo albums about your trips and when you feel nostalgic you can take an hour of your life and experience the trips again by looking at your pictures.语言点:creates memories for a lifetime:留下永生的回忆create an emotional bond 形成一种情感纽带cement the bond 巩固感情feel nostalgic 怀旧适用题目(A/D)People should rather than saving money for future use spend money on traveling and vacation(A/D)People should spend money on long-lasting things such as diamond rather than short-term pleasure such as vacation.(A/D)The best way to travel is in a group and leaded by a tour guide.。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷十六)It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.Many people have had the experience of moving from one place to another. Some feels it a bad thing because they will lose their old friends in the place they move from. In my view, however, it is anything but a bad thing. Not only will we keep in touch with our old friends, but we will make new friends as well.With the modern communicating technology, distance is never a barrier that keeps people from contacting others. Even if people to a new town or a new country, telephone, email and instant message will allow them to keep in constant touch with their old friends without any inconvenience. Take myself for example. When I entered college, I had to leave my hometown for Beijing, thus I was separated from my friends in my hometown. But I called them every weekend and we often chat online when we are both free. So distance did not make me lose touch with them at all.Furthermore, it could even be a good thing to move away for people and their old friends. Instead of becoming estranged from each other, they will miss each other and thus become even more intimate. Not having conflicts over trifles, people will appreciate the merits of their friends more. There is a saying that ‘distance makes the heart growsfonder’, which means that when people are separated by distance, they may like each other more. So distance is never a obstacle between friends.Moving to a new place allows people to make new friends, and that does not necessarily mean that people cannot maintain their old friendship. On the contrary, people can still stay in touch with their old friends, because one can never have too many friends. When it comes to my case, my old friends even came to be familiar with my new friends and they became friends before long.In conclusion, moving to a new town or a new country will not make people lose their old friends. Friendship is one of the most precious things that we have and deserves to be cherished by us all our life.Some people think that a university professor should focus time on doing research, while others think that the main role of a professor is to educate students in a university.What is the main role of a university professor, to educate students or to do research? Some people believe that professors should focus their time on doing research, but as far as I am concerned, it is educating that deserves more devotion of professors.To begin with, professors are teachers in universities, so it is their responsibility to teach students with absolute dedication and enthusiasm. University professors play an critical role in students’learningknowledge and the methods for learning, by giving lectures in class as well as assigning them tasks to do using what they have learned. A good professor should be someone who can teach well and is patient with students.In addition, taking education as the main responsibility does not mean that professors are not supposed to do research. On the contrary, those who have achieved success in research tend to be better teachers. Doing research allows professors to have a broader horizon, enabling them to seize the point of the science and technology today and to have a deep understanding of the knowledge they are going to teach. Furthermore, professors who do research well may offer their students better opportunities to do research in the field they study.Admittedly, there are scientists who cannot teach well but stand out in their specialized field. Rather than teaching and doing research at the same time, I believe that they should concentrate on their research and not take the position as professors. There are many people who are merely researchers and whose achievement in their specialized areas is without parallel. As for professor, this occupation should be left to those who can give quality lectures and help students to learn well.In conclusion, professors should regard educating students as their main responsibility and devote themselves to teaching. In today’s society, however, there are some professors who do not teach studentswith dedication. They focus on research merely for money, which will not only do harm to students’study, but will hinder the development of science as well.The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.As the economy and technology develop at an incredible speed in today’s society, there are an increasing number of people believing that the most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. In my view, however, this is out of the question and the three most significant problems affecting the society, namely war, environmental destruction and disease, will still influence us and may not be entirely resolved forever.War is a problem afflicting humans since they took into being in the first place. Wars take place when different countries have conflicting benefits, which is unlikely to be eliminated as long as the boundaries between countries still exist. For instance, in the Middle East where water is extremely scarce, many countries are in conflict in contention for water resources. Since every country acts for the sake of its own benefit, it seems that people in the region are incapable of living together in harmony. Eternal world peace, therefore, is unlikely to be achieved in our lifetime.Environmental destruction emerged not long before but it isbecoming increasingly severe and can not be ignored. With the large-scale utilization of fossil fuels and rapid development of industry, huge amounts of pollutants are being produced, contaminating the environment to a large degree. The disposal of these pollutants being a tough task, it is hardly possible that we can completely get rid of them within a short period of time. Furthermore, even if we can come up with optimal methods for dealing with these substances, there remains the problem that these methods may cost too much and obstruct the development of economy.Last but not least, the well-being of people around the world is threatened by a variety of diseases, ranging from AIDS to cancer, the cures for which have not been discovered yet. Diseases set off panics among humans, affect their normal life and leave people badly off with the high medical expenses. There are thousands of scientists devoting themselves to finding cure for diseases, but new types of diseases keep emerging and there is no eliminating all of them.In summary, the problems with the most significance today are going to be passed on to our offspring. To eliminate these problems thoroughly, there is still a long way to go.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People will feel happier when they finish a challenging or difficult work than they finish an easy work.Sample:All of us have to deal with a lot of works on our daily routine. Some people work mostly on easy work while others have to confront with more challenging tasks. However, whatever types of work that we must accomplish on our daily basic, I believe that for the most part, people will feel happier and more satisfied when they finish difficult tasks with flying colors.First and foremost, it is a human instinct to try to complete tasks that seem to go beyond our limits. For instance, in the course of human history, there are a lot of people who try to climb the Everest or swim cross the Yellow River. Why they choose to do such arduous and dangerous tasks? I believe most of them will answer that completing these tasks gives them a greater level of pride and happiness than finishing their routine jobs.Secondly, unlike an easy work, not many people can complete a challenging one. Therefore, if people are successful in doing a challenging task, they will feel that they are more special and stand out from the rest. Moreover, difficult tasks are usually more rewarding ones. These can be convincing explanations for the greater amount of happiness people receive when they finish a difficult task.Last but not least, people often have to put greater efforts when doing a challenging work. In this process, they may even have to try tofind way to strengthen their weakness so that they can keep up with the hard work. Therefore, when a hard work is done, they gain much confidence in themselves and this can ultimately lead to happiness.In conclusion, people are often attracted by challenging tasks. They feel more confident, more rewarding and more special when they finish those tasks. That is why I think most of them will feel happier when they complete difficult tasks in their lives.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People with different interests and personalities cannot be friends.Sample:In modern society, every one has their own experience and personal qualities. I disagree with this statement that people who have different interests and personalities cannot be friends. The followings are my reasons.First of all, by sharing our diversified experiences, we can better solve a diversity of difficulties from different aspects. Sometimes we do not have enough ideas when we run into difficulties. If we can acquire many different opinions from others who have different views, it may help us and provoke more thoughts. For example, when I was a college student, I did not know how to enrich my social life; however, my roommate, John, gave me a lot of his experience about how to interact with other people; in addition, he invited me to join a lot of partiestogether. Therefore, he helped me meet more friends and enriched my social life.Furthermore, through making friends with people who have different interests and personalities, we can expand our horizons. Nowadays, we pay too much attention to our work in this high tempo era, especially in urban areas, so that we hardly have time or opportunity to develop new interests. Therefore, if we have friends with different interests, it may give us a chance to develop new interests. For example, my friend, Sam, always likes to hike on the weekends. He likes to invite me hiking together. I get a lot of fun.Last but not least, interacting with people who have different personalities, we learn how to handle different kinds of relationships. All people have their own qualities. However, sometimes people may not know how to handle different people's temper. Making friends with them allows us to have more time spent with them. Thus we may become more experienced in handling relationships. It helps us to learn how to become a good leader as well.For the reasons above, I disagree that people who have different interests and personalities cannot be friend.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Newspapers can truly help people understand the world events. Television news don' t provide enough information.Sample:Thanks to the rapid development in media sector, we now have more convenient access to the international affairs in all fields. Television and newspaper are both reliable sources of information, which provide a lot of benefits for people nowadays. However, some people hold the opinion that it’s newspapers that help people understand the world news rather than TV, since television usually can’t offer people enough information. As far as I’m concerned, both of these two media have their own advantages and disadvantages in covering news.Compared with television, newspaper is a more active way for people to think and understand, since it only passes information through published sentences and pictures, while television provides people with vivid news via sounds and moving scenes from the spot. As is known to us, experienced editors and reporters have already processed the published newspaper, so we can easily get the most important information from the objective reports which direct us to a better understanding of the events. My father usually reads Reference Messages and he likes to talk with me about the military affairs that are seldom seen from television or even other media. Therefore I agree with the statement that newspaper plays a quite important role in assisting people to comprehend various kinds of events.On the other hand, television news also has irreplaceable functionamong all the media. Seeing from the live programmes, we come to learn more about the serious conditions of the victims in the disaster areas. TV seems to bring us together with our family members. During the financial crisis, my family always gets together, sitting in front of the screen, listening to the analysis of the expert about the latest situation in economic trends. From these cases, it’s quite clear that, television not only furnishes us with a wide range of information, but also makes news transmit in a quick passage. Whereas, it’s nearly impossible for newspaper to offer people the up to date news, for the paper needs to experience several procedures to publish. This comes to the weakness of newspaper due to the limitation in speed. So, I take it for granted that television indeed is an effective and useful channel for people to get information.All in all, these two main sources of news both afford information in its unique way, and we can choose either of them based on our personal habits or what kind of news we want to gain.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At present, people spend too much time doing things for their enjoyment rather than do the things they should do.Sample:The question of how our leisure time should be spent has been debated for many years. Many people feel that people today spend toomuch time on personal enjoyment, but I hold the opposite opinion. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.First of all, people spend more time working than ever before, which means that broadly speaking, individuals are spending a lot of time doing things that they should be doing. Studies indicate that we spend more time at our offices than ever before, and the appearance of smart phones and internet access means that people could continue to work even when they are not being paid. My own experience is a compelling example of what I mean. I work for a large investment banking firm where my scheduled workday is from nine o’clock to five o’clock, but I actually average about eight hours of overtime every week.I do not do this because I enjoy it, but because I feel a sense of obligation to provide a service to my company. Everyone at my firm does the same thing. We often compare ourselves with our parents, who almost never worked overtime nor took weekend calls and e-mails from their bosses. It seems like the present generation emphasizes professional obligations over personal enjoyment.Secondly, it seems to me that many popular leisure activities include a self-improvement aspect, which means that even our hobbies fall into the realm of what we should be doing. One of the most popular pastimes these days seems to be long distance running, an activity which is also incredibly beneficial for our health. Another perfect example isthe way I spend most of my free time working out at a local gym. Although this is certainly enjoyable for me, part of the reason I do it is that it keeps me strong, healthy and fit. This makes me both a better family man and a better employee. I consider all of these to be things that I should be deeply concerned about.In conclusion, I am of the opinion that people today do not spend an inordinate amount of time doing things that they like to do. This is because people work longer hours than ever before, and because even our personal hobbies tend to involve an aspect of obligation.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well.Sample:Views differ considerably when it comes to the issue of whether successful people are willing to try new things than doing what they have already known. Some people believe that since the world is changing, people have to find a way to fit in, while others think that doing things that one don't know may lead a disaster. Both of the opposite arguments appear to be somewhat convincing and stand to reason. But as far as I am concerned, I agree with the former idea, which is that people who are successful always try something different from what they knew. The following reasons will present my points.First of all, an exploration in different realms may lead success. Take Bill, the CEO of a Chinese cell phone company for example. He was barely an engineer in a traditional technology company. Once he noticed the raise of the smart phone market, he quit his job. Then, he started a company to develop smart phones, which are user friendly. With those high level phone companies like Apple, Samsung around, he decided to aim to the lower price market, which leads him to success.Second, when one fully devotes themselves to a different career, there is a high chance that they could dig out their potential and do it well. Take Jay Chou, a singer, for example. His songs are really fantastic, which lead to his success. However, he didn't stop. He shifted from being an actor to a director and he made a movie named Secret. It was well received in the market and was promoted to other countries. His fame spread to the Hollywood, which earned him a chance to play a role in "The Green Hornet".In conclusion, given the reasons described above, I firmly believe that successful people are open to unknown challenges and are willing to take risks. They make a difference to the world.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more enjoyable to have a job that requires working long hours for three days in one week than to work shorter hours for five days a week.Sample:Nowadays, people are exposed to more pressure than ever before and it is increasingly important for people to appropriately arrange their work time. Whether to work three days a week for longer hours or five days a week for shorter hours has sparked a heated discussion. Speaking of me, I totally agree with that working five days a week for shorter hours is more enjoyable.First, working five days for shorter hours plays a significant role in the health of the employees. The reason is that, by working five days, employees can balance their work and life more appropriately, which definitely is beneficial to their health. For example, employees who work for shorter time a day can do exercises during his or her rest time. On the contrary, by working three days a week, employees should spend ten hours per work day, ruining their normal daily routine. Apparently, working five days a week is better than three days a week.In addition, another advantage of working five days is that it contributes a lot to efficiency. This is because with the time of continuous work increasing, efficiency will reduce. And if an employee works more than 8 hours a day, his efficiency will drop dramatically because of brain exhaustion. For instance, in order to finish a job efficiently, workers need enough attention and passion to engage in their jobs. However, a long time of work will consume most of their energy and patience, leading them to feel tired. As a result, they work lessefficiently compared with people working five days a week. Obviously, working five days will make it effective for people to finish their jobs.Admittedly, there are also minor advantages of working three days, including that workers can travel to other resorts during their 4-day vacation. For example, my neighbor who works three days a week always goes to see the famous scenery when he does not need to work. However, working five days gives rise to more conveniences and benefits.To sum up, although there are some minor advantages in working three days, I feel that the merits of working five days are more obvious. It not only enhances workers’health bur also improves their efficiency, making them better enjoy their jobs and lives. So I really believe that working five days is more enjoyable.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to identify what kinds of careers or jobs are secure and successful ones in the past than at present.Sample:In the modern era, everything is changing instantly, and so are jobs. What prevails today may soon be found outdated. So that I agree with the idea that it is harder to identify whether a career is secure and easy to maintain in contemporary age.Nowadays, it is harder to identify the meaning of success. In the past, people have a lower life quality. To them, a successful job meansthat the pay is enough to feed their family. However, nowadays to different groups of people, success varies largely. Perhaps for the businessmen, they are eager to get as many profits as possible, so success equates with money and social status. Meanwhile, for the scientists, what they want is probably the groundbreaking finding in their research field. Yuan Longping, one of the best Chinese agriculture scientists and a top expert of rice plant, is a good example. So people are having more diversified standard of successful jobs. People may not have a unified understanding of what makes a secure and successful job.As for the security of the job, in the past, people would do one job all through their lives and their sons and grandsons may carry on doing the same job. So we could infer that their jobs are secure. But nowadays as the economy develops, more kinds of jobs are offered, so people generally have more choices. They may work for others as employees, and the contacts they sign are valid for only a few years, which means they could lose their jobs when the contact expires. Even secure jobs like the bank clerks would face the risk of being unemployed if an economy crisis should happen. Thus the security of one job could not be easily judged.All in all, it can be concluded that it is harder to identify whether a career is secure and successful nowadays. The rapid development of society offers more job opportunities but one can never say they havefound a life-long secure and successful job.