



关于啃老族的时评作文800字英文回答:The term "啃老族" has become prevalent in Chinese society, referring to individuals who are financially dependent on their parents well into adulthood. While this phenomenon is not unique to China, it has taken on particular significance in recent years due to a combination of factors, including rising living costs and increased education levels.啃老族 often face criticism for their perceived laziness and lack of ambition. Critics argue that these individuals are shirking their responsibilities and placing an undue burden on their parents. However, it is important to recognize that there are a multitude of reasons why people may end up as 啃老族.Some individuals may have faced economic hardship or unemployment, making it difficult for them to achievefinancial independence. Others may have pursued higher education, delaying their entry into the workforce and exacerbating their financial dependence. Additionally, cultural factors may also play a role, with some families placing a strong emphasis on filial piety and financial support from children.It is important to approach the issue of 啃老族 with compassion and understanding. While it is reasonable to encourage financial independence and responsibility, it is also crucial to recognize the challenges faced by these individuals. Policies that address the root causes of 啃老族, such as affordable housing and job creation, are essential to empowering them to achieve self-sufficiency.中文回答:“啃老族”现象与社会责任。

相关资料啃老族的来历又称尼特族,尼特族是NEET在台湾的译音,NEET的全称是(Not currently engaged in Employment,Education or Training),最早使用于英国,之后渐渐的使用在其他国家;它是指一些不升学、不就业、不进修或参加就业辅导,终日无所事事的族群。


啃老族考研英语作文English:The phenomenon of "啃老族" (Kèn lǎo zú), which refers to adults who continue to rely on their parents for financial support well into their adult years, has become a controversial topic in contemporary Chinese society. The pressure to succeed in a highly competitive environment, coupled with rising living costs, has contributed to the persistence of this trend. While some argue that 啃老族 is a result of economic challenges and lack of opportunities, others believe it reflects a lack of independence and responsibility. It is important for the government and society to address the root causes of this issue, such as providing more job opportunities and financial assistance for young adults, while also promoting a culture of self-reliance and individual responsibility.中文翻译:“啃老族”这一现象指的是成年人在成年后仍然依赖父母提供经济支持,已经成为当代中国社会的一个争议性话题。


