

An Introduction to Mathematics 金融学数学基础知识

An Introduction to Mathematics 金融学数学基础知识

FV 15,000 1.5 ln(1.5) 0.405 0.135 e0.135 1.144 r = C0 (1+r)T = 10,000(1+r) 3 = (1+r) 3 = ln(1+r) 3 = 3ln(1+r) = ln (1+r) = 1+r =1+r ≈ 0.144 or 14.4%
• Let us assume that one invests an amount of money at time zero (C0) in an account for T years and that the going annual interest rate is r. Then, the value of this amount after the completion of T years shall equal: FV = C0 (1+r)T where FV = Future Value • However, the above assumes annual compounding of the interest, yet the latter could be compounded: Semiannually: FV = C0 [1+(r/2)]2T Quarterly: FV = C0 [1+(r/4)]4T Monthly: FV = C0 [1+(r/12)]12T Daily: FV = C0 [1+(r/360)]360T Continuously: FV = C0 erT
Introduction to Mathematics & Statistics



2.1 The time value of money 2.1.1 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS

We saw in Topic 1 that the corporate objective is to maximise the value of the firm
Dollar value of benefits
FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 2 – Financial Mathematics 5

Snoop Dogg
FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 2 – Financial Mathematics 6
La Trobe Business School
La Trobe Business School
FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 2 – Financial Mathematics
Prescribed reading
Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., Harford, J., Ford, G., Mollica, V. and Finch, N. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (2nd edition) Pearson Australia, 2014
FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 2 – Financial Mathematics 4

Chapters 3, 4 and 5
La Trobe Business School FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 2 – Financial Mathematics 3



金融数学(Financial Mathematics),又称数理金融学、数学金融学、分析金融学,是利用数学工具研究金融,进行数学建模、理论分析、数值计算等定量分析,以求找到金融动内在规律并用以指导实践。






金融数学在我国起步比较晚,但于1997 年正式实施的国家“九五”重大项目《金融数学、金融工程、金融管理》,直接推动了我国金融数学这一交叉学科的兴起和发展。




金融数学是一门应用性极强的学科,其特殊之处在于,与许多其他应用学科如生物相比,它的难度更类似于数学物理,而另一方面,它的应用性可以和engineering相提并论,因为好的结果必须是"有利可图"的,you may cheat a Journal, but you cannot cheat the Market...而更加独特的是,它要求一个人有极其博杂的知识,所以一份好的书单很重要大体而言,所需要的知识分为三类1.数量2.经济金融3.编程,这方面我比较弱,至今还算不上professional programmer大致上来说,一个人需要吃透如下LEVEL的书籍:1.Thinking in C++ Vol 1 & 22.The C++ Programming Language另外,还需要data structure & alogrithms的知识好在编程高手尽多,这方面也不太需要我业余的意见,呵呵给一个书单吧,大家共勉金融数学书籍,总结自聪聪的bolg,留作参考,顺便激励自己看完这些书—-不知道要多少年了。


















For these reasons, debt is considered a less risky form of investment than es School FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 3 – Valuation of Securities
La Trobe Business School FIN1FOF Fundamentals of Finance – Topic 3 – Valuation of Securities
3.1 Valuation 3.1.4 DEBT v EQUITY
There are fundamentally two different types of securities issued by a firm – debt and equity – and the differences between them impact upon how we value them
Interest rate
Opportunity cost
Required rate of return
Cost of capital
In theory these terms describe different
things, because they are arrived at in different ways
Assets Current assets Long‐term assets
Liabilities & Equity Debt Preference shares Ordinary shares
In theory we could determine the value of the firm by calculating the total value of the assets on the left-hand side OR the total value of the liabilities and shareholders’ equity on the right-hand side


