
【摘要】Flper平台技术结合公司其他产品不仅能为用户提供广泛的应用设计技术和工具,更能进一步为广大客户提供“系统整合,流程统一,参数优化,协同设计”的完全解决方案——CIDO Solutions。
1.基于Isight的自行车桁架多学科设计优化 [J], 黄道军;陈天星;李志
2.基于iSIGHT的船用柴油机油底壳的多学科设计优化研究 [J], 郑杰;周宏根;顾明;濮军洋
3.基于iSIGHT的单学科设计优化与多学科设计优化的比较 [J], 任利;李广文;冯俊杰;田伟
4.基于iSIGHT的鱼雷摆盘发动机活塞多学科设计优化 [J], 李斌茂;钱志博;程洪杰
5.基于ISIGHT的变刚度平衡机设计优化研究 [J], 杨戬

h o o d C u l t i v a t i o n G e n e t i c A l g o r i hm ( t N C G A) , nd a he t n d e s i n g m ke a r c a l l s e l e c t a s o l u t i o n w h i c h s u i t s t h e e n in g e e i r n g b e s t .
基于 i S I G H T平 台 的主 轴箱 多 目标 优 化设 计 水
魏锋 涛 宋 俐 李 言
( 西安 理工 大 学机 械 与精 密仪 器工 程 学院 , 陕西 西 安 7 1 0 0 4 8 )
摘 要 :针对 工程 实 际中复 杂的 多 目标 优化 设计 问题 , 常 遇 到 性 能 目标 与设 计 变 量 之 间不 具 有 显式 的 函 数 关 系式 。 难 以直接 运 用优化 方 法进 行设 计计 算 。 因此提 出基 于 i S I GHT平 台 的 多 目标 集 成优 化 设 计
t w e e n o p t i m i z a t i o n o b j e c t a n d d e s i g n v a r i a b l e s c a n h a r d l y b e e x p r e s s e d b y e x p l i c i t f u n c t i o n r e l a t i o n , a n d
A b s t r a c t :I n v i e w o f t h e c o m p l e x m u l t i — o b j e c t i v e o p t i m i z a t i o n p r o b l e m i n a c t u l a e n g i n e e i r n g , t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e .

前言●Isight 5.5简介笔者自2000年开始接触并采用Isight软件开展多学科设计优化工作,经过12年的发展,我们欣喜地看到优化技术已经深深扎根到众多行业,帮助越来越多的中国企业提高产品性能和品质、降低成本和能耗,取得了可观的经济效益和社会效益。
作为工程优化技术的优秀代表,Isight 5.5软件由法国Dassault/Simulia公司出品,能够帮助设计人员、仿真人员完成从简单的零部件参数分析到复杂系统多学科设计优化(MDO, Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization)工作。
全书共分十五章,第1章至第7章为入门篇,介绍Isight的界面、集成、试验设计、数值和全局优化算法;第8章至第13章为提高篇,全面介绍近似建模、组合优化策略、多目标优化、蒙特卡洛模拟、田口稳健设计和6Sigma品质设计方法DFSS(Design For 6Sigma)的相关知识。
在本书出版过程中,得到了Isight发明人唐兆成(Siu Tong)博士、Dassault/Simulia (中国)公司负责人白锐、陈明伟先生的大力支持,工程师张伟、李保国、崔杏圆、杨浩强、周培筠、侯英华、庞宝强、胡月圆、邹波等参与撰写,李鸽、杨新龙也为本书提供了宝贵的建议和意见,在此向所有关心和支持本书出版的人士表示感谢。

本书在编写的过程中,从互联网上引用了部分资料,在此对原作者表示衷心地感谢!我要真诚地感谢大连交通大学(原大连铁道学院)和王生武教授,是他们给了我学习、接触和使用iSIGHT软件机会!仅以本书献给所有关心我的人!赵怀瑞2007年08月于西南交通大学目录第一章认识iSIGHT (1)1.1 iSIGHT软件简介 (1)1.2 iSIGHT工作原理简介 (5)1.3 iSIGHT结构层次 (6)第二章结构优化设计理论基础 (8)2.1 优化设计与数值分析的关系 (8)2.2 优化设计基本概念 (8)2.3 优化模型分类 (10)2.4 常用优化算法 (11)2.5大型结构优化策略与方法 (25)第三章iSIGHT软件界面与菜单介绍 (32)3.1 iSIGHT软件的启动 (32)3. 2 iSIGHT软件图形界面总论 (32)3.3 任务管理界面 (36)3.4 过程集成界面 (43)3.5 文件分析界面 (46)3.6 过程监控界面 (49)3.4 多学一招—C语言的格式化输入/输出 (53)第四章iSIGHT优化入门 (54)4.1 iSIGHT优化基本问题 (54)4.2 iSIGHT集成优化的一般步骤 (54)4.3 iSIGHT优化入门—水杯优化 (55)第五章模压强化工艺优化 (76)5.1 工程背景与概述 (76)5.2 优化问题描述 (76)5.3 集成软件的选择 (77)5.4有限元计算模型介绍 (77)5.5 模压强化优化模型 (78)5.8 iSIGHT集成优化 (81)5.9优化结果及其分析 (88)5.10 工程优化点评与提高 (89)第六章单梁起重机结构优化设计 (90)6.1 工程与概述 (90)6.2 优化问题描述 (90)6.3 集成软件的选择 (91)6.4起重机主梁校核有限元计算模型介绍 (92)6.5 主梁优化模型 (92)6.8 iSIGHT集成优化 (94)6.9优化结果及其分析 (99)6.10 工程优化点评与提高 (100)6.11 多学一招—ANSYS中结果输出方法 (100)第七章涡轮增压器压气机叶片优化设................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

