
PRADO使用手册EDITED By ANG目录1、丰田车驾驶要领1-1、防滑差速器1-2、后部踏板保险杠1-3、车顶行李架的注意事项1-4、行李装载的注意事项1-5、制动垫磨损指示器1-6、制动系统1-7、机油的消耗1-8、发动机排气警告1-9、三元催化净化器1-10、在国外的操作1-11、燃油泵关闭系统1-12、燃油1-13、磨合期1-14、越野车辆注意事项1-15、丰田车的识别1-16、悬架和底盘2、仪器和控制器的操作2-1、其他设备2-1-1、地板垫席2-1-2、纸巾箱2-1-3、控制箱2-1-4、后杯架2-1-5、前杯架2-1-6、网兜2-1-7、绑扎固定孔2-1-8、辅助盒2-1-9、杂物箱2-1-10、电源输出口2-1-11、点烟器和烟灰盒2-1-12、多信息显示器2-2、空调系统2-2-1、后冷气系统2-2-2、仪表安装板通风口2-2-3操作要领2-2-4、气流选择器的设定2-2-5、控制器2-3、汽车音响系统2-3-1、汽车音响系统操作提示2-3-2、CD(小型唱片)转换器2-3-3、使用音响系统2-3-4、参考2-4、点火开关、变速器和停车制动器2-4-1、停车制动器2-4-2、四轮驱动系统2-4-3、自动变速器2-4-4、具有转向角限止器的点火开关2-5、计量仪表、仪表和保养提示指示器2-5-1、保养提示指示器和警告音响器2-5-2、里程表和双短距离里程表2-5-3、转速表2-5-4、发动机冷却剂温度表2-5-5、燃油表2-6、照明、刮水器和除雾器2-6-1、后车窗除雾器2-6-2、后车窗刮水器和清洁器2-6-3、挡风玻璃刮水器和清洁器2-6-4、点火开关灯2-6-5、个人用灯2-6-6、车厢灯2-6-7、后雾灯2-6-8、前雾灯2-6-9、紧急闪光灯2-6-10大灯和转向信号灯2-7、座位、座位安全扣带、转向盘和后视镜2-7-1、梳妆镜2-7-2、防眩内侧后视镜2-7-3、外侧后视镜2-7-4、倾斜转向盘2-7-5、儿童安全装置2-7-6、SRS驾驶员充气囊和前座乘客充气囊2-7-7、座位安全扣带2-7-8、座位取暖器2-7-9、扶手2-7-10、头部保护装置2-7-11、后座位2-7-12、前座位2-7-13、座位2-8、钥匙和车门2-8-1、电动月亮车顶2-8-2、燃油箱盖2-8-3、防盗系统2-8-4、发动机罩2-8-5、车尾门2-8-6、后侧角窗2-8-7、电动车窗2-8-8、侧车门2-8-9、发动机停机装置系统2-8-10、钥匙2-9、仪器和控制器的概述2-9-1、仪表安装板上的指示标记2-9-2、仪表板概述2-9-3、仪表安装板概述3、起动和驾驶3-1、起动发动机之前3-2、发动机的起动方法3-3、开车前的安全检查3-4、各种情况下的驾驶要领3-5、越野驾驶注意事项3-6、冬天驾驶要领3-7、挂车拖曳3-8、如何节省燃油并延长车辆的使用寿命4、发生紧急故障时4-1、如果车辆不能起动4-2、如果在驾驶中,发动机熄灭4-3、如果不能增加发动机转速4-4、如果车辆过热4-5、如果轮胎泄气4-6、如果车辆被陷住了4-7、如果车辆需要拖曳4-8、如果不能将自动变速器选择杆进行换档4-9、如果遗失了钥匙5、防腐蚀和车身外部保养5-1、防止丰田车腐蚀5-2、洗车和打蜡5-3、内部清洁6、保养须知6-1、保养6―2、车辆需要修理吗?6-3、丰田保养计划7、自行保养7-1、发动机和底盘7-1-1、检查机油油位7-1-2、检查发动机冷却剂液位7-1-3、检查散热器和冷凝器7-1-4、检查并更换空气滤清器滤芯7-1-5、检查轮胎气压7-1-6、检查和更换轮胎7-1-7、轮换轮胎7-1-8、安装雪地用轮胎和防滑链7-1-9、更换车轮7-1-10、铝质车轮的注意事项7-2、电气部件7-2-1、检查蓄电池状况7-2-2、蓄电池再充电时的注意事项7-2-3、检查和更换保险丝7-2-4、加清洁液7-2-5、更换灯泡8、各部规格8-1、尺寸8-2、发动机8-3、燃油8-4、保养规格8-5、轮胎8-6、保险丝正文1、丰田车驾驶要领1-1、防滑差速器丰田牌车辆装备有防滑桥间差速器(转换器).如果一个车轮开始打滑,则防滑桥间差速器(转换器)通过将驾驶力自动传递至另一个驱动轴上的车轮来帮助拖引.如果后轮打滑,驾驶力被传递至前轮,而前轮打滑则被传递至后轮.丰田车还装备有防滑后差速器.如果一个后车轮开始打滑,则防滑后差速器通过将驾驶力自动传递至另一个后轮来帮助拖引.如果无法确定车辆是否装备有防滑差速器,可以向丰田代理店询问.车辆在被千斤顶支撑的状态下,不得起动或运转发动机.否则车辆可能驶离千斤顶,因而导致发生危险或人员严重受伤.须使用相同品牌。

索拉非尼主要通过肝脏代谢。血药浓度达到稳态时,索拉非尼在血浆中约占全部血液分析物70%-85%的比例。索拉非尼有8个已知代谢产物,其中5个在血浆中被检出。索拉非尼在血浆中的主要循环代谢产物为吡啶类-N-氧化物。体外试验表明,该物质的效能与索拉非尼相似,它包含了稳态血浆中约9% - 16%的血液分析物。

