
小学一年级英语单词表大全集(带音标)1.hello[həˈloʊ]你好2.hi[haɪ]嗨3.goodbye[ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ]再见4.bye[baɪ]再见5.I’m我是6.I[aɪ]我7.am[əm,æm]是8.fine[faɪn](身体)很好9.good[ɡʊd]好的10.morning[ˈmɔːrnɪŋ]早晨,上午11.what’s是什么12.what[wɑːt]什么13.is[ɪz]是14.my[maɪ]我的15.your[jʊr]你的[neɪm]名字17.a[ə]一(个,件……)18.bird[bɜːrd]鸟19.panda[ˈpændə]熊猫20.boy[bɔɪ]男孩21.girl[ɡɜːrl]女孩22.afternoon[ˌæftərˈnuːn]下午23.count[kaʊnt]数数24.how many多少25.one[wʌn]126.two[tuː]227.three[θriː]328.four[fɔːr]429.five[faɪv]530.six[sɪks]631.seven[ˈsevn]732.eight[eɪt]833.nine[naɪn]934.ten[ten]1035.yes[jes]是36.no[noʊ]不,不是37.green[ɡriːn]绿色38.black[blæk]黑色39.blue[bluː]蓝色40.white[waɪt]白色41.red[red]红色42.yellow[ˈjeloʊ]黄色43.pink[pɪŋk]粉色44.orange[ˈɔːrɪndʒ]桔色,桔子45.purple[ˈpɜːrpl]紫色46.colour[ˈkʌlər]颜色47.ball[bɔːl]球48.stand[stænd]站49.up[ʌp]向上50.stand up起立51.open[ˈoʊpən]打开52.the[ðə,ði]这(那)个(些)53.window[ˈwɪndoʊ]窗54.door[dɔːr]门55.sit[sɪt]坐56.down[daʊn]向下57.sit down坐下58.it’s它是59.it[ɪt]它60.point[pɔɪnt]指,指向61.to[tu,tə,tuː]去,到,向62.too[tuː]也63.ceiling[ˈsiːlɪŋ]天花板64.floor[flɔːr]地板65.Ms[mɪz]女士e[kʌm]来67.go[ɡoʊ]去68.this[ðɪs]这个69.that[ðæt,ðət]那个70.our[aʊər,ɑːr]我们的71.classroom[ˈklæsruːm,ˈklæsrʊm]教室72.desk[desk]书桌73.and[ənd,ən,n,ænd]和74.seat[siːt]座位75.chair[tʃer]椅子76.teacher[ˈtiːtʃər]老师77.cat[kæt]猫78.dog[dɔːɡ]狗79.cap[kæp]帽子80.hat[hæt]帽子81.school bag书包82.pen[pen]钢笔83.ruler[ˈruːlər]尺84.book[bʊk]书85.pencil[ˈpensl]铅笔86.pencil-box铅笔盒87.eraser[ɪˈreɪsər]橡皮88.crayon[ˈkreɪən]蜡笔89.look[lʊk]看90.say[seɪ]说91.sing[sɪŋ]唱92.fox[fɑːks]狐狸93.frog[frɑːɡ]青蛙94.friend[frend]朋友95.kite[kaɪt]风筝96.house[haʊs,haʊz]房子97.box[bɑːks]盒子98.how old几岁99.you’re你是100.you[jə]你101.are[ɑr]是102.happy[ˈhæpi]高兴的103.birthday[ˈbɜːrθdeɪ]生日104.thank you谢谢你105.thank[θæŋk]谢谢106.for[fɔːr,fər]为107.welcome[ˈwelkəm]欢迎108.where’s在哪里109.where[wer]哪里110.in[ɪn]在…里111.on[ɑːn]在…上112.under[ˈʌndər]在…下113.bed[bed]床114.balloon[bəˈluːn]气球115.doll[dɑːl]洋娃娃116.bear[ber]熊117.head[hed]头118.hand[hænd]手。

一年级上册英语单词口语练习1. Teacher: Good morning, class! Let's start our English lesson with some word practice. Repeat after me: apple.Students: Apple.Teacher: Very good! Now, say it on your own. What is this? Student 1: Apple.Teacher: Great job! Next word, book.Students: Book.Teacher: Excellent! Now, who can tell me what this is? Student 2: Book.Teacher: Perfect! Next, let's practice the word cat. Students: Cat.Teacher: Fantastic! Now, say it by yourself. What is this animal called?Student 3: Cat.Teacher: Wonderful! Next word, dog.Students: Dog.Teacher: Superb! Now, tell me, what is this animal?Student 4: Dog.Teacher: Outstanding! Moving on to the next word, egg. Students: Egg.Teacher: Fantastic! Now, say it by yourself. What is this? Student 5: Egg.Teacher: Excellent! Next word, fish.Students: Fish.Teacher: Great! Now, who can tell me what this is?Student 6: Fish.Teacher: Well done! Next word, girl.Students: Girl.Teacher: Good job! Now, say it on your own. Who is this?Student 7: Girl.Teacher: Amazing! Last word, hat.Students: Hat.Teacher: Terrific! Now, tell me, what is this?Student 8: Hat.Teacher: Perfect! You all did a fantastic job practicing these words. Keep up the good work, everyone!继续写相关内容随着单词练习的顺利进行,老师决定通过更具挑战性的活动来巩固学生们的词汇知识。