Introduction General properties of arbitrage-free prices One-period binomial model
Prices which admit arbitrage are, in some sense, incorrect. Existence of arbitrage is a severe form of the inconsistency and mispricing that we want to avoid. Assume no arbitrage, unless otherwise indicated. Thus, when we try to price some security, we are looking for an arbitrage-free price. Some authors define arbitrage without “type 2”. The distinction between our definition and their definition is essentially harmless, because: If there exists an asset whose price is always nonnegative and not always zero, then type 1 arb exists whenever type 2 arb exists. Bj¨rk’s term for arbitrage is “arbitrage possibility.” o
Introduction General properties of arbitrage-free prices One-period binomial model


FAQs One-period, multiple discrete states Multi-period, multiple discrete states
Why can we price by taking P-expectations
Because the following actions result in identical calculations: Pricing: Take a payoff, decompose it into quantities of Arrow-Debreu (AD) assets, and sum up quantity times price of each AD asset. Taking a P-expectation: Take a random variable, decompose it into its possible realizations, and sum up the level times P-probability of each realization. (We are either ignoring interest rates, or expressing all prices relative to some designated asset, e.g. the bank account)
One-period, multiple discrete states
Multi-period, multiple discrete states
One-period, multiple discrete states
Multi-period, multiple discrete states

