传感器技术指标如下:输出液压讯号范围:0~6MPa张紧轮外径:Φ305毫米(mm)高压油缸缸径:Φ65毫米(mm)传感器最低高度: 355.5毫米(mm)工作温度:-30~+80 0C非线形误差:≤0.5%输出信号: 0~100mV/0~6MPa(电压)或4~20mA/0~6MPa (电流)三、安装和使用 (一)引出线接线规定1. 0~100mV/0~6MPa :四线制,配有密封式YD20四芯插座2. 4~20mA/0~6MPa :二线制,配有密封式YD20三芯插座(二)安装张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器根据钻机的不同可有两种安装方式,如下图所示,(1)封闭式链条箱的安装封闭式链条箱由于润滑、防尘的需要,其箱内有大量的润滑油,因此在安装传感器时,必须先将润滑油放尽,打开全封闭链罩,将张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器安装在受力传动链条受力紧边,并注意传动链条方向与扭矩传感器的方向盘标识一致,并把两根限位螺栓旋到最低,其传感器高压软管与手动注油泵相连(使用快速接头),向传感器注油,张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器会随着液压油的加注而逐渐抬起,当张紧轮轻微接触链条时,需要摆正传感器上下左右的位置,确认无误后将长、短垫板焊接在链条箱的底座上,如果焊接后发现张紧轮有偏移的现象,可以旋松底座板的四颗螺栓后,进行位置调整;也可以利用悬架两侧的调节螺钉,调节张紧轮其前后的位置,以便使链条居中。
扭矩测量仪毕业设计说明书 精品
关键字:单片机电阻式传感器扭矩测试AbstractThe instrument has the reliability to be high, the repsone may quickly the over-load protection merit, but widely uses in each kind of work piece test the torque reflectoscope reflector which control using the monolithic integrated cricuit, tries the sensor using the resistance, uses the monolithinc integrated cricuit to make the central processing chip, can correclty survey the torque which the torque which the work piece may withstandHas the structure simple performance stable surveyaccurate easy to operate, the technical parameter achieved merit and so on design request, has the certain use vauleKeyword: singlechip resistance sensor torque testing目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1单片机概述、应用及发展 (1)1.1.1单片机简介 (1)1.1.2 单片机的应用领域 (1)1.1.3 单片机的发展趋势 (2)1.2扭矩测量仪的应用和发展 (2)1.2.1 扭矩测量的基本原理和方法 (3)1.2.2 扭矩测量技术的发展方向 (3)1.2.3 国内外扭矩测量仪的现况简介 (4)1.3扭矩传感器的种类 (5)1.4本设计的主要任务 (6)第2章总体方案设计 (7)2.1系统工作原理 (7)2.1.1传感器的测试原理 (7)2.1.2单片机的引脚描述及片外结构图 (8)2.2测试系统的组成以及机械结构 (10)2.3系统中单片机的选用及设计 (11)2.3.1单片机应用系统的概述 (11)2.3.2单片机的选用 (13)2.4显示器的设计 (14)2.5键盘的设计 (16)2.6驱动部分设计 (18)2.6.1伺服系统的组成 (18)2.6.2伺服系统驱动的驱动部分设计 (19)第3章硬件电路的设计 (23)3.1检测元件 (23)3.1.1 系统的检测元件 (23)3.1.2测量转换电路 (23)3.2A/D转换器 (25)3.3逻辑电路 (27)3.3.1 锁存器74LS373 (27)3.3.2 片外数据存储器6264 (28)3.3.3 片外程序存储器2764(ROM ) (28)3.3.4 TPΜP-40A微型打印机 (29)3.3.5 BCD拨码盘 (30)3.3.6芯片8155的接口及主要功能 (34)3.3.7 芯片AD522 (36)第4章系统软件设计 (38)4.1按键识别程序 (38)4.2键盘/显示系统的执行设计 (39)4.3步进电机的控制的流程图的设计 (41)4.4控制打印机的流程图 (44)4.5反转复位流程图 (45)4.6过载判断流程图 (46)4.7过载判定流程图 (48)结论 (49)参考文献 (50)致谢 (51)附录 (52)一、步进电机驱动程序 (52)二、键盘扫描子程序: (53)三、求键值子程序: (54)四、打印程序: (55)五、显示子程序 (56)第一章绪论1.1单片机概述、应用及发展1.1.1单片机简介单片机是一种集成电路芯片,采用超大规模技术把具有数据处理能力(如算术运算,逻辑运算、数据传送、中断处理)的微处理器(CPU),随机存取数据存储器(RAM),只读程序存储器(ROM),输入输出电路(I/O口),可能还包括定时计数器,串行通信口(SCI),显示驱动电路(LCD或LED驱动电路),脉宽调制电路(PWM),模拟多路转换器及A/D转换器等电路集成到一块单块芯片上,构成一个最小然而完善的计算机系统。
DYN-502非接触式扭矩传感器说明书蚌埠大洋传感系统工程有限公司目录1.主要功能及特点 (3)2.参数表 (3)3.产品尺寸图 (4)4.工作原理 (6)5.接线定义 (7)6.安装注意 (7)7.扭矩转换关系(防止传感器过载) (11)8.故障排除 (11)9.常见使用问题及解决方法 (12)10.安装使用参考案例 (12)11.配套仪表 (13)12.声明 (14)13.保修单说明 (14)适用于各类扭矩测试场景----推进扭矩传感器智能化无滑环动态扭矩传感器实现了1/50000以上的精度,优秀的稳定性。
1.主要功能及特点●产品规格囊括了5~10000N.m(可定制)●无线传输无滑环高速反应●24V或±15V DC电源输入●综合精度0.2%F.S.●扭矩信号5-15kHz●合金钢材质弹性体●转速可选电流电压或频率信号●电源与信号隔离大幅降低干扰2.参数表3.产品尺寸图规格(N.m)4000-100004.工作原理通过应变仪检测对旋转转子施加的扭力,将对转子施加的扭矩量转换为电信号。
基尔斯特 4503B 双范围扭矩传感器使用说明书
Page 1/9Torque Sensorwith Dual-Range-Option4503B _000-767e -02.17TorqueThis information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Type 4503B...Type 4503B... torque sensors with built-in speed sensor oper-ate on the strain gage principle. An integral, digital measure-ment conditioning system produces analog or digital output signals.• Rated torque: 0,2 ... 5 000 N∙m• Ratio for second range: 1:10 or 1:5 of rated torque • Speed ranges up to 50 000 1/min• Accuracy class in standard measuring range: 0,05 In the extended measuring range: 0,1/0,2• Integral speed sensor, high resolution speed/angle meas-urement sensor up to 8 192 pulses/revolution as option • Serial data output RS-232C and USB interfaceAdditional advantages of second range:• Natural overload protection of smaller range because of spe-cial design• One sensor for two separately calibrated measuring ranges DescriptionThe dual range sensor offers the advantage of freely scalable range switching, which allows highly accurate measurement of both the peak and particularly the operating torque.The sensor offers an integrated high resolution speed/angle measurement sensor up to 8 192 pulses/revolution, freely scal-able. Additionally, the rotational direction as well as an abso-lute zero point (Z-line) are available.Power is supplied and the measurement signals transferred between the rotating shaft and the case without contact. In addition to suitable mounting of the shaft, low production tol-erances and high grade balancing, this is a further prerequisite for the high speed limit of up to 50 000 1/min achieved with the "H" version.ApplicationThe Type 4503B... torque sensors are used:• In automotive and vehicle engineering • In the aeronautical industry• In mechanical and process plant engineering • In electric motor manufactureThey are universal in application, being suitable for the devel-opment laboratory, production or quality assurance.With a torque sensor Type 4503B... you will solve your meas-urement requirement. They are typically used for testing of electric motors, generators, drive performance, measurement of transmission or spindle drive friction, at a manual worksta-tion or in networked, automated production cells.Page 2/94503B _000-767e -02.17This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reservesthe right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************, Technical DataMechanical Basic Data Measuring range N∙m ±0,2 ... 5 000 Rated torque M nomN∙m 0,2 ... 5 000Overload capacity at limiting torque 1,5 x M nom Alternating torque 0,7 x M nom Rupture torque 4 x M nom Built-in speed sensorpulses/ speed measurement optional revolut. 