小学英语一年级单词拼写测试50题(含参考答案) 5套

小学英语一年级单词拼写测试50题含答案一、单词拼写1.— What's ?— a .根据图片提示补全单词。
2.ld3.yo ng4.h ir5.sh rt6.lo g7.—the weather?— It is .8.Is this your grandma's (bmrullea)?9.Can you( 给我看看)your new dress, Jenny? 10.—Is there Chinese (舞蹈)?—Yes, there is.11.根据图片补全单词。
outh 12.根据图片,写单词。
(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)13.The is very beautiful.14.I hear with my . (耳朵的复数)15.—Where is Liu Ming?—He is the big tree.16.—How do you go to work?— I usually the to work.17.My brother is very h.18.It's t o'clock now. It's late (晚). It's time for lunch. 19.Parents often p to be Santa and give presents to their children. 20.We have on .21.He is good at study, because he is h(辛勤的).22.Doctors and nurses help people.23.My mother cooks lunch. I w(洗) the vegetables for her. 24.—What does Mr Zhang do?—He is a bus d.25.The desk was (towpdirtye) then. Now it's clean. 26.h se27.A: What's this?B: It's a.A: What colour is it?B: white.28.— Shall we go to the ?— Oh, it's a good idea.29.This boy is (矮的).30.In the Chinatown you can see lots of Chinese (商店) and restaurants. 31.Twenty-one and is fifty-one.32.—Do you like (美术)?—No, I don't. I like .33.Mr. Wang is having a r.34.People are a near my home.按要求写单词。

(完整版)小学一年级英语单词汇总小学一年级英语单词汇总1. hello 你好2. hi 嗨3. goodbye 再见4. bye 再见5. I’m 我是6. I 我7. am 是8. fine (躯体)非常好9. good 好的10. morning 凌晨,上午11. what’s 是啥12. what 啥13. is 是14. my 我的15. your 你的16. name 名字17. a 一(个,件……)18. bird 鸟19. panda 熊猫20. boy 男孩21. girl 少女22. afternoon 下午23. count 数数24. how many 多少25. one 126. two 227. three 328. four 429. five 530. six 631. seven 732. eight 833. nine 934. ten 1035. yes 是36. no 别,别是37. green 绿色38. black 黑色39. blue 蓝色40. white 白色41. red 红色42. yellow 黄色43. pink 粉色44. orange 桔色,桔子45. purple 紫色46. colour 颜色47. ball 球48. stand 站49. up 向上50. stand up 起立51. open 打开52. the 这(那)个(些)53. window 窗54. door 门55. sit 座56. down 向下57. sit down 座下58. it’s 它是59. it 它60. point 指,指向61. to 去,到,向62. too 也63. ceiling 天花板64. floor 地板65. Ms 女士66. come 来67. go 去68. this 那个69. that 这个70. our 我们的71. classroom 教室72. desk 书桌73. and 和74. seat 座位75. chair 椅子76. teacher 老师77. cat 猫78. dog 狗79. cap 帽子80. hat 帽子81. school bag 书包82. pen 钢笔83. ruler 尺84. book 书85. pencil 铅笔86. pencil-box 铅笔盒87. eraser 橡皮88. crayon 蜡笔89. look 看90. say 讲91. sing 唱92. fox 狐狸93. frog 青蛙94. friend 朋友95. kite 风筝96. house 屋子97. box 盒子98. how old 几岁99. you’re 你是100. you 你101. are 是102. happy 激动的103. birthday 生日104. thank you 感谢你105. thank 感谢106. for 为107. welcome 欢迎108. where’s 在哪里109. where 哪里110. in 在…里111. on 在…上112. under 在…下113. bed 床114. balloon 气球115. doll 洋娃娃116. bear 熊117. head 头118. hand 手。