本书在编写的过程中,从互联网上引用了部分资料,在此对原作者表示衷心地感谢!我要真诚地感谢大连交通大学(原大连铁道学院)和王生武教授,是他们给了我学习、接触和使用iSIGHT软件机会!仅以本书献给所有关心我的人!赵怀瑞2007年08月于西南交通大学目录第一章认识iSIGHT (1)1.1 iSIGHT软件简介 (1)1.2 iSIGHT工作原理简介 (5)1.3 iSIGHT结构层次 (6)第二章结构优化设计理论基础 (8)2.1 优化设计与数值分析的关系 (8)2.2 优化设计基本概念 (8)2.3 优化模型分类 (10)2.4 常用优化算法 (11)2.5大型结构优化策略与方法 (25)第三章iSIGHT软件界面与菜单介绍 (31)3.1 iSIGHT软件的启动 (31)3. 2 iSIGHT软件图形界面总论 (31)3.3 任务管理界面 (35)3.4 过程集成界面 (42)3.5 文件分析界面 (45)3.6 过程监控界面 (49)3.4 多学一招—C语言的格式化输入/输出 (52)第四章iSIGHT优化入门 (54)4.1 iSIGHT优化基本问题 (54)4.2 iSIGHT集成优化的一般步骤 (54)4.3 iSIGHT优化入门—水杯优化 (55)第五章模压强化工艺优化 (85)5.1 工程背景与概述 (85)5.2 优化问题描述 (85)5.3 集成软件的选择 (86)5.4有限元计算模型介绍 (86)5.5 模压强化优化模型 (87)5.8 iSIGHT集成优化 (90)5.9优化结果及其分析 (97)5.10 工程优化点评与提高 (98)第六章单梁起重机结构优化设计 (99)6.1 工程与概述 (99)6.2 优化问题描述 (99)6.3 集成软件的选择 (100)6.4起重机主梁校核有限元计算模型介绍 (101)6.5 主梁优化模型 (101)6.8 iSIGHT集成优化 (103)6.9优化结果及其分析 (108)6.10 工程优化点评与提高 (109)6.11 多学一招—ANSYS中结果输出方法 (109)第七章涡轮增压器压气机叶片优化设................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

ANSYS优化设计1.认识ANSY S优化模块1.1 什么时候我需要它的帮忙?什么是ANS YS优化?我想说明一个例子要比我在这里对你絮叨半天容易理解的多。
图1 水杯的简化模型为什么是这样呢?因为只有满足这个条件,才能在原料耗费最少的情况下使杯子的容积最大。
在这里,一个水杯的材料是一定的,所要优化的变量就是杯子底面的半径r和杯子的高度h,在ANSYS的优化模块里面把这些需要优化的变量叫做设计变量(DV);优化的目标是要使整个水杯的容积最大,这个目标在A NSYS的优化过程里叫目标函数(OBJ);再者,对设计变量的优化有一定的限制条件,比如说整个杯子的材料不变,这些限制条件在ANSY S 的优化模块中用状态变量(SV)来控制。
下面我们就来看看ANS YS中怎么通过设定D V、SV、OBJ,利用优化模块求解以上问题。
首先参数化的建立一个分析文件(假设叫vol u.inp),水杯初始半径为R=1,高度为H =1(DV),由于水杯材料直接喝水杯的表面积有关系,这里假设水杯表面积不能大于100,这样就有S=2πRH+2πR2<100(SV),水杯的容积为V=πR2H(OBJ)。
File:volu.inp (用参数直接定义也可或者在命令栏内直接写)R=1H=1S=2*3.14*R*H+2*3.14*R*RV=10000/(3.14*R*R*H)然后再建一个优化分析文件(假设叫opt volu.inp),设定优化变量,并求解。

iSight 是一款功能强大的优化设计软件,其自动化设计功能有助于结构分析、几何设计和优化设计工作的完成。

本案例选择大型通用软件ANSYS11.0进行强度校核 分析。 可以在ANSYS 中建立主梁的几何模型, 并对其 划分网格
主梁优化模型 1、目标函数选择
根据要求质量应该是最终的目标函数,在主梁 跨距一定的情况下截面面积与质量成正比,所以优化 时选取截面面积A 作为目标函数,其与有优化变量如 下关系式成立: A=wl x tl + t2 +w3 x t3
11 of
输入文件格式及优化变量在其中的位置如6.7所述。由于设计变量定义在 文件的开始,并且每一个设计变量值前面都有“=”,所以通过搜索的方式 让光标移到相应的变量前,再进行替换操作,相关设置如图
12 of
在参数运算之前,首先 需要定义梁截面面积参数 AREA。 点击过程集成界面 工作栏上的参数按钮 , 则弹出如图所示对话框。点 击图中的“Add”按钮,参 数“OBJ”下面的一行被激 活,用户可以在“Task Task1”一栏中输入所添加 变量的名称“AREA”,然后 确认返回过程集成界面。 参数计算设置
18 of
ISIGHT 包含的设计方法
试验设计 逼近计算 质量工程
基于数值分析软件的结构和工作过程,在进行数值分析的时候, 可以通过修改模拟计算模块的输入文件来完成模型的修改,iSIGHT 正是基于这种原理工作的。iSIGHT通过一种搭积木的方式快速集成 和耦合各种仿真软件,将所有设计流程组织到一个统一、有机和逻 辑的框架中,自动运行仿真软件,并自动重启设计流程,使整个设 计流程实现全数字化和全自动化。

