M30 使用说明书


M30 使用说明书

M30 使用说明书

+ -
放大 缩小 菜单 换页/退出 电源/背光 采点
对地图进行放大操作 对地图进行缩小操作 进入菜单,可进行功能或用户界面设定 选择导航屏幕,撤销操作 开关机,设置背光 采集航点
转 90°, 取下后盖。 将锂电池有金属触点的一端 对准电池仓内的金属触点先放入电池仓,然后按 压另外一端,将锂电池全部放入电池仓。装上后 盖压紧, 顺时针旋转 90°D 型金属环, 拧紧即可。 2
(NAVA®) M 系列 GNSS 手持机用户手册
2.3.1 安装 Micro SD 卡
将设备后盖的 D 型金属环拉起后逆时针旋 转 90°,取下后盖和电池,按照 Micro SD 指示 标志进行安装。
2.4.1 开机 按住电源键 3 秒,待屏幕变亮即可开机。 2.4.2 关机 按住电源键 2 秒,设备将执行关机程序。选 择“是”直接关机,选择“否”或按退出键退出 关机程序。如果在 5 秒内没有任何操作,设备将 自动关机。Βιβλιοθήκη 斗信息技术有限公司注册商标。
1.2 产品特性
易于使用 — 菜单简洁,界面直观, NAVA® (M)系列手持 GPS 接收机让首次使用 GPS 手持机的用户,体验熟练用户能享受的全部功 能。 可扩展存储空间 — 使用 Micro SD 卡进行扩充, 可实现更大容量存储,使您不必再担心内存不足 问题。 3 米精度 — 48 个并行通道提供更高的定位精 度。同时还可接收 SBAS(MSAS、WAAS、EGNOS) 差分信号。 三轴电子罗盘 (M60) — 无论您身在何处,即使 没有 GPS 定位,仍能知道您面朝何方。 气压计(M60) — 灵敏的气压计能实时提供气压 信息,亦可使用气压计进行高程测量。 内置地图 — 内置全国城镇点图、 基础图、 详图; 等高线图也可定制用户地图。 供电模式 — 专用锂电池, 20 小时工作时间, 使 您在野外不必再为仪器没电而犯愁。 广泛的数据兼容性 — 可将数据导出为 GPX 格 式;更可兼容 Google Earth 用户数据。 1


HLK-M30 使用手册
WIFI 无线网 串口网络/无线模块Βιβλιοθήκη 深圳市海凌科电子有限公司
1 产品概述........................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 概述..................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 模块特点:...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 模块基本参数:..............................................................................................................................5 1.1.3 主要应用领域.................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 硬件介绍............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.2.1 管脚定义.......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.2 电气特性.......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.3 机械尺寸.......................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.4 天线................................................................................................................................................ 10 外置天线的参数要求.................................................................................................................10 推荐板载 PCB 天线................................................................................................................... 10 1.2.5 通用开发测试套件........................................................................................................................ 11 1.2.6 USB 开发测试套件........................................................................................................................ 13 1.3 典型应用........................................................................................................................................... 15 1.3.1 HLK-M30 模块应用的典型电路...................................................................................................15 1.3.2 有 MCU 控制下的最简电路.........................................................................................................16

Philips M330 M335 手机说明书

Philips M330 M335 手机说明书

/suppor t
請利用機座底部產品標籤所列的參考型號來存取 線上使用說明。
2015 © Gibson Innovations Limited.
本產品由 Gibson Innovations Ltd. 製造並負責銷售作 業,且 Gibson Innovations Ltd. 為本產品的保證人。 Philips 以及 Philips 盾牌標誌為 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 的註冊商標且經 Koninklijke Philips N.V. 授權使用。
• 請確認電池已正確裝入。 • 請確認話機已正確放置在充電器上。話機後方的
LED 燈會閃爍一次。 • 請確認擴充底座音設為開啟狀態。 當話機正確放
置在充電器上時,您會聽到擴充底座音。 • 充電接觸面髒污。 請先切斷電源,再使用濕布清
潔接觸面。 • 電池已損壞。 購買規格相同的新電池。
音訊不良 ( 有雜音、迴音等 )
• 話機即將超出有效範圍。 將話機移靠近機座。 • 電話受到附近的電子產品干擾。 請將機座移到離
這些電子產品遠一點的位置。 • 電話位在周圍有厚牆的位置。 請將機座移到離這
• 未啟動這項服務。 請洽詢服務提供者。 • 來電者資訊已隱藏或無法提供。
右側有其他數字。 按 以讀取。 ECO+ ECO+ 模式啟動。
2 連接
3 開始使用
1 話機中已預先裝好電池。 充電前,請先撕去電池蓋上 的電池膠帶。



DJB600Y-M30综合型电机保护器用户手册团结进取求实创新UNITE TO FORGE AHEAD REALISTIC AND INNOVATIVE注意在准备安装、操作、服务或维护前,要认真阅读说明书,熟悉设备。






NOTE: 提供另外的信息以阐明或简化步骤。















海尔 XQGM30-BX798SU1 3公斤壁挂迷你滚筒洗衣机 使用说明书

海尔 XQGM30-BX798SU1 3公斤壁挂迷你滚筒洗衣机 使用说明书








AXIS M30网络摄像头系列用户手册.pdf_1711239809.8972878

AXIS M30网络摄像头系列用户手册.pdf_1711239809.8972878

AXIS M30Network Camera SeriesAXIS M3057-PLVE Network CameraAXIS M3058-PLVE Network Camera 用户手册目录关于本手册 (3)产品概述 (4)安装 (5)在网络上查找设备 (6)打开设备的网页 (6)安全密码 (6)网页概览 (6)配置设备 (8)图像质量 (8)隐私遮罩 (11)叠加 (12)水平转动、垂直转动和变焦(PTZ) (13)码流传输和存储 (13)事件 (17)应用程序 (20)故障排查 (21)重置为出厂默认设置 (21)检查当前固件版本 (21)升级固件 (21)技术问题、线索和解决方案 (22)性能考虑 (23)联系支持人员 (23)设备界面 (24) (24) (24)状态 (24)视频 (24)录制内容 (31)应用 (31)系统 (32)维护 (48)规格 (49)LED指示灯 (49)SD卡插槽 (49)按钮 (49)连接器 (49)关于本手册关于本手册本用户手册描述了几种产品。




在网络上查找设备在网络上查找设备若要在网络中查找Axis设备并为它们分配Windows®中的IP地址,请使用AXIS IP Utility或AXIS设备管理器。




海尔 10公斤全自动波轮洗衣机 EB100M30Max2 使用说明书

海尔 10公斤全自动波轮洗衣机 EB100M30Max2 使用说明书

洗衣机使用说明书型号EB100M30MAX2• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 部件介绍1 1.2. 技术规格21.2.1. 参数介绍22. 使用说明4 2.1. 安全注意事项4 2.1.1. 图示说明4 2.1.2. 警告类4 2.1.3. 注意类4 2.2. 洗衣机的安装5 2.2.1. 拆除包装5 2.2.2. 洗衣机的放置6 2.2.3. 洗衣机的调平6 2.2.4. 排水管7 2.2.5. 进水管8 2.3. 洗涤注意事项12 2.3.1. 不可洗涤衣物12 2.3.2. 检查衣物12 2.3.3. 衣物分类洗涤16 2.3.4. 重污衣物预处理17 2.3.5. 衣物放入方法19 2.3.6. 衣物洗涤重量参考20 2.4. 洗衣操作20 2.4.1. 洗衣步骤20 2.4.2. 操控界面21 2.4.3. 开机21 2.4.4. 程序21 2.4.5. 参数23 2.4.6. 洗涤剂投放24 2.5. 清洁保养24 2.5.1. 线屑过滤器24 2.5.2. 进水阀过滤网262.5.3. 箱体和内桶293. 售后服务31 3.1. 疑问解答31 3.1.1. 问题解答31 3.1.2. 显示代码及处理方法333.2. 有害物质33 3.2.1. 有害物质名称与含量33 3.3. 保修说明34 3.3.1. 洗衣机保修说明341. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 部件介绍本电子说明书使用的配图均为示意图,由于产品改进及系列化扩展,您所得到的产品外观、颜色及功能部件可能与此图片不一致,请以实际产品为准。

附件1.2. 技术规格1.2.1. 参数介绍技术数据注:本产品技术数据如有变更,恕不另行通知,请以产品实物为准。

企业级路由器 M30 M50 说明书

企业级路由器 M30 M50 说明书

1 Figure 1-1声明版权所有©2018深圳市和为顺网络技术有限公司。












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缩略语ISP Internet Service ProviderAP Access PointDDNS Dynamic Domain Name SystemDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDMZ Demilitarized ZoneDNS Domain Name SystemL2TP Layer 2 Tunneling ProtocolPPP Point To Point ProtocolPPPoE Point-to-Point Protocol over EthernetPPTP Point to Point Tunneling ProtocolSSID Service Set IdentifierURL Uniform Resource LocatorVPN Virtual Private Network更多信息如需获取更多信息,请访问IP-COM官方网站:。

