



英语数字表达方式大全0 nought;zero; 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 30 thirty 32 thirty-two40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninty-two 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred 500 five hundred 600 six hundred 700 seven hundred 800 eight hundred 900 nine hundred 1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two 38,000 thirty-eight thousand 45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million 47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million110,000,000,000 ten billion 200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 thirteenth第十三 fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五 sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七 eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二 twenty-third第二十三thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一 fortieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十 eightieth第八十 ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百 (one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四 two-hundredth 第二百three-hundredth 第三百 four-hundredth 第四百five-hundredth 第五百 six-hundredth 第六百seven-hundredth 第七百 eight-hundredth 第八百nine-hundredth 第九百 (one)thousandth 第一千thousand and first 第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四ten thousandth 第一万(one)millionth 第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth 第十亿(美作:trillionth)分数1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one 1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two数字表达类基本要求一、数字表达类(Numbers)研究生入学考试听力试题中第一部分为填充表格,其中很大一部分是根据所听内容填写诸如数字、时间和地点等具体信息。



英语作文的数字表达方式When writing an English essay, the correct way to express numbers can greatly enhance the clarity and professionalism of your writing. Here are some guidelines to help you master the numerical expressions in English essays:1. Cardinal Numbers: These are used to show quantity. In English, we write numbers from the highest place value to the lowest, unlike some other languages that may do the opposite. For example, the number 1,234 is read as "one thousand, two hundred thirty-four."2. Ordinal Numbers: These indicate position or order. They often end in -st, -nd, -rd, or -th in English. For example, "first," "second," "third," and "fourth."3. Large Numbers: When writing large numbers, it's common to use commas to separate every three digits, both in the thousands and in the millions. For instance, 1,000,000 is one million.4. Decimals and Fractions: Decimal numbers are written with a period followed by the decimal part, e.g., 0.5 for one-half. Fractions are written with the numerator followed by a forward slash and then the denominator, e.g., 3/4 for three-quarters.5. Percentages: Percentages are indicated by the percent sign(%). For example, 50% is read as "fifty percent."6. Dates and Times: Dates are typically written with the month followed by the day and then the year. For example, December 31, 2021, is written as 12/31/2021 in American English or 31/12/2021 in British English. Times are written with a colon separating the hours from the minutes, e.g.,3:00 PM.7. Approximations: When you want to express an approximate number, you can use words like "about," "around," or "approximately." For example, "There are approximately 50 students in the class."8. Ranges: To express a range of numbers, you can use a dash or the word "to." For example, "The tickets cost between $10 to $20" or "The tickets cost $10–$20."9. Plurals and Possessives: When a number ends in 1, the noun that follows should be in the plural form, e.g., "The 81st century." If the number is possessive, an apostrophe follows the number, e.g., "The 1990s' fashion."10. Hyphenation: When using numbers as adjectives before a noun, hyphenate the compound adjective, e.g., "a two-week vacation."11. Spelling Out Numbers: In some cases, especially at the beginning of a sentence or when the number is under 10, it's more common to spell out the number in words, e.g., "Five hundred students attended the lecture."12. Abbreviations: Some numbers can be abbreviated, especially in formal writing. For example, "St." for "Street," "Ave." for "Avenue," and "Dr." for "Drive."Remember, the context in which you're writing will often dictate the best way to express numbers. Always aim for clarity and consistency throughout your essay.。

英 语 数 字 表 达 方 式 大 全

英 语 数 字 表 达 方 式 大 全

英语数字表达方式大全0 nought;zero; 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 30 thirty 32 thirty-two40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninty-two 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred 500 five hundred 600 six hundred 700 seven hundred 800 eight hundred 900 nine hundred 1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two 38,000 thirty-eight thousand 45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million 47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion 200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 thirteenth第十三 fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五 sixteenth第十六 seventeenth第十七 eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二 twenty-third第二十三 thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一 fortieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十 eightieth第八十 ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百 (one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四 two-hundredth 第二百three-hundredth 第三百 four-hundredth 第四百five-hundredth 第五百 six-hundredth 第六百seven-hundredth 第七百 eight-hundredth 第八百nine-hundredth 第九百 (one)thousandth 第一千thousand and first 第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四ten thousandth 第一万(one)millionth 第一百万(美作:billionth)billionth 第十亿(美作:trillionth)分数1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two数字表达类基本要求一、数字表达类(Numbers)研究生入学考试听力试题中第一部分为填充表格,其中很大一部分是根据所听内容填写诸如数字、时间和地点等具体信息。

