商务英语阅读1 Unit 1

the time when sth. is just starting to be developed Eg: Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium.
time off:调休 holiday:一般指法定假日,不用上学或上班的假期 days off:纯粹指不用上班,休息的日子或一段时间,例如周末 leave:可当假期,通常是自己申请的休假。
Half work, half vacation: Meet the “workcation”
clock off
sb. in a hotel whose job is to help guests by telling them about places to visit, restaurants to eat in, etc. Eg: One skill that will always be a top priority for a hotel concierge is the ability to deal with people , preferably in their own language.
perk ≈ fringe, benefit, perquisite
sth. that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car Eg: Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance.
商务英语阅读Unit 1-叶兴国ppt课件

such that ...:如此…。 如:
Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep.他们如此焦虑,难
Business English: A Reading Course
multinational company do? 5. According to the last part of the passage, what does
globalization do?
Business English: A Reading Course
Notes on the Text:
1. Summarize the main idea of the Supplementary Reading: New Thinking for a New Financial Order on P9 with no more than 50 words.
2. Finish Part V Test Yourself on P10.
Business English: A Reading Course
II. Free answer.
III. Translation
1.我对中国文化有足够了解,我知道人们当众对抗是 罕见的, 所以我想和我的老板单独交谈。
one-on-one assessment of your boss? 3. What is the entrepreneurial cultures according to Rohit? 4. According to the last part of the passage, what does a
Unit 1(商务英语阅读教程1)

1.Summarize the main idea of the the Supplementary Reading on P9 with no more than 50 words. 2.Finish P10 Part V Test Yourself
Note on the Text
1. Enrolling in college is one step toward fulfilling our vision of the future.进入大学是完成将来梦想的第一步。 enroll in:登记入学,入伍,入会等。 如: It's too late to enroll in that class.现在报名进那个班太晚了。 2. Goal-setting involves developing a list of things you would like to achieve in your personal or professional lives-your goals. 设立目标包括列出一些你在个人生活和职业生活中想要完成的事情—— 即你的目标。 3. Understanding what success means to you and the level of success you are willing to accept in life is one of the first stages of new venture planning. 理解成功对你的意义和生活中你想获得的成功水平是计划新事业的第一 步。
1. If each country’s business had a national style or personality, what would the Chinese business personality be? Discuss how business in China typically operates. 2. Discuss the last time you had to strike a balance in order to reach an agreement about something? 3. Report on the similarities and differences in management of the multinationals (IKEA, TESCO, Walmart, P&G, etc.) in China. 4. Read Text B

1937年麦当劳兄弟(理查.麦当劳 Richard McDonald, 莫里森.麦当劳 Maurice McDonald)在洛杉机东部开始 经营当时美国极其流行的汽车餐厅。
Kroc其实是一个推销员。当他高二辍学后,便开设了一家音乐 社,将他在钢琴上的才华诸于商业。第一次世界大战爆发后, 他渴望到外国去,所以虚报了年龄,成为红十字救护车驾驶员。 战后,他将弹琴与销售二种技巧合而为一。25岁后以及接下来 的25年中,克罗克一直从事推销工作。克罗克1954年7月第一 次与麦当劳兄弟见面,便决定加入其中。
Activity 8 (p.7)
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Second reading---Read the text with these questions
1. What did “business” mean traditionally?
1.f 2. g 3. a 4. f 5. f 6. e 7. h 8. h 9. c
Activity 1 buying
Have you ever heard of them?
Bill Gates Henry Ford
Microsoft Corporation
•1992 - What You Want is What You Get
•1988- Good Time, Great Taste, That's Why This is My Place

