






2. 第二单元使用(2份)

3. 第三单元使用(2份)

4. 第四单元使用(2份)

5. 期中测试卷(1份)

6. 期末测试卷(2份)

7. 期末专项训练(4份)

Unit 1过关检测卷

(40分钟100分) 开始计时: ________



() 1. A. bathroom B. living room C. fridge

() 2. A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch

() 3. A. table B. half C. there

() 4. A. put B. make C. cook

() 5. A. dirty B. clean C. dry


() 1. A. B. C.

() 2. A. B. C.

() 3. A. B. C.

() 4. A. B. C.

() 5. A. B. C.


() 1. A. It's Sunday. B. It's 5:13. C. It's September 1. () 2. A. I'd like some meat and vegetables. B. No, thanks.

C. I like rice and meat.

() 3. A. I have noodles for dinner. B. No, he doesn't. C. Yes, it is. () 4. A. She watches TV. B. She is watching TV. C. She watched TV. () 5. A. No, please. B. Thanks. C. Sure.


1. What ________is it?

2. Here is my ________.

3. My bedroom is on the second ________.

4. Let him ________the dishes on the ________.

5. What's for ________?



() 1. A. kitchen B. bathroom C. house

() 2. A. table B. kitchen C. fridge

() 3. A. potato B. apple C. tomato

() 4. A. wash B. dirty C. need

() 5. A. we B. him C. her


1. My mother makes dinner in the ________.

2. My sister likes to do her homework in the ________.

3. There is a t________ in the bathroom.

4. His hands are ________.

5. They are playing ________.


1. Can you help ________ (me/I)?

2. What's ________ (you/your) favourite food?

3. Danny can't find his book. Let's help ________ (him/he) to find it.

4. Mum, we are hungry. Please give ________ (we/us) some eggs.

5. Mary is in Canada. I want to send an e-mail to ________(she/her).


() 1. Li Ming is ________to Canada.

A. coming

B. came

C. come

() 2. There is a study ________the ________floor.

A. in, two

B. in, second

C. on, second

() 3. It's time ________lunch.

A. for

B. to

C. /

() 4. Let's ________some books on the table.

A. puts

B. put

C. to put

() 5. My mum is ________lunch.

A. cooks

B. make

C. making

() 6. What ________Judy and Lucy doing?

A. is

B. are

C. be

() 7. Danny is________ beside Tom.

A. stand

B. standing

C. stands

() 8. My uncle is ________a letter.

A. writing

B. writes

C. writeing

() 9. Look at ________. We have the same book.

A. they

B. them

C. their

() 10. The scarf is for ________.

A. he

B. his

C. him


() But her hands are dirty. She is washing her hands.

() We are having dinner.

( 1 ) My mother is in the kitchen. She is going to make dinner. () Now the dishes are clean and dry.

() She is cooking vegetables in the kitchen.

() My father is washing the dirty dishes and drying the dishes.


1. I can find the ruler. (变为一般疑问句)


2. They are watching TV. (对画线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. My father is in the living room. (对画线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. I would like milk and eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. in, front, them, sitting, the, dog, is, of (.) (连词成句)

_____________________________________________________________________ 十一、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(每小题2分,共10分) (建议用时:4分钟) This is my home. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. In the kitchen, there is a fridge. The vegetables and fruit are in the fridge. The juice is in it, too. In my bedroom, there is a bed, a chair and a computer. Now I'm watching TV in the living room. Mum is cooking in the kitchen. My sister is taking a shower in the bathroom. Our cat is under my bed.

() 1. We have two bedrooms.

() 2. There is a computer in my bedroom.

() 3. My sister is watching TV in the living room.

() 4. Mum is cooking in the kitchen.

() 5. Our cat is on my bed.

十二、阅读短文,根据短文填空。(每小题2分,共10分) (建议用时:5分钟) It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen. She is making lunch. Mr. Brown isn't in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. Jim is playing football with some boys. Where is his sister, Sue? She's watching TV in her bedroom with her friend, Ann.

1. There are ________people in Mr. Brown's family.

2. Mrs. Brown is ________.

3. Mr. Brown is ________his car.

4. ________is playing football.

5. Sue and Ann are ________in Sue's bedroom.


以My home为题,写一篇短文,要求:语句通顺,条理清楚,不少于40词。

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

一、1. fridge 2. dinner 3. there 4. put 5. clean

二、1. It's four o'clock.

