PDA_TR28 中英 无菌原料药工艺模拟验证(2006年)

PDA_TR28 中英 无菌原料药工艺模拟验证(2006年)
PDA_TR28 中英 无菌原料药工艺模拟验证(2006年)



This document provides guidance relative to the validation of aseptic processing activities associated with the production of sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals. It draws upon the concepts and principles developed in PDA's and PhRMA's prior publications on aseptic processing technology (1, 2, 3). This effort expands upon those documents to provide assistance for individuals and firms producing sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals. Our goal in this revision was to update the document to reflect 6 years of industry experience with it, as well as an acknowledgement of acceptance criteria limitations that were present in the first edition (4). We have also endeavored to address some of the issues raised by FDA in their review of the earlier edition.


The preparation of sterile materials in the quantity and scale used in the manufacture of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals generally requires equipment and procedures quite different from those used in the manufacture of finished pharmaceuticals. The uniqueness of the production methods for sterile bulks precludes the direct extrapolation of the process simulation approaches employed for aseptically produced sterile formulations.


This technical report was disseminated in draft for public review and comment prior to publication. Many of the submitted comments have been included in the final document. We believe this approach accomplished the widest possible review of the document and ensures its suitability as a valuable guide to industry in the area of process simulation testing for sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals.

This document should be considered as a guide; it is not intended to establish any mandatory or implied standard.


Table of Conents 目录


1.1 Purpose 目的

1.2 Sterile Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals. 无菌原料药

1.3 Scope 范围

1.4 Sterile BPC Production Technology 无菌BPC生产技术

1.4.1 Closed Systems 封闭系统

1.4.2 Open Systems 开放系统

1.5 Considerations 需考虑事项


2.1 Number and Frequency of Tests 测试的数量的频率

2.2 Worst Case 最差条件


3.1 Total Process Simulation 总工艺模拟

3.2 Unit Operation(s) Simulations 单元操作模拟


4.1 Growth Medium Simulations 生长介质模拟

4.2 Placebo Material Simulation 安慰剂原料模拟

4.3 Simulation Without Material 无原料模拟

4.4 Production Material Simulation 生产原料模拟


5.1 Evaluation of Entire Test Material 全体测试原料的评估

5.2 Evaluation of Test Material Samples 测试原料单体的评估




8.1 Interventions 干扰

8.2 Duration of Simulation 时间模拟

8.3 Production Batch Size/Process Simulation Test Size 产品的批产量/工艺模拟的批量

8.4 Incubation Conditions 培养条件

8.5 Operating Procedures 作业流程

8.6 Staffing Considerations 人员的思考

8.7 Campaigns 活动

8.8 Equipment Qualification 设备限制


9.2 Approaches for Acceptance Criteria 可接受水平的判定方法

9.2.1 Quantitative 定量

9.2.2 Qualitative 品质










1.1. Purpose 目的

The preparation of sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals requires the combination of classical chemical/ biological production methods with the well-defined concepts for the preparation of sterile materials. The integration of these fields entails process equipment and operating procedures which are often substantially different from ordinary practice in either discipline. This document outlines process simulation practices for sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals (sterile BPCs), utilizing concepts drawn from both bulk pharmaceutical chemical operations and sterile product manufacturing and adapted to fit the unique nature of these materials. It presents options for determining the adequacy of aseptic operations performed during large scale manufacturing while allowing for realistic acceptance criteria for such operations.


The aseptic procedures utilized in the production of sterile BPCs can be evaluated using a process simulation methodology. However, in certain instances the use of a microbiological growth medium in a bulk manufacturing plant can pose significant problems. It is often necessary to consider other simulation options which pose less potential risk to the manufacturing area. It is useful to utilize a narrower definition of a process simulation in these cases. The following definitions make a clear distinction between possible methods:


1. Process Simulation (without microbiological growth media)


Method of evaluating an aseptic process employing methods which closely approximate those used for sterile materials using an appropriate placebo material.


2. Process Simulation (with microbiological growth media)


Method of evaluating an aseptic process using a microbial growth medium employing methods which closely approximate those used for sterile materials (5).


The process simulation test also provides a way to evaluate changes made to an aseptic processing operation which might affect the sterility of the final product. It can be useful in identifying potential weaknesses in an aseptic processing operation which might contribute to the microbiological contamination of the product.


1.2. Sterile Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals 无菌原料药

For the purposes of this document, a sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemical is defined as a sterile material derived from chemical, fermentation or semi-synthetic sources which is final packaged or stored in bulk form. The bulk material may be an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or an excipient. Sterile BPCs are typically solids, but may be solutions or suspensions.


1.3. Scope 范围

This document addresses the validation of aseptic processing during sterile bulk manufacturing activities (referred to as primary manufacturing in many parts of the world). It describes methods and procedures for the conduct of process

simulation tests, including crystallization, separation, purification, drying, milling, blending and bulk packaging of sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals which are aseptically produced. Aseptic operations required in the preparation of sterile formulations are not a part of this document and have been addressed by PDA elsewhere (4).


1.4. Sterile BPC Production Technology 无菌BPC生产技术

The preparation of sterile bulk materials entails the completion of a series of unit operations under aseptic conditions. The equipment utilized for these aseptic unit operations is sterilized using a validated procedure prior to the introduction of the sterile BPC. Depending upon the process, the equipment may be classified as either a "closed" or an "open" system (see below). While it is recognized that a "closed" system is generally preferred, there are process and equipment limitations such that "open" systems are the only means available for the execution of certain unit operations. The process train for a sterile BPC may include both "open" and "closed" portions. The test methods used for the process simulation must include all portions of the system whether "open" or "closed" and transitions between them (see Section 3).

大量无菌原料的制备需要在无菌条件完成一系列的单元作业。这些无菌单元操作所使用的设备预先采用无菌BPC 技术进行了灭菌。该设备可以分类为“封闭”或“开放”系统(见下文)。人们认识到,虽然一个“封闭”系统被普遍采用,但由于工艺及设备的限制,“开放”系统对于某些单元操作来说是唯一可以利用的系统。无菌BPC 的工艺培养可能既包括“开放”又包括“封闭”部分。在工艺模拟过程中使用的测试方法必须包括系统的所有部分,不论是“开放”或“封闭”,或者是它们之间的过度系统的所有部分(见第3节)。

1.4.1. Closed Systems 封闭系统

A "closed" system is one that is designed to prevent the ingress of microorganisms by means of physical separation from the surrounding environment. A "closed" system:



? Is constructed, installed and qualified in a manner which demonstrates integrity is maintained throughout the full range of operating conditions, and over a time period inclusive of the longest expected usage (i.e., manufacturing campaign). The qualification is done according to a formal protocol, following generally accepted engineering principles, and is documented.


? Is sterilized-in-place or sterilized while closed prior to use using a validated procedure


? Can be utilized for its intended purpose without breach to the integrity of the system


? Can be adapted for fluid transfers in and/or out while maintaining asepsis


? Is connectable to other closed systems while maintaining integrity of all closed systems (e.g., Rapid Transfer Port, steamed connection, etc.)


? Is safeguarded from any loss of integrity by scheduled preventive maintenance.


? Utilizes sterilizing filters for sterilization of process streams which are integrity tested and traceable to each product lot.


By virtue of their design, closed systems provide a substantially increased measure of protection to the materials processed within. Where a sterile BPC can be processed in its entirety within closed systems, the risk of contamination is negligible.




2. Open Systems 开放系统

An "open" system lacks one or more of the features of a "closed" system.


1.5. Considerations 要考虑的事项

A holistic approach must be used to adequately validate and control aseptic processes. A process simulation test is only a point-in-time representation of the capabilities of an aseptic processing system, including environment, equipment, procedures and personnel. 验证和控制无菌加工过程必须充分使用一个全面解决办法。一个工艺模拟试验只是一个无菌处理系统能力的反映,包括环境,设备,程序和人员。 It does not ensure that sterile bulk materials produced at other times will have the same level of microbiological quality. 它并不能保证在其他时间生产的无菌散装物料将有相同的微生物质量水平。However, through control and validation of related processes, such as environmental monitoring, qualification of personnel and validation of cleaning and sterilization cycles, it is possible to maintain the level of asepsis demonstrated during the process simulation test. 但是,通过控制和相关的进程的验证,如环境监测,人员评估和清洗验证以及消毒周期验证,它有可能在这个工艺模拟测试中保持无菌水平。 Therefore, it is important to validate the related sanitization and sterilization processes independently, such as sterilization/depyrogenation of the product, sterilization of the process equipment including product contact surfaces, sterilization of containers (intermediate and final packaged bulk), and support systems such as air, water, or nitrogen (6, 7, 8). 因此,重要的是要独立验证相关的消毒和灭菌过程,例如灭菌/产品的除热原,工艺设备的灭菌,包括产品接触表面,容器的灭菌(中间产品和最终包装),支持系统,如空气,水,或氮(6,7,8)。

Confidence in the sterility of a specific production lot is gathered through a number of process controls and procedures including: documented and validated sterilization/sanitization procedures, in-process controls regulating the production process, environmental monitoring, comprehensive batch records, extensive qualification of process equipment, and training of operating personnel.




2.1. Number and Frequency of Tests 实验的次数和频率

For a new facility or production process, process simulations can be performed as part of the overall validation. Initial process simulation tests, if performed, are conducted after equipment qualification, sterilization process validation, and personnel training have been performed, and environmental monitoring has demonstrated that the new facility is under the desired state of control (9, 10, 11). If a process simulation test fails in the absence of this supportive work, identifi-cation of a possible root cause will usually be more difficult. Three consecutive successful process simulation tests are performed when evaluating a new facility or process. Prior to release of the new facility, or new process for production use, acceptable results from these process simulation tests should be achieved to demonstrate the reproducibility of the process.

