
控制理论1995 控制理论1996 控制理论1997 控制理论1998 控制理论1999 控制理论2003 控制理论2004 控制理论2005 政治学1998 政治学1999 政治学2000 政治学2001 政治学2003 政治学2004 政治学2005 政治经济学1998 政治经济学1998答案 政治经济学1999 政治经济学1999答案 政学2000(甲)答案 政治经济学2001 政治经济学2001答案 政治经济学2002 教育与儿童心理学2002 教育学1998 教育学1999 教育学2000 教育学2000(乙) 教育学2000(甲) 教育学2001 教育学2002 教育学2003 教育学2004 教育学2005 教育学与儿童心理学2002 数学分析1998 数学分析1999 数学分析2000 数学分析2001 数学分析2002 数学分析2003 数学分析2004 数学分析2005 数学分析2007
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浙⼤C++2005~2006春浙江⼤学考试答答案和评分标准浙江⼤学2005–2006学年_春_季学期《⾯向对象程序设计》课程期末考试试卷开课学院:计算机学院,考试形式:闭卷考试时间:_2006_年_4_⽉_18_⽇,所需时间: 120 分钟,任课教师_________ 考⽣姓名: _____学号:专业: ________1. Write the output of the code below(20%):每题4分1)int aa1=53,aa2=69;void f(int a1,int &a2){a2=a1;a1+=a2;cout << aa1 << aa2 << endl; //看清楚题⽬aa2 -= 7;a2++;}void main(){f(aa1,aa2);cout << aa1 << aa2 <}535353472) class A{static int m; //careint n;public:A(int m,int n){this->m=m;this->n=n;}Print(){ cout << m <<"---" << n << endl;}};int A::m; //改错时候注意A a2(5,6);a1.Print();a2.Print();}5---45---63)char a['z'];for (char i='a';i<='z';i++)a[i] = 'A'+i-'a';cout << a['e'] << endl;for (char i='a';i<='z';i++)a[i] = '1'+i-'a';cout << a['e'] << endl;E54)#includeusing namespace std;class A {int i;public:A():i(10) { cout << "A() " <virtual ~A() { cout << "~A() " << "\t"; } virtual void f() { i+=11; cout << "A::f() " < void g() { i+=12; cout << "A::g() "< };class B : public A {int i;public:B():i(20) { cout << "B() " <~B() { cout << "~B() " << "\t"; }void f() { i+=22; cout << "B::f() " <void g() { i+=12; cout << "B::g() "<{return B();}int main(){A* p = new B();p->f();cout <A a;B b = gen();a = b;a.f();cout <b.g();delete p;return 0;}A() 10 A::f() 21 B() 20 B::f() 42 B::f() 64A() 10 A::f() 21 A() 10 A::f() 21 B() 20 B::f() 42 A::f() 32 B::g() 54 ~B() ~A() ~B() ~A() ~A()此题答案不要求tab的对齐,但是如果存在换⾏错误(多余的或缺少的),所有的换⾏错误合计扣1分5)void main(){int m = 555;int n = 666;int &k = m;k++;cout << m <<”----“ << n << endl;k = n;k++;cout << m <<”----“ << n << endl;}556----666667----666D1、In C++ Language,function prototype doesn’t identify ( )A. The return type of the function.B. The number of arguments of the functionC. The type of arguments of the function.D. The functionality of the functionB 2、In C++ program, objects communicate each other by ( )A. InheritanceB. Calling member functionsC. EncapsulationD. Function overloadingB 3、For an arbitrary class,the number of destructor function can’t be bigger than ( )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3C 4、 Suppose a class is defined without any keywords such as public, private and protected,all members default to: ( )A. publicB. protectedC. privateD. staticC 5、About inline function, which statement is correct? ( )A. When the program is executed, inline function will insert the object code to every place where this function is called.B. When the program is compiled, inline function will insert the object code to every place where this function is called.C. Inline function must be defined inside a class.D. Inline function must be defined outside a class with keyword “inline”.B 6、During public inheritance, which statement is incorrect concerning the base class objects and the derived class objects? ( )A. Derived class objects can be assigned to base class objects.B. Derived class objects can initialize base class references.C. Derived class objects can access the members of base class.D. The addresses of derived class objects can be assigned to base class pointers.C 7、For the class definition:class A{public:};class B: public A{public:void func1( ){cout<< ″ class B func 1 ″ <virtual void func2( ){cout<< ″ class B func 2 ″ <};Which statement is correct? ( )A. Both A::func2( ) and B::func1( ) are virtual functionsB. Both A::func2( ) and B::func1( ) are not virtual functionsC. B::func1( ) is virtual function, while A::func2( ) is not virtual functionD. B::func1( ) is not virtual function, while A::func2( ) is virtual function3. Please correct the following