2. I read books in the study.

3. My uncle washes the dishes in the kitchen.

4. I'd like some vegetables for dinner.

5. My grandmother is reading the newspaper.

三、1. What time is it?

2. Would you like some dumplings?

3. What's for dinner?

4. What is she doing?

5. May I help you?

四、1. What time is it?

2. Here is my house.

3. My bedroom is on the second floor.

4. Let him put the dishes on the table.

5. What's for lunch?


一、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

二、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A

三、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C

四、1. time 2. house 3. floor 4. put, table 5. lunch

五、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A

六、1. kitchen 2. study 3. toilet 4. dirty 5. cards

七、1. me 2. your 3. him 4. us 5. her

八、1. A

2. C

3. A点拨:It's time for sth. 表示“是该……的时间了。”for后面接名词。

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. A点拨:write的现在分词形式是去掉字母e再加ing。

9. B

10. C点拨:人称代词宾格用在动词、介词后,故选C。

九、24163 5

十、1. Can you find the ruler?

2. What are they doing?

3. Where is your father?

4. What would you like for breakfast?

5. The dog is sitting in front of them.

十一、1. F

2. T

3. F 点拨:短文中是My sister is taking a shower in the bathroom. 故是F。

4. T

5. F点拨:短文中是Our cat is under my bed.

十二、1. four 2. making lunch 3. washing 4. Jim 5. watching TV


My home

There are six rooms in my home. There is a living room, two bedrooms, a study,a kitchen and a bathroom.

My grandparents are watching TV in the living room. I am reading books in my bedroom. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. She always cooks delicious food for us. My father is in the bathroom. He is washing the dirty clothes. My brother is in the study. He is drawing a picture. We are a happy family.

Unit 1达标测试卷



() 1. A. living room B. bedroom C. kitchen

() 2. A. 4:00 B. 4:20 C. 4:30

() 3. A. dishes B. vegetables C. eggs

() 4. A. noodles B. milk C. juice

() 5. A. meat B. rice C. soup



() 1. A. It's 4:45. B. Let's go home. C. I'm tired.

() 2. A. Yes, thanks. B. Nice to see you, too. C. It's half past four. () 3. A. Time for breakfast. B. I'd like some eggs. C. Yes, please.

() 4. A. I'm writing a letter. B. We are in the bathroom. C. I'd like some bread. () 5. A. Time for dinner. B. I'm cooking meat. C. It's 6:30.


() 1. He will go home on June 24.

() 2. Her plane will arrive at six o'clock.

() 3. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor.

() 4. That is your bedroom.

() 5. Let me show you the rooms in my house.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. I read books and do my homework in the __________.

2. The __________ is in the bathroom.

3. There is a book and a cup of tea on the __________.

4. My mother cooks in the __________.

5. Do you like to play __________?


() 1. We will have some noodles ________ breakfast.

A. to

B. for

C. in

() 2. Mum is ________ eggs in the kitchen.

A. cooking

B. cooks

C. cook

() 3. ________ time do you get up?

A. Where

B. How

C. What

() 4. It's time ________ school. Let's go!

A. to

B. for

C. of

() 5. My hands are ________. I want to wash them.

A. dirty

B. clean

C. dry

() 6. ________ Smith is Jenny's father.

A. Mrs.

B. Mr.

C. Miss

() 7. I am ________ in a chair.

A. siting

B. sitting

C. sit

() 8. There ________ four bedrooms and a study on the second floor.

A. am

B. is

C. are

() 9. Please ________ some books on your desk.

A. put

B. putting

C. to put

() 10. The teacher is ________ the words on the blackboard.

A. write

B. writeing

C. writing


1. There are many __________ (dish) on the table.

2. My parents love me. And I love __________ (they) too.

3. Please help __________ (I) wash the clothes.

4. Mr. Wang teaches __________ (we) English.

5. Look at that boy. Let's help __________ (he).


A: 1. __________

B: It's 6:30. 2. __________

A: 3. __________

B: I'd like some rice and vegetables. Fish is okay.

A: What would you like to drink?

B: 4. __________

A: Okay. . . Dinner is ready. 5. __________

B: It's delicious. Thanks!