案例中使用的软件:isight5.5 proe4.0 ansys12.0注意:必须是这几个版本的组合,本人多次尝试,用ansys15.0、proe5.0什么的组合都不行,只有这个搭配才能正常集成。
一般优化设计模型一般标准的优化设计模型为:式中,d=<d1,d2…d k>是优化设计过程中待确定的设计变量,f<d>是待优化的目标函数,q i<d>是不等式形式的约束函数,h i<d>是等式形式的约束函数,d1A和d1B是相对于设计变量d t的上届和下届,以下对此进行分析。
设计变量装置主体结构包括由矩形钢焊接而成的支撑框架和环形基座,如下图所示,装置的体积V、形变量E1与矩形钢的长a、宽b、厚度c、环形基座的厚度d有关优化目标在保证形变量要求的基础上同时获得更合理的尺寸分布,使装置的质量最小;Ansys分析模型可以很方便地导出体积信息,而质量与密度成正比,因此,为减轻整体装置重量,可将装置的体积作为优化目标,即Min V约束条件装置结构优化的关键是保证整体装置的静刚度特性不超过设计要求的条件下减小重量,约束条件包括状态约束和变量约束,状态约束主要是整体结构的形变量、许用应力,变量的取值范围为变量约束,如下式所示,其中|E1|max为自动焊接装置的最大变形量,σmax为最大等效应力。

r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t t h e s t a t i c a n d d y n a m i c p e r f o ma r n c e s o f d i s t i r b u t o r a r e i m p r o v e d a f t e r t h e mu l t i - o b j e c t i v e o p t i m i z a t i o n , w h i c h l a y s
案 对 比分 析 结 果 表 明 ,多 目标 优 化 后 的伸 缩 布 料 机 的静 动 态性 能 有 所 提 高 ,为 设 计 可 靠 、经 济 和高 性 能 的伸 缩 布 料
机 奠 定 了基 础 ,也 为 其 他 非 标 装 备 机 械 优 化 设 计 提 供 参 考 。 关 键 词 :伸 缩 布 料 机 ;设 计 ;多 目标 优 化 ;参 数 化 建模 ;P a r e t o解 Mu l t i - o b j e c t i v e Op t i mi z a t i o n De s i g n o f E x t e n s i o n D i s t r i b u t o r B a s e d o n AN S YS a n d i S I G HT
Ke y Wo r d s : e x t e n s i o n d i s t r i b u t o r , ; d e s i g n ; mu l t i - o b j e c t i v e o p t i mi z a t i o n ; p a r a m e t i r c m o d e l i n g ; P a r e t o s o l u t i o n 中 圈分 类 号 : T H 2 2 2 ;T v 5 3 9 文献 标 识 码 : A 文章编号 : 0 5 5 9  ̄ 9 3 4 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 3 — 0 0 4 3 — 0 4


在此基础上,本文以《基于iSight的塔架门框结构的优化设计》为主题,来探讨使用iSight 软件对塔架门框结构进行优化设计的方法,以期改善建筑材料的制造效率和节能等。
\Program Files\Ansys Inc\v100\ANSYS\bin\intel\ansys
100.exe" -b -p ANSYS -iBEAM.TXT -o temp.txt
del temp.txt)前提是安装的ANSYS10在C:
\Program Files\Ansys
: G8 m9 i$ m5 g3 G' P x
! C' d:
S2 K2 Y+ |7 @
1/ 1。

iSIGHT作为一种优化设计的工具,具有丰富的优化算法和多种代理模型方法,是一个开放的集成平台,它提供的过程集成界面可以方便地将各种工具(如商业CAD 软件、各种有限元计算分析软件及用户自行开发的程序等)集成在一起[3]。


用iSIGHT实现车身冲压件成形自动优化设计Automatic Optimization of Forming Design for Auto-bodyStamping Parts Using iSIGHT刘伟1、杨玉英1、邢忠文2(1.哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,2.哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院)Email:liuweihit@摘要: 车身冲压件成形工艺受到许多因素的影响,合理地确定这些参数具有至关重要的作用。
关键词:板料成形,优化设计,数值模拟Abstract:There are many factors which have much influences on the forming process of auto-body stamping parts, so how to determine these variables properly become very important. Both the integration and optimization method of iSIGHT and the numerical simulation technology, in this project, have been applied to solve the optimal design problem of drawbead restraining force. Coupled with a NUMISHEET‘93 Benchmark Case, implementation technology of automatic optimization has been studied.Key words:Sheet Forming, Optimization Design, Numerical Simulation1 项目简介在汽车工业中,70%的零部件是采用冲压成形的方法制造的,尤其是车身冲压件。