1x60 speed and angular measurement (optional) 2x 1 … 8 192 with reference pulse 90° displaced, TTL (Version "H"and"W") + Z-pulse Nominal Speed depending on measuring range and design (see details)Balancing class Q for version "L" and "W" 6,3 for version "H" 2,5Housing material Anodized aluminumProtection classIP40General Electrical Specifications Cut-off frequency −3 dB for kHz 10voltage output Output signalVDC ±0 ... 5/10 at M nom (rated value) kHz 100 ±40Load resistancekΩ >10 Operating temperature range °C 10 ... 60 (rated temperature range) Service temperature range °C 0 ... 70Storage temperature range °C −25 ... 80100 % control input VDC "On" 3,5 (30)"Off" 0 (2)Supply voltageVDC 11 (30)Power consumption W<5Electrical connection 12 pin/7 pinbuilt-in connectorElectrical Measuring Data − Standard Measuring Range 1:1Rated torque N∙m 0,2 ... 5000Accuracy class 0,05Linearity error % FSO <±0,05 including hysteresis Temperature influence zero point % FSO/10 K <±0,05Temperature influence nominal value % FSO/10 K <±0,05Torque control signal % FSO 100 ±0,2 for voltage output/frequency outputElectrical Measuring Data − Extended Measuring Range 1:x Rated torque N∙m 0,05 ... 0,02 1000Accuracy class 0,1 0,2 Linearity error % FSO <±0,1 <±0,2 including hysteresis Temperature influence zero point % FSO/10 K <±0,1 <±0,2 Temperature influence nominal value % FSO/10 K <±0,1 <±0,2Torque control signal % FSO 100 ±0,3 for voltage output/frequency outputSpeed/Rotation Angle Measuring System Size 1 ... 5Measuring system magnetoresistive Output signal V 5 TTL Pulses per revolution 1 … 8 192Pulse tolerance ° ≤0,03Minimum rotational speed forsufficient pulse stability min -1>0Admissible maximum output frequency kHz 500Group delay µs <150Load resistance kΩ ≥2Reference Pulse Measuring System (0-Index)Measuring system magnetoresistiveOutput signal V 5 TTLPulses per revolution 1Pulse tolerance° ≤0,03Minimum rotational speed forsufficient pulse stability min -1>0Group delay µs <150Load resistancekΩ ≥2Page 3/94503B _000-767e -02.17This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,Limit Values for Dynamic LoadVersion "L/W" Measuring Side (low speed)Version "H" Measuring Side (high speed)Measuring Ranges and Maximum SpeedSpring Constant and Inertia of MassPage 4/9This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,Option P1: both shaft ends with keyways. Keyways (2x180°) to DIN 6885, Bl. 1Page 5/9This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,Page 7/94503B _000-767e -02.17This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,Type 4700B... CoMo TorqueEvaluation Instrument for Torque SensorsPrinciple of FunctionMounting Torque Sensor Type 4503B... between Drive and BrakeMounting Torque Sensor Type 4503B... with Holding Bracket (GU) or Housing BaseDrive (specimen)Drive (specimen)Full couplingsHalf couplingSensorSensorHousing base (GU) or holding bracketTwist protection (should avoid heavy tension-forces on the torque sensorFull couplings Half couplingBrakeBrakeFig. 5: Installation without holding bracket or housing base (GU).Fig. 6: Installation with holding bracket or housing base (GU).Page 8/94503B _000-767e -02.17This information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. Kistler reserves the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting ©2015 ... 2017, Kistler Group, Eulachstrasse 22, 8408 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,Electrical ConnectionsPin Allocation of the 12 Pin Built-in Standard ConnectorPin Allocation of the 7 Pin Built-in Connector for Range SwitchFig. 7: Connection diagram of 12 pin built-in connector (standard)Fig. 8: Connection diagram of 7 pin built-in connector4503B _000-767e -02.17the right to make technical changes. Liability for consequential damage resulting Tel.+41522241111,Fax+41522241414,****************,。
大洋传感器 DYN-200 动态扭矩传感器 说明书
二、特点:1. 既可以传递静止扭矩信号,也可以传递旋转转矩信号;2. 既可以传递静态扭矩信号,也可以传递动态扭矩信号;3. 精度高,稳定性好;4. 体积小,重量轻,易于安装;5. 不需反复调零即可连续传递正反转扭矩信号;6. 没有集流环等磨损件,可以高转速长时间运行;7. 抗干扰性强;8. 可任意位置,任意方向安装;三、HX901系列扭矩传感器应用范围1. 传递电动机、内燃机等旋转动力设备的输出扭矩及功率。
2. 传递发电机、风机、泵、搅拌机、减速器、变速器、卷扬机、螺旋桨、钻探机械等设备的负载扭矩及输入功率。
3. 传递各种机械加工中心、自动机床工作过程中的扭矩。
4. 传递各种旋转动力设备系统所产生的扭矩及效率。
四、HX901扭矩传感器技术指标1.工作范围:5N·m-30万N·m(大量程可以定做)2.精度:0.5%(F·S)3.环境温度:0℃-50℃4.频率响应:100 μs5.输出信号: 零扭矩: 10 KHZ正向满量程: 15 KHZ 反向满量程:5 KHZ8.输出电平:0-12v 负载电流<10mA9.信号插座: (1)0V. (2)+15V. (3)-15V. (4)转速信号.(5)扭矩信号.五、HX901扭矩信号耦合器工作原理本系列扭矩信号耦合器的电源供应由设在标准应变桥扭矩传感器上的一组环型变压器提供的感应电压经过轴上整流,稳压电路变换成高稳定性的直流电压。
开箱后,请先按《装箱单》所列项目认真清点,确认箱内 物品是否与《装箱单》一 致,查看物品在运输过程中是否有破 损现象,同时核对发货产品的铭牌,确认产品的型号、规格及 参数与您的订货要求一致。如有问题,请速与我公司联系。
箱内物品:①装箱单 ②传感器 ③航空插头 ④使用说明书 ⑤合格证 ⑥变送器 ⑦检定报告
0-10;30; 18 85 8 50 122 31 61 100 50 108 186
28 92 8 72 123 41 61 100 56 125 208
38 106 8 72 127 55 61 108 66 136 238
48 113 8 69 125 70 78 120 68 158 273
♦ 联机的测试电缆线应妥善固定好,防止旋转系统将其绞断。 ♦ 测试电缆线的航空插头处的屏蔽线接点不应随意拆除。 ♦ 测试电缆线的航空插头与传感器及仪表的航空插座应拧紧可 靠。
♦ 为了避免触电,应使用三芯电源线与三线式电源插座联接进 行供电,三线式电源插座的中心地线必须可靠接地。
检查运行系统中的动力系统电压、传感器的供电电压是否在额 定值范围内。
用户根据使用要求、环境,可以半年或壹年对传感器进行一次 定期检查。 检查项目除日常保养、维护的内容外,还应对轴承清洗、加注
只有受过专业培训的人才能拆卸部件后进行维护及器件 更换。
30K 140 220 4-M12 88 146 150 193 240 140.2 281 452
11. 故障排除 ............................................................................................................13 12. 常见使用问题及解决方法 ............................................................................... 14 13. 接线方式 (无特别要求,默认方式) ............................................................. 14
DYN-200 扭矩传感器系列说明书
该产品已取得发明专利 该产品已取得外观实用新型专利 该产 ................................................................................................... 1 2. 技术指标 ................................................................................................................1 3. 参数说明 ................................................................................................................1
