FLUKE 88系列自动数字万用表
* 图1-1 FLUKE 万用表第 1 章:万用表万用表可以用来测量电路中的电压、电流、电阻等。
* 图1-2 FLUKE88万用表1.1 FLUKE88功能Fluke 88是完整的汽车故障诊断工具包。
Fluke 88系列汽车诊断万用表进一步提高的测量功能和排障功能即准确度。
FLUKE88主要具备如下功能:➢交流/直流电压测试➢温度测试➢导通性测试➢电阻测试➢电容测试➢二极管测试➢交流/直流电流测试➢频率测试➢占空比测试➢脉宽测试➢柱状图显示* 图1-3 FLUKE88万用表1.2 FLUKE 88万用表结构为了能够规范的使用此款万用表,下面我们先了解一下它的结构。
* 图1-4 功能键FLUKE88功能键测试类型选择(转速、温度、电容),转换DC/AC (交直流电流档的选择)。
* 图1-5MIN MAX FLUKE88 MIN MAX➢能够记录最大、最小值。
* 图1-6 背景灯FLUKE88背景灯开关➢显示屏背景灯开关。
➢按住此键一秒进入屏幕高精度模式,处于高精度模式时,显示屏右小角会显示:Hi Res* 图1-7 蜂鸣器FLUKE88蜂鸣器➢打开或关闭蜂鸣器;➢在最大、最小值模式时,按一下开关,显示屏左上角将出现“Peak MIN MAX MAX ”字样。
fluke 8846a 波峰系数
Fluke 8846A 波峰系数1. 概述Fluke 8846A 是一款高精度数字多表仪,广泛应用于电子、电气、通讯和自动化等领域。
本文将从波峰系数的概念、计算方法、应用及Fluke 8846A 的波峰系数性能等方面进行介绍。
2. 波峰系数的概念波峰系数是指电压波形在峰值处的爆发性大小,可用于评估电路中不同元件的工作条件、环境中的电磁干扰情况等。
波峰系数的计算方法如下:3. 波峰系数的计算方法波峰系数的计算方法通常采用峰值电压与有效值电压的比值来表示,即:波峰系数 = 峰值电压 / 有效值电压其中,峰值电压是电压波形在峰值处的实际电压值,有效值电压是电压波形在整个周期中的有效电压值。
4. 波峰系数的应用波峰系数广泛应用于电子产品的设计和生产过程中,例如军事通信设备、电力系统、医疗仪器等。
5. Fluke 8846A 的波峰系数性能Fluke 8846A 作为一款高精度数字多表仪,其波峰系数性能表现出色。
通过内置的峰值检测和有效值测量功能,Fluke 8846A 能够精确计算出电压波形的峰值电压和有效值电压,从而准确地反映出波峰系数的大小。
Fluke 8846A 在稳定性、精确度和可靠性方面也具有较高的性能表现,能够满足各种复杂测试环境下的需求。
6. 结论波峰系数作为电压波形爆发性的重要指标,对于各种电子产品的设计、生产和维护具有重要意义。
Fluke 8846A 作为一款高精度数字多表仪,其在波峰系数性能方面表现出色,能够帮助工程师们准确评估电压波形的特性,为产品的稳定性和可靠性提供可靠的测试支持。
福禄克8845A 8846A数字多用表说明书
200 Ω 至 100 MΩ
1 mΩ
0.02 + 0.003
200 μA to 10 A
1 nA
20 mA 至 10 A
100 uA
0.3 + 0.06
20 Hz to 2 kHz
20 Hz to 1 MHz
5.5 位数字分辨率 直流电压基本准确度 0.015% 双参数显示 专设的泄漏电流测量 2x4 四线电阻测量 六个专设的快速进入的测量设置键 用于PASS/FAIL(合格/不合格)的Hi/Lo 限值比较功能 Fluke 8808A 数字多用表拥有种类繁多的功能,可以测量电压、电阻和电流等,而且直流电压基本准确度高达 0.015 %。 由于它针对一些常用测量进行了优化,让用户可以极其方便快速地完成测量。这使之非常便于使用,即使是不熟悉的操作员,也可轻松操作。 8808A 前面板上的六个按钮的功能就像汽车收音机上的电台预设按钮一样。 只需为某一常用测量设置仪表,按 Shift 按钮,然后再按其中一个设置按钮(S1 至 S6),即可保存设置。 以后每次执行该测量时,只需按一下相应的设置键即可。 就这么简单! 设置按钮省去了操作员遵守复杂的操作说明书的麻烦。 操作员不必再依次按下多个按钮来设置测量功能和量程、测量极限值或输入其它测量参数。
补充内容 校准手册
Statement of Memory Volatility
Fluke 8845A8846A 65 位高精度数字多用表
Fluke 8845A/8846A 6.5 位高精度數字多用表精密多功能儀器適於台式或系統應用• 6.5 位數字分辨力• Vdc 準確度達 0.0024%•雙參數顯示• 100 uA至100 mA量程,100 pA分辨力•寬範圍歐姆量程,10 Ω至1 GΩ; 10 uΩ分辨力• 2x4 四線電阻測量技術•測量頻率和週期• 8846A可以測量電容和溫度•驅動U盤存儲器• Fluke 45和Agilent 34401A仿真•圖形顯示• Trendplot™趨勢圖顯示,統計功能,直方圖顯示•CAT I 1000 V, CAT II 601 V8845A和8846A六位半精密數字表的準確度和多功能可以滿足工作台或系統應用的各種測量需要。
技術指標顯示真空螢光點陣分辨力6位半V DC 量程:100 mV 至 1000V最高分辨力:100 nV準確度: 8845A: 0.0035 + 0.00058846A: 0.0024 + 0.0005V AC 量程: 8845A: 100 mV 至 750 V8846A: 100 mV 至1000 V最高分辨力:100 nV準確度:8845A: 0.06 + 0.038846A: 0.06 + 0.03頻率: 3 Hz 至 300 KHz電阻2x4 四線:有量程:8845A: 100 Ω至 100 MΩ8846A: 10 Ω至 1 GΩ最高分辨力:8845A: 100 μΩ8846A: 10 μΩ準確度: 8845A: 0.010 + 0.0018846A: 0.010 + 0.001A DC 量程:100 μA 至 10 A最高分辨力:100 pA準確度: 0.050 + 0.005A AC 量程:8845A: 10 mA 至 10 A8846A: 100 μA 至 10 A最高分辨力:8845A: 10 nA8846A: 100 pA準確度: 0.10 + 0.04頻率: 3 Hz 至 10 kHz頻率/週期量程:8845A: 3 Hz 至 300 kHz8846A: 3 Hz 至 1 MHz最高分辨力:1 μHz準確度: 0.01%導通/二極管測試有電容量程:8846A: 1 nF 至 0.05 F最高分辨力:8846A: 1 pf準確度:8846A: 1 %溫度類型:8846A: 鉑電阻量程:8846A: -200 °C 至 +600 °C最高分辨力:8846A: 0.01 °C準確度:8846A: 0.06 °C數學功能校零,最大值/最小值,平均值,標準差dB/dBm:有高級功能統計/直方圖有趨勢圖:有限值測試有輸入輸出U盤存儲器:8846A: U盤存儲器接口實時時鐘:8846A: 有接口:RS 232, IEE-488.2, 以太網, USB (用適配器選件)程序語言/模式8846A: SCPI (IEEE-488.2), Agilent 34401A, Fluke 45通用技術指標重量 3.6 kg (8.0 lbs)尺寸88 mm x 217 mm x 297 mm (3.46 in x 8.56 in x 11.7 in)安全符合IEC 61010-1 2000-1, ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1994, CAN/CSA-C22.2No. 1010.1-92 CAT I 1000 V, CAT II 600 V保修一年雙顯示器和靈活的圖形顯示8845A/8846A具有獨特的雙顯示器,可以讓你連接一個信號測試兩個不同的參數。
福禄克 Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表 用户手册 说明书
FLUKE88V型车用多功能万用表PN 21666232004,08, 修订版. 1, 1/06© 2004, 2006 Fluke 公司. 版权所有。
美国印制所有产品的商标是公司注册商标有限保证和责任限制Fluke20,70,80,170 和180系列的每一台DMM,为保证其使用寿命,其材料选用和做工都是无瑕疵的。
【 摘 要 】本文介绍了 Fluke8840A 数 字 多用表的特点及工作原理并列举了检修实例 。
【 关 键 词 】Fluke 8840A 数字多用表 测 量 检修
【收稿时间】2004 - 09 - 09
1. 概述
Fluke8840A 是美国福禄克公司 研制的一种 51/ 2 位高性能数字多 用表 。具有交直流电压 、交直流电 流 、两线和四线制电阻等多量程测 试功能 ,直流电压准确度达 0. 005 %。
(2) 电压保护 输入保护由可熔断电阻 R309 和四 个 金 属 氧 化 物 压 敏 电 阻 ( RV301 、RV402 、403 、404) 及 附 加 的箝位电路组成 。当输入电压超过
1200V 时 ,将由压敏电阻箝位 ,超过 1560V 时熔断电阻 R309 将失效开 路 。在 200mV ,2V ,20V 量程 ,输入 电压超过 ±25V 时 , Z304 将进行限 流 ,U306 的 同 相 输 入 端 由 Q307 、 Q308 箝位到 ±25V 。
Fluke 数字万用表
Fluke 三位半数字万用表福禄克数字万用表主要分为:三位半,四位半,五位半,六位半还有目前精度最高的八位半数字万用表。
Fluke 15B:交直流电压、交直流电流、电阻、电容Fluke 17B:比Fluke 15B 剁了频率、温度测量Fluke 18B:交直流电压、交直流电流、电阻、电容、二极管测量Fluke 115C:交直流电压、交直流电流、电阻、电容、频率、真有效值测量Fluke 116C:比Fluke 115C 多了温度测量(适合HVAC 暖通空调行业)Fluke 117C:和Fluke 115C 参数一样(适合电气技术人员)Fluke 175:直流准确度为0.15%,其他参数与Fluke 115C相同Fluke 177:直流准确度为0.09%,其他参数与Fluke 175相同Fluke 179:比Fluke 177多了温度测试功能Fluke 233:远程数字万用表,显示屏可拆卸Fluke 四位半数字万用表GDM-8246型号:Fluke 87V 数字多用表特点:新推出的Fluke 87V大大改进了测量功能、诊断功能、分辨率和精度,能够更多地解决马达驱动、工厂自动化设备、配电和机电等设备的故障。