SYSVIV 智辉数控 NC-M30 铣床数控系统 说明书

SYSVIV 智辉数控 NC-M30 铣床数控系统 说明书

NC-M30铣床数控系统用户手册广东省肇庆市凯龙数控科技有限公司目 录 1NC -M30目 录Ⅰ 编 程 篇第一章 概 述 11.1 刀具沿工件的外形移动——插补 11.2 刀具移动速度—— 进给 11.3 刀具运动——坐标系 21.3.1 坐标轴定义 21.3.2 机械零点和机械坐标系 21.3.3 零件图和CNC 系统坐标系 31.3.4 刀具移动量的表示 41.3.5 刀具移动的范围 51.3.6 尺寸范围 51.4 切削速度——主轴速度功能 61.5 选择不同的刀具做不同的加工——刀具功能 71.6 机床部件的控制——辅助功能 81.7 程序的构成 81.8 程序段中的字段 10第二章 准备功能 112.1 功能代码的状态 112.2 准备功能字段G 11第三章 进给功能 133.1 概述 133.1.1 进给功能代码 133.1.2 快速进给 133.1.3 切削进给 133.1.4 进给倍率 133.2 切削进给控制 14第四章 插补功能 154.1 快速定位 G00 154.2 直线插补 G01 164.3 圆弧插补 G02/G03 174.4 定时延时G04 214.4.1 指令格式 214.4.2 G04执行时显示 21第五章 坐标系 225.1 坐标系22目 录 2NC -M305.2 机械坐标系 225.2.1 机械坐标系的设置 225.2.2 机床坐标系下快速定位 G53 235.2.3 经中间点返回机械零点 G30 235.3 工件坐标系 245.3.1 设定G92浮动工件坐标系 245.3.2 选择工件坐标系G54~G58 255.3.3 G54~G58及外部工件零点偏移设置 26第六章 参考点 276.1 参考点 276.2 返回参考点 276.2.1 直接返回参考点G27 276.2.2 经中间点返回参考点G28 276.2.3 从参考点经中间点返回指定点 G29 28第七章 主轴功能 297.1 主轴功能概述 297.2 主轴速度控制方式 297.2.1 档位主轴 297.2.2 模拟主轴 297.3 恒表面切削线速度控制(G96,G97) 317.3.1 恒线速控制 G96 317.3.2 取消恒线速度 G97 327.4 主轴启停的操作 337.5 主轴速度显示 33第八章 刀具补偿功能 348.1 概述 348.2 刀具长度补偿G43、G44和G49 348.3 刀具半径补偿G41、G42和G40 358.3.1 刀补建立 368.3.2 刀补进行 388.3.3 刀补撤销 408.3.4 刀补应用要求 418.3.5 补偿值的设定 42第九章 辅助功能 469.1 概述 469.1.1 辅助功能分类 469.1.2 辅助功能的组合规则 469.2 辅助功能格式 469.3 辅助功能描述 47目 录 3NC -M309.3.1 程序停的M 指令 479.3.2 其它M 功能指令 47第十章 程序结构 49 10.1 概述 49 10.2 加工程序的一般格式 49 10.2.1 程序号 49 10.2.2 程序结束 49 10.2.3 程序的主体 49 10.3 主程序和子程序 50 10.3.1 主程序 50 10.3.2 子程序 50 10.3.3 子程序调用及子程序返回(M98、M99) 50 10.3.3 子程序调用及子程序返回(M98、M99) 51 10.3.4 子程序的执行过程 52 10.4 编程的一般规则 52 10.4.1 多指令共段规则 52 10.4.2 其它规则 52 第十一章 固定循环 53 11.1 一般固定循环 53 11.1.1 高速深孔加工循环G73 58 11.1.2 左旋攻丝循环G74 61 11.1.3 精镗循环G76 63 11.1.4 钻孔快速回退循环G81 63 11.1.5 钻孔孔底暂停循环G82 65 11.1.6 排屑钻孔循环G83 67 11.1.7 右旋攻丝循环G84 69 11.1.8 镗孔工进回退循环G85 71 11.1.9 镗孔快速回退循环G86 73 11.1.10 镗孔循环、背镗循环 G87 74 11.1.11 镗孔孔底暂停循环G89 75 11.1.12 固定循环取消G80 77 11.2 特殊固定循环 78 11.2.1 圆周孔循环G34 78 11.2.2 射线(角度直线)孔循环 G35 79 11.2.3 圆弧孔循环 G36 80 11.2.4 网格孔循环 G37 81 11.2.5 矩形孔循环 G38 82 11.2.6 圆凸台/圆凹槽加工循环G45 83 11.2.7 矩形凹槽循环G46 84 第十二章 宏编程 85目 录 4NC -M30 12.1 宏变量和数据的表示 85 12.2 宏变量位置 85 12.3 变量运算 G64 86 12.4 条件转移 G65 87 12.5 变量运算和条件转移指令注意事项 87 12.6 变量编程的应用 88Ⅱ 操 作 篇第一章 设备操作 11.1 概述 11.2 显示屏 11.2.1 屏幕区域的信息 11.2.2 液晶显示亮度调节 21.2.3 系统面板布局 21.3 键盘 31.3.1 编辑区 31.3.2 功能及方式选择区 51.3.3 手动操作区 71.4 按钮及旋钮 91.5 安全操作 101.5.1 电源的接通 101.5.2 电源的断开 101.5.3 急停(EMERGENCY STOP) 111.5.4 超程处理 11第二章 直接功能调用 122.1 概述 122.2 坐标显示功能键 122.2.1 调用绝对坐标显示 122.2.2 调用相对坐标显示 122.2.3 调用综合坐标显示 132.3 诊断显示功能键 132.4 图形显示功能键 142.5 数据设置功能键 142.6 保护锁设置键 142.7 提示键 14第三章 手动方式 153.1 概述 153.2 进入和退出手动方式 153.2.1 进入手动方式 15目 录 5NC -M303.2.2 退出手动方式 153.3 手动操作 153.3.1 手动进给和倍率 153.3.2 手动点动键的操作 163.4 功能键 173.4.1 手动方式的【提示】键 173.4.2 手动方式的【功能】键 173.5 手动方式的辅助功能操作 193.5.1 主轴相关操作键 193.5.2 刀库旋转键 213.5.3 冷却功能键 213.5.4 润滑功能 21第四章 单步/手轮方式 224.1 概述 224.2 进入和退出单步/手轮方式 224.2.1 进入单步/手轮方式 224.2.2 退出单步/手轮方式 224.3 单步/手轮操作 224.3.1 步长的选择 224.3.2 轴移动键的操作 234.3.3 手轮作用键的操作 234.4 功能键 244.4.1 单步/手轮方式的【提示】键 244.4.2 单步/手轮方式的【功能】键 24第五章 回零操作 265.1 概述 265.1.1 机械零点和参考点 265.1.2 回参考点 265.2 回零键及其菜单 275.2.1 回机械零点 275.2.2 回机械零点的操作 275.3 机械回零过程 285.4 回零报警处理 285.4.1 回零位置不正确的报警 285.4.2 回零信号没找到“报警” 295.4.3 回零挡块安装不理想报警 29第六章 自动方式 306.1 概述 306.2 进入和退出自动方式 306.2.1 进入自动方式 30目 录 6NC -M306.2.2 退出自动方式 306.3 运行加工程序的操作 306.3.1 载入加工程序 306.3.2 运行加工程序 306.3.3 U 盘DNC 加工 316.3.4 自动方式下退出加工 326.3.5 运行时出错报警处理 336.3.6 速度的实时调整 336.3.7 手轮调速功能 346.4 循环启动和进给保持键 356.5 【程序】功能键 366.6 【图形】功能键 376.7 功能键 376.7.1 自动方式的【提示】键 376.7.2 自动方式的【功能】键 376.8 程序调试操作 426.8.1 单段键 426.8.2 跳段 426.8.3 空运行 436.8.4 Z 轴锁 436.8.5 机床锁 436.8.6 辅助锁 446.9 执行MST 功能 44第七章 MDI 方式 457.1 概述 457.2 进入和退出MDI 方式 457.2.1 进入MDI 方式 457.2.2 退出MDI 方式 457.3 MDI 方式的操作 457.3.1 程序段的录入 457.3.2 执行命令行的程序段 467.3.3 MDI 运行终止 467.3.4 手轮调速功能 467.4 MDI 方式的功能调用 46第八章 编辑方式 478.1 概述 478.2 进入和退出编辑方式 498.2.1 进入编辑方式 498.2.2 退出编辑方式 498.3 全屏幕编辑 49目 录 7NC -M308.3.1 组合编辑键 498.3.2 编辑操作的删除键 508.3.3 其它说明 508.3.4 程序的保存 508.4 功能键 508.5 编辑方式的功能菜单 518.5.1 打开程序 518.5.2 程序列表 538.5.3 复制 538.5.4 程序关锁 538.5.5 程序开锁 548.5.6 删除 548.5.7 初始化 548.5.8 读U 盘程序 548.5.9 写U 盘程序 548.5.10 U 盘程序列表 558.5.11 U 盘DNC 程序列表 55第九章 参数设置 569.1 概述 569.2 进入和退出参数设置功能 569.2.1 进入参数设置功能 569.2.2 退出参数设置功能 569.3 修改参数的操作 569.3.1 修改操作的常用键 569.3.2 位参数的修改操作 579.3.3 数值参数的修改操作 579.3.4 查找参数 579.4 功能键 589.4.1 提示功能键 589.4.2 功能键 589.5 参数的定义 619.5.1 位参数的描述 619.5.2 一般参数的描述 619.5.3 系统参数和用户参数 619.6 参数列表 61第十章 坐标系设置 62 10.1 G92设定方法 62 10.2 G54~G58工件坐标系设置 63 10.3 工件坐标系偏移EXO 设置 64 第十一章 对刀及刀补操作 65目录8 NC-M3011.1概述65 11.2进入和退出刀补设置功能 65 11.2.1进入刀补设置功能 65 11.2.2退出刀补设置功能 65 11.3修改刀补偏置的操作 66 11.4【功能】键的菜单 66 11.5对刀操作 66 11.5.1刀补值清零 67 11.5.2对刀过程 67第十二章报警处理 6912.1概述69 12.1.1报警类别 69 12.1.2一般报警的处理方法 69 12.2回零报警 70 12.2.1X/Y/Z轴已回机械零点 70 12.2.2没有设定回机械零点 70 12.2.3X/Y/Z轴已压下回零挡块开关 70 12.3超程报警 71 12.3.1硬限位超程报警 71 12.3.2软限位超程报警 71 12.4急停71 12.5驱动器报警 71 12.6报警代码一览表 71第十三章U盘读写操作 7313.1PLC读写操作 73 13.2加工程序读写操作 74Ⅲ安装连接篇第一章系统安装11.1系统组成1 1.2系统安装连接1 1.3数控系统安装尺寸图2第二章系统连接42.1系统外部连接框图4 2.2系统输入/出连接5 2.3系统与操作面板连接8 2.4系统与驱动器连接 10 2.5系统与主轴单元的连接 13目录9 NC-M302.6电源连接 14 2.7USB接口 14 2.8接口电缆 14第三章联机调试 163.1调试准备 16 3.2系统通电 16 3.3急停与硬限位 17 3.4轴运动方向的调整 17 3.5齿轮比调整 18 3.6反向间隙补偿 19 3.7机床回零调试 20 3.8主轴调试 20 3.9机床螺距补偿(未开放) 20 3.10机床加工模式选择 20 3.11机床电器连接图例 21附录:23A参数列表23 B报警代码内容及处理 27 1E100~E199报警 27 2E400~E499报警 28 3E500~E599报警 32 4E600~E699报警 33 C G功能指令一览 34目录NC-M3010Ⅰ编程篇1.概述Ⅰ编程NC-M30 1第一章 概 述数控机床是按照事先编制好的数控程序,在控制系统的控制下,自动地对工件进行加工的高效自动化设备。