8.7 模拟量模块接线方式 .......................................................................... 8 8.8 编码器输出方式 .......................................................................................... 8 9. 使用注意事项 ..................................................................................................... 10 10. 扭矩转换关系(防止传感器过载) ............................................................... 13 10.1 计算关系式 ............................................................................................. 13
AKC-215 动态扭矩传感器使用说明
AKC-215动态扭矩传感器使用说明一. 用途随着现代化程度的不断提高,扭力定值的测量越来越广泛,我司生产的AKC系列扭矩传感器主要用于航天,航空,汽车,建筑,化工,机械行业等领域,用来测量扭矩扳手,搅拌力矩,铰链力矩,拖机力矩。
二. 工作原理1.扭矩测量基本原理AKC-215系列扭矩传感器是以电阻应变计为转换元件的传感器。
三. 主要技术指标1.扭矩精度:±0.1%2.转速精度: 60个脉冲/转(无积累误差)3.供电电压: ±15VDC4.信号输出幅值:S5.扭矩频率输出范围:零扭矩10KHz±50Hz正向扭矩满量程:15KHz±50Hz 反向扭矩满量程:5KHz±50Hz6.允许转速: ≤5000转/分7.温度补偿范围:-10~60℃8.允许过负荷:120%FS其它技术参数详见产品检验合格证四.接线方式插头座号引线颜色激励电压+15V 1 红地 2 白激励电压-15V 3 蓝转速输出 4 黑扭矩输出 5 黄五.传感器使用注意事项1.传感器主轴安装应与被测主轴同心,轴向力与径向力<20N.外壳固定采用软连接。
jY 系列扭矩传感器使用说明书
★ 安装传感器时严禁敲打。特别是连轴结与传感器应该采用过渡配合中的间隙配
★ 连轴结必须采用弹性连轴结,50N.m以下的传感器可以采用尼龙绳连接,以避免
5、环 境 温 度 : 0℃-40℃
6. 输 出 信 号 :
★ 频率输出:(常规订货方式)
零 扭 矩: 10 KHZ 左右
正向满量程: 15 KHZ 左右 反向满量程: 5 KHZ 左右
★ 脉冲信号幅度:0-10V
★ 在 120%额定扭矩范围内保精度测量。
★ 瞬时冲击不高于 300%额定扭矩,不损坏传感器。
web: e-mail: hxloading@
湖湘测控 JY 系列转矩转速传感器说明书
一、 概述 二、 JY 系列扭矩传感器技术性能指标
(1) 扭矩 (2) 转速 三、 JY 系列扭矩传感器工作原理简要说明 四、 JY 扭矩传感器安装使用 五、 JY 系列扭矩传感器传感器规格表 六、 JY 系列扭矩传感器外形尺寸 七、 定货须知 八、 其它 1、 传感器出厂装箱单 2、三包服务
★ 严格禁止带载启动,以避免冲击扭矩损坏传感器;同样停车时应该尽量避免急
2.宽测量范围:扭矩传感器能够适应不同扭矩范围的测量需求,常见的测量范围从0.1 Nm到10000 Nm不等。
应用领域1. 汽车工业•扭矩监测:扭矩传感器可用于汽车发动机、变速器和传动系统的扭矩监测与控制。
2. 航空航天•发动机测试:用于航空发动机的扭矩测试和评估,确保发动机性能和可靠性。
3. 机械制造•负载测试:用于各种机械设备的负载测试和负载监控,确保设备按设计要求正常工作。
开箱检查...............................................3 命名规则...............................................3 转矩测量基本原理...............................................3 转速测量基本原理 .............................................3 技术参数 .......................................................4 07 型传感器的安装 .........................................5
安装方法 1. 测量传感器的轴径和中心高,待装。 2. 使用两组联轴器,将传感器安装在动力设备与负载之间。 3. 分别调整动力设备、负载、传感器的中心高和同轴度,要求小于 0.05mm,然后将其固定,并紧固可靠,不允许有松动,使用小量程
或高转速传感器时,更要严格保证连接的中心高和同轴度。否则可 能造成测量误差及传感器的损坏。 4. 连接时可选用刚性或弹性联轴器,在震动较大或同轴度无法保证安
Mp=N (f-f0) / (fp-f0)
f0 fp
Mr=N (f0-f) / (f0-fr)
Mp:正向转矩 N:转矩满量程 fP:正向满量程输出频率值(kHz) f:实测转矩输出频率值(kHz)
Mr:反向转矩 f0:转矩零点输出频率值(kHz) fr:反向满量程输出频率值(kHz)
Operating manualTorqueFlangeT10FB 23.T10F.90 en3T10FB 23.T10F .90 en HBMContents Page Safety instructions 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Versions of the torque flange 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Application 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Design and function 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Mechanical installation 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1Conditions at the site of installation 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2Mounting position 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3Installation options 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3.1Installation with complete antenna ring 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3.2Installation with subsequent stator mounting 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3.3Installation example with couplings 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.3.4Installation example with cardan shaft 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.4Installing the rotor 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.5Installing the stator B 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.6Clamping piece assembly 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.7Installing the slotted disc (speed measuring system)23 . . . . . . . . . . .4.8Aligning the stator (speed measuring system)24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Electrical connection 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.1Shielding design 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2Option 2, code KF126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.2.1Adapting to the cable length 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.3Option 2, code SF1/SU229 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.4Supply voltage 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Calibration 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.1Calibration option 2, code KF132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.2Calibration option 2, code SF1/SU232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4T10F B 23. T10F.90 enHBM 7Settings 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1Torque output signal, code KF134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2Torque output signal, code SF1/SU234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3Setting up zero point 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4Functional testing 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.1Power transmission 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4.2Aligning the speed module 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5Setting up the number of pulses 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6Oscillation suppression (hysteresis)38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7Form of the speed output signal 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8Type of rotation speed output signal 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Loading capacity 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1Measuring dynamic torques 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Maintenance 