大学英语3 unit 2 教案

Book 3 Unit 2 教材总结Text A一、单词1.waterproof a. 防水的;不透水的n. [C, usu. pl.] 防水衣物;雨衣2.jetty n. [C] 栈桥;突堤;登岸码头3.notorious a. 臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的4.hop vi. 快速行走;弹跳5.oust vt. (尤指为取而代之而)迫使(某人)放弃职位;把⋯撵走6.feeble a. 1 非常虚弱的;无力的 2 蹩脚的;无效的;站不住脚的7.recede vi. 1 减弱,减小(可能性)2(从高处)后退8.deem vt. 认为9.pathetic a. 1 招人怜悯的;可怜的 2 没用的;无效的10.mob n. [C] 同类的一群人11.gasp vi. 1(因惊讶、惊吓或痛苦而)倒抽气,喘气,喘息 2 急促地喘气;猛地吸气12.catastrophe n. 1 [C] 麻烦;困境;不利的局面The attempt to expand the business during this time of recession was acatastrophe for the firm.在这种萧条时期尝试扩展业务使这家公司陷入了困境。
2 [C, U] 灾难;大祸;严重的不幸Flooding is a major catastrophe, which tends to cause a heavy loss of life. 洪水是重大灾难,容易引发大量伤亡。
13.tide n. 潮;潮汐14.bleak a. 1 没有希望的;令人沮丧的 2 阴冷的;阴郁的15.tow n. (车辆的)拖,拉vt. 拖,拉,牵引(车辆或船只)16.intervene vi. 干预;介入;插手v. 打岔;插话17.appraise vt. 评定;鉴定;估价18.symptom n. [C] 1 症状 2 (严重问题存在的)征兆,征候You need to see a doctor at the first sign of symptoms of the flu. 一旦发现有流感症状,你就要去看医生。

5. racial
adj. relating to a person’s race, or to different races of people ~~ discrimination / prejudice
6. stand up for
speak, work in favor of sb. / sth. ; support sb. / sth. ~~ sb. / sth. eg. You have to be prepared to ~~ the things you believe in. (com.) stand for 代表 ; stand up 站起来
Warm-Up Questions
1. What are the special contributions of Abraham and Martin to the Americans? 2. What are the reasons for American Civil War? 3. Do you know some stories related to slavery? Talk about it.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is one of the most famous and popular pieces of Civil War literature. Drawn from selected pieces of real life anecdotes, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book that drew many people into the fight over the institution of slavery. Northerners hailed (欢呼) the book, while southern slaveholders abhorred it.

New Words Useful Expressions Practice
1. average in amount, quality, etc.; not extreme
moderate a.
2. of or having (usu. political) opinions that are not extreme
to bounce back
He‟s had no end of 他厄运不断, bad luck, but he 但似乎每次都 just seems to bounce back every 能恢复元气。 time.
to tip over the edge
引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态 由于经济危机,许多公司处于破产的边缘。 过多的压力使她处于崩溃的边缘。 Because of financial crisis, many companies were tipped over the edge of bankruptcy. Too much pressure tipped her over the edge of breakdown.
分别的,各自的 与“尊重”无关 关于
• •
He is a __________ professor and we are respectful _________.
After class, we went back to our respective ________ dorms.
digestive system 2. understand and remember

