



Sensing Human Activity:GPS Tracking感应人类活动:GPS跟踪Stefan van der Spek1,*,Jeroen van Schaick1,Peter de Bois1,2and Remco de Haan1Abstract:The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools,but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes:assensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale.TU Delft developed aprocess and database architecture for collecting data on pedestrian movement in threeEuropean city centres,Norwich,Rouen and Koblenz,and in another experiment forcollecting activity data of13families in Almere(The Netherlands)for one week.Thequestion posed in this paper is:what is the value of GPS as‘sensor technology’measuringactivities of people?The conclusion is that GPS offers a widely useable instrument tocollect invaluable spatial-temporal data on different scales and in different settings addingnew layers of knowledge to urban studies,but the use of GPS-technology and deploymentof GPS-devices still offers significant challenges for future research.摘要:增强GPS技术支持使用GPS设备不仅作为导航和定位工具,但也为仪器用来捕捉旅行路线:作为传感器,测量活动在一个城市或区域范围内规模。




下面是店铺整理的机器翻译技术论文,希望你能从中得到感悟!机器翻译技术论文篇一机器翻译在翻译实践中的应用摘要: 本文研究机器翻译在翻译实践中的应用,其由两部分组成:第一部分概述机器翻译,第二部分通过一个具体的翻译任务演示谷歌翻译工具的用法。

关键词: 机器翻译谷歌翻译译后编辑一、机器翻译概述机器翻译是指将翻译过程的部分或全部使用机器实现自动化(Austermühl,2006)。





























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众所周知,种子贮藏期间的劣变过程受到几个因素的影响。在贮藏期间,高温高湿会加速种子的劣变,而降低这些因素中的任何一个都可大大延长种子otential storage of seeds involve, among other activities, the evaluation of germination and seed vigor.
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Use accurate language to express the meanings exactly and clearly in scientific studies.























LOGO第一章记叙文体的英译与写作第二章法律文体的英译与写作第三章应用文体英译与写作第四章广告文体英译与写作QQ:105448245424学时科技英语(二)EST ⅡREFERENCES:1、张梦井,杜耀文汉英科技翻译指南,航空工业出版社,19962、王运,实用科技英语翻译技巧,科技文献出版社,19923、熊第霖,英文科技写作,国防工业出版社,20011 记叙文体的汉译英1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题1. 2 摘要的英译与写作1. 3 国际会议文献的英译与写作1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题一、科技论文的分类◆按学科的性质和功能⏹基础学科论文⏹技术学科论文⏹应用学科论文◆按照写作目的和发挥的作用⏹学术性论文⏹技术性论文⏹学位论文◆按论文内容所属学科数学论文物理论文化学论文天文学论文机械工程技术论文建筑工程技术论文◆按研究和写作方法理论推导型实(试)验研究型观测型设计计算型发现发明型争鸣型综述型Title标题Abstract摘要Keywords关键词Table of contents目录Nomenclature术语表Introduction引言正文Acknowledgement致谢Reference参考文献Appendix附录Methods方法Results结果Discussion讨论Conclusion结论二、科技论文的一般结构LOGOacknowledgmentReferencesTitle 标题Author 作者Abstract 摘要Introduction 引言4 Summary and conclusion三、论文标题的英译与写作1、标题的作用⏹Generalizing the Text⏹Attracting the Reader⏹Facilitating the Retrieval2、标题的长度(单词总数)及词性⏹标题不宜过长,大多为12个单词以内。




