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Rhyme and its scheme
Rhyme: In poetry or music, a structural or
semantic pattern formed by the repetition of syllables with identical or similar sounds. ---alliteration: time and tide, bread and butter; ----end rhyme : …boy,…joy……beauty,……duty.
2. Definition of poetry
Poetry is a literary genre that communicates experience in the most condensed form.
Poetry is a multidimensional language: an intellectual dimension, an emotional d, a sensuous d, and an imaginative d. These dimensions work together to pass experience to the reader. Poetry tries to say the most in the fewest possible words.
AnIntroductiontoEngli shPoetry
Aliteraryformmarkedwithstanzas Writteninlines
Compressedcontent Richimagery
---parallel R: aabb; ---cross R: abab; ---circular R: abba. ---inter-rhyme: wear and tear, fair and squair
Kinds of Poetry
B. In terms of metre:
1百度文库 Metrical Poems(格律诗)
2)RFegruelearVRehrsyem(e;自R由eg诗ula)r R:hy不th受m格; D律ef、in音ite韵N的um约be束r of Lines 不讲求形式上的整齐或有规则,不寻求语言上的 平衡、华美或高雅,以充分地、尽情地表达思想 Ir为re主gu要lar目R的hy。me and Rhythm; Irregular Number of Lines
2) a precise and fresh imagery; 3) multiple levels of interpretations suggested
by the connotations of the words and by allusions.
4. Kinds of Poetry
Poetry begins in delight, and ends in wisdom.
— Robert Frost
He who draws noble delights from the sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
--- meter : the number of feet; 音步 ,格律
monometre,dimetre, trimetre, tetrametre,pentametre,…..
--- rhythm: regular recurrence of stressed and unstressed syllables.
--- foot: a group of syllables; 音步 (重音与非重音的一
次交替) (number , position of the stressed syllable.)
--- patterns of the foot:
iambic(-- \) 抑扬;trochaic(\ --)扬抑; dactylic (\ -- --)扬抑抑; amphibrachic(-- -- \)抑抑扬; anapestic(-- \ --)抑扬抑
3) Blank Verse(无韵诗):不押韵,但有音步和格 4) With律ou的t 限Rh制ym;传e 统; 的W无it韵h 诗Rh的yt节hm奏是抑扬格五音步,
rhythm 节律,韵
--- syllables and stress; 音节与重音
Eg. My love’s like a red,red rose, That’s newly sprung in June.
A. In terms of content :
1) Lyrical Poems(抒情诗) ode (颂诗) elegy(悼念诗)idyll(田园诗)love poem(爱情诗)songs(韵文) ballads(民谣)
2) Narrative Poems(叙事诗)
Epics (史诗) ( heroic poems), Dramatic Poems (戏剧诗:
— George Sand
3. How to analyze poetry?
Aside from the basic demand that poetry says something, poetry is characterized by the following elements:
1) a musical effect created by rhythm and sound;
usu. in dialogue ; in blank verse), Metrical tale
3) didactic poem(说理诗) humorous poem(幽默诗) Dbaunrtlie:squDe (ivi滑ne稽C诗om)edpya《rod神y曲(》模仿诗) Milton: Paradise Lost 《失乐园》