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to identify what kinds of careers or jobs are secure and successful ones in the past than at present.Sample:In the modern era, everything is changing instantly, and so are jobs. What prevails today may soon be found outdated. So that I agree with the idea that it is harder to identify whether a career is secure and easy to maintain in contemporary age.Nowadays, it is harder to identify the meaning of success. In the past, people have a lower life quality. To them, a successful job means that the pay is enough to feed their family. However, nowadays to different groups of people, success varies largely. Perhaps for the businessmen, they are eager to get as many profits as possible, so success equates with money and social status. Meanwhile, for the scientists, what they want is probably the groundbreaking finding in their research field. Yuan Longping, one of the best Chinese agriculture scientists and a top expert of rice plant, is a good example. So people are having more diversified standard of successful jobs. People may not have a unified understanding of what makes a secure and successful job.As for the security of the job, in the past, people would do one job all through their lives and their sons and grandsons may carry on doingthe same job. So we could infer that their jobs are secure. But nowadays as the economy develops, more kinds of jobs are offered, so people generally have more choices. They may work for others as employees, and the contacts they sign are valid for only a few years, which means they could lose their jobs when the contact expires. Even secure jobs like the bank clerks would face the risk of being unemployed if an economy crisis should happen. Thus the security of one job could not be easily judged.All in all, it can be concluded that it is harder to identify whether a career is secure and successful nowadays. The rapid development of society offers more job opportunities but one can never say they have found a life-long secure and successful job.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We need to have different sources of news and information to know which one is the real one or who is telling the truth.Sample:The ability of independent thinking is treasured nowadays. Lazy modern people tend to be misled by some single-sourced news, because the same event can be reported in different versions, which may either agitate public anger or reassure their anxiety. Therefore, limited information will encumber people to dig the truth. In my point, grasping varies sources of news are the cornerstone to explore and identify thereality.We are in the maze. The seemingly shortcut to the truth may be the deliberate pitfall. To bury the truth or cover the crime, the government will control the public opinions and exert influences on people. So the sole source of news is not trustworthy. For example, in North Korea, numerous dissidents are being muzzled by the leader. Kim Jong Eun cuts the connection to the outside world and instills his extreme thought to citizens, making them believe that they are the “happiest men”in the world. Under such totalitarianism, it is difficult for people to know their real life. But there are still some people who can secretly surf the Internet, knowing their life and the truth of their nation from CNN or BBC. An increasing number of citizens are escaping from North Korea currently. That exemplifies how different sources of news help people to find the truth.Although diverse sources of news may perplex people, they are the cornerstones for in depth truth-exploring. Different sources of news provide different perspectives toward the same events. By comparison of the news, we can survive from the overwhelming information. For example, Reuters, Times and The Wall Street Journals, they chose different points to report the Mh370 accidents. Finding the contradictions and common points in these reports, we can ensure that the plane has deviated its airline and the oil had been consumed up. Butwhether the plane exploded or directly sank into the sea needs further information.Admittedly, it is time-consuming to collect the information and analyze them. For example, in order to find the truth of WWII, historians have to search not only the formal history but also countless unofficial history. But the project is worth conducting because the truth is all that we chase for our life. Conscientious people want to know whether their country was at fault for the war; many dead people urged for a fair judgment of their life. So we need abundant information to find the truth.In sum, the more diversified sources of news we get the truth, the closer we are to the truth.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes who receive high salaries, such as football or basketball players, deserve what they have got.Sample:There is a public controversy today over the issue of whether professional athletes who receive high salaries deserve what they get. Those who object the opinion argue that it is not fair for ordinary people, but advocates of the position frequently proclaim that these celebrities deserve what they deserve. As far as I concerned, I tend to agree with the latter one. As the saying goes: "The more ploughing and weeding,。



2021年托福阅读模拟试题及答案(卷三)托福阅读文本:There are only a few clues in the rock record about climate in the Proterozoic eon. Much ofour information about climate in the more recent periods of geologic history comes from the fossilrecord, because we have a reasonably good understanding of the types of environment in whichmany fossil organisms flourished. The scarce fossils of the Proterozoic, mostly single-celledbacteria, provide little evidence in this regard. However, the rocks themselves do include theearliest evidence for glaciation, probably a global ice age.The inference that some types of sedimentary rocks are the result of glacial activity is based onthe principle of uniformitarianism, which posits that natural processes now at work on and withinthe Earth operated in the same manner in the distant past. The deposits associated with present-dayglaciers have been well studied, and some of their characteristics are quite distinctive. In2.3-billion-year-old rocks in Canada near Lake Huron (dating fromthe early part of theProterozoic age), there are thin laminae of fine-grained sediments that resemble varves, the annuallayers of sediment deposited in glacial lakes. Typically, present-day varves show two-layeredannual cycle, one layer corresponding to the rapid ice melting and sediment transport of thesummer season, and the other, finer-grained, layer corresponding to slower winter deposition.Although it is not easy to discern such details in the Proterozoic examples, they are almostcertainly glacial varves. These fine-grained, layered sediments even contain occasional largepebbles or "dropstones," a characteristic feature of glacial environments where coarse material issometimes carried on floating ice and dropped far from its source, into otherwise very fine grainedsediment. Glacial sediments of about the same age as those in Canada have been found in otherparts of North America and in Africa, India, and Europe. This indicates that the glaciation wasglobal, and that for a period of time in the early Proterozoic theEarth was gripped in an ice age.Following the early Proterozoic glaciation, however, the climate appears to have been fairlybenign for a very long time. There is no evidence for glaciation for the next 1.5 billion years or so.Then, suddenly, the rock record indicates a series of glacial episodes between about 850 and 600million year ago, near the end of the Proterozoic eon.托福阅读题目:1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?(A) How patterns in rock layers have been used to construct theories about the climate of theProterozoic age(B) What some rare fossils indicate about glacial conditions during the late Proterozoic age(C) The varying characteristics of Proterozoic glacial varves in different parts of the world(D) The number of glacial episodes that the Earth has experienced since the Proterozoic age2.According to the passage , the fossil record of the Proterozoic eon is(A) highly regarded because it preserves the remains of many kindsof organisms(B) less informative than the fossil record of more recent periods(C) very difficult to interpret due to damage from bacteria(D) more useful to researchers than otheraspects of the rock record3. The word "scarce" in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) ancient(B) tiny(C) available(D) rare4. It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of uniformitarianism indicates that(A) similar conditions produce similar rock formations(B) rock layers in a given region remain undisturbed over time(C) different kinds of sedimentary rocks may have similar origins(D) each continent has its own distinctive pattern of sediment layers5. The word "resemble" in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) result from(B) penetrate(C) look like(D) replace have similar origins6.According to the passage , the layers in varves are primarily formed by(A) fossilized bacteria(B) pieces of ancient dropstones(C) a combination of ancient and recent sediments(D) annual cycles of sediment transport and deposition7. The phrase "the other" in line 17 refers to another(A) annual cycle(B) glacial lake(C) layer of sediment(D) season8.According to the passage , the presence of dropstones indicates that(A) the glacial environment has been unusually servere(B) the fine-grained sediment has built up very slowly(C) there has been a global ice age(D) coarse rock material has been carried great distances9. Why does the author mention Canada, North America,Africa, India, and Europe in lines 23-24?(A) To demonstrate the global spread of dropstones(B) To explain the principles of varve formation(C) To provide evidence for the theory that there was a global ice age in the early Proterozoic eon(D) To illustrate the varied climatic changes of the Proterozoic eon indifferent parts of the globe10. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?(A) fossil record (line 3)(B) laminae (line 13)(C) varves (line14)(D) glacial episodes (line 28)托福阅读答案:ABDAC DCCCC托福阅读文本:Industrialization came to the United State after 1790 as North American entrepreneursincreased productivity by reorganizing work and building factories. These innovations inmanufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent; the average percapita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year —30 percent over the course of a generation.Goods that had once been luxury items became part of everyday life.The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which workers made goods,since the 1790's, North American entrepreneurs —even withouttechnological improvements —had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient bydistributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of theproduction process. For example, during the 1820's and 1830's the shoe industry greatly expandedthe scale and extend of the outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women, paid according tothe amount they produced, fabricated the "uppers" of shoes, which were bound to the soles bywage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previouslyjourneymen would have made the entire shoe. This system of production made the employer apowerful "shoe boss" and eroded workers' control over the pace and conditions of labor. However,it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutting their price.For tasks that were not suited to the outwork system, entrepreneurs created an even moreimportant new organization, the modem factory, which usedpower-driven machines andassembly-line techniques to turn out large quantities of well-made goods. As early as 1782 theprolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour milldriven by water power. His machinery lifted the grain to the top of the mill, cleaned it as it fell intocontainers known as hoppers, ground the grain into flour, and then conveyed the flour back to thetop of the mill to allow it to cool as it descended into barrels. Subsequently, manufacturers madeuse of new improved stationary steam engines to power their mills. This new technology enabledthem to build factories in the nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations ofinexpensive labor, good transportation networks, and eager customers.托福阅读题目:1. What is the passage mainly about?(A) The difficulties of industrialization in North America(B) The influence of changes in manufacturing on the growth of urban centers(C) The rapid speed of industrialization in North America(D) Improved ways of organizing the manufacturing of goods2. The word "boosted" in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) ensured(B) raised(C) arranged(D) discouraged3. The word "scope" in line 9 is closest in meaning to(A) value(B) popularity(C) extent(D) diversity4. The author mentions the shoe industry in the second paragraph to provide an example of how(A) entrepreneurs increased output by using an extended outwork system(B) entrepreneurs used technological improvements to increase output(C) rural workers responded to "shoe bosses"(D) changes in the outwork system improved the quality of shoes5. All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe industry during the 1820'sand 1830's EXCEPT(A) an increase in the worker's dependence on entrepreneurs(B) an increase in the wages paid to journeymen shoemakers(C) a decline in the workers ability to control the speed of production(D) a decrease in the price of shoes6.All of the following are true of the outwork system EXCEPT(A) It involved stages of production.(B) It was more efficient than the systems used before 1790.(C) It made many employers less powerful than they had been before.(D) It did not necessarily involve any technological improvements.7. The word "prolific" in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) efficient(B) productive(C) self-employed(D) progressive8. According to the passage , how did later mills differ from the mills differ from the mill built byOliver Evans?(A) They were located away from large cities.(B) They used new technology to produce power.(C) They did not allow flour to cool before it was placed in Barrels.(D) They combined technology with the outwork system.9. The word "it" in line 25 refers to(A) water power(B) machinery(C) grain(D) mill10. The passage mentions which of the following as a result of improvements in factorymachinery?(A) It become easier for factory' owners to find workers and customers.(B) Manufacturers had to employ more highly skilled workers.(C) The amount of power required for factories operate was reduced.(D) Factories could operate more than one engine at a time.11. The word "eager" in line 30 is closest in meaning to(A) wealthy(B) knowledgeable(C) regular(D) enthusiastic托福阅读答案:DBCAB CBBCA D托福阅读文本:Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the samespecies. They are secreted to the outside of the body and cause other individuals of the species tohave specific reactions. Pheromones, which are sometimes called "social hormones," affect agroup of individuals somewhat like hormones do an individual animal. Pheromones are thepredominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the sole method). Some specieshave simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce manywith various functions. Pheromone systems are the most complex in some of the so-called socialinsects, insects that live in organized groups.Chemical communication differs from that by sight or sound in several ways. Transmission isrelatively slow (the chemical signals are usually airborne), but the signal can be persistent,depending upon the volatility of the chemical, and is sometimeseffective over a very long range.Localization of the signal is generally poorer than localization of a sound or visual stimulus and isusually effected by the animal's moving upwind in response to the stimulus. The ability tomodulate a chemical signal is limited, compared with communication by visual or acoustic means,but some pheromones may convey different meanings and consequently result in differentbehavioral or physiological responses, depending on their concentration or when presented incombination. The modulation of chemical signals occurs via the elaboration of the number ofexocrine glands that produce pheromones. Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulatecreatures, but their medium of communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciatebecause of our own olfactory, insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting andanalyzing these pheromones.Pheromones play numerous roles in the activities of insects. They may act as alarm substances,play a role in individual and group recognition, serve as attractants between sexes, mediate theformation of aggregations, identify foraging trails, and be involved in caste determination. Forexample, pheromones involved in caste determination include the "queen substance" produced byqueen honey bees. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of theirgregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causesnearby aphids to respond by moving away.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) How insects use pheromones to communicate(B) How pheromones are produced by insects(C) Why analyzing insect pheromones is difficult(D) The different uses of pheromones among various insect species2. The word "serve" in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) improve(B) function(C) begin(D) rely3. The purpose of the second mention of "hormones" in line 4 is to point out(A) chemical signals that are common among insects(B) specific responses of various species to chemical signals(C) similarities between two chemical substances(D) how insects produce different chemical substances4. The word "sole" in line 6 is closest in meaning to(A) obvious(B) best(C) only(D) final5. The passage suggests that the speed at which communication through pheromones occurs isdependent on how quickly they(A) lose their effectiveness(B) evaporate in the air(C) travel through the air(D) are produced by the body6. According to the passage , the meaning of a message communicated through a pheromone mayvary when the(A) chemical structure of the pheromone is changed(B) pheromone is excreted while other pheromones are also being excreted(C) exocrine glands do not produce the pheromone(D) pheromone is released near certain specific organisms7. The word "detecting" in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) controlling(B) storing(C) questioning(D) finding8.According to paragraph 2, which of the following has made the study of pheromones difficult?(A) Pheromones cannot be easily reproduced in chemical laboratories.(B) Existing technology cannot fully explore the properties of pheromones.(C) Pheromones are highly volatile.(D) Pheromone signals are constantly changing.9. The word "They" in line 24 refers to(A) pheromones(B) roles(C) activities(D) insects10. The word "sedentary" in line 29 is closest in meaning to(A) inactive(B) inefficient(C) unchangeable(D) unbalanced11. Pheromone systems are relatively complex in insects that(A) also communicate using sight and sound(B) live underground(C) prey on other insects(D) live in organized groups托福阅读答案:ABCCBADBAAD托福阅读文本:The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the Maria (dark lowlands) and the Terrace (bright highlands). The contrast in the reflectivity (the capability of reflecting light) of these two terrains suggested to many early observers that the two terrains might have different compositions, and this supposition was confirmed by missions to the Moon such as Surveyor and Apollo. One of the most obvious differences between the terrains is the smoothness of the Maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands. This roughnessis mostly caused by the abundance of craters: the highlands are completely covered by large craters (greater than 40-50 km in diameter), while the craters of the Maria tend to be much smaller. It is now known that the vast majority of the Moon's craters were formed by the impact of solid bodies with the lunar surface.Most of the near side of the Moon was thoroughly mapped and studied from telescopicpictures years before the age of space exploration. Earth-based telescopes can resolve objects as small as a few hundred meters on the lunar surface. Close observation of craters, combined with the way the Moon diffusely reflects sunlight, led to the understanding that the Moon is covered by a surface layer, or regolith, that overlies the solid rock of the Moon. Telescopic images permitted the cataloging of a bewildering array of land forms. Craters were studied for clues to their origin; the large wispy marks were seen. Strange, sinuous features were observed in the Maria. Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers' attention was fixed on craters and their origins.Astronomers have known for a fairly long time that the shape of craters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15 km have relatively simple shapes.They have rim crests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are aboutone-sixth their diameters. The complexity of shape increases for larger craters.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) What astronomers learned from the Surveyor and Apollo space missions.(B) Characteristics of the major terrains of the Moon.(C) The origin of the Moon's craters.(D) Techniques used to catalogue the Moon's land forms.2. The word "undergone" in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) altered(B) substituted(C) experienced(D) preserved3.According to the passage , the Maria differ from the Terrace mainly in terms of(A) age(B) manner of creation(C) size(D) composition4. The passage supports which of the following statements about the Surveyor and Apollomissions?(A) They confirmed earlier theories about the Moon's surface.(B) They revealed that previous ideas about the Moon's craters were incorrect.(C) They were unable to provide detailed information about the Moon's surface.(D) They were unable to identify how the Moon's craters were made.5. The word "vast" in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) special(B) known(C) varied(D) great6.All of the following are true of the Maria EXCEPT:(A) They have small craters.