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JOURNAL O F SOU THEAST UN I V ERS ITY (N atural Science Edition )

V ol .40N o .3M ay 2010

doi:10.3969/j .issn .1001-0505.2010.03.033


陈 蕾 刘松玉 杜延军 金 飞







m g /kg 四种质量比和5%,715%,10%三种水泥掺量.结果表明:不同龄期水泥固化含铅污染土的无侧限抗压强度间大致呈线性关系,而2个不同水泥掺入比水泥固化含铅污染土的无侧限抗压强度比值与水泥掺入比呈幂函数关系;通过对不同配合比、不同龄期试样强度的进一步拟合分析,得到了根据某一龄期强度预测另一龄期强度的经验公式和根据某一水泥掺量的强度预测另一水泥掺量强度的经验公式,以上公式同时适用于普通水泥固化土和含铅水泥固化污染土.关键词:水泥;污染土;重金属;铅;无侧限抗压强度;龄期;预测中图分类号:TU 41116 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-0505(2010)0320609205

Unconfi n ed co mpressi ve strength predi cti on of ce ment

soli di fi ed /st abili zed lead 2cont am i n ated soils

C hen L ei L iu Songyu

D u Yan jun J in Fe i

(School of Transportation,Southeast U niversity,N anjing 210096,China )

Abstract:U sing cem ent as a binder to m ix w ith contam inated soils is one of the w idely used technolo 2

gies for soil rem ediation .The experience for m ulas for the unconfined com p ressive strength p rediction of cem ent stabilized /solidified heavy m etal contam inated soils are studied .The strength data used for analysis are from unconfined com p ressive tests conducted in the laboratory .The heavy m etal contam i 2nated soils are p repared artificially by adding lead nitrate as a source of pollutant at four different lead

contents of 110×102,110×103,110×104and 310×104

m g /kg (dry soil w eight basis )and three dif 2ferent cem ent contents 5%,715%and 10%.The results of the unconfined comp ressive strength tests show that there is a linear relationshi p bet w een the strength of cem ent treated lead contam inated soils at different curings,and a pow er function relationship bet w een the cem ent content ratios and the ration of strength corresponding to the cem ent content .The experience for m ulas are further concluded w hich can p redict the strengths at different curing ti m es or w ith different cem ent content .These for m ulas are both app rop riate for nor m al cem ented soils and cem ent treated lead contam inated soils .

Key words:cem ent ;contam inated soil ;heavy m etal ;

lead;unconfined com p ressive strength;

curing ti m e;p rediction

收稿日期:2010201222. 作者简介:陈蕾(1981—),女,博士生;刘松玉(联系人),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,L iusy @seu .edu .cn .基金项目:教育部博士点基金资助项目(20060286031)、国家自然科学基金资助项目(50878052,40972173)、教育部重点实验室开放课题基

金资助项目(KL E 2TJG E 20801).

引文格式:陈蕾,刘松玉,杜延军,等.水泥固化含铅污染土无侧限抗压强度预测方法[J ].东南大学学报:自然科学版,2010,40(3):6092613.

[doi:10.3969/j .issn .1001-0505.2010.03.033]