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1Maintenance of the speed module 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Dimensions 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1Rotor dimensions 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2Dimensions stator B 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3Mounting dimensions 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Order numbers, accessories 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Technical data 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Supplementary technical information 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1Output signals 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.1 Output MD for torque (connector 1)54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.2 Output N for rotation speed (connector 2)55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1.3 Output for rotation speed, double frequency, static signal for direction of rotation 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2Flatness and concentricity tolerances 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.3Additional mechanical data 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Copy of declaration of conformity 58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5T10F B 23.T10F.90 en HBMAppropriate useThe T10F Torque Flange may be used for torque-measurement and directly related control and regulation tasks only. Any other use is not appropriate.To ensure safe operation, the transducer may only be used according to the specifications given in this manual. When using the transducer, the legal and safety regulations for the respective application must also be observed. The same applies if accessories are used.The transducer is not a safety device in accordance with the regulations for appropriate use. For correct and safe operation of this transducer it isessential to ensure technically correct transportation, storage, installation and fitting, and to operate all equipment with care.General dangers in the case of non–observance of the safetyinstructionsThe transducer complies with the state of the art and is operationally reliable.If the transducer is used and operated inappropriately by untrained personnel,residual dangers may arise.Anyone responsible for installing, operating, maintaining or repairing this transducer must be sure to have read and understood the operating manual and in particular the notes on safety.Residual dangersThe scope of performance and supply of this transducer covers only part of the torque measurement technology. In addition, those involved in planning,constructing and operating the safety engineering aspects of torquemeasurement technology must design, produce and take responsibility for such measures in order to minimise potential residual dangers. Prevailing regulations must be complied with at all times. There must be a clearreference to the residual dangers connected with measurement technology.6T10F B 23. T10F.90 enHBM In this manual, the following symbols are used to refer to residual dangers:Symbol:DANGER Meaning: Maximum danger levelWarns of an imminently dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements will result in death or serious physical injury.Symbol:WARNING Meaning: Dangerous situationWarns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements can result in death or serious physical injury.Symbol:CAUTIONMeaning: Potentially dangerous situationWarns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements could result in damage to property or some form of physical injury.Symbol:NOTE Means that important information about the product or its handling is being given.Symbol:Meaning: CE markThe CE mark enables the manufacturer to guarantee that the productcomplies with the requirements of the relevant EC guidelines (see Declaration of Conformity at the end of these Mounting Instructions).7T10F B 23.T10F.90 en HBMReconstruction and modificationsHBM’s express consent is required for modifications affecting the transducer’s construction and safety. HBM does not take responsibility for damage resulting from unauthorised modifications.Qualified personnelThe transducer may be used by qualified personnel only; the technical data and the special safety regulations must be observed in all cases. When using the transducer, the legal and safety regulations for the respective application must also be observed. The same applies if accessories are used.Qualified personnel means: personnel familiar with the installation, fitting,start–up and operation of the product, and trained according to their job.Prevention of accidentsAccording to prevailing accident prevention regulations, after fitting the T10F torque transducers a cover must be fitted as follows:•The cover must not be able rotate.•The cover shall protect against crushing or cutting and provide protection against parts that might come loose.•The cover shall be installed at a safe distance from moving parts or shall prevent anyone putting their hand inside.