
信息伪装通常用囚犯问题来描述…。如 图 1 所示 , le Ai c 和 Bb o 是监狱里的两个囚犯, 他们计划一次越狱, 但是他们所
有的通信 都 要 经 过看 守 Wii le的检查 。为 了将 消 息 m送 给 l B b 首先选择一个载体 e 再使用密钥 在 e中嵌入秘密消息 , o, , c变成载密对象 s l e必须使得 Wii 。A i c le无法检测到消息 的存 l
20 06拄
视频信 息伪装技 术综 述 水
徐长勇 , 平西建 张 ,
北 京 10 8 ) 0 0 0
(. I信息工程大学 信息工程学院,河南 郑州 400 ; . 502 2 中国科学院 自动化研 究所 模式识别国家重点 实验 室,
要:介绍了视频信息伪装技术的一般原理, 分析 了其特点 , 阐述了所采用的一些主要 方法 , 并对视频信息伪
装的攻击手段进行 了探讨 ; 最后指 出了目前视频信息伪装技 术值得进一步研究的问题。
关键 词 :信 息 隐藏 ; 息伪装 ;隐 蔽通 信 ;隐写分析 信 中图法分类 号 :T  ̄ 9; P 9 P0 T 31 文献 标识 码 :A 文章编 号 :10 -6 5 2 0 ) 2 0 0 -4 0 1 3 9 (0 6 1 — 0 8 0
Ab t a t T e g n rlp i cp e fse a o rp y i ie r e c i e sr c : h e e a r il so tg n g a h n vd o we e d s rb d,a d t e c aa t r t s w r n l z d n n h h r c e i i e e a a y e .T e h sc h n te man ag r h r x ait d, n i u s d t ea tc a u e g i s v d o s g n ga h .I ee d, h s e o h i l oi mswee e p t e a d d s se h t k me s r s a n t i e t a o r p y n t n t e i u sw  ̄ y t a c a a e h s o u te e e r h o h e h i u s o i e tg n g a h e e l t d ff r rr s a c n t e t c n q e fvd o s a o r p y w r i e . h e s

随着计算机网络技术的发展,通过网 络传递各种信息越来越普遍,信息传递的 安垒性已成为人们日盐关注的问胚。—种 新的信息安全技术即信息隐藏拄术应运而 生.它通过把要传递的信息隐藏在普通信 息中抟给对方。信息糠藏从应用角度可以 分为隐写术和数字水印技术。
l l信包隐藏
信包隐藏技术是利用宿主信息巾具有 随机特性的冗余部分.将重要信息嵌人宿主 信息中.使其不被芄他人发现的一门技术。 信息隐藏分为和数字水印。隐写术是利用
人类感官系统的不被感性,将隐秘信息以某 种方式隐藏在特定的载体中,使之不披察世 或不易被注意到,日#以掩盖信包奉身的方 式传递真实信息。同基于加密的保密通信 拄术相比.稳写不但可以保护通信的内容 的安全更可以保护秘密通信存在本身。数 字水印技术就是将数字、序列号,文字、 图像标志等版权信息嵌人到多喋体数据 中.以起到版权跟踪厦版权保护的作用。 数字水印包括三个部分即水印嵌人、水印 提取和水印榆测。水印嵌入通常使用扩频 鸺制和量化嵌人方法。数字水印嵌入时须 使数字水印在不可见性和鲁棒性之间找到 一个较好的折中。检删阶段主要是设计一 个与嵌人过程相逆的检羽0算法以判断是否 为原永印或是否存在出印。数字水印的应 用领域包括版权保护加指纹.标题与注 释及篡改提示等。
数据隐藏的模型如图l所示.秘密信息 w与密钥K相结合,通过嵌入算法E隐藏
在噪音N的干扰下变为12,通过网络进行 传输,接收端以K为密钥.通过提取算法 E’提取出秘密信息

移动社交网络中的位置隐私保护技术综述移动社交网络(Mobile Social Networks, MSN)的快速发展为用户之间的连接和信息共享提供了极大的便利。

信息隐藏技术综述信息隐藏简介信息隐藏(Information Hiding),也称作数据隐藏(Data Hiding),或称作数字水印(Digital Watermarking)。
简单来讲,信息隐藏是指将某一信号(一般称之为签字信号,Signature Signal)嵌入(embedding)另一信号(一般称之为主信号,Host Signal,或称之为掩护媒体,cover-media)的过程,掩护媒体经嵌入信息后变成一个伪装媒体(stegano-media)。


现阶段匿名通信的研究主要分为三类:基于 Mix算法的匿名通信系统、基于Onion Routing算法的匿名通信系统和基于泛洪算法 的匿名通信系统。
隐写技术是利用人类感觉器官的不敏感(感觉冗余), 以及多媒体数字信号本身存在的冗余数据特性)把一 个秘密信息通过某种嵌入算法隐藏到载体信息中,从 而得到隐密载体。 首先,对欲嵌入的秘密信息进行预处理,预处理包括 加密、编码等,然后生成伪随机数,将预处理后的秘 密信息根据相应的嵌入算法和密钥K嵌入到载体中, 形成载密信息,可以在公开信道中传输,密钥K在隐蔽 信道进行传输,最后在提取中根据相应的提取算法和 密钥提取秘密消息,这样,就可以达到三层安全。
经过数十年的研究数字水印技术取得了很大的进步, 见诸于各种文献的水印算法有很多种,然而从水印嵌 入方式的角度来看,图像水印算法主要分为两大类: 空间域(Spatial Domain)水印算法和变换域 (TransformDomain)水印算法。 在国内,数字水印技术也得到了一些学者的关注,并 日益受到重视。针对水印的各种应用领域,许多专家 和研究人员在文章中提出了不同的水印算法。
数字指纹系统主要由两部分构成,一是用于向 拷贝中嵌入指纹并对带指纹拷贝进行分发的 拷贝分发子系统;另一部分是实现对非法分发 者进行跟踪并审判的跟踪子系统。其中分发 子系统完成指纹的构造、指纹的嵌入以及数 据库的维护工作,跟踪子系统完成指纹的提取 和跟踪工作。其简单模型见图。
通过对现有典型算法的分析和研究情况的调 查认为今后水印研究可能的一些发展方向:
a.水印的基本原理和评价方法。包括水印理论模 型、水印结构、水印嵌入策略、水印检测算法、 水印性能评价以及水印的标准化等。 b.水印技术的应用。包括针对不同应用需求定制 合理的水印生成、嵌入和恢复策略、一种完善的 水印技术在其它的多媒体数据中的应用等。


得 出不 同的容 量表 达式 , 即在一 定 约束 条件 下 的平 均互 信息 量 最 大值 ,各 种 研究 模 型 的差 异 主 要表 现 在 约束 条 件 的构 造 方
1 已知 信 道 的信 道 容 量
声 Z则二 者 都不知 道 。在 5和 Z分别 服 从高 斯分 布 N(, I O Q ), N( , I 其 中 ,为 n阶单 位 矩 阵 ) 且 O N )( ,
, i =1
x  ̄P的条件 下 , i X
该 信道 的容 量为 :
1 D
c ÷ l (+ ) = o 1 g
Y 和 K 提 取 出 信 息 , 解 码 者 知 道 载 体 S的 信 息 则 称 为 私 有 模 若 式 , 之 , 称 为 公 开 模 式 。 ui 其 构 造 的 隐 藏 模 型 中 引 入 反 则 Mo l n在 了 失 真 限 度 , 论 是 信 息 嵌 入 还 是 攻 击 信 道 , 结 果 都 要 满 足 无 其
二 』V
() 2
极 大关 注 。隐藏 容量 是信 息 隐藏 系统 的关键 性 指标 之 一 , 隐 在
秘 通 信 、 改 认 证 等 多 数 应 用 场 合 都 要 求 隐 藏 系 统 有 足 够 的 嵌 篡 入 容 量 . 有 少 数 版 权 水 印 对 隐 藏 容 量 要 求 较 低 , 此 信 息 隐 只 因
文 献 [ ] 展 了这个 结果 , 2扩 他们 认 为 , 如果 z是各 态遍 历 和 高斯 分 布 , S是 任 意 各 态遍 历 的 分布 时 , 道模 型具 有 P E 而 信 P

一、实验目的1. 了解信息隐藏的基本原理和方法。
2. 掌握数字图像、音频、视频等媒体中信息隐藏的实现技术。
3. 熟悉信息隐藏技术在实际应用中的重要性。
二、实验内容1. 数字图像信息隐藏2. 音频信息隐藏3. 视频信息隐藏三、实验原理信息隐藏是指将秘密信息嵌入到公开信息(如数字图像、音频、视频等)中,使得秘密信息在传输或存储过程中不易被发现。
四、实验步骤1. 数字图像信息隐藏(1)选择一幅数字图像作为公开信息,如图1所示。
2. 音频信息隐藏(1)选择一段音频作为公开信息,如图5所示。
3. 视频信息隐藏(1)选择一段视频作为公开信息,如图9所示。
五、实验结果与分析1. 数字图像信息隐藏实验结果表明,采用空域方法嵌入秘密信息后,嵌入秘密信息的图像与原始图像在视觉效果上基本一致,且提取的秘密信息与原始秘密信息完全相同。