格兰仕微波炉 P180M30ASL-YL 使用说明书

格兰仕微波炉 P180M30ASL-YL 使用说明书

日 期 2013-01-12 共 19 页
数量 重量 比例 1:1 广东格兰仕微波炉电器制造有限公司
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY ............. 3 SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................... 4 INSTALLATION GUIDE ....................................................................................................................................... 6 GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6 COOKING TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................................................... 8 UTENSILS GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................. 9 PART NAMES ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 CONTROL PANEL ............................................................................................................................................... 14 HOW TO SET THE OVEN CONTROLS ........................................................................................................... 15



Specifications are subject to change without notice (06.03.2014)1Proximity Sensors Capacitive High Temperature Type ECH, M30Product Description• For temperature applications, from -196°C to +180°C• Sensor diameter: M30, teflon and stainless steel • Adjustable sensing distance: 4 to 15 mm, factory set for 10 mm• Power supply: 10 to 40 VDC• Output: transistor NPN or PNP, make & break switch-ing• Protection: Reverse polarity, short-circuit, transients • LED-indication for output ON • Separate amplifier and sensor • Plug connectionCapacitive prox i m i t y switch for non-flush mounting with NPN or PNP open collector output. The sensor is pro-vided with a separate teflon sensor head in M30 for tem-perature application with-in the range of -196°C and+180°C am b i e nt tem p er a -ture, e.g. plas t ic pellet/resin de t ec t ion in plas t ic injection mould i ng ma c hines and dry-ing equip m ent, and detection of hot wax as used in e.g. car man u f ac t ur i ng.HousingRatedOrdering no. Ordering no. diameter operating NPNPNPdist. (S n ) Make & break switching Make & break switching M304 to 15 mmECH 3010 NPAT-1ECH 3010 PPAT-1Type Selection* Not observed around the oscillator frequency: 0.15 - 1 MHz2Specifications are subject to change without notice (06.03.2014)ECH, M30DimensionsECH 3010 .PAT-1AccessoriesDelivery Content• Proximity switch: ECH 3010...• 2 nuts• Screw driver• I nstallation instructions • Packaging: carton boxRefer to “Accessories”, Technical information.Installation HintsRelief of cable strainProtection of the sensing faceSwitch mounted on mobile carrierTo avoid interference from inductive voltage/current peaks, separate the prox. switch power cables from any other power cables, e.g. motor, contactor or solenoid cablesIncorrectCorrectThe cable should not be pulledA proximity switch should not serve as mechanical stopAny repetitive flexing of the cable should be avoidedWiring Diagrams。


大屏幕、宽视角、多内容、高清晰液晶显示充分满足您的视觉享受,高亮度背光 显示使您在微弱光线下亦能清松查阅、设定各种数据,多种方式的背光点亮。五键式操 作法更让您在短时间内轻松掌握。
采用多种隔离及抗干扰措施,可以可靠的在高干扰环境中运行,产品通过CE认证 和IEC标准的电磁兼容测试。
IDM30 的主要功能如下表所示。型号有 IDM30、IDM30H、IDM30C、IDM30HC 四种, 其主要区别在有无谐波测量、通讯功能;扩展模块有 M31、M32 和 M33 三种。
功能 实时测量值 相电压 线电压 电流 有功功率 无功功率 视在功率 功率因数 频率
无论你的系统是高压还是低压,也无论是三相三线还是三相四线,也无论电压和 电流通道的元件数,都可以选择适当的接线方式与IDM30 相连接。IDM30 支持的多种接 线方式,可以涵盖几乎所有的三相系统应用,并且它还可以在单相系统中使用。
外型尺寸仅为96×96×50mm(加扩展模块后为96×96×69mm),即使是在小间隔 的抽屉式开关柜内,IDM30 也可安然容身,它采用自锁式的安装机构,无需拧螺丝,安 装或拆卸都非常方便快捷。
与传统仪表相比,IDM30由于引入了数字信号处理技术,使得在线式的电力质量 分析成为了可能。各相电压、电流的总谐波畸变率(THD),各次谐波分量(2-31次) 和电压、电流不平衡度均可实时测量。
IDM30可以进行双向四象限有功电度、无功电度的能量累计,具有尖、峰、谷、 平分时电度功能,精度符合IEC60687 0.5级,能够提供关口级别计量数据,内嵌最大值 / 最小值记录功能和需量测量功能,配合上位监控软件可以帮助用户统计各线路的能量 消耗状况与负荷趋势,自动完成抄表并生成各种电量报表。









如配制5ng/ml标准品:取0.5ml(不要少于0.5ml)10ng/ml 的上述标准品加入含有0.5ml样品稀释液的Eppendorf管中,混匀即可,其余浓度以此类推。









漫步者M30 蓝牙音箱所有的操作按钮全部集中在正中央的上方,分别有音量加减键、灯光开关键、模式切换键以及开关机键。







M30 三线(直流)产品图片尺寸图特点描述输出及型号◆ 高抗干扰◆ 具有防水、浪涌、反接、短路保护◆ 防护等级IP67PNP NOPNP NCPNP NO+NCNPN NONPN NCNPN NO+NC AEM30-D10N3BEM30-D15N3电气接线图电气参数PNP NO PNP NC PNP NO+NC NPN NO NPN NC NPN 安装方式埋入非埋入检测距离10mm15mm 工作电压10---30VDC外壳尺寸30mm输出方式NPN/PNPNO/NC/NO+NC消耗电流≦10mA残余电压≦1.5VDC负载电流≦200mA输出指示黄色LED保护浪涌、反接、短路保护开关频率500Hz300Hz开关点偏移≦±10%滞后3---10% of Sr工作温度25---+75℃环境湿度35-95%RH防护等级IP67外壳材料黄铜镀镍检测面材料PBT外壳长度50mm连接方式2米PVC电缆M30 两线(直流)产品图片尺寸图特点描述输出及型号◆ 高抗干扰◆ 具有防水、浪涌、反接、短路保护◆ 防护等级IP67DC二线NO DC二线NC电气接线图电气参数DC二线NO DC二线NC 安装方式埋入非埋入检测距离10mm15mm 工作电压10---30VDC外壳尺寸30mm输出方式NO/NC消耗电流≦10mA残余电压≦5VDC负载电流≦200mA输出指示黄色LED保护浪涌、反接、短路保护开关频率300Hz200Hz开关点偏移≦±10%滞后3---10% of Sr工作温度25---+75℃环境湿度35-95%RH防护等级IP67外壳材料黄铜镀镍检测面材料PBT外壳长度50mm连接方式2米PVC电缆M30 两线(交流)产品图片尺寸图特点描述输出及型号◆ 高抗干扰◆ 具有防水、浪涌、保护◆ 防护等级IP67电气接线图电气参数安装方式埋入非埋入AC二线NO15mm检测距离10mmAC二线NC 工作电压20-250V A C外壳尺寸 30mm输出方式NO/NC消耗电流≦3mA残余电压≦10V负载电流≦300mA输出指示黄色LED保护浪涌保护开关频率20Hz 20Hz 开关点偏移≦±10%滞后3---10% of Sr工作温度25---+75℃环境湿度35-95%RH防护等级IP67外壳材料黄铜镀镍检测面材料PBT外壳长度50mm连接方式2米PVC电缆。