•The cover shall even be fitted if the moving parts are installed in areas to which persons do not usually have access.The above regulations may only be disregarded if machine parts are already sufficiently protected owing to the design of the machine or because other precautions have been taken.GuaranteeIn the event of a claim, the guarantee can only be considered if the torque flange is returned in its original packing.8T10FB 23. T10F.90 enHBM In the case of option 2 “Electrical Configuration ”, the T10F torque flange is available in versions KF1, SF1 and SU2. These versions differ in their electrical inputs and outputs to the stator. The rotors are the same for allmeasuring range versions. Versions SF1 and SU2 can be optionally fitted with a speed measuring system.Fig. 1.1:T10F versionsYou can see which version you have from the stator identification plate. The version is shown by its “T10F –...” number.For example: T10F –001R –SU2–S –0–V1–Y (see also page 47).9T10F B 23.T10F.90 en HBMT10F Torque Flanges acquire static and dynamic torque data from static or rotating shafts and determine rotation speed together with information on the direction of rotation. Due to their extremely short design they enable very compact test arrangements to be used. They offer a very wide range of applications.In addition to conventional test-rig applications (motor, roller and gear test-rigs) new solutions are possible for torque measurements partlyintegrated into the machines. Here you benefit from the special characteristics of the T10F Torque Flange:•Extremely short design due to flange measuring –body•High permissible dynamic loads•High permissible transverse forces and bending moments•Very high torsional stiffness•No bearings, no slip-ringsDue to their construction without bearings and the contact –free transmission of excitation voltage and measurement, torque flanges are maintenance –free.Thus, frictional or thermal effects on the bearings can be excluded.The torque flanges are supplied for nominal (rated) torques from 50 N ⋅m up to 10 kN ⋅m. Depending on the nominal torque, maximum speeds of up to 15,000 rpm are permissible.T10F Torque Flanges are protected from electromagnetic interference. They have been tested with regard to EMC according to the relevant European standards, and carry the CE mark.10T10FB 23. T10F.90 en HBM Torque flanges consist of two separate parts: the rotor and the stator. The rotor includes the measuring body and the adapter flange.Strain gauges have been mounted on the measuring body. The rotorelectronics for transmitting the bridge excitation voltage and measuring signal are located centrally on the flange. The top surface of the measuring body supports the transmitter coils for contact –free transmission of excitation voltage and measuring signal. The signals are transmitted and received by a divisible antenna ring. The antenna ring is mounted on a housing that includes the electronic system for voltage adaption and signal conditioning.The stator includes connecting plugs for the torque signal, the power supply and the rotation speed signal (optional). The antenna ring should be mounted concentrically around the rotor (see chapter 4).In the case of the option which includes a rotation speed measurementsystem, the rotation speed sensor is mounted on the stator and the customer fastens the associated slotted disc to the rotor. Rotation speed is measured optically in accordance with the principle of infrared transmitted light barriers.Stator Antenna segmentsRotorSerrated lockingwashers Measuring body Adapter flange (without slotted disc)Housing Rotation speed sensor (optional)Fig. 3.1:Mechanical construction, exploded viewWARNINGHandle the torque flange carefully. The transducer might suffer permanent damage from mechanical shock (dropping), chemical effects (e.g. acids, solvents) or thermal effects (hot air, steam).Never slacken the screwed rotor joints marked with sealing varnish (the hexagon-socket screws for the measuring body and adapter flange and the slotted screws on the type plate).With alternating loads, you should use a screw locking device (medium) to glue the rotor connection-screws into the counter thread in order to prevent slackening and loss of pre–tensioning.T10F Torque Flanges can be fitted directly to an appropriate shaft flange. The adapter flange enables direct mounting of a cardan shaft or corresponding corrector elements (if necessary, via an intermediate flange). Never exceed the permissible limits specified for bending moments or for transverse and longitudinal forces. Due to the high torsional stiffness of the T10F torque flange, dynamic changes on the shaft run are minimized.CAUTIONIn all cases check the effect on critical speeds and natural torsional vibrations to avoid overloading the torque flanges due to resonance step-up.NOTEFor regular operation observe the mounting dimensions in all cases (see page 46) .T10F Torque Flanges are protected to IP54 according to EN 60 529. The measuring flanges must be protected from dirt, dust, oil, solvents and humidity. During operation, the prevailing safety regulations for the security of personnel must be observed (see ”Notes on safety”).The output signal and zero point of the T10F Torque Flange are compensated for the effects of temperature variations between wide limits (see Technical Data on page 48). This compensation is carried out by costly stove-processes at static temperatures. This ensures that reproducible relationships are present and that the characteristics of the transducers can be duplicated at any time.If static temperature relationships do not prevail, e.g. due to temperature differences between the measuring element and the adapter flange, the values specified in the technical data can be exceeded. Then for accurate measurements, static temperature relationships must be obtained by cooling or heating depending on the application. Alternatively, temperature decoupling must be checked, e.g. by heat radiating elements such as laminated couplings.The torque flange can be mounted in any position. With clockwise torque, the output frequency is 10...15 kHz. With HBM amplifiers or with the “Voltage output” option, a positive output Signal (0...