《金融数学》(双语) 课程教学大纲

《金融数学》(双语) 课程教学大纲

《金融数学》(双语) 课程教学大纲课程编号:07140080课程类别:专业课程授课对象:数学科学学院学生开课学期:第五学期学分:3学分主讲教师:严力指定教材:Petr Zima,Robert L.Brown, 《Mathematics of Finance》(Fifth Edition) ,McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited 出版社,2001年教学目的:通过学习本课程,主要达到以下两个目的:1.学会国际金融界中的基本利息的概念与理论, 会计算单利, 复利, 各种年金. 学会用计算机软件Excel 制作抵押贷款(按揭)的分期还贷付款表, 偿债基金表. 会分析一般金融问题. 培养理财观念及国际意识. 为今后就业,个人理财打下基础.2.创造英语环境, 以英语授课为主, 辅以适当中文解释. 学会用英语阅读, 理解专业书籍. 提高英语听力及书面表达力, 增强英语解题能力, 培养英语思维及交流能力. 为今后就业,考研,出国培养扎实的英文应用能力.第一章Simple Interest and Simple Discount课时:2周,共6课时教学内容第一节Simple Interest一、Simple Interest, principal, present / accumulated value介绍单利,本金,现时值,将来值及计算方法-二、Demand loan介绍需求贷款及计算方法三、Invoice cash discount介绍发票中的现金折扣及计算方法思考题:1、什么是单利,本金,现时值,将来值及计算方法?2、如何制作需求贷款表?3.如何利用现金折扣节省开支?第二节Discounted value at simple interest一、Simple discount, discount factor介绍单利下的贴现因子及现时值计算方法二、Promissory Note介绍短期期票及计算方法思考题:1、什么是单贴现, 贴现因子及现时值,将来值计算方法?2、如何计算短期期票?第三节Equations of value一、Dated Value, focal date, time diagram介绍时间价值,参考日, 时间图二、Equations of value介绍时间价值计算方法三、Property of transitivity介绍等价概念思考题:1、什么是时间价值及计算方法?2、如何判定等价的时间价值?第四节Partial payment一、Merchant’s Method思考题:1、如何用商人法则计算余额?2、如何用递减法则计算余额?第五节Simple discount at a discount rate一、Simple Interest, principal, present / accumulated value介绍单贴现, 贴现因子及现时值,将来值计算方法- 二、Equivalent relationship介绍等价的贴现率与利率的计算方法思考题:1、什么是单贴现,本金,现时值,将来值及计算方法?2、什么是单贴现率与利率的等价关系及计算方法?第二章Compound Interest and Compound Discount 课时:5周,共15课时第一节Fundamental compound interest formula一、Fundamental compound interest formula介绍基本复利计算公式二、Compound Interest, principal, present / accumulated value介绍复利,本金,现时值,将来值及计算方法-思考题:1、什么是复利,本金,现时值,将来值及计算方法?2、什么是复利和单利的区别?第二节Equivalent compound interest rate一、Annual effective rate, nominal rate介绍年有效利率及名义利率计算方法二、Equivalent relation介绍两等价名义利率的计算方法思考题:1、什么是有效利率及名义利率?2、如何转换两等价名义利率?第三节Discounted Value at Compound Interest一,Present value, compound discount, discount factor 介绍现时值,复贴现,贴现因子及计算方法二、Long-term promissory note介绍长期票据及计算方法思考题:1、什么是现时值,复贴现,贴现因子及计算方法?2、如何计算长期票据?3.什么是长期票据和短期票据的区别?第四节Accumulated and Discounted Value for a Fractional Period of Time一、Exact / Theoretical method介绍理论计算方法-二、Approximate / Practical method介绍实用计算方法思考题:1、什么是理论计算方法?2、什么是实用计算方法?3.什么是理论和实用计算方法的区别?第五节Finding the Rate and the Time一、Finding the rate介绍利率计算方法-二、Finding the time介绍期限计算方法思考题:1、什么是利率计算方法?2. 什么是期限计算方法?第六节Equations of value一、Dated Value, focal date, time diagram介绍时间价值,参考日, 时间图二、Equations of value介绍时间价值计算方法三、Property of transitivity介绍复利等价概念思考题:1、什么是复利时间价值及计算方法?2、如何判定复利等价的时间价值?第七节Compound Interest at Changing Interest Rate一、Finding the interest at Changing Interest Rate介绍利率改变后利息计算方法-二、Finding the present value at Changing Interest Rate介绍利率改变后现时值计算方法思考题:1、如何计算不同利率阶段的利息?2、如何计算不同利率阶段的本金?第八节Other Applications of Compound Interest Theory, Inflation and the “Real” Rate of Interest一、Economics application介绍经济应用-二、“Real” Rate of Interest介绍“实值”利率及计算方法三,Inflation / Deflation介绍通货膨胀和通货紧缩思考题:1、什么通货膨胀和通货紧缩?2,什么是“实值”利率及计算方法?第九节Continuous Compounding一、Finding the rate of continuous Compounding介绍连续利率计算方法-二、Finding the present value and future value介绍连续利率时现时值与将来值计算方法思考题:1、什么是连续利率计算方法?2、什么是连续利率与其他利率的关系?第十节Compound Discount at a Discount Rate and Equivalent Discount Rates 一、Finding the Compound Discount Rate介绍复贴现率计算方法-二、Finding the present value and future value介绍复贴现率时现时值与将来值计算方法三T-bill介绍债劵思考题:1、什么是复贴现率计算方法?2、如何计算复贴现率时现时值与将来值?3,什么是债劵及计算方法?第三章Simple Annuities课时:3周,共9课时第一节Definitions一、Simple, general, ordinary, due, deferred annuities介绍简单,普通,初付,延付及延期年金二、Notations介绍惯用符号-思考题:1、什么是简单,普通,初付,延付及延期年金?2、什么是不同年金的区别?第二节Accumulated Value of an Ordinary Simple一、Accumulated Value介绍简单延付年金累积值计算方法二、Payment介绍简单延付年金复费计算方法思考题:1、什么是简单延付年金累积值计算方法?2、什么是简单延付年金复费计算方法?第三节Discounted Value of an Ordinary Simple Annuity 一,Discounted Value介绍简单延付年金现时值计算方法二、Decision making决策制定思考题:1、什么是简单延付年金现时值计算方法?2、如何根据净现时值制定决策?第四节Other Simple Annuities一、Annuity due介绍初付年金计算方法-二、Deferred annuity介绍延期年金计算方法思考题:1、什么是初付年金计算方法?2、什么是延期年金计算方法?第五节Finding the Term of an Annuity一、Finding the term介绍期限计算方法-二、Concluding payment介绍最后付费计算方法思考题:1、什么是期限计算方法?2,什么是最后付费计算方法?第六节Finding the Interest Rate一、Finding the Interest Rate介绍利率计算方法二、Linear interpolation介绍线性插值计算方法思考题:1、什么是利率计算方法?2、什么是线性插值计算方法?第四章General and Other Annuities课时:3周,共9课时第一节General Annuities一、General annuities介绍普通初付,延付及延期年金二、Application综合应用思考题:1、什么是普通,初付,延付及延期年金?2、如何计算不同年金?第二节Mortgages in Canada二、Mortgages介绍抵押贷款计算方法二、Small payment介绍小付费计算方法思考题:1、什么是抵押贷款计算方法?2、什么是小付费计算方法?第三节Perpetuities一,Perpetuities介绍永久年金现时值计算方法二、Payment介绍永久年金付费计算方法思考题:1、什么是永久年金计算方法?2、如何区别永久年金和普通年金?第四节Annuities where Payment Vary一、Geometric progression介绍几何级数变化计算方法-二、Arithmetic progression介绍算术级数变化计算方法思考题:1、什么是几何级数变化计算方法?2、什么是算术级数变化计算方法?第五章Amortization Method and Sinking Funds 课时:5周,共15课时第一节Amortization of a Deb t一、Amortization schedule介绍贷款清偿表的制作二、Outstanding principle balance介绍本金余额计算方法思考题:1、什么是贷款清偿表计算方法?2、什么是本金余额计算方法?第二节Outstanding Balance一, Retrospective method介绍过去计算方法二、Prospective method介绍将来计算方法思考题:1、什么是过去计算方法?2、什么是将来计算方法?第三节Refinance a Loan-the Amortization Method 一,Amortization Method介绍重新贷款计算方法1二、Decision making决策制定思考题:1、什么是重新贷款计算方法1?2、如何根据罚金制定决策?第四节Refinance a Loan the Sum-of-Digits Method一、Sum-of-Digits Method介绍重新贷款计算方法2-二、Deferred annuity介绍延期年金计算方法思考题:1、什么是重新贷款计算方法2?2、什么是计算方法1和计算方法2的区别?第五节Sinking Fund一、Sinking Fund介绍偿债基金计算方法-二、Schedule介绍偿债基金表的制作思考题:1、什么是偿债基金?2,如何制作偿债基金表?第六节The Sinking-Fund Method of Retiring a DebtRetiring a Debt介绍偿债计算方法第七节Comparison of Amortization and Sinking-Fund Methods 比较不同偿债计算方法执笔人:严力。