Unit2Lessons from JeffersonTeaching Time:8hoursStudents’level:non-English majors of the second semester of the1st year.Teaching Objectives:1.Get to understand Jefferson and learn his ideas and its meaning in the present society.Understand“Go and see”,”You can learn from everyone”,“Judge for yourself”,“Do what you believe his right”,”Trust the future; trust the young”,"only a nation of educated people could remain free”. Try to understand the history of the Declaration of Independence; Jefferson’s devotion and achievements;the presidents:Washington and Lincoln.2.About the text,Ss should grasp the text content,text structure,basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section.Words:action,agreement,appoint,conflict,constantly,create, custom,educate,error,existence,false,hesitate,influence,latter,obtain,hesitate,talent,threaten.Phrases&Expressions:get out of one^s way,leave to,act on,leave behind,in-existence,above allGrammar:omitting sentences,...nor,sentences for emphasis3.About the reading,help Ss review the reading skills they’ve learnt.4.About the writing,Ss should get to grasp the skill of paragraphdeveloping—topic sentences.5.About the listening,Ss finish the Unit2directed by the teacher. Teaching Procedures:I.Pre-reading Activities1.Background introduction:the Declaration of Independence,social class,Jefferson&French Revolution2.T’s presentationKey words and expressions:A.New words and old wordsB.Chinese and English phrasesC.Study on Key Words and Phrases1.independencea)(n.)freedom from the control of othersE.g.American people impress on their children the value of independence.b)depend(vi.)rely on;be decided byE.g.The city depends considerably on its tourist trade.Our success depends on weather.c).dependent(a.)E.g.Promotion in this company is dependent on consistent hard work.d)independent:(a.)needing no help or support from othersE.g.He will never be independent of his mother.2.source:n.a)place where a river startsE.g.Let's follow the river to discover its source.b)thing or place from which es or sth.is obtainedE.g.Nobody there could find the source of the engine trouble.3.origin:n.a)the thing from which anything comes or risesE.g.The doctors are studying the origin of the disease.b)birth,ancestryE.g.He is an American of Chinese Origin.4.appoint:vt.a)name for an office or positionE.g.George's father was named(to be)/(as)/director of the factory.b)decide onE.g.We named the railway station as the place for the meeting.c)<derivative>appointment(n.)E.g.I have an appointment to see the manager at two.5.threat:n.a).a statement of what will be done to hurt or punish sb.E.g.The boys stopped playing ball in the classroom because of the monitor's threat to report it to the headmaster.b)a sign or source of possible evil or harmE.g.Those black clouds are a threat of rain.c)<derivative>threaten:(v.)to make a threat against;be a sign or source of possible evil or harmE.g.The boss threatened the lazy employee with dismissal.6.reject:vt.a)refuse to take,believe,use or considerE.g.He tried to join the army but was rejected because of his poor health.b)throw away as useless or unsatisfactoryE.g.Reject all the waste paper.7.hesitate:vi.hold back in doubt or indecisiona)<set phrases>hesitate to do(be reluctant to do sth.);hesitate about/over doing(feel doubtful about)E.g.Don't hesitate about/over taking this job,this might be your onlyopportunity.I hesitate to phone him at this late hour.b)<derivative>hesitation(n.)E.g.He felt some hesitation in joining us.8.prefer:(vt.)like better,choose rather thana)<set phrase>prefer doing/rather than doingprefer N./to do/doing/that-clauseprefer to do rather than(to)doE.g.I prefer to read rather than sit idle.Would you prefer that I(should)come on Monday instead of Tuesday.9.influencea)(n.)power to produce an effect,a person,fact etc.that has this powerE.g.Earthquakes have influence on the weather.b)(v.)have an influence onE.g.They tried not to be influenced by what he said.10.owe:v.a)will have to return/pay(money)back to(sb.)E.g.I owe him1000dollars.b)have or cherish(a certain feeling)toward(a person)E.g.I am sure I owe him no thanks.He was less than helpful.c)admit thankfully(sb./sth.)as the cause of(sth.)E.g.She owes her success to hard work.11.humble:a.a)low in positionE.g.Napoleon's humble origin did not stop his political ambition.b)having a modest opinion of oneselfE.g.I was surprised to find Einstein to be such a humble person.12.go out of one's way(to do sth):take particular trouble,make a special effortE.g.Both China and Britain went out of their way to reach the agreement.13.act on:take as a result of,behave according toE.g.The police are acting in information received.14.leave behinda)remain after one leave a placeE.g.His death left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.b)forget to takeE.g.He was already on his way to the air[ort when he realized he had left his suitcase behind.15.above all:most important of allE.g.Children need many things,but above all they need attention.D.Synonym Discrimination1.get obtainget:ordinary word,to receive or have by any meansobtain:to receive or have by spending time or energyE.g.This is what I want to get.Knowledge is obtained through study.3.source origin:the beginning of something or a starting point or placesource:the metaphorical to the fountainhead of a riverorigin:a remote beginning in time or placeE.g.We'll have to find a new source of income.The origin of the custom is unknown.4.appoint name:put(sb.)in or choose(sb.)for a positionappoint:the selection is made by someone officially charged with this dutyname:less formal,tells little about the chooser or the method of choice involvedE.g.The President appoint4d a new cabinet member.He was named captain of the team.5.reject refuse decline:to be willing to accept,receive or take into considerationrefuse:stronger than decline,suggesting firmnessdecline:to refuse politelyreject:more emphatic than refuse,implying an unmistakable denial E.g.I wonder why he refused to discuss the problem at the meeting.She rejected his marriage proposal.I declined her invitation to the party because I had a prior appointment.6.error mistakeerror:sth.done wrongmistake:wrong opinion,act or ideasE.g.We all make mistakes in our life.I find several spelling errors in my composition.Ⅱ.While-reading Activities1.Warm-up Questions(1)Who was Thomas Jefferson?(2)What lessons were left by him?Are those ideas out of date?2.Introductory Remarks---Thomas Jefferson,the well-known statesman,contributed to human progress by leaving a rich legacy of thought,which is still meaningfultoday.Let's study the text carefully and think about his lessons.3.Ss have the silent reading on the text(10mins)4.T explains the text in detail.Lines1--131.Questions for Discussion(1)What are they famous for,Washington,Lincoln and Jefferson?---Washington is Well-known for his leadership in the American Independence War.Lincoln is well-known for his role in abolishing slavery in the United States.Jefferson is well-known for his written of the Declaration of Independence.(2)What does the sentence"Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth"mean?---His ideas are not out of date.Lines14--201.Questions for Discussion(1)What are the sources of knowledge?---Reading,information,investigate,observation,experiment,etc. (2)What are the advantages and disadvantages of personal investigation?---Advantages:to get first-hand material,not to have to rely on false information or situations which have changed,ability to ask and answer your own questions.---Disadvantages:limitation in time and ability to travel,lace of money, no expertise on the subject.(3)Did he do the investigation single-handed?How do you know?---Yes.He went in a small boat,called a canoe.(4)What is the meaning of this lesson in modern society?---Getting first-hand knowledge is as important as ever.Lines21--28nguage PointsBy birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. =Judging by his family and educational background,Jefferson was a member of the group with top social statue.Yet,in a day when few noble ever spoke to those of…except to give an order,Jefferson went out of the his way to talk with……a)those of humble origin:those born into families of low rank or stationb)"When few noble…give an order"is attributive clause,modifying "day".c)except:(prep.)butE.g.He had no choice except/but to take the job.He does nothing but sleep.d)<set phrases>speak to sb.:say hello to sb.in few wordstalk to/with sb.:have a conversation with sb. E.g.He is so proud that he is never speak to his neighbors.He never talks with me;at most speaks to me.2.Questions for Discussion(1)Who were"those of humble origin"?(2)Why didn't noble persons speak to those of humble origins except to give an order?---The noble persons thought they were superior and looked down upon the people of humble origins,but sometimes they had to,because they had to order those people to do things for them.(3)Why would going into the people's homes help understand the French Revolution?---If one looked at the miserable life they lived,he would understand why the people were dissatisfied and rebellious.(4)What is the meaning this lesson in modern society?---If you want to know about life,pay attention to the people,whatever their birth and occupation.Lines29--37nguage PointsNeither believe nor reject anything…because any other person has rejected or believe it.=Do not accept blindly other people's likes or dislikes without a careful independent thought.Were it left to me to…I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.=If it were left to me to decide…I should choose the latterpromptly for sure.2.Questions for Discussion(1)Why should a person make his own judgement?(2)What is a government without newspaper?---A society in which the government dictates what is right or wrong with no allowance for public reaction.(3)What is newspaper without a government?---A society in which newspaper provide people with information and the people make the judgement and decision.(4)What's the modern meaning of the lesson?---In a modern society,independent thinking is most important.Lines38--44nguage Points…for many years the object of strong criticism…a)object:(n.)goal,targetE.g.In the meeting I became the object of being criticized.b)(n.)purposeE.g.Their object is to investigate the matter thoroughly.c)(v.)be againstE.g.I objected that the statement was misleading.I objected to the plan.2.Questions for Discussion(1)What is a free country in this context?---A country where people have freedom of speech and thought. (2)Why did Jefferson never answer his critics?---He accepted the conflict.He respected their freedom to think their own thoughts.(3)What is"philosophy"here?---His overall viewpoint about life.(4)What do you understand his philosophy?---It's difficult to satisfy both sides,it's natural that there are two sides to every question.(5)What is the meaning of this lesson in modern society?---Think and act on your own thoughts and don't be afraid of criticism. Lines45--51nguage PointsHow much pain has been caused by evils which have never happened. =A great deal of pain and suffering has been caused by worrying about bad things which never came to pass.2.Questions for Discussion(1)What are customs which have lost their usefulness?Give an example. ---Customs which no long have meaning today.Foe example,women have to stay at home and should not have their own career.Children should not interrupt while parents are speaking.Students should notargue with their teachers.(2)Why cannot a society make a perpetual constitution or a perpetual law?---Society changes and people's ideas change,too.What's good today is not necessarily good tomorrow.(3)What's the modern meaning of this lesson?---Be optimistic,keep up with the times.Lines52--69nguage Points…be superior to any other in existence.=be better than any other that is existing.a)be superior to:be better thanE.g.The new machine is superior to the old ones in that it consumes less fuel.American education owes a great deal debt to Thomas Jefferson. =Jefferson is well-known for his great contribution to the development of education in America.2.Questions for Discussion(1)What are"the tasks of ordinary life"?---Routine work we have to do in our daily life.(2)Why have so many people thrilled to his words?---Because his words have touched his people and reflected what theywanted to say.(3)Who are his country men?---The Americans.(4)What is a nation of educated people/---A country whose people are well educated.5.T asks Ss to come out the main idea,structure of the text(10mins)6.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text(5mins)Ⅲ.Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks1.Summary Questions(1)Can you conclude what kind of person Jefferson was and give your reasons?---A well-known statesman:president of the United NationsA thinker:philosophical instructions,ideasA writer:The Declaration of Independence,complete works of50 volumesAn educator:education reform,university founder,An architect:influential figureAn expert in agriculture:crop rotation,plow,soil conservationAn inventor:devices for daily uses,etc.(2)Which of the Jefferson's lessons do you think is the most interesting? Give your reasons.2.Concluding Remarks---Although he lived more than200years ago,Thomas Jefferson showed us many good examples and his ideas are not only interesting to modern youth,but also practical in the modern world.Ⅳ.Post-reading Activities1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which arc related to the new words.2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic.。

