新概念英语第一册单词听写 试卷


新概念英语单词第一册 全 单词听写版 横版

新概念英语单词第一册 全 单词听写版 横版

Lesson1v.原谅————————pron.我(宾格)———————ad.是的————————be动词现在时单三—————pron.这————————你的,你们的———————n.(女用)手提包——————.原谅,请再说一遍————————————————pron.它————————感谢你(们)————————非常地————————Lesson2n.钢笔————————]n.铅笔————————n.书————————n.手表————————上衣,外衣————————n.连衣裙————————n.裙子————————n.衬衣————————小汽车————————n.房子————————Lesson3n.伞————————nt.请————————.这里————————我的————————n.票————————n.号码————————num.五————————a.对不起的————————n.先生————————n.衣帽存放处———————Lesson4n.一套衣服————————n.学校————————n.老师————————n.儿子————————n.女儿————————Lesson5先生————————a.好————————n.早晨————————小姐————————新的————————n.学生————————a.&n.法国人———————德国人————————a.美好的————————遇见————————日本人————————韩国人————————中国人————————ad.也————————Lesson6n.(产品的)牌号——————a.瑞典的————————a.英国的————————美国的————————a.意大利的————————n.沃尔沃————————n.标致————————n.梅赛德斯————————n.丰田————————n.大宇————————n.迷你————————n.福特————————n.菲亚特————————Lesson7pron.我————————be动词现在时第一人称单数—be动词现在时复数————n.名字————————什么————————国籍————————n.工作————————电脑键盘————————操作人员————————工程师————————Lesson8n.警察————————n.女警察————————出租司机————————空中小姐————————n.邮递员————————n.护士————————机械师————————理发师————————n.家庭妇女————————送牛奶的人———————Lesson9表示问候)————————喂,嗨————————怎样————————ad.今天————————身体好————————. a.美好的————————int.谢谢————————int.再见————————v.见————————Lesson10a.胖的————————n.女人————————a.瘦的————————a.高的————————a.矮的————————a.脏的————————干净的————————.a.热的————————a.冷的————————a.老的————————a.年轻的————————a.忙的————————a.懒的————————Lesson11pron.谁的————————a.蓝色的————————ad.大概————————a.白色的————————v.抓住————————Lesson12n.父亲————————n.母亲————————n.女衬衫————————姐,妹————————n.领带————————n.兄,弟————————他的————————她的————————Lesson13n.颜色————————a.绿色————————v.来————————ad.楼上————————时髦的巧妙的———————n.帽子————————a.相同的————————可爱的,秀丽的——————Lesson14箱子————————地毯————————n.狗————————Lesson15n.海关————————.官员————————女孩,姑娘————————丹麦人————————朋友————————挪威人————————护照————————棕色的————————旅游者————————Lesson16俄罗斯人————————n.荷兰人————————这些(this的复数)—————a.红色的————————a.灰色的————————a.黄色的————————a.黑色的————————a.橘黄色的————————Lesson17n.雇员————————a.勤奋的————————推销员————————n.男人————————n.办公室————————n.助手————————Lesson19n.事情————————n.孩子们(child的复数)————————a.累,疲乏————————n.男孩————————a.渴————————n.妈妈(儿语)———————坐下————————a.好,可以————————冰淇淋————————Lesson20a.大的————————a.小的————————开着的————————关着的————————轻的————————a.重的————————a.长的————————n.鞋子————————n.祖父,外祖父——————祖母,外祖母——————Lesson21v.给————————pron.一个————————哪一个————————Lesson22a.空的————————a.满的—————————a.大的————————a.小的————————a.尖的,锋利的———————a.小的————————大的————————a.钝的————————n.盒子,箱子———————n.杯子————————n.茶杯————————n.瓶子————————n.罐头————————n.刀子————————n.叉子————————Lesson23在…之上————————n.架子,搁板———————Lesson24n.课桌————————n.桌子————————n.盘子————————n.食橱————————n.香烟————————n.电视机————————n.地板————————梳妆台————————杂志————————n.床————————报纸————————n.立体声音响———————Lesson25夫人————————n.厨房————————n.电冰箱————————n.右边————————a.带电的,可通电的————n.左边————————n.炉子,炊具———————n.中间————————prep.(属于)…的——————n.房间————————n.杯子————————Lesson26ad.在哪里————————prep.在…里———————Lesson27客厅————————prep.靠近————————n.窗户————————n.手扶椅————————n.门————————n.图画————————n.墙————————Lesson28n.〔复数〕长裤—————Lesson29v.关门————————卧室————————a.乱,不整齐————————verb.必须,应该——————v.打开————————使…通风,换换空气————v.放置————————n.衣服————————大衣柜————————v.掸掉灰尘————————v.扫————————Lesson30v.倒空,使…变空——————v.读————————v.削尖,使锋利———————穿上————————脱掉————————开(电灯)————————关(电灯)————————Lesson31n.花园————————prep.在…之下———————n.树————————v.爬,攀登————————pron.谁————————v.跑————————n.草,草地————————prep.在…之后———————n.猫————————Lesson32v.打字————————n.信————————n.篮子————————v.吃————————n.骨头————————v.清洗————————n.牙齿————————v.做(饭菜)————————n.牛奶————————n.饭,一顿饭————————v.喝————————(水)龙头————————Lesson33n.日子————————n.云————————n.天空————————n.太阳————————v.照耀————————和…在一起————————家庭(成员)————————v.走路,步行————————跨越,在…之上——————n.桥————————n.船————————n.河————————n.轮船————————n.飞机————————v.飞————————Lesson34v.睡觉————————v.刮脸————————v.哭,喊————————v.洗————————v.等————————v.跳————————Lesson35照片————————n.村庄————————n.山谷————————prep.在…之间———————n.小山————————prep.另一个————————n.妻子————————prep.沿着————————n.河岸————————n.水————————v.游泳————————prep.横过————————n.大楼,建筑物——————n.公园————————prep.进入————————Lesson36prep.在…旁————————prep.离开————————Lesson37v.工作————————ad.努力地————————v.做————————n.书橱,书架———————n.锤子————————v.上漆,涂————————n.&a.粉红色———————最喜欢的————————Lesson38作业————————v.听————————n.盘子,碟子———————Lesson39n.前面————————在…之前————————a.小心的,仔细的—————n.花瓶————————v.掉下————————n.花————————Lesson40v.给…看————————v.送给————————v.带给————————Lesson41n.乳酪,干酪———————n.面包————————n.肥皂————————n.巧克力————————n.糖————————n.咖啡————————n.茶————————n.烟草,烟丝———————Lesson42n.鸟————————det.一些————————]det.一些————————Lesson43当然————————n.水壶————————在…后面————————n.茶壶————————ad.现在,此刻———————v.找到————————v.沸腾,开————————Lesson45能够————————n.老板,上司———————n.分(钟)———————v.请求,要求————————n.书写————————a.糟糕的,可怕的—————Lesson46v.拿起,搬起,举起—————n.饼,蛋糕————————n.饼干————————Lesson47v.喜欢,想要————————v.想————————Lesson48a.新鲜的————————n.鸡蛋————————n.黄油————————a.纯净的————————n.蜂蜜————————a.成熟的————————n.香蕉————————n.果酱————————a.甜的————————n.橙————————苏格兰威士忌———————a.上等的,精选的——————n.苹果————————n.酒,果酒————————n.啤酒————————黑板————————Lesson49n.卖肉的————————n.(食用)肉————————n.牛肉————————n.羔羊肉————————n.丈夫————————n.牛排————————n.肉馅,绞肉———————n.鸡————————v.告诉————————n.实情————————也(用于否定句)——————Lesson50n.西红柿————————n.土豆————————n.卷心菜————————n.莴苣————————n.豌豆————————n.豆角————————n.梨————————n.葡萄————————n.桃————————Lesson51n.希腊——————n.气候————————n.国家————————a.宜人的————————n.天气————————n.春季————————a.有风的————————a.温暖的————————v.下雨————————有时————————n.夏天————————n.秋天————————n.冬天————————v.下雪————————n.1月————————n.2月————————n.3月————————n.4月————————n.5月————————n.6月————————n.7月————————n.8月————————N9.月————————n.10月————————n.11月————————n.12月————————Lesson52美国————————n.巴西————————n.荷兰————————n.英国————————n.法国————————n.德国————————n.意大利————————n.挪威————————n.俄罗斯————————n.西班牙————————n.瑞典————————Lesson53温和的,温暖的——————ad.总是————————n.北方————————n.东方————————a.潮湿的————————n.西方————————n.南方————————n.季节————————d.最————————n.夜晚————————v.升起————————ad.早————————v.(太阳)落下去———————d.晚,迟————————a.有趣的,有意思的————n.话题————————n.谈话————————Lesson54澳大利亚————————n.澳大利亚人———————n.奥地利————————奥地利人————————n.加拿大————————n.加拿大人————————n.中国————————n.芬兰————————n.芬兰人————————n.印度————————n.印度人————————n.日本————————尼日利亚————————n.尼日利亚人———————n.土耳其————————n.土耳其人————————韩国————————n.波兰人————————n.波兰————————n.泰国人————————n.泰国————————Lesson55v.住,生活————————v.呆在,停留————————n.家————————ad.在家,到家———————家务————————n.午饭————————n.下午————————ad.通常————————ad.一起————————n.晚上————————v.到达————————n.夜间————————Lesson57ad.点钟————————n.商店————————n.片刻,瞬间———————Lesson59n.信封————————信纸————————售货员————————尺寸,尺码,大小—————n.信笺簿————————n.胶水————————n.粉笔————————n.零钱,找给的钱—————Lesson61.感觉————————v.看(起来)————————必须————————v.叫,请————————n.医生————————n.电话————————v.记得,记住————————n.嘴————————n.舌头————————a.坏的,严重的———————n.感冒————————n.消息————————n.头痛————————n.阿斯匹林————————n.耳痛————————n.牙痛————————n.牙医————————胃痛————————n.药————————n.温度————————n.流行性感冒———————n.麻疹————————n.腮腺炎————————Lesson63a.形容词well的比较级——ad.当然————————起床————————ad.还,仍————————a.油腻的————————n.食物————————保持,继续————————Lesson64v.玩————————n.火柴————————v.谈话————————n.图书馆————————.开车————————d.如此地————————ad.快地————————身体探出————————v.打破————————Lesson65n.爸(儿语)————————n.钥匙————————n.婴儿————————v.听见————————v.玩得快活————————pron.你自己————————pron.我们自己——————Lesson66我自己————————pron.他们自己———————他自己————————她自己————————Lesson67n.蔬菜水果零售商—————a.缺席的————————n.星期一————————n.星期二————————星期三————————星期四————————v.(身体健康)处于(状况)————————v.度过————————n.周末————————n.星期五————————n.星期六————————n.星期日————————n.乡村————————a.幸运的————————Lesson68n.教堂————————n.乳品店————————n.面包师傅————————食品杂货商———————Lesson69.年————————n.比赛————————n.城镇————————n.人群————————v.站立————————使人激动的————————d.正好,恰好———————n.结尾,结束————————n.获胜者————————在…之后————————n.路途————————Lesson71ad.让人讨厌的,坏的————v.&n.打电话———————n.次(数)————————v.接(电话)————————最后的,前一次的—————n.电话————————ad.又一次地————————v.说————————Lesson73n.周————————n.伦敦————————ad.突然地————————公共汽车车站——————v.微笑————————ad.愉快地————————v.懂,明白————————v.讲,说————————n.手————————n.衣————————n.短语手册————————n.短语————————ad.缓慢地————————Lesson74ad.匆忙地————————v.割,切————————ad.口渴地————————v.走————————v.问候,找招呼——————Lesson75d.以前————————v.买————————n.双,对————————n.(服装的)流行式样————a.不舒服的————————v.穿着————————Lesson77n.约会,预约———————a.紧急的,急迫的——————prep.直到…为止——————Lesson79n.购物————————n.单子————————n.蔬菜————————v.需要————————.希望————————n.事情————————n.钱————————Lesson80食品杂货————————n.水果————————n.文具————————n.报刊零售人———————n.化剂师,化学家—————Lesson81n.洗澡————————ad.几乎,将近——————a.准备好的,完好的—————n.正餐,晚餐———————n.饭馆,餐馆———————a.烤的————————Lesson82n.早饭————————n.理发————————n.聚会————————n.假日————————Lesson83n.杂乱,凌乱———————包装,打包,装箱—————n.手提箱————————v.离开————————ad.已经————————Lesson85n.巴黎————————n.电影院————————n.电影————————a.漂亮的————————n.城市————————ad.从来没有————————ad.在任何时候———————Lesson87n.接待员————————v.带来,送来————————n.车库,汽车修理厂————n.碰撞————————灯杆————————v.修理————————v.努力,设法————————Lesson89v.相信,认为————————(用于请求许可)可以————多长————————自从————————ad.为什么————————v.卖,出售————————conj.因为————————v.退休————————v.花费————————n.英镑————————prep.值…钱————————n.便士————————Lesson91ad.还,仍旧————————v.搬家————————v.想念,思念————————n.邻居————————n.人————————n.人们————————a.可怜的————————Lesson93n.飞行员————————v.返回————————.纽约————————n.东京————————n.马德里————————v.飞行————————Lesson94n.雅典————————n.柏林————————n.孟买————————n.日内瓦————————n.莫斯科————————n.罗马————————n.汉城————————n.斯德哥尔摩———————n.悉尼————————Lesson95n.往返————————n.火车————————n.站台————————n.大量————————n.酒吧————————车站,火车站———————v.赶上————————v.错过————————Lesson97v.遗留————————v.描述————————.拉链————————n.标签————————n.提手,把手———————n.地址————————n.penny的复数形式————v.属于————————Lesson99int.哎哟————————v.滑倒,滑了一脚——————v.落下,跌倒————————下楼————————v.伤,伤害,疼痛——————n.背————————起立,站起来———————v.帮助————————立即————————sure[ʃuə]a.一定的,确信的————————x光透视————————Lesson101n.苏格兰(英国)——————n.明信片————————n.青年————————招待所,旅馆———————n.协会————————ad.不久————————v.写————————Lesson103n.考试————————v.及格,通过————————n.数学————————n.问题————————a.容易的————————ad.足够地————————n.考卷————————v.未及格,失败———————v.回答————————n.分数————————n.其他的东西———————a.困难的————————v.讨厌————————a.低的————————v.振作,振奋————————n.家伙,人————————n.上方,顶部———————Lesson104a.聪明的————————a.笨的————————a.便宜的————————a.贵的————————a.新鲜的————————a.变馊的————————a.低的,矮的————————a.大声的————————a.高的————————a.硬的————————a.甜的————————a.软的————————.酸的Lesson105v.拼写————————a.聪明的,有智慧的————n.错误————————礼物————————n.词典————————Lesson106v.携带————————v.改正,纠正————————Lesson107n.夫人,女士)———————同样————————v.适于————————a.漂亮的————————Lesson109n.主意————————少许(用于不可数名词之前)————————n.一满茶匙————————a.(little的比较级)校少的,更小的————————几个(用于可数名词之前)————————n.遗憾————————ad.代替————————n.建议,忠告———————Lesson110a.(many,much的最高级)最多的————————a.(little的最高级)最小的,最少的————————a.(good的最高级)最好的——a.(bad的比较级)更坏的———a.(bad的最高级)最坏的———Lesson111n.型号,式样———————v.付得起(钱)————————n.预付定金————————n.分期付款————————n.价格————————n.百万富翁————————Lesson113售票员————————n.车费,车票———————v.兑换(钱)————————n.纸币————————n.乘客————————没有任何东西———————ad.也不————————下车————————n.流浪汉————————prep.除…外———————Lesson115pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人————————v.敲,打————————pron.一切事物———————宁静的,安静的——————a.不可能的————————v.邀请————————任何东西————————pron.什么也没有—————柠檬水————————v.开玩笑————————Lesson116.睡觉,睡着———n.眼镜————————Lesson117饭厅————————n.硬币————————n.嘴————————v.吞下————————ad.后来————————n.厕所,盥洗室———————Lesson118v.响————————Lesson119n.故事————————v.发生————————n.贼————————v.进入————————a.黑暗的————————n.手电筒————————n.(说话的)声音——————n.鹦鹉————————Lesson120练习本————————Lesson121n.顾客————————v.忘记————————n.经理————————照应,服务,接待—————n.柜台————————v.认识————————Lesson122n.路————————Lesson123在…期间————————n.旅行————————v.旅行————————v.提供————————n.工作————————v.猜————————v.长,让…生长——————n.(下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子————————Lesson124n.小猫————————Lesson125v.浇水————————ad.非常————————a.干燥的,干的———————n.讨厌的东西或人————v.意味着,意思是—————n.惊奇,意外的事——————Lesson126ad.立即地————————Lesson127a.著名的————————n.女演员————————至少————————n.男演员————————v.通过阅读得知————————Lesson129v.招手————————n.跑道————————n.英里————————v.从后面超越,超车—————限速————————v.做梦,思想不集中—————n.标记,牌子———————驾驶执照————————v.罚款————————n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼)——Lesson131n.埃及————————ad.国外————————v.担忧————————Lesson133n.记者————————a.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的————————貂皮大衣————————Lesson135n.未来的————————结婚————————n.饭店————————a.最新的————————v.介绍————————Lesson137n.足球————————n.赌注————————赢————————n.世界————————a.贫穷的————————.依靠(on)————————Lesson139a.额外的————————n工程师————————a.海外的,国外的——————n.工程————————n.公司————————n.线路————————Lesson141a.兴奋的————————登上————————a.中年的————————在…对面————————好奇地————————可笑的,滑稽的——————n.香粉————————n.带镜的化妆盒——————ad.和蔼地————————a.丑陋的————————a.有趣的————————v.微笑————————a.尴尬的,窘迫的————————Lesson142a.担心,担忧————————ad.经常地,定期地—————Lesson143v.包围————————n.树林————————风景点————————n.百————————n.城市————————prep.穿过————————n.参观者,来访者—————a.整齐的————————n.杂乱的东西———————废物筐————————v.放————————v.扔,抛————————n.垃圾————————v.数,点————————v.覆盖————————n.碎片————————n.轮胎————————a.生锈的————————在…之间————————v.依法处置————————。



