



一、 方案设计方案原理框图如图1所示。

图1 方案原理框图二、电路设计1、整流滤波电路设计整流滤波电路如图2所示。

交流220V 电压经T1降压、VD1~VD4整流及C1滤波后,为后续电路提供20V 直流工作电源。

图2 整流滤波电路2、稳压电路设计稳压电路如图3所示。



L50%图3 稳压电路3、输出参数调节及负载电路输出参数调节及负载电路如图4所示。

(1)输出电压Uo 及输出电压调节范围:)U (U R R R R R U BE2Z W 22W 1O +"+++=调节Rw 可以改变输出电压Uo 。

(2)最大负载电流Iomax 。


调节Rl 可以改变Io 。

50%Q1图4 输出参数调节及负载电路三、电路测试切断工频电源,连接好被测电路。











机架式安防稳压电源使用说明书(10路输出)【型号】:PS-DC12V30DC2406AC2412-2U 【输入】:AC220V/50HZ 【输出】:AC24V/5A (共10组,DC12V30A 3组DC24V3组 AC24V4路独立输出) 【尺寸】:433mm*402 mm *88 mm 【净重】:16KG【电源型式】:19”标准机架式,2U ,前面板LED 电压指示 【电源功能】:每组独立状态指示灯,独立开关控制 【应用范围】:弱电系统中摄像机、高速球、探测器或红外灯等设备的电源供应,及其他探测设备 【装箱清单】:1、 2U 机架式电源1台2、 合格证1个3、 使用说明书1份4、 AC220V 电源输入线1条5、 备用保险管若干只 【面板示意图】:Front Panel( 前面板)Rear Panel (后面板)AC 220V Input Fuse按钮数字电压表CECT C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C T C TSwitch【输出电压调节】:DC 输出在机箱内电路板有标着VR 的正方形可调电位器,可用十字螺丝刀轻轻调节,顺时针旋转电压增高,逆时针旋转电压降低,可根据需要调节。

AC 输出出厂可根据现场,远近需要定做AC26V 或者其他规格 【产品特点】:R 型变压器可以用作所有电器的电源变压器或隔离变压器。

则于它具有效率高、体积小、体形薄、重量轻、磁漏少、发热低、生产标准化等特点,安全性能符 合世界各国安规,产品得到广泛应用。



【保险规格】AC220V 输入15A输出每路独立保险(可根据需要换装保险规格,但总功率不得超出) ★特别提示:接入市电时,请特别注意人身安全注意接线端子的正确接法,防止接反不要超负荷使用本产品如遇故障,不要自行拆卸,请及时联系供应商。