chp1 金融数学引言

chp1 金融数学引言

2013年度诺贝尔经济学奖授予 E. Fama、 P. Hansen和 R. J. Shiller ,因为 他们对资产价格实证分析的贡献。 令Fama 摘取桂冠的是他提出的有效市场 假说以及与K.French共同提出“Fama-French 三因子模型” 。 Hansen因为GMM广义矩估计方法而获奖。 Shiller因为行为金融研究。
〔5〕 Hull J.Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (8th ed.),Prentice Hall , 2011 .王勇,索吾林译,机械工业出版社, 2012 〔6〕李向科,戚发全. 金融数学. 中国人民大学出 版社,2004 〔7〕邵宇. 微观金融学及其数学基础(第二版). 清华大学出版社,2008 〔8〕王军, 王娟. 随机过程及其在金融领域中的 应用. 清华大学出版社, 20071614Fra bibliotek主要内容:

投资组合选择理论 衍生证券的定价理论 ARCH类模型及其应用 利率期限结构理论 公司金融 保险精算学 风险管理

衍生金融的数学 教学安排: 第1章 金融数学概论 第2章 资产价格随机过程 第3章 期权定价的Black-Scholes模型 第4章 期权定价的二叉树模型 第5章 鞅与资产定价 第6章 利率衍生品定价 第7章 信用风险管理模型 第8章 分组讨论报告

金融研究 中国管理科学 管理科学学报 管理工程学报 系统工程学报 系统管理学报 系统工程理论与实践 系统工程
第1章 金融数学概论
金融数学研究的主要内容 金融数学是一门新兴的边缘科学,是数学与金 融学的交叉。它是在两次华尔街革命的基础上产生 和发展起来的,其核心问题是不确定环境下的最优 投资策略的选择理论和资产定价理论。 简单地说,金融数学就是用数学的方法解决金 融问题。在金融数学的发展史上,一些诺贝尔经济 学奖的获奖工作,对金融数学的研究起着决定性的 作用。可以说,金融数学的主流研究方向就是以这 些获奖工作为基础的。