(B) They have been analyzed by astronomers.(C) They have a rough texture.(D) They tend to be darker than the terrace.7.All of the following terms are defined in the passage EXCEPT(A) Moon (line 1)(B) reflectivity (line 3)(C) regolith (line 16)百度文库-赵诚作品(D) Maria (line 2)8. The author mentions "wispy marks" in line 19 as an example of(A) an aspect of the lunar surface discovered through lunar missions(B) a characteristic of large craters(C) a discovery made through the use of Earth-based telescopes(D) features that astronomers observed to be common to the Earth and the Moon9.According to the passage , lunar researchers have focused mostly on(A) the possibility of finding water on the Moon(B) the lunar regolith(C) cataloging various land formations(D) craters and their origins10. The passage probably continues with a discussion of(A) the reasons craters are difficult to study(B) the different shapes small craters can have(C) some features of large craters(D) some difference in the ways small and large craters were formed托福阅读答案:BCDAD CACDC百度文库-赵诚作品。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷四)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文:Important decisions are those that will have a significant or lasting impact on a person's life. Oftentimes such a decision is difficult to make because the consequences are considerable or because the decision's circumstances and implications are complex. As a result, people will consult friends and family for their opinions to get a better understanding of the situation. Seeking advice is helpful because it helps to avoid pitfalls and precludes carelessness, but in the end the person who has to live with the decision should make it by himself/herself. Discussing important decisions with others can be beneficial, especially if the person one is conferring with has experience with the problem at hand. For example, in order to be able to decide between continuing one's education after finishing four years of university studies and finding a job, it is helpful to talk to people who have made this decision. A person who decided to find gainful employment will probably give different advice than a person who decided to stay in school. Listening attentively to both will allow a person to make the best assessment of his/her own situation as he/she will be able to learn from others'experiences. At the same time, one should consider the opinions and feelings of the people who will be impacted by his/her decision. For example, husband and wife should confer with each other before making up their mind to quit or change a job. After all, the change of a job can impact many aspects of their life together, such as the household income or the amount of time they can spend together. However, one should not allow or even ask others to make an important decision on one's behalf. After all, he/she will be the one with all the information at his/her disposal, especially after seeking advice from others. Ultimately, the person who has to live with the decision (in so far as it is a personal decision that does not affect others directly in a significant way) should take complete responsibility and make it himself/herself.托福写作模拟试题库What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作答案In traditional Chinese society, a person's most important relationship was that between a parent and a child. The only measure of whether a child was good or bad was whether or not they were obedient to their parents' wishes. Traditionally a Chinese family had many children. Boys were expected to go to school and, after they grew up, to have ason of their own, and to manage the family's affairs. When his parents grew old, a son was expected to live with and care for them. A girl's parents would usually arrange her marriage to someone who she did not love and without consulting her. After she was married, she was no longer a part of her biological family; instead she became an adopted daughter of her husband's family and had to respect her husband's parents as she would her own parents. She was also expected to bear her husband a son. A child who broke these norms, defied or disrespected their parents was seen as worthless or immoral at best, and could legally be killed by their parents in extreme cases. Today of course, China is very different. Chinese children are still expected to respect their parents, but society is not as conservative as it used to be. When a Chinese son gets married, he will often prefer not to live in the same house with his parents, although he might still feel quite obligated to care for them in their old age. The greatest strides have been made by Chinese women, who now hope that their daughters grow up to marry someone that they love, and who is able to take good care of them. The major revolution in the Chinese family since 1980s has been the introduction of the one-child policy. Since Chinese families are now usually only allowed to have one child, the roles of parent and child have almost been reversed! Today's children in China, while still expected to treat their parents with respect, have become the "little emperors andempresses" of their families. Many "little emperors" are so doted on by their immediate and extended families that they become very spoiled, demanding toys, candy, and attention all day long. Because of the changing structure of the Chinese family, the bonds between parent and child, while still of primary importance, are characterized less by rules and respect and more by love.托福写作模拟试题库Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.托福写作答案While some people enjoy the relative comfort, stability, and prestige of working at a large company, I prefer to live life on the edge. Given the choice, I would much prefer to work at small company where I could have more responsibility, more excitement, closer relationships with my coworkers, and a greater sense of accomplishment than I could have at a big company. If I worked at a large company, my role at the company would be highly specialized and narrowly defined. At a smaller company everyone has to take on extra responsibilities to make the business work. For instance, if I worked at a small computer software company as a programmer, I might not only program, but also have to make trips to potential clients for sales. At a large company, the salesdepartment would talk to clients, and I would be stuck in the same boring routine every day with less responsibility. I might less in touch with what the clients wanted if my responsibilities were limited to programming. I crave excitement, so the idea of working for a small company particularly suits me. While working at a large company can offer more job security, workers don't usually get any of the annual profits. But if you work for a small company, profits are more likely to be shared at the end of the year. This means that the harder you work, the more potential there is to make a large amount of money. It is also especially gratifying when you can see how your hard work helped to build or save the company, a feeling of accomplishment that is difficult to attain when working in a large company. Finally, working together in a small company creates a sense of special closeness between colleagues. You have to both trust and depend on each other for everything. This closeness is not only between people within the company but can also extend to your clients and suppliers, all of whom you can get to know on a first name basis. Business deals become less impersonal and more pleasurable when you work with people you trust and like. This trust is both deeper and easier to build when you work for a smaller company. 托福写作模拟试题库People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples and details to support your answer.托福写作答案One of the most overlooked reasons why people work is to help other people. Government officials, social and charity workers, and religious organizations, and others all work not only for their own salaries, but also work for the common good. They labor for others because of their moral convictions, for reasons of personal reciprocity, and because they want to make society more stable, thereby benefiting themselves and others. Some of the most famous charity workers in the world have been affiliated with religious groups. For instance, many of the foreigners living in the poor regions of Africa are doctors, teachers, and other professionals who are paid by religious organizations to help the poor, sick, and needy people there. These professionals could make much more money if they worked in rich countries. They have chosen to help poor people because they believe their religion tells them to help people who cannot help themselves. They are working for others for moral or religious reasons. Some people work for other people because at some time in their lives, someone else has helped them. Many teachers can tell stories about a particular teacher who changed their lives. The gift a great teacher gave to them inspired them to become teachers themselves. Likewise, many people become doctors because a doctor saved one of their family member's life and they felt like theyowed a debt of gratitude that money could not repay. To such people, the motivation for working is not the paycheck at the end of the month, but the smile on a child's face when they read their first book, or the look of joy on new parents' faces when they see their healthy newborn baby. Finally, some people work for others because they believe that society is only safe and stable when all of its members are happy. These people include good government officials who try to make policies that benefit the poorer classes of society. They know that only by making policies that help poor people live richer, happier lives can they lower crime, sickness, and poverty rates, and make society safer and happier for all citizens.托福写作模拟试题库Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.托福写作答案While many modern forms of communication like phone calls, email, and letters, are extremely convenient, in my opinion, nothing beats speaking to another person face-to-face. Face-to-face conversation is the ultimate form of human communication because it is interactive, and allows a broader range of possibilities for communication in theintricacies of tone of voice, body language, and can add the intimacy of touch. The first and most obvious advantage that face-to-face communication has over a letter and email is that there is the ability for an interactive conversation. If the sender of a letter or an email does not write clearly, or the recipient does not understand part of the correspondence, then much time must be spent to clear up the misunderstanding. In a face-to-face conversation, misunderstandings are easily dealt with because of the immediate and interactive nature of a face-to-face conversation. The argument might be made that telephones and instant messaging services like MSN and ICQ are equally viable formats for interactive conversation, with the added benefit of being available over long distances. I would still argue that face-to-face conversation is better because you can see the other person. Not all communication is verbal; the meaning of much of what we say depends on our body language and tone of voice. Joking and irony are particularly difficult to express, identify, and enjoy without seeing the expression on someone's face, or watching the movements of their body. Finally, if the goal of communication is to maintain or deepen a relationship with someone, business partners, friends, husbands and wives, or parents and children, face-to-face communication offers the option of communication by touch that is unavailable even if we could communicate by video. Trust and respect between businesses partnerscan be established with a firm handshake. No amount of body language can convey the excitement of a high-five between friends, and no number of words can communicate the comforting embrace of a loved one. Touch is the first foundation of our human relationships, before spoken language, and it is only available when people communicate face to face.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A person’s job has more effects on his or her happiness than this person’s social life does.同意前者1. 一个人工作上有成就,表明他是非常有能力的一个人。



2021年托福阅读模拟试题及答案(卷一)托福阅读原文The Development of Steam Power【1】By the eighteenth century, Britain wasexperiencing a severe shortage of energy. Because ofthe growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had long ago beenreplaced by fields of grain and hay. Wood was in ever-shorter supply, yet it remainedtremendously important. It served as the primary source of heat for all homes and industriesand as a basic raw material. Processed wood (charcoal) was the fuel that was mixed with ironore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron (raw iron). The iron industry’s appetite for woodwas enormous, and by 1740 the British iron industry was stagnating. Vast forests enabledRussia to become the world’s leading producer of iron, much of which was exported to Britain. But Russia’s potential for growth was limited too, and in a few decades Russia would reach thebarrier of inadequate energy that was already holding England back.【2】As this early energy crisis grew worse, Britain looked toward its abundant and widelyscattered reserves of coal as an alternative to its vanishing wood. Coal was first used in Britainin the late Middle Ages as a source of heat. By 1640 most homes in London were heated withit, and it also provided heat for making beer, glass, soap, and other products.Coal was notused, however, to produce mechanical energy or to power machinery. It was there thatcoal’s potential wad enormous.【3】As more coal was produced, mines were dug deeper and deeper and were constantlyfilling with water. Mechanical pumps, usually powered by hundreds of horses waling in circles atthe surface, had to be installed Such power was expensive and bothersome. In an attempt toovercome these disadvantages, Thomas Savery in 1698 and Thomas Newcomen in 1705 invented the first primitive steam engines. Both engines were extremely inefficient. Bothburned coal to produce steam, which was then used to operate a pump. However, by theearly 1770s, many of the Savery engines and hundreds of the Newcomen engines wereoperating successfully, though inefficiently, in English and Scottish mines.【4】In the early 1760s, a gifted young Scot named James Watt was drawn to a critical studyof the steam engine. Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilledcrafts worker making scientific instruments. In 1763: Watt was called on to repair a Newcomenengine being used in a physics course. After a series of observations, Watt saw that theNewcomen’s waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate condenser. This splendidinvention, patented in 1769, greatly increased the efficiency of the steam engine. The steamengine of Watt and his followers was the technologicaladvance that gave people, at least for awhile, unlimited power and allowed the invention and use of all kinds of power equipment.【5】The steam engine was quickly put to use in several industries in Britain. It drained minesand made possible the production of ever more coal to feed steam engines elsewhere. Thesteam power plant began to replace waterpower in the cotton-spinning mills as well as otherindustries during the 1780s, contributing to a phenomenal rise in industrialization. TheBritish iron industry was radically transformed. The use of powerful, steam-driven bellows inblast furnaces helped iron makers switch over rapidly from limited charcoal to unlimited coke(which is made from coal) in the smelting of pig iron (the process of refining impure iron) after1770 in the 1780s, Henry Cort developed the puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to berefined in turn with coke. Cort also developed heavy-duty, steam-powered rolling mills, whichwere capable of producing finished iron in every shape and form.【6】The economic consequence of these technical innovations in steam power was a greatboom in the British iron industry. In 1740 annual British iron production was only 17:000 tons, but by 1844: with the spread of coke smelting and the impact of Cort’s inventions, it hadincreased to 3,000:000 tons. This was a truly amazing expansion. Once scarce and expensive, iron became cheap, basic, and indispensable to the economy.托福阅读试题1.What can be inferred from paragraph 1 aboutBritain's short supply of wood in the eighteenthcentury?A.Wood from Britain’s great forests was beingexported to other countries for profit.B.A growing population had required cutting down forests to increase available land forfarming.rger families required the construction of larger homes made from wood.D.What was left of the great forests after the medieval period was being strictly protected.2.Select TWO answer choices that, according to paragraph 1, are true statementsabout Russia’s iron industry in the eighteenth century. To obtain credit, you mustselect TWO answer choices.A.Russia reached its maximum production of iron at the same time as Britain.B.Russia exported much of its iron production to Britain.C.Russia’s appetite for iron increased rapidly after 1740.D.Russia’s energy resourceseventually became insufficient and limited the growth of its iron industry.3.The word "abundant" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.reliableB.plentifulC.well-preservedD.existing4.Why are "beer, glass, soap, and other products" mentioned in the discussion ofBritain’s energy?A.To help explain why the energy crisis was so severeB.To show that despite the energy crisis and as early as 1640, London homes were advancedand well suppliedC.To emphasize that after 1640, British homes required energy for more than heatD.To indicate that coal had been used for the production of certain products before theeighteenth century5.According to paragraph 3, all of the following are ways in which the Savery andNewcomen engines were similar EXCEPT:A.Both became relatively inexpensive after the 1770s.B.Both produced steam by burning coal.C.Both were used to operate pumps.D.Both were very inefficient.6.The word "gifted" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.independentB.talentedC.famousD.ambitious7.According to paragraph 4, what was James Watt’s major achievement?A. He was able to apply his understanding of physics to invent a variety of scientificinstruments and tools for skilled crafts workers.B.He taught university physics courses to outstanding students whose observations led tomany patented inventions.C.He improved the efficiency of Newcomen’s engine by preventing energy from being lost.D.He redesigned Newcomen’s engine so that it no longer needed a separate condenser.8.The word "splendid" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.originalB.necessaryC.magnificentD.popular9.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 5 as a development thatgreatly changed the production of iron?A.The use of coke in the smelting of pig ironB.The invention of a furnace that used coke to refine ironC.The discovery of a method for increasing the production of charcoalD.The invention of powerful machinery that could shape, form, and finish iron10.In paragraph 6, why does the author compare British iron production in 1740 withthat of 1844?A.To contrast the amounts of iron needed in Britain in two different centuriesB.To illustrate how easy it was to make money using Cort’s inventionC.To demonstrate the tremendous growth of the iron industry in BritainD.To demonstrate how inexpensive coal had become11.The word "indispensable" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.advantageousB.essentialC.less costlyD.highly stimulating12.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the development ofsteam power?A.The steam engine’s basic technology can be traced back to medieval Britain when steam-powered machinery was being tried in farming activities.B.Although Russia and Britain developed steam-power technologysimultaneously, Britain wasfirst to try it in a large-scale industry due to a greater need for iron.C.Steam-power technology was largely the result of improvements developed to increase thesupply of coal as a primary source of energy.D.Adaptations to steam engines required for their use in cotton-spinning mills led to radicaldevelopments in machinery used in the iron industry.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Energy had not been aproblem for Britain in the past because it relied on a rich source of energy: its vastforests.By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy. ■【A】Because of the growth of population, most of the great forests of medieval Britain had longago been replaced by fields of grain and hay. ■【B】Wood was in ever-shorter supply, yet itremained tremendously important. ■【C】It served as the primary source of heat for allhomes and industries and as a basic raw material. ■【D】Processed wood (charcoal) was thefuel that was mixed with iron ore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron (raw iron). The ironindustry’s appetite for wood was enormous, and by 1740 the British iron industry wasstagnating. Vast forests enabled Russia to become the world’s leading producer of iron, much ofwhich was exported to Britain. ButRussia’s potential for growth was limited too, and in a fewdecades Russia would reach the barrier of inadequate energy that was already holdingEngland back.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage of thepassage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answerchoices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choicesdo not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented inthe passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This questions is worth 2 points.By the eighteenth century, Britain was experiencing a severe shortage of energy.A.The development of blast furnaces for the manufacture of pig iron made the Britain lessdependent on wood.B.After the medieval period, both Russia and Britain began to look for alternative sources ofenergy, such as steam power, in order to maintain the growth of their iron industries.C.Two inventors designed the first steam engines in order to overcome the disadvantages ofrelying on horses to power the pumps used in mining coal.D.James Watt was able to improve upon the efficiency of the steam engine and make it usefulto several industries.E.The puddling furnace increased the availability of charcoal to avariety of industries fromcotton to iron production.F.Steam power increased coal production, which in turn allowed extraordinary growth of theiron industry and the British economy.