型号:Fluke 88V 汽车数字多用表特点:新型的Fluke 88V系列汽车诊断多用表进一步提高的测量功能和排障功能即准确度,可以解决传统汽车和混和动力汽车的更多故障。
型号:Fluke 287 电子记录多用表特点:具有趋势捕获功能的Fluke 287 真有效值电子记录多用表能够快速记录设计性能,并以图形方式显示发生的情况。
凭借其独特的记录和图形功能,用户不必再将记录的读数下载至PC 来分析趋势。
Fluke 287 为手持式多用表融入了前所未有的精度和易用性,大大提升了用户解决问题的能力。
型号:Fluke 289数字万用表:特点:比Fluke 287 增加的功能:电机驱动器测量、LoZ功能、新50Ω量程,1mΩ分辨率。
Fluke Calibration 8588A 8558A数字多功能仪器说明书
The 8588A Reference Multimeter is the world’s most stable digitizing multi-meter. Designed for calibration laboratories, this long-scale high-precision reference multi-meter features superior accuracy and long-term stability over a wide measurement range, with an intuitive user interface and a color display.The 8588A delivers reliable and reproducible measurements with exceptional performance suitable for primary levellaboratories. With more than 12 measurement functions, includ-ing the new digitize voltage, digitize current, capacitance, RF power, and external shunts for dc and ac current, the 8588A helps you consolidate your lab’s cost of test into a single mea-surement instrument. Its superb analog performance is aug-mented by Fluke Calibration’s new high-speed system design and the industry’s fastest direct digitizing capability, enabling significant throughput increase for many automated systems demanding a combination of the highest speed and best accuracy.The 8588A holds the indus-try’s best one-year dc voltage accuracy of 2.7 uV/V at 95 % confidence interval, or3.5 uV /V at 99 %, and best 24-hour stability of 0.5 uV/V (95 %) or 0.65 uV/V (99 %),enabling it to outperform other long-scale reference multimeters on the market. The 8588A fur-ther pushes the speed envelope by producing a stable 8.5 digits reading in a mere one second.The 8588A platform consists of two models. The 8588A and 8558A both feature a common intuitive user interface with an easy-to-navigate menu struc-ture for all configurations and a set of matching SCPI-compliantcommands for automated envi-ronments. In addition, both models support a minimum of 100,000 readings per second at 4.5 digits across GPIB, USB or Ethernet.8588A Reference Multimeter8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter8588A: The world’s most stable digitizing multimeterThe 8588A is designed for calibration and metrology laboratories that require the highest stability for the most accurate measurements to maintain maximum confidence in traceability.8558A: The industry’s fastest direct 5 mega-samples-per-second digitizing for system automation in labs and manufacturing test environmentsThe 8558A offers a subset of 8588A functions and features at an extremely competitive accuracy and speed performance.8588A key features and performanceDC voltage• 100 mV to 1000 V, (1050 V max)• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 1 nV • 2.7 μV/V (95 %) 3.5 µV/V (99 %), 1 year• 0.5 μV/V (95 %) 0.65 µV/V (99 %), 24 hour stability • 0 to 10 s reading aperture (200 ns resolution)DC current• 10 uA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 1 pA • 6.5 µA/V (95 %), 8.4 µA/V (99 %), 1 year• 0 to 10 s reading aperture (200 ns resolution)AC voltage• 10 mV to 1000 V, 1 Hz to 10 MHz, (1050 Vrms max)• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1.2x full scale Vrms• Maximum resolution: 1 nV • 60 µV/V (95 %), 77 µV/V (99 %), 1 yearAC current• 10 uA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1 Hz to 100 kHz 1.2x FS Vrms• Maximum resolution: 1 pA • 250 µA/V (95 %), 323 µA/V (99 %), 1 year Resistance• 1Ω to 10 GΩ (20 GΩ max) • 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 10 nΩ• 7 µΩ/Ω (95 %), 9 µΩ/Ω (99 %), 1 year• Low current mode,high voltage mode and current-reversal Tru Ohms™Digitize V• 100 mV to 1000 V, (1050 Vmax)• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 18 bits• 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate• Up to 20 MHz bandwidthDigitize I• 10 µA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 18 bits• 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate• Up to 4 MHz bandwidthFrequency or period• Voltage, up to 10 MHz• Current, up to 100 kHz• Frequency up to 100 MHzon BNC• 0.5 µHz/Hz, 1 yearCapacitance• 1 nF to 100 mF• 400 µF/F, 1 yearTemperature• PRT and thermocouple• 5 mK PRT, 25 mK TC, 1 yearRF power• Rhode & Schwarz NRP seriesDC I and AC I external shunt• A40B and any other externalshuntReading speed• 1reading/**************memory• 100,000readings/*****digit into memory• Up to 5,000,000 (5 MS/s)readings /s into volatilememory in digitize V and I• Up to 500,000 readings/stransfer through USB inbinary formatMeasurement memory• 15 million readings volitile• 