EPITOMEMULTI-EFFECT PEDAL featuringMICRO POG, STEREO ELECTRICMISTRESS, & HOLY GRAIL PLUSCongratulations on your purchase of the Electro-Harmonix Epitome multi-effect pedal. The Epitome combines three of the most popular and advanced Electro-Harmonix pedals: the Micro POG octave generator, the Stereo Electric Mistress flanger/chorus pedal, and the Holy Grail Plus reverb unit.The effects on the Epitome can function independently, together, or can interact with each other in a unique manner by engaging SHIMMER mode. The three separate footswitches, one for each section, allow for individual control over which effect is on or off. Each effect has its own dedicated knobs and switches, all of which are tweakable at any moment; there are no menus or hidden settings to scroll through.Shimmer mode reroutes the Epitome’s effects in a way that would not be possible with the three separate effects pedals. In Shimmer mode, the octaves from the Micro POG are separated from the Dry signal allowing the Holy Grail Plus to only reverberate the octaves. Additionally, Flerb mode in the Holy Grail Plus changes to an echo effect, where the Micro POG is placed in the feedback path of the delay to create echoes that change octaves with each repeat.Using the Epitome is like having three separate effects pedals on your pedalboard, without the need for additional cables or separate power supplies, all in the footprint of one medium sized pedal. The Epitome’s footprint is 5.75” x 4.75”.WARNING: Your Epitome comes equipped with an Electro-Harmonix9.6DC-200BI power supply (same as used by Boss® & Ibanez®: 9.6Volts DC 200mA). The Epitome requires 185mA at 9VDC with a centernegative plug. The Epitome does not take batteries. Using the wrongadapter may damage your unit and void the warranty.- CONTROLS, INDICATORS, & I/O -MICRO POG SECTIONDRY Knob - Controls the output volume of the DRY signal. The DRY signal is the signal present at the INPUT jack. As this knob is turned clockwise, the volume of the DRY signal increases. If the Holy Grail Plus is set to ECHO Mode, the DRY knob sets the delay’s feedback for the dry signal. See page 5 for more info on the ECHO mode.SUB OCTAVE Knob- Controls the output volume of the SUB OCTAVE signal. The SUB OCTAVE signal is one octave below the original input signal, half the frequency of the input signal. As this knob is rotated clockwise, the volume of the SUB OCTAVE signal will increase. If the Holy Grail Plus is set to ECHO Mode, the SUB OCTAVE knob sets the delay’s feedback for the SUB Octave signal. See page 5 for more info on the ECHO mode.OCTAVE UP Knob - Controls the output volume of the OCTAVE UP signal. The OCTAVE UP signal is one octave above the original input signal or twice the frequency of the original input signal. The volume of the OCTAVE UP signal increases as this knob is rotated clockwise. If the Holy Grail Plus is set to ECHO Mode, the OCTAVE UP knob sets the delay’s feedback for the upper octave signal. See page 5 for more info on the ECHO mode.STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS SECTIONRATE Knob- This knob controls the speed or rate of the LFO signal that modulates the flanger. It also controls the rate of the Chorus effect. Turning the RATE knob clockwise increases the rate of modulation. When the RATE knob is turned down, between fully counter-clockwise and the 10 o’clock position, the Stereo Electric Mistress will enter Filter Matrix mode. In Filter Matrix mode the LFO signal is disconnected from the Flanger and Chorus so that you can manually modulate the Flanger/Chorus by turning the RATE knob. Keep the RATE knob below 10 o’clock to keep it in Filter Matrix mode.FLANGER Depth Knob - Controls the amount of Flange that is mixed with the direct signal. The more you turn the knob clockwise, the more pronounced the flanger effect will be. Turning the FLANGER knob down completely bypasses the flanger.CHORUS Depth Knob - Controls the amount of the chorus sound. The more you turn the knob clockwise, the more pronounced the chorus effect will be. Turn the CHORUS knob down completely to bypass the chorus effect.Hint - The Flanger and Chorus effect can be used together. While each individual effect produces rich sweeping textures, together they can produce dramatically different and warm soundscapes that are not available when one effect is used alone. See page 5 for more information on the Stereo Electric Mistress sounds.HOLY GRAIL PLUS SECTIONREVERB Switch - Chooses the reverb mode. From top to bottom, the modes are SPRING, HALL, ROOM and FLERB. When Shimmer is enabled, FLERB mode changes to an echo effect. See Page 6 for descriptions of each reverb mode. AMOUNT Knob - The function of the AMOUNT knob changes with each REVERB mode:REVERB Mode AMOUNT ParameterSPRING Reverb Time & Spring TimeHALL Reverb TimeROOM Damping AmountFLERB/Echo Modulation Rate/Delay TimeBLEND Knob- Controls the wet/dry mix from 100% Dry (counter-clockwise position) to 100% Wet (clockwise position). Set BLEND to 12 o’clock for an equal mix of both.SHIMMER Switch- Enables SHIMMER mode, which changes the routing between each effect to produce a lush, shimmering reverb tone while keeping a dry initial attack. See pages 4-5 for details on SHIMMER mode. When SHIMMER mode is enabled, the Holy Grail Plus LED lights up green. If SHIMMER is disabled, the Holy Grail Plus LED will be red.FOOTSWITCHES & LEDsEach effect section of the Epitome has its own independent footswitch to toggle the associated effect in and out of bypass. Bypass through the Epitome is buffered bypass.MICRO POG Footswitch and STATUS LED –The footswitch located nearest to the IN jack toggles the Micro POG effect on or off. When the LED in the Micro POG section is lit, the Micro POG effect is active. When the Micro POG LED is off, the Micro POG section is bypassed.STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS Footswitch and STATUS LED –The footswitch located in the middle of the Epitome toggles the Stereo Electric Mistress effect on or off. When the LED in the Stereo Electric Mistress section is lit, the Stereo Electric Mistress effect is active. When the Stereo Electric Mistress LED is off, the Stereo Electric Mistress section is bypassed. When lit, the Stereo Electric Mistress LED fades between red and green to show the rate of modulation.HOLY GRAIL PLUS Footswitch and STATUS LED –The footswitch located nearest the OUT jack of the Epitome toggles the Holy Grail Plus effect on or off. When the LED in the Holy Grail Plus section is lit (either red or green), the Holy Grail Plus effect is active. When the Holy Grail Plus LED is off, the Holy Grail Plus section is bypassed. A red LED in the Holy Grail Plus section indicates that the SHIMMER setting is off. A green LED in the Holy Grail Plus section indicates thatthe SHIMMER setting is on. More information on the operation of the SHIMMER switch is on pages 4-5.I/O & POWER JACKSMONO/L and R INPUT Jacks - The Epitome allows for full stereo input. The input jacks are labeled: Mono/L and R. When using the Epitome with only one input we suggest you use the MONO/L input. When using a single input, the input impedance is 500kΩ. When using both inputs, the input impedance at each jack is 1MΩ.MONO/L Output Jack- This 1/4” jack is the main effect output ja ck when connected in mono and the Left output when hooked up in stereo. The output impedance at this jack is 910Ω.R Output Jack - Thi s 1/4” jack is the Right effect output jack. Connect this jack to your second amp or second mixer channel when connecting the Epitome in stereo. The output impedance at this jack is 910Ω.9V Power Jack- Connect the output plug from the AC Adapter that was supplied with your Epitome to this jack, located at the top of the unit. The Epitome requires 185mA at 9VDC. The polarity of the power jack is center negative.- STEREO OPERATION AND THE SHIMMER SWITCH -The Epitome can be used either as a mono or stereo effect unit. Signal routing in the Epitome depends on which effects are engaged, and the position of the SHIMMER switch.SHIMMER Switch Off –With the SHIMMER switch off, the effects in the Epitome work independently, in the following order:IN → MICROPOG → STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS → HOLY GRAIL PLUS → OUTThe Micro POG section is a mono effect. If both the L and R inputs are being used, the L and R signals are combined before going through the Micro POG octave section, while the DRY signal remains stereo through the Micro POG. When the Micro POG is bypassed, L and R inputs remain separate.The Stereo Electric Mistress section is stereo. The Stereo Electric Mistress will produce separate stereo flange/chorus sounds whether it is fed by a stereo signal or a mono signal (such as a single guitar or the output of the Micro POG).The Holy Grail Plus section has a mono input but a stereo output. If the Holy Grail Plus is being fed by a stereo signal (such as the output of the Stereo Electric Mistress or the L and R inputs), the L and R signals are combined before entering the Holy Grail Plus reverb block but the DRY signal remain in stereo. The output of the reverb effect is stereo. When the Holy Grail Plus is bypassed, L and R inputs remain separate.SHIMMER Switch On–With the SHIMMER switch engaged, the effects interact to produce sounds unique to the Epitome pedal. The signal path is rearranged in the following manner:IN → MICROPOG → HOLY GRAIL PLUS → STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS → OUTNormal SHIMMER Mode –The Epitome is in normal SHIMMER mode when the SHIMMER switch is on, both the Micro POG and Holy Grail Plus are engaged, and the Holy Grail Plus is set to SPRING/HALL/ROOM. In this setting, the Holy Grail Plus only applies reverb to the octave signals from the Micro POG. The BLEND knob controls the balance between the separated dry signal and the reverberated octave signals.ECHO Mode (Shimmer engaged, set to FLERB) – The Holy Grail Plus functions as a delay pedal when SHIMMER is enabled, the Holy Grail Plus section is on, and the Holy Grail Plus is set to FLERB. In this mode, the AMT knob controls the delay time, ranging from 25ms to 590ms. If the Micro POG section is off, the delay will produce only one repeat. If the Micro POG section is engaged, then the knobs on the Micro POG control the delay’s feedback for each of their associated octaves, allowing for each echo repeat to go through the octave effects. As an example, if the OCTAVE UP knob is turned to 2 o’clock and you play a C2 note, each echo will go up one octave to C3, C4, C5, etc.- STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS EFFECT DESCRIPTIONS -FLANGER Effect- The flanging effect can be thought of as a pitch slowly sweeping between high and low limits superimposed on the guitar signal. The RATE control allows you to change the speed at which the sweep occurs. With the RATE control fully counter-clockwise, you enter the Filter Matrix mode, which extends to the 10’o'clock position of the knob. Turning the dial clockwise increases the rate to the point where the frequency of the input signal appears to be shifted in a vibrato-like fashion. The Chorus effect follows the same principle but produces a lush chorus where the rate control is identically applied to the Chorus and Flanger.FILTER MATRIX Mode- The Stereo Electric Mistress has been set at the factory for maximum color capacity in the FLANGER mode. One of the unique settings inherited from the legendary Deluxe Electric Mistress is the Filter Matrix mode. The harmonic makeup of the flange remains while no frequency modulation is applied. Different tonalities can be obtained when the RATE knob is set between a totally off position to around 10 o’clock position.- HOLY GRAIL EFFECT DESCRIPTIONS -SPRING Reverb - The Spring Reverb effect is a simulation of the spring reverb found in many classic guitar amps. In SPRING mode, the AMOUNT knob controls the size of the spring reverb. The further you turn the AMOUNT knob clockwise, the bigger the spring reverb will be. Set the AMOUNT knob to 12 o’clock to obtain the Spring Reverb found in the Holy Grail.HALL Reverb - Hall Reverb is a simulation of the reverb heard in a large space In HALL mode, the AMOUNT knob controls the reverb time. The further you turn the AMOUNT knob clockwise, the longer the reverb time and the larger the reverb space. Using the AMOUNT control you can obtain reverb spaces from a room to a large hall. To obtain the Hall Reverb sound found in the Holy Grail, turn the AMOUNT knob to 1 o’clock.ROOM Reverb- Room Reverb is a simulation of the reverb heard in a small space. In ROOM mode, the AMOUNT knob controls the damping factor of the reverb. As the AMOUNT knob is turned clockwise, the reverb will be less damped. Set the AMOUNT knob to its minimum position (full counter-clockwise) and the reverb will be heavily damped, sounding like a bathtub reverb. Turn the AMOUNT knob to full clockwise and the reverb sounds like an open room with no damping.FLERB Reverb- The Flerb Reverb effect is made up of a reverb followed in series by a flanger. In FLERB mode, the AMOUNT knob controls the rate of the Flerb’s modulation. As you turn AMOUNT clockwise, the rate of modulation increases. To obtain the Flerb sound found in the Holy Grail, turn the AMOUNT knob to 8 o’clock.ECHO (Shimmer engaged, set to FLERB) – The Echo effect plays back a delayed copy of the input signal. In ECHO mode, the AMOUNT knob controls the delay time, ranging from 25ms to 590ms. The Micro POG’s knobs control the delay’s feedback for each individual octave when the Micro POG is engaged. If the Micro POG is not engaged, the echo effect will have just one repeat. As feedback is increased on any octave, the Echo produces more repeats of that octave with each cycle through the delay line going up or down an octave.- SAMPLE SETTINGS: SHIMMER OFF -12 String GuitarOFF OFF ONOld RadioOFF ON OFFHuge HallON OFF OFF- SAMPLE SETTINGS: SHIMMER ON -Lush Chord ReverbON OFF ON Subtle Ambience ReverbON OFF ONFast EchoON OFF OFF - SAMPLE SETTINGS: SHIMMER ON -Fluttering EchoesON OFF ON Octave Echo MultiplicityON OFF ONBass FollowerON OFF ON- USER SETTINGS -Use this page to record your favorite settings- USER SETTINGS -Use this page to record your favorite settings- WARRANTY INFORMATION -Please register online at /product-registration or complete and return the enclosed warranty card within 10 days of purchase. Electro-Harmonix will repair or replace, at its discretion, a product that fails to operate due to defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year fromdate of purchase. This applies only to original purchasers who have bought their product from an authorized Electro-Harmonix retailer. Repaired or replaced units will then be warranted for the unexpired portion of the original warranty term.If you should need to return your unit for service within the warranty period, please contact the appropriate office listed below. Customers outside the regions listed below, please contact EHX**************************************************************+Aand Canadian customers: please obtain a Return Authorization Number (RA#) from EHX Customer Service before returning your product. Include with your returned unit: a written description of the problem as well as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and RA#; and a copy of your receipt clearly showing the purchase date.United States & CanadaEHX CUSTOMER SERVICEELECTRO-HARMONIXc/o NEW SENSOR CORP.47-50 33RD STREETLONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101Tel: 718-937-8300Email:************EuropeJOHN WILLIAMSELECTRO-HARMONIX UK13 CWMDONKIN TERRACESWANSEA SA2 0RQUNITED KINGDOMTel: +44 179 247 3258Email:*********************************This warranty gives a purchaser specific legal rights. A purchaser may have even greater rights depending upon the laws of the jurisdiction within which the product was purchased.To hear demos on all EHX pedals visit us on the web at Email us at ************- FCC COMPLIANCE -Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.。