基于ISIGHT的地下室顶板无梁楼盖数值优化1. 引言1.1 研究背景研究背景中需要考虑到传统楼盖结构的不足之处,比如利用梁和板结构造成的材料浪费、施工周期过长、成本较高等问题。
1.2 研究意义地下室顶板无梁楼盖作为新型结构体系在建筑工程中得到广泛应用,其具有结构简单、施工便利、空间利用率高等优势。
1.3 研究目的研究目的是通过基于ISIGHT的地下室顶板无梁楼盖数值优化,实现结构设计的最佳化。
2. 正文2.1 ISIGHT在工程优化中的应用ISIGHT是一种集成的设计优化软件,它结合了各种不同的计算软件和工具,可以用于工程领域的设计和优化。
在工程优化中,ISIGHT 可以帮助工程师快速地进行参数化建模、设计优化和多目标优化,从而在设计过程中降低成本、缩短时间、提高效率。
isight nsga-ii案例

isight nsga-ii案例以下是isight使用NSGA-II算法的一个案例:1. 初始化种群:随机生成一定数量的个体作为初始种群。
2. 非支配排序:利用Pareto最优解的概念将种群中的个体进行分级,非支配状态越高的个体层级越靠前。
首先找到种群中N(i)=0的个体,将其存入当前集合F1,然后对于当前集合F1中的每个个体j,考察它所支配的个体集 S(j),将集合 S(j) 中的每个个体 k 的 n(k) 减去1,即支配个体 k 的解个体数减1(因为支配个体 k 的个体 j 已经存入当前集 F1),如 n(k)-1=0则将个体 k 存入另一个集F2。
最后,将F1 作为第一级非支配个体集合,并赋予该集合内个体一个相同的非支配序 i(rank),然后继续对 H 作上述分级操作并赋予相应的非支配序,直到所有的个体都被分级。
3. 拥挤距离:对于每个层级中的个体,计算其拥挤距离。
4. 选择操作:根据非支配排序和拥挤距离,从种群中选择一定数量的优秀个体进入下一代种群。
5. 交叉和变异:对选中的个体进行交叉和变异操作,生成新的个体。
6. 终止条件:重复步骤2-5,直到满足终止条件,如达到预设的最大迭代次数或种群中的最优解连续多次迭代没有明显提升等。