◇Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.
◇er the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 27.
➋ Check (✓) the true statements.
Warming up
A: Well, I remember the first time I saw the stars. My parents and I were on holiday – we were in Scotland. At least, I think I remember. But perhaps it’s the photos I remember really, not the original memory. Maybe sounds and smells are more reliable as memories, like the smell of the flowers in the back garden, or the radio. I used to listen to the radio. I must have been about three. It was a programme in the afternoon for children called Listen with Father. I listened every day. The voice at the beginning used to say “Are you sitting straight?”, and I would pull myself up straight in the chair. I used to love doing that.

Unit 3 Weather
Pre-listening Tasks
Listening Tasks
Language Focus
Pair Work
Speaking Tasks
Additional Question for Discussion
Do you think it is possible or impossible to give accurate weather forecasts?
Unit 3 Weather
Pre-listening Tasks
Listening Tasks
Language Focus
Pair Work
Speaking Tasks
• It’s going to be a cold day with damaging northwesterly winds / hot and humid day with a high of 36 degrees Centigrade.
Unit 3 Weather
Listening Strategy
2. a. When did the storm start and how long did it last? I_t_s_t_a__r_t_e_d__a__r_o_u_n__d__8__p_._m___._a__n_d__l_a_s_t_e__d__f_o_r__a_b__o_u_t__t_h_r_e__e__
• It’s fine / sunny / warm / rainy / cloudy / snowy / windy / freezing / foggy / dry / chilly today.
• The air is close / oppressive. • A storm is coming up / building up / in the making. • It’s raining off and on / cats and dogs. • The rain / snow has stopped / let up. • It’s going to cloud over.

4.health-consciousadj.caring much about health
iron-rich; tax-free; water-proof; safety-conscious; fashion-conscious
7.tip sb. over the edge
make someone so unhappy that they cannot deal with their life or a situation any longer
1. 困难可能发生。 Difficultiesare liable tooccur.
2.直到星期一他才打开邮件。He didnotopen his mailuntilMonday.
3. 那个女子出事了!That woman isin trouble!
4.喝酒不可过量。It is not advisableto drink too much.
3..We went to visit our __ respective________ mothers.
3.plusconj. / prep.
①furthermore or additionally
②and; also
•I am too busy, plus I am short of cash.
①danger; hazard
②the possibility of injury, damage, or harm