7.5 million readings volitilewith time stamp* 16 GB non-volitileGPIB, USBTMC, Ethernet• Native SCPI compliant remotecommands• 8508A and 3458A emulationmode• Fully support MET/CAL™ cali-bration procedures library inFluke 8508A emulation• IVI driver• USB thumb drive for conve-nient data transfer in .csvformatTrigger mechanisms• Manual trigger• External BNC Trig In andTrig Out• Internal or level trigger• Timer trigger• Epoch trigger• Line trigger• BUS triggerCE and CSA compliantComparing the 8588A and the 8558AComparing the 8588A and the 8558AStability, simplicity and performance by design The 8588A incorporates excep-tional linearity, low noise and stability in the design. This best-in-class long-scale digital reference multimeter guarantees superior 3.5 ppm one-year dc voltage relative accuracy at99 % confidence level and long-term stability over awide measurement range and functions.The 8588A contains the world’s most stable voltage references and attenuators custom crafted at Fluke Cali-bration. These precision components eliminate the need for daily internal self-calibration to compensate for drift when less-precise components are used. Autozeroing also becomes unnecessary because the ampli-fier offsets are ultra-stable. The 8588A achieves an exceptional 8.5-digit resolution reading in one second, two times shorter than the next best in class, which amounts to considerable productivity improvements.The 8588A is easy and intui-tive to use. It is the ideal lab multimeter for metrologists and calibration laboratory manag-ers who expect and appreciate a straightforward setup that quickly achieves the maximum performance of the instrument.• 3.5 µV/V (99 %), 1 year relative accuracy, dc voltage, without internal self-calibra-tion or auto-adjustments • 0.65 µV/V (99 %), 24 hour stability, dc voltage• 9 µΩ/Ω (99 %), 1 year, resistance• 2.02x full scale stretches lower noise floor to higher signal levels to maximize higher accuracies from the instrument• 0 ns to 100 s aperture setting allows the industry’s widest flexibility to control data capture window Accuracy, offset andstability provide excellentac performanceThe 8588A provides the mostaccurate true ac rms mea-surement available in a FlukeCalibration multimeter.With a 5 mega-sam-ples-per-second samplinganalog-to-digital converterand an extraordinarily stabledc analog path, the 8588Aachieves remarkable ac rmsmeasurement performance thatis ten times faster, two timesless noisy, and more sensitivefor low level signals than otherinstruments in this class. Itutilizes digital rms calculationsto maintain full resolution of awide dynamic range of digitizedsignals.Rapid digital filters are moreeffective than their analogequivalents for faster settling.The digital filters eliminate thedielectric absorption on analogfilters, commonly associatedwith residual slow-tail char-acteristics. The digital filterseffectively shorten settling timeto within 6 cycles of the filterfrequency and less than 1 ppmof the fully settled value. This isup to 10 times faster than otherlong-scale precision digital mul-timeters at low frequencies.Low noise is achieved fromaveraging the collected high-resolution digitized data andthe inherently stable signalpath. De-coupling low levelsignal sensitivity from tempera-ture drift enables the 8588A tomake high accuracy low-levelac measurements. Therefore,temperature drift, offsets, andlong-term instability typicallyassociated with an analog rmsconverter are eliminated.• 77 µV/V (99 %), 1 yearrelative accuracy, for themost accurate ac voltagemeasurement• 323 µA/A (99 %), 1 yearrelative accuracy, ac current• 15 ms settling time at1 kHz ac filter accom-plishes 10x faster ac voltagemeasurement• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1.2x fullscale Vrms• Up to 30 A for peak accurrent greatly extends accurrent measurement rangeAC voltage measurementAC voltage measurement settingsSoft menu keysLarge, bright full color display30 A terminal™ terminalsThe intuitive user interface and flatmenu structure makes it easy to access configurations and view trend plots,waveforms, FFT, histogram and statistics.easy to learn.Enables industry's widest current measurement range through a single terminal.Multi-language selectionChoice of English, Chinese, French,Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.and easily to a flash drive.Run/Stop triggerToggles the continuous, or free run, measurement state.easily to a flash drive.Usability designed for metrologists by metrologistsThe 8588A is the ideal lab multimeter. It streamlines the measurement process