小学一年级上册英语 单词

小学一年级上册英语单词Module11.hello (hi)你好2. aah 啊3.ooh 嗬4. I我5.am (I’m = I am)是(我是)6.goodbye (bye) 再见7.How are you? 你好么?你好!8.Woof (狗发出的)吠声9.no 不,不是10.sorry 对不起11.fine (身体)很好12. thank 谢谢13. you 你14.Thank you! 谢谢你what 什么is ( What’s = What is ) 是(是什么)your 你的name 名字please 请ha ha 哈哈good 好的morning 早晨,上午Ms 女士my 我的bird 鸟tweet(鸟)啾啾的叫声a/ an 一个,一boy 男孩girl 女孩whoops 哎哟afternoon 下午panda 熊猫sit 坐down 向下stand 站up 向上open 打开the 这个,那个,这些,那些 window 窗户door 门See you! 再见!point 指to 向……aargh 啊desk 书桌chair 椅子1.it 它2.it’s= it is 它是3. red 红色;红色的4. aha 啊哈5.blue 蓝色,蓝色的6.wow 啊,哇7.yellow 黄色;黄色的8.oh 噢,哦9.colour 颜色10. green 绿色;绿色的11.now 现在12.black 黑色;黑色的13. white 白色;白色的14.dog 狗15. cat 猫16.and 和17. hey 嘿,喂18.look 看19. orange 橙色;橙色的1、this 这个2、 our 我们的3、 teacher 教师4、 school 学校5、 classroom 教室6、 Nice to meet you! 见到你真高兴。
7、child 小孩,儿童8、 that 那个9、bag 包1、schoolbag 书包2、book 书3、 pen 钢笔4、 pencil 铅笔5、ruler 直尺6、eraser 橡皮7、pencil case 铅笔盒8、crayon 蜡笔1、new 新的2、kite 风筝3、 or 或者4、 not( isn’t= is not) 不(不是)5、 monkey 猴子6、 monster 怪物7、help 救命8、 house 房子,住宅9、 box 箱,盒1、How many 多少2、one 一3、two 二4、 three 三5、four 四6、 five 五7、six 六8、 seven 七9、eight 八10、 nine 九11、ten 十12、 pink 粉色,粉色的13、 ball 球14、so 这么,那么15、many 许多16、brown 棕色;棕色的1、 how old 多大2、 are 是3、 too也4、 happy快乐的5、birthday 生日6、 but 但是,可是7、for 为,给,对8、You’re ! 不客气Module 101、father 父亲2、daddy 爸爸3、 mother 母亲4、 grandpa 祖父;外祖父5、 grandma 祖母;外祖母6、 friend 朋友7、his 他的8、car 汽车,轿车9、 sister 姐妹10、brother 兄弟11、 her 她的Wordlist (P68)Aaa/ an 一个,一aah 啊aargh 啊afternoon 下午aha 啊哈am (I’m=I am) 是(我是) and 和are 是Bbbag 包ball 球bird 鸟birthday 生日black 黑色;黑色的blue 蓝色;蓝色的book 书box 箱,盒boy 男孩brother 兄弟brown 棕色;棕色的but 但是,可是 Cccar 汽车,轿车cat 猫chair 椅子child 小孩,儿童 classroom 教室colour 颜色count 数crayon 蜡笔Dddaddy 爸爸desk 书桌dog 狗door 门down 向下Eeeight 八eraser 橡皮Fffather 父亲fine (身体)很好five 五for 为,给,对four 四friend 朋友Gggirl 女孩good 好的goodbye(bye)再见grandma 祖母,外祖母grandpa 祖父;外祖父green 绿色;绿色的Hhha ha 哈哈happy 快乐的hello(hi) 你好help 救命(呼救用语)her 她的hey 嘿,喂his 他的house 房屋,住宅How are you? 你好么?你好!How many 多少how old 多大I iI 我Is ( What’s= what is) 是(是什么) it 它it’s= it is它是Kkkite 风筝Lllook看Mmmany 许多monkey 猴子monster 怪物morning 早晨,上午mother 母亲Ms 女士my 我的name 名字new 新的Nice to meet you. 见到你真高兴。

三一文库()/小学一年级〔小学一年级英语单词100个[1]〕1. hello 你好2. hi 嗨3. goodbye 再见4. bye 再见5. I’m 我是6. I 我7. am 是8. fine (身体)很好9. good 好的10. morning 早晨,上午11. what’s 是什么12. what 什么13. is 是14. my 我的15. your 你的16. name 名字17. a 一(个,件……)18. bird 鸟19. panda 熊猫20. boy 男孩21. girl 女孩22. afternoon 下午23. count 数数24. how many 多少25. one 126. two 227. three 328. four 429. five 530. six 631. seven 732. eight 833. nine 934. ten 1035. yes 是36. no 不,不是37. green 绿色38. black 黑色39. blue 蓝色40. white 白色41. red 