2. 音频信息隐藏实验结果表明,采用时域方法嵌入秘密信息后,嵌入秘密信息的音频与原始音频在听觉效果上基本一致,且提取的秘密信息与原始秘密信息完全相同。
3. 视频信息隐藏实验结果表明,采用空域方法嵌入秘密信息后,嵌入秘密信息的视频与原始视频在视觉效果上基本一致,且提取的秘密信息与原始秘密信息完全相同。

基 于 图 像 的 信 息 隐 藏 技 术 综 述
林 榕 , 克权 董
( 肇庆学院 , 广东 肇庆 5 66 ) 2 0 1
摘要 : 随着信 息技 术的发展 , 息隐藏技术 已成 为信息安全领域的一个重要 内容。笔者介 绍 了基于图像的信息隐藏的基 本原理 、 信 一般要
求 、 见技术及具体应用。 常 关 键 词 : 息 隐 藏 ; 像 分存 ; 字 水 印 信 图 数
秘 密信息本身隐藏起来 , 而隐藏有秘密信息的媒体看起来 与其 他非秘 密的一般资料相 同 , 因而使人 觉察不到 , 容易逃过非法
如何将某秘密信息隐藏于另一公 开的信息 中, 然后通过公开信
息的传输来传递 秘密信 息;信息 隐藏技术不会取代密码技术 ,
两者构成 了互补 的关系 , 先将信息加密 再进行隐藏 , 这样既保
能的处理( 如信 号处理 、 有损压缩等 )恶意攻 击( 、 如非法 攻击 、
称 这媒体为掩护媒体 ( 宿主 )隐藏的动作称 为嵌入 , 护媒体 , 掩 经嵌入信息后称为伪装媒体翎 信息 隐藏 的本质是 : 。 利用人 的感 觉 器官的灵敏度不 高 , 将信 息本 身 的存在性 隐藏起 来 , 人察 使
中图分类号 : P T3
文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 7 — 4 X(0 70 — 0 8 0 1 2 5 5 2 0 )6 0 7 - 3 6
传统的信息安全技术是用计算机密码学对敏感信息 加密 ,
觉不到有信息 隐藏在媒体之 中。 信息隐藏技术与密码技术既 区 别又联 系 :密码技术研究如何将秘密信息进行特殊的编码 , 以 不可识别 的密码形式 ( 密文 ) 进行传递 , 一般人不知道信息 的具
收稿 日期 :0 7-4 1 20- —9 0

1. 可视水印与不可视水印。 2. 易损水印和鲁棒水印。 3. 空域水印和频域水印:直接在空域中对采 样点的幅度值作出改变,嵌入水印信息的称为 空域水印;对变换域中的系数作出改变,嵌入 水印信息的称为频域水印。 4. 非盲水印和盲水印。 5. 私有水印和公开水印。 6. 对称水印和非对称水印。
日前信息隐藏技术的算法主耍有图象空域 信息隐藏和图像投影域信息隐藏。 (1)图像空域信息隐藏具有代表性的是L s B算法。它对空域的LsB做替换,水印 信息.水印的数字摘要或者由水印生成 的伪随即序列作为替换LsB的序列.通 过调整原始载体信息的最低几位来隐藏 信息
中的信道噪声、滤波、增强、有损压缩、几何变 换、D/A或A/D转换等。所谓的攻击包括:篡改、 伪造、去除水印等。 隐藏位置的安全性:指将水印信息藏于目标数据 的内容之中,而非文件头等处,防止因格式变换 而遭到破坏。 无歧义性:恢复出的水印或水印判决的结果应该 能够确定地表明所有权,不会发生多重所有权的 纠纷。 通用性:好的水印算法适用于多种文件格式和媒 体格式。通用性在某种程度上意味着易用性。
数字隐写技术掩盖了秘密通信的存在性,而加密技 术是不能做的。 数字隐写技术最直接的应用是在军事方面,不但可 隐秘地传递各种军事信息,还避免暴露通信双方的 身份。 随着数字隐写技术的发展和网络传输速度的提高, 数字隐写技术还会在民用方面发挥巨大的作用,成 为密码技术的补充,如采用数字隐写技术替代密码 技术传递商务合同等。数字隐写技术会逐渐地应用 到几乎所有的保密传输领域。
1.背景知识 2.信息隐藏简介 3.隐写术 4.数字水印 5.信息隐藏技术难点及发展方向 6.参考文献

回语回声音声隐 信 隐藏号藏4动的频的.提谱嵌力取成入回算分方是法相法声知概对概隐述单述识调藏,产频算权宽法有保限的,护听实和觉时上隐没化有蔽音和通乐硬“信丰件富的”化需,的隐要藏研能;力究网相。对络较当小时;前代对数信字息音隐频藏作的品直版接权 保护问题已十分迫切。但是当前包括回声隐藏在内的大多信息隐藏技 术仍处于实验室里的算法研究阶段,已经应用于业界的技术很少。所 以对回声隐藏技术实时化和硬件化的研究是一个继续解决的问题。
毛老师平易近人,学识渊博,他一丝不苟的工作作风、敏锐的科研洞察力、对科学研究始终坚持不懈的探索精神深深影响了我,也将 成为我今后科研工作的准则和方向。 本文是在毛力老师的悉心指导和严格要求下完成的,衷心感谢毛力老师。
本文是在毛力老师的悉心指导和严格要求 另外,新一代压缩标准MP3,MPEG,AC-3相继出现,因此,寻求一种相适应语音信号的信息隐藏方法,对音频水印技术的广泛应用
Байду номын сангаас
回声隐藏的基本原理:回声隐藏利用了人 耳的听觉掩蔽效应,是一种有效的音频信 息隐藏方法。其目的是以添加回声的方式 在原有音频信息中嵌入新信息,实现信息 隐藏。Bender等人在文献中给出了回声隐 藏的基本思想
基于PN序列的改进前后向回声核 隐藏算法
1回声信息隐藏技术简介 2回声信息隐藏技术的综述 3 Kim的前后向回声算法 4基于PN序列的改进前后向回声核隐藏算
5总结及展望 6致谢
回声隐藏技术(Echo Hiding)是由Bender 等人在1996年最早提出来的一种基于音频 的信息隐藏技术。回声隐藏在原始声音中 引入人耳不可感知的回声以达到信息隐藏 的目的,具有许多优点:隐藏算法简单: 算法不产生噪声,隐藏效果好;如果合适 地选取衰减系数和延迟时间,有时由于回 声的引入,会形成立体声效果,使声音听 起来更加浑厚;提取隐藏信息时不需要原 始音频数据,能够实现隐藏信息的盲检测

中国科技信息 20 年第 5 07 期
LG NO M TO a. 0 O Y IFR A I M r2 7 N 0
朱清祥 ’张蕊
1 长 江 大 学 电信 学 院 . 4 4 2 505
2 华 中科 技 大学 计 算机 学 院 .
4 0 7 5 04
祷蟪警≥ 。 0' 0
隐藏 存 在以 下特 征 : 1 )鲁棒性 :指 隐藏算 法具有较 强的抗 攻
击 能 力 ,能 承受 一 定程 度 的 攻 击 。 由于 图像具有较 大的冗余空 间 , 另一方面图像
本文对信 息隐 藏的基 本模型 、主 要特征 、研 究方法 及应 用领域 进 行 了综述 。对信 息隐 藏
藏 算法时 , 不能获 得秘密信息 。
i3信息 隐藏 的分类 .
利用信道的一些固有特性进行信息隐藏 , 包括网 络模 型中的 信息隐藏 和扩频 信息隐藏 等 。
h i in d g. T e e eo me t n u s le p o lms n h d v lp n a d n ov d r be i if r a in ii r a ay e , n o m t hd g a e n l z d o n
余部分 , 变换 域法是把 待隐藏的 信息嵌入到 载
1)数 据 保 密
在因特 网上传输秘密数据防 非法 用户的 截 获和使用 ,这是 网络安全 的一 个重要内容 ,
11信息隐藏系统基本模型 . 图1 所示 为信 息隐藏 的基 本模型 。
信息 隐藏技 术为网上交流的信息提供 了有效 的

实用文档之"信息隐藏"技术综述目录引言 (3)1信息隐藏技术发展背景 (3)2信息隐藏的概念和模型 (4)2.1信息隐藏概念及其基本原理 (4)2.2信息隐藏通用模型 (4)3信息隐藏技术特征及分类 (5)3.1信息隐藏技术的特征 (5)3.2信息隐藏技术的分类 (5)4信息隐藏技术方法 (6)4.1隐写术 (6)4.2数字水印 (6)4.3可视密码技术 (7)4.4潜信道 (7)4.5匿名通信 (7)5信息隐藏技术算法 (8)6信息隐藏技术应用领域 (8)6.1数据保密 (8)6.2数据的不可抵赖性 (9)6.3 数字作品的版权保护 (9)6.4防伪 (9)6.5数据的完整性 (9)7 结语 (10)参考文献 (10)引言随着Internet技术和多媒体信息技术的飞速发展,多媒体、计算机网络、个人移动通信技术等进入寻常百姓家,数字化已深入人心。

2014 年,生成对抗网络(GAN)的出现为图像隐写提供了新的可能性。
2016 年,第一个基于深度学习的隐写模型——SGAN 被提出。
该模型利用 DCGAN 生成载体图像,并使用传统的嵌入算法实现秘密信息的隐藏,为后续的研究奠定了基础。