numbers 英文 模板

numbers 英文 模板

numbers 英文模板
The number of books in the library is 500.
We have a total of 100 employees.
The population of the city is approximately 1 million. There are 200 students in each class.
The average age of the team is 30 years old.
The total cost of the project is $100,000.
The distance between the two cities is 500 miles. The height of the building is 100 meters.
The weight of the package is 5 kilograms.
The temperature outside is 30 degrees Celsius.
请注意,在英文中,我们通常使用复数形式来表示多个相同的事物,例如 "books"、"employees"、"students" 等。

同时,我们通常使用 "approximate"、"total"、"average" 等词来描述数字的近似值、总计或平均值。

在描述距离、高度、重量等量度时,我们通常使用单位词,例如 "miles"、"meters"、"kilograms" 等。



• 3. “乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示 3X4=? How much is three times four? 3X4=12 Three times four is/are twelve. Multiply three by four,we get twelve. Three multiplied by four makes twelve. 三乘以四等于十二 4. “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示 16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four? 16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four is four. Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four. 十六除以四等于四。
• 时间表示法和时段的简单运算是听力考试的热点,请看下 面的对话: W: How long does the class usually last?
M: Umm, let me think. It starts from a quarter to nine, and ends at nine thirty. So……
• B. 月份,在哪个月用介词in加第一个字母大写的月份词表示。例如: in May在五月; in July在七月。为了简便起见, 月份与日期连用时,月份常用缩写形式表示。缩写形式除May,June, July外,其它的月份都由其前三个字母表示,但September除外。 January——Jan.一月 February——Feb.二月 March——Mar. 三月 April——Apr.四月 August—— Aug.八月 September——Sept.九月 October——Oct.十月 November——Nov.十一月 December——Dec.十二月 注:这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的 符号。 C.日期用定冠词the加序数词表示。在哪一天要添加介词on。 National Day is on Oct. 1. 国庆节是十月一日。(读作 October first) 此句也可以表示为 National Day is on the 1st of October. May 5 五月五日(读作May fifth) 也可以表示为the fifth(5th)of May Mar. 1(st) 三月一日(读作March first或 the first of March)



基数词0 nought;zero;O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three 30 thirty32 thirty-two 40 forty50 fifty60 sixty 70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundre2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-t500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-threeand four hundred8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billionbillion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first 第一second 第二third 第三fourth 第四fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twelfth 第十二thirteenth 第十三fourteenth 第十四fifteenth 第十五sixteenth 第十六seventeenth 第十七eighteenth 第十八nineteenth 第十九twentieth 第二十twenty-first 第二十一twenty-second 第二十二twenty-third 第二十三thirtieth 第三十thirty-first 第三十一fortieth 第四十fiftieth 第五十sixtieth 第六十seventieth 第七十eightieth 第八十ninetieth 第九十(one)hundredth 第一百(one)hundred and first 第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth 第二百three-hundredth 第三百four-hundredth 第四百five-hundredth 第五百six-hundredth 第六百seven-hundredth 第七百eight-hundredth 第八百nine-hundredth 第九百(one)thousandth 第一千thousand and first 第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth 第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth 第十亿(美作:trillionth)1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth 1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two数字表达类基本要求语言是什么?语言首先是一种交流的工具。

