

How to Survive an Earthquake (地震逃生技巧)[优质PPT]

How to Survive an Earthquake (地震逃生技巧)[优质PPT]
Alittleknowledgeandafewprecautionarymeasu rescanenormouslyincreaseyourchkeoranyothertypeofhazard.Thekeysareeducation andpreparinginadvance.Theearthquakesafetyti psbelowcouldmakealifesavingdifferenceifyoufindyourselfinanearthqu akesituation.Investinyourpersonalsafetybystud yingbelow.
If you are cooking, turn off the stove and take cover.
If you are outdoors, move to an open area where falling objects are unlikely to strike you. Move away from buildings, power lines and trees.
Before the Earthquake
Teach all members of your family about earthquake safety. This includes:
1) the actions you should take when an earthquake occurs
Arrange your home for safety: Store heavy objects on lower shelves and store breakable objects in cabinets with latched doors. Don’t hang heavy mirrors or pictures above where people frequently sit or sleep.



如果你在室内 蹲﹑躲﹑握:蹲 下,寻找掩护, 抓牢——利用写 字台、桌子或者 长凳下的空间, 或者身子紧贴内 部承重墙作为掩 护,然后双手抓 牢固定物体。
如果附近没有写 字台或桌子,用 双臂护住头部、 脸部,蹲伏在房 间的角落。
远离玻璃制品、建筑物 外墙、门窗以及其他可 能坠落的物体,例如灯 具和家具。
正确应付地震时的特殊 危险。 当遇到燃气泄漏时,可 用湿毛巾或湿衣服捂住 口、鼻、不可使用明火, 不要开关电器,注意防 止金属物体之间的撞击。 当遇到火灾时,要趴在 地下,用湿毛巾捂住口、 鼻,逆风匍匐转移到安 全地带。 当遇到有毒气体泄漏时,
有序从楼梯向下撤离, 按照预定的疏散路线迅 速撤离到事先指定的地 点。
知道各个房间的安全及危险地点在哪里: Knows each room the security and the danger point in where (1) 安全地点:最佳安全点是坚固的家具下面 或旁边,例如书桌或其他硬质桌子之下;有 支撑的拱廊下,紧贴内部承重墙的地方也较 安全; (1) Point of safety : The best safety point is under the firm furniture or side
遇地震,先躲避,桌子床下找空隙,靠在墙 角曲身体, 抓住机会逃出去,远离所有建筑物,余震蹲 在开阔地。
谢 谢
如果你被困在废墟下 不要点火柴。 不要向周围移动,避免扬起灰尘。 用手帕或布遮住口部。 敲击管道或墙壁以便救援人员发现你。可能 的话,请使用哨子。在其他方式都不奏效的 情况下再选择呼喊——因为喊叫可能使人吸 入大量有害灰尘并消耗体能。
为什么地震瞬间不宜夺路而逃呢? 这是因为: ——现在城市居民多住高层楼房,根本 来不及跑到楼外,反倒会因楼道中的拥挤践 踏造成伤亡。 ——地震时人们进入或离开建筑物时, 被砸死砸伤的可能性最大。 ——地震时房屋剧烈摇晃,造成门窗变 形,很可能打不开门窗而失去求生的时间。 ——大地震时,人们在房中被摇晃甚至 抛甩,站立和跑动都十分困难。



地震逃生方法Earthquake Evacuation Methods。

Earthquakes are a natural disaster that can strike at any time, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake. It is important to know how to evacuate safely in the event of an earthquake to minimize the risk of injury or death. In this article, we will discuss the different earthquake evacuation methods that you can use to protect yourself and your loved ones.1. Drop, Cover, and Hold On。

The most important thing to remember during an earthquake is to protect yourself from falling objects and debris. The Drop, Cover, and Hold On method is the recommended action to take during an earthquake. When you feel the ground shaking, drop down to the ground, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on until the shaking stops. If you cannot find a sturdy piece offurniture to take cover under, crouch down against an interior wall and cover your head and neck with your arms.2. Evacuate the Building。


1556年1月23日发生在中国陕西华县的8.0级地 震造成的死亡人数比前者确凿一些,广大灾民病 死、饿死,数百里山乡断了人烟,估计死亡83万 余人。
earthquake self rescue and escape earthquake rescue and escape earthquake
及时躲到两个承重墙之间跨度最小的房间里如厕所、厨房 等。也可躲避在桌、柜等家具下面 以及房间内侧的墙角, 应选择室内结实、能掩护身体、且易于形成三角空间的物 体旁。
身体应采取的姿势:伏而待定,,降低身体重心。抓住桌 腿等牢固的物体。
② 搬开身边可搬动的碎砖瓦等杂物,扩大 活动空间。注意,搬不动时千万不要勉 强,防止周围杂物进一步倒塌;
③ 设法用砖石、木棍等支撑残垣断壁,以 防余震时再被埋压;
④ 不要随便动用室内设施,包括电源,水 源等,也不要使用明火;
⑤ 闻到煤气及有毒异味或灰尘太大时,设 法用湿衣物捂住口、鼻;不要乱叫,保 持体力,用敲击声求救。
大震来时有预兆,地声地光地颤摇, 虽然短短几十秒,做出判断最重要。 高层楼上撤下来,虽有电梯不能搭, 万一电力中断了,真是欲速则不达。 平房避震有讲究,是跑是留两可求, 因地制宜做决断,错过时机诸事休。 次生灾害危害大,需要尽量预防它, 电源燃气是隐患,震时及时关上闸。
强震颠簸站立难,就近躲避第一桩, 床旁桌旁小开间,伏而待定保安全。
• 大地震时,人们在房中被摇晃甚至抛甩,站立和跑动都十分困难。 • 地震时人们进入或离开建筑物时,被砸死砸伤的可能性最大。 • 现在城市居民多住高层楼房,根本来不及跑到楼外,反倒会因