programs(point out the errors and correct them)(15%) 1) 6分,每错2分class A{protected:static int k;int m;public:};int A::k;class B : public A{int n;public:static void F(int k){this->A::k = k;}void F2(int m){this->m = m;}};void main(){B b1,b2;b2.F2(5);}2)2分char a[3];const char *const ptr = a;const char c = 'a';ptr = &c3) 2分class base{...public:virtual void f(void)=0;virtual void g(void)=0;}class derived: public base{...public:virtual void f(void);virtual void g(void);};derived d;4) 5分,前3错各1分,最后⼀题错2分(基本正确给⼀分),class A {int *m_ip;public:A(int *ip = NULL){if(ip){m_ip = new int[5];::memcpy(m_ip,ip,sizeof(int)*5);}elsem_ip = NULL;~A(){delete m_ip; //改成 delete [] m_ip更好}A operator+(const A &a) const { // (1)(2)A temp(m_ip);for (int i=0; i<5; i++)temp.m_ip[i] += a.m_ip[i];return temp;}const A &operator=(const A &a){ // (3)if(a.m_ip){m_ip = new int[5];::memcpy(m_ip,a.m_ip,sizeof(int)*5);}elsem_ip = NULL;return *this;}friend ostream operator<<(ostream &,const A &); };ostream operator<<(ostream &out ,const A &a); // (4) {out << “(“ ;for (int i=0;i<4;i++)out << a.m_ip[i] << “,”;return out << a.m_ip[5] << “)”;}// Suppose the following code is correctvoid main(){const int k[5]={3,5,6,2,1};const A a1(k),a2(k);A a3(k);a3 = a1+a2;cout << a3 << endl;4、Fill in the blanks(30%)每格2分1)The function template MaxMin() can find out the max and min of a two dimension array,row is first dimension of length and col is second dimension of length . #includetemplate void MaxMin(T* array,int row,int col){T max = array[0],min = array[0];for(_int i=0 ;ifor( int j=0 ;j{if( maxmax = array[i*row+j];if( min > array[i*col+j] )min = array[i*row+j];}cout << "max=" << max << endl;cout << "min=" << min << endl;}void main(){int ai[2][3]={{8,10,2},{14,4,6}};MaxMin( (int*)ai, 2, 3 );}2) Please fill in the suitable code to make the program results 60。

数学系必修课 方道元 2006-07-05
Moqi@88 根据记忆整理,仅供参考
220x x dy x y dx y y =⎧=+⎪⎨⎪=⎩,其中00,x y 是实数。
1. 写出毕卡叠代序列的前三项
2. 应用解的存在定理确定000,0x y ==时解的最大存在区间
3. 讨论一般情形解的最大存在区间
二、(16分)已知方程30xy y xy y ′′′′′′+−−=的一个解1y x
,求出方程的通解 三、(20分)求解下述初值问题 (0)(0)0y y tgx y y ′′+=⎧⎨′==⎩
3253232dx x y z
dt dy x y z dt
dz x y z dt ⎧=−−+⎪⎪⎪=−−⎨⎪⎪=−−⎪⎩
(0)16dx y dt dy x y x dt
αα⎧=⎪⎪≥⎨⎪=−−+⎪⎩其中 的奇点并确定其类型。
六、(7分)求解如下边值问题0,(0)0,(1)(1)0x x x x x λ′′′+==+=。

浙江大学2005数学分析 1. 计算定积分:20sin xdx π⎰解:22001cos 21sin cos 2242x xdx dx xdx πππππ-==-=⎰⎰⎰ 2. 假设f(x)在[0,1]Rieman可积,1()f x dx =⎰11lim 4ln[1()]nn i i f n n →∞=+∑ 解:利用可积的定义和Taylor 展开作3. 设a,b,c 是实数,b>-1,c ≠0,试确定a,b,c ,使得30sin limln(1)x x b ax xc t dtt →-=+⎰解:不断利用L ’Hospital 法则4. f(x)在[a,b]上连续,对于1[,],[,],|()||()|2x a b y a b f y f x ∀∈∃∈≤,求证:[,],()0a b f ξξ∃∈=证明:利用实数系的几个定理就可以了 5.(1)设f(x)在[a,+∞]上连续,且()af x dx +∞⎰收敛,证明:存在数列{}[,)n x a ⊂+∞,使得满足,lim ,lim ()0n n n n x f x →∞→∞=+∞=(2) 设f(x)在[a,+∞]上连续,f(x)≥0,且()af x dx +∞⎰收敛,问:是否必有lim ()0n n f x →∞=,为什么? 证明:(1)此题也可以用反证法来解决,也非常简单。
(2)不是,构造一个锯齿形的函数5. 设f(x)在[0,+∞]具有二阶连续导数,且已知0(0,)sup |()|x M f x ∈+∞=和2(0,)sup |"()|x M f x ∈+∞=都是有限数,求证: 证明:(1) 根据Taylor 展开: (2) 由题1的结论:7.设f(x)在任何有限区间上Rieman 可积,且|()|f x d x+∞-∞⎰收敛,证明:lim ()sin 0n f x nxdx +∞-∞→∞=⎰证明:分成两段,然后把它化成级数来考虑,做的有点麻烦。

1. Мы уже к дому, как вдруг пошёлдождь.А. вышлиВ. подходилиС. отходилиD. пошли【答案】B【解析】句意:我们已经快要到家了,忽然下起了雨。
2. как он уехал из Пекина, мы ни разу не виделись.А. КогдаB. ПокаС. С тех порD. Только что【答案】C【解析】句意:从他离开北京我们一次也没有见过。
с тех поркак意为“自从……”,符合句意。
3. Совет Академии ему премию первой степени за отличную работу.А. вручилВ. присудилС. наградилD. выдал【答案】B【解析】句意:科学院委员会因他的出色工作为他颁发一等奖。
вручить кому что指颁发某种有重要意义的东西,常用于庄严正式的场合。
присудить кому что指经过评定委员会等组织讨论决定授予某人奖金、奖状、称号、学位等,符合句意。
наградить кого-что чем多指物质奖励,如奖章、奖状、奖品等。
выдавать кому что强调授予、颁发行为本身。
4. Вечером больная тётя вдруг почувствовала такую слабость, что она едва не на землю.А. отпустиласьВ. спустиласьС. опустиласьD. пропустилась【答案】C【解析】句意:晚上生病的阿姨忽然感觉身体虚弱,差点摔到地上。

浙江大学2005年高等代数试题由mylinco 整理,浙江工业大学,数学与应用数学05011、(10分)设整系数多项式()f x 的次数是2n m =或2+1n m =(其中m 为正整数)。
证明:如果有(21)k m ≥+个不同的整数1,k αα 使()i f α取值1或1-,则()f x 在有理数域上不可约。