对应一个新的设施或生产工艺,工艺模拟应该作为所有验证的一部分。最初的工艺验证应该在设备确认、灭菌工艺验证、人员培训已经完成并且环境监测证明新的设施已经在预期的状态中受控之后进行(9, 10, 11)。如果没有作这些支持性的工作,工艺模拟实验失败的话,将很难确定可能的原因。当确认一个新的设施或工艺时,验证一个工艺应该进行三次连续成功的模拟工艺实验。在为生产使用正式批准一个新的设施、新的工艺之前,应该完成这样连续的可接受的结果,以证明工艺的可重复性。

In existing facilities, a process simulation test program should be considered for each aseptic process. Additional process simulation tests may be considered to evaluate changes to procedures, practices or equipment configuration (See Section 11—Periodic Reassessment). 在现有设施,过程模拟测试程序应被考虑到每个无菌过程。追加工艺模拟试验可被用来评估程序、实践或设备配置的变更(见第11期再评估表)。

Process simulations for closed systems can be performed after sterilization to confirm the acceptable sterilization of the systems as well as the appropriateness of the procedures employed within. The duration of campaigns for closed system

may be established through physical monitoring of such aspects as pressure differentials, leak rates, filter integrity tests, etc. and is further supported by a preventive maintenance program. End of campaign process simulations are thus not required for the closed portions of a process system. The duration of campaigns for open systems may be confirmed through appropriate process simulations conducted at the end of a real or simulated campaign. 封闭系统的过程模拟可以在灭菌后实施,以确认该系统的灭菌合格性以及内部程序的适当性。在封闭系统的工作持续时间可能将通过如压力差,泄漏率,过滤器完整性测试等物理等方面的监测来被确定,并进一步被预防性维修计划所支持。工作过程模拟的完成不需要一个工艺系统的封闭部分。开放系统的工作持续时间可能通过真实或模拟的工作结束时进行的适当的工艺模拟来被确认。

2.2. Worst Case最差条件

One of the more prevalent techniques used in the validation of pharmaceutical processes is the employment of "worst case" scenarios. 在制药工艺验证中最常采用的技术之一是采用“最差条件”。The use of "worst case" situations is intended to provide a greater challenge to the process, system or equipment being validated than that experienced under routine processing conditions.采用“最差条件”是有意对工艺、系统、设备在更高的挑战条件下进行验证。If, under the circumstances of the "worst case" challenge, acceptable results are achieved, then there is greater confidence in the reliability of the system under more normal situations. 如果在“最差条件”的挑战下,仍能够达到预期的可接受标准,那么在正常条件下,对系统的可靠性将有更高的信心。Process simulation tests readily lend themselves to "worst case" challenges. Some of the types of challenges which may be employed where possible are:工艺模拟实验很容易进行“最差条件”的挑战。下面提供了一些类型的挑战:

? using materials, equipment, utensils and other items which have remained in the aseptic processing area for extended periods after sterilization。使用的原料、设备、器具等在灭菌后于无菌工艺区保留时间超出期限。

? using the maximum number of personnel necessary to process the batch。


? increasing the time period between the completion of equipment sterilization and the start of the process simulation。设备消毒的完成与开始模拟之间时间间隔过长

? using a growth promoting medium or placebo material in the process simulation test rather than an inhibitory material。


? performing a process simulation test after completion of the last lot in a production campaign。


The conduct of a process simulation for a sterile bulk typically includes activities and manipulations that are specific for its execution. 对于无菌原料的工艺模拟的进行通常包括大量特定的活动和操作。These added steps introduce a higher potential for contamination than is inherent in the routine process and pose an increased risk for process simulation failure. 相比固有的常规工艺,这些额外的步骤导致了更高的潜在污染,增加了过程模拟失败的风险。

In the development of protocols or procedures used for the definition of process simulation tests, the use of "worst case" challenges such as those described above is an essential element of a well-founded program. 在建议用于定义工艺模拟试验的方案或过程时,一个有良好根据的程序会使用上面提到的“最差条件”的挑战。The "worst case" challenges selected may vary based upon the specific type of process simulation utilized (see Sections 3 and 4). 对“最坏条件”的挑战的选择可能会根据运用的工艺模拟的类型特点有所不同(见第3和4章)。Risk assessment approaches such as hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), failure effects mode analysis (FEMA) or fault tree analysis (FTA) may be used to determine appropriate challenges.正式的风险评估方法,例如HACCP、FEMA或FTA可以用于确定合适的挑战。


The application of these general procedures to any specific aseptic procedure may require modification of the methods described herein. These adaptations should be accomplished in a manner which will not improve the results of the simulation, relative to routine operations.


The conduct of process simulation tests for sterile bulk pharmaceuticals entails simulation of the process from the point of sterilization through to the completion of bulk packaging. Sterile bulk processes generally consist of a series of unit operations which in total comprise the production processes. 对无菌原料药的工艺模拟试验,必须从灭菌开始到完全灌装结束全过程的模拟。无菌原料工艺的总生产工艺一般由一系列的单元工艺构成。For the purposes of process simulation it may be appropriate to conduct evaluations around either a single operation or a group of operations. Provided that all of the unit operations utilized in the production of a sterile BPC have been evaluated in an appropriate manner, the segmented approach to simulation can be as suitable as a comprehensive test involving all of the unit operations in a single simulation. 基于工艺模拟的目的,围绕一个操作或一组操作来进行评估可能比较适当。如果一个无菌BPC生产中所使用的所有操作单元都以适当的方式进行评估,那么分段模拟方法作为一个全面的、在一次单独模拟中涉所有操作单元的测试是非常合适的。 The decision whether to perform the process simulation as a single integrated test or in trials based upon one or more unit operations must consider the pros and cons of each approach. It should be recognized that the decision to conduct an overall simulation or step-wise simulation approach is independent of the use of microbiological growth media or other materials in the simulation. 决定是否执行作为一个单一的综合过程模拟测试还是执行一个或多个操作单元为基础的过程模拟测试必须考虑每种方法的利弊。


3.1. Total Process Simulation总工艺模拟

In this type of simulation, the entire aseptic process is evaluated in a trial which follows the process from where the materials are first made sterile, through subdivision into containers for shipment. 在这种模拟方式中,整个无菌过程的评价是遵循从材料首次被无菌化到装运集装箱的整个过程来评价的。

Advantages 优势

? The simulation may be able to follow the process more closely than a series of smaller simulations. 相比一系列的小型模拟测试,该模拟测试更加贴近下列工艺。

? Requires less time to complete than a series of smaller simulations. 相比一系列的小型模拟测试,该模拟测试更加节省时间。

Disadvantages 缺点

? If contamination is detected the identification and correction of sources is more difficult than in a unit operation simulation. 如果发现污染,污染源的识别和纠正比一系列单元操作模拟更加困难。

? In the event of failure, the entire simulation must be repeated after corrective measures have been taken. 在发生故障时,整个模拟必须纠正后再次采取措施。

? Will generally require the use of a single test material (either liquid or solid) throughout the entire simulation which may introduce significant differences in the simulation and in how contamination might occur when compared to the routine production process. 通常会要求在整个模拟测试中使用单个测试材料(或液体或固体),和传统的生产工艺相比,这有可能引起明显的差异和污染。

3.2. Unit Operation(s) Simulations 单元操作模拟

In this form of simulation, a series of individual trials are conducted covering all of the steps in the aseptic process. Where the simulation is performed in several steps, the establishment of an acceptance criterion must address the cumulative contribution from each of the unit operations. Thus the total numbers of organisms detected over the entire process must be considered. 在这个模拟的方式中,对个别进行的一系列试验涵盖了无菌过程的所有步骤。在进行模拟的几个步骤中,一个验收标准的建立,必须来自各单元操作的经验累积。因此,在整个过程中发现的生物总数必须予以考虑。

Advantages 优势

? If contamination is detected, the corrective measures can focus on a smaller portion of the overall process. 如果发现污染,纠正措施可以侧重于整个进程的一小部分。

^ Evaluation of the effects of changes to a specific part of the process can be restricted to a limited number of steps. 对一个过程的特定部分变化的影响的评价,可以限制在有限数量的步骤。

? In the event of failure of a portion of an individual simulation, only that simulation which failed may need to be repeated after corrective action has been taken. 在个别模拟发生故障时,仅仅只是失败的那个模拟需要采取纠正措施? In some aseptic processes, this approach may resemble the actual process more closely. 在一些无菌加工过程,这种


? Allows for the use of either liquid or solid test materials in different parts of the overall simulation, which may more closely resemble actual production. 允许使用液体或固体材料在整个模拟中的不同部分,这可能更接近实际生产。Disadvantages 缺点

? Requires more time to perform than a total process simulation.


? May require some degree of overlap to evaluate the overall process.


? The methods required to evaluate individual unit operations may require more handling of sterile materials to accommodate a segmented process simulation.


? A larger number of environmental monitoring samples must be taken during each of the individual process simulations.




Independent of the decision on whether the aseptic process is to be simulated in total or in unit operation fashion, consideration must be given to the selection of a material to be utilized in the simulation. The choices are: a microbiological growth promoting media, placebo material, simulation without material or actual product material (generally an excipient). With each choice there are of course certain advantages and disadvantages. Materials that inhibit microbiological growth should not be used. If a test material is utilized, a further decision between a liquid or powder material is also required. Those firms that have chosen to segment the process simulation according to the various unit operations may elect to make different selections for the test material in different parts of their overall program. For example, in sterile BPC simulations with a crystallization step, a liquid material may be used during simulation of the early steps, and a powder material in those steps which follow the crystallization step.


Inherent in the selection of a test material, and the decision to use a test material at all are considerations of potential adverse affects implicit in the use of a material. As a general rule, nothing should be introduced into the system, whether media or placebo, which may present a problem in subsequent processing. The material (if used) must be able to be easily removed from the equipment in order to prevent an increased potential for contamination of production materials that would later enter the system.


See Appendix 1 for information on the selection, sterilization and use of test materials.


4.1. Growth Medium Simulations 培养基模拟

A microbial growth medium in either liquid or solid state is processed in lieu of the production materials. The microbiological growth media may be tested for microbial count or sterility depending upon the acceptance criteria requirements in the protocol.


Advantages 优点

? Allows for the direct evaluation of the aseptic processing procedures.


? Less reliance on environmental conditions in the evaluation of the process.


Disadvantages 缺点

? The microbiological growth media may be overly sensitive to antibiotic materials and other innately inhibitory materials. The use of deactivating enzymes may be necessary, however their utility in large systems may be severely limited.


? Cleaning of the process equipment after exposure to the microbiological growth media may represent a new cleaning procedure which must be developed and validated.


? It adds increased risk of microbiological contamination of the facility by providing a major nutrient source when normal materials used may be innocuous or bactericidal.

另外,由于提供了一个营养来源,增加了设施微生物污染的风险,而正常使用的物料可能是无害的或杀菌的。? Detection of contamination in large containers may be difficult.


? Quantities of microbiological growth media required may be excessive.


? Process simulation may have little resemblance to the actual process because of concerns regarding the media's growth promotion capability under routine operating conditions within the equipment.


? Process gases should be replaced with air to enhance microbial recovery.


4.2. Placebo Material Simulation 安慰剂物料模拟

A placebo material is substituted for the production materials and handled in a representative manner. The placebo material can be sampled for microbial count or sterility testing depending upon the acceptance criteria requirements of the protocol.


Advantages 优点

? Can use materials which are able to tolerate the actual processing conditions utilized in the aseptic process.


? Placebo materials can be chosen such that their removal from the processing equipment after the simulation can be readily accomplished.


? Placebo materials can be substantially less expensive than product or microbiological growth media, which can be a significant concern in large process equipment.


? Some of the actual materials utilized in the aseptic process may be utilized.




? Sterility or microbial count testing must be performed in order to assess whether any microorganisms are present.


? Cleaning of the process equipment after exposure to the placebo may represent a new cleaning procedure which must be developed and validated.


? The placebo material must be evaluated for lack of inhibitory effects on microorganisms.


? The sterilization of powder placebos must be validated.


? Testing of large quantities of material may be required.


4.3. Simulation Without Material 无物料模拟

This is a simulation performed in the absence of materials. This approach has been used to evaluate operating procedures and personnel performing discrete aseptic manipulations, e.g., subdivision into final containers. The aseptic production processes are simulated using the procedures, personnel, equipment and components ordinarily utilized in the aseptic process. Immediately after completion of the simulation, extensive microbial sampling of product contact surfaces and personnel is performed. Alternatively or in addition, a flush of the process train with a suitable medium can be employed. The surface sampling results are utilized to determine microbial count or sterility depending upon the acceptance criteria requirements of the protocol.


Advantage 优点

? The absence of materials eliminates cleaning (except for sampling residues, if any), microbial count or sterility testing, inhibition and recovery studies associated with the use of either a growth media or a placebo material.


Disadvantages 缺点

? The ability to detect microorganisms may be limited due to uncertainty in sampling methods and recovery efficiency. 由于取样方法和回收率的不确定性,检测微生物的能力受到限制。

? Conducting accurate and successful recovery validation may be difficult.