红色42. yellow 黄色43. pink 粉色44. orange 桔色,桔子45. purple 紫色46. colour 颜色47. ball 球48. stand 站49. up 向上50. stand up 起立51. open 打开52. the 这(那)个(些)53. window 窗54. door 门55. sit 座56. down 向下57. sit down 座下58. it’s 它是59. it 它60. point 指,指向61. to 去,到,向62. too 也63. ceiling 天花板64. floor 地板65. Ms 女士66. e 来67. go 去68. this 这个69. that 那个70. our 我们的71. classroom 教室72. desk 书桌73. and 和74. seat 座位75. chair 椅子76. teacher 老师77. cat 猫。

一年级单词测试Ⅰ. Single Choice questions (1分/题,共30分)1.What color is the panda?A) Red B) Blue C) White D) Green2.Hello! __________ is my new teacher.A.HeB. SheC. HisD. Hers3.What is the opposite(反义词)of 'up'?A) Down B) Open C) Close D) Above4.__________ are you? I'm nine.A. How oldB. HowC. How areD. What's5.What do you use to write on a book?A) Ruler B) Eraser C) Pen D) Chair6.How many legs does a spider have?A) Four B) Six C) Eight D) Ten7.My sister and I __________ to the park yesterday.A.goB. goesC. wentD. going8.What do you say when you leave?A) See you! B) Hello C) Please D) Yes9.I want to __________ my kite in the park.A. flyB. fliedC. flyingD. flows10.Who helps you when you are sick?A) Teacher B) Doctor C) Driver D) Policeman11.What do you call the brother of your father?A) Grandpa B) Uncle C) Brother D) Friend12.__________ many books do you have?A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. Where13.This is __________ classroom, and that is __________ desk.A.my, yourB. I, youC. mine, yoursD. our, their14.What do you call the mother of your mother?A) Sister B) Grandma C) Aunt D) Niece15.The __________ is very big and the __________ is very small.A.elephant, mouseB. giraffe, snakeC. horse, birdD. cow, duck16.I __________ my red shirt and __________ on my shoes.A.take off, putB. take, wearsC. put on, wearD. put, put on17.The children __________ happy when they got their presents.A.areB. isC. wereD. was18.I __________ a new friend at school, and her name is Lily.A.makeB. madeC. makesD. making19.What do you call a flying toy that you use on a windy day?A) Ball B) Kite C) Bike D) Car20.What do you call the place where you can see many animals?A) School B) Zoo C) Library D) Park21.The __________ is a friendly animal that lives in the jungle.A.monkeyB. lionC. tigerD. bear22.What do you call the first meal of the day?A) Dinner B) Lunch C) Breakfast D) Snack23.What do you call the person who teaches students?A) Doctor B) Teacher C) Driver D) Chef24.The __________ is a place where we can play basketball.A.classroomB. playgroundC. libraryD. kitchen25.What do you call the place where you sleep?A) Kitchen B) Bathroom C) Bedroom D) Living room26.—_______ is your friend?—He's thin.A.WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where27.—_______ is my pencil?—It's in your schoolbag.A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. Who28.—Can I have some water?—_______. Here you are.A.NoB. YesC. SorryD. Thank you29.—_______ do you go to school?—On foot.A.HowB. WhatC. WhereD. When30.What do you call the place where you can borrow books?A) Store B) Library C) Restaurant D) GymⅡ. 把下列单词排成正确的句子。