全新版⼤学英语综合教程第⼆册教案Unit3Book2Unit 3 The Generation GapI. Teaching ObjectivesStudents will be able to:Students will be able to:1understand the main idea (Father meddled in children?s affairs with good intentions, but only to find his efforts unwelcome) and structure ( three settings, three scenes) of the text;2 appreciate the basic elements of a play;3 grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4 conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.II. Key Points: The structure, the writing skill, and the main idea ofthe text will be the focus. Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students? understanding of the text, will be explained in class.III. Difficult Points:Some sentences whose meanings are difficult to understand and whose structures are hard to analyze:1. Line 43: Sean and I will have a man to man talk.2. Line 45-47: And I just wanted you to know that I?ll do anything I can to help him through life?s dangero us sea.3. Line 103: My treat, I told him. And of course, he was glad to accept..IV. Teaching Materials: Power point and materialsV. Teaching Methods: Lecturing, practicing and discussing.VI. Teaching Timing: 8 sessions of classVII. Teaching Process:1st -2nd periods:Pre-reading; Teacher?s Introductory Remarks and Students? Discussion related to the topic.3rd -4th periods: While-Reading (Understanding the title of text A; Analyzing the organization of the text; Explaining Difficult sentences and language points in the text; Summing up the main idea of the text)5th-6th periods: Dealing with the exercises after Text A. Check on Ss? home reading (Text B); Post-Reading Task: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks7th-8th periods: Listening and speaking tasks.A. Pre-reading tasks1 T asks Ss the following questions on the song The Times They Are A-changing?: ( 5 minutes)---Who should be sitting up and taking notice?Why? (parents, politicians, writers and critics should listen up, because the times are changing so fast that one can?t be content with one?s old way of life)---What does the singer think of his parents? way of doing things? ( outdated)2 Pair interview ( 23 minutes)1)T dictates to Ss the following list of questions:---When are your parents? birthdays and their wedding anniversary?---Do your parents celebrate your birthday? How about their own birthday celebration?---In your parents? eyes, what are you interested in?---In your eyes, what are your parents interested in?---In what areas do your parents want you to improve?---In what ways do you want your parents to improve?---Tell of an instance when your parents and you disagree over something.2)Ss form pairs to interview each other. If there is an odd number of Ss in theclass, one group may consist of 3 Ss. The interviewer must note down the answer from the interviewee.3)Some Ss report interview results to class.3 T may lead in to Text A by saying: As we find from our interviews, parents and children do not often see eye to eye. When parents interfere with their children?s affairs, they believe that they are doing so in the interest of their children. However, the children may not be grateful, as is the case in the play we are going to study, Father Knows Better. When you read on, I want you to bear this questionin mind: despite their complaints, the Thompson children actually love their father very much. Do you yourself show similar attitudes towards your own parents?( 2 minutes)B. While-reading tasks1 A brief introduction to play ( 25 minutes)1)T writes down on the blackboard the major components of a play: characters,settings, stage directions, language, conflicts, climax, and theme.2)Ss identify the characters in this play.3)Ss read the directions for Text Organization Exercises 1 and 2, then scan theplay to divide it into three parts. T may drop a hint: just read the stagedirections put in brackets.4)T explains the functions of stage directions: to set up stage properties in theproper place; to indicate a change in setting; to direct actors? movements, gesture, facial expression, tone of voice, etc. Then T draws the followingillustration on the blackboard:5)T invites one S to read aloud Heidi?s speech to the audience at the verybeginning of the play, then ask another S to re-create Heidi?s words into a complete and grammatical paragraph. They may refer to Writing Strategy to see the stylistic differences between speech and writing.6)T defines conflicts as the essence of a play, a clash of actions, ideas, desires orwills. It may happen in three forms: man against man, man againstenvironment, man against himself. When a conflict develops to the mostintensified point, it becomes a climax. T asks Ss to find out the form(s) of conflict in this play as they later go through the text.7)T explains that, unlike a novelist or short-story writer, a playwright can notcome forward, interrupt the action, and tell the audience what he/she means by a certain scene or explain to them what is going on in the minds of the characters. The audience must conclude by themselves what theme of the play is. T tells Ss that they will do so at the end of reading this play.2 T explains language points in Part I and gives Ss practice ( see Language Study).( 15 minutes)3 Ss sum up the main conflict in Part I. ( 3 minutes)4 T explains language points in Part II and gives Ss practice ( see Language Study).( 25 minutes)5 Ss sum up the main conflict in Part II.( 3 minutes)6 T explains language points in Part III and gives Ss practice ( see Language Study). ( 15 minutes)7 Ss sum up the main conflict in Part III.( 3 minutes)8 Ss sum up the theme of the play. ( 6 minutes)C. Post-reading tasks1. The way they are (25minutes)1)Ss form groups of 3-4, re-read Part Ⅱ. Based on it, they will come up with abrief summary of the characteristics of Mother, Father, and the children (see Text Analysis). T may give Ss the following model:“Father shows great respect for Mother. He pulled the chair for her before dinner, and obeyed her commands like …do go on?, …do get on with it?, …don?t keep us in suspense?. Besides, although Father was pleased with what he had done for Diane, he had learned from experience that his efforts were not always welcome. That way why he could quickly realize his blunder, as made clear by sentence …I do? Yes, I guess I do. I?ve…done it again, haven?tI ??2)When Ss discuss within the group, the following questions might help:---- How did Mother address Father and her children?---- How many do?s and don?ts did she use? What do they tell about her character?---- On whose side Heidi and Sean stage whisper to each other?---- What did Sean tell Father that “I do believe Diane would like to know the surprise?”---- How did Diane feel when she said “Thank you, Sean. I owe you one”?---- What were Diane?s reactions during the scene?3)Several groups report their summaries to the class.2. T guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (25 minutes)3. T checks on Ss? home reading (Text B) (3 minutes)4. Ss so Part Ⅳ: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks. (1 period)5. T asks Ss to prepare for the next unit: (2 minutes)1)do the pre-reading task;2)preview Text A.VIII. Assignments:Assignments for 1st and 2nd periods:Vocabulary Exercises I, II, III in Text A●Listen to the recording of the textAssignments for 3rd and 4th periods:●Review what have been learned in class●Comprehensive Exercises, I, II in Text A●Read the text fluently and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of therecordingAssignments for 5th and 6th periods:●Review what have been learned in class●Language Practice in Text B●Preparations for paragraph recitation and dictation of new words andexpressions in Unit 3Assignments for 7th and 8th periods:●Review what have been learned in class●Home listening: Task 1, 2 and 3●Previewing text A in Unit 4IX. Teaching Reflection:Try to listen to the feedback of the students during and after the course, analyze the weaknesses in teaching and improve the methods as much as possible.The feedback from the students:The methods taken to improve the teaching and learning:X. Appendix: Teaching Contents:A. Text AnalysisAlthough a playwright can?t come forward to speak directly readers, we may still form a mental picture of what each character is like.Let?s take Part Ⅱfor example. From the way they speak, their tone of voice, their facial expressions and their actions, we find Father, Mother and the three Thompson children life-like.Since a brief discussion of Father?s characteristics is given as a model in the Suggested Teaching Plan, here we will focus on Mother and the children.As we notice, in her speech Mother uses quite a number of do’s and don’ts, pleases, dears, and sweetheart’s. She is the real head of the Thompson household, giving out commands to her children as well as her husband. Moreover, most times her orders are respected. On the other hand, knowing her children?s attitude towards Father?s meddling, she tries to maintain the peace, as in the in stance when she maintains Father?s dignity by telling the children “Don?t interrupt”, “Don?t distract your father”, and “give your father the respect he deserves”, or when she tries to divert the conversation by talking about her dessert.The Thompson chil dren respect Mother, as shown by their frequent “Yes, Mother” and “Sorry, Mom”. On the other hand, they are used to Father?s meddling with their affairs. When Sean and Heidi find out that this time the bad luck had befallen Diane, they can afford to stand back and poke a few bemused comments. Diane?s feelings are entirely different, though. She is put on guard when Father tells her “I have a surprise for you.” Then she is embarrassed as Father mentions her feelings toward young Kyle. Later, as Father goes on delaying telling the truth, she becomes hysterical. Finally, when she learns the truth, she loses her temper.Isn?t it a wonder that words can tell so much about people?B. Cultural Notes1.Family life: Some families are very child-centered. The closest families eat meals at the same time and spend their free time together. Some families, however, only see each other for a short time in the evening, and though the children are still considered important, they have to fit in the lives of their parents.The average day for many families begins with getting the children up and ready for school. There is usually a rush for everyone to use the bathroom, find clean clothes, eat breakfast, and catch the bus. In the meantime the parents have to get ready for work themselves. Early mornings are a scramble for many families.The school day usually ends at about 3 p.m. in the US and 4 p.m. in Britain, and the working day at 5 p.m. or later, so many parents have to make arrangements for their children after school. They may go to an after-school center or stay with a neighbor?s children. Older children often do activities like sports or music at their school, or go home and do their homework. Children often also have to do chores.In many families, the children eat when they get home and their parents eat later. In the evenings the children play or go and see friends. If everyone is staying in they may watch television together. Many parents make an efforts t spend quality time with their children, an hour or so each day when they give them the full attention.American families are often criticized for the way they do things separately, though many people believe that it is good for children to learn to be independent. From an early age children are encouraged to decide what they want to do, eat or wear, and their parents try to respect their opinions.2. Part-time job: Many American teenagers earn a good portion of their college expenses by working during the summer as waiters or waitress, construction workers, mother? h elpers, gas station attendants, telephone operators or messengers. They are not concerned with status. Being unskilled, they try to find jobs at whatever level they can. They seek not only money, but also experience. They learn work habits, responsibility, the ability to take orders and to get along with a boss and different kinds of people.C. Language Study1. location n. a place or position 场所;位置e.g. With nesses showed the police the exact location of the accident.The school is going to move to a new location2. dine vi. eat dinner 进餐dine out having an evening meal away from home 外出进餐e.g. It?s Jan?s birthday, so we are dining out tonight at a special little restaurant we know.3. embarrass vt. make (Sib.) feel awkward or ashamed 使窘迫;使不好意思e.g. I chose my words carefully in order to avoid embarrassing anyone.It embarrassed him that he had to give a talk in front of a lot of people. adj. embarrassed: (sb.) shy, guilty or ashamed about sth.e.g. I was really embarrassed when I knocked the cup of tea over my teacher.4. dumb a. foolish; unable to speak 愚蠢的;哑的e.g. He was so dumb that he left his keys at home again.Don?t be dumb. You can?t get a loan from the bank if you are laid-off.Children born deaf and dumb can nowadays be taught to speak and lip-read.Martin was born dumb, but he has still managed to get a good job.5. unison n. ⼀致;齐唱;齐奏in unison acting in the same way at the same time ⼀致地;⼀起e.g. The children find it difficult to play their instruments in union.The international community is ready to work in unison against terrorism.6.consist vi. 组成,构成consist of be made up of 由…组成e.g. The book consists of essays written over the last twenty years.The committee consists of scientists and engineers.7. palm n. (1)⼿掌;掌状物(2)棕榈树vt. 把---藏于⼿(掌)中palm off to persuade someone to accept sth. because you do not want it and it has no value⽤欺骗⼿段把---卖掉e.g. She tried to palm her old car off on me.她设法骗我买下她那辆旧车。