印度版索拉非尼说明书公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片中文说明书【药品名称】通用名称:甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片商品名称:多吉美英文名称:SorafenibTosylateTablets汉语拼音:JiabenhuangsuanSuolafeiniPian【性状】多吉美主要成分为甲苯磺酸索拉非尼,是一种多激酶抑制剂。

Instalación 1. Asegúrese de que la bicicleta esté apagada con el pie de apoyo
Especificaciones Material: aluminio Color: Negro mate Peso: 124g
Contenido del paquete Material del guardabarros delantero: (F-a) 2 x Tornillos M5*21 Material del guardabarros trasero: 1 x Soporte en U (R-a) 2 x Tornillos M5*8 (R-b) 1 x Juego de abrazaderas M5 (R-c) 1 x Patilla (h=17 mm) (R-d) 2 x Tornillos M5*21
hexagonal de 4 mm para apretar dos tornillos M5*21 y aplique un valor de par de torsión de 5-8 Nm. Guardabarros trasero: 5. Monte el soporte en U con el guardabarros trasero con dos tornillos M5*8 y un juego de abrazaderas M5 con un destornillador Phillips. No apriete completamente en este momento. 6. Extremo trasero de la vaina superior: utilice una llave dinamométrica hexagonal de 4 mm para apretar dos tornillos M5*21. 7. Ensamble la parte de la patilla con el bloque deslizante del guardabarros trasero con una llave dinamométrica hexagonal de 4 mm. 8. Ajuste el guardabarros trasero a la altura adecuada y apriete los tornillos con un par de torsión de 5-8 Nm. 9. Vuelva a comprobar si el juego del portaequipajes y el guardabarros está correctamente instalado. El juego del portaequipajes y el guardabarros no debe moverse ni girar en ninguna dirección.