听力部分(20分) 一.选出你所听到的短语。

(10分) ( )1. A.police B.second e ( )2. A.park B.hard C.part ( )3. A.catch B.teach C.watch ( )4. A.ago B.age C.bridge ( )5. A.form B.from rge ( )6. A.English B.empty C.ten ( )7. A.carry B.ask C.can ( )8. e B.some C.love ( )9. A.charge B.watch C.school ( )10. A.where B.who C.whose 二.听录音,为听到的图片排序(1-5)(5分) 三.听录音,填空(5分) 1.I have to leave ______. 2.I think he can ’t be a bus driver. He must be a bus ______. 3.Gary must have been driving at seventy ______ an hour. 4.Ann was telling Gary to drive ______. 5.I must be _____ that time. 笔试部分(100分) 一. 单词填空(10分) 1. s__gn(标志) 2 .sp__ __d (速度) 3.tr__ ck (跑道) 4. w__ve (招手) 5.actr__ss (女演员) 6. f__m __ __ s (着名的) 7.Eg__pt (埃及) 8. w__ rr__(担忧) 9. __ br__ __ d (国外) 10. s__r__(确信) 二.看单词写汉意。

(10分) 1. engineer 2. young 3.mechanic 4. tired 5. office 6.sleep 7. Italian 8. overtake 9.charge 10. careful 三.从下列选恰当词填入句中,每词只可用一次。



新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(37—48)一、单词听写(1分/题,共20分)01. 02. 03. 0405 06. 07. 08.09. 10. 11. 12.13. 14. 15. 16.17. 18. 19. 20.二、听音排序(1分/题,共10分)1. bookcase homework .favourite front coffee2. hammer flower careful chocolate tobacco三、选出你所听到的单词(1分/题,共20分)( )01.A.work B.short C.floor D.door( )02.A.cheese B.tree C.coffee D.tea( )03.A.garden B.park C.sharp D.sugar( )04.A.hammer B.make C.take D.favourite ( )05.A.drop B.coffee C.chocolate D.tobacco( )06.A.brown B.how C.flower D.yellow( )07.A.vase B.father C.tobacco D.glass( )08.A.tie B.favourite C.dish D.listen( )09.A.front B.some C.drop D.another( )10.A.listen B.vase C.some D.send( )11.A.course B.your C.floor D.colour( )12.A.behind B.find C.lift D.like( )13.A.teapot B.hot C.boss D.honey( )14.A.minute B.jump C.butter D.much( )15.A.want B.jam C.bag D.handwriting ( )16.A.terrible B.egg C.kettle D.behind( )17.A.cheese B.employee C.sweet D.coffee( )18.A.ripe B.wine C.like D.terrible( )19.A.which B.school C.choice D.cheese( )20.A.brown B.now C.how D.know四、用所给的词语组成句子(1.5分/题,共30分)01.George,hard,is,working .02.is,any,bottle,in,water,the,there ?03.are,what,you,do,going,to,now ?04.he,going,is,to,paint,white,the,bookcase .05.Jack,are,and,Mary,listening,the,to,stereo .06.with,what,are,you,to,going,do,it ?07.put,not,it,here,do .08.is,there,a,bar,chocolate,of,table,on,the .09.that,milk,of,not,bottle,is,me,for .10.any,water,there,not,is,bottle,in,the .11.can,I,find,the,not,cups .12.there,any,is,newspapers,the,on,stereo ?13.Sam,like,not,any,does,in,coffee,his,sugar .14.teapot,you,can,in,put,the,cupboard,the .15.boy,the,is,in,house,standing,front,of,the ?16.can,open,the,you,door,me,for ?17.he,not,the,heavy,can,box,lift .18.there,any,books,are,the,on,shelf ?19.you,like,any,do,apples ?20.the,boy,can,this,read,little,book .五、就划线部分提问(1分/题,共10分)01.He is my father. .02.They are under the tree. .03.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) .04.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池) .05.Superman flies in the sky. .06.I often brush my teeth in the evening. .07.Alan likes to play with Bill. .08.Joe's father plays badminton(羽毛球) every weekend. .09.The supermarket is near the school. .10.The laptop(笔记本电脑) is on the table. .六、判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并改正。



新概念英语青少版1A unit1—unit5 测试卷命题人: SherryⅠ.听力部分(30分)一、听录音, 选出你所听到的数字或单词并在其前面的括号里打“√”。

(5分)1.()William ()Karen ()Robert ()Paul2.()12 ()6 ()25 ()193.. )Mis... ..)Mrs.....)Mr... ..)wif.4.()it ()is ()it’s ()isn’t5....wha.... .. )whos... .. .wh... ..)which二、听并选出正确的答语。

( 10分)1.. .A..a.ten....B.M.nam.i.Willia.Jenkins..C.Ho.ar.you.2.. .A.Ho.d.yo.do..B.I’.fine........ C.An.you.3.. .A..a.1.year.old. B..a.a.home.......C..hav.a.apple.4.. .A.M.nam.i.Paul. B.Than.yo.ver.much... C.It’..silve.key.5.. .A.whic.boy....B.wha.boy........C.wher.boy.三、听对话, 选答语。