Relcross Heavy Duty Power Supply 24V DC 7.0 Amp说明书

Relcross Heavy Duty Power Supply 24V DC 7.0 Amp说明书

Relcross Heavy Duty Power SupplyContinuously Rated 24 V DC 7.0 Amp•Designed to suit most security, fire& access control installations,where battery back up is essential.•Continuously rated.•Fitted with a fire alarm relay.•Output is current regulated, ifoverloaded the output shuts downuntil fault is cleared.•Voltage regulated to correct outputfor battery charging.•Fuse to protect battery fromincorrect connection.•Three way fused distribution boardwith blown fuse indication.•Fan assisted cooling cuts in at hightemperature•Metal enclosure with 20mmknockouts.Stock no: 483086Full specification sheetsfollows:24 V DC – 7.0 Amp continuous – 7.5 Amps IntermittentThe enclosure must be fixed to a vertical flat surface at a maximum ambient temperature of 45 degrees C in a well ventilated areaThis power supply must be installed in accordance with the current IEE regulations covering low voltage power supplies complying with the low voltage directive SI 1994 No 3260 73/23/EEC (LVD)Features:• Over current protection.•Short circuit protection.•Thermal overload protection.•Constant voltage regulation.•Mains failure or low battery voltage warning, user selectable•Fire relay interface to fire alarm system.•Enclosure door 3 LED status indicators.•PCB mounted engineering status LED indicators, show:o Over currento Fire alarm relay status•Battery management electronics providing:o Low voltage trip to disconnect battery and extend battery life.o Reverse battery polarity protection.• 3 Fused outputs relay (FR) switched and 1 fused non-switched output all with blown fuse indication by LED.•Thermostatically controlled cooling fan - cuts in at high load.Description:Over current protectionIf the load exceeds the power supply maximum current rating, an electronic sensor detects this overload and shuts the power supply down; this is indicated by the red overload LED on the circuit board. To reset the trip condition, turn the mains supply off then wait for the LED to extinguish completely, this may take 40 seconds. Investigate and remove the faultBattery management, if battery fittedUnder normal conditions, the battery floats at 27.6 Volts. If the mains power fails, the battery takes the load. Eventually the voltage will drop to 21 volts & a relay disconnects the battery, this is automatically reset once the mains has been re-energised. This feature extends battery life by preventing deep discharging and prevents equipment malfunction.User selectable warning voltage free relay contactsThe electronic voltage detection circuit is configured by selecting a link switch on the PCB for either: MF - Mains failure or LB - Low battery 23 volts.Fire control relayTerminals FR & FR can be wired to a voltage free fire system and or access control system, relay operation is indicated via the external yellow LED. The relay positive contacts are made via +NC (normally closed) and +NO (normally open). The switched output can be changed from relay energised to make the outputs live to relay de-energised to make outputs live by changing a yellow wire link on the PCB with push on terminalsCabinet dimensions in mm: 465H x 255W x 90DInstallation & Commissioning testsInitial installation testPrerequisites:Disconnect battery – if supplied with batteryDisconnect all supplied equipmentPlace the handbag link to LB low battery (on PCB).Test procedureSwitch on mains power; the following indicators should be illuminated:Red and Green – on the front panelGreen on the PCBFire alarm relaySwitch off mains power & connect a link between terminals FR & FRSwitch on mains power – the yellow LED on front panel should now be lit,Connect a voltmeter between terminals 0v & + on any of the three outputs, this should be live at PSU output voltageSwitch off mains power & remove the link between terminals FR & FR, switch on mains power observe LEDs switch off in the following sequence: red followed by green on PCB then green on front panel lastBattery functionality – optional if fittedSwitch off mains power & connect the battery, place handbag link to MF (mains failure) switch on mains power, then switch off. The power supply is now running on the battery, note the green LED on PCB will be off but the green LED on the front panel will be on. The relay contacts WNO to WNC will change overTests with the load connected – battery not connected (if supplied): With the load connected, switch on the mains. The following LEDs should be on: red & green on front panel, green on PCB and yellow if using relay FR, this indicates the test & the power supply loading is correct.If only the red LED is illuminated there is a short circuit with the load connected. If red, & green on the front panel with green and red (over load) on the PCB illuminated the connected load has exceeded the power supply rated output & must be reducedFront panel LED PCB LED MeansRed + Green None Normal operationRed + Green + Yellow None Normal operation with fire relay energised Green Green if MFW * Power supply on batteryGreen + Yellow Green if MFW * Power supply on battery with fire relay energised Red only None Dead short on outputRed + Green Red Current rating exceededMFW – mains failure warning if configuredThe four output blown fuse indicator LEDs will only illuminate when the fuse has blown or missing and a load is connected to the appropriate terminalsTerminals, connections, fuses & warning LEDsProduct Code A (mm)B (mm) C (mm) D (mm)Dia (mm) 4830868098712645。