小学一年级英语单词认读单选题40题1. Look! There is a ____ in the zoo.A. catB. dogC. monkeyD. bird答案:C。
2. I like to eat ____.A. appleB. bananaC. pearD. orange答案:B。
3. The ____ is very cute.A. rabbitB. duckC. pigD. mouse答案:A。
4. We can see a ____ on the farm.A. horseB. cowC. sheepD. chicken答案:C。
5. My sister likes the ____.A. tigerB. lionC. elephantD. giraffe答案:D。
6. I see three _____.A. applesB. catsC. dogsD. birds答案:A。
three 表示三个,A 选项apples 是苹果,通常可以三个一起出现;B 选项cats 猫、C 选项dogs 狗、D 选项birds 鸟,不太容易一下子看到三个。

以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的小学一年级英语单词专项练习题,希望能给大家带来帮助!1 __p 向上 9 __ay 道路 17__ce 冰2 __weets 糖果 10__ebra 斑马 18__ead 头3 __rain 火车 11__ellow 黄色的 19__irl 女孩4 __ain 雨 12__ose 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙5 __ueen 皇后 13__onkey 猴子 21__lephant 大象6 __range 橘子 14__ion 狮子 22__uck 鸭子7 __rince 王子 15__ite 风筝 23__ar 汽车8 __ase 花瓶 16__ug 罐 24__pple 苹果____ebra 斑马____rince 王子____ueen 女王____abbit 兔子____pple 苹果____ike 自行车____ar 小汽车____mbrella 雨伞____ain 雨____at 猫____ress 连衣裙____rt 美术____ither 古筝____range 桔子____rog 青蛙____lephant 大象____irl 女孩____oy 男孩____hina 中国____cience 科学____onkey 猴子____ilk牛奶____eg腿____ose 鼻子____lane飞机____un跑____weet 糖果____rain 火车____nder 向下____iolin 小提琴____indow 窗户____-ray X射线____ellow 黄色____oo动物园____at球棒____aths 数学____og 狗____gg 鸡蛋____ite 风筝____oat 山羊____ister 姐,妹____eacher 老师____usic 音乐____ngland 英国____ap 球帽 ____ead 头 ____umplings 饺子____oodles 面条____resent 礼物____nglish 英语____ay路____ou 你____E 体育____at 帽子____igsaw 拼图____eyboard 键盘____ug 带柄的水杯 ____ion 狮子 ____ce cream冰淇淋____encil 铅笔____adder 梯子 ____rousers裤子 ____weater 毛衣____hirt 衬衫____-shirt T恤衫____ouse 房子____ig猪____hoes 鞋____at 吃____p 向上____heep 绵羊____ase 花瓶____oyo 悠悠球 ____hirstmas圣诞节 ____hinese 语文____eddy 泰迪熊____acket 夹克衫 ____loves 手套 ____unglasses太阳镜 ____oat 外套、大衣____ish 鱼____ce 冰____pring 春天____ummer 夏天____utumn 秋天____inter 冬天____ne 一____wo 二____hree 三____our 四____ive 五____ix 六‘____even七____ight八____ine九____en【小学一年级英语单词专项练习题】。

外研社版小学英语(一年级起点) 单元练习一年级上册Module 1一.将下列单词与相应的汉语意思连线1. hello A.再见2. bye B.我3.I C.是4.am D.我是5.I'm E.你好二.选出下列单词中不同类的一项。
()1. A. good B.hello C.hi()2. A. yes B.thank C.no()3. A. you B.I C.fine()4. A. Sam B.you C.Baobao()5. A. are B.am C.how三.连一连,组成对话1. Hello! A. Bye!2.How are you? B.Hi3.Goodbye! C.Hi, Baobao.4.I'm Baobao D.I' m fine四.情景交际1.当你遇见Amy并向她打招呼时,你应该说:A. Goodbye!B. Hello!C. Bye!2.当别人对你说:”How are you?”时,你应该说:A.How are you?B.I'm Xiaoming.C.I'm fine3.Amy向别人介绍自己时,她应该说:A. Hi, Amy.B.I'm Amy.C.I'm fine.4.当你向别人说再见时,你应该说:A. Bye!B.Hello?C.HI!5.你和同学见面打招呼时,可以说:A. Hello!B.Goodbye!C. Bye!6.你想询问对方“你(身体)好吗?”时,可以问:A.I'm Ben.B.How are you?C. I'm fine参考答案一、1.E 2A 3.B 4.C 5.D二、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C三、1.B 2.D 3A4.C四、1.B 2.C 3.B 4A 5A 6.B。