Writing and Saying Numbers英文数字的读写及表达

Writing and Saying Numbers英文数字的读写及表达
4, 356, 291, 305,762 four trillion three hundred and fifty-six billion two hundred and ninety-one million three hundred and five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two
注:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加定冠词 the;但是如果 序数词前出现不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再一”,“又一”。 We'll go over it a second time. 我们得再念第二遍。 We\'ve tried it three times.Must we try it a fourth time? 我们已经试过三遍了,还必须试一次(第四次)吗?
English Learning
——Amy Du
Writing and Saying Numbers
Numbers (数词) Fractions(分数) Percent (百分数) Decimals(小数) Quantity Representation(数量表示法) Addition , subtraction, multiplication and division Year(年份) Month & Week(月份与星期) Date (日期) Time (时间)
1. Cardinal Numbers(基数词):
(1) from 0 to 10 zero one, two, three, four,five, six,seven,eight,nine,ten (2) from 11 to 19 (-teen) eleven,twelve,thirteen, fourteen,fifteen, sixteen seventeen,eighteen, nineteen (3) from 21 to 99(-ty) twenty,thirty, forty,fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety 表示几十几时,在十位和个位之间添加连字符“-” 21: twenty-one 76: seventy-six



0 nought; zero; O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred; one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hund red8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion) 1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first 第一second 第二third 第三fourth 第四fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twelfth 第十二thirteenth 第十三fourteenth 第十四fifteenth 第十五sixteenth 第十六seventeenth 第十七eighteenth 第十八nineteenth 第十九twentieth 第二十twenty-first 第二十一twenty-second 第二十二twenty-third 第二十三thirtieth 第三十thirty-first 第三十一fortieth 第四十fiftieth 第五十sixtieth 第六十seventieth 第七十eightieth 第八十ninetieth 第九十(one)hundredth 第一百(one)hundred and first 第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth 第一百三十四two-hundredth 第二百three-hundredth 第三百four-hundredth 第四百five-hundredth 第五百six-hundredth 第六百seven-hundredth 第七百eight-hundredth 第八百nine-hundredth 第九百(one)thousandth 第一千thousand and first 第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四ten thousandth 第一万(one)millionth 第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth 第十亿(美作:trillionth)1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five; two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three; six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two相关回复:作者: brucezmn 发布日期: 2006-04-29数字表达类基本要求语言是什么? 语言首先是一种交流的工具。



0 nought;zero;101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninty-two1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred(美式读音); one thousand three hundred(英式读音;千和百之间不用and)2,000 two thousand 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two 38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million, one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard, one milliard(美作:a billion, one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a trillion, one trillion6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth 第十二thirteenth第十三fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二twenty-third第二十三thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百(one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth第二百three-hundredth第三百four-hundredth第四百five-hundredth第五百six-hundredth第六百seven-hundredth第七百eight-hundredth第八百nine-hundredth第九百(one)thousandth第一千thousand and first第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth)billionth第十亿(美作:trillionth)分数1/2 : one-half; a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth; a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth; one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half; two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two数字表达类基本要求一、数字表达类(Numbers)研究生入学考试听力试题中第一部分为填充表格,其中很大一部分是根据所听内容填写诸如数字、时间和地点等具体信息。