印度抗癌药“大王”Natco入华,让所有人都能用上特药继西普拉、Strides两家印度药企之后,电影《我不是药神》中印度格列宁的原型厂家也要进中国市场了!看过电影《我不是药神》的小伙伴们都知道,其中的印度版格列宁的厂家Natdo 制药的原型就是印度药企Natco 制药,这家药企在印度推出了著名的抗癌神奇小药丸诺华格列卫的仿制药 VEENAT。
印度版抗癌药大王:以仿名天下Natco 制药(Natco Pharma)于 1981 年成立于印度安得拉邦,1984 年迁至海德拉巴正式开始运营。
2003 年,Natco 制药推出多款知名药品品牌的印度版仿制药,包括诺华的抗癌药格列卫(伊马替尼)的仿制药品牌VEENAT、诺华的原研药择泰(唑来膦酸)的仿制药、阿斯利康易瑞沙仿制药GEFTINAT,以及氢溴酸西酞普兰、替莫唑胺等。
其后,Natco 制药又陆续上市更昔洛韦、培美曲塞、苯达莫司、阿那曲唑、拉帕替尼等药品仿制药,以及罗氏抗癌药特罗凯(厄洛替尼)、拜耳抗癌药多吉美(索拉非尼)、吉利德科学丙肝新药丙通沙(吉三代)印度版。

• 在另一项针对569名进展性或转移性胰腺癌患者进行的随机Ⅲ 期临床研究(PA.3)中,数据显示: • •特罗凯联合吉西他滨治疗进展性胰腺癌,可较吉西他滨单药 治疗显著延长生存期(23%); • •特罗凯联合吉西他滨组24%的患者生存期超过1年,而对照组 仅为19%; • •特罗凯联合吉西他滨组患者无进展生存期显著延长; • •特罗凯/吉西他滨联合方案的耐受性好,未增加造血系统不 良反应; • •在其他同类研究中也证实特罗凯/吉西他滨联合方案的安全 性。 • 【适应症】特罗凯用于两个或两个以上化疗方案失败的局部 晚期或转移的非小细胞肺癌的三线治疗
• • • • • • 商用民:格列卫 规 格:120粒*100mg 产 地:印度 品 牌:NATCO 通用名:甲磺酸伊马替尼 英文商用名:Imatinib Mesylate Capsules • 英文通用名:Veenat
• 产品介绍: • 格列卫(甲磺酸伊马替尼)是一种对血小板源性生长因子(PDGF)受体 蛋白激酶具有抑制作用的新一代靶向性抗癌药。格列卫是所有抗肿瘤 药中效果最好的一种。格列卫对新诊断慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML) 治疗的有效率超过94%,并且有76%的病人可以得到细胞学的缓解。 • 格列卫(甲磺酸伊马替尼)的包装为每瓶120片,每片含有119.45 mg甲 磺酸伊马替尼,相当于100mg的伊马替尼游离碱。药品用白色聚乙烯 瓶装。 • 格列卫(甲磺酸伊马替尼)是一种对血小板源性生长因子(PDGF)受体 蛋白激酶具有抑制作用的新一代靶向性抗癌药。三期临床试验的结果 表明格列卫对新诊断慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML)治疗的有效率超过 94%,并且有76%的病人可以得到细胞学的缓解,对加速期和急变期的 有效率也分别达到了71%和31%。格列卫对胃肠道间质肿瘤的有效率也 高达67%。

【药品名称】通用名称:甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片商品名称:多吉美英文名称:Sorafenib Tosylate Tablets汉语拼音:Jiabenhuangsuan Suolafeini Pian甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片中文说明书【性状】多吉美主要成分为甲苯磺酸索拉非尼,是一种多激酶抑制剂。
化学名称为4-(4-{3-[4-氯-3-(三氟甲基)苯基]脲基}苯氧基)-N2-甲基吡啶-2-羧酰胺-4-甲苯磺酸盐,化学结构式为:多吉美是白色至淡黄色或浅棕色固体,分子式为C21H16ClF3N4O3 x C7H8O3S,分子量为637.0多吉美几乎不溶于水介质,微溶于乙醇(酒精),溶于聚乙二醇400。
与口服溶液相比,服用索拉非尼片剂平均相对生物利用度为38% - 49%。
体外试验表明,该物质的效能与索拉非尼相似,它包含了稳态血浆中约9% - 16%的血液分析物。

网友总结:印度多吉美副作用处理方法大全\ 网友总结:印度多吉美副作用处理方法大全印度多吉美最常见副作用:手足反应的处理方法多吉美或印度多吉美吃过一定时间可能会有手痛、脚痛、脱皮等现象,可以使用维生素B6泡脚,如果已经发炎,可用百多邦药膏,用百多邦还解决不了可以在百多邦里面加头孢拉定胶囊粉末进去,一起涂抹在伤口,一般可以解决的。
患友总结:1:维生素B6碾成粉与护手霜(一般的就行)调匀涂抹在手、脚患处就行,效果很好;2: 如果有现成的维生素B6软膏,效果和B6粉差不多的; 3: 另外可以试一下:马应龙八宝眼膏;4:“母亲服用印度多吉美,手足反应非常厉害,红肿溃烂,各种效果都不好。
”7: 可提前用蛇油膏涂抹手脚或用多吉美公司提供尿素软膏。
(每天涂抹2-3次)8: “手足反应用金银花煮水泡脚然后擦护手霜,也很不错哦”9: “我爸服用印度多吉美用以上方法都不行。
后面用痛肿灵见效,消肿止痛!”10: “对付手足反应,用能活血化淤的药膏较有用。
GEA 产品说明书 - 液压机械制冷系统