Model Conversation
AA:: HHooww mmaannyy ooff tthhee iitteemmss aabboovvee aarree iinn yyoouurr hhoommee?? BB:: IInn _mm_yy_hh_oo_mm_e_e,,_ww, _ee_hha_av_ve_e_tthh_eethaaeiirra_ci_ro_nc_od_nit_di_oi_tni,oearnl,eaarrl,maarlm_a_rm_cl_o_ccl_ko,,cwwka,aswshhaiinsnhggin_m_g_am_ch_a,icnrhei,mnreoe,tmreeo_mt_eo_t_e_c_oanntdrol
say … 喂,哎呀(用以唤起注意或表示惊讶)
That’s terrible. 太糟糕了。
vacation rental home 度假出租屋
Very funny. 真是可笑。
wait 等一下
2 Unit Indoors and Outdoors Lesson A At home
Lesson B Places and rules
c. clock
d. conditioner
e. control
f. detector
g. grill
h. machine
11i.Βιβλιοθήκη openerj. pank. pool
2 Unit Indoors and Outdoors Lesson A At home Vocabulary Link
Lesson B Places and rules
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3

#### 教学目标:1. 语言知识:使学生掌握关于健康饮食和营养的相关词汇和短语,如维生素、矿物质、蛋白质、碳水化合物等。
2. 语言技能:通过阅读、写作、听力、口语活动,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
3. 文化意识:了解不同文化背景下对健康饮食的看法和习惯。
4. 学习策略:培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。
#### 教学内容:1. 阅读材料:《新视野大学英语3读写教程》第二册Unit 2。
2. 主题:健康饮食的重要性。
#### 教学步骤:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师通过提问引导学生思考:“你们认为健康饮食对我们的生活有什么重要性?”2. 学生自由发言,教师总结。
二、阅读(15分钟)1. 学生自主阅读课文,注意理解文章大意。
2. 教师提问,检查学生对文章内容的理解。
3. 学生分组讨论,分析文章中的关键信息。
三、写作(20分钟)1. 教师引导学生总结文章的主要观点,并给出写作提纲。
2. 学生根据提纲,用英语撰写一篇关于健康饮食的短文。
3. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的语法错误和表达不当。
四、听力(15分钟)1. 教师播放一段关于健康饮食的听力材料。
2. 学生边听边做笔记,记录关键信息。
3. 教师提问,检查学生对听力材料的理解。
五、口语(15分钟)1. 学生分组讨论,分享各自对健康饮食的看法。
2. 教师组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟在餐厅点餐的场景。
六、总结(5分钟)1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调健康饮食的重要性。
2. 学生回顾本节课所学,提出自己的疑问。
#### 教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、讨论和合作情况。
2. 写作能力:评价学生的写作水平,包括语法、词汇和表达。
3. 听力理解能力:通过听力测试,了解学生对听力材料的理解程度。
4. 口语表达能力:观察学生在口语活动中的表现,包括语音、语调和流利度。
#### 教学反思:1. 教师应关注学生的个体差异,针对不同学生的学习需求进行个性化指导。