RightSight M30 光电感应器系列产品说明书

RightSight M30 光电感应器系列产品说明书

Technical DataOriginal InstructionsRightSight M30Catalog Numbers 42AF-P2MAB1-F4, 42AF-P2MAB1-D4, 42AF-P2RHB1-G4, 42AF-E1EZB1-F4, 42AF-E1EZB1-D4, 42AF-R1MAB1-D4,42AF-R1MAB1-F4, 42AF-R1RHB1-G4, 42AF-E1UZB1-G4, 42AF-P2CHB1-A2, 42AF-R1CHB1-A2, 42AF-E1UZB1-A2, 42AF-P2SHB1-G4,42AF-R1SHB1-G4, 42AF-P2CHB1-M5, 42AF-R1CHB1-M5, 42AF-E1UZB1-M4Summary of ChangesThis publication contains the following new or updated information.This list includes substantive updates only and is not intended toreflect all changes.DescriptionThe RightSight™ M30 family of photoelectric sensors offers high-performance general-purpose sensing in a robust flexible package.They are designed for applications where simplified installation andmaintenance are required.Designed to withstand the rigors of material handling andpackaging environments, the RightSight M30 standard models canwithstand IP69K high-pressure washdowns.This family also offers a background reflection/foregroundsuppression sensing mode that allows you to use the surface of abackground (for example, a conveyor) as a reflector. The detectionof a target occurs once an object blocks the visual path betweenthe sensor and the background (for example, conveyor).Available Models•Polarized retroreflective•Transmitted beam•Background suppression•Background reflectionStatus IndicatorsTopic PageDescription1Status Indicators1Features2Specifications2Product Selection3Sensor User Interface4Wiring4Approximate Dimensions5Typical Response Curves5Accessories6Topic PageUpdated Description1Updated Available Models list1Updated Features2Updated Product Selection table and Connection OptionsImportant table that follows3Updated Figure2, Figure3, Figure4, and Figure9 titles 4 and 5Updated Figure125Orange IndicatorGreen Indicator2Rockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 2020RightSight M30 Technical DataFeatures•Maximum sensing distance-Background suppression without physicaladjustments (a): 400 mm (15.7 in.) and 600 mm (23.6 in.)-Background suppression with push button teach (a): 1.2 m (3.94 ft)-Background reflection with push button teach (a): 800 mm (31.5 in.)-Polarized retroreflective:10 m (32.8 ft) with 92-125 reflector -Transmitted beam:80 m (262.5 ft)•High powered light source for ease of alignment•360° highly visible user interface helps operators verify the proper operation, regardless of the sensor installation location•Background suppression performance helps minimize false detections due to highly reflective backgrounds•Dual Auto PNP/NPN helps streamline inventory by reducing the number of catalog numbers to stock•Push button lock helps prevent unauthorized operators from changing the sensor settings•Embedded IO-Link 1.1 communications protocol•Adjustable sensing ranges and response time via IO-Link provides additional flexibility to detect targets at longer or shorter distances depending on the application requirements.•IP67 and IP69K rated enclosure.Specifications(a)All models can be taught to detect targets up to 4 m (13.1 ft.) when using IO-Link to adjustthe response timeAttribute ValueCertifications c-UL-us and CE Marked for all applicable directivesVibration 10…55 Hz, 1 mm (0.04 in.) amplitude, meets, or exceeds 60947-5-2Shock30 g (1.1 oz) with 1 ms pulse duration per IEC 60947-5-2Ambient light immunity •Direct Illumination: 20,000 lux•Indirect Illumination: 5000 lux•Sunlight immunity; 108,000 lux User Interface Status indicators Green and orange light-emitting diodes (LED)Electrical Adjustments No physical adjustment. IO-Link adjustable Operating voltage •DC models: 10...30V DC, IO-Link: 18 (30V)•AC/DC models: AC: 24…250V AC/DC: 20…250V DC Current consumption 35 mA maxSensor protection DC: Reverse polarity and short circuit; AC/DC: Reverse polarity Discrete Output Response time •DC: 1 ms•AC/DC: 15 ms max Output type •DC: Dual Auto PNP or NPN •AC/DC: EM RelayLoad current •DC: 100 mA max•AC/DC SPDT: 10…30V DC: 3 A; 31…125V DC: 200 mA;24…250V AC: 3 AIO-LinkCommunications mode COM2Cycle time, min 2 ms Process data bit length 32 bits (4 bytes)Specifications 1.1Mechanical Housing material PBT Lens material PMMA Cover material Polysulfone Reliability DataTransmitted Beam and Polarized Retroreflective AC/DC MTTFd (hours)6548788.474T10d78.76Transmitted Beam and Polarized Retroreflective DC MTTFd (hours)9310986.965T10d111.9875Transmitted Beam Emitter AC/DC MTTFd (hours)24271844.66T10d291.9285467Transmitted Beam Emitter DC MTTFd (hours)24271844.66T10d 291.9285467Environmental Enclosure type ratingIP67 and IP69K per ISO 20653 rated enclosureOperating temperature -40…+70 °C (31…158 °F) (1)(1)The sensing range for all sensing modes can be reduced up to 20% when operatedbetween -40…-25 °C (-40…-13 °F).Connection type • 2 m (6.5 ft) cable •4-pin Integral M12 QD•4-pin M12 QD on a 150 mm (5.9 in.) pigtail•4-pin mini QD on 150 mm (5.9 in.) pigtail •5-pin mini QD on 150 mm (5.9 in.) pigtailRockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 20203RightSight M30 Technical DataProduct SelectionSee https:///Sensors-Switches/Photoelectric-Sensors for additional details about the operation of the RightSight M30 in IO-Link mode.Sensing Mode Operating Voltage Light SourceSensing DistanceSensitivity Adjustment Output Function Output Type Cat. No.Background Suppression10...30V DC InfraredDefault setting:10...400 mm (0...15.7 in.)No physical adjustment. IO-Link teach: 4 m (13.1 ft) (1)(1)Sensor response time can be changed up to 75 ms to achieve distance of up to 4 m (13.1 ft). A higher distance between target and high reflectivity background may be needed whenoperating the sensors at distances greater than 2 m (6.6 ft).Light and dark operate Dual autoPNP or NPN42AF-B1MAB1-D4Default setting:10...600 mm (0...23.6 in.)No physical adjustment. IO-Link teach: 4 m (13.1 ft) (1)42AF-B1MAB2-D4Default setting:10...1.2 m (0...3.9 ft)Push button teach: 3 m (9.8 ft) IO-Link teach: 4 m (13.1 ft) (1)42AF-B1MAC1-D4Background Reflection10...30V DC Infrared0...800 mm (0...31.5 in.)Push button teach: 3 m (9.8 ft) IO-Link teach: 4 m (13.1 ft) (1)Light and dark operate Dual auto PNP or NPN 42AF-N1MAC1-D4Polarized Retroreflective10...30V DCVisible red0.025...10 m (0.03...33 ft)with 92-125 reflector No adjustment (IO-Link adjustable)Light and dark operate Dual auto PNP or NPN42AF-P2MAB1-D420...250V DC 24...250V AC No adjustment Light operate SPDT EM relay 42AF-P2RHB1-G4Dark operate 42AF-P2SHB1-G4Light and dark operate42AF-P2CHB1-A2Transmitted Beam10...30V DC Infrared0...80 m (0...262 ft)No adjustment (IO-Link adjustable)Transmitted beam emitter —42AF-E1EZB1-D420...250V DC 24...250V AC42AF-E1UZB1-G410...30V DC No adjustmentLight and dark operate Dual auto PNP or NPN 42AF-R1MAB1-D420...250V DC 24...250V ACLight operate SPDT EM relay42AF-R1RHB1-G4Dark operate 42AF-R1SHB1-G4Light and dark operate42AF-R1CHB1-A2IMPORTANTConnection Options (1): The following suffixes describe the available connection options:•D4: Describes an integral 4-pin DC micro (M12) quick-disconnect for DC models.•G4: Describes a 4-pin AC micro (M12) quick-disconnect on a 150 mm (6 in.) length pigtail on AC/DC models.•F4: Describes a 4-pin DC micro (M12) quick-disconnect on a 150 mm (6 in.) length pigtail on DC models.•A2: Describes a 2 m (6.6 ft) PVC cable.•M4: Describes a 4-pin mini quick-disconnect on a 150 mm (6 in.) length pigtail. Transmitted beam emitter only.•M5: Describes a 5-pin mini quick-disconnect on a 150 mm (6 in.) length pigtail on AC/DC models. Polarized retroreflective and transmitted beam receivers only.