《金融数学》课程教学大纲一、教师或教学团队信息二、课程基本信息课程名称(中文):《金融数学》课程名称(英文):Financial Mathematics课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课□专业必修课□专业方向课□专业拓展课□实践性环节课程性质*:□学术知识性□方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性课程代码:12550261周学时:2总学时:36(其中上课32)学分:2先修课程:高等数学授课对象:全校学生三、课程简介金融数学是为全校非数学专业学生开设的通识选修课,通过本课程的学习,要求学生了解金融数学是以与货币的流通发行和运用过程相关的所有经济活动为研究对象的,并运用数学和统计学等方法进行定量研究和应用的学科。





五、教学内容与进度安排第一讲为什么要学习金融数学1. 课时数:2学时2. 讲授内容:重点介绍什么是金融学,金融学研究的内容和方法,结合学习数学的重要性以及金融数学的重要内容。

让学生了解学习金融数学的知识和内容重点:金融学和金融数学的研究对象3. 学生学习任务:阅读网络资料。


4. 教学方法采用课堂讲解与讨论, 培养学生较强的自学能力。

5. 课外学习要求通过布置上网查资料, 让学生主动加强课外阅读。

第二讲次贷危机与信用风险管理1. 课时数:2学时2. 讲授内容:美国次贷危机发生的根源,如何管理和控制信用风险的发生。

重点:CDS如何导致次贷危机发生难点:CDS的运作方式3. 学生学习任务:了解次贷危机是如何发生的。



金融数学英语单词汇总(附少量GRE数学词汇...终于把金融数学单词背完了,拿出来分享一下!帮助一起研究金融的朋友们!希望大家互相共勉一起努力........PS:如果单词有错误拼写,请见谅......integer 整数even 偶数odd 奇数divisor 除数,约数real number 实数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive integer 连续的整数quotient 商multiple 倍数remainder 余数prime number 质数,素数prime factor 质因子,质因数composite number 合数numerator 分子denominator 分母divisor 因子,除数greatest common divisor 最大公约数least commom multiple 最小公倍数common multiple 公倍数common factor 公因子reciprocal 倒数inverse 倒数mixed number 带分数improper fraction 假分数proper fraction 真分数vulgar fraction 普通分数common fraction 普通分数simple fraction 简分数complex fraction 繁分数decimal system 十进制digit 位units digit 个位数tens digit 十位数tenths unit 十分位3-digit number 三位数decimal point 小数点decimal fraction 純小数infinite decimal 无穷小数recurring decimal 循环小数absolute value 绝对值nonzero number 非零数natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数nonnegative 非负的rational 有理数irrational 无理数common ration 公比direct proportion 正比percent 百分比base 底数power 指数square root 平方根cube root 立方根common logarithm 常用对数radical sign 根号root sign 根号cardinal 基数ordinal 序数subset 子集union 合集,并集intersection 交集proper subset 真子集solution set 解集average 平均数median 中数mode 众数arithmetic mean 算术平均数weighted average 加权平均数geometric mean 几何平均数maximun 最大值minimum 最小值range 值域dispersion 差量,离差standard dispersion 标准方差frequency distribution 频数分布normal distribution 正态分布factorial notation 阶乘permutations 排列combination 组合。




Financial Mathematics, also known as mathematical finance, mathematical finance, analytical finance, aims to use the mathematical tools to study finance, mathematical modeling, theoretical analysis, numerical computation, and other quantitative analysis. In fact, this course finds the inherent law of Finance as well as to provide practical guidance.精算数学课程简介精算数学是以概率论和数理统计为基础,研究保险事故的出险规律、保险事故损失额的分布规律、保险费和责任准备金等保险具体问题,以求找到保险精算内的定价机制及优化分配。

