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一、选出一个不同类的单词(5 分,每题 1 分)

( )1.A.longer B.smaller C.teacher D.bigger

( )2.A.bored B.cooked C.saw D.cleaned

( )3.A.cloud B.rain C.vapour D.sunny

( )4.A.washes B.teaches C.goes D.dishes

( )5.A.singer B.older C.writer D.engineer

二、用所给字母组成一个单词,使句子合理通顺。(共 5 分,每题 1 分)

1.I __________( b, d, i, e, c, m, l) a tree yesterday.

2.Oh, my finger ________(s, t, u, h, r ).

3.Who's _________(e, e, h, v, r, a, i).

4.We _______(h, d, o, l, u, s)listen to the teacher in class.

5.Please ________(a, t, w, i) for me for 5 minutes.

三、请按括号内要求写单词。(共 5 分,每题 1 分)

1.take_________ (过去式)

2. thin________ (比较级)

3. live________(ing 形式)

4. foot ________(复数形式)

5. teach _________(第三人称单数形式)

四、看问句写答句,把答案字母编号写在括号里。(共5分,每题1分)( )1. What’s the matter, Mike?

( )2.Where did you go?

( )3.Who’s taller than you?

( )4. I like swimming. What about you?

( )5.What’s your favourite fruit?

A.I went to Shanghai

B. John is.

C. I like grapes.

D. I have a toothache.

E. Me too.

五、选择一个最佳答案,把字母写在括号里。(共10分,每题1分)( )1. The sun rises(升起) from the__________.

A. east

B. south

C. west

( )2. I'm 16. My brother is 18. He's __________than me.

A. younger

B. older

C. west

( )3.The ________comes from the vapour.

A. rain

B. cloud

C. water

( ).4.--You look _____today.

--Yes, I have a new computer.

A. sad

B. angry


( )5. If you are angry, you're seeing__________.

A. blue

B. white

C. red

( )6. I ______ for a trip to Guangzhou last Sunday.

A. take

B. taking

C. went

( )7. There is a football match _______China ______ America.

A. between... and

B. from...to

C. with... and

( )8. It ____ Thursday yesterday.

A.i s

B. was C is going to be

( )9.-- Hello,73210567.

--Hello. ______ ______ Tom. Can I speak to Mike?

A. This is B I am C. Are you

( )10. Thank you for _______.

A. listening

B. listened




I ________ my ________ last weekend.

2)Amy 昨天去看大象了吗?

__________ Amy ___________ elephants yesterday?


My father is _________than your father.


That ____________ _________ TV every day.


I .


He has a _____________.

七、用括号内的单词的适当形式填空,每格只填一个单词。(共10 分,每格1 分)

1.I am helpful. I can __________(cook) the meals.

2.Does your mother_________( work) in a car company?

3.Wu Yifan _________(like) __________(run).

4.Please _________(read) Unit 5 together.

5.Look,Chen Jie is __________ (drive).

6.China, Japan, America and Australia are the names of four __________(country).

7.The ____________(girl) name is Sarah.

8.Look at the ___________(tomato). They’re fresh.

9.I am ___________(young) than Mike.