(1)Additional connection options may be available. See the ProposalWorks™ tool for available options by sensing mode.Table 1 - Standard I/O (Auto PNP/NPN) Operating Mode IndicationColorStatus Description GreenOFF Power is off ON Power is onFlash (6 Hz)Unstable light: 0.8 X <margin<1.5X Flash (1.4 Hz)Output short circuit protection active OrangeOFF Output de-energized ONOutput energizedTable 2 - IO-Link Operating Mode IndicationColor Status Description Green OFF Power is off Flash (1 Hz)Power is onOrangeOFF Output de-energized ONOutput energized4Rockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 2020RightSight M30 Technical DataSensor User InterfaceThe green status indicator can also serve as a setup alignment aid. As the sensor is adjusted, • A flashing green indicator shows that the sensor has detected a margin of 0.8 X• A flashing green indicator and steady orange output indicator shows a margin greater than 1•Steady green and orange indicators show a margin greater than 1.5. This status means that the sensor is receiving at least 1.5 times the signal strength back from the target that is required to trigger an output signal.In general, it is desirable to have a higher margin to help overcome any deteriorating environmental conditions (dust build-up on the sensor lens). When aligning the sensor, the optimum performance can be obtained if this margin indicator is illuminated with the target in place.Table 3 provides indicator status in the RUN mode, during operation. The sensor is always in run mode except when being taught.WiringThe quick-disconnect connector is shown in Figure 1. The pin numbers correspond to the male connectors on the sensor.Figure 1 - PinoutsDC ModelsFigure 2 - Polarized Retroreflective(42AF-P2MAB1-F4 and 42AF-P2MAB1-D4)Light Operate and Dark Operate (Auto PNP or NPN)Figure 3 - Transmitted Beam Receiver (42AF-R1MAB1-F4 and 42AF-R1MAB1-D4)Light Operate and Dark Operate (Auto PNP or NPN)Figure 4 - Transmitted Beam Emitter (42AF-E1EZB1-F4 and 42AF-E1EZB1-D4)Table 3 - Connection TypesDescriptionCat. No. Suffix2 m (6.56 ft) cable-A24-pin DC micro (M12) QD on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail -F4Integral 4-pin DC micro (M12) QD-D44-pin AC micro on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail -G44-pin mini QD on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail -M45-pin mini QD on 150 mm (6 in.) pigtail-M5Item DescriptionLED Disable For normal operation, the white wire needs no connection.To disable the light source, connect the white wire to +V.Frequency SelectFor normal operation, the white wire needs no connection.To change the emitter operating frequency, connect the black wire to +V. This feature is supported in future firmware revisions of the Transmitted Beam Receiver.IMPORTANTFor transmitted beam emitter only:Do not connect pin 2 and pin 4 for normaloperation. Unless a change in frequency is required when working with a receiver, these two pins remain unconnected when wiring the transmitted beam emitter sensor to anArmorBlock® I/O module.4-pin Micro (M12)Brown (1)Blue (3)Black (4)White (2)+V-VLight Operate (Auto PNP/NPN)Dark Operate (Auto PNP/NPN)Brown (1)Blue (3)Black (4)White (2)+V-VLight Operate (Auto PNP/NPN)Dark Operate (Auto PNP/NPN)Brown (1)Blue (3)Black (4)White (2)+V-VFrequency Select LED DisabledRockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 20205RightSight M30 Technical DataAC/DC ModelsFigure 5 - Polarized Retroreflective and Transmitted Beam Emitter Light Operate (42AF-P2RHB1-G4 and 42AF-R1RHB1-G4)Figure 6 - Dark Operate(42AF-P2SHB1-G4 and 42AF-R1SHB1-G4)Figure 7 - Polarized Retroreflective and Transmitted Beam (42AF-P2CHB1-A2 and 42AF-R1CHB1-A2)Figure 8 - Polarized Retroreflective and Transmitted Beam (42AF-P2CHB1-M5 and 42AF-R1CHB1-M5)Figure 9 - Transmitted Beam Emitter (42AF-E1UZB1-A2 and 42AF-E1UZB1-G4)Approximate DimensionsFigure 10 - Integral M12 Connector [mm (in.)]Figure 11 - M12 Pigtail and Cable Models [mm (in.)]Typical Response CurvesFigure 12 - Visible Red Polarized Retroreflective — 10 m (32.81ft) Margin CurveFigure 13 - Visible Red Polarized Retroreflective — 10 m (32.81ft) Beam PatternTable 4 - UL508 Overcurrent ProtectionConductor Size Ampere Rating of the Overcurrent Protection, MaxAWG mm 2200.525220.323240.202260.131280.080.8300.050.5Red w/Black (1)Green (3)Red (4)Red w/White (2)(-V) L2(No Connection)Light Operate (+V) L1Red w/Black (1)Green (3)Red (4)Red w/White (2)(-V) L2(No Connection)Light Operate (+V) L1(+)˜(-)˜(+)˜(-) ˜Red w/Black (1)Not Used (3)Not Used (4)Red w/White (2)(-V) L2(+V) L1Sensing Distance [m (ft)]O p e r a t i n g M a r g i n 0.01(0.03)0.1(0.33)1(3.28)10(32.81)01020304050607080(13.12)(19.68)(26.25)(32.81)(39.37)Distance [m (ft)]D i s t a n c e [c m ](6.56)6Rockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 2020RightSight M30 Technical DataFigure 14 - Infrared Transmitted Beam Emitter — 80 m (262.5ft) Margin CurveFigure 15 - Infrared Transmitted Beam Emitter — 80 m (262.5ft) Beam PatternAccessoriesFigure 16 - 30 mm (1.2 in.) Right Angle Mounting BracketFigure 17 - 18 mm (0.7 in.) Swivel/Tilt Mounting BracketCat. No. 60-2421Cat. No. 60-2439IMPORTANTFor polarized retroreflective sensors only: For optimal detection performance, when highly reflective targets pass between the emitter and the reflector, we recommend that you always install the rubber washer that is provided with the polarized sensor.(0.33)(3.28)(32.81)(328.08)Sensing Distance [m (ft)]O p e r a t i n g M a r g in(13.12)(19.68)(26.25)(32.81)(39.37)Distance [m (ft)]D i s t a n c e [c m ](6.56)Cat. No. 60-2649Cat. No. 60-2681DescriptionCat. No.4-pin DC micro, 2 m (6.5 ft) cordset 889D-F4AC-218 mm (0.7 in.) straight bracket 60-265618 mm (0.7 in.) right angle bracket60-265730 mm (1.2 in.) stainless steel mounting bracket 60-242130 mm (1.2 in.) swivel/tilt bracket 60-243918 mm (0.7 in.) swivel/tilt bracket60-2649Extended 18 mm (0.7 in.) swivel/tilt bracket 60-268176 mm (3 in.) diameter reflector 92-3947 mm (1.85 in.) diameter reflector 92-4784 mm (3.3 in.) diameter reflector92-12518 mm (0.7 in.) base mount, U-shaped protective bracket 60-BAF-US 18 mm (0.7 in.) base mount bracket, stainless steel 60-BAF-BM 30 mm (1.2 in.) nose mount bracket, stainless steel60-BAF-SM Aperture, 5 x 17 mm (0.2 x 0.67 in.) vertical slot, stainless steel 60-AAF1-VS Aperture, 5 x 12 mm (0.2 x 0.47 in.) horizontal slot, stainless steel 60-AAF1-HS Aperture, 2.5 x 12 mm (0.1 x 0.47 in.) horizontal slot, stainless steel 60-AAF2-HS Aperture, 5 mm (0.2 in.) diameter, stainless steel 60-AAF1-DS Aperture, 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) diameter, stainless steel 60-AAF2-DS U-shaped protective bracket60-BAF-US 18 mm (0.7 in.) base mount bracket, stainless steel 60-BAF-BM 30 mm (1.2 in.) nose mount bracket, stainless steel60-BAF-SM Aperture, 5 x 17 mm (0.2 x 0.67 in.) vertical slot, stainless steel 60-AAF1-VS Aperture, 5 x 12 mm (0.2 x 0.47 in.) horizontal slot, stainless steel 60-AAF1-HS Aperture, 2.5 x 12 mm (0.1 x 0.47 in.) horizontal slot, stainless steel 60-AAF2-HS Aperture, 5 mm (0.2 in.) diameter, stainless steel 60-AAF1-DS Aperture, 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) diameter, stainless steel60-AAF2-DSRockwell Automation Publication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 20207RightSight M30 Technical DataFigure 18 - AperturesFigure 19 - Cat. No. 60-BAF-US 18 mm (0.7 in.) Mounting BracketFigure 20 - Cat. No. 60-BAF-SM 30 mm (1.2 in.) Bracket SideFigure 21 - Cat. No. 60-BAF-BM 18 mm (0.7 in.) Bracket BackCat. No. 60-AAF1-VS 5x17 mm (0.2x0.67 in.)Vertical SlotCat. No. 60-AAF1-HS 5x12 mm (0.2x0.47 in.) Horizontal SlotCat. No. 60-AAF2-HS 2.5x12 mm (0.1x0.47 in.)Horizontal SlotCat. No. 60-AAF1-DS 5 mm (0.2 in.) DiameterCat. No. 60-AAF2-DS 2.5 mm (0.1 in.)DiameterØØ4.5018.49 (0.73)(0.33)12.7 (0.50)33.02 (1.30)6.98(0.27)2 x 1.84 (0.07)9.73(0.38)2 x Ø 4.5 (0.18)12.7(0.50)4 x 4.57(0.18)6.35(0.25)22.2(0.87)22.86 (0.90)Ø 30.15 (1.19)3.17(0.12) Ref19.05 (0.75)44.45 ± 0.25(1.75 ± 0.01)0.79(0.03) Ref90°2 x 82°R 2.29(0.09)2 x 0.77 (0.03)45.72 (1.80)2 x Ø 3.83 (0.15)2 x 1.75 (0.06)17.78(0.70)30.48 (1.20)3.17(0.12) Ref2 x 0.79(0.31)15.16(0.60)90°2 x 82°R 2.29(0.09)Ø 18.49(0.73)8.89 (0.35)9.27 (0.36)6.98(0.27)8.25(0.32)8.89(0.35)19.05 (0.75)4 x R 4.57 (0.18)35.56 (1.40)30.48(1.20)0.79(0.03) RefPublication 42AF-TD001B-EN-P - June 2020Supersedes Publication 42AF-TD001A-EN-P - January 2019Copyright © 2020 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportUse these resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackYour comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Technical Support Center Find help with how-to videos, FAQs, chat, user forums, and product notification updates.rok.auto/support KnowledgebaseAccess Knowledgebase articles.rok.auto/knowledgebase Local Technical Support Phone Numbers Locate the telephone number for your country.rok.auto/phonesupport Literature LibraryFind installation instructions, manuals, brochures, and technical data publications.rok.auto/literature Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Get help determining how products interact, check features and capabilities, and find associated firmware.rok.auto/pcdcAt the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at rok.auto/pec .Allen-Bradley, ArmorBlock, expanding human possibility, ProposalWorks, RightSight, Rockwell Automation, and Rockwell Software are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. 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乐兰 AM-30 个人监听音箱 使用说明书

