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文献出处:Nicely E. The research of commercial bank credit risk management [J]. Research in International Business and Finance, 2015, 8(2): 17-26.


The research of commercial bank credit risk management

Nicely E


Commercial bank credit card business risk management broad sense refers to the commercial bank credit card business, because of various unfavorable factors caused by the issuers, cardholders, specially engaged the possibility of loss. Credit risk refers to the pure credit for credit CARDS are unsecured loans, and credit is not high, the customer more than individual, as well as small amount of single feature, lead to the possibility of loss of card issuers. Through to the commercial Banks to do a good job of credit card risk management put forward the Suggestions and comments, and pay attention to the risks of commercial Banks to establish perfect management system, system, business process research, and put forward the commercial Banks in establishing a system of credit card business management structure, regulations, at the same time, want to notice to each kind of risk identification, measurement, assessment and do a good job in risk loss provisions in personnel management, should pay attention to establish risk rewards and punishment mechanism, pay attention to the positive incentives to the employees.

Keywords: Credit CARDS; Risk management; Incentive mechanism

1 Introduction

Credit card refers to the bank issued to individuals and units, with the function such as shopping, consumption and access cash bank card. Its striking feature is that the Banks granted to customer a certain line of credit, customers can enjoy the privilege of the reimbursement after be being card first, its form is a positive with the issuing bank name, the period of validity, card number, card, the cardholder's name, article with a magnetic stripe, signature on the back of the information such as bank CARDS. We now call the credit card, generally refers to borrow write down card. Credit risk refers to the bank credit card holders for various reasons failed to fully

repay bank debt and cause the possibility of default, defaults, bank will because the cardholder does not thereby causing loss to the bank funds paid promptly. Credit card main risk including fraud risk, credit risk, operational risk, accredit card risk management refers to in the process of credit card business, the possible including fraud risk, credit risk, operational risk, etc, all kinds of risk management and control is to reduce the possibility of loss The loss rate of operation and management activities.

2 Literature review

The concept of risk management since the 30 s of 20th century, after nearly 40 years of development to form a system, gradually by people began to attach importance to and cognition, form a new management discipline. The concept of risk mainly comes from the insurance industry, insurance for risk defined as the uncertainty of loss. In 1964, the United States of the risk management and insurance, it has made the definition: risk book points out that through the risk identification, assessment, and control to achieve with minimum cost to make a management method of minimizing the risk loss. In 1976, eight Gerry, in his book, the risk management of international enterprise, points out that protection of enterprise's financial stability, reduce the loss caused by risk events is the main goal of the enterprise risk management. In 1975, risk management and insurance management society, scholars from all over the world including general principles, risk management was determined by the talk of risk identification and measurement, risk control and other criteria. The establishment of these guidelines, marks all over the world, risk management theory with the preliminary development, management framework has been set up. Also marks the risk management has entered a new stage. In July 2004, Basel 2 rules on commercial Banks, puts forward a new risk management requirements, he fully considered for the bank including market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and operational risk, a variety of provide for risk identification, risk measurement standard, make risk management work more accurate quantitative measurement. In 2004, the COSO committee issued "enterprise risk management integrated framework", put forward by the enterprise internal control into risk control as the main direction of management thinking. Puts forward the concept of comprehensive risk management,