有关于啃老族的英语作文120词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Grandma is a "Kun Lao Zu"My grandma lives with us, and she's what my dad calls a "kun lao zu." That's a Chinese phrase that means she's part of the older generation who depends on their children for everything. I didn't really understand what that meant until recently.Grandma is 75 years old and can't do much for herself anymore. She can't cook, clean, or take care of herself very well. So my mom has to do everything for her - make her meals, help her bathe, do her laundry, and so on. Sometimes Grandma leaves a big mess, spilling food or drinks, and my mom has to clean it up. It's a lot of extra work for her.My dad doesn't really like having Grandma live with us. He says she's a burden and costs our family a lot of money for her medical care, special foods she needs, and other expenses. Dad works really hard at his job, but part of his income goes towards supporting Grandma. He grumbles about it sometimes.I feel bad that Grandma needs so much help. She seems confused a lot of the time and doesn't remember things well. She can't really play with me or my little brother anymore either. We have to be very quiet when she's napping during the day.On the other hand, I know Grandma loves being around us. She smiles and seems happier when we visit her room to say hello. She tells us old stories from when she was young, about growing up during harder times. I can see how important family is to her.My parents disagree about whether we should put Grandma in a nursing home sometimes. Dad thinks it would be better - less work for Mom and no distractions at home. But Mom gets upset at that idea. She says it's our duty as good children to care for our elders at home as long as possible. It's part of our Chinese culture and values.Personally, I'm kind of torn. I know how much work it is for Mom to take care of Grandma every day. But I also love having my grandma around, even if she can't really play or interact much anymore. She's still family.I guess when I get older and have my own kids one day, I'll need to decide if I want to be a "kun lao zu" too. It's a hard choice - depend on your children when you're old or try to stayindependent as long as possible? I'm not sure what I'll want to do yet. But I'll always be grateful to my parents for taking care of Grandma now. It's not easy, but it is important.篇2Being a Kid in the "Niker" GenerationMy parents always tell me how lucky I am to be a kid these days. They say back when they were young, families didn't have as much money and kids had to work and help out a lot more around the house. Now kids like me can just focus on playing, having fun, and doing well in school without too many grown-up responsibilities. But there's one thing my parents definitely don't like about kids today - we're growing up in the age of the "nikers"!What's a niker? Well, it's a funny word my dad made up. It refers to grown-up kids who never really grow up and move out of their parents' house. Instead, they just keep living at home and relying on their parents to pay for everything - food, rent, bills, you name it. My uncle Jack is actually a total niker. He's 35 years old and has been living at home rent-free since he graduated college over 10 years ago!Mom and Dad can't stand nikers. They think it's incredibly rude, lazy, and selfish for able-bodied adults to just mooch off their parents like that instead of getting a job and supporting themselves. They're always ranting about how back in their day, you became an adult at 18 and that was it - you either went to college and got student loans or you got a full-time job and moved out. No one stuck around lecturing their parents!I do kind of feel bad for Uncle Jack sometimes though. The economy was really rough when he graduated and he had a tough time finding a good job. Then he got stuck in a cycle of crummy jobs, getting fired, and moving back home with Mom and Dad. Now he's in his mid-30s and has been a niker for over a decade. It's got to be embarrassing at this point.Still, I know Mom and Dad are right. Being a niker isn't a good look, no matter what your excuse is. Taking responsibility for your own life is a huge part of becoming a grown-up. I may be just a kid, but I already know that constant free handouts and doing zero work is a terrible habit that can make you lazy and unmotivated. I definitely don't want to end up like uncle Jack!My parents both worked really hard to get out of their parents' houses and make their own way in life. Dad had three jobs at certain points just to get by. Mom waited tables at nightswhile going to university during the day. They want me to have a much easier childhood than they did, but they're also determined to raise me to be a responsible, hard-working adult who is financially independent."No niker kids allowed in this household!" Dad likes to joke. I just laugh because I know he's only half-kidding. He totally means it!I'm really grateful to have parents who push me to have goals and become a self-sufficient grown-up one day. Even though it's fun being a carefree kid now, I actually can't wait to eventually get a job, make my own money, and move out into my own place when I'm older. It's going to feel so rewarding and grown-up!I feel kind of bad for all the nikers out there who never get to experience that sense of accomplishment and independence. Sure, living at home means you don't have rent or bills to pay. But isn't that pretty boring and lame? You're just stuck in a permanent childhood instead of getting to explore the world, make your own choices, and pave your own path through life. To me, that sounds way sadder than having to pay rent or electricity!Maybe I'm just a weird kid who daydreams about being a grown-up way too much. But to me, that's the best part of getting older - no more rules, curfews or chores given to you by your parents. You get to be 100% in charge of your own life. What an exciting feeling!Whenever I'm having a rough day at school and wish I could just come home, plop on the couch, and play videogames all night, I remember uncle Jack and it snaps me out of it. I don't want to become a niker! I want to be a grown-up who works hard, makes their own money, and gets to run their own life and household. It's going to be awesome.So no, you won't find me joining the niker club anytime soon! Growing up eventually is one of the things I'm most excited about. I'm going to embrace it with open arms - harder classes, jobs, responsibilities and all. After seeing how unmotivated and aimless nikers can become by avoiding real life, becoming a responsible adult is my number one goal. Just call me theanti-niker kid!篇3The Ant Tribe and Their StruggleWhen I was little, I thought all grown-ups were strong and independent. They had jobs, paid bills, and lived in their own homes. But as I got older, I realized that's not always the case. There's a group of adults called the "Ant Tribe" who still live with their parents, even after graduating from college.At first, I didn't understand why someone wouldn't want to move out and be on their own. Isn't that what growing up is all about? But then I learned about the challenges they face. Finding a good job is really hard these days, especially for young people just starting out. And even if you do find a job, the salaries are often too low to afford rent in the big cities where most opportunities are.Imagine studying really hard for four years, getting your degree, and then not being able to find a decent job or a place to live. It must be so frustrating and disappointing. A lot of the Ant Tribe members end up taking low-paying, unstable jobs just to get some income. Others stay at home, living off their parents and looking for that perfect opportunity.I've heard some people criticize the Ant Tribe, calling them lazy or saying they just want everything handed to them. But I don't think that's fair at all. From what I've learned, most of them work really hard and dream of being independent someday.They're not choosing this situation – it's just the tough reality they're facing in today's competitive job market and expensive housing situation.Living at home with your parents as an adult definitely isn't easy. There's a lot of stress from feeling like you're not really grown up yet. And there can be conflicts over things like chores, curfews, and personal space. The Ant Tribe members have to find ways to maintain their independence and dignity while still following their parents' rules.I really admire the Ant Tribe for persevering through such a difficult phase of life. It takes a lot of patience, resilience, and determination to keep pushing forward when the odds seem stacked against you. I hope that as our economy improves and more jobs become available, they'll finally be able to spread their wings and build the independent lives they deserve.In the meantime, we should have more empathy and less judgment for the Ant Tribe. Getting an education and establishing a career is harder than it used to be. If my parents were in that situation when they were young, I'd want them to have a supportive place to stay while working towards their dreams. Maybe if we're more understanding, the Ant Tribe canavoid feeling like failures and eventually emerge as successful members of society.篇4Being A Parasite Single Is BadSome grown-ups don't want to get jobs or live on their own. They stay at home with their parents and let their parents take care of them. These people are called "parasite singles."I think parasite singles are lazy and selfish. They make their parents work hard and spend a lot of money to support them. It's not fair to the parents. The parasite singles should move out, find jobs, and take care of themselves.Parents raised their kids already. When the kids grow up, they need to be independent adults. Parasite singles act like little babies who can't do anything without mommy and daddy's help. That's embarrassing for an adult!Parents shouldn't allow their kids to be parasite singles. It teaches the kids bad habits. The kids won't learn how to be responsible. Instead, parents should encourage their kids to work hard and be self-sufficient. That's the right way to live.篇5Being a Kid Is the Best! My Parents Take Care of EverythingHi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I love being a kid because my parents take such good care of me. They give me a warm home, yummy food, fun toys, and basically everything I need. Why would anyone ever want to grow up?Some of the older kids at school were talking about these weird grown-ups called "parasitic singles." I had to ask my teacher what that meant. She said it refers to adults who still live with their parents and don't have jobs or pay any bills. Instead, they just mooch off their moms and dads for food, housing, money...everything!That sounds totally crazy to me. Aren't grown-ups supposed to get jobs, pay rent, buy their own groceries, and do all the responsible stuff? My dad always says the greatest gift they can give me is to teach me how to be independent and take care of myself when I'm older. He wants me to get a good education, work hard, and eventually be able to survive on my own two feet.I can't imagine still having my parents do absolutely everything for me when I'm already a big kid, let alone afull-grown adult! Don't parasitic singles feel ashamed or embarrassed? What if their friends found out and teased them about it? I'd be so red in the face!Plus, it doesn't seem fair to my parents at all. They work really hard at their jobs to give me and my little brother a nice life. If we were parasitic singles too, always bumming around and never leaving the house, can you imagine how stressed out they'd be? Having to feed, clothe, and pay for able-bodied adults on top of taking care of us kids? No way, Jose!Maybe some parasitic singles have disabilities or problems that make it hard to live independently. I could understand needing extra help in tough situations like that. But from whatI've heard, a lot of them are just lazy bums who don't feel like getting real jobs and responsibilites. Seems pretty selfish and immature if you ask me.I feel bad for the parents who have to support their adult kids like that. Didn't they want their children to grow up, move out, and have their own awesome lives? That's what my parents say they dreamed about when I was a baby - seeing me and my brother become confident, capable adults out there exploring the world. If we never did that, I bet they'd be so disappointed.When I think about my future, I picture myself having an epic job. Maybe I'll be a basketball star, race car driver, video game designer, or Lego engineer! Or maybe I'll be a firefighter like my uncle and help rescue people from burning buildings. Whatever Ido, you can bet I'll be earning my own money and paying my own way.Living off my parents as a grownup? No thank you! That's just weird and wrong. I want to make them proud and give them grandkids to spoil one day, not mooch off them into my 30s and 40s. Ew, can you imagine being that old and still having your mom cut your crusts off your PB&J?So you can call me immature, but I'm perfectly happy being a kid who gets taken care of right now. Because very soon, I'll be a self-reliant adult making my own way in the world. My parents deserve that much after all their hard work raising me. It's the least I can do to repay them!篇6Freeloaders: A Big Problem That Needs to Be FixedHi, my name is Tommy and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk about a really big issue in our society - freeloaders! You might be wondering, what is a freeloader? Well, a freeloader is someone who lives off other people and doesn't want to work or make their own money. They just mooch off their families and take advantage of them.I see a lot of freeloaders around my neighborhood. There are grown men, some even in their 30s or 40s, who still live at home with their parents. They don't have jobs and they expect their parents to pay for everything - their food, rent, video games, you name it! Their poor parents work really hard at their jobs to support these lazy freeloaders.It's not fair at all to the parents. They raised their kids, paid for their education, and now their kid is just bumming around refusing to get a job? That's so messed up! The parents should be able to retire and relax, not work until they're 80 to support their freeloader son.I know some freeloaders make excuses like "Oh there aren't any good jobs" or "The economy is bad." Yeah, well, my dad works hard at his job that isn't perfect. My mom has a small business that struggles sometimes. They don't make excuses, they just work! Freeloaders are just lazy bums who don't want to put in any effort.Another excuse freeloaders use is "My parents OWE me for raising me." Um, no they don't! Your parents chose to have you, and they worked hard to give you a good life. You don't automatically deserved to be supported forever just for being born. Once you're a grown adult, you need to support yourself.Only very rare cases like severe disabilities might require a kid to stay on parents' support.Freeloaders are bad for the whole community too. Instead of contributing with jobs and taxes, they just take and take from their families and society. They're leeches. If everyone was a freeloader, the whole world would collapse!I really dislike freeloaders and think there should be laws or something to prevent this selfish behavior. Like, after you're 25 years old, your parents shouldn't be legally allowed to support you unless you have a real disability. Or, there could be higher taxes on families who are supporting freeloaders over a certain age.Either way, something needs to change. Freeloaders need to get off their butts, stop mooching, and start working hard like the rest of us! It's hurting families, hurting communities, and hurting the entire economy. Freeloaders are such a drain on society.I know I'm just a 10-year-old kid, but I can already see how wrong and messed up freeloading is. As I get older, I'm going to work as hard as I can so I never become a freeloader. I want to make my own money, be independent, and not be a burden on anyone else. Isn't that what we all should strive for?If you're a freeloader reading this, it's time to change! Get a job, move out, and start paying your own way. And if you have friends or family who are freeloaders, share this essay with them. Hopefully it will open their eyes to how selfish and harmful they are being. We can beat this freeloading problem, but it will take effort from all of us!。