Actuarial Mathematics is based on probability theory and mathematical statistics, aiming to study the insurance law of accidents, the distribution law of the loss amount of insurance accidents, the insurance premium and statutory reserve, and other insurance specific problems. In fact, this course finds the pricing mechanism and optimal allocation in actuarial insurance.。



[转载]⾦融英语01 ⾦融数字原⽂地址:⾦融英语01 ⾦融数字作者:空⼼菜MaxUnit 1 Money1.1 FiguresAmerican oil billionaire J. Paul Getty has a very famous saying, that is “ If you can actually count your money, then you are not really a rich man.” Well, the sentence is interesting, but actually we must know how to count the money before we get rich, especially in English. So, in today’s class, we would first learn to say English numbers.Let’s talk about the different ways to say 0 in English.Usually, we have the following 5 ways to say 0 in English.They are: OH, ZERO, LOVE, NOUGHT, NIL!We say ohafter a decimal point 6.03 six point oh threein telephone numbers 84 08 32 13 eight four oh eight three two one threein bus numbers No. 708 get the seven oh eightin hotel room numbers Room 308 I'm in room three oh eight.in years 1905 nineteen oh fiveWe say noughtbefore the decimal point 0.201 nought point two oh oneWe say zerofor the number 0 the number zerofor temperature -5~C five degrees below zeroWe say nilin football scores 5-0 Spain won five nil.We say lovein tennis 15- 0 The score is fifteen love.Now say the following:1. The exact figure is 0.002.before the decimal point, read nought;after a decimal point, read oh.Nought point oh oh two.2. Can you get back to me on 010 – 5175 – 0123 ? I'll be here all morning.in telephone numbers, say oh.Oh one oh five one seven five oh one two three3. Can you put that on my bill? I'm in room 804.in hotel room numbers, say oh. Eight oh four4. The temperature in north-east China is very low in winter. Usually, it's 20 degrees below 0!for temperature, say zero.5. Basically, tennis scoring proceeds from 0 to 15 to 30 to 40 to game.love(0), fifteen(15), thirty(30), forty(40), game(胜局)。



integer整数even偶数odd奇数divisor除数,约数realnumber 实数positive whole number 正整数negative whole number 负整数consecutive integer 连续的整数quotient商multiple倍数remainder余数prime number 质数,素数prime factor 质因子,质因数composite number 合数numerator分子denominator分母divisor因子,除数greatest common divisor 最大公约数least commom multiple 最小公倍数common multiple 公倍数common factor 公因子reciprocal倒数inverse倒数mixed number 带分数improper fraction 假分数proper fraction 真分数vulgar fraction 普通分数common fraction 普通分数simple fraction 简分数complex fraction 繁分数decimal system 十进制digit位unitsdigit 个位数tensdigit 十位数tenthsunit 十分位3-digit number 三位数decimal point 小数点decimal fraction 純小数infinite decimal 无穷小数recurring decimal 循环小数absolute value 绝对值nonzero number 非零数natural number 自然数positive number 正数negative number 负数nonnegative非负的rational有理数irrational无理数commonration 公比direct proportion 正比percent百分比base底数power指数squareroot 平方根cuberoot 立方根common logarithm 常用对数radicalsign 根号rootsign根号cardinal基数ordinal序数subset子集union合集,并集intersection交集proper subset 真子集solutionset 解集average平均数median中数mode众数arithmetic mean 算术平均数weighted average 加权平均数geometric mean 几何平均数maximun最大值minimum最小值range值域dispersion 差量,离差standard dispersion 标准方差frequency distribution 频数分布normal distribution 正态分布factorial notation 阶乘permutations排列combination组合。


Stochastic processes in continuous time Itˆ integrals o Itˆ’s rule o
Brownian motion: Properties
W is, in some sense, the limit of a symmetric random walk, as step size and time interval approach zero.
Itˆ integrals o Itˆ’s rule o
Stochastic processes in continuous time
Itˆ processes: motivation via discrete sums o
W Wt is a martingale (with respect to Ft ).
Wt is nowhere differentiable in t, with probability 1.
8 6
Stochastic processes in continuous time
W Wt − Ws is independent of Fs
W has Gaussian (normal) increments: if 0 ≤ s < t then Wt − Ws ∼ N (0, t − s), So ∆Wt := Wt+∆t − Wt is √ ∆t times a N (0, 1) random variable.
Itˆ integrals o
Itˆ’s rule o