生物科学论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Carotenoid Biosynthetic Pathway in the Citrus Genus: Number of Copies and Phylogenetic Diversity of Seven GeneThe first objective of this paper was to analyze the potential role of allelic variability of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in the interspecifi diversity in carotenoid composition of Citrus juices. The second objective was to determine the number of copies for each of these genes. Seven carotenoid biosynthetic genes were analyzed using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. RFLP analyses were performed with the genomic DNA obtained from 25 Citrus genotypes using several restriction enzymes. cDNA fragments of Psy, Pds, Zds, Lcyb, Lcy-e, Hy-b, and Zep genes labeled with [R-32P]dCTP were used as probes. For SSR analyses, two primer pairs amplifying two SSR sequences identified from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of Lcy-b and Hy-b genes were designed. The number of copies of the seven genes ranged from one for Lcy-b to three for Zds. The genetic diversity revealed by RFLP and SSR profiles was in agreement with the genetic diversity obtained from neutral molecμLar markers. Genetic interpretation of RFLP and SSR profiles of four genes (Psy1, Pds1, Lcy-b, and Lcy-e1) enabled us to make inferences on the phylogenetic origin of alleles for the major commercial citrus species. Moreover, the resμLts of our analyses suggest that the allelic diversity observed at the locus of both of lycopene cyclase genes, Lcy-b and Lcy-e1, is associated with interspecific diversity in carotenoid accumμLation in Citrus. The interspecific differences in carotenoid contents previously reported to be associated withother key steps catalyzed by PSY, HY-b, and ZEP were not linked to specific alleles at the corresponding loci.KEYWORDS: Citrus; carotenoids; biosynthetic genes; allelic variability; phylogeny INTRODUCTIONCarotenoids are pigments common to all photosynthetic organisms. In pigment-protein complexes, they act as light sensors for photosynthesis but also prevent photo-oxidat ion induced by too strong light intensities. In horticμLtural crops, they play a major role in fruit, root, or tuber coloration and in nutritional quality. Indeed some of these micronutrients are precursors of vitamin A, an essential component of human and animal diets. Carotenoids may also play a role in chronic disease prevention (such as certain cancers), probably due to their antioxidant properties. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway is now well established. Carotenoids are synthesized in plastids by nuclear-encoded enzymes. The immediate precursor of carotenoids (and also of gibberellins, plastoquinone, chlorophylls,phylloquinones, and tocopherols) is geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP). In light-grown plants, GGPP is mainly derivedcarotenoid, 15-cis-phytoene. Phytoene undergoes four desaturation reactions catalyzed by two enzymes, phytoene desaturase (PDS) and β-carotene desaturase (ZDS), which convert phytoene into the red-colored poly-cis-lycopene. Recently, Isaacson et al. and Park et al. isolated from tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively, the genes that encode the carotenoid isomerase (CRTISO) which, in turn, catalyzes the isomerization of poly-cis-carotenoids into all-trans-carotenoids. CRTISO acts on prolycopene to form all-trans lycopene, which undergoes cyclization reactions. Cyclization of lycopene is abranching point: one branch leads to β-carotene (β, β-carotene) and the other toα-carotene (β, ε-carotene). Lycopene β-cyclase (LCY-b) then converts lycopene intoβ-carotene in two steps, whereas the formation of α-carotene requires the action of two enzymes, lycopene ε- cyclase (LCY-e) and lycopene β-cyclase (LCY-b). α- carotene is converted into lutein by hydroxylations catalyzed by ε-carotene hydroxylase (HY-e) andβ-carotene hydroxylase (HY-b). Other xanthophylls are produced fromβ-carotene with hydroxylation reactions catalyzed by HY-b and epoxydation catalyzed by zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP). Most of the carotenoid biosynthetic genes have been cloned and sequenced in Citrus varieties . However, our knowledge of the complex regμLation of carotenoid biosynthesis in Citrus fruit is still limited. We need further information on the number of copies of these genes and on their allelic diversity in Citrus because these can influence carotenoid composition within the Citrus genus.Citrus fruit are among the richest sources of carotenoids. The fruit generally display a complex carotenoid structure, and 115 different carotenoids have been identified in Citrus fruit. The