
高一英语教案通用6篇高一英语教案通用6篇高一英语教案1 一、教学设计意图在《高中英语新课程标准》中讲到“高中英语课程要有利于学生优化英语学习方式,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,进步自主学习的才能;要有利于学生学会运用多种媒体和信息,拓宽学习渠道并形成具有个性的学习方法和风格。
②培养学生质疑意识,分析^p 问题、解决问题、综合问题的才能和创造性思维才能。
三、教材内容及重点、难点分析^p :教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍____的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看____。

范文十:高一英语教学设计一、教学内容本课的教学内容是普通高中课程标准实验教科书必修一Module 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 中的阅读部分。
本文主要通过一个普通的黑人Elias 的生平事迹,以及他在接受Nelson Mandela 帮助之前以及之后的生活变化来体现Mandela的高贵品质,以及作为领袖人物的非凡魅力。
二、教学设计与分析Step 1. Leading in:以Obama访华为切入点,导出关键词black and successfu并提问: Could the black be as successful as Obama in the past?1. 展示图片:白人警察打黑人,有的甚至被殴打致死,但是在曼德拉以及马丁路德金等人的努力下,现在的黑人已经享有了和白人一样的权利。
2. 播放视频:播放曼德拉出狱时的视频,因为视频材料是英文独白,中文字幕的,所以大部分学生可以从中了解到曼德拉的伟大事迹,进而感受到曼德拉为了黑人争取平等权利所付出的代价。

公开课主语从句教学案例高一英语张雪炎公开课主语从句教学案例〔高中英语模块3 Unit4 Astronomy:the science of the stars〕高一英语张雪炎一、教材分析名词性从句中主语从句是高中英语中一个重要语法工程,它在高考中占比例中也是举足轻重,在阅读,完型,语法填空,改错题中无所不在。
三、学习目标At the end of the class, the students will be able to :1.know the definition of subject clauses.2.find out subject clauses and translate the sentences .e different conjunctions correctly according to the context. 4 municate with subject clauses.四、学习重难点1.the students will be able to use different conjunctions correctly according to the context.2. the students will be able to communicate with subject clauses.五、学习过程本节课采用了“自主学习、合作探究〞教学方式,辅助以多媒体,到达了较好教学效果。

Warming Up部分Pre-Reading部分要求学生描述、讨论与地震有关的话题。
Learning about Language部分涉及了本单元的词汇和语法。
该部分主要通过阅读和句型练习帮助学生学习单词、数字的表达法以及有that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句,培养学生的自主学习能力。
Using Language部分的“读写说(Reading, writing and speaking)”训练提供了一封信,要求学生阅读后写一篇大地震纪念公园落成仪式上的演讲稿,接着说一说唐山大地震纪念邮票。
(3)课时安排:The first period: Reading The second period: ReadingThe third period: Listening The forth Period:Grammar The fifth period: Extensive reading The sixth period: Summary (4)教学目标:①知识与技能:了解地震的成因、预兆,地震造成的损失,地震时的应急措施以及震后的救援;掌握和运用本单元出现的新词汇和短语以及数字的表达法;熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句;学会写英文新闻报道,拟订写作提纲。

一、教学目标设定1. 语言知识目标:(1)学习并掌握一些常见的英文单词、短语和句型;(2)学会正确使用一般现在时态、过去时态和将来时态;(3)培养学生们对词汇、语法和句型的理解和运用能力。
2. 语言技能目标:(1)培养学生的听、说、读、写四项语言技能;(2)提高学生的口语表达和听力理解能力;(3)增加学生的阅读理解和写作能力。
二、教学内容设计为了实现上述教学目标,本文将以Unit 1为例,详细介绍如下:1. 教学重点(1)学习并掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语和句型;(2)培养学生的听、说、读、写四项语言技能;(3)提高学生的口语表达和听力理解能力。
2. 教学难点(1)正确运用一般现在时态、过去时态和将来时态;(2)培养学生对不同时态的理解和运用能力。
三、教学方法与教学过程1. 教学方法:(1)交际法:通过模拟对话、角色扮演等方式激发学生的兴趣,培养他们的口语表达能力;(2)任务型教学法:通过给学生制定任务,引导他们积极参与到教学中,提高他们的语言运用能力;(3)多媒体教学法:运用多媒体设备辅助教学,提高学生的听力理解能力。
2. 教学过程:(1)导入阶段:通过展示一段关于生活动态的视频,引发学生的兴趣,激发他们对话题的思考。