本案例选择大型通用软件ANSYS11.0进行强度校核 分析。 可以在ANSYS 中建立主梁的几何模型, 并对其 划分网格
主梁优化模型 1、目标函数选择
根据要求质量应该是最终的目标函数,在主梁 跨距一定的情况下截面面积与质量成正比,所以优化 时选取截面面积A 作为目标函数,其与有优化变量如 下关系式成立: A=wl x tl + t2 +w3 x t3
近几十年来,起重机在设计和制造方面都有了很大 的改进,尤其是随着有限元等数值仿真软件的出现,在 结构设计方面已经从静态分析扩展到动态分析,有限元 法优化设计等新的计算技术也得到了广泛应用。
单梁起重机即为本案例的分析对象,它由桥架、大车运 行机构、电动葫芦及电气设备等部分组成。工作时,桥架 沿车梁上的起重机轨道运行,通过电葫芦来完成物体的升 降及沿主梁方向平移。该型号起重机额定载重为20KN,主 梁跨距为L=3m,主梁截面尺寸如图。
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ISIGHT集成优化1来自输入文件分析输入文件格式及优化变量在其中的位置如6.7所述。由于设计变量定义在 文件的开始,并且每一个设计变量值前面都有“=”,所以通过搜索的方式 让光标移到相应的变量前,再进行替换操作,相关设置如图
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在参数运算之前,首先 需要定义梁截面面积参数 AREA。 点击过程集成界面 工作栏上的参数按钮 , 则弹出如图所示对话框。点 击图中的“Add”按钮,参 数“OBJ”下面的一行被激 活,用户可以在“Task Task1”一栏中输入所添加 变量的名称“AREA”,然后 确认返回过程集成界面。 参数计算设置
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TutorialOPTIMIZATION COUPLING ANSA / μETA TΟIsightTable of Contents1.Introduction (2)1.1.Prerequisites (2)1.2.Problem description (2)1.3.Data files (4)2.Defining the Optimization Task (5)2.1.Design Variables for Morphing Parameters (6)er Scripts (9)2.3.Session Commands (11)2.4.The Design Variables Input File (13)2.5.The FE output file (14)3.Run the Optimization Task (16)4.Set up the ANSA settings (17)5.Define responses (20)5.1.Define the model mass (20)5.2.Define the maximum stress (21)6.Set up Isight (24)6.1.Set up the ANSA Component (25)6.2.Set up the ABAQUS Component (32)6.3.Set up the μETA Component (32)6.4.DOE setup (36)6.5.Set up Working Directory (38)1. IntroductionThis tutorial presents the coupling of ANSA and μETA with the Isight optimizer and the use of the Morphing Tool in shape optimization.There are four steps needed to connect ANSA with optimization software. These steps include :Model Definition▪Morphing Boxes▪Morphing parametersTask Manager sequence definition▪Design Variables for Morphing Parameters▪Script functions▪Session commands▪Design Variables and FE Output filesμETA Post-Processor set up▪Response extractionIsight set up▪Design Variables▪Responses▪Objective function▪ConstraintsThe definition of the Morphing Boxes and Morphing Parameters (1st step) is not described in this document. The tutorial begins with the Task Manager sequence definition.1.1. PrerequisitesThe user must be familiar with the Morphing Tool functionality of ANSA.ABAQUS solver is used for this tutorial and the model has been prepared to run to this solver. If another solver has to be used, the user must update the model properly. The steps concerning the preparation of the model in ABAQUS are not described. The user should also be familiar with the basic functionality of Isight.1.2. Problem descriptionA solid model of a piston Rod will betested in a simple static load. The goalis to minimize the mass while keepingthe maximum stress bellow a specifiedvalue.The design variables that are used, arethe relative change of:- The taper of the piston rod as definedin the picture on the left. (taper)- The curvature in the middle of pistons’body (middle_curvature)- The depth of the defined pocket(pocket_depth)The resultant force that is applied tothe pistons’ small tube is 57.134 kN.The big tube is considered to be fixedin all 6 deegres of freedomtapermiddle_Curvaturepocket_depthThe initial mass of the piston rod is1.2779 kg.A first run of the nominal case gives anestimation of the maximum stressMaximum Stress : 0.1932 kN/mm2The boundaries for the DesignVariables are :0 <= taper <= 50 <= middle_curvature <= 40 <= pocket_depth <= 5The boundary for the constrain is :Max_Stress < 0.17 kN/mm2The following table summarizes the above information :1.3. Data filesThe files of this tutorial are located at the directory where this document is located under the/tutorial_files/. The user should copy these files in the directory where ANSA, μETA and Isight will run. The files are:piston_rod_initial.ansa initial ANSA databasepiston_rod_abaqus.ansa resulting ANSA databasepiston_rod_DV.txt design variables script the μETA session the responses filepiston_rod.zmf Isight final project file2. Defining the Optimization TaskIn this section will be defined the pre-processing sequence that will be connected to the optimizer. This sequence of actions will be invoked in every optimization loop and every action of it, will be executed in the defined order, modifying the shape of the model, through the modification of the morphing parameters. All these actions take place before the run of the solver. When the sequence runs, the following tasks are executing:- Reading Design Variable values from an ascii file- Modify the model according to the values of the ascii file -Output the model in ABAQUS formatOpen file: piston_rod_initial.ansaThe optimization sequence will be defined through the Task Manager Tool. This sequence will be saved in the ANSA database when the user saves the database.Use the button of the main menu to open the Task Manager. To create a new Optimization Task pick on the Tasks button and select theOptimization Task from the pull-down menu that appears.A default Optimization Task is defined which contains the following Task Items:- DV file : design variables input file - Design Variable : a design variable- FE_output : output command for the FEmodel.At this time the Optimization Task is at Definition mode. In this mode the user is able to define and modify the Task. This is the default mode when an Optimization Task is created. To run theOptimization Task the user should switch to the Execution mode. This action is described in a later section.2.1. Design Variables for Morphing ParametersPress the MORPH> CONTROLS>PARAM button to view the already defined MorphingParameters. In the window that pops up select the taper , middle_curvature andpocket_1_depth morphing parameters and left click on the Assign DV button.Massive definition of Design VariablesThe taper and pocket_depth design variables will control two morphing parameters each, while the middle_curvature design variable just one. The Morphing Parameters can be massively defined as Design Variables through the PARAMETERS window.Three new design variables are automatically defined in the Optimization Task and connected to the selected Morphing Prameters.Right click in the first design variable which is created by default when a new Optimization Task is defined and delete it.Right click on the PARAMETERS_1 Design Variable Item and select the New>MORPHPARAMETER . A new Task Item of type MORPH PARAMETER is created and it is connected with the PARAMETERS_1 design variable. Define the rest Morphing Parameters as Design VariablesRight click on the MORPH PARAMETER Task Item and select EditA window containing the already defined Morphing Parameters appears. Select the taper1_auxiliary Morphing Parameter. Click