一、美国报纸1. The New York Times《纽约时报》/2. The Washington Post《华盛顿邮报》/3. USA Today《今日美国》/4. U.S News & World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》/5. Los Angeles Times《洛杉矶时报》/二、美国期刊1. Reader’s Digest《读者文摘》/2. TIME《时代周刊》/3. People《人民》/4. Scientific American《美国科学》/5. The New Yorker《纽约人》/6. Atlantic Monthly《大西洋月刊》/7. Harvard Business Review《哈佛商业评论》/8. National Geographic《国家地理》/三、英国报纸1. Times《泰晤士报》/2. The Guardian《卫报》/3. The Daily Express《每日快报》/四、英国期刊1. The Economist《经济学家》/2. The Spectator《旁观者》/3. Discovery《发现》/4. Nature《自然》/5. New Scientist《新科学家》/五、澳大利亚报纸1. The Canberra Times《堪培拉时报》.au/2. Sydney Morning Herald《悉尼晨报》.au/3. The Melbourne Age《墨尔本时代》.au/六、澳大利亚期刊1. Popular Science《大众科学》.au/2. The Australian《澳大利亚人》.au/3. News Weekly《新闻周刊》.au/七、新西兰/加拿大报纸1. New Zealand Herald《新西兰信使》(新西兰) /2. The Dominion Post《统治邮报》(新西兰) /dominion-post/3. The Globe and Mail 《环球与邮件》(加拿大) /4. The National Post《国家邮报》(加拿大) /第二部分:2012-13-2学期始开出课程的书目下面是外国语学院从2012-2013第二学期开始将开设的全校英语口语、听力、文化、阅读等课程供学生使用的教材和参考书目。
kb剑桥国际少儿英语教材介绍《剑桥国际少儿英语》(Kids Box,以下简称KB)是剑桥大学出版社专为5-12岁非英语国家的孩子出版的一套零起点综合英语教材。
教材共分为六个级别,每个级别的内容如下:* KB1:约350个生词和短语,讲故事12个,24篇听力训练。
* KB2:约300个生词和短语,讲故事12个,24篇听力训练。
* KB3:约450个生词和短语,讲故事8个,16篇听力训练,阅读训练8篇。
* KB4:约350个生词和短语,12篇听力训练,阅读训练24篇。
* KB5:约350个生词和短语,12篇听力训练,阅读训练24篇。
* KB6:约350个生词和短语,12篇听力训练,阅读训练24篇。
美语发音秘诀 和 国际剑桥英语语音
美语发音秘诀和国际剑桥英语语音The key to mastering American English pronunciation lies in understanding and practicing the following aspects:1. Vowel sounds: American English has a wide range of vowel sounds, and it's important to pay attention to the subtle differences between them. Practice pronouncing words with different vowel sounds to improve your pronunciation.2. Consonant sounds: Pay attention to the pronunciation of consonant sounds, as they can vary between American English and other varieties of English. Practice pronouncing words with challenging consonant sounds, such as "th" and "r."3. Stress and intonation: American English has a unique rhythm and intonation pattern. Pay attention to the stress placed on certain syllables in words and practice using the correct intonation patterns in sentences.4. Linking and blending: American English speakers often link words together and blend sounds when speaking. Practice linking words together smoothly to improve your overall fluency and pronunciation.5. Pronunciation drills: Regular practice is key to improving your pronunciation. Use pronunciation drills and exercises to focus on specific sounds or patterns that you find challenging.Now, let's talk about the International Cambridge English Phonetics:1. Vowel sounds: The International Cambridge English Phonetics system also emphasizes the importance of vowel sounds, and provides a standardized way to transcribe and study them. Pay attention to the symbols used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to accurately represent vowel sounds.2. Consonant sounds: Similarly, the International Cambridge English Phonetics system provides detailed descriptions of consonant sounds, including their place and manner of articulation. Practice pronouncing words using the IPA symbols to improve your accuracy.3. Stress and intonation: The International Cambridge English Phonetics system also incorporates stress and intonation patterns in its transcription of words. Studythe symbols used to indicate stress and intonation to improve your understanding and use of these features.4. Linking and blending: The International Cambridge English Phonetics system is also useful for studyinglinking and blending of sounds in English. Pay attention to the symbols used to indicate connected speech in the IPA to improve your pronunciation.5. Pronunciation drills: Use the International Cambridge English Phonetics system as a tool for practicing and improving your pronunciation. Focus on transcribing and pronouncing words using the IPA symbols to enhance your phonetic awareness.通过掌握这些技巧和系统,你将能够提高你的美语发音水平,并更好地理解和应用国际剑桥英语语音。