while eliminating misunderstandings, with an easy-to-access user interface in English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. An intuitive graphical display lets you easily visualize trends, histograms, complex waveforms, and statistics and perform routine metrology tasks quickly. You can perform both real-time and post-capture analysis for short-term and long-term stabil-ity, identifying and quantifying drifts, run-around noise and uncertainty analysis without the need for an external com-puter or software. You can also quickly visualize post-processed frequency domain signals of fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase content.Some popular system mul-timeters have complex menustructures and unintuitive com-mands, while others lack anyuser interface, presenting bar-riers to training and operation.By contrast, the 8588A/8558A feature an easy-to-access con-figuration menu that makes it easy to train new users.The front panel features many new usability improve-ments. Visual ConnectionManagement™ output terminals light up to show which termi-nals are active, guiding the user to make the correct connections. The handles are over-molded for comfort and easy transport. USB host ports are placed both on the front and rear of the instrument. Use the ports to export data to external memory devices or simplify firmware updates. For remote communi-cation with a PC, choose from Ethernet, GPIB or USBTMC con-nectors on the rear panel.The 8558A/8558A provide full emulation of the Fluke8508A Reference Multimeter and command compatibility of the Keysight 3458A Digital Multimeter via SCPI commands, making it an ideal replacement for these older instruments.• Graphical display thatenables instantaneousvisualization of trend plot, Trend plotAnalyze: Histogramstatistical analysis, histogramand FFT.• GPIB, USBTMC, Ethernetallows industry standard selection of remote interface.• USB thumb drive enablesquick and easy data transfer to PC in .csv format.• SCPI compliant commandswith 8508A and 3458A emulation mode sim-plifies and accelerates system upgrade process to 8588A/8558A• Programmable front/rearinput switching with scan measurement allows ratio, difference and deviationmeasurements between front and rear terminals in dc voltage and resistance, func-tions with state-of-the-art linearity, noise performance, superb transfer uncertainties. • Capacitance and RF powermeter readout from Rohde & Schwarz NRP Seriesexpands the utility of 8588A in calibrating multi-product calibrators for improved pro-ductivity in calibration labs.Accurate data, delivered amazingly fastShorter test time on the8588A/8558A high-speed digital platform enables you to increase throughput, improve yield and realize a greater return on your investment.The 8588A/8558A digitizesto memory at 200 nanosec-onds per reading and delivers 4.5 digit data to a PC via USB, Ethernet and GPIB at 100,000 readings per second. Fast, high resolution data capture gives you the quantity and quality of information you need to make timely, correct decisions affect-ing system throughput and efficiency.• 0 ns to 100 s aperture setting allows industry’s widest flex-ibility to control data capture window• Reading speed: 1 reading /s @ 8.5 digits to 100,000 reading/***********• Data transfer from memory to PC: up to 500,000 readings /s in binary format through USB, up to 200,000 through Ethernet and GPIBDebug and perfect your device under testThe 8588A/8558A features a5 mega-sample digitizing rate with up to 20 MHz analog band-width, making it the first and only instrument on the market that can characterize extremely low level transient signals at 18-bit resolution. This capabil-ity makes it easier to debug designs, uncover anomalies and perfect your devices under test for use in real life environments.• Voltage sensitivity to hun-dreds of nV and current sensitivity to hundreds of pA allows you uncover ultra-low level transient signals• Up to 20 MHz bandwidth for voltage and 4 MHz for current retains high bandwidth con-tent of the signal measured • 18-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter that achieves 5 mega-samples per second • 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate, into buffer,for capturing complex, fastchanging waveforms• 15 million readings memoryallows large amount of datastorage eliminating theimmediate need to transferdata to a PC• Graphical waveform displayenables real-time visualiza-tion of complex waveforms,increased productivity withfaster access to results andanswersFast, reliable and accuratesystem compatibilityInserting a new instrument intoa tightly synchronized systemcan create overhead and incom-patibility. The 8588A/8558A’sdigital platform includescommon connectivity interfacesplus precise triggering that letsit digitize and transfer data toanywhere in the system foranalysis, with minimal effortand the highest reliability.