We Are All Dying
Words & Phrases
n. [C] someone who brings you a particular type of news or information 带信者;捎信人 e.g. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Communication An Integrated Course
外语教学与研究出版社 版权所有
1 2 3 4 5 6
Active Reading 2
Warming Up
Listen to a passage about Stephen Hawking’s view on death and answer questions. Background information: Stephen Hawking, born in 1942, is an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, whose scientific books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity. At age of 21, he was told that he had a progressive and incurable nerve disease and Stephen Hawking had only a few years to live.
n. [C] an area of ground where
dead people are buried 墓地;公墓 e.g. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One (步骤一)Lead-in:Here is a song that once made Billboard’s Top 5 ‘Hot Country Singles’(美国Billboard乡村音乐单曲榜TOP 5).Listen to it two or three times, go over the lyrics printed below and fill in the missing words.Then answer the questions that follow.Before you start, reading the culture notes about “keeping up with the Joneses”on page 41 and getting to know the following new words and expressions might be helpful.Keeping up with the JonesesHelpful Expressionsmake the rounds 四处走动fall apart 崩溃;破裂trial n.审判file /fail/ n.纵列Notes:1.’Cause conj.(colloq) = because2.…going out on the town: Here it means they began to goto expensive places they probably couldn’t afford.3.trial: Here it refers to a divorce (离婚) trial in court.4.in single file: one by one, as opposed to hand in hand.“Guess we’ll follow them in single file” implies that we,like the Joneses, will not be a couple anymore.Video watching:Watch the video clip and answer the questions.After watching the video clip, discuss the following questions with your classmates.《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号: U2-02《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号: U2-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 3课程单元教学设计(教案)。

课时:2课时教学目标:1. 理解课文主题,把握文章结构。
2. 掌握课文中的词汇、短语和句型。
3. 提高阅读理解和写作能力。
4. 培养学生批判性思维和自主学习能力。
教学内容:1. 课文内容:关于大学对成功的影响。
2. 词汇:university, success, significance, etc.3. 短语:be beneficial to, in the long run, etc.4. 句型:It is + adj. + to do sth., etc.教学重点:1. 理解课文主题,把握文章结构。
2. 掌握课文中的词汇、短语和句型。
3. 提高阅读理解和写作能力。
教学难点:1. 理解文章中复杂句子的含义。
2. 运用所学词汇和句型进行写作。
教学过程:第一课时:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍本节课的主题:大学对成功的影响。
2. 学生分享自己对大学和成功的看法。
1. 学生阅读课文,了解文章大意。
2. 教师讲解课文中的重点词汇、短语和句型。
3. 学生朗读课文,巩固所学知识。
三、课堂活动1. 学生分组讨论:讨论大学对成功的影响,并总结自己的观点。
2. 学生代表发言,分享自己的讨论结果。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容。
2. 学生回顾所学词汇、短语和句型。
第二课时:一、复习导入1. 教师提问:上一节课我们学习了哪些内容?2. 学生回答,复习所学知识。
二、阅读理解1. 学生阅读课文,回答问题。
2. 教师讲解问题,帮助学生理解课文。
三、写作指导1. 教师讲解写作技巧,指导学生如何运用所学词汇和句型进行写作。
2. 学生根据所学内容,完成一篇关于大学对成功影响的短文。
四、课堂活动1. 学生展示自己的短文,互相评价。
2. 教师点评,给出修改建议。
1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容。
2. 学生回顾所学知识,布置课后作业。
教学评价:1. 学生对课文主题的理解程度。
2. 学生掌握词汇、短语和句型的能力。
3. 学生阅读理解和写作能力的提高。
大学体验英语第三册电子教案(第二版)unit2-Data bank for class design-B3_U2_R-E_B

2. How can the method profit you?
Skill Practice
Ex.16 Underline the suffixes and write n. in the blanks before the nouns, v. before verbs, adj. before adjectives, and adv. before adverbs. In some cases, more than one answers are correct.
17.__v_. _
20._n__. _
21._n__. _
Work in groups to analyze the text structure and then try to summarize the main idea of each part.
Structure of Passage B
Main idea
Paras 1-2 Paras. 3-4
universities? 3. Zewail attended several universities, what are they?
4. What did Zewail plan to do after he won the Nobel Prize?
大学综合英语第三册 Unit 3 2