A great deal of detail work is demanded if you want to dimension your 24 V power supply to optimum effect: For all the automation components supplied, you must not only determine the rated current, for example, but also take the inrush current into account. This means, for example, time-consuming searches by hand through catalogs or data sheets. To meet precisely this demand, it has now been made possible to design a power supply unit in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) selection tool. This means that, in just a few steps and clicks, you quickly find your way to the suitable power supply for your needs.The profit is in the detailThe increasing level of industrial automation demands not only efficiency, but also a reliable 24 V supply to automation components during operation and in the event of a fault. The solution is the use of a reliable power supply. Meanwhile, there is also the painstaking manual task of collecting and logically processing figures. Here too, the level of complexity soon pushes users to their limits. This is because an optimally dimensioned power supply on the one hand offers you the security that itreliably delivers sufficient current under all operating conditions and, on the other hand, is not over-dimensioned, which would have a negative impact in terms of price and space requirements in the control cabinet. The TIA Selection Tool is designed to help you get things right when selecting a power supply, even at the planning stage. The TIA Selection Tool not only enables suitableThe right choice for a sustainable supplyPower Supplypage 1/4devices to be selected for Totally Integrated Automation, but also configures them so that they are ready to be ordered easily through the Siemens Industry Mall.In comparison with conventional tools, this tool not only manages to combine the configuration of different automation products, but can achieve far more benefits for the user.Convenient selection via the device family viewSelection of the "device family" in the TIA Selection Tool provides a choice of different automation components such as controllers, I/O systems, HMI devices, industrial PCs, drive systems, switchgear, software, communication components, power supply units, and industrial identification systems. In addition, a Profibus and Profinet network can be selected on the basis of associated cables and connectors. (Fig. 1). Under the "power supply" heading, all 24 V power supply units of the Sitop compact, LOGO!Power, Sitop lite, Sitop smart and Sitop modular product lines are listed. The UPS1600 uninterruptible power supply can also be selected by means of the TIA Selection Tool. When selecting this, additional parameters such as load current, buffer time or ambient temperature can be defined. The user has the further option of selecting the Siplus versions and the PSU8600 power supply system (Fig. 2). In addition, a matching power supply in the Simatic design can be implemented in the respective product catalog of the controller.Fig. 1: Simple selection of a power supply using thedevice family viewFig. 2: Possible configuration of the intelligent PSU8600 power supply systemAfter choosing the appropriate automation components, you are automatically guided to the selection wizard. It is also possible for a product to be selected on the basis of technical features via a hardware catalog. In addition, this view offers a comparison component, so that with a simple click several power supply product lines can be compared directly with one another. For expansion of the selected power supply, it is also possible to select a matching redundancy and/or selectivity module (Fig. 3). These can be added by simply clicking on the accessory for the selected power supply. From this product selection in the catalog, the TIA Selection Tool defines a complete list of orders. The list of orders can then be transferred directly to the shopping cart in the Siemens Industry Mall and the product list can be exported in various formats, for example Excel. In addition, you can also request relevant CAX data via the CAX Download Manager.page 2/4page 3/4Fig. 3: Selection of accessories such as a selectivity module for a power supply is possible at any timeNew intelligent 24 V load view in the TIA Selection ToolAlthough you can determine power supply units for automation applications with comparatively few parameters, users have sometimes asked: "What is the current demand during operation?" or "What is the inrush current?". Until now, it was only possible to determine a demand-compliant power supply for automation components with considerable effort. Users who wanted to determine this demand first required a variety of technical data of the individual components, which usually involved a great deal of effort. This should, however, actually be easier to select and determine; ideally, with a suggestion for an appropriate power supply for the specified or selected 24 V load. The TIA Selection Tool also promises assistance in this area.The easy way to find the right power supplyWith the 24 V load view, the appropriate Sitop power supply unit can already be determined for selected automation products. The power requirement of the 24 V loads is calculated automatically and is taken into consideration as soon as the power supply unit is selected. The overview page of the 24 V load view of the TIA Selection Tool displays the automation components previouslyselected by the user. With one click, any power supply unit that has not yet been specified can quickly be added (Figs. 4 and 5). To this end, an additional screen provides instructions on adding a power supply unit. By simply dragging and dropping, the loads can then be connected with one or more power supply units. In doing so, the tool automatically determines the total of the rated and peak currents. The user, however, is free to decide which loads are to be includedin this circuit.Fig.4: Configuration of automation components with a power supply in the 24 V load viewFig. 5: Configuration of two power supplies that supply different loadsUsing the "Edit" function, the selection wizard for the appropriate power supply unit can be started. Only power supply units that deliver the total power required by the loads to be supplied are available for selection. Further parameters can also be defined. Apart from the input voltage (phase selection) and a specific preferred series of products, it is alsopossible to specify a spare capacity forfurther loads or future expansions as apercentage. Furthermore, thespecification of a rated coincidencefactor takes into consideration the factthat the devices in a plant are never allactivated simultaneously at full power(Fig. 6).Fig. 6: Intuitive selection of technical data such aspower reserve, coincidence factor, input voltage,product line, etc.Lastly, there is the possibility of settingup the power supply on a redundantbasis. On confirmation of thisfunction, the appropriate redundancymodule is offered.Flexibility is an essential componentof planningFurthermore, the tool offers twoversions of the configuration atpresent. On the one hand, the TIASelection Tool can be downloaded andinstalled on Windows computers. Inaddition, there is the option of usingthe Cloud version of the tool. This canbe started directly in the browser ofmobile devices. The use of webbrowsers such as Safari, Chrome andFirefox is recommended for thispurpose. The advantage of projectsstored in the Cloud is that you canwork on them using a tablet when youare traveling or from your PC at home.In order to be able to exploit the fullfunctionality, it is recommended inboth cases that an account be set up inthe Siemens Industry Mall. In this way,after creating a bill of materials orordering list, the user can immediatelyorder the products through theSiemens Industry Mall.。



湖南安全技术职业学院课题名称 24V直流稳压电源设计专业班级学生指导老师潘长珍系主任暂时不写年月日目录摘要 (3)Abstract (3)第一章引言 (4)第二章概述 (4)2.1直流稳压电源发展史 (4)2.2直流稳压的应用 (4)第三章稳压电源的工作原理及性能指标 (5)3.1 集成稳压电源的工作原理 (5)3.2稳压电源的主要指标 (5)第四章直流稳压电源的元器件 (7)4.1电源变压器 (7)4.2 整流二极管 (7)4.3 电容 (8)4.4三端稳压器 (9)第五章稳压电源的组成 (11)5.1 变压电路 (11)5.2 整流电路 (11)5.3 滤波电路 (16)5.4 三端固定输出集成稳压器应用电路 (17)第六章直流电源设计方案 (19)6.1设计目的与要求 (19)6.2.稳压电源设计图 (19)6.3方案设计 (20)第七章调试 (23)参考文献 (24)致谢 (24)附录 (25)元件清单 (25)摘要随着现代电子技术的高速的发展,对电源的要求越来越高了,需要我们对电源有进一步的了解。