? Relies on the microbial evaluation of product contact surfaces.


4.4. Production Material Simulation 产品物料模拟

This is a simulation that is performed using actual production materials (generally an

excipient). The material can be sampled for microbial count or sterility testing depending upon the acceptance criteria requirements of the protocol.


Advantages 优点

? The process being simulated may utilize identical processing conditions as those used in production.


? The materials used for the simulation are known to be compatible with the processing equipment.


? No specialized cleaning of the equipment is necessary, the routine methods used after the production can be employed with confidence.


Disadvantages 缺点

? Sterility testing or microbial count determination must be performed.


? The production material must be evaluated for lack of inhibitory effects on microorganisms, or a neutralizing agent must be added.


? The production materials may be extremely costly.


? Testing of large quantities of material may be required.




Regardless of the material chosen for use in the simulation trial, it is important to evaluate that material to determine whether microorganisms were present as well as its microbial growth support characteristics.


5.1. Evaluation of Entire Test Material 全部测试物料的评价

The entire quantity of material (product, placebo or growth medium) utilized in the simulation is evaluated. This can be accomplished by filtration (after reconstitution for solid materials) through an appropriate sterilizing grade filter or by direct incubation of filled containers. The filter is tested to quantify the microbial bioburden of the material. Care must be taken to test (and reconstitute if necessary) using methods, controls, procedures, equipment and facilities which will not introduce contamination into the material being tested. The entire quantity of material can be subjected to microbial count or sterility testing depending upon the acceptance criteria requirements of the protocol.


Advantages 优点

? Evaluates all of the material processed in the equipment.


Disadvantages 缺点

? Testing of large quantities of material is required which can prove quite cumbersome.


? Validation of sampling and testing methods, including the sterilization of all apparatus.


? Limited information is available for use in detecting the source of contamination in the event of failure.


? Isolation and identification of microorganisms from the filter may be difficult with certain materials.


? The test (and reconstitution) procedures may introduce contamination into the sample.


? Poorly suited to powder materials where the handling required to prepare the material for test in this fashion has substantial potential for the introduction of contamination.


? Direct incubation mandates a pass/fail acceptance criteria.


5.2. Evaluation of Test Material Samples 测试物料样品的评价

Samples may be taken to assess the potential for contamination at intervals during the process simulation. These samples may be of benefit in identifying when and where contamination was introduced into the process train. The use of a sampling method for either the qualitative or quantitative confirmation of process asepsis is inappropriate.



Documentation is one of the most important elements of a process simulation test program. Regulatory bodies will rely heavily on the documentation to judge the adequacy of the simulation.


The first step is to define the process to be simulated. The process generally is defined as all steps from the sterilization of the sterile BPC, solvents, reactants, containers and to the point the final sterile BPC is sealed in its shipping container. The process definition should include a description of all points that require aseptic intervention. Once the process has been clearly defined, the simulation protocol(s) or procedures can be written. These documents should include but not be limited to the following information:


Identification of the process to be simulated


? Identification of the process train and equipment to be used


? Type of container/closure to be used


? Number of personnel participating


? Test material to be used


? Environmental monitoring to be performed


? A copy of the batch record to be used


? Acceptance criteria to be utilized


? Description of the documentation required for the final report


? Rationale for the "worst case" parameters chosen.


The above list should not be considered all-inclusive. Other factors may have to be considered due to the nature of the process to be simulated.


Execution of the protocol is generally performed through the use of a batch record. The batch record gives detailed instructions on how to perform the process simulation test(s). It should be written in the same format as a normal batch record and contain the normal data and sign-off elements. Information which normally would be attached to a batch record also should be attached to the simulation batch record, i.e., sterilization records for equipment, containers, and utensils, etc. The next step is to document the following:


? Number of organisms detected, if any


? Results of environmental testing performed.


The final report is a summation of the data from the batch record, bioburden testing of simulation material and environmental monitoring samples. Based upon this information, a conclusion is formulated regarding the acceptability of the manufacturing process and facility.



Details concerning elements of an effective environmental monitoring program, including sample site selection, sample frequency, alert and action levels, methodology and interpretation of data, can be found in the literature (12).



This section contains important general information to consider when conducting process simulation tests. These issues play an important role in effectively simulating the production process.

该部分包括了进行工艺模拟试验时需要考虑的重要常规信息。这些主题对有效模拟产品工艺扮演了重要角色。8.1. Interventions 干扰

Process simulation tests must include the normal activities that occur during an aseptic process (i.e., equipment adjustments, container-closure re-supply, sampling, etc.) in order to substantiate the acceptability of those practices in routine operation. Non-routine (corrective) interventions may be incorporated into the process simulation. It is possible that non-planned interventions may occur during the simulation and that it will be necessary to correct for fluid leakage, equipment malfunction, etc. To the extent that these types of problems occur on their own, and are rectified during a successful process simulation test, they can be defended as acceptable during normal operations (1, 13).


8.2. Duration of Simulation 模拟持续时间

Process simulation tests should be of sufficient duration to evaluate the normal manipulations necessary for the process. Activities such as initial set-up activities, changing equipment and manual maintenance operations should be included in the process simulation tests. Process simulation tests also should be of sufficient duration to include a representative number of routine and atypical interventions which might occur during an actual production operation. Where they are part of normal operations, gown changes, breaks and shift changes should be simulated. The time duration of the process simulation has greatest relevance in operations such as milling and subdivision where repetitive tasks are performed and personnel borne contamination may be of greater relevance.


8.3. Production Batch Size/Process Simulation Test Size


A process simulation test should utilize sufficient material to expose most, if not all contact surfaces to the material. It is essential that the aseptic manipulations in the simulation closely resemble those utilized in production; however the actual number need not be identical.


8.4. Incubation Conditions 培养条件

It is widely accepted that process simulation tests should be incubated for a minimum of 14 days. The temperature at which the medium is incubated, however, varies from firm to firm. The temperature chosen should be based upon its ability to recover microorganisms normally found environmentally or in the product bioburden. This same panel of microorganisms should be used in growth testing the medium-filled containers. A single incubation temperature in the range of 20-35°C may be used. Data should be available to show the suitability of the selected incubation temperature to support the growth of environmental and pre-sterilization bioburden isolates. The selected temperature should be controlled and monitored continuously throughout the incubation period.


8.5. Operating Procedures 操作程序

The instructions provided to the operators whether in the batch record proper or in supportive procedures must be sufficiently detailed to insure the reproducibility of the process. Process simulation instructions should follow the production procedures closely and must be similarly detailed. Close correspondence between the production and process simulation methodology confirms the acceptability of the procedures utilized.

在适当的批生产记录或支持性程序中提供的对操作人员的指示应足够详细,以确保工艺的重现性。工艺模拟说明应尽可能按照生产程序,同时应详细。生产和工艺模拟方法之间的近似关联性证明了所利用的程序的可接受性。When the production batch size is small, there may be greater prevalence of manual operations in the preparation of sterile products. The process simulation of a manual process of this sort is carried out in accordance with the methods and practices outlined in this document, with one addition. Each operator who performs this type of manual process should be individually evaluated to establish the acceptability of their aseptic technique.


8.6. Staffing Considerations 人员考虑

Each person who works in an aseptic production suite should participate in a successful process simulation test on a periodic basis.


8.7. Campaigns 生产周期

Multiple lots of sterile BPCs may be produced following a single sterilization without intervening cleaning of the equipment requiring a breech in the integrity of the system. The process simulation program should confirm the acceptability of this production mode for open systems. The simulation should be planned to effectively balance the goals of simulating, as closely as possible, the actual manufacturing process, and minimizing those conditions that would inhibit the recovery of microorganisms. As stated previously the duration of campaign length for closed systems is established through preventive maintenance and monitoring of physical data from the system.


8.8. Equipment Qualification 设备确认

Process equipment and utility systems used in the preparation of sterile bulk systems should be subjected to documented qualification to confirm their acceptability for their intended use. This should include installation considerations including drawings, materials of construction, calibration, preventive maintenance program, etc.


Of equal importance is the operational phase of the qualification in which operating procedures are verified, along with leak rates and pressure differentials. A part of this confirmation is measurement of process and equipment variables

during the simulated execution of the process. This confirmation can be used to establish a baseline of acceptable performance for the equipment which can be used to support the continued integrity of the process train over the length of a production campaign.




9.1. Background 背景

The adoption of limits and acceptance criteria for process simulation tests is one of the more contentious subjects within the industry in recent years. Whatever the number of organisms allowed in a process simulation, the ultimate goal for the number of organisms in any process simulation test (at either the bulk or filling stage) should be zero (4).


The acceptance criteria utilized for the simulation can be either qualitative (pass/fail) or quantitative (CFU/ simulation). The criterion choice depends upon the simulation methods utilized.

模拟使用的可接受标准可为定性(合格/失败)或定量(菌落数每次模拟)。标准的选择依赖于使用的模拟方法。The selection of acceptance criteria for aseptic processing validation is the central issue to be resolved in the conduct of process simulation tests. This section offers guidance which can be used to establish appropriate limits and acceptance criteria for aseptic process simulation tests.


9.2. Approaches for Acceptance Criteria 可接受标准方法

9.2.1. Quantitative 定量

The dominant methodology for the validation of aseptic processes utilized for drug product compounding and filling utilizes a media process simulation approach. In conjunction with the execution of this evaluation, a firm typically selects an acceptance criterion (8). An adaptation of the final product container approach, that relies on a quantitative assessment of contamination levels, for sterile bulks is possible.


A microbiological growth medium is designed specifically to support or stimulate the growth of microorganisms. As it is a more rigorous challenge than processed products, which often provide neutral and sometimes hostile microbial growth environments, some low number other than zero is chosen as an acceptance criterion. Nevertheless, a contaminated process simulation should be a rare occurrence. Any contamination in a process simulation must be investigated.


There are, however, significant technical problems in achieving this goal. Microbiological growth media and simulated products do not match real products perfectly in terms of their processing characteristics and microbiological growth support properties. Direct application of the process simulation acceptance criteria for aseptic filling to sterile bulk pharmaceutical chemicals is inappropriate for a number of reasons including:

因此,为达到此目的存在重大的技术问题。微生物生长培养基和模拟的产品在加工特性和微生物生长支持特性上与实际产品不能完美匹配。无菌原料药的无菌灌装直接应用工艺模拟可接受标准是不合适的,包括下列一些理由:? introduction of extra processing equipment; 引入了额外的加工设备;

? added aseptic manipulations; 增加了无菌操作

? relatively few large containers are required; 几乎不需要相对大量的容器;

? inspectional difficulties in large containers; 大容量容器中的检查困难

? the amount of microbiological growth media required;


? and cleaning growth media from process equipment.


Microbiological growth media differ in many respects from the products they are intended to simulate; for example, there are differences in solubility, pH, filtration rates and filterability and viscosity. With powders, the process simulation test involves reconstituting powdered media or simulated product, with the inherent added risk of contamination.


Process simulation testing for sterile bulk materials is conducted using either a placebo material, product material or a growth medium (either solid or fluid) which contacts equipment surfaces in like manner to the product being simulated. After completion of the simulation test, the material is evaluated. The number of colony forming units detected in the material can be used to project a worst case contamination rate based on the smallest bulk production batch and the largest finished product container of the product being simulated (i.e., the fewest number of finished product units filled from the entire batch).


The sterile bulk process simulation test passes if the contamination rate projects to not more than 1 positive unit in 10,000 finished dosage units (or NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit). This is derived from FDA's latest Guidance on Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing (14).

