中考话题复习--Family Life 家庭生活 (共40张PPT)
14. v. 消失,消灭,死亡d_i_e______ 现在分词dy_i_n_g_____ adj. 死的,凋谢的___d_e_a_d__ n. 死,死亡,逝世__d_e_a_t_h__
旅行tr者av_e_l_e_r_/t_r_a_v_e_ll_e_r____ 犯错m误ake a mistake/mistakes
55. n. 经验ro,se经历___________pre5se6n. tn. 钱包___________
14. n. 市场________
15. n. t明he天d,ay未be来foraedvy.e在ste明rd天ay________t_h_e_day after tomorrow
前天_______m__a_n________m_e_n___ 后天w_o_m__a_n________w__o_m_e_n__ 16. n.p男oli人ce,ma人n ____p__o(lipcle. m)_e_n____ 女人F_r_e_n_c_h_m__an (pl. F)_r_e_n_c_h_m__en 警察___p_o_s_t_m_a_n(pl. )__p_o_s_t_m_e_n_ 法国人_____m__il_k_m_a(pnl. )___m__il_k_m_e_n_
34. n. 结果,后果__r_e_s_u_lt__
35. n. 篮;筐 ___b_a_sk__et___
36. n. & v. 头脑,心智;介意;对某事烦恼m_i_n_d_____ 下决心做某事_m__a_k_e_u_p__o_n_e_'_s _m_i_n_d__to__d_o__st_h_. 改变想法,改变主意__c_h_a_n_g_e__o_n_e_'s__m_i_n_d___ 记住____k_e_ep__s_th__. _in__m_i_n_d___ 37. n. 讨论,商量_d_is_c_u_s_s_io_n______ v. 讨论,商d量is_cu__ss_____ 和某人讨论某事
家庭应注重孩子的品德教 育,培养孩子诚实、善良 、勇敢等优秀品质。
父母应关注孩子的学习情 况,提供必要的学习辅导 和支持,帮助孩子解决学 习难题。
家庭应鼓励孩子发展兴趣 爱好,提供多样化的活动 和资源,促进孩子全面发 展。
家庭成员的主要收入来源,包括 基本工资、奖金、津贴等。
通过股票、基金、债券等投资渠 道获得的收益。
• 其他收入:如租金收入、兼职收入等。
包括食品、衣物、交通、通讯等日常 消费。
子女教育费用,如学费、书本费、辅 导费等。
• 长期目标:如退休养老规划、财富传承计划等。
根据家庭成员的年龄、身体状况和兴趣,制定个 性化的运动计划。
鼓励尝试多种运动方式,如跑步、游泳、瑜伽等 ,以增加趣味性和可持续性。
American Family Values美国家庭价值观PPT精选文档
• Belief in Christian-based values
• Opposition to some elements of feminism
• Opposition to abortion while actively supporting abstinence education
• Belief in adoption as an alternative to abortion
• A 2002 government survey found that 95% of adult Americans had had premarital sex. • The median age of first premarital sex has dropped in that time (1950s) from 20.4 to 17.6.
(Same-Sex Couples, SingleParent Housholds, Adoption of children by gay couples) • Acces to contraception and abortion • Living wage • Sex eduction • Social Programs • Financial Aid for familes
same-sex and polygamous long-term relationships, as well as single-parent families • Belief in a woman's right to abortion • Belief in Planned Parenthood programs that offer contraception • Belief in government-funded financial aid to families • Support for sex education in public schools • Belief in practicing and teaching tolerance, patience and understanding for alternative lifestyles • Belief in universal healthcare and family-friendly employment laws (maternity leave, personal leave, emergency family leave) • Support for freedom of religion
1.课程编号: 2.课程名称:英国文化 3.课程类别:专业选修课 公选课 4.教学时数: 周学时: 2 总学时: 30 5.学分: 2 6.先修课程: 英美概况 欧洲文化 7.教学目标与要求: 通过对英国历史、 政治制度、 艺术 、 娱乐、 媒体、 宗教 等专题的介绍,优化学生的知识结构,提高学生的交际能力 (语言能力、 语用能力、 认知能力和情感能力。 ) 为实现这一目的,鼓励学生进行专题调研、 信息收集 、小 组讨论和专题发言等。 8.教材:《英语国家社会与文化入门》 上册 朱永涛主编 高 等教育出版社 2001年
1.吴念等译,《美国政治中的道德争论》,重庆 出 版社,2001年 2.杜学增著,《中英文化习俗比较》,外语教学 与研究出版社,1999年 3.薛涌著,《直话直说的政治》,广西师范大学 出版社,2004年 4.林达著,《历史深处的忧虑》,生活?读书?新 知三联书店, 1997年 5.林达著,《总统是靠不住的》,生活?读书?新 知三联书店, 1998年
课程名称 : 英美文化概况
语言与文化相互作用、影响。英语语言文化知识 的学习能够促进学生提高英语语言应用能力,即能够 应用英语进行交际的能力。掌握相关的英语语言文化 知识有利于学生更有效地理解、应用英语语言知识。 本课程旨在通过指导学生学习相关的文化背景知识, 进一步提高学生的英语水平和跨文化交际的能力。适 应全球化日益深入、跨文化交际日益增强的需要和复 合型人才培养的需要。本课程以英美语言文化背景知 识为基础,结合相关的史料,借助于相关的影像资料, 使得学生能够在语境中学习语言背景知识。同时,本 课程注重学生语言能力的培养,针对相关的文化现象 组织学生进行课堂讨论,要求学生按时保质保量完成 课后作业。成绩评定将以课堂参与及作业为主。本课 程知识的传授主要通过教师讲解和学生讨论,鼓励学 生积极参与。
family culture 英语展示
1. 家庭文化的定义让我们来定义一下家庭文化。
2. 家庭文化的重要性家庭文化对于每个人来说都是至关重要的。
3. 家庭文化的影响家庭文化对个人和社会都有着深远的影响。
4. 家庭文化的形成家庭文化是在家庭成员的日常生活中逐渐形成的。
美国人的家庭生活 PPT
你的家庭教育? How about yours?
孰好孰坏?利弊大讨论 中VS美
不要用自我中心和本位主义来 解读他人的行为,而是用更广 的心胸来接受不同的价值观
方法总结1 方法总结4
Байду номын сангаас家庭结构 家庭观 家庭教育
nuclear family
家庭结构 扩展家庭(extended family)
混合型家庭 blended family
单亲家庭 single parent family
领养家庭 adoptive family
丁克家庭 DINK
(Double Income No Kids)
同性恋家庭 homosexual couples
gay fathers
lesbian mothers
家庭观 圣经的家庭观:上帝VS父母
家庭观 个人独立、个人权利、自由平等
英语国家-美国概况课件06 American Family Life
Language Study
Detailed Study
Discuss the Following Questions
What is a nuclear family?
Detailed Study
V. Parental roles in American family
❖ A. Family in which the children seem to be in charge
❖ 1. Some parents are reluctant and perhaps even afraid to say "no" to their children for fear of stifling their personalities or losing their love.
❖ B. Mobile homes (once called house trailers): ❖ 1. More than 7 million Americans live in mobile homes. ❖ 2. They are living quarters built with wheels. ❖ 3. They can be moved, but generally they are brought to a site that
❖ 2. Children and their possessions take over most of the house, and the youngsters make excessive demands upon their parents' time and money.
《Family life》PPT优秀课件
Mr Li kitchen cooking dinner
Mrs Li bathroom washing her hair
Ben bedroom making a model phone
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公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PP T免费 下载《F amily life》PPT
living room
[liviŋ ru:m] n.客厅,起居室
[kɪtʃɪn]] n.厨房; 厨师
[stʌdi] n书房
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公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PP T免费 下载《F amily life》PPT 公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PP T免费 下载《F amily life》PPT
Alice:Hi, I’m Alice. I usually watch TV with
my parents in the evening, but now we’re
looking at the stars.
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[mɒdl] n.模型
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中国地质大学江城学院课程论文题目:America, Its Culture___Focus on American Family聚焦美国文化___浅析美国家庭学生沈锦霞学号4140100430课程主要英语国家概况A2教授郭萍二○一二年五月三十日声明本人呈交的课程论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、表格、图表真实可靠,尽我所知。
本人签名: 日期:______摘要想要了解一个国家的文化,应首先从它社会的基本组成单位家庭入手。
关键词:文化价值观社会婚姻ABSTRACTIf you want to learn about a country’culture, you should first learn its basic components of society --- family.Full exchange of social sciences, economic development, the countries of the world continues toaccelerate and deepen the understanding of its country's culture. Large part is from the understanding of the families of the people of its country. The family is not strange for everyone, it is an essential part of human society, every one is living among a family. Based on home-based family culture is slow.The general concern. Because it can be said to be an important window of the culture of other nations, so the family around the family culture has become a worldwide discussion hot. This article is written from the traditional American family structure, from shallow to deep,to the reason of the change of family structure since 1950s, then it emphatically analyzes the values at work in the family, and show the development of the vslues. The middle part is mainly about Americans’different attitude towards marriage and divorce, the role of the child, the way Americans raise their children, and the development of equality in the family----the childrens’relationship with their father are from formal and fear to equality. And from all the above we can see the spirits of the emphasis on individual freedom and “Every one is created equally”. Then the article is about four stages of marriage relationships, this paper briefly introduced the development process of the spirits above. The last paper is about the full text, it highly introduced the role of the family in society and the family values.Key Words: culture value society marriageCONTENTS1. Introduction (1)2. Family structure (2)3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the family (4)4. Marriage and divorce (6)5. The role of child (7)6. The Role of the Family in society (9)7. The impact of educational thought in American families andculture of American society (11)8. Conclusion (13)Acknowledgements (14)Works cited (15)America, its culture___focus on the American family1. IntroductionWhen we talk about Americans, the first word come into our mind is family. Americans take family as their most important part in their lives. So what is the typical American family? What is the family relationship, and how have the traditional American values affected it?It’s generally believed that before the 1960s, American families have experienced the evolution from the family to the nuclear family. Into the 1960s, that is, post-industrial society, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, the values of Americans favor individualism and hedonism, coupled with the rise of anti-tradition and the feminist movement, the American nuclear family is under great impact. Divorce, cohabitation and homosexuality dramatic increase makes in the number of significant decline in marriage rates. The resulting single-parent families, following-parent families, dual-career families, single-parent families, DINK families, gay families, the American family patterns are showing adiversification trend.The divorce rate is gradually increased, the transformation of gender roles in the family, the growing requirements of the material economic and social recognition are impacted American marriage patterns generated tremendous changes in the main factors. We Can not deny that the modern American family patterns do make up for the deficiencies of the old family patterns. But for many women and children, divorce and remarriage is not really no harm. On the economic front, the mother as the guardian of the single-parent families met with great difficulty.2. Family structureTypical American familyIf Americans should name their family:Married Americans would say the name of their wife or husband and children. Their brothers and sisters are just single units.Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are extended family. Traditional familyThe American families were nuclear families which consumed of wife, husband and children and lived in a house or an apartment. Grandparents were rarely found living with their married sons ordaughters. And uncles and aunts almost never do.1950sThe classic American family where the father was the “breadwinner”and the family mother was the “homemaker”and the family had two children.Reality todayOnly today a small percentage of American families are living like “stay-at-home”mother, a working father and children under 18 years. 25% Americans is living aloneStructurally, Asian-American families historically included split-household families, transnational families, extended families, nuclear families, and multiple nuclear family households. Evelyn Nakano Glen (1983) described Chinese split-household families as part production or income earning by men sojourning abroad, and part reproduction or maintaining the family household, including childrearing and caring for the elderly by wives and relatives in China. Split-household families were common for Chinese between 1850 and the 1920s. In the 1930s Filipino families also had split-household families since men far exceeded women on the mainland. Gender roles became reversed when Filipina women migrated to become domestic workers and nurses in the health care system, becoming family breadwinners with children and spouses in the homeland. Transnational (split-household) families grewout of economic necessity, and transcended borders and spatial boundaries to take advantage of the lower cost of living for families in a developing country (Zhou and Gatewood 2000). Filipina women preferred having kin, rather than strangers, provide childcare, especially during infancy, even if that meant living away from their children. But this arrangement was considered a broken home because the ideal family was the nuclear family, and there was an emotional cost of not being able to supervise one's own children. These kinship patterns reinforced the cultural value of familism, or mutual cooperation, collectivism, and mutual obligation among kinIn the 1950s, man who had fought in Word War II had returned home, married, and began starting their families. There was a substantial increase in the birthrate, producing the “bab y boomers.” A second demographic factor is that today young people are marrying and having children later in life. Some couple now choose not to have children at all. A third factor is that people are living longer after their children are grown, and they often end up alone. And, of course, there is further factor---the high rate of divorce3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the familyThe belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. As Alexis deTocqueville said in 1830s, in aristocratic societies inequality extends into the family, particularly to the father’relationship to his children. The father is accepted as ruler and master. The children’s relations with him are very formal, and love for him is always combined with fear. But in America, there is less formal respect for, and fear of the father. But there is more affection expressed toward him. In fact, some Americans are worried that there is too much democracy in the home. Some parents seem to have little or on control over the behavior of their teenage children, particularly after they turn 16 and get their drivers’licenses. On the other hand, they give their children a lot of freedom because they want to teach their children independence and self-reliant. Children are given a lot of freedom and equality in the family so that they can grow up independently. Traditionally American children have been expected “leave the nest”at about age eighteen, after they graduate from high school. By their mid-twenties, if children still living with their parents, some people will suspect that something is wrong. Today however, a number of young people are unable to find jobs that support the lifestyle they have grown up with, and they chooseto move back in with their parents for a time. These young people are sometimes called “boomerang kids”.Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The result is that the needs of each individualtake priority in the life of the family. This means that in contrast to many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically. Neither is to bring honor to the family name.The American desire for freedom outside control clearly extends to the family. Americans do not like to have controls placed on them by other family members. They want to make independent decisions and not want to be told what to do by grandparents or uncles or aunts. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual.4. Marriage and divorceMarriages are not arranged in the America. Young people are expected to find their husband or wife by their own; their parents do not usually help them. In other words, they will never tell those parents their marriage plan until they decided to marry. Parents have little control over their children marry. Americans believe that young people should fall in love and decide to marry some one they can live with happily with. Of course, in reality this does not always happen, but it remains thetraditional ideal and it shapes the views courtship and marriage among young Americans.In Americans value, marriage is determined largely by how happy the husband and wife make each other. So if the couple is not happy, they may choose to get a divorce. A divorce is relatively easy to obtain in most parts of the United States. Most states have “no-fault”divorce. To obtain a no-fault divorce, a couple states that they can no longer live happily together, that they have irreconcilable differences, and that it is neither partner’s fault. The divorce rate rose rapidly in America after the 1950s, but it has decreased by the 1990s. Today, one out of every two marriages now ends in divorce, children are often involved. The majority of American adult believe that unhappy couples should not stay married just because they have children at home. It is significant change in attitude since the 1950s.5. The role of childAmericans affect their children in a contradictory way. That is mostly because they are emphasis on the individual, rather than the group. It may cause them to get more attention and even have more power thanthey should. What’s more, because most children have mothers who are working outside the home, they may not get enough attention from their parents. In general, American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the children and less on their social and family responsibilities. Most American parents choose to learn how to plant children from books that made many books on how to raise children became the best sellers. Although Americans may not agree on how to raise children, they still hold the basic belief that the major purpose of the family is the development and welfare of each of its members as individuals.American children from an early age living in the environment of the "love" they are the love of many parents and families. Every parent is trying to create the best growth and educational environment for their children. Children in the very young, was sent to preschool and kindergarten, where there is specialized in research work in early childhood education teachers for the children arrange courses and activities. In choosing a primary school, the conditions of the parents should send their children to the relatively high fees of private schools, these schools have better teachers and equipment, and the class is relatively small. In family life, parents love their children and it is also reflected in the respect for the wishes of children, understanding and support of children's ideas. Parents usually try to meet the reasonable requirements of the child when the child's request can not be met, or thechildren have parents of different ideas, parents can patiently explained to speak the truth to persuade, never forced, but few have beaten children phenomenon. Americans in the speech of their children are to use polite language. Their children to help work with to discuss the tone, such as: "......" or "you can help me?" When the children finish afterwards, the parents never forget to say "thank you!" the child does something wrong and the parents of his critics, parents of the children said: "Thank you!" The children grew up in this democratic atmosphere, feel the respect of others, also felt a personal value, which formed they ask others to respect, but also respect other people's concepts.6. The Role of the Family in societyAccording to Letha and John Canzone, two American sociologists, the institution of marriage in the America has experience four stages of development:Stage 1: Wife as servant to husband. It happened during the 19th century. American wives were expected to be completely obedient to their husbands.Stage 2: Husband-hand, wife-helper. It was during the late 19th and early 20th century. The wife’s power increased, but the husbandremained the head of family.Stage 3:Husband-senior partner, wife-junior partner. It was during 1960s. More and more wives had jobs outside the house, but they had lower priority than their husbands.Stage 4: Husband-wife equal partner. Husband and wife share their family duties equally; power over family decisions is also shared equallyWe have seen that only one in four households consists of a traditional family—a father, mother and their children. Many of these are actually stepfamilies or blended families. Since most divorced people remarry, many children are living with a stepfather or stepmother. In a blended family, the parents many each have children from a previous marriage, and then have one or more children together. Blinding families is not easy, and, sadly, many second marriages fail.In addition to traditional families and blended families, there are a number of single parents, both mothers and fathers, raising their children alone. Many of the single mothers are divorced, but some have never married. In deed by the mid-1990s, one-third of all new babies were born to single mothers, and this trend continues.In recent years, lesbian couples have created family units, sometimes adopting children. Some states are considering same-sex marriages, and others may recognize them as civil unions. This is a very controversial issue. There is no doubt, that the definition of family has become muchbroader in the 2000s. The majority of Americans would now define a family as “people who live together and love each other.”7. The impact of educational thought in American families and culture of American societyAfter 200 years of development, the United States eventually become the world's only superpower, the strength of its various aspects of living in the world. A centuries-old country only a short reason why we can obtain such a brilliant achievement, there are many reasons, but I think the unique family culture in the United States, especially in the field of education plays a particularly important role, their family culture democracy, freedom and equality thinking, independent and opening up the spirit of adventure, to a large extent, to stimulate the economic development of science and technology in the United States, its performance in three areas.First, relying on this family culture, the United States each year attracts thousands of immigrants from all over the arrival of a large part is to learn a director or a certain skill that immigrants, they become an important part of the U.S. technology professionals. Such as Silicon Valley in the United States, 3/4 of its engineering and technical personnel come from China and India. Such immigrants can be said to promote the development of U.S. technology can not be ignored.Secondly, the adventure and the spirit of exploration in the American family culture encourage social progress. Not opposed to American society and culture of personal adventure, and even appreciation of personal risk-taking behavior, never ridiculed for losers ridicule. Because of this attitude in the scientific, economic and other fields of the United States, there is often a lot of unexpected invention to create. From the Nobel Prize winners in recent decades, nearly half of the winner from the U.S., this phenomenon is fully illustrates this point.Third, American family is focus on the individual development, democracy and social development. Performance in a single family as parents, children can freely express their views, opinions, everyone can express their views on a problem from their own point of view is manifested in social life, so that the same problem can good to know and analyze, from which to select the most appropriate and reasonable solution to the problem, to avoid the detours taken the wrong road. This is why the United States there are a large number of advisory bodies of the important reasons.As to the family values in America, Daniel Yankelovich has already reported it by 11 points, which is agreed by majority of Americans. He classifies 6 of them as clearly traditional. They are respecting one’s parents, being responsible for one’s actions, having faith in God, respecting authority, married to the same person for life, leaving the world in better shape. The other 5 are giving emotional support to other members of the family, respecting people for themselves, developing greater skill in communicating one’s feeling, respecting one’s children,living up to one’s potential as an individual.8. ConclusionAspects of American family culture can be said that the basic connotation of American families and culture, develop profiles and educational influence have a preliminary understanding, especially in contrast to the family culture in Sino-US educational differences, and further deepen our impression of the American family and culture. Family culture as a new type of culture, to some extent,it becomes us to understand American society and culture, a window, but also comprehensive and profound knowledge and understanding of the influence of educational thought in American culture has a positive effect.AcknowledgementsIt takes a long time to select subject and finalize a manuscript. During this spell, I have learned a lot and I would like to thank my teacher and those who give me a hand on this paper, especially my teacher Guo Ping. This paper is dedicated to my teacher’s guidance; she gives much information about the culture of American family and main direction for my paper, without which I would have never finished this article by myself.Trough the study of the American family, I have learned how to do the research work, how to use valuable resources and how to be a distinguished person.To all of these I owe a profound debt of gratitude, and to my classmates who offered me much help in the proofreading of this paperWorks citedMaryanne Kearny Dates man, The American Ways, Beijing, World Publishing Company, 2002.Shiva Zhu, Modern American Culture, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2001.Xiangtan Kong, the Western Culture, Xi’an, Northwestern Polytechnic University Press, 2007. Inland Xia, Modern American Family Law, Beijing, China Politics and Law University Press, 1999.乔安.克兰德尔2008 《美国文化背景第3版》世界图书出版公司。
现在就了解一下一些美国特色的文化吧!(1)和在中国的情况差不多,一般说来,当人们第一次见面时,他们握一握对方的手说:“It’s nice to meet you.”(很高兴见到你。
)其实,较正式的说法应是“How do you do?”(您好吗?)。
另外注意一点,就是熟人之间见面,中国人一般问:“ 吃饭了吗?”而美国人一般会谈论天气:“It’s a nice day.”而且平时美国人在一起聊天很少谈论政治和宗教信仰方面的问题,也很少谈到工作和工资的问题。
这一点一定要注意哦!We are learning english, or other friends in the teacher often told us, learn a language, not only to learn the language and study its culture. now is to learn about some american culture. (1) and in china's case, generally speaking, when they first met, they held each a hand : "it's nice to meet you." (glad to meet you.) in fact, a formal statement should be "How do you do?" (you?). but this statement is not very common. the first meeting, to inquire after work or learning is a typical method to start a conversation. in addition to one thing, it is between to meet their acquaintances, the chinese people asked : "for dinner?" and the united states people generally have talked about the weather : "it's a nice day." And ordinary americans chatting together seldom talked on politics and religion in question, and seldom talked about the work and salaries. it is necessary to the attention!(2)美国人喜欢在饭后吃点甜点。
The American family美国的家庭PPT课件
The contradiction between traditional and modern family
traditional family no divorce living near other
family members children obeying
their parents women focusing on
domestic duties and motherhood believe god
Marital status
7/10 Americans said that being married was better than being single.
They are also marrying later and having fewer children.
❖There is a nostalgia for the mythical good old days.
❖A return to that model would require women to give up the gains of the past 30 years and return to patriarchal models, something not many are willing to consider.
The changed family dynamics ❖The reason
American familyPPT1
1 2 3
What does "family" mean
Household income
Men’s roles
What does "family" mean to Americans?
"Please pass the turkey and dressing." What does this simple request make you think about?
Even so, there is still reason for hope. Many organizations are working hard to strengthen families. Americans almost feel that the traditional two-parent family is best for children. As a result, more and more people are making their family a priority. Many women are quitting their jobs to stay home with their children. Families are going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives are making a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid.
Work-house husband
《Family》_Family PPT优秀课件
点击“新词展示”,跟 我一起学词汇吧!
Hale Waihona Puke 词展示词汇巩固运用图片用英语介绍自己的家人。
小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一
1.My family
重点词汇 ①family /f æ m ə l I / (名词)家庭;一家
人 巧记 Father and mother I love you 爸爸、妈妈我
Group work :拿着照片,练 习介绍自己的家庭成员。 如: This is my ….
一、单词翻译。 父亲_________ 母亲________兄;弟—— 姐;妹_________ 家庭______
1.______is my sister.
A. He
T:Nice to meet you . S: Nice to meet you ,too .
(1)Introduce my friend and my body, review :
This is …
(2)介绍对方身体,Review:This is your …
1 father /f ɑ ː ð ə(r)/ (名词)父亲 2 mother /mʌðə(r)/ (名词)母亲 3 brother /b r ʌ ð ə(r)/(名词)兄;弟
4 sister /sɪs tə(r)/ (名词)姐;妹 5 family /f æ m ə l I / (名词)家庭;一家人
B. It
C. She
美国文化 American Family Life2
Independence and Individualism
Children should ―cut the (umbilical) cord‖ and are encouraged not to be ―tied to their mother’s apron strings‖. In the process of their socialization children learn to ―look out for number one‖ and to ―stand on their own two feet‖.
Where do Americans live?
About three-fourths of American families live in areas classified as urban, less than 5 percent of Americans live on farms, but small town living is still widespread. A greater number of Americans live in suburbs (about 37 percent of the population) than in cities (about 31 percent).
More than 7 million Americans live in mobile homes (once called house trailers). Mobile homes are living quarters built with wheels. They can be moved, but generally they are brought to a site that is intended to be more or less permanent. Then the wheels are removed, and the home is fastened to the ground.
美国家庭-American Family
中国地质大学江城学院课程论文题目:America, Its Culture___Focus on American Family聚焦美国文化___浅析美国家庭学生沈锦霞学号**********课程主要英语国家概况A2教授郭萍二○一二年五月三十日声明本人呈交的课程论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、表格、图表真实可靠,尽我所知。
本人签名: 日期: ______摘要想要了解一个国家的文化,应首先从它社会的基本组成单位家庭入手。
关键词:文化价值观社会婚姻ABSTRACTI f you want to learn about a country’ culture, you should first learn its basic components of society --- family.Full exchange of social sciences, economic development, the countries of the world continues to accelerate and deepen the understanding of its country's culture. Large part is from the understanding of the families of the people of its country. The family is not strange for everyone, it is an essential part of human society, every one is living among a family. Based on home-based family culture is slow.The general concern. Because it can be said to be an important window of the culture of other nations, so the family around the family culture has become a worldwide discussion hot. This article is written from the traditional American family structure, from shallow to deep,to the reason of the change of family structure since 1950s, then it emphatically analyzes the values at work in the family, and show the development of the vslues. The middle part is mainly about Americans’ different attitude towards marriage and divorce, the role of the child, the way Americans raise their children, and the development of equality in the family----the childrens’ relationship with their father are from formal and fear to equality. And from all the above we can see the spirits of the emphasis on individual freedom and “ Every one is created equally”. Then the article is about four stages of marriage relationships, this paper briefly introduced the development process of the spirits above. The last paper is about the full text, it highly introduced the role of the family in society and the family values.Key Words: culture value society marriageCONTENTS1. Introduction (1)2. Family structure (1)3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the family (2)4. Marriage and divorce (3)5. The role of child (4)6. The Role of the Family in society (5)7. The impact of educational thought in American families and culture ofAmerican society (5)8. Conclusion (6)Acknowledgements (7)Works cited (8)America, its culture___focus on the American family1. IntroductionWhen we talk about Americans, the first word come into our mind is family. Americans take family as their most important part in their lives. So what is the typical American family? What is the family relationship, and how have the traditional American values affected it?It’s generally believed that before the 1960s, American families have experienced the evolution from the family to the nuclear family. Into the 1960s, that is, post-industrial society, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, the values of Americans favor individualism and hedonism, coupled with the rise of anti-tradition and the feminist movement, the American nuclear family is under great impact. Divorce, cohabitation and homosexuality dramatic increase makes in the number of significant decline in marriage rates. The resulting single-parent families, following-parent families, dual-career families, single-parent families, DINK families, gay families, the American family patterns are showing a diversification trend.The divorce rate is gradually increased, the transformation of gender roles in the family, the growing requirements of the material economic and social recognition are impacted American marriage patterns generated tremendous changes in the main factors. We Can not deny that the modern American family patterns do make up for the deficiencies of the old family patterns. But for many women and children, divorce and remarriage is not really no harm. On the economic front, the mother as the guardian of the single-parent families met with great difficulty.2. Family structureTypical American familyIf Americans should name their family:Married Americans would say the name of their wife or husband and children. Their brothers and sisters are just single units.Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are extended family.Traditional familyThe American families were nuclear families which consumed of wife, husband and children and lived in a house or an apartment.Grandparents were rarely found living with their married sons or daughters. Anduncles and aunts almost never do.1950sThe classic American family where the father was the “breadwinner” and the family mother was the “homemaker” and the family had two children.Reality todayOnly today a small percentage of American families are living like “stay-at-home” mother, a working father and children under 18 years.25% Americans is living aloneStructurally, Asian-American families historically included split-household families, transnational families, extended families, nuclear families, and multiple nuclear family households. Evelyn Nakano Glen (1983) described Chinese split-household families as part production or income earning by men sojourning abroad, and part reproduction or maintaining the family household, including childrearing and caring for the elderly by wives and relatives in China. Split-household families were common for Chinese between 1850 and the 1920s. In the 1930s Filipino families also had split-household families since men far exceeded women on the mainland. Gender roles became reversed when Filipina women migrated to become domestic workers and nurses in the health care system, becoming family breadwinners with children and spouses in the homeland. Transnational (split-household) families grew out of economic necessity, and transcended borders and spatial boundaries to take advantage of the lower cost of living for families in a developing country (Zhou and Gatewood 2000). Filipina women preferred having kin, rather than strangers, provide childcare, especially during infancy, even if that meant living away from their children. But this arrangement was considered a broken home because the ideal family was the nuclear family, and there was an emotional cost of not being able to supervise one's own children. These kinship patterns reinforced the cultural value of familism, or mutual cooperation, collectivism, and mutual obligation among kinIn the 1950s, man who had fought in Word War II had returned home, married, and began starting their families. There was a substantial increase in the birthrate, producing the “bab y boomers.”A second demographic factor is that today young people are marrying and having children later in life. Some couple now choose not to have children at all. A third factor is that people are living longer after their children are grown, and they often end up alone. And, of course, there is further factor---the high rate of divorce3. Individual Freedom and Equality in the familyThe belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. As Alexis de Tocqueville said in 1830s, in aristocratic societies inequality extends into the family, particularly to the father’ relationship to his children. The father is accepted as ruler and master. The children’s relations with him are very formal, and love for him isalways combined with fear. But in America, there is less formal respect for, and fear of the father. But there is more affection expressed toward him. In fact, some Americans are worried that there is too much democracy in the home. Some parents seem to have little or on control over the behavior of their teenage children, particularly after they turn 16 and get their drivers’ licenses. On the other hand, they give their children a lot of freedom because they want to teach their children independence and self-reliant. Children are given a lot of freedom and equality in the family so that they can grow up independently. Traditionally American children have been expected “leave the nest” at about age eighteen, after they graduate from high school. By their mid-twenties, if children still living with their parents, some people will suspect that something is wrong. Today however, a number of young people are unable to find jobs that support the lifestyle they have grown up with, and they choose to move back in with their parents for a time. These young people are sometimes called “boomerang kids”.Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The result is that the needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family. This means that in contrast to many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically. Neither is to bring honor to the family name.The American desire for freedom outside control clearly extends to the family. Americans do not like to have controls placed on them by other family members. They want to make independent decisions and not want to be told what to do by grandparents or uncles or aunts. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual. What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual.4. Marriage and divorceMarriages are not arranged in the America. Young people are expected to find their husband or wife by their own; their parents do not usually help them. In other words, they will never tell those parents their marriage plan until they decided to marry. Parents have little control over their children marry. Americans believe that young people should fall in love and decide to marry some one they can live with happily with. Of course, in reality this does not always happen, but it remains the traditional ideal and it shapes the views courtship and marriage among young Americans.In Americans value, marriage is determined largely by how happy the husband and wife make each other. So if the couple is not happy, they may choose to get a divorce.A divorce is relatively easy to obtain in most parts of the United States. Most states have “no-fault” divorce. To obtain a no-fault divorce, a couple states that they can no longer live happily together, that they have irreconcilable differences, and that it is neither partner’s fault. The divorce rate rose rapidly in America after the 1950s, but it has decreased by the 1990s. Today, one out of every two marriages now ends indivorce, children are often involved. The majority of American adult believe that unhappy couples should not stay married just because they have children at home. It is significant change in attitude since the 1950s.5. The role of childAmericans affect their children in a contradictory way. That is mostly because they are emphasis on the individual, rather than the group. It may cause them to get more attention and even have more power than they should. What’s more, because most children have mothers who are working outside the home, they may not get enough attention from their parents. In general, American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the children and less on their social and family responsibilities. Most American parents choose to learn how to plant children from books that made many books on how to raise children became the best sellers. Although Americans may not agree on how to raise children, they still hold the basic belief that the major purpose of the family is the development and welfare of each of its members as individuals.American children from an early age living in the environment of the "love" they are the love of many parents and families. Every parent is trying to create the best growth and educational environment for their children. Children in the very young, was sent to preschool and kindergarten, where there is specialized in research work in early childhood education teachers for the children arrange courses and activities. In choosing a primary school, the conditions of the parents should send their children to the relatively high fees of private schools, these schools have better teachers and equipment, and the class is relatively small. In family life, parents love their children and it is also reflected in the respect for the wishes of children, understanding and support of children's ideas. Parents usually try to meet the reasonable requirements of the child when the child's request can not be met, or the children have parents of different ideas, parents can patiently explained to speak the truth to persuade, never forced, but few have beaten children phenomenon. Americans in the speech of their children are to use polite language. Their children to help work with to discuss the tone, such as: "......" or "you can help me?" When the children finish afterwards, the parents never forget to say "thank you!" the child does something wrong and the parents of his critics, parents of the children said: "Thank you!" The children grew up in this democratic atmosphere, feel the respect of others, also felt a personal value, which formed they ask others to respect, but also respect other people's concepts.6. The Role of the Family in societyAccording to Letha and John Canzone, two American sociologists, the institution of marriage in the America has experience four stages of development:Stage 1: Wife as servant to husband. It happened during the 19th century. American wives were expected to be completely obedient to their husbands.Stage 2: Husband-hand, wife-helper. It was during the late 19th and early 20th century. The wife’s power increased, but the husband remained the head of family. Stage 3:Husband-senior partner, wife-junior partner. It was during 1960s. More and more wives had jobs outside the house, but they had lower priority than their husbands.Stage 4:Husband-wife equal partner. Husband and wife share their family duties equally; power over family decisions is also shared equallyWe have seen that only one in four households consists of a traditional family—a father, mother and their children. Many of these are actually stepfamilies or blended families. Since most divorced people remarry, many children are living with a stepfather or stepmother. In a blended family, the parents many each have children from a previous marriage, and then have one or more children together. Blinding families is not easy, and, sadly, many second marriages fail.In addition to traditional families and blended families, there are a number of single parents, both mothers and fathers, raising their children alone. Many of the single mothers are divorced, but some have never married. In deed by the mid-1990s, one-third of all new babies were born to single mothers, and this trend continues.In recent years, lesbian couples have created family units, sometimes adopting children. Some states are considering same-sex marriages, and others may recognize them as civil unions. This is a very controversial issue. There is no doubt, that the definition of family has become much broader in the 2000s. The majority of Americans would now define a family as “people who live together and love each other.”7. The impact of educational thought in American families and culture of American societyAfter 200 years of development, the United States eventually become the world's only superpower, the strength of its various aspects of living in the world. A centuries-old country only a short reason why we can obtain such a brilliant achievement, there are many reasons, but I think the unique family culture in the United States, especially in the field of education plays a particularly important role, their family culture democracy, freedom and equality thinking, independent and opening up the spirit of adventure, to a large extent, to stimulate the economic development of science and technology in the United States, its performance in three areas.First, relying on this family culture, the United States each year attracts thousands of immigrants from all over the arrival of a large part is to learn a director or a certain skill that immigrants, they become an important part of the U.S. technology professionals. Such as Silicon Valley in the United States, 3/4 of its engineering and technical personnel come from China and India. Such immigrants can be said to promote the development of U.S. technology can not be ignored. Secondly, the adventure and the spirit of exploration in the American family culture encourage social progress. Not opposed to American society and culture of personal adventure, and even appreciation of personal risk-taking behavior, never ridiculed for losers ridicule. Because of this attitude in the scientific, economic and other fields of the United States, there is often a lot of unexpected invention to create. From the Nobel Prize winners in recent decades, nearly half of the winner from the U.S., this phenomenon is fully illustrates this point.Third, American family is focus on the individual development, democracy and social development. Performance in a single family as parents, children can freely express their views, opinions, everyone can express their views on a problem from their own point of view is manifested in social life, so that the same problem can good to know and analyze, from which to select the most appropriate and reasonable solution to the problem, to avoid the detours taken the wrong road. This is why the United States there are a large number of advisory bodies of the important reasons.As to the family values in America, Daniel Yankelovich has already reported it by 11 points, which is agreed by majority of Americans. He classifies 6 of them as clearly traditional. They are respecting one’s parents, being responsible for one’s actions, having faith in God, respecting authority, married to the same person for life, leaving the world in better shape. The other 5 are giving emotional support to other members of the family, respecting people for themselves, developing greater skill in communicating one’s feeling, respecting one’s children, living up to one’s potential as an individual.8. ConclusionAspects of American family culture can be said that the basic connotation of American families and culture, develop profiles and educational influence have a preliminary understanding, especially in contrast to the family culture in Sino-US educational differences, and further deepen our impression of the American family and culture. Family culture as a new type of culture, to some extent,it becomes us to understand American society and culture, a window, but also comprehensive and profound knowledge and understanding of the influence of educational thought in American culture has a positive effect.AcknowledgementsIt takes a long time to select subject and finalize a manuscript. During this spell, I have learned a lot and I would like to thank my teacher and those who give me a hand on this paper, especially my teacher Guo Ping. This paper is dedicated to my teacher’s guidance; she gives much information about the culture of American family and main direction for my paper, without which I would have never finished this article by myself.Trough the study of the American family, I have learned how to do the research work, how to use valuable resources and how to be a distinguished person.To all of these I owe a profound debt of gratitude, and to my classmates who offered me much help in the proofreading of this paperWorks citedMaryanne Kearny Dates man, The American Ways, Beijing, World Publishing Company, 2002.Shiva Zhu, Modern American Culture, Beijing, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2001.Xiangtan Kong, the Western Culture, Xi’an, Northwestern Polytechnic University Press, 2007.Inland Xia, Modern American Family Law, Beijing, China Politics and Law University Press, 1999.乔安.克兰德尔2008 《美国文化背景第3版》世界图书出版公司。
Family patterns
American & China
American family life
▪ unstable ▪ democratic ▪ equal
something about the difference
Single parent families
American family
The traditional American family is a “nuclear family(核心家庭)." A nuclear family refers to a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three children (and maybe a few pets).
The Nature of Family
Group member: 汤乾锋 张一鹏 王良全 王帅
Family values
Chinese Family values
• Ancient Chinese has always attached great importance to family problems. The Chinese people will even "nation" called “guo jia ”.
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Family values
The following are what a majority of Americans agree as family values: 1. Respecting one’s parents 2. Being responsible for one’s actions 3. Having faith in God 4. Respecting authority 5. Married to the same person for a lifetime
Cohabitation, or trial marriage has become widespread in America.
Many people, who choose to delay marriage or remain single, view cohabitation as an alternative to marriage. Approximately 45% of young people have cohabited for some length of time.
Before 1970, divorce laws had based on the concept of fault. After 1970, all the 50 States adopted no-fault divorce. Divorce should be granted on the basis of irreconcilable differences that have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage . The majority of American women value companionship as the most important part of marriage. Other values, such as having economic support and the opportunity to have children, although important, are seen by many as less important. If the couple is not happy, the individuals may choose to get a DIVORCE.
Family Since the 1980s, many couples started to strive to build durable relationships based on more conventional values of the past— loyalty, trust and commitment.
Some Americans worry that there is too much democracy in the home, since there has been a significant decline in parental authority and children ’s respect for them, especially in teenagers. Some parents seem to have little control over the behavior of their teenage children, mainly after they turn 16, when they get their driver’s licenses.
Women and child care
Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1960s resulted in abortion rights, the creation of a great number of daycare centers, and equal access to professional opportunities.
Family life and social etiquette
Unit goals
To get a general knowledge of the American family To get acquainted with some American etiquette To learn some useful words and expressions concerning American family life and etiquette
In the late 1960s and 1970s, an emphasis was placed on experimentation and freedom. Marriage was no longer “till death us do part” but “till we get bored”. Divorce rate increased dramatically during this period.
The most important event that influenced families in the second half of the 20th century is the invention of birth control pills, which enabled people to actually plan childbearing.
But the following table shows that most domestic duties are still women’s work.
Women and child care
Task Laundry Shopping Cooking Cleaning Dishwashing Paperwork Child care Yard work Children 10 3 7 19 26 1 4 9 Husband 7 19 15 12 13 29 32 49 Wife 81 78 77 66 60 70 63 40 Non-family 2 0 1 3 1 0 2 2
Family values
6. Leaving the world in better shape 7. Giving emotional support to other members of the family 8. Respecting people for themselves 9. Developing greater skills in communicating one’s feelings 10. Respecting one’s children
American Family: The Emphasis on Individual Freedom
The primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically. Family name and honor are less important than in aristocratic societies. Americans do not like to have controls placed on them by other family members.
American Family Structures : 1.Typical families (father, mother with usually two children under 18) 2. Married couples without children 3. Single parents and their children ( In 2006, 33% children are being raised in single parent families, and 90% single parent families are headed by females.) 4. Unrelated people living together 5. Homosexual couples (domestic partners) 6. Intercultural unions: marriages between people of different races or cultures
American Family: The Emphasis on Individual Freedom
Americans view family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members. The needs of each individual take priority in the life of the family.
25% of American people live alone.
According to the US government, a family is those people who live with others to whom they are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. In colonial American society, family was a place of production, a primarily self-sufficient agricultural unit. The present concept of a family home is a place whose economic activities focus on consumption and child-care.