在设计里我介绍稳压电路中的原理及性能指标,分别介绍电路各个元件,电路的原理图及装配图,还写出设计方案,另附带元件清单关键词:直流电压;稳压器;整流;滤波;变压AbstractWith modern electronic technology and high-speed development of the increasingly high demand for power, and the need to further our understanding of power. This article is CW7824 integrated voltage regulator to produce DC power, which by the power transformer, rectifier and filter circuit composed of voltage regulator circuit. I introduced in the design of voltage regulator circuit in the theory and performance indicators, each depicting various circuit components, circuit schematic diagram of the assembly, but also write a design plan, and the other a list of attached devicesKey words: DC voltage ;regulator; transformer; rectifier filter第一章引言随着科技的发展,电气、电子设备已经广泛的应用于日常、科研、学习等各个方面。








产品说明------------------------------------------------产品名称:24V 500A 应急启动电源(可充电锂电池)1.规格:① 18650锂电池for electric power tools②当应急启动电源充满电时,它可以用于给汽车充电20次③当汽车电池零电压时,可以在确保没有短路前提下强制启动2.产品特点:◆产品闲置寿命:大于两年.(无需每三个月充电一次)◆产品储存寿命:大于五年半.◆产品滥用损毁:(避免以下情况可以保证安全)加载短路. 加载反向24V,.加载电压超出29.4V ,加载反向29.4V◆原生电池加热设计使其可以在零下40摄氏度工作◆防坠落: 可以离地1米高处坠落◆环保: 和其他锂电产品一样无铅,汞或镉元素◆零伏强制启动:当汽车电池零伏是可以强制启动3.1 控制与显示:①八段数码显示②电池状态切换显示按钮(电压、温度、电量)③大灯开关按钮②&③零伏启动按钮④电源开关⑤充电接口⑥报警指示灯⑦USB 5V 直流输出接口⑧大灯⑨24V直流输出指示灯⑩24V 直流输出接口4·使用应急启动功能警告:保证启动对象只使用24V供电系统4.1 正确的使用步骤:4.1.1第一步: 将红色鱼夹(+)连接至电池正极(+),黑色鱼夹(-)连接至电池负极(-)。

然后再开启应急启动电源4.1.2 第二步:当你听到应急启动电源发出“I'm Ready”语音时尝试启动车辆。


在等待期间语音提示“Please Wait”。

当听到语音提示“I'm Ready”时请再次尝试启动车辆。

4.1.3 在车辆发动机启动过后,断开连接的鱼夹,关闭应急启动电源并将鱼夹线重新缠绕起来4.2 在使用应急启动电源时你可能会听见警报声。


4.2.1 连接了 6V(摩托车电池)或者 12V(小汽车电池) 电池4.2.2 在鱼夹正极与负极之间出现极反4.2.3 如果你打开了应急启动电源并且没有连接车辆的情况下报警,这意味着应急启动电源本身存在故障,请停止使用应急启动电源。

Siemens 24V 4A输出高稳定电源说明书

Siemens 24V 4A输出高稳定电源说明书
MTBF at 40 °C Other information
53 mm
20 mm 20 mm 0 mm 0 mm 0.29 kg Yes
Snaps onto DIN rail EN 60715 35x7.5/15, direct mounting in different mounting positions 2 391 480 h Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)
Mechanics Connection technology Connections ● Supply input
● Output ● Auxiliary Width of the enclosure Height of the enclosure
5A overload capability 150% Iout rated typ. 200 ms 50 mV =^ 4 A 150% Iout rated typ. 200 ms
Data sheet
LOGБайду номын сангаас!POWER 24 V/4 A LOGO!POWER 24 V / 4 A Stabilized power supply input: 100-240 V AC output: DC 24 V / 4 A
Input Input Rated voltage value Vin rated Voltage range AC Input voltage ● at DC Wide-range input Overvoltage resistance Mains buffering Mains buffering at Iout rated, min. Rated line frequency 1 Rated line frequency 2 Rated line range Input current ● at rated input voltage 120 V ● at rated input voltage 230 V Switch-on current limiting (+25 °C), max. I²t, max. Built-in incoming fuse