托福阅读答案1.B2.BD3.B4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.C10.C11.B12.C13.A14.CDF托福阅读原文Protection of Plants by Insects【1】Many plants - one or more species of at least68 different families - can secrete nectar even whenthey have no blossoms, becausethey bear extrafloral nectaries (structures that producenectar) on stems, leaves, leaf stems, or other structures.These plants usually occur where antsare abundant, most in the tropics but some in temperate areas. Among those of northeasternNorth America are various plums, cherries, roses, hawthorns, poplars, and oaks. Like floralnectar, extrafloral nectar consists mainly of water with a high content of dissolved sugars and, in some plants, small amounts of amino acids. The extrafloral nectaries of some plants areknown to attract ants and other insects, but the evolutionary history of most plants with thesenectaries is unknown. Nevertheless, most ecologists believe that all extrafloral nectaries attractinsects that will defend the plant.【2】Ants are portably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders ofplants. Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal of energy, plants exploit thisneed by providing extrafloral nectar that supplies ants with abundant energy. To return thisfavor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that might competewith ants for nectar. Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eat the leaves of theplants.【3】Biologists once thought that secretion of extrafloral nectar has some purely internalphysiological function, and that ants provide no benefit whatsoever to the plants that secreteit. This view and the opposing “protectionist”hypothesis that ants defend plants hadbeendisputed for over a hundred years when, in 1910, a skeptical William Morton Wheelercommented on the controversy. He called for proof of the protectionist view: that visitations ofthe ants confer protection on the plants and that in the absence of the insects a much greaternumber would perish or fail to produce flowers or seeds than when the insects are present. That we now have an abundance of the proof that was called for was established whenBarbara Bentley reviewed the relevant evidence in 1977, and since then many moreobservations and experiments have provided still further proof that ants benefit plants.【4】One example shows how ants attracted to extrafloral nectaries protect morning gloriesagainst attacking insects. The principal insect enemies of the North American morning gloryfeed mainly on its flowers or fruits rather than its leaves. Grasshoppers feeding on flowersindirectly block pollination and the production of seeds by destroying the corolla or thestigma, which receives the pollen grains and on which the pollen germinates. Without theircolorful corolla, flowers do not attract pollinators and are not fertilized. An adult grasshoppercan consume a large corolla, about 2.5 inches long, in an hour. Caterpillars and seed beetlesaffect seed production directly. Caterpillars devour the ovaries, where the seeds are produced, and seed beetle larvae eat seeds as they burrow in developing fruits.【5】Extrafloral nectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, lessthan a quarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flower develops and while the fruit matures. Observations leavelittle doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy forceof grasshoppers, caterpillars, and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of sixplants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied byants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied by ants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, theydrive them away by nipping at their feet. Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they aremuch smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females astheylay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.托福阅读试题1.According to paragraph 1,floral nectar andextrafloral nectar are alike in thatA.they are likely to be produced by the same plants.B.they basically consist of the same chemicalcomponents.C.they attract only insects that will defend the plant.D.they are produced by the same parts of the plant.2.To say that ants are "persistent" defenders of plants means thatA.they defend plants against a wide variety of threats.B.they continue to defend plants for as long as the plants are threatened.C.they are successful defenders of plants.D.they are easily observable defenders of plants.3.What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the ants that are attracted to theextrafloral nectaries?A.They do not eat the leaves of the plants that produce extrafloral nectar.B.They live almost entirely on extrafloral nectar.C.They spend most of their energy guarding extrafloral nectaries.D.They frequently fight among themselves over extrafloral nectar.4.According to paragraph 3, what was the position of the opponents of the"protectionist" hypothesis?A.Extrafloral nectar provides plants with a direct defense against attack by insects.B.Ants substantially benefit plants that secrete extrafloral nectar.C.The secretion of extrafloral nectar plays a role in the plant’s internal functioning.D.Ants visit plants that secrete extrafloral nectar as often as theyvisit plants that do not.5.The word "skeptical" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.curious.B.doubtful.C.open-minded.D.practical.6.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information jn thehighlighted sentence in the passage Incorrect choices change the meaning inimportant ways or leave out essential information.A.We now have ample proof that ants benefit plants.B.Barbara Bentley has called for additional proof that ants benefit plants.C.In 1977 Barbara Bentley conducted research that proved that all prior studies were wrong.D.Proof that ants benefit plants will require many more observations and experiments.7.According to paragraph 4, what effect does the destruction of the corolla have onplants.A.It leaves the seeds exposed and unprotected.B.It prevents the stigma from developing.C.It keeps pollen grains from attaching properly.D.It prevents the flower from attracting pollinators.8.The word "devour" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.attack.B.eat.C.damage.D.prefer.9.What role does paragraph 5 play in the passage?A.It offers various kinds of evidence for the protectionist view.B.It presents the study that first proved that ants benefit plants.C.It explains how insects find sources of nectar.D.It presents information that partly contradicts the protectionist view.10.The word "vulnerable" in the passage is closest in meaning toA.numerous.B.harmful.C.open to attack.D.difficult to locate.11.According to paragraph 5, what did Bentley’s comparative study show?A.Many more plants grew in places where ants were present than where they were absent.B.The ants preferred plants with low seed production to plants with high seed production.C.The plants occupied by ants produced many more seeds than those that were not occupiedby ants.D.The plants that grew in places without ants were much smaller and weaker than those thatgrew in places where ants were present.12.According to paragraph 5, ants defend morning glory plants from seed beetles ineach of the following ways EXCEPT:A.driving adult beetles off the plants by nipping at their feet.B.catching and eating adult beetles.C.eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruits.D.making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruits.13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could beadded to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? Sometimes they capture theinsects to feed their protein-hungry larvae.Ants are portably the most frequent and certainly the most persistent defenders of plants. ■【A】Since the highly active worker ants require a great deal of energy, plants exploit thisneed by providing extrafloral nectar that supplies ants with abundant energy. ■【B】Toreturn this favor, ants guard the nectaries, driving away or killing intruding insects that mightcompete with ants for nectar. ■【C】Many of these intruders are herbivorous and would eatthe leaves of the plants. ■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage of thepassage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answerchoices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choicesdo not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented inthe passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This questions is worth 2 points.Many plants have extrafloral nectaries that produce nectar even during periods inwhich the plant is not flowering.A.Evolutionary history shows that plants that produce extrafloral nectar originated in thetropics.B.Extrafloral nectar has a higher concentration of sugar than floral nectar and is moreattractive to ants and other insects.C.The protectionist hypothesis is that extrafloral nextar attracts ants, and that the ants, inorder to preserve this energy-rich food source, attack insects that might harm the plant.D.Evidence accumulated during the twentieth century proved that ants provide significantbenefits for plants with extrafloral nectaries.E.Research has shown that American morning glory plants that are protected by ants producesignificantly more seeds than morning glory plants that are not protected by ants.F.Ants generally ignore small insects, but they will eat the adults of large insect species aswell as their eggs and larvae.托福阅读答案1.B2.B3.A4.D5.A6.A7.C8.B9.B10.C11.C12.A13.C14.CDEThe history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances, can be divided into four distinct eras: the first began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century when it was recognized for the first time that food contained constituents that were essential for human function and that different foods provided different amounts of these essential agents. Near the end of this era, researchstudies demonstrated that rapid weight loss was associated with nitrogen imbalance and could only be rectified by providing adequate dietary protein associated with certain foods.The second era was initiated in the early decades of the twentieth century and might be called "the vitamin period." Vitamins came to be recognized in foods, and deficiency syndromes were described. As vitamins became recognized as essential food constituents necessary for health, it became tempting to suggest that every disease and condition for which there had been no previous effective treatment might be responsive to vitamin therapy. At that point in time, medical schools started to become more interested in having their curricula integrate nutritional concepts into the basic sciences. Much of the focus of this education was on the recognition of vitamin deficiency symptoms. Herein lay the beginning of what ultimately turned from ignorance to denial of the value of nutritional therapies in medicine. Reckless claims were made for effects of vitamins that went far beyond what could actually be achieved from the use of them.In the third era of nutritional history in the early 1950's to mid-1960s, vitamin therapy began to fall into disrepute. Concomitant with this, nutrition education in medical schools also became less popular. It was just a decade before this that many drug companies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supplypracticing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of supplementation for a variety of health-related conditions. Expectations as to the success of vitamins in disease control were exaggerated. As is known in retrospect, vitamin and mineral therapies are much less effective when applied to health-crisis conditions than when applied to long-term problems of undernutrition that lead to chronic health problems.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The effects of vitamins on the human body(B) The history of food preferences from the nineteenth century to the present(C) The stages of development of clinical nutrition as a field of study(D) Nutritional practices of the nineteenth century2. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following discoveries was made during the first era in the history of nutrition?(A) Protein was recognized as an essential component of diet.(B) Vitamins were synthesized from foods.(C) Effective techniques of weight loss were determined.(D) Certain foods were found to be harmful to good health.3. The word "tempting诱惑人的" in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) necessary(B) attractive(C) realistic(D) correct4. It can be inferred from the passage that medical schools began to teach concepts of nutrition in order to(A) convince medical doctors to participate in research studies on nutrition(B) encourage medical doctors to apply concepts of nutrition in the treatment of disease(C) convince doctors to conduct experimental vitamin therapies on their patients(D) support the creation of artificial vitamins5. The word "Reckless鲁莽的,不顾后果的" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) recorded(B) irresponsible(C) informative(D) urgent 紧急的,紧迫的6. The word 'them" in line 19 refers to(A) therapies 治疗(B) claims(C) effects(D) vitamins7. Why did vitamin therapy begin losing favor in the 1950's(A) The public lost interest in vitamins.(B) Medical schools stopped teaching nutritional concepts.(C) Nutritional research was of poor quality(D) Claims for the effectiveness of vitamin therapy were seen to be exaggerated.8. The phrase "concomitant with" in line 21 is closest in meaning to(A) in conjunction with = together with(B) prior to 优先于(C) in dispute with 与。








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NBC与ABC 的制作室就是RCA大厦的第70楼。















2021年托福考试模拟试题:语法202*年托福考试模拟试题:语法Test 1 语法题笔记练习题 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body.A. in diseaseB. that diseaseC. of diseaseD. about disease答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句.这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句.参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液.2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.A. she was the first woman to conductB. the first woman conductorC. the woman was first conductingD. the woman conducts first答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对.参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家.补充: 常考 the first/second/… one to do sth3. On January 7, 1955, Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House.A. the first African AmericanB. the first African American wasC. she was the first African AmericanD. when the first African American答案:A分析:缺宾语,C, D都不能作宾语.一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错.参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人.4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States,_________ when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburban growth.A. and accelerated a phenomenonB. a phenomenon that acceleratedC. accelerating a phenomenon which,D. the acceleration of which phenomenon答案:B分析:考的是同位语结构,a phenomenon是 the decentralization of cities throughout the United States 的同位语.A中and为conj.,后面应该连接一个完整的句子,但缺主语,错;C中语序混乱,错; D中of which作为介词宾语,后面应该接一个完整句,但只有一个phenomenon主语,句子不完整,错.参考译文:可能战后最重大的趋势就是美国城市的分散化,当大规模高速公路建设项目容许了更大程度的发展郊区,这个现象更被促进了.补充: accelerate/ accomplish/ achieve/ evolve都可以是vi.不接宾语5. Ronald Reagan had served two terms as governor of California before _________ President.A. he becameB. when becomingC. becameD. did he become答案:A分析:before为状语从句引导词conj,后面一般引导一个完整的句子.B同时出现两个状语从句引导词,错;C缺主语;D应该为正常语序,选项中使用了倒装句式,错.参考译文:里根在成为美国总统之前连续两届担任加州的州长. 更多推荐:202*年托福考试时间安排表(全年)更多推荐:202*年托福报名时间安排表(全年)更多推荐:202*年托福成绩查询时间表(全年)2021年托福(TOEFL)考试模拟试题:阅读The war for independence from Britain was a long and economically costly conflict. The New England fishing industry was temporarily destroyed, and the tobacco colonies in the South were also hard hit. The trade in imports was severely affected, since the war was fought against the country that had previously monopolized the colonies’ supply of manufactured goods. The most serious consequences were felt in the cities, whose existence depended on commercial activity. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston were all occupied for a time by British troops. Even when the troops had left, British ships lurked in the harbors and continued to disrupt trade.American income from shipbuilding and commerce declined abruptly, undermining the entire economy of the urban areas. The decline in trade brought a fall in the American standard of living. Unemployed shipwrights, dock laborers,and coopers drifted off to find work on farms and in small villages. Some of them joined the Continental army, or if they were loyal to Britain, they departed with the British forces. The population of the New York City declined from 21,000 in 1774 to less than half that number only nine years later in 1783.The disruptions produced by the fighting of the war, by the loss of established markets for manufactured goods, by the loss of sources of credit, and by the lack of new investment all created a period of economic stagnation that lasted for the next twenty years.1.Why does the author mention the fishing industry and the tobacoo colonies?A. to show how the war for independence affected the economyB. to compare the economic power of two different regionsC. to identify the two largest commercial enterprisesin AmericaD. to give examples of industries controlled by British forces2. Why does the author mention the population of New York City in paragraph 2?A. to show that half of New York remained loyal to BritainB. to compare New York with other cities occupied during the warC. to emphasize the great short-term cost of the warfor New YorkD. to illustrate the percentage of homeless people in New York3. Chinese people had fought for independence from foreign countries for more than 100 years; we had lost lands, powers, resources and lives during that period. Today, China faces a new challenge that how the development can maintain, in other words, how China doesn’t lag behind. Please write an essay to express your ideas.答案:1.A2.C2021年托福考试模拟试题:阅读If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation —— conversion of liquid water to water vapor. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff.Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world.l. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The elements of salt(B) The bodies of water of the world(C) The many forms of ocean life(D) The salinity of ocean water2. The word "this" in line 5 refers to(A) ocean(B) evaporation(C) salinity(D) crystals3. According to the passage, the ocean generally has more salt in(A) coastal areas(B) tropical areas(C) rainy areas(D) turbulent areas4. All of the following are processes that decrease salinity EXCEPT(A) evaporation(B) precipitation(C) runoff(D) melting5. Which of the following statements about the salinity of a body water can best beinferred from the passage?(A) The temperature of the water is the most important factor.(B) The speed with which water moves is directlyrelated to the amount of salt.(C) Ocean salinity has little effect on sea life.(D) Various factors combine to cause variations in the salt content of water.6. The word "altered" in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) determined(B) changed(C) accumulated(D) needed7. The world "it" in line 18 refers to(A) sea ice(B) salinity(C) seawater(D) manner8. Why does the author mention the Weddell Sea?(A) To show that this body of water has salinity variations(B) To compare Antarctic waters with Arctic waters(C) To give an example of increased salinity due to freezing(D) To point out the location of deep waters9. Which of the following is NOT a result of the formation of ocean ice?(A) The salt remains in the water.(B) The surrounding water sinks.(C) Water salinity decreases.(D) The water becomes denser.10. What can be inferred about the water near the bottom of oceans?(A) It is relatively warm.(B) Its salinity is relatively high.(C) It does not move.(D) It evaporates quickly.答案:BCDACAACDD2021年托福考试模拟试题Hormones in the BodyUp to the beginning of the twentieth century, the nervous system was thought to control all communication within the body and the resulting integration of behavior. Scientists had determined that nerves ran, essentially, on electrical impulses. These impulses were thought to be the engine for thought, emotion, movement, and internal processes such as digestion. However, experiments by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling on the chemical secretin, which is produced in the small intestine when food enters the stomach, eventually challenged that view. From the small intestine, secretin travels through the bloodstream to the pancreas. There, it stimulates the release of digestive chemicals. In this fashion, the intestinal cells that produce secretin ultimately regulate the production of different chemicals in a different organ, the pancreas.Such a coordination of processes had been thought to require control by the nervous system; Bayliss and Starling showed that it could occur through chemicals alone. This discovery spurred Starling to coin the term hormone torefer to secretin, taking it from the Greek word hormon, meaning “to excite” or “to set in motion.” A hormone isa chemical produced by one tissue to make things happen elsewhere.As more hormones were discovered, they were categorized, primarily according to the process by which they operated on the body. Some glands (which make up the endocrine system) secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Such glands include the thyroid and the pituitary. The exocrine system consists of organs and glands that produce substances that are used outside the bloodstream, primarily for digestion. The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system.Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause immediate death. The most abundant hormones have effects that are less obviously urgent but can be more far-reaching and difficult to track: They modify moods and affect human behavior, even some behavior we normally think of as voluntary. Hormonal systems are very intricate. Even minute amounts of the right chemicals can suppress appetite, calmaggression, and change the attitude of a parent toward a child. Certain hormones accelerate the development of the body, regulating growth and form; others may even define an individual’s personality characteristics. The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.In fact, some hormone therapies are already very common. A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age. Known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the treatment was also believed to prevent weakening of the bones. At least one study has linked HRT with a heightened risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form. Some proponents of HRT have tempered their enthusiasm in the face of this new evidence,recommending it only to patients whose symptoms interfere with their abilities to live normal lives.Human growth hormone may also be given to patients who are secreting abnormally low amounts on their own. Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it. Growth hormone affects not just physical size but also the digestion of food and the aging process. Researchers and family physicians tend to agree that it is foolhardy to dispense it in cases in which the risks are not clearly outweighed by the benefits.27. The word engine in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) desire(B) origin(C) science(D) chemical28. The word it in the passage refers to(A) secretin(B) small intestine(C) bloodstream(D) pancreas29. The word spurred in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) remembered(B) surprised(C) invented(D) motivated30. To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must(A) be part of the digestive process(B) influence the operations of the nervous system(C) affect processes in a different part of the body(D) regulate attitudes and behavior31. The glands and organs mentioned in paragraph 3 are categorized according to(A) whether scientists understand their function(B) how frequently they release hormones into the body(C) whether the hormones they secrete influence the aging process(D) whether they secrete chemicals into the bloodParagraph 3 is marked with an arrow [→]32. The word key in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) misunderstood(B) precise(C) significant(D) simple33. The word minute in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) sudden(B) small(C) changing(D) noticeable34. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.(A) Most moods and actions are not voluntary because they are actually produced by the production of hormones in the body.(B) Because the effects of hormones are difficult to measure, scientists remain unsure how far-reaching their effects on moods and actions are.(C) When the body is not producing enough hormones, urgent treatment may be necessary to avoid psychological damage.(D) The influence of many hormones is not easy to measure, but they can affect both people’s psychology and actions extensively.35. The word tempered in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decreased(B) advertised(C) prescribed(D) researched36. Which patients are usually treated with growth hormone?(A) Adults of smaller statue than normal(B) Adults with strong digestive systems(C) Children who are not at risk from the treatment(D) Children who may remain abnormally small37.Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?These sentences are highlighted in the passage.(A) The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal ofstudy to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.(B) A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.(C) HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form.(D) Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.38. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.The bodyis a complex machine, however, and recent studies have called into question the wisdom of essentially trying to fool its systems into believing they aren’t aging.Wherewould the sentence best fit?Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.39. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The class of chemicals called hormones was discovered by two researchers studying a substance produced in the small intestine.Answer ChoicesThe term hormone is based on a Greek word that means "to excite" or "to set in motion."Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of treatments with growth hormone so that more patients can benefit from it.Hormones can be given artificially, but such treatments have risks and must be used carefully.Hormones can affectnot only life processes such as growth but also behavior and emotion.Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system but also certain chemicals can affect bodily processes far from their points of origin.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of blood clots and heart disease in middle-age women.Answer KeysReading:27. B28. A29. D30. C31. D32. C33. B34. D35. A36. D37. A38. third square39.1) Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system….2) Hormones can affect not only life processes…..3) Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of ….。



2021年托福考试模拟试题及答案Crafts in the Ancient Near EastParagraph 1Some of the earliest human civilizations arose in southern Mesopotamia, in what is now southern Iraq, in the fourth millennium B.C.E. In the second half of that millennium, in the south around the city of Uruk, there was an enormous escalation in the area occupied by permanent settlements. A large part of that increase took place in Uruk itself, which became a real urban center surrounded by a set of secondary settlements. While population estimates are notoriously unreliable, scholars assume that Uruk inhabitants were able to support themselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city, which could be reached with a daily commute. But Uruk’s dominant size in the entire region, far surpassing that of other settlements, indicates that it was a regional center and a true city. Indeed, it was the first city in human history.Q1 Which of the sentences below best express the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. Although scholars cannot accurately determine the size of the Uruk population, they know the citizens were not dependent on agriculture.B. Scholars do not have enough evidence to determine whether the agricultural areas just outside of Uruk were large enough to feed the city’s populationC. Because city populations cannot feed themselves, scholars think the surrounding farms provided food for the people in UrukD. Scholars believe that the inhabitants of Uruk were able to support themselves from produce grown in field surrounding the city.确定句子核心信息While population estimates are notoriously unreliable, scholars assume that Uruk inhabitants were able to supportthemselves from the agricultural production of the field surrounding the city, which could be reached with a daily commute.分析:本句是由while引导的让步状语从句(注:while出现在句中引导对比对照关系的状语从句;如出现在句首则引导让步关系的状语从句,)+主句scholars assume that…the city组成一个虽然…但是…的大结构。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷八)Do experienced or new things托福写作题目:Some people like to do only what they alreadydo well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do youprefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.托福写作范文:The choice betweencontinuing to do only those things in which one is proficient and striking outinto new, unfamiliar territory is difficult. There is comfort in remaining withinfamiliar parameters, but growth happens only when we exceed those boundaries.Faced with the choice between only doing things that I know I do well andtaking risks, I prefer taking risks for several reasons.First, taking risksexpands my range of knowledge and affords me the wisdom that comes throughcomparison. For instance, although I was born and raised in the United Statesuntil I was twenty years old, I have had the opportunity to live in threedifferent countries since that time: Germany, China, and Great Britain. Had Idecided to remain in the United States without taking the risk and challenge ofadapting to different cultures and languages, my life would have been easier.However, the experience of living in varied countries with differing socialmorals and worldviews has enhanced my knowledge through comparison.Withoutliving in other countries, I would not have the knowledge to critically examinemy American upbringing, holding onto some values while discarding others.Furthermore, taking the risk of living in other countries has allowed me togain a sense of empathy and understanding for cultures vastly different than myown. Another reason thatI prefer taking risks is that risks force me to grow. It is true that simplydoing tasks that I do well would be a safe, prudent way to live life. However,taking risks compels me to expand my abilities. For example, although I was nota vocal player, mybasketball coach asked me to be team captain for my finalseason in high school. I could have declined the offer, and remained in thebackground, but I chose to take the risk to lead the team. Through thisexperience, I learned valuable lessons in leadership; motivation, anddiscipline. More importantly, leading the team brought me closer to each individualplayer, many of whom I still count as my friends. Had I not accepted my coach'scall to captain the basketball team that season, I would have never learnedthese valuable lessons and developed these deeper friendships.Taking risks has also taught me resilience in the face of failure.When I was entering graduate school, I needed money to finance my education.Consequently, I applied for several scholarships.Unfortunately, I was deniedfor almost all of them. However, bysticking my neck out, and applying forscholarships even when I was a long-shot candidate, I learned that scholarshipcommittees were not rejecting me, but my application. This understanding thatrejection of my scholarship applications was not a personal event enabled me tocontinue to apply to other scholarships without losing faith that eventually Iwould be successful. And, eventually, I was.In conclusion, I prefer taking risks because doing soallows me to gain knowledge through comparison, forces me to grow, and hastaught me to be diligent even if I fail at first. Taking risks is part ofliving. Without risks we would not be living.Movies make people think or entertained托福写作题目:Some movies are serious, designed to make the audiencethink. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which typeof movie do you prefer?托福写作范文:Movies are generallydramatic and serious, designed to make theaudience think, or they arewhimsical and entertaining. Both types of movies have a place in society.Serious movies can convey poignant topics with power that can alter thewatcher's perspective. On the other hand, entertaining movies add levity andmirth to life. On balance, however, I prefer entertaining movies to seriousones for a number ofreasons.First, life is fullof seriousness, and entertaining movies allow me to escape the pressures ofreality for a few hours. For instance, after my grandparents died, I had nodesire to sit through one of the many movies dealing with death or loss. I wasdealing with my grandparents' death emotionally, and thinking about it moreduring a serious movie would only serve to make me more depressed. What Ineeded, and found, was a comedy movie that poked fun at the frailties of lifethrough a series of sarcastic jokes. After watching how funny and quirky lifecan be, I felt better, because for a few hours I was able to lose myself insomeone else's life and forget my own despair.Additionally,entertaining movies make me laugh, and laughter promotes health. Scientistsanddoctors have long extolled the virtues of laughter. Laughter reduces stress,expels noxious air, and eases strained muscles. I can vividly remember leavingan entertaining movie feeling lightened, heartened, and calm. I had donenothing except laughing, but I felt lighter, and had a very enjoyable day. Infact, I remember replaying several scenes from the movie in my mind throughoutthe day, and chuckling again. Had I watched a serious movie instead, I doubtthat I would have felt as if a burden was lifted.Finally,entertaining movies provide me with pop-culture one-liners that U can laterrelive with my friends. Take the movieZoolanderforexample, a film making fun of male fashion models. In one scene, instead ofphysically fighting his archrival, the main character and the archrival have a“walk-off”-a spoof on male models walking the catwalk. This scene has become astaple of American pop-culture, and has afforded me and my friendsnumeroushours of mirth.In summary, I prefer entertaining movies to seriousmovies because they allow me to escape reality, provide me with healthylaughter, and allow me and easy opportunity to connect with my friends.Entertaining movies, like entertainment in general, has been around as long asthere has been mankind. Its value has stood the tests of time and isintrinsically human.Outer space and basic needs托福写作题目:Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space. Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on Earth. Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.托福写作范文:Even people bornafter 1968 can easily name the first man to land on the moon; we have all seenthe black and white footage of Neil Armstrong in a space sui taking slow,bounding steps to plant anAmerican flag on the moon's surface. Now, fortyyears later, some might suggest that governments should continue exploringouter space, and should even devote a healthy amount of money from theirbudgets to this end. However, the needs of our world have changed, and we mustprioritize our spending accordingly and allocate our financial resources tohelping the Earth itself.When we consider theexploration of outer space that had its heyday in the 1950's and 1960's, wemust also consider the political factors that were present here on Earth.During the Cold War, countries like the United States and the Soviet Union wereinterested in displaying their intellectual, scientific and financialresources, and outer space became the arena in which this took place. The“Space Race”culminated in 1968 when the United States landed the firstastronauts on the moon. Space exploration was of extreme interest to ordinarycitizens, but was connected to themes of national strength and patriotism. Now, as we considerwhether to continue the exploration of outer space, our world is faced with adifferent set of circumstances.Governments are less preoccupied with theirstanding in the world, and more interested in the well-being of those who livein it. The greatest threat to our well-being is our damaged environment,andthis is a concern of the entire world. For example, pollution caused byfactories in South America might contribute to rising waterlevels inBangladesh. Space exploration would require a great outlay of money onequipment, personnel and fuel; instead we must allot our financial resourcestoward cooperating with other countries to improve the environment and helpmake life more bearable for our fellow citizens on earth.In summary, those who were alive during the Age ofExploration of the 1950's and 1960's can remember the excitement of that era;the scientific findings of those missions to outer space have provided preciousinsights into the universe beyond Earth. However, one of the goals ofgovernments pursuing space exploration was to provide a show of strength fortheir countries. Now, the best way a government can show its strength is toshow that it cares for its fellow citizens around the world.Asking students to evaluate teachers托福写作题目:Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文:Student evaluations of teachers are a controversial matter. How can students, who have not been teachers, critique their teacher's abilities? On the other hand, who are better to evaluate teachers than thestudents they teach? In my opinion, students should be able to evaluate their teachers for several reasons.First of all, student evaluations of teachers give students a stake in their education. For example, when I was teaching history to 13 year-old students, I told the students that I expected them to take control of their education, and this included having them evaluate my performance at periodic intervals. By allowing my students to help fashion their own educational experience, they became more invested in their work and in keeping the classroom as a place for education rather than discipline. In this way the students and I created a joint educational environment. The students enjoyed this experience, because it allowed them some oversight of their education.Another reason that students should evaluate their teachers is that constructive feedback to teachers can help them improve their teaching skills. When I began teaching English to these same 13 year olds, I asked the students to give me some tips about what I could improve about my teaching. To my surprise I discovered that my students felt that I spoke too quickly, and as a result, that they had difficulty grasping some speaking quickly. However, after receiving this advice from my students, I was able to slow down my speech, and teach more effectively. At the time for the next evaluation, my students told me that this problem had been cured. Thus, due to student evaluations, I becamea better teacher.Student evaluations also have the healthy effect of providing teacher oversight. Teachers have relatively unfettered control over their classrooms and their curriculum, and there is little external control over their actions. However, student evaluations can clue the school administration into the strengths and weaknesses of teachers. I have had several teachers who rest on their laurels, re-hashing old lectures rather than updating their knowledge and disseminating it effectively. In our evaluations, my classmates and I informed the administration about the ineffective instruction of one teacher. After learning of his negative evaluations, this teacher, to his credit, changed his poor teaching and worked to improve. But for these evaluations, this teacher may have continued to slack in his teaching, depriving students of valuable education.In conclusion, student evaluations for teachers allow students tobecome more invested in their education, help teachers improve their teaching skills, and provide much needed oversight over teachers. Education is a symbiotic process involving both teachers and students. Student evaluations only increase the efficiency and value of this relationship.The importance of understanding concepts托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to understand ideas and concepts than to learn facts.托福写作范文一:AgreeSome of my friends are concerned only about learning facts so much that they know thousands of them. However,I believe that it is more important to understand ideas and concepts for a variety of reasons. Students need understand the big picture before they can begin to concentrate on the details. Merely knowing the details is not the same as understanding why or how something happened. For example, my history teacher often makes sure that we understand the broad,historical situation of and event before filling our minds with a variety of facts. Without his broad knowledge, we would not be able to possess a deeper understanding of certain events.Many universities are now focusing on teaching students the value of ideas and concepts. Without understanding them, a student's grades will truly suffer. My sister told me that many of her university classes are seminars or classes based on discussion. In these classes, the professor and students discuss the ideas and theories behind what they are studying. The students are not expected to memorize lists of facts. They instead need to know the importance of what they are studying.Finally, creativity does not come from the mere knowledge of facts.Thinking in terms of broad concepts and ideas is what helps a person to become more creative. In the 1990s, Apple Computer went into a serious decline when its founder, Steve Jobs, was pushed out of the company. His return several years later, however, revitalized the company, and Jobs has been the driving force behind many of the company's innovative electronic products. Steve Job's abilities to be creative and to think in broad concepts have made his company one of the top ones in the world. His focus on ideas and concepts was what enabled Apple to become this way.Ultimately, the ability to learn ideas and concepts is crucial to having a broader understanding of things, to do better in school, and to develop new ideas of one's own. Knowing facts, while nice, is not as important as knowing the ideas behind them.托福写作范文二:I definitely see the use of understanding various ideas and concepts. However, learning facts is of much greater importance to people than knowing about ideas and concepts.Because schools place and emphasis on learning facts, students must do so in order to do well at school. A comprehensive knowledge of facts will enable students to pass their exams and get high grades, thereby improving their futures. My chemistry teacher is constantly having us memorize the characteristics of the different elements. Wehave to repeat these facts on our tests, or else we will do poorly. Knowing the concepts in my classes is much less crucial than being able to repeat facts.Knowing facts is of much greater importance than understanding ideas and concepts in the working world. Possessing knowledge of lots of facts is therefore one way for people to excel at their jobs. My aunt works at a large company, and she is constantly attending meeting where she has to talk about different products. She knows everything there is to know about them, and she can discuss the products without using any notes at these meetings. Her comprehensive knowledge has impressed her bosses, who recently gave her a promotion for her outstanding work. Clearly, knowing a lot of facts on the job can be of tremendous help.A person who has and encyclopedic knowledge of various topics will be respected and admired by many people. Possessing a lot of factual knowledge can help one impress people, which can work to a person's advantage. Some people refer to my cousin as a “walking encyclopedia.”Whenever people want to know the answer to a question on virtually any topic, he always seems to know the answer. He has won many trivia contests and even runs a successful tutoring business. Learning facts can help a person lead a very successful life. In conclusion, people should focus on improving their factual knowledge as it can help them in school, at their jobs, and in their lives in general. Acomplete understanding of ideas and concepts is fine, but more emphasis should be placed on learning facts.Unrelated events around the world托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to know about events happening around the world that are not related to you.