以下是一些常用的英语词汇教材:1. 《剑桥词典》(Cambridge Dictionary)这是一本广泛使用的英语词典,它提供了详细的释义、例句和发音指导,能够满足学习者的各种查询需求。
2. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)这本词典适用于中高级英语学习者,它提供了更加深入的释义和丰富的词汇用法,帮助学习者拓展词汇量。
3. 《英语词根词缀大全》(English Word Roots and Affixes)该教材主要介绍英语单词的词根和词缀,帮助学习者理解词汇的构成规律和扩大阅读能力。
以下是一些常用的英语语法教材:1. 《英语语法大全》(Essential English Grammar)这本教材详细介绍了英语的各种语法规则,包括句子结构、时态、语态等内容,适用于初级和中级学习者。
2. 《剑桥英语语法》(Cambridge English Grammar in Use)这是一套系列教材,分为基础、中级和高级三个级别。
3. 《英语语法习题集》(English Grammar Exercises)该习题集主要包含了各种语法练习题,通过不断的练习加深学习者对语法规则的理解和运用能力。
请相信:给孩子一个相约剑桥的机会,孩子的英语世界从此发生蜕变!课程五大特色——1. 最高效它是英联邦国家立法的少儿英语启蒙拼读法,亚洲其他地区目前最流行的语音教学法,由本校全球独家引进,在甬城家长中引起轰动,号称是要排队报名的语音速成法,融合剑桥教研室独创的“人体器官模型教学法”,神奇地实现“标准发音,快速拼写”,让中国的学生从此告别死记硬背学英语的困扰。
2. 最具创造性每期课程都帮助学习者在收获知识的同时感受着自我创造力,时刻增强自信心,提高自主学习能力和习惯。
3. 最科学THRASS融合了哲学思想和少儿心智发育特点,以纠正不良发音、传授字母组合和发音方式规律、构建单词音、形、义的思维模式为目标,帮助少儿在短期内自然快速习得英文语音规律,消除机械式单词记忆困扰,从而过目不忘、终身受益。
4. 最现代化母语式的学习语境,纯正英伦风格的童话式授课、中西语言文化的完美结合,彩图式课本、中外教互动式情景教学,激发学生创意式思维;再配上外研通点读笔,让孩子爱不释手,随时随地可以模仿原声发音、练习听力。
5. 最娱乐免费借阅剑桥图书室500多种外研社点读书,让孩子畅游英语文化世界。
RP(正宗英式口音)《剑桥国际英语语音教程*英音版》在中国,普通话是最正确、最标准的官方语言,而在英国,虽然没有官方规定,但在英语的发展历史中,有一种发音逐渐形成其重要性,成为公认的最标准英式发音,这就是Received Pronunciation,简称为RP。
追溯其历史,Received Pronunciation最早是11世纪时形成于英格兰中南部的一支方言。
14世纪时,Received Pronunciation被广泛在贸易商人中使用,又由于牛津和剑桥大学的崛起,这种方言被两所大学的学生所采用,于是成为受过良好教育人士的语言。
在19世纪到20世纪,Received Pronunciation成为英国公立学校的教学语言,也被英国广播公司(BBC)的播音员使用,于是又被称为Public School English 和BBC English。
Received Pronunciation这一概念,最早是英国语言学家Daniel S. Jones 在1918年的一本专着中提出的。
总结起来,Received Pronunciation有如下几个基本特点:一、 Received Pronunciation是一种标准的中性口音,被认为不带有某个特定地域的方言特点。
而在英伦三岛中,Received Pronunciation仅在英格兰使用,并且也不限区域。
二、 Received Pronunciation有明确的社会界定。
在英国,RP被认为是受过良好教育的体现,因此它特别多地和上流社会和中上阶层联系在一起,有时又被称为Oxford English 和King's/Queen's English。
一个来自威尔士的煤矿工人,是绝对不懂得,也不可能操一口优雅的Received Pronunciation的。
剑桥国际英语语音入门 tree or three
剑桥国际英语语音入门tree or three全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Tree and three are two words that sound similar but have very different meanings. Let's take a closer look at these two words and learn how to pronounce them correctly!First up, we have "tree." A tree is a tall plant with a trunk and branches that grow leaves or bear fruit. Trees can be found all around us, from the towering oak trees in the forest to the tiny bonsai trees on a windowsill. To pronounce "tree," we start with the "t" sound, then add the long "ee" sound like in the word "see." So it's "tree" with a long "ee" sound at the end.Next, we have "three." Three is a number that comes after two and before four. It's the number of fingers on each hand, the number of sides on a triangle, and the number of primary colors. To pronounce "three," we start with the "th" sound, which is a bit tricky because you have to stick out your tongue slightly, then add the "r" sound and finish with the "ee" sound. So it's "th-ree" with the "ee" sound at the end.So remember, when you see a tree, think of the long "ee" sound, and when you hear the number three, think of the"th-ree" sound with a sneaky "th" at the beginning. Practice saying these words out loud and soon you'll be able to tell the difference between tree and three with ease!Now go outside and count how many trees you can see, and then try to count to three without getting mixed up with tree. Have fun learning the difference between tree and three, and impress your friends with your new pronunciation skills!