• GPIB, USBTMC, Ethernetallows industry standardselection of remote interface• USB thumb drive enablequick and easy data transferto PC in .csv format• SCPI compliant commandswith 8508A and 3458A emu-lation mode simplifies andaccelerates system upgradeprocess to 8588A/8558A• Fully supports MET/CALcalibration procedures librarythat commands the Fluke8508A• IVI Driver for industrystandard control of DMM on8588A/8558A• Trigger Mechanisms: ExternalBNC Trigger Trig In and TrigOut, Internal or level trigger,Timer trigger, Epoch trigger,Line trigger, Bus Trigger• Less than 100 ns triggerlatency with external BNCtrigger for digitize voltageand currentTrend PlotAnalyze: FFTTrigger SystemThe MET/CAL™ Calibration Management Software advantageBoth 8588A and 8558A work with Fluke CalibrationMET/CAL™ Calibration Software. With native MET/CAL support or using 8508A emulation mode, you can increase throughput up to four times that of traditional manual and multi-product meth-ods while ensuring calibrations are performed consistently every time. This powerful software documents calibra-tion procedures, processes and results for ease in complying with ISO 17025 and similar quality standards.Support and services when you need them Fluke Calibration offers testing,repair and calibration servicesto meet your needs quickly andat a fair cost while maintainingthe high level of quality that youexpect. Our electrical calibrationlaboratories are accredited forconformance to ISO Guide 17025and we maintain global calibra-tion and repair facilities.Get peace of mind anduptime with a Gold Care-Plan service packageThe 8588A/8558A multimeterscome with a standard one-year factory warranty. You canenhance warranty protectionwith a Priority Gold InstrumentCarePlan service package.A Priority Gold InstrumentCarePlan includes an expe-dited annual calibration toreduce downtime by a weekand extended warranty to helpensure the best long-term per-formance from your instruments.Choose from one-year, three-year or five-year CarePlans.(Note: Priority shipping timesvary by country. Contact yourlocal Fluke Calibration salesrepresentative for details.)Ordering informationModels Description8588A Reference Multimeter8558A8.5 Digit MultimeterStandard accessories Description8588A-LEAD KIT-OSP General purpose probe kit & pouch with 2x 4-way shorting PCBOptional accessories DescriptionY8588Rack mount kit (2U – 3.5 in)Y8588S Slide rack mount kit8588A/CASE Transit case8588A-LEAD Comprehensive measurement lead kitIncludes:• 1x 8588A-LEAD KIT-OSP, general purpose probe kit• 1x 1 m screened 322/0.1 copper (30 Amp Rating) with 6 mm gold plated copperspade terminals• 4x 8588A-LEAD/THERMAL, 1.5 m two core screened low thermal cable with 6 mmgold plated copper spade terminals• 2x Locking adaptor 4 mm binding post to safety8588A-SHORT4-way shorting PCB8588A-LEAD/THERMAL Low thermal lead cable, 1.5 m two core screened low thermal cable with6 mm gold plated copper spade terminals8588A-7000K Cal kit with 1 GOhm standard and connecting leads96000SNS R&S power sensor8588A Reference Multimeter / 8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter Fluke Calibration 1112 Fluke Calibration 8588A Reference Multimeter / 8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter Fluke Calibration PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V. PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The Netherlands Web access: http://www.flukecal.eu Fluke Calibration. Precision, performance, confidence.™For more information call: In the U.S.A. (877) 355-3225 or Fax (425) 446-5716 In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866 From other countries +1 (425) 446-6110 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5716 Web access: ©2019, 2020 Fluke Calibration. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 2/2020 6011948b-en Modification of this document is not permitted without written permissionfrom Fluke Calibration.。
Fluke 8808A 万用表 说明书
更多的应用文章,请访问福禄克数字资料库 /library应用文章利用Fluke 8808A 万用表准确测量纳安级小电流电池供电设备的制造者对漏泄电流都非常熟悉,有时这种漏泄电流也被称为待机电流或暗电流,。
• Section Four Engine Analyzer发动机分析仪
Engine analyzer is a modern hi-tech instrument, testing
and diagnosing the working statue and parameters of engine
88v automobile digital multimeter.