Compresores de tornillo de GEACompresores de tornillo para refrigeraciónindustrial y aire acondicionado2Máxima calidad basada en un desarrollo demostradoYa sea la industria alimentaria, la industria química, el transportenaval o en climatización de oficinas, todos ellos necesitanrefrigeración. GEA dispone de las soluciones de refrigeración y aireacondicionado adecuadas para sus necesidades. Otorgamos especial valor a la eficiencia energética, la fiabilidad, la optimización decostes y la sostenibilidad.Como líder tecnológico internacional, GEA se especializa en latecnología de soluciones y en componentes para sofisticadosprocesos de producción. GEA también está muy especializada enla tecnología de compresores. La excelente calidad de nuestroscompresores de tornillo es fruto de años de experiencia endicha tecnología. Nos esforzamos en ofrecer valor añadidoy funcionalidad desde el desarrollo en nuestros laboratoriosde investigación hasta el control de calidad, pasando por losprocesos de producción.Con una red global de ventas y servicio, podemos atenderle casien cualquier sitio lugar del mundo donde nos necesite. Nuestrasherramientas de software también le ayudan a seleccionar launidad compresora óptima, así como a encontrar los repuestosadecuados..Energéticamente eficiente• Capacidad y control de Vi (relación de volumen interno) lineal • Perfil de rotor 5/6 diseñado por GEAFiable y seguro• Sistema patentado de protección ante vibraciones, que evita pulsaciones en carga parcial a relaciones de presión alta.• Rodamientos de alto rendimiento y compensación de fuerza axial hidráulica para una larga vida útil de producto.• Indicador de posición de corredera estandarizado y sellado herméticamenteFácil mantenimiento• Cambio fácil de los cojinetes de empuje y el cierre mecánico, sin necesidad de desmontar el compresor o el motor • Diseño a prueba de explosiones bajo petición• Certificaciones según la API 619 o la ISO 10440, otras certificaciones bajo petición• Presiones de servicio: 28 bares y 52 bares, otros diseños bajo petición.• Diseño particular para compresores de alta presión: Material de carcasas (por ejemplo, hierro fundido nodular), geometría de rotor personalizada, cojinetes de empuje reforzados (diseño TRIAX), cierre mecánico de alto rendimiento, extremo del eje de transmisión reforzado, etc.ASPECTOS DESTACADOSVISTA GENERAL DEL PRODUCTOSerie Volumen desplazado (m3/h)01002003004005006007008009001000200040006000800010,00012,00014,000GEA Grasso M a 2940 rpm 231–870 m3/ha 4500 rpm 354–1332 m3/hGEA Grasso LT a 2940 rpm805–11467 m3/ha 3550 rpm972–13846 m3/hOPCIONES3GEA Grasso M – Aumentando la eficienciaLos compresores GEA Grasso M son los primeros compresores de tornillo con una válvula de retención integrada activada por presión que asegura baja caída de presión. La integración del filtro de aspiración y la campana de acoplamiento simplifica aún más el montaje de la unidad. La excelente eficiencia energética de estos compresores se basa en la capacidad ajustable linealmente combinada con una relación Vi variable ampliada. La velocidad variable desde 1000 hasta 4500 rpm (6000 rpm para los C, D, E y G) asegura un amplio rango de funcionamiento y una eficiencia máxima a carga total y parcial.GEA Grasso M viene en ocho tamaños de modelo y cubre un rango de volumen desplazado de 231 a 870 m 3/h a 2940 rpm (de 354 a 1332 m 3/h a 4500 rpm).En resumen• Excelente eficiencia energética • Fácil montaje de la unidadGEA Grasso M (C, D, E, G)GEA Grasso M (H, L, M, N)4CARACTERÍSTICAS Y VENTAJAS ÚNICAS1. Rotores de alta eficiencia • Perfil de rotor 5/6 diseñado por GEA • Diseño compacto y rígido2. Capacidad/control de Vi • Sistema compacto e integrado • Control de capacidad lineal (10-100 %)• El mejor coeficiente de rendimiento a carga total y parcial3. Indicador de posición de la corredera • Herméticamente sellado • Adecuado para zonas peligrosas4. Cierre mecánico• Diseño y materiales de alto rendimiento • De fácil acceso para el mantenimiento• Montado en el lado de aspiración para una mayor vida útil de servicio5. Rodamientos axiales• Acceso rápido y fácil desde el extremo de no accionamiento • Reemplazables in situ• Descargado mediante pistón de balance para una larga vida útil 6. Conexión de aceite centralizado• Conexión opcional el lado macho o hembra del rotor • La mayoría de casos no necesitan bomba de aceite • Inyección de aceite ajustable7. Filtro de aspiración integrado • Diseño compacto para un montaje fácil8. Válvula de retención en aspiración activada por presión• Mínima caída de presión• Sin ruidos de vibración de válvula o muelles• Diseño simétrico permite la instalación del recíproco en aspiración (solo para C, D, E, G)Protección por pulsación de gas• Vibraciones y pulsaciones de gas reducidas a bajas cargas parcialesCampana de acoplamiento embridada • Menores costes de montaje • No es necesario alinear la unidad• Acoplamiento que facilita el mantenimientoFiltro de aceite integrado• D isponible como opción (solo para C, D, E, G)GEA Grasso M (C, D, E, G)GEA Grasso M (H, L, M, N)12345678123456875GEA Grasso LT – Compacta y potenteLa serie GEA Grasso LT viene en 16 modelos y con un desplazamiento volumétrico que va desde los 805 hasta los 11467 m3/h a 2940 rpm. Gracias ala combinación de cojinetes lisos y rodamientos antifricción de los rotores, el compresor disfruta de un ciclo de vida extremadamente largo y de bajos niveles de vibración y ruido. Es posible conectar los sensores de presión, temperatura y vibración. Su diseño simple ofrece una integración inteligente de la gestión de aceite mediante electroválvulas directamente conectadas para la Vi (relación de volumen interno) y para los ajustes de capacidad. El acceso directo de las electroválvulas y otros componentes facilita el montaje y las tareas de mantenimiento de la unidad.En resumen• Vida útil del producto extremadamente larga • Excelente nivel de ruido y vibración en todas las condiciones de funcionamiento6CARACTERÍSTICAS Y VENTAJAS ÚNICAS1. Control de la vibración• Conexiones para sistemas de control de la vibración2. Cojinetes radiales• Cojinetes de deslizamiento para altas cargas• Funcionamiento sin contacto ni desgaste3. Rodamientos axiales• Acceso rápido y fácil desde el extremo de no accionamiento • Sustituibles in situ• Descargado mediante pistón de balance para una larga vida útil4. Protección por pulsación de gas• Vibraciones y pulsaciones de gas reducidas a bajas cargas parciales5. Corredera de capacidad/Vi• Sistema compacto e integrado• Control de capacidad lineal (10-100 %)• El mejor rendimiento a carga total y parcial 6. Cierre mecánico• Diseño y materiales de alto rendimiento• De fácil acceso para el mantenimiento• Montado en lado de aspiración para una mayor vida útil7. Rotores de alta eficiencia• Perfil de rotor 5/6 diseñado por GEA• Diseño compacto y rígidoPuerto economizador• Conexiones ECO para un aumento de capacidadmáximo y mayor eficienciaIndicador de posición de la corredera• Herméticamente sellado• Adecuado para zonas peligrosasServicio y mantenimiento sencillos• Diseño compacto y que facilita el mantenimiento• Fácil acceso a las piezas móviles12345677Datos técnicosSerieTipo de compresorVolumen desplazado(m 3/h)Presión máx. de diseño (bar)Dimensiones 1)(mm)DN1 2) (mm)DN2 3) (mm)Peso 1) (kg)2940 rpm3550 rpm 4500 rpm L A H GEA Grasso MC 231279354288526606608065/80392D 265320406288826606608065/80401E321388491288986606678080444G 372449569289276606678080451H 47156972128 / 5296480082012580581L 54465783328 / 52100080082012580605M 708855108428 / 521094800856150100772N8701051133228 / 5211458008201501008001)con campana de acoplamiento 2)conexión de aspiración 3)conexión de descargaGEA GRASSO M8M1746737432202N21582891424741) a 2940 rpm con recalentamiento de 5 K y subenfriamiento de 0 K, valores de temperatura indicados: evaporación/condensación2) con economizadorSerieTipo de compresorCompresor 28 bares 1)(kW)Compresor 52 bares 1)(kW)Capacidad frigorífica 2)R717 | -35/+35 °CCapacidad frigoríficaR717 | 0/+35 °CCapacidad frigorífica R744 | -50/-5 °CCapacidad de calefacción R717 | +35/+80 °CGEA Grasso LTP 2017728512679R 26099710993433S 328126114184318T 368141315994814V 443169018685780W 506193221356631Y614234425917990Z 714271*********XA 8443209359510853XB 107040704499–XC 126048075366–XD 149156896351–XE 18427030––XF 22008393––XG 25209615––XH294611244––1) a 2940 rpm con recalentamiento de 5 K y subenfriamiento de 0 K, valores de temperatura indicados: evaporación/condensación 2)con economizadorGEA GRASSO LT11R T -002-0301-E S -E U © G E A G E A R e f r i g e r a t i o n G e r m a n y G m b H . T o d o s l o s d e r e c h o s r e s e r v a d o s . S u j e t o a m o d i fic a c i ón .GEA GermanyGEA Refrigeration Germany GmbH Holzhauser Straße 16513509 Berlin, GermanyTel +49 30 43592-600Fax +49 30 43592-777************GEA Group es una empresa global de ingeniería mecánica con un volumen de ventas de miles de millones de euros, que realiza operaciones en más de 50 países. Fundada en 1881, la empresa es uno de los mayores proveedoresde equipamiento innovador y tecnología de procesos. GEA Group forma parte del índice STOXX® Europe 600.Vivimos nuestros valores.Excelencia • Pasión • Integridad • Responsabilidad • GEA-versidad。
Thermo King Multitemperatura Hmi Premium 产品说明书