《商务英语阅读》-商务英语,商务商务指南阅读【作】李小飞、祝凤英【出版社】外语教学与研究出版社【图书目录】 Unit 1 Corporate or organizationaI Culture公司文化Text A From Factory to Family:The Creation of a Corporate Culture 从工厂到家庭:创建公司文化Text B Corporate Culture Matters!公司文化至关重要! Unit 2 Leadership才能Text A Peter Drucker on Leadership彼得·德鲁克谈领导才能Text B Say Goodbye to Theory X告别x理论Unit 3 Management Gurus管理大师Text A Peter Drucker:Mr Management“管理先生”——彼得·德鲁克Text B Management Theory?Management Madness?管理理论?抑或管理呓语?Unit 4 Corporate Citizenship企业公民Text A Global Corporate Citizenship Initiative全球企业公民行动Text B Profits and Poverty利润与贫困Unit 5 Consumer Behavior消费行为Text A ACNielsen Survey Unveils“the Five Faces of Chinese Consumers”AC尼尔森调查揭示中国消费的“五张面孔”Text B Consuming Passion:Human Psychology Shapes the Shopping Experience消费激情:购物行为体验源于购物的心理活动Unit 6GIobal Brands全球Text A Brands Across Borders--Advertising Foreign Brands in Asia 让品牌跨越国界——在亚洲推介国外品牌Text B Cell Phones:The Big Boys Are Back in China :国际品牌再掀抢占中国市场高潮Unit 7 GIobalization全球化Text A What the New Asia Means for Multinationals?的新亚洲战略是什么? Text B Benefits of Globalization全球化带给人们的好处Unit 8 Pricing定价Text A Which Price Is Right?(1)什么样的价格最合适? Text B Which Price Is Right?(2)什么样的价格最合适? Unit 9 Business Strategy Text A Here Is How Michael E.Porer Regards the Business Landscape 著名经济学家迈克尔·E·波特谈企业战略Text B Smart Strategies:Putting Ideas to Work 战略的优劣在于是否付诸实施Unit 10 Merger and Acquisition兼并与收购——并购Text A Procter Said to Reach a Deal to Buy Gillette in$57 Billion Accord 收购吉列:耗资570亿美金Text B New Path for Pork Giant肉类加工业的发展新路程Unit 11 New Economy Text A The New Economy:Fact or Fiction?新经济:事实抑或神话? Text B New Rules for the New Economy新经济.新规则Unit 12 Service Economy服务经济Text A Now that Wal—Mart Is America’S Largest Corporation,the Service Economy Wears the Crown跃居美国最大型公司,服务经济引人注目Text B Service So Good.It’S an“Experience”服务经济要成为“体验经济”Key to Exercises练习参考答案。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。
世纪商务英语阅读教程基础1(第六版) (1)

Part 1 Topic Introduction
Task 1:Lead-in Exercise
In this unit , you may meet some particular terms commonly used in explaining cultures and lifestyles. Check the following words & expressions and see whether you know their meanings. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.
Words & Expressions custom symbolism stereotype bowler hat assimilate manner personal space slang pub demeanor
n. 习惯,风俗 n. 象征意义 n. 模式化概念 n. 圆顶高帽,礼帽 v. 使同化,吸收 n. 礼貌,举止 个人空间 n. 俚语 n. 酒吧,酒馆 n. 行为,风度,举止
Part 1 Topic Introduction
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Part 3 Practical Reading
商务英语阅读unit 1

Service Exports and Imports. Service exports and imports are non-product international earning. The company or individual receiving payment is making a service export, and the company or individual paying is making a service import. Service exports and imports take many forms. These are the following sources of such earning; tourism and transportation, performance of service and use of assets.

Unit 1Teaching Objectives:1. To introduce the teaching contents and teaching plan;2. To have a general idea of the New International Style of Management;3. To be clear about the three main questions of business English reading;4. To learn how to read business English passages effectively;5. To learn to recognize and use some of the related words and expressions.Focuses:!1. To have a general idea of the New International Style of Management.2. To learn how to read business English passages effectively.Difficulties:1. How to read business English passages effectively.2. How to remember business English words and expressions ASAP.Teaching Time:2 periods.Teaching Procedures:Part I Pre-reading Questions!It can be used as lead-in questions. For students, they can discuss with each other and will have free answers.Part II Extensive ReadingIn this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises. By reading the texts in limited time, Teacher helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually.1. Read Text A The New International Style of Management and do exercises;2. Read Text B New Thinking for successful Entrepreneurs and do exercises;3. Analyze the language points in the texts;4. Check the answers to Exercises.Part III Reading Skills: Introduce the Basic Information about Business English Reading.:Use three questions to lead students to deal with this part:1. Why should we do Business English Reading2. What does Business English Reading mainly deal with3. How can we do the Business English Reading effectivelyIf students can not answer the questions, ask them to read through the passages in Reading Skill to get the details of how to do Business English Reading.Part IV Supplementary Reading: New Thinking for a New Financial Order For this part, ask students to finish it by reading first and summarizing it with no more than 50 words. Part V Test Yourself.For this part, ask students to finish it by themselves.Questions for Discussion and Reflection:1. Do you want to be a member of these multinational companies Why2. What are the differences between these multinational companies and the local companies in ChinaAssignment:1. Review Unit 1, to remember the contents learned.2. Preview Unit 2, to find difficult points. References:《商务英语阅读教程Ⅰ教师用书》《牛津英汉双解词典》。
商务英语阅读 unit 1