目录摘要 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract ..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章绪论 (1)1.1 信息隐藏技术的研究背景 (1)1.2 信息隐藏的发展历程 (2)1.3 信息隐藏技术国内外研究现状 (3)1.4本文组织结构 (3)第二章信息隐藏技术 (5)2.1信息隐藏的基本概念及基本原理 (5)2.2信息隐藏的分类 (5)2.3信息隐藏的特点 (6)2.4信息隐藏的应用 (7)2.4.1 信息隐藏的应用领域 (7)2.4.2信息隐藏的应用要求 (8)2.5 本章小结 (8)第三章离散余弦变换 (9)3.1离散余弦变换原理 (9)3.2 DCT与信息隐藏技术 (10)3.2.1信息的嵌入过程 (11)3.2.2 信息的提取过程 (11)3.3 本章小结 (12)第四章基于DCT的文本信息隐藏设计 (13)4.1 Matlab软件简介 (13)4.2 具体实现方法 (13)4.3 信息的嵌入和提取算法 (14)4.3.1 信息的嵌入 (14)4.3.2 信息的提取 (16)4.4 实验结果 (17)4.5 本章小结 (18)第五章参数分析 (19)5.1 设计中的数据说明 (19)5.2 alpha与隐藏不可见性的关系 (21)5.3 安全性分析 (23)5.4 alpha与隐藏鲁棒性的关系 (24)5.5 本章小结 (25)结论 (26)参考文献 (27)致谢 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2018, 7, 52-58Published Online July 2018 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2018.07.06A State-of-the-Art Survey of Coverless TextInformation HidingShahbaz AliSchool of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, ChinaE-mail: ali.shahbaz@ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3989-1811Received: 03 March 2018; Accepted: 16 April 2018; Published: 08 July 2018Abstract—Information plays a pre-eminent role in people's routine lives. It provides people with facts about abundant topics of interest. Information can be represented by a variety of communicative media such as text, video, audio, and image, out of which text is the most common medium for representing the information. In the digital era, the information can easily be imitated, exchanged and distributed from one place to another in an instant. Thus, it is incredibly essential to hide the confidential information so that it couldn’t be accessed by unauthorized means. The traditional information hiding techniques require a designated carrier to hide the secret information, which ultimately introduces some modifications in the carrier. As a result, it is quite hard for the existing traditional methods to escape from the steganalysis. In contrast to conventional information hiding techniques, the term ‘coverless information hiding’ has been coined by the researchers lately, which doesn’t require a designated carrier to conceal the secret information. Hence, the technique of coverless information hiding can efficiently resist the attacks of steganalysis. This paper presents a state-of-the-art survey of coverless text information hiding by discussing the current scope of the aforementioned technique comprehensively. The existing coverless text information hiding methods are compared and contrasted by various vital aspects such as embedding capacity, algorithm efficiency, ability to resist steganalysis, and methods’ theoretical and real-world significance. Moreover, some future aspects of coverless text information hiding are highlighted at the end.Index Terms—Coverless Information Hiding, Data Security, Steganography, Steganalysis, Digital Content.I.I NTRODUCTIONThe importance of information in one’s everyday life cannot be denied. With the help of information, one can know about the whole story of an individual, situation, happening, etc. [1, 2]. That is to say; the information answers a variety of questions. The content of the information can be of several forms such as audio, video, image, and text. Unlike other forms of communicative media, the unique nature of text makes it one of the most convenient ways to represent the information. Moreover, in the computer age, it has become much easier to send out the information from one place of the world to another in a very short time [3]. However, in the digital age, it is also effortless to imitate, exchange, and distribute the information, which introduces digital data confidentiality concerns. As a result, the confidential information can easily be accessed by unauthorized means [4, 5]. For that reason, it is indispensable to conceal the secret information so that it could be transmitted from the sender to the receiver in a secure way without grabbing the attention of cybercriminals.In order to deal