1到12的英语基数词和序数词全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:1. One / First2. Two / Second3. Three / Third4. Four / Fourth5. Five / Fifth6. Six / Sixth7. Seven / Seventh8. Eight / Eighth9. Nine / Ninth10. Ten / Tenth11. Eleven / Eleventh12. Twelve / TwelfthIn English, numbers can be categorized into cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers denotequantity or how many of something there are, while ordinal numbers indicate the order or position of something in a sequence.Let's start with the numbers from one to twelve and their corresponding cardinal and ordinal forms:1. One / First- Cardinal: There is only one apple left.- Ordinal: This is the first time I've seen a rainbow in the sky.2. Two / Second- Cardinal: Can I have two slices of pizza, please?- Ordinal: I came in second place in the race.3. Three / Third- Cardinal: There are three puppies playing in the yard.- Ordinal: She finished third in the competition.4. Four / Fourth- Cardinal: She has four brothers and two sisters.- Ordinal: He came in fourth in the voting polls.5. Five / Fifth- Cardinal: I bought five books at the bookstore.- Ordinal: This is the fifth time I've taken out the trash today.6. Six / Sixth- Cardinal: There are six pencils in the pencil case.- Ordinal: I am the sixth person in line at the bank.7. Seven / Seventh- Cardinal: There are seven days in a week.- Ordinal: She finished seventh in the marathon.8. Eight / Eighth- Cardinal: She needs eight glasses of water a day.- Ordinal: This is the eighth time I've called you today.9. Nine / Ninth- Cardinal: There are nine planets in our solar system.- Ordinal: He finished ninth in the talent show.10. Ten / Tenth- Cardinal: There are ten fingers on my hands.- Ordinal: This is the tenth time I've been late to work.11. Eleven / Eleventh- Cardinal: There are eleven players on a football team.- Ordinal: She finished eleventh in the spelling bee.12. Twelve / Twelfth- Cardinal: There are twelve months in a year.- Ordinal: He finished twelfth in the chess tournament.In summary, cardinal numbers represent quantity, while ordinal numbers indicate order or position in a sequence. Understanding the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers is essential in mastering the English language and effectively communicating numerical information. Practice using both forms of numbers to improve your language skills and ensure accurate and clear communication.第二篇示例:1到12分别是one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve。



英语数字表达方式大全基数词0 nought;zero;O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninty-two 200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred 8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth第十二thirteenth第十三fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二twenty-third第二十三thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百(one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth第二百three-hundredth第三百four-hundredth第四百five-hundredth第五百six-hundredth第六百seven-hundredth第七百eight-hundredth第八百nine-hundredth第九百(one)thousandth第一千thousand and first第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth第十亿(美作:trillionth)fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百(one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth第二百three-hundredth第三百four-hundredth第四百five-hundredth第五百six-hundredth第六百seven-hundredth第七百eight-hundredth第八百nine-hundredth第九百(one)thousandth第一千thousand and first第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth第十亿(美作:trillionth)1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2… 1/2:two and one h alf;two and a half4‟ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two一、数字表达类(Numbers)研究生入学考试听力试题中第一部分为填充表格,其中很大一部分是根据所听内容填写诸如数字、时间和地点等具体信息。



0 nought;zero;101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninty-two1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred(美式读音); one thousand three hundred(英式读音;千和百之间不用and)2,000 two thousand 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two 38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million, one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard, one milliard(美作:a billion, one billion)1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a trillion, one trillion6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth 第十二thirteenth第十三fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二twenty-third第二十三thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百(one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth第二百three-hundredth第三百four-hundredth第四百five-hundredth第五百six-hundredth第六百seven-hundredth第七百eight-hundredth第八百nine-hundredth第九百(one)thousandth第一千thousand and first第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth)billionth第十亿(美作:trillionth)分数1/2 : one-half; a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth; a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth; one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half; two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two数字表达类基本要求一、数字表达类(Numbers)研究生入学考试听力试题中第一部分为填充表格,其中很大一部分是根据所听内容填写诸如数字、时间和地点等具体信息。



Twenty (20): Representatives a group of two items or individuals It is used when counting two objects or individuals
Third (30): Representatives a group of third items or individuals It is used when counting third objects or individuals
next after fourth, used to indicate the fifth position in a sequence
next after fifth, used to indicate the sixth position in a sequence
next after sixth, used to indicate the seventh position in a sequence
next after tension, used to indicate the Eleventh position in a sequence
next after two second, used to indicate the two third position in a sequence
Fifth (50)
Representatives a group of six items or individuals It is used when counting six objects or individuals
Six (60)



