- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Visual Basic课程设计报告
Dim picf As New StdPicture 'picf保存图片对象
form1.pic2.ScaleMode = 3 '以像素为单位
form1.pic2.Cls '图片框清空
Set picf = LoadPicture(App.Path & "1.bmp")
For i = 0 To m - 1
For j = 0 To n - 1
form1.pic2.PaintPicture picf, j * 16, i * 16 '加载图片
ReDim arrMine(inthang, intlie)
Do While int3 < intlei '雷数的随机分布
col = Int(Rnd * intlie)
ln = Int(Rnd * inthang)
If arrMine(ln, col) = False Then
arrMine(ln, col) = True
int3 = int3 + 1
End If
form1.PictureClip1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "face.bmp")
form1.PictureClip1.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip1.Cols = 5
form1.PictureClip2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "number.bmp")
form1.PictureClip2.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip2.Cols = 12
form1.PictureClip3.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "mine.bmp")
form1.PictureClip3.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip3.Cols = 15
Private Sub fankai(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer) Dim hang As Integer
Dim lie As Integer
If int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Below
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2) = True
hang = int1 - 1
lie = int2
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int1 = inthang Then GoTo Left
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2) = True
hang = int1 + 1
lie = int2
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Right
If Sign(int1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Then GoTo Righttop
If Sign(int1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Or int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Lefttop
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1 - 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = 1 Or int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Leftbelow
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1 - 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = 1 Or int1 = inthang Then GoTo Rightbelow
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1 + 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Or int1 = inthang Then Exit Sub
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1 + 1
GoTo Ddd
Exit Sub
End If
If leishu(hang, lie) <> 0 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15 - leishu(hang, lie)), (lie - 1) * 16, (hang - 1) * 16
GoTo Top
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15), (lie - 1) * 16, (hang - 1) * 16
Call fankai(hang, lie)
GoTo Top
End If
(5).“扫雷英雄榜”分3个文件夹保存(chuji,zhongji,gaoji )
If inthang = 9 And intlie = 9 Then
Open App.Path & "\chuji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(0)
str2(0) = CInt(Left(str1(0), InStr(str1(0), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(0)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 16 And inthang = 9 Then
Open App.Path & "\zhongji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(1)
str2(1) = CInt(Left(str1(1), InStr(str1(1), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(1)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 30 And inthang = 16 Then
Open App.Path & "\gaoji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(2)
str2(2) = CInt(Left(str1(2), InStr(str1(2), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(2)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
End If
ReDim Sign(1 To inthang, 1 To intlie)
ReDim a(0 To inthang - 1, 0 To intlie - 1)
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
a(int1, int2) = a(int1, int2) + 1
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 1 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(1), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
k = k - 1
End If
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 2 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(2), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
k = k + 1
End If
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 0 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(0), int2 * 16, int1
* 16
End If
If k >= 0 Then
imglei(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k \ 100)
imglei(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k \
10 Mod 10)
imglei(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k Mod 10)
imglei(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(0)
imglei(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 + k \
10 Mod 10)
imglei(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 + k Mod 10)
End If
End If
(2)在显示LED风格的数字时,自己想过要用LoadResPicture 函数加载图片并使用PaintPicture方法绘制,而且书上也介
If inthang = 9 and intlie=9 Then
Open "F:\chuji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(0)
str2(0) = Left(str1(0), " ")
If intNum < CInt(str2(0)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 16 and inthang=16Then
Open "F:\zhongji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(1)
str2(1) = Left(str1(1), " ")
If intNum < CInt(str2(1)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 30 and inthang =16 Then
Open "F:\gaojiji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(2)
str2(2) = Left(str1(2), " ")
If intNum < CInt(str2(2)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
End If
End If
Option Explicit
Public inthang As Integer
Public intlie As Integer
Public intlei As Integer
Public i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, h As Integer
Public intNum As Integer