(10分)1.Wha.colo.i.he.pencil. ..)A.It’.red......B.It’.blue...C.It’.purple.2.Ho.ol.i.Annie......)A.1........B.1......C.213.Wh.i.th.boy.... ..)A.It’.Paul......B.It’.Robert...C.It’.Peter.4.Whos.i.th.bag... ..)A.It’.m.bag.....B.It’.Polly’s...C.It’.Paul’s.5.What’.that........)A.It’..bicycle.....B.It’..camera...C.It’..car.四、听录音, 写出下列电话号码。



Lesson 1me!Yes?Is this your handbag??Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.very much.Lesson 3My coat and my please.Here is my .Thank you, sir.Number .your umbrella and your coat. This is not my umbrella.Sorry sir.Is this your umbrella?No, it isn't.?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.Lesson 5Good morning.Good morning, Mr. Blake. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new . She is . Sophie, this is Hans.He is .Nice to meet you.And this is Naoko.She's . Nice to meet you.And this is Chang-woo.He's Korean.Nice to meet you.And this is Luming.He is .Nice to meet you.And this is Xiaohui.She's Chinese, too.. Lesson 7I am .My name's Robert.Nice to meet you.My name's Sophie.Are you ?Yes, I am.Are you ,too?No, I am not.What nationality are you?I'm .Are you ?No, I'm not.?I'm a keyboard operator.What's your job?I'm an .Lesson 9Hello, Helen.Hi, Steven.How are you today?I'm , thank you. And you? I'm fine, thanks.How is Tony?, thanks. How's Emma?She's very well, too, Helen. Goodbye, Helen..Nice to see you, too, Steven. Goodbye.Lesson 11is that?Is this your shirt, Dave? No. Sir.It's not my shirt.This is my shirt.My shirt's .Is this shirt Tim's?Perhaps it is, sir.Tim's shirt's . Tim!Yes, sir?Is this your shirt?Yes, sir..Catch!Thank you, sir.Lesson 13What your new dress? It's .Come upstairs and it. Thank you. Look!Here it is!That's nice .It's very .My hat's new, too.What colour is it?It's the colour.It's green, too.That is a hat!Lesson 15Are you Swedish? No, we are not. We are Danish.Are your Danish, too?No, they aren't.They are Norwegian.Your , please.Here they are.Are these your cases?No, they aren't.Our cases are .Here they are.Are you ?Yes, we are.Are your friends tourists too?Yes, they are.That's .Thank you very much.Lesson 17Come and meet our , Mr.Richards. Thank you, Mr. Jackson.This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor. How do you do?Those women are very .What are their ?They're keyboard .This is Michael Baker,and this is Jeremy Short. How do you do?They aren't very !What are their jobs? They're sales reps. They're very .Who is this young man?This is Jim.He's our office .Lesson 19What's the , children?We're …… and , Mum.Sit down here.Are you all ?No, we aren't.Look!There's an ice cream man.ice cream please.Here you are, children.Thanks, Mum.These ice creams are nice.Are you all right now?Yes, we are, thank you!Lesson 21me a book please, Jane. Which book?This one?No, not that one. The one. This one?Yes, please..Thank you.Lesson 23Give me some please, Jane. Which glasses?These glasses?No, not those.The one on the . These? Yes, please.Here you are.Thanks.Lesson 25Mrs. Smith's kitchen is .a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is .It is .There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.The cooker is .It is .There is a table the room. There is a on the table.The bottle is .There is a cup on the table, too.The cup is .Lesson 27Mrs. Smith's living room isa television in the room.The television is . There are some on the television. There is in the room. There are some on the table. There are some armchairs in the room.The armchairs are . There is a stereo in the room.The stereo is .There are some on the stereo. There are some in the room. The pictures areLesson 29, Amy.the door, please.This bedroom's very .What I do, Mrs. Jones?Open the window and the room. Then these clothes in the wardrobe. Then .the dressing table.Then the floor.Lesson31Where's Sally, Jack?She's , Jean.What's the doing?She's .Is Tim , too? Yes, he is.He's .I beg your pardon?Who's climbing the tree? Tim is.the dog?The dog's in the garden, too.It's the grass.It's a cat. Lesson 33It is a day today.There are in the sky,but the sun .Mr. Jones is with .They are walking .There are on the river. Mr. Jones and are looking at them. Sally is looking at .The ship under the bridge.Tim is looking at an aeroplane.The aeroplane over the river. Lesson 35This is a photograph of .Our village is .It is two hills.The village is .Here is photograph of the village. My wife and Ialong of the river.We are .There is in the water.He is swimming .another photograph.This is .It is .The park isSome children are coming . Some of them the park. Lesson 37You're , George.What are you doing?I'm .me that hammer please, Dan. Which hammer?This one?No, not that one.The one..Thanks, Dan.are you going to do now, George?I'm going to it.What colour are you going to paint it?I'm going to .Pink!This bookcase isn't for me.It's for , Susan.Pink's . Lesson 39What are you going to that vase, Penny? I'm going to put it , Sam. Don't do that..What are you going to do with it?I'm going to put it here, the window.!Don't it!Don't put there, Sam.Put it here, .!It's a lovely vase.are lovely, too.Lesson 41Is that bag , Penny?Not very.Here!this chair.What's in it?cheese.bread.soap.Chocolate.milk.sugar.coffee.tea.And tobacco.Is that tin of tobacco for me?Well, it's certainly not for me!Lesson 43Can you , Sam? Yes, I can, Penny. Is there any water ? Yes, there is.Where's the tea?It's ,the teapot.Can you see it?I can see the teapot,but I can't see the tea.!It's you!Ah yes, I can see it now.Where are the cups?There are some .Can you them?Yes. Here they are., Sam!The kettle's !Lesson 45Can you please, Bob? Yes, sir?Where's Pamela?She's .She's , sir.Can she type this letter for me?please.Yes, sir.Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? Yes, I can.Here you are.Thank you, Bob.Bob!Yes?.I can't type this letter.I can't read it!The boss's handwriting is ! Lesson 47Do you like , Ann?Yes, I do.Do you want ?Yes, please, Christine.Do you want ?Yes, please.Do you want ?No, thank you.I don't like milk in my coffee.I like .Do you like ?Yes. I do.Do you ?Yes, please.Lesson 49Do you want today. Mrs. Bird? Yes, please.Do you want ?Beef, please.This lamb's very good.I like lamb,but doesn't.What about ?This is .that piece, please.And mince, too.Do you want , Mrs. Bird? They 're very nice.No, thank you.My husband likes steak,but he doesn't like chicken., Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken !Lesson 51Where do you come from?I come from .What's like in your country? It's very .What's like in spring?It's often in March.It's always warm ,but it sometimes.What's it like in summer?It's always hot . The sun every day.Is it cold or warm ?It's always warm . It's often coldand it rains sometimes.Is it very cold ?It's often cold . It sometimes.Lesson 53Where do you come from?I come from .What's the climate like in your country?It's ,but it's not always . The weather's often coldand in the East.It's often in the Westand sometimes warm .Which seasons do you like best?I likeThe days are and the night are .The sun early and late.I don't like .are short and are long.The sun rises and set .Our climate is not very good,but it's certainly .It's our subject of conversation.Lesson 55The Sawyer live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr. Sawyer and the children .Mrs. Sawyer every day.She does the .She always eats her lunch .In the afternoon, she usually .They often together.In the evening, the children come home from school. They early.Mr. Sawyer comes home .He arrives home late.At night, the children always .Then they go to bed. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his, but sometimes he andLesson 57It is eight o'clock. The children go to schoolevery day, but today, they are going to school .It is ten o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning,She .It is four o'clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea . But this afternoon, she is drinking tea .It is . In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they in the garden.It is nine o'clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But he's not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he's reading.Lesson 59I want some , please.Do you want the large size or the small size?, please.Do you have ? Yes, we do.I don't have any small pads.I only . Do you want a pad? Yes, please.And I want some glue.glue.And I want chalk, too.I only .Do you want one?No, thank you.Is that all?, thank you.do you want?I want .Lesson 61Where's Jimmy?He's .What's the matter with him?He . He looks ill.We must .Yes, we must.Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?Yes. It's ., Jimmy.Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah'.What's the matter with him, doctor?He , Mr. Williams, so he must stay in bed . That's good news for Jimmy.Good news? Why?Because he !Lesson 63How's Jimmy today?Better. Thank you, Doctor.Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams? Certainly, doctor. .You , Jimmy. You are better now, but you mustn't yet. You must stay in bed for . The boy yet,Mr. Williams. And he mustn't eat .Does he , doctor?No, he doesn't.Must he stay in bed?Yes.He must for another two days.He can get up for each day, but you must .Where's Mr. Williams this evening?He's in bed, doctor.Can you see him please?He , too!Lesson 65What are you going to do this evening. Jill?I'm going to . Dad.You mustn't .You must be home .I can't get home so early, Dad!Can I have the key please?No, you can't.Jill's , Tom.She's not a baby. Give her the key.She always .Oh, all right! Here you are.But you mustn't come homeafter .Do you hear? Yes. Dad.Thanks, Mum..Goodbye.!We always enjoy ourselves, Mum.Bye-bye.Lesson 67Hello. Were you ? Yes. I was.Were you at butcher's, too?No, I wasn't.I was .How's Jimmy today?He's , thank you.Was he school last week? Yes, he was.He was absent on.How are you ?Very well, thank you.We're going to in the country.We're going to stay at my mother's forin the country!Aren't you lucky!Lesson 69There is a car race every year. In 1995, there was a very big race.There were there. My wife and I were at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too. You can see us. We are standing .There were cars in the race. There were English cars, cars, cars.cars. American cars and cars.It was finish. The winner was Billy Stewart. He was in car .were just behind him., my wife said to me, 'Don't drive so quickly! You're not Billy Stewart!'Lesson 71What's Ron Marston like,Pauline?He's !He telephoned meYesterday, and three times. He telephoned the office and.My boss answered the telephone.What did your boss say to him?He said, "Pauline is . She can't speak to you now!"Then I arrived home yesterday evening. He telephoned again.But I didn't answer the phone!Did he telephone again last night?Yes, he did.He telephoned . What did you say to him?I said, 'This is Pauline's mother.Please don't telephone again!' Did he telephone again?No, he didn't!Lesson 73Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she .No, thank you. Tom.I've already had lunch.I had .then.I've just had a cup, thank you.I had one .Let's go into , Carol.We can have our coffee there.Excuse , Sam.This room's .We're .We're going to leave tomorrow.Tom and I are going to .Aren't you lucky!When are you going to have a holiday, Sam?I don't know.I've already this year.Where did you go?I !Lesson 85Hello, Ken.Hi, George.Have you just the cinema? Yes,?'Paris in the spring'.Oh, I've already it.I saw it on television .It's , but it's very good. Paris is .I've there.Have you ever been there, Ken?Yes, I have.I was there . Pairs in the spring, eh?It was spring,but the weather .It rained .Just like London!Lesson 87Is my car ready yet?I don't know. sir.What's the number of your car?It's .When did you bring it to us?I brought it here .Ah, yes, I remember now.Have your mechanics yet?No, they're still it. Let's go into the garage and it.Isn't that your car?Well, it was my car.Didn't you ?That's right.I a lamp-post.Can your mechanics repair it?Well, they're it, sir.But . ,you need a new car!Lesson 89Good afternoon.I believe that this is house is .That's right.May I have a look at it, please?Yes, . Come in.have you lived here? I've live here . Twenty year! That's long time.Yes, I've been here . Then why do you want to sell it?Because I've just .I want to buy a small house . How much does this house ?$ .That’s a lot of money!It’s of it. Well, I like the house.but I can't .My wife must see it first.Women always . Lesson 91Has Ian yet? Yes, he has. He sold it last week.Has he his new house yet?No, . He's still here.He's going to move tomorrow.When? .No. Tomorrow afternoon.I'll miss him.He has always been a good neighbour.He's .We'll all miss him.When will the new people move into this house?I think that they'll move inWill you see Ian today, Jenny?Yes, I will.Please give him .Poor Ian! He didn't want to leave this house. No, he didn't want to leave.but !Lesson 93Nigel is our newHe's . He was in the R.A.F. He will next month.he'll fly to Tokyo., he's in Madrid.He a week ago.He'll the week after next.He's only , and he nearly every country in the world.Nigel is . But his wife isn't very lucky. She usually stays at home!Lesson 95to London, please.What time will the next train leave?.Which platform?Platform Two. .What time will the next train leave?.We've got time.It's .Let's go and have a drink.There's a bar.We go back to the station now, Ken.Tickets, please.We want to . You've just missed it!What!It's only .I'm sorry, sir.That clock's .When's the next train?! Lesson 97I on the train to London.Can you it, sir?It's case and it's got a zip. There's on the handlewith on it.Is this case yours?No, that's not mine.What about this one?This one's got a label.it.ATTENDANT: What's your name and address? David Hall,That's right.D.N. Hall, 83, Bridge Street., please. Here you are.Thank you.Hey!What's matter?This case doesn't me!You've me the wrong case!Lesson 99Ow!What's the matter, Andy?I and .yourself?Yes, I have.I think that I've ..Can you stand up?Here. .I'm sorry, Lucy.I'm afraid that I can't .I think that the doctor had better see you.I'll phone Dr. Carter.The doctor says that he will come . I'm sure that you need , Andy. Lesson 101Read Jimmy's card to me please, penny.I have just Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.'Eh?He say he's just arrived in Scotland. He says he's staying at a Youth Hostel.You know he's of the Y.H.A. The what?The Y.H.A., Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.does he say?I'll write a letter soon.I hope you .'What?. Penny.I'm afraid I can't hear youHe say he'll write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well. 'Love, Jimmy.'?He doesn't say very much, ? He can't write very much , Mum. Lesson 103How was the exam, Richard?.I think I English and Mathematics. The questions were very easy.How about you, Gary?The English and Maths papersweren't for me.I hope I .I think I failed the French paper.I could answer of the question. They were very easy.But I couldn't answer .They were for me.French tests are awful, ?I hate them.I'm sure I've .Oh, !perhaps we didn't do too badly.The guy wrote his namethe paper.Yes?Then he sat there and looked at it! He didn't write a word!Lesson 105Where's Sandra, Bob?I want her.Do you want to ?Yes, I do.I want her to .Tell her to come at once.Did you want ?Ah, yes, Sandra.How do you spell "intelligent'?Can you tell me?I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.That's right. You've typed it with only one'L'. This letter's .I want you . Yes, I'll do that..And here's for you. What's it?It's .I hope . Lesson 107Do you like this dress, madam?I like very much.It's lovely dress,but it's .What about this one?It's lovely dress. It's .Short skirts now.? All right. I'm afraid this green dress is too small for me It's the blue one.I don't like the colour .It doesn't .I think the blue dress .Could you show me ?I want a dress like that one,but it must .I'm afraid I haven't got .This is in the shop. Lesson 109Shall I , Jane? That's a good idea, Charlotte.It's ready. Do you want any milk?, please.What about ? Two teaspoonfuls?No, .teaspoonfuls, please. That's .That was very nice.Would you like ?.a cigarette, too.May I have one?.I think there are in that box.I'm afraid it's .!It doesn't matter.Have a biscuit .!That's !Lesson 111I like television very much.How much does it cost?It's in the shop.It costs .That's too expensive for us.We can't .This model's than that one.It's only .But, of course,It's the expensive one.I don't like the model.model's more expensive,but it's .Can we buy it ?Of course.You can of thirty pounds, and then forthree years.Do you like it, dear?I , but I don't like the price. You always want ,but we can't afford it.Sometimes you think you're a millionaire! Millionaires don't buy things on instalments! Lesson 113Fares, please!Trafalgar Square, please.I'm sorry, sir.I can't.Haven't you got any small change?I've got ,I am afraid.I'll ask . Have you any small change, sir?I'm sorry. I've .I haven't got any either.Can you change this ten-pound note, madam?I'm afraid I can't..I'm very sorry, sir.You must .our passengers can change this note. They're all millionaires!.I've got some small change..Lesson 115at home?I'll knock again, Helen.Everything's .I'm sure at home.But that's .Carol and Tom .the window.Can you see anything?.Let's try the back door.Look! Everyone's in the garden.Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.Everybody wants toin the garden.It's out here.Come and have something .Thanks, Carol.May I have please?Beer?There's .You can have some lemonade.Lemonade!Don't believe her, Jim.She's .!Lesson 117When my husband the dining room this morning, he some coins on the floor.There were coins everywhere. We looked for them, but we could not .While we , our little boy, Tommy, found on the floor.He his mouth. the coins, but it was too late. Tommythem!, when I was, My husband phoned me from the office.'How's Tommy?' he asked. 'I don't know,' I answered, 'Tommy's the toiletthis morning, but I!'Lesson 119Do you like stories? I want to tell you a true story. It a year ago.While my friend, George, in bed, climbed into his kitchen.After they the house, they went into the dining room. It was very dark, so theya torch., they heard a voice behind them. " ? ?" someone called. The thieves dropped the torch and ran away.George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.He the light, but he couldn't see anyone. The thieves .But George's parrot, Henry, was still there. "What's up, George?" the called. 'Nothing, Henry,' George said and smiled.' .Lesson 121I two expensive dictionaries here , but I forgot.Who you, sir?The lady behind the counter.Which books did you buy?The books .Did you serve this gentleman half an hourago, Caroline? He says he's the man.I can't remember.The man was wearing a hat.Have you got a hat, sir?Yes, I have.Would you , please?All right.Is this the man , Caroline? Yes.I now.Lesson 123Look, Scott.This is a photograph.Let me see it, Mike.This is a good photograph.Who are these people?They're people . That's the ship .!Who's this?That's the man . Remember?Ah yes.The onein Australia.That's right.Who's this?Guess!It's not you, ?I during the trip.but I shaved it off . Why did you ?My wife didn't like it!Lesson 125come in and have tea now, Peter? Not yet.I must first.Do you water it now?I'm afraid I must.Look at it!It's .!Last summer it was very dry, too.Don't you remember?I every day.Well, I'll have tea .That was quick!already?Yes..That means you water the garden.That was .It means I can , . Lesson 127Can you recognize that woman, Liz?I think I can, Kate.It Karen Marsh, the actress..Who's ?That must be Conrad Reeves.Conrad Reeves, the actor?It's .Let me .I think you're right!Isn't he her third husband?No. He must be . Doesn't Karen Marsh !She does, doesn't she!she's twenty-nine,but she must be .she is.She wasWhen I .That was a long time ago, wasn't it?!I'm . Lesson 129Look, Gary!That policeman's .He .Where you are?On a race track?You.I .I when . Didn't you see the speed limit?I'm afraid I didn't, officer.I .He wasn't dreaming, officer.。