carotenoid richness of Citrus flesh depends on environmental conditions, particμLarly on growing conditions and on geogr aphical origin . However the main factor influencing variability of caro tenoid quality in juice has been shown to be genetic diversity. Kato et al. showed that mandarin and orange juices accumμLated high levels of β-cryptoxanthin and violaxanthin, respectively, whereas mature lemon accumμLated extremely low levels of carotenoids. Goodner et al. demonstrated that mandarins, oranges, and their hybrids coμLd be clearly distinguished by theirβ-cryptoxanthin contents. Juices of red grapefruit contained two major carotenoids: lycopene and β-carotene. More recently, we conducted a broad study on the organization of the variability of carotenoid contents in different cμLtivated Citrus species in relation with the biosynthetic pathway . Qualitative analysis of presence or absence of the different compounds revealed three main clusters: (1) mandarins, sweet oranges, and sour oranges;(2) citrons, lemons, and limes; (3) pummelos and grapefruit. Our study also enabled identification of key steps in the diversification of the carotenoid profile. Synthesis of phytoene appeared as a limiti ng step for acid Citrus, while formation of β-carotene and R-carotene from lycopene were dramatically limited in cluster 3 (pummelos and grapefruit). Only varieties in cluster 1 were able to produce violaxanthin. In the same study , we concluded that there was a very strong correlation between the classification of Citrus species based on the presence or absence of carotenoids (below,this classification is also referred to as the organization of carotenoid diversity) and genetic diversity evaluated with bi ochemical or molecμLar markers such as isozymes or randomLy amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). We also concluded that, at the interspecific level, the organization of the diversity of carotenoid composition was linked to the global evolution process of cμLt ivated Citrus rather than to more recent mutation events or human selection processes. Indeed, at interspecific level, a correlation between phenotypic variability and genetic diversity is common and is generally associated with generalized gametic is common and is generally associated with generalized gametic disequilibrium resμLting from the history of cμLtivated Citrus. Thus from numerical taxonomy based on morphologicaltraits or from analysis of molecμLar markers , all authors agreed on the existence o f three basic taxa (C. reticμLata, mandarins; C. medica, citrons; and C. maxima, pummelos) whose differentiation was the resμLt of allopatric evolution. All other cμLtivated Citrus specie s (C. sinensis, sweet oranges; C. aurantium, sour oranges;C. paradi si, grapefruit; and C. limon, lemons) resμLted from hybridization events within this basic pool except for C. aurantifolia, which may be a hybrid between C. medica and C. micrantha .Our p revious resμLts and data on Citrus evolution lead us to propose the hypothesis that the allelic variability supporting the organization of carotenoid diversity at interspecific level preceded events that resμLted in the creation of secondary species. Such molecμLar variability may have two different effects: on the one hand, non-silent substitutions in coding region affect the specific activity of corresponding enzymes of the biosynthetic pathway, and on the other hand, variations in untranslated regions affect transcriptional or post-transcriptional mechanisms.There is no available data on the allelic diversity of Citrus genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. The objective of this paper was to test the hypothesis that allelic variability of these genes partially determines phenotypic variability at the interspecific level. For this purpose, we analyzed the RFLPs around seven genes of the biosynthetic pathway of carotenoids (Psy, Pds, Zds, Lcy-b, Lcy-e, Hy-b, Zep) and the polymorphism of two SSR sequences found in Lcy-b and Hy-b genes in a representative set of varieties of the Citrus genus already analyzed for carotenoid constitution. Our study aimed to answer the following questions: (a) are those genes mono- or mμLtilocus, (b) is the polymorphism revealed by RFLP and SSR markers inagreement with the general histor y of cμLtivated Citrus thus permitting inferences about the phylogenetic origin of genes of the secondary species, and (c) is this polymorphism associated with phenotypic (carotenoid compound) variations.RESΜLTS AND DISCUSSIONGlobal Diversity of the Genotype Sample Observed by RFLP Analysis. RFLP analyses were performed using probes defined from expressed sequences of seven major genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway . One or two restriction enzymes were used for each gene. None of these enzymes cut the cDNA probe sequence except HindIII for the Lcy-e gene. Intronic sequences and restriction sites on genomic sequences werescreened with PCR amplification using genomic DNA as template and with digestion of PCR products. The resμLts indicated the absence of an intronic sequence for Psy and Lcy-b fragments. The absence of intron in these two fragments was checked by cloning and sequencing corresponding genomic sequences (data not shown). Conversely, we found introns in Pds, Zds, Hy-b, Zep, and Lcy-e genomic sequences corresponding to RFLP probes. EcoRV did not cut the genomic sequences of Pds, Zds, Hy-b, Zep, and Lcy-e. In the same way, no BamHI restriction site was found in the genomic sequences of Pds, Zds, and Hy-b. Data relative to the diversity observed for the different genes are presented in Table 4. A total of 58 fragments were identified, six of them being monomorphic (present in all individuals). In the limited sample of the three basic taxa, only eight bands out of 58 coμLd not be observed. In the basic taxa, the mean number of bands per genotype observed was 24.7, 24.7, and 17 for C. reticμLata, C. maxima, and C. medica, respectively. It varies from28 (C. limettioides) to 36 (C. aurantium) for the secondary species. The mean number of RFLP bands per individual was lower for basic taxa than for the group of secondary species. This resμLt indicates that secondary species are much more heterozygous than the basic ones for these genes, which is logical if we assume that the secondary species arise from hybridizations between the three basic taxa. Moreover C. medica appears to be the least heterozygous taxon for RFLP around the genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, as already shown with isozymes, RAPD, and SSR markers.The two lemons were close to the acid Citrus cluster and the three sour oranges close to the mandarins/sweet oranges cluster. This organization of genetic diversity based on the RFLP profiles obtained with seven genes of the carotenoid pathway is very similar to that previously obtained with neutral molecμLar markers such as genomic SSR as well as the organization obtained with qualitative carotenoid compositions. All these resμLts suggest that the observed RFLP and SSR fragments are good phylogenetic markers. It seems consistent with our basic hypothesis that major differentiation in the genes involved in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway preceded the creation of the secondary hybrid species and thus that the allelic structure of these hybrid species can be reconstructed from alleles observed in the three basic taxa.Gene by Gene Analysis: The Psy Gene. For the Psy probe combined with EcoRV or BamHI restriction enzymes, five bands were identified for the two enzymes, and two to three bands were observed for each genotype. One of these bands was present in all individuals. There was no restriction site in the probe sequence. These resμLts lead us to believe that Psy is present at two loci,one where no polymorphism was found with the restriction enzymes used, and one that displayed polymorphism. The number of different profiles observed was six and four with EcoRV and BamHI, respectively, for a total of 10 different profiles among the 25 individuals .Two Psy genes have also been found in tomato, tobacco, maize, and rice . Conversely, only one Psy gene has been found in Arabidopsis thaliana and in pepper (Capsicum annuum), which also accumμLates carotenoids in fruit. According to Bartley and Scolnik, Psy1 was expressed in tomato fruit chromoplasts, while Psy2 was specific to leaf tissue. In the same way, in Poaceae (maize, rice), Gallagher et al. found that Psy gene was duplicated and that Psy1 and notPsy2 transcripts in endosperm correlated with endosperm carotenoid accumμLation. These resμLts underline the role of gene duplication and the importance of tissue-specific phytoene synthase in the regμLation of carotenoid accumμLation.All the polymorphic bands were present in the sample of the basic taxon genomes. Assuming the hypothesis that all these bands describe the polymorphism at the same locus for the Psy gene, we can conclude that we found allelic differentiation between the three basic taxa with three alleles for C. reticμLata, four for C. maxima, and one for C. medica.The alleles observed for the basic taxa then enabled us to determine the genotypes of all the other species. The presumed genotypes for the Psy polymorphic locus are given in Table 7. Sweet oranges and grapefruit were heterozygous with one mandarin and one pummelo allele. Sour oranges