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利用线阵CCD 的迈克尔逊干涉仪


肖 化1



(1.华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院,广东广州 510006;2.广东外语外贸大学信息科技学院,广东广州 510016)

摘 要:将压电陶瓷片固定在迈克尔逊干涉仪的移动镜上,当加在压电陶瓷片上的驱动直流电压增加时,引起压电陶瓷的微小伸长进而引起移动镜的移动,引起光屏上干涉条纹环数目的变化;用线阵CCD(char ge cou -pled device)作为光电传感器件捕捉干涉条纹的光强信号,再将电信号进行模数转换,采取U SB 接口与微机接口,用C++语言编写程序设计了一种新型的条纹自动计数软件,将这种计数方法与压电系数的测量结合起来,可以自动得出其压电系数。


中图分类号:T B32-33 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1002-4956(2011)02-0024-04

Measuring piezoeleclric coefficient of piezoelectric material with

Michelson interferometer by using linear CCD

Xiao H ua 1,Q i Jianjun 2

(1.Scho ol o f Phy sics and T elecommunication Eng ineering ,So uth China No rmal U niver sity,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Schoo l o f Info rmation and T echno lo gy ,

G uang do ng U niver sity o f Fo reig n Studies ,Guangzhou 510006,China)

Abstract:F ix ing piezoelectr ic material o n the mov able mir ro r of M ichelson interfero meter,when the DC driv -ing v olt ag e acted on the piezoelectr ic materia l increases ,the piezoelectr ic material st retches slightly ,leading to the movable mir ro r mov ing slightly ,br inging about the change of number of interfer ence r ing on the light screen.T he method of captur ing the light sig nal o f interfer ence r ing was put for war d by using linear CCD as light -elect ricit y sensor ,and t he method of tr ansfer ring electr icity analog sig na ls to dig ital signals and the meth -od of passing the dig ital sig nals to micr ocomput er w as pr esented by U SB inter face.A nd the paper desig ns t he softw are to count the number o f the interference ring by w riting V isual C++pr og ram.F inally the piezo elec -tric co efficient of piezoelectr ic mater ial is o btained by combining the method o f counting the number of the r ing w ith the met ho d o f measuring the piezoelectric coefficient o f piezo electric mater ials.

Key words:M ichelson interf er ometer ;linear CCD;co unt o f int erference f ringe;piezo electric mater ial;piezo e -lectr ic co efficient

收稿日期:2010-04-02 修改日期:2010-07-07




E -mail:xiaoh @




IS SN 1002-4956


实 验 技 术 与 管 理

Experimental T ech nology and M anagemen t

第28卷 第2期 2011年2月Vol.28 No.2 Feb.2011