with the problems of digital data privacy, a number of information hiding techniques have been proposed by the researchers in the past to ensure the security of the confidential information [6-10]. For these existing information hiding methods, a designated carrier signal is needed to hide the sensitive information so that the presence of the secret information could be covered up. The selected carrier can be of several types such as image, text, audio, and video [11]. For performing the operation of information hiding, the unnecessary part of an image, text, audio or video carrier is utilized to hide the secret information. Although the existing methods of information hiding somehow cover up the presence of the hidden information, they, by some means, introduce some modifications in the designated carrier, which is a major drawback of traditional information hiding methods. The modified carrier is not an ideal carrier to carry out the confidential information, and it cannot resist all types of steganalysis attacks. Hence, in this way, there is always a chance that the secret information could be accessed or destroyed by cybercriminals [12].The term ‘coverless information hiding’ has been coined by the researchers lately to overcome the drawback of the existing traditional information hiding techniques [12, 13]. The word ‘coverless’ should not be confused with the absence of the carrier signal. What is meant by ‘coverless information hiding’ here is that it does not require any designated carrier to embed the secret information. In fact, the original carrier signal already contains the confidential information. As a result, this technique of hiding the secret information does not modify the original carrier signal, which makes thecoverless information hiding techniques more robust in resisting the current steganalysis attacks [14, 15]. Although the present coverless information hiding methods are efficient enough to withstand the steganalysis attacks, to get the most out of coverless information hiding, there is a need to improve the algorithm efficiency and embedding capacity.This paper provides readers with an up-to-the-minute review of coverless text information hiding techniques and discusses the current scope of coverless text information hiding more straightforwardly. The present coverless text information hiding methods are compared and contrasted by various vital aspects such as the efficiency of the coverless information hiding algorithm, secret information embedding capacity, researchers’ proposed methods’ ability to withstand the steganalysis attacks, and the theoretical and practical significance of the coverless text information hiding techniques proposed by the researchers so far. Additionally, some future aspects of coverless text information hiding are highlighted at the end.II.E LUCIDATION OF C OVERLESS I NFORMATION H IDING Coverless information hiding is one of the hottest topics in computer science research these days. Because of the limitations of traditional information hiding methods, coverless information hiding has grabbed the attention of researchers [16, 17]. Unlike all of the existing ways of information hiding, coverless information hiding technique does not require any designated carrier signal to conceal the presence of the hidden information. The original carrier signal already holds the confidential information. Hence, this keeps the originality of the carrier signal, which was not possible in the traditional information hiding techniques. Moreover, the method of coverless information hiding can resist steganalysis attacks, and this makes coverless information hiding as one of the most suitable techniques to hide and protect the secret information in a way that it could not be accessed in an unauthorized way. The concept of