twice In the Current value field in order to edit it and give the expression (0)*(-1.1) where 0 is the current value of the Design Variable. Pick OK to confirm. The expression is necessary since the taper auxiliaryparameter needs to have a minus sign in order for the piston to retain the proper shape. Now the MORPH PARAMETER Task Item is associated with the taper1_auxiliary MorphingParameter. The Item’s name is modified accordingly.Right click to the PARAMETERS_1 DesignVariable Item and select the Edit function todefine the name, the type and the boundaries ofthe design variableIn the window that pops up set the TYPE pull-down to REAL and the RANGE to BOUNDS.With these settings the design variable can getany real value between the Min and Max Value.Enter the values:Min Value 0Current Value 0Max Value 5Optionally enter a new name for the DesignVariable (taper).Pick OK to accept the settings.In the same way assign the pocket_2_depth Morphing Parameter to the PARAMETERS_8 Design Variable.The options for the PARAMETERS_8 Design Variable are:Name = pocket_depth (optionally)TYPE = REALRANGE = BOUNDS.Min Value 0Current Value 0Max Value 5The options for the PARAMETERS_4 Design Variable are:Name = middle_curvature (optionally)TYPE = REALRANGE = BOUNDS.Min Value 0Current Value 0Max Value 4The Design variables are ready. During the run of the optimization sequence the current values of the design variables will be applied to the associated Morphing Parameters and the model will be morphed accordingly.2.2. User ScriptsUser script function can be added to the optimization sequence to apply a specific operation. The user scripts can be added under a Design Variable Task Item or at the main root of the Optimization Task.In this example a user script will be added to the main root which will create a tetra volume mesh. The corresponding script is shown bellow:def batchmesh() { }1. Only triangular elements will be generated onthe Macro areas to be meshed.2. Remeshes an existing mesh in order toimprove the quality of the mesh.3. Creates a TETRA FEM volume mesh.Right click on the Optimization Task and select New>User Script in the pull-down menu that appears.A new Task Item is defined at the end of the Optimization Task.Drag and drop the new Task Item one step above since this command should be executed before the final output of the FE model.Right click on the User Script Item and select Edit from the pull-down menu.2 3 drag &dropThe Select script function window appears. Through this window the user can select the script file that will be associated to the Optimization Task. Pick the Load module button to open the file manager and select the script file to be used.This is the that is located in the tutorial folder.The file is considered as a module. This means that every function inside this file will be loaded and will be available for use. The modules are stored in the ANSA database, so they can be used at any time without the need of loading them in every session.From the pull-down menu select the loaded module. All the scripts of the module are listed below. In this example only one user function is available, the batcmesh(). Select the function and press OK to confirm.The selected script is assigned to the User Script task Item.Optionally change the name of the Task Item to volume_mesh by clicking on it twice.2.3. Session CommandsSession commands can be added to the optimization sequence to apply a specific operation. The session commands can be added under a Design Variable Task Item or at the main root of the Optimization Task. The user can select one of the available session commands which cover a big part of the ANSA functionality.DECKfunction. The results will be saved in a textin the pull-down menu ArrayA new Task Item is defined at the end of theOptimization Task.Drag and drop the new Task Item one step abovesince this command should be executed beforethe final output of the FE model and after thecreation of the volume mesh.dragRight click on the Session Command Item and select Edit from the pull-down menu. In the window that appears are listed all the available session commands. Select the command “DECKINFO:” and press ENTER to confirm. The command appears in the command line below. Enter a relativepath and file name for the report file as an argument next to the command. Optionally change the name of the Task Item to mass_report by clicking on it twice. The Deck Info command will be executed after the morphing of the model according to the defined design variables. ! NOTE:Before running the optimization sequence there is the need to make some adjustments in the ANSA.defaults file in order to correctly define the Deck Info report file. These actions are described in the section 4.2.4. The Design Variables Input FileThe DV File is an ascii file which contains all the data contained in the design variable cards. Through this file, the Optimization Task is connected to the optimizer. When ANSA will be connected to the optimizer the file will be used as input file for the design variable values. In every iteration the optimizer will update the Current Values of each design variable in this file. The Current Values of the design variable cards will be updated with the new values. When the process runs, every action that is defined under any Design Variable Task will be executed using these values.Right click on the DV File Item and select Editfrom the pull-down menu.In the file manager that appears enter the pathwhere the DV File should be saved. It isrecommended to save the file to the workingdirectory.!NOTE: Even if the input file is defined with anabsolute path, Isight will overwrite this path sincein every iteration a new directory will be createdcontaining all the data of the experiment.The DV File Task is defined and the path isindicated to the Task Item name. However the fileis not yet created and saved. The file will besaved as soon as the user switches fromDefinition to Execution mode.The DV File is shown below.