优秀高中英语教学设计(优秀7篇)高中英语教学设计篇一教学目标a. 重点词汇和短语realistic, abstract, religion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow, ridiculous, nowadays, attempt, predict, focus on, a great deal, scores ofb. 重点句式There are so many ... that it would be impossible to ... P1People became focused more on ... and less on ... P2If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint ... P2教学重难点a. 重点词汇和短语realistic, abstract, religion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow, ridiculous, nowadays, attempt, predict, focus on, a great deal, scores ofb. 重点句式There are so many ... that it would be impossible to ... P1People became focused more on ... and less on ... P2If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, people would not have been able to paint ... P2教学过程Teaching procedures:【写一写】(Some pictures are given to the students to learn some about western paintings)写出所有相应关于作品的英语名称______________________________________________________________________【想一想】Which style of paintings do you prefer, western or Chinese? Why?_____________________________________________________________________________ 【skimming】Skim the text and plete the main idea of it.The text mainly tells us _____ of the major movements in ________ art over the centuries.绘制时间轴课文P3---exercise 1【判一判】1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries.2. Painters in the Middle Ages did not use perspective.3. Impressionists painted landscapes.4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art.5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors.6. Abstract art is still art style today.【选一选】Choose the best answer.1. According to the text, art is least influenced by ________.A. social changesB. the way of lifeC. the development of agricultureD. beliefs of a people2. When did painters mainly focus more on people and less on religion?A. From 5th to 壹五th century AD.B. From 壹五th to 16th century.C. From late 19th to early 20th century.D. From 20th century to today.3. Who were the first to paint outdoors?A. Painters in the Middle Ages.B. Painters in the Renaissance.C. The Impressionists.D. Contemporary painters.【巩固训练】讲练通---P2 retelling课后习题【Homework】课时跟踪训练(7)To say No good! / Terrible!(8)To mean thinking or “worrying”。

下面是小编为你准备的英语高中课堂教学设计,快来借鉴一下并自己写一篇与我们分享吧!英语高中课堂教学设计【篇1】教学目标:1. 掌握字母Jj---Nn的准确认读及正确书写。
2. 能正确认读Jj---Nn的相关词汇。
3. 运用所学字母能准确拼读单词。
2. 相关词汇的认读。
教学难点:1. 单词kite和money发音。
2. 字母Jj 和 Gg的读音区别。
3. 字母L l手写体和印刷体的区别。
教学过程:(一)唱字母歌(sing ABC song )在轻松愉快的音乐声中把学生引入到英语课堂中来。
(二)学新词(to learn new words)1. 用动画的方式出现新词吉普车。
问:What’s this? It’s a jeep. 领读几遍。
问:What color? What’s this?3. 用实物出现新词---袋鼠。
4. 学生齐读数遍后,通过听并找卡片的活动巩固单词。
(三)字母教学1. 认读字母通过出示字母卡片,领读数遍后,用“找朋友”的游戏巩固字母大小写。
既:老师把所学字母卡片的大小写分别发给学生,在听到教师“let’s go”的指令下,学生快速跑到前面并找到自己相应的大小写字母站好。
2. 融会贯通当学生找好相应的大小写字母并站好后,坐在位子上的学生一齐问:“What’s your name ?拿着卡片的学生答:My name is Jj /Kk/Ll……(本册书第一单元的重点句)。
教师任意指着一个字母问:Who’s this/that?学生答:This is Jj/Kk...(本单元重点句)把所学句型应用到字母教学中来,既为枯燥的字母教学创设了语言环境,同时又让学生体会到了语言的灵活性,让他们把所学知识得到了具体的应用。
高中优秀教案高一英语教案:《Starting a new school club》教学设计