二、技术指标:1、输入电压:220V AC+10%2、输出电压:标称24VDC(不稳压)3、输出功率:400V A4、额定输出电流:17A三、工作原理图一电路原理图图二前面板布局图及端子命名:四、使用说明1 将交流220V电源接在(前面板)输入端子上;2 按控制微机使用说明书的要求将负载连接在(前面板)输出端子上;3 系统运行前,首先应检查正负极接法是否正确,输出回路是否有短路现象;4 在系统正常的情况下打开电源运转系统,然后观测电磁阀工作情况;5 如果电磁阀因电压低而不能正常到位,应通过(后面板)接线端子调整输出电压,具体调整方法请参照第五章节。

五、输出电压调整1 有的地区系统电压偏底,电磁阀不能正常工作,为了适应不同情况的需求,在电源变压器次级(26V)绕组的两端又分别串联了两组(3V)绕组,如图1所示,3 4为26V线圈绕组抽头,5 6分别为串联在26V线圈绕组两头的3V 线圈绕组抽头,7 8为桥式整流输入端接头;2 电源出厂时桥式整流输入接头7 8与26V线圈绕组抽头上的3 4相接,如图3所示,如果输出电压偏低不能让电磁阀正常工作时,应该将3 7之间短接线去掉,让桥式整流输入接头的7与一组3V线圈绕组抽头5连接(即在后面板接线端子上的5 7短接),如果电压还不能达到要求,应把4 8之间短接线去掉,再把桥式整流输入的另一个接头8与另一组3V线圈绕组抽头6连接(即在后面板接线端子上的6 8短接)每增加一组备用绕组可使直流输出提高2.5V。

六、注意事项1新到的电源应打开机箱检查螺丝是否松动,散热片是否相碰,以及接线是否牢固,如有以上情况应即时处理;2 现场接线时请不要将24V正负极接反(一般要求阀站公共线接24V电源正极);3 调整输出电压时应先关闭电源,然后再调整短路线,且勿带电操作;4 系统运行前,应细心检查系统接线情况,确保接线准确无误,方可投入运行。



毕业设计(论文)说明书数字显示可调直流稳压电源的设计专业电气自动化技术班级14电气(2)班学生沛波指导教师盛继华2014年2月----2014年6月工业大学毕业设计(论文)任务书成教学院(系)电气自动化技术专业 2014 级 1班沛波注原件存主办源(系、单位)。



本文介绍了一种数字显示连续可调直流稳压电源的设计方案,此方案应用 7824与7924芯片组成稳压电源的电源模块,用 ICL7107芯片组成了数显模块,最终通过两个模块的连接实现连续可调直流稳压功能。


这种电源价格便宜,电路简单,并且可通过旋钮在-24V~24V 围调节电压,使用方便、安全、稳定性高。

关键词:稳压电源 A/D 转换器电源模块稳压模块高级技师学院电气工程专业(论文)目录第一章绪论 ............................................................................ (1)1.1 直流稳压电源的介绍 (1)1.2 直流稳压电源的技术指标 (1)1.2.1 描述输入交流电压变化对输出电压影响的技术指标 (1)1.2.2 描述负载变化对输出电压影响的技术指标 (2)1.3 稳压电源的分类 ............................................................................ .. (3)第二章电源总体方案确定 (5)2.1 电源模块的选定 (5)2.1.1 晶体管串联式直流稳压电路 (5)2.1.2 用单片机制作的可调直流稳压电源 (5)2.1.3 采用三端集成稳压器电路 (6)2.1.4 方案的确定 (7)2.2 显示模块的选定 (7)2.2.1 采用双积分 A/D 转换器 MC14433 的方案 (7)2.2.2 采用 ICL7107 的方案 (7)2.2.3 方案确定 (7)第三章电源模块的设计 (8)3.1 三端稳压器的工作原理 (8)3.2 稳压器的主要参数 (8)3.2.1 输出电压 V。



2.5-24V高精度可调稳压电源1. 电阻R2是一个电流取样电阻,它与9013组成过流保护电路,当R2电阻通过的电流增大到两端的电压达到或超过0.6V时,也就是9013的b-e结电压达到0.6V时,9013的c-e结导通,使得场效应管K790的G-S结短路,这样就会使场效应管截止,达到输出短路保护的作用。










1.计算次级输出功率(P2)《利》文中最大输出电压为24V,假设额定输出电流1A,调整管K790管压降3V,倍压整流电路功耗忽略不计,则:P2=(24 3)x1=27W2.计算初级功率(P1)假定变压器效率η=0.75,则P1=27W/0.75=36W注:变压器的效率根据输出功率的大小不同而略有变化,通常对于容量在100W 以下的变压器η在0.7-0.8之间,100W以下至1000W,在0.8-0.9之间,实际运用时,输出功率低者取小值。