托福写作范文一:AgreeThere are a large number of people who are content not to know what is happening in the world around them. But we live in an age of globalization, and the fact that the world is closer than it has ever been before makes it imperative that people know that events are happening around the world.Because the entire world's economy is connected, events in one part of the world can affect those in other parts of the planet. So many people's financial situations are connected to events that are happening in other countries. One obvious example is the price of oil. Since much of it comes from the Middle East, people need to pay attention to what is happening in that turbulent region. If the price of gas rises there, the prices of many more goods in other countries will also increase. Keeping an eye on world events ensures that a person willbe prepared for such changes.People also need to be on the lookout for negative factors like the spreading of diseases globally. Because of the higher incidence of travel, people need to be aware of what illnesses are appearingthroughout the world. For instance, the SARS virus spread to all parts of the world and killed thousands of people before it was finished. People must know about these kinds of events so that they can avoid affected areas. After all, taking a vacation to other countries without any information on these kinds of diseases could be the worst thing for your health.Finally, more and more people are moving to different areas around the world today, which requires them to keep informed about what is going on in many places. They need to know about the safely level of the places where they might be moving or where their friends and family members are living. For example, my aunt moved to Europe recently, so now I keep track of the news there to make sure everything is fine in her new home. With families and friends spread out all over the world, events in other places can affect many people. In summary, it is crucial that people keep track of world events because they can affect people's finances, health, and even their safety. We are truly living in a global community, so we cannot afford to be isolated from one another.托福写作范文二:A number of various events take place every day in every country all around the globe. However, it is not important that people know about the events that are happening in remote countries.First of all, so many events that happen take place too far away from me to have any direct influence on my life. Therefore, there is no real need to know about these foreign events because they will not affect us in any way at all. The news last night ran a story about a volcano erupting in Indonesia. While it may be an interesting story, that event in no way at all has anything to do with my life. As for me,I am more concerned about what happens in my neighborhood, not in some far-off land.Most international events happen to complete strangers whom I will never have anything to do with.I will never meet these people, so it is hard for me to be interested in their lives. For instance, while there may be some civil wars going on in Africa, those battles have no bearing on my life.I cannot bring myself to learn about them at all. Unless I know the person directly involved in the news, global events are of little concern to me.There is only so much time to do all the things that I need to do each day, so taking in international news is not one of my priorities. I simply do not have the time to learn about events happening onother continents. My priorities are my family, my schoolwork, and my friends. Most people are the same as me. People care about the events and people near them. Global events are just not that high in importance to most people.I do not think it is so important to learn about world events because of their lack of importance in our lives, the fact that they happen to complete strangers, and my inability to spare enough time to learn about these events. Simply but, these events need to have some kind of direct effect on people before they will take notice of them.The importance of cooperation托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The ability to cooperate well with others is more important today than in the past.托福写作范文一:AgreeGetting along with others is one of the first skills that all children learn once they start attending school. And these days, being able to cooperate well with others is even more important than it ever was in the past.Today, everyone needs an education, and cooperation is a key component of getting a good one. Students must learn to work together with others if they want to have any hope of graduating from school. Inthe past, a lot of schooling simply involved memorizing facts to repeat on tests. However, education is changing nowadays, and students must often do group projects and assignments. The inability to get along with others could lead to poor grades, thereby affecting the rest of a person's life.Once a person gets a job, he needs to be a good team player in order to be successful. So finding employment and then maintaining it often depend in large part on one's ability to cooperate well with others. In the past, people primarily used to be farmers, so they did not have to rely upon the work of others. But now that people often work in companies or offices, they work together with many others throughout the course of their lives. Any employee who is not a good team player may quickly find himself out of a job.Finally, the cost of living is so important nowadays that people must cooperate simply to live comfortable lives. These days, it takes two people earning salaries to let a family buy all the things that they need. In the past, most families survived off of just one salary. The low cost of living therefore enabled people to live and work alone. However, some living alone these days often has trouble getting by day to day. My cousin just graduated from college, but he is living with twohousemates since rent and other costs are so high. By cooperating, he can make his life much easier. Without cooperation, he wouldprobably have to go home and live with his parents.In conclusion, cooperation is much more important now than in the past for the purposes of education, success at work, and living comfortably. Without an ability to cooperate well with others, a person is likely neither to be successful nor happy.托福写作范文二:Cooperating with other people has been of great importance allthroughout history. These days, however, the ability to work together is losing its importance as fewer and fewer people see the need to cooperate well with others.For one thing, many more people are working by themselves now, so they rely on others much less than before. Thanks to modern technology, the days of working side by side with others in big offices are disappearing. For example, my uncle is a management consultant, which allows him to work out of his home. He neither goes to an office nor has any coworkers. This is becoming a trend nowadays, so fewer people need to work with others.Second of all, being alone does not carry the stigma in society that it once did, thereby prompting many to live by themselves. There are many services available for people who live alone and do not want to be a part of society. For instance, supermarkets are full of instant foods, companies will deliver anything from groceries to dinner to DVDs, andcompanies will take are of people's pets when their owners want to travel. These services all cater to people who prefer to live and be by themselves.Finally, life is not the struggle for existence that once required people to live in large groups merely to survive. People can get by quite well by themselves. My great-grandmother had twelve children, and all of them went to work on the farm. It was a hard life, and they all had to cooperate. However, life has changed nowadays, and people can do quite well all by themselves.To summarize, people need to cooperate with others much less now than before because technology lets them work alone, there are many services to help individuals, and life is not the fight for survival that it once was. Getting along with others is a nice skill to have, but it is not crucial to people's existences today like it once was.Parents learn more from children than children learn from parents.While children open the eyes of their parents to many things, it is a specious claim to say that they are the greater teachers. Children learn more from parents than their parents could ever learn from them.First of all, children’s brains are undeveloped sponges and more receptive to learning than their adult parents’. Physiologically, the adult brain is less able to learn new things and more set in its ways; you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. On the other hand, children can learn newlanguages, do better at chess and the Game of Go, because their brains are open to learning new concepts. They can think outside the box, because “the box”has not even been built yet.Second of all, children who have educated parents speaking with wide vocabularies are more likely to be successful and to master their native tongue. A study showing that smart children help their parents be more successful would be preposterous. For example, infants and even older children cannot teach their parents’vocabulary at the same rate as their parents can teach them, despite being able to pepper their speech with the like, totally awesome slang of the day.At last, we must admit that experience counts for something. There is knowledge and then there is wisdom that comes from having seen and done things. Children do not have the years of accumulated experience that their parents inevitably have. These “life lessons”are the sort of thing parents want to pass on to their children. In contrast, children are not teaching their parents not to touch the hot pan or to look both ways before crossing the road—essential bits of knowledge that most of us learn from our parents.The nascent brains of youth are more susceptible to learning from parents and we know that early childhood education has a lasting impact on children, just as we know that essential lessons are passed from parents to children not vice versa. In summation, parents are thesuperior teachers in this relationship.托福写作部分一共分为两大任务,task 1考察考生对阅读材料和听力材料的信息整合能力,task2考察考生对某一特定话题的独立观点表达,具体任务特点不同,我们的应对策略也不同。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷十)Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.(好句)But the devotees of the Goddess of Luck do not mean this at all. They hold that some men are born lucky and others unlucky, as though some Fortune presided at their birth; and that, irrespective of all merits, success goes to those on whom Fortune smiles and defeat to those on whom she frowns. Or at least luck is regarded as a kind of attribute of a man like a capacity for arithmetic or games.Advertising and its EffectsIn today's society, one must consider - Is there any advantage of advertising? In many cases, it is only disadvantage - an annoying hindrance in our daily lives. It gets on our nerves, distorts the truth, and adds to the cost of the product. Advertising is designed for one purpose - to sell. To achieve this goal, advertises are willing to stretch and distort the truth, just to convincing people to buy their product. For example, an advertiser may convince buyers to purchase their product by stating that has been tested and found superior. In reality, the product is not likely to be better than any other - the tests themselves doubtlessly conducted by the promoting company - conducted to ensure at least something is superior about the product, even if it is only the color. These advertisements are worded carefully so that they are telling the "literal truth" - the truth is exactly what the words say, although peoplemisinterpret the message by using conversational logic as something different - something better. By using ingenious tactics like these, the populace is deceived into buying a product that may not do what is required, or a product that a buyer may have never really needed. This is why advertising is a bad thing, for our society.Advertising is used to promote goods, services, images, and anything else that advertisers want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media. At times, we may view it positively, at other times we may just skip or ignore it. In order to attract audience, advertisers use various techniques on their advertisement to make people aware of the firm's products, services, or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their products. An excellent advertisement will create a deep impression on its potential customers through particular techniques.TPO1 中有篇文章是The Origin of Theater, 当谈到人类发展戏剧的动机时给出了两个理论,一个是说人类喜欢模仿,另一个人类擅长幻想。



2021年托福写作模拟试题及答案(卷一)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文:In my country, China, many people in a sense live in a ridiculous culture where young boys and girls should never say "love" to each other. Moreover, it is absolutely a shame that such affairs happen in campus. To avoid alleged shame or danger of it, some people assert that boys and girls should attend separate schools.The point is, is there anything wrong when a little boy says "I love you" to a little girl? Gone are the days when "love" was a forbidden word in our culture, it has now, nevertheless, actually quite different connotations from that of the word in western society. It can be seen that people in Hollywood movies often say "I love you" to almost everyone naturally, readily and easily, including friends, family members, partners in work, even an unknown taxi driver! But in China, not surprisingly, many people have never said "I love you" to their parents, even seldom to their mates or children. "Love", in Chinese word, does in fact carry subtle connotations related to immoral affairs.It seems not a problem of is there anything wrong, but one of there must be something wrong if a teenager dares to say anything about"love!"Even if there must be something wrong when a teenager falls into love, is it something so appalling even evil that adults have to take action to prevent or even fight? Did we ever discover any prudent evidence which clearly prove it is really something bad? Hardly. It is in fact quite natural that a little boy admire a beautiful girl or a little girl feels a smart boy appealing. And such emotions do not harm anything. Alleged "puppy love" simply is a nonsense concept invented by ignorance. Girls and boys actually do not even know what love is!Perhaps they merely imitate behaviors of adults around them. What we adults should do is not to make them believe "love" is evil, but to teach them what true love really means. Regrettably, those adults never realize that they actually fail to assume their responsibility, but presumptuously believe they are capable of eliminating Jove among boys and girls by separating them into different school. It will never work. Separate school once was one of evil signs of discrimination of women, but today reemerges to prevent "love affairs" among teenagers—a high school in Beijing recently announced that it has already separated girls from boys into different classes. I can hardly imagine any benefit that such a scheme could produce except for further distortions of teenagers' natures.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Childrenshould begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.托福写作范文:More and more international corporations build their business in my country, China. At the same time, more parents tell their children that English is one of necessities to be successful in the future.Students work so hard to master English that English learning related publications have always been on the top of the best-seller list.It seems clear that one will be better off if he/she is a bilingual, and if the second language is English, even better! However, learning a foreign language must have been painful, since people are continuously creating all sorts of methods and suggestions on how to learn it more easily, more quickly, and more efficiently. Some people propose that children should begin learning English as soon as they start school. But would it really work? Hardly.It seems true that children have natural amazing ability to develop their language skills. Statistic figures show that a 6-year-old boy can virtually memorize nearly as many as 150 words a day! But things become different when the child is learning a foreign language. When children are learning their mother tongue, they are not alone, and they are learning with numerous handy aids around. Parents, friends, and all the people around them are talking the same language, without anygrammar error and nearly uniform intonation and pronunciation.However, when they are learning a foreign language, all of those natural aids disappeared. And words become really foreign and abstract after they leave classes. And even worse, their teacher might have a bad accent or even wrong pronunciation. Some may adduce children in Luxembourg as evidence, but the point is that almost all parents in that place are trilingual!Learning a foreign language well involves much more than merely memorizing handful vocabulary or several grammar rules. If a girl is able to say hello in a standard American accent, does that really mean she has learned a second language well, or she will go so far as to be a linguist? In fact, learning a foreign language in some sense is beyond the capacity of children, especially as little as first grade pupil, for language is used to express thoughts and ideas, both of which are naturally cultural and historical, and are sometimes too complex for children to comprehend. After all, learning earlier doesn't automatically guarantee learning quicker or better.A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.托福写作范文:China is an enormous country with an intensely varied landscape. Ifa foreign visitor were coming for just one day to see our country, it would be difficult to choose just one place to spend the day.However, I posit that the best place in China to visit would be Beijing. As the capital city, Beijing offers a diverse look at China. I would suggest that the main sites to see would be the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square. The Forbidden City offers the visitor a look at what it was like to live in historical China.The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, and is the biggest palace complex in the world. This particular site would be of interest to a tourist because it was once the home of many emperors. One can see the actual rooms from whence the ancient China was ruled by the emperors. When the visitor walks through the palace confines, he/she will see many examples of classic Chinese architecture. A walk through the gardens is particularly peaceful with jasmine trees abound.The Great Wall is also a must-see in China. The people of China hold the Great Wall as having particular significance to their culture because of its long history. The wall, built of dirt, stone and brick, was used as a defense barrier against invading nomads and wandering tribes. This is the largest engineering and building project ever carried out by humans. Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.Finally, Tiananmen Square should be on the list of things to seewhile visiting Beijing. This square is one of the largest in China, and possibly in Asia. At this square, one can visit the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, one of the greatest leaders ever in China. The Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum stand to the east of the square, the Great Hall of the People to the west and the magnificent Tiananmen Tower to the north. As the visitor will see, there are numerous interesting exhibits at Tiananmen Square that offer up a variety of Chinese heritage.Of course, it is very difficult to name one city in China over all others as "the place" to visit. China is the host to such a wide variety of beautiful places, and a visitor really should spend much more time exploring them all. However, with only one day, I believe that Beijing is the best place to visit.Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福写作范文:The Internet is a great invention be cause it disseminates information freely. Freedom of information is in the interest of a country and its citizens, but, in light of the information anarchy on the Internet, people need to learn and understand how to evaluate and use theinformation they find at their fingertips.The Internet promotes freedom of information and freedom of speech, which are integral part of a successful modern democratic society. With innumerable news sources at their disposal citizens have the opportunity to educate themselves, and this knowledge will allow them to contribute to the progression of their society.Similarly, the ability to consult different viewpoints, especially those diverging from their own, will allow people engage in meaningful dialogue with other citizens. The result of this continued discourse will be a more open minded and also tolerant society. As a vehicle of communication the Internet will connect people of the same interests and the same concerns. Thus connected citizens will be encouraged to work together and they will become active participants of society rather than passive subjects.Critics of the Internet's free flow of information are concerned that people will fall victim to bad or rather incorrect information and act on it. This concern is warranted in so far that the Internet is intrinsically anarchic, and anybody with a computer can create Website and post information thereon. As a result, it can be very difficult to determine what information is correct or reliable and which is not. However, difficult as it may seem, there are ways that one can navigate the information jungle of the Internet and arrive at conclusions. In order todo so one has to learn to valuate sources of information. For example, the Website of a research scientist at a major university or that of a well-known non-profit organization is a more reliable source of information than the personal Website of a senior school student. Which would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.