(每题1分,共10分)1. A. pen B. pencil C. book.2. A. cat B. dog C. bird.3. A. red B. blue C. green.4. A. man B. woman C. child.5. A. car B. bus C. bike.6. A. big B. small C. long.7. A. apple B. banana C. orange.8. A. desk B. chair C. table.9. A. open B. close C. clean.10. A. stand B. sit C. run.(二)听录音,选择正确的应答句。

(每题2分,共10分)1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, I'm not. C. Yes, he is.2. A. It's a book. B. I'm fine. C. Thank you.3. A. He's my father. B. She's my mother. C. They are my parents.4. A. I'm twelve. B. It's twelve o'clock. C. There are twelve.5. A. Goodbye. B. See you. C. Nice to meet you, too.(三)听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

(每题2分,共10分)My name is Tom. I'm a student. I go to school by bike every day. I have a good friend, Jack. He likes reading books. We often play football together on Sunday. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school.1. Tom goes to school by bus. ( )2. Jack likes reading books. ( )3. Tom and Jack play football on Saturday. ( )4. Tom's father is a teacher. ( )5. Tom's mother teaches English. ( )二、笔试部分(70分)(一)单词拼写(每题1分,共10分)1. 钢笔 _p_e_n_2. 桌子 _t_a_b_l_e_3. 红色 _r_e_d_4. 女人 _w_o_m_a_n_5. 公共汽车 _b_u_s_6. 小的 _s_m_a_l_l_7. 苹果 _a_p_p_l_e_8. 打开 _o_p_e_n_9. 站立 _s_t_a_n_d_10. 十二 _t_w_e_l_v_e_(二)单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. - What's this? - It's ______ book.A. aB. anC. the.2. - How old are you? - I'm ______ years old.A. fiveB. fifthC. fiveth.3. - Is this your pen? - ______A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, this is.C. No, it not.4. - What color is the cat? - It's ______.A. in the boxB. blackC. a cat.5. - ______ is that man? - He's my father.A. WhatB. WhoC. Where.6. - How many pencils do you have? - I have ______.A. two pencilB. two pencilsC. two a pencil.7. - Sit down, please. - ______A. Thank you.B. Goodbye.C. Hello.8. - ______ the window, please. - OK.A. OpenB. OpensC. Opening.9. - What's your name? - ______ name is Lucy.A. IB. MyC. Me.10. - Are you a student? - ______A. Yes, I'm.B. Yes, I am.C. No, I not.(三)句型转换(每题3分,共15分)1. This is my book. (改为一般疑问句)______ this your book?2. He is my father. (对划线部分提问)______ is he?3. The cat is black. (对划线部分提问)______ color is the cat?4. I have two pens. (对划线部分提问)______ many pens do you have?5. She is a teacher. (改为否定句)She ______ a teacher.(四)阅读理解(每题3分,共15分)My name is Lily. I'm ten years old. I have a small family. There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a worker. He works in a factory. My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. I'm a student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like reading books.1. How old is Lily?A. Nine.B. Ten.C. Eleven.2. How many people are there in Lily's family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.3. What does Lily's father do?A. He is a worker.B. He is a nurse.C. He is a student.4. Where does Lily's mother work?A. In a factory.B. In a hospital.C. In a school.5. What does Lily like?A. She likes playing games.B. She likes reading books.C. She likes watching TV.(五)写作(10分)请简单介绍一下你的家庭,包括家庭成员及其职业,不少于5句话。