电源24VAC±20%,50 60Hz,24VDC-10% +20%技术数据说明书

电源24VAC±20%,50 60Hz,24VDC-10% +20%技术数据说明书

† UL File XAPX.E108966Torque min. 180 in-lb, Control 2 to 10 VDC, Feedback 2 to 10 VDC ApplicationFor proportional control of fire and smoke combination and smoke dampers in UL555S applications. In new installations, UL 555S requires that actuators be mounted by the damper manufacturer.OperationThe FSAFB24-SR & FSAFB24-SR-S actuators provide 95° of rotation and are provided with a graduated position indicator showing 0° to 95°. A unique manual override allows the setting of any actuator position within its 95° of rotation with no power applied. This mechanism can be released physically by the use of a crank supplied with the actuator. When power is applied the manual override is released and the actuator drives toward the fail-safe position to synchronize before going to the position commanded by the signal.The actuator uses a brushless DC motor which is controlled by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC).The ASIC monitors and controls the brushless DC motor’s rotation and provides a Digital Rotation Sensing (DRS) function to prevent damage to the actuator in a stall condition. The position feedback signal is generated by a feedback potentiometer. The actuator may be stalled anywhere in its normal rotation without the need of mechanical end switches. The actuator cannot burn out from being stalled before full rotation is achieved.The FSAFB24-SR, FSAFB24-SR-S, is mounted directly to control shafts up to 1.05” diameter by means of its universal clamp and anti-rotation bracket. A crank arm and several mounting brackets are available for damper applications where the actuator cannot be direct coupled to the damper shaft. The spring return system provides the specified torque to the application during a power interruption. The FSAFB24-SR, FSAFB24-SR-S, actuator is shipped at +5° (5° from full fail-safe) to provide automatic compression against damper gaskets for tight shut-off.FSAFB24-SRFire & Smoke, Fail-Safe, Spring Return, Modulating 2-10 VDC ActuatorsD a t e c r e a t e d , 03/08/2019 - S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e . © B e l i m o A i r c o n t r o l s (U S A ), I n c .Wiring DiagramsAPPLICATION NOTESMeets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical groundconnection.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may also be powered by 24 VDC.45Actuators may be powered in parallel. Power consumption must beobserved.78500 ohm load resistor for 4-20 mA. Only one resistor for multipleactuators.79Master-slave control/wiring of mechanically paralleled (“piggyback”)Fire and Smoke actuators will not function.80Actuators may be electrically paralleled on different damper sectionsthat are not mechanically connected to one another.81Smoke relay and primary heat responsive sensor may be located in hotwire.82Only one smoke signal and/or thermal sensor may be employed for allparalleled actuators.83Any wire 5 feedback could be used to indicate position or to driveactuators that are not mechanically paralleled. That is, they are on otherdampers.FSAFB24-SRFire & Smoke, Fail-Safe, Spring Return, Modulating 2-10 VDC ActuatorsDatecreated,3/8/219-Subjecttochange.©BelimoAircontrols(USA),Inc.。



控制方法 2:接直流 12V 驱动继电器, 当有 12V 时继电器闭合,电源接通
佛山市顺德区江信电子制造限公司 出品
额定功率的 110-150 30
-20~+60 20-90
单位 V A W mVp-p % % % mS mS
V DC(直流输入) %
% V
℃ %RH
63 45
110 124
■ 电气原理图
■ 温度降载曲线
输入浪涌电流 冷启动 550V 时为 45A
过电流点在 110%~150%,自动侦测自动复原
启动,上升时间 绝缘特性 工作温度
530VDC 满载 500ms,30ms 输入端与输出端间: 3KVac,输入端与外壳间: 1.5KVac,输出端与外壳间: 0.5KVac,1 分钟 -20~+60℃(参考温度降载曲线)
■ 主要特点
有短路保护/过载保护/过电压保护 自然通风冷却
100%满载老化测试 江信品牌
2 年质保
■ 主要参数
直流输出范围 24V,0~3A
输出电压精度 纹波 效率 输入电压范围
±1% 200mV 88% 85~550VDC(超宽输入电压设计,可用于 220V 整流后,也可以用于 380V 整流后)
江信 24V/3A 专用开关电源
佛中,是需要散热系统,比如电磁加热器、商用电磁炉等,目前大多数是采用 220V 或 380V 交流风扇进行散热。由于交流风扇存在体积大、风量小、工作时长不长、稳定性差的特点,导致整机 的品质到得不到保证。直流低电压风扇具有风量大、寿命长散热效果好而且美观的特点,因此,越来越多 的高档电子产品采用直流低压风扇。但是,需要有一个独立稳压电源。本公司在研发电磁加热器 8 年的经 验基础上,结合产品的实际情况,推出 24V/75W 高性能直流电源,是解决电子产品散热方案的最佳方案。