如果反映的污染率在10,000个最终剂量单位中不超过1个阳性单位(或不超过0.0001 CFU/单位),无菌原料工艺模拟测试合格。这是从FDA最新的无菌工艺生产的无菌药物产品的指南中得来的。

The simulation batch size may differ from the production batch size provided the aseptic manipulations are essentially the same, and adequate mixing and agitation of the simulation batch can be achieved in the process equipment.

模拟批量可与产品批量不同,如果无菌操作本质上相同,模拟批在工艺设备中能实现充分的混合和搅拌。When material from more than one process train is combined to produce the finished sterile bulk and it is not possible to simulate the entire process, the projected contamination rate for the finished bulk is the sum of the process simulation test results from each individually evaluated process train.


Consider the following examples:


Example 1 例子1:

Minimum production batch size 200 kg, maximum finished drug product fill 10 g, chosen placebo size 60 kg, 2 CFU detected in the simulation.


1. The contamination level for the simulation batch is 2 CFU. It projects to 2 CFU in the production batch.

模拟批的污染水平为2 CFU。反映产品批中2 CFU。

2. Determine the minimum number of dosage forms produced from the production batch.


200,000 g/batch/10 g/unit = 20,000 units/batch

200,000 g/批/10 g/单位 = 20,000 单位/批

3. Calculate the maximum CFU/unit and compare to the limit of NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit. 2 CFU/batch/20,000 units/batch = 0.0001 CFU/unit

计算最大CFU/单位,与限度不超过0.0001 CFU/单位比较,2 CFU/批/20,000 单位/批 = 0.0001 CFU/单位

Since the projected contamination rate 0.0001 CFU/unit does not exceed the limit of NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit the process

simulation test passes.

由于所反映的污染率为0.0001 CFU/单位,没有超过限度规定“不超过0.0001 CFU/单位”,工艺模拟测试合格。Example 2 例子2

Minimum production batch size 200 kg, maximum finished drug product fill 5 g, chosen placebo size 60 kg, 5 CFU detected in the simulation.


1. The contamination level for the simulation batch is 5 CFU. It projects to 5 CFU in the production batch.

模拟批的污染水平为5 CFU。反映产品批中2 CFU。

2. Determine the minimum number of dosage forms produced from the production batch.


200,000 g/batch/5 g/unit = 40,000 units/batch

200,000 g/批/5 g/单位t = 40,000 单位/批

3. Calculate the maximum CFU/unit and compare to the limit of NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit.

计算最大CFU/单位,与限度不超过0.0001 CFU/单位比较,

5 CFU/batch/40,000 units/batch = 0.000125 CFU/ unit

5 CFU/批/40,000 单位/批 = 0.000125 CFU/单位

Since the projected contamination rate 0.000125 CFU/ unit exceeds the limit of NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit the process simulation test fails.

由于所反映的污染率为0.000125 CFU/单位,超过了限度规定“不超过0.0001 CFU/单位”,工艺模拟测试失败。Example 3 例子3

Minimum production batch size 200 kg, maximum finished drug product fill 1 g, chosen placebo size 60 kg. The finished bulk is produced from material from process trains A and B, respectively, blended together in process train C. 2 CFU detected in the process train A placebo, 3 CFU detected in the process train B placebo, and 2 CFU detected in the process train C placebo after simulation.

最小产品批量200kg,最大成品药物分装量为1g,选择安慰剂量为60kg。最终原料由工艺线A和B分别生产物料,然后工艺线C中一起混合。模拟后工艺线A安慰剂中检测到2 CFU,工艺线B安慰剂中检测到3 CFU,工艺线C安慰剂中检测到2CFU.

1. The combined contamination level for the simulation batches is 7 CFU. It projects to 7 CFU in the production batch. 模拟批合并的污染水平为7 CFU。反映产品批中7 CFU。

2. Determine the minimum number of dosage forms produced from the production batch.


200,000 g/batch/1 g/unit = 200,000 units/batch

200,000 g/批/1 g/单位 = 200,000 单位/批

3. Calculate the maximum CFU/unit and compare to the limit ofNMT 0.0001 CFU/unit.

计算最大CFU/单位,与限度不超过0.0001 CFU/单位比较,

7 CFU/batch/200,000 units/batch = 0.000035 CFU/ unit

7 CFU/批/200,000 单位/批 = 0.000035 CFU/单位

Since the projected contamination rate 0.000035 CFU/unit does not exceed the limit of NMT 0.0001 CFU/unit the cumulative process simulation test passes.

由于所反映的污染率为0.000035 CFU/单位,未超过限度规定“不超过0.0001 CFU/单位”,累积的工艺模拟测试合格。

NOTE: Microbial count determination has similarities to the sterility test and contamination may be introduced as a consequence of the test environment, personnel and procedures employed. Validation of the test method for the material is essential to the success of this approach.


The use of a non-zero contamination rate mimics the approach used for dosage forms. The suggested approach requires tight (albeit, not absolute) control over the extent of microbial contamination acceptable in a process simulation and

allows for further improvement as technology and procedures are improved. Most importantly it enables meaningful evaluation of aseptic processing procedures for sterile bulks using a quantitative approach.


9.2.2. Qualitative 定性

Any process simulation can be evaluated using a qualitative (pass/fail) criterion. A qualitative approach can be used with any of the simulation methods. While it can offer handling advantages (relative to quantitative testing), it precludes recognition of the aseptic process simulation sampling and testing manipulations as a possible contributor to the presence of organisms since zero growth is the only acceptable option.




A comprehensive sampling and microbial identification scheme is crucial in the investigation and determination of source of any detected microbial contamination. In the instance when the process simulation test exhibits contamination possible sources of that contamination must be investigated. A detailed history of the investigation needs to be maintained.


Based upon the outcome of the investigation, the cause of the failure is either assignable or not assignable. It may be clearly assignable to a single source, or vaguely associated with multiple systems or processes which require redefining. If the cause is assignable, corrective action needs to be taken and documented. The root cause and the corrective action will dictate the number of process simulation tests required to demonstrate that the process is operating within the expected parameters. If no cause can be found, the process should be validated as though it were a new process. Multiple consecutive process simulation tests should be performed to demonstrate the ability to consistently produce acceptable product.



Each firm should determine the frequency of and interval between periodic simulation of each process. An annual evaluation of the need to perform a process simulation should be sufficient.

每个公司应规定每个工艺周期性模拟的频率和时间间隔。每年进行一次工艺模拟的评价应是足够的。Unscheduled process simulation tests may be required following a significant change. In such cases, the number of process simulation tests may vary, depending upon the extent of the change. Examples of such changes include:


? Major modifications to the equipment (interchanging standard parts does not constitute a major equipment modification)


? Modification to equipment or facilities that potentially affects the air quality or airflow in the aseptic environment


? Increases beyond the maximum number of production personnel used in process simulation testing


? Major changes to the aseptic production process and/or procedures.


? Introduction of a new fill volume larger than prior fills.


It also may be necessary to perform process simulation tests in response to adverse trends or failures in the on-going monitoring of the facility, equipment, personnel, environment or process.




In the conduct of aseptic process simulation tests for sterile BPC, the use of a sterile placebo material may be appropriate. Care must be taken in the choice of material to be used, and in its preparation, to avoid difficulties with the process simulation testing program. Depending upon the specific process equipment, and operating procedures, it may be appropriate to utilize a liquid or a powder as a test material. Consideration can also be given to the use of a growth promoting material or an inert material. In certain situations more than one test material can be utilized for different parts of the simulation program. Whichever material is utilized in the simulation, it should be processed and ultimately packaged as closely as possible to the sterile BPC being simulated.


Selection of Test Powder: The selection of powder test material for use in process simulation testing must consider several factors. The seemingly obvious choice of dry sterile microbiological growth media, itself, has proven less than successful because of its poor flow properties, which make its passage through sterile powder process equipment a considerable challenge. The principal placebo materials which have been used successfully are lactose, mannitol, and polyethylene glycol. The most common choice for a powder media is dry Soybean-Casein Digest Medium (SCDM), though other choices are certainly possible. The chosen material must be easily sterilizable, dispersible or dissolvable in the chosen medium with minimal agitation, have no adverse effect on growth promotion, and be easily handled in the simulation process equipment.


Selection of Test Liquid: The selection of a liquid test material is governed by several considerations. The use of a microbiological growth media is certainly possible; the most common objection to their use relate to concerns with the cleaning of residual media after completion of the simulation. Liquid media which have been utilized for process simulation include SCDM and peptone broth. Dilution of the media to lower strengths is employed and is acceptable provided growth promotion can be demonstrated (see below). Potential placebo fluids may range from Water for Injection to one of the solvents employed in the process, assuming the solvent has no significant antimicrobial activity. Test liquids are generally sterilized by 0.2 micron filtration using the housings required for the process.

测试液体的选择:液体测试物料的选择受几个因素支配。使用微生物生长培养基当然是一个可能;最常见的缺陷是它们的使用与模拟完成后残留培养基的清洗问题相关。液体培养基也用于工艺模拟,包括SCDM和蛋白胨肉汤。将培养基稀释到低浓度并能证明能促生长是可接受的(见后)。潜在的安慰剂流体从注射用水到工艺中使用的某种溶剂,如果该溶剂没有明显的抗微生物活性。测试流体一般使用工艺要求的过滤器进行0.2微米过滤。Sterilization of Test Powder (placebo or growth media): Part of the selection process requires the identification of a suitable sterilization method for the chosen material. The material being evaluated should be subjected to a validated sterilization process prior to the process simulation tests. The validation study should include verification that the sterilization process has no significant adverse effect on the material's properties. The most common sterilization method in use is irradiation in the same final container as used for the sterile powder being simulated. Alternatively, the material can be sterilized by dry heat or filtration, followed by bulk lyophilization. Along with the placebo material prepared for use in the filling trial, additional material in separate bags can be utilized for sterility testing after sterilization. The test samples can be tested if there is any question regarding the sterility of the material.