• Thus borrowing isn’t free: the borrower pays a premium to induce the lender to part with his/her money. This premium is the interest.
• We shall make the simplifying assumptions that
• At time T , there are only two possible states of the world, UP and DOWN.
• We model this using the tuple (Ω, P, F , T, F, (At, St)t∈T)
• Here Ω = {Up, Down}, and P is a probability measure on Ω.
Preliminary Notions
Discounting and Financial Instruments
• Finance may be defined as the study of how people allocate scarce resources over time.
• The outcomes of financial decisions (costs and benefits) are – spread over time – not generally known with certainty ahead of time, i.e. subject to an element of risk
R = ln ST S0
i.e. ST = S0eRT
The random variable R is essentially the

金融数学 英文

金融数学 英文




以下是一些可以帮助你学习金融数学的英文资源:1. 'Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives' by John C. Hull - 这是一个非常经典的金融数学教材,涵盖了金融衍生品的理论和实践。


2. 'Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Discrete Time Models' by Stanley R. Pliska - 这是一个非常全面的金融数学教材,涵盖了离散时间模型的基础知识和应用。

3. 'Mathematical Methods for Financial Markets' by Monique Jeanblanc, Marc Yor, and Marc Chesney - 这是一本关于金融市场数学方法的教材,涵盖了随机微积分和随机分析的基础知识。

4. 'Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pricing Model' by Steven E. Shreve - 这是关于随机微积分和金融应用的入门教材。

5. 'Financial Engineering: The Evolution of a Profession' by Tanya S. Beder - 这是一本关于金融工程学科的历史和发展的书籍,对于了解这个领域的发展历程非常有帮助。


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• There are two main approaches: – Partial Differential Equations – Probability and Stochastic Processes
Short History of Financial Mathematics
• 1900: Bachelier uses Brownian motion as underlying process to derive option prices.
• Preliminary notions: Time value of money, financial securities, options.
• Arbitrage and risk–neutral valuation via a one–period, two–state toy model.
• Financial Mathematics has been established as a separate academic discipline only since the late eighties, with a number of dedicated journals.
Structure of this talk
• Thus an amount X at time T is the same as Xe−rT now.
• Discounting allows us to compare amounts of money at different times.
• The return on an investment S is defined by
• 1973: Black and Scholes publila.
• 1980: Harrison and Kreps introduce the martingale approach into mathematical finance.
Preliminary Notions
Discounting and Financial Instruments
• Finance may be defined as the study of how people allocate scarce resources over time.
• The outcomes of financial decisions (costs and benefits) are – spread over time – not generally known with certainty ahead of time, i.e. subject to an element of risk
• Decision makers must therefore – be able to compare the values of cashflows at different dates – take a probabilistic view
• The time value of money: R1.00 in the hand today is worth more than the expectation of receiving R1.00 at some future date.
• Thus borrowing isn’t free: the borrower pays a premium to induce the lender to part with his/her money. This premium is the interest.
• We shall make the simplifying assumptions that
– There is only one interest rate: All investors can borrow and lend at this (riskless) rate.
– The interest rate is constant over time.
– The same rate applies for all maturities.
R = ln ST S0
i.e. ST = S0eRT
The random variable R is essentially the
“interest” obtained on the investment,
and may be negative.
• Let r denote the continuously compounded interest rate, so that one unit of currency deposited in a (riskless) bank account grows to erT units in time T .
• Modelling stock price behaviour • Naive stochastic calculus • PDE approach to finance • Martingale approach to finance • Numerical methods • Current Research
What is Financial Mathematics?
• Financial Mathematics is a collection of mathematical techniques that find applications in finance, e.g. – Asset pricing: derivative securities. – Hedging and risk management – Portfolio optimization – Structured products