(提示:用反证法)2、(10分)设A 是n 阶矩阵,11(,),(,)T T n n X x x Y y y == ,a 是一个数。
(1)求证:*0T T AY X A Y X =-。
(2)进一步,再证:*T T AY a A X A Y X a =-。
(其中*A 表示A 的伴随矩阵) 3、(10分)设1,,s ξξ 是某个齐次线性方程组的一个基础解系,1,,k ηη 是该齐次方程组的k 个线性无关的解。
证明:若k s <,则在1,,s ξξ 中必可取出s k -个向量使与1,,k ηη 共同构成该齐次方程组的一个基础解系。
4、(10分)设A 是n s ⨯矩阵,证明:秩()A r =的充分必要条件是存在两个列满秩的矩阵n r B ⨯和s r C ⨯使TA BC =。
5、(20分)设12,T T 为线性空间V 的两个线性变换,若有V 的可逆线性变换S 使112T S T S -=,则称1T 与2T 相似。
证明:1T 与2T 相似的充要条件是:存在可逆线性变换S ,使对V 中任一向量α,由1T αβ=可得2()T S S αβ=。
6、(20分)若把所有n 阶实对称矩阵按合同关系分类,问共有几类(说明原因)?每一类最简单的矩阵是什么?7、(20分)(1)在2R 中內积定义为1122,4x y x y x y <>=+,(其中21212(,),(,)T x x x y y y R ==∈), 令{}:1S x x ==,表示向量的长度,说明S 是什么形状的图形,并画出草图。
(2)令:230,,,,a b W a b c d a b c d R c d ⎧⎫⎡⎤=-++=∈⎨⎬⎢⎥⎣⎦⎩⎭。

2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)数 学(文史类)第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的(1)函数sin(2)6y x π=+的最小正周期是A .2πB .πC .2πD .4π (2)设全集{}1,2,3,4,5,6,7U =,{}1,2,3,4,5P =,{}3,4,5,6,7Q =,则()U P Q u ð=A .{}1,2B .{}3,4,5C .{}1,2,6,7D .{}1,2,3,4,5 (3)点(1,-1)到直线10x y -+=的距离是( )(A)21 (B) 32 (C) 2 (D)2(4)设()1f x x x =--,则1()2f f ⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦( )(A) 12- (B)0 (C)12(D) 1(5)在54(1)(1)x x +-+的展开式中,含3x 的项的系数是( )(A)5- (B) 5 (C) -10 (D) 10(6)从存放号码分别为1,2,…,10的卡片的盒子中,有放回地取100次,每次取一张卡片并记下号码统计结果如下:则取到号码为奇数的频率是A .0.53B .0.5C .0.47D .0.37(7)设α、β 为两个不同的平面,l 、m 为两条不同的直线,且l ⊂α,m ⊂β,有如下的两个命题:①若α∥β,则l ∥m ;②若l ⊥m ,则α⊥β. 那么(A) ①是真命题,②是假命题 (B) ①是假命题,②是真命题 (C) ①②都是真命题 (D) ①②都是假命题(8)已知向量(5,3)a x =-,(2,)b x =,且a b ⊥,则由x 的值构成的集合是 A .{}2,3 B .{}1,6- C .{}2 D .{}6 (9)函数31y ax =+的图象与直线y x =相切,则a = A .18B .14C .12D .1(10)设集合{}(,)|,,1A x y x y x y --=是三角形的三边长,则A 所表示的平面区域(不含边界的阴影部分)是( )(A) (B) (C) (D)第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分把答案填在答题卡的相应位置11.函数2xy x =+(x ∈R ,且x ≠-2)的反函数是_________. 12.设M 、N 是直角梯形ABCD 两腰的中点,DE ⊥AB 于E (如图).现将△ADE 沿DE 折起,使二面角A -DE -B 为45°,此时点A 在平面BCDE 内的射影恰为点B ,则M 、N 的连线与AE 所成角的大小等于_________.13.过双曲线22221x y a b-=(a >0,b >0)的左焦点且垂直于x 轴的直线与双曲线相交于M 、N 两点,以MN 为直径的圆恰好过双曲线的右顶点,则双曲线的离心率等于_________.14.从集合{P ,Q ,R ,S }与{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}中各任取2个元素排成一排(字母和数字均不能重复).每排中字母Q 和数字0至多只能出现一个的不同排法种数是_________.(用数字作答).三、解答题:本大题共6小题,每小题14分,共84分解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤15.已知函数()2sin cos cos 2f x x x x =+(Ⅰ) 求()4f π的值;(Ⅱ) 设α∈(0,π),()22f α=sin α的值.16.已知实数,,a b c 成等差数列,1,1,4a b c +++成等比数列,且15a b c ++=,求,,a b c17.袋子A 和B 中装有若干个均匀的红球和白球,从A 中摸出一个红球的概率是31,从B 中摸出一个红球的概率为p .(Ⅰ) 从A 中有放回地摸球,每次摸出一个,共摸5次求(i )恰好有3摸到红球的概率;(ii )第一次、第三次、第五次均摸到红球的概率.(Ⅱ) 若A 、B 两个袋子中的球数之比为1:2,将A 、B 中的球装在一起后,从中摸出一个红球的概率是25,求p 的值.18.如图,在三棱锥P -ABC 中,AB ⊥BC ,AB =BC =12PA ,点O 、D 分别是AC 、PC 的中点,OP ⊥底面ABC . (Ⅰ)求证OD ∥平面PAB(Ⅱ) 求直线OD 与平面PBC 所成角的大小;19.如图,已知椭圆的中心在坐标原点,焦点12,F F 在x 轴上,长轴A 1A 2的长为4,左准线l 与x 轴的交点为M ,|MA 1|∶|A 1F 1|=2∶1. (Ⅰ)求椭圆的方程;(Ⅱ)若点P 在直线l 上运动,求∠F 1PF 2的最大值.20.函数f (x )和g (x )的图象关于原点对称,且f (x )=x 2=2x . (Ⅰ)求函数g (x )的解析式;(Ⅱ)解不等式g (x )≥f (x )-|x -1|.(Ⅲ)若()()()1h x g x f x λ=-+在[]1,1-上是增函数,求实数λ的取值范围2005浙江卷试题及答案参考答案一、选择题:本题考查基本知识和基本运算每小题5分,满分50分(1)B (2)A (3)D (4)D (5)C (6)A (7)D (8)C (9)B (10)A 二、填空题:本题考查基本知识和基本运算每小题4分,满分16分(11)()2,11xy x R x x=∈≠-且;(12)90︒;(13)2;(14)5832三、解答题:(15)本题主要考查三角函数的倍角公式、两角和的公式等基础知识和基本的运算能力分14分解:(Ⅰ)∵()sin2cos2f x x x =+∴sin cos 1422f πππ⎛⎫=+=⎪⎝⎭(Ⅱ) cos sin 2f ααα⎛⎫=+= ⎪⎝⎭∴1sin ,cos 424ππαα⎛⎫⎛⎫+=+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭13226sin sin 442ππαα⎛⎫=+-=⨯= ⎪⎝⎭∵()0απ∈,, ∴sin 0α>, 故sin α=(16)本题主要考查等差、等比数列的基本知识考查运算及推理能力满分14分解:由题意,得()()()()()()2151221413a b c a c b a c b ⎧++=⎪⎪+=⎨⎪++=+⎪⎩由(1)(2)两式,解得5b = 将10c a =-代入(3),整理得213220211,2,5,811,5, 1.a a a a a b c a b c -+=========-解得或故或经验算,上述两组数符合题意。

12.从集合 P,Q, R, S 与 0,1, 2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9 中各任取 2 个元素排成一排(字母和数
字均不能重复).每排中字母 Q 和数字 0 至多只能出现一个的不同排法种数是_________.(用 数字作答)
解:分三种情况:情况 1.不含 Q、0 的排列: C32 C92 P44 ;情况 2.0、Q 中
(B) ①是假命题,②是真命题 (D) ①②都是假命题
图中平面α∩平面β=直线 n,l , m
且 l∥n,m⊥n,则 m⊥l,显然平面α不垂直平面β
5, 3 , b
x2 a2
y2 b2
0, b
0 的左焦点且垂直于
于 M、N 两点,以 MN 为直径的圆恰好过双曲线的右顶点,则双曲线的离心率等于 _________.