1. hello 你好2. hi 嗨3. goodbye 再见4. bye 再见5. I’m 我是6. I 我7. am 是8. fine (身体)很好9. good 好的10. morning 早晨,上午11. what’s 是什么12.what 什么13. is 是14. my 我的15. your 你的16. name 名字17. a 一(个,件……)18. bird 鸟19. panda 熊猫20. boy 男孩21. girl 女孩22. afternoon 下午23.count 数数24. how many 多少25. one 126. two 227. three 328. four 429. five 530. six 631. seven 732. eight 833. nine 934. ten 1035. yes 是36. no 不,不是37. green 绿色38. black 黑色39. blue 蓝色40. white白色41. red 红色42. yellow 黄色43. pink 粉色44.orange 桔色,桔子45. purple 紫色46. colour 颜色47. ball 球48. stand 站49. up 向上50. stand up 起立51. open 打开52. the 这(那)个(些)53. window 窗54. door 门55. sit 坐56. down 向下57. sit down 坐下58. it’s 它是59. it 它60. point 指,指向61. to 去,到,向62. too 也63. ceiling 天花板64. floor 地板65. Ms 女士66. come 来67. go 去68. this 这个69. that 那个70. our 我们的71. classroom 教室72. desk 书桌73. and和74. seat 座位75. chair 椅子76. teacher 老师77.cat 猫78. dog 狗79. cap 帽子80. hat 帽子81. school bag 书包82. pen 钢笔83. ruler 尺84. book书85. pencil 铅笔86. pencil-box 铅笔盒87. eraser 橡皮88. crayon 蜡笔89. look 看90. say 说91. sing 唱92. fox 狐狸93. frog 青蛙94. friend 朋友95. kite 风筝96. house 房子97. box 盒子98. how old 几岁99.you’re 你是100. you 你英语学习要掌握方法,而学习英语的方法有很多,只要找到了适合自己的方法,在学习过程中才能事半功倍。

牛津沪教版小学一年级上册英语单词抄写练习班级:____________姓名:____________ hellohello hello hello hello喂;你好hihi hi hi hi嗨,你好goodbyegoodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye再见morningmorning morning morning morning早上;上午afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon下午II I I I我amam am am am是schoolschool school school school学校dayday day day day一天;一日givegive give give give给meme me me me我aa a a a一;一个pleaseplease please please please请thankthank thank thank thank谢谢youyou you you you你;你们bookbook book book book书ruler ruler ruler rulerruler尺子pencil pencil pencil pencilpencil铅笔rubberrubber rubber rubber rubber橡皮onon on on on在(时间)SundaySunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 星期天;周日howhow how how how多么;怎样;如何nicenice nice nice nice好看的;美好的thisthis this this this这;这个isis is is is是mymy my my my我的faceface face face face脸;面孔mouthmouth mouth mouth mouth嘴巴nosenose nose nose nose鼻子eye eye eye eyeeye眼睛earear ear ear ear耳朵touchtouch touch touch touch触;碰;摸youryour your your your你的;你们的picturepicture picture picture picture图画itit it it it它look look look looklook 看no no no nono 不;不是not not not notnot 不是can can can cancan 能;能够sing sing sing singsing 唱;歌唱dance dance dance dancedance 跳舞read read read readread 读;朗读draw draw draw drawdraw 画画what what what whatwhat 什么do do do dodo 做who who who whowho 谁she she she sheshe 她grandmother grandmother grandmother grandmothergrandmother 奶奶;外婆;(外)祖母he he he hehe 他father