1. bedroom is your that (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. are doing what they(?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. the fridge are in tomatoes the (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. toilet is a there in bathroom the (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. kitchen cooking the eggs in is she (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读短文,完成下列各题。(20分)


It's Saturday afternoon. What is my family doing? My mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking. We will have potatoes and some meat for dinner. I like them. My father is in his bedroom. He is working on the computer. He is very busy. My brother is in the living room. He is watching TV. He likes to watch basketball games. My grandmother is in her bedroom. She is watering the flowers. They are very beautiful. I am in the study. I'm reading a book. It's interesting. I like it very much. This is a wonderful afternoon.



This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at the desk. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on it. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above my bed. I usually put my football under my bed. There is a chair in front of the desk. I can see the trees and the roads outside when I sit there.


() 1. What can I do at the desk?

A. Play football.

B. See the trees and the roads.

C. Do my homework. () 2. What can you see on my desk?

A. Some books and flowers.

B. A ruler and a pen.

C. Both A and B. () 3. —Where is the picture?

—It's ________.

A. on the desk

B. on the wall

C. on the chair

() 4. What's under the bed?

A. A ruler.

B. A football.

C. A cat.

() 5. Are there any trees outside?

A. Yes, there are.

B. Yes, they are.

C. No, there aren't.


_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Unit 1达标测试卷


一、1. There is a big living room in that house.

2. I will go home at four thirty.

3. We put some eggs on the table.

4. I'd like some noodles for breakfast.

5. Would you like some rice for dinner?

二、1. Let's have dinner together.

2. This is our friend Li Ming.

3. You can wash your hands in the bathroom.

4. Here's my house. I'll show you the rooms.

5. Mum is cooking in the kitchen.

三、1. What time is it?

2. Nice to see you.

3. May I help you?

4. What are you doing?

5. What's for dinner?

四、1. He will go home on June 25.

2. Her plane will arrive at three o'clock.

3. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor.

4. This is your bedroom.

5. Let me show you the rooms in my house.


一、1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B


三、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

四、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

五、1. study 2. toilet 3. table 4. kitchen 5. cards

六、1. B

2. A点拨:由句中的is可知用cooking。

3. C

4. B点拨:It's time for school. 上学的时间到了。是固定用法。

5. A

6. B

7. B点拨:sit的现在分词为sitting。

8. C点拨:four bedrooms 靠近be动词,所以用are。

9. A

10. C

七、1. dishes 2. them 3. me 4. us 5. him

八、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. A

九、1. That is your bedroom.

2. What are they doing?

3. The tomatoes are in the fridge.

4. There is a toilet in the bathroom.

5. She is cooking eggs in the kitchen.


(一)1. grandmother 2. her bedroom 3. working 4. mother 5. cooking

6. kitchen

7. watching TV

8. living room

9. reading a book 10. study

(二) 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A


My study

I have a study. It's small but nice. There are many books in the study. And there is

a chair and a desk in it. I like to read books in the study. I can do my homework in it, too. I like my study.

Unit 2过关检测卷

(40分钟100分) 开始计时: ________



() 1. A. wet B. week C. weak

() 2. A. sunny B. dirty C. always

() 3. A. old B. cool C. hot

() 4. A. never B. here C. come

() 5. A. some B. same C. big


三、听录音,将你所听到的句子的选项填入括号中。(每小题2分,共10分) () 1. A. How old are you? B. How are you? C. Where are you from? () 2. A. I am from China. B. I am from Beijing. C. I am from Canada. () 3. A. It's 14. 5 degrees. B. It's 30 degrees. C. It's 13 degrees.

() 4. A. Danny never wears dresses.

B. Jenny sometimes wears dresses.

C. Lynn often wears dresses.

() 5. A. There are many potatoes. B. There are many boxes.

C. There are many women.




1. He has his________ on a rainy day.

2. Miss Wang teaches us a Chinese ________.

3. He is ________.

4. She is a bus________.

5. These are my grandma's old________.


1. 2.

3. 4.


() 1. Here ________the taxi.

A. come

B. coming

C. comes

() 2. I live too far ________ the library.

A. for

B. from

C. to

() 3. ________are you from?

A. When

B. What

C. Where

() 4. Let's ________to work, class!

A. to get

B. get

C. gets

() 5. What's the ________temperature?