解:由题意可得 b2 a c ,即 c2-a2=a2+ac,化成关于 e 的方程 e2-e-2=0,解得 a
2005 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)
第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共 50 分)
一、选择题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 5 分,共 50 分。在每小题给出的四
2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 英语试题及参考答案

2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 英语试题及
【摘要】@@ 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)rn第一节单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)rn从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.rn1.My brother is an actor.He in several films so far.
1.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东卷)英语试题及参考答案 [J],
2.2005年安徽省中考暨毕业考试英语试题及参考答案 [J],
3.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(全国卷Ⅱ) [J],
4.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南试卷)英语试题(英文) [J], 思思
5.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江西)英语试题 [J], 英夫

浙江大学c程2005A试卷E(竺院)浙江大学2005-2006学年冬季学期《C Programming》课程期末考试试卷开课学院:计算机学院, 考试形式:闭卷考试时间:2006年1月11日, 所需时间:120 分钟,任课教师考生姓名:学号:专业:(注意:答题内容必须写在答题卷上,写在本试题卷上无效) Section 1: Single Choice(2 mark for each item, total 20 marks)1. If x is a float variable, the value of expression (x = 7/2, x+1) is _____.A.3 B.3.5 C.4 D.4.52.The value of expression sizeof (“\\total=%lf\\\n”) is______.A.13 B.14 C.15 D.163. The statement ______ is correct if a is an integer variable and b is a doublePrecision float variable.A.sc anf(“%d,%f”, &a, &b);B.scanf(“a=%d b=%*f”, &a, &b);C.scanf(“%d%*lf”, &a, &b);D.scanf(“%d%*lf”, &a );4.The value of expression strcmp (“internet”, “intranet”) is______.A.positive B.negative C.zero D.uncertain5. The expression! (x>0&&y<0) is equivalent to _____.A.x<=0||y>=0 B.!x>0&&!y<0 C.!x>0||!y<0 D.!(x>0)&&!(y<0)6. If variables are defined, the value of expression_____ is not 1.A.2^3 B.1<<1/2 C.(a=1,b=2,a>b) D.!’\0’7. If variables are defined and assigned correctly, theexpression_____ is wrong.A.float(256) B.a>b>5 C.a,2,b D.5&&68. The following code fragment prints out _____.int i=5;while (i-->1){if(i%2) printf("*");else continue;printf("#");}printf("$\n");A.*#*#*#$ B.#*#*#*$ C.#*#*$ D.*#*#$9. With regard to the following definition:struct {int len;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 1 / 8char *str;} s[2]={{10,”hello”},{20,”world”}},*p=s;Operator ++ in the expression *p++->str is applied on _____.A.str B.pointer pC.the content which p points to D.None of the above10. Among the following statements, _____ is the most correct statement.char *p, str[]=“hello”;A.strcpy(p, “world”);B.p=str++;C.p=“world”+1;D.strcat(str, “world”);Section 2: Fill in the blanks(2 mark for each item, total 30 marks)1. If ch is an uppercase character variable, the expression can be written as __’A’+’Z’-ch____according to the changingrule: ’A’->’Z’,’B’->’Y’,’C’->’X’……2. The value of expression strlen(“http:\\.c n”) is___20___.3. The following code fragment prints out __020___.printf("%#o\n", (010<<1^1)&(0xe<<1));4. Write a conditional expression___(x>0)?(1/x): (x==0)?0: (-2/x)___ to calculate the value of y.1/x x>0y= 0 x=0-2/x x<05. The following code fragment prints out ___12___.#define FB(a,b) (a*b+1)int k=3;k=FB(FB(k+1,k-1),k)-7;printf("%d",k);6. After running the following code fragment, the value of a is ___-1__.int a=-1,x=10,y=20,ok1=5,ok2=0;if(x<y)< p="">if(y!=10)if(!ok1)a=1;elseif(ok2) a=10;7. The following code fragment prints out __6,4,60___.int i,j,k=0;for (i=0, j=10; i<=j; i++, j--)k+=i+j;printf ("%d,%d,%d", i,j,k);8. The following code fragment prints out ___-2,1__.int k=2, a=1;while(k--!=-1) {《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 2 / 8do {a*=k;a++;} while (k--);}printf("%d,%d",k,a);9. The following code fragment prints out __a=2,b=1___.int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0;switch(x) {case 1:switch(y) {case 0: a++; break;case 1: b++; break;}case 2:a++; b++; break;}printf(“a=%d,b=%d”,a,b);10. Writing the declaration with typedef, which makes NAMEa synonym for a character pointerarray, 20 elements _____. typedef char *NAME[20];11. With the code fragment bellow, function call f(3), the return value is __11___.f (int n){ return ((n>0) ? f(n-1)+2*f(n-2) :1); }12. The output of the following program is __3___.# includeint f(){ static int k=0;k++;return k;}void main(){ int k;for(k=0;k<2;k++) f();printf(“%d”, f());}13. The output of the following program is __3#1#1#___.#includemain(){int a=1,b=2,m;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 3 / 8int s(int,int *);m=s(a,&b);printf(“%d#%d#%d#”,m,a,b);}int s(int a,int *b){int m;m = a+*b;*b -= a;return m;}14.In the following command-line program run.c, the output after running “run –abc –nls world”is ___u#-___.#includemain(int agrc, char *argv[]){printf(“%c#%c”, *++argv[0], (*++argv)[0]);}15.After executing the following block, the value of variablei is __6____.static int a[3][4]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, i;i= a[2][-2] + a[1][3];Section 3: Read each of the following programs and answer questions (5marks for each item, total marks: 30)1.The output of the following program is ___4#0#4$-2$____.