father father fatherfather 爸爸;父亲grandfather grandfather grandfather grandfathergrandfather 爷爷;外公;(外)祖父mother mother mother mothermother妈妈;母亲yesyes yes yes yes是;对talltall tall tall tall高的shortshort short short short矮的fatfat fat fat fat胖的thinthin thin thin thin瘦的classmateclassmate classmate classmate classmate同学friendfriend friend friend friend朋友how manyhow many how many how many how many 多少threethree three three three三twotwo two two two二sixsix six six six六one one one oneone一fourfour four four four四fivefive five five five五let’slet’s let’s let’s let’s让我们countcount count count count数数appleapple apple apple apple苹果pear pear pear pearpear 梨peach peach peach peachpeach 桃子orange orange orange orangeorange 桔子at at at atat 在(地点)the the the thethe (表示特指)supermarket supermarket supermarket supermarketsupermarket 超市may may may maymay 可以have have have havehave 有;拥有pie pie pie piepie 果馅饼hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger 汉堡包pizza pizza pizza pizzapizza 比萨饼cake cake cake cakecake 蛋糕snack snack snack snacksnack 小吃;点心bar bar bar barbar 小吃部moo moo moo moomoo (牛叫声)that that that thatthat 那;那个cow cow cow cowcow 母牛;奶牛chick chick chick chickchick小鸡peeppeep peep peep peep(鸡叫声)duckduck duck duck duck鸭子pigpig pig pig pig猪oinkoink oink oink oink(猪叫声)quackquack quack quack quack(鸭叫声)cutcut cut cut cut剪下;切下stickstick stick stick stick粘贴monkeymonkey monkey monkey monkey 猴子bearbear bear bear bear熊pandapanda panda panda panda熊猫tigertiger tiger tiger tiger老虎colour colour colour colourcolour颜色;涂色kitekite kite kite kite风筝wherewhere where where where在哪里inin in in in在......里面treetree tree tree tree树;树木yellowyellow yellow yellow yellow黄色的red red red redred红色的blueblue blue blue blue蓝色的greengreen green green green 绿色的small small small small small小的gogo go go go发出(某种声音)bigbig big big big大的。

选项A 是苹果,题目中单词是apple,所以答案是A。
选项A 是猫,题目中单词是cat,所以答案是A。
选项A 是狗,题目中单词是dog,所以答案是A。
选项 A 是兔子,题目中单词是rabbit,所以答案是A。
选项A 是鸭子,题目中单词是duck,所以答案是A。
选项A 是猪,题目中单词是pig,所以答案是A。
选项 A 是牛,题目中单词是cow,所以答案是A。
选项A 是羊,题目中单词是sheep,所以答案是A。
选项A 是马,题目中单词是horse,所以答案是A。
选项A 是鸡,题目中单词是chicken,所以答案是A。
A 选项是香蕉,B 选项是苹果,C 选项是橘子,D 选项是草莓。
A 选项是葡萄,B 选项是西瓜,C 选项是橙子,D 选项是梨子。
A 选项是草莓,B 选项是苹果,C 选项是香蕉,D 选项是桃子。

小学一年级圈出不同类的单词1、food biscuit jelly sweet2、egg dog hamburger pizza3、two one five many4、panda bee tiger bear5、white red ball blue1、mouth nose face jump2、hen chick sheep seven3、father mother fat sister4、ruler rice pie hotdog5、frog bird rubber rabbit1、mother father rubber grandmother2、seven face six nine3、rabbit pencil bird frog4、apple orange red pear5、book ruler sing pencil1、small cow duck chick2、dance sing read can3、pear short peach apple4、panda tiger orange monkey5、six fine three four1、read green yellow blue2、one two tree four3、pie cake pizza bee1、rice noodles egg frog2、apple pear peach red3、smell taste one