Dialing phone numbers
When making a phone call, we need to dial the correct phone
Recognizing phone numbers
We can recognize phone numbers on business cards or other
documents to contact people
Application in Address
Writing addresses
Addresses often contain numbers from 1 to 10, so we need to know how to write them correctly
Usage: Indicates the plural and can be used in conjunction with countable nouns in the plural.
Writing format: 3
Pronunciation: The British pronunciation is/ θ Ri ː/, The American pronunciation is/ θ Ri/
Four oranges, four peaches
The promotion of Five
The letter "f" is promoted as in the word "fire", and the "ive" part is promoted as in the word "five"



sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十
注: 整十基数变 序数,先把ty 变成tie,要 是遇上2位数, 十位基数, 个位序,th 加最后!
• five
• seventeen
• sixty
这 构••一 上ss类 有iexv基 两e数 个n 词 特共 点有:七一个是。在它发们音•• 在方en整ii结面egni数hegtthee几tyee十为nn 中特除殊形tw式en外ty,, ths••iirxtsetyyei,,gvfshoeertntyvyet,ynfitfyty,,
Quantity 数量
Time 时间
Price 价格
Quantity 数量→Numbers 数字
基数词 Cardinal numbers
序数词 Ordinal numbers
• twenty-one
e•ightwteeelnv的e 拼法,eight本身有t字
• thirty-two • forty-five
a hundred and one
three hundred and twenty
数字右端向左端数起,每三位数加一 个逗号”“”‘’。“。 从有段开



• January——Jan.一月February——Feb.二月 • March——Mar. 三月April——Apr.四月 • August——Aug.八月 • September——Sept.九月 • October——Oct.十月 • November——Nov.十一月 • December——Dec.十二月 • 注: 这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为
• 其中lst, 2nd, 3rd为特殊形式, 其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加上th。
• 1. 表示几点钟用基数词加可以省略的o"clock • 5:00 读作five o"clock 或five • 2. 表示几点过几分, 在分钟后加past, 再加小
时 • five past seven 七点过五分 • half past six 六点半 • a quarter past eight 八点过一刻 • seven past eight 八点过七分 •• 3. 表t示en几to点ei差gh几t 分差,十在分分八点钟(后七面点加五t十o,分再)加小 • 时 a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十
“减”用 minus或 take from表示
• 10-6=4
• Ten minus six is four.
• Take six from ten and the remainder is four.
• Six (taken) from
• 3X4=12
数词的分类: 主要分为基数词和序数词两

•百位数 • 个数基数词间加上 and.



英语数字表达方式大全0 nought; zero; O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hund red8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion) 1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十eleventh第十一twelfth第十二thirteenth第十三fourteenth第十四fifteenth第十五sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七eighteenth第十八nineteenth第十九twentieth第二十twenty-first第二十一twenty-second第二十二twenty-third第二十三thirtieth第三十thirty-first第三十一fortieth第四十fiftieth第五十sixtieth第六十seventieth第七十eightieth第八十ninetieth第九十(one)hundredth第一百(one)hundred and first第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth第一百三十四two-hundredth第二百three-hundredth第三百four-hundredth第四百five-hundredth第五百six-hundredth第六百seven-hundredth第七百eight-hundredth第八百nine-hundredth第九百(one)thousandth第一千thousand and first第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth第二千零三十四ten thousandth第一万(one)millionth第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth第十亿(美作:trillionth)1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2… 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4‟ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two相关回复:作者: brucezmn 发布日期: 2006-04-29数字表达类基本要求语言是什么?语言首先是一种交流的工具。



