



托福阅读词汇题单词汇总TPO1-49 TPO1:Dramatic剧烈的,戏剧化的–- striking显著的、突出的、惊人的Prevalent普遍的,常见的–- predictable可预见的Championed拥护、支持–- SupportedAttributes把。

归于-- ascribesAutonomous自主的、自治的、自发的–independentXXX倾向、嗜好、趣味-- inclination倾向Incredible令人难以置信的-- XXXOut of sight看不见、在视野之外-- hiddenXXX躺在.。


上面-- CoverSo much for–That is XXXPlugged插入、填满–filled upTPO2:XXX–XXXDelicate易碎的、纤弱的–fragile易碎的Progressively渐进的、日趋增多的–increasinglyDevoid of没有、缺乏–lacking inPrecious贵重的、珍贵的–valuableExposed露出的–visiblePropulsion促进–moving forwardReadily轻而易举的–easilyAssistance帮助–helpXXX扩大的、睁开的–XXXTPO3:Feasible可行的–achievableXXX增加、提高–improveDevised设想、创造–createdIntegral完整的、必需的–essential基本的、需要的Arduous艰巨的、艰巨的–difficultEnsuring跟随,接下来–XXXXXX史无前例的–XXX pastVirtually几乎、实际上、事实上–almost Inevitable不可避免的、必然的–unavoidable Particular特别的、特定的–specificXXX包管、确保–XXXPale惨白、使失容–loses significanceAdjacent相邻–neighbouringTPO4Inhibits阻止,阻拦–restrictsIn the same breath–immediatelyIndefinite period没有限定的时间段–whose end has not been determinedRebound反弹–recovery规复Marked标记的、明显的、显著的–considerablePrincipal主要的–majorTrappings装饰–XXXAccumulate堆积、聚集、累积–build up增进、积累XXX–XXXSloping倾斜的、斜坡的–incliningFoul弄脏、污染–polluteTPO5:Exhibit表现、显出–showFacilitate促进、帮助、使容易–XXXSuspended悬垂、悬挂–XXXAfford给予、提供–offerOverwhelming压倒性的、势不可挡的–powerfulImplements施行、履行、工具–toolsUndisputed无可辩驳的、毫无疑问的–acknowledge广为承认的Significant显著的、重要的–importantRelatively相对地–comparativelyDiversification多样化–emergence of many varieties呈现良多种类Promote增进、晋升–encourageTPO6:Exploited开采、开发、利用、剥削–utilizedVastly极大地–greatlyGrew accustomed惯于–XXXRetained保留、保持–maintainedRudimentary基本的、初步的–basicMeticulously仔细地–carefullyXXX忍耐、历久–XXX存活,从。



第一篇:Groundwater(TPO1)groundwatern.地下水saturate['sætʃəreɪt]v.浸透; 使湿透; 渗透; 使充满available[a'vail·a·ble || -ləbl]adj.有空的, 有用的abundant[a'bundant || -nt]adj.大量的; 丰富的; 充足的; 富裕的meteoric[m e·te·or·ic || ‚mɪːtɪ'ɑrɪk ,-ɔrɪk /-ɒrɪk]adj.流星的; 大气的; 疾速的circulate[cir·cu·late || 'sɜːkjʊleɪt]v.循环, 环行; 传阅; 传播, 流传; 流通; 使循环; 传递; 使传播; 传阅soak[səʊk]n.浸泡, 浸渍; 烂醉; 酒鬼v.使上下湿透, 吸入, 浸; 浸泡, 渗透precipitation[pre·cip·i·ta·tion || prɪ‚sɪpɪ'teɪʃn]n.猛然落下; 急躁; 猛冲; 鲁莽solid[sol·id || 'sɑlɪd /'sɒl-]n.固体; 立方体; 固态物; 固体非流质食物adj.固体的, 坚固的, 实心的underfootadv.在脚下面, 碍事beneath[be·neath || bɪ'niːθ]adv.在...之下gravel[grav·el || 'grævl]n.砂砾; 砂砾层v.铺碎石, 使搁浅, 使困惑particle[par·ti·cle || 'pɑrtɪkl /'pɑːt-]n.粒子, 极小量, 点grain[greɪn]n.谷物; 谷粒; 谷类v.使成粒状; 对粒面进行处理; 使深深渗入; 成粒状, 结晶pebble[peb·ble || 'pebl]n.小圆石, 小鹅卵石v.用卵石铺; 在上印卵石花纹; 用卵石连续扔coarse[kɔːs]adj.粗糙的, 粗俗的, 下等的steadilyadv.稳定地, 有规则地, 无变化地laden['lad·en || 'leɪdn]adj.装满的; 苦恼的; 负担重的consolidated[con'sol·i·dat·ed || -tɪd]adj.巩固的; 统一的; 团结的deposit[de·pos·it || dɪ'pɒzɪt]n.存款, 堆积物, 定金v.存放; 堆积; 沉淀fanwiseadj 呈扇形的sandbarn.沙洲pore[pɔr /pɔː]n.毛孔; 细孔; 气孔v.注视, 凝视; 默想, 沉思; 钻研, 熟读gap[gæp]n.缝隙, 间断, 缺口cement[ce·ment || sɪ'm ent]n.水泥; 接合剂v.接合; 巩固; 用水泥涂; 粘牢percolate[per·co·late || 'pɜrkəleɪt /'pɜː-]v.过滤; 使浸透; 使渗出; 过滤; 浸透; 渗出consolidation[con·sol·i·da·tion || kən‚sɒlɪ'deɪʃn]n.巩固, 强化, 加强; 合并; 联合, 统一; 变坚固proportion[pro·por·tion || prə'pɔrʃn /-'pɔː-]n.比例, 部份, 均衡v.使成比例, 分摊, 使均衡crystalline[crys·tal·line || 'krɪstəlaɪn]adj.水晶的, 结晶性的, 透明的volcanic[vol·can·ic || vɑl'kænɪk /vɒl-]adj.火山的, 猛烈的, 象火山的bubble[bub·ble || 'bʌbl]n.泡沫, 幻想v.冒泡, 沸腾; 使冒泡, 滔滔不绝地说porosity[po·ros·i·ty || pɔ'rɑsətɪ /pɔː'rɒ-]n.多孔性, 有孔性permeability[per·me·a·bil·i·ty || ‚prmɪə'bɪlətɪ/‚pɜː-] n.渗透; 可透性; 渗透性; 导磁性cavity[cav·i·ty || 'kævətɪ]n.洞; 腔; 空穴crevice[crev·ice || 'krevɪs]n.裂缝basalt[ba·salt || 'bæsɔːlt]n.玄武岩consist[con·sist || kən'sɪst]v.组成, 构成; 一致, 符合; 在于, 存在于instantly[in·stant·ly || 'ɪnstəntlɪ]adv.立即地; 即刻地film[fɪlm]n.软片, 影片, 薄膜v.覆以薄膜, 拍摄; 生薄膜, 拍电影relative[rel·a·tive || 'relətɪv]n.亲戚, 关系词adj.有关系的, 比较的, 相对的if the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held.Surface tension is not strong enough to retain drops pf water in rocks with large pores but is strong enough to hold to thin films of water in rocks with small pores.第二篇:The Origins of Theater(TPO1)theater['θɪətə(r)]n.剧场; 电影院; 戏院primarily['praɪmərəlɪ]adv.首先; 首要地, 主要地; 起初, 原来; 根本上speculation[‚spekjə'leɪʃn /-jʊ'l-]n.思索; 推测; 沉思; 投机champion['tʃæmpjən]n.冠军; 战士; 拥护者v.保卫, 拥护adj.优胜的, 冠军的; 第一流的envision[ɪn'vɪʒn]v.想像; 预想myth[mɪθ]n.神话, 虚构的人, 虚构的事ritual['rɪtʃʊəl]n.仪式, 宗教仪式, 典礼adj.仪式的, 依仪式而行的perceive[pər'sɪːv /pə'-]v.察觉; 意识到; 感知; 理解well being健康; 幸福attribute[ə'trɪbjuːt]=Ascriben.属性; 标志, 象征; 特质, 特性; 定语v.归于, 属于ascribe[ə'skraɪb]v.归因于; 归咎于occurrence[ə'kɜrəns /ə'kɜrəns]n.发生, 发现, 事件undesirableadj.不受欢迎的, 不良的desirable[de·sir·a·ble || dɪ'zaɪərəbl]adj.值得向往的; 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; 富有魅力的favor ['feɪvə(r)]n.赞成, 赞同; 偏袒; 偏爱; 善意的行为apparent[ə'pærənt]adj.显然的; 外观上的repeat[rɪ'pɪːt]n.重复, 反复v.重复; 重说; 重做; 复述, 背诵; 重复; 重说; 重做formalize['for·mal·ize || 'fɔrməlaɪz /'fɔːm-]v.正式化; 使形式化; 定形ceremony['serɪmənɪ]n.仪式, 典礼; 形式; 礼仪, 礼节; 虚礼, 客套representative[‚rɪːprɪ'zentətɪv]n.代表, 典型, 众议员adj.描写的, 代理的, 表现的supernaturaladj.超自然的, 不可思议的, 神奇的; 鬼怪的; 神的n.超自然物, 不可思议的事, 神奇人物rite[raɪt]n.仪式, 习俗, 典礼mythical['mɪθɪkl]adj.神话的; 虚构的, 杜撰出来的; 神话般的accompany[ə'kʌm pənɪ]v.陪同, 伴随; 随着...发生; 为...伴唱, 为...伴奏; 伴唱, 伴奏nay[neɪ]n.拒绝, 投反对票, 反对adv.否, 不但如是, 不autonomous[ɔː'tɒnəməs]=independentadj.自治的; 自主的; 自治权的; 独立存在的independent[‚ɪndɪ'pendənt]n.中立派; 无党派者adj.独立自主的; 不受约束的entertainment[‚entə(r)'teɪmənt]n.款待; 娱乐表演; 娱乐aesthetic[iːs'θetɪk(l)]adj.美学的; 艺术的; 美的; 审美的efficacious[‚efɪ'keɪʃəs]adj.有效的; 灵验的mystical['mɪstɪkl]adj.神秘的, 奥秘的proposed[prə'pəʊzd]adj.被提议的; 所推荐的alternative[al'ternətɪv]n.选择, 二择一; 选择的自由; 供选择的东西adj.两者择一的; 替代的; 非此即彼的; 供选择的feat[fɪːt]n.壮举, 技艺表演, 功绩pantomime['pæntəmaɪm]n.手势, 舞剧, 哑剧v.用手势传达; 演哑剧; 用手势示意pantomimic[‚pæntə'mɪmɪk]adj.哑剧的gymnastic['dʒɪm'næstɪk]adj.体操的; 体育的imitation[‚ɪmɪ'teɪʃn]n.模仿; 冒充; 效法adj.人造的; 伪造的; 仿制的admiration[‚ædmə'reɪʃn]n.羡慕, 赞美, 钦佩; 引人赞美的人virtuosity[‚vɜrtʃʊ'ɑsətɪ/‚vɜːtʃʊ'ɒs-]n.精湛技艺; 艺术爱好者; 对艺术品的爱好; 古董收藏家grace[greɪs]n.优雅, 慈悲, 风度v.使优美performance[pər'fɔrməns /pə'fɔː-]n.履行, 成绩, 执行theatrical[θɪ'ætrɪkl]adj.剧场的, 戏剧性的, 夸张的antecedent[,an·te'ced·ent || ‚nt]n.前事, 前情; 前项; 先行词; 前件adj.在先的, 在前的imitate['ɪmɪteɪt]v.模仿, 冒充, 效法cease[siːs]n.停止v.停止, 结束; 停止, 终止reshape[rɪː'ʃeɪp]v.改造, 打开新局面, 使成新的形状satisfy['sætɪsfaɪ]v.使满意, 符合, 满足; 令人满意, 替人赎罪encounter[en·coun·ter || ɪn'kaʊntə]n.相会, 遭遇, 相遇v.遇见, 会战, 邂逅; 偶然相遇fiction[fic·tion || 'fɪkʃn]n.小说, 法律的拟制, 虚构的故事whereby[where'by || hwer'baɪ /weə-]adv.凭什么, 为何reality[re·al·i·ty || rɪ'ælətɪ]n.现实; 事实, 实际存在的事物; 真实; 逼真drama[dra·ma || 'drɑːmə]n.戏剧; 戏剧艺术permit[per·mit || pɜr'mɪt ,pər- /pə'mɪt ,pɜ-]n.通行证, 执照, 许可证v.允许, 容许narrator[na r'ra·tor || næ'reɪtə(r) ,'næ- /nə-]n.解说员; 叙述者, 讲述者impersonation[im·per·son·a·tion || ɪm‚pɜrsə'neɪʃn /-pɜːs-] n.扮演; 人格化; 模仿storytellingn.讲故事; 写故事virtuosity[vir·tu·os·i·ty || ‚vɜrtʃʊ'ɑsətɪ/‚vɜːtʃʊ'ɒs-]n.精湛技艺; 艺术爱好者; 对艺术品的爱好; 古董收藏家penchant[pen·chant || 'pɒ0303;ːŋʃɒ0303;ːŋ]= inclination n.强烈倾向; 嗜好; 趣味inclination[in·cli·na·tion || ‚ɪnklɪ'neɪʃn]n.倾向, 倾斜度, 意愿comedy[com·e·dy || 'kɒmɪdɪ]n.喜剧; 喜剧性事件; 喜剧性, 喜剧成分detached[de'tached || -tʃt]adj.超然的, 分离的comic[com·ic || 'kɒmɪk]n.连环漫画, 杂耍滑稽演员adj.滑稽的, 喜剧的, 有趣的sufficient[suf'fi·cient || sə'fɪʃnt]adj.充份的, 足够的detachment[de'tach·m ent || -mənt]n.分离, 分遣队, 分遣deviation[de·vi·a·tion || ‚diːvɪ'eɪʃn]n.背离entire[en·tire || ɪn'taɪə]adj.全体的, 全部的, 完全的aesthetic[aesthet·ic || iːs'θetɪk(l)]adj.美学的; 艺术的; 美的; 审美的religious[re·li·gious || rɪ'lɪdʒəs]adj.宗教性的, 宗教上的, 虔诚的n.修道士; 和尚; 修女; 尼姑emergence[e'm er·gence || -dʒəns]n.出现; 露头; 浮现artistic[ar·tis·tic || ɑː'tɪstɪk(l)]adj.艺术的; 唯美的; 美术的; 艺术家的For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to theirwell-being and abandoned them; nevertheless, they retained as parts of their oral tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.Myths sometimes survived in a society’s tradition because of their artistic qualities even after they were no longer deemed religiously beneficial.第三篇:Timberline Vegetation on Mountains(TPO1)timberlinen.树带界线vegetation[‚vedʒɪ'teɪʃn]n.植被, 呆板单调的生活, 植物, 草木dramatic[drə'mætɪk] =strikingadj.戏剧性的; 生动的tundran.苔原, 冻土地带steppe[step]n.特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原moisture['mɔɪstʃə(r)]n.湿气, 降雨, 水分transition[træn'sɪʃn]n.转变, 过渡时期, 转换zone[zəʊn]n.地域, 地区, 地带v.环绕, 使分成地带semiaridadj.雨量非常少的; 半干旱的slope[sləʊp]n.斜坡, 倾斜, 斜面v.倾斜, 逃走; 使倾斜; 掮; 使有坡度tropic['trɑpɪk /'trɒ-]n.回归线, 热带adj.热带的; 热带地方的subtropics[‚sʌb'trɑpɪk /-rɒp-]n.亚热带, 副热带deciduous[dɪ'sɪdjʊəs]adj.每年落叶的, 非永久性的species['spɪːʃɪːz ,-s-]n.种类; 形式; 种; 人类polar['pəʊlə(r)]adj.两极的, 南辕北辙的, 极地的moist[mɔɪst]adj.潮湿的, 感伤的, 多雨的twistedadj.喝醉了的; 疯狂的, 滑稽的; 古怪的deformed[de'form d]adj.畸形的; 丑陋的; 变形的; 残废的latitude['lætɪtuːd /-tjuːd]n.纬度; 回旋余地, 自由; 纬度地区; 曝光宽容度attain[ə'teɪn]v.达到; 到达; 获得ridge[rɪdʒ]n.背脊, 屋脊, 山脊v.使成脊状; 作垄; 装脊; 成脊状velocity[vɪ'lɑsətɪ /-'lɒs-]n.速度, 迅速, 速率prone[prəʊn]adj.有...倾向的, 易于...的; 倾斜的; 俯卧的, 面向下的; 陡的altitude['æltɪtjuːd]n.高, 高度; 高处, 高地; 海拔; 顶垂线, 高线probably['prɑbəblɪ]adv.大概, 或许smother['smʌðə(r)]n.令人窒息的浓烟; 被抑制状态; 窒息状态v.使窒息, 使透不过气来; 闷熄; 把...闷死; 闷住; 窒息; 被掩饰; 闷死; 被抑制avalanche['ævəlɑːnʃ]n.山崩, 雪崩, 涌到之物creep[kriːp]n.爬, 蠕动, 徐行v.爬, 潜行, 蔓延presence['prezns]n.出席, 存在, 到场ultravioletadj.紫外线的elevation[‚elɪ'veɪʃn]n.海拔, 提高; 标高browsingn.浏览, 在因特网上阅读文件档案(计算机用语),嫩叶,吃草grazingn.放牧; 牧草; 牧场ibex['aɪbeks]n.野生山羊shoot[ʃuːt]n.射击, 发射, 芽v.发射, 放射; 射出; 开, 放; 射中; 射出, 发出, 射击bud[bʌd]n.芽; 花蕾; 叶芽; 萌芽, 未成熟的事物#小孩, 少女v.发芽, 抽芽; 啄食嫩芽; 开始生长; 使发芽; 接; 发芽生出mature[mə'tjʊə(r)]v.使成熟; 成熟; 到期adj.成熟的; 充分考虑的; 到期的alpine['ælpaɪn]adj.高山的; 阿尔卑斯山的; 高山生长的adjacent[ə'dʒeɪsənt]adj.毗连的, 邻近的, 接近的n.近邻, 同另外的装置通过直接连接联在一起的装置(计算机用语) fairly['feəl-]adv.公平地, 清楚地, 相当地diversity[daɪ'vɜːsətɪ]n.差异; 多样性decrease[diː'kriːs]n.减少; 减少之量v.减; 减少, 减小occasional[ə'keɪʒənl]adj.偶然的, 备不时之需的, 临时的moss[mɔs /mɒs]n.苔藓, 泥沼lichen['laɪkən ,'lɪtʃn]n.青苔; 苔藓; 地衣n.青苔; 苔藓; 地衣prostrate[prɑ'streɪt /prɒ-]v.弄倒, 使俯伏, 使屈服adj.拜倒的, 伏地的, 降伏的cushion['kʊʃn]n.垫子; 靠垫; 坐垫; 垫状物v.加垫褥, 掩盖, 缓冲snowdriftn.被风刮在一起的雪堆, 随风飘飞的雪striking['straɪkɪŋ]adj.醒目的, 打击的, 惊人的rigor['rɪgər /'rɪgə]n.严格; 苛刻; 严厉; 艰苦permit[pɜr'mɪt ,pər- /pə'mɪt ,pɜ-]n.通行证, 执照, 许可证v.允许, 容许crucial['kruːʃl]adj.决定性的, 严厉的, 重要的insulation['ɪnsə'leɪʃn /-sjʊl-]n.隔离; 绝缘; 孤立equatorial[ekwə'tɔːrɪəl]adj.赤道的; 酷热的; 赤道附近的prevalent['prevələnt]=widespreadadj.普遍的, 流行的Wind velocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes.The deformed shapes of trees at high altitudes shows that wind velocity, which increases with altitudes, can cause serious hardship for trees.。



托福阅读数学学科词汇梳理托福阅读数学学科词汇梳理托福阅读长难句:雕塑的姿势Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain,baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown in appropriate poses, bending and squatting as they carry out their tasks. (TPO11,49) appropriate /?'pr??pr??t/ adj. 适当的,合适的squat /skw?t/ v. 蹲,伏下身子我是分界线,大家先自己速读哦。

(Unlike formal statues) (that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling), these figures depict a wide range of actions, (such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music,) and they are shown in appropriate poses, (bending and squatting)(as they carry out their tasks). (TPO11,49) 分析:这个句子的主干就是:these figures depict a wide range of actions and they are shown in appropriate poses修饰一:(Unlike formal statues) ,介词短语中文:不像正式的雕塑修饰二:(that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling) ,从句,修饰statues中文:这些雕塑局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势修饰三:(such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music,) ,介词短语中文:例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐修饰四:(bending and squatting) ,非谓语动词中文:弯腰或蹲下来修饰五:(as they carry out their tasks) ,从句中文:当他们做工作时参考翻译:不像正式的雕塑,他们局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势,而这些图像则描绘了各种行为,例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐,他们以适当姿势呈现,当他们做工作时弯腰或蹲下。