A. 营销策略 B. 营销组合 C. 营销计划 D. 市场细分 E. 目标市场 F. 顾客忠诚 G. 市场调查 H. 分销渠道 I. 促销编码 J. 公共关系
Comprehensive Reading
Text : A
Marketing Mix What does the word marketing mean? Marketing is the ongoing process of moving people closer to making a decision to purchase, use, follow or conform to someone else’s products, services or values. Marketers can use the variables of marketing mix[1] to devise a marketing plan. There are the standard four marketing mix (4Ps) and the extended three marketing mix (3Ps) in marketing. The 4Ps can be defined as the blend of product, pricing, promotion, and place or distribution channel[2] that satisfies the demands of the chosen market segment[3]. The 3Ps refer to the three elements of people, process and physical evidence[4]. 4Ps The standard four Ps have to fit closely together, and the key to effective marketing is the ability to adjust each of the four factors in response to the demands of the target market[5].

Unit 1 Essentials of BusinessPre-reading( Lead-in )1 Do you know what is business ?2 Are you interested in business ? Why or why not ?3 What activities do you think can be labeled as business activities ?4Have you ever been involved in any business activities before ? Describe it .5What do you think is important for success in today’s business world ?Background InformationUncountable: the activities of making money by providing and selling goods ,or providing service.BusinessCountable: an organization (a company, shop , or factory that produces or sellsgoods or provides a service .Brainstorming : work with your group and think out as many words ,phrases or expressions as possible about business .people or organizations engaged in business: company ,salesman , businessman ,manager places to conduct business activities : (super)market , hotel , bank ,restaurant ,stock exchange other terms frequently used in business operation: sell ,goods , profit ,order , buy ,customer takes time and energy ,motivation ,a bit of luckgetting and testing an ideafinding the right people and helplocating capital and creditunderstanding and using technologymanagement and technical assistanceowner needs training and educationcounseling and user-friendly assess to informationText The Nature of BusinessStructure of Reading OneThe production of goodsPart1 business(para.1) Providing the financingMerchandisingProviding servicesLand :estate ,raw materialsPart2 four factors of Labor : use of mental of physical workproduction (para.2-8) Capital : money ,equipmentEntrepreneurship—entrepreneurPart3 business risk the profit( para.9) the lossLanguage and Culture FocusPara11. finance: v. provide money for ( a project); fund 为(某计划)提供资金,提供款项【例句】The scheme is partly financed by this company. 此计划部分是由这家公司资助的。

Business Language
Reading Skill Focus
Comprehensive Reading
Words and Expressions
Reading Skill Focus
Finding the Main Idea (1) In this unit, topic sentences of a paragraph will be discussed.
Reading Skill Focus
From these statistics and from personal experience it is evident that no one is unaffected by cancer. The topic sentence of the paragraph is:
goes on further explanations.
Reading Skill Focus
Implied Main Idea Some paragraphs have no topic sentences. The main idea is implied, which means you have to figure it out by asking“What is the topic of the paragraph?” To find the answer to the question, you must see what subject is constantly being referred to. Once you have found the topic, ask yourself,“What is the author’s main point being made about the topic?”Your answer should be broad enough to include all the supporting details in the paragraph. This will be the main idea.

参考译文Unit 1 参考译文国际商务的范围国际商务是指任何类型的跨国商务活动。
它可以分为4种类型: 对外贸易、服务贸易、有价证券投资和直接投资。
20 世纪以来,事实证明,广泛的商务关系覆盖全球。
商务英语阅读 Unit1、unit3