were heterozygous; they shared the same mandarin allele with sweet oranges but had a different pummelo allele. Clementine was heterozygous with two mandarin alleles; one shared with sweetoranges and one with “Willow leaf” mandarin. “Meyer” lemon was heterozygous, with the mandarin allele also found in sweet oranges, and the citron allele. “Eureka”lemon was also heterozygous with the same pummelo allele as sour oranges and the citron allele. The other acid Citrus were homozygous for the citron allele.The Pds Gen. For the Pds probe combined with EcoRV, six different fragments were observed. One was common to all individuals. The number of fragments per individual was two or three. ResμLts for Pds led us to believe that this gene is present at two loci, one where no polymorphism was found with EcoRV restriction, and one displaying polymorphism. Conversely, studies on Arabidopsis, tomato, maize, and rice showed that Pds was a single copy gene. However, a previous study on Citrus suggests that Pds is present as a low-copy gene family in the Citrus genome, which is in agreement with our findings.The Zds Gene. The Zds profiles were complex. Nine and five fragments were observed with EcoRV and BamHI restriction, respectively. For both enzymes, one fragment was common to all individuals. The number of fragments per individual ranged from two to six for EcoRV and three to five for BamHI. There was no restriction site in the probe sequence. It can be assumed that several copies (at least three) of the Zds gene are present in the Citrus genome with polymorphism for at least two of them. In Arabidopsis, maize, and rice, like Pds, Zds was a single-copy gene .In these conditions and in the absence of analysis of controlled progenies, we are unable to conduct genetic analysis of profiles. However it appears that some bands differentiated the basic taxa: one for mandarins, one for pummelos, and one for citrons with EcoRV restriction and one for pummelos and onefor citrons with BamHI restriction. Two bands out of the nine obtained with EcoRV were not observed in the samples of basic taxa. One was rare and only observed in “Rangpur” lime. The other was found in sour oranges, “V olkamer” lemon,and “Palestine sweet” lime suggesting a common ancestor for these three genotypes.This is in agreement with the assumption of Nicolosi et al. that “V olkamer” lemon resμLts from a complex hybrid combination with C. aurantium as one parent. It will be necessary to extend the analysis of the basic taxa to conclude whether these specific bands are present in the diversity of these taxa or resμLt from mutations after the formation of the secondary species.The Lcy-b Gene with RFLP Analysis.After restriction with EcoRV and hybridization with the Lcy-b probe, we obtained simple profiles with a total of four fragments. One to two fragments were observed for each individual, and seven profiles were differentiated among the 25 genotypes. These resμLts provide evidence that Lcy-b is present at a single locus in the haploid Citrus genome. Two lycopene β-cyclases encoded by two genes have been identified in tomato. The B gene encoded a novel type of lycopene β-cyclase whose sequence was similar to capsanthin-capsorubin synthase. The B gene expressed at a high level in βmutants was responsible for strong accumμLation ofβ-carotene in fruit, while in wild-type tomatoes, B was expressed at a low level.The Lcy-b Gene with SSR Analysis. Four bands were detected at locus 1210 (Lcy-b gene). One or two bands were detected per variety confirming that this gene is mono locus. Six different profiles were observed among the 25 genotypes. As with RFLPanalysis, no intrataxon molecμLar polymorphism was found within C. Paradisi, C. Sinensis, and C. Aurantium.Taken together, the information obtained from RFLP and SSR analyses enabled us to identify a complete differentiation among the three basic taxon samples. Each of these taxons displayed two alleles for the analyzed sample. An additional allele was identified for “Mexican” l ime. The profiles for all secondary species can be reconstructed from these alleles. Deduced genetic structure is given in. Sweet oranges and clementine were heterozygous with one mandarin and one pummelo allele. Sour oranges were also heterozygous sharing the same mandarin allele as sweet oranges but with another pummelo allele. Grapefruit were heterozygous with two pummelo alleles. All the acid secondary species were heterozygous, having one allele from citrons and the other one from mandarins except for “Mexican” lime, which had a specific allele.柑桔属类胡萝卜素生物合成途径中七个基因拷贝数目及遗传多样性的分析摘要:本文的首要目标是分析类胡萝卜素生物合成相关等位基因在发生变异柑橘属类胡萝卜素组分种间差异的潜在作用;第二个目标是确定这些基因的拷贝数。



