新概念第一册1到30课测试卷1. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30题,每题1分,共30分)A) Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出正确的答案)1. What does the woman want?A) A taxi. B) A bus. C) A bicycle.2. Where is the woman going?A) The library. B) The supermarket. C) The post office.3. When does the bus usually run?A) Every 5 minutes. B) Every 10 minutes. C) Every 20 minutes.4. What does the woman think of the film?A) It's too long. B) It's very interesting. C) It's too expensive.5. Why does the man apologize to the woman?A) He didn't like her cooking. B) He was late for dinner. C) He forgot their anniversary.B) Listen to the following passage and answer the questions. (根据你听到的短文,回答下列问题)6. Where does Peter live?__________________________________________________________7. How does Peter go to work?__________________________________________________________8. What time does Peter leave work?__________________________________________________________9. Where does Peter's wife work?__________________________________________________________10. What do they usually do on weekends?__________________________________________________________2. Vocabulary (词汇) (共20题,每题1分,共20分)Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (选择最佳答案填空)11. My sister is afraid _____ dogs.A) from B) of C) with D) to12. Can you give me a ________ to the train station?A) ride B) lift C) trip D) way13. I'm sorry, but I can't ________ you with your homework right now.A) assist B) help C) support D) aid14. The concert ________ at 8 o'clock in the evening.A) starts B) stops C) begins D) ends15. I can't ________ this noise anymore. It's too annoying.A) stand B) sit C) play D) work16. Could you please ________ me your book for a few days?A) permit B) borrow C) lend D) refuse17. This coffee tastes ________. Can I have a different one?A) bitter B) salty C) sour D) sweet18. We ________ a lot about our classmates in this activity.A) study B) teach C) learn D) know19. ________ all the guests had arrived, the party started.A) When B) Since C) While D) Until20. It's important to ________ a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly.A) provide B) adopt C) contain D) prevent3. Grammar (语法) (共15题,每题2分,共30分)Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. (选择最佳答案完成句子)21. ________ is your mother from? - She is from Canada.A) When B) Where C) Why D) What22. Tina ________ to visit her grandparents last weekend.A) has gone B) go C) went D) is going23. I have ________ seen such a beautiful sunset before.A) already B) still C) ever D) yet24. If it ________ tomorrow, we will have a picnic in the park.A) won't rain B) doesn't rain C) isn't raining D) didn't rain25. ________ you ever ________ to Italy?A) Did, go B) Do, go C) Does, went D) Have, been26. I will call you as soon as I ________ home.A) reach B) reached C) will reach D) have reached27. We ________ to London next month. We are very excited.A) will go B) goes C) is going D) going28. I'm sorry, but the concert tickets ________ sold out.A) have been B) will be C) are D) were29. My sister ________ her homework when she ________ a loud noise.A) did, heard B) was doing, heard C) is doing, hears D) does, heard30. ________ I got home, I realized I had left my keys at work.A) Until B) Although C) As soon as D) While4. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解) (共15题,每题2分,共30分)Read the following passages and choose the correct answer to each question. (阅读下列短文,选择正确答案)Passage 1Every day, Mr. Johnson takes the bus to work. He lives in a small town and the bus runs every hour. The journey to work usually takes 20 minutes. After work, he likes to go to the gym and work out for an hour. He takes the bus home at 6 PM.31. Where does Mr. Johnson live?A) In a small town. B) In a big city. C) Near his workplace.32. How often does the bus run?A) Every 20 minutes. B) Every half an hour. C) Every hour.33. How long does it take Mr. Johnson to get to work?A) 20 minutes. B) 60 minutes. C) 80 minutes.34. What does Mr. Johnson do after work?A) Goes to the library. B) Goes swimming. C) Goes to the gym.35. When does Mr. Johnson take the bus home?A) 6 AM. B) 6 PM. C) 6 AM and 6 PM.Passage 2Mia loves to cook. She enjoys baking cakes and trying out new recipes. Today, she is making a delicious chocolate cake for her sister's birthday. She carefully follows the recipe, measuring all the ingredients and mixing themtogether. After baking the cake, she lets it cool before frosting it with chocolate ganache.36. What does Mia enjoy doing?A) Gardening. B) Cooking. C) Painting.37. What is Mia making today?A) A pizza. B) A cake. C) A salad.38. How does Mia frost the cake?A) With icing. B) With whipped cream. C) With chocolate ganache.39. Whose birthday is it?A) Mia's. B) Mia's sister's. C) Mia's friend's.40. What does Mia do before frosting the cake?A) Lets it cool. B) Decorates it. C) Serves it.5. Writing (写作) (共3题,满分20分)Write a short passage of approximately 100 words on the following topics. (根据以下题目,写一篇大约100词的短文)41. Describe your favorite hobby and explain why you enjoy it.42. Imagine you are on a holiday. Describe a memorable experience you had during this holiday.43. Write a letter to your friend describing a recent event or activity you participated in.Note: Provide ample details in your writing and ensure proper grammar and sentence structure.总结:文章按照新概念第一册1到30课测试卷的要求进行题目安排,包含听力理解、词汇、语法、阅读理解和写作等方面的题目。



新概念英语第一册1-12课考试试题PartⅠ. Listen and choose. (20)1. ()A . excuse B. handbag C. pardon2. ()A. me B. you C. his3. ()A. pen B. dress C. house4. ()A. umbrella B. ticket C. suit5. ()A. teacher B. student C. Mr.6. ()A . German B. Japanese C. Chinese7. ()A. English B. American C. Italian8. ()A. keyboard B. operator C. engineer9. ()A. policeman B. postman C. housewife10. ()A. thin B. dirty C. lazyPartⅡ. Listen, read and match. (20)1. ()I s that Sam’s desk? A . yes B. no C. I don’t know2. ()Whose bag is this? A . Sam B .Pat C. Bill3. ()Is thi s bill’s desk? A. no B. yes C. I don’t know4. ()Is sherry Chinese? A. I don’t know B. no C. yes5. ()What make is the car? A .Toyota-Japanese B. Peugeot-French C. Swedish-V olvo PartⅢ.Listen and write a tick (√) or a cross (Χ). (10`)1.This is a pen.2. It is a book.3. This is a house.4. This is a pencil .5.This is a man.6. They are umbrella.7. This is a watch.8. This my coat.9. This is No.5. 10. This is a handbag.Part IV. 仿照例句改写句子(10)例句:This is my pen.-----Is this your pen?1.This is my pencil.-----2.This is my book.-----3.This is my watch.-----4.This is my coat.------5.This is my dress.------Part V. Write the number. 写数字(10)Part VI. Choose the right answer.选词填空(10)用冠词a, an 填空.1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife.2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle has ____ beautiful daughter.用am, is, are 填空.3. My name ______ Xiaohui. I _____ Chinese.4. Sophie ______ not Japanese, she ______ French. My teacher ______ Susie, and she ____ young.5. These students _______ very busy and they _______ from China.用he ,she,it 填空.6. Billy is a student, _______ is not from Japan. ______ is English and _____ is a boy.7. Has is a student, ______ is an American. This is his car,_______ is a German car.8. Lily is a beautiful girl, ______ is tall, and this is her cat, ______ is very cute.PartⅣ.Writing.(15)PartⅤ. Read and choose. 根据问句,选择相应的答句,将序号填在括号内(5) ( ) 1. Whose shirt is this? a. I’m Chinese.( ) 2. Is this your handbag, Alice? b. Perhaps it is Tim’s.( ) 3. How are you? c. Yes, I am.( ) 4. What’s your job? d. Nice to see you.( ) 5. How do you do? e. I’m fine, thank you.( ) 6. What nationality are you? f. How do you do?\( ) 7. What make is it? g. I’m a nurse.( ) 8. What’s your name?h. It’s a Fiat.( ) 9. Nice to see you! i. No, my handbag is blue.( ) 10. Are you a teacher? j. My name is Andy.。

新概念第一册lesson 45,46测试卷

新概念第一册lesson 45,46测试卷

新概念英语测试题Lesson45-46姓名____________ 班级_____________ 得分_____________一.听写单词20个。

二.Fill in the blanks in the sentences with prepositions from this box. 用方框中的介词填空。

behind in front of in on along acrossover under out of into near1 Can you stand ______the door?Then I can see you.2 Tim’s ______the garden,but you can’t see him.He’s ______the tree.3 There are some cups ______the shelves ______the kitchen.4 Bob is swimming ______the river.His friend is walking ______the bank.5 Where’s the tea?-It’s over there,______the teapot. Can you see it now?6 Where’s my newspaper?-It’s ______the small table ______the television.7 They are running ______school.They aren’t going ______the building.8 The men are standing ______the bridge.They aren’t walking ______it.三.Write these numbers in figures.用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

five thousand, five hundred and ten ______eight thousand ______four hundred and fifty thousand ______two hundred thousand ______四.听课文回答下列问题:1.Where is Pamela?2.Can she type this letter for her boss?3.Is the boss's handwriting terrible?4.Can she read the letter?五.Ask and answer questions like the example.Use can and can’t.模仿例句, 用can 或can’t 提问并回答。





(10分)⒈____________ ⒉____________ ⒊____________ ⒋____________ ⒌____________ ⒍____________ ⒎____________ ⒏____________ ⒐____________ ⒑____________第二部分I. 单项选择。

(20分)( ) 1. ________ is this shirt?A. WhoB. WhereC. WhoseD. When( ) 2. Can you ________ a bookcase?A. makeB. playC. dropD. catch( ) 3. Are you ________, too?A. FranceB. FrenchC. AmericaD. Americas( ) 4. She’s ________ under the tree.A. standB. sitC. standdingD. sitting( ) 5. The aeroplane is flying ________ the river.A. inB. onC. overD. through( ) 6. I think it’s _______ to play football and I’m ________ in it.A. interesting; interestedB. interesting; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interested; interesting( ) 7. Please ________ the blackboard. Do you _______ the picture?A. look; seeB. look at; seeC. see; lookD. see; look at( ) 8.We _________ like ice cream.A. doB. doesC. aren’tD. don’t( ) 9. I like fish and carrots _________ dinner.A. forB. inC. onD. with( ) 10. _________ there_________ vegetables in the kitchen?A. Are; someB. Is; someC. Are; anyD. Is; any( ) 11. We have many clubs(俱乐部). __________ us!A. WatchB. PlayC. RunD. Join( ) 12.—Thank you ______ me with my English. —You’re welcome.A. for helpingB. helpC. to helpD. helping( ) 13. —______ Tony ______ a computer? No, he ______, but I ______.A. Do; have; does; doB. Does; has; doesn’t; doC. Does; have; doesn’t; doD. Do; have; doesn’t; do( ) 14. —______ are these pants?—They’re 90 dollars.A. How manyB. HowC. WhatD. How much( ) 15. _______ Jane like sports?A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Can( ) 16. —Do you have a computer? —_____________A. Yes, I don’t.B. No, I do.C. I have.D. Yes, I do.( ) 17. —Do you like sports? —Yes. They are __________.A. Boring(无聊的)B. interestingC. difficult(困难的)D. happy ( ) 18. I often go to play ______ football with my classmates after class.A. aB. anC. theD. /( ) 19. There are ________ sports clubs in our school.A. muchB. manyC. theD. a( ) 20. He is swimming ________ the river to the other bank.A. acrossB. intoC. throughD. ontoII.连词成句。



新概念英语第一册单词听写表Title: Mastering the Vocabulary of New Concept English Book 1: A Guide to Word Spelling and Comprehension.Embarking on the journey of learning a new language, especially through the renowned New Concept English series, can be both exciting and challenging. Book 1, being the foundation stone of this language-building edifice, holds the key to laying a solid vocabulary foundation. The importance of mastering the word spelling and comprehension in this book cannot be overstated, as it sets the tone for the entire learning experience.The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery.Vocabulary is the lifeblood of any language. It is the foundation upon which sentences, paragraphs, and eventually, fluent conversation are built. In New Concept English Book 1, the vocabulary introduced is fundamental but crucial. Mastering these words not only enhances comprehension butalso primes the learner for more complex languagestructures in subsequent books.The Spelling Challenge.Spelling can often be a daunting task for language learners, especially those who are not native speakers. The spelling patterns and conventions of English can be quite different from other languages, making it crucial to dedicate time and effort to mastering them. In Book 1, the spelling of words is often straightforward, focusing on basic vowel-consonant combinations and common suffixes and prefixes. However, even these basic words require meticulous attention to detail to spell correctly.Strategies for Spelling Mastery.1. Regular Practice: Consistency is key when it comes to spelling. Regular practice sessions, where learners focus solely on spelling the words from Book 1, can help cement these spellings in their memory.2. Mnemonic Devices: Using mnemonic devices, such as acronyms, rhymes, or stories, can help learners associate each word with a memorable image or phrase, making it easier to recall the correct spelling.3. Interactive Learning: Utilizing interactive learning tools, like quizzes, games, or even just writing the words down by hand, can engage learners more deeply with the material, increasing their chances of retention.Comprehension: Going Beyond the Spelling.While spelling is crucial, it is only one part of vocabulary mastery. Comprehension is equally important. Understanding the meaning, usage, and context of each word is what truly turns vocabulary into a tool for communication. In Book 1, the focus is on learning basic definitions and how these words are used in simple sentences.Enhancing Comprehension.1. Contextual Learning: Reading the texts in Book 1 carefully and noting how the words are used in context can help learners gain a deeper understanding of their meanings and usages.2. Active Learning: Engaging in active learning activities, such as discussions, role-plays, or even simple retelling of the stories in Book 1, can help learners apply their vocabulary knowledge in practical settings.3. Using Dictionaries: Encouraging learners to consult dictionaries when they encounter unfamiliar words can help them expand their vocabulary and understand the nuances of word meanings.Conclusion.Mastering the vocabulary of New Concept English Book 1 is not just about learning spellings; it is about laying the foundation for fluent and accurate communication in English. By focusing on both spelling and comprehension, learners can ensure that they are not just learning wordsbut are also equipping themselves with the tools to use these words effectively. With dedication and the right strategies, the vocabulary of Book 1 can be mastered, paving the way for a rewarding and fulfilling language learning journey.。