#includevoid main(void){int x,y=-2,z;if((z=y)<0) x=4;else if(y==0) x=5;else x=6;if(z=(y==0))x=5;printf("%d#%d#",x,z);if(x=z=y)x=4;printf("%d$%d$",x,z);}2.The output of the following program is __3#3#6#3#2#0#___.《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 4 / 8#includeint x,y,z;void p(int x, int *y){ int z;++x;++*y;z=x+*y;printf(“%d#%d#%d#”, x,*y,z);}void main(){ x=y= 2;p(y, &x);printf(“%d#%d#%d#”, x,y,z);}3.The output of the following program is ___95#75#0#60#85#____.#includevoid main( ){ char ch, *s = "ACEDB";int x;while(*s != 0){f(*s++, &x);printf("%d#", x);}}int f(char ch, int *x){*x = 0;switch (ch) {case 'A': *x = 95; break;case 'B': *x = 85; break;case 'C': *x = 75; break;case 'D': *x = 60; break;}}4.The output of the following program is ___60,2#30,2#15,3#5,5#____.#includevoid main(){ void div(int*, int*);int a[5] = {-1, 0, 60, 45, 34 }, i = 0, j = 2;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 5 / 8while(a[i] <= 0) i++;while(a[i] != 1) div(a+i, &j);}void div(int *n, int *k){ if(*n%*k == 0) {printf("%d,%d#", *n, *k);*n /= *k;}else (*k)++;}5.The output of the following program is ___15____.#includeint f(int a[], int n){ int cur, final, j;cur=final=0;for(j=0; j<="">cur += a[j];if(cur > final) final= cur;else if(cur<0) cur=0;}return final;}void main(){int a[]={1,2,-4,3,2,6,-1,5,-4,-7,8};printf(“%d\n”, f(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)));}6.The output of the following program is ___13045____.#includeint f(int n, int m){ int n1, m1, result=0;if (n && m)n1=n%10;m1=m%10;if (n1==m1) result= f(n/10, m/10)*10;else result = f(n/10, m/10)*10 + ((n1>m1)?n1:m1);return result;} else return n+m;}void main()《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 6 / 8{printf("%d\n", f(12345, 3333));}Section 4: According to the specification, complete each program (2 mark for each blank, total: 20 marks)1.The following program is to calculate the sum of the first n items of the sequence as 1/2, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21,….#includemain(){ float x,y,t, sum=0;int i,n;x=1,y=2;scanf("%d", &n);for(i=0;___(1)____; i++) {sum+= x/y;t=x;____(2)___;____(3)___;}printf("%f", sum);}(1) i<n< p="">(2) x=y(3) y=y+t《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20067 / 82.There is an increasing ordered character list in a text file file1. The following program read in this list, calculate the number of duplicates(重复) and write each character and its frequency of occurrence (> 1) (大于1的出现次数) into the file file2. For example, if the file1 contains list “abbcdddeffg” , the list “ab2cd3ef2g” will be written into file2.#includemain(){ FILE *fp1, *fp2;char last, c;int count=0;fp1=fopen("file1", "r");fp2=fopen("file2", "w");if (_________(4)_____________) exit(0);last='\0';while (______(5)_____________) {count++;if (c!=last) {if (count>1) ________(6)________________;count=0;fputc(c,fp2);last=___(7)____;}}fclose(fp1);fclose(fp2);}(4) fp1==NULL || fp2==NULL(5) (c=fgetc(fp1))!=EOF(6) fprintf(fp2,”%d”,count)(7) c《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20068 / 83.There is a simple chaining list h (may be NULL). The following two functions: void push(int n) to insert the n into the head of the list, and void pop() to delete the first node from the list.For example,after push(1), list will be:struct node {int info;struct node *next;} *h;void push(int n){ struct node *t;t= _________(8)________;t->info=n;if (h==NULL) t->next=NULL;else _______(9)________;h=t;}void pop(){ struct node *t;if (h==NULL) return NULL;else { t=h;_______(10)________;free(t);}}(8) (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node))(9) t->next=h(10) h=t->next《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20069 / 8 </n<></y)<>。

浙江大学二OO五年攻读硕士学位入学考试试题考试科目:管理学一、选择题(2分×10)1、矩阵制组织形式的采用容易破坏管理的____c___A分工原则B权责一致原则C跳板原则D统一指挥原则2、下列几项活动中,哪一项不属于管理活动_____b___A部队中的班长与战士谈心B企业的审计主管对财务部门进行检查C 钢琴家制定自己的练习计划D医院的外科主任主持会诊3、决策者的个性对____a____决策影响最大。
A风险性B肯定型C不肯定型D程序化4、某人因上班迟到被扣了当月的奖金,这对于他的同事来说是何种性质的强化 bA正强化B负强化C惩罚D消除5、某公司财务经理授权会计科长管理应付款,会计科长由于太忙,不能亲自处理,便授权属下一位会计处理此事。
会计科长对应付款的管理___b_____A不再负有责任B责任与原来相同C责任减轻D不再负主要责任6、有些人从某一职位上退下来之后,常抱怨“人走茶凉”,这反映了他们过去在单位中拥有的职权是一种___c_____A专长权 B 个人影像权 C 法定职权D信息权7、为满足员工自我实现需要,推出哪种管理措施较为有效: dA 改善住房条件B 职工持股计划C 星级晋升制度D合理化建议活动8、____c_____对管理学的最大贡献是运用自然科学方法解决具体的管理问题。
因此,对于建立多年且员工队伍基本稳定的高科技企业的领导来说,其领导风格应该逐渐调整的方向应该是___d____A从参与型向说服型转变B从参与型向命令型转变C从说服型向授权型转变D 从命令型向说服型转变10、某仓库主任根据许多钢材堆在露天的情况,提出搭建简易仓库计划,经过可行性分析研究,认为搭建仓库可以减少钢材损失,同时节省因钢材生锈而产生的预处理成本,在经济上是可行的。
面对这份报告,作为总经理的选择是___d_____A批准实施B不批准C视资金情况而定 D 进一步明确问题二、名词解释(4分×6)技术技能预算直线职权威信人际沟通授权技术技能:在某个专业领域中的知识水平和熟练程度。

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2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题 共24分)注意事项:1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。
以下数据可供解题时参考: 相对原子质量(原子量):C 12 O 16 Na 23一、选择题(本题包括13小题。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.人体神经细胞与肝细胞的形态结构和功能不同,其根本原因是这两种细胞的( )A .DNA 碱基排列顺序不同B .核糖体不同C .转运RNA 不同D .信使RNA 不同2.在光照下,供给玉米离体叶片少量的14CO 2,随着光合作用时间的延续,在光合作用固定CO 2形成的C 3化合物和C 4化合物中,14C 含量变化示意图正确的是 ( )3.镰刀型细胞贫血症的病因是血红蛋白基因的碱基序列发生了改变。
检测这种碱基序列改变必须使用的酶是( )A .解旋酶B .DNA 连接酶C .限制性内切酶D .RNA 聚合酶4.将小麦种子分别置于20℃和30℃培养箱中培养4天,依次取等量的萌发种子分别制成提取液Ⅰ和提取液Ⅱ。