乐兰 AM-30 个人监听音箱 使用说明书
*可 连 接1 / 4英 寸 立 体 声 耳 机 插 头 。 扬 声 器 为 单 声 道 。
③ DRUM 音量旋钮 调 节 连 接 在D R U M输 入 插 孔 设 备 的 音 量 。
④ LINE 线路音量旋钮 调 节 连 接 在L I N E输 入 插 孔 设 备 的 音 量 。
⑤ BASS 低音旋钮 调节低频电平。
重量 12kg
附件 说明书 电源线
*0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms *产 品 规 格 如 有 变 化 , 恕 不 另 外 通 知 。
上海乐兰电子有限公司 上 海 市 杨 浦 区 平 凉 路1 5 0 0号 二 号 楼 电 话 : (0 2 1)5 5 8 0 0 8 0 0 传 真 : (0 2 1)6 5 7 2 7 9 9 9 上海乐兰电子有限公司北京分公司 北 京 朝 阳 区 西 大 望 路6 3号 阳 光 财 富 大 厦3 F 电 话 : (0 1 0)5 9 6 0 0 7 7 7 传 真 : (0 1 0)5 9 6 0 2 5 4 8
◆ D R U M专 用 个 人 监 听 音 箱 A M - 3 0是 专 门 针 对 打 击 乐 器 的 有 源 监 听 音 箱 。 具 有D R U M专 用 输 入 , 这 个 监 听 音 箱 可 以 完 全 表 现D R U M 的声音。
◆强劲的声音 尽 管 箱 体 小 巧 , 但2路1 0英 寸 同 轴 扬 声 器 可 以 输 出 强 劲 的声音。
⑥ TREBLE 高音旋钮 调节高频电平。
⑦ POWER 电源开关 开 启/关 闭 电 源 。 当 电 源 开 启 时 , 指 示 灯 亮 。
⑧ 交流电输入 附带的电源线连接在此。牢固地插入它,使导线不会意外脱落。
* A M - 3 0的 输 入 灵 敏 度 设 置 的 稍 高 , 可 以 适 应 打 击 乐 音 源 较 低 的 输 出 电 平 。 但 是 如 果 您 连 接 高 电 平 输 出 的 音 源,如 果 您 把 音 量 电 平 调 得 太高,可能发生失真。请小心。



T 05:04:01+02:00型号BI15-M30-LI-EXI 货号1535554测量范围 [A…B]2…10mm 安装方式齐平修正系数37#钢 = 1; 铝 = 0.3; 不锈钢= 0.7; 黄铜 = 0.4重复性ð 量程范围|A - B|的1 %ð 0.5 %, 热起后0.5小时线性度ð 5 %温度漂移ð ± 0.06 % / K 环境温度-25…+70 °C针对防爆区域应用参考使用说明工作电压14…30VDCat the electrical connection of the sensor 余波ð 10 % U 额定绝缘电压ð 0.5 kV 短路保护是断路/反极性保护是/ 是输出性能2线, 模拟量输出电流输出4…20mA负载电流输出ð [(U -14 V) / 20 mA] k ò开关频率140 Hz认证依据KEMA 03 ATEX 1122 X Issue no. 2内置 电感(L ) / 电容 (C )0 nF / 0 µH防爆标志É II 1 G Ex ia IIB T6 Ga / II 2 D Ex ia IIIC T85°C Db (最大 U = 30 V, I = 120 mA, P = 600 mW)设计圆柱螺纹, M30 x 1.5尺寸64 mm外壳材料金属, CuZn, 镀铬感应面材料塑料, PA 底帽塑料, EPTR 最大扭矩75 Nm 连接电缆线缆材质 5.2 mm, 蓝, LifYY, PVC, 2 m线缆横截面2 x 0.34mm 防震动性55 Hz (1 mm)防冲击性30 g (11 ms)防护等级IP67MTTF751 years 符合SN 29500 (Ed.99) 40 °C认证sATEX 防爆认证 II组设备,设备等级1G,用于气体危险0区sATEX防爆认证,Ⅱ组设备,2D等级,可应用于粉尘危险2区s M30 x 1.5圆柱螺纹s 铜镀铬s 2线, 14…30 VDC s 模拟量输出s 4…20 mA s电缆连接接线图功能原理TURCK模拟量输出型电感式传感器可以实现简单控制。