Semplice da SelezionareFunzione di blocco alta velocitàSemplice da controllareContaoreSemplice da azionareAlimentazione elettrica di riserva SmartPower™ (OPZIONE)Per maggiori informazioni o perle sessioni di tutorial, contattareil proprio responsabile delservizio assistenza Thermo King1. Dal display standard, premere il tastoBlocco alta velocità.• Verrà visualizzato brevemente ilmessaggio PROGR. BLOCCO ALTAVELOCITÀ – ATTENDERE PREGO.• La modifica verrà confermatavisualizzando BLOCCO ALTAVELOCITÀ ATTIVO o BLOCCO ALTAVELOCITÀ DISATTIVATO.• Il display tornerà quindi allaschermata standard. Se la funzioneBlocco alta velocità è attivata, nellaparte superiore del display standardverrà visualizzato il messaggioBLOCCO ALTA VELOCITÀ ATTIVO.2. Se si preme di nuovo il tasto Bloccoalta velocità, la funzione verràdisattivata.1. Collegare l’alimentazione con latensione corretta alla presa dialimentazione dell’unità.2. Premere il tasto ON per accenderel’unità.• Il logo Thermo King verràbrevemente visualizzato durantel’avviamento del sistema.• Viene brevemente visualizzato ilmessaggio CONFIGURAZIONESISTEMA – ATTENDERE PREGOin attesa che vengano stabilite lecomunicazioni e l’unità si prepari alfunzionamento.• In seguito viene brevementevisualizzato il display standard in cuivengono riportati i punti di riferimentoe le temperature della cella.1. Dal display standard, premere iltasto MENU.2. Premere il tasto AVANTI finché nonviene visualizzato il menu Contaore.3. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA peraccedere al menu Contaore.4. Premere i tasti AVANTI e INDIETROper visualizzare i display del contaore.5. Premere il tasto ESCI per tornare aldisplay standard.4. Una volta risolto il problema, premere il tasto CANCELLA per cancellare l’allarme.5. Per visualizzare l’allarme AVANTI, premere il tasto AVANTI.presente. Se la condizione di allarme non viene corretta, l’allarme non verràcancellato. È necessario visualizzare tutti gli allarmi prima che sia possibilecancellarne uno.• Se un allarme non può essere cancellato dal menu principale, il tasto CANCELLAnon sarà disponibile. Questi allarmi devono essere cancellati dai Menu ad accessoprotetto.6. Premere il tasto ESCI per tornare al display standard.per ulteriori informazioni sui codice di allarme, vedere il manuale perl’operatore.TK 61001-8-PC-IT (Vers. 0, 01/13) ©Thermo King Corporation• Verrà visualizzato il messaggio ATTIV. MOTORE ELETTRICO.• Viene visualizzato il display standard in cui vengono riportati i punti di riferimentoe le temperature della cella mentre l’unità è in funzione.3. Premere il tasto OFF per spegnere l’unità. L’unità si spegnerà immediatamentee verrà visualizzato brevemente il messaggio IL SISTEMA È IN SPEGNIM.1. Premere il tasto ON per accenderel’unità.• Il logo Thermo King verràbrevemente visualizzato durantel’avviamento del sistema.• Viene brevemente visualizzato ilmessaggio CONFIGURAZIONESISTEMA - ATTENDERE PREGOin attesa che vengano stabilite lecomunicazioni e l’unità si prepari alfunzionamento.• In seguito viene brevementevisualizzato il display standard in cuivengono riportati i punti di riferimentoe le temperature della cella.• Viene visualizzato il messaggioAVV. MOTORE DIESEL quandoil motore si preriscalda e si avvia.Nelle unità dotate di SmartPower,1. Dal display standard, premere il tastoSBRINAMENTO.• Verrà visualizzato brevemente ilmessaggio SBRINAMENTO seguitoda SELEZ. ZONA DA SBRINARE.2. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA relativoalla zona desiderata (esempio:è mostrata la zona 1).• Sul display verrà visualizzatobrevemente il messaggioSBRINAMENTO, seguitoda PROGRAMMAZIONESBRINAMENTO – ATTENDEREPREGO e quindi SBRINAMENTOINIZIATO.• L’indicatore a barra mostra unastima della percentuale di temporimanente per il completamentodel ciclo di sbrinamento.1. Dal display standard, premere iltasto MENU per visualizzare il menuMODALITÀ.2. Quando viene visualizzato il menuMODALITÀ, premere il tastoSELEZIONA.• Verrà visualizzato il messaggioDISATTIVA MODALITÀCYCLESENTRY o ATTIVAMODALITÀ CYCLESENTRY.3. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA permodificare la modalità.• La nuova modalità viene confermataper 10 secondi seguita dal messaggioLA NUOVA MOD. SISTEMA È(Cycle-Sentry o Modalità continua).4. Dopo che il display è tornato al menuModalità, premere il tasto ESCI pertornare al display standard.5. Premere nuovamente il tastoSELEZIONA per far nuovamentefunzionare l’unità nella modalitàprecedente.Una o più zoneManometri SensoriSemplice da controllareVerifica prima della partenza1. Dal display standard, premere iltasto MENU.2. Premere il tasto AVANTI finché nonviene visualizzato il menu Manometri.3. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA peraccedere al menu Manometri.4. Premere i tasti INDIETRO o AVANTIper scorrere i manometri disponibili.5. Premere il tasto BLOCCO persoffermarsi sulla schermata di unmanometro.6. Premere nuovamente il tasto BLOCCOper sbloccare la schermata.7. Premere il tasto ESCI per tornare aldisplay standard.NOTA: il ciclo di sbrinamento termina automaticamente quando la serpentinadell’evaporatore raggiunge una temperatura predeterminata o quando scade il timerdello sbrinamento. Il ciclo di sbrinamento può essere concluso anche spegnendoe riavviando l’unità.1. Dal display standard, premere iltasto MENU.2. Premere il tasto AVANTI finché nonviene visualizzato il menu Sensori.3. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA peraccedere al menu Sensori.4. Premere i tasti AVANTI o INDIETROper scorrere i vari sensori.5. Premere il tasto BLOCCO persoffermarsi sulla schermata di unsensore.6. Premere nuovamente il tasto BLOCCOper sbloccare la schermata.7. Premere il tasto ESCI per tornare aldisplay standard.1. Cancellare tutti i codici di allarme.2. Dal display standard, premere iltasto MENU.3. Premere il tasto AVANTI finchénon viene visualizzato il menuPREPARTENZA.4. Premere il tasto SELEZIONA.• Verrà avviata una verifica completaprima della partenza se l’unità nonè in funzione.• Verrà avviata una verifica prima dellapartenza se l’unità è in funzionesia in modalità elettrica di riservache diesel.verrà visualizzato il messaggio ATTIV. MOTORE ELETTRICO se l’unità è collegataall’alimentazione di riserva.• Viene visualizzato il display standard in cui vengono riportati i punti di riferimentoe le temperature della cella mentre l’unità è in funzione.2. Premere il tasto OFF per spegnere l’unità. L’unità si spegnerà immediatamentee verrà visualizzato brevemente il messaggio IL SISTEMA È IN SPEGNIM.per attivare o disattivare una zona:La zona 1 verrà sempre visualizzata ogni volta che l’unità è accesa. La zona 2 e la zona 3(se presenti) possono essere attivate o disattivate aseconda delle necessità.1. Tornare al display standard (premere qualsiasi tasto per tornare al display standard).2. Premere il tasto ZONA sotto la zona desiderata.• Viene visualizzato il display del punto di riferimento. Se la zona è attivata, il terzotasto riporterà la scritta ATTIVA ZONA. Se la zona è disattivata, il terzo tastoriporterà la scritta ATTIVA ZONA.3. Per disattivare la zona, premere il tasto ATTIVA ZONA.• Sul display viene brevemente visualizzato il messaggio PROGRAMMAZIONE ZONAON/OFF - ATTENDERE PREGO.• Sul display verrà quindi visualizzato per alcuni secondi e a titolo di confermal’impostazione della nuova zona.• La schermata ritornerà quindi al display standard, che indica che la zona è disattivata.Il punto di riferimento della zona è stato sostituito da OFF ad indicare che la zonaè stata disattivata.1. Dal display standard, premere il tastoZONA relativo alla zona desiderata(esempio: è mostrata la zona 2).• Verrà visualizzato il display delpunto di riferimento per la zonaselezionata.Al termine di tutte le verifiche, i risultati vengono indicati come SUPERATO,CONTROLLARE o FALLITO. Se i risultati sono CONTROLLARE o FALLITO, vengonogenerati dei codici di allarme per consentire ai tecnici di risalire all’origine del problema.2. Premere i tasti + o - per modificare il valore del punto di riferimento.3. Premere il tasto SÌ o NO.• Verrà visualizzato il messaggio PROGR. NUOVO PUNTO DI RIFERIM. –ATTENDERE PREGO.• Viene visualizzato brevemente il messaggio IL NUOVO PUNTO DI RIFERIMENTOSARÀ XX.• Sul display standard viene visualizzato il nuovo punto di riferimento della zona.。
美国空调制造商 Goodman 的一份产品说明书