工艺确认 工艺验证

1.工艺验证系列:第一节--工艺验证概述及传统工艺验证 1.1.工艺验证的定义 工艺验证应当证明一个生产工艺按照规定的工艺参数能够持续生产出符合预定用途和注册要求的产品。 工艺验证可以有不同的验证方法,一般包括:传统工艺验证(前验证、同步验证)以及基于生命周期的工艺验证(工艺设计、工艺确认、持续工艺确认)。 工艺验证不应该是一次性的事情。鼓励药品生产企业采用新的工艺验证方法,即基于生命周期的方法,将工艺研发、商业生产工艺验证、常规商业化生产中持续工艺确认相结合,来确定工艺始终如一的处于受控状态。 1.2.工艺验证的一般原则 工艺验证的方法和方针应该有文件记录,例如,在验证总计划中规定。 采用新的生产处方或生产工艺进行的首次工艺验证应当涵盖该产品的所有规格。企业可根据风险评估的结果采用简略的方式进行后续的工艺验证,如选取有代表性的产品规格或包装规格、最差工艺条件进行验证,或适当减少验证批次。 工艺验证批的批量应当与预定的商业批的批量一致。 企业应当根据质量风险管理原则确定工艺验证批次数和取样计划,以获得充分的数据来评价工艺和产品质量。 企业通常应当至少进行连续三批成功的工艺验证。对产品生命周期中后续商业生产批次获得的信息和数据,进行持续的工艺确认。 企业应当有书面文件确定产品的关键质量属性、关键工艺参数、常规生产和工艺控制中的关键工艺参数范围,并根据对产品和工艺知识的理解进行更新。 工艺验证一般在支持性系统和设备确认完成后才可以开始。在某些情况下,工艺验证可能与性能确认同步开展。

用于工艺验证的分析方法已经过验证。 用于工艺验证批次生产的关键物料应当由批准的供应商提供,否则需评估可能存在的风险。 日常生产操作人员及工艺验证人员应当经过适当的培训。 工艺验证在执行前应进行适当的风险评估,以确定存在的风险点。 如企业从生产经验和历史数据中已获得充分的产品和工艺知识并有深刻理解,工艺变更后或持续工艺确认等验证方式,经风险评估后可进行适当的调整。 对于既有产品生产现场转移,生产工艺与控制必须符合上市授权,并符合当前对该产品类型的许可标准。如果需要的话,应提交上市授权变更。 对从一个场所转移到另外一个场所或者在相同场所的产品工艺验证,验证批的数目可以通过括号法减少。然而,现有的产品知识,包括以前的工艺验证内容,应该是合适的。如果合理,不同的规格、批量和包装量/容器类型的工艺验证的选择也可以使用括号法。 1.3.传统工艺验证 传统工艺验证的类型一般包括前瞻性验证、同步性验证。 前验证一般在药物研发和/或工艺研发结束后,在放大至生产规模后,成品上市前进行。前瞻性验证是正式商业化生产的质量活动,是在新产品、新处方、新工艺、新设备正式投入生产使用前,必须完成并达到设定要求的验证。 在对患者利益有很大的风险的例外情况,也可以在常规生产中进行工艺验证,即同步验证,例如,因药物短缺可能增加患者健康风险、因产品的市场需求量极小而无法连续进行验证批次的生产。然而,实施同步验证的决定必须进行论证,在验证总计划中进行记录,并由授权人员批准。因同步验证批次产品的工艺和质量评价尚未全部完成产品即已上市,企业应当增加对验证批次产品的监控。


附件3 无菌工艺模拟试验指南(无菌制剂) 1.目的 为指导和规范无菌制剂生产企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验,充分评价无菌制剂产品生产过程的无菌保障水平,确保无菌制剂的安全性,依据《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》及附录,制定本指南。 2.定义 本指南所述的无菌工艺模拟试验,是指采用适当的培养基或其他介质,模拟制剂生产中无菌操作的全过程,评价该工艺无菌保障水平的一系列活动。 3.范围 3.1本指南涵盖了无菌工艺模拟试验的基本要求、不同工艺模式的相应要求、试验的基本流程和结果评价等内容,适用于无菌制剂的无菌工艺验证。 3.2本指南所述条款是在现有无菌工艺技术基础上提出的相关要求,旨在规范企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验活动。在科学的基础上,鼓励新技术、新设备的引入,进一步提高无菌制剂的无菌保障水平。 4.原则 在对无菌生产工艺充分认知和生产经验累积的基础上,应结 —1 —

合工艺、设备、人员和环境等要素定期开展无菌工艺模拟试验,以确认无菌生产过程的可靠性。开展无菌工艺模拟试验应遵循以下原则: 4.1对无菌生产过程实施风险评估,识别生产过程风险点。评估结果应在试验方案设计时给予考虑。 4.2应充分考虑硬件装备水平与无菌风险的关联性,结合无菌生产过程所涉及到的工艺、设备、人员以及操作时限等因素针对性开展模拟试验。尽可能模拟实际无菌生产全过程。应特别关注暴露操作、人工干预等高风险过程。采用良好设计且受控的无菌灌装系统,特别是自动化的系统如吹灌封、隔离器等,污染率可大幅度降低。 4.3如在同一生产线生产不同剂型和容器规格的产品,应考虑模拟试验方案对各产品无菌工艺过程的适用性。应对有显著差异的无菌工艺过程开展模拟试验。采用风险评估的方式统筹考虑该生产线生产使用的容器类型、规格大小,产品类别,灌装速度、过程中断等环节,进行试验方案的设计。 5.无菌制剂生产工艺及模拟范围 无菌生产工艺通常包含:经除菌过滤或其他方法获取无菌药液或无菌粉末,在无菌条件下进行液体灌装或粉末分装,容器密封。冻干制剂在液体灌装的基础上增加了冷冻干燥过程。 无菌工艺模拟试验应从无菌操作的第一步开始,直至无菌产品完全密封结束。如果在产品制备阶段采用了无菌工艺,此部分工艺也应作为模拟验证的一部分。对于全过程无菌生产(如配制—2 —


1.【2018新课标1卷】焦亚硫酸钠(Na2S2O5)在医药、橡胶、印染、食品等方面应用广泛。回答下列问题: (1)生产Na2S2O5,通常是由NaHSO3过饱和溶液经结晶脱水制得。写出该过程的化学方程式__________。 (2)利用烟道气中的SO2生产Na2S2O5的工艺为: ①pH=4.1时,Ⅰ中为__________溶液(写化学式)。 ②工艺中加入Na2CO3固体、并再次充入SO2的目的是__________。 (3)制备Na2S2O5也可采用三室膜电解技术,装置如图所示,其中SO2碱吸收液中含有NaHSO3和Na2SO3。阳极的电极反应式为_____________。电解后,__________室的NaHSO3浓度增加。将该室溶液进行结晶脱水,可得到Na2S2O5。 (4)Na2S2O5可用作食品的抗氧化剂。在测定某葡萄酒中Na2S2O5残留量时,取50.00mL葡萄酒样品,用0.01000mol·L?1的碘标准液滴定至终点,消耗10.00mL。滴定反应的离子方程式为_____________,该样品中Na2S2O5的残留量为____________g·L?1(以SO2计)。 【答案】2NaHSO3=Na2S2O5+H2O NaHSO3得到NaHSO3过饱和溶液2H2O-4e-=4H++O2↑a

S2O52-+2I2+3H2O=2SO42-+4I-+6H+0.128 【解析】分析:(1)根据原子守恒书写方程式; (2)①根据溶液显酸性判断产物; ②要制备焦亚硫酸钠,需要制备亚硫酸氢钠过饱和溶液,据此判断; (3)根据阳极氢氧根放电,阴极氢离子放电,结合阳离子交换膜的作用解答; (4)焦亚硫酸钠与单质碘发生氧化还原反应,据此书写方程式;根据方程式计算残留量。 详解:(1)亚硫酸氢钠过饱和溶液脱水生成焦亚硫酸钠,根据原子守恒可知反应的方程式为2NaHSO3=Na2S2O5+H2O; (2)①碳酸钠饱和溶液吸收SO2后的溶液显酸性,说明生成物是酸式盐,即Ⅰ中为NaHSO3; ②要制备焦亚硫酸钠,需要制备亚硫酸氢钠过饱和溶液,因此工艺中加入碳酸钠固体、并再次充入二 氧化硫的目的是得到NaHSO3过饱和溶液; 点睛:本题以焦亚硫酸钠的制备、应用为载体考查学生对流程的分析、电解原理的应用以及定量分析等,题目难度中等。难点是电解池的分析与判断,注意结合电解原理、交换膜的作用、离子的移动方向分析电极反应、亚硫酸氢钠浓度的变化。易错点是最后一问,注意计算残留量时应该以二氧化硫计,而不是焦亚硫酸钠。 2.【2018新课标2卷】我国是世界上最早制得和使用金属锌的国家,一种以闪锌矿(ZnS,含有SiO2和少量FeS、CdS、PbS杂质)为原料制备金属锌的流程如图所示: 相关金属离子[c0(M n+)=0.1mol·L-1]形成氢氧化物沉淀的pH范围如下:


目录 1 概述 (1) 2 验证目的 (1) 3 适用范围 (1) 4 职责 (1) 5 验证人员 (1) 6 验证要求 (1) 7 验证工艺 (2) 8 工艺描述 (2) 9 取样计划及可接受标准 (5) 10 验证过程 (6) 11 验证结果与评价 (8) 12 偏差 (10) 13 稳定性试验 (10) 14 再验证 (10)

1概述 1.1产品描述 1.2公司生产的*****为无菌原料药,其工艺验证主要为工艺过程的验证,包括精制结晶、 过滤洗涤烘干、包装和无菌生产验证,以及不溶性颗粒的控制。 1.3验证采用同步验证,取连续三批试生产批的数据利用制图(或表)统计分析方法进行数 据分析。 1.4本验证是在厂房设施验证、设备验证、设备清洗验证、工艺用水验证、无菌生产验证已 完成的基础上进行的。 2验证目的 通过验证证明*****无菌原料药的生产工艺处于控制状态,所有被定义为关键工艺及控制参数范围已被验证,此工艺能恒定地生产出符合预先规定的质量标准的产品。 3适用范围 适用于公司*****无菌原料药生产工艺的验证 4职责 4.1生产技术部负责验证方案和验证报告的起草、生产计划的安排(包括与各部门的协调)。 4.2生产车间负责生产的进行和批生产记录的填写。 4.3质量管理部负责检验方法的验证和中间过程、产品的检测。 4.4验证工作组负责验证方案和验证报告的审核和批准。 5验证人员 6 6.1所有原辅料必须通过各个原辅料测试标准规定的所有项目 6.2

6.3 品分成三个1/3部分,在每个部分中取样,开始的1/3为B;中间的1/3为M,末了的1/3为E。 6.3.1验证时的取样除常规取样点外,还必须增加额外的取样点。 6.3.2每个部位的样品,必须单独测试有关项目。 7验证工艺 8 8.1工艺流程图及工序管理点 8.1.1工艺流程图


工艺验证方案 本公司产品XXXXX是非无菌原料药产品,为保证生产工艺在实际生产中的有效性和可靠性,故对其进行工艺验证,本工艺验证采用同步验证的方式。本生产工艺的验证是由质量管理部负责组织,生产技术部、设备工程部、生产车间及QC检验室有关人员参与实施。 本工艺验证方案参考了ICH Q7A的生产工艺验证的指导原则。 验证小组成员 方案制订 方案审核 方案批准

目录 1. 基本情况 (4) 1.1. 概述 (4) 1.2. 生产工艺 (4) 1.2.1. 生产工艺流程图 (4) 1.2.2. 生产工艺的详细描述 (4) 1.2.3. 关键工艺步骤和参数 (4) 2. 验证目的 (5) 3. 验证前提 (5) 3.1. 工艺环境包括公用系统情况 (5) 3.2. 工艺设备情况 (5) 3.3. 所用原辅料和包装材料情况 (5) 3.4. 所用文件的准备情况 (6) 3.5. 人员情况 (6) 4. 验证方案 (6) 4.1. 验证计划 (6) 4.2. 第一步反应(生产XXXXX粗品)的验证(应包括所有重点 考察的生产关键参数、结晶、离心、干燥) (6) 4.2.1第一步反应(生产XXXXX粗品)关键工艺参数验证 (6) 4.2.2第一步反应收率情况验证 (7) 4.2.3第一步反应中间体的质量情况验证 (7) 4.3. 粗品精制工序的验证 (8) 4.3.1溶解脱色验证 (8) 4.3.2 结晶工序验证 (8) 4.3.3 分离工序验证 (9) 4.3.4 干燥工序验证 (10) 4.3.5小批成品收率情况验证 (10) 4.3.6小批成品的质量情况验证 (11) 4.4批混合工艺的验证 (11) 4.4.1批混合工序关键工艺参数验证 (11) 4.4.2批混合效果的验证 (11) 4.5最终成品的质量情况验证 (12)


