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Part 1:

Before we start our prese ntati on today, first let 'try some in teresti ng

tran slati on.

“ You look blue today. What ' s wrong with you? ”


Means “你今天看起来闷闷不乐,你怎么了”。blue表面上是蓝色的意思,但这里却


Then let ' move on to another case :

“ The smoke made him cough. He coughed harshly, his face lit like a

tomato. ”


Which means "烟使他呛起来。他难受地咳着,脸胀得像番茄一样红”

如果按字面翻译的话,最后一句的意思应为“他的脸像番茄一样”,但是要使翻译达到信达雅的效果的话,应该译为“脸胀得像番茄一样红”。在英文表达中这个颜色词”红” 是用tomato 这个实物指代的。

可见,颜色词在中英文中的含义用法有诸多的不同,而这正是我们今天prese ntati on



The Cultural Differe nces of Color Words in Chi nese and En glish (单独作一页


From the scie ntific defi niti on, color is a visual phe nomenon laun ched, reflected or caused through certa in light wave by the object; it is one kind of visual esse ntial features of huma n eye. While on the basic color words,

there is not so much differe nee in En glish and in Chin ese, in Chin ese, there are 赤(chi)、橙(cheng)、黄(huang)、绿(lv)、青(qing)、蓝(lan)、紫(zi)、黑、

白,and in English there are red,orange, yellow, green,cyan,blue and purple, black and white, c olor words in each nation ' s Ianguageffdir from one

an ther in the world. 可见在对视觉上对颜色的描述,中英文是不存在什么差异的

But now the color words not only express the color, but also imply the cultural factors of each country, different cultures can reflect one country ' s history, aesthetic taste and national psychology. It is the bright and colorful nature which provides the place for life and the foundation for developing. Therefore, it is of great importanee to study color words to find out how they reflect cultural differe nces in both the origi nal and target Ian guage and why they can in flue nce our daily life.


In specific. The main colors of En glish and Chin ese are same or similar ,

but some color words in one Ian guage can refer to more one color in other Ian guage . So the En glish and Chin ese color words are not always corresp onding word. Take the colors of red, black, white, yellow, gree n and blue for examples as showed below.


Both in China and En glish speak ing coun tries, red always be conn ected with joyous and celebrate eve nts. For example, red-letter days "in En glish

means memorial day, ofte n refers to Christmas Day. "to paint the tow n red "

means bin ge, quaff, or eve n mon key bus in ess (狂欢痛饮胡闹)“ roll out the

red carpet for sb. "(铺展红地毯隆重地欢迎某人)_.

red also used to express some sorts of emoti on. For in sta nce, become

red-faced " or sb ' face tur ned red " has the same meaning with 脸红"in

Chinese. And to see red " along with wave a red flag " equals to 为难、发

怒"in Chinese.

In Chin ese particularly, the word “ hong " represe nts luck, happ in ess,

success, celebrati on and festival. I n traditi onal Chin ese weddi ngs, not only the decorations are full of red color, including red candle, red quilts, red words “喜" and so on, but also the clothing of the bride and groom, as well as the red veil of the bride (新娘的红盖头),thus bri nging a weddi ng

atmosphere and impl ying the prosperous future of the n ewlyweds.

Furthermore, the word "红火"represents exuberant and lively. The word

"红利" ,describes the enterprise division of profits to shareholders or