TPO 1-24阅读词汇学生讲义汇总

TPO 1-24阅读词汇学生讲义汇总














Play a role



托福TPO词汇精选(1—37)TPO 11.The word “dramatic” in the passage is closest in meaning toA GradualB ComplexC VisibleD Striking5.The word “attain” in the passage in closest in meaning toA requireB resist Cachieve D endure6.The word “they” in the passage refers toA valleysB treesC heightsD ridges7.The word “ prone” in the passage is closest in meaning toA adaptedB likelyC difficultD resistant11. The word “prevalent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA predictableB widespreadC successfulD developed15. The word “ championed” in the passage is closest in meaning toA changedB debatedC createdD Supported16. The word “ attributes” in the passage is closest in meaning toA AscribesB LeavesC LimitsD Contrasts20. The word “autonomous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA ArtisticB ImportantC IndependentD Established24. The word “penchant” in the passage is closest in meaning toA compromise BInclination CTradition D Respect30. The word “ incredible” in the passage is closest in meaning toA ConfusingB ComfortingC UnbelievableD Interesting31. The word “out of sight” in the passage is closest in meaning toA Far awayB HiddenC Partly visibleD Discovered33. The phrase “glacial outwash” in the passage refers toA Fast riversB GlaciersC The huge volumes of water created by glacial meltingD The particles carried in water from melting glaciers.35. The word “ overlie” in the passag e is closest in meaningA CoverB ChangeC SeparateD Surround36. The phrase “so much for” in the passage is closest in meaning toA That is enough aboutB now let us turn toC Of greater concern areD This is related to37. The word “ plugged” in the passage is closest in meaning toA WashedB DraggedC Filled upD Soaked throughTPO 21.The word “threatened” in the passage is closest in meaningA RestrictedB EndangeredC PreventedD Rejected3.The word “delicate” in the passage is closest in meaning toA FragileB PredictableC ComplexD Valuable5. The word “progressively” in the passage is closest in meaning toA OpenlyB ImpressivelyC ObjectivelyD Increasingly7.The ph rase “devoid of” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A) Consisting of (B) Hidden by (C) Except for (D) Lacking in16. The word “precious” in the passage is closest in meaning to(A)Exact (B) Scarce (C) Valuable (D) Initial19. The word “exposed” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Explained B) Visible C) Identified D) Located24. The word “propulsion” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Staying afloat B) Changing directionC) Decreasing weight D) Moving forward30. The word “reading” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) FrequentlyB) Easily C) Intelligently D) Obviously31. The word “assistance” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Criticism B) Leadership C) Help D) Approval37. The word “expanded” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Was enlarged B) Was improved C) Was varied D) Was rejected TPO 32.The word “feasible” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) In existence B) Without questionC) Achievable D) Most likely3. The word “enhance” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Project B) improve C) organize D) match5. The word “devised” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Combined B) Created C) Introduced D) Suggested6. The word “ integral” is closest in meaning toA) Essential B) Variable C) Practical D) Independent10. The word “arduous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Difficult B) Necessary C) Skilled D) Shared18. The word “ ensuing” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Continuing B) Surprising C) Initial D) Subsequent20. The word “ unprecedented” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Difficult to control B) Without any restrictionC) Unlike anything in the past D) Rapidly expanding21. The word “virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Clearly B) Perhaps C) Frequently D) Almost24. The word “inevitable” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Unfortunate B) Predictable C) Unavoidable D) Final29. The word “particular” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Natural B) Final C) Specific D) Complex36. The word “guarantee” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Increase B) Ensure C) Favor D) Complicate38. The word “pales” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Increases proportionally B) DiffersC) Loses significance D) Is common40. The word “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Foreign B) Stable C) Fluid D) NeighboringTPO 43.The word “inhibits” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Consists of B) Combines C) Restricts D) Establishes4.The phrase “in the same breath” in the passage is closest in meaningtoA)Impatiently B) Humorously C) Continuously D) Immediately8.The phrase “ indefinite period” in the passage is closest in meaning toperiodA)Whose end has not been determinedB)That does not begin when expectedC)That lasts only brieflyD)Whose importance remains unknown10.T he word “rebound” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Decline B) Recovery C) Exchange D) Movement15. The word “ marked” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Considerable B) Surprising C) Limited D) Adequate17. The word “principal” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Major B) Likely C) Well protected D) Distinct19. The word “trappings” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Conditions B) Problems C) Influences D) Decorations20. The word “accumulate” in the passage is close st in meaning toA) Grow up B) Build up C) Spread out D) Break apart33. The word “adjacent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Nearby B) Existing C) Special D) Deep37. The word “ sloping” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Shifting B) Inclining C) Forming D) Rolling39. The word “foul” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Reach B) Flood C) Pollute D) AlterTPO 52.The word “exhibit” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Fight off B) show C) cause D) spread5.The word “facilitates” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Slows down B) affects C) makes easier D) focuses on7The word “suspended” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Grown B) protected C) spread out D) hug9. The word “afford” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Offer B) prevent C) increase D) remove17. The word “overwhelming” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Powerful B) favorable C) current D) reasonable20. The word “implements” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Skills B) tools C) opportunities D) practices24. The word “ undisputed” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Mysterious B) unexpected C) acknowledged D) significant29. The word “significant” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Numerous B) important C) unexplained D) sudden30. The word “relatively” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Surprisingly B) collectively C) comparatively D) characteristically31. The word “ diversification” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Emergence of many varietiesB) Steady declined in numberC) Gradual increase in body sizeD) Sudden disappearance35. The word “promote” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Complicate B) prevent C) encourage D) affectTPO 63. The word “exploited” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Utilized B) recognized C) examined D) full understood4. The word “vastly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Quickly B) ultimately C) greatly D) initially8. The phrase “grew accustomed to” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Began to prefer B) wanted to have C) became used to D) insisted on9. The word “retained” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) gained B) established C) profited from D) maintained14. The word “rudimentary” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Thorough B) strict C) basic D) occasional18. The word “meticulously” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) carefully B) quickly C) frequently D)obviously22. The word “endured” in the passag e is closest in meaning toA) Vanished B) developed C) varied D) survived23. The word” virtually” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Possibly B) absolutely C) surprisingly D) nearly29. The word “plausible” in the passage is closest in meani ng toA) Flexible B) believable C) debatable D) predictable30. The word “phenomenon” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Exception B) repetition C) occurrence D) idea34. The word “critically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Fundamentally B) partially C) consistently D) subsequently35. The word “perspective” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) System B) theory C) source D) viewpointTPO 71.The word “objective” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)achievement B) requirement C) purpose D) feature9.The word “scores” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Members B) large numbers C) populations D) different types11.T he word “ Turbulent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Fresh B) deep C) violent D) temperate16. T he phrase “obsession” with in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Thinking about B) fixation on C) interest in D) attitude toward19. The word “fostered” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Accepted B) combined C) introduced D) encouraged24. The word “spheres” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Abilities B) areas C) combinations D) models28. The word “diffused” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Emerged B) was understood C) spread D) developed34. The word “ profound” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Fascinating B) far-reaching C) necessary D) temporary35. The word” ritual” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Military B) physical C) ceremonial D) permanent38. The word “ fleeing” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Afraid of B) displaced by C) running away from D) responding toTPO 81.The word “ massive” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Ancient B) carefully C) very large D) carefully protected3. The word “pinpoint” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Identify precisely B) make an argument forC) Describe D) understand4. The word “ingenuity” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Ambition B) sincerity C) faith D) cleverness8. The word “predominant” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Most aggressive B) most productive C) principal D) earliest18. The word “cope” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Adept B) move C) continue D) compete20. The word “fluctuation” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Extremes B) retreats C) periods D) variations23. The word “bombard” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Approach B) strike C) pass D) circle25. The word “disruption” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Exhaustion B) disturbance C) modifications D) disappearance29. The word “ merge” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Expand B) separate C) straighten out D) combine31. The word “relics” in the passa ge is closest in meaning toA) Remains B) sites C) requirements D) sources33. The word “ miniature” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Temporary B) small C) multiple D) familiar39. The word “hints” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) clues B) features C) arguments D)effectsTPO 92.The word “persuasively” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Aggressively B) inflexibly C) convincingly D) carefully3.The phrase “prior” to is closest in meaning toA)Before B) immediately after C) during D) in spite of8.The word “Vast” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Frozen B)Various C) Isolated D)Huge10.T he word “inhospitable” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)not familiar B)not suitable C)not dangerous D)not reachable12.T he word “impetus” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)chance B)protection C) possibility D) incentive15. The word “justified” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) supported B) shaped C)stimulated D)suggested17. The word “flourish” in the passage is cl osest in meaning toA) Continue B) occur C) succeed D) apply20. The word “objective” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Unbiased B) positive C) systematic D)thorough23. The word “compelling” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Commonly held B) persuasive C) original D) practical28. The phrase “at random” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Finally B) over a long period of timeC) Successfully D) without a definite pattern31. The word “abundantly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) occasionally B)plentifully C)usefully D)fortunately32. The word “propagate” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) multiply B)emerge C) live D) evolve37. The word “dormant” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) hidden B) inactive C)underground D)preservedTPO 101.The word “status” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)origin B)importance C)quality D)design3. The word “evolved” in the passage is clos est in meaning toA) divided B)extended C)developed D) vanished6. The word “instigated” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)improved B)investigated C) narrowed D)caused8. The word “whereas” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)while B)previously C)surprisingly D)because19. The word “striking” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)noticeable B)confusing C) true D)unlikely21. The word “erratic” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)dramatic B)important C)unpredictable D) common24. The word “del iberations” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)records B)discussions C)results D)variations25. The word “invoked” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)demonstrated B)called upon C)supported D)expected30. The word “key” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)historical B)many C) important D)hidden34. The word “meager” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)very necessary B)very low C) traditional D)primary39. The phrase “an English innovation” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) a new development introduced by the EnglishB) an arrangement found only in England.C) a type of agreement negotiated in EnglishD)a type of partnership based on English law.TPO 111.The word “vital” in the passage is closest inA)attractive B)essential C)usual D) practical5. The word “context” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)connection B)influence C)environment D)requirement9. The word “core” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)material B)layer C)center D)frame11. The word “depicts” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)imagined B)classifies C) elevates D)portrays16. The word “perplexed” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)defeated B)interested C)puzzled D)occupied18. The word “preposterous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)unbelievable B)inadequate C)limited D)creative26. The word “accumulating” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)new B) increasing C)convincing D)extensive29. The phrase “impose on” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)increase for B)remove from C) place on D)distribute to31. The word “artificial” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)attractive B)not real C)short-term D)well-designed34. The word “predication” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)surprise B) discovery C)explanation D)expectation35. The word “pinpoint” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)observe B)locate exactly C)copy accurately D)recognize36. The word “derive” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)require B)gain C)use D)produceTPO 121.The phrase “assisted in” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Initiated B)dominated C)helped with D)set up3. The phrase “depicted” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) identified B)revealed C)pictured D)imagined10. The word “criteria” in the pass age is closest in meaning toA)standards B) findings C)ideas D) techniques15. The word “regarded” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)analyzed B)considered C)altered D)criticized17. The word “paradoxes” in the passage is cl osest in meaning toA)difficulties B)accomplishments C)parallels D)contradictions20. The word “overshadowed” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)distracted from B)explained C)conducted D)coordinated with23. The word “neglected” in the p assage is closest in meaning toA)failed B)needed C)started D)expected30. The word “drastically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)obviously B)unfortunately C)rapidly D)severely33. The word “dwellers” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)settlements B)farmers C)tribes D)inhabitants35. The word “fractures” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)streams B)cracks C)storms D)earthquakes38. The word “immobile” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)enclosed B)permanent C)motionless D)intactTPO 13Q1. The word “complex” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) delicate B) elaborate C) private D)commonQ3. The word “endowing” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) leaving B) exposing C) providing D)understandingQ7. The word “size up” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) enlarge B)evaluate C) impress D) acceptQ10. The word “deviate” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) detract B) advance C) select D) departQ14. The word “Consequently” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Therefore B)Additionally C) Nevertheless D) MoreoverQ17. The word “persistent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) adjusted B) strong C) enduring D) predictedQ22. The word “duration” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) length B)feature C) process D) repetitionQQ25. The word “sustained” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) intense B)uninterrupted C) natural D)periodicQQ28. The word “uniformly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) clearly B) quickly C)consistently D)occasionallyQQ32. The word “potent” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) artificial B) powerful C)common D)similarQQ35. The word “quantifiable” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) visual B) permanent C)meaningful D)measurable TPO 14QQ2. The word “verify” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) establish the truth of B) approve ofC) understand D) criticizeQQ6. The word “ adept” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) responsible B) skillful C) patient D) curiousQQ9. The word “attributes” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Evaluations B) Attitudes C)Actions D)Characteristics QQ11. The word “credible” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)helpful B)believable C)valuable D)familiarQQ18. The word “paradoxically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) usually B)surprisingly C)understandably D)predictably QQ24. The word “prolonged” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)unusual B)unexpected C) extended D) disastrousQQ25. The word “ exhausted” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) used up B) reduced C) wasted D) relied uponQQ28. The word “prestige” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) interest B)status C) demand D) profitQQ30. The word “profound” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) strange B) positive C) direct D) far-reachingQQ34. The word “striking” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) reliable B) noticeable C) convincing D) violentQQ35. The word “exploit” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)use to advantage B) depart from C) pay attention to D) travel across TPO 15Q1. The word “interlocked” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)intermediate B) linked C) frozen D) fully developedQ3. The word “ match” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) measure B) enlarge C) approximate D) equalQ4. The word “transform” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)break B)push C)change D) extendQ7. The word “deceiving” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) approximate B) exaggerated C) unusual D) misleadingQ10. The word “static” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) unchanging B) usable C) thick D) harmlessQ15. The phrase “unique among” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) natural to B) different from all otherC) quite common among D) familiar toQ17. The word “feat” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) remarkable achievement B) common transformationC)daily activity D) complex solutionQ19. The word “bulk” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)strength B) effort C) activity D) massQ24. The phrase “course through” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) rises through B) heats up in C) runs through D) collects in Q30. The word “extended” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) specific B) unlimited C) reasonable D)longQ35. The phrase “account for” in the passage is closest in meaning to A) describe B) challenge C) explain D) testQ38. The word “intense” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) sudden B) unusual C) immediate D) extremeTPO 16Q2. The word “repudiate” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) respect B) reject C) review D) reviseQ6. The word “consensus” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Authority B) Responsibility C) Custom D) AgreementQ9. The word “ ethic” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) set of moral principles B) division of laborsC) economic system D) test of characterQ11. The word “intrinsically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)fundamentally B) Surprisingly C) Consequently D) Particularly Q12. The phrase “interplay” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Sequence B) Interpretation C) requirement D) interactionQ21. The phrase “abundance” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) weight B) requirement C) plenty D) sequenceQ22. The phrase “analogous to “ in the passage is closest in meaning toA)predicated by B) expected of C) similar to D) superior toQ26. The word “ postulated” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)hypothesized B) discovered C) reported D) generatedQ30. The word “markedly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) essentially B)typically C) consistently D) noticeablyQ33. The word “meager” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) rich B) thin C) unique D) complexQ38. The word “eventually” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) over time B) long ago C) simply D) certainlyTPO 17Q1. The word “impetus” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) return B) opportunity C) stimulus D) obstacleQ5. The word “ dramatically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) artificially B) greatly C) immediately D) regularlyQ10. The word “ refined” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) completed B) improved C) drawn D) checkedQ 11. The word “norms” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) purposes B) skills C) activities D) rulesQ15. Th e phrase “conspicuous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)common B) noticeable C) different D) colorfulQ17. The word “ signal” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) change B) imitate C) communicate D) hideQ 22. The word “ inflating” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) coloring B) enlarging C) loosening D) heatingQ25. The word “ impediment” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)obstruction B) effort C) delay D) resistanceQ 26. The word “exploits” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) repeats B) makes use of C) increases the intensity ofD) recognizesQ30. The word “ derives” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) digests B) obtains C) controls D) discoversQ32 The word “ devastated” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)influenced B) infected C) strengthened D) destroyedQ 35. The word “ inadvertently” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) indefensibly B) substantially C) unintentionally D) partially Q39. The word “highlights” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) defines B) emphasizes C) reflects D) suggestsTPO 18Q5. The word “ exceptional” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)extraordinary B) surprising C) immediate D) predictable Q6. The word “ abolished” in the passage is the closest in meaning toA) ended B) raised C) returned D) loweredQ8 The word “progressive” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)rapid B) partial C) increasing D) individualQ17. The word “flaw” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) fault B) aspect C) confusion D) mysteryQ19. The word “ triggered” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)removed B) followed C) increased D) causedQ20. The word “periodically” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)continuously B) quickly C) regularly D) carefullyQ24. The word “empirical” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) reliable B) based on common senseC) relevant D) based on observationQ30. The word “ tremendous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)distinct B) growing C) huge D) immediateQ32. The word “ acquire” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) reject B)obtain C) need D) produceQ36. The word “illuminates” in the passage is clos est in meaning toA) opens B) completes C) lights D) electrifiesQ40. The word “ initiated” is closest in meaning toA) started B) intensified C) finished D) expectedTPO 19Q4. The word “ suppress” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)respond to B) warn against C) avoid the impact of D) stop byforceQ5. The word “friction” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) rebellion B) conflict C) neglect D) crimeQ7. The phrase “entitled to” in the passage is closest in meaning to A)given the right to B) able to afford to C)encouraged to D)requiredtoQ12. The word “circumstances” in the passage is closest in meaning to A)experiences B) communities C) conditions D) lawsQ16. The word “substantiated” in the passage is closest in mean ing to A) confirmed B) noticed C)defined D) publicizedQ17. The word “trend” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Probability B)picture C)law-like regularity D)tendencyQ18. The word “likewise” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) sometime B)similarly C) apparently D) consequentlyQ19. The word “legitimately” in the passage is closest in meaning to A) commonly B) broadly C) properly D) officiallyQ23. The word “ initiated” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Approved B)identified C) started D) foreseenQ29. The word “accumulations” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Signs B) Pieces C) Types D) DepositsQ30. The word “ heterogeneous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Remaining B) Varied C) Familiar D) LayeredQ32. The word “enjoy” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) experience B) resemble C) expect D) dominateQ36. The word “ reveal” in th e passage is closest in meaning toA) result from B) vary with C) show D) preserveTPO 20Q3. The word “fringes” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Borders B) Groups C) Types D) DirectionsQ7. The word “proliferation” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Growth B) Cooperation C) Importance D) SuccessQ9 The word “superseded” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Replaced B) Reformed C) Equaled D) IncreasedQ10. The word “diverted” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Collected B) Shifted C) Transported D) SoldQ15. The word “momentous” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Numerous B) Regular C) Very important D0 Very positive Q17. The ph rase “this remarkable change” in the passage refers toA)warming at the end of the Ice AgeB)shifts in mountain snow linesC)the movement of people from farms to villagesD) a dramatic increase in the populationQ18. The word “exploited” in the passage is clos est in meaning toA)explored B) utilized C) inhabited D) improvedQ20. The word “ cramped” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)primitive B) secure C) extended D) confinedQ 22. The word “ shifts” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Effects B) Similarities C) Changes D) ExceptionsQ 25. The word “abruptly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA) Informally B) Briefly C) Suddenly D) SurprisinglyQ29. The word “agencies” in the passage is closest in meaning toA)Combinations B) Problems C) Forces D) Changes。



TPO (1)-2012/06/06Conversation (1): database数据库, skim撇,脱脂的,表层的,浏览,掠过, in case万一Lecture (1):bleak阴冷的,荒凉的, blurry模糊的,污脏的, pinkish粉红的, barn谷仓, mess up 陷入困境,搞糟, zigzag Z字型的, peek out向外窥探Lecture (2): solidify团结,凝固, essentially本质上, flatten击败,变平, conventional符合习俗的,传统的,惯例的, refinement精制,提纯, Appalachian阿巴拉契亚山脉, eye-opening news 使人开眼界的新闻, grain纹理,颗粒,谷物, granite花冈岩, split apart劈开, conclusively最后的,决定性的Lecture (3): inhabitant居民, Neolithic新石器时代, flake小薄片,火花,使剥落, inland内陆, hatchway舱口,天窗, diagonal对角线,斜线, plaster石膏, hearth灶台, soot煤烟, rib肋骨, layout 布局,设计, speculate推测,思索Lecture (4): marmot土拨鼠, rodent啮齿动物, hibernate冬眠, reside居住, temperate温和的, frost霜, vegetative植物的, loner孤独的人, ritual仪式, meadow草地,牧场TPO (2)-20120608-MaggieConversation (1): write up写文章赞扬,详细记载,补写, casual knowledge偶然的知识, rule of thumb经验法则, pad, jot down草草记下, draft version草拟版本Lecture (1): manifestation表现,显示,示威运动, laryngeal habit喉习惯, larynx喉,喉头, overt 明显的,公然的,蓄意的, electrode点极, diligently勤奋地, motor发动机,to jump ahead开始某话题, ideomotor action观念运动, equivalent等价物,相等的, definitively决定性地,最后地Lecture (2): botany, expected, typically, due(到期的), flight, delayed, fiber, cotton, plastic, explosive, hemp, bear(v.产果), island, flexible, exceptionally, resistant, salt, steel cable, degrade, zinc, drag through, anchor, moor, ton, extract, bundle, compose, twistConversation (2): register, seminar, schedule, quit, thesis, poetry, revising, poem, publication, Thanksgiving, move it out, stuff, summer score, definitely, otherwiseLecture (3): philosophy, ethical, aim for, distinction, technical term, extrinsic value, intrinsic value, in addition to, sake, engage in, extrinsically, beyond, productivity, musician, instrument, amateur, modest income, generally, ultimate, attainment, frustration, criteria, feature, obtain, fame, intellectual, contemplationLecture (4): asteroid belt, board, multiply, row, decimal, mercury, venus, mars, astronomical, tantalizingly, Jupiter, Saturn, pattern(模式), predicting, gravitation, mathematically, attempting, telescope, Uranus, validity, Cere, faint, appearanceTPO (3)-20120608-AmyConversation (1): receptionist, assignment, bulletin board, registrar, junk mail, administration office; sign up, practical, issue, instructor, enroll, department, lonelyLecture (1): habitat, migrate, humming birds, amazingly, tiny, hemisphere, breeds, beats, nectar, pollinated, spread, cease, migration routes, cattle, for instance, pose, threat, preserve, concrete, replanting, banding, track, lightweight, labeled, recaptured, lifespan, on record, destinationLecture (2): categories, standards, neatly, classify, gradually, pioneer, aquatic, display, clip, mollusk, narration, portray, notions, uncanny, suspicious, innovator, fancy, patched, investigated, documentarist, incorporating,Conversation (2): assume, introductory, relief, agricultural, hall, clay pottery, Button, involved, arrange, tough, assistantLecture (3): preserved, piped up, primitive, masterpieces, Chauvet, Altamira, Lascaux, confirmation, Paleolithic humans, context, significantly, shallow, penetrate, torches, charcoal, virtually, enhancing, perspectives, slides, bison, rhinoceros, mammoth, precise, dimLecture (4): astronomy, bloom, spectroscopy, spectra, spectral, emitted, composition, back up, prism, beam, spectrum, Optical radiation, Uranium, bleed into, interruptions, magnified, randomly, patterns, distinct, match up, compiled, iron, prism, radiates, fingerprint, makeup, extensive, Helium, HeliusTPO(4)-20120608-VanessaConversation1Contemporary. Critiques. controversial. Stage. Fuss. V acation. Premier. Basement. Stack. Hanging around.(无所事事) Impressed. Progress. Honestly. Tape. Radical. Dramatically. Assigned.Lecture1Mating. Preen. Feathers. Conflicting. Groom. Bush. Redirecting. Appropriate. Under the circumstances.(既然如此)Urge. Disinhibition. Comfort. Messed up.(混乱)Tidy.Lecture2Self-Reliance.(自力更生)Conviction. Capable. Glimpse at.(看到)Dismiss. Conformity. Sake. Content. V oyage. Bits of.(少量的)Zigzag. Path. Attest. Accountant.Conversation2Crazy. Supreme. Property. Municipal. Term.(术语) Seek. Split. Stack. Goof off.Risk. Go down the drain(前功尽弃) Due. Start from scratch.(白手起家)Lecture3V alley. Desert. Trail. Track. Footprint. Tyre. Machinery. Bulldozer. Pattern. Clay, Slippery. Separate. Route. Vibrate. Shift. Set up.(建立) Meteorology. Addressing. Prospective. Wider.Lecture4Official. Federal. Out-of-work.(失业者) End up.(结束) Politician. Funding. Promote. Subsidy. Institution. Throughout. Mid. Agency. Altruistic. Corporation tax.(公司所得税) Patron. Plaque. To get rid of.(摆脱) Annual budget.(年度预算) Involved in.(涉及)TPO (5)-2012.06.12-Fiona TPO5 6.10 (数字序号请直接无视掉)Conversation 1 1, counselor 2, overwhelmed 3 keep pace with 4, impersonal 5, artsy6, orchestra 7, pursuingLecture 1 8, fidelity9, alligator 10, sewers11, strike fear into 12, despite 13, analogy 20, fecundity 6, precise21, accuracy22, genetic mutation 23, spread 24, persistLecture21, compelling 2, primitive 3, obviously 4, composition 25, topographical map 26, orbits27, elevations 28, crater 29, planetary 30, redistribute 31, crust 32, mantle 33, craters 34, meteor 35, estimates 36, experts37, by inference 38, crash into 39, water molecule 40, perpetually 41, frozen42, evaporation 43, component parts 44, permanent [convensation2 46, content 47, permission 48, frankly49, intend to 50, warnedlecture352, spectroscopy 53, wavelengths 54, spectrum55, spectral signature 56, disciplines 57, devise58, brushstroke 59, thickly 60, varnishes61, component part 62, invasive 63, fleck64, restoration 65, deterioratedlecture467, slightly 68, communal 69, aspects 70, undergo 71, standard72, authoritative 73, tailored 74, grandTPO (6)-2012.06.12-BrendanConversation1assume假定recommend推荐employment雇用suit套装representative代表urge驱使wise聪明的accounting firm会计事务所firm公司zillion无数的tailor剪裁,使合适Lecure1boom 繁荣bust破产The dotcom crash 网络经济崩溃sold for可以是说卖了多久or多少钱or什么方式go(went)out of business 歇业rapid 急促的hysterical歇斯底里的get carried away得意忘形tulip郁金香hail冰雹,来自nomad游牧民bulb茎novelty新奇事物receive接收onion洋葱exoti c外来的priced有价值的stick树枝paddle浆craze狂热mania狂热disposable可支配的thrilling惊讶的constrain束缚bloom开花literally字面上地mortgage抵押ingredient条件panic 恐慌lecture2rare极少的hidden隐藏的in existence 存在relic遗物disposal处理,安排hectare 公顷plum李子shell核crack 破裂germinate发芽expire到期去世persist保持indication迹象dwindle减少conversation2description描述jump out at突然从脑海中掠过intrigue使…感兴趣scope范围accommodation调节manageable易办的carry out 落实lecture3sketch略图get started on开始blend混合trait特征pull from 从。




托福阅读专项词汇积累11 jurisdiction privilege sovereignty autonomy2 individualism capitalism3 condiment ingredient kitchen picnic barbecue cuisine4 nonsense dialogue gossip dialect5 radius diameter6 opera drama tragedy comedy7 maxim allegory legend myth8 coarse tough crude9 complex complicated intricate perplexing10 innate impulsive instinctive spontaneous11 pervasive typical universal ubiquitous12 accidental random haphazard13 devour gorge swallow14 scent aroma15 balmy fragrant16 breeze gust storm hurricane tornado17 precipitation ,torrential rain18 tyrannical dictatorial autocratic19 constrain compel force20 adjacent adjoining neighboring21 boundary border brim rim dege fringe frontier margin periphery 托福阅读专项词汇222 confine circumscribe restrict limit23 solitary isolated lonely24 amplify magnify enlarge25 mitigate relieve abate alleviate26 diminish lessen reduce decrease27 convincing persuasive28 pray seek implore29 pursue woo seek30 appeal accuse charge31 crucial essential significant critical32 primary radical fundamental33 fellowship scholarship stipend34 accurate exact precise35 obscure vague36 frighten threaten terrify37 emphasize highlight underscore underline38 ignore neglect overlook39 penetrate pierce puncture40 adhere cling stick41 cohesive adhesive42 hygiene sanitation health43 abundant, myriads of, exuberant prolific profuse ample luxuriant rich plentiful44 summit climax maximum peak top托福阅读专项词汇345 fine tiny minuscule minute46 gigantic colossal tremendous enormous immense prodigious massive Herculean titanic huge47 proximity intimacy affinity48 adverse hostile opposed49 contend compete strife50 competitor antagonist opponent adversary rival51 betray renounce52 rebellious defiant53 fidelity loyalty faithfulness adherence54 traditional conventional customary55 grumble complain lament56 gibe ridicule deride jeer sneer57 insult humiliate58 libel defame traduce disparage59 prestige fame reputation distinction note60 compliment extol praise61 blame condemn denounce62 remove rid cancel eliminate63 impair devastate ruin disfigure64 abolish terminate annul repeal65 erect build establish托福阅读专项词汇466 provoke foment prompt instigate agitate incite67 eager yearning anxious desirous avid wistful68 enthusiasm passion zeal zest favor ardor fervency69 frenzy fanatical cordial crazy maniac70 composure equanimity71 indifferent impassive nonchalant uninterested apathetic72 relentless merciless ruthless pitiless73 curious inquisitive nosy74 calm tranquil serene still quiescent sedate placid quiet75 violent vehement furious76 shout yelp rant howl bawl scream yell clamor77 concern anxiety apprehension78 chaos disorder confusion mess disarrangement disarray turmoil79 riot turbulence commotion80 rebellion revolt insurrection insurgence81 astonish astound startle amaze surprise82 soothe comfort placate appease pacify solace conciliate83 representative representation delegate deputy commissary deputation84 convivial exalted delightful blithe exultant jubilant joyous gleeful hilarious85 rapture ecstasy ravish elation托福阅读专项词汇586 anguish, distress, suffering, agony, grief, misery, sorrow, torment, torture87. incense, irritate, rage, enrage, outrage, fret, fury, wrath, exasperate88. marvelous miraculous mysterious cryptic indecipherable89. clumsy awkward gauche90. adept deft agile nimble adroit skillful91.deceit cheat fraud deception92.deceive beguile defraud cheat93. cordial sincere94. novice tyro beginner greenhand95. crafty cunning sneaky sly96. strategy trick scam artifice conspiracy97. admit acknowledge own avow98. reveal disclose unveil discover99. conceal hide disguise shroud100. austere thrifty frugal shrewd101. sumptuous luxurious lavish102. primitive primordial initial original primeval primary103. ultimately finally eventually104 daring brave intrepid courageous dauntless valiant valorous gallant heroic105 panacea elixir106 heal remedy cure托福阅读专项词汇积累文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。



1. The word "crucial" in the passage is closest in meaning to【词汇题】A.InterestingB.ImportantC.EstablishedD.Understood答案:B解析:crucial:至关重要的。



2.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.【句子简化题】A.In the last few centuries,the erosion of coastline created the Neolithic stone circle in Brittany,France,at the same time that it destroyed the medieval villages in Yorkshire,England.B.Coastlines have changed even in recent times as shown by the current locations of certain Neolithic monuments and medieval villages.C.Recent changes in the coastlines near the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic in Brittany,France,and the medieval villages inYorkshire,England,suggest that ancient coastlines changed in similar ways.D.Changes in coastlines can lead to the creation of islands such as Er Lannic in France or the total erosion of the cliffs as in Yorkshire in England,though no considerable changes have occurred in recent periods. 答案:B解析:提取句子主干,将括号和从句里的内容先去掉,则句子为These have changed constantly through time,even in relatively recent periods,as can be seen from the Neolithic stone circle of Er Lannic,in Brittany,France or medieval villages in east Yorkshire,England。



托福阅读分类词汇托福阅读:建筑学词汇architect 建筑师architecture 建筑学arch 拱形baroque style 巴洛克rococo style 洛可可pillar post 柱bar tendon 钢筋construction 建造icon 肖像,画像statue 雕像dam 坝tunnel 隧道pyramid 金字塔canyon、gorge 峡谷monument 纪念碑church 教堂abbey 教堂landmark 路标里程碑suspension bridge 悬浮桥beam 梁dome vault 穹顶granite 花岗岩collapse 坍塌magnificent 壮丽的reinforce 加强stable 稳定的absorber 减震器masterpiece 杰作名著skyscraper 摩天大楼sideways 侧面的erect 盖,树立peg 钉,栓sway 摇晃upright 垂直的vertical 垂直的wedge 三角木 storey 层 eave 屋檐watchtower 瞭望塔 staircase 楼梯 overhang 悬垂 roof 屋顶 trunk 树干 craftsman 工匠 column 圆柱 flex 弯曲 concept 概念 concrete 混凝土toughened glass 钢化玻璃 aerial view/bird eye view 鸟瞰图 symbol 象征statue\sculpture 雕塑 blueprint 蓝图1sketch 草图building orientation 建筑朝向 building structure 建筑结构 civil 土木water supply and drainage 给排水 plot plan 总图H.V.A.C (heating 、ventilation and a irconditioning) 采暖通风 electric power supply 电力供应 electric lighting 电气照明 telecommunication 电讯 instrument 仪表heat power supply 热力供应 civil architecture 民用建筑 piping 管道fire-prevention 防火aseismatic, quake-proof 防震 anti-corrosion 防腐 dump-proof 防潮 water-proof 防水dust-proof 防尘 rust-proof 防锈pedestrian volume 人流量 perspective drawing 透视图 wind load 风荷载 scheme, draft 方案 bearing wall 承重墙 balcony 阳台 marble 大理石 granite 花岗岩reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 托福阅读:医学词汇1.microbe/bacteria/germ 细菌2.health and well-being 健康3.improper or unhealthy diet 不健康 的饮食4.artificial chemicals 人工化学品(添加 剂)5.poisonous 有毒的6.taste enhancer 味觉提高剂7.artificial sweetener 人工增甜剂8.protein 蛋白质9.fat 脂肪 10.mineral 矿物质 11.vitamin 维他命 12.ingredient 成分 13.vegetarian 素食主义者 14.overweight 超重 15.obesity 肥胖16.poor dietary habit 不良饮食习惯17.be on a diet 节食减肥 18.cut lifespan 减少寿命 19.proper nutrition 适当营养 20.maintain physical fitness 保持身体 健康21.calorie 卡路里222.high-calorie intake 高卡路里的摄入an 器官 24.heart 心 25.liver 肝 26.lung 肺 27.kidney 肾 28.cell 细胞,蜂窝 29.nerve 神经30.chronic illness 慢性病31.cut the risk of suffering…(heart attack) 降低患..风险 32.cancer 癌症33.hypertension —high blood pressure 高血压 34.heart attack 心脏病 35.diabetes 糖尿病 36.stroke 中风 37.asthma 哮喘38.pneumonia 肺炎 39.hepatitis 肝炎 40.influenza/flu 流感 41.immune system 免疫系统 42.lower the immune response 降低 免疫力43.sleeplessness/insomnia 失眠 44.foods low in fat and high in fibre低脂肪高纤维食物 45.cholesterol 胆固醇 46.metabolic 新陈代谢47.renew one’s energy 恢复精力 48.physical activity 体育活动 49.blood circulation 血液循环 50.prevalence of disease 疾病的流行托福阅读:动物学词汇 1. species 种类 n.2. degenerate 退化3. breed 物种,繁殖 n.v.4. food chain 食物链5. mammal 哺乳动物n.6. wild animal 野生动物7. living creature 生物8. mature 成熟a. v.9. immature 不成熟的 10. habitat 栖息地n. 11. inhabit 栖息于,居住在 12. evolve 进化v. 13. evolution 进化 14. instinct 本能n. 15. feature 特点16. ability —capacity 能力 17. reproduction 繁殖n. 18. appetite 食欲n. 19. digestion 消化n.20. offspring/ descendent 后代n. 21. grub 幼兽n.22. cub 幼兽323. predator 掠夺者n. 24. prey 被掠夺者n.25. migrate--migration 迁徙 26. aggression 侵略n. 27. hatch 孵化v. 28. hibernation 冬眠n. 29. chew 咀嚼v.30. biological diversity 生物多样性 31. visual and acoustic faculty 视觉和 听觉能力 32. sense 感官 33. hormone 荷尔蒙 34. intelligence 智慧 35. emotion 情感 36. joint 关节 37. limb 四肢38. cognition —recognition 认知,再认 知39. muscle 肌肉 40. nerve 神经 41. organ 器官42. vulnerable 易受伤害的 43. mate 交配 伙伴 44. gene 基因 45. insect 昆虫 46. aquaria 水族馆 47. marine 海洋的 48. life span 寿命 49. life expectancy 寿命 50. fur 皮毛 51. imitate v.模仿 52. mimicry n. 模仿 53. mimic adj. 模仿的 54. exist —existence 生存 55. extinct —extinction 灭绝 56. die out 灭绝57. endangered rare species 稀有濒危 物种58. identify rings 身份标志圈 59. pest 害虫 60. pesticide 杀虫剂 61. conservation 保护 62. mammal 哺乳动物 63. reindeer 驯鹿 64. rhinoceros 犀牛65. reptile 爬行动物;卑鄙的人 66. batrachia 无尾两栖类,蛙类 67. lizard 蜥蜴 68. chameleon 变色龙 69. crocodile 鳄鱼 70. turtle 海龟 71. dinosaur 恐龙 72. family 科 73. class 纲 74. order 目75. suborder 亚目 76. genus 种,类 77. spine 脊骨 478. toe 脚趾 79. bill 鸟嘴 80. beak 鸟嘴,喙 81. scale 鳞片;障眼物 82. grease 动物脂;脂肪 83. dolphin 海豚 84. plankton 浮游生物 85. mule 骡 86. donkey 驴 87. ox 牛 88. zebra 斑马 89.reindeer 驯鹿 90.giraffe 长颈鹿 91.camel 骆驼 92.puma 美洲豹 93.leopard 豹94.tiger 虎 95.squirrel 松鼠 96.eagle 鹰 97.snake 蛇 98.turtle 龟 99.cow 母牛 100.goose 鹅 101.swan 天鹅 102. oviparity 卵生 103. viviparity 胎生 托福阅读:考古学词汇 1.archeology 考古学 2.archeologist 考古学家 3.artifact 人造物品4.relic 遗物,遗迹;废墟,纪念物5.excavate 挖掘6.carve 刻,雕刻7.temple 庙8.kingdom/realm 王国 9.empire 王国10. emperor 国王 11. pharaoh 法老 12. the Niles 尼罗河 13. pyramid 金字塔 14. statue 雕像 15. chart 绘图 16. skull 头脑;头骨 17. antique 古物,古董18. antiquity 古代,古老,古代的文物19. offspring/descendent 后代 20. warship 祭拜 21. site 地址、遗址 22. exhume 掘出 23. unearth 发掘,发现 24. scoop 汲取;挖掘 25. indigenous 当地人 26. dwelling 住所 27. dweller 居民 28. savages 野蛮人29. disclosure 揭露 530. remains 残余;遗迹 31. remnant 残余;遗迹 32. remainder 残余,剩余物 33. residue 残余34. primitive 原始的,最初的 35. prehistoric 史前的,陈旧的 36. archaic 古老的,陈旧的 37. medieval 中世纪的,仿中世纪 的;老式的38. originate 起源,发生39. excavation 挖掘,发掘;挖掘成 的洞;出土文物 40. vestige 遗迹,痕迹 41. trace 痕迹,踪迹 42. primordial 原始的 43. primeval 原始的44. chronological 按年代顺序排列的45. Paleolithic 旧石器时代的 46. Mesolithic 中石器时代 47. Neolithic 新石器时代48. invaluable 无价的,价值无法衡量的49. precious 宝贵的,贵重的 托福阅读:人类文明词汇 1.civilization 文明 2.ancient 古老的 3.artifact 人工制品 4.indigenous 当地的 5.customs 风俗 6.dweller 居民,土著人 7.antique 古老的,古董 8.tribe 部落9.folklore/folktale 民间传说 10. folkway 社会风俗 11. sociology 社会学 12. urban 城市的 13. urbanization 都市化14. rural 乡下的,田园的 15 migration 迁徙 16. immigration 移民 17. community 社会 18. ethics 伦理学19. metropolitan 大都市的 20. convention 传统21. patriarchic 家长的,族长的 22. institutionalize 使制度化 23. polygamous 一夫多妻的,一妻多 夫的24. clan 宗族 25. matrimony 婚礼 托福阅读:地理学词汇 1.location---locate 地点 2.North Pole 北极 3.South Pole 南极 4.Antarctic 南极的 65.Arctic 北极的6.globe 地球,地球仪7.global 全球的8.the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 9.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 10.the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 11.Oceanica 大洋洲 12.continent 大陆 13.height 高度 14.hemisphere 半球15.the Northern Hemisphere 北半球16.equator 赤道 17.horizon 地平线 18.tropical 热带的 19.subtropical 亚热带的 20.altitude 海拔 titude 纬度 22.longitude 经度 23.day length 白昼长度24.environmental conservation 环境 保护25.ecological balance 生态平衡 26.global warming 全球变暖 27.existence —exist 存在 28.extinction —extinct 灭绝 29.environmental issues 环境问题 30.global warming 全球变暖 31.greenhouse effect 温室效应 32.soil erosion--erode 水土流失、侵蚀33.acid rain 酸雨34.climate change 气候变化 35.deforestation 滥砍滥伐 36.air contamination 空气污染 37.air pollution 空气污染 38.water supply 水供给 39.hurricane 飓风 40.typhoon 台风41.El Nino 厄尔尼诺 42.earthquake 地震 43.volcano 火山 44.storm 暴风雨 45.thunder 打雷 46.lightening 闪电47.indigenous 当地的,本土的 48.human activity 人类活动 49.dweller 居民,村民 50.ecosystem 生态系统 51.humid 潮湿的 52.humidity 湿度 53.moisture 潮湿 54.rainfall 降雨量 55.fog 雾 56.frost 霜 57.hurricane 飓风 58.typhoon 台风 59.shower 雷阵雨 60.air pressure 气压61.axis 地轴 762.magnetic field 磁场63.deterioration of environment 环境 恶化64.avalanche 雪崩 65.mirage 海市蜃楼 66.innate 先天的,天生的 67.scenic 风景优美的 68.spectacle 奇观,景象 69.jungle 丛林 70.shrub 灌木丛 71.plateau 高地,高原 72.scenery 景色ndscape 风景,山水画;地形;前景74.plain 平原,草原75.iceberg 冰山;冷冰冰的人 76.mountain 山,山脉77.glacier 冰河78.deglaciation 冰川的消失 79.valley (山)谷,流域 80.peak 山顶 81.range 山脉 82.coast 海岸;滑坡 83.altitude 高度,海拔 84.watercourse 水道,河道 85.ethography 人种学 86.cosmography 宇宙志 87.geology 地质学,地质概况 88.oceanography 海洋学 89.vegetation 植被 90.continent 大陆,陆地 91.archipelago 群岛 92.peninsula 半岛 93.meadow 草地,牧场 94.valley (山)谷,流域 95.swamp 沼泽,湿地 goon 泻湖,礁湖97.moorland 沼泽地 98.desert 沙漠 99.dune 沙丘100.oasis (沙漠中的)绿洲 101.savanna 热带大草原 102.tundra 苔原,冻土地带 pass 罗盘104.meridian 子午线;正午 105.parallel 纬线106.longitude 经度,经线 titude 纬度 108.equator 赤道109.zenith 顶点,顶峰,天顶 110.inlet 小岛 111.gulf 海湾 112.cliff 悬崖,绝壁 113.sandbank 沙洲,沙丘 114.tempest 暴风雨 115.seaquake 海震,海啸 116.estuary 入海口117.torrent 急流,洪流 118.tributary 支流;支流的 119.confluent 汇合的 120.canal 运河 121.range 山脉 122.massif 群山,高地 123.crevice 裂缝 124.plateau 高原125.marine 海的;海上的;近海的 126.moist 湿润的,多雨的 127.ebb 退潮;衰落; 潮退,衰退 128.terrestrial 陆地 129.endemic 地方性的 130.subterranean 地下的 131.cavern 大山洞,大洞穴 132.Antarctic 南极的,南极地带的 133.Antarctica 南极洲 134.coastland 沿海岸地区 135.hemisphere 半球136.contour 轮廓,外形;海岸线137.lowland 低地,苏格兰低地; 138.navigation 航海 139.salinity 盐分,盐度140.elevation 高地;正面图;海拔 141.formation 形成,构成 142.geothermic 地热的143.tropic (天球的)回归线;热带 144.temperate 温和的 145.volcanic 火山的,像火山的 146.eruption 爆发147.outburst (火山,感情等)爆发, 喷出148.squirt 喷出149.magma (有机物或矿物的)稀 糊,岩浆150.fault 产生断层;断裂 151.crust 地壳 yer 层;阶层 153.lithosphere 岩石圈 154.lithogenous 岩成的155.mantle 地幔 156.stratum 地层 157.caraclysm 地震158.calamity 灾难,不幸事件 159.debacle 泛滥的洪水 160.deluge 洪水,大雨;使泛 滥,压倒161.magnitude 震级 162.seismology 地震学 163.seismic 地震的 164.earthquake 地震 165.tremor 震动,颤动 166.iceberg 冰山 167.glacier 冰河,冰川 168.diamond 钻石 169.crater 火山口;弹坑 170.core 果核;中心,核心 171.aluminum 铝172.geology 地质学,地质概况9173.petrify 石化;吓呆 174.fossil 化石 175.sediment 沉淀物 176.ore 矿石177.mineral 矿物,矿石 178.bonanza 富矿带 179.ruby 红宝石 va 熔岩,火山岩 181.limestone 石灰石 182.granite 花岗岩 183.emerald 绿宝石 184.fieldstone 散石,大卵石 185.gem 宝石,珍宝,精华;被 喜爱的人186.marble 大理石 187.pit 煤矿 188.borehole 钻孔 189.vein 矿脉。



Exploit 利用Deliberate 故意的Probe 探索Feud 结仇Ensue 接着发生Contention 争吵,看法Exclusive 唯一的Endorse 赞同Coordinate 协调Livelihood 生计Render 报答, 使成为, 呈现Meticulous 小心翼翼Linger 逗留Optimum 最好的Hail 赞扬Slot 缝Formulate 规范Susceptible 易受影响的Pronounced 明显的Ascertain 弄清楚Twist 扭Spawn 大量生产Prone 易于..Primitive 原始的,基础的,最初的Instinctive 天生的Scorching 炎热的Intense 剧烈的Parching 炎热的Strenuous 费力的Mitigate 减轻Epic 宏大的,史诗Devise 计划,发明Contour 轮廓Reel 轮Deteriorate 恶化Circuit 线路Entail 使。

成为必须Slender 苗条的Secrete 分泌Elaborate 详细解释Intimidate 威胁Entomology 昆虫学Shed 蜕皮Lodge 借宿Mantle 覆盖物Mollusk 软体动物The bulk of 很多Revolt起义Terrace 叠层Indigo 靛青Unravel 拆开Motif图形Saddle 鞍状物Take on a role 扮演Have one’s heart set on= set one’s heart on Give it a shot试试Tract土地Meager 极少的Erg 沙质沙漠Gypsum 石膏Brood 沉思Relive 再经历Stifle 抑制Vaudevilles 歌舞杂耍Amorous 多情的Suffice it to say that 只想说Suffice 足够Take hold 掌握Get the credit for 因..得到称赞Narrow down 减少Kayak皮艇Affliated with 隶属于Grove 小树林Sap 树液Spout 喷出Bear a resemblance to 相似Crust 地壳Asthenosphere 岩石圈Proficient熟练地Intermidiate 中等的You bet 不客气Venture 冒险Prose 散文Vernacular 当地的Legacy 遗产Matamorphosis 变形Holometabolism完全变态Molt 脱皮Hind leg 后腿Chrysalis 茧Larva=larval 幼虫Pupa=pupal蛹Imago 成虫Potent 强有力的Quell 制止Snare 陷阱,抓住Dull=lessen 减少Repurcussion 后果Akin to 与.相似Overt 公开的Presume 以为,假定Intriguing 神秘的Elucidate 解释Anchor 固定Dynamic 有活力的,动力的Resolve 解决决定Confrom to 遵照Dismiss 解散,驳回Configuration 外形,构造Proliferation 增殖Sever 断Radical 激进的,根本的Coalesce 联合Discern 看见,识别Composite 混合EjectAdminister 管理,给予Impose 强迫,推行Finite 有限的Intrinsic 内在的,固有的,基础的Comprising 包括Outright 正直的,完全的(adv) Procure 努力取得Detain 拘留Retain 保留Inception 开始Expedition 远征,探险Indigenous 固有的,土生土长的Dwell 居住Avid 渴切的Compact 紧凑的Prompte 迅速的,Swell 膨胀,增长Perilous 危险的Bendable 可弯曲的Rigid 固执的,坚硬的Multitude 大量Furnish 装饰,布置,供应,提供Landscape 装点Dubbed 授予Municipal 市政的Entitlement 权利,资格Designate 标明Initiate 开始the initiated 外行Spark 引发Lament 抱怨Conclusive 令人信服的Fortuitous 偶然的Implement 工具Jolting震动Supersede 超过Resent 憎恨Intrusive侵略的Premise 前提,假设Gear 搭配,使兴奋Grudging 不愿的Pertinent 恰当的,有关的Threshold 限制Tantalize 取笑Tantalizing 诱人的Enigmatic 谜一样的Harness 利用自然资源Luxuriant 繁茂的Outperform 超过Hallmark 特点Lethal 致命的Decimation 大量毁灭Pulverize打碎Affront=Insult 冒犯Apcae with 快速的Aptly 适合的Attachment to倾向于Attire 服装Avail 利用Biting尖锐的Come of age 成名Come to the forefront 有重要作用Cast off抛弃Coarse粗糙的Cohesion凝聚力Cluster 集中Concomitant with 同时发生的Consorted 交往Cumbersome 沉重的Dampened 潮湿Demise死亡Devastate 摧毁Dictate 决定Discrete 分泌,分离的Discreet 小心的Divergence 不同Drab 单调的Drastic 激进的Elicit引出Embrace接受Enactment实行Entomb 陷入Eradicate根除Exalted 高级的Excavate挖掘Execute 执行,创造Extol赞扬Fade from 从..消失Fixture日常用品Fuse结合Graphic生动的Henceforth 从今以后Herald 宣布Hinterland 腹地Ignite 点燃Immutable 不变的Inception 开始Incinerate itself 燃烧Incised雕刻的Ingenuity 机灵Ingot 银块Inhibit 阻碍Intensive 集中的,透彻的Intent 目的,意向Intermittently 间歇的Intervention 干涉Renounce 拒绝Mandate 授权Maneuver 诡计Margin 空白Meteoric星星的,迅速的Miniscule 微小的Myriad无数Notwithstanding 尽管Noxious 有毒的Ocillate震荡Overtake 超过Partitioning 分割Periphery 弥漫,渗透Plunge 投入Ponderous 笨重的Postulate假定Precarious 不稳定的Preside over 管理Presumably大概Prolific 丰富的Pry off 翘起Puncture=pierce 刺穿Rapture 破裂Reckless 不负责的Score 乐谱Scurry 快走Secure 获得Sedentary 长坐的Shy away from 躲避Synchronous 同时的Skyrocket快速上升Snap 折断Spot识别Staggering 令人惊愕的Stationary固定的Strain疲劳Stunning 极好的Subjugate 征服Sumptuous奢侈的Surge 汹涌Thwart 阻挠Substantiate 证明Convulse 震动A1 abundant 丰富的plentiful 丰富的2 accelerate 加速increase 增加3 accessible 可达到的reachable 可达到的4 accordingly 因此for that reason 因此5 account for 说明explain 说明6 accumulate 积聚collect 收集7 acute 急性的intense 剧烈的8 adhere 粘附stick 粘附9 adjunct 辅助addition 附加10 adorn 装饰decorate 装饰11 adverse 相反的negative 负面的12 advocate 提倡者proponent 支持者13 aesthetical 审美的artistic 艺术的14 astound 令人极为惊奇surprise 令人惊奇15 attachment 喜爱preference喜爱16 attain 获得achieve 获得17 attendant 伴随的accompanying 伴随的18 attire 衣物clothing 衣物19 attribute 特征characteristic 特点20 aviation 航空navigation 航空B21 barren贫瘠的infertile 贫瘠的22 bias 偏见prejudice 偏见23 bizarre 奇异的odd 希奇的24 boost 促进raise 提高25 bound 限制limit 限制26 break 与…相分离departure 与…相分离27 bring about 导致cause 导致C28 calculate 计划determine 决定29 carry 支撑support 支撑30 cast off 丢弃get rid off 抛弃31 cease 终止stop 停止32 celestial 天上的astronomical 天文的33 chance 偶然的unplanned 未计划的34 characterized 具有特色的distinguished 杰出的35 classify 分类categorize 分类36 coarse 粗糙rough 粗糙37 cohesion 凝聚unity 结合,统一38 coin 创造,杜撰create 创造39 collectively 共同地together 一起40 comparably 类似similarly 同样地41 compile 收集put together 收集42 compose 创作create 创作,创造43 comprise 由….组成consist of 由…..组成44 conceal 隐藏hide 隐藏45 concentrate 集中cluster 集中46 conclusive 最后的,结论性的definitive 最后的,确定性的47 concomitant with 与…..相一致in conjunction with 与…..相一致48 condone 宽恕mercy 宽恕49 confined 被限制的limited 限制的50 conflict 冲突opposition 相反51 conjectural 推测的based on guessing 基于猜测的52 consciously 有意识地on purpose 有目的地53 conserve 保存retain 保存54 considerable (数量、程度)巨大的great 巨大的55 considerable 巨大的much 许多的56 considerable 大量的substantial 大量的,坚实的57 consort 合伙人,伴侣associate 合伙人,伙伴58 conspicuous 明显的noticeable 明显的59 constituent 组成部分component 成分60 constitute 构成make up 构成61 consult 商量counsel 商量62 consumption 消费eating 吃63 contemporary 当代的existing 现存的64 counteract 抵消negate 取消,否定65 counterpart 副本version 版本66 crucial 重要的,关键的essential 重要的,基本的67 cumbersome 麻烦的burdensome 麻烦的68 customary 习俗的usual 一般的D69 dampen 使潮湿moisten 使潮湿70 daring 大胆的bold 大胆的71 deft 灵巧的skilled 熟练的72 deliberate 深思熟虑的careful 小心的73 demand 要求order 命令74 demonstrate 证明show 显示75 dense 密集的thick 周密的76 depress 降低lower 降低77 depressed 沮丧的saddened 悲伤的,沮丧的78 derive 取得,获得obtain 获得79 detect 发现discover the presence of 发现…..的存在80 detectable 可察觉的,可测出的measurable 可测量的81 detectable可察觉的,可测出的sizable 巨大的82 devastate 损坏ruin 毁灭83 devote 投身dedicate 致力84 dictate 规定determine 确定85 diffuse 扩散travel 传播86 dirt 土壤soil 土壤87 disaster 灾祸catastrophe 大灾祸88 discreet慎重的careful 小心的89 discrete 离散的separate 分离的90 dispute 争论argument 争论91 disseminate 传播spread/impart/inform 散布/传播/传播92 distinct 截然不同的different 不同的93 distinct 明显的obvious 明显的94 distinct 分别的,截然不同的separate 分离的95 distinction 区别difference 差别96 distinguished 不同的differentiated 不同的,有区别的97 divergence 分歧difference 不同98 dogma 教条belief/doctrine 信仰/教条99 domain 范围,领域field 土地,领域100 dominate 占优势be prevalent in 占优势101 dramatic 引人注目的striking 引人注目的102 drastic 猛烈的radical 根本的103 drastic 激烈的severe 猛烈的104 draw 吸引attract 吸引105 durable 耐久的lasting 持久的106 durable 耐久的endurable 持久的107 dwelling 住宅house 房子E108 eagerly anticipate 热切地期望look forward to 盼望109 elaborate 详尽的,精巧的detailed 详细的,精细的110 embed 植入encase 包裹111 embrace (欣然)接受welcome 欢迎112 embracer 接收者recipient 接收者,收件人113 emerge 出现appear 出现114 emit 发射give off 发射115 employ 雇用hire 雇用116 enable 使能够allow 准许117 enable 使能够help 帮助118 enact 制定法律,扮演角色perform 扮演角色119 end 目的goal 目的120 entire 全部的whole 全部的121 entity 实体object 物体122 entomb 埋葬trap 使陷于….之中123 eradicate 根除eliminate 清除124 essential 基本的fundamental 基本的125 evidence 表明indicate 指出126 exalted 高贵的superior 出众的127 exceed 超越surpass 超过128 execute(按计划或设计)做成,制成create 创造129 exert 施加apply 施行130 exorbitant 昂贵的expensive 昂贵的131 expedient 权宜之计makeshift 权宜之计132 exponential leaps 几何级数般的跳跃rapid increases 快速增加133 expose 揭露uncover 揭露134 expose to 暴露于subject to 使经受,使遭受135 extend 延长increase 增加,扩大136 extend 延伸stretch 伸展137 extol 赞美praise 赞扬138 extract 提取remove 清除F139 faction 帮派side 一方140 fade (form) 淡出disappear (form) 消失141 fashion 制作create 创造142 fatal 致命的deadly 致命的143 feed 填入put 放入144 fine 细小的minute 微小的145 first rank 顶级的highest quality 最高档次的146 fixture 固定装备commonplace object 常规物体147 flatter 奉承compliment 赞美148 forage 喂草料feed 喂食149 forward-looking 有远见的progressive 进步的150 frame 给…设框pose 使摆放姿势151 fundamental 基本的basic 基本的152 fuse 融合combine 联合G153 gap 裂缝opening 裂缝154 give way to 被..所代替turn into 转变为155 glow (炽热)发光shine 发光H156 hard 坚硬的firm 坚硬的157 hemisphere 半球side 一侧158 herald 预示,宣布announce 预示,宣布159 homogeneous 同源的uniform 一致的I160 imitate 模仿copy 复制161 immunity 免疫protection 保护162 implement 工具tool 工具163 implication 内涵significance 含义,意义164 impose 加强(要求)demand 要求165 in place of 代替instead of 代替166 inadequate 不充分的deficient 缺乏的,不足够的167 incise 切割carve 雕刻168 inclination 爱好,倾向preference 爱好169 induce 导致cause 导致170 inevitable 不可避免的ineluctable 不可避免的171 influx 流入arrival 到达172 ingot 金属锭 a block of metal 一块金属173 inhibit 阻止hinder 妨碍174 initially 最初at first 第一175 initiate 创立begin 开始176 instance 案例case 案例177 instantaneous 立竿见影的immediate 立即的178 integral 整体的,构成整体所必需的essential 基本的,必需的179 intense 强烈的extreme 极端的180 interchangeable 可替换的equivalent 等值的181 intervention 干涉influence 影响182 intricate 复杂的complex 复杂的183 inviting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的J184 jolt 使震惊的shock 使震惊的L185 lament 令人对….感到遗憾complain about 抱怨186 lure 引诱attract 吸引M187 magnify 扩大increase 提高188 magnify 扩大intensify 加强189 magnitude 量值,大小extent 范围190 maintain 维持preserve/keep 保持/保持191 major 主要的principal 主要的192 maneuver 策略,花招trick 诡计193 margin 边缘edge 边缘194 marked 明显的pronounced 明显的195 meticulous 过分注意细节的careful 小心的196 milestone 里程碑significant development 重大发展的197 minuscule 微小的tiny 微小的198 minute 微小的tiny 微小的199 modify 改变change 改变200 monopolize 垄断dominate 支配201 moreover 进一步说furthermore 进一步说202 mundane 世俗的ordinary 平常的203 myriad of 无数的many 许多的N204 nevertheless 然而however 然而205 novel 新颖的innovative 创新的206 noxious 有害的harmful 有害的O207 obtain 得到acquire 获得208 obtain 获得get 得到209 outbreak 爆发beginning 开始210 outline 概要summarization 概述211 outstanding 出类拔萃的excellent 很好的P212 peak 顶峰maximum 最大值213 peculiar 独特的distinctive 独特的214 penetrate 穿过go through 穿过215 persist 坚持continue 持续216 pertinent 相关的relevant 相关的217 phenomenon 现象event 事件218 pick up 沿着follow 沿着219 picture 想象,描写imagine/describe 想象/描写220 pit 深坑hole 洞221 ponder 沉思meditate 沉思222 ponderous 笨重的heavy 沉重的223 pore 孔hole 洞224 position 位置location 位置225 potential 潜在的possible 可能的226 prefer 倾向,喜欢favor 喜欢227 preoccupation 全神贯注involvement 全神贯注228 preside over 掌管manage 掌管229 prevailing 主要的most frequent 最经常的230 prevent 阻止avoid 避免231 primary 基础的fundamental 基本的,基础的232 principal 主要的main 主要的233 prior to 在…之前preceding 前面的234 prominent 卓越的distinguished 杰出的235 prominent 卓越的prestigious 著名的236 property 特点characteristic 特点237 proponent 支持者supporter 支持者238 prospect 前景possibility 可能性239 protrude 突出project 突出240 puncture 刺破pierce 刺破R241 rapid 快速的swift 迅速的242 rare 稀罕的infrequent 不经常的243 rather 相反instead 相反244 readily 容易地easily 容易地245 realization 认识到awareness 认识到246 reap 收获gain 获得247 reckless 不负责任的irresponsible 不负责任的248 refreshing 给人新鲜感的unusual 不同寻常的249 relate 与…有关connect 与…有关250 reliance 依靠dependence 依靠251 remarkable 非凡的extraordinary 非凡的252 restricted 受限制的limited 受限制的253 revise 修改change 改变254 rich 丰富的abundant 丰富的255 robust 强壮的strong 强壮的256 roll back 把…压到标准水平reduce 降低,减少257 rotate 旋转alternate 交替258 rotate 旋转turn 旋转259 roughly 大约approximately 大概260 rudimentary 初步的,尚未发展完备undeveloped 尚未发展完备的261 rupture 爆裂burst 爆裂S262 sanitation 卫生health 卫生263 scale 攀登climb 攀登264 scope 范围range 范围265 secure 弄到,获得acquire 获得266 secure 安全的safe 安全的267 set 设置establish 建立268 settle 定居locate 坐落269 shield 保护protect 保护270 shy away from 躲避avoid 躲避271 simultaneous 同时的synchronous 同时的272 since 因为because 因为273 site 地点location 位置274 skepticism 怀疑doubt 怀疑275 skilled 熟练的expert 熟练的276 skyrocket 快速上升的increase rapidly 迅速增加277 smother 窒息eliminate 清除278 snap 断裂break 断裂279 sole 唯一的only 唯一的280 solemn 严肃的serious 严肃的281 some 大约approximately 大概282 sort out 区分separate 分离283 spark 引起,开始bring (about)/usher (in) 引起/开始284 spawn 引起,大量生产create 创造285 speculate 推测hypothesize 假设286 spot 发现identify 确定,鉴别287 staggering 令人惊愕的overwhelming 压倒性的288 staple 主要部分basic element 基本组成部分289 stationary 静止的fixed 固定的290 stimulate 刺激encourage 鼓励291 story 故事tale 故事292 strategy 诡计scam/trick 诡计/诡计293 strength 力量的源泉basis 基础294 stress 强调emphasize 强调295 stringent 严格的strict 严格的296 struggle 挣扎competition 竞争297 subject to 易受….的susceptible to 易受….的298 subsidize 资助finance 资助299 substantiate 证实verify 证实300 subtle 精巧微妙的slight 细微的301 succinct 简短的concise/terse 简明的/简短的302 sufficient 充足的adequate 充足的303 sumptuous 诸多的luxurious 诸多的304 supplement 补充extension 扩展,延伸305 support 支持hold/upload 支撑/支持306 supposed 假定的seeming 表面上的307 supremacy 至高无上的dominance 优势308 supreme 至高无上的most outstanding 最出类拔萃的309 surge 汹涌进行accelerate 加速发展310 suspend 悬挂hang 悬挂311 symmetrical 对称的proportionally balanced 比例平衡的T312 tangle 纠缠twist/jumble 缠绕/使混乱313 tempting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的314 thankful 感谢grateful 感激315 trace 痕迹imprint 印记316 trend 倾向tendency 趋向U317 unadorned 未装饰的disorganized 混乱的318 undergo 经历experience 经历319 uniform 统一integrate 整合320 unique 独一无二的particular 独特的321 unravel 弄清discover 发现322 usher in 开始begin 开始V323 vary 改变differ 与…不同324 vast 宽广的,巨大的large 巨大的325 vibrate 震动convulse 震动326 vigilant 警惕的alert 警惕的327 virtually 实质上(几乎)actually/practically/almost 实际上(几乎)W328 witness 目击observe 观察Y329 yield 产生provide 提供。



目录TPO1 (3)TPO2 (4)TPO3 (6)TPO4 (7)TPO5 (9)TPO6 (10)TPO7 (12)TPO8 (14)TPO9 (15)TPO10 (17)TPO11 (19)TPO12 (20)TPO13 (22)TPO14 (23)TPO15 (25)TPO16 (27)TPO17 (28)TPO18 (30)TPO19 (31)TPO20 (33)TPO21 (35)TPO22 (36)TPO23 (38)TPO24 (40)TPO25-30 (41)TPO31 (50)TPO32 (52)TPO33 (54)TPO34 (55)TPO35 (57)TPO36 (59)TPO37 (61)TPO38 (63)TPO39 (65)TPO40 (66)TPO41 (68)TPO42 (69)TPO43 (70)TPO44 (72)TPO45 (74)TPO46 (75)TPO47 (77)TPO48 (78)TPO49 (80)TPO50 (81)TPO51-53 (83)TPO11.The word“incredible”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○confusing○comforting○unbelievable○interesting2.The phrase“out of sight”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○far away○hidden○partly visible○discovered3.The word“overlie”in the passage is closest in meaning to○cover○change○separate○surround4.The phrase“so much for”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○that is enough about○now let us turn to○of greater concern are○this is related to5.The word“plugged”in the passage is closet in meaning to○washed○dragged○filled up○soaked through6.The word“championed”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○changed○debated○created○supported7.The word“attributes”in the passage is closest in meaning to○ascribes○leaves○limits○contrasts8.The word“autonomous”in the passage is closest in meaning to○artistic○important○independent○established9.The word“penchant”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○compromise○inclination○tradition○respect10.The word“dramatic”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○gradual○complex○visible○striking11.The word“attain”in the passage is closest in meaning to○require○resist○achieve○endure12.The word“prone”in the passage is closest in meaning to○adapted○likely○difficult○resistantTPO213.The word“precious”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○exact○scarce○valuable○initial14.The word“exposed”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○explained○visible○identified○located15.The word“propulsion”in the passage is closest in meaning to○staying afloat○changing direction○decreasing weight○moving forward16.The word“threatened”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○restricted○endangered○prevented○rejected17.The word“delicate”in the passage is closest in meaning to○fragile○predictable○complex○valuable18.The word“progressively”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○openly○impressively○objectively○increasingly19.The phrase“devoid”of in the passage is closest in meaning to ○consisting of○hidden by○except for○lacking in20.The word“readily”in the passage is closest in meaning to○frequently○easily○intelligently○obviously21.The word“assistance”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○criticism○leadership○help○approval22.The word“expanded”in the passage is closest in meaning to○was enlarged○was improved○was varied○was rejectedTPO323.The word“feasible”in the passage is closet in meaning to○in existence○without question○achievable○most likely24.The word“devised”in the passage is closest in meaning to○combined○created○introduced○suggested25.The word“integral”is closet in meaning to○essential○variable○practical○independent26.The word“arduous”in the passage is closest in meaning to○difficult○necessary○skilled○shared27.The word“ensuing”in the passage is closest in meaning to○continuing○surprising○initial○subsequent28.The word“unprecedented”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○difficult to control○without any restriction○unlike anything in the past○rapidly expanding29.The word“virtually”in the passage is closest in meaning to○clearly○perhaps○frequently○almost30.The word“inevitable”in the passage is closest in meaning to○unfortunate○predictable○unavoidable○final31.The word“particular”in the passage is closest in meaning to○natural○final○specific○complex32.The word“guarantee”in the passage is closest in meaning to○increase○ensure○favor○complicate33.The word“pales”in the passage is closest in meaning to○increases proportionally○differs○loses significance○is common34.The word“adjacent”in the passage is closest in meaning to○foreign○stable○fluid○neighboringTPO435.The word"inhibits"in the passage is closest in meaning to○consists of○combines○restricts○establishes36.The phrase"in the same breath"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○impatiently○humorously○continuously○immediately37.The phrase“indefinite period”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○whose end has not been determined○that does not begin when expected○that lasts only briefly○whose importance remains unknown38.The word“rebound”in the passage is closest in meaning to○decline○recovery○exchange○movement39.The word“marked”in the passage is closest in meaning to○considerable○surprising○limited○adequate40.The word“principal”in the passage is closest in meaning to○major○likely○well protected○distinct41.The word“trappings”in the passage is closest in meaning to○conditions○problems○influences○decorations42.The word“accumulate”in the passage is closest in meaning to○grow up○build up○spread out○break apart43.The word“adjacent”in the passage is closest in meaning to○nearby○existing○special○deep44.The word“sloping”in the passage is closest in meaning to○shifting○inclining○forming○rolling45.The word“foul”in the passage is closest in meaning to○reach○flood○pollute○alterTPO546.The word“exhibit”in the passage is closest in meaning to○fight off○show○cause○spread47.The word“facilitates”in the passage is closest in meaning to○slows down○affects○makes easier○focuses on48.The word“suspended”in the passage is closest in meaning to○grown○protected○spread out○hung49.The word“afford”in the passage is closest in meaning to○offer○prevent○increase○remove50.The word“overwhelming”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○powerful○favorable○current○reasonable51.The word“implements”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○skills○tools○opportunities○practices52.The word“undisputed”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○mysterious○unexpected○acknowledged○significant53.The word“significant”in the passage is closest in meaning to○numerous○important○unexplained○sudden54.The word“relatively”in the passage is closest in meaning to○surprisingly○collectively○comparatively○characteristically55.The word“diversification”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○emergence of many varieties○steady decline in number○gradual increase in body size○sudden disappearance56.The word“promote”in the passage is closest in meaning to○complicate○prevent○encourage○affectTPO657.The word“exploited”in the passage is closest in meaning to○utilized○recognized○examined○fully understood58.The word“vastly”in the passage is closet in meaning to○greatly○initially59.The phrase“grew accustomed to”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○began to prefer○wanted to have○became used to○insisted on60.The word“retained”in the passage is closest in meaning to○gained○established○profited from○maintained61.The word“rudimentary”in the passage is closest in meaning to○thorough○strict○basic○occasional62.The word“meticulously”in the passage is closest in meaning to○carefully○quickly○frequently○obviously63.The word“endured”in the passage is closest in meaning to○vanished○developed○varied○survived64.The word“virtually”in the passage is closest in meaning to○possibly○absolutely○surprisingly○nearly65.The word“plausible”in the passage is closest in meaning to○flexible○believable66.The word“phenomenon”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○exception○repetition○occurrence○idea67.The word“critically”in the passage is closest in meaning to○fundamentally○partially○consistently○subsequently68.The word“perspective”in the passage is closest in meaning to○system○theory○source○viewpointTPO769.The word“objective”in the passage is closest in meaning to○achievement○requirement○purpose○feature70.The word“scores”in the passage is closest in meaning to○members○large numbers○populations○different types71.The word“turbulent”in the passage is closest in meaning to○fresh○deep○violent○temperate72.The phrase“obsession with”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○thinking about○fixation on○interest in○attitude toward73.The word“fostered”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○accepted○combined○introduced○encouraged74.The word“spheres”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○abilities○areas○combinations○models75.The word“diffused”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○emerged○was understood○spread○developed76.The word“profound”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○fascinating○far-reaching○necessary○temporary77.The word“ritual”in the passage is closest in meaning to○military○physical○ceremonial○permanent78.The word“fleeing”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○afraid of○displaced by○running away from○responding toTPO879.The word“massive”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ancient○carefully○very large○carefully protected80.The word“pinpoint”in the passage is closest in meaning to○identify precisely○make an argument for○describe○understand81.The word“ingenuity”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○ambition○sincerity○faith○cleverness82.The word“predominant”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○most aggressive○most productive○principal○earliest83.The word“cope”in the passage is closest in meaning to○adapt○move○continue○compete84.The word“fluctuations”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○extremes○retreats○periods○variations85.The word“bombard”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○approach○strike○pass○circle86.The word“disruption”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○exhaustion○disturbance○modification○disappearance87.The word“merge”in the passage is closest in meaning to○expand○separate○straighten out○combine88.The word“relics”in the passage is closest in meaning to○remains○sites○requirements○sources89.The word“miniature”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○temporary○small○multiple○familiar90.The word“hints”in the passage is closest in meaning to○clues○features○arguments○effects91.The word“persuasively”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○aggressively○inflexibly○convincingly○carefullyTPO992.The phrase“prior to”is closest in meaning to○before○immediately after○during○in spite of93.The word“vast”in the passage is closest in meaning to○frozen○various○isolated○huge94.The word“inhospitable”in the passage is closest in meaning to○not familiar○not suitable○not dangerous○not reachable95.The word“impetus”in the passage is closest in meaning to○chance○protection○possibility○incentive96.The word“justified”in the passage is closest in meaning to○supported○shaped○stimulated○suggested97.The word“flourish”in the passage is closest in meaning to○continue○occur○succeed○apply98.The word“objective”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○unbiased○positive○systematic○thorough99.The word“compelling”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○commonly held○persuasive○original○practical100.The phrase“at random”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○finally○over a long period of time○successfully○without a definite pattern101.The word“abundantly”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○occasionally○fortunately102.The word“propagate”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○multiply○emerge○live○evolve103.The word“dormant”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○hidden○inactive○underground○preservedTPO10104.The word“status”in the passage is closest in meaning to○origin○importance○quality○design105.The word“evolve”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○divided○extended○developed○vanished106.The word“instigate”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○improved○investigated○narrowed○caused107.The word“whereas”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○while○previously○surprisingly○because108.The word“striking”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○noticeable○unlikely109.The word“erratic”in the passage is closest in meaning to○dramatic○important○unpredictable○common110.The word“deliberation”in the passage is closest in meaning to○records○discussions○results○variations111.The word“invoked”in the passage is closest in meaning to○demonstrated○called upon○supported○expected112.The word“key”in the passage is closest in meaning to○historical○many○important○hidden113.The word“meager”in the passage is closest in meaning to○very necessary○very low○traditional○primary114.The phrase“an English innovation”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○a new development introduced by the English○an arrangement found only in England○a type of agreement negotiated in English○a type of partnership based on English lawTPO11115.The word“vital”in the passage is closest in meaning to○attractive○essential○usual○practical116.The word“context”in the passage is closest in meaning to○connection○influence○environment○requirement117.The word“core”in the passage is closest in meaning to○material○layer○center○frame118.The word“depicts”in the passage is closest in meaning to○imagines○classifies○elevates○portrays119.The word“perplexed”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○defeated○interested○puzzled○occupied120.The word“preposterous”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○unbelievable○inadequate○limited○creative121.The word“accumulating”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○new○increasing○convincing○extensive122.The phrase“impose on”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○increase for○remove from○place on○distribute to123.The word“artificial”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○attractive○not real○short-term○well designed124.The word“prediction”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○surprise○discovery○explanation○expectation125.The word“pinpoint”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○observe○locate exactly○copy accurately○recognize126.The word“derive”in the passage is closest in meaning to○require○gain○use○produceTPO12127.The phrase“assisted in”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○initiated○dominated○helped with○set up128.The word“depicted”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○identified○revealed○pictured○imagined129.The word“criteria”in the passage is closest in meaning to○standards○findings○ideas○techniques130.The word“regarded”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○analyzed○considered○altered○criticized131.The word“paradoxes”in the passage is closest in meaning to○difficulties○accomplishments○parallels○contradictions132.The word“overshadowed”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○distracted from○explained○conducted○coordinated with133.The word“neglected”in the passage is closest in meaning to○failed○needed○started○expected134.The word“drastically”in the passage is closest in meaning to○obviously○unfortunately○rapidly○severely135.The word“dwellers”in the passage is closest in meaning to○settlements○farmers○tribes○inhabitants136.The word“fractures”in the passage is closest in meaning to○streams○cracks○storms○earthquakes137.The word“immobile”in the passage is closest in meaning to○enclosed○permanent○motionless○intactTPO13138.The word“complex”in the passage is closest in meaning to○delicate○elaborate○private○common139.The word“endowing”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○leaving○exposing○providing○understanding140.The phrase“size up”in the passage is closest in meaning to○enlarge○evaluate○impress○accept141.The word“deviate”in the passage is closest in meaning to○detract○advance○select○depart142.The word“consequently”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○therefore○additionally○nevertheless○moreover143.The word“persistent”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○adjusted○strong○enduring○predicted144.The word“duration”in the passage is closest in meaning to○length○feature○process○repetition145.The word“sustained”in the passage is closest in meaning to○intense○uninterrupted146.The word“uniformly”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○clearly○quickly○consistently○occasionally147.The word“potent”in the passage is closest in meaning to○artificial○powerful○common○similar148.The word“quantifiable”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○visual○permanent○meaningful○measurableTPO14149.The word“verify”in the passage is closest in meaning to○establish the truth of○approve of○understand○criticize150.The word“adept”in the passage is closest in meaning to○responsible○skillful○patient○curious151.The word"attributes"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○evaluations○attitudes○actions○characteristics152.The word"credible”in the passage is closest in meaning to○helpful○believable153.The word“paradoxically”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○usually○surprisingly○understandably○predictably154.The word"prolonged"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○unusual○unexpected○extended○disastrous155.The word"exhausted"in the passage is closest in meaning to○used up○reduced○wasted○relied upon156.The word“prestige”in the passage is closest in meaning to○interest○status○demand○profit157.The word“profound”in the passage is closest in meaning to○strange○positive○direct○far-reaching158.The word"striking”in the passage is closest in meaning to○reliable○noticeable○convincing○violent159.The word"exploit”in the passage is closest in meaning to○use to advantage○depart from○pay attention to○travel acrossTPO15160.The phrase“unique among”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○natural to○different from all other○quite common among○familiar to161.The word“feat”in the passage is closest in meaning to○remarkable achievement○common transformation○daily activity○complex solution162.The word“bulk”in the passage is closest in meaning to○strength○effort○activity○mass163.The phrase“courses through”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○rises through○heats up in○runs through○collects in164.The word“extended”in the passage is closest in meaning to○specific○unlimited○reasonable○long165.The phrase“account for”in the passage is closest in meaning to○describe○challenge○explain○test166.The word“intense”in the passage is closest in meaning to○sudden○unusual○immediate○extreme167.The word“interlocked”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○intermediate○linked○frozen○fully developed168.The word“match”in the passage is closest in meaning to○measure○enlarge○approximate○equal169.The word“transform”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○break○push○change○extend170.The word“deceiving”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○approximate○exaggerated○unusual○misleading171.The word“static”in the passage is closest in meaning to○unchanging○usable○thick○harmlessTPO16172.The word“repudiate”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○respect○reject○review173.The word“consensus”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○authority○responsibility○custom○agreement174.The word“ethic”in the passage is closest in meaning to○set of moral principles○division of labor○economic system○test of character175.The word“intrinsically”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○fundamentally○surprisingly○consequently○particularly176.The word“interplay”in the passage is closest in meaning to○sequence○interpretation○requirement○interaction177.The word“abundance”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○weight○requirement○plenty○sequence178.The phrase“analogous to”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○predicted by○expected of○similar to○superior to179.The word“postulated”in the passage is closest in meaning to○hypothesized○discovered○reported○generated180.The word“markedly”in the passage is closest in meaning to○essentially○typically○consistently○noticeably181.The word“meager”in the passage is closest in meaning to○rich○complex182.The word“eventually”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○over time○long ago○simply○certainlyTPO17183.The word“impetus”in the passage is closest in meaning to○return○opportunity○stimulus○obstacle184.The word“dramatically”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○artificially○greatly○immediately○regularly185.The word“refined”in the passage is closest in meaning to○completed○improved○drawn○checked186.The word“norms”in the passage is closest in meaning to○purposes○skills○activities○rules187.The word“conspicuous”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○common○noticeable○different○colorful188.The word“signal”in the passage is closest in meaning to○change○hide189.The word“inflating”in the passage is closest in meaning to○coloring○enlarging○loosening○heating190.The word“impediment”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○obstruction○effort○delay○resistance191.The word“exploits”in the passage is closest in meaning to○repeats○makes use of○increases the intensity of○recognizes192.The word“derives”in the passage is closest in meaning to○digests○obtains○controls○discovers193.The word“devastated”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○influenced○infected○strengthened○destroyed194.The word“inadvertently”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○indefensibly○substantially○unintentionally○partially195.The word“highlights”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○defines○emphasizesTPO18196.The word“progressive”in the passage is closest in meaning to○rapid○partial○increasing○individual197.The word”flaw”in the passage is closest in meaning to○fault○aspect○confusion○mystery198.The word“triggered”in the passage is closest in meaning to○removed○followed○increased○caused199.The word“periodically”in the passage is closest in the meaning to ○continuously○quickly○regularly○carefully200.The word“empirical”in the passage is closest in meaning to○reliable○based on common sense○relevant○based on observation201.The word“tremendous”in the passage is closest in meaning to○distinct○growing○huge○immediate202.The word“acquire”in the passage is closest in meaning to○reject○obtain○need○produce203.The word“illuminates”in the passage is closet in meaning to ○opens○completes○lights○electrifies204.The word“initiated”is closet in meaning to○started○intensified○finished○expectedTPO19205.The word“suppress”in the passage is closest in meaning to○respond to○warn against○avoid the impact of○stop by force206.The word“friction”in the passage is closest in meaning to○rebellion○conflict○neglect○crime207.The phrase“entitled to”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○given the right to○able to afford to○encouraged to○required to208.The word“substantiated”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○confirmed○noticed○defined○publicized209.The word“trend”in the passage is closest in meaning to○probability○picture○lawlike regularity○tendency210.The word“likewise”in the passage is closest in meaning to○sometimes○similarly○apparently○consequently211.The word“legitimately”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○commonly○broadly○properly○officially212.The word“initiated”in the passage is closest in meaning to○approved○identified○started○foreseen213.The word“accumulations”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○signs○pieces○types○deposits214.The word“heterogeneous”in the passage is closest in meaning to ○remaining○varied○familiar○layered215.The word“enjoy”in the passage is closest in meaning to○experience○resemble○expect○dominate216.The word“reveal”in the passage is closest in meaning to○result from○vary with○showTPO20217.The word"fringes"in the passage is closest in meaning to○borders○groups○types○directions218.The word"proliferation"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○growth○cooperation○importance○success219.The word"superseded"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○replaced○reformed○equaled○increased220.The word"diverted"in the passage is closest in meaning to○collected○shifted○transported○sold221.The word"momentous"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○numerous○regular○very important○very positive222.The word"exploited"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○explored○utilized○inhabited○improved223.The word"cramped"in the passage is closest in meaning to○primitive○secure○extended224.The word"shifts"in the passage is closest in meaning to○effects○similarities○changes○exceptions225.The word"abruptly"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○informally○briefly○suddenly○surprisingly226.The word"agencies"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○combinations○problems○forces○changes227.The word"terrestrial"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○land○protected○alternative○similar228.The word"enhance"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○control○limit○combine○increase229.The word"precise"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○complex○quick○exact○reliable230.The word"prospect"in the passage is closest in meaning to ○completion○variety○possibility○speed。

TPO +阅读词汇题词汇合辑

TPO +阅读词汇题词汇合辑

TPO1-30阅读词汇TPO1:champion---support 支持;保卫ascribe---attribute 归因于autonomous---independent 自治的;独立的penchant---inclination 倾向;嗜好;爱好dramatic---striking 戏剧性的;激烈的attain---achieve 获得;达到prone---likely 倾向于prevalent---widespread 普遍的;广泛的incredible---unbelievable 难以置信的;不可思议的out of sight---hidden 看不见的;隐藏的overlay---cover 覆盖;重叠so much for---that is enough about 表示大量的plug---fill up 塞满;使充满TPO2devoid of---lacking in 缺乏的progressively---increasingly 前进地delicate---fragile 脆弱的threatened---endangered 受到威胁的precious---valuable 宝贵的exposed---visible 暴露的;可见的propulsion---moving forward 推进readily---easily 轻易地assistance---help 援助expanded---was enlarged 扩大的TPO3feasible---achievable 可行的enhance---improve 提高;加强devised---created 设计;发明integral---essential 不可或缺的arduous---difficult 费力的;辛勤的ensuing---subsequent 接踵而至的;随后的unprecedented---unlike anything in the past 空前的virtually---almost 实际上地inevitable---unavoidable 不可避免的particular---specific 特别的;特殊的guarantee---ensure 担保pales---loses significance 苍白的;无力的adjacent---neighboring 毗连的;邻近的TPO4inhibits---restricts 阻止;抑制in the same breath---immediately 同时indefinite period---whose end has not been determined 无限期地rebound---recovery 回升;反弹marked—considerable 明显的;显著的principal---major 主要的trapping---decorations 装饰accumulate---build up 堆积;积累adjacent---nearby 邻近的;近旁的sloping---inclining 倾斜的foul---pollute 使污秽;弄脏TPO5exhibit---show 展览;展示facilitates---make easier 使便利suspended---hung 挂起afford---offer 提供;给予overwhelming---powerful 势不可挡的implements---tools 工具;用具undisputed---acknowledge 无可置疑的,确认significant---important 重要的relatively---comparatively 相对地diversification---emergence of many varieties 多样化;多元化promote---encourage 提升;增进TPO6exploited---utilized 开采;开发;利用vastly---greatly 广大地;许多地grow accustomed to---become used to 习惯于retain---maintain 保持;保留rudimentary---basic 根本的;未发展的meticulously---carefully 精心地;细致地endure---survive 耐久;忍耐virtually---nearly/ almost 差不多,几乎虚拟;其实plausible---believable (借口或解释)有道理的phenomenon---occurrence 现象;事件critically---fundamentally 危急地;重要地perspective---viewpoint 远景;前途TPO7objective---purpose 目标;目的scores---large numbers 大量;众多turbulent---violent 狂暴的;吵闹的obsession with---fixation on 固定foster---encourage 鼓励sphere---area 范围;领域diffused---spread 传播;扩散profound---far-reaching 深刻的;意义深远的ritual---ceremonial 典礼;仪式fleeing---running away from 逃避;逃跑TPO8massive---very large 可观的;大量的pinpoint---identify precisely 准确找出;非常精确ingenuity---cleverness 独创力;聪明才智predominant---principal 最重要的cope---adapt 成功的应付;适应fluctuation---variation 变化;波动bombard---strike 炮击;攻击disruption---disturbance 瓦解;崩溃;失调merge---combine 混合;联合relics---remains 遗迹miniature---small 小型的;微型的hint---clue 暗示,线索TPO9persuasively---convincingly---compelling 令人信服地prior to---before 在…之前;较早的vast---huge 巨大的;广阔的inhospitable---not suitable 不好客的;不适宜居住的impetus---incentive 激励;刺激justified---supported 有正当理由的flourish---succeed 茂盛;繁荣objective---unbiased 客观的;公正的at random---without a definite pattern 任意地;随便地abundantly---plentifully 丰富的;大量的propagate---multiply 繁衍;增殖dormant---inactive 潜伏的;不活跃的TPO10status---importance 重要身份evolve---develop 使发展;使进化instigate---cause 鼓励;怂恿;造成whereas---while 然而;反之striking---noticeable 显著的erratic---unpredictable 不确定路线deliberation---discussion 商议invoke---call upon 调用;号召key---important 重要的meager---very low 不足的;缺乏的TPO11vital---essential 生死攸关的;重大的context---environment 上下文;环境;背景core---center 中心;核心depict---portray 描绘perplexed---puzzled 困惑的;不知所措的preposterous---unbelievable 荒谬的;不可信的accumulating---increasing 渐增的impose on---place on 施加于artificial---not real 人造的;假的prediction---expectation 预料;预言;预报pinpoint---locate exactly---identify precisely 准确定位derive---gain 源于;获得;得自TPO12assisted in---help with 帮助depicted---pictured 描绘;描述criteria---standards 标准regard---consider 把……当作paradoxes---contradictions 自相矛盾的话overshadow---distract from 使分散;使失色neglected---failed 疏忽的drastically---severely 激烈地;严重地dwellers---inhabitants 居民fractures---cracks 裂缝immobile---motionless 不动的;静止的TPO13complex---elaborate 详尽的endowing---providing 赋予;授予size up---evaluate 估计……大小;品评deviate---depart 脱离consequently---therefore 因而;所以persistent---enduring 固执的;持久的duration---length 期间sustained---uninterrupted 持续的;不间断的uniformly---consistently 一致地potent---powerful 有力的;有效的quantifiable---measurable 可以计量的TPO14verify---establish the truth of 检验;查证adept---skillful 熟练的;内行的attributes---characteristics 属性credible---believable 可信的paradoxically---surprisingly 似是而非的;令人惊讶的prolonged---extended 持久的;长期的exhausted---used up 耗尽的;用完的prestige---status 声望;地位profound---far-reaching 深远的striking---noticeable 醒目的;惊人的exploit---use to advantage 开发;利用TPO15interlock---link 连锁match---equal 相同的;相配的transform---change 改变deceiving---misleading 欺骗static---unchanging 不变化的;静止的unique among---different from all other 独一无二的feat---remarkable achievement 功绩;伟业bulk---mass 巨大物体course through---run through 过程中;通过extended--- long 延长的account for---explain 说明;解释…的原因intense---extreme 剧烈的;极端的TPO16repudiate---reject 拒绝;否认consensus---agreement 一致;同意ethic---set of moral principles 伦理的;道德的intrinsically---fundamentally 固有地;基本地interplay---interaction 相互影响abundance---plenty 丰富;充裕analogous to---similar to 类似的postulated---hypothesized 假定;基本条件markedly---noticeably 显著地;醒目meager---thin 缺乏的;不足的;瘦eventually---over time 最终TPO17impetus---stimulus 推动dramatically---greatly 引人注目地refined---improved 精细的norms---rules 规范;标准conspicuous---noticeable 显著的signal---communicate (发信号)通知inflating---enlarging 加压;扩大impediment---obstruction 阻碍;妨碍exploit---make use of 利用derive---obtain 取得devastated---destroyed 被毁的inadvertently---unintentionally 不注意地highlight---emphasize 强调;着重TPO18exceptional---extraordinary 非常的abolish---end 废止progressive---increasing 进步的;渐进的flaw---fault 毛病;缺点triggered---caused 触发的periodically---regularly 周期性地empirical---based on observation 以经验为主的tremendous---huge 巨大的acquire---obtain 获取;获得illuminate---light 照亮initiated---started 开始的TPO19suppress---stop by force 镇压friction---conflict 摩擦;冲突entitled to---given the right to 有资格circumstances---conditions 情况substantiate---confirm 证实trend---tendency 趋势likewise---similarly 同样地legitimately---properly 合法地;正当地initiated---started 开始的accumulations---deposits 积累的;沉积物heterogeneous---varied 异种的enjoy---experience 享受;感受;体验reveal---show 露出;显示TPO20fringe---border 边缘proliferation---growth 增长supersede---replace 取代divert---shift 使转移momentous---very important 重大的exploit---utilize 利用cramped---confined (空间)狭小的shift---change 改变abruptly---suddenly 突然地agency---force 力量;能动作用terrestrial---land 陆地的enhance---increase 提高precise---exact 准确的prospect---possibility 前景,可能性TPO21practical---usable 实用的abundant---plentiful 大量的exploiting---making use of 利用,开发option---choice 选择therefore---as a result 因此imaginative---creative 富有想象力的contention---debate 争论ample---plentiful 大量的reasonable---sufficient 充分的(理解)elaboration---development 精心完成的结果TPO22exceedingly---highly 非常,极为modify---change 改变effort---attempt 努力duplicate---copy 复制authenticity----genuineness 可靠性;真实性reluctant---unwilling 不情愿的, 勉强的accidental---unintentional 偶然发生的unanticipated---not expected 不曾预料的location---place 地点allusion---reference 暗指, 间接提到enigmatic---mysterious 神秘的pristine---pure 纯净的TPO23enormous---very large 庞大的surpass---be higher than 超越configuration---shape 形状, 轮廓modified---changed 有变化的apart from---besides 除此以外consumption---utilization 用完legendary---famous 著名的astonishing---incredible 令人惊讶的infrequent---uncommon 稀有的relatively---comparatively 相对地discern---identify 辨明revised---changed 经过改变的Tpo24Gains-----increase 增加,加大Conversely------on the other hand 相反的,另一方面的Exclusive-----sole 独有的,独家的Considerable-----significant 有意义的,重要的Resume-----restart n.摘要,简历v.重新开始Traumatic-----highly stressful 外伤的,不愉快的Intense----strong 强烈的,紧张的,热情的Transition----change 转变,转化TPO25Enormous----extremely large 极大的Distinctive-----complex 有特色的,与众不同的Roughly----approximately 大约的,接近的Considerably-----significantly 重要的Resurgence-----comeback 复活,再现,再起Compulsorily-----by requirement 强制的,强迫的,必须的Outdated-----old--fashion 过时的Conventional-----usual 传统的,平常的Presumably----supposedly 大概,推测起来的,假定的Subject to ----exposed to 使服从,使暴露于Desolate----deserted 荒凉的,无人烟的Posed----presented 提出,主张TPO26Apparent in ---- clearly seen in 显然的,表面上的Consequent-----resulting 致使,作为结果的Initiated------started 开始的,首先得Accustomed to ---- used to 习惯于Countering ---- acting against 反击,打击Assured ---- guaranteed 保证Sustain ----maintain 保持Sovereign ----master 至高无上的,有主权的Engraved ---carved 被牢记的,深深印入的v. 雕刻Widespread ---- common 广泛的,普遍的TPO 27Surpassing ---- exceeding 超越,超过Intact ----- undamaged 完整的,原封不动的Interpreted ---- understood 解释,理解Legible ----- recognizable 清晰的,可看清楚的Converge ----- move closer 聚合Instructive ---- informative 有益的,教育性的Eroded ---- worn down 被侵蚀的,损坏的Current ---- present 现在的,流通的Rebound ----- recover 反弹Roughly ------ approximately 近似的Generating ------ producing 产生的,生成的Conjunction ----- combination 结合TPO28Extracted ---- removed 提取,萃取,移动Termed ---- called 把....称为Compact ---- compressed 紧凑的,紧密的Coating ---- layer 涂层,包衣Albeit ---- though 虽然,即使Endeavors ---- efforts 尽力,尽量Deteriorated ----- got worse 恶化的,变质的Conspicuous ---- noticeable 显著地,显而易见的Exhibited ---- displayed 展出的Induce ---- stimulate 诱导,引诱Termed ---- know as 称为,叫做TPO29Substantial ---- large 大量的Entirely ---- completely 完全的,彻底的Humble ---- modest 谦虚的Particular ---- specific 独特的,特殊的Indigenous ---- native 本地的,本土的Graphically ---- vividly 生动的,形象的Regulating ---- controlling 调节,控制Harnessed ---- utilize 治理,利用Pessimistic ---- negative 悲观的,消极的Unaltered ---- unchanged 不变的,未改变的TPO30Considerable ---- significant 重要的,值得考虑的Comparative ---- relative 比较的,相当的Potentially ---- possible 可能的,潜在的Innumerable ---- countless 无数的,数不尽的Compelling ---- persuasive 有说服力的Alteration ---- change 改变Occasionally ---- once in a while 偶尔,间或Authoritative ----- official 有权威的,官方的Rudimentary ---- basic 基本的,初步的Installed ---- put in place 已装入的,安装Pioneer ---- leader 领袖,先驱。




那么,在以下⽅⾯,我们就为⼤家带来⼀些TPO 中的经典词汇题,⼤家不妨来练习⼀下吧。

Paragraph 3: At the upper timberline the trees begin to become twisted and deformed. This is particularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to attain greater heights on ridges, whereas in the tropics the trees reach their greater heights in the valleys. This is because middle- and upper- latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of thesnow cover. As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend toattain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there. In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because they are less prone to dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils. 【TPO1- Timberline Vegetation on Mountains】5. The word “attain” in the passage is closest in meaning to○require○resist○achieve○endure7. The word “prone” in the passage is closest in meaning to○adapted○likely○difficult ○resistant。

TPO 阅读重点词汇

TPO 阅读重点词汇
running away from从。。逃跑
spread out展开;铺张
well protected受保护的
unlike anything in the past不像过去的
difficult to control难以控制
without any restriction没有任何限制
rapidly expanding迅速扩张



T P O 4inhibit=restrict 限制,禁止in the same breath=immediately 立即indefinite period=whose end has not been determined 不定期的rebound=recovery 复原,重获a marked degree=a considerable degree 很大程度上principal=major 主要的environmental trappings=environmental decorations 装饰accumulate=build up 累积adjacent=nearby 临近的sloping=inclining 倾斜的foul=pollute 污染TPO 5exhibit=show 展示facilitate=make easier 促进suspended=hung 悬浮的afford=offer 提供,支付的起overwhelming=powerful 有力的,强大的implement=tool 工具undisputed=acknowledged 认可的,无可争议的significant=important 重要的relatively=comparatively 相对地diversification=emergence of many varieties 多样化promote=encourage 激励TPO 6exploit=utilize 利用vastly=greatly 极大地,深远地grow accustomed to=become used to 习惯于retain=maintain 保持rudimentary=basic 基础的meticulously=carefully 仔细地,严谨地endure=survive 忍受,存活virtually=nearly 事实上,几乎plausible=believable 可信的phenomenon=occurrence 现象,发生的事件critically=fundamentally 根本地perspective=viewpoint 观点TPO 7objective=purpose 目的scores of=large numbers of 大量的turbulent=violent 暴力的obsession with=fixation on 痴迷于foster=encourage 培育,激励sphere=area 范围diffuse=spread 传播profound=far-reaching 深远地ritual=ceremonial 仪式flee=run away from 逃避TPO 8massive=very large 大量的pinpoint=identify precisely 精确描述,精确定位ingenuity=cleverness 精巧predominant=principal 主要的cope=adapt 处理,适应fluctuation=variation 变化,波动bombard=strike 敲击,轰炸disruption=disturbance 干扰merge=combine 融合relics=remains 遗迹miniature=small 小的hint=clue 线索TPO 9persuasively=convincingly 令人信服地prior to=before 在..之前vast=huge 大的inhospitable=not suitable 不好客的,不适合的impetus=incentive 动机justify=support 证明..正确flourish=succeed 使繁荣,使成功objective=unbiased 没有偏见的,客观的compelling=persuasive 强制的,有说服性的at random=without a definite pattern 乱序地abundantly=plentifully 丰富地,大量地propagate=multiply 传播,繁殖dormant=inactive 静止的TPO 10status=importance 地位evolve=develop 发展instigate=cause 煽动whereas=while 然而striking=noticeable 显着的erratic=unpredictable 不稳定的deliberation=discussion 深思熟虑invoke=call upon 祈求key=important 重要的meager=very low 缺乏的innovation=new development 创新TPO 11vital=essential 至关重要的context=environment 环境,上下文core=center 核心depict=portray 描述perplex=puzzle 使困惑preposterous=unbelievable 荒谬的accumulating=increasing 累积的impose on=place on 强加于artificial=not real 人造的,假的prediction=expectation 预测pinpoint=locate exactly 精确描述,精确定位derive=gain 获取TPO 12assist in=help with 帮助depict=picture 描述criteria=standards 标准regard=consider 认为paradox=contradiction 自相矛盾overshadow=distract from 使阴暗,使分心neglect=fail 没有做成..事drastically=severely 彻底地,严重地dweller=inhabitant 居住者fracture=crack 分裂immobile=motionless 固定的TPO 13complex=elaborate 复杂的,详尽的endow=provide 赋予,提供size up=evaluate 测量deviate=depart 使偏离,越轨consequently=therefore 因此persistent=enduring 持久的duration=length 持续sustained=uninterrupted 稳定的uniformly=consistently 一致地potent=powerful 强大的quantifiable=measureable 可测量的TPO 14verify=establish the truth of 验证,核实adept=skillful 熟练的attribute=characteristic 特征credible=believable 可靠的paradoxically=surprisingly 出人意料地prolonged=extended 延长的exhausted=used up 疲惫的,耗尽的prestige=status 名望profound=far-reaching 深远地striking=noticeable 显着的exploit=use to advantage 开采,利用TPO 15interlock=link 连接match=equal 能匹配的transform=change 转变deceiving=misleading 欺骗性的,误导性的static=unchanging 稳定的unique among=different from all other 独特的feat=remarkable achievement 功绩bulk=mass 大量course through=run through 通过extended=long 延长的account for=explain 解释intense=extreme 极端的。



TPO11saturate v.浸透;使湿透;渗透;使充满meteoric adj.流星的;大气的;疾速的precipitation n.降水,降水量emerge v.浮现,脱出,形成grain n.谷物;谷粒;谷类unconsolidated adj.未合并的,未统一的:gravel n.砂砾;砂砾层coarse adj.粗糙的,粗俗的,下等的deposit n.存款,堆积物,定金v.存放;堆积;沉淀scale n.刻度;刻度尺;尺度;比率#天平,秤;天平盘,秤盘#鳞,鱼鳞;鳞状物;介壳;障物spread n.传播,伸展,散布v.使伸展,使延伸;展开;张开;摊开;伸展,延伸;传开;延长;蔓延fanwise adv.adj.扇形的thick adj.厚的,浓的,粗壮的adv.厚厚地;浓浓地;密集地;强烈地n.最浓处,最密集处,最厚处sandbar n.沙洲gap n.缝隙,间断,缺口plug n.塞子,栓;插头,插塞;堵塞物;火花塞,点火栓v.堵,插上,塞;苦干,苦读;连接;接通电源;枪击cement n.水泥;接合剂v.接合;巩固;用水泥涂;粘牢percolate v.过滤;使浸透;使渗出;过滤;浸透;渗出form n.形状,形式,表格;构架,模具;留有空行有待填写的档案;合适,健康;情绪;种类;分级;风俗,社会标准;次序,规则;格式;包括接收使用者输入选择的超文件档案区域(计算机,因特网用语)v.形成;塑造;构成;构;成形;排,列;被形成;开始形成proportion n.比例,部份,均衡v.使成比例,分摊,使均衡consist v.组成,构成;一致,符合;在于,存在于basalt n.玄武岩permeability n.渗透;可透性;渗透性;导磁性crevice n.裂缝drain n.排水沟;排水;消耗v.排出沟外;耗尽;喝干;排水;流干cling v.粘紧;紧贴;附着tension n.紧张,拉紧,不安instant n.立即,瞬间adj.立即的,即时的porosity n.多孔性,有孔性2speculation n.思索;推测;沉思;投机concrete n.水泥,混凝土v.使凝固;用混凝土修筑;使结合;浇混凝土于;凝结,固结adj.具体的,水泥的,实在的anthropologist n.人类学者;人类学家envision v.想象;预想briefly adv.暂时地;简要地attribute n.属性;标志,象征;特质,特性;定语v.归于,属于desirable adj.值得向往的;令人满意的;值得拥有的;富有魅力的occurrence n.发生,发现,事件favor(Amer.)n.赞成,赞同;偏袒;偏爱;善意的行为apparent adj.显然的;外观上的certain adj.确定的,必然的,某refine v.提炼,精炼;提去;精制;使升华,使...的道德完善;被提炼,被提纯;变得优雅精美;变纯净;琢磨,推敲modify v.更改,修改;修饰;缓和,减轻rite n.仪式,习俗,典礼feat n.壮举,技艺表演,功绩elaborate v.精心制作;详细阐述;详细说明;变得复杂;详尽计划adj.精细的,精心的,详尽的pantomime n.手势,舞剧,哑剧v.用手势传达;演哑剧;用手势示意virtuosity n.精湛技艺;艺术爱好者;对艺术品的爱好;古董收藏家instinct n.本能,直觉detach v.分开;分遣;分离sufficient adj.充份的,足够的norm n.基准,标准,模范aesthetic adj.美学的;艺术的;美的;审美的3subtropics n.亚热带,副热带deciduous adj.每年落叶的,非永久性的broadleaf adj.阔叶的birch n.桦树,桦条,桦木v.用桦条鞭打deform v.使残缺,使变形;变畸形;变形duration n.持续时间;为期prone adj.有...倾向的,易于...的;倾斜的;俯卧的,面向下的;陡的cessation n.停止browse n.嫩叶,嫩芽,嫩枝;浏览;吃草v.吃叶;浏览,随便翻阅;吃;吃;随便翻阅;吃...上的草;随意观看ibex n.野生山羊bud n.芽;花蕾;叶芽;萌芽,未成熟的事物#小孩,少女v.发芽,抽芽;啄食嫩芽;开始生长;使发芽;接;发芽生出moss n.苔藓,泥沼crucial adj.决定性的,严厉的,重要的equatorial adj.赤道的;酷热的;赤道附近的TPO21cetacean n.鲸类动物;鲸porpoise n.海豚,小鲸fluke n.锚爪#侥幸#比目鱼disguise n.假面目,假装v.假装,隐瞒affinity n.倾向,喜好,本性;密切关系;姻亲关系;类同dwelling n.住处,寓所,住宅breed n.品种;种类,类型v.产,孵;养育;使繁殖,饲养;培育;生产;繁殖,育种;孕育;滋生,产生vestigial adj.留有痕迹的;退化的;残余的rear n.后部,后面;后方;背后,背面;后尾v.抚养,培养;栽种,培植;饲养;竖起,举起;高耸;用后腿站起;暴跳adj.后面的,背后的,后部的;殿后的;后方的propulsion n.推进,推进力2border n.边缘,边沿;边界,国界,边境;饰边,滚边;应用视窗四面的框架(计算机用语)v.与...接壤;接近;毗邻,接界;近似potential n.潜在性,可能性adj.有潜力的,潜在的,可能的margin n.页边的空白;极限;边缘severe adj.严厉的,剧烈的,严格的excessive adj.过度的,极端的,格外的pulverization n.研碎;彻底摧毁;粉碎;毁灭conditioner n.调节器;调节剂;调节员;教练drainage n.排水rigorously adv.严厉地;残酷地3consumption n.消费;消耗device n.装置;图案;设计;可以发送或接受数据的硬件成分(计算机用语)parlor n.客厅;休息室,接待室;起居室;店permit n.通行证,执照,许可证v.允许,容许purchase n.购买,价值,购买品v.买,购买;用起重装置举起;赢得,努力取得,获得admission n.加入许可;入场券;承认,坦白vaudeville n歌舞杂耍表演(提供多种短小节目的舞台娱乐演出)makeshift n.临时代用品;权宜之计adj.临时代用的;权宜的fairground n.举行赛会的场所;露天市场minstrel n.吟游诗人manipulation n.处理;操纵;操作TPO31aspiration n.渴望;热望feasible1adj.切实可行的mediocre adj.平常的,普通的integral1adj.组成的,整的,不可分割的brick n.砖;砖块状物;砖块;积木v.用砖砌organ n.风琴,机关,器官plumbing n[U](建筑物的)管道装置igloo n(pl~s)(爱斯基摩人用坚硬雪块砌成的临时栖身用的)拱形圆顶小屋. permanence n[U]永久;永恒;恒久arduous adj.费力的,艰难的pile n.堆;大量;一堆;大数目#柱,桩#绒毛;软毛,茸毛v.堆积,叠;把...堆在;累积;装;堆积;拥,挤;累积;把桩打入;用桩支撑beam n.1.大梁;2.(光线的)束,柱semicircular adj.半圆形的.span v.跨越n.跨度,一段时间divert v.转移,(使)转向2rancher n.大农(牧)场主或工人formation n.1.形成,构成2.固定形状;编队estimate1vt.估计indicate1vt.指示,指出;象征,表明onward1adj.[attrib作定语](espfml较文)向前的;前进的spray n.喷雾,飞沫v.向...喷射,喷sorghum n[U]高粱.wheat n[U]小麦finite adj(时间、空间)有限的;非永久性的negligible adj不重要的;很小的;不值得考虑的drastically adv.大大地;激烈地;彻底地withdrawal v.提取,收回pump n.泵v.(用泵)抽(水),抽吸project n.计划,方案v.投射,射出;设计,计划conserve v.保存,保藏crisis n(plcrises)[C,U]危机;(疾病、生命、历史等的)决定性时刻grandiose adj(usuderog通常作贬义)庞大的;浮夸的pipeline n.管道,输送管道capillary n.毛细血管3climax n.高峰,顶点cumulative adj(数量、力量等)渐增的,累积的pond n.池塘definition n(轮廓等)清晰(指轮廓非常分明的状态);定义,释义(对意思确切的阐述)resilience n[U]1弹性;弹力;迅速恢复的能力;适应性2(指人)乐观的性情:pale adj.(颜色或指不健康的)苍白的,暗淡的TPO41restrict1v.限制,约束meadow n[C,U]草地;(尤指)牧场;(河边的)低洼地cedar n(a)[C]雪松hemlock n1[C,U]毒芹(有毒,开小白花).2[U]由毒芹提取的毒药alder n桤木(桦木科,通常生长于沼泽地带).arboreal adj.树栖的;树的,乔木的fodder n[U](马及其他牲畜的)饲料,草料,秣fluctuate1v.波动,起伏bemoan v(sb/sth)为(某人[某事物])而悲伤,抱怨:succulent adj.多汁的,多水分的starve v.挨饿elk n.麋鹿picturesquely adv.如画地,别致地;生动地plight n.(恶劣的)情势,困境cougar n美洲狮lynx n猞猁2trace1n.痕迹;v.跟踪;追溯backdrop n.舞台背景;背景reveal v.展现;揭露horn n1(牛、鹿、羊等动物的)角.2[C](乐器中的)号:3[C]示警装置:4[C]像动物的角之物(如蜗牛的触角).5[C](新月的)钩尖.bovine adj1牛的;关于牛的.2(derog贬)迟钝的;笨拙的portrayal n1[U]画像;描述;描写;扮演.2[C]描摹;表现spear n.矛figurine n小塑像;(尤指)人的雕像fertility n[U]肥沃;多产;丰富3derrick n1转臂起重机;(尤指轮船上的)桅杆起重机.2井架;钻塔spout1n[C]1供液体流出的凸起管状物(如落水管或茶壶嘴):2(喷出的)液体流,液体柱.3没指望;毁坏;完蛋v1(指液体)喷出,涌出:(b)喷出,涌出(液体):(c)(指鲸)喷水.2口,通常作贬义没完没了地大声吟诵(诗歌等)或说话gusher n喷油井(自动流出的油井).kerosene n.煤油slick2n海面浮油(尤指从撞毁的油轮中流出的)ashore adv上岸;上陆;在岸上;在陆上TPO51nitrate n硝酸盐ion n化或物,离子notorious adj臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的tolerate v1容忍(不喜欢或不赞成的某事物)2忍受(某人[某事])3能服用(药等);能经受(治疗)depletion n削减;消耗stunt2v[尤用于被动语态]阻碍(某事物[某人])的正常生长或发展deficient adj(a)[通常作表语]缺乏;缺少:(b)不完全的;不完美的;不适当的;不充足的slender adj(-er,-est)1细长的;纤细的(b)(指人)瘦长的,苗条的2微薄的;不足的;微少的anthocyanin n.花青素discoloration n(a)[U]变色;退色(b)[C]变色点;退色点;污点petiole n.叶柄;柄部phosphorus n[U](chemistry化)(a)磷.(b)红磷omit v(-tt-)1未做某事物;忘记做某事物;不做某事物;忽略;疏忽:2未包括,不包括(某事物);省略;删除;遗漏;排除chloride n氯化物mercury n汞;水银pathogen n病菌;病原体scenario n(pl~s)1(电影、戏剧等的)脚本、剧情概要等.2想象中的未来事情的顺序harvest1n1(a)收割;收获.(b)收获季节;收获期:(c)收成;收获量:2结果TPO61harnessing v.给(马等)装上挽具(harness的现在分词);治理,利用reciprocating adj.往复的;交互的;摆动的n.往复v.往复运动(reciprocate的ing形式);互给;报答rotary adj.旋转的,转动的;轮流的n.旋转式机器;[动力]转缸式发动机rivaled n.对手;竞争者vt.与…竞争;比得上某人vi.竞争adj.竞争的n.(Rival)人名;(英、法、西)里瓦尔lamp n.灯;照射器vt.照亮vi.发亮n.(Lamp)人名;(英、德、匈、瑞典)兰普flickering adj.闪烁的,忽隐忽现的;摇曳的v.闪烁(flicker的ing形式)gaslit adj.以煤气灯照明的blast n.爆炸;冲击波;一阵vi.猛攻vt.爆炸;损害;使枯萎n.(Blast)人名;(德)布拉斯特furnaces n.炉子,[炉窑]熔炉(furnace复数形式)canal n.运河;[地理]水道;[建]管道;灌溉水渠vt.在…开凿运河n.(Canal)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)卡纳尔;(土)贾纳尔terrain n.[地理]地形,地势;领域;地带ingredient n.原料;要素;组成部分adj.构成组成部分的wagon n.货车,四轮马车vt.用运货马车运输货物n.(Wagon)人名;(法、德)瓦贡2surveyor n.测量员;检验员parish n.教区地方行政区strata n.层;[地质]地层;阶层n.(Strata)人名;(意、塞)斯特拉塔meticulously adv.细致地;一丝不苟地;拘泥地stratum n.(组织的)层;[地质]地层;社会阶层temporal adj.暂时的;当时的;现世的n.世间万物;暂存的事物n.(Temporal)人名;(法)唐波拉尔valid adj.有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的3toddler n.学步的小孩;幼童装TPO71tearinto猛攻:抢夺食物;3hoe n锄头(用于割草、耕作及园艺)TPO81edifices n.大厦;大建筑物obsidian n.黑曜石prosperous adj.繁荣的;兴旺的2basin n.水池;流域;盆地;盆n.(Basin)人名;(俄)巴辛;(法)巴赞crippled adj.残废的,跛腿的v.使成跛子;使受伤致残(cripple的过去分词形式)cope vi.处理;对付;竞争n.长袍n.(Cope)人名;(英)科普;(西)科佩bombard vt.轰炸;炮击n.射石炮n.(Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔eradicated adj.画着根的v.摆脱;擦掉;连根拔起(eradicate的过去分词)3relics n.遗迹;遗骸;纪念物(relic的复数)TPO91impetus n.动力;促进;冲力2collaborative adj.合作的,协作的3drenching n.湿透bowels n.内脏(尤指人的肠);同情心;勇气(bowel的复数)v.取出…的肠子(bowel的第三人称单数)fern n.[植]蕨;[植]蕨类植物mosses n.[植]苔藓,藓类;[植]苔藓植物(moss的复数)n.(Mosses)人名;(法)莫斯propagate vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传vi.繁殖;增殖angiosperm n.[植]被子植物gossamer n.蛛丝;薄纱;小蜘蛛网adj.轻飘飘的;薄弱的vicissitudes n.变迁;兴衰;枯荣;(人生的)盛衰(vicissitude的复数)encapsulated adj.密封的;包在荚膜内的v.压缩(encapsulate的过去分词);封进内部;装入胶囊TPO101porcelain n.瓷;瓷器adj.瓷制的;精美的ceramics n.制陶术,制陶业(ceramic的复数)prosperous adj.繁荣的;兴旺的instigated vt.唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿cobalt n.[化学]钴;钴类颜料;由钴制的深蓝色2interval n.间隔;间距;幕间休息proxy n.代理人;委托书;代用品intriguing adj.有趣的;迷人的v.引起…的兴趣;策划阴谋;私通(intrigue的ing形式)3textile n.纺织品,织物adj.纺织的cottage n.小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅ravages n.毁坏后的残迹;劫掠后的残迹;破坏的结果(ravage的复数)v.破坏(ravage的第三人称单数形式);毁坏spun adj.纺成的v.纺(spin的过去分词);旋转wove adj.布纹的n.布纹纸v.织布(weave的过去式)n.(Wove)人名;(英)沃夫scant adj.不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的vt.减少;节省;限制remuneration n.报酬;酬劳,赔偿rye n.黑麦;吉卜赛绅士adj.用黑麦制成的n.(Rye)人名;(英)赖伊promissory adj.约定的;允诺的;约定支付的equivalent adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的n.等价物,相等物currency n.货币;通货TPO111distinctive adj.有特色的,与众不同的forms n.表格(form的复数形式);表单;窗体v.形成(form的第三人称单数);培养;制作frontality n.(绘画及雕塑中对人物、风景等的)正面描绘decorative adj.装饰性的;装潢用的cults n.邪教;教派;崇拜的对象;狂热崇拜(cult的复数)n.(Cults)人名;(英)卡尔茨recipients n.收件人(recipient的复数)divine adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的vt.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探vi.占卜;预言;使用占卜勘探矿n.牧师;神学家n.(Divine)人名;(英)迪万shrines 圣地神殿神龛圣祠(shrine的复数)pylons n.[交]桥塔(pylon的复数);架线塔pillars n.柱子;柱状物;台柱(pillar的复数)v.用柱支持(pillar的第三人称单数)compactness n.简洁;紧密;密实度;紧密度breakage n.破坏;破损;裂口;破损量wrapping n.包装纸,包装材料adj.包装用的v.裹住(wrap的ing形式)deities n.神明,神灵(deity的复数)depicts vt.描述;描画generic adj.类的;一般的;属的;非商标的bending n.弯曲度v.弯曲(bend的ing形式)squatting n.[水运]航行尾倾v.蹲;坐落于(squat的ing形式)2compass n.指南针,罗盘;圆规vt.包围overcast adj.阴天的;阴暗的;愁闷的vt.使沮丧;包缝;遮蔽operating adj.操作的;[外科]外科手术的v.操作(operate的ing形式);动手术magnetism n.磁性,磁力;磁学;吸引力sensory adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的TPO121trace vi.追溯;沿路走vt.追踪,查探;描绘;回溯n.痕迹,踪迹;微量;[仪]迹线;缰绳stencils n.模板;钢板;[印刷]模版印刷(stencil的复数形式)implies v.意味着(imply的第三人称单数);蕴含;暗指sprayed adj.喷雾的v.喷射;散布(spray的过去式和过去分词)palm n.手掌;棕榈树;掌状物vt.将…藏于掌中n.(Palm)人名;(英)帕姆;(瑞典)帕尔姆;(法、德、俄、捷、芬、挪)帕尔姆depicted vt.描述;描画wounded adj.受伤的n.受伤者,伤员v.使受伤(wound的过去分词)healed 恢复spiraling adj.盘旋的;成螺旋形的v.盘旋着上升或下降;成螺旋状旋转(spiral的ing形式)feature n.特色,特征;容貌;特写或专题节目vi.起重要作用vt.特写;以…为特色;由…主演rotated adj.旋转的v.旋转;使…转动;循环(rotate的过去分词)clockwise adv.顺时针方向地adj.顺时针方向的flakes n.鳞片;白点;发裂sequence n.[数][计]序列;顺序;续发事件vt.按顺序排好crescent n.新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽adj.新月形的;逐渐增加的vt.以新月形物装饰;使成新月形n.(Crescent)人名;(法)克雷桑cortex n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮cerebral adj.大脑的,脑的asymmetrical adj.[数]非对称的(等于asymmetric);不均匀的;不匀称的2theatrical adj.戏剧性的;剧场的,戏剧的;夸张的;做作的phrased n.短语,习语,措辞,乐句vt.措词,将(乐曲)分成乐句conceals vt.隐藏;隐瞒triumph n.胜利,凯旋;欢欣vi.获得胜利,成功aesthetic adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的suppressed adj.抑制的,发育不全的v.镇压,禁止(suppress的过去时和过去分词)perspective n.观点;远景;透视图adj.透视的strain n.张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘vi.拉紧;尽力vt.拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力n.(Strain)人名;(英)斯特兰predicted adj.预测的v.预计(predict的过去分词);预示inadequacies 不足synchronization n.[物]同步;同时性amplification n.[电子]放大(率);扩大;详述fragile adj.脆的;易碎的invariably adv.总是;不变地;一定地neglected adj.被忽视的;未被好好照管的v.忽视;疏忽(neglect的过去分词)wireless adj.无线的;无线电的n.无线电vt.用无线电报与…联系;用无线电报发送vi.打无线电报;打无线电话collaboration n.合作;勾结;通敌assets n.资产;宝贵的人材;有益的品质;[经]财产;有利条件(一项)财物;资产(asset的名词店、破产者等的)财产;遗产;有价值的人或物conversion n.转换;变换;[金融]兑换;改变信仰virtually adv.事实上,几乎;实质上prohibitive adj.禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的;(费用,价格等)过高的;类同禁止的3depressions n.[经]萧条(depression的复数形式);按下;抑制;[内科]抑郁症sustaining adj.持续的;支持的v.维持(sustain的现在分词);支持;承受silts n.砂浆;泥浆(silt的复数)v.淤积;使…淤塞(silt的第三人称单数)fertile adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的intervention n.介入;调停;妨碍massifs 【地质学】山丘;地块;断层块;大楼,大厦survey n.调查;测量;审视;纵览vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰vi.测量土地appropriate adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的vt.占用,拨出extraction n.取出;抽出;拔出;抽出物;出身cavities n.腔(cavity的复数形式);[医]空洞;蛀牙;插线孔deposits n.[金融]存款;[地质]沉积物(deposit的复数);订金v.[地质]沉积(deposit的单三形式);存储;付保证金saline adj.盐的;含盐分的n.盐湖;碱盐泻药TPO131gripe n牢骚;怨言;不平;不满2chronobiology n.时间生物学eukaryote n.真核生物3overgeneralize v.过度概括stimuli n.刺激,刺激品,激励(stimulus复数)TPO141accused n.被告adj.被控告的v.指责;控告(accuse的过去式)intentionally adv.故意地,有意地cereal n.谷类,谷物;谷类食品;谷类植物adj.谷类的;谷类制成的format n.格式;版式;开本vt.使格式化;规定…的格式vi.设计版式perceived v.感知;认为(perceive的过去分词);领会adj.感知到的;感观的animated adj.活生生的;活泼的;愉快的vt.使…有生气(animate的过去式)conflated vt.合并;异文合并blending n.混合;调配;混和物adj.混合的v.混合;协调(blend的ing形式)validated adj.经过验证的v.确认(validate的过去式及过去分词形式);使生效endorses vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名perceptions n.认知;观念(perception的复数);理解2equator n.赤道presumably adv.大概;推测起来;可假定hurricanes n.[气象]飓风(hurricane的复数)paradoxically adv.自相矛盾地;似非而是地;反常地elevation n.高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图sinkholes n.污水坑;排水口;阴沟口cenotes n.天然井plugged adj.堵塞的;塞紧的v.堵塞;接通电源(plug的过去分词)karst n.喀斯特地形(石灰岩地区常见的地形)n.(Karst)人名;(德、英、捷)卡斯特plastered adj.醉醺醺的;涂得厚厚的v.使平;涂以灰泥;粘贴;掩饰(plaster的过去分词形式)catchment n.流域;集水dikes 堤坝(dike的复数)3Pastoralism n.牧歌体;田园主义distinctive adj.有特色的,与众不同的terrain n.[地理]地形,地势;领域;地带nomadism n.游牧;流浪inhibits 抑制阻止rank n.排;等级;军衔;队列adj.讨厌的;恶臭的;繁茂的vt.排列;把…分等vi.列为;列队n.(Rank)人名;(英、德、芬、捷)兰克conquest n.征服,战胜;战利品n.(Conquest)人名;(英)康奎斯特hereditary adj.遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的n.遗传类hierarchies n.阶层,层级;[数]分层,分类TPO151contradiction n.矛盾;否认;反驳metabolism n.[生理]新陈代谢basking 晒太阳姥鲨proportionately adv.相称地,成比例地sheer adj.绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的adv.完全;陡峭地vi.偏航vt.使偏航;使急转向n.偏航;透明薄织物bulk n.体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块vt.使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要n.(Bulk)人名;(土)布尔克reptilian adj.爬虫类的;卑鄙的n.爬虫类动物aerodynamic adj.空气动力学的,[航]航空动力学的countercurrent n.逆流;逆电流adv.相反地coiled adj.盘绕的;卷成圈的v.卷(coil的过去式和过去分词);盘绕floe n.浮冰;大浮冰n.(Floe)人名;(英)弗洛2fail vi.失败,不及格;破产;缺乏;衰退vt.不及格;使失望;忘记;舍弃n.不及格n.(Fail)人名;(葡、捷)法伊尔;(法)法伊destruction n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁recurred vi.复发;重现;采用;再来;循环;递归ammonoids [古生]菊石类drastic adj.激烈的;猛烈的n.烈性泻药recurrent adj.复发的;周期性的,经常发生的deflecting adj.偏转的;变向的v.使偏(deflect的ing形式);打歪devastation n.毁坏,荒废collided v.碰撞,冲突(collide的过去分词)estimated adj.估计的;预计的;估算的spewed vt.喷出;呕吐vi.喷涌;呕吐debris n.碎片,残骸n.(Debris)人名;(法)德布里herbivores n.[动]食草动物,植食动物;食草者(herbivore的复数形式)carnivores n.[动]食肉动物;食虫植物(carnivore的复数)presence n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态deposits n.[金融]存款;[地质]沉积物(deposit的复数);订金v.[地质]沉积(deposit的单三形式);存储;付保证金sedimentary adj.沉淀的abundance n.充裕,丰富immense adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的intense adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的3hexagonal adj.六边的,六角形的granular adj.颗粒的;粒状的intermediate vi.起媒介作用adj.中间的,中级的n.[化学]中间物;媒介flakes n.鳞片;白点;发裂firn n.积雪;[水文]粒雪n.(Firn)人名;(法、德)菲恩chunks n.大块,矮胖的人或物(chunk的复数形式)calving n.产犊;裂冰作用v.产犊;崩解(calve的ing形式)deceiving v.欺骗(deceive的ing形式)static adj.静态的;静电的;静力的n.静电;静电干扰thereby adv.从而,因此;在那附近;在那方面reshaping v.矫形;使…再成形;[建]重新修整(reshape的ing形式)TPO161deposits n.[金融]存款;[地质]沉积物(deposit的复数);订金v.[地质]沉积(deposit的单三形式);存储;付保证金metallic adj.金属的,含金属的ore n.矿;矿石n.(Ore)人名;(意、瑞典)奥雷;(英)奥尔gems n.[宝]宝石(gem的复数形式)n.(Gems)人名;(德)格姆斯tutelage n.监护;指导rank n.排;等级;军衔;队列adj.讨厌的;恶臭的;繁茂的vt.排列;把…分等vi.列为;列队n.(Rank)人名;(英、德、芬、捷)兰克blurred adj.模糊不清的;被弄污的v.玷污;使…模糊不清;使感觉迟钝(blur的过去式和过去分词)sect n.宗派kinship n.[法]亲属关系,家属关系;亲密关系repudiate vt.拒绝;否定;批判;与…断绝关系;拒付v.概念化(conceptualize的过去分词)egalitarian adj.平等主义的n.平等主义;平等主义者shepherds n.牧羊人;牧人(shepherd的复数);牧师v.带领(shepherd的三单形式);放牧;照看flourished n.兴旺;茂盛;挥舞;炫耀;华饰vt.夸耀;挥舞vi.繁荣,兴旺;茂盛;活跃;处于旺盛时期mercantile adj.商业的;商人的;重商主义的n.商品peculiar adj.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的n.特权;特有财产moral adj.道德的;精神上的;品性端正的n.道德;寓意n.(Moral)人名;(德、法、西、葡、土)莫拉尔stance n.立场;姿态;位置;准备击球姿势cement vt.巩固,加强;用水泥涂;接合vi.粘牢n.水泥;接合剂aristocratic adj.贵族的;贵族政治的;有贵族气派的pastoralists n.牧民;放牧者;田园诗的作者(pastoralist的复数形式)pastures 牧草fragile adj.脆的;易碎的monetary adj.货币的;财政的circumvented vt.包围;陷害;绕行prowl vi.徘徊,潜行vt.在…搜寻;潜行于n.徘徊,潜行;悄悄踱步2prediction n.预报;预言descriptive adj.描写的,叙述的;描写性的arrange vt.安排;排列;整理vi.安排;排列;协商properties n.性能;道具,内容(property的复数形式)columns 塔器indicated adj.表明的;指示的v.表明(indicate的过去分词);指出;显示bolder adj.更粗的;更醒目的n.(Bolder)人名;(德)博尔德尔scheme n.计划;组合;体制;诡计vi.搞阴谋;拟订计划vt.计划;策划n.(Scheme)人名;(瑞典)谢默residual n.剩余;残渣adj.剩余的;残留的3hub n.中心;毂;木片n.(Hub)人名;(捷)胡布divided adj.分裂的;分开的;有分歧的v.分开(divide的过去分词);分离infinitesimally adv.极小地primordial adj.原始的;根本的;原生的TPO171ties n.结v.绑;连结impetus n.动力;促进;冲力distrusted vt.不信任n.不信任怀疑irresistible adj.不可抵抗的;不能压制的;极为诱人的lesser adj.较少的;次要的;更小的adv.较少地;更小地;不及n.(Lesser)人名;(英、德)莱塞voyage n.航行;航程;旅行记vi.航行;航海vt.飞过;渡过masts [船]船桅[船]桅杆(mast的复数形式)sails n.[船]帆;航行(sail的复数)v.扬帆;乘船航行(sail的第三人称单数)lateen adj.大三角帆的;有大三帆的n.大三角帆船astrolabe n.[天]星盘;天体观测仪operated adj.操作的v.操作(operate的过去式和过去分词)precise adj.精确的;明确的;严格的originated v.起源,发起;发明(originate的过去式,过去分词);准备呼叫acceptance n.接纳;赞同;容忍protocols n.协议;礼仪礼节;条款(protocol的复数)v.拟定议定书;拟定草案(protocol的三单形式)2appearances n.外观,外貌indistinct adj.模糊的,不清楚的;朦胧的;难以清楚辨认的conspicuous adj.显着的;显而易见的pattern n.模式;图案;样品vt.模仿;以图案装饰vi.形成图案camouflage n.伪装,掩饰vt.伪装,掩饰vi.伪装起来carnival n.狂欢节,嘉年华会;饮宴狂欢limelight n.石灰光,石灰光灯;众人注目的中心vt.使显露头角,使受到注目penetrated 鞭辟入里canopy n.天篷;华盖;遮篷;苍穹vt.用天蓬遮盖;遮盖scrublands n.灌木丛林地courtship n.求爱;求婚;求爱期inflating n.充气;加压v.膨胀;充气(inflate的ing形式)adj.膨胀的;充气的sacs n.[生物]囊,液囊;糖精(sac的复数)impediment n.口吃;妨碍;阻止ritualized adj.仪式化的;程序化的v.仪式化(ritualize的过去式)3derives 源于得自(derive的第三人称单数)immune adj.免疫的;免于……的,免除的n.免疫者;免除者strains n.[微]菌株(strain复数);种族v.[力]拉紧;使过度劳累(strain的第三人称单数形式)inadvertently adj.非故意地,无心地flushed adj.激动的;心情愉快的v.使激动;排水(flush的过去式和过去分词);脸发红hinder vi.成为阻碍vt.阻碍;打扰adj.后面的n.(Hinder)人名;(芬)欣德pollinators n.[植][农学]传粉者(pollinator的复数)association n.协会,联盟,社团;联合;联想catalysts [物化]催化剂distributed adj.分布式的,分布式的mutualism n.[生态]共栖,互利共生;互助论horn n.喇叭,号角;角vt.装角于n.(Horn)人名;(英、德、匈、捷、罗、波、芬、希、瑞典)霍恩;(法)奥尔恩洪acacia n.阿拉伯树胶;刺槐;金合欢属植物n.(Acacia)人名;(意)阿卡恰thorns n.[植]刺,刺尖(thorn的复数形式);[植]荆棘leaflets 传单TPO181immediate adj.立即的;直接的;最接近的implications n.蕴涵式;暗指,暗示;含蓄,含意;卷入(implication的复数)kronor n.克朗(瑞典货币单位,krona的复数)abolished adj.废除的v.彻底废除;摧毁(abolish的过去分词)division n.[数]除法;部门;分割;师(军队);赛区stakeout 监视;立桩标出;派警察监视prosperity n.繁荣,成功2reversing adj.回动的v.颠倒;倒转;完全改变(reverse的ing形式)predict vt.预报,预言;预知vi.作出预言;作预料,作预报conductance n.[电]电导;导率;电导系数fetuses 胎胎儿(fetus的复数)amniotic adj.[昆]羊膜的blockages n.堵塞,堵塞;封锁;妨碍distracting adj.分心的;分散注意力的v.使分心(distract的ing形式);转移注意力incongruous adj.不协调的;不一致的;不和谐的3pellets n.芯块,小球(pellet的复数);靶丸v.使形成小球(pellet的第三人称单数)collisions n.[物]碰撞;冲突;撞击(collision的复数形式)populate vt.居住于;构成人口;移民于;殖民于destructive adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的surge n.汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌v.汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来TPO191wake vi.醒来;唤醒;警觉vt.叫醒;激发n.尾迹;守夜;守丧n.(Wake)人名;(英)韦克fortifications n.[军]防御工事(fortification的复数)robbed vt.抢劫;使…丧失;非法剥夺vi.抢劫;掠夺stunted adj.发育不良的;成长受妨碍的;长得矮小的v.阻碍…发展(stunt的过去式及过去分词形式)rebellion n.叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从fort n.堡垒;要塞;(美)边界贸易站vt.设要塞保卫vi.构筑要塞n.(Fort)人名;(法)福尔;(德、英、西、葡、匈)福特friction n.摩擦,[力]摩擦力entwined vt.缠住;盘绕;使缠绕vi.缠住;盘绕auxiliary n.助动词;辅助者,辅助物;附属机构adj.辅助的;副的;附加的hereditary adj.遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的n.遗传类regiments n.兵团(regiment的复数)v.组团(regiment的第三人称单数形式)reverse n.背面;相反;倒退;失败vt.颠倒;倒转adj.反面的;颠倒的;反身的vi.倒退;逆叫TPO211harness v控制及利用(自然界的力量)以产生电能等generator n发电机geothermal adj.地热的circulate v(使某物)循环extract v1(a)取出;拔出:(b)获取(钱、消息等)(通常指获自不愿给予者);强索:2压出,榨出(汁液等):3从书、讲话等中选取(段落,例子,词句等);摘录;选录reservoir n1(天然的或人工的)水库,蓄水池.2储藏;汇集fracture v(使某物)折断,破碎sink v下沉;沉没withdrawn(withdraw)v.撤回,撤消,取回;撤退,离开2scarce adj1难获得而不足的:2稀有;罕见oscillate v1(使某物)摆动:2(感情、行为、想法等)波动,动摇,犹豫:3(指电流、无线电波等)振荡,振动.brusque adj(指人及人的举止等)粗暴和唐突,无礼的nomadic adj游牧的;流浪的cognitive adj认知的;有关认识的fluidity n流动性;流动状态.integration n结合;综合;融合intensive1adj1(a)集中的;密集的(b)在有限时间内紧张工作的2彻底的3加强语气的:domesticate v尤用于被动语态使(某人)习惯于或喜爱家务和家庭生活他婚后已非常恋家了illiterate n文盲;无知的人inquire v.询问;调查;讯问;调查;查问3recount v详细叙述某事;讲述某事intrigued adj.好奇的;被迷住了的blossom v健康地成长;长成或发展成(某事物);兴盛(b)变得活跃correlation n相互的关系。



托福词汇汇总分学科词汇----part1.天文类1 ASTRONOMY 天文astronomy 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergalactic 星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosphere 色球photosphere 色球层convection zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪分学科词汇----part2.地理类GEOGRAPHY 地理geography 地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度temperate latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean ( underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石学科词汇----part3.地质类geology 地质学geologist 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum,复数strata) 地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split) 断裂disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogenous 岩成的lithosphere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby 红宝石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的glacial epoch ( age, period) 冰川期glacial drift 冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash 火山灰earthquake ( quake; tremor; seism) 地震seismic 地震的seismology 地震学magnitude 震级seismic wave 地震波cataclysm 灾变分学科词汇----part4.考古,人类anthropologist 人类学家paleoanthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的分学科词汇----part5.生态类5 ECOLOGY 生态学ecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射pollution 污染pollution control 污染控制air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染noise pollution 噪音污染soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic) 有毒的fumes (有毒)废气waste 废物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝分学科词汇----part6气象类Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水breeze 微风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风funnel 漏斗,漏斗云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾分学科词汇(word,mp3)----part7化学类chemistry 化学chemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatus 化学器械substance (matter; material) 物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦carbon 碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物derivative 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleum (oil) 石油petroleum products 石油产品crude oil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubility 可溶性cohesive 聚合力adhesive 粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelerator 粒子加速器catalysis (复数catalyses)催化作用catalyst 催化剂artificial 人造的synthetic 合成的synthetic fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymerization 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetics 化妆品分学科词汇----part8物理类8.PHYSICS物理physics 物理mechanics 力学thermodynamics 热力学acoustics 声学electromagnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度acceleration 加速度equilibrium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitation 引力relativity 相对gravity 地心引力vibration 震动medium (media) 媒质frequency 频率wavelength 波长pitch 音高intensity 强度echo 回声resonance 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrasonics 超声学electricity 电static electricity 静电magnetism 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electromagnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电alternating current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric appliance 电器conductor 导体insulator 绝缘体semiconductor 半导体battery (cell) 电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electronics 电子学electronic 电子的electronic component (part) 电子零件integrated circuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transistor 晶体管amplification (名词)放大amplify (动词)放大amplifier 放大器,扬声器oscillation 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜magnifier 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultraviolet 紫外线X rays X射线Gamma rays γ射线infrared rays 红外线microwaves 微波dispersion 色散transparent 透明translucent 半透明opaque 不透明的分学科词汇----part9数学类9 MATHEMATICS mathematics 数学mathematician 数学家arithmetic 算术calculation 计算calculator 计算器abacus 算盘numeral 数字sum 和total (sum total) 总和,总数aggregate 总计fraction 分数,小数decimal 十进位,(十进)小数digit 数字,数位percentage 百分比addition 加法plus 加上subtraction 减法minus 减去multiplication 乘法multiplication table 乘法表multiply 乘以times乘以power 乘方square 平方division 除法divide 除以algebra 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometric 几何的dimension 维parallel adj. 平行的n. 平行线quadrilateral 四边形square 正方形area 面积rectangle 长方形,矩形polygon 多边形cube 立方形volume 体积sphere 球形circle 圆形ellipse (oval) 椭圆形cone 圆锥形circumference 圆周diameter 直径radius 半径triangle 三角形angle 角degree (角) 度calculus 微积分differential calculus 微分学integral calculus 积分学function 函数probability 概率statistics 统计quantitative 量的,数量的qualitative 质的,质量的deduction (inference) 推论,演绎induction 归纳分学科词汇----part10农业类10 AGRICULTURE 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖分学科词汇----part11动物类11 ANIMAL 动物Darvinism 达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian (amphibious animal) 两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae) 触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂事的分学科词汇----part12植物类12 PLANT 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养分学科词汇----part13政治类13 POLITICS 政治constitution 宪法legislation 立法Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党Amendment 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchism 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制municipal 市的,市政的metropolitan 大都市的centralized 中央集权的ideology 意识形态maneuver 擦略tariff 关税immigrant 移民institutionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeholding 任职veto 否决American Revolution 美国革命/独立战争Independence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的,根本的overturning 颠覆性的independent 独立的breathtaking 激动人心的military 军事的colonize 拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspiracy 阴谋imprisonment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusation 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronage 资助,赞助unionization 联合,结合分学科词汇----part14教育类14 EDUCATION 教育educator 教育家higher education 高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科,管理learn by rote 死记硬背分学科词汇----part15音乐类15 MUSIC音乐musical instrument 乐器orchestra 乐队string 弦乐wind 管乐shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓pound drum 击鼓footbeat 点脚,跺脚percussion 震荡,打击乐器note 音符score 乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music 乡村音乐folk music 民间音乐pop music 流行音乐classical music 古典音乐Jazz 爵士乐分学科词汇----part16心理类PSYCHOLOGY 心理mental 心理的physical 身体的,物质的,物理的spiritual 心灵的conformity 从众majority 多数人minority 少数人threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断subject 受实验对象托福阅读历年真题文章题材:生物类(一)生物类:chlorophyll叶绿素amino acids氨基酸protein蛋白质nitrogen氮photosynthetic(adj.)photosynthesis(n.)光合作用botany植物学botanist植物学家lichen地衣,苔藓fungus(pl.fungi)菌类algae(pl.alga)海藻bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌organism有机物rodent啮齿类动物primate灵长类动物mammal哺乳类动物reptile爬行类动物predator捕食者prey被捕食者aquatic水生的artery动脉vein静脉fingernail指甲scale鳞片claw爪子horn角nourish滋养,供给....营养clam蚌crab虾beaver狸pond池塘puddle水坑snail蜗牛shrimp虾hormone荷尔蒙intestine肠corn谷物squash南瓜bean豆类植物nectar花蜜pollen花粉hive蜂巢moss苔藓hibernate冬眠penguin企鹅reef礁coral珊瑚beak鸟嘴enzymes酵母larvae幼虫tadpole蝌蚪caterpillar毛虫grasshopper蚱蜢toad蟾蜍herbicide除草剂secretion(n.)secrete(v.)分泌pancreas胰腺odor气味roe鱼卵caviar鱼子酱raccoon浣熊gland腺体cricket蟋蟀11。

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TPO1:Dramatic 剧烈的,戏剧化的–- striking 显著的、突出的、惊人的Prevalent 普遍的,常见的–- predictable 可预见的Championed 拥护、支持–- SupportedAttributes 把。

归于 -- ascribesAutonomous 自主的、自治的、自发的– independentPenchant 倾向、嗜好、趣味 -- inclination 倾向Incredible 令人难以置信的 -- UnbelievableOut of sight 看不见、在视野之外 -- hiddenOverlie 躺在.。


上面 -- CoverSo much for – That is enough aboutPlugged 插入、填满– filled upTPO2:Threatened – endangeredDelicate 易碎的、纤弱的– fragile 易碎的Progressively 渐进的、日益增多的– increasinglyDevoid of 没有、缺乏– lacking inPrecious 宝贵的、珍贵的– valuableExposed 暴露的– visiblePropulsion 推进– moving forwardReadily 轻而易举的– easilyAssistance 帮助– helpExpanded 扩充的、展开的– was enlargedTPO3:Feasible 可行的– achievableEnhance 增加、提高– improveDevised 设计、发明– createdIntegral 完整的、必须的– essential 基本的、必要的Arduous 艰巨的、困难的– difficultEnsuring 跟随,接下来– subsequentUnprecedented 史无前例的–unlike anything in the past Virtually 几乎、实际上、事实上– almostInevitable 不可避免的、必然的– unavoidableParticular 特别的、特定的– specificGuarantee 保证、确保– ensurePale 苍白、使失色– loses significanceAdjacent 相邻– neighbouringTPO4Inhibits 阻止,阻拦– restrictsIn the same breath – immediatelyIndefinite period 没有限制的时间段– whose end has not been determined Rebound反弹– recovery 恢复Marked 标记的、明显的、显著的– considerablePrincipal 主要的– majorTrappings 装饰– decorationAccumulate沉积、聚集、累积– build up 增进、积累Adjacent – nearbySloping 倾斜的、斜坡的– incliningFoul 弄脏、污染– polluteTPO5:Exhibit 显示、显出– showFacilitate 促进、帮助、使容易– make easierSuspended 悬垂、悬挂– hungAfford 给予、提供–offerOverwhelming 压倒性的、势不可挡的– powerfulImplements 实施、执行、工具– toolsUndisputed 无可辩驳的、毫无疑问的– acknowledge 广为承认的Significant 显著的、重要的– importantRelatively 相对地– comparativelyDiversification 多样化– emergence of many varieties 出现很多种类Promote 促进、提升– encourageTPO6:Exploited 开采、开发、利用、剥削–utilizedVastly 极大地– greatlyGrew accustomed 习惯于– became used toRetained 保留、保持– maintainedRudimentary 基本的、初步的– basicMeticulously 仔细地– carefullyEndure 忍耐、耐久– survived 存活,从。

中坚持过来Virtually 事实上、几乎–nearlyPlausible 貌似可信的– believablePhenomenon 现象、事情– occurrence 出现,事件Critically 关键的、重要的– fundamentallyPerspective 观点、视角、前景– viewpointTPO7:Objective 目标、目的– purposeScores of 大量的– large numbersTurbulent 动荡的、狂暴的、骚动的– violent 暴力的,狂暴的Obsession with 着迷于…– fixation onFostered 培养、促进–encourageSpheres 球体– areaDiffused 扩散– spreadProfound 深刻的、意义深远的– far-reaching 深远的、广泛的Ritual 仪式的、常规的–ceremonial 仪式的Fleeing 逃跑– running away fromTPO8:Massive 大量的– very largePinpoint 找到、精确地瞄准– identify precisely 精准地识别Ingenuity 心灵手巧、精巧、足智多谋– cleverness Predominant 主要的、占显著优势的– principal 主要的Cope 应付– adapt 适应Fluctuations 波动、震荡、变化– variationsBombard 轰击、炮轰、撞击 -- strike 击打Disruption 打断、干扰– disturbance 干扰、骚乱Merge 合并– combineRelics 遗迹、残余– remains 剩余、残余Miniature 小型的、缩略图、小模型– smallHints 暗示、示意– clues 线索TPO9:Persuasively 有说服力的,令人信服的– convincingly 令人信服的Vast 巨大的– hugePrior – beforeInhospitable 不适于居住的,不好客的– not suitableImpetus 推动力、刺激– incentiveJustify 以。

为证明– supportFlourish 繁盛、繁荣– succeedObjective 客观的、目标– unbiased 公正的Compelling 引人注目的、令人信服的– persuasively 有说服力的At random 随机– without a definite patternAbundantly 丰富地、大量地–plentifullyPropagate 繁殖、传播– multiply 繁殖、增加Dormant 休眠的、静止的,潜伏的– inactiveTPO10:Status 状态、地位、重要身份– importanceEvolved 进化、演化– developedInstigated 教唆、鼓动、激起– causedWhereas 然而– whileStriking 显著的、吸引人的–noticeableErratic 古怪的、不稳定的、飘忽不定的– unpredictable 不可预测的Deliberations 深思熟虑、审议– discussionsInvoked 引起、求助– called uponKey – importantMeagre 贫乏的、不足的、瘦弱的– very lowTPO11:Vital 至关重要的– essential 必要的Context 背景、环境– environmentCore – centerDepicts 描述– portrays 画、描绘Perplexed 困惑– puzzled 迷惑Preposterous 荒唐的、可笑的– unbelievableAccumulating – increasingImpose on 施加影响于、强迫– place on 在。

上施加Artificial 人造的、人工的、虚假的– not real 不真实的Prediction 预测、预期、预报– expectationPinpoint 精确找到、瞄准– locate exactlyDerive 获取、获得– gainTPO12:Assisted – help withDepict 描述、描绘– pictureCriteria – standardsRegarded – consideredParadoxes 矛盾、自相矛盾的话– contradictions 矛盾Overshadowed 遮荫、使失去色彩– distracted from 困扰,使分心Neglected 忽视– failedDrastically 彻底地、激烈地– severely 剧烈地Dwellers 居民– inhabitantsFracture 断裂、裂隙、裂缝– cracks 裂缝Immobile 不动的、不变的–motionlessTPO13:Complex – elaborate 复杂的\精心制作的 (delicate 精美的\微妙的) Endowing 赋予\捐助– providing提供Size up 估量、估计– evaluate (enlarge 不对)Deviate 偏离、出轨– depart 离开Consequently 因此、所以– thereforePersistent 持续的– enduringDuration 时长– length 长度Sustained 持续的、长久的、维持的、连续的– uninterrupted (不间断的)Uniformly 统一地、一致地、持续地– consistentlyPotent 有效的、强有力的– powerfulQuantifiable 可计数的、可测量的– measurableTPO14:Verify 核实、证明– establish the truth ofAdept 熟练的、老练的– skilfulAttribute 特色、特征– characteristicsCredible 可信的– believableParadoxically 矛盾地、反常地– surprisingly 惊人的、出乎意外地Prolonged 延长的、长期的– extended 延长的Exhausted 消耗、用光– used up 用完、耗尽Prestige 威望、声望–status 地位Profoundly – far-reachingStriking – noticeableExploit – use to advantageTPO15:Interlocked 连锁、连接– linkedMatch 匹配– equalTransform 改变、使变形– changeDeceiving 欺骗性的– misleading 有误导性的(approximate 大约,exaggerated 夸大)Static 静止的– unchangedUnique among 独特的 -- different from all othersFeat 功绩、成就– remarkable achievementBulk 体积、容量、大块– mass 大量、块Courses through 轨迹、通过– run throughExtended 延伸、延长– longCount for 对。