新概念英语第一册试题答案【Key to text】

新概念英语第一册试题答案【Key to text】

Key to test答案The test may be marked out of a total of 100 marks.整套试题为100 分。

ⅠDictation.(10 Marks)听写。

(10 分)Dictate the following:听写以下句子:Miss Grey works in an office. She is a keyboard operator. She is atthe office now, but she is not typing letters. She is drinking some coffee. It is eleven o’clock. The girls at the office always drink coffee at this time.Deduct one mark for each spelling mistake.每个拼写错误扣1 分。

ⅡRe-expressing in the third person.(10 Marks)用第三人称单数作主语。

(10 分)The correct answers are as follows:正确答案如下:1 He must call the doctor.2 He is going to telephone him.3 He can go with her.4 He has a new car.5 He comes from America.6 He is America.7 He likes ice cream.8 He wants a newspaper.9 He was at school yesterday.10 He doesn’t li ve here.Deduct one mark for each wrong answer.每个错句扣1 分ⅢThe plural of nouns.(10 Marks)名词的复数形式。




( ) l. A. not B. note C. notice D. no( ) 2. A. blackboard B. borrow C. ball D. board( ) 3. A. glasses B. class C. bus D. glass( ) 4. A. checkup B. check C. up D. chat( ) 5. A. exercises B. exercise C. excuse D. axeB.根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答句,用A、B、C或D 表示,填入题前括号内。

( ) 6. A. Yes, it's near here. B. No, you needn't go there.C. No, it's just five minutes' walk.D. That's Bus No.45.( ) 7. A. She's 15. B. She's my sister. C. Yes. she is. D. She's in the room.( ) 8. A. Wait a minute. B. I am sorry. C. That's funny. D. That's a good idea. ( ) 9. A. Thank you. Here you are. B. It's on the second floor.C. Sure. Let's go.D. The library is nice.( )10. A. Yes, I shall. B. Thanks a lot. C. That'll be nice. D. That's OK.C.根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入题前括号内。



Ⅰ听录音,选择正确的单词(5分)( ) 1. A. work B. make C. pink D. homework ( ) 2. A. bookcase B. hammer C. favourite D. homework ( ) 3. A. put B. take C. send D. show( ) 4. A. front B. drop C. flower D. careful( ) 5. A. chair B. sugar C. cheese D. breadⅡ听录音,选出听到的短句或短语(5分)( ) 1. A. go into B. go out of C. sit beside( ) 2. A. walk between B. sit near C. fly under( ) 3. A. sit on B. read in C. fly over( ) 4. A. a piece of cheese B. a bar of soap C. a bottle of milk( ) 5. A. Give it to me B. Be careful C. on this shelfⅢ听录音,为图片标上顺序(5分)( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )Ⅳ听录音,为听到的问题选择答语(5分)( ) 1. A. I’m going to put it here . B. It’s lovely .( ) 2. A. I’m going to make a bookcase . B. I’m making a bookcase .( ) 3. A. I’m going to paint it ! B . I’m going to paint it pink . ( ) 4. A. This bookcase is for Susan . B. It’s Susan’s .( ) 5. A. The big hammer . B. The big hammer is my daughter’s .笔试部分(100分)一.补全单词。



1.原谅2.我(宾格)3.是的4.be动词现在时第三人称单数5.这6.你的,你们的7.(女用)手提包8.原谅,请再说一遍9.它10.感谢你(们)11.非常地12.钢笔13.铅笔14.书15.手表16.上衣,外衣17.连衣裙18.裙子19.衬衣20.小汽车21.房子22.伞23.请24.这里25.我的26.票27.号码28.五29.对不起30.先生31.衣帽存放处32.一套衣服33.学校34.老师35.儿子36.女儿37.先生38.好39.早晨40.小姐41.新的42.学生43.法国的;法国人44.德国的;德国人45.美好的46.遇见47.日本的;日本人48.韩国的;韩国人49.中国的;中国人50.也51.(产品的)牌号52.瑞典的53.英国的54.美国的55.意大利的56.沃尔沃57.标致58.梅赛德斯59.丰田60.大宇1 / 1661.迷你62.福特63.菲亚特64.我65.be动词现在时第一人称单数66.be动词现在时复数67.名字68.什么69.国籍70.工作71.电脑键盘72.操作人员73.工程师74.警察75.女警察76.出租汽车司机77.空中小姐78.邮递员79.护士80.机械师81.理发师82.家庭主妇83.送牛奶的人84.喂(表示问候)85.喂,嗨86.怎样87.今天88.身体好89.美好的90.谢谢91.再见92.见93.胖的94.女人95.瘦的96.高的97.矮的98.脏的99.干净的100.热的101.冷的102.老的103.年青的104.忙的105.懒的106.谁的107.蓝色的108.大概109.白色的110.抓住111.父亲112.母亲113.女衬衫114.姐,妹115.领带116.兄,弟117.他的118.她的119.颜色120.绿色2 / 16121.来122.楼上123.漂亮的,时髦的124.帽子125.相同的126.可爱的,秀美动人的127.箱子128.地毯129.狗130.海关131.官员132.姑娘133.丹麦的,丹麦人134.朋友135.挪威的;挪威人136.护照137.棕色的138.旅游者139.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人140.荷兰的;荷兰人141.这些(this的复数)142.红色的143.灰色的144.黄色的145.黑色的146.橘黄色的147.雇员148.勤奋的149.推销员150.男人151.办公室152.助手153.事情154.孩子们(child的复数)155.累,疲乏156.男孩157.渴158.妈妈(儿语)159.坐下160.好,可以161.冰淇淋162.大的163.小的164.开着的165.关着的166.轻的167.重的168.长的169.鞋子170.祖父,外祖父171.祖母,外祖母172.给173.一个174.哪一个175.空的176.满的177.大的178.小的179.尖的,锋利的180.小的3 / 16181.大的182.钝的183.盒子,箱子184.杯子185.茶杯186.瓶子187.罐头188.刀子189.叉子190.勺子191.在…之上192.架子,搁板193.课桌194.桌子195.盘子196.食橱197.香烟198.电视机199.地板200.梳妆台201.杂志202.床203.报纸204.立体声音响205.夫人206.厨房207.电冰箱208.右面209.带电的,可通电的210.左面211.炉子,炊具212.中间213.(属于)……的214.房间215.杯子216.在哪里217.在……里218.客厅219.靠近220.窗户221.扶手椅222.门223.图画224.墙225.(复数)长裤226.关门227.卧室228.乱,不整齐229.必须,应该230.打开231.使……通风,换换空气232.放置233.衣服234.衣柜235.掸掉灰尘236.扫237.倒空,使……变空238.读239.削尖,使锋利240.穿上4 / 16241.脱掉242.开(电灯) 243.关(电灯) 244.花园245.在…之下246.树247.爬,攀登248.谁249.跑250.草,草地251.在……之后252.横过,穿过253.猫254.打字255.信256.篮子257.吃258.骨头259.清洗260.牙齿261.做(饭菜)262.牛奶263.饭,一顿饭264.喝265.(水)龙头266.日子267.云268.天空269.太阳270.照耀271.和……在一起272.家庭(成员)273.走路,步行274.跨越,在……之上275.桥276.船277.河278.轮船279.飞机280.飞281.睡觉282.刮脸283.哭,喊284.洗285.等286.跳287.照片288.村庄289.山谷290.在……之间291.小山292.另一个293.妻子294.沿295.河岸296.水,浇水297.游泳298.大楼,建筑物299.公园300.进入5 / 16301.在……旁302.离开303.工作304.努力地305.做,306.书橱,书架307.锤子308.上漆,涂309.粉红色;粉红色的310.最喜欢的311.作业312.听313.盘子,碟子314.前面315.在……之前316.小心的,仔细的317.花瓶318.掉下319.花320.给……看321.送给322.带给323.乳酪,干酪324.面包325.肥皂326.巧克力327.糖328.咖啡329.茶330.烟草,烟丝331.鸟332.一些333.一些334.当然335.水壶336.在……后面337.茶壶338.现在,此刻339.找到340.沸腾,烧开341.能够342.老板,上司343.分(钟)344.请求,要求345.书写346.糟糕的,可怕的347.拿起,搬起,举起348.饼,蛋糕349.饼干350.喜欢,想要351.想352.新鲜的353.鸡蛋354.黄油355.纯净的356.蜂蜜357.成熟的358.香蕉359.果酱360.甜的6 / 16361.橙362.苏格兰威士忌363.上等的,精选的364.苹果365.酒,果酒366.啤酒367.黑板368.卖肉者369.(食用)肉370.牛肉371.羔羊肉372.丈夫373.牛排374.肉馅375.鸡376.告诉377.实情378.也(用于否定句) 379.西红柿380.土豆381.卷心菜382.莴苣383.豌豆384.豆角385.梨386.葡萄387.桃388.希腊389.气候390.国家391.宜人的392.天气393.春天394.有风的395.温暖的396.下雨397.有时398.夏天399.秋天400.冬天401.下雪402.1月403.2月404.3月405.4月406.5月407.6月408.7月409.8月410.9月411.10月412.11月413.12月414.美国415.巴西416.荷兰417.英国418.法国419.德国420.意大利7 / 16421.挪威422.俄罗斯423.西班牙424.瑞典425.温和的,温暖的426.总是427.北方428.东方429.潮湿的430.西方431.南方432.季节433.最434.夜晚435.升起436.早437.(太阳)落下去438.晚,迟439.有趣的,有意思的440.话题441.谈话442.澳大利亚443.澳大利亚人444.奥地利445.奥地利人446.加拿大447.加拿大人448.中国449.芬兰450.芬兰人451.印度452.印度人453.日本454.尼日利亚455.尼日利亚人456.土耳其457.土耳其人458.韩国459.波兰人460.波兰461.泰国人462.泰国463.住,生活464.呆在,停留465.n.家;adv.在家,到家466.家务467.午饭468.下午469.通常470.一起471.晚上472.到达473.夜间474.点钟475.商店476.片刻,瞬间477.信封478.信纸479.售货员480.尺寸,尺码,大小8 / 16481.信笺簿482.胶水483.粉笔484.零钱,找给的钱485.感觉486.看(起来) 487.必须488.叫,请489.医生490.电话491.记得,记住492.嘴493.舌头494.坏的,严重的495.感冒496.消息497.头痛498.阿斯匹林499.耳痛500.牙痛501.牙医502.胃痛503.药504.温度505.流行性感冒506.麻疹507.腮腺炎508.形容词well的比较级509.当然510.起床511.还,仍512.油腻的513.食物514.保持,继续515.玩516.火柴517.谈话518.图书馆519.开车520.如此地521.快地522.身体探出523.打破524.喧闹声525.爸(儿语)526.钥匙527.婴儿528.听见529.玩得快活530.你自己531.我们自己532.妈妈533.我自己534.他们自己535.他自己536.她自己537.蔬菜水果零售商538.缺席的539.星期一540.星期二9 / 16541.星期三542.星期四543.(身体健康)处于(状况)544.度过545.周末546.星期五547.星期六548.星期日549.乡村,国家550.幸运的551.教堂552.乳品店553.面包师傅554.食品杂货商555.年556.比赛557.城镇558.人群559.站立560.使人激动的561.正好,恰巧562.结尾,结束563.获胜者564.在…之后565.路途566.文具店567.丹麦568.让人讨厌的,坏的569.打电话;电话570.次(数)571.接(电话)572.最后的,前一次的573.电话(=telephone)574.又一次地575.说576.周577.伦敦578.突然地579.公共汽车站580.微笑581.愉快地582.懂,明白583.讲,说584.手585.衣袋586.短语手册,常用语手册587.短语588.缓慢地589.勿忙地590.割,切591.口渴地592.走593.问候,打招呼594.以前595.买596.双,对597.(服装的)流行式样598.不舒服的599.穿着10 / 16600.约会,预约601.紧急的,急迫的602.直到……为止603.购物604.单子605.蔬菜606.需要607.希望608.事情609.钱610.食品杂货611.水果612.文具613.报刊零售人614.药剂师615.洗澡616.几乎,将近617.准备好的,完好的618.正餐,晚餐619.饭馆,餐馆620.烤的621.早饭622.理发623.聚会624.假日625.杂乱,凌乱626.打包,装箱627.手提箱628.离开629.已经630.巴黎631.电影院632.电影633.漂亮的634.城市635.从来没有636.在任何时候637.接待员638.带来,送来639.车库,汽车修理厂640.碰撞641.灯杆,路灯柱642.修理643.努力,设法644.相信,认为645.(用于请求许可)可以646.多长647.自从648.为什么649.卖,出售650.因为651.退休652.花费653.英镑(£)654.值……钱655.便士656.还,仍旧657.搬家,移动658.想念,思念659.邻居11 / 16660.人661.人们662.可怜的663.飞行员664.返回665.纽约666.东京667.马德里668.飞行669.雅典670.柏林671.孟买672.日内瓦673.莫斯科674.罗马675.首尔676.斯德哥尔摩677.悉尼678.往返679.火车680.站台681.大量682.酒巴683.车站,火车站684.乘务员685.赶上686.错过687.遗留688.描述689.拉链690.标签691.提手,把手692.地址693.penny的复数形式694.属于695.哎呀696.滑倒697.落下,跌倒698.下楼699.伤,伤害,疼痛700.背701.起立,站起来702.帮助703.立即704.一定的,确信的705.X光透视706.执照707.苏格兰(英国)708.明信片709.青年710.招待所,旅馆711.协会712.不久713.写714.考试715.及格,通过716.数学(maths是缩写)717.问题718.容易的719.足够地12 / 16720.考卷721.未及格,失败722.回答723.分数724.其他的东西725.困难的726.讨厌727.低的728.振作,振奋729.家伙,人730.上方,顶部731.聪明的732.笨的733.便宜的734.贵的735.新鲜的736.不新鲜的,变味的737.低的,矮的738.大声的739.高的740.硬的741.甜的742.软的743.酸的744.拼写745.聪明的,有智慧的746.错误747.礼物748.词典749.带750.保留751.改正,纠正752.夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称)753.漂亮的754.同样755.适于756.漂亮的757.主意758.少许,不可数名词之前759.一满茶匙760.little的比较级,较少的,更少的761.几个(用于可数名词之前)762.遗憾763.代替764.建议,忠告765.最多的,many,much的最高级766.最小的(little的最高级)767.最好的(good的最高级)768.更坏的(bad的比较级)769.最坏的(bad的最高级)770.型号,式样771.付得起(钱)772.预付定金773.分期付款774.价格775.百万富翁776.售票员777.车票,车费13 / 16778.兑换(钱)779.纸币780.乘客781.没有任何东西782.也不783.下车784.流浪汉785.除……外786.(疑问句、否定式)任何人787.敲,打788.一切事物789.宁静的,安静的790.不可能的791.邀请792.任何东西793.什么也没有794.柠檬水795.开玩笑796.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)797.眼镜798.饭厅799.硬币800.嘴801.吞下802.后来803.厕所, 盥洗室804.故事805.发生806.贼(复数thieves)807.进入808.黑暗的809.手电筒810.(说话的)声音811.鹦鹉812.顾客813.忘记814.经理815.照应,服务,接待816.柜台817.认出818.路819.在……期间820.旅行821.旅行822.提供823.工作824.猜825.长,让…生长826.(下巴上的)胡,络腮胡子827.猫828.浇水829.非常830.干燥的,干的831.讨厌的东西或人832.意味着,意思是833.惊奇,意外的事834.立即地835.著名的14 / 16836.女演员837.至少838.男演员839.通过阅读得知840.招手841.跑道842.英里843.从后面超越,超车844.限速845.做梦,思想不集中846.标记,牌子847.驾驭执照848.罚款849.亲爱的,用作表示称呼850.埃及851.国外852.担忧853.记者854.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的855.貂皮大衣856.末来的857.结婚858.饭店859.最新的860.介绍861.足球862.赌注863.赢864.世界865.贫穷的866.依靠(on)867.额外的868.海外的,国外的869.工程870.公司871.线路872.兴奋的873.登上874.中年的875.在……对面876.好奇地877.可笑的,滑稽的878.香粉879.带镜的化妆盒880.和蔼地881.丑陋的882.有趣的883.微笑884.尴尬的,窘迫的885.担心的,担忧的886.经常地,定期地887.包围888.树林889.风景点890.百891.城市892.穿过893.参观者,游客,来访者894.整齐的895.杂乱的东西15 / 16896.废物筐897.放898.扔,抛899.垃圾900.数,点901.覆盖902.碎片903.轮胎904.生锈的905.在…之间906.依法处置16 / 16。