高一英语教案:《Starting a new school club》教学设计高一英语教案:《Starting a new school club》教学设计I. Analysis of teaching materialThe topic of this unit is "Starting a new school club'. This period is about the project of this unit. This period contains two articles written by two students, which will give the students some ideas of what school clubs are like. Besides these two articles, it also has a project, which is to work in groups and design a poster advertising a new school club. This part gives out the concept of "4P' method, that is, to plan, to prepare, to produce and to present. This is the first time for the Ss to get to know the idea of "4P' method. We should explain it to them. And it will take the Ss a lot of time to get ready for the project. So we had better tell the Ss to collect some information and do sth for it in advance.First the teacher can divide the Ss into different groups so that group work can be carried out. In doing group work, the students will get some idea of team spirit. They are supposed to learn to cooperate with their group members so that they will be able to work with their colleagues in the future.After the step, the students will collect enough information about school clubs, therefore, we will be able to guide them to finish completing the poster following the "4P' method.II. Three-dimension objectives1.To help the students to learn two articles aboutafter-school activities in school.2.To learn some expressions, especially "as' and "require'.3.To help the students learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it.4.To find out how an activity attracts the students and help them to learn what preparations to make when they plan to start a new school club.III. Teaching important and difficult points1.To know the importance of arrangement and teamwork in starting a club.2.To learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it.3.To understand the outline of starting a new school club.4.To ensure every student to have a chance to express himself / herself.IV. Teaching aidsA tape recorder and the multimedia.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Greetings and check the homeworkIn the last period, students learned what a notice is and how to write it. And they were asked to write a notice based on the given information. Now, it is time for them to exchange their writings. The teacher can ask some to read or to write on the Bb to find out how well they have mastered. If there are some mistakes, the teacher should be careful enough to correct their mistakes without hurting their learning interest..One sample version:STUDENTS NOTICESpeech Contest CancelledDear students,As the school sports meeting will be held soon, the planned Speech Contest on 8th Dec will be put off till 12th Dec.The School OfficeStep 2 Lead-inWith the revision of what they have learned before, the teacher can guide the topic to the one they will discuss this period.In the last period, we learned a lot about school activities. We know after-school activities are important to personal development. Having proper after-school activities can even help you go to a good university. Today, we will learn something more about after-school activities and how to start a new school club.Step 3 ReadingRead the passage and try to get the idea what a school club is. (A school club is an organization for Ss who share a particular interest or enjoy similar activities, or a group of students who meet together to do something they are interested in.)To achieve this purpose, ask the students to read the two short passages on page 18.1.Ask the Ss to go through the passages and then do some true or false exercises.1)The radio station is run by the principal. F students2)The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school. F were not3)Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of very month. T4)Everyone was nice friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them. T2.Go through the passages again and answer the following questions.1)What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?2)What do they do when parents come to visit the school?3)Who started "Poets of the Next Generation'?4)What do the members of the group do when they meet?3.After the students have got a general idea of what a school club is, ask them to decide what makes a school club. To know it, the teacher can ask the students to find out the following facts of a school club.What (the name of the club):Who (Who is it that started it):When (when was it started):Why (the reason why it was started):What (activities students do):The teacher can give the students several minutes to get ready for it. Then ask one of the group members to present their answers. Sample answers:The first clubWhat: A radio clubWho: Kate Jones, the writerWhen: Two years agoWhy: CD players were not allowed in the school.Things they do:1) Every morning: tell the Ss about the weather and recent news, plus some special messages the teacher want to broadcast.2) During school exams: special programs telling Ss the things they should do or shouldnt do for preparation.3) At the end of the school year: graduation students use the club to give messages to their close friends and teachers.4) When parents come to visit and talk to the teachers: play songs sung by students, give special messages to inform the parents of events.The second club:What: Poets of the Next GenerationWho: our English teacher Mr OwenWhen: doesnt tell but we know the members meet on the last Fri. of every monthWhy: they all over poetryThings they do: talk about poems and poets. First, select or write poems, then read them out loud. And listen to each other talking about poems.4.Now the Ss have got a good idea of what the passages are about and one of the best way to learn English is to read and recite, so ask the Ss to finish the summary of the passage and try to learn something by heart.The radio station in our school is ____ by the student. Two years ago, I asked the ________ if music could be played during _____ ____. He agreed. We tell students the _______, _____ _____ and some special messages. During _____ ____ we tell the students what they ______ or _________ do for preparation. When parents come, we play songs _____ by students and _____ them of ______, such as _________ and ______ _____.Our English teacher Mr Owen started the group"_____________________________'. Group members ____________ to talk about ________ and _______ that we like. When I _______it, I was ________ to write five poems and _____ one ____ to the group. I ______ every one around a tree before I read. The group said they loved the poem I read.Sample answers:Run, headmaster, break time, weather, recent news, exam time, should, shouldnt, sung, inform, events, outings, school plays, "Poets of the Next Generation', meet, poems, poets, attended, required, read, out, circledStep 4 PracticeRevise the new words and match the right column with the left column.1. allow A. all people born at about the same time2. headmaster B. order or command something3. generation C. permit somebody / something to do sth.4. select D. not excited, nervous5. calm E. person with the highest authority in certain schools.6. require F. choose somebody / somethingSample answers: C E A F D BDeal with the difficult points in the passages1. run v. 管理; 经营run a business/a theatre/ a bus company2. as conj1) I am lucky as I am one of the hosts.as=since, becauseAs you werent there, I left a message.As shes been ill perhaps she will need help.2) It was started two years ago as CD players were not allowed in school.as=during the time when, whileI watched her as she combed her hair.As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening.3. approve v.批准;通过; (常与of连用)赞成,赞同1) 我的父母不准许我吸烟。