篇2Once upon a time, there were two words called "tree" and "three". They sounded pretty similar, right? But actually, they are completely different words with different meanings. Let's take a closer look at them.So, let's start with "tree". You know what a tree is, right? It's a big plant with branches and leaves that grows in the ground. Trees are important because they give us oxygen, shade, and fruits. They are also home to many animals. Next time you see a tree, just remember the word "tree".Now, let's talk about "three". This is a number, just like one, two, and four. It comes after two and before four. You can usethe word "three" when you're counting things or when you want to say there are three of something. For example, you have three toys or three apples.But why do these words sound alike? It's because of something called pronunciation. In English, some words may sound the same even though they have different meanings. That's why it's important to pay attention to the sounds of words and their meanings.To help you remember the difference between "tree" and "three", you can imagine a tree with three apples on it. This way, you can connect the two words and remember them better.So, next time you hear someone say "tree" or "three", you'll know exactly what they mean. Just remember, a tree is a plant and three is a number. Keep practicing and soon you'll be a pro at using these words correctly! Keep up the good work!篇3Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about a tricky English pronunciation rule - the difference between the sounds "tree" and "three". These two words may look similar, but they are actually pronounced very differently. Let's break it down!First up, let's talk about "tree". When we say the word "tree", the sound we make at the beginning is a "t" sound. It's like the sound you make when you tap your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Then, we have the sound "r", which is a bit like a growling sound in the back of your throat. Finally, we have the "ee" sound, which is a long vowel sound that stretches out your mouth like you're smiling.Now, let's move on to "three". This word starts with the "th" sound, which is made by sticking out your tongue between your teeth. Next, we have the "r" sound again, just like in "tree". And finally, we have the "ee" sound once more.So what's the difference between the two? Well, the key thing to remember is that in "tree", the sound at the beginning is a "t", while in "three" it's a "th". It's a small difference, but it can really change the meaning of a word!To practice these sounds, you can try saying words that start with "tree" like "green" or "leaves", and words that start with "three" like "thirsty" or "through". Remember to pay attention to how your mouth moves and try to mimic the sounds as best as you can.I hope this helps you understand the difference between "tree" and "three". Keep practicing and you'll master these tricky sounds in no time! Thanks for listening, see you next time!篇4Hey guys, have you ever heard of the word "tree" and "three"? They sound really similar, right? But did you know that they actually have different meanings and are pronounced differently?So, let's start with the word "tree". A tree is a big plant with branches, leaves, and sometimes fruits or flowers. We can find trees in parks, forests, and even in our backyard. The word "tree" is pronounced with a long "ee" sound at the end, like when we say "wee".Now, let's move on to the word "three". "Three" is a number that comes after two and before four. We use "three" to count things like friends, pencils, or