Olight M30X Seeker 手电筒使用说明书

Olight M30X Seeker 手电筒使用说明书

User ManualFeatures· Utilizes a CREE XM-L2 T6 LED · Maximum output of up to 900 lumens· Integrated “Precision Digital Optics Technology” provides extremereflector performance· Boasts a peak beam intensity of 60,000cd and a throw distance of up to 490 meters· Innovative single button two-stage switch offers a user-friendly interface (Chinese Patented: Z L201120062948.1)· Eight rapidly switchable brightness modes to select from· High efficiency circuit board provides up to 800 hours runtime · Integrated power indicator light displays remaining battery power (Chinese Patented: ZL201220057767.4)· Power indicator’s secondary function displays battery voltage (accurate to 0.1V)· Reverse polarity protection prevents damage due to incorrectly inserted batteries· Stainless steel retaining ring protects the core components from damage· Toughened ultra-clear mineral glass with anti-reflective coating · Constructed from aero grade aluminum alloy · Sturdy HAIII military grade hard-anodized· Waterproof in accordance with IPX-8 (two meters submersible)· Impact resistant to 1.5 meters · Tail stand capabilityDimensionsLength: 183mm (7.17”)Head diameter: 60 mm (2.36”)Tube diameter: 41.8mm (1.65”)Weight : 302g (10.65oz)(without battery)Battery Installation1. Insert batteries with the positive (+) and negative (-) ends corresponding to the diagram on the inside of the battery compartment.2. Tighten the tail cap by aligning the two gold pins on the inside of the tail cap with the corresponding holes on the flashlight body and rotateThanks for purchasing NITECORE!Output & Runtime®The All-Round Flashlight ExpertTURBOHIGHMIDLOWLUMENS590LUMENS900LUMENS180LUMENS502h14h3h 45min ULTRALOWLUMENS2800h60h 490m (Beam Distance)60000cd (Peak Beam Intensity)IPX-8, 2m (Waterproof AND Submersible)1.5m (Impact Resistant)TipsInserting batteries in a dark environment: Two of the four battery slots in the EA8’s battery compartment feature grooves indicating that batteries should be inserted with the negative (-) ends facing forward, while the two slots with no grooves require the batteries to be inserted with the positive (+) ends facing forward. In this way, batteries can be inserted correctly through tactile feedback alone.After loading the batteries, the power indicator light will blink to indicate the battery voltage. Please refer to the “Power Tips” section of this manual for details.WARNING1. Insert batteries using the image on the inside of the battery compartment as a reference.2. Do not mix rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries.3. Do not mix batteries of different types/brands.General OperationThe EA8 utilizes a 2-stage switch similar to a camera shutter button. The light’s numerous functions are selected according to the depth the switch is pressed. The EA8 has two modes: Daily mode and Search / Turbo mode.Operating In Daily Mode1. With the light turned off, press the switch partway down and release within a second to enter daily mode.2. Daily mode contains four brightness levels: ultra-low, low, medium, and high. Pressing the switch partway down in quick succession will cycle through these modes. Pressing the switch partway down and holding for more than one second when in daily mode will enter into turbo mode. See Turbo / Search mode instructions below.3. The light is turned off (put into standby mode) by pressing the button all the way down and releasing within a second. This will also memorize the last daily mode used.EA8NOTICEThe above data has been measured in accordance with the international flashlight testing standards ANSI/NEMA FL1 using 8 x 1.2V 2400mAh AA batteries under laboratory conditions. The data may vary slightly duringreal-world use due to battery type, individual usage habits and environmental factors.AccessoriesQuality holster, lanyard, spare O-ringFAX: +86-20-83882723 E-mail: *****************Web: Address : Rm1401-03, Glorious Tower, 850 East DongfengRoad, Guangzhou, China 510600Power Tips1. When the light is on, the power indicator will blink once every two seconds when power levels reach 50%.2. When the light is on, the power indicator will blink consistently when power levels are low.3. Each time batteries are inserted or the light is put into lockout mode, the power indicator light will blink in various patterns to indicate the battery voltage (accurate to ±0.1V). For example, when the battery voltage is at a maximum charge of4.2V, the power indicator will blink 4 times in quick succession, followed by a one second pause and two more blinks, indicating a total battery voltage of 4.2V.Changing / Charging BatteriesWhen the power indicator blinks rapidly it means the batteries need to be replaced or recharged. Alternatively if the light becomes dim or unresponsive to adjustment this also indicates batteries need to be replaced or recharged.MaintenanceEvery 6 months, threads should be wiped with a clean cloth followed by a thin coating of silicon-based lubricant.Warranty ServiceAll NITECORE® products are warranted for quality. Any defective /malfunctioning NITECORE® product can be repaired free of charge for a period of 60 months (5 years) from the date of purchase. Beyond 60 months (5 years), a limited warranty applies, covering the cost of labor and maintenance, but not the cost of accessories or replacement parts.The warranty is nullified in all of the following situations:1. The product(s) is/are broken down, reconstructed and/or modified by unauthorized parties.2. The product(s) is/are damaged through improper use.3. The product(s) is/are damaged by leakage of batteries.For the latest information on NITECORE® products and services, please contact a local NITECORE® distributor or send an email to ********************※All images, text and statements specified herein this user manual are for reference purpose only. Should any discrepancy occurs between this manual and information specified on , information on our official website shall prevail. Sysmax Industry Co., Ltd. reserves the rights to interpret and amend the content of this document at any time without prior notice.4. Daily mode has a momentary function which allows the light to be turned on only when the switch is held. With the light turned off, press the switch partway down and hold to activate daily mode’s momentary function. The light will turn off the moment the switch is released.Operating in Search / Turbo Mode1. With the light turned off, press the switch all the way down and release within one second to enter turbo mode. To cycle between high and turbo modes press the button partway down while in turbo mode.2. To turn the light off when in turbo mode, once again press the button all the way down and release within one second.3. With the EA8 turned on in Search/Turbo mode, partway presses of the button will cycle between high and ultra-high mode. There is no memory function in Search/Turbo mode.Standby Mode / Lockout and Unlock functionsWith the light turned on, press the switch all the way down and release within one second to enter into standby mode. In this mode, the light will consume small amounts of power to maintain the settings in the MCU (micro control unit) but appear to be turned off. When in standby mode the power indicator light will flash once every three seconds to show the location of the light.With the light turned on, press the switch all the way down and hold for more than one second. The light will turn off and enter into lockout mode. Lockout mode consumes almost no battery power and prevents the light from accidentally turning on. Holding the switch for more than one second to exit the lockout mode.NB:1. When entering lockout mode, the power indicator will flash to indicate specific battery voltage. Please refer to the “Power Tips” section of this manual for details.2. When EA8 is kept in a backpack or left unused for extended periods, Nitecore recommends the bezel is loosened to cut off the power entirely, thus saving battery power and preventing accidental activation of the flashlight.Special Strobe / SOS mode and Location BeaconWith the light turned on, press the switch all the down twice in quicksuccession to enter strobe mode. When in strobe mode, press the switch all the way down and hold for more than one second to cycle through strobe, SOS and location beacon modes. To select any of these modes Thanks for purchasing NITECORE!®The All-Round Flashlight Expert。

Omega HHM30 数字LCR测量仪说明书

Omega HHM30 数字LCR测量仪说明书

OMEGAHHM30Digital LCR MeterOMEGAnet On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************Servicing North America:USA: ISO 9001 Certified Canada:One Omega Drive, Box 4047976 Bergar Stamford, CT 06907-0047Laval (Quebec) H7L5A1 Tel: (203) 359-1660Tel: (514) 856-6928 FAX: (203)359-7700FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:**************e-mail:**************SPECIFICATIONSDisplay: 3½ digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with a maximum reading of 1999. Polarity: Automatic, positive implied, negative polarity indication. Overrange: (OL) or (-OL) is displayed.Zero: Automatic.Low battery indication: the "" is displayed when the battery voltage drops below the operating level.Measurement rate: 2.5 times per second, nominal.Operating Environment: 0°C to 40°C at < 70% relative humidity.Storage Temperature: -20°C to 60°C, 0 to 80% R.H. with battery removed from meter.Accuracy: Stated accuracy at 23°C ± 5°C, <75% relative humidity. Power: single standard 9-volt battery.Battery life: 30 hours typical.Dimensions: 200mm (H) x 90mm (W) x 40mm (D).Weight: Approx. 14 oz. (400g) including battery.Accessories: One pair test leads, One spare fuse installed, 9V battery and Operating Instructions.Ranges: 20W,200W,2K W,20K W,200K W,2M W,20M WResolution: 20W range 10m WAccuracy: ±(1.0%rdg + 10dgts) on 20W range±(0.3%rdg + 3dgts) on 200W range±(0.3%rdg + 1dgt) on 2K W to 2M W ranges±(2.0%rdg + 2dgts) on 20M W rangeOpen circuit volts:6.5VDC on 20W to 200W Ranges1.2VDC on other rangeOverload protection: All ranges 25VDC or AC rmsNote: in the range 20W, subtract residual offset reading from result.DIODE TESTééIncluding: , , microwave , zener (<6.8V)Test current: 3mA (approx)Open voltage: 8VDC typicalAccuracy:±(10%rdg +10dgts)Display: forward junction voltageOverload protection: 25VDC or AC rmsRanges: 200pF,2nF,20nF,200nF,2µF,20µF,200µF,2000µFAccuracy:±(1.0%rdg + 3dgts) on 200pF to 200nF ranges±(2.0%rdg + 3dgts) on 2µF to 200µF ranges±(3.0%rdg + 3dgts) on 2000µF range: £1000µF±(5.0%rdg + 10dgts) >1000µFTest freguency:1000Hz on 200pF to 2µF range100Hz on 20µF to 200µF range10Hz on 2000µF rangeTemperature Coefficient:£0.5µF: 0.1%/°C>0.5µF: 0.2%/°COverload protection: 0.1A/250V fast blow fuseNote: in lower range 200pF, 2nF subtract residual offset reading from result with test leads opening.INDUCTANCERanges: 200µH,2mH,20mH,200mH,2H,20H,200HAccuracy:±(3.0%rdg + 3dgts) on 200µH to 200mH ranges±(5.0%rdg + 10dgts) on 2H to 200H rangesTest freguency:1000Hz on 200µH to 2H ranges100Hz on 20H to 200H rangesTemperature Coefficient:£0.5H: 0.2%/°C>0.5H: 0.5%/°COverload protection: 0.1A/250V fast blow fuseNote: in lower range 200µH, 2mH subtract residual offset reading from result with test leads being shorted.OPERATIONHowever, electrical noise or intense electromagnetic fields in the equip-ment may disturb the measurement circuit. Measuring instruments will also respond to unwanted signals that may be present within the measurement circuit. Users should exercise care and take appropriate precautions to avoid misleading results when making measurements in the presence of elec-tronic interference.Capacitance1.Dischange capacitors before trying to measure it.2.Set the Range to the desired C range.3.Insert the leads directly in to socket or test leads sockets.4.Never apply an external voltage to sockets damage to the meter may resuet.5.Read the capacitance directly from the display.Note: in lower range 200pF, 2nF subtract residual offset reading from result with test leads opening.Inductance1. Set the Ranges to the desired L range.2. never apply an external voltage to the sockets damage to the meter may result.3. Insert the inductor leads derectly into sockets or test leards sockets.4.Read the inductance directly from the display.Note:in loues range 200µH, 2mH subtract residual offset reading from result with test leads being shorted.Resistance1. Set the Function/Range switch to the desired resistance range.2. Remove power from the equipment under test.3. Connect the red test lead to the W" + " jack and the black test lead to the W" -" jack.4. Touch the probes to the test points. In ohms, the value indicated in the display is the measured value of resistance.WARNINGThe accuracy of the functions might be slightly affected, when exposed to a radiated electromagnetic field environment, eg, radio, telephone or similar.Note:in the range 20W, subtract residual offset reading from result.Diode Tests and Continuity Measurements1. Connect the red test lead to the " + " jack and the black test lead to the" -" jack.éé2. Set the Function/Range switch to the , , microwave , zener position.3. Turn off power to the circuit under test.4. Touch probes to diodes. A forward-voltage drop on diode. microwave diode about 0.6VDC typical, LED about 2VDC typical, zener diode about its shown voltage .5. Reverse probes. if the diode is good, diode, microwave diode. LED about open voltage 8VDC typical, zener diode about 0.7V typical.6. If the junction is measured in a circuit and a low reading is obtained with both lead connections, the junction may be shunted by a resistance of less than 1k W. In this case the diode must be disconnected from the circuit for accurate testing.MAINTENANCEWARNINGRemove test leads before changing battery or fuseor performing any servicing.Battery ReplacementPower is supplied by a 9 volt "transistor" battery. (NEDA 1604 IEC 6F22). The "" appears on the LCD display when replacement is needed. To replace the battery, remove the two screws from the back of the meter and lift off the battery case. Remove the battery from battery contacts.Fuse ReplacementIf no capacitance and inductance measurements are possible, check for a blown overload protection fuse.For access to fuses, remove the two screws from the back of the meter and lift off the battery case. Replace F1 only with the original type 0.1A/250V, fast acting fuse.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent, do not use abrasives or solvents.WARRANTY / DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA's WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a "Basic Component" under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEP ARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number under which the product was PURCHASED.2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to theproduct.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following informationavailable BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair.2.Model and serial number of product , and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to theproduct.OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 1999 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA...Of Course!TEMPERATUREþThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies þWire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor þCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesþRecorders, Controllers & Process Monitors þInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE/STRAIN AND FORCEþTransducers & Strain GaugesþLoad Cells & Pressure GaugesþDisplacement TransducersþInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELþRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters& Flow ComputersþAir Velocity IndicatorsþTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsþTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYþpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesþBenchtop/Laboratory MetersþControllers, Calibrators, Simulators& PumpsþIndustrial pH & Conductivity Equipment DATA ACQUISITIONþData Acquisition &Engineering SoftwareþCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsþPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM& CompatiblesþDatalogging SystemsþRecorders, Printers & Plotters HEATERSþHeating CableþCartridge & Strip HeatersþImmersion & Band HeatersþFlexible HeatersþLaboratory Heaters ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND CONTROL þMetering & Control Instrumentation þRefractometersþPumps & TubingþAir, Soil & Water MonitorsþIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentþpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM-2889/0799。

