实用科技英语翻译 UNIT TEN


unit ten

unit ten

一旦受害者被移开电源,应当确定受害者是否还在呼吸。 如果受害者没有呼吸,就要执行人工呼吸。

然而,当呼吸停止后,心脏可能会继续跳动一段时间, 血液也仍旧能运输到身体的各个细胞,因为血液包含了 少量的氧,可以维持一段时间,身体细胞不会立即死亡。 有几分钟的时间,人有机会被获救。

一个受电击停止呼吸的人被抢救的过程称为人工呼吸。 人工呼吸的目的是强制空气有节奏的进出肺,直到建立 自然的呼吸。记录显示,7/10的电击受害者在受到电击 不少于三分钟的情况下可以通过人工呼吸获救。大于三 分钟的话获救的机会就会大大降低。 只有呼吸停止的时候才能进行人工呼吸。不要给任何能 自然呼吸的人进行人工呼吸。你不能确定一个受到电击 已没有意识的人(是否)已经停止了呼吸。为了识别一 个遭受电击的人是否有呼吸,把你的手放在这个受害者 最下面一个肋骨处,如果受害者还有呼吸的话,你能够 感觉到(心脏的)跳动。


一旦确定呼吸停止了,距离受害者最近的人不要延误 应当立即开始人工呼吸,让其他人求助医疗帮助。最安 全的方法是,也是允许延迟进行人工呼吸的是先让受害 者断开电路。断开电源这一步是必须要迅速做的。否则 的话,就可能两个都成了受害者而不再是一个了。 使用手持电路工具,照明工具,器械(applicance), 设备,或者便携式外接插头(portable oulet extension),受害者应该通过关闭供电开关或者从插 座上拔掉插头的方式脱离与供电装置的接触。如果开关