482 01 5150 00 January 2006INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSSupport Feet NASA001SFThese instructions must be read and understood completely before attempting installation.Safety Considerations:Installing and servicing of air conditioning equipment can be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical components. Only trained personnel should install or service air conditioning equipment.Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance functions such as cleaning coils or cleaning and replacing filters.All other operations should be performed by trained service personnel. When working on air conditioning equipment observe precautions in the literature and on tags and labels attached to the unit.Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use a quenching cloth for brazing operations. Have a fire extinguisher available.INTRODUCTIONThis instruction covers installation of Support Feet for split −system air conditioners and heat pumps.The Support Feet raise the condensing unit 4” above the mounting pad.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Support Feet2482 01 5150 00DESCRIPTION AND USAGEThe Support Feet fasten to the bottom of the condensing unit base pan, causing the unit to be raised 4” above the mounting pad.INSTALLATIONNOTE: Make sure unit is on a level, stable mounting pad before installing Support Feet.1.Raise unit at least 4” and support with blocks.2.Remove backing paper from sticky gasket at top ofeach Support Foot.3.Position Support Feet at each corner of the bottomof the base pan. Sticky gasket attaches to the bottom of the base pan.4.Lower unit back onto mounting pad. Make sureeach Support Foot stays in place and rest securely on the mounting pad.。
KUKDO 产品指南说明书

BEYOND EXPECTATION & BEYOND LIMITATIONPRODUCT GUIDE61, Gasandigital 2-ro, Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul 153-802, KoreaInternational business : Tel +82-2-3282-1540 Fax +82-2-869-4409Domestic Sales : Tel +82-2-3282-1500 Fax +82-2-869-4944R&D Center : Tel +82-2-3282-1560 Fax +82-2-3282-1586 E-mail:***************Rev. No. 19.4si Chang Lee, PresidentApr. 2002 Establishment of KUKDO CHEMICAL (KunShan) CO., LTD. in China Nov. 2003Completion of KunShan factory for Epoxy resin and Polyol in China J ul. 2004 Completion of Busan factory for Epoxy resin and System Polyol in Busan Mar. 2008 Acquisition of HAJIN CHEM TECHNov. 2008 Completion of 40KT of Liquid Epoxy resin in IksanDec. 2008 Awarded 200 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (45th Trade Anniversary)Nov. 2010 Awarded 2010 Global Excellent Management by JMACApr. 2011 Obtained Customs approved registered exporter Certificate by Customs Sep. 2011 Obtained AEO(Authorized Economic Operator) Certificate by Customs Dec. 2011 Awarded 300 Million Dollar Export Tower Prize (48th Trade Anniversary)Dec. 2011A warded Korean World-class Product Award 2011 by Knowledge Economy Feb. 2013Establishment of NICHIDO CHEMICAL CO., LTD.gLoBaLsaLesnetWorks*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 70% Solution *2 Reference data *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Viscosity Type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Reference data *4 Approved by F .D.A2. standard solid typeHead Office Iksan FactoryBisPHenoL-a tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Reference data1) Low Viscosity Type1. standard Liquid type*1 Reference data2) Medium Viscosity Type2) Low Viscosity, High Flow Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2Ball & Ring Method*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution3) High Molecular Weight Grade4) Special Grade*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC *4 Mettler Method *5Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 Ball & Ring Method5) Half-capped Epoxy Resin3. solution of solvent epoxy resin*1Gardner Holdt Method1) General Grade4. Powder Coating epoxy resin*1 I.C.I Viscometer *2 Ball & Ring Method *3 Melt Viscosity at 175ºC*Curing condition : Preheating at 130ºC × 20 mincoating).KD-4014SYSTEM0.2%residual Bisphenol-aKD-214M&KD-407SYSTEM4.7%BisPHenoL-f tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution*1 I. C. I Viscometer *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *3 Ball & Ring Method *4 Ph-OH E.W. *5 Approved by F .D.A6. n=0 free, BPa free type*1 Total-CI : Potentiometric titration *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºC (Reference data) *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution*4 GPC Data7. High Purity-Low Chlorine epoxy resin*1 I.C . I Viscometer *2 Melt Viscosity : I. C . I Viscometer at 175°C *3 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% Solution *4 Ball & Ring Method 5. Low BPa type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 43phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *3 73phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC *4 130phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC*5 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 125ºC *6 Melt Viscosity : I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *7 51phr on KD-211D, at 180ºC (Reference data) *8 Reference data9) Phenol Excess Type Curing Agentnon-HaLogen fLaMe retardant ePoxy resinBroMinated ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC *4Mw (Reference data)*1 Ball & Ring Method1. o-Cresol novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%)novoLaC ePoxy resinGradeEEW (g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseYDF-1020160-1802,000-3,0001Low viscosity2. Low viscosity type*1 Ball & Ring Method3. solid typefLexiBLe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC1. dimer acid Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 50ºC2. rubber Modified epoxy resinMuLti-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Ball & Ring Method4. BPa-novolac type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Brookfield Viscometer at 25ºC5. dCPd type*1 Ball & Ring Method *2 Non-Volatile Content(wt%)6. xylok typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDXN-1055225-25550-60Flame retardance, Low moisture absorption, Electronic application*1 Ball & Ring Method3. Low viscosity Phenol novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Solution Viscosity*1(25ºC)Color (G,max.)Characteristics/UseKDPN-1020165-185D-G3High heat resistance, Low viscosity*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution7. Multi-functional novolac typeGradeEEW (g/eq)Softening Point*1(ºC)Characteristics/UseKDMN-1065162-17665-75High heat resistance, EMC, PCB, etc*1 Ball & Ring Method2. Phenol novolac type*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 60% Solution *2 I.C.I Viscometer at 150ºC *3 Brookfield Viscometer at 60ºC *4 Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *5 Brookfield Viscometer at 52ºCePoxy resin for P.C.M.*1 Gardner Holdt Method *2 EEW(g/eq) *3 Reference dataePoxy Modified PoLyoL (isoCyanate Curing tyPe)GradeOH Value (mgKOH/g)Solution Viscosity (25ºC)Non-Volatile Content (wt.%)Characteristics/UseYU-300100-130Z-Z 460±1Tar-urethane coating, MIBK/Toluene=1/1fiLaMent Winding, LaMinating ePoxy resinMoLding ePoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 120ºC3. urethane Modified epoxy resin*1 Brookfield Viscometer at 40ºCuv Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt MethodLoW teMPerature Curing tyPe ePoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, Butyl Carbitol NV 40% solutionPHenoxy resin*1 Gardner Holdt Method, MEK NV 40% solution *2 Mw(Reference data) *3 Tg(ºC), DSC(Reference data)* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment on Aluminum * Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53 YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hrUnit: kg/cm²ItemKSR-177YD-128Shear adhesion strength80.834.1* Test Method : ASTM D 3359B* Mixing ratio : KSR-276M70/G-640=16phr, YD-011X70 / G-640=16phr * Curing condition : 3days at RT × 80°C for 1hr * Curing agent : Kukdo Domide G-640* Film thickness: 20㎛* S ubstrate condition : No sanding treatment* Mixing ratio : KSR-177/G-640=100/53,YD-128 / G-640=100/59* Curing condition : 80°C for 2hr* Curing Condition : Room T emperature×14 days * Plate : Cold Rolled Steel (0.7T)* EEW : Epoxy Equivalent Weight (solution base) * AHEW : Active Hydroxyl Equivalent Weight (solution base)*1 : Polyamide Hardener*2 : Polyamide Adduct T ype Hardener *3 : Phenalkamine Hardener*1 A : Adhesion test (cross-hatch) *2 B : Dupont test(Impact Test, D/R), condition : ½ inch × high(cm) × 1,000 g *3 C : Erichsen Test(mm) *4 F : FailedWaterBorne ePoxy resin*1 Basis of solid contentreaCtive diLuent*1 APHA ColorGradeEEW(g/eq)Viscosity (cps@25ºC)Characteristics/UseKDSF-180300-3503,000-6,000High adhesive, Low viscosity3. BPa-Po epoxy resin4. Modified Weatherable epoxy resintri-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Reference datatetra-funCtionaL ePoxy resin*1 Softening Point (ºC) : Ball & Ring MethodPoLyaMide & aMidoaMine tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 Viscosity : cps at 40ºC *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution basesuMMary of Hardener ProduCt grouPaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method)PoLyaMide adduCt tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 N.V : Non-Volatile Content(wt.%) *3 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)*4 Viscosity : Gardner Holdt Method *5 A.H.E.W. : Solution base*1 TAV : Total Amine Value (0.1N-HClO 4 Method) *2 A.H.E.W : Solution basearoMatiC aMine Modified tyPePHenaLkaMine tyPeCyCLoaLiPHatiC aMine Modified tyPe*1 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HCl Method) *2 TAV : Total Amine Value(0.1N-HClO 4 Method)SIHWA Factory BUSAN Factory CHINA Factory。