浅谈科技论文翻译时的一些技巧 聂燕

浅谈科技论文翻译时的一些技巧 聂燕























学术论文文献阅读与机助汉英翻译IntroductionAs technology advances, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our lives. With the help of machine learning and natural language processing, machines are not only able to perform routine tasks but are also able to understand, reason and learn. In the translation industry, machine translation has become increasingly popular in recent years.This paper will explore the use of machine translation in translation tasks by reviewing scholarly articles on the topic. Furthermore, we will explore the role of machine translation in automating translation tasks and the impact it has on the translation industry.Advantages of Machine TranslationMachine translation has several advantages in translation tasks. One of the greatest advantages is speed. Machines are able to perform translations in a fraction of the time it would take a human translator. Furthermore, machines can translate large volumes of text quickly and accurately.Another advantage of machine translation is cost. The cost of machine translation is significantly lower than human translation. This is because machines can complete translations without the need for payment, benefits, or time off.Machine translation is also consistent. Machines are not prone tofatigue or errors in the same way humans are. This means that the quality of translations is more consistent and reliable. Disadvantages of Machine TranslationHowever, there are also several disadvantages to using machine translation. One of the biggest disadvantages is accuracy. Machine translation is not always accurate, and can produce errors or awkward translations.Another disadvantage is that machines lack the cultural and linguistic knowledge of a human translator. This means that machines may not be able to properly translate idiomatic expressions or slang.Additionally, machines are not suitable for translations that require a higher level of precision, such as legal or medical translations. This is because these types of translations require a strong understanding of specific terminology and jargon.Research FindingsIn a study conducted by Hasegawa and Kojima (2011), machine translation was compared to human translation for translations of user manuals. The study found that machine translation produced more errors than human translation, and that the quality of machine translation varied widely depending on the source language.On the other hand, a study by Koehn et al. (2003) found that machine translation can produce high-quality translations when thesource text is straightforward and lacks nuanced meaning.Another study by Nitzke and Burchardt (2016) investigated the impact of machine translation on the translation process. They found that machine translation can be a useful tool for translators, but that it is important to take into account factors such as domain, text type, and translation direction.ConclusionMachine translation has several advantages and disadvantages in translation tasks. While it can be useful for translations of certain texts, it is not always accurate and lacks the cultural and linguistic knowledge of a human translator. In conclusion, machine translation has the potential to automate translation tasks and increase efficiency in the translation industry, but cannot replace the role of a human translator entirely.The use of machine translation in the translation industry has been increasing over the years. This is due to the advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing that have made it possible for machines to understand and translate languages.One of the benefits of machine translation is that it can increase the efficiency of the translation process. This is particularly important for industries that require the translation of large volumes of text. For example, the news media industry relies heavily on machine translation to quickly translate news articles from one language to another. This allows them to deliver news to their audience faster and more efficiently.Moreover, machine translation can also be used in industries such as ecommerce, where the translation of product descriptions can be a time-consuming and costly process. By using machine translation, businesses can translate product descriptions quickly and with greater accuracy, which can lead to increased sales and reduced costs.However, it is important to note that machine translation has limitations. It may not always produce accurate translations, especially when dealing with complex or nuanced texts. In some cases, human translators may be necessary to ensure that the translation accurately captures the meaning and tone of the original text.Furthermore, machine translation can be particularly challenging when translating idiomatic expressions or slang. These types of expressions are often unique to a particular culture or community, and may not have direct translations in other languages. A machine translator may not be able to accurately capture the nuanced meaning of these expressions, resulting in a translated text that may be difficult for the reader to understand.Despite its limitations, there are several ways in which machine translation can be optimized to improve its accuracy and efficiency. One of these methods is by using post-editing, which involves a human translator checking and editing the machine-translated text for accuracy and fluency.Another way is by training the machine translator with domain-specific data. For example, if the machine is being used formedical translations, it can be trained with medical terminology to improve the accuracy of translations in this domain.Additionally, machine translation can also be improved by using a hybrid approach, which combines machine translation with human translation. This approach involves using the machine translator to translate the bulk of the text, then having a human translator edit and refine the translation to ensure accuracy and fluency.Overall, machine translation has become an integral part of the translation industry, and its use is expected to increase in the future. While it has its limitations, it also offers several benefits, such as increased efficiency and reduced costs. With ongoing improvements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, it is likely that machine translation will become even more advanced, leading to greater accuracy and efficiency in translation tasks.。