touch4、ruler rabbit bird bee5、four nice five seven1、two three frog seven2、nice super new apple3、bear green monkey tiger4、kite doll six bicycle5、rice soup egg rabbit1、sheep dog cat bicycle2、rice soup egg rabbit3、bee bird doll frog4、ball orange apple banana5、Danny Alice Eddie Ben1、she cat hen dog2、read blue green white3、jelly bicycle biscuit sweet4、drink milk water juice5、rabbit dog frog rubber6、rice egg nice soup1、see hear what2、kite green doll3、frog dog pig4、sweet milk juice1、doll ball tall bicycle2、smell small taste touch3、nice pizza egg noodles4、rabbit frog bird see5、sheep cat ten dog1、biscuit small jelly ice cream2、rabbit frog hear bird3、cold rice egg noodles4、tree four five six5、cake pizza like hamburger1、food biscuit jelly sweet2、egg dog hamburger pizza3、two one five many4、panda bee tiger bear5、white red ball blue1、biscuit jelly yellow sweet2、ice-cream pencil peach pear3、kite nice doll ball4、noodles juice milk water5、nose eye face fat1、duck chick thank sheep2、ball bicycle doll song3、monkey panda see tiger4、touch smell taste cola5、warm summer winter spring1、white green colour yellow2、run sing dance song3、winter spring warm summer4、five four two eye5、flower tree summer grass1、sunny summer rainy2、hot cold windy3、rain rainy windy4、morning afternoon beach5、weather windy cloudy1、apple pear sweet2、ball doll jelly3、noodles elephant monkey4、super hear yummy5、smell milk drink6、biscuit egg juice1、hamburger cake sweet food2、tree flower grass frog3、weather sunny windy cloudy4、drink eat song smell5、warm hot cool summer6、kite ball toy doll7、shirt dress short coat1、spring autumn water2、big blouse shirt3、what is how4、sun sunny windy5、need like look1、apple red blue yellow2、summer autumn cold winter3、dress blouse skirt shirt4、five two fine three5、touch smell soup taste1、short shirt dress blouse2、bicycle doll pear ball3、small nice super pig4、five six eight nice5、summer cloudy windy rainy1、ride skip play rope2、draw write fold card3、apple banana peach fruit4、drink cola water milk1、firework gift red firecraker2、windy rainy sunny Danny3、winter autumn flower summer4、cola cold juice milk5、bee bird rabbit play6、mother father farmer brother7、play fold make card8、bee bird wolf frog9、dress narrator blouse shirt1、pig dog hen doll2、three two tree six3、toy bicycle doll ball4、play read fly football5、water cola cake milk1、doll toy boy swing2、water milk cola pear3、hen duck fish rabbit4、firecracker card firework warm5、ten two five taste6、I you she nose7、summer spring autumn cloudy8、green brown pink write1、fold eat dance kite2、T-shirt sweet dress blouse3、windy snowy summer sunny4、skip ride football fly5、red green read yellow6、spring swim summer winter1、panda sheep tiger lion2、sunny windy cloudy weather3、what how where colour4、can draw play sing5、water milk cola sweet。