使用方法:1. 在首次使用之前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照指导进行正确的安装。
2. 插上电源,并确保电压与电器要求一致。
3. 打开电器主机,并按照屏幕提示进行初始设置。
4. 查看电器操作界面,了解不同功能按钮的作用。
5. 根据需要,自行设置电器的温度、模式、延时开关等参数。
6. 使用过程中,务必注意安全,避免触摸电器的高温部位,以免烫伤。
7. 在使用后,及时进行清洁,并关闭电源以确保安全。
Dualys3 高性能双面彩色印刷机说明书

Imprimez et encodezvos cartes recto-verso !L’imprimante couleur double-face haute performance pour toutes vos cartes à l’unité ou en grande sérieDualys3est l’imprimante double-face de référence pour la personnalisation de moyennes et grandes séries et l’émission instantanée de cartes innovantes.Dualys3allie très haute qualité graphique, vitesse d'impression et autonomie. Elle est dotée des dernières innovations en matière de consommables et d'encodage, et s'adapte ainsi à toutes vos cartes, tout en garantissant une productivité inégalée et sans faille.Dualys3dispose d’un chargeur et d’un réceptacle d’une capacité de 100 cartes. Cette combinaison en fait le partenaire idéal desutilisateurs pour l’émission de cartes en moyennes et grandes séries.Grâce à sa vitesse d’impression, elle assure une production de 125 cartes par heure en recto-verso sans aucune intervention de l’opérateur.Son chargeur manuel, unique en son genre, la transforme en un clin d’œil en une imprimante "carte à carte".AUTONOMIE ET PRODUCTIVITÉD O U B LE Y O UEUROPE, MIDDLE-EAST, AFRICAEvolis Card Printer · 14, avenue de la Fontaine · Z.I. Angers Beaucouzé · 49070 Beaucouzé · France Tél:+33(0)241367606·Fax:+33(0)241367612·***************AMERICAS · Evolis Inc.·FortLauderdale·********************ASIA-PACIFIC · Evolis Asia Pte Ltd ·Singapore·*********************CHINA · Evolis · Representative office ·Shenzhen·********************JAPAN · Evolis · Representative office ·Tokyo·********************ASGARD sprlAvenue de la Couronne, 128 1050 Bruxelles BelgiqueTél. : +32 2 343 37 33 Fax : +32 2 343 37 53 www.asgard.be。

甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片中文说明书【药品名称】通用名称:甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片商品名称:多吉美英文名称:Sorafenib Tosylate Tablets汉语拼音:Jiabenhuangsuan Suolafeini Pian【性状】多吉美主要成分为甲苯磺酸索拉非尼,是一种多激酶抑制剂。
化学名称为4-(4-{3-[4-氯-3-(三氟甲基)苯基]脲基}苯氧基)-N2-甲基吡啶-2-羧酰胺-4-甲苯磺酸盐,化学结构式为:多吉美是白色至淡黄色或浅棕色固体,分子式为C21H16ClF3N4O3 x C7H8O3S,分子量为多吉美几乎不溶于水介质,微溶于乙醇(酒精),溶于聚乙二醇400。
与口服溶液相比,服用索拉非尼片剂平均相对生物利用度为38% - 49%。
体外试验表明,该物质的效能与索拉非尼相似,它包含了稳态血浆中约9% - 16%的血液分析物。
Agfa Super Solinette 产品说明书

DasAgfaSolinarl :3,5/50 ist ein fehlerfreizeichnender, farbkorrigierter Vierlinser, der neueste konstru ktive Erkenntn isse berücksichtigt und jeden Wunsch hinsichtlichZeichnung und Brillanz erfüllt.
e die Bedienung wesentlich. Die Filmmerkscheibe im Rückspulknopf zeigt an, mit welcher Filmsorte die Camera geladen ist.
• Die Sperr-Vorrichtungen
verhindern Doppel- und Leerbelichtungen . Besonderer Sperrknopf für die Rückspulung.
und schon sind die Konturen zur Deckung gebracht und die bestmögliche Bildschärfe ist gesichert!
Die Scharfeinstellung ist durch den gekuppelten Entfernungs-Messer der Agfa Super Solinette tatsächlich kein Problem mehr Man photographiert völlig unbeschwert und kann seine ganze Aufmerksamkeit uneingeschränkt dem Motiv zuwenden!

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