even apples. The word "three" is pronounced with a short "ee" sound in the middle, like when we say "see".So, even though "tree" and "three" sound similar, they have completely different meanings and pronunciations. It'simportant to remember the difference so that we can use the right word in the right situation.Next time you see a tree in the park, try counting the leaves on it and see if you can spot three birds sitting on a branch. Remember, it's "tree" with a long "ee" sound for the plant and "three" with a short "ee" sound for the number.Keep practicing, guys, and soon you'll be able to say "tree" and "three" perfectly! Have fun learning and exploring the world of English language. See you next time!篇5Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something super fun - the difference between "tree" and "three" in English! These two words may sound the same, but they actually mean totally different things. Let's break it down together!First off, let's talk about "tree". "Tree" is a big plant that grows in the ground and has a trunk, branches, and leaves. You can see trees everywhere, like in the park, on the street, or even in your backyard! Trees are super important because they give us oxygen and provide homes for animals. So remember, when you see a tall plant with branches and leaves, that's a "tree"!Now, let's move on to "three". "Three" is a number. It comes after two and before four. So if you have three apples, it means you have not one, not two, but three apples! You can use "three" to count things, like three cookies, three toys, or even three friends. It's a small number, but it's also a special number because it's the number of friends you need to have a party!Even though "tree" and "three" sound the same when we say them out loud, they have different meanings. So next time you see a big plant with branches and leaves, remember that's a "tree". And when you want to count something and you reach the number after two, that's "three"! Keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it in no time!That's all for today, guys! Thanks for listening and I hope you learned something new about the words "tree" and "three" in English. Stay curious and keep exploring the exciting world of language! See you next time!篇6Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about the tricky words "tree" and "three" in English. They may sound the same when we say them, but they actually mean different things.Let's start with "tree." A tree is a big plant with branches and leaves that grows in the ground. Maybe you have a tree in your backyard where you love to play or climb. Remember, "tree" has an "ee" sound like in "beet" or "tweet."Now, let's move on to "three." "Three" is a number, like when you count, "one, two, three." It's one more than two and one less than four. When you say "three," your mouth makes a "th" sound like in "think" or "thumb," and then an "ree" sound like in "bee" or "see."So, remember, "tree" is the big plant and "three" is the number. They may sound the same, but they have different meanings. Practice saying them both out loud so you can hear the difference. Keep up the good work with your English learning and you'll soon master these tricky words! Keep practicing and you'll be an English expert in no time. Have fun learning and keep up the good work!