Abstract of The Text
The text describes the wide use of security devices, typically locks in America. The author, by comparing with the past era of leaving the front door on the latch, regrets that people no longer trust each other and have to resort to security systems to protect themselves. And this has led to the fact that people may have locked the evils out, but they also h ave lo cked t h emselves i n .
doing to our way of life. Who is going to
make the psychic payment for the
transformation of America from the
Land of the Free to the Land of the Lock?
谁来对美国从自由之国到锁 之国这一转变做出精神赔偿 呢?
1. What feeling do you think the author has when he says: “At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.”?
A feeling of disappointment, regrets and nostalgia(乡愁) as well.
Lesson PlanningTeacher Name: Nic LixinTextbook: New Standard College English 3Lesson Title: SupermanUnit 2: Childhood MemoriesTimeframe: 90*3 minutesDate: Teaching week 1,2,3Learning Objectives:Students will be able to Master:a.Predictinge of imageryc.Understanding writer's styled.Describing habitual actions in the pastInstructional Strategies:Lesson Sequence and Timeframe:1.Warming Up (20')a.Work in pairs and answer the questionsb.Lead-in questionsc.Warming-up discussion:2.Text Learning (180')a.Read for special informationb.Text comprehensionbl. Reading Skills.b2. Language and Cultureb3. Words & Phrases &Sentences3.Exercises (60,)4.Extension Activities (10^)Homework:Weekly Homework:Week 1: Word bank: pick out ten words that are either new or important to you. Write down the sound, part of speech, English explanation, and an original sentence・Week 2: Read Active Reading (2) and finish reading comprehension exerciseWeek 3: Extensive readingUnit Homework:Week 2: Making a collection of child hood memoriesResources Provided to Students:Reading material: Active reading 2 Cultural ChildhoodsTeachert reflection:Active Reading 1 SupermanLesson Sequence1.Warming- upa.Work in pairs.Look at the photo scrapbook of childhood memories. Talk about what kind of childhood memories they show・Do any photos remind you of anything from your childhood?b.Lead-in questions.Read the short biography about Sylvia Plath and find out:•who she was•when she lived•what kind of person she might have beenc.Warming・up discussion:Go over the preview, the pre-reading questions and the title of the text before listening to the summaiy of the story and anticipate what we are going to read・•Who is supennan?•Why do you think the writer talks about superman?•What role might Superman play in her childhood?2.Texta.Read for special informationb.Text comprehensionbl. Reading Skills:1.Predictinge of imagery3.Understanding writer^ style4.Describing habitual actions in the pastb2. Language and Culture1.Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist, short story writer,and essayist. Widely considered one ofthe major American poets of the 20th century, Plath is known for The Bell Jar , which describes her struggle with depressioru She married the English poet, Ted Hughes, and they had two children, but their relationship was unhappy and she committed suicide.2・Superman is an American fictional hero of comics,radio serials, TV programs, films and video games ・ Superman is a newspaper reporter who has special abilities to fly and is fantastically strong. When he becomes Superman he changes into a special blue suit with a red cape and fights crime. Nobody knows who he really is,but he always turns up in moments of danger. Supcnnan has iconic status and has set a trend for other superheroes with extreme abilities and skills, e.g. Batman, Spiderman, Wonder woman etc.3・The bay side of town is the east and south-east of the city of Boston, with the bay to the east. Johnson Avenue is the south-east of the city center, with Logan International Airport located on the cast side of the city on the far side of the Charles River.4. Mecca and JerusalemMecca is a city in Saudi Arabia. It is the holiest city for Islam, where the Prophet Muhammad was born・More than 13 million Muslims visit Mecca annually. As a result, Mecca has become one of the most cosmopolitan and diverse cities in the Muslim world. Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering the city.Jerusalem is a holy city and place of pilgrimage for Jews, Christians and Muslims. It is a symbolic centre for Jews. For Christians, this is the sacred city where Jesus lived, taught, died and was buried, and is believed to have been resurrected. For Muslims, this is the third holiest city (after Mecca and Medina) because the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have had a miraculous journey to Jerusalem and from there made a journey to heaven.5.Salvador Dali (1904-1989,西班牙超现实主义画家)Salvador Dali is known as a prominent SpanishCatalan surrealist painter bom in Figueres. Dali was a skilled draftsman, best known for his strange dream-like paintings・ His best-known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in 1931 ・6.Icarus refers to the Greek myth about Daedalus, a craftsman who built a labyrinth (maze) for King Minos, king of Crete・ But the king put Daedalus and his son Icarus in prison. Daedalus made wings so that they could escape ・ However, Icarus flew so near the sun that the wax holding the feathers together melted and he fell to his death in the sea. Daedalus reached Sicily where he was considered the inventor of many tools for carpentry and techniques for ship-building. The Icarus story often represents the consequences of too much ambition 一he tried to fly too high.b3・ Words & Phrases &SentencesStep 1 : Finish Dealing with unfamiliar words on page 20.Step 2 : Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a general idea about it Answer the questions of Reading and understanding on page 20.Step 3 : Detailed study•Words and Phrases &SentencesTitle : Superman1.grammar school n. [C]1)(AmE) a primary school 小学c.g. He almost certainly attended the Grammar School in the town, but wc cannot be sure・儿乎可以肯定他当时在镇上念小学,但对此我们没有绝对把握。