无菌工艺模拟试验指南(无菌制剂) (征求意见稿) 国家食品药品监督管理总局 食品药品审核查验中心

二〇一六年十月 目录 1.目的 (1) 2.定义 (1) 3.范围 (1) 4.原则 (2) 5.无菌制剂生产工艺及模拟范围 (2) 6.模拟试验方案的设计及实施过程要求 (3) 6.1. 无菌工艺模拟试验的前提条件 (3) 6.2.基于风险的方案设计 (4) 6.3.模拟介质的选择与评价 (4) 6.4.灌装数量及模拟持续时间 (8) 6.5.容器装量 (9) 6.6. 模拟试验方法的选择 (9) 6.7. 最差条件的选择 (10) 6.8.干预 (12) 6.9.容器规格 (13) 6.10.培养与观察 (14) 6.11. 计数与数量平衡 (15) 6.12. 环境(包括人员)监控 (15) 6.13. 人员因素 (16) 6.14. 不同剂型应考虑的特殊因素 (16) 6.15. 方案的实施 (19) 7.可接受标准与结果评价 (20)

8.污染调查及纠正措施 (21) 9.模拟试验的周期与再验证 (21) 10.无菌工艺模拟试验的局限性 (212) 11.术语 (23) 12. 参考文献 (24)

无菌工艺模拟试验指南(无菌制剂) 1.目的 为指导和规范无菌制剂生产企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验,充分评价无菌制剂产品生产过程的无菌保障水平,确保无菌制剂的安全性,依据《药品生产质量管理规范》(2010版)及附录,制定本指南。 2.定义 本指南所述的无菌工艺模拟试验,是指采用适当的培养基或其他介质,模拟制剂生产中无菌操作的全过程,评价该工艺无菌保障水平的一系列活动。 3.范围 3.1.本指南涵盖了无菌工艺模拟试验的基本要求、不同工艺模式的相应要求、试验的基本流程等内容,适用于无菌制剂的无菌工艺验证。 3.2.本指南所述条款是在现有无菌工艺技术基础上提出的相 关要求,旨在规范企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验活动。在科学的基础上,鼓励新技术、新设备的引入,进一步提高无菌制剂的无菌保障水平。 4.原则 在对无菌生产工艺充分认知和生产经验累积的基础上,应结合工艺、设备、人员和环境等要素定期开展无菌工艺模拟试验,


工艺回顾性验证方案 和数理统计分析 文件编码:×××××××× 起草人:日期:年月日 验证小组会签: 生产管理部经理:日期:年月日设备动力部经理:日期:年月日Q C室主任:日期:年月日质量管理部经理:日期:年月日 方案批准: 验证委员会主任:日期:年月日 方案执行: 执行日年月日

验证小组组长: 目录 一、概述 二、验证目的 三、验证组织和职责 四、数据选择和收集 五、数据采用的统计分析方法 六、*******药品回顾性验证和数理统计分析 七、*******药品收率数理统计分析 八、*******药品**有效成分含量数理统计分析 九、 *******药品成品水分数理统计分析 十、偏差 十一、结果评价与结论 十三、验证小组领导意见

一、概述 为确保在提高*******药品质量标准后生产出合格的*******药品,经过半年生产后对*******药品生产工艺进行回顾性验证。通过回顾性验证证明*******药品的生产工艺确实能够稳定地生产出符合预定规格及质量标准的产品,生产工艺具有可靠性和重现性。 二、验证目的 在提高*******药品质量标准后生产的*******药品中按相关的要求选取30批*******药品,通过统计分析。检验证实生产工艺和产品质量能够符合质量标准。确认本生产工艺稳定、操作规合理,工艺具有可靠性和重现性,确保能生产出合格的产品。 三、验证组织和职责 1 、验证小组成员表 验证小组成员表

2、职责 2.1验证委员会 2.1.1 负责审阅并批准工艺回顾性验证方案。 2.1.2负责验证结论的判定批准。 2.2质量管理部 2.2.1组织验证工作的实施及各部门的协调,保证验证工作有序的进行。 2.2.2负责验证方案的审核,及操作过程中对验证文件修订的审核工作。 2.2.3负责验证方案及实施计划的归档工作。 2.2.4负责审核相关数据的准确性、真实性。 2.3生产管理部 2.3.1负责编写工艺回顾性验证方案。 2.3.2负责完成工艺回顾性验证。 2.3.3审阅工艺回顾验证方案﹑数据和最后的报告。 2.3.3审核验证对所需的测试项目是否全部完成可上报批准。 四、数据的选择和收集 1、数据的选择和收集依据 1.1 生产记录是在同一生产工艺下完成。 1.2检验结果是在同一检验环境下完成。 1.3生产记录和检验结果必须真实可靠。 1.4选择和收集的数据不少于10批,最好在20批以上。 1.5选择和收集数据的批次是连续生产的。



工艺验证管理办法 1适用范围 本标准适用于本公司所有产品工艺验证。 2工艺验证的目的 通过工艺验证的有效实施,考察某一工艺过程是否能始终如一地生产出符合预定规格及质量标准的产品。为工艺规程定稿提供依据。 3职责 技术部:负责工艺验证方案的起草,并下发相关单位。 生产部:负责工艺验证方案的计划下达。 生产车间:负责工艺验证方案的组织实施。 质保部:负责按计划完成工艺验证方案中相关检验任务,确保检验结论正确可靠。并总结验证结果,向技术部提交验证产品的检测报告。 工艺员:负责工艺验证现场指导,解决验证现场问题,校对和调整、固化工艺文件。 技术负责人:负责审核工艺验证方案及报告。 技术副总:负责批准工艺验证方案及报告。 4内容

4.1验证小组成员 工艺员、生产部相关人员、检验员、质量员、生产车间相关人员。 4.2验证步骤 4.2.1制订验证计划由工艺员首先起草该工艺的验证计划,然后将验证计划交给验证小组讨论和 审批后分发至各责任部门。验证计划包括: 简介:简要说明验证对象信息、验证目的和拟采用的验证方法。 验证小组成员。 验证工作日程安排表(包括各验证项目的实施部门、责任人、实施日期及完成日期)。 4.2.2验证准备:负责验证现场的工装管理员提前半个工作日通知做好准备工作。工艺员负责提供现场验证的工艺文件。检验员负责准备好现场验证检测器具和质量文件。相关车间负责按验证计划准备好相应的工装设备、生产材料,并指派好验


附件2 无菌工艺模拟试验指南(无菌原料药) 1.目的 为指导和规范无菌原料药生产企业开展无菌工艺模拟验证,充分评价无菌原料药生产过程的无菌保障水平,确保无菌原料药的安全性,依据《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》及附录,制定本指南。 2.定义 本指南所述的无菌工艺模拟试验,是指采用适当的培养基或其他介质,模拟原料药生产中无菌操作的全过程,评价该工艺无菌保障水平的一系列活动。 3.范围 3.1本指南涵盖了无菌工艺模拟试验的基本要求、不同工艺模式的相应要求、试验的基本流程和结果评价等内容,适用于无菌原料药的无菌工艺验证。 3.2本指南所述条款是在现有无菌工艺技术基础上提出的相关要求,旨在规范企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验活动。在科学的基础上,鼓励新技术、新设备的引入,进一步提高无菌原料药的无菌保障水平。 4.原则 在对无菌生产工艺充分认知和生产经验累积的基础上,应结 —1 —

合工艺、设备、人员和环境等要素定期开展无菌工艺模拟试验,以确认无菌生产过程的可靠性。同时也为企业及时识别风险,进而改进无菌控制措施提供数据支持。开展无菌工艺模拟试验应遵循以下原则: 4.1 基于无菌工艺设计,对无菌生产全过程实施风险评估,识别生产过程风险点,评估现有控制措施的有效性。模拟试验方案设计时,应充分考虑风险评估的结果。 4.2 应充分考虑硬件装备水平与无菌风险的关联性,结合无菌生产过程所涉及到的工艺、设备、人员以及操作时限等因素针对性开展模拟试验,尽可能模拟实际无菌生产全过程,应特别关注暴露操作、人工干预等高风险过程。 4.3 如生产线有多种无菌生产工艺,应采用风险管理的模式,在综合评价不同无菌生产工艺的基础上设计模拟试验方案,以评价每种无菌工艺过程的可靠性。 4.4 如无菌生产工艺存在显著差异,宜对每种工艺开展模拟试验。 5.无菌原料药生产工艺及模拟范围 无菌原料药的无菌生产工艺通常为:原料药进一步精制和无菌操作的结合,作为无菌原料药生产工艺的开始,多采用除菌过滤或其他除菌技术将物料中的微生物去除,之后采取无菌操作技术的工艺单元,最终获得免受微生物污染的原料药。无菌工艺模拟试验应从第一步无菌操作开始,即经除菌过滤或其他方法获取无菌药液,直至无菌产品完全密封结束。 —2 —


工艺验证管理细则 1. 本细则规定了工艺验证的范围,基本任务,主要验证内容和验证程序。 2. 本细则适用于本公司产品工艺验证。 3. 工艺验证范围:凡需批量生产的新产品,在样件试制鉴定后批量生产前,均需进行小批试生产工艺验证。 4. 工艺验证的基本任务: 通过小批试生产,考核工艺文件和工艺装备的合理性和适应性,以保证今后批量生产中产品质量稳定,精益成本,达到顾客要求并符合相关国家法律法规要求。 5. 主要验证内容: 5.1工艺文件是否齐全; 5.2工艺规定的特征参数是否达到设计要求; 5.3关键特殊工序是否明确; 5.4设备及工艺装备能否满足产品质量要求; 5.5量检具的配备率及检测能力是否满足生产技术质量要求; 5.6产品质量达到规定要求的情况。 6. 验证程序: 6.1制定验证实施计划,验证实施计划的内容应包括:主要验证项目;验证的技术准备;组织措施和时间地点的安排。 6.2验证前的准备: 6.2.1生产部门负责下达验证计划并做好试生产的全部材料或毛坯准备; 6.2.2技术部门负责提供验证所需的工艺文件和有关资料; 6.2.3相关生产车间提供所需的全部设备、工艺装备,并做好试生产准备; 6.2.4质检部门做好检查准备。 6.3实施验证: 6.3.1验证时必须严格按工艺文件要求进行试生产; 6.3.2验证性的试生产件数量为:一般情况,总体尺寸≤100×100时=10 ~ 30件;总体尺寸>100×100 ~ ≤500×500时=5-20件;总体尺寸>500×500以上时约