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1 概述 ................................. 1 1.1 使用条款.......................... 1 1.2 产品特性.......................... 1 2 基本操作 ............................. 2 2.1 按键介绍.......................... 2 2.2 安装电池.......................... 2 2.2.1 安装锂电池..................... 2 2.3 安装 Micro SD 卡 ................... 3 2.4 安装数据线........................ 3 2.5 开机及关机........................ 3 2.5.1 开机........................... 3 2.5.2 关机........................... 3 2.6 设备状态/调节背光 ................. 3 2.7 界面 ............................. 3 2.71 主界面循环 ....................... 3 2.72 子菜单.......................... 4 4 2.9 数据区............................ 5 3 使用 NAVA ............................. 7 3.1 开机定位.......................... 7 3.1.1 正常开机定位 ................... 7 3.1.2 模拟导航....................... 7 3.1.3 GPS 状态页面 ................... 7
4、使用配套的附件 请使用规定型号的电池,使用错误型号的电 池会对仪器造成伤害并可能发生爆炸;务必按照 说明处置用完的电池;只能使用配套的电缆和天 线,非配套的电缆和天线会严重降低性能并损坏 接收机,且无法得到保修。 5、许可协议 未经北京华辰北斗信息技术有限公司的书 面许可,任何人均不得以任何目的,任何方式复 制、翻版或传播此手册。
3.1.4 GPS 状态页面子菜单 ............. 8 3.2 航点与导航 ........................ 8 3.2.1 创建航点 ....................... 9 3.2.2 编辑航点 ...................... 10 3.2.3 删除航点 ...................... 11 3.2.4 航点导航 ...................... 11 3.2.5 航点列表页面子菜单 ............ 12 3.3 航线与导航 ....................... 13 3.3.1 创建航线 ...................... 13 3.3.2 编辑航线 ...................... 13 3.3.3 删除航线 ...................... 14 3.3.4 航线导航 ...................... 14 3.3.5 航线子菜单 .................... 15 3.4 航迹与导航 ....................... 15 3.4.1 记录航迹 ...................... 15 3.4.2 编辑航迹 ...................... 15 3.4.3 删除航迹 ...................... 16 3.4.4 航迹导航 ...................... 16 3.4.5 航迹子菜单 .................... 17 3.4.6 航迹设置 ...................... 18 3.5 地图与查找 ....................... 19 3.5.1 地图页面 ...................... 19 3.5.2 地图子菜单 .................... 19
3.5.3 查找分类...................... 20 3.6 传感器功能(M60) .................. 20 3.6.1 电子罗盘...................... 20 3.6.2 目测导航...................... 21 3.6.3 电子罗盘校准 .................. 21 3.6.4 气压高度计(M60) ............... 21 3.6.5 气压高度计校准 ................ 22 3.6.6 温度计........................ 22 3.6.7 温度计校准.................... 22 3.7 附加功能......................... 22 3.7.1 计算器........................ 22 3.7.2 日历.......................... 22 3.7.3 秒表.......................... 22 3.7.4 日月.......................... 23 3.7.5 渔猎.......................... 23 3.7.6 移锚报警...................... 23 3.7.7 旅行.......................... 23 3.7.8 滑翔伞......... 错误!未定义书签。 3.7.9 警告.......................... 24 3.8 设置 ............................ 24 3.8.1 系统.......................... 24 3.8.3 地图.......................... 24 3.8.4 单位.......................... 24
2.5 设备状态/调节背光
开机状态,按一下电源键,设备将进入背光 设置界面。在此页面可查看设备基本状态。 左右拨动“方向键” ,调节背光亮度。按“退 出”键返回。
+ -
放大 缩小 菜单 换页/退出 电源/背光 采点
对地图进行放大操作 对地图进行缩小操作 进入菜单,可进行功能或用户界面设定 选择导航屏幕,撤销操作 开关机,设置背光 采集航点
转 90°, 取下后盖。 将锂电池有金属触点的一端 对准电池仓内的金属触点先放入电池仓,然后按 压另外一端,将锂电池全部放入电池仓。装上后 盖压紧, 顺时针旋转 90°D 型金属环, 拧紧即可。 2
1.2 产品特性
易于使用 — 菜单简洁,界面直观, NAVA® (M)系列手持 GPS 接收机让首次使用 GPS 手持机的用户,体验熟练用户能享受的全部功 能。 可扩展存储空间 — 使用 Micro SD 卡进行扩充, 可实现更大容量存储,使您不必再担心内存不足 问题。 3 米精度 — 48 个并行通道提供更高的定位精 度。同时还可接收 SBAS(MSAS、WAAS、EGNOS) 差分信号。 三轴电子罗盘 (M60) — 无论您身在何处,即使 没有 GPS 定位,仍能知道您面朝何方。 气压计(M60) — 灵敏的气压计能实时提供气压 信息,亦可使用气压计进行高程测量。 内置地图 — 内置全国城镇点图、 基础图、 详图; 等高线图也可定制用户地图。 供电模式 — 专用锂电池, 20 小时工作时间, 使 您在野外不必再为仪器没电而犯愁。 广泛的数据兼容性 — 可将数据导出为 GPX 格 式;更可兼容 Google Earth 用户数据。 1
3.8.5 航向 .......................... 25 3.8.6 校准 .......................... 25 3.8.7 USB ........................... 25 3.8.8 用户信息 ...................... 26 4 典型操作............................. 27 4.1 标记航点 ......................... 27 4.3 坐标系设置 ....................... 27 4.4 数据下载 ......................... 27 附 录................................. 28 技术参数 ............................. 28 常见问题 ............................. 29 关于 GPS ............................. 30
(NAVA®) M 系列 GNSS 手持机用户手册
2.3.1 安装 Micro SD 卡
将设备后盖的 D 型金属环拉起后逆时针旋 转 90°,取下后盖和电池,按照 Micro SD 指示 标志进行安装。
2.4.1 开机 按住电源键 3 秒,待屏幕变亮即可开机。 2.4.2 关机 按住电源键 2 秒,设备将执行关机程序。选 择“是”直接关机,选择“否”或按退出键退出 关机程序。如果在 5 秒内没有任何操作,设备将 自动关机。

1、开车时请不要操作该设备 请勿在开车时操作该设备。请将车辆停靠在 安全地带或由其他乘客来操作。开车时注意力不 集中会给您自己或他人带来危险。 2、该设备提供的定位导航信息仅供参考 虽然 NAVA® (M)系列 GNSS 手持机是一个精 密的电子导航辅助产品,但是仍然可能因为使用 者的不当操作或者因外界因素干扰而产生一定 的错误,因此使用者需根据实际情况进行判断避 免可能发生的危险。使用者需自行承担在使用过 程中的各类风险。 3、小心使用 全球卫星定位系统(GPS)是由美国政府操作, 并唯一负责其网络的精度和维护。定位的精度会 受到美国政府周期性地调整 GPS 卫星轨道及其 发射信号的影响,也会受到美国国防部的民用政 策和联邦无线导航计划的影响。精度还会受到不 好的卫星几何分布和障碍物的影响,如建筑物S 手持机用户手册