5、储存时请选择60%-80% SOC储存,每2个月需充放电1次,以免给您带来不

GYDY24V 电源模块使用手册说明书

GYDY24V 电源模块使用手册说明书

GYDY24V电源模块使用手册VER20产品安装,使用之前请认真阅读本使用手册.请妥善保管好本手册以备今后参阅株洲市华维变流数控设备有限公司地址地址::湖南省株洲市石峰区红旗北路186号 邮编邮编邮编::412004120000电话电话::07307311-28436893 0738436893 07311-22626059390593905939 138 138 138--07336044 07336044 传真传真::07310731--2262605939 05939 05939 E E -mail:mail:huaweiacdc huaweiacdc ******************@ @网站: http://www.China net net1.概述高压晶闸管整流器,输出电压高达数千伏,甚至上万伏,处于高压状态。










3.主要技术参数主要技术参数1. 电源功率:≥20W。

2. 输入电压:AC220V。

3. 输出电压:DC24V。

4. 输入输出抗电强度:≥20KV。

5. 模块最大外形尺寸:115×90×404.4.产品外观及说明产品外观及说明产品外观及说明序号名称 说明 L L 接AC220V 火线。



3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS11000680 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)Instructions d'utilisation11/15 ALF1 Fiches de sécurité de 4 mm2 Bloc d'alimentation enfichablepour tension de secteur 230 V (1000593)Bloc d'alimentation enfichable pour tension de secteur 115 V (1000593)sans illustrationLe bloc d'alimentation enfichable 24 V est conforme aux directives de sécurité relatives aux appareils électriques de mesure, de commande et de régulation ainsi qu’aux appareils de laboratoire conformément à la norme DIN EN 61010 Partie 1 et répond à la classe de protection II. Il est conçue pour une utilisation dans des endroits secs adaptés aux matériels électriques.Une utilisation conforme à la destination garantit un emploi de l’appareil en toute sécurité. La sécuri té n’est cependant pas garantie si l’appareil fait l’objet d’un maniement inapproprié ou s’il est m anipulé avec imprudence.S’il s’avère que son utilisation ne peut plus se faire sans danger (par ex. dans le cas d’un endommagement visi ble), l’appareil doit être immédiatement mis hors service.L’utilisation de l’appareil dans les écoles et centres de formation doit être contrôlée par du personnel qualifié, sous la responsabilité de ce dernier.∙Avant une première mise en service, vérifier si la tension secteur indiquée sur le boîtier est conforme aux exigences locales.∙Avant toute mise en service, vérifier que le boîtier et les câbles sont bien exempts de tout endommagement et mettre l’appareil hors service en le protégeant contre une marche involontaire en cas de pannesde fonctionnement ou de dommages visibles.Le bloc d'alimentation enfichable fournit une tension alternative de 12 V. Il convient notamment pour l'alimentation du moteur électrique du pendule tournant d'après Pohl (1002956).Le bloc d'alimentation enfichable est coulé dans un bloc antichoc en matière plastique et équipé de deux fiches de sécurité de 4 mm.Le bloc d'alimentation enfichable existe en deux versions de tension différentes. Le bloc d'alimentation enfichable portant le numéro d'article 1000681 est dimensionné pour une tension de secteur de 230 V (±10 %) ; le bloc3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Allemagne ▪ Sous réserve de modifications techniques © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbHd'alimentation enfichable portant le numéro d'article 1000680 est dimensionné pour une tension de 115 V (±10 %).Tension d'entrée : 230 V CA 50/60 Hz ou115 V CA 50/60 Hz Tension de sortie : 24 V CA, 0,7 A max.∙Raccordez le bloc d'alimentation enfichable au consommateur en utilisant le câble de raccordement.∙Branchez le bloc d'alimentation enfichable à une prise de courant.∙L'emballage doit êtredéposé aux centres de recyclage locaux.∙Si l'appareil doit être jeté, ne pas le jeter dans les ordures ménagères. Il est important de respecter lesconsignes locales relatives au traitement des déchets électriques.。