的设备之一。Fluke 88v型汽车专用万用表的操作面板如图5-
Figure 5-1
• How to Measure Voltage如何测量电压
Voltage is the difference in electrical potential (charge) between
Figure 5-5
• 子菜单介绍如下:
• 1. ABS SEN(ABS传感器)
• 2. ALTERNATOR(发电机)
• 3. BATTERY(蓄电池)
• 4. CAM/CMP(凸轮轴位置传感器)
• 5. CKR(曲轴位置传感器)
• 6. KNOCK(爆燃传感器)
• 7. MAF(空气流量计)
measure current, refer to Figure 5-3 and proceed as follows:
Figure 5-3
• How to Measure Resistance如何测量电阻
Resistance hinders the flow of current.电阻对电流流动是一种
福禄克fluke8808a 数字多用表说明书摘要: 福禄克电测量仪器以坚固、可靠、精度、复现性在全球被大家认同,8808A 五位半数字多用表也是福禄克,8808A 依赖于FLUKE 的经验、设计标准和质量保证程序,数字多用表的典型表现都优于福禄克给出的技术指标,五位半数字多用表用于研发、制造和维修应用中的交直流电压,交直流电流、电阻、频率和导通性测量。
福禄克电测量仪器以坚固、可靠、精度、复现性在全球被大家认同,8808A 五位半数字多用表也是福禄克,8808A 依赖于FLUKE 的经验、设计标准和质量保证程序,数字多用表的典型表现都优于福禄克给出的技术指标,五位半数字多用表用于研发、制造和维修应用中的交直流电压,交直流电流、电阻、频率和导通性测量。
1、8808A 数字多用表测量电压,断开线路后显示会逐渐增加或逐渐减小的原因8808A 五位半数字多用表测量电压时,会对输入电容充电。
断开线路后,由于输入零电流很小,会对输入电容慢慢充电放电或充电,使得输入电容上的电压增加或者减少,8808A 的显示值就会依此变化。
2、8808A 电流插口的自动识别功能8808A 五位半数字多用表有10A 电流和mA 电流两个端子,当表笔插入任何一个端子时,仪表能自动识别使用者使用的是哪一个电流单子,数字多用表只能选择该电流输入端子对应的电流量程。
比如使用者将表笔插入mA 电流端子时,只能选择200μA至200mA 量程。
3、8808A 五位半数字多用表主要功能福禄克8808A 五位半数字多用表的主要测量功能有交直流电压、交直流电流、电阻、频率、导通性和二极管测量。
数字多用表主要技术参数:4、8808A 的量程特点8808A 的量程大部分都是以2 字为起始的量程,除了最高的一个量程。
福禄克 Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表 数据表
技术资料Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表主要特性0.1 %直流准确度用于精确测量的4-1/4-2位模式(20000字)测量高达1000 V交流和直流电压在最长30秒内测量高达10 A、20 A的电流内置温度计,可在需要时进行温度测量(包括温度探头)电阻、连续性和二极管测试通过感应式传感器进行RPM测量(随附传感器)喷油器的毫秒脉冲宽度测量可用磁性挂钩将万用表固定在汽车上,腾出双手完成其它任务具有最小值/最大值警报的最小值/最大值/平均值记录功能,可自动捕获发生的变化最小值/最大值峰值功能可记录速度高达250μs的瞬变相对模式可在低电阻测量中将测试线电阻扣除自动和手动量程变换,极为灵活使用Autohold ™功能时,只需接触一次导线,即可捕获稳定读数大号显示数字和两级亮度的明亮白色背光照明提高了清晰度产品概述: Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表Fluke 88 V 系列是 88系列的换代产品。
关于Fluke 88系列的信息,请 点击这里新型的Fluke 88V系列汽车诊断多用表进一步提高的测量功能和排障功能即准确度,可以解决传统汽车和混和动力汽车的更多故障。
Fluke 88V系列的工作方式非常类似于88系列,但是解决问题的功能更强大、更加安全、便利,并具有更强的防碰撞功能。
产品规格: Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表80 BK 温度探头-40 °C – 260 °C-40 °F – 500 °F,2.2 °C 或 2%,取较大值电导最大电导60.00 nS精度±(1.0% + 10)最大分辨率0.01 nS工作范围工作温度-20 °C – 55 °C 存放温度-40 °C – 60 °C机身规格 5.2 x 9.8 x 20.1 cm (2.06 x 3.86 x 7.93 in)624 g(22 oz)型号Fluke 88VFluke 88V Deluxe Automotive Multimeter汽车数字多用表包括:Fluke 88V 数字多用表High-impact holster测试线Optional accessories Description福禄克绝缘钢丝钳使用电压等级为 1,000 V 的 Fluke 绝缘钢丝钳、8 英寸 Linesman 钳子和侧剪钳保持安全。
Fluke万用表在汽车维修中的应用Fluke 78/88型模拟/数字万用表Fluke 78/88型模拟/数字万用表是专门用于汽车故障检测和维修的工具,其主要特点是:模拟/数字显示――4000字数字和64个模拟指针组合显示最小/最大值(Min/Max)――最小/最大值功能记录测量过程的最小/最大值接触保持(Touch Hold)――万用表将读数冻结显示,直至看清为止。
最新型Fluke 98型万用示波表(Automotive ScopeMeter)为汽车维修开发的专用高级仪表,高档汽车维修之必备工具。
一、直流电压参数Fluke万用表可以测量直流电压,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.1mV~1000V2.精度:±(0.5%+2)3.输入阻抗:10MΩ4.最大输入:1000V DC or AC RMS二、交流电压参数Fluke万用表也可以测量交流电压,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.1mV~1000V2.精度:±(1%+3)3.输入阻抗:10MΩ4.最大输入:1000V DC or AC RMS三、直流电流参数Fluke万用表还可以测量直流电流,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.1μA~10A2.精度:±(0.5%+3)3.保险丝规格:11A, 1000V FAST Fuse (Fluke part no 803293)四、交流电流参数Fluke万用表也可以测量交流电流,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.1μA~10A2.精度:±(1.5%+3)3.保险丝规格:11A, 1000V FAST Fuse (Fluke part no 803293)五、电阻参数Fluke万用表可以测量电阻,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.1Ω~50MΩ2.精度:±(0.5%+2)六、电容参数Fluke万用表也可以测量电容,其参数如下:1.测量范围:1nF~9999μF2.精度:±(1%+2)七、频率和周期参数Fluke万用表还可以测量频率和周期,其参数如下:1.测量范围:0.01Hz~200kHz2.精度:±(0.005%+4)八、温度参数Fluke万用表还可以测量温度,其参数如下:1.测量范围:-40℃~1372℃2.精度:±(1%+10)3.探头类型:K型热电偶九、其他参数除了以上介绍的主要参数外,Fluke万用表还有以下其他参数:1.AC/DC电压自动检测功能。
数字万用表产品大全美国福禄克∙Fluke 28-II 工业多用表新型Fluke 28 II数字多用表树立了在困难情况下进行测量的新标准,它具有优异的功能和准确度,可以轻松解决大多数电气故障。
...∙Fluke 27-II 工业多用表新型Fluke 27 II数字多用表树立了在困难情况下进行测量的新标准,它具有优异的功能和准确度,可以轻松解决大多数电气故障。
...∙Fluke 87V 真有效值数字多用表新推出的Fluke 87V大大改进了测量功能、诊断功能、分辨率和精度,能够更多地解决马达驱动、工厂自动化设备、配电和机电等设备的故障。