## ANSA_VERSION: 13.1.pre## file created by A N S A Tue Jul 13 13:10:01 2010 ## Output from:## DESIGN VARIABLES3, middle_curvature, REAL, BOUNDS, 0., 0., 4.2.5. The FE output fileA last Task Item of the optimization sequence creates an output of the model in FE format.Right click on the FE Output Task Item and selectthe Edit functionThe OUTPUT DECK window appears. Select theABAQUS option from the pull-down menu tooutput the model in this format. Press OK toconfirm.The file manager window opens. Select the working path and the filename for the FE output file and confirm. In this example the name of the file is piston_rod.inp .! NOTE: Even if the output file is defined with anabsolute path, Isight will overwrite this path since in every iteration a new directory will be created containing all the data of the experiment. The OUTPUT PARAMETERS window opens. Select the options for the ABAQUS file and confirm. In this example the user must use the “Visible” option to output only the visible model, since only the solid elements (not the shells ) must be output. ! NOTE:Before running the optimization sequence there is the need to make some adjustments in the ANSA.defaults file in order to correctly define the visible entities. These actions are described in section 4. The FE Output Task is defined and the path is indicated to the Task Item name. However the file is not yet created and saved. The file will be created when the Optimization Task runs in the Execution mode.The result model is: piston_rod_abaqus.ansa3. Run the Optimization TaskBefore running the optimization sequence and connect it with the optimizer the user is able to simulate the actions that will take place in each loop. In this way the user can check the model validity for different values of the design variables. The simulate tool can open by right click on the Optimization Task and selecting the Simulate function. For more information about the simulate tool see the section 2.3.2. of the “Optimization_with_ANSA.pdf” located at <ANSA installation directory>/docs/In addition the user is able to create a Design Of Experiments (DOE). Using this ANSA capability, it is possible to create separate experiments based on user defined values. For more information about the DOE, see the “Optimization_with_ANSA.pdf” located at <ANSA installation directory>/docs/After the definition and checking of the model fordifferent design variables combinations, theANSA file should be saved with the OptimizationTask in Execution mode.Right click on the Optimization Task and selectEdit.The Optimization Task card appears. Switch theRun Mode pull-down menu to Execution. PickOK to confirm.At this time the DV File is created. In case thatthe DV File already exists a warning windowappears. Pick OK to overwrite the DV File.NOTES:If the Cancel button is picked, the Optimization Task will remain in Definition mode. This ensures that the Optimization Run won’t run using a not compatible DV File.The Optimization Task is able to switch to Execution mode only if all Task Items are defined properly.The symbol of the Optimization Taskindicates that the current mode is the Execution.Now, save the ANSA file. The model is readyto be connected to the Isight workflow.4. Set up the ANSA settingsEvery time ANSA runs, the default settings are read from the ANSA.defaults and ANSA.xml files.Before connect ANSA with the optimizer the user should ensure that the correct settings will be applied to ANSA when running in batch mode. The visibility of entities to be output and the current deck should be set up.The ABAQUS file that will be output from ANSAshould contain only the Solid elements. For thisreason the SOLID entities in the DatabaseBrowser should be marked to be visible.Double click on the VOLUME entity in theDatabase BrowserIn the VOLUME list window that pops up rightclick on the already defined volume. From the pulldown menu that appears, select the Mesh>TetraFem option in order to create a tetra volumemesh. This action is being made to appear theSOLID entity in the Database browser, in order toselect it as visible for the ANSA.defaults file.- Open the Database Browser and select the entities to be visible. This change will be saved to the ANSA.defaults file. Set the visibility of entities This change will be saved to the ANSA.xml file.Set the current Deck - Open ANSA - Switch to ABAQUS Deck Set up the Deck Info Report - Activate the function from the D.UTIL menu - In the DECK INFORMATION window that appears make active only the “Masses” flag. - Deactivate any other flag of the “Shells” and “Solids” TABS. - Pick OK to proceed.- The DECK REPORT window appears. - Switch the pull-down menu on the top to the“As Text” option in order to save the report in a text file. - Press ESC to exit the function. Save settings Open the MENUBAR>Windows> Options and pick the Save Settings and Save GUI settings buttons to save the changes to the ANSA.defaults and ANSA.xml files accordingly.5. Define responsesThe constraints and objective parameters needed for the optimization problem can be extracted directly from the result files of the solver. Such values can be for example the stress or strain of selected elements. However when calculations are needed in order to extract the constraints and objective parameters from the result files, μETA Post-Processor can be used. Also parameters that refer to the geometry of the model (for example the mass) can be directly extracted from the ANSA database.5.1. Define the model massUsing the already defined Optimization Task and more specific the mass_report Task Item, the model mass will be extracted and saved to the mass.log file. When the Optimization Task runs the text file is created. However, to create the file for the first time before running the whole optimization sequence, the user should use the Update function while the Optimization Task is in Execution mode. This function runs only the selected Task Item so the mass.log file will be created. From this file the optimizer’s file parser can extract the mass of the model. The mass.log file is shown below.5.2. Define the maximum stressAs a constraint in the optimization problem will be used the maximum stress of all the elements of the model. For the maximum stress extraction μETA Post-Processor will be used which provides a special tool for the response extraction. This is the OptimizerSetup User Toolbar. This functionality is available since the 6.4.0 μETA version. This tool converts any defined annotation to responses or any curves to histories while defines the needed data for the coupling of μETA Post-Processor to the optimizer.After running the initial model (baseline run) the user can open the solver’s results to μETA and extract the response. Any action that takes place to extract the response is saved to a session file. This file will be used to repeat these actions in every optimization iteration. The actions that needed for this task are described below.1. Open μETA at the directory where the optimization will be set up2. Pick the shown button of the Geometry tab to open the file manager.. 3. Read the piston_rod_abaqus.inp file. 2 34. Switch to the Results tab to read solver results. At the Scalar tab select Stresses>VonMisses>Centroid. Pick the Read button to read the results.5. Switch to the States tab and select the STEP 1, TIME 1 state.6. Activate the Fringe flag to visualize the fringes. Optionally right click on the Fringe flag andactivate the on Node option in order for results to be computed on Nodes.7. Pick the Tools>Annotations of the main menu to open the annotation tool. 4 58. Pick the New button to create a new annotation. 