Key terms For Unit One
ownership stake majority share arch-rival white goods corporate giant state-owned company multinational company Export management company 所有权股份 过半数股权 主要竞争对手 白色货物(冰箱,洗衣机, 被单等等) 大企业 国有企业 跨国公司 出口管理公司
Key Terms For Unit Three
Civil aviation Disembodied service Electronic discs Entrepot trade Factors of production Free trade Foreign currency earnings Foreign direct investment Manufacturing industries Merchandise trade Migrant worker Splintered service Stock exchange 民用航空 脱离式服务 电子软盘 转口贸易,中转贸易 转口贸易, 生产要素 自由贸易 外汇收入 外商直接投资 制造业 商品贸易 迁徙性(流动性) 迁徙性(流动性)工人 分离式服务 证券交易所
Key Terms for Unit Three
Trade in services/services trade Trade in goods/goods trade Advertising executive Commercial Law firm Securities Retail banking Subsidiary 服务贸易 货物贸易 广告业务主管 商业广告 律师事务所/律师行 律师事务所 律师行 证券 零售银行业务 子公司
商务英语阅读 第二版 王关富 unit 1 Why China Works

Unit 1Why China WorksExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1) How does the author view the Chinese economy?It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook.2) According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well? Because of:(1) the capacity for state control by the Chinese government.(2) its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of theglobal credit crisis.(3) the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools andstate control measures.3) In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China’s market economic system”?The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry.4) What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system?Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economic stress.5) Why can China work in the eye of the author?It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets.6) What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms?They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made.7) What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution?They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises.8) What is “shock therapy”?It is the economic policy adopted in Russia from 1991 to 1992 that totally deregulated prices and lead to a runaway inflation. It proved to be all shock and notherapy.9) In what ways does the Chinese economic system work efficiently?It can get things done quickly, move in a coherent manner, and marshal its people and resources to a common target: economic growth and prosperity.11) What are the Internet and public opinion used for?For putting pressure on local officials and influencing policy decisions.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)At a time when the need is growing for mental health services, many countriesare unfortunately cutting back on its spending.2)There is an increasing number of people out of work. But the western media oftenunfairly label them as lazy and reliable.3)Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, the impact of all the spilled oiland natural gas is still being measured.4)Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability todeliver on services and projects aimed at growing the economy and jobs.5)Housing prices are incredibly high today. But he bought his house for a songabout five years ago.6)As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to dailynecessities, the government feels rather urgent to hold down inflation rate immediately.7)Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-ownedenterprises.8)Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concernshave trickled down to all places, including residential buildings.9)Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last placewhen it comes to investment for multinational companies.10)Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers neverthink of quitting while many others have battled in vain to quit.3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A_______________________ B__________________________________1)financial innovation A) A reduction in the general availability of loans (orcredit) or a sudden tightening of the conditionsrequired to obtain a loan from the banks.72)stimulus package B) A non-bank entity or organization such asinvestment companies and mutual funds thatinvests in large quantities. 83)overheating C)A legal entity created by a government to undertakecommercial activities on its behalf. 64)stamp tax D) The trading of a corporation's stock or othersecurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) byindividuals with potential access to non-publicinformation.9E) An industry that requires large amounts of capital,machinery and equipment to produce goods. 55)capital-intensive sector F) Generation of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money management or investing. 16)state-run firm G) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chasing too few goods andeconomists fear a rise in inflation . 37)credit crisis H) tax levied on certain legal transactions such as thetransfer of a property such as building, copyright,land, patent, and securities. 48)institutional investor I) A plan or a series of measures taken by agovernment to jump-start its ailing economy,generally as a part of its fiscal policy. 210) insider trading4. Translate the following passage into Chinese.我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战并不是他们向我们大量销售的货物,而恰恰相反,是他们正在提升的价值链。
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Part II:Voice of Courage
I Background knowledge 1. Know abt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt(1882–1945), 32nd President of the United States, commonly known as FDR who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and emerged as a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century.
He directed the United States government during most of the Great Depression and World War II.
Although its causes are still uncertain and controversial, the net effect was a sudden and general loss of confidence in the economic future.
What 's the function of Roosevelt talk?
As a dominant leader of his party, he built the New Deal Coalition, realigning American politics into the Fifth Party System and defining American liberalism throughout the middle third of the 20th century. He is often rated by scholars as one of the three greatest U.S. Presidents, along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
What is the purpose of this article?
About the Great Depression of U.S.A
The Great Depression began in August 1929, when the United States economy first went into an economic recession. Although the country spent two months with declining GDP, it was not until the Wall Street Crash in October 1929 that the effects of a declining economy were felt, and a major worldwide economic downturn ensued.
The market crash marked the beginning of a decade of high unemployment, poverty, low profits, deflation, plunging farm incomes, and lost opportunities for economic growth and personal advancement.
Unit One
Effective Communication
Pre-reading Questions:
1. Are you good at communication? Why or Why not ?
2. Do you want to be good at communication?