...∙Fluke 8062A 四位半数字万用表Fluke 8062A四位半数字多用表具有比一般的手持式数字表更多的测量功能.特别适用于音频、视频、电讯和计算机工业.结合了高准确度,高分辨率,宽频响和坚固耐用等一系列特点,Fluke 8062A为几乎的所有测量提供了理想的工具....∙Fluke 8060A 四位半数字万用表Fluke 8060A四位半数字多用表具有比一般的台式数字表更多的测量功能.特别适用于音频、视频、电讯和计算机工业.结合了高准确度,高分辨率,宽频响和坚固耐用等一系列特点,Fluke 8060A为几乎的所有测量提供了理想的工具....∙Fluke 115C 数字万用表Fluke 115C 数字万用表是供现场维护技术人员使用的紧凑型真有效值仪表,Fluke 115C 是用于广泛的电气和电子测试应用的解决方案....∙Fluke-62IR HVAC电工组合工具包作为一款综合全面的Fluke-62IR HVAC 检修解决方案,Fluke-62IR超值型HVAC 电工组合工具包放在一个精巧的便携包内,随附了HVAC 专业人员需要的所有附件,能够更加高效地排除和解决问题....∙Fluke-116 DMM电工组合工具包作为一款综合全面的HVAC 检修解决方案,Fluke-116超值型HVAC 电工组合工具包放在一个精巧的便携包内,Fluke-116随附了HVAC 专业人员需要的所有附件,Fluke-116能够更加高效地排除和解决问题....∙Fluke 116C 温度及微安电流测量HVAC万用表Fluke 116C 专门为HVAC 专业人员设计.它具有HVAC 仪表所需的各种功能,包括用于对HVAC 设备和火焰传感器进行快速故障排查的温度和微安测量....∙Fluke 18B新型数字万用表Fluke 18B创新的测试发光二极管(LED)功能实现了通过两种模式(插孔检测模式和表笔测试模式)测量2-6V的2脚发光二极管,并且只需要插入或者测量一次,就能判断LED的好坏,同时提示正负管脚位置,Fluke 18B表笔模式还可以在点量LED的同时测量LED的正向导通电压Vf....∙Fluke 233 远程显示多用表新型Fluke 233真有效值远程显示数字多用表让您可以极其灵活地处理那些不同寻常的测量情形.只需把可拆卸的显示屏放在您可以查看的地方,然后把Fluke 233多用表放在任何一个方便的地方—无需为了伸入狭窄的场所而不断地挪动梯子和多用表....∙Fluke 15B数字万用表Fluke 15B是福禄克(FLUKE)生产的一款高性价比数字万用表,由福禄克授权代理商浚海提供.关于Fluke 15B数字万用表价格,欢迎来电咨询....∙Fluke 17B数字万用表Fluke 17B是福禄克(FLUKE)生产的一款高性价比数字万用表,由福禄克授权代理商浚海提供.关于Fluke 17B数字万用表价格,欢迎来电咨询....∙Fluke 179 数字万用表(带红外温度计)Fluke 179 数字万用表是福禄克FLUKE最为通用的数字多用表,Fluke 179 数字万用表同时也是一款可以测量温度的万用表,它是精度、功能性、易用型、安全性和可靠性的最佳组合,为多用表建立了新的标准。
Fluke 88V 高级汽车多功能表说明书
Technical Data The Fluke 88V has improved measurementfunctions, trouble-shooting features andaccuracy to solve more problems on con-ventional and hybrid vehicles. The 88V isthe most powerful automotive multimeterever offered by Fluke. In addition to havingall standard multimeter features like theability to measure voltage, current, conti-nuity, and resistance, the 88V can performdiode test and pulse width measurements.Features•0.1 % dc accuracy•4-1⁄2 digit mode for precise measurements (20,000 counts)•Measure up to 1000 V ac and dc•Current measurements up to 10 A, 20 A for up to 30 seconds•Built-in thermometer for temperature measurements when youneed them (temperature probe included)•Resistance, continuity and diode test•RPM measurements with inductive pickup (included)•Millisecond pulse width measurements for fuel injectors•Magnetic hanger to attach meter to the vehicle and free yourhands for other tasks•Min/Max/Average recording with Min/Max Alert to capture varia-tions automatically•Peak Min/Max to record transients as fast as250 µs•Relative mode to remove test lead resistance from low ohmsmeasurements•Auto and manual ranging for maximum flexibility•Autohold™ to capture stable readings with only one touch of theleads•Large display digits and two-level bright white backlight forincreased visibility•Analog bargraph to track changing or unstable signals•Input Alert provides audible warning against wrong use ofinput jacks•Access door for fast battery changes without opening up the case•“Classic” design that fits your hand with new removable holster,built-in test lead and probe storage•10 meg ohm input impedance won’t damage computer circuits•Limited lifetime warranty on meterFluke 88 Series V DeluxeAutomotive MultimeterThis meter can take current measure-ments up to 20 A for 30 seconds and 10A continuously. The optional magnetichanger lets you attach the meter to moststeel surfaces for easy set-up and viewing.The 88V is designed to be used in highenergy environments like those found onhybrid vehicles.Fluke. Keeping your world up and running.Step up to a complete automotive diagnostic package with the 88V/A Automotive Combo Kit. It offers virtually everything you need in an automotive multimeter.Combo Kit Includes:• 88V Automotive Multimeter • TL224 1.5 m long heat resistant silicone test leads • TP220 removeable test probes to correctly measure corroded terminals• AC285 Alligator Clips• TPAK Magnetic Hanger to position and hold meter to steel surfaces• 80BK Temperature Probe • RPM80 Inductive Pick-Up Probe• Two Automotive Back Probe Pins• Insulation Piercing Probe •C800 Durable Carrying CaseOrdering informationFluke-88V Automotive Meter。
福禄克 Fluke 88V 汽车数字万用表 用户手册补遗 说明书