+10 V) is present.In the speed measuring system, an arrow on the sensor head clearly indicates the direction of rotation. When the torque flange rotates in the direction of the arrow, connected HBM amplifiers deliver a positive output signal (0...+10 V).In principle, there are two options for torque-flange mounting: with antenna ring complete or disassembled. We recommend fitting in accordance with chapter 4.3.1. If it is not possible to install in accordance with 4.3.1 (for example during a subsequent stator change, or when installing with the speed measuring system), you must dismantle the antenna ring. At this point please be sure to follow the instructions for assembling the antenna segments (see”Installing the stator” and “Installing the slotted disc”).4.3.1Installation with complete antenna ring3.Finish installation of shaft run4.Install the clamping piece if required.4.3.2Installation with subsequent stator mounting5.Align stator and finish installation6.Install the clamping piece if required4.3.3Installation example with couplingsFig. 4.1:Installation example with coupling4.3.4Installation example with cardan shaftFig. 4.2:Installation example with cardan shaftCAUTIONFor regular operation observe the mounting dimensions in all cases (inparticular area of metal parts, see page 46) .Additional mounting instructions for the speed measuring system can be found in chapter 4.7, page 23.NOTEIn general, the rotor type-plate will no longer be visible after installation.Therefore, additional adhesive labels including the major characteristics have been supplied. They can be fixed on the stator or other relevant test-rig components thus enabling required data such as e.g. the calibration signal to be read off at any time.1.Prior to installation, clean the plan surfaces on the torque flange and counter flange. For safe torque transmission, the surfaces must be clean and free from grease. Use a piece of cloth or paper soaked with a solvent.Make sure that no solvent drips into the torque flange ’s interior and that the transmitter coils do not suffer damage.Fig. 4.1:Rotor screwed connection2.To screw–fasten the measuring body use eight DIN EN ISO 4762hexagon–socket screws, property class 10.9 (measuring range10 kN V m: 12.9), of the appropriate length (depending on the connectiongeometry, see Table 4.1).We recommend, particularly for 50 N⋅m, 100 N⋅m and 200 N⋅m situations, fillister-head screws DIN EN ISO 4762 or similar, blackened,smooth-headed, permitted size and shape variance in accordance with DIN ISO 4759, Part 1, product class A.WARNINGThe screw heads (Z), see Fig. 4.1, must not fit tight to the adapter flange. With alternating load: Use a screw locking device (e.g. LOCTITE no. 242) to glue the screws into the counter thread in order to prevent slackening and loss of pre–tensioning.3.Before finally tightening the screws, turn the torque flange on the centeringuntil all screw heads are located more or less centrally in the clearance bores on the connection element. The screw heads may in no case be in contact with the sides of the adapter-flange clearance-bores.4.Fasten all screws with the specified fastening torque (Table 4.1).5.For further installation of the shaft run, there are eight threaded bores onthe adapter flange. Also use screws of property class 10.9 (or 12.9) and fasten with the fastening torque specified in Table 4.1.CAUTIONWith alternating loads, use screw locking device to glue into place the connection screws. Guard against contamination from varnishfragments.Always observe the maximum thread reach specified in Table 4.1.Otherwise, considerable measurement errors might occur or the transducer might suffer damage.Table 4.1:Fastening screws1)With optional speed module 14 mm; due to intermediate flange 6 mm longer screws must be used.2)If screws of Class 12.9 are not available, Class 10.9 screws (400 N ⋅m tightening torque)can be used. The permitted limiting torque is then reduced to 120 % by reference to M nom .On delivery, the stator is installed and ready for operation. The antenna segments can be separated from the stator, for example, for maintenance or to facilitate stator installation. In order not to alter the central alignment of the segment rings in relation to the stator foot, we recommend you remove only one antenna segment from the stator.If your application does not require stator disassembly, proceed as described in sections 2., 6., 7. and 8.Version with speed measuring systemSince the rotation speed sensor surrounds the slotted disc, it is not possible to slide the stator axially over the ready–fitted rotor (except for the 50 N⋅m,100 N⋅m and 200 N⋅m ranges). Please also note chapter 4.7 on this point.Fig. 4.2:Antenna-segment screwed connections1.Slacken and remove the screwed connections (M6) on one antennasegment. Make sure that the serrated locking washers are not lost.e an appropriate foundation plate to install the stator housing in theshaft run, in such a way that it is still possible to make horizontal andvertical adjustments. Do not fully tighten the screws yet.3.Now refit the antenna segment removed under point 1. onto the statorusing two hexagon–socket screws and the serrated locking washers. Make sure that for a defined transition resistance all required serrated locking washers (see Fig. 4.2), die f are located under the nuts. Do not fully tighten the screws yet.4.Fit the upper screws for connecting the two antenna segments so that theantenna ring is closed. Remember the serrated locking washers in this case, too.5.Now, fasten all antenna-segment screwed connections with a tighteningtorque of 5 N⋅m.6.Align the antenna and rotor so that the antenna encloses the rotor more orless coaxially. Please adhere to the permitted alignment tolerancesspecified in the technical data.7.Fasten the