A. dogs

B. dog's

C. dog

() 6. The temperature ________a healthy chicken is 41. 5 degrees.

A. of

B. on

C. at

() 7. ________Jenny always play cards?

A. Do

B. Does

C. does

() 8. These ________are drawing pictures.

A. child

B. childs

C. children

() 9. Let's put an O ________often.

A. at

B. for

C. with

() 10. —Jim, do you wear dresses? —No, I ________wear dresses.

A. never

B. often

C. always


() 1. It's sunny and hot.

() 2. No, I never take a car to school.

() 3. We have Chinese, math and English on Tuesday morning.

() 4. Yes, I always clean the table and the floor.

() 5. My temperature is 36. 5 degrees.

A. How's the weather today?

B. What's your temperature?

C. What subjects do you have on Tuesday morning?

D. Do you always help your mother?

E. Do you go to school by car?

九、情景对话,选出最佳选项,把序号填在横线上。(每小题2分,共10分) Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.

Students: 1. ________

Teacher: How are you today?

Student A: 2. ________And you?

Teacher: Very well. Thank you. 3. ________

Student A: My favourite subject is English.

Teacher: 4. ________

Student B: Me.

Teacher: 5. ________

Student B: It's 14 degrees.

Teacher: Very good. Today we will learn the chicken's temperature.

It was a __1__ day. Lily and Tom __2__ to school together. They had their boots and umbrellas. Tom was __3__ but Lily was wet. Why? __4__ they saw an old man walking in the rain __5__ his boots or umbrella. So Lily gave her umbrella to him.

What a good girl she is!

() 1. A. snow B. sunny C. rainy

() 2. A. walk B. go C. walked

() 3. A. dry B. wet C. clean

() 4. A. But B. So C. Because

() 5. A. with B. without C. have

十一、看表格,按要求完成。(每小题1分,共10分) (建议用时:7分钟)

1. Bill ________does his homework.

2. Daisy ________helps her mother.

3. Steven ________walks to school.

4. Ella ________wears dresses.

5. Bill and Steven ________wear dresses.


() 6. Daisy sometimes walks to school.

() 7. Bill often helps his mother.

() 8. Ella always does her homework.

() 9. Steven and Bill always do their homework.

() 10. Daisy and Ella often help their mothers.



_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


一、1. dry 2. never 3. warm 4. go 5. different

二、1. Here is the bus stop.

2. I'm from China.

3. It's 40 degrees outside.

4. This is my umbrella.

5. We have a math lesson on Monday.

三、1. Where are you from?

2. I am from Beijing.

3. It's 30 degrees.

4. Danny never wears dresses.

5. There are many potatoes.

四、1. Jack always has breakfast.

2. Jim sometimes watches TV.

3. Lily often draws pictures.

4. Tom never plays football.

5. Kate sometimes plays on the computer.


一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B

二、5142 3

三、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

四、1—always—has breakfast2—sometimes—watches TV

3—often—draws pictures

4—never—plays football

5—sometimes—plays on the computer

五、1. umbrella 2. lesson 3. ill 4. driver 5. photos

六、1. dry 2. woman 3. far 4. hot

七、1. C 2. B 3. C

4. B点拨:Let's后跟动词原形。

5. B点拨:dog's 表示“小狗的”,名词所有格要在名词后面加's。

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. B10. A

八、1. A 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. B

九、1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D

十、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B

十一、1. always 2. sometimes 3. often 4. sometimes

5. never

6. F

7. T

8. F

9. T10. F


My classroom is very beautiful. I'll show you my new classroom. There are many desks and chairs. There is a blackboard. We are excited for the first day of school. We have Chinese, art, math and PE on the first day. We have a new English teacher. We love her very much.

Unit 2达标测试卷



() 1. A. fine B. great C. well

() 2. A. lessons B. classes C. subjects

() 3. A. This B. That C. These

() 4. A. always B. often C. never

() 5. A. Ms. B. Mr. C. Mrs.


()()()()() 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(10分)

() 1. A. I am from China. B. Nice to meet you. C. I'm very well.

() 2. A. Yes, I always go to school by bus. B. No, thanks.

C. I often go to school by bus.

() 3. A. I have an English class. B. I like Chinese.

C. We have four classes.

() 4. A. It's zero degrees. B. It's sunny. C. It's 20 degrees.