四、教学重点:1.过去分词的用法.2. 过去分词的运用五、教学难点:1.结合语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。
2. 过去分词在真实的生活语境中的使用。

高一英语的科沟人教版教学授课设计1教学准备教学目标教学目标 (这部分谢3点,按照USE的目标写)(1)学习建议信的结构中、语言。
教学重难点教学目标 (这部分谢3点,按照USE的目标写)(1)学习建议信的结构中、语言。
教学过程Step 1Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)(1)导入用本单元的阅读文Marty’s story来导入,引出残疾人的话题。
T: Hello, class. Inthe last lesson, we learnt Marty’s story. What’s the problem with Marty?(He has a raremuscle disease.)Yes, he’sdisabled.But is Martyleading a miserable life due to hisdisability?(No.)He is leading afulfilling life due to his own efforts.The disabled can live as good andcomfortable a life as we do. But it calls for more efforts.(2)揭题教师通过展示有学校的图片以及通过采访班上一位曾经我们走行困难的学生,点出学校有些地方私立学校可能将对行走困难学生带来不便。

高一英语教案:《Using structures》教学设计

高一英语教案:《Using structures》教学设计高一英语教案:《Using structures》教学设计第一步:学生以快速阅读的方式完成这部分的阅读理解和课后练习;第二步:两人活动,根据上一节课学习的直接引语和间接引语之间转换的规则复述故事。
(为了培养学生的逻辑思维和表达的连贯性,教师可以鼓励学生在第一步快速阅读的时候列出文章的关键词,如:arrive;go upstairs;start clear up;sleep at night;...etc. 然后根据关键词来重组故事情节。
应该尽量避免照本宣科地复述)Reading task (Page44)第一步:阅读练习册中 Reading Task 中的短文“Friendship in Hawaii ”,理解其大意;第二步:完成课后设计的配套练习(Page45: Exercise 1 and 2),通过练习巩固对课文内容的理解;(在练习二中有部分问题的设计显得有些抽象模糊,不利于学生思考,如:How do people in Hawaii get on with one another? How can people in Hawaii live in peace? 教师在实际教学的过程中可根据具体情况选择忽略或做适当的改动,使问题更为明确)第三步:全班活动,比较中国和Hawaii 对待友情的特点和方式(如果学生程度较好,可将话题拓展到比较东、西方文化中对待友谊的差异);第四步:要求学生将比较结果用一段话表达出来;[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K]第五步:如果时间允许,可让学生根据讨论得出的结论模拟表演不同地区,不同文化中朋友们见面的接待方式,活跃课堂气氛;Homework:第五课时Audio-visual lesson / Listening and speaking方案一:(注:此方案不包含视频内容)第一步:完成语言运用部分的语言表达(Using language----Speaking),但是要注意在进行问卷调查的设计过程中,教师要对问卷的格式和语言特点做出必要的指导,如:问卷的问题设计要紧扣主题,语言简洁、明了,提供的答案也应尽可能包括各种可能的回答。