coverless information hiding can be better understood by referring to Figure 1. For instance, the secret information to be transmitted from the sender to the receiver is in the binary form, and its value is 00011000, and the carrier signal is a grayscale image with an intensity value of 24. As 24 is a decimal number and the binary value of 24 is 00011000, hence, in this way, the image carrier already contains the secret information. Moreover, the originality of the image carrier is preserved, which makes it robust against steganalysis attacks.Fig.1. Coverless Information Hiding DemonstrationIn spite of the fact that in computer science research, coverless information hiding is a new concept, it is already in practice in people’s routine lives. An acrostic poem is one of the best examples, which proves that the idea of coverless information hiding is not a new thing for people. An acrostic is a unique riddle of words, poem or any other composition in which a selection of letters in each line creates a word or words [18]. Figure 2 shows an acrostic poem written by Lewis Carroll. The information which is hidden in this acrostic poem is ‘Alice Pleasance Liddell’ –person name.Fig.2. An Acrostic Poem by Lewis CarrollFig.3. The Nomenclature of Information HidingAlthough any communicative medium can represent the content of secret information, the text is the most common medium to represent the information. The unique nature of text makes it one of the most convenient ways to represent the information [19]. Because of its newness in computer science, coverless information hiding has two main categories so far: coverless text information hiding and coverless image information hiding. Figure 3 shows the nomenclature of information hiding with a focus on text information hiding.III.C OVERLESS T EXT I NFORMATION H IDINGSince the birth of coverless information hiding field, a number of information hiding techniques have been developed lately for both text-based and image-based coverless information hiding. Coverless text information hiding is the subcategory of coverless information hiding in which the secret information is hidden in a text without modifying the carrier signal. Thus, the originality of the carrier signal is preserved, which makes it more robust in resisting the steganalysis attacks. The detailed elucidation of the techniques of coverless text information hiding developed so far is given as:A. Chinese Math Expression Based Coverless Text Information HidingCoverless text information hiding based on the Chinese mathematical expression is the first method in the area of coverless information hiding proposed by Chen et al. [12]. This method utilizes the concept of representing the Chinese characters in the form of a mathematical expression in which the components of the characters of Chinese language are the operands, and the spatial relations between the Chinese characters’ components are denoted by the operators [20]. The process of hiding the secret information using the Chinese mathematical expression involves a couple of steps. The first step of the developed method is related to the stego-vector generation in which a stego-vector or encryption vector is generated from the available secret information. After that, a piece of text is obtained from a bigger text database in the second step. The retrieved text is actually a normal text which includes the encryption vector generated from the secret information. The final step is related to the information transmission. The sender can send the normal texts (obtained in the second step) to the receiver, and the receiver can apply the inverse process to retrieve the hidden confidential information from the normal texts sent by the sender. The obtained normal text is normal for both the receiver and other people. Hence, this