篇7Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the differences between the words "tree" and "three" in English. These two words might sound similar, but they actually have very different meanings.Let's start with the word "tree." A tree is a tall plant that has a trunk, branches, leaves, and roots. Trees can be found all around us, in parks, forests, and even in our own backyard. They provide us with shade, oxygen, and homes for animals.Now, let's talk about the word "three." "Three" is a number, just like one, two, four, and so on. When we say "three," we are talking about the amount of things we have, like three apples, three birds, or three friends. It's important to know the difference between "tree" and "three" so that we can communicate clearly with others.To help remember the difference between these two words, you can think of a tree with three branches. That way, you can connect the meanings of the words in your mind and remember them better.I hope this explanation helps you understand the difference between "tree" and "three." Remember to practice saying these words correctly, and soon you will be able to use them with confidence. Keep learning and exploring the world of English language!篇8Hey guys, do you know the difference between "tree" and "three"? Well, let me tell you all about it! In English, these two words sound almost the same but have completely different meanings.First, let's talk about "tree." A tree is a big plant with branches and leaves that grow outside. Trees are really important because they give us oxygen to breathe and some of them even give us yummy fruits like apples and oranges. Trees are also homes for birds and squirrels, so they are super cool!Now, let's move on to "three." Three is just a number, like when you have three toys or three cookies. It comes after two and before four. You can count things using numbers, and three is just one of those numbers.So, remember, when you're talking about a big plant with leaves and branches, you say "tree." But when you're talking about the number that comes after two, you say "three." Easy peasy, right?It's important to learn the difference between these two words so you can talk about them correctly. Try saying them out loud a few times to get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect!I hope this little lesson helped you understand the difference between "tree" and "three." Keep on learning and exploring the wonderful world of English language! Bye for now!篇9Excuuuuse me, let me tell you all about this super cool thing called "tree" and "three" in English! It's so fun and easy to understand, even for us little kids!Okay, so first of all, let's talk about "tree". Tree is the big, tall plant that grows in the ground and has lots of branches and leaves. You know, like the ones we see in the park or in our backyard. Trees are super important because they give us oxygen to breathe and provide homes for animals. So remember, when we say "tree", we're talking about that big plant with roots, branches, and leaves.Now, let's move on to "three". Three is a number, like when we count "one, two, three!" It's the number that comes after two and before four. We use the number "three" to count things, like three toys or three friends. It's a fun number because it's not too big or too small, it's just right in the middle!So, the tricky part is that "tree" and "three" sound the same when we say them out loud. But remember, they mean totallydifferent things! One is a big plant with leaves and branches, and the other is a number we use to count things. It's like a little game to see if we can tell the difference when we hear them in a sentence.So, that's it for our lesson on "tree" and "three" in English! I hope you had fun learning with me, and remember to keep practicing so you can get really good at it. Thanks for listening, my friends! See you next time!