听力部分(20分) 5分) Bmanager Cserve Btravel Cguess Bbeard Ckitten Bdry Cmean Bnuisance Cimmediately 5分) 干燥的 B 非常 C 惊奇 浇水 B 小猫 C 提供 工作 B 胡子 C 猜 路 B 顾客 C 认出 忘记 B 柜台 C 服务 5分) 一.补全单词(20分) 顾客)2.forgt(忘记)ter(柜台在……期间)7.ffer(提供)8.gue(猜非常)12.nuisnce(讨厌的东西立即地)16.wat(水)17.dr(干的)18.jb(工作) 经理)20.rcgnize(认出) 二.短语互译(10分) 半小时前 3.recognizehim4.在柜台的后面 5.growabeard6.一艘漂亮的轮船 7.inAustralia8.在花园里 9.shaveoff10.喝茶 三.出下列动词的过去式和过去分词(10分)99.meet10grow四.用haveto 或must 填空(5分)1.Hesayshe_____workhard.2.Mybrotherisill.I______telephonethedoctor.3.Sorry,I____gohomenow.4.I______waterthegardennow.Itisverydry.5.We_____helpeachother.五.根据中文意思补全单词(10分)1.Whichbookdidyoub(买)?2.Ican ’tr(记得).3.Thisisap(照片)ItookduringmytriptoBeijing.4.Whatab(漂亮的)ship!5.Themanwhoofferyouaj(工作)inAustralia.七.用所给的介词填空(5分)1.ImetanoldfriendmytriptoBeijing.2.That ’stheshipwetravelled.3.Iforgottotaketheumbrellame.4.ThemanahatisourEnglishteacher.5.Don ’tlookofthewindow. 八.单项选择(15分) ()1.CouldIuseyourpen?Sorry,Iforgetittoday. ()2.Lookatthispicture.! ()3.It ’sverycoldoutside,you ’dbetteryourcoat. ()4.Thispairofshoesistoolargeme. ()5.Doyouknowthegirlahat?AonBinCforDat ()6.Letmehome. AgoingBtogoCgoDgoes ()7.Yesterdayheshavedhisbeard. AofBoffCoutDin ()8.HeabeardduringhistriplastSunday. AgrewBgrowCgrowsDgrowing ()9.Don ’tlookthewindow. AoutBoutinCupofDoutof ()10.Theyoftentravel AbythetrainBbytheplaneCbyplaneDbytheship ()11.Canyoutellmethenameoftheschoolyouinvitedlastweek? AwhereBwhatCwhichDwhen ()12.Iwanttogotothebookstore.Wouldyouliketogome? A.inBforConDwith 5.Wemustfinishthisworkby. 十.选词填空(5分) 5.Itwasverydarksowe(goton\turnedon)thelight. .用who 或which 把下列每对句子改写成一句话。




1.Is the ball under the bed?Is the ball on the bed?Are the balls on the bed?2.When does the film start?When is the film going to start?When does the movie start?3.What size is your shirt?What is the size of your skirt?What the size of your shirt?4.It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?It’s a lovely day,is it?It isn’t a lovely day,is it?二. 听句子,补全句子中所缺的词语1.He()a pair of running shoes.2.----What( ) is your T-shirt? ----It’s black.3.The man is wearing a ( )suit.4.I’m going to the( ). Would you like to go with me?三. 听对话回答下列问题What is the color of Tom’s coat?A .blueB .yellowC .greenWhere is Tom’s coat?A .In the classroomB .In the bedroomC .In the living roomWhere is Liu Ming?A .He is in the classroomB .He is over thereC .He isn’t here.四. 听短文,判断下列各题对错,对(T),错(F)( )Boys and girls are going to climb the hills.( )They all wear red school suits and take some food with them. ( )They will go there by bike.( )They will leave at a quarter past eight and come back at half to eight.五.写出下列单词的复数1. radio2. knife3. glass4. dress5. housewife6.postman7. church8. mouth9. tie 10. tomato 11. piano 12. baby13. tooth 14. country 15. key 16 potato 17. match 18. box六. 找出反义词。