关于啃老族英语作文120英文回答:The Phenomenon of NEETs: A Challenge for Modern Society.NEET is an acronym that stands for "not in education, employment, or training." It refers to individuals who are neither working, studying, nor actively seeking either. While NEETs have existed throughout history, their numbers have surged in recent decades, particularly among young people.The rise of NEETs is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. These include economic downturns, technological advancements that have displaced certain jobs, and cultural shifts that have led to increased expectations and competition. In addition, social welfare programs in some countries may provide disincentives to work or pursue education.The consequences of having a large NEET population are significant. NEETs are more likely to experience poverty, social isolation, and health problems. They also contribute less to the economy and are less likely to participate in civic life.Addressing the challenge of NEETs requires a multi-pronged approach. Governments can play a role by providing financial assistance, job training, and educational opportunities. Employers can offer apprenticeships and other programs to help young people gain experience and develop skills. And families and communities can provide support and encouragement to NEETs.It is important to note that NEETs are not a homogeneous group. SomeNEETs may be struggling with mental health issues or other challenges that prevent them from participating in the workforce or education system. Others may be making a conscious choice to take a break from traditional pathways or pursue alternative lifestyles.Regardless of their reasons, NEETs deserve ourunderstanding and support. By working together, we can help them to overcome the barriers they face and reach theirfull potential.中文回答:啃老族现象,对现代社会的挑战。