3-10件;较大型覆盖件、成本较高的产品应根据情况临时按排试生产数量。6.3.3验证过程中,有关工艺和工装设计人员必须经常到生产现场进行跟踪考察,认真听取生产操作者的合理化意见,对有助于改进工艺、工装的建议要积极采纳,发现问题及时进行解决,并要详细记录问题发生的原因和解决措施。 6.4验证总结与鉴定: 6.4.1验证总结: 试生产验证结束后,技术部门应填写工艺验证书,其内容包括: ①试生产件的名称图号、验证内容、数量、时间; ②工艺文件的准备情况、特征参数是否达到设计要求; ③设备和工艺装备的准备情况、工装设备是否满足产品质量要求; ④量检具的配备率及检测能力是否满足生产技术质量要求; ⑤关键特殊工序是否明确; ⑥产品质量达到规定要求的情况; ⑦质检部门填写产品验证记录表; ⑧验证结果分析:其内容包括验证情况及结果分析和改进意见; ⑨验证结论:内容包括对今后批量生产的意见和建议。 6.4.2验证鉴定: ①一般产品有企业技术主要负责人主持召开由各相关科室及生产车间参加的工艺验证鉴定会,根据工艺验证总结和各方面的意见,确定该产品工艺验证是否合格,能否进行批量生产。对作出鉴定结果的验证书,参加鉴定会的成员应在验证书会签栏签名。鉴定合格的产品,由质检部门发出合格产品通知单。鉴定不合格的产品,由技术部门组织整改,整改后进入下一轮验证程序。 ②对被纳入主机厂验证计划的重要产品,在通过本企业鉴定后,还需要报主机厂,主机厂下达验证计划的主管部门组织验收,根据主机厂相应主管部门发出的产品试制鉴定通知,质检部门通知生产部门对验收合格的产品组织批量生产。验收不合格的,由质检部门通知技术部门组织整改,整改后进入下一轮验证程序。 编制:批准:


ISE TCAD 课程设计教学大纲 ISE TCAD 环境的熟悉了解 一.GENESISe ——ISE TCAD 模拟工具的用户主界面 1) 包括GENESISe 平台下如何浏览、打开、保存、增加、删除、更改项目;增加实 验;增加实验参数;改变性能;增加工具流程等; 2) 理解基本的项目所需要使用的工具,每个工具的具体功能及相互之间的关系。 二.工艺流程模拟工具LIGMENT/DIOS ,器件边界及网格加密工具MDRAW 1) 掌握基本工艺流程,能在LIGMENT 平台下完成一个完整工艺的模拟; 2) 在运用DIOS 工具时会调用在LIGMENT 中生成的*_dio.cmd 文件; 3) 能直接编辑*_dio.cmd 文件,并在终端下运行; 4) 掌握在MDRAW 平台下进行器件的边界、掺杂、网格的编辑。 三.器件仿真工具DESSIS ,曲线检测工具INSPECT 和TECPLOT 。 1) 理解DESSIS 文件的基本结构,例如:文件模块、电路模块、物理模块、数学模 块、解算模块; 2) 应用INSPECT 提取器件的参数,例如:MOSFET 的阈值电压(Vt )、击穿电压 BV 、饱和电流Isat 等; 3) 应用TECPLOT 观察器件的具体信息,例如:杂质浓度、电场、晶格温度、电子 密度、迁移率分布等。 课程设计题目 设计一 PN 结实验 1) 运用MDRAW 工具设计一个PN 结的边界(如图所示)及掺杂; 2) 在MDRAW 下对器件必要的位置进行网格加密; 3) 编辑*_des.cmd 文件,并在终端下运行此程序,考虑偏压分别在-2V ,0V ,0.5V 时各自的特性; 4) 应用TECPLOT 工具查看PN 结的杂质浓度,电场分布,电子电流密度,空穴电 流密度分布。 提示:*_des.cmd 文件的编辑可以参看软件中提供的例子并加以修改。 所需条件:17 103?=A N , 18 103?=D N 设计二 NMOS 管阈值电压Vt 特性实验 1) 运用MDRAW 工具设计一个栅长为0.18m μ的NMOS 管的边界及掺杂; 2) 在MDRAW 下对器件必要的位置进行网格加密;


审批 部门姓名签名日期起草人品质管理部 起草人生产技术部 起草人针剂车间 审核人针剂车间 审核人生产技术部 审核人质检中心 审核人品质管理部 批准人质量负责人 分发部门: 培养基模拟灌装(小容量注射剂)无菌生产工艺验证小组 一、概述 厂区无菌操作生产线,按2010 版 GMP及其附录要求进行设计,是专用于小容量注射剂非最终灭菌产品 生产使用。 某某产品因无法进行F0≥8 分钟湿热灭菌,以达到SAL≤ 10-6,但处方可以通过微生物滞留过滤器过滤,

故采用除菌过滤和无菌工艺相结合的灭菌方法。 无菌生产工艺是制药领域中最难的工艺之一,确保产品无菌是该工艺最大的难点,减少无菌工艺药品污染风险的两项重要措施为:①人员的培训②无菌工艺验证。 按 SFDA化学药品注射剂基本技术要求:培养基灌装验证是对设备、环境以及人员操作的一种系统验证, 是判断无菌保证水平的关键手段。故在正式生产前必须按某某产品生产工艺进行培养基模拟灌装验证。 1 本次验证关键生产工艺流程图 安瓿的清洗称量配料工器具清洗和灭菌 除菌过滤 干热灭菌 灌封 灯检 D级背景 C 级背景 A 级背景一般区 2验证原理 将培养基暴露于设备、容器密封系统的表面和关键环境条件中,并模拟实际生产完成工艺操作。对装有培养基的密闭容器进行培养以检查微生物的生长并评价结果,确定实际生产中产品污染的可能性。对于失败的验证进行菌种分析并调查,确认并解决可能造成失败的原因后,重新进行验证。 3验证次数 按 2010 版 GMP附录 1 要求因该生产线为新建厂区设施,为培养基模拟灌装试验的首次验证,故需进行 连续三个批次的验证活动。 二、验证目的 1通过该工艺验证活动证明新设计厂房采用既定的无菌生产工艺能保证产品的无菌要求; 2通过该工艺验证活动证明无菌操作相关人员资格,降低人员带入无菌的风险; 3通过该工艺验证活动确保生产符合现行GMP法规要求。 三、验证范围和实施时间 1 本验证方案适用于厂区小容量注射剂车间无菌生产线正式投入使用前某某品种小容量注射剂无菌生产工艺培养基模拟灌装验证活动;


工艺流程模拟计算 1、工艺流程模拟目的 (1)物料衡算 物料衡算就是根据质量守恒定律确定原料和产品间的定量关系,计算出原料和辅助材料的用量、各种中间产品、副产品、成品的产量和组成以及三废的排放量。 物料平衡是进行工艺设计和设备设计的基础,通常在完成物料衡算的基础上才能进行能量衡算,进行工艺方案的比选,指导设备的工艺计算及选型、仪表选型、管道尺寸计算等,完成化工过程的PFD和PID的设计。另外,通过物料衡算还可以分析实际生产过程是否完善,从而找出改造措施来改进工艺流程,达到提高收率、减少副产物和降低三废排放量等目的。 (2)能量衡算 在生产过程中能量消耗是一项重要的技术经济指标,他是衡量生产方法是否合理、先进的重要标志之一。热量衡算是在物料衡算的基础上依据能量守恒定律,定量表示工艺过程的能量变化,计算需要外界提供的能量或系统可输出的能量,由此确定加热剂或冷却剂的用量、机泵等输送设备的功率以及换热设备的尺寸。此外,通过整个工艺过程的能量衡算还可以得出过程的能耗指标,分析工艺过程的能量利用是否合理,以便节能降耗,提高过程的能量利用水平。 工艺专业在完成全过程物料、能量平衡计算后,应把主要物流计算结果列于物料平衡表,也可直接表示在工艺流程图上。 2、工艺流程模拟计算软件 (1)工艺装置采用PRO/II软件、ASPEN PLUS软件或HYSYS软件; (2)火炬、装置空气等系统管网应采用INPLANT软件。 (3)当以上软件不适用时,可采用其它软件,但应通过工艺室技术组认可、主管副总或主管副总经理审定、公司技术委员会批准。 3、计算基础 (1)计算所需的原始数据(如原料组成、产品要求等)。 (2)编制计算输入文件应依据确定的工艺流程方案。 4、计算步骤 (1)根据工艺流程方案编制计算流程框图; (2)初步确定每个工艺操作单元的操作条件;


灭菌/无菌工艺验证指导原则(第二稿) 目录 1概述 (2) 2制剂湿热灭菌工艺 (3) 2.1湿热灭菌工艺的研究 (3) 2.1.1 湿热灭菌工艺的确定依据 (3) 2.1.2过度杀灭法的工艺研究 (5) 2.1.3残存概率法的工艺研究 (5) 2.2湿热灭菌工艺的验证 (7) 2.2.1物理确认 (7) 2.2.2 生物学确认 (9) 3制剂无菌生产工艺 (10) 3.1无菌生产工艺的研究 (10) 3.1.1无菌分装生产工艺的研究 (10) 3.1.2 过滤除菌生产工艺的研究 (11) 3.2 无菌生产工艺的验证 (12) 3.2.1培养基模拟灌装试验 (12) 3.2.2 除菌过滤系统的验证 (14) 4原料药无菌生产工艺 (17) 4.1 无菌原料药生产工艺特点 (18) 4.1.1 溶媒结晶工艺 (18) 4.1.2 冷冻干燥工艺 (19) 4.2 无菌原料药工艺验证 (19) 4.2.1 验证批量 (19) 4.2.2 最差条件 (19)

1概述 无菌药品是指法定药品标准中列有无菌检查项目的制剂和原料药,一般包括注射剂、无菌原料药及滴眼剂等。从严格意义上讲,无菌药品应完全不含有任何活的微生物,但由于目前检验手段的局限性,绝对无菌的概念不能适用于对整批产品的无菌性评价,因此目前所使用的“无菌”概念,是概率意义上的“无菌”。一批药品的无菌特性只能通过该批药品中活微生物存在的概率低至某个可接受的水平,即无菌保证水平(Sterility Assurance Level, SAL)来表征。而这种概率意义上的无菌保证取决于合理且经过验证的灭菌工艺过程、良好的无菌保证体系以及生产过程中严格的GMP管理。 无菌药品通常的灭菌方式可分为:1)湿热灭菌;2)干热灭菌;3)辐射灭菌;4)气体灭菌;5)除菌过滤。按工艺的不同分为最终灭菌工艺(sterilizing process)和无菌生产工艺(aseptic processing)。其中最终灭菌工艺系指将完成最终密封的产品进行适当灭菌的工艺,由此生产的无菌制剂称为最终灭菌无菌药品,湿热灭菌和辐射灭菌均属于此范畴。无菌生产工艺系指在无菌环境条件下,通过无菌操作来生产无菌药品的方法,除菌过滤和无菌生产均属于无菌生产工艺。部分或全部工序采用无菌生产工艺的药品称为非最终灭菌无菌药品。基于无菌药品灭菌/除菌生产工艺的现状,本指导原则主要对在注射剂与无菌原料药的生产中比较常用的湿热灭菌与无菌生产工艺进行讨论。本指导原则中的湿热灭菌工艺验证主要包括灭菌条件的筛选和研究,湿热灭菌的物理确认,生物指示剂确认等内容;无菌生产工艺验证主要包括无菌分装、除菌过滤、培养基模拟灌装、过滤系统的验证等验证内容。 最终灭菌工艺和无菌生产工艺实现产品无菌的方法有本质上的差异,从而决定了由这两类工艺生产的产品应该达到的最低无菌保证水平的巨大差异。最终灭菌无菌产品的无菌保证水平为残存微生物污染概率≤10-6,非最终灭菌无菌产品的无菌保证水平至少应达到95%置信限下的污染概率<0.1%。由此可见,非最终灭菌无菌产品存在微生物污染的概率远远高于最终灭菌无菌产品,为尽量减少非最终灭菌无菌产品污染微生物的概率,鼓励企业在生产中采用隔离舱等先进技术设备。 基于质量源于设计的药品研发与质量控制的理念,为保证无菌药品的无菌保证水平符合要求,研发者在产品的研发过程中应根据药品的特性选择合适的灭