关键词:科技翻译;特征;原则;译者;素质introductiontranslation is in some degree a recreation. sci-tech translation is one part of translation. it is a process that reconstructs the original text expressed by the rigorous and standard written language. the diversity, extensity and complexity of sci-tech articles decide the difficulty and technicality of sci-tech translation work.1.0 characters of sci-tech translationsci-tech translation requires language that is actual, intuitive and clear in expression. the word use should be unified as possible as it can, especially some conceptual words.sci-tech translation is various in kind and specialty characteristics are distinctive. when do the written translation, although the translators look up in dictionary frequently, the articles they have translated are very awful. the basic reason is that they are not familiar with the specialty and even do not understand it at all. when you masterenough amounts of technical terms, you will feel bright at once.in addition, the language of sci-tech translation is accurate. it requires that the information of the original manuscripts should be conveyed objectively. it has only one surface meaning. sci-tech translation tries to avoid emotional coloring2.0 principles of sci-tech translationgenerally speaking, sci-tech articles are written in plain description, aiming at plainness and accuracy and using rhetoric as little as possible. in requirement of the characteristics of sci-tech articles, translators should follow the principles of accuracy, clarity, plainness and conciseness and objectivity, making sure that the translations are in accordance with the style characteristics of sci-tech articles on the premise of conveying the meaning.2.1 principle of accuracyaccuracy refers to expressing the meaning of the source language in target language when do the translation. articles require that the word use is accurate, avoiding obscurity polysemy. in translation process, translators should discriminate the words meanings before they decide which theyuse. or the translations will be obscure or a thousand miles away form the source texts in the meaning.2.2 principle of clarityclarity means to express the meaning of the source text clearly. for example, relations between chinese sentences are connected by their meanings, rarely using conjunctions. while in english, the structure is rigorous and there are many conjunctions. this makes the relations between composing components in one sentence or sentence and sentence clear. in addition, there is only one predicate verb in english simple sentence. as a result, when there are several verbs in a chinese sentence, only one main verb appears as predicate verb and other verbs appear as non-predicate verbs.2.3 principle of concisenessin sci-tech english, in order to argue accurately, translators will add some modified and restricted words and sentences although the definitions, laws and theorems are accurate, the concepts described and production process narrated are clear. meanings would not be affected if these kinds of words are omitted. instead, it will be concise. in addition, frequent use of non-personal nouns or nominalization structure is a common way to make thetranslations be concise. this could express different relations in sci-tech english in the most concise form and also could omit the obvious words the represent the logic relations.2.4 principle of objectivitythe tasks of sci-tech articles are that describe objective phenomenon, reveal their laws; introduce scientific research achievements, narrate process and conclusion of experiments; explain characteristics of products and points that should be paid attention to in producing process.generally speaking, sci-tech articles use simple present tense to narrate the social phenomena, process, conventions and so on. simple present tense is often used to express explanations of scientific definitions, laws, equations or formulas and diagrams. as for passive voice, it can not only make readers pay attention to the things, phenomena or process that are narrated but also seems very objective.3.0 qualities of sci-tech translatorsbesides the basic qualities that the general translators possess, sci-tech translators should also possess the special qualities of the professional technology. followings are twoqualities that the sci-tech translators should have.3.1 political qualitysci-tech translators should have high consciousness of political thoughts, strong sense of responsibility and noble professional ethic. they should love their countries, their people and socialism and abide by professional codes, stand firmly on the side of their own company and serve for the interest of their own countries.3.2 solid language basic skills and certain professional knowledgetranslators should possess large vocabularies, systematic foreign language morphology and syntax knowledge of a foreign language. besides possessing certain amount of foreign language knowledge, translators should possess comprehensive basic sci-tech knowledge, technical terms and specialized vocabularies as much as possible.conclusionas an important part of national scientific and technological knowledge course, sci-tech translation is a key means to spread whole-world sci-tech information, sci-tech knowledge and scientific research achievements. so sci-tech translations should be put in an improtant place.参考文献:[1]成妙仙,科技翻译体会点滴,《山西科技》第6期,2003.[2]刘国仕,试论科技翻译工作者的素养,《河南工业大学学报》(社会科学版)第2期,2007.[3]苗传臣,浅谈科技译员的素质,《中国科技翻译》第3期,1998.[4]杨保良,试谈科技翻译的特点及规律,《能源基地建设》第3期,1998.[5]杨超,刍议21世纪的科技翻译,《现代情报》第11期,2004.[6]杨先琇,科技翻译的特点及词汇翻译,《中国科技翻译》第2期,1990.[7]杨早春,谈汉英科技翻译的原则及方法,《和田师范专科学校学报》第2期,2007.作者简介:耿瑞超(1984-),女,汉族,山东淄博人,山东大学外国语学院2007级硕士研究生,主要从事翻译理论和实践研究。