结果是 ( )A .甲呈蓝色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈无色B .甲呈无色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色C .甲、乙皆呈蓝色,丙呈砖红色D .甲呈浅砖红色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色5.为了保护鱼类资源不受破坏,并能持续地获得量大捕鱼量,根据种群增长的S 型曲线,应使被捕鱼群的种群数量保持在K/2水平。

2005年高考语文试题(浙江卷)详解2005年高考语文试题(浙江卷)详解第1卷(共42分)l.下列词语中加点的字的读音全都正确的一组是()A.粘贴(zhān)玷污(zhān)龌龊(wò)运筹帷幄(wò)B.蹉跎(cuō)磋商(cuō)遭殃(yāng)怏怏不乐(yāng)C.飞镖(biāo)剽悍(biāo) 绯红(fēi)妄自菲薄(fēi)D.蜿蜒(yán)筵席(yán)市侩(kuài)脍炙人口(kuài)D(A项,“玷污”的“玷”应读diàn;B项,“怏怏不乐”的“怏”应读yàng;C项,“剽悍”的“剽”应读piāo,“妄自菲薄”的“菲”应读fěi。
A.病症干涉虽然 B.病症干预即使C.病征干预虽然 D.病征干涉即使C(病症:指病。

2005年12月浙江大学英语三级真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary 3. Structure 4. Reading Comprehension 5. Translation from English into Chinese 6. Translation from Chinese into EnglishPart ⅠListening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.听力原文:M: Can you clean the kitchen? I’ll do the bathroom.W: I’ll do it later. I’m watching the video.Q: What was the woman asked to do?1.A.Clean the kitchen.B.Clean the bathroom.C.Watch a video program.D.Wash the dishes.正确答案:A解析:对话中男士说:“你打扫厨房行吗?……”听力原文:W: What were you doing when your wife lost her bag?M: I was opening the car door.Q: What happened to the man’s wife?2.A.She got lost.B.She was knocked down by a car.C.She lost her bag.D.She had some trouble with her car.正确答案:C解析:对话中女士问男士:“你夫人丢包时你在干什么?”听力原文:W: What’s all this glass doing on the floor?M: Look at the window and you’ll see. The kids were playing basketball and Tommy failed to catch it.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?3.A.Tommy fell to the ground and broke his glasses.B.The window was broken by the kids.C.The kids were playing with the glasses.D.Tommy failed in the basketball game.正确答案:B解析:女士问:“地上这些玻璃怎么回事?”男士回答说:“看看窗子你就知道了。

2005年高考英语试题·浙江卷(含答案)本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I卷(共100分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. My brother is an actor. He ______ in several films so far.A. appearsB. appearedC. has appearedD. is appearing2. Jim passed the driving test, _____ surprised everybody in the office.A. whichB. thatC. thisD. it3. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ______ his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on4. Mrs. Taylor has ______ 8-year-old daughter who has ______ gift for painting—she has won two national prizes.A. a; aB. an; theC. an; aD. the; a5. —Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?—_______A. How come?B. Take your time.C. Yes, go onD. Yes, help yourself.6. —Ow! I’ve burnt myself!—How did you do that?—I _______ a hot pot.A. touchedt-coB. keptC. feltD. held7. The old tower must be saved, _________the cost.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. wherever8. ______ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789.A. To find outB. Finding outC. Find outD. Having found out9. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it ______be very slow.A. shouldB. mustC. willD. can10. —People should stop using their cars and start using public transport.—_________ . The roads are too crowded as it is.A. All rightB. ExactlyC. Go aheadD. Fine11. —I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.—Oh, _________ I won’t wait.A. no doubtB. after allC. in that caseD. in this way12. —Are you still busy?—Yes, I _________ my work, and i t won’t take long.A. just finishB. am just finishingC. have just finishedD. am just going to finish13. My mother always gets a bit _________ if we don’t arrive when we say we will.A. anxiousB. ashamedC. weakD. patient14. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and, _______, she gets well paid for it.A. sooner or laterB. what’s moreC. as a resultD. more or less15. Danby left word with my secretary _________ he would call again in the afternoon.A. whoB. thatC. asD. which16. I am sure David will be able to find the library—he has a pretty good _________ of direction.A. ideaB. feelingC. experienceD. sense17. _________ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.A. WhenB. AfterC. AsD. Since18. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9. 91 seconds, and I have not seen _______ this year.A. the bestB. betterC. the mostD. more19. I couldn’t _________. The line was busy.A. go byB. go aroundC. get inD. get through20. We’ve been looking at the houses but haven’t found _________ we like yet.A. oneB. onesC. itD. them第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题face=宋体>完型填空(共1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. ___21___ I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed ___22___. I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls ___23___ their souls belonged to the ___24___.I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man ___25___ in front of it. "I’m Steve", he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can’t talk with you. I’m ___26___", he said. He was chatting online with somebody--probably someone he didn’t know--and, at the same time, he was playing a computer game--a war game. I was surprised. He was chatting online and, ___27___, he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was ___28___.Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried ___29___ to speak to that computer geek (怪人), ___30___ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应).I was ___31___. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, "___32___!"I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the caféwere looking at me. I ___33___, and saw nobody showed any interest.___34___, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more ___35___ having a relationship with the ___36___, particularly Steve. I wouldn’t want to ___37___ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines ___38___ with people.I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn’t even ___39___ that the coffee was bad, ___40___ Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.21. A. Before B. Since C. Although D. While22. A. pain B. loneliness C. sadness D. fear23. A. because B. when C. until D. unless24. A. home B. world C. Net D. Cafe25. A. sleeping B. laughing C. sitting D. learning26. A. busy B. thirsty C. tired D. sick27. A. first of all B. just then C. at the same time D. by that time28. A. surprised B. delighted C. moved D. frightened29. A. once B. again C. first D. even30. A. but B. so C. if D. or31. A. excited B. respected C. afraid D. unhappy32. A. Shut up B. Enjoy yourself C. Leave me alone D. Help me out33. A. walked about B. walked out C. raised my hand D. raised my head34. A. From then on B. At that momentC. In allD. Above all35. A. interested in B. tired of C. careful about D. troubled by36. A. computer B. soul C. shop D. geek37. A. tell B. plan C. imagine D. design38. A. other than B. instead of C. except for D. as well as39. A. pretend B. understand C. insist D. realize40. A. as if B. just as C. just after D. even though 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2小题,每题分,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

5.图示对称结构中点截面 C 及杆件 AB 的内力应满足
A. M C 0,QC 0, NC 0, N AB 0 ; B. M C 0,QC 0, NC 0, N AB 0 ;
C. M C 0,QC 0, NC 0, N AB 0 ; D. M C 0,QC 0, NC 0, N AB 0 。
2.图示体系的几何组成为 。(2 分)
A.几何不变,无多余约束; B.几何不变,有多余约束; C.瞬变; D.常变。
3.图示刚架结点 B 的弯矩 M B
A. qh2 ,外侧受拉; B. qh2 ,内侧受拉;
C. qa2 2 ,内侧受拉; D. qh2 2 ,内侧受拉。
→ → → → →
二、计算题(共 5 小题,总计 94 分)
16.作图示结构的弯矩、剪力和轴力图(杆 CB 与 CD 刚结)。(20 分)
→ → → → →
A 2a
题 16 图
C 题 17 图
17.图示结构,四杆长度均为 l, EI 常数。(25 分)
(1)试用力法作出结构的弯矩图; (2)若要计算结点 E 的转角,试作出对应虚拟力状态的弯矩图。 18.图示结构各杆 EI 常数,AC 段受均布荷载 q 作用。(20 分) (1)用位移法计算,并作出结构的弯矩图; (2)绘出结构在铰 C 处的剪力 QC 影响线的轮廓图,并求出 C 点的竖标值。
C. 3Pa 80 ,下侧受拉; D. 3Pa 56,下侧受拉。
9.力法典型方程的副系数 ij ji ,其依据是
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浙江大学2005-2006学年冬季学期《C Programming》课程期末考试试卷开课学院:计算机学院, 考试形式:闭卷考试时间:2006年1月11日, 所需时间:120 分钟,任课教师考生姓名:学号:专业:(注意:答题内容必须写在答题卷上,写在本试题卷上无效) Section 1: Single Choice(2 mark for each item, total 20 marks)1. If x is a float variable, the value of expression (x = 7/2, x+1) is _____.A.3 B.3.5 C.4 D.4.52.The value of expression sizeof (“\\total=%lf\\\n”) is______.A.13 B.14 C.15 D.163. The statement ______ is correct if a is an integer variable and b is a doublePrecision float variable.A.scanf(“%d,%f”, &a, &b);B.scanf(“a=%d b=%*f”, &a, &b);C.scanf(“%d%*lf”, &a, &b);D.scanf(“%d%*lf”, &a );4.The value of expression strcmp (“internet”, “intranet”) is______.A.positive B.negative C.zero D.uncertain5. The expression! (x>0&&y<0) is equivalent to _____.A.x<=0||y>=0 B.!x>0&&!y<0 C.!x>0||!y<0 D.!(x>0)&&!(y<0)6. If variables are defined, the value of expression_____ is not 1.A.2^3 B.1<<1/2 C.(a=1,b=2,a>b) D.!’\0’7. If variables are defined and assigned correctly, the expression_____ is wrong.A.float(256) B.a>b>5 C.a,2,b D.5&&68. The following code fragment prints out _____.int i=5;while (i-->1){if(i%2) printf("*");else continue;printf("#");}printf("$\n");A.*#*#*#$ B.#*#*#*$ C.#*#*$ D.*#*#$9. With regard to the following definition:struct {int len;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 1 / 8char *str;} s[2]={{10,”hello”},{20,”world”}},*p=s;Operator ++ in the expression *p++->str is applied on _____.A.str B.pointer pC.the content which p points to D.None of the above10. Among the following statements, _____ is the most correct statement.char *p, str[]=“hello”;A.strcpy(p, “world”);B.p=str++;C.p=“world”+1;D.strcat(str, “world”);Section 2: Fill in the blanks(2 mark for each item, total 30 marks)1. If ch is an uppercase character variable, the expression can be written as __’A’+’Z’-ch____according to the changing rule: ’A’->’Z’,’B’->’Y’,’C’->’X’……2. The value of expression strlen(“http:\\”) is___20___.3. The following code fragment prints out __020___.printf("%#o\n", (010<<1^1)&(0xe<<1));4. Write a conditional expression___(x>0)?(1/x): (x==0)?0: (-2/x)___ to calculate the value of y.1/x x>0y= 0 x=0-2/x x<05. The following code fragment prints out ___12___.#define FB(a,b) (a*b+1)int k=3;k=FB(FB(k+1,k-1),k)-7;printf("%d",k);6. After running the following code fragment, the value of a is ___-1__.int a=-1,x=10,y=20,ok1=5,ok2=0;if(x<y)if(y!=10)if(!ok1)a=1;elseif(ok2) a=10;7. The following code fragment prints out __6,4,60___.int i,j,k=0;for (i=0, j=10; i<=j; i++, j--)k+=i+j;printf ("%d,%d,%d", i,j,k);8. The following code fragment prints out ___-2,1__.int k=2, a=1;while(k--!