工艺验证管理制度示范文 本 In The Actual Work Production Management, In Order To Ensure The Smooth Progress Of The Process, And Consider The Relationship Between Each Link, The Specific Requirements Of Each Link To Achieve Risk Control And Planning 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

工艺验证管理制度示范文本 使用指引:此管理制度资料应用在实际工作生产管理中为了保障过程顺利推进,同时考虑各个环节之间的关系,每个环节实现的具体要求而进行的风险控制与规划,并将危害降低到最小,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 1. 工艺验证由生产技术科和质管科两个部门共同负 责。 2. 工艺验证应达到预期的质量效果,能证明新工艺更 合理更有效。 3. 对工艺验证过程中出现的问题应采取措施及时解 决。 4. 工艺验证后应由验证部门记录或出具报告。 5. 有以下情况之一的应进行工艺验证: a ) 主要原料改变时; b ) 增加或减少工序时; c ) 有新设备加入时; d ) 采用新的工艺方法时;

e ) 产品结构改变时; f ) 新产品试产时; g ) 相应法规规定时。 请在此位置输入品牌名/标语/slogan Please Enter The Brand Name / Slogan / Slogan In This Position, Such As Foonsion


今日,国家药品监督管理局发布了《无菌工艺模拟试验指南(无菌制剂)》,作为实施《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》的指导性文件,指南计划于2018年10月1日生效。 指南全文如下: 无菌工艺模拟试验指南 (无菌制剂) 1. 目的 为指导和规范无菌制剂生产企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验,充分评价无菌制剂产品生产过程的无菌保障水平,确保无菌制剂的安全性,依据《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》及附录,制定本指南。 2. 定义 本指南所述的无菌工艺模拟试验,是指采用适当的培养基或其他介质,模拟制剂生产中无菌操作的全过程,评价该工艺无菌保障水平的一系列活动。 3. 范围 3.1本指南涵盖了无菌工艺模拟试验的基本要求、不同工艺模式的相应要求、试验的基本流程和结果评价等内容,适用于无菌制剂的无菌工艺验证。 3.2本指南所述条款是在现有无菌工艺技术基础上提出的相关要求,旨在规范企业开展无菌工艺模拟试验活动。在科学的基础上,鼓励新技术、新设备的引入,进一步提高无菌制剂的无菌保障水平。 4. 原则 在对无菌生产工艺充分认知和生产经验累积的基础上,应结合工艺、设备、人员和环境等要素定期开展无菌工艺模拟试验,以确认无菌生产过程的可靠性。开展无菌工艺模拟试验应遵循以下原则: 4.1对无菌生产过程实施风险评估,识别生产过程风险点。评估结果应在试验方案设计时给予考虑。 4.2应充分考虑硬件装备水平与无菌风险的关联性,结合无菌生产过程所涉及到的工艺、设备、人员以及操作时限等因素针对性开展模拟试验。尽可能模拟实际无菌生产全过程。应特别关注暴露操作、人工干预等高风险过程。采用良好设计

且受控的无菌灌装系统,特别是自动化的系统如吹灌封、隔离器等,污染率可大幅度降低。 4.3如在同一生产线生产不同剂型和容器规格的产品,应考虑模拟试验方案对各产品无菌工艺过程的适用性。应对有显著差异的无菌工艺过程开展模拟试验。采用风险评估的方式统筹考虑该生产线生产使用的容器类型、规格大小,产品类别,灌装速度、过程中断等环节,进行试验方案的设计。 5. 无菌制剂生产工艺及模拟范围 无菌生产工艺通常包含:经除菌过滤或其他方法获取无菌药液或无菌粉末,在无菌条件下进行液体灌装或粉末分装,容器密封。冻干制剂在液体灌装的基础上增加了冷冻干燥过程。 无菌工艺模拟试验应从无菌操作的第一步开始,直至无菌产品完全密封结束。如果在产品制备阶段采用了无菌工艺,此部分工艺也应作为模拟验证的一部分。对于全过程无菌生产(如配制后不能除菌过滤)的产品,无菌工艺模拟还应涵盖原液配制、半成品配制等无菌操作过程。企业应根据风险评估确定无菌工艺模拟试验的起始工序。 6. 模拟试验方案的设计及实施过程要求 模拟试验是一个系统性工程,通过模拟无菌生产工艺全过程,证实生产过程中无菌保障措施的有效性。应从以下几方面关注模拟试验的设计与实施: 6.1无菌工艺模拟试验的前提条件 在无菌工艺模拟试验之前应确认与无菌工艺相关的支持性系统和灭菌系统等验 证已完成,并达到了可接受的标准。 6.1.1 工艺设备、公用系统和辅助设施已按照预期完成了设计、安装、运行确认及与无菌生产有关的性能确认。 6.1.2 已对工艺设备、公用系统、辅助设施,如高压灭菌设备、配液罐、隧道烘箱等的灭菌方法完成了相应的验证。物料及厂房、设施所使用消毒剂及消毒方式完成了相关的验证。 6.1.3 药液及产品接触的气体、设备组件、容器、器具等灭菌工艺或除菌工艺的验证已经完成。 6.1.4 无菌生产区域的气流及环境达到了设计要求,并能稳定运行。但不得采用对环境或者器具进行过度灭菌或消毒的方式提高无菌保证水平。 6.1.5 根据无菌生产工艺要求建立了相关受控操作文件。


2015中考化学试题分类汇编——工艺流程题 1.(安徽)我国制碱工业先驱侯德榜发明了“侯氏制碱法”。其模拟流程如下: (1)反应①的化学方程式________________,反应②的基本反应类型为_______。 (2)工业上用分离液态空气 的方法制取氢气,属于_______变化(填“物理”或“化学”)。 (3)操作a 的名称是_____,实验室进行此操作所需的玻璃仪器有烧杯、玻璃棒、______。 (4)写出NH 4Cl 的一种用途________________。 (1)CaCO 3 =CaO+CO 2↑;分解反应。(2)物理;(3)过滤;漏斗。(4)做化肥或氮肥等。 2. (益阳)过氧化钙晶体﹝CaO 2·8H 2O ﹞较稳定,呈白色,微溶于水,广泛应用于环境杀菌、消毒。以贝壳为原料制备CaO 2流程如下: (1)气体X 是CO 2,其名称是 二氧化碳 ;将过氧化钙晶体与溶液分离的方法是 过滤 。 (2)反应Y 需控制温度在0~5℃,可将反应容器放在 冰水混合物 中,该反应是化合反应,反应产物是CaO 2·8H 2O ,请写出化学方程式CaO 2+H 2O 2+7H 2O =CaO 2·8H 2O 。获得的过氧化钙晶体中常含有Ca(OH)2杂质,原因是 CaO 或Ca(OH)2过量,且Ca(OH)2微溶 。 (3)CaO 2的相对分子质量为 72 ,过氧化钙晶体﹝CaO 2·8H 2O ﹞中H 、O 元素的质量比为 1∶10 。 (4)为测定制得的过氧化钙晶体中CaO 2·8H 2O 的质量分数,设计的实验如下:称取晶体样品50g ,加热到220℃充分反应(方程式为2CaO 2·8H 2O =====△2CaO +O 2↑+16H 2O ↑,杂质不发生变化),测得生成氧气的质量为 3.2g ,请计算样品中CaO 2·8H 2O 的质量分数(CaO 2·8H 2O 相对分子质量为216),写出必要的计算过程。 解:设样品中CaO 2·8H 2O 的质量为x 2CaO 2·8H 2O =====△2CaO +O 2↑+16H 2O ↑ 432 32 x 3.2 ∴x =43.2(g ) ∴ 样品中CaO 2·8H 2O 的质量分数为=86.4% 答:样品中CaO 2·8H 2O 的质量分数为=86.4% 3. (呼和浩特)空气中氮气的含量最多,氮气在高温、高能量条件下可与某些物质发生反应。下图是以空气和其他必要的原料合成氮肥(NH 4NO 3)的工业流程。请按要求回答下列问题: %10050 32.4


现代化背景下探讨关于药品生产工艺验证的新举措 药品生产企业在药品生产工艺验证阶段投入多,对工艺适应性了解越多,对生产工艺验证特点了解越多,通过详细的生产设计和验证,就会对生产的产品质量保证越高,使药品生產企业建立高度自信。重视药品生产工艺验证,了解药品生产工艺验证特点,对药品生产企业也有益处。所以对药品生产企业增加法制规定对药品生产工艺验证的监督和管理内容,引导并督促药品生产企业做好药品生产工艺验证工作,以保证药品的质量。 1 工艺验证的基础 药品生产工艺验证的基础完成了工艺设备及辅助系统的验证,并且是符合要求的。在工艺验证前需要对重要的要素进行属性认定,其中包括分析检验规程,仪器仪表校准,重要支持系统,操作人员培训,原材料和包装材料,设备等等要素。并需要在产品验证及试生产完成之后,进行技术检查,包括产品规格标准语实际合格产品的比较,确定产品检验方法的有效性等等。 2 工艺验证组成特点 2.1 开发期验证 开发期验证是从实验工厂报告递交时开始,由药物研发部门撰写,内容包含了推荐采用的厨房和制造说明等。 2.2 预验证 预验证是指在新产品或采用了影响性产品特性,修改工艺生产的产品,在正式投产上市前的质量验证活动。一般采用预验证很容易让研究结论被接受,是制定工艺规程的基础。其中预验证的工作程序又包括了设计验证,安装验证,运行验证,产品验证等。 2.3 同步验证 同步验证是指在生产运行的同时对某项工艺进行的验证,包括对罕见药物,低容量产品及临床应用等领域实用此种验证方法。同步验

证需要三个完成的批次,其所选的批次时间间隔单独放行且比较长。 2.4 回顾性验证 回顾性验证指对已经上市并进行销售的产品生产工艺天剑进行验证。具有丰富的资料,能从大量数据中回顾性分析整个生产工艺控制全貌的优点。 2.5 再验证 再验证是指药品生产设备变更或生产工艺规程修改时,证明已经验证过的状态没有遭到破坏而进行的验证。适用于设备大修变更,改变处方等情况。 3 工艺参数确认步骤 3.1 关于工艺验证的规模和批次 工艺验证的规模应该是要中试以上或者是生产规模,根据以往国际中心临床研究品种的资料可知,中试规模通常是生产规模的三分之一到五分之一,比如对于处理第二期临床研究的样品,临床研究的生产规模是在五十万到七十万片时,中式的规模样品量通常是在二十万片左右。 3.2 关于生产工艺验证的有关步骤 (1)审阅处方以及制造说明,并且决定在(生产)过程中哪些是重要的。在审阅处方的过程中,必须要对用于产品的原材料采样以及分析要做出决定。同时也要对原材料进行检查以决定原料是否具有代表性,在这一问题方面,其他的处方所用的已经过验证的同样原料是可以用来进行比较的。 (2)要根据样品制造过程中的重要步骤决定索要采集的样品形式以及数量。在无菌固定的混合生产过程中,通常是需要采集两种类型的样品,第一是活性成分含量的均匀度所用,第二是为颗粒大小分析以及松散度或者是密度测量用。要是因为格局采样计划得到的样品太少而不能适用,进而产生一些问题,那么采样计划就必须要根据生产的方式来进行修改,比如,要是经过灭菌混合之后产品灌入到桶中,那么就可以在底部、中部以及顶部采集双方样品,同时也是为了能够