英语教学案例新郑二中:让光辉一. 教学设计:随着中国改革开放,世贸组织的加入,英语作为一门国际性语言,也越来越重要。
高一英语(上)第4单元的主题是“Unforgettable experiences ”在Warming Up和Listening中学生对此中心话题(即灾难及影响)能够获得浅层的理解和体验; 本案例是Reading(精读课),阅读材料是课文The rescue 。
基于此,其教学设计的落脚点有二:1. 学生通过阅读学习(课文和相关的扩充文化背景的语言材料),有助于形成基本的阅读策略,提高阅读能力和自主学习能力。
2. 学生在语言学习活动中获得态度、情感、价值观方面的积极体验,能够明确body language文化的交流作用,加深对目的语文化的内涵的理解,端正认识外语学习中的文化能力的学习和培养的重要性。
二课堂设计本节精读课的课堂设计主要包括:1) 导入:由学生表演具有特定或不同含义的身势语,由老师提出一个典型例子作为引子2) 速读:理解文章主旨大意(main idea)和对标题的理解(the title: Body Talk)3) 查读:阅读课文和相关背景材料后完成判断正误题和问-答题4) 细读及难词难句的处理:关于文中灾难及影响5) 读后讨论与扩展(按照问题连续体理论设计的四个问题)说明:在以上五步中,前四步所涉及的均是第Ⅰ、Ⅱ类问题(事实水平的问题,即学生感知事实,解决问题);第五步所设计的四个问题中,第1)、2)问题属第Ⅲ类(事实理解,通过归纳推理得出结论),第3)个问题属第Ⅳ类(问题、答案和方法均是开放的),第4)个问题属第Ⅳ-Ⅴ类(问题开放,答案和方法是未知的)。

一起看看高一英语必修一教案!欢迎查阅!英语必修一教案1一、说教材1、材的地位和内容该课文John Snow Defeats King Cholera 是人教版高中英语必修5第一单元的一篇文章,这是一篇阅读课。
文章介绍了有名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析和探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染疾病的。
2、教学目标根据该教材的特点以及高中英语课程标准,我拟定下列教学目标1) 语言知识目标词汇:defeat attend expose cure outbreak control absorb severe valuable strict pump 等语法:过去分词作定语和表语2) 语言技能目标练习并培养学生的听、说、读和写的能力,侧重培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力3) 情感目标培养学生的科学探索精神,培养学生科学人文精神相融合的素养4) 学习策略目标学生通过阅读理解、互动交流以及完成任务过程中进行有效地自我调控,通过各种途径获取相关信息,并运用有效教学资源5) 文化意识目标3、学重点和难点重点:理解所读课文;把握过去分词的用法难点:利用所学词汇、句型,围绕主题进行叙述二、说教法根据高中英语课程标准,根据“整体语言教学”的理论和实践,以及当前教学改革的新理念,为达成上述的教学目标,运用“任务型”英语教学法。