0 nought; zero; O1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen20 twenty21 twenty-one22 twenty-two23 twenty-three30 thirty32 thirty-two40 forty50 fifty60 sixty70 seventy80 eighty90 ninety100 one hundred101 one hundred and one156 one hundred and fifty-six192 one hundred and ninty-two200 two hundred300 three hundred400 four hundred500 five hundred600 six hundred700 seven hundred800 eight hundred900 nine hundred1,000 one thousand1,001 one thousand and one1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred2,000 two thousand2,034 two thousand and thirty-four6,502 six thousand five hundred and two38,000 thirty-eight thousand45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two500,000 five hundred thousand1,000,000 one million3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hund red8,000,000 eight million47,000,000 forty-seven million900,000,000 nine hundred million1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion) 1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million10,000,000,000 ten billion200,000,000,000 two hundred billion1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion) 6,000,000,000,000 six million million序数词first 第一second 第二third 第三fourth 第四fifth 第五sixth 第六seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth 第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twelfth 第十二thirteenth 第十三fourteenth 第十四fifteenth 第十五sixteenth 第十六seventeenth 第十七eighteenth 第十八nineteenth 第十九twentieth 第二十twenty-first 第二十一twenty-second 第二十二twenty-third 第二十三thirtieth 第三十thirty-first 第三十一fortieth 第四十fiftieth 第五十sixtieth 第六十seventieth 第七十eightieth 第八十ninetieth 第九十(one)hundredth 第一百(one)hundred and first 第一百零一hundred and thirty-fourth 第一百三十四two-hundredth 第二百three-hundredth 第三百four-hundredth 第四百five-hundredth 第五百six-hundredth 第六百seven-hundredth 第七百eight-hundredth 第八百nine-hundredth 第九百(one)thousandth 第一千thousand and first 第一千零一two thousand and thirty-fourth 第二千零三十四ten thousandth 第一万(one)millionth 第一百万(美作:billionth) billionth 第十亿(美作:trillionth)1/2 : one-half;a half1/3 : one-third3/4 : three-fourths1/5 : one-fifth2/5 : two-fifths7/8 : seven-eighths1/10 : one-tenth;a tenth1/100 : one-hundredth;one per cent1/1000 : one-thousandth1/10000 : one ten-thousandth2‘ 1/2:two and one half;two and a half4’ 2/3:four and two-thirds100% : one hundred per cent0.5% : point five per cent0.46% : point four six per cent2.05 : two point nought five;two point O five6.003 : six point nought nought three;six point O O three 78.12 : seventy-eight point one two119 : one one nine120 : one two oh688 : six double-eight5337 : five double-three seven6512 : six five one two97868 : nine seven eight six eight893493 : eight nine three four nine three737964 : seven three seven nine six four62374881 : six two three seven four double-eight one1840 eighteen forty1900 nineteen hundred1992 nineteen ninety-two相关回复:作者: brucezmn 发布日期: 2006-04-29数字表达类基本要求语言是什么? 语言首先是一种交流的工具。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

在日常生活中,常用下列简单方法表示时间。 以小时、分种为单位分别读出数字。
• 6:31 读作 six thirty-one • 10:26 读作 ten twenty-six • 14:03 读作 fourteen o three • 16:15 读作 sixteen fifteen • 18:30 读作 eighteen thirty • 23:55 读作 twenty-three fifty-five • 注:时刻表上的时间大多采用24小时表示法,这 样就不需要用a.m.表示上午,p.m.表示下午了。
• Three times four is/are twelve. • Multiply three by four,we get twelve. • Three multiplied by four makes twelve.
“除”用divide的过去分词形式表示 • 16÷ 4= 4
• Sixteen divided by four is four. • Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four .
• first—lst second—2nd third—3rd • fourth—4th sixth——6th twentieth——20th • twenty-third——23rd • 其中lst,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿 拉伯数字后加上th。
• 1. 表示几点钟用基数词加可以省略的o'clock • 5:00 读作 five o'clock 或 five • 2. 表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时 • five past seven 七点过五分 • half past six 六点半 • a quarter past eight 八点过一刻 • seven past eight 八点过七分 • 3. 表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时 • ten to eight 差十分八点(七点五十分) • a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十 五分) • twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分)
• two meters long或 two meters in length 2米长 • three feet high或 three feet in height 3英尺高 • four inches wide或 four inches in width 4英寸宽
表示时间、距离时,使用含数词的名词 所有格形式作定语。
世纪可以用定冠词加序数词加世纪century表 示,也可以用定冠词加百位进数加's表示
• • the sixth(6th)century 公元六世纪 the eighteenth(18th)century 公元十八世