Manual SupplementManual Title: 88 V Users Supplement Issue: 6Part Number: Web-Only Issue Date: 7/18Print Date: August 2004 Page Count: 5Revision/Date: 1, 1/06This supplement contains information necessary to ensure the accuracy of theabove manual.© 2007-2018 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.x88 V UsersManual Supplement 7/18 1Change #1, 39785On page 73, Table 19, replace the Diode row with the following: 1000 V rms < 7.9 V dc 3.000 V dc 1.0 mA typical Change #2, 55742On page 1, replace the Safety Information with the following: The Meter complies with:∙Measurement Category III, 1000 V, Pollution Degree 2 ∙ Measurement Category IV, 600 V, Pollution Degree 2See Specifications for a list of compliant standards.Change #3, 64091On page 4, in the Symbols table, remove the UL, and TUV rows, and add:Inspected and licensed by TÜV Product Services.Conforms to relevant South Korean EMC Standards. CAT IIMeasurement Category II is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected directly to utilization points (socket outlets and similar points) of the low-voltage MAINS installation. CAT IIIMeasurement Category III is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected to the distribution part of the building’s low-voltage MAINS installation. CAT IV Measurement Category IV is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected at the source of thebuilding’s low-voltage MAINS installation.Manual Supplement 88 V Users On pages 66 & 67 in the Specifications, remove Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety and add:Safety......................................................... IEC 61010-1: 600 V CAT IV / 1000 V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2Electromagnetic Environment................. IEC 61326-1: PortableElectromagnetic Compatibility................ Applies to use in Korea only. Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting &Communication Equipment) [1][1] This product meets requirements for industrial (Class A) electromagnetic waveequipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intendedfor use in business environments and is not to be used in homes.In the Detailed Specifications, prior to Table 12, add:All ranges, unless otherwise noted: In an RF field of 3 V/m total accuracy = specified accuracy + 20 counts, except 600 A dc range, total accuracy = specified accuracy + 60 counts and all ac ranges = specified accuracy + 70counts. Temperature not specified.2 7/1888 V UsersManual Supplement 7/18 3Change #4, 567On page 4, add the following to the Electrical Symbols table: ~ This product complies with the WEEE Directive marking requirements. The affixed label indicates thatyou must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category:With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE Directive Annex I, this product is classed ascategory 9 "Monitoring and Control Instrumentation" product. Do not dispose of this product as unsortedmunicipal waste.On page 36, replace step 5 with:5. Connect the inductive pickup,a) Connect the clamp to a sparkplug wire. Make sure the arrow points to the spark plug.b) Connect the red and black test leads to the Meter.NotePosition the Signal Pick Up as far away from the distributor and the exhaust manifold as possible. Thedistance between the spark plug and the clamp of the unit must be less than 10 cm during test.The black test lead of this unit should be connected to "COM" jack when you connect the iest leads toautomotive meter.If there is no reading after starting the engine, disconnect the clamp, turn it over and reconnect the clamp.On page 37, replace Figure 9 with:Manual Supplement 88 V UsersFigure 9. Measuring RPM with Inductive Pickup4 7/1888 V Users Manual SupplementOn page 67, prior to Detailed Specification add:Inductive SpecificationsOperating Temperature ............. -10 °C to 60 °C at <80 %, relative humidityDimensions.. ................................ 32 mm X 70 mm X 146 mmWeight .......................................... 200 gChange #5, 606On page 62, in Table 10, remove the MP14 row from the table. This Part Number 831933 is no longer a replaceable part.7/18 5。