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新概念英语单词1. 原谅_________2.我(宾格)______3.是的______4.是(第三人称)_______5.这_________6.你的,你们的_________7.(女用)手提包__________8. 原谅,请再说一遍_________9.它______10.感谢你(们)____________11.非常地_____________12.钢笔______ 13.铅笔_______ 14.书 _______ 15.手表_________16.上衣,外套________17.连衣裙_______ 18.裙子_______19.男衬衣_________20.小汽车_______21.房子_________22.伞__________23.请__________24.这里_______ 25.我的________26.票_________27.号码__________ 28.五________29.对不起的_________30.先生_________31.一套衣服_______32.学校_________33.老师_________34.儿子_________35.女儿____________36.先生______37.好_______38.早晨___________ 39.女士,小姐_______40.新的____ 41.学生__________42.法国人__________43.德国人________44.美好的________45.遇见_________46.日本人___________47.韩国人_______48.中国人________49.也________50.(产品的)牌号_________51.瑞典的_______52.英国的________53.美国的________54.意大利的_________55.我_______56.(我)是______57.是(复数)________58.名字_________59.什么_______ 60.国籍___________61.工作______62.电脑键盘___________63.操作人员________ 64.工程师________65.男警察_______66.女警察_________67.护士________ 68.出租汽车司机___________69.空中小姐_____________70.邮递员_______ 71.机械师_________72.理发师________73.家庭妇女________72.送牛奶的人________73.喂(表示问候)_______74.喂,嗨______75.怎样_______76.今天________77.身体好_________78.美好的_________79.谢谢_________80.再见___________81.见_______82.胖的________83.女人_______84.瘦的________85.高的_______86.矮的________87.脏的________88.干净的________89.热的_________ 90.冷的_________91.老的__________92.年轻的__________93.忙的_________ 94.懒的__________95.谁的_________96.蓝色的________97.大概_________98.白色的________99.抓住_________100.父亲_______101.母亲_________102.女衬衫________103.姐,妹_________104.领带________ 105.兄,弟_________106.他的_______107.她的________108.颜色_________109.绿色________110.来_________111.楼上___________112.时髦的,巧妙的_______113.帽_________114.相同的_______115.可爱的,秀丽的________116.箱子_______ 117.地毯_______118.狗______119.海关__________120.官员_________121.女孩,姑娘_______122.丹麦人(的)________123.朋友________124.挪威人(的)_________125. 护照______126.棕色的_______127.旅游者______128.俄罗斯人(的)________129.荷兰人(的)________ 130.这些(this的复数)________ 131.红色的________132.黑色的_______133. 橘黄色的_______ 134.雇员_______135.勤奋的________136.推销员_______137. 男人______138. 办公室________ 139. 助手__________140.事情________ 141.孩子们________142.累,疲乏______143.渴__________144.妈妈(儿语)______ 145坐下_______146.好,可以______147.冰淇淋_______148.大的________149.小的________150.开着的________151.关着的_________152轻的________153.重的________154.长的________155.鞋子_________156.祖父__________157.祖母__________158.给________159.一个__________160.哪一个_______161.空的_______162.满的________ 163.尖的,锋利的_______164钝的_______165.盒子,箱子______166.玻璃杯________167.茶杯_______168.课桌________169.桌子________170.盘子________171.食橱________172.香烟________173.电视机________174.地板________175.梳妆台_________176.杂志_________177.床______178.报纸________179.立体声音响_______180.夫人________181.厨房_________182.电冰箱_________183.右边_________184.带电的_______185.左边_______186.炉子,炊具_______187.中间_______188.(属于)┉的 _____189.房间______190.杯子_______191.在哪里________192.在…里_____193.客厅_________194.靠近_________195.窗户_________196.手扶椅________197.门_________198.图画_________199.墙_________200.关门______201.卧室______202.乱,不整齐________203.必须,应该_______打开_________使…通风,换换空气_________放置_________衣服_________大衣柜__________掸掉灰尘_______打扫________倒空 __________读_________使锋利________穿上_________脱掉________开(电灯)_______关(电灯)_________ 花园________在…之下_________树_______爬,攀登_______ 谁 _____ 跑 ________草,草地_________在…之后_________猫_____打字______信_____ 篮子________吃____骨头_______清洗_______牙齿(单数)_______牙齿(复数)_______做(饭菜)_______牛奶______饭,一顿饭________喝________水龙头________日子_____云_______天空_____ 太阳_______照耀_______ 和…在一起_______家庭(成员)_________走路,步行________跨越,在…之上______桥_______船______ 河______轮船______飞机___________飞______睡觉________刮脸________ 哭,喊_______洗_______等______跳_______照片___________村庄_________山谷________在…之间________小山_______另一个_________妻子_______沿着_______ 水_____ 游泳_________横过________大楼,建筑物_________公园________进入_______ 在…旁_________离开_____工作________ 努力地_______做_______书橱,书架________锤子_________上漆,涂________粉红色______最喜爱的____________作业_______听______盘子,碟子________前面______在…之前_________小心的,仔细的________花瓶______掉下_______花______给…看________送给______带给 _______乳酪,干酪________面包________ 肥皂______巧克力________ 糖____ 咖啡________茶_____ 烟草,烟丝___________片,张,块_________ 条_______块 ______磅_________ 一半_______四分之一,一刻钟________当然________鸟______一些(肯定句_________一些(否定句)_________当然(短语)__________水壶_________在…后面___________ 茶壶_________现在,此刻_____找到______ 沸腾,开_______ 匆忙________能够,会______老板,上司________请求,要求______ 书写____________ 糟糕的,可怕的____________拿起,搬起,举起______饼,蛋糕_______饼干________喜欢,想要_______想________ 新鲜的________鸡蛋______黄油________纯净的________蜂蜜________成熟的_______香蕉________果酱_______甜的_______橙________ 苏格兰威士忌____________上等的,精选的__________ 苹果________酒,果酒________啤酒_______黑板___________卖肉的_______肉__________牛肉_______羔羊肉_______丈夫_________牛排________肉馅,绞肉________鸡肉 ________告诉______实情_______也(用于否定句)_________西红柿________西红柿(复数)___________土豆_________ 土豆(复数)____________卷心菜 ______莴苣___________豌豆______ 豆角_______ 梨_________ 葡萄_______ 桃_________桃(复数)__________ 希腊__________ 气候_________ 天气________国家_______ 宜人的 __________有风的_______温暖的________下雨___下雪______有时_______春天_______夏天_____ 秋天_______冬天_______1月________ 2月__________3月_________4月_________ 5月_________ 6月______7月______ 8月_________9月__________10月___________ 11月__________ 12月__________美国___________巴西________荷兰___________英国___________ 法国__________ 德国___________意大利_________挪威____________俄罗斯________西班牙______ 瑞典_________温和的,温暖的__________总是__________ 北方_______ 南方______ 西方_______东方_______季节_________潮湿的_______最________夜晚_________ 升起_______落下_______早_________晚,迟_______有趣的,有意思的____________话题_________谈话___________ 澳大利亚________ 澳大利亚人_________奥地利_________ 奥地利人_________加拿大_________加拿大人_________芬兰_________芬兰人___________印度________印度人___________ 中国________日本_________尼日利亚_________尼日利亚人_________土耳其_________土耳其人_________韩国________韩国人__________波兰________波兰人_______ 泰国_______泰国人_______ 住,生活________呆在,停留________在家,到家_____ 家务____________ 午饭_______下午___________ 通常_________一起__________ 晚上____________到达___________夜间_________点钟________商店__________片刻,瞬间_____________信封__________信纸______________售货员__________ 尺寸,尺码,大小_______信笺簿_______ 胶水________粉笔________零钱,找给的钱_________感觉_________看(起来)_______必须________ 叫,请 ________ 医生____________ 电话_______________记住,记得___________ 嘴________ 舌头_________坏的,严重的________感冒_________消息_______头痛_________阿司匹林________耳痛________牙痛___________牙医_________胃痛_______药__________温度_________流行性感冒______麻疹______腮腺炎______形容词well的比较级_______当然____________ 起床____________ 还,仍然______ 油腻的_______食物_________保持,继续________玩______火柴______谈话______ 图书馆________开车_______如此地______快地________身体探出_______打破_______爸爸(儿语)______钥匙______婴儿_______听见________玩的快活______你自己_______我们自己________我自己_________ 他们自己_________他自己_______她自己_______am ,is的过去式_______are的过去式______蔬菜水果零售商_______缺席的______星期一__________星期二________ 星期三_________星期四_________星期五_________星期六_______星期日______(身体健康)处于(状况)________度过_________周末_______乡村________幸运的________教堂______乳品店______ 面包师傅_______食品杂货商_________年_______比赛_______城镇_______人群_______站立________使人激动的___________正好、恰好_________结尾、结束______获胜者_________在…之后________路途_______ 文具商________丹麦_______让人讨厌的,坏的_________打电话________次(数)_______接(电话_)________最后的,前一次的_______电话________又一次地_________说____ _____ 周______伦敦_________突然地__________公共汽车车站________微笑________愉快地_________懂、明白_________讲、说_________手_______衣袋________ 短语手册、常用语手册__________短语_______缓慢地_______匆忙地________割,切_______口渴地________走_______问候,打招呼________以前______买________双,对_________(服装的)流行样式____________不舒服的___________ 穿着___________约会、预约__________紧急的、急迫的_______ 直到…为止_____购物 _______单子________蔬菜____________需要________希望______事情_________钱______食品杂货___________文具_____________水果_________报刊零售人___________ 药剂师,化学家__________洗澡________几乎,将近__________准备好的________ 正餐,晚餐________饭馆,餐馆__________烤的________早饭________理发________聚会________假日________杂乱,凌乱_______包装,打包_______手提箱________ 离开___________已经__________巴黎______电影院________城市________电影 漂亮的________从来没有__________在任何时候,曾经___________接待员____________带来,送来____________ 车库,汽车修理厂__________碰撞__________灯杆__________修理________努力,设法___________相信,认为__________可以_______多长___________自从_________为什么_____ 卖,出售________因为_________退休__________花费________英镑_______ 值┅钱__________便士_________还,依旧________搬家_______ 想念,思念________邻居____________人______人们________可怜的________飞行员________返回________纽约___________东京_________马德里___________雅典_________柏林_________ 孟买_________日内瓦___________莫斯科___________罗马________汉城_________ 斯德哥尔摩__________悉尼_________往返__________火车_______站台_________大量__________酒吧_______火车,火车站________赶上_______错过_______遗留________描述_______拉链_________标签_________ 提手,把手_________地址_________便士(复数)______属于_________ 哎_____滑倒,脚底滑了一下_____落下,跌到___________下楼_________伤害,疼痛_________背_______站立,站起来_________帮助______立即________一定的,确信的_________X光透视________苏格兰________明信片________青年_______写________招待所、旅馆__________协会_________不久_________ 考试_________及格、通过_______数学_________容易的_________ 足够的_________考卷 _______未及格、失败_________ 回答_________ 分数_______其他的东西______困难的____________讨厌_______低的 ________振作、振奋______家伙、人_______上方、顶部__---__聪明的________笨的_______便宜的______ 贵的________ 新鲜的_______变馊的________低的、矮的_______大声的________ 高的_______ 硬的_______甜的______ 软的______ 酸的_____ 拼写_______聪明的、智慧的_________礼物_________词典_____________携带_____ 改正,纠正_________夫人、女士________同样__________适于______漂亮的_______主意 少许(用于不可数名词前__________一满茶匙_________较少的、更小的_________ 几个(用于可数名词前)________遗憾_______代替_______建议、忠告_______ 最多的(many,much的最高级)_________最小的、最少的(little的最高级)________最好的(good的最高级_______更坏的(bad的比较级)________ 最坏的(bad的最高级)________型号、样式_______付得起(钱)_______预付定金_______分期付款________价格_________百万富翁________售票员_________车费、车票_______兑换(钱)________纸币_______ 乘客__________没有任何东西_________也不________下车___________流浪汉_________除…外___________任何人(用于疑问句和否定句)_______ 敲,打_______一切事物________宁静的、安静的__________不可能的_____________ 邀请___________任何东西________什么也没有_______柠檬水_________开玩笑_______睡觉,睡着(作表语)______眼镜_________饭厅_________硬币_______嘴________吞下_______后来_____ 厕所,盥洗室_________故事_________发生__________进入_________ 黑暗的______ 手电筒_______说话的)声音________ 鹦鹉________顾客_________忘记_________经理__________照应,服务,接待_______柜台________认识_________路_______ 在…期间________旅行_______旅行_______提供_______工作______猜_______长,让…长_________ 胡子________小猫________浇水_______非常_______干燥的,干的_______讨厌的人或东西_________意味着、意思是________惊奇,意外的事___________ 立即地___________著名的_________女演员_______ 男演员_______通过阅读得知________招手______ 跑道________ 英里________ 从后面超越,超车__________做梦,思想不集中________标记,牌子__________驾驶执照___________罚款______ 亲爱的_________埃及________国外__________担忧_______记者_______爆炸性的,耸人听闻的______________貂皮大衣____________未来的__________结婚________ 饭店___________最新的________介绍_____________足球____________ 赌注________ 赢_________世界________贫穷的_________ 依靠(on)_________ 额外的__________海外的,国外的________工程________公司_________线路__________兴奋的__________中年的__________在…对面________ 好奇地________可笑的,滑稽的________香粉_______带镜的化妆盒_______和蔼的_______丑陋的________有趣的________微笑_________尴尬的,窘迫的__________担心的,担忧的__________经常的,定期的_________包围__________树林________ 风景点____________百___________城市___________参观者,游客,来访者_______ 整齐的________杂乱的东西________废物筐__________放_______ 扔,抛_________ 垃圾_________数,点__________ 覆盖 __________碎片_______ 轮胎__________生锈的__________在…之间__________依法处置______________。