9. Select the Function on Part option.10. Select the Node Max Val from the Function field to getthe maximum value of the part.11. Select the Pick button and select the part from thescreen.12. An annotation is created with the maximum value of the function (val=0.1932). The arrowpoints at the node with the maximum stress.11 8 913. Select the User Toolbars>OptimizerSetup from themain menu. The toolbar for response extraction opens.14. Pick the Add>Pick Annotations and select thedefined annotation from the screen.15. Rename the response if needed. At the relative fieldenter the name (max_stress) and hit ENTER toconfirm.16. Pick the Export Session button to export theresponse file.17. The file manager opens. Enter the response name( and confirm.18. Select a path from the imported files that will beidentified as the working directory. This is helpful when many solver results have been imported from different locations.19. Pick OK to confirm. Two files will be created. which is the session file of μETA and the that contains the defined responses6. Set up IsightIn this example a simple DOE task will be defined. The optimization loop will contain:• ANSA for shaping the model • ABAQUS as solver• μETA for response extractionOne Simcode will be defined for each one of the above tasks.166.1. Set up the ANSA Component1. Open Isight and pick File>New to create a new DOE component.2. Switch to Activities tab and drag and drop a Simcode component on the workflow line.This will be the ANSA component.123. Drag and drop two more Simcode components for the ABAQUS and μETA tasks. Thecomponents can be renamed from the Model Selection window.4. Double click the ANSA component and switch to the Input tab to define the designvariables of the optimization problem.355. Pick in the middle of the window to create a new Data Source.6. Select the design variable file and confirm. In this example the file is the DV_file.txt7. The design variable file contains three design variables (taper, middle_curvature,pocket_depth). Select the current value of the taper variable 8. Enter the parameter name at the relative field and9. Select the Write button. A new Input Parameter is defined.810. Do the same for the rest design variables.One File Parameter for the design variables file is already defined.11. Create a new File Parameter for the ANSA file. The File Parameter will be of type Input .Pick the relative button to define the parameter.12. Pick the file browser button and at the window that appears select the ANSA file.13. Since the initial ANSA file will be used for all the optimization iterations the path should beabsolute.1211151414. Switch to the Basic sub-tab to enter the ANSA command. This command will do thefollowing:- Invoke ANSA in batch mode. - Open the ANSA file- Read the design variables file. The optimizer updates this file in every iteration. - Runs the Optimization Task. - Creates an output for ABAQUS.- Creates a report for the model mass.15. Enter the following command at the Command Line fieldansa –nogui –foregr –i ANSA_MODEL –exec’InputDV(“DV_file_txt”); FEOutputName(“piston_rod.inp”); RunAllTasks();’where ansa the ANSA command16. Enter the File Parameters for the ANSA model and design variable file by selecting thealready defined parametersIn this example the mass of the model is used as response (objective function). A text filecontaining the mass value is created by the Optimization Task of ANSA. This file is updated in every optimization iteration when the Optimization Task of ANSA runs.17. Switch to the Output tab.18. Pick in the middle of the window to create a new Data Source . The Exchanger Wizardopens.1819. Select the mass report file and confirm. In this example the file is the mass.log.20. Select the value of the total mass.21. Enter the parameter name at the relative filed.22. Select the Read button. A new Output Parameter is defined.23. Pick OK to confirm and exit from the ANSA component. 20 236.2. Set up the ABAQUS Component24. Double click the Solver component. At the window that appears switch to theCommand>Basic tab.25. Enter the command for ABAQUS at the Command Line field. In this example the jobname is piston_rod. 6.3. Set up the μETA Component25At the μETA Component the user will define the responses of the optimization problem.26. Double click on the μETA Component to open the Component Editor. 27. Switch to the Output tab.28. Pick in the middle of the window to create a new Data Source . The Exchanger Wizardopens.29. Select the responses file that is defined in μETA. In this example the file is it contains the value of the maximum stress of the model.30. Select the value of the maximum stress.31. Enter the parameter name at the relative filed.32. Select the Read button. A new Output Parameter is defined. 33.Pick OK to confirm and exit from the μETA Component .29303233Switch to the Command tab to define the μETA command. Switch to the Required Files sub-tab. One File Parameter for the responses file is already available as soon as the file is imported to theparser.34. Create a new File Parameter for the μETA session file. The File Parameter will be of typeInput. Pick the relative button to define the parameter.35. Pick the file browser button and at the window that appears select the μETA session file.In this example the session file is the Since a unique session file will beused for all iteration the path should be absolute.36. Switch to the Basic sub-tab to enter the μETA command. This command will do thefollowing:- Invoke μETA in batch mode.- Reads solver results.- Extracts responses and saves them at the file.37. Enter the following command at the Command Line fieldmeta –b –foregr –s session_file “./” “responses_ses_results” where meta the μETA command38. Enter the File Parameters for the session file and responses file.39. Switch to the Advanced sub-tab and de-activate the three flags as shown at the pictureabove.6.4. DOE setup40. Set up the parameters for the DOE. In this example the Latin Hypercube technique isused.41. Set up the bounds of the design variables to define the design area.42. Set up the parameters for Post Processing6.5. Set up Working Directory43. To run the optimization problem properly the user needs to define the directory where allactions will take place. To set up the working directory pick with the right mouse button one of the defined Components and select the Properties function. At the window that appears define the “Runtime folder”.DO THE SAME FOR ALL COMPONENTS AND ENTER THE SAME WORKING DIRECTORY.。