托福写作范文:I am optimistic that through my studies and continued hard work I will be able to find a job that will provide my future family and me with financial security. We should be able to afford the necessities of life, such as a modest home, enough food to nourish us and keep us in good health, as well as education for our children. Hopefully, I will find myself in the fortunate situation where I can decide between a high-paying job with long hours and a lower-paying job with shorter hours. I would choose the job with the lower salary and greater personal time without hesitation, because my family and friends are the most important things in my life.Time is the greatest investment I can make into the relationships with my wife and my children. A marriage is not just a decision one makes but a promise that one keeps. In order to do so one has to bethere for the other person and share moments of joy as well as times of difficulty. Nowadays, too many relationships wither away as the partners are unable to work out their problems or bond through meaningful experiences. Personal careers become too important and family time becomes a rare occurrence.The absence of one parent, due to professional career or divorce, can have a very negative effect on a child's development. The child might question his value to father or mother (depending on which one is continually absent) and develop low self-esteem. Without the presence of either or, worse, both parents, the child will be more likely to make bad decisions as he is lacking proper guidance. And there is one point should also be mentioned, i.e. neither expensive toys nor fancy clothes can compensate for this.Lastly, I can derive more pleasure from spending time with my friends than I ever could from driving a sports car or taking luxury vacations. The inner peace and balance that I enjoy from their company are invaluable to me. Also, a million dollars in the bank would be worth nothing if I didn't have the time to enjoy these riches with my friends. Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.托福写作范文:My favorite custom from Chinese culture that I wish that other countries would adopt is "Respect the Old, Love the Young." These two ideas have been part of traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years, but they are more important than ever in contemporary Chinese culture. If adopted by Western countries, these two traditional attitudes could help them solve some of their social problems.One major problem in many Western countries is what to do with old people when they can no longer take care of themselves. A Chinese family will often have three generations of one family living under the same roof. They love and respect the older generation, and consider them wise. Western people believe that living with one's own parents is inconvenient and embarrassing. Instead of respecting old people, some think that they are stupid and ugly.When Western families' parents get old, they would rather send them into nursing homes and retirement homes than live together with them. Only old and sick people live in these places and they are considered depressing, in the worst cases they might seem like a prison to their inhabitants. Old people in the West would be much happier if they adopted these traditional Chinese attitudes.Juvenile delinquency is another serious social problem in Western cultures. Its causes can also be traced back to a lack of respect for old people and love for young people. Children are not taught to respect thewishes of their parents and instead value their relationships with their friends more. Because in many Western families both parents have jobs outside of the home, children often lack adequate supervision. Chinese families, by contrast, often have at least one parent, or a grandparent at home to take care of and love the children. Children without proper guidance and love from a young age might start to smoke, drink, use drugs, and commit crimes. This occurs much less frequently in China because people pay more attention to their children and have the children's grandparents nearby to help raise them.The West puts the "Individual" before the "Family". Traditional Chinese culture puts the interests of the Family first, and the Individual second. Chinese mothers and fathers place higher value on their child's development, than on their child's independence. Children place a higher value on then-parents' happiness than on their own convenience. While there are many excellent lessons that Chinese people can learn from the West, Western people would do well to learn from these essential Chinese traditions.Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.托福写作范文:If my city has decided to build a statue to honor a famous person inmy country, I would choose a late singer, Teresa Teng. She was born in 1950s, and died of a severe asthma attack at age 41 in May 1995 while holidaying in Chiang Mai, Thailand, triggering an outpouring of grief among her legions of fans in Asia and elsewhere. During her brilliant stage career, favored by fans all over Asia, she moved millions of people. Her famous songs include "sweet", "story of small town", and "the moon represents my heart", etc. It was said that it was her who introduced several generations in China to a certain field of popular music.Her songs have accompanied the growth and development of many people in China. In the home of these generations' soul, her sweet voice has become immortal beauty and memory. Although she's gone, her sound of singing has never vanished. She is constantly commemorated; from Beijing to Taipei, Hong Kong to Singapore, her ubiquitous fans observe her commemoration from time to time, cherishing her incredible beauty, and her voice that sounds to come from heaven. Her sweet songs made her a legend, and are still regularly heard on radio, and continue to have a following in Chinese communities all over the world.She should be remembered not only because of her beauty and voice, but also because of her great charity. She founded "Teresa Teng Foundation" during her lifetime. The purpose of the foundation is to cultivate and support gifted artists, and at the same time the foundationincludes a trust to distribute scholarship to make sure that art students have opportunities to accomplish what they actually can. Every year, The Teresa Teng Foundation also send a great amount of money as a charity to help homeless children. And these activities are supported by her fans all over the world.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文:In my country, China, many people in a sense live in a ridiculous culture where young boys and girls should never say "love" to each other. Moreover, it is absolutely a shame that such affairs happen in campus. To avoid alleged shame or danger of it, some people assert that boys and girls should attend separate schools.The point is, is there anything wrong when a little boy says "I love you" to a little girl? Gone are the days when "love" was a forbidden word in our culture, it has now, nevertheless, actually quite different connotations from that of the word in western society. It can be seen that people in Hollywood movies often say "I love you" to almost everyone naturally, readily and easily, including friends, family members, partners in work, even an unknown taxi driver! But in China, not surprisingly, many people have never said "I love you" to their parents,even seldom to their mates or children. "Love", in Chinese word, does in fact carry subtle connotations related to immoral affairs.It seems not a problem of is there anything wrong, but one of there must be something wrong if a teenager dares to say anything about "love!"Even if there must be something wrong when a teenager falls into love, is it something so appalling even evil that adults have to take action to prevent or even fight? Did we ever discover any prudent evidence which clearly prove it is really something bad? Hardly. It is in fact quite natural that a little boy admire a beautiful girl or a little girl feels a smart boy appealing. And such emotions do not harm anything. Alleged "puppy love" simply is a nonsense concept invented by ignorance. Girls and boys actually do not even know what love is!Perhaps they merely imitate behaviors of adults around them. What we adults should do is not to make them believe "love" is evil, but to teach them what true love really means. Regrettably, those adults never realize that they actually fail to assume their responsibility, but presumptuously believe they are capable of eliminating Jove among boys and girls by separating them into different school. It will never work. Separate school once was one of evil signs of discrimination of women, but today reemerges to prevent "love affairs" among teenagers—a high school in Beijing recently announced that it has already separated girlsfrom boys into different classes. I can hardly imagine any benefit that such a scheme could produce except for further distortions of teenagers' natures.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.托福写作范文:More and more international corporations build their business in my country, China. At the same time, more parents tell their children that English is one of necessities to be successful in the future.Students work so hard to master English that English learning related publications have always been on the top of the best-seller list.It seems clear that one will be better off if he/she is a bilingual, and if the second language is English, even better! However, learning a foreign language must have been painful, since people are continuously creating all sorts of methods and suggestions on how to learn it more easily, more quickly, and more efficiently. Some people propose that children should begin learning English as soon as they start school. But would it really work? Hardly.It seems true that children have natural amazing ability to develop their language skills. Statistic figures show that a 6-year-old boy can virtually memorize nearly as many as 150 words a day! But thingsbecome different when the child is learning a foreign language. When children are learning their mother tongue, they are not alone, and they are learning with numerous handy aids around. Parents, friends, and all the people around them are talking the same language, without any grammar error and nearly uniform intonation and pronunciation.However, when they are learning a foreign language, all of those natural aids disappeared. And words become really foreign and abstract after they leave classes. And even worse, their teacher might have a bad accent or even wrong pronunciation. Some may adduce children in Luxembourg as evidence, but the point is that almost all parents in that place are trilingual!Learning a foreign language well involves much more than merely memorizing handful vocabulary or several grammar rules. If a girl is able to say hello in a standard American accent, does that really mean she has learned a second language well, or she will go so far as to be a linguist? In fact, learning a foreign language in some sense is beyond the capacity of children, especially as little as first grade pupil, for language is used to express thoughts and ideas, both of which are naturally cultural and historical, and are sometimes too complex for children to comprehend. After all, learning earlier doesn't automatically guarantee learning quicker or better.A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Whereshould this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.托福写作范文:China is an enormous country with an intensely varied landscape. If a foreign visitor were coming for just one day to see our country, it would be difficult to choose just one place to spend the day.However, I posit that the best place in China to visit would be Beijing. As the capital city, Beijing offers a diverse look at China. I would suggest that the main sites to see would be the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Tiananmen Square. The Forbidden City offers the visitor a look at what it was like to live in historical China.The Forbidden City is located in the heart of Beijing, and is the biggest palace complex in the world. This particular site would be of interest to a tourist because it was once the home of many emperors. One can see the actual rooms from whence the ancient China was ruled by the emperors. When the visitor walks through the palace confines, he/she will see many examples of classic Chinese architecture. A walk through the gardens is particularly peaceful with jasmine trees abound.The Great Wall is also a must-see in China. The people of China hold the Great Wall as having particular significance to their culture because of its long history. The wall, built of dirt, stone and brick, was used as a defense barrier against invading nomads and wandering tribes. This isthe largest engineering and building project ever carried out by humans. Its historic and strategic importance is matched only by its architectural significance.Finally, Tiananmen Square should be on the list of things to see while visiting Beijing. This square is one of the largest in China, and possibly in Asia. At this square, one can visit the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, one of the greatest leaders ever in China. The Chinese Revolutionary Museum and the Chinese History Museum stand to the east of the square, the Great Hall of the People to the west and the magnificent Tiananmen Tower to the north. As the visitor will see, there are numerous interesting exhibits at Tiananmen Square that offer up a variety of Chinese heritage.Of course, it is very difficult to name one city in China over all others as "the place" to visit. China is the host to such a wide variety of beautiful places, and a visitor really should spend much more time exploring them all. However, with only one day, I believe that Beijing is the best place to visit.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福写作范文:Through modern technology such as TV, telephone, and theInternet, it has become easier for people from different cultures to communicate. In a sense the world has become a smaller place. However, it is questionable if technology is creating a single world culture, because, even though a cultural exchange is taking place, accessibility of this technology is still very limited, and, more importantly, people have come to value the differences inherent in their cultures.People around the world are taking advantage of the opportunities, presented by modern technology, to learn about other cultures. Not only foreign movies, music, and books communicate with the locals, but the different cultural values do, which are readily available on DVD, CD and via the Internet. Similarly, TV broadcasts fashions across the world and a new style of dress will likely catch on quickly in different parts of the globe. People adopt foreign things they like and make them their own. In this sense cultural assimilation is taking place.However, while some societies and their cultures are technologically advanced and thus connected with other parts of the world, the majority of the world's population lives largely isolated. Such isolation is the result of limited technological resources, which in turn is, generally, related to poverty. For example, nearly the entire continent of Africa is impoverished. Its people have few means to learn about other cultures, and even if they did they would have little use for Western culture, which to a great extent is a consumer culture. They are also extremely limitedin the ways they can educate people from other parts of the world about their cultures.Finally, people who are learning about foreign cultures generally come to appreciate and accept the differences between other cultures and their own. They recognize the value of variety. The enjoyment they derive from experiencing foreign languages, dances, songs, visual and culinary arts, also allows them to see the value in their own cultures' achievements. Therefore, cultural exchange does not necessarily result in the melting of many cultures into one.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福写作范文:Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to。



2021年托福听力模拟试题及答案(卷十三)Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species. They are secreted to the outside of the body and cause other individuals of the species to have specific reactions. Pheromones, which are sometimes called "social hormones," affect a group of individuals somewhat like hormones do an individual animal. Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the sole method). Some species have simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions. Pheromone systems are the most complex in some of the so-called social insects, insects that live in organized groups.Chemical communication differs from that by sight or sound in several ways. Transmission is relatively slow (the chemical signals are usually airborne), but the signal can be persistent, depending upon the volatility of the chemical, and is sometimes effective over a very long range. Localization of the signal is generally poorer than localization of a sound or visual stimulus and is usually effected by the animal's moving upwind in response to the stimulus. The ability to modulate a chemical signal is limited, compared with communication by visual or acoustic means, but some pheromones may convey different meanings and consequently result in different behavioral or physiological responses,depending on their concentration or when presented in combination. The modulation of chemical signals occurs via the elaboration of the number of exocrine glands that produce pheromones. Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory, insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing these pheromones.Pheromones play numerous roles in the activities of insects. They may act as alarm substances, play a role in individual and group recognition, serve as attractants between sexes, mediate the formation of aggregations, identify foraging trails, and be involved in caste determination. For example, pheromones involved in caste determination include the "queen substance" produced by queen honey bees. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by moving away.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) How insects use pheromones to communicate(B) How pheromones are produced by insects(C) Why analyzing insect pheromones is difficult(D) The different uses of pheromones among various insect species2. The word "serve起。



2021年托福口语模拟试题及答案(卷一)“The rules that societies expect young people to abide by are too strict.”Discuss.同意或不同意:今天整个社会对年轻人遵循和服从的规则太严格了。

Many young people think that the rules that govern their lives are too strict. I totally disagree with this view. I feel this way for the following reasons.First, compared to our elder generation, we have a lot more freedom. Generally speaking, we can do whatever we want. The fact that most of us can choose our favorite field to major in is just one of many examples. Moreover, due to widespread use of the Internet, we can get full access to whatever information we are interested in.For those who believe the rules are too strict, here’s some more ammunition to support my argument. If there were no such rules to make us behave ourselves, more crimes would be committed and instances of drug abuse and alcoholism would skyrocket.All in all, the young need to be more heavily restricted, not less.许多年轻人认为规则对他们太严格了,但是我完全不同意这种观点,第一,和我们的前辈相比,我们有更多的自由。