篇10Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about something super important for learning English - the difference between "tree" and "three" in pronunciation. This may seem tricky at first, but I promise it's not as hard as it seems!Let's start with "tree". So, imagine you're outside in the park and you see a big green thing with branches and leaves. What is it? That's right, it's a tree! Now, say the word out loud with me - "tree". Make sure your tongue is relaxed and your lips are slightly rounded when you say the "ee" sound.Now, let's move on to "three". This time, think about the number that comes after two. Yup, it's three! Say the word withme - "three". Notice how your mouth opens wider and your tongue touches the roof of your mouth to make the "th" sound.So, to recap - "tree" is the big green thing in the park and "three" is the number after two. Remember to practice saying these words out loud and pay attention to how your mouth and tongue move when you say them.I hope this little lesson helped you guys understand the difference between "tree" and "three". Keep practicing and you'll be speaking English like a pro in no time! See you next time!。
剑桥国际少儿英语kb3活动用书(原创版)目录1.剑桥国际少儿英语 KB3 活动用书概述2.KB3 活动用书的主要内容3.KB3 活动用书的特点4.KB3 活动用书对学生的帮助5.如何有效使用 KB3 活动用书正文剑桥国际少儿英语 KB3 活动用书是针对小学生英语学习的一本教材,旨在为孩子的英语学习创造一个自信的起点,并让教师充分体验语言教学的乐趣。
KB3 活动用书的主要内容包括听力、语音、语法、词汇和句型等内容。
此外,KB3 活动用书还注重培养学生的口头表达能力,让他们能够自信地用英语进行沟通。
KB3 活动用书的特点在于采用生动有趣的方式,通过各种活动让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。
使用 KB3 活动用书可以帮助学生在课堂上更好地参与教学活动,提高课堂效果。
为了有效使用 KB3 活动用书,教师需要在课堂上创造积极的学习氛围,引导学生积极参与活动。
总之,剑桥国际少儿英语 KB3 活动用书是一本富有趣味性、实用性和启发性的教材,对于小学生的英语学习具有很好的辅助作用。
1.剑桥英语口语教材 Evolve
Evolve 和剑桥国际英语语音教程。
剑桥英语口语教材 Evolve 是一套由剑桥大学出版社出版的六级英
Evolve 通过个性「沟通互动能力」训练阶段和同伴模式,帮助学生自然地使用英语与人交流,并增强他们的自信心。
图书,于 2009 年由北京语言大学出版社出版。
与 Evolve 相比,剑桥国际英语语音教程更注重语音方面的训练,而 Evolve 则更注重口语沟通能力的提升。
剑桥英语口语与语音训练素材大全摘要:1.剑桥英语口语教材Evolve 简介2.剑桥英语口语教材Evolve 的特点3.剑桥英语语音训练素材4.如何练习剑桥国际英语口语和语音正文:1.剑桥英语口语教材Evolve 简介剑桥英语口语教材Evolve 是由剑桥大学出版社出版的一套英语口语课程,旨在帮助学生自信地说英语。
Evolve 通过真实的世界策略、沟通互动能力训练阶段和同伴模式等方法,帮助学生自然地使用英语与人交流,提高他们的语言沟通能力和学习动机。
2.剑桥英语口语教材Evolve 的特点(1)真实的世界策略:Evolve 通过模拟真实世界的场景,让学生在实际情境中练习英语口语,提高他们的语言应用能力。
(2)沟通互动能力训练阶段:Evolve 注重培养学生的沟通互动能力,让学生在交流过程中自然地使用英语,提高他们的口语表达能力。
(3)同伴模式:Evolve 结合真实各地学生口语示范片,贴近学习者心理,增强学生的自信心,让他们在学习过程中更加投入。
1. 《剑桥国际少儿英语》:《剑桥国际少儿英语》这套教材主要讲的是Star—家人的生活故事,可爱有趣的形象再加上灵动的故事,配上歌词和生动的画面,让孩子能够在轻松有趣的环境下培养听说读写能力,培养学习英语的兴趣,提高英语学习的水平。
2. 《Super Kids》:《Super Kids》这款教材是专门为亚洲6-12岁儿童编写的英语教材。
3. 《3L看听学英语》:《3L看听学英语》这套教材最大的优点就是是英语的语音非常地道纯正,句型语法清晰,也有语音的学习,价格便宜,它的句型归纳很好,坡度也小,它的缺点是单词要求起点高,一般要求词汇量至少300才能学,配套练习少,1册学完词汇小学毕业水平。
此外,《Magic phonics》、《Everybody UP》、《Hello Teddy》也是适合少儿的英语原版教材。
首先,推荐《英国英语发音》(English Pronunciation in Use),该书由Jonathan Marks编写,采用了系统化的教学方式,为学习者提供了全面的英式发音指导。
其次,推荐《剑桥英语发音词典》(Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary),由Daniel Jones等人编纂。
此外,如果您对口语练习有需求,推荐《地道的英语口语练习》(Authentic English Conversation Practice)。
第二部分:KB3活动用书的使用方法1. 阅读理解练习:KB3活动用书包含了各种不同难度的阅读材料,学生可以通过这些材料来提高理解能力和阅读技巧。
2. 口语练习:KB3活动用书中的口语练习非常重要,可以帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
3. 听力练习:KB3活动用书中的听力练习可以帮助学生提高听力技能和理解能力。
4. 游戏和活动:KB3活动用书中的游戏和活动是培养学生学习兴趣和积极参与的好方法。
第三部分:KB3活动用书的应用场景1. 课堂教学:教师可以将KB3活动用书作为教材的辅助资源,用于课堂教学。
2. 课后练习:学生可以根据自己的学习进度,在课后使用KB3活动用书进行复习和巩固。
《盛世国中图书专营店》中的《英国剑桥大学出版初中青少年英语教材Cambridge Think Teacher's Book 5级别 C2 教师用书》。
以下是关于此教材的800字回答:1. 教材内容设计:* 语音部分:此教材注重美式英语的发音规则和技巧,提供了丰富的语音练习,包括音标、字母组合发音、单词发音、句子发音等。
* 听力部分:此教材涵盖了各种听力场景,如日常生活、商务交流、文化交流等,提供了高质量的听力材料,包括对话、短文、新闻等。
* 结合练习:教材中的练习设计注重语音和听力的结合,学习者可以通过听音模仿、跟读练习等方式,将语音和听力训练结合起来,提高学习效果。
2. 学习目标:* 掌握美式英语的发音规则和技巧,提高发音准确性。
* 提高听力理解能力,能够适应不同场景下的英语交流。
* 增强英语口语表达能力,能够流利地使用美式英语进行交流。
3. 适合学习者:* 英语学习者希望提高美式英语发音和听力水平。
* 准备参加国际英语考试(如雅思、托福等)的学习者。