stator-housing screwed connection.8.Make sure that the opening in the lowerantenna-segment section is free from electroconductiveforeign substances.CAUTIONIn order to ensure proper functioning, the serrated locking washers (A5, 1–EST Din 6796 ZN/galvanised) must be renewed after the antenna screws have been loosened three times.Depending on the operating conditions, the antenna ring may be excited so that it vibrates. This effect is dependent on•the speed•the antenna diameter (depends in turn on the measurement range)•the construction of the machine foundationsTo avoid vibrations, a clamping piece is enclosed with the torque measurement flange enabling the antenna ring to be supported.Assembly sequence1.Loosen and remove the upper antenna segment screws.2.Fasten the clamping piece with the enclosed screws as shown in Fig. 4.4.It is essential to use the new serrated locking washers.3.Clamp a suitable supporting element (we recommend a threaded rod of∅3...6 mm diameter) between the upper and lower parts of the clamping piece and tighten the clamping screws.Clamping pieceSerrated lockingwashersAntenna segmentsFig. 4.4:Clamping piece assemblyThe slotted disc for the speed measuring system is not fitted to the rotor in order to avoid damage in transit. It must be fastened to the adapter flange (or intermediate flange) before installing the rotor in the shaft run. The associated rotation speed sensor is already fitted to the stator.The necessary screws, screwdriver and screw lock are included among the components supplied.When carrying out any installation work, make sure that the slotted disc is not damaged.Assembly sequence1.Slide the slotted disc onto the adapter flange (or auxiliary flange) and alignthe screw holes.2.Put the screw lock a little way onto the screw thread and tighten thescrews (tightening torque < 15 N⋅cm).The stator can be installed in any position required (for example it can be installed “upside down”).For measuring mode to operate perfectly, the slotted disc for the speed measuring system must rotate at a defined position in the sensor fork.Axial alignmentThe sensor fork is provided with an alignment mark for axial alignment. In its installed status the slotted disc must be positioned exactly over this alignment mark. Variances of up to "2mm are permitted in measuring mode (total static and dynamic displacement).Fig. 4.6:Position of slotted disc in rotation speed sensor NOTEFor fastening the stator we recommend M6 screws with packing washers (elongated hole width 9 mm). Using this size of screw ensures the necessary degree of mobility for alignment.Radial alignmentThe rotor axis and optical axis of the rotation speed sensor must in a line at a right angle to the stator platform. As an aid to alignment there is a conical knob (or coloured mark) in the middle of the adapter flange, and a vertical line is marked on the sensor head.Fig. 4.7:Rotor and stator alignment markingsThe cable screen is connected according to the HBM Greenline concept, thus enclosing the measuring system (without rotor) in a Faraday cage (for this it is important that the shielding on both cable ends is laid flat to the body of the casing) and preventing potential electromagnetic interferences from affecting the measuring signal. Special electronic coding methods are used to protect the transmission path and the rotor from electromagnetic interferences.In the case of interferences due to potential differences (compensating currents), operating-voltage zero and housing ground must be disconnected on the amplifier and a potential-equilibration line between stator housing and amplifier housing must be established (copper conductor, 10 mm2 wirecross-section).If potential differences between the rotor and the stator occur in the machine, due perhaps to unchecked leakage, and give rise to interference, the situation is usually remedied by fully earthing the rotor, for instance with a wiper or brush. The stator must be similarly earthed.On the stator housing is a 7–pin device connector (Binder 723), to which you connect the cable for the power supply and torque signal.5.2.1Adapting to the cable lengthThe way the torque flange operates is dependent on the method used for transmission between the rotor and the stator, and the following:•Installation situation (e.g. cover, area free of metal)•Length of cable•Excitation voltage supply tolerancesFor adaptation to different ratios, there are three switches in the stator housing which are accessible when the stator cover is removed.Fig. 5.1:Switches in the stator housingPlease ensure that after switching to position 3, the calibration signal is not initiated.Potential interference problems and their solution:Interference:No signal at output, amplifier displays an overflow. Cause:Not enough power, T10F switches off.Remedy:Switch position 3.Interference:The calibration signal has been unintentionally triggered. Remedy:Switch position 1.On the stator housing there are two 7–pin device connectors (Binder 723),and if the speed module option is used there is also an 8–pin device connector. Their pin assignments depend on the chosen option.The supply voltage and the calibration signal of plugs 1 and 3 are direct-coupled via multifuses (automatically resetting fuses).Pin assignment for plug 1:Power supply and frequency output signal.1)Factory setting; RS 422 complementary signalsCAUTIONOption 2, code SF1/SU2 torque flanges are intended for use with DC voltage supply only. They must not be connected to older HBM amplifiers using square –wave excitation. This could lead to thedestruction of resistors on the connection board or other faults in the amplifiers (the torque flange on the other hand is protected and when the correct contacts have been replaced it is ready for service again).。