高一英语教案精选6篇高一英语教案精选6篇高一英语教案1 一、利用表象,丰富想象观察图画和实物作文符合英语作文起步阶段需要有一定的情景要求,也符合高中学生有意想象占优势的特点,同时防止了文字情节作文易使学生中译英的缺点,但假设每一次训练都是刻板的再现材料,创造想象那么难以增长。
如senior bookⅰ,unit 3 中的“help! help!”,可按开展顺序设计几幅救落水儿童的图,但只给学生展示第一、二两幅图,图画的内容大致与课文内容一样,但是后几幅的空白,使学生必须通过创造性的想象才能填补材料的空白。
有学生这样写到:last week, we had a picnic in forest park。
we found a shady place by the river。
as soon as we had sat down, tom suddenly got up and shouted,“someonehas fallen into the river!" it was true。
a boy was struggling in the water, and the children in a boat looked hopeless。
tom and jack took off their shoes while running to wards the water。
they swam very quickly towards the boy who was sinking fast。
tom and jack got hold of the boy by the arms and lifted his head above the water。
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高一英语 Unit4 Advertisements Reading课堂教学设计案例授课教师:陈乔枫一、教学内容分析(Analysis of Position and content)1、本课是阅读课, 重点培养学生的阅读能力,是本单元中的重点。
2) 帮助学生了解不同时期的广告,对广告有不同的理解.3) 通过帮助学生完成快速阅读、精读等练习来进一步理解文章的细节,提高学生的阅读能力。
4)学生之间能交流、合作,共同就 given topics较好地完成一些开放性话题。
2.情感态度与文化意识目标1) 在有趣的主题激励下,师生互动,生生互动,调动学生的学习兴趣,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势。
3. 过程与方法自上而下的阅读模式;发现式的语法学习;小组合作的体验式,探究式的写作学习;五、教学重点和难点说明教学过程中的重点和难点内容。
如:1)A lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as visually attractive as possible.2) Modern advertisements must stand out in a world of full of competition by combing the highest standards of design with ideas linked to the products to make them more attractive.六、教学过程设计1、总体思路本课的教学设计围绕培养学生初步读写文章的能力和发展学生的语言运用能力展开,采用多媒体辅助教学,以此来创设良好的教学情境,优化教学过程,促进学生思考,采用教师指导,学生观察、体验、探索的方式,启发学生自主理解文本内容,探究和领悟所学文章的语言特点与篇章结构。
教学过程:The Analysis of Teaching ProcessBefore class, let students listen to a song : 王力宏-i’m lovin’it (全球麦当劳广告主题曲).mp3[设计说明]本环节以上课听歌的形式让学生在听觉上受广告的魅力,为学生随后接确广告这一主题做一个很自然的铺垫。
Step 1 - - - Organization1.Exchange greetings with the Ss.2.Duty report: It is between two students. They are having a dialogue.[设计说明]I think duty report is a long-term and essential part of daily teaching. It is a goodopportunity for Ss to practice their listening and spoken English.Pre-reading[设计说明]Since the students are familiar with this topic, the teacher will arouse their interest about the topic by free talk with some key words given. Also some backgroundinformation of the topic are provided in the form of pictures and passageStep 2 - - - Warming upPair work: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions1) Can you think of some advertisements you have seen?2) Where have you seen advertising?3) What do you think of the design of the advertisements?4) When you buy something, will you be affected by advertisements?Provide the students with some key words for help:A) cheap, convenient, easy, expensive, practical, reliable, useful, uselessB) Ads on the bus, ads in the newspaper, ads in a magazine,Ads on the billboards, ads in the shop windows, ads on the radio…Step 3 - - - Leading in:[设计说明] The step of leading in is to let the students know the ads visuallyShow the students various kinds of advertisements and ask the students to make comment on them with an example given1.Ask: Before class, you listened to a song, who can tell me where you canofte n hear the song? ( McDonald’s )As you can see, songs can make us enjoy the life, they also can help toadvertise for the products.2.Ask: Where can you see the advertisements?Sow different answers in the screen.3. Let students enjoy some advertisements and a TV advertisementStep 4 Discussing and Talking ( Task 1 )Task 1 : What do you think of these products?1.Show the picture of electric toothbrush, laptop computer, mobile phone, MP3,e-dictionary, radio alarm clock2.Give them an example to help them discuss the topicExample: I think electric toothbrushes are not very practical, but it is helpful.3.Ask some students to talk about the pictures shown on the screen.While-readingStep 5 Skimming ( Task 2 )[设计说明] This step is intended to train the students’ ability to read for general idea, andthe students should go over the text quickly to get a general idea )Step 6 Scanning (Task 3 )Read the text and note down the advantages(优点)of each product.Step 7 Form a Layout (Task 4 )Give students several minutes to read the advertisements about Feline Floor Cleaners. Then ask them to fill in the layout of the advertisement.Post – ReadingStep 8 Writing (Task 5 )1. Give a model advertisement to help students to write an advertisement. Give some useful words and phrases to help them2. An Model advertisement about an alarm clockAre you often late for school? Now, never! Here is the perfect solution.The alarm clock is reliable, it is easy to use. Just set the time and the alarm, you don’t worry about a thing. Just go to sleep! It is made from attractive and strong material, it is not expensive. It is a bargain at only ₤9,883. Let students work in groups of four, discussing how to write an advertisement about a second-hand Mp3. They could use the words and phrases provided on the screen. If one group finishes writing their advertisement, they can walk around the classroom to advertise their second-hand MP34.Ask some groups to come to the front, advertise their second-hand MP3 to the class.Then ask them which group is the best advertiser.Step 8 HomeworkDesign an advertisement.Think over a question “What is the necessary information of an advertisement”and design an advertisement with the answer.options:1. Pair work: ideas sharing2. Group work: differences; similarities; passage presentation3. Individual work: outline; draft; editing; final writingAssessment•Do you have a general idea of the four advertisements now? •Are you familiar with the new words now?•Do you know the necessary information of an advert? •Are you active in the class?•What problems did you have in reading ?•What help do you need from the teacher?。