• • • the 1900's 二十世纪 the 1600's 十七世纪 这里,用百位数整数表示的世纪比这一百位 阿拉伯数字本身多一个世纪。
数词的分类: 主要分为基数词和序数词两类
• 个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几 百,在几十几与百位间加上and.
• 101 a hundred and one • 320 three hundred and twenty • 648 six hundred and forty-eight
表示人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的 复数形式表示。
• • • • • • He became a professor in his thirties. 他三十多岁时成为了教授。 She died of lung cancer in forties. 她四十来岁时死于肺癌。 It was in the 1960s. 那是在二十世纪六十年代。
• 从第一至第十九 • 其中,one— first, two— second, three— third, five— fifth, eight—eighth ,nine—ninth • twelve— twelfth为特殊形式,其它的序数 词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th” 构成。例如: six— sixth、 • nineteen— nineteenth.
• 这里的percent前半部per表示“每一”,cent这一后半部 分表示“百”,所以百分之几中percent不用复数形式。
• 1. 表示长、宽、高、面积等,用基数词+单 位词(meter,foot,inch,kilogram 等)+ 形容词(long,wide,high等) 表示,或者用基数词+单位词 + in + 名词 (length, width, height, weight等) 表示。
• • • • • • • • January——Jan.一月 February——Feb.二月 March——Mar. 三月 April——Apr.四月 August——Aug.八月 September——Sept.九月 October——Oct.十月 November——Nov.十一月 December——Dec.十二月 注:这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为它是 表示缩写形式的符号。
• A.年份用基数词表示,一般写为阿拉伯数 字,读时可以以hundred为单位,也可以 以世纪、年代为单分别来读。
• 1949 读作 nineteen hundred and forty-nine 或 nineteen forty-nine • 1800 读作 eighteen hundred • 253 读作 two hundred and fifty-three或two fiftythree • 1902 读作 nineteen hundred and two或 nineteen o two
• 小数用基数词来表示,以小数点为界,小数点左 首的数字为一个单位,表示整数,数字合起来读; 小数点右首的数字为一个单位,表示小数,数字 分开来读;小数点读作 point,o读作 zero或o [ou],整数部分为零时,可以省略不读 • 0.4 zero point four或point four 零点四
• • • 10.23 25.67 l.03 ten point two three 十点二三 twenty-five point six seven 二十五点六七 one point o three 一点零三
• 50% fifty percent 百分之五十 • 3% three percent 百分之三 • 0.12% zero point one two percent 百分之 零点一二
• 分数是由基数词和序数词一起来表示的。
基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子 是“1”以外,其它情况下序数词都要用复 数形式。
• 3/4 three fourths 或 three quarters • 1/3 one third 或a third • 1/2 a half
• 日期用定冠词the加序数词表示。在哪一天要添加 介词on。
• National Day is on Oct. 1. • 国庆节是十月一日。(读作 October first) • 此句也可以表示为 National Day is on the 1st of October. • May 5 五月五日(读作May fifth) • 也可以表示为the fifth(5th)of May • Mar. 1(st) 三月一日(读作March first或 the first of March)
• 基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、 百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不 确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基 数词则以复数形式出现。 • There are hundreds of people in the hall. • 大厅里有数以百计的人。 • They went to the theatre in twos and threes. • 他们三三两两地来到了剧院。
“加”用plus,and或add表示;“等 于”用is,make,equal等词表示

• Two plus three is five. • Two and three is equal to five. • Two and three make five. • Two added to three equals five.
• 。
• • • • • • • • • •
thirty-six degrees centigrade或 36℃ 摄氏 36度 four degrees氏零下4度 Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit. 水在华氏三十二度时结冰。 Water boils at one hundred degre么度量制度时,可 以省略。 You are 37℃.(读作 thirty-seven degrees) 你是三十七度。(摄氏) It's seven degrees below zero. 今天是零下七度。(摄氏)
• five minutes' walk • 步行五分钟(的距离) • It's an hour's ride from my hometown to our university. • 从我的家乡到我们大学是乘车一小时的路 程。
表示温度时,用below zero表示零下温度,温 度用基数词+degree(s)+单位词(centigrade 摄氏或Fahrenheit华氏)表示