2. Did you have a fear of something before? If so, how did you overcome it?
Things that you might fear: Darkness, loneliness, flying, snakes or spider, etc. Suggestions on how to overcome fears: 1. Analyze your fear and have a clear picture of what your fear is. 2. Take control of your fear. Try to expose yourself to your fear and face it, then control it.
Pre-reading activities
Listen and talk
1. By whom is Jack’s problem solved? How?
Jack’s problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack was certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.
Listen and talk
2. Listen to the story again and answer the following questions.
1. By whom is Jack’s problem solved? How?
2. Did you have a fear of something before? If so, how did you overcome it?
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2016 ~2017 学年 第 一 学期章/节题目 Unit 2 Friendship BuildingIn-depth reading: Why Friends Matter at Work and in Life?学 时 2教学目标After studying in-depth reading, students will be able to: 1)understand friendship; 2)learn some useful expressions教学方法Development ,Internalization and Innovation Teaching Mode (开发内化创新教学模式)教学内容及进程(2学时、90分钟,按照开发内化教学模式要求完成) 一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等)备注栏:时间安排、教学方法、举例、案例、新增内容填写等通过导入进行本学期教学任务的安排,并对学生提出学习要求,同时指明参考文献和参考网站的信息 预习题:1.Oral practice :Lead-in questions:① Who is your best friend? Can you tell us about him or her?② What kind of people would you like to make friends with? Why? ③ Do you think friends matter in your life?2. Global reading :Work on Structure of the Tex t Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeasOneThe personal experience of the author. TwoIntroduction of a scientific research. ThreeSome facts of reality TV shows and data. FourThe theme of the text. 二、精讲内容(包括①要点、重点、难点;②互动设计;③板书设计)①要点、重点、难点 教学要点:1. Structure analysis2. Useful expressions3. Summary of the text4. Comprehension exercises5.Follow-up exercises教学重点:eful expressionsStep I Teacher asks students to read the new words to get familiar with their pronunciation and spelling and asks them to recite the words and prepare for dictation.Step II Teacher asks students to pick out the key words and expressions in this unit, then teacher gives students sentences and ask them to translate the sentences using the words or expressions given. Then Teacher checks answers with students, and explains some key words and phrases by extension exercises.2. Summary of the text: the personal experience of the author, some facts of reality TV shows and data, the theme of the text.Teacher asks students to finish two tasks:Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.P31Task 2 Complete the following summary according to the text. Write no more than three words on each line.P31Then teacher summarizes the text.教学难点:eful expressionsStep I Teacher explains key words like “courageous, vote, candidate,conduct,eloquently,reveal,earning,referral,bonus,adulthoo -d” and asks students their usage by making sentences, synonyms, antonyms, change form of nouns, verbs, adjectives and etc.Step II Teacher asks students to finish textbook follow-up exercises.P32 I V ocabulary Task 1-3.2.Summary of the text :opinions on the importance of friends Teacher asks students to summarize the personal experience of the author, some facts of reality TV shows and data, the theme of the text.②互动设计Lead-in part:Task 1 Match the types of relationship at work in Column A with the behavior and characteristics in Column B. P27Task 2 Work in groups and discuss four quotations about friends.Then share your understandings and comments in your group.P27 ③板书设计左边:书写教学内容的标题右边:书写重点短语和句子翻译三、答疑安排1.课堂讲70-85分钟,教师预留大约一刻钟,就学生提出的具有代表性的问题进行统一辅导答疑。
2.课后网络留言或者Email 形式答疑3. 周五早上固定答疑四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题)和阅读书目的章节内容。
预习题:Work Friends vs Real Friends复习题:eful expressions1) 吸引人2)和…接触3)晋升之阶4)奉献自己5)建立友谊6)知道某人7)对…慷慨解囊8)真人秀节目9)在…合拍10)换句话说2. Paragraph translation.Task 1 Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English.金兰之交,依照旧时汉族交友风俗,是两个或两个以上没有血缘关系的人结为一种拟亲属的关系,可以是长辈和晚辈之间,也可以是同辈之间。
Task 2 Translate the following paragraph from English into Chinese. Workplace friendships can reduce unhealthy competition between staff. Research has shown that without the buffer of a workplace friendship, the performance of competent people suffers and so does the productivity of their team as a whole. The stronger the friendship is, the more of a buffering effect it has on negative behavior.练习题:Part I Y ou are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Walking, if you do it vigorously enough, is the overall best exercise for regular physical activity. It requires no equipment, everyone knows how to do it and it carries the 1 risk of injury. The human body is designed to walk. You can walk in parks or along a river or in your neighborhood. To get2 benefit from walking, aim for 45 minutes a day, an average of five daysa week.Strength training is another important 3 of physical activity. Its purpose is to build and 4 bone and muscle mass, both of which shrink with age. In general, you will want to do strength training two or three days a week, 5 recovery days between sessions.Finally, flexibility and balance training are 6 important as the body ages. Aches and pains are high on the list of complaints in old age. The result of constant muscle tension and stiffness of joints, many of them are 7 , and simple flexibility training can 8 these by making muscles stronger and keeping joints lubricated(润滑). Some of this you do whenever you stretch. If you watch dogs and cats, you’ll get an idea of how natural it is. The general 9 is simple: whenever the body has been in one position for a while, it is good to 10 stretch it in an opposite position.A) allowing B) avoidable C) briefly D) component E) determined F) helping G) increasingly H) lowest I) maintain J) maximum K) prevent L) principle M) provoke N) seriously O) topicPart II Reading ComprehensionAs we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease—especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does noteat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’s special needs. Both types h ave simply been called “well.” In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring their body’s condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be “well,” in this ne w sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.11. Today medical care is placing more stress on ________.A) keeping people in a healthy physical conditionB) monitoring patients’ body functionsC) removing people’s bad living habitsD) ensuring people’s psychological well-being12. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that ________.A) good health is more than not being illB) drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmfulC) regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD) prevention is more difficult than cure13. Traditionally, a person is considered “well” if he ________.A) does not have any unhealthy living habitsB) does not have any physical handicapsC) is able to handle his daily routinesD) is free from any kind of disease14. According to the author, the true meaning of “wellness” is for people________.A) to best satisfy their body’s special needsB) to strive to maintain the best possible healthC) to meet the strictest standards of bodily healthD) to keep a proper balance between work and leisure15. According to what the author advocates, which of the following groups of people would be considered healthy?A) People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures.B) People who are not presently experiencing any symptoms of disease.C) People who try to be as possible, regardless of their limitations.D) People who can recover from illness even without seeking medical care.五、教学反思2016 ~2017 学年 第 一 学期章/节题目 Unit 2 Friendship BuildingFurther reading: Work Friends vs Real Friends Vocational Listening and Speaking学 时 2教学目标After studying these two parts, students will be able to: 1)know the different types of friendship;2) learn some useful expressions教学方法Development ,Internalization and Innovation Teaching Mode (开发内化创新教学模式)教学内容及进程(2学时、90分钟,按照开发内化教学模式要求完成) 一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验等)备注栏: 时间安排、教学方法、举例、案例、新增内容填写等Oral practice :Lead-in questions:Do you think work friends are real friends?二、精讲内容(包括①要点、重点、难点;②互动设计;③板书设计)①要点、重点、难点 教学要点:1. Useful expressions2. Comprehension exercises3. Level-up exercises.4. News listening 教学重点:eful expressionsStep I Teacher asks students to scan the reading passage quickly and finish the comprehension exercises.P37Step II Read the texts in details and teacher asks students totranslate difficult sentences and try to get the usage of key words and expressions.3.Different relationships in your lifeTeacher asks students to work in pairs. Discuss with your partner on different relationships in your eyes and fill in the blanks.3.News listening P39task 3 report 1-3教学难点:eful expressionsTeacher explains key words like “co-worker, ego, obsessed, target, behave”and asks students their usage by making sentences, synonyms, antonyms, change form of nouns, verbs, adjectives and etc.2. Discussion about different relationships in lifeTeacher asks students to work in pairs. Discuss with your partner on different relationships in life and fill in the blanks.3.News listening P39 task 3 report 1-3听第一则英语新闻,了解新闻的关键词以及探讨如何进行新闻的听力训练。