Public arrMine() As Boolean, col As Integer, ln As Integer
Public int1 As Integer, int2 As Integer
Public Sign() As Boolean
Public a() As Integer
Public Sub sub1(m As Integer, n As Integer, l As Integer) 'm表示行数,n表示列数,l 表示雷数
Dim int3 As Integer
form1.pic2.Width = 245 * n '245是一个小图片的宽度
form1.pic1.Width = 245 * n
form1.pic2.Height = 245 * m
form1.Width = 340 + form1.pic2.Width
form1.Height = 1760 + form1.pic2.Height
form1.image1.Left = form1.pic1.Width / 2 - 375 / 2 '375是image1的Width 属性值
Dim picf As New StdPicture 'picf保存图片对象
form1.pic2.ScaleMode = 3
form1.pic2.Cls '图片框清空
Set picf = LoadPicture("1.bmp")
For i = 0 To m - 1
For j = 0 To n - 1
form1.pic2.PaintPicture picf, j * 16, i * 16 '加载图片
form1.pic2.Enabled = True
form1.Timer1.Enabled = False '开始时记时器不记时
intNum = 0
inthang = m
intlie = n
intlei = l
form1.PictureClip1.Picture = LoadPicture("face.bmp")
form1.PictureClip1.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip1.Cols = 5
form1.PictureClip2.Picture = LoadPicture("number.bmp")
form1.PictureClip2.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip2.Cols = 12
form1.PictureClip3.Picture = LoadPicture("mine.bmp")
form1.PictureClip3.Rows = 1
form1.PictureClip3.Cols = 15
form1.image1.Picture = form1.PictureClip1.GraphicCell(4)
form1.imglei(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - l \ 100) '得到l 的百位
form1.imglei(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - l \ 10 Mod 10) '得到l的十位
form1.imglei(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - l Mod 10) '得到l的个位
For i = 0 To 2
form1.imgtime(i).Left = form1.pic1.Width - 240 - form1.imglei(Abs(i - 2)).Left '与时间显示与雷数显示对称
form1.imgtime(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
form1.imgtime(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
form1.imgtime(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
ReDim arrMine(inthang, intlie)
Do While int3 < intlei '雷数的随机分布
col = Int(Rnd * intlie)
ln = Int(Rnd * inthang)
If arrMine(ln, col) = False Then
arrMine(ln, col) = True
int3 = int3 + 1
End If
ReDim Sign(1 To inthang, 1 To intlie)
ReDim a(0 To inthang - 1, 0 To intlie - 1)
k = intlei: h = intlei
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private m As Integer, n As Integer
Private Sub image1_Click()
Call sub1(inthang, intlie, intlei)
End Sub
Private Sub Image1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(4)
End Sub
Private Sub Image1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(0)
imgtime(0).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
imgtime(1).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
imgtime(2).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11)
Timer1.Enabled = False
intNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub end_Click()
Unload frmMinemain
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call sub1(9, 9, 10)
End Sub
Private Sub beginner_Click()
Call sub1(9, 9, 10)
End Sub
Private Sub middle_Click()
Call sub1(16, 16, 40)
End Sub
Private Sub refer_Click()
Load frmAbout
frmAbout.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub senior_Click()
Call sub1(16, 30, 99)
End Sub
Private Sub selfcontrol_Click()
Load frmselfcontrol
frmselfcontrol.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub Pic1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(3)
End Sub
Private Sub Pic1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(4)
End Sub
Private Sub Pic2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then
Timer1.Enabled = True
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(3)
int2 = x \ 16
int1 = y \ 16
PictureClip3.Picture = LoadPicture("mine.bmp")
PictureClip3.Rows = 1
PictureClip3.Cols = 16
If a(int1, int2) = 1 Then Exit Sub
If arrMine(int1, int2) Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(2)
Exit Sub
End If
If leishu(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) <> 0 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15 - leishu(int1 + 1, int2 + 1)), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
Exit Sub
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
Call fankai(int1 + 1, int2 + 1)
End If
int2 = x \ 16
int1 = y \ 16
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
a(int1, int2) = a(int1, int2) + 1
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 1 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(1), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
k = k - 1
End If
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 2 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(2), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
k = k + 1
End If
If a(int1, int2) Mod 3 = 0 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(0), int2 * 16, int1 * 16 End If
If k >= 0 Then
imglei(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k \ 100)
imglei(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k \ 10 Mod 10)
imglei(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - k Mod 10) Else
imglei(0).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(0)
imglei(1).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 + k \ 10 Mod 10)
imglei(2).Picture = form1.PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 + k Mod 10) End If
End If
If arrMine(int1, int2) Then
h = h - 1
If h = 0 And k = 0 Then
MsgBox "胜利,恭喜你!", 32, "扫雷"
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(1)
Timer1.Enabled = False
pic2.Enabled = False
Dim str1(2) As String, str2(2) As Integer, str3(2) As String
If inthang = 9 And intlie = 9 Then