Second, after feeling shaking stops immediately when power off, the fire. To prevent fire.
Third, squat(蹲下) or hold the head ,find hiding place, which will hide under the table .
1、Don't jump !
2、Don't stand on the windowsill.
3、When the earthquake, do not take the elevator to escape.
4、During the earthquake, do not crowd on the stairs, corridor.
About Earthquakes
Earthquakes are the nature's most dan gerous calamity. Earthquakes can hit a ny place, at any time and at any extrem e level. There is no way out to stop eart hquakes but only thing that humans ca n do is become more knowledgeable to protect themselves and lessen the amo unt of damage to the people as well as t he proprove to be lifesavers.We shou ld, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to alwa ys hope for the best but prepare for the worst。


• 1. The driver should slow down as soon as possible, gradually brake 司机应尽快减速, 逐步刹闸 • 2. Don‘t stay in the car, After the earthquake, get off immediately to the open area 不要呆 在车内,震后立即下 车到开阔地带
下或趴在排椅下,避开吊灯、电扇等悬挂物,保护 好头部
• Don't panic hold to the exit, stay away from the crowd of crowded, avoid is packed to the wall or fence place.千万不要慌
乱拥向出口,避开人流的拥挤,避免被挤到 墙或栅栏处.
How to survive in the earthquake
May 12, 2008, the sichuan wenchuan, beichuan, 8 magnitude earthquake's sudden by storm
• 2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,四川汶川、北川,8级强震猝然袭来
跑,应迅速用书包护住头部抱头、闭眼, 躲在各自的课桌旁边
In the playground outside, can freeze squat, protect the head with both hands. Dodge the tall buildings or dangerous things.在操场室外时,
据民政部报告,四川 汶川地震已确认69227 人遇难,374643人受 伤,失踪17923人。



地震逃生指南英文图文并茂Earthquake Safety Guide.Before an Earthquake:Identify safe places in your home: Under sturdy tables, desks, or beds. Away from windows, glass, and exterior walls.Secure heavy objects: Bookcases, mirrors, and appliances.Stock an emergency kit: Food, water, first-aid supplies, flashlight, radio, batteries, and medications.Know your evacuation plan: Identify escape routes and meeting places.Educate your family: Children and elderly may need special assistance.During an Earthquake:Drop, cover, and hold on: Get under a table or desk and hold onto it until the shaking stops.Stay away from windows, glass, and exterior walls: These can shatter and injure you.Be cautious of falling objects: Do not run through doorways or under chandeliers.If you are in a car: Stop the car and pull over to the side of the road. Stay in the car and wait until the shaking stops.If you are outdoors: Stay away from buildings, trees, and power lines. Find an open area and drop to the ground.After an Earthquake:Check for injuries: Assist others if needed.Check for damage: Inspect your home for structural damage. If there is significant damage, evacuate immediately.Turn off utilities: Gas, water, and electricity may be damaged and should be shut off.Stay informed: Listen to radio or television for updates and instructions.Be prepared for aftershocks: Smaller earthquakes can occur after the main shock.Remember:Stay calm and follow instructions: Panic can lead to mistakes.Be aware of your surroundings: Observe the environment for potential hazards.Assist others in need: Help the elderly, children, and injured.Take care of yourself: Rest, eat, and drink plenty of water.中文回答:地震逃生指南。



1. Don't jump !
2. Don't stand on the windows.
3. When the earthquake, do not take the elevator to escape.
4. During the earthquake, do not crowd on the stairs, corridor.
To find a place to hide.
Don't run out of panic.
Refuge on foot
Save your energy.
Far from danger zone.
Keep a cool head.
Give yourself a chance to escape.
Will give others a chance to escape.
Off the fire.
Open the door.
Page 1
When the earthquake occurs, Not just because of the earthquake. what should we do?
Just because of your ignorance.
This is the most important thing.