=-1) {《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 2 / 8do {a*=k;a++;} while (k--);}printf("%d,%d",k,a);9. The following code fragment prints out __a=2,b=1___.int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0;switch(x) {case 1:switch(y) {case 0: a++; break;case 1: b++; break;}case 2:a++; b++; break;}printf(“a=%d,b=%d”,a,b);10. Writing the declaration with typedef, which makes NAME a synonym for a character pointerarray, 20 elements _____. typedef char *NAME[20];11. With the code fragment bellow, function call f(3), the return value is __11___.f (int n){ return ((n>0) ? f(n-1)+2*f(n-2) :1); }12. The output of the following program is __3___.# include <stdio.h>int f(){ static int k=0;k++;return k;}void main(){ int k;for(k=0;k<2;k++) f();printf(“%d”, f());}13. The output of the following program is __3#1#1#___.#include <stdio.h>main(){int a=1,b=2,m;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 3 / 8int s(int,int *);m=s(a,&b);printf(“%d#%d#%d#”,m,a,b);}int s(int a,int *b){int m;m = a+*b;*b -= a;return m;}14.In the following command-line program run.c, the output after running “run –abc –nls world”is ___u#-___.#include <stdio.h>main(int agrc, char *argv[]){printf(“%c#%c”, *++argv[0], (*++argv)[0]);}15.After executing the following block, the value of variable i is __6____.static int a[3][4]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, i;i= a[2][-2] + a[1][3];Section 3: Read each of the following programs and answer questions (5marks for each item, total marks: 30)1.The output of the following program is ___4#0#4$-2$____.#include <stdio.h>void main(void){int x,y=-2,z;if((z=y)<0) x=4;else if(y==0) x=5;else x=6;if(z=(y==0))x=5;printf("%d#%d#",x,z);if(x=z=y)x=4;printf("%d$%d$",x,z);}2.The output of the following program is __3#3#6#3#2#0#___.《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 4 / 8#include <stdio.h>int x,y,z;void p(int x, int *y){ int z;++x;++*y;z=x+*y;printf(“%d#%d#%d#”, x,*y,z);}void main(){ x=y= 2;p(y, &x);printf(“%d#%d#%d#”, x,y,z);}3.The output of the following program is ___95#75#0#60#85#____.#include <stdio.h>void main( ){ char ch, *s = "ACEDB";int x;while(*s != 0){f(*s++, &x);printf("%d#", x);}}int f(char ch, int *x){*x = 0;switch (ch) {case 'A': *x = 95; break;case 'B': *x = 85; break;case 'C': *x = 75; break;case 'D': *x = 60; break;}}4.The output of the following program is ___60,2#30,2#15,3#5,5#____.#include <stdio.h>void main(){ void div(int*, int*);int a[5] = {-1, 0, 60, 45, 34 }, i = 0, j = 2;《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 5 / 8while(a[i] <= 0) i++;while(a[i] != 1) div(a+i, &j);}void div(int *n, int *k){ if(*n%*k == 0) {printf("%d,%d#", *n, *k);*n /= *k;}else (*k)++;}5.The output of the following program is ___15____.#include <stdio.h>int f(int a[], int n){ int cur, final, j;cur=final=0;for(j=0; j<n; j++) {cur += a[j];if(cur > final) final= cur;else if(cur<0) cur=0;}return final;}void main(){int a[]={1,2,-4,3,2,6,-1,5,-4,-7,8};printf(“%d\n”, f(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)));}6.The output of the following program is ___13045____.#include <stdio.h>int f(int n, int m){ int n1, m1, result=0;if (n && m)n1=n%10;m1=m%10;if (n1==m1) result= f(n/10, m/10)*10;else result = f(n/10, m/10)*10 + ((n1>m1)?n1:m1);return result;} else return n+m;}void main()《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 2006 6 / 8{printf("%d\n", f(12345, 3333));}Section 4: According to the specification, complete each program (2 mark for each blank, total: 20 marks)1.The following program is to calculate the sum of the first n items of the sequence as 1/2, 2/3, 3/5, 5/8, 8/13, 13/21,….#include <stdio.h>main(){ float x,y,t, sum=0;int i,n;x=1,y=2;scanf("%d", &n);for(i=0;___(1)____; i++) {sum+= x/y;t=x;____(2)___;____(3)___;}printf("%f", sum);}(1) i<n(2) x=y(3) y=y+t《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20067 / 82.There is an increasing ordered character list in a text file file1. The following program read in this list, calculate the number of duplicates(重复) and write each character and its frequency of occurrence (> 1) (大于1的出现次数) into the file file2. For example, if the file1 contains list “abbcdddeffg” , the list “ab2cd3ef2g” will be written into file2.#include <stdio.h>main(){ FILE *fp1, *fp2;char last, c;int count=0;fp1=fopen("file1", "r");fp2=fopen("file2", "w");if (_________(4)_____________) exit(0);last='\0';while (______(5)_____________) {count++;if (c!=last) {if (count>1) ________(6)________________;count=0;fputc(c,fp2);last=___(7)____;}}fclose(fp1);fclose(fp2);}(4) fp1==NULL || fp2==NULL(5) (c=fgetc(fp1))!=EOF(6) fprintf(fp2,”%d”,count)(7) c《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20068 / 83.There is a simple chaining list h (may be NULL). The following two functions: void push(int n) to insert the n into the head of the list, and void pop() to delete the first node from the list.For example,after push(1), list will be:struct node {int info;struct node *next;} *h;void push(int n){ struct node *t;t= _________(8)________;t->info=n;if (h==NULL) t->next=NULL;else _______(9)________;h=t;}void pop(){ struct node *t;if (h==NULL) return NULL;else { t=h;_______(10)________;free(t);}}(8) (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node))(9) t->next=h(10) h=t->next《C Programming》TEST PAPER, Jan 11, 20069 / 8。