* 对美式英语有兴趣,希望提高口语表达能力的爱好者。
4. 教学方法:* 实用性强:教材注重实际应用,提供实用的语音和听力技巧,帮助学习者快速掌握美式英语交流能力。
* 循序渐进:教材按照由易到难的顺序编排练习,逐步提高学习者的听力水平和发音准确性。
* 互动性强:教材提供多种互动练习,如听音模仿、跟读练习、角色扮演等,帮助学习者在实践中提高口语表达能力。
5. 价值与效果:* 此教材可以帮助学习者快速提高美式英语语音和听力水平,为后续的英语学习打下坚实的基础。
* 学习者可以通过此教材增强自信心,提高英语交流能力,更好地适应各种英语交流场景。
6. 总结:剑桥国际英语美式语音与听力速成是一本非常实用的教材,它注重实用性和循序渐进的教学原则,提供多种互动练习,帮助学习者快速掌握美式英语的发音和听力技巧。
最新剑桥国际英语语音教程第三版 原文
FriendsAdele: Hi, Emma! Hi, Ben! Hello, Emily! Hello, Eddie! Hi, everybody!Everybody except Kevin: Hi, Adele!Emily: Nice to see you again, Adele. Kevin, this is Adele. Adele, this is Kevin.Adele : Hi, Kevin. Are you listening to the Red Hot Chili peppers? It’s terribly loud.Kevin: Yes… (turns the music down) Is that better? (Adele nods her head) Are you a friend of Emma’s?Adele: Yes.Kevin: Emma said she had a friend called Adele.Eddie: Help yourself to Mexican food, Adele. It’s on the kitchen bench.Emily: And there’s French bread on the shelf.Ben: Can I get you a drink, Adele?Adele: Yes, thanks, Ben. Some lemonade with a bit of ice in it.Emma: Have you met my friend Adele yet, Kevin?Kevin: Yes, I’ve just met her. She’s very friendly.Ben: How did you spend your holiday, Adele?Adele: I went to South America with my best friend Kerrie.Everybody: Well!Emma: We’re all jealous!Eddie: Was it expensive?Adele: Not very. But I spend everything. I haven’t any money left.At a partyAlana: What a marvellous party this is! I'm having so much fun. Margaret.Margaret : Where is your glass, Alana?Alana: Here you are. Thanks. That’s enough.Martin: Alana! Margaret! Come into the garden. Tara Draling and Markus Marsh are dancing on the grass.Margaret : In the dark?Martin: They’re dancing under the stars.Alana: Fantastic! And Bart Jackson is playing his guitar.Margaret : Just look at Tara! She can’t dance but she looks very smart.Martin: Look at Markus. What a fabulous dancer!Alana: What an attractive couple they are! Let’s take a photograph of them. 《圆的认识》教学设计教学内容:人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学六年级数学上册《圆的认识》。
《Americann Accent Training》:这是一本介绍美式英语发音的书籍,适合中高级学习者使用。
通过学习《Americann Accent Training》,您可以深入了解美式英语的发音规则和技巧,进一步提高口语表达能力。
IELTS(雅思) 7.5分,比想象中容易(资料、经验无保留,适合中等水平同学参考)
IELTS(雅思) 7.5分,比想象中容易(资料、经验无保留,适合中等水平同学参考)声明:本人支持正版,但拒绝暴利。
电驴/topics/2804538/3G雅思网/太傻论坛/无忧雅思论坛/大家网/我的英语程度概况:四级558 六级519一战雅思:二战雅思:最近终于有时间了,把自己准备雅思过程中个人感觉还有点用的东西总结下,给需要的同学们一些参考。
试问一天没学过英语去考雅思,你能考几分?请负责任的说,在你这“20天”之前,你付出了多少努力?我的一个好朋友,复习了相对较短的一段时间后,首战TOEFL 104分。
一、Speaking 口语:Part 2跑题了,还有机会上6吗?口语和写作是我的弱项,花费时间最多。
1.复习资料博客:Chris Green /慎小嶷/ieltsguru王冬/书籍:《剑桥国际英语语音教程(英音版第三版)》作者:(英)贝克编著出版社:北京语言大学出版社《生活英语情景口语100主题》作者:(美)罗克特,王恩波著出版社:外文出版社《雅思考官口语实战指导》作者:(英)克拉克(Clark,M.)编著,赵志杰,黄厚忠译出版社:群言出版社(大漠学习笔记——精简版)《十天突破雅思口语》作者:慎小嶷编著出版社:机械工业出版社2.我的方法在口语考试中,我们需要解决两个关键问题:怎么说&说什么。
Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。
Unit 7 Revision 一. 默写下列单词 微波炉_____microwave_____ 学校作业_____school assignment_____下载__download_________ 执行_____perform_____ 传输,传播_____transmit____ 识别____identify_____________ 罪犯_____criminal_______ 预约___reservation________ 冲浪_surf_______ 黑客___hacker__________ 显示器____monitor______ 指纹___fingerprinting_____________ 二. 默写下列词组 浏览网址____browse web site___ 拖放___drag and drop__ 扫描图片__scan photograph___________ 剪切粘贴___cut and paste___ 反白显示文本____highlight text__双击 __double-click(on)_______ 电脑硬件___computer hardware____电视节目___TV program__ 危险任务_dangerous task_ 三. 翻译下列句子 1.卫星通常用来传递手机和电视信号。
_Satellites are often used to transmit telephone calls and TV programs_________________. 2.DNA 指纹鉴定用于识别罪犯。
3.___DNA fingerprinting is used to _identify criminals ____________ 4.人们用网络来阅读最新的天气预报。
_People use Internet to read the latest weather report________________________________ 5.我很少用电脑做学校作业。