研究发现,NLP-MLT 技术在翻译效果方面较传统机器翻译具

基于 NLP-MLT 的机器翻译系

NLP-MLT 的主要组成部分包括语言模型、自然语言处理技术、机器学习技术和神经网络技术。





通过这些技术,NLP-MLT 可


通过语言模型、自然语言处理技术、机器学习技术和神经网络技术的协同作用,NLP-MLT 也可以使机器翻译系统提供更准确、更可信的翻译






















介绍这些成果的科技类刊物则日益受到世界科技界人士和相关学术机构的重视,如美国的《科学引文索引)(Science Citation Index,简称SCI)、《工程索引》(Engineering Index,简称EI)和英国的《物理文摘》(Physics Abstract,简称PA)等重要的信息情报检索刊物每年都要收录大量的科技刊物的英文摘要。







a. 摘要的要素摘要的要素主要包括以下4个方面的内容:(1)研究目的。







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根据Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Online(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》在线版,2012,),翻译是“the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language”(将书面或者口头的某事物转换到另一种语言的过程)。















例:Nowadays, a most wonderful way of carrying message to link the world together is to send an electronic signal or message from a station on the earth to a satellite traveling in space and then to make it come back to another earth station, which may be very far away from the sending station.译文:今天,传递信息以便把世界联系起来的一种十分巧妙的办法是:从地面站向太空运转的卫星发射电子信号或者信息,然后再让信号或信息返回到另一个地面站,这两个地面站之间距离可能十分遥远。


首先要找到句子的主语a most wonderful way,表语is to send...,to make ...,宾语signal or message,修饰的定语from a station以及which 后面引导的定语从句。







英语句群中的信息中心句,常常放到句末,叫末端重心(end force)金字塔形,这与汉语注意语序,其细心重心往往在句群的最后面基本一致的,但由于英语中有许多表示次要句的种种语词标记(如关系代词、关系副词、分词等),因此句群的末句,并不一定就是信息中心句。



















2.3科技阅读与翻译——重点与难点解读(2006,page10)句子的基本结构有五种:1、主语+系动词+主语补(足)语(表语);(“主—系—表”句型,there be)2、主语+不及物动词;3、主语+及物动词+宾语;4、主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语;5、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语;1、含主语从句的复合句:在英语中尤其是科技英语中,直接将主语从句置于句首的情况并不多见,除非该从句较为短小。




I thought it might be possible that there would be some maintenance of telomeres (端粒酶), but t hat we see extension is unexpected. 我想可能存在某些维持染色体端粒的物质,但寿命的延长确实出乎我们的意料。



The nutritional dilemma of persons with AIDS, or PWAs, is that they must eat abundantly yet they must also avoid foodborne illness, juggle foods and medications, and surmount the poor appetite and indigestion caused by they medications and by ADIS itself.艾滋病患者(又称PWAs)在饮食方面所遭受的两难困境表现为:患者一方面必须大量进食,另一方面又不得不防范饮食可能导致的疾病,改变食谱和用药,还要克服因药物治疗以及艾滋病本身而引发的食欲不振和消化不良。


The figure shows t hat the maximum precipitation occurred to the east of Indonesia.此图表明最大降水出现在印尼以东4、含同位语从句的复合句:照译,同位语从句的翻译大多将其照译在先行词之后,用“就是”或者采用标点符号(冒号)等引出;拆译,同位语从句的翻译还经常采取拆译法,就是讲该从句拆出来作为外位成分单译成一句,然后通过采用其先行词或相应的代词替代外位成分来加以过渡,引出主句及其他成分;转换,有时也可采用转换法翻译同位语从句,此时大多略去其先行词不译。