100~200毫安的电流(0.1~0.2安培)都是致命的。 任何接近10毫安电流的导体(anything) 能够产生 疼痛(感),(甚至)导致严重电击。

Unit 10 The Fantastic Spurt in Technology课文翻译大学英语三

Unit 10 The Fantastic Spurt in Technology课文翻译大学英语三

Unit 10 The Fantastic Spurt in TechnologyA. TofflerAlvin Toffler writes about the fact that technology is advancing much faster today than ever before in history. The symbols of technology are no longer factory smokestacks or assembly lines. As we are headed for the future, the pace will quicken still further.To most people the term technology conjures up images of smoky steel mills or noisy machines. Perhaps the classic representation of technology is still the assembly line created by Henry Ford half a century ago and made into a social symbol by Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. This symbol, however, has always been inadequate and misleading, for technology has always been more than factories and machines. The invention of the horse collar in the middle ages led to major changes in agricultural methods and was as much a technological advance as the invention of the Bessemer furnace centuries later. Moreover, technology includes techniques, or ways to do things, as well as the machines that may or may not be necessary to apply them. It includes ways to make chemical reactions occur, ways to breed fish, plant forests, light theaters, count votes or teach history.The old symbols of technology are even more misleading today, when the most advanced technological processes are carried out far from assembly lines or blast furnaces. Indeed, in electronics, in space technology, in most of the new industries, quiet and clean surroundings are characteristic -- even sometimes essential. And the assembly line -- the organization of large numbers of men to carry out simple repetitive functions -- is outdated. It is time for our symbols of technology to change -- to catch up with the quickening change in technology itself.This acceleration is frequently dramatized by a brief account of the progress in transportation. It has been pointed out, for example, that in 6000 BC the fastest transportation available to man over long distances was the camel caravan, averaging eight miles per hour (mph). It was not until about 1600 BC when the chariot was invented that the maximum speed was raised to roughly twenty miles per hour.So impressive was this invention, so difficult was it to exceed this speed limit, that nearly 3,500 years later, when the first mail coach began operating in England in 1784, it averaged a mere ten mph. The first steam locomotive, introduced in 1825, could have a top speed of only thirteen mph and the great sailing ships of the time labored along at less tan half that speed. It was probably not until the 1880's that man, with the help of a more advanced steam locomotive, managed to reach a speed of one hundred mph. It took thehuman race millions of years to attain that record.It took only fifty-eight years, however, to go four times that fast, so that by 1938 men in airplanes were traveling at better than 400 mph. It took a mere twenty-year flick of time to double the limit again. And by the 1960's rocket plants approached speeds of 4,00 mph. and men in space capsules were circling the earth at 18,000 mph.Whether we examine distances traveled, altitudes reached, or minerals mined, the same accelerative trend is obvious. The pattern, here and in a thousand other statistical series, is absolutely clear and unmistakable. Thousands of years go by, and then, in our won times, a sudden bursting of the limits, a fantastic spurt forward.The reason for this is tat technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible, as we can see if we look for a moment at the process of innovation. Technological innovation consists of three stages, linked together into a self-reinforcing cycle. First, there is the creative, feasible idea. Second, its practical application. Third, its diffusion through society.The process is completed, the loop closed, when the diffusion of technology embodying the new idea, in turn, helps generate new creative ideas. Today there is evidence that the time between each of the steps in this cycle has been shortened.Thus it is not merely true, as frequently noted, that 90 percent of all the scientists who ever lived are now alive, and that new scientific discoveries are being mad every day. These new ideas are put to work much more quickly than ever before. The time between the first and second stages of the cycle -- between idea and application -- has been radically reduced. This is a striking difference between ourselves and our ancestors. It is not that we are more eager or less lazy than our ancestors, but we have, with the passage of time, invented all sorts of social device to hasten the process.But if it takes less time to bring a new idea to the marketplace, it also takes less time for it to sweep through the society. For example, the refrigerator was introduced in the United States before 1920, yet its peak production did not come until more than thirty years later. However, by 1950 -- in only a few years -- television had grown from a laboratory novelty to the biggest part of show business. So the interval between the second and third stages of the cycle -- between application and diffusion -- has likewise been cut, and the pace of diffusion is rising with astonishing speed.The stepped-up pace of invention, application and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further. For new machines or techniques are not merely a product, but a source, of fresh creative ideas.技术的突飞猛进“技术”这个术语是大多数人的脑海里显现的景物是浓烟笼罩的钢铁厂或运转轰鸣的机器。

科技英语翻译Unit 1—Unit 7

科技英语翻译Unit 1—Unit 7

Unit 1 Electronics:Analog and Digital1.As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in thecircuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter and broader the resonance curve of either line current or circuit impedance.对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。

2.A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same and weighsexactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current.一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。

3.Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change the pulserepetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse width unchanged.在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的周期值,而保持脉冲宽度不变。

4.Electronics is the science and the technology of the passage ofcharged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor.Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics.电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。



Sentence TranslationUnit 1Text A1.However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people orderbooks and other products to make money transactions.但是,因特网上的交易数量急速增长,人们从网上购书和其他的产品,进行资金交易。

2.They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems runby banks, telephone companies and even government departments.他们用电脑上网,寻找能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。

3.The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulentmoney transaction on a credit card account.当顾客发现信用卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的消费时,这可能就是安全受到了破坏的第一个标志。

4.The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internet securityinto one of general security.用信用卡在网上购物使网络安全变成了大众所普遍关注的安全的一种5.Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many areequally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter.很多人会在电话里随意报出自己的信用卡号码,同样地,也有很多人不留意交易完成后放在银行柜台上的副本。



















实用科技英语翻译 UNIT EIGHT[13页]

实用科技英语翻译 UNIT  EIGHT[13页]

The selectivity of the electrode increases as the concentration of organic salts decreases. 当有机盐的浓度降低时,电极的选择性就增大。
The air pushes against things when they move in it. 物体在空气中运动时,空气便对其产生阻力。
【译文】科学家们对于病毒越来越多的快速了解使我们清楚地认识到,我们并 不是主要由偶尔会被微生物入侵的“人”的细胞组成,我们的身体其实是一个 由细胞、细菌、真菌和数量最多的病毒共同栖息的超级有机体。
3. 【原文】Today we see the vast virome as an integral part of the larger human microbiome, a crazy quilt of passive and active microscopic organisms that occupy almost every corner of our being. 【译文】今天,我们认识到庞大的病毒群是人类微生物组的一个组成部分,覆盖着 被动和主动的微观生物,几乎占据我们身体的每一个角落。
A coil of wire that moves in a magnetic field will have an e.m.f. induced in it. 在磁场中运动的线圈会产生感应电势。
Some metals are better conductors of electricity than others, which means that the former have atoms that contain more free electrons than the latter. 某些金属比另一些金属有更好的导电性,这表明前者所拥有的原子,其所含自由电子 数比后者要多。

4.科技英语翻译(Unit 8-9)

4.科技英语翻译(Unit 8-9)

2.缩略词 .
FM TELESAT P.S.I. cpd (frequency modulation)调频 调频 (telecommunications satell磅/英寸 磅 英寸 (compound)化合物 化合物
四、翻译误区:科技英语翻译的难点是专业术语的翻 翻译误区: 有一些词汇看起来很简单, 译,有一些词汇看起来很简单,但是在科技文章中 则产生了其他的含义。 则产生了其他的含义。
二、在科技英语翻译中,有很多术语由词缀构成,因此, 在科技英语翻译中,有很多术语由词缀构成,因此, 了解词缀很有必要。 了解词缀很有必要。 1.常见科技词汇前缀: .常见科技词汇前缀:
相互 微 跨 绕 相反 多
interplay microcosm transplant circumstance contradiction multimedia
High blood pressure is a contraindication for this drug. 此药。 高血压者忌服此药。
二、广泛使用被动语句。 广泛使用被动语句。 据统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态, 据统计,科技英语中的谓语至少三分之一是被动态, 其原因在于在文体中过多地使用第一、二人称, 其原因在于在文体中过多地使用第一、二人称,会 有主观臆断的印象。 有主观臆断的印象。
英语 pig cock coat hand tooth 常见意义 猪 公鸡 外衣 手 牙齿 专业术语含义 金属锭块 吊车 镀层 手柄、 手柄、指针 粗糙面
科技英语翻译(2) 科技英语翻译(
– 科技文体的句法特点及翻译方法
科技英语翻译( ) 科技英语翻译(2) ——科技文体的句法特点及翻译方法 科技文体的句法特点及翻译方法 一、大量使用名词性结构。 大量使用名词性结构。 科技英语的文体特点是行文简练、结构整齐、 科技英语的文体特点是行文简练、结构整齐、严谨 周密、逻辑性强, 周密、逻辑性强,因此常采用名词性结构以表达客 观的观点。 观的观点。



• The gross agricultural output for 1990 was up to three times that for 1960.
• 1990年农业总产值增长到1960年的三倍。 • The liquor was diluted with water to five times its
• 温度高达6000 ℃.
• Some layers between the third and last layers of an atom contain as many as 32 electrons.
• 原子内第三层和最外层之间的一些电子层 含有多达32个电子.
• 注意: “……+as much (many, large, fast) again as +……”表示净增加一倍。
• 3.减少意义的词+ n times。
• 译为:减少到原来的1/n 或减少了1-1/n
• This kind of film is 3 times thinner than ordinary paper.
• 这种薄膜的厚度是普通纸的1/3。
• The speed of the machine was decreased by a factor of five.
• The new airport will double the capacity of the existing one.
• 新机场是先有机场容量的2倍。
• The population has nearly trebled in forty years.
• 人口在40年里增加了近2倍。



A Practical Course on EST Translation《实用科技英语翻译》Prof. Wei CHEN陈伟教授Institute for Translation & Intercultural Studies (ITIS) School of Foreign LanguagesWuhan University of TechnologyCourse DescriptionCourse Title: A Practical Course on EST Translation/ 《实用科技英语翻译》Hours/week: 2 sessions per weekStudents: Second-year students (A–level, Grade 2008)Instructor:Prof. Wei CHEN, Institute for Translation & Intercultural Studies (ITIS), School of Foreign Languages, WHUTReference books:1) Wuqiu FAN. Selections on Practical EST Translation. Foreign Language Publishing House.2001./范武邱。




2) Zhijie FENG. Essentials for EST Translation. China Translation Publishing House. 2000./冯志杰。




3) Xianfa HUA. A New Practical Textbook of English-Chinese Translation. Hubei EducationPress. 2001./华先发。



Sentence TranslationUnit 1Text A1.However, the volume of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people orderbooks and other products to make money transactions.但是,因特网上的交易数量急速增长,人们从网上购书和其他的产品,进行资金交易。

2.They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems runby banks, telephone companies and even government departments.他们用电脑上网,寻找能够进入银行电脑系统、电话公司的电脑系统、甚至是政府的电脑系统的方式。

3.The first indication of a security breach may be when a customer discovers a fraudulentmoney transaction on a credit card account.当顾客发现信用卡的帐号上出现了来历不明的消费时,这可能就是安全受到了破坏的第一个标志。

4.The use of credit cards to buy things on the Internet converts the issue of Internet securityinto one of general security.用信用卡在网上购物使网络安全变成了大众所普遍关注的安全的一种5.Few people think twice about giving a credit card number over the phone and many areequally careless about what happens to the carbon copy when completing a transaction over the counter.很多人会在电话里随意报出自己的信用卡号码,同样地,也有很多人不留意交易完成后放在银行柜台上的副本。



















教学课件 实用科技英语翻译

教学课件 实用科技英语翻译

【译文】环境保护主义者、 宗教组织、公共利益团体、 专业协会以及科学家和政府 官员都越来越关注转基因食 品的问题。他们批评农业综 合企业不顾转基因食品的潜 在危害追逐利益,批原文】
Even the Vatican and the Prince of Wales have expressed their opinions.
peanuts and other foods.
【译文】美国以及欧 洲的许多孩子对花生 和其他食物有过敏反 应,这甚至会危及生
It is hoped that in a humanitarian gesture, more companies and non-profits will follow the lead of the Rockefeller Foundation and offer their products at reduced cost to impoverished nations.
参考译文: • 哺乳动物,鱼类,鸟类等都进
化出不同的染色体以决定某一 个生物体是雄性还是雌性,但 所有的脊椎动物都有foxl2 和 sox9 基因。因此特里尔认为两 者之间的阴阳平衡在保持大量 不同动物性别特征方面可能非 常重要。人们已经认识到有些 鱼类在成年后能改变性别,辛 克莱尔说新的研究成果可以解 释为什么会发生这样的事。对 于研究早期卵巢功能丧失的研 究者来说,这种基因通道也让 人很感兴趣,因为这导致有些 妇女过早闭经。这也有助于解 释为什么有些孩子的性别特征 与他们的染色体性别不符。
【译文】保证非目标物 种不会从转基因作物上 接受导入基因的方法有 两种:一是创造
粉)的转基因作物;二 是改造转基因作物以使 花粉不含导入



科技英语阅读1-10单元译文:Unit 1罗素悖论的提出是基于这样的一个事例:设想有这样一群理发师,他们只给不给自己理发的人理发。





他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。




例如,我们可以用x 代表整数,通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。
















Unit 13-1 科技英语翻译科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。

科技英语自70 年代以来引起了人们的广泛关注和研究,目前已发展成为一种重要的英语语体。




专业术语指某一学科领域所特有或专用的语汇,其词义常不为专业外读者所明白,如cryogenics (低温学)、norepinephrine (新肾上腺素)等。

这些专业术语的特点是:a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词根、词缀。


如:nucleonics (核子学),semisomnus (半昏迷),autoradiography (自动射线照相术),excoriation (表皮脱落)等。

b. 多复合词。

人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物,如radiophotography (无线电传真),anti-armored fighting vehicle missile(反装甲车导弹) 等。

c. 多缩略词。

为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词,如cpd (compound 化合物),FM (frequency modulation 调频),telesat(telecommunications satellite通讯卫星)等。

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【译文】技术应用导 致的注意力分散在多 大程度上会导致撞车 很难认定,因为眼睛 离开路面向其他地方 一瞥留不下任何实物 证据。
【原文】In one such study, data collected with unobtrusive video cameras and instrumentation in 109 cars over 12 to 13 months found that failures of attention—including both drowsiness and distraction (performing nondriving tasks such as talking on a phone or adjusting the radio)—contributed to 78% of the 69 crashes and 65% of the 761 nearcrashes.
【译文】科技比如说 移动手机的使用可能 导致注意力分散,司 机在开车时注意力集 中到手机上,就不会 注意到走路的孩子。
【原文】Technology may mitigate distraction by helping drivers to distribute their attention and guiding them to engage distractions only when roadway demands are low.
【译文】驾车,尤其是 在驾车过程中还有转移
“不测”事件的快速反 应之间转换。
【原文】Technology such as cell phones can introduce distractions, as illustrated by a driver paying attention to a phone call and not a child pedestrian.
作用: 降低译者劳动强度; 提高翻译效率和质量
• 1)查找专业术语、在线翻译。 • 2)搜索参考文献进行译文比对。 • 3)建立自己的翻译资源库。 ☞
篇章翻译解析 ☞
【原文】The degree to which technological distractions contribute to crashes is difficult to identify, because a glance away from the road leaves no physical evidence.
【译文】法专心注意 路面还会造成一个更为 隐蔽的问题:那些注意 力被分散的司机可能不 会意识到自己刚刚与撞 车事故擦肩而过,因为 他们无法记得自己没有 注意到的问题。
【原文】Poor feedback contributes to a poor correspondence between actual and perceived performance decrements associated with distractions, which may lead drivers to adopt dangerous patterns of behavior.
UNIT TEN Can Technology Get Your Eyes Back
on the Road?
➢科技英语翻译中网络资源的应用 ➢篇章翻译解析
科技翻译中网络资源的应用 ☞
巧用网络资源,创建自己的“翻译环境” 网络资源: 搜索引擎; 在线翻译软件; 在线双语词典; 在线科技翻译语料库; 在线科技翻译论坛; 行业网站; 专业领域领先的企业、研究机构网站等
【原文】Driving, particularly while engaged in distracting activities, challenges the attentional capacity of people—it requires a constant shifting in the center of the driver’s attention between competing demands and rapid reactions to “unexpected” events.
【译文】科技也可能 通过帮助司机分配注 意力、引导司机只在 路况不复杂时从事分 散注意力的活动,以 此来降低注意力的分 散。
【原文】The failure to adequately attend to the roadway also contributes to a more insidious problem: Drivers who have been distracted might not be aware that they have had a near-miss of a crash—they cannot remember what they have not noticed.
【译文】在这样的一项研 究中,研究人员运用摄像 机和仪器仪表在不干预驾 驶的情况下对109 辆车的 驾驶员进行了12~13 个月 的数据收集。数据显示, 这些车辆在此期间所发生 的69 起撞车事故中的78% 以及761 起几乎造成撞车 事故中的65%都起因于注 意力不集中,包括困倦和 注意力分散(驾驶期间操 作非驾驶任务,比如打电 话或调节收音机)。
【译文】没有良好的 反馈,驾驶员就不能 很好地在与分散注意 力相关的实际驾驶行 为与感知驾驶行为之 间建立联系,从而导 致驾驶员采取危险的 行为模式。
【原文】Another survey found that this superiority bias persisted even with expert police drivers when they rated their ability relative to that of their peers.