In the playground outside, can freeze squat, protect the head with both hands. Dodge the tall buildings or dangerous things.在操场室外时,
可原地不动蹲下,双手保护头部。注意避 开高大建筑物或危险物。
In the wild:
avoid the foot of the steep cliff, and the steep hillside, in case of landslide and debris flow landslide, etc.;
在野外:要避开山脚、 陡崖和陡峭的山坡, 以防山崩、泥石流滑 坡等;
Before the earthquake, some abnormal phenomenon is worth our concern
注常在 现地 象震 值前 得, 我一 们些 关反

biological anomaly 生物异常
Snake out of the hole
Groundwater anomalies 地下水异常
May 12, 2008 minute and 4 seconds, the sichuan wenchuan, beichuan, 8 magnitude earthquake's sudden by storm

According to the ministry of the report, the sichuan wenchuan earthquake has confirmed that 69227 people were killed, 374643 wounded, and 17923 missing.



——jump off the building
First of all you have to pay attention to the safety of your families and yourself. You can take shelter under a sturdy table and hold the table legs tightly.
• Look for a clearing, stay put • Move away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and wires • Beware of uncontrolled car on the road
If you are driving
Although the earthquake is unable to prevent and control, we can master some skill to reduce the damage.
Maybe when you are working,driving,shopping,taking a shower,or playing dota…
Bless Ya‘an Thank you
No matter how desperate the situation, absolutely forbidden
——Scramble down
the stairs
No matter how panic, absolutely forbidden
When you decide to rush out, do not let you head directly exposed under the ceiling. You can use the pot, pillows ohead.


• 狭窄的街道;危旧房屋,危墙;女儿墙、 高门脸、雨篷下;砖瓦、木料等物的堆放 处。
• 蹲下或趴下,以免摔倒; • 不要乱跑,避开人多的地方; • 不要随便返回室内。
避开山脚、陡崖,以防山崩、滚石、泥石流等; 避开陡峭的山坡、山崖,以防地裂,滑坡等
• 选择结实的柜台、商品(如低矮家具等) 或柱子边,以及内墙角等处就地蹲下,用 手或其他东西护头;
• 避开玻璃门窗、玻璃橱窗或柜台; • 避开高大不稳或摆放重物、易碎品的货架; • 避开广告牌、吊灯等高耸或悬挂物。
④ 不要随便动用室内设施,包括电源,水 源等,也不要使用明火;
⑤ 闻到煤气及有毒异味或灰尘太大时,设 法用湿衣物捂住口、鼻;不要乱叫,保 持体力,用敲击声求救。
大震来时有预兆,地声地光地颤摇, 虽然短短几十秒,做出判断最重要。 高层楼上撤下来,虽有电梯不能搭, 万一电力中断了,真是欲速则不达。 平房避震有讲究,是跑是留两可求, 因地制宜做决断,错过时机诸事休。 次生灾害危害大,需要尽量预防它, 电源燃气是隐患,震时及时关上闸。
不要向顺风方向跑,要昼绕到上 风方向去,并尽量用湿毛由捂住 中、鼻。
① 设法避开身体上方不结实的倒塌物、悬 挂物或其他危险物;
② 搬开身边可搬动的碎砖瓦等杂物,扩大 活动空间。注意,搬不动时千万不要勉 强,防止周围杂物进一步倒塌;



If meet a fire
Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke
Against the wind to reach the safety area
My feeling towards disasters
组员: 展示者:
Many people died in the earthquake
The main reason is damaged buildings fell down killed the people
Tangshan earthquake
people died
Wenchuan earthquake
地震逃生技巧(英文ppt) 组员:展示者: many people died mainreason damagedbuildings fell down killed peopletangshan earthquake people died 242769 wenchuan earthquake people died 69227 how protectourselves? earthquakeformula publicplaces avoid panicking(惊慌). cover your head yourhands stayaway from buildings, power lines canfall outsidehold onto standagainst interiorwall. stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fire places. carstop getoff possible,don?t enter tallbuildings around car,please get off twoworkshop squat firecover your mouth wettowel wetcloth, avoidgetting smokeagainst safetyarea life wheredisasters happen. we can't avoid them, however, we can reduce them! disastersdo happen, let's accept them, face them learnfrom them… learn rescueyourself rescueothers! believe,whereverdisasters go on,life myfeeling towards disasters q5v852f 分享于 2018-12-06 13:41:10.0 地震逃生技巧(英文ppt) 文档格式: .ppt 文档页数: 14页 文档大小: 4.53m 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 地震逃生技巧40英文ppt41 系统标签: 逃生 地震 技巧 disasters 英文 earthquake
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Life is where disasters happen. We can’t avoid them, However, We can reduce them! If disasters do happen, Let’s accept them, Face them , And Learn from them…
If in the car
Stop and get off the car as soon as possible, don't enter the tunnel or a bridge
If in the car
If tall buildings around the car, please get off and in the two workshop squat
If meet a fire
Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke
Against the wind to reach the safety area
My feeling towards disasters
Learn to rescue yourself ; Learn to rescue others!
I believe,Wherever disasters go on,life will go on.
组员: 展示者:
Many people died in the earthquake
The main reason is damaged buildings fell down killed the people
Tangshan earthquake
people died
Wenchuan earthquake
people died
How to protect ourselves?
The earthquake formula
If in the public places
Avoid panicking(惊慌). Cover your head and neck with your hands and armsm buildings, power lines or anything that can fall on you.
If indoors
Hold onto a desk or a table or stand against the interior wall. Stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, fire places.