科学实验室 24V 电源说明书

科学实验室 24V 电源说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ® PHYSICS11000680 (115 V, 50/60 Hz)Bedienungsanleitung11/15 ALF1 4-mm-Sicherheitsstecker2 Steckernetzgerät für 230 VNetzspannung (1000593) Steckernetzgerät für 115 V Netz-spannung (1000593) nicht abge-bildetDas Stecknetzgerät 24 V entspricht den Sicher-heitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steu-er-, Regel- und Laborgeräte nach DIN EN 61010 Teil 1 und ist nach Schutzklasse II aufgebaut. Es ist für den Betrieb in trockenen Räumen vor-gesehen, die für elektrische Betriebsmittel ge-eignet sind.Bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch ist der sichere Betrieb des Gerätes gewährleistet. Die Sicherheit ist jedoch nicht garantiert, wenn das Gerät unsachgemäß bedient oder unachtsam behandelt wird.Wenn anzunehmen ist, dass ein gefahrloser Betrieb nicht mehr möglich ist (z.B. bei sichtba-ren Schäden), ist das Gerät unverzüglich außer Betrieb zu setzen.In Schulen und Ausbildungseinrichtungen ist der Betrieb des Gerätes durch geschultes Personal verantwortlich zu überwachen.∙ Vor Erstinbetriebnahme überprüfen, ob derauf dem Gehäuse aufgedruckte Wert für dieNetzanschlussspannung den örtlichen An-forderungen entspricht.∙Vor Inbetriebnahme das Stecknetzgerät und die Verbindungskabel auf Beschädigungen untersuchen und bei Funktionsstörungen oder sichtbaren Schäden außer Betrieb set-zen und gegen unbeabsichtigtenBetrieb si-chern.Das Stecknetzgerät 24 V dient zur Bereitstellung einer Wechselspannung von 24 V. Es ist beson-ders geeignet zur Versorgung des Elektromotors im Drehpendel nach Pohl (1002956).Es ist in einem schlagfesten Kunststoffblock eingegossen und mit zwei 4-mm-Sicherheits- steckern ausgestattet.Das Stecknetzgerät ist in 2 Spannungsversionen erhältlich. Das Stecknetzgerät mit der Artikel-nummer 1000681 ist für eine Netzspannung von 230 V (±10 %) ausgelegt, das Stecknetzgerät mit der Artikelnummer 1000680 für 115 V (±10 %).3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Deutschland ▪ Technische Änderungen vorbehalten © Copyright 2015 3B Scientific GmbHEingangsspannung: 230 V AC 50/60 Hz bzw.115 V AC 50/60 Hz Ausgangsspannung: 24 V AC, max. 700 mA∙ Stecknetzgerät mittels der Verbindungslei-tung an den Verbraucher anschliessen. ∙Stecknetzgerät in die Steckdose stecken.∙Die Verpackung ist beiden örtlichen Recyc-lingstellen zu entsor-gen.∙Sofern das Gerät selbst verschrottet werden soll, so gehört dieses nicht in den normalen Hausmüll. Es sinddie lokalen Vorschriften zur Entsorgung von Elekt-roschrott einzuhalten.。

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KeyWords:DC/DCtransformer;PWM control;SG3525A;MATLAB Simulation.
摘 要:叙述开关电源的发展与现状,简要介绍开关电源的分类、发展动向及其意义;阐述了直流开关电源的结构和工作原理,对开关电源的主电路和控制回路进行设计:在主电路的输入回路中整流电路采用单相桥式整流,其中还设计了低通滤波电路、整流滤波电路和其他形式的滤波电路。此设计中功率转换电路采用半桥型DC/DC变换器,这是开关电源的核心部分,对此部分进行了重点分析和设计;控制电路采用电压型PWM控制,控制器采用开关电源集成控制器SG3525A,并对其特点、结构和工作原理作了简单介绍,对于系统的结构也进行了重点设计,并对其各个部分进行了元器件的选择和参数计算。其他部分还设计了保护电路和辅助电源电路。最后,用MATLAB仿真软件对主电路进行仿真测试,通过仿真测试结果对该直流电源设计的合理性进行判断,视其稳定性是否符合设计要求。
1.1 开关电源的发展与现状
tability DCPowerSupply
Abstract:Describingthe development and current situation of switching power supply, switching power supply briefly introduced the classification, development trend and its significance;DC switching power supply described the structure and working principle of the switching power supply of the main circuit and control circuit design:In the main input loop circuit using single-phase rectifier bridge rectifier circuit, which also designed the low-pass filter circuit, the rectifier filter circuit, and other forms of filter circuit.This design, half-bridge type power conversion circuit using DC / DC converters, switching power supply which is the core of the focus of this part of the analysis and design;PWM control circuit with voltage control, switching power supply controller with integrated controller SG3525A, and its characteristics, structure and working principle is briefly introduced, the structure of the system carried on the key design and the various parts of the element of its Device selection and parameter calculations.Also designed to protect other parts of the circuit and the auxiliary power supply circuits.Finally, the main circuit simulation software MATLAB simulation test, the simulation results of the DC power to judge the rationality of the design, depending on whether it meets the design requirements of its stability.
开关稳压电源简称为开关电源(switching power supply),发展已有50余年,经历了三个重要发展阶段: