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the first hina unonventional gas summit

distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

good morning!

i am the hairoman of the hina unonventional gas summit. it is a great pleasure for me to ele ou to beijing to disuss various aspets of unonventional gas. i hope that this summit ill provide opportunit for XXdemi exhange and ontribute to the development of unonventional gas in hina.

no i delare the hina unonventional gas summit is

open!please allo me to introdue toda’s speake rs. the are uan dandan and hu ing, ho both are professors of hina universit of petroleum. the ill jointl deliver a speeh titled “prospet and development of shale gas in hina”. let’s ele them.

thanks professor uan and professor hu for their exellent presentation. do ou have an questions about it?

an other question?

thank ou again for our exellent explanation.

oka, as time is limited, i am sorr to sa that this session has to stop here.

no e e to the end of this summit. on behalf of all the members of the organizing mittee, i ish to express our sinere gratitude to all of ou ho have so ativel partiipated in this ongress to make it suh a suess.

and no, i delare the hina unonventional gas summit losed. thank ou!




201X 2nd international onferene on environment siene and engineering

leahate treatment

legal, eonomi and managerial aspets of solid aste management

management of hazardous solid aste

ater treatment and relamation

disinfetion and disinfetion b- produts

management of ater treatment residuals

aestheti qualit of drinking ater iese 201X ill be published in one volume of ipbee, and all papers ill be inluded in engineering

paper submission before deember 10, 201X notifiation of aeptaneon januar 1, 201X final paper submissionbefore januar

15, 201X authors' registrationbefore januar 15, 201X iese

201X onferene datesapril 7 - 8, 201X

submission methods:

1. eletroni submission sstem;

if ou an't login the submission sstem, please tr to submit through method




invitation letter

dear professor li,

on behalf of the peking universit and the ieee puter soiet, i ould be ver pleased to invite ou to attend and hair a session of the forthing 201X international onferene on parallel data proessing to be held in beijing, from marh 25

to marh 28, 201X.

ou are an internationall alaimed sholar and eduator. our partiipation ill be among the highlights of the onferene.

e sinerel hope that ou ould aept our invitation. i

f ou an e, please let us kno as soon as possible, sine e have to prepare the final program soon. e are lookin

g forard to our aeptane.

sinerel ours,

ang ang