2021年最新完整托福模拟题阅读最新完整托福模拟题阅读(一)欧阳光明(2021.03.07)Questions 12-20 The elements other than hydrogen and helium exist In such small quantities that it is accurate to say that the universe somewhat more than 25 percent helium by weight and somewhat less than 25 percent hydrogen. Astronomers h Questions 12-20The elements other than hydrogen and helium exist In such small quantities that it is accurate to say that the universe somewhat more than 25 percent helium by weight and somewhat less than 25 percent hydrogen.Astronomers have measured the abundance of helium throughout our galaxy and in other galaxies as well. Helium has been found In old stars, in relatively young ones, in interstellar gas, and in the distant objects known as quasars. Helium nuclei have also been found to be constituents of cosmic rays that fall on the earth (cosmic "rays" are not really a form of radiation; they consist of rapidly moving particles of numerous different kinds). It doesn't seem to make very much difference where the helium is found. Its relative abundance never seems to vary much. In some places, there may be slightly more of it; In others, slightly less, but the ratio of helium to hydrogen nuclei always remains about the same.Helium is created in stars. In fact, nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen to helium are responsible for most of the energy that stars produce. However, the amount of helium that could have been produced in this manner can be calculated, and it turns out to be no more than a few percent. The universe hasnot existed long enough for this figure to he significantly greater. Consequently, if the universe is somewhat more than 25 percent helium now, then it must have been about 25 percent helium at a time near the beginning..However, when the universe was less than one minute old, no helium could have existed. Calculations indicate that before this time temperatures were too high and particles of matter were moving around much too rapidly. It was only after the one-minute point that helium could exist. By this time, the univ erse had cooled sufficiently that neutrons and protons could stick together. But the nuclear reactions that led to the formation of helium went on for only a relatively short time. By the time the universe was a few minutes old, helium production had effectively ceased.12. what does the passage mainly explain?(A)How stars produce energy(B)The difference between helium and hydrogen(C)When most of the helium in the universe was formed(D)Why hydrogen is abundant13. According to the passage, helium is(A) the second-most abundant element in the universe(B) difficult to detect(C) the oldest element in the universe(D) the most prevalent element in quasars14. The word "constituents" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) relatives(B) causes(C)components(D) targets15. Why does the author mention "cosmic rays't' in line 7?(A)As part of a list of things containing helium(B) As an example of an unsolved astronomical puzzle(C) To explain how the universe began(D) To explain the abundance of hydrogen in the universe16. The word "vary" in line 10 is closest ill meaning to(A) mean(B) stretch(C) change(D) include17. The creation of helium within stars(A) cannot be measured(B) produces energy(C) produces hydrogen as a by-product(D) causes helium to be much more abundant In old stars than In young star:18. The word "calculated" in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) ignored(B) converted(C) increased(D) determined19. Most of the helium in the universe was formed(A) in interstellar space(B) in a very short time(C) during the first minute of the universe's existence(D) before most of the hydrogen20. The word "ceased" in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A)extended(B)performed(C)taken hold(D)stopped Hormones in the BodyUp to the beginning of the twentieth century, the nervous system was thought to control all communication within the body and the resulting integration of behavior. Scientists had determined that nerves ran, essentially, on electrical impulses. These impulses were thought to be the engine for thought, emotion, movement, and internal processes such as digestion. However, experiments by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling on the chemical secretin, which is produced in the small intestine when food enters the stomach, eventually challenged that view. From the small intestine, secretin travels through the bloodstream to the pancreas. There, it stimulates the release of digestive chemicals. In this fashion, the intestinal cells that produce secretin ultimately regulate the production of differentchemicals in a different organ, the pancreas.Such a coordination of processes had been thought to require control by the nervous system; Bayliss and Starling showed that it could occur through chemicals alone. This discovery spurred Starling to coin the term hormone to refer to secretin, taking it from the Greek word hormon, meaning “to excite” or “to set in motion.” A hormone is a chemical produced by one tissue to make things happen elsewhere.As more hormones were discovered, they were categorized, primarily according to the process by which they operated on the body. Some glands (which make up the endocrine system) secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Such glands include the thyroid and thepituitary. The exocrine system consists of organs and glands that produce substances that are used outside the bloodstream, primarily for digestion. The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system.Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause immediate death. The most abundant hormones have effects that are less obviously urgent but can be more far-reaching and difficult to track: They modify moods and affect human behavior, even some behavior we normally think of as voluntary. Hormonal systems are very intricate. Even minute amounts of the right chemicals can suppress appetite, calm aggression, and change the attitude of a parent toward a child. Certain hormones accelerate the development of the body, regulating growth and form; others may even define anindiv idual’s personali ty characteristics. The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.In fact, some hormone therapies are already very common.A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levelsof those hormones as they enter middle age. Known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the treatment was also believed to prevent weakening of the bones. At least one study has linked HRT with a heightened risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form. Some proponents of HRT have tempered their enthusiasm in the face of this new evidence, recommending it only to patients whose symptoms interfere with their abilities to live normal lives.Human growth hormone may also be given to patients who are secreting abnormally low amounts on their own. Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it. Growth hormone affects not just physical size but also the digestion of food and the aging process. Researchers and family physicians tend to agree that it is foolhardy to dispense it in cases in which the risks are not clearly outweighed by the benefits.27. The word engine in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) desire(B) origin(C) science(D) chemical28. The word it in the passage refers to(A) secretin(B) small intestine(C) bloodstream(D) pancreas29. The word spurred in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) remembered(B) surprised(C) invented(D) motivated30. To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must(A) be part of the digestive process(B) influence the operations of the nervous system(C) affect processes in a different part of the body(D) regulate attitudes and behavior31. The glands and organs mentioned in paragraph 3 are categorized according to(A) whether scientists understand their function(B) how frequently they release hormones into the body(C) whether the hormones they secrete influence the aging process(D) whether they secrete chemicals into the bloodParagraph 3 is marked with an arrow [→]32. The word key in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) misunderstood(B) precise(C) significant(D) simple33. The word minute in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) sudden(B) small(C) changing(D) noticeable34. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.(A) Most moods and actions are not voluntary because they are actually produced by the production of hormones in the body.(B) Because the effects of hormones are difficult to measure,scientists remain unsure how far-reaching their effects on moods and actions are.(C) When the body is not producing enough hormones, urgent treatment may be necessary to avoid psychological damage.(D) The influence of many hormones is not easy to measure, but they can affect both people’s psychology and actions e xtensively.35. The word tempered in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decreased(B) advertised(C) prescribed(D) researched36. Which patients are usually treated with growth hormone?(A) Adults of smaller statue than normal(B) Adults with strong digestive systems(C) Children who are not at risk from the treatment(D) Children who may remain abnormally small37.Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?These sentences are highlighted in the passage.(A) The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.(B) A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings,sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.(C) HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form.(D) Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.38. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.The body is a complex machine, however, and recent studies have called into question the wisdom of essentially trying to fool its systems into believing they aren’t aging.Where would the sentence best fit?Cli ck on a square to add the sentence to the passage.39. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The class of chemicals called hormones was discovered by two researchers studying a substance produced in the small intestine.Answer ChoicesThe term hormone is based on a Greek word that means "to excite" or "to set in motion."Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of treatments with growth hormone so that more patients can benefit from it.Hormones can be given artificially, but such treatments have risks and must be used carefully.Hormones can affect not only life processes such as growth but also behavior and emotion.Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous systembut also certain chemicals can affect bodily processes far from their points of origin.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of blood clots and heart disease in middle-age women.Answer KeysReading:27. B28. A29. D30. C31. D32. C33. B34. D35. A36. D37. A38. third square39.1) Scientists have di scovered that not only the nervous system….2) Hormones can affect not only life processes…..3) Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of ….。

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2021年托福考试模拟试题:语法202*年托福考试模拟试题:语法Test 1 语法题笔记练习题 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body.A. in diseaseB. that diseaseC. of diseaseD. about disease答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句.这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句.参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液.2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.A. she was the first woman to conductB. the first woman conductorC. the woman was first conductingD. the woman conducts first答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对.参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家.补充: 常考 the first/second/… one to do sth3. On January 7, 1955, Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House.A. the first African AmericanB. the first African American wasC. she was the first African AmericanD. when the first African American答案:A分析:缺宾语,C, D都不能作宾语.一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错.参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人.4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States,_________ when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburban growth.A. and accelerated a phenomenonB. a phenomenon that acceleratedC. accelerating a phenomenon which,D. the acceleration of which phenomenon答案:B分析:考的是同位语结构,a phenomenon是 the decentralization of cities throughout the United States 的同位语.A中and为conj.,后面应该连接一个完整的句子,但缺主语,错;C中语序混乱,错; D中of which作为介词宾语,后面应该接一个完整句,但只有一个phenomenon主语,句子不完整,错.参考译文:可能战后最重大的趋势就是美国城市的分散化,当大规模高速公路建设项目容许了更大程度的发展郊区,这个现象更被促进了.补充: accelerate/ accomplish/ achieve/ evolve都可以是vi.不接宾语5. Ronald Reagan had served two terms as governor of California before _________ President.A. he becameB. when becomingC. becameD. did he become答案:A分析:before为状语从句引导词conj,后面一般引导一个完整的句子.B同时出现两个状语从句引导词,错;C缺主语;D应该为正常语序,选项中使用了倒装句式,错.参考译文:里根在成为美国总统之前连续两届担任加州的州长. 更多推荐:202*年托福考试时间安排表(全年)更多推荐:202*年托福报名时间安排表(全年)更多推荐:202*年托福成绩查询时间表(全年)2021年托福(TOEFL)考试模拟试题:阅读The war for independence from Britain was a long and economically costly conflict. The New England fishing industry was temporarily destroyed, and the tobacco colonies in the South were also hard hit. The trade in imports was severely affected, since the war was fought against the country that had previously monopolized the colonies’ supply of manufactured goods. The most serious consequences were felt in the cities, whose existence depended on commercial activity. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston were all occupied for a time by British troops. Even when the troops had left, British ships lurked in the harbors and continued to disrupt trade.American income from shipbuilding and commerce declined abruptly, undermining the entire economy of the urban areas. The decline in trade brought a fall in the American standard of living. Unemployed shipwrights, dock laborers,and coopers drifted off to find work on farms and in small villages. Some of them joined the Continental army, or if they were loyal to Britain, they departed with the British forces. The population of the New York City declined from 21,000 in 1774 to less than half that number only nine years later in 1783.The disruptions produced by the fighting of the war, by the loss of established markets for manufactured goods, by the loss of sources of credit, and by the lack of new investment all created a period of economic stagnation that lasted for the next twenty years.1.Why does the author mention the fishing industry and the tobacoo colonies?A. to show how the war for independence affected the economyB. to compare the economic power of two different regionsC. to identify the two largest commercial enterprisesin AmericaD. to give examples of industries controlled by British forces2. Why does the author mention the population of New York City in paragraph 2?A. to show that half of New York remained loyal to BritainB. to compare New York with other cities occupied during the warC. to emphasize the great short-term cost of the warfor New YorkD. to illustrate the percentage of homeless people in New York3. Chinese people had fought for independence from foreign countries for more than 100 years; we had lost lands, powers, resources and lives during that period. Today, China faces a new challenge that how the development can maintain, in other words, how China doesn’t lag behind. Please write an essay to express your ideas.答案:1.A2.C2021年托福考试模拟试题:阅读If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation —— conversion of liquid water to water vapor. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff.Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world.l. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The elements of salt(B) The bodies of water of the world(C) The many forms of ocean life(D) The salinity of ocean water2. The word "this" in line 5 refers to(A) ocean(B) evaporation(C) salinity(D) crystals3. According to the passage, the ocean generally has more salt in(A) coastal areas(B) tropical areas(C) rainy areas(D) turbulent areas4. All of the following are processes that decrease salinity EXCEPT(A) evaporation(B) precipitation(C) runoff(D) melting5. Which of the following statements about the salinity of a body water can best beinferred from the passage?(A) The temperature of the water is the most important factor.(B) The speed with which water moves is directlyrelated to the amount of salt.(C) Ocean salinity has little effect on sea life.(D) Various factors combine to cause variations in the salt content of water.6. The word "altered" in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) determined(B) changed(C) accumulated(D) needed7. The world "it" in line 18 refers to(A) sea ice(B) salinity(C) seawater(D) manner8. Why does the author mention the Weddell Sea?(A) To show that this body of water has salinity variations(B) To compare Antarctic waters with Arctic waters(C) To give an example of increased salinity due to freezing(D) To point out the location of deep waters9. Which of the following is NOT a result of the formation of ocean ice?(A) The salt remains in the water.(B) The surrounding water sinks.(C) Water salinity decreases.(D) The water becomes denser.10. What can be inferred about the water near the bottom of oceans?(A) It is relatively warm.(B) Its salinity is relatively high.(C) It does not move.(D) It evaporates quickly.答案:BCDACAACDD2021年托福考试模拟试题Hormones in the BodyUp to the beginning of the twentieth century, the nervous system was thought to control all communication within the body and the resulting integration of behavior. Scientists had determined that nerves ran, essentially, on electrical impulses. These impulses were thought to be the engine for thought, emotion, movement, and internal processes such as digestion. However, experiments by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling on the chemical secretin, which is produced in the small intestine when food enters the stomach, eventually challenged that view. From the small intestine, secretin travels through the bloodstream to the pancreas. There, it stimulates the release of digestive chemicals. In this fashion, the intestinal cells that produce secretin ultimately regulate the production of different chemicals in a different organ, the pancreas.Such a coordination of processes had been thought to require control by the nervous system; Bayliss and Starling showed that it could occur through chemicals alone. This discovery spurred Starling to coin the term hormone torefer to secretin, taking it from the Greek word hormon, meaning “to excite” or “to set in motion.” A hormone isa chemical produced by one tissue to make things happen elsewhere.As more hormones were discovered, they were categorized, primarily according to the process by which they operated on the body. Some glands (which make up the endocrine system) secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Such glands include the thyroid and the pituitary. The exocrine system consists of organs and glands that produce substances that are used outside the bloodstream, primarily for digestion. The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system.Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause immediate death. The most abundant hormones have effects that are less obviously urgent but can be more far-reaching and difficult to track: They modify moods and affect human behavior, even some behavior we normally think of as voluntary. Hormonal systems are very intricate. Even minute amounts of the right chemicals can suppress appetite, calmaggression, and change the attitude of a parent toward a child. Certain hormones accelerate the development of the body, regulating growth and form; others may even define an individual’s personality characteristics. The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.In fact, some hormone therapies are already very common. A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age. Known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the treatment was also believed to prevent weakening of the bones. At least one study has linked HRT with a heightened risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form. Some proponents of HRT have tempered their enthusiasm in the face of this new evidence,recommending it only to patients whose symptoms interfere with their abilities to live normal lives.Human growth hormone may also be given to patients who are secreting abnormally low amounts on their own. Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it. Growth hormone affects not just physical size but also the digestion of food and the aging process. Researchers and family physicians tend to agree that it is foolhardy to dispense it in cases in which the risks are not clearly outweighed by the benefits.27. The word engine in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) desire(B) origin(C) science(D) chemical28. The word it in the passage refers to(A) secretin(B) small intestine(C) bloodstream(D) pancreas29. The word spurred in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) remembered(B) surprised(C) invented(D) motivated30. To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must(A) be part of the digestive process(B) influence the operations of the nervous system(C) affect processes in a different part of the body(D) regulate attitudes and behavior31. The glands and organs mentioned in paragraph 3 are categorized according to(A) whether scientists understand their function(B) how frequently they release hormones into the body(C) whether the hormones they secrete influence the aging process(D) whether they secrete chemicals into the bloodParagraph 3 is marked with an arrow [→]32. The word key in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) misunderstood(B) precise(C) significant(D) simple33. The word minute in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) sudden(B) small(C) changing(D) noticeable34. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.(A) Most moods and actions are not voluntary because they are actually produced by the production of hormones in the body.(B) Because the effects of hormones are difficult to measure, scientists remain unsure how far-reaching their effects on moods and actions are.(C) When the body is not producing enough hormones, urgent treatment may be necessary to avoid psychological damage.(D) The influence of many hormones is not easy to measure, but they can affect both people’s psychology and actions extensively.35. The word tempered in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) decreased(B) advertised(C) prescribed(D) researched36. Which patients are usually treated with growth hormone?(A) Adults of smaller statue than normal(B) Adults with strong digestive systems(C) Children who are not at risk from the treatment(D) Children who may remain abnormally small37.Which of the following sentences explains the primary goal of hormone replacement therapy?These sentences are highlighted in the passage.(A) The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal ofstudy to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.(B) A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age.(C) HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form.(D) Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it.38. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.The bodyis a complex machine, however, and recent studies have called into question the wisdom of essentially trying to fool its systems into believing they aren’t aging.Wherewould the sentence best fit?Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.39. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The class of chemicals called hormones was discovered by two researchers studying a substance produced in the small intestine.Answer ChoicesThe term hormone is based on a Greek word that means "to excite" or "to set in motion."Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of treatments with growth hormone so that more patients can benefit from it.Hormones can be given artificially, but such treatments have risks and must be used carefully.Hormones can affectnot only life processes such as growth but also behavior and emotion.Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system but also certain chemicals can affect bodily processes far from their points of origin.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk of blood clots and heart disease in middle-age women.Answer KeysReading:27. B28. A29. D30. C31. D32. C33. B34. D35. A36. D37. A38. third square39.1) Scientists have discovered that not only the nervous system….2) Hormones can affect not only life processes…..3) Researchers are looking for ways to decrease the dangers of ….。