啃老族现象的英语作文英文回答:The phenomenon of freeloading has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, particularly among young adults. This issue, commonly referred to as "啃老族" in Chinese,has drawn considerable attention and sparked debates about its causes and potential consequences.Freeloading refers to a situation where an adult individual, typically in their late teens or early twenties, continues to rely financially on their parents or guardians. These individuals may live at home with their parents, receiving free board and lodging, while pursuing higher education or seeking employment. The term "啃老族" captures the notion of these individuals "啃老" or "eating away" at their parents' resources without contributing significantly to the household.There is no consensus on the exact causes offreeloading. Some experts attribute it to economic factors, such as the rising cost of living and the challenge of securing well-paying jobs for young adults. Others suggest that social and cultural factors, such as the changingfamily structure and the emphasis on educational attainment, contribute to this phenomenon.The consequences of freeloading can be far-reaching.For individuals, it can lead to a sense of dependency, stunted emotional development, and difficulty inestablishing their own independence. For families, it can put a strain on financial resources and create tensions between generations. Moreover, freeloading may have broader societal implications, as it can hinder the economic productivity and social mobility of young adults.Addressing the issue of freeloading requires a multi-pronged approach. Governments and policymakers can implement policies that support young adults' transitioninto independence, such as providing affordable housing,job training, and financial assistance. Families can play a crucial role by setting clear expectations, encouragingfinancial responsibility, and fostering an environment that promotes self-sufficiency.中文回答:啃老族现象是一种日益普遍的社会现象,尤其是在年轻人当中。