Open App.Path & "\chuji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(0)
str2(0) = CInt(Left(str1(0), InStr(str1(0), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(0)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 16 And inthang = 9 Then
Open App.Path & "\zhongji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(1)
str2(1) = CInt(Left(str1(1), InStr(str1(1), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(1)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
ElseIf intlie = 30 And inthang = 16 Then
Open App.Path & "\gaoji.txt" For Input As 1
Line Input #1, str1(2)
str2(2) = CInt(Left(str1(2), InStr(str1(2), " ")))
If intNum < CInt(str2(2)) Then
InputBox " 恭喜你破了本难度的记录!请留下大名", , "无名侠"
End If
Close 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub fankai(ByVal int1 As Integer, ByVal int2 As Integer)
Dim hang As Integer
Dim lie As Integer
If int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Below
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2) = True
hang = int1 - 1
lie = int2
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int1 = inthang Then GoTo Left
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2) = True
hang = int1 + 1
lie = int2
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Right
If Sign(int1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Then GoTo Righttop
If Sign(int1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Or int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Lefttop
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1 - 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = 1 Or int1 - 1 = 0 Then GoTo Leftbelow
If Sign(int1 - 1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 - 1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1 - 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = 1 Or int1 = inthang Then GoTo Rightbelow If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 - 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2 - 1) = True
lie = int2 - 1
hang = int1 + 1
GoTo Ddd
End If
If int2 = intlie Or int1 = inthang Then Exit Sub
If Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = False Then
Sign(int1 + 1, int2 + 1) = True
lie = int2 + 1
hang = int1 + 1
GoTo Ddd
Exit Sub
End If
If leishu(hang, lie) <> 0 Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15 - leishu(hang, lie)), (lie - 1) * 16, (hang - 1) * 16
GoTo Top
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(15), (lie - 1) * 16, (hang - 1) * 16
Call fankai(hang, lie)
GoTo Top
End If
End Sub
Private Function leishu(hang As Integer, lie As Integer) As Integer
leishu = 0
If hang - 1 >= 1 And lie - 1 >= 1 Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 - 1, lie - 1 - 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang >= 1 And lie - 1 >= 1 Then
If arrMine(hang - 1, lie - 1 - 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang - 1 >= 1 And lie >= 1 Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 - 1, lie - 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang + 1 <= inthang And lie + 1 <= intlie Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 + 1, lie - 1 + 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang + 1 <= inthang And lie >= 1 Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 + 1, lie - 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang >= 1 And lie + 1 <= intlie Then
If arrMine(hang - 1, lie - 1 + 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang - 1 >= 1 And lie + 1 <= intlie Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 - 1, lie - 1 + 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
If hang + 1 <= inthang And lie - 1 >= 1 Then
If arrMine(hang - 1 + 1, lie - 1 - 1) Then
leishu = leishu + 1
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub Pic2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
int1 = y \ 16
int2 = x \ 16
If Button = 1 Then
If a(int1, int2) = 1 Then Exit Sub
If arrMine(int1, int2) Then
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(2)
pic2.Enabled = False
Timer1.Enabled = False
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(3), int2 * 16, int1 * 16
For i = 0 To inthang - 1
For j = 0 To intlie - 1
If i = int1 And j = int2 Then GoTo l1
If a(i, j) = 1 Then
If arrMine(i, j) Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(1), j * 16, i * 16
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(4), j * 16, i * 16
End If
If arrMine(i, j) Then
pic2.PaintPicture PictureClip3.GraphicCell(5), j * 16, i * 16
End If
End If
image1.Picture = PictureClip1.GraphicCell(4)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub herolist_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = False
Load frmherolist
frmherolist.Show 1
End Sub
Private Sub start_Click()
Call sub1(inthang, intlie, intlei)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
intNum = intNum + 1
Select Case intNum
Case Is < 10
imgtime(2).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum) Case Is < 100
imgtime(2).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum Mod 10)
imgtime(1).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum \ 10) Case Is < 1000
imgtime(0).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum \ 100)
imgtime(1).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum \ 10 Mod 10)
imgtime(2).Picture = PictureClip2.GraphicCell(11 - intNum Mod 10)
Case Else
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Select
End Sub。