CY-NJ22 夹持式扭矩传感器使用说明书一、主要用途与适用范围CY-NJ22 夹持式扭矩传感器主要是应用在石油钻机上测量钻盘扭矩,也可以用在其他转轴扭矩的测量。
紧箍在转轴上的两个零件1、2 由于转轴受到扭力会绕轴心相对错开一个角度,此时分别固定在零件1、2 上的测量杆3 就会产生一定的变形,用固定在测量杆上的力传感器就可以测量出转轴的扭矩大小。
将传感器获得的微弱信号通过固定在零件2 上电路放大、A/D 转换,再用射频发送电路发射出来。
固定在地面的射频接收电路收到测量信号后再通过D/A 变换将扭矩信号变成4-20MA 的标准信号输出。
经放大的电信号由MCU 进行AD 转换成数字信号,最后由RF 射频收发电路将数字化的扭矩信号发给固定在地面的接收电路。
在地面的接收电路收到射频信号后由RF 收发模块进行解调,再通过MCU 将数字化的扭矩信号送到DA 转换电路转换成4~20MA 的标准模拟信号输出。
4~20mA 电流变送器采用三线制方式,根据接收模块接收到的扭矩值,在电流环内输出相应的电流。
当扭矩显示数值为0 时,变送器输出电流为12mA;当扭矩显示数值为+10KN 即扭矩正向最大时,变送器输出电流为20mA;当扭矩显示数值为-10KN 即扭矩反向最大时,变送器输出电流为4mA。
当接收模块在2 秒钟未接收到任何扭矩数据时,液晶屏上的扭矩显示数值以及电流变送器的输出电流维持不变。
当2 秒钟之后仍未接收到任何扭矩数据时,变送器输出电流为3.5mA,且接收模块的显示屏上闪烁显示“ERROR”字样。
扭矩显示范围为0~10KN 以及0~-10KN,最小显示单位为0.01KN。
驰原 CYN 系列动态(旋转)扭矩传感器 使用说明书
负载特性图1、激励电压:10VDC 或12VDC 或±15V DC 2、额定输出灵敏度:1~2mV/V3、零点输出:2%FS4、输入电阻:350Ω±20Ω或710Ω±20Ω输出电阻:350Ω±20Ω或710Ω±20Ω5、温度补偿范围:-10℃~60℃允许温度范围:-30℃~80℃6、允许过负荷:120%FS五、航空插头示意图(CYN-027为例)型号:CYN-027型号:CYN-027A四(五芯)定义1…激励正/EXC+(红线)2…信号正/SIG+(绿线)3…信号负/SIG-(白线)4…激励负/EXC-(黑线)屏蔽线SHIELD…粗黑六、放大器接线(CYN-027为例)七、扭矩传感器与仪表接线方式放大器电气连接图传感器电气连接放大器输出电气连接-4线制型号:CYBQ-A2路(任接一路)电源正/红线…EXC+电源负/黑线…EXC-信号正/绿线…SIG+信号负/白线…SIG-电流型(4-20mA)电源正/红线…POWER +电源负/黑线…POWER -信号正/绿线…OUTPUT I 信号负/白线…OUTPUT -电压型(0-±5V,0-±10V)电源正/红线…POWER +电源负/黑线…POWER -信号正/绿线…OUTPUT V 信号负/白线…OUTPUT -不同类型放大器务必参考相应说明书接线!CYB 显示控制仪接线图CYN-3X 扭矩转速控制仪接线图CYN-X 扭矩控制仪接线图八、传感器使用注意事项1.特别提示:选传感器芯轴与外壳处贴有M标示端接被测件。
扭矩测量仪设计说明书目录一、设计背景 (3)二、设计题目与设计要求 (3)三、扭矩测量及应变片的原理 (3)1、扭矩测量的原理 (4)2、应变片的原理 (4)四、总体方案确定 (5)五、具体方案设计 (5)1、扭矩传感器的设计 (6)2、信号的中间变换与传输 (7)3、试验数据采集系统设计 (10)六、测量误差分析及数据处理 (11)七、参考文献 (12)八、附件1、CAD图2、感想一、设计背景不久前,市场研究机构Darnell Group在一份报告中指出,2010年扭矩测量仪价格预计将与现有模拟产品持平。
NO.2014-03 YH502系列扭矩传感器用户手册感谢您使用YH502系列扭矩传感器产品。
如图所示:应用原理图2、转速的测量:转速测量采用磁电码盘的方法进行测量,每一磁电码盘均有60个齿,轴带动磁电码盘每旋转一周可产生60个脉冲,转速传感器精度可达±0.1%~±0.5%(F·S),本传感器的测速方法采用内置测速,订货时用户需注明是否监测转速信号!三、外形尺寸:尺寸参考下图:四、产品特征:1. 开机5分钟即可进入工作状态,勿需预热过程。
2. 检测精度高、稳定性好、抗干扰性强。
3. 不需反复调零即可连续测量正反扭矩。
4. 体积小、重量轻、易于安装。
5. 传感器可脱离二次仪表独立使用,直接输出与扭矩成正比的频率信号或模拟量。
五、主要性能及电气指标:扭矩精度:<±0.5 % F• S、<±0.25 % F• S、<±0.1 % F • S(可选)频率响应: 100μs非线性:<±0.1 % F• S重复性:<±0.1% F• S回差:<0.1 % F• S零点时漂:<0.2 % F• S零点温漂:<0.2 % F• S /10℃使用温度:-20 ~ 50℃储存温度:-40 ~ 70℃电源电压:±15VDC、24VDC(可选)信号输出: 5KHz—15KHz、0-20mA、4-20mA、0-5V、0-10V、1-5V (可选)六、传感器量程的选择扭矩传感器量程的选择应以实际测量的最大扭矩为依据,通常情况下应留有一定余量,防止出现过载导致传感器损坏。
传感器技术指标如下:输出液压讯号范围:0~6MPa张紧轮外径: Φ260毫米(mm ) 高压油缸缸径: Φ65毫米(mm ) 传感器最低高度: 260毫米(mm ) 工作温度: -30~+80 0C 非线形误差: ≤0.5%输出信号: 4~20mA/0~6MPa(电流)三、安装和使用(一) 引出线接线规定1. 4~20mA/0~6MPa :二线制,配有密封式YD20三芯插座(二)安装张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器根据钻机的不同可有两种安装方式,如下图所示,(1)封闭式链条箱的安装封闭式链条箱由于润滑、防尘的需要,其箱内有大量的润滑油,因此在安装传感器时,必须先将润滑油放尽,打开全封闭链罩,将张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器安装在受力传动链条受力紧边,并注意传动链条方向与扭矩传感器的方向盘标识一致,并把两根限位螺栓旋到最低,其传感器高压软管与手动注油泵相连(使用快速接头),向传感器注油,张紧轮式转盘扭矩传感器会随着液压油的加注而逐渐抬起,当张紧轮轻微接触链条时,需要摆正传感器上下左右的位置,确认无误后将长、短垫板焊接在链条箱的底座上,如果焊接后发现张紧轮有偏移的现象,可以旋松底座板的四颗螺栓后,进行位置调整;也可以利用悬架两侧的调节螺钉,1脚: 空脚2脚: 15~30VDC 正极 3脚: 信号输出调节张紧轮其前后的位置,以便使链条居中。
F-149SPECIFICATIONS Rated Output: 2 mV/V nominalExcitation: 10 Vdc, 20 Vdc maxAccuracy: ±0.18% FSLinearity: ±0.10% FSHysteresis: ±0.10% FSRepeatability: ±0.10% FSZero Balance: ±1.0% FSOperating Temp Range:-53 to 120°C (-65 to 250°F)Compensated Temp Range:0 to 76°C (32 to 170°F)Thermal Effects: Zero: ±0.002% FS/°F Span: ±0.002% rdg/°FMax Load:Safe: 150% FS Ultimate: 300% FSBridge Resistance: 350 Ω nominalFull Scale Angular Deflection: 1.2°Construction: Nickel-plated steel U I deal for MonitoringTorque in Motor Pump and Machine MountsU Flange Mounted for Easy InstallationU Measures Torque in Clockwise and Counterclockwise DirectionsTQ101 Series reaction torque sensors are ideal for measuring reaction or restraining torques found in motor mounts, pump mounts, and machine mounts. They can also be used in limited rotation applications, such as measuring the torque required to turn a nut or an actuator shaft. The TQ101 is designed with flanges, enabling easy installation or adaptation. It is rugged enough for factory use, yet accurate enough for the laboratory.Sensing Element: Aluminum (up to 500 inch-lb), nickel- plated steel (above 500 inch-lb)Cover: Aluminum (100, 200 and 500 inch-lb) and nickel-plated steel (all other ranges)Electrical: Mating connector supplied FLANGE-MOUNTED REACTION TORQUE SENSORS TQ101-1K, shown smaller than actual size.Ordering Example: TQ101-100, flange-mounted reaction torque sensor with0 to 100 in-lb range.10 in-lb to 100K inch-lbTQ101 Series。
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扭矩测量仪设计说明书目录一、设计背景 (3)二、设计题目与设计要求 (3)三、扭矩测量及应变片的原理 (3)1、扭矩测量的原理 (4)2、应变片的原理 (4)四、总体方案确定 (5)五、具体方案设计 (5)1、扭矩传感器的设计 (6)2、信号的中间变换与传输 (7)3、试验数据采集系统设计 (10)六、测量误差分析及数据处理 (11)七、参考文献 (12)八、附件1、CAD图2、感想一、设计背景不久前,市场研究机构Darnell Group在一份报告中指出,2010年扭矩测量仪价格预计将与现有模拟产品持平。
处于动力机械和负荷之间的被测轴承受扭矩时产生切应力,且最大切应力发生在轴的外圆周面上,两个主应力与轴线成45°和135°的夹角,因此把应变片粘贴在测点的主应力方向上测出应变值,然后可根据下式计算扭矩:εμπ⋅+=)1(643D E ME —材料的弹性模量 N/㎡; D —轴的直径,m;μ—轴材料的泊松比;ε—测得的应变值。
敏感栅由直径为0.01-0.05mm 、高电阻系数的细丝弯曲而成栅状,它实际上是一个电阻元件,是电阻应变片感受构件应变的敏感部分。
因此它必须很薄,一般为0.03-0.06mm ,使它能与试 感栅牢固地粘结在一起。
引出线的作用是将敏感栅电阻元件与测量电路相连接,一般由0.1-0.2mm 低阻镀锡铜丝制成,并与敏感栅两输出端相焊接。
(如图5所示)4)传感器的安装示意图5)传感器的技术参数:基底材料:金属薄片应变片标称电阻值:500欧姆应变片栅长度l:6mm敏感栅结构:圆膜栅使用温度: 0 ~ 800℃灵敏度系数S:1±0.2 mv / V允许电流:(正常工作时应变片允许通过最大电流)设定为25mA零点温漂:<0.5 % /℃电源电压:+15V±5%,-15V±5%扭矩示值误差:<± 0.5 % F· S非线性:<±0.25 % F· S重复性:<±0.2% F² S回差: <0.2 % F· S零点温漂:<0.5 % /℃输出阻抗: 1KΩ ±3Ω绝缘阻抗: >500MΩ静态超载: 120 %断裂负载: 200 %使用温度: 0 ~60℃储存温度:-20 ~70℃总消耗电流: <130mA频率信号输出: 5KHz—15KHz负额定扭矩:5KHz±10Hz零扭矩:10KHz±10Hz正额定扭矩:15KHz±10Hz2 、信号的中间变换与传输由汽车试验学第四章的内容进行相关信号的变换与传输设计1)测量电桥由上所述,4个电阻应变片组成测量电桥,全桥回路如下图(图5)所示。
增益为截止频率电路中取第一级滤波电路截止频率为Hz f 201=,根据公式取Ω=k R 1501,F C μ1.01=;取第二级滤波电路截止频率为Hz f 102=,根据公式取Ω=k R 1502,F C μ1.02=。