preserves the originality of the carrier signal.In spite of the fact that the developed method of information hiding can resist the attacks of steganalysis and preserves the carrier originality, this technique has some limitations. The developed method offers a very low capacity to embed the secret information. The developed technique is able to hide only 1 keyword in a 1-kilobyte file, and the mean capacity offered is only 1. If the keyword’s average length is 2, the method is able to hide 10.08 bits, which is relatively low. The total embedding capacity related information of the Chinese mathematical expression based coverless text information hiding (CME-CTIH) is shown in Table 1.Table 1. Secret Information Embedding Capacity of CME-CTIHIn addition, the receiver is unable to know the total number of keywords in each piece of text. Another limitation of this method of coverless text information hiding is that it requires a huge text database in advance, which wastes away the computational resources and degrades the performance.B. Multi Keywords Based Coverless Text Information HidingZhou et al. developed the technique of coverless text information hiding based on the multiple keywords [13]. This method hides not only the secret information but also the number of keywords in the created text database. The main difference between coverless information hiding based on the Chinese mathematical expression and this method is that the stego-text retrieved by utilizing this technique includes both the confidential information and the number of keywords. As a result, the receiver will have knowledge of the total number of keywords contained in the received stego-text, which was not possible in the Chinese mathematical expression based coverless text information hiding method. Moreover, this technique offers slightly better secret information embedding capacity compared to the previous one. The developed method can hide 1.57 keywords in a 1-kilobyte file. If the keyword’s average length is 2, the developed method can hide 15.82 bits of secret information. Table 2 shows the total embedding capacity related information of the multi-keywords based coverless text information hiding (MK-CTIH).Table 2. Secret Information Embedding Capacity of MK-CTIH Although the embedding capacity offered by this method is slightly better compared to the previous one, it is not very high. Additionally, one piece of text contains insufficient numbers, which decreases the overall success rate. Furthermore, this technique requires a huge textdatabase, which ultimately squanders the computational resources.C. Word Rank Map Based Coverless Text Information HidingBy using the concept of word rank map, Zhang et al. developed the technique of coverless text information hiding [21]. The word rank map based coverless text information hiding method takes a couple of steps to hide the secret information. The first step is related to the generation of stego-vectors from the confidential information by using the rank map of words, which is calculated by the statistical analysis of the text database. After the stego-vector generation, some normal texts are obtained from the text database in the second step. The normal texts obtained contain the secret information in the form of stego-text. In the final step, the sender sends the normal texts containing the stego-text to the receiver without introducing modifications in the original carrier signal. The secret information receiver can apply the inverse process to retrieve the hidden confidential information.The developed method is not difficult to implement and can robustly resist the existing steganalysis attacks, but the embedding capacity offered by this method is inadequate. In one piece of English text, this technique can hide only one word. Moreover, this technique like the previously mentioned techniques requires a huge text database, which affects the performance.D. Chinese Character Encoding Based Coverless Text Information HidingThe Chinese character encoding based coverless text information hiding method has been proposed by Chen et al. to hide the secret information securely without modifying the carrier signal [22]. This technique of coverless text information hiding creates the binary number system based tags to find the confidential information, and the Chinese characters transform these tags. The receiver then can select some specific tags with the help of an independent secret key to retrieve the hidden information.The developed technique provides enhanced security, and the success rate of this method is more than 95%. However, there is still need for improving the secret information embedding capacity and the overall performance.E. News Aggregation Based Coverless Text Information HidingLiu et al. proposed the news aggregation based coverless text information hiding method to embed the secret information in the news (available online) [23]. The process of information hiding using this technique involves a few steps. First, the algorithm converts the secret message that is to be sent to the receiver into an integer of large size. Secondly, the integer is hidden into a piece of news, which is available online. The integer hiding process is carried out by shuffling the news headlines order. Finally, the receiver can use the secret key to retrieve the confidential information hidden in the news text sent by the sender.Table 3. Secret Information Embedding Capacity of NA-CTIHThis method can resist the present steganalysis attacks in a robust way. Moreover, the introduced method offers a significant capacity to embed the secret information. If the number of division blocks is 2, the developed method can hide 43 bits in a 1-kilobyte file containing 20 news headlines. Table 3 shows the maximum embedding capacity related information of the news aggregation based coverless text information hiding (NA-CTIH).In addition, the introduced method does not require a huge text database in advance, which saves the computational resources to some extent. However, there is still room to increase the secret information embedding capacity.F. Frequent Words Hash Based Coverless Text Information HidingThe technique of coverless text information hiding based on the idea of frequent words hash is another method proposed by Zhang et al. in the field of coverless text information hiding [17, 21]. In this technique, Zhang et al. have used the concept of hashing along with the word rank map to hide the secret information without introducing modifications in the carrier signal. The frequent words hash based coverless text information hiding method takes a couple of steps to hide the confidential information. The first step is related to the creation of a text database. In the second step, the algorithm of this method calculates the frequent words distance and the word rank map. The rank map of the words is calculated by the statistical analysis of the text database created in the first step, while the frequent words distance or frequent words hash is calculated by utilizing the concept of the hamming distance. In the third and final step, the frequent words hash and the word rank map (calculated in the second step) are utilized to retrieve a piece of normal text. At the receiver end, the secret information hidden in the normal text sent by the sender can be extracted by applying the inverse process.The technique of coverless text information hiding based on the frequent words hash offers enhanced security, and the algorithm of the developed method is simple to implement. However, to further improve the theoretical and real-world significance of the developed technique, there is still need for saving the overall computational resources used by the developed method and improving the capacity to embed the secret information.IV.C ONCLUSIONSCoverless text information hiding is a promising approach to hide the secret information in a text without modifying the carrier signal. Moreover, the techniques of coverless text information hiding can robustly resist the steganalysis attacks. This paper comprehensively surveyed coverless text information hiding, which is one of the hottest topics in computer science research these days. The current scope of the aforementioned technique was discussed in detail. Additionally, the existing methods of coverless text information hiding were compared and contrasted by a number of crucial aspects such as the secret information embedding capacity, the robustness of the methods developed by the researchers, algorithm efficiency, and the theoretical and real-world significance of the contemporary coverless text information hiding methods.Despite the fact that the contemporary methods of coverless text information hiding have secured and protected the confidential information to a great extent, there is still room for improvement. The existing techniques do not provide a significant capacity to embed the secret information. Moreover, these methods need a huge text database in advance to hide the confidential information. Few of the present methods of coverless text information hiding are a bit difficult to implement, while on the other hand; the accuracy of few techniques is not that good. Therefore, the methods with improved embedding capacity, better accuracy, and sound quality are needed to be developed and implemented to flawlessly secure and protect the secret information.R EFERENCES[1]Deb, S.: Information Technology, Its Impact on Societyand Its Future. Adv. Commun. 4, 25-29 (2014).[2]Maggiolini, P.: Information Technology Benefits: AFramework. In: Carugati, A., Rossignoli, C. (eds.) Emerging Themes in Information Systems and Organization Studies, pp. 281-292. Physica-Verlag HD, Heidelberg (2011).[3]Hura, G.S.: The Internet: global informationsuperhighway for the future. Comput. Commun. 20, 1412-1430 (1998).[4]Kim, W., Jeong, O., Kim, C., So, J.: The dark side of theInternet: Attacks, costs and response. Inf. Syst. 36, 675-705 (2011).[5]Ali, S.: Steganography and Digital Watermarking asPromising Approaches to Information Hiding: A State-Of-The-Art Review. Int. J. Res. Appl. Sci. & Eng. 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He iscurrently a Research Scholar and pursuingthe M.S. in Computer Software and Theoryfrom Shaanxi Normal Unive rsity, Xi’an,China under the Chinese Govt Scholarship. He has published a few research papers in the international journals. His research interests include Cryptology and Information Security.How to cite this paper: Shahbaz Ali,"A State-of-the-Art Survey of Coverless Text Information Hiding", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), Vol.10, No.7, pp.52-58, 2018.DOI:10.5815/ijcnis.2018.07.06。

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信息隐藏技术综述目录引言 (3)1信息隐藏技术发展背景 (3)2信息隐藏的概念和模型 (3)2.1信息隐藏概念及其基本原理 (3)2.2信息隐藏通用模型 (4)3信息隐藏技术特征及分类 (4)3.1信息隐藏技术的特征 (4)3.2信息隐藏技术的分类 (5)4信息隐藏技术方法 (5)4.1隐写术 (5)4.2数字水印 (6)4.3可视密码技术 (6)4.4潜信道 (6)4.5匿名通信 (6)5信息隐藏技术算法 (7)6信息隐藏技术应用领域 (7)6.1数据 (7)6.2数据的不可抵赖性 (7)6.3 数字作品的保护 (8)6.4防伪 (8)6.5数据的完整性 (8)7 结语 (8)参考文献 (8)引言随着Internet技术和多媒体信息技术的飞速发展,多媒体、计算机网络、个人移动通信技术等进入寻常百姓家,数字化已深入人心。
在密钥未知的前提下, 隐藏分析者很难从隐藏对象中得到、删除或者发现嵌入对象。
图1 信息隐藏通用模型从图1中可以看到,隐藏者在嵌入过程中利用嵌入密钥将嵌入对象添加到掩体对象中,生成隐藏对象,隐藏对象在传送过程中可能会被隐藏分析者截获并进行某些处理后再发送,提取过程则是在提取密钥的参与下从所接收到的隐藏对象中提取出嵌入对象。
空域法是用待隐藏消息位替换载体中的冗余部分, 变换域法是把待隐藏的信息嵌入到载体的某个变换空间中。
4.4潜信道又称阈下信道,阈下信道的概念是Gustavus J Simmons于1978年在美国圣地亚国家实验室提出的,之后又做了大量的研究工作。