啃老族利弊作文800字英文回答:The issue of "parasitic elderly" or "parasitic parents" has become a hot topic of debate in recent years. This refers to the phenomenon where elderly parents rely heavily on their adult children for financial support and refuse to take responsibility for their own lives. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this situation.On the one hand, having elderly parents who depend on their children can be a burden. Financially, it can put a strain on the children's resources and limit their ability to pursue their own dreams and aspirations. It can also create tension and resentment within the family, as the children may feel obligated to provide for their parents without receiving any appreciation or gratitude in return. Moreover, the parents may become overly reliant on their children and lose their sense of independence and self-worth.On the other hand, there are some benefits to having elderly parents who rely on their children. For one, it can strengthen family bonds and promote intergenerational support. Taking care of aging parents can be seen as a moral duty in many cultures, and it provides an opportunity for the younger generation to show love and respect for their elders. It also allows for the passing down of family values, traditions, and wisdom from one generation to the next. Additionally, having elderly parents who depend on their children can provide a sense of purpose andfulfillment for the children, as they feel needed and valued.In my own experience, I have seen both the advantages and disadvantages of having elderly parents who depend on their children. My friend's mother, for example, lives with her and relies on her financially. While my friend feels a sense of responsibility towards her mother, it has also caused her to delay her own career aspirations and put a strain on her finances. On the other hand, my grandmother lives independently but often asks for help with householdchores and errands. While it can be time-consuming and tiring for my family, it also allows us to spend quality time together and strengthen our bond.In conclusion, the issue of "parasitic elderly" has its pros and cons. While it can be a burden on the children financially and emotionally, it also provides an opportunity for intergenerational support and the passing down of family values. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between taking care of our elderly parents and pursuing our own dreams and aspirations.中文回答:"啃老族"或"啃老父母"的问题近年来成为了一个热门的讨论话题。

My View on NEET“NEET”是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training” 或“ Not in Education, Employment or Training” 的缩略语,即我们说的“啃老族”。
目前,在中国的农村和城市都有“啃老族”这种现象产生的原因如何应对这种现象My View on NEETNowadays, the problem of NEET has been brought into public attention. The past five years has witnessed a sharp increase in the percentage of NEET from 1.5 to 12.3,which refers to the group of the young who are not currently engaged in education,employ-ment or training, but just idling and relying on their parents.To account for this phenomenon, people have come up with vari-ous reasons listed below. To begin with,since the expansion of univer-sity enrollment in 1999, an increasing number of college graduates have poured into job-hunting market. However, some of them are not fully prepared and become unemployed. What’s more,some young people are the only children of their family and get badly spoilt. As a result, they are psychologically dependent even when they are grown-ups.To this problem, in my mind, there are at least twoapproaches. In the first place,colleges or the community should provide pre-job training courses for the young. In addition,parents should cultivate their children’s sense of independence from the very childhood. (172 词)范文点评很显然,第一段的数据能迅速抓住阅卷老师的.眼球。


其实“啃老族”现象由来已久,中国现行的法律已经明确规定, 18岁以后父母对子女没有抚养义务了。
网络上不乏这样一些标题:“出生于贫寒之家,以3分钟秒杀,轻松考上211大学, 14岁以博士学历成为青少年领袖”“天才少女6岁写文章, 13岁成诗歌达人, 21岁考上牛津大学, 25岁登上福布斯财富榜……”…对于这些被称为“天才少女”的新闻我们听过太多,而这些标题只会让人感觉好笑、滑稽。
“啃老族”,他们的身上或多或少有着这样一些特点